The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1851, Image 2

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•••••• at:llonesd * th er e Sle that the' had been no ob.
,m. , t
yen fOr, - lha attack..aniuntbeen. Wl*
samt4Lno fonndation for what been id
. .. .
lid,*l against me atristhat n ap ology
! had been ms;de for : AN) - attack." These are
year nordsalrePgna by Yourself, and 'tbnY
OAR use taut xtraordinest for their in:wenn:l.
viei. i First, there ahnd been oCcatilorigiven"—
..- - . ,
4, newspaper,! published in your town, and
owned 'as .tsirsz informal, in, 'your \son in./ara — ,
and rdii.dhiii young' trial, trough! up in your
eince.' Ana who is devoted to your election to
the supreme Bench; had - availed me with what
Yo.g.i.OurNiti.ll4vr•-since,charricti irresArszs
• goo& and sDCFRACTION; :
SeCond=-I made:n.itittnek, though occasion
had thus Ikea givot, but for the time being
tapreissly exemp4d you from responsibility
for that pubileatien, and postponed any "at.
towel:11'0r furtirA• information. _ ~ , •
.. •-• :
• '- I'm iti—Th 4 tivotts foundation for every word'
I +1 le Ogf.A.„ ...,, and. 1 ears., prove
.• FoUrth.—NO • apology tied 'been made for
what I sari, is will appear frorn Inkletterstand
. what !V hive:written in this letter concerning
. '"tliese ere ihe fonr affirmations which" Yolit
I..a•Twirt et you speech contains, end in the po
'2itit-reand ino becoming phrase that you can
, i
luivrine, you •ill please to underatand me as 1
*; '
disputing their, accuracy.- - --
• - .
- .me,that your tepugnance o . pub
my letter arose, from an " impression
that its publication would Judge Wood
., scaisi.r.., • am very, much obliged, to you fir
eur"terilerness of my reiitation, but the tea
,tling-the litter to my , friends and youriat non:
tio4c. 4 -,the sodding it to Ilonesdale by Patmony
=Alm'referring your friends to itin his hands=
leaving capes with him and Penninuin for
'thelrttic,'7 ansd 4nally the proclaiming it from
• the stamp as* letter of apology, are curious
illwitrations of that regard' for my reputation
for which,yon: claim credit. You will realize
Inc aPpreciatien - of your kindness when I tell
.you, that, although tne letter was written with
No thought oflts publication, called out as' it
was by , year apology, and was designed only
to explain all', the facts.that they might:tend to
, preserve our amicable relations, yet nverthe
`sroitld'Mther a thousand times the whole
letter bra gone into print here it could speak
itself. than that such use shoull be. made
,o; it. The use 'you and your. friends have
. of iti had - been injurious to me, while the: -
polkire:ition ofithe wholercorrespondence would
Lave ham innocuous.
You say you supposed the letter written to
be useii us yotir interests might require, and it
it hadheen confidential your self-respect would
have required you to return it. The letter, I
- .repeat, was suggested and drawn out,by your
message sent no through Judge Conyngham,
-sod whilst it was not marked confidential, was
.written only for your own eve, in the belief
that vent feelings were friendly as I knew my
born lb be. its whole 'tone and tenor are
friendly, and of that character of freedom that
'belongs , only ,to' prieate comespendence. I
'supposed that Mutual explanations could pass
between Cistian gentlemen with a view, to
the m.iintainaliee of private relations, without
II: wading them before the world ter selfish per
peaes,and certainly , without the wounding of
, oelf-reapect or, personal _dignity. I did not
%feel my self-respect injured by receiving your
explanatory and apologetic message, nor med
itate a deliberate insult in return for it—nor
did I Proclaim bnd announce to the world that
you had diaclaimed and apologized for that
villainess; libel ion. me in yourpaper—nor did
I proclaim thatithat paper had up its
assault with other -distorted, dishonest and un
truthfiil publiu.itions against me—nor that your
suns Were making free with my reputation in
ulontresehavebeen informed. Of none,
nor any of these things did I complain to your
friends nor mine, much' less thrust them into
this unhappy political contest. We hare
Lamed our, principles of good breeding and
gentleinanly conduct in different schools. if .1
were to act eh the, principles you avow, I
anould return both of your letters of the 10th
— ViirVie — 'ffigirritp, an - afittj . ); n ow
...claim - the fall' right to use the whole corms.
ponden . cie as you please; shall exercise the
same right. My brief and hasty note to you
of luti Wednesday, is' complained of also, as
offensive, and Leon deliberate about returning
that. without answer or explanation. A letter
that ypu deemnpologetic is offensive—a.busi
ness note rialuag fer a copy Of that letter is of
fonsive . :HoW can I order my speech so Uzi to
be tWecptable to a 'nominee for the . Supreme
Benehl If I Were nbt afraid of the Use which
ire Patmore's and Penniman's would be per
urittedto make of the declaration, I would de-
clove tbat I never wrote Judge Semnp a word
ar lints in my life, designed to insult or offend
his dignity. He should not consider Misr letter
as anything more than a just mid suitable re
pt:lt:o4 etvw two letters to which this is an
,answer. - •
The allusion to the editor of the Democratic,
paper in Illontrotte, in my letter of Sefitember,
is further evidence that it was not destgned for.
;piiblicfperusal.o wrote that Dditor a rebuke
;lee Isis enloo, on roe, and for my ;
idtioduction otun allusion to his article in my
• - ithter tti Judge Jessip, I owe him (the editor)
sivapology, 'which I shall...teat -deem ittriwor
thfeituyaelf to make. •
=Tort inquire whether the denial, in the
'lVayne County llierald, - this week, of my wri
'l*tsu epul%vetie Aetter, was authorized by
arid answer you very unididly. I have
had titticomsounication With Mr. Beerdslee,the
editor of llna - paper earthe_aul4ect. Whets I
liusailif the use you had made of ivy letter at
Honesdale, I obtained . from Judge Conyngham
;a:sea ofmour :letter to, hina,Und sent it to my
'Weptieur,r'Woodward, with the remark that
Vol mitten to you for - a copy of lay letter to
• yen, and .would •send it to limns soon as - r?- , ,
Jed should make 1311elnllie of it is
tilts canse_uf inittitaul 'justice should :demand.
i ruttarked that so farns I recollected, my lei
ter to-yotr, it contained no apology and no re
:ration, or qualification of a single . word I had
epolted coneerning• - you at Honesdale, and
think ikery likely that
.I Added that any, dee.
Luition to the contrary, was falsd. Whether
tois declaration in tho Herald grew out of ibis
correspondence Y am not informed.- •
eoelelude this letter to you, Judge ;mop,'
tky vomi,arking,(alad I hope you Will Aonetsi in
the remark) that the gratuitous assault on me
in ahrti,Re b i•iiiter, was the origin of thiarliffieul
,tv.i-`,ltp to that itime I had nS.eatise for' with.
‘..l:,ildinfrom you a word of defence Whenever
It mimed to be; due - to you. Your pupil and
broto4Netraik an 'unprovoked and malicioutp
lowatme,inviivaterlife, and when 1 was
,seeking. *a office and offending no man's °phi•
fona.;-,4llitat the has teas you more harm than
ti e 4 Airy *al You are neetiatom'ed to
adininilderint. jbatiee.-will you put the res.
uu~ibility4vierelt belonge—on WM, your, JAC
.ereditediditorl - ' -
4414) yotw emmeerion with ttlaatiriper, your ;
denial andaiiielairuar Imre eatiafactory to one.'
or I .l ellintid havo 'attneicod par pOlitict :as 1
'Prninim& l 'tvtitilt ll , butyl am st4,gratly...mils.
inforrot6a,. is.lpsesikia is 'tfiry - general, iu
Nuelgatihanna rouuty, Oat the Ale lfer, vaned
auti.iiAtiritted fletweileittiis
iirtylkydn , hrsegiadlthe b ene et4ptr d e w.:
al , thsetiihneris:coi itave,o6 amMuitta,tbei
etebor:e'ilti to . you la public, addresses
wreealaee - yonvasitttliem. Ret
ring e k port ,measure ,
e m .
`Jaed • -
• l'pui.el)7t seit';'t; •.•
" • •;;;;E:St. WOCIDIVARD,
• -
The iargebt rit!rorritenoi
_ - 1,032 COPIES
4:7C, tIABR.,EinTOI4I'
. • ••
Tbunday,- boviembare,lll33l".
Shall wo profit. by ourtriumpb?
:To the Democratic party efikamislyania
this is now a question of the ut most impor
tance. We have emerged from the past cain
iaign "in a' blaze of, glory,"—the State has
been recoveNd from
our policy has prevailmVoUr principles have
been vindicated 'at)thia - I ,aellet-bex, end the
pairay.dgys'Of.our'condt,onwealtls haye been
returned. , These are, pteasing thoughli' for a
irue-lieerted Democrat,,ime ‘vhd,really has the
success of hiii party at heart becapse in that
adecees ho sees the . triumph of principles ; that '
he love", of a policy that, he religiously be
lieVe.s'eondaciva to the, interest of his country:,
for'which, like a true patriot, ho feels as deep
concern. '
-Said_ an - erviineni man of, - Our country, "I
know`of noway t 6 judge of the future:bni by
the, past."' Can. the Denioeratic party of, Penn
sylvania find out any other? - If not,then'does
not the - past hold outtoins lesson ,pregnant,
with warning!•, Will riot similar causes pro=,
duce similar results! and will not the:follies.,
of the . past, re-acted, eventuate iklike disaster?
In the midst of general'rejoicings for the sic
tor) of the present, will it not be well 61. us to
took back upon the past, study: well the nu.,
pleasant truths connected with its history, that
the future may produce no necessity for such
a battle to be fought again IVe dislike to'
tr!..titlei - out of frosseesion ! "
If there everavas a period in the history of
our party when prudent Counsel should prevail
with reference to the: future, that period
now. The follies rind misfortunes of the past'
well nigh rent:to fragments the great Proges
, ske party of this country—the party Which
has 'guided our national destiny through the
most glorious career. , That Democratic men
and measures have controlled and moulded the
policy 01 this governmeot 'nines its organila
tion is a truth of history; and, in our humble
judgment; no political calamity could befal our
country that would, so completely flay waste
our future prospects; now bright, as the irre.
etrievable overthrow of the party and measures
of which we speak.- .!>. :
With the Democracy. of Penesylvanin_then,
rests a responsibility oftincommon magnitaide:
It nits with them, because they now have the
helm Steady - to - their purpose, true to-them.
tielves, and- a , still morn : Onions "-triumph
awaits them,—a triumph that will restore them
to power in' the nation as in' the State. As
goes Pennsylvania in '52, so goes the. Union.
Our soil is to lie the hattle.groand as declared
the' Whigs everywhere during the carwees just
past, and if here, en our own iron ?Ails; our
banner tumbles to the earth; the hopes 'of the
Dernocracy, flat with it in shame and conster
nation. , - •
We are uttering no idle and24np i n ti ftr a i
prophecy. :ore y sis t ri g-r a '7.T. 4 la - arery i par.
tietrar. We believe it is universally admitted
that, to-day, the Democracy of the nation ha - ye
in their hand the neat national
Whiggery has everywhere been repudiated
this fall, till the party, like Noah' dove, can
not find place to rest the sole of its foot. The
brightest epochs in our' national_career,' may
again be revived, by the final restoration' and
aquendency of our partrif- we will fit, • The
government of this nation may again be rester.
ed to the hands - that hare se - tong and often
blessed it,—it may be , placed where it, right
folly belongs, instead of remaining in the:con;
trot of the party whose professions of wonder
ful administrative skill kayo - ended in a Miser._
able half-imitation of Democratic pOlicjr,—junt
enough:unlike it to be different and unsaluta- i
ry. _ The Whigs have not altered, nor dare
they materially disturb,rine of the great nation - 7
al measures which - the benMeratkhave suc
ceeded in establithing for'the control of our
governinental affaint, .By bring in power they
have in a great devree imparted to those meas.
urns a negative - 117dlueace,—Mwe thrown im
pediments Mlle way of their complete - ope
ration. ,Tire policy of our party shedd
~be in
the hands our patty to "carry on4:,in Mier
that the earnest and; zealous efforts-pof
friekds may be imparted to its workings, thus
giving it aid and power:to accomplish complete
results. It Is idle' tir devise measitrerviet them:
in operation, and expect' to 'witness their tri.,
until' if left to the hands nf their, enernierifor.
.cure." and direction. , The same,reasons that
existeA in Pennsylvania for a change -of ad
ro.'n4itratioas_ this:=fall, exist with more than
e qu l . i force - tor a clang in the nation. ' It was
said th..4l!ennsylvania, must he redeemed, and
- what De.mocnit - does not say:that' the Union
-.our riouri:ty—mast - be . redeemed lihowise!l
The Whigs in oat be banistnid'friam' power er..l
erywherk. Oatjf"alia, our: youthful; gaidati
si s t e r h as ; To k en ,- Phio caught up . the- echo
and Pennslvania ark :?again, and
soon - Nai - Yirks the Pareat)ailer
ant proportions, will teavemd,:—Plkii , 'whole
count: y must be resktemai"• ,
• Well,'how. can such &Feat
• 21 ;4
m glorious ;
aeltlenebiered Why. o=4 '..enough.-.
Let the Democratic patty : 6f this 'whyle coun- ,
try array" itselfas *hen Aackapit mershaNd
and Jed to the charge. . ; 4 1; -11 40
Alzht:errid conquerlhe Vihigi;,thee
.arrange nib. ,
tank Aod this, ;the :victory' in .
"Pennsylvania, just wen:gluey make , certain,' - :if
with 'heart/and 'soni: bet Democracy
"unite in
purpose ~ :Aticiliatioti !rnaterid,:-of headlong
recklessness is above 'requisite; this one
Otiect in'cieW , ahoVis all necessary.
Welikkexceedirigliirelllthe vieweef 44:
.;iiini , 3l:lor Busts as eaprOsseil ia Jittat':.t.a;
thelitgaitizt4:.oinnuatteo.,*july.. tpeak. , .
lag of the:impertance otemion • in the Plana.'
atatia PaatiY; l P=aaPs:' '
4 'WaPialkenta into the aanfat
,i'vith honor:ad with zee,. ' We . rig re
upon a laNsti.-:tbaavo, the ) tirettes; wde, we
shaU have iehearsed at. home: We can restore
the democracrorthe nation to that;nseentien
"cy Which they have so" long- held, and which
has'redounded so-largely to the true interests
and ligh honot - orthe reßublic. We can re"
vivo the brightest epoehil in one. party career,
When had wlacbion, in ; the - Presidential
chair, a Forsyth, reCiss,it 'Grundy and a Taney,
In thitabiriet a Renton, a Wright; Walker
and a Buchtuum; in the "Senate; " and when it
ispotte itr_one itolcop that vas heani and heeded,
throngh„theAncorruptible and fearless organ
'of Blur and' , These were the palmy
days of the "party, and no leas so of the repub
lic. Our flag was resPected in every, sea and
port.—Our eitizenS Were" pr otected andlridem
aided at home. and abroad.. DiSunion - hid its
,headand cowered before the intrepidlaekson
and the statesmen who surrounded him.
' That the brigheanticipationi of the Honor
able gentlemanabove quoted nmy be realized
should be tho hig,ht:st ambition of everyDem
octet.... As wo loolrhaelctothelime When our
party " had 'a Jackson. in the Presidential chair,
a Forsyth, a • Cau, a Grandy and a Taney.l in
the cabinet ; Benton,,a Wright, a Walker
'and a Buchafinir in the Senate," we feel njust
and lofty pride. Mose were daysin tire
torfof tide' nation; that will brighten by the
lapse oftime i midwill'be looked back open with
enthusiastic' dmfration by succeeding genera
thin's. They will,point to those men al mon
uments of 'greatness and statesman-hke
cellence, and to the period in which tbey.lived
and flourished as fivvored of Heaven. • Indeed, 1
it may bo a long time, ere we can again point '
tos)reb a constellation of men,—such au array
, and experience combined. But
our -count ry party possess as.true patriots,
—men as devnted to principle as ever.: It re
mains only for us- to bring
_our strength to
gether,—to settle the party by its tune-honor
ed ournelven around &leader ,
of vast experience and tried fidelity and fight
over again the Jackson battle,--and a Jackson
triumph awaits us. From such a Contest we,
may emerge 111 . '52, strong:, and p*, and vic
torious. This_Whole country, and every sec
tion of this whole country, and • every section
of our, party will afterwards 'rejoice in 'the
proud result, which will "redound so largely
to the tine interests and high honor of 'the
Republic." We repeat; the victory just' won
in Pennsylvania may be made, contributory to
such results if but once taken advantage of.
Prudence she:raid characterize every movement
ofour party, and be who would , seek to dis
tract and prevent success, should be friiwned
upon and aerated. In the language -0f" the
gentleman before quoted,-." let us bevy past
contests among ourselves. Treat -those. who
wonid . dig them up as allies of the Whigs—
for tale success of .the whigs is the solo Fir
prise they can .
• ' The:defeat of .Yr• Campbell
grOt deal hat been said by the. press of
-the reference to the "defeat of this
gentleman by 4r. Coulter,' the Whig nominee.
As ;Inatter ofourie the Whigs exalt over it
as a victory to themselves, while we have yet
to see the Democrat who does not most deep.
ly regretit ; as the only spot upon our banner
of victory,—the only , fortune that saved the
Whigs from a torn; defeat. .
Amid the :speculation on this subject, we
see that the Whigs' are 'endeavoring to make
to Aemselres Capital. Strange as it -may appear,
it is nevertheless true, that the. Whig party,
woo ow atm er t n*d afire or tc t. a: y,
that he is defeated and a Whig
: elected in his
place. They would comatend themselves to
the riatpraliied citizens of the, Commonwealth
as their particular friends,--and'whyl because
by the , most unsanctifted, coalitionl'.with the
Native Amerimn Church-bnmers,'Shey t have
defeated Hon. James - Campbell ! By: that co.
alition, aided by a fewself-styled Democrats, a
'hand of iron -sided bigots, who hang to the
skirts of every party, wheat!. niways in mar
ket and potent only for mischief; we any, aid
ed by such men the Whigs have defeated Hon.
James Campbell. .Those men, whose narrow
minds and meaner principles led them to pro.
scribe Mr. Cainpbell, have accomplished it
how? By forming,hemsel ves into a third par
ty Not Foil for ntw such party hasexisted.--
fIOW then? ;Why, by voting with the Whigs
for itaii:rd touiter. Why did they vote with
the_Whigs! Because" a fellow feeling makes
us wondrous kind," and
,they found the WtiigA
=eking every' efferi,,honorable and dishonors.
hie,` to. accomplish (that same •object. Can: u
Whig be found who, voted for James' Cam
belt? Not one No sooner was he_nomina
ted 'illy the -Deinoeratie party. than from one
end.of the`Stute tothe. other helve= 'marked,
and torrent Of 114:46. and. Meanness let pour
upon him by the Virbig press. Why was this
sot Why was he picked out from all the et&
ers; has the man 'on whom to boist the 'flood
gates of abuse! We leaVe the summon sense
of every man 'to answer:"
But,it is said that the Democratic party lies
dintest.his. .1 We deny -it- The. Democratie
Party nominated hhn 'vote iarger than
. given fel any:Candidate `sate one - By
the vote through the State, withthe exception
of Philadelphia; he , was morel than - sustained
on an amnia. In this county, and many oth
diarting Demoenatic' countiei, he run greatly
ahead of his tide/. Ina, few counties he lost
slip fitly, buten an avow, stands 'the first,—
The.Democraey-of the State then sustained;
himloliy„and have fully vindicated theinseives
from the Charge Of NatiVeiam, by so doing,
the vote of. city and coon;
Out hot bed of Whiggery and Native Amen ! .
winisth, that llift - dauipbeli istiefeatel There
the. Whigs ,by a bargain_ gave : to. the Native
'lllaiericaiusfita:thembers of the tegislature,
one Senitter.mad one -ledge, and in turn the
Natives gave their vote to the Whigs.' There
by the lowest:and "Moat dishonorable resorts
to political intrigue-; and'. toirupiii , iirby bar
ffidp,:transfer and/thud, nearly 10,000 majori
ty, comparatively,;Was eecured by the Whigs
r , Thie s eierwheiming
viatifthe DeMoCrialemeloriti in the Btite re.!
duew► to ,trifie ; over 3,000 : "Thu; 4M al;
liosteo o o il?*Y-' lll lhe
.. -.84 g4 out If Ph"
delphigi it! jam' of Cc* b Arid: yet
t/14 Cl(444ll7Dgriot none than
40004velsed- Detmaerato in the State voted
against tutu, while obogioniKYndred and
My -seven thousersad yea for him: and every
o;s***lii* -'•
.. We max halo a ilw - higi?ts in_ c paTty; ee
has evc7 Church and,other organization wiz
rapt-and kad nembeiii, but who infers from
this that there is no purity - in a .Church, and
no good in society?. Because Some men are
thieves, is there no honesty among. the Mesg
- et mankind? er because a Chtiech. bah, the Mis
fortune le to Man: into its cilia.
deuce, are . Chureluitee wicked? "Such
would be tbe-zeasoning thr,ise'icurn who
make the Demberitie party"answerable - for Mr.
Campbell's; defeat. ,
In reference to thosse menli our parly,who,
have aidedlthO 'Whigs to ileteat Mr. Campbell,.
we say coalsoillOhem.': We have long e.oe'ugh,
suffered from such vulturesr—they belong to
the Whigs .with whom they -have acted in con
terkin thissmatterond - we 4ope they will stay
with their They Work Well
together. firr they am - kin. , We-want-neither
them nor their votes,until they can plant them;
selves firmly , by our principles and act like,
men of inte:gritv. 'They are- traitors, , but he
who would judge the Democratic pnrty by
their conduct, would be forced to call all the
patriots of the Dovolution traitors because tkr
nold was such,
We deetd,it best that a, political disputation,
that has had its' origin during the excitement
of a political campaign, should' end svhen .the
election is fiver; but consistently with this we
need make no'excuse for the publication of the
correspondence between Judge Woodward
and Judge Jessup commencing on our *tot
The letters have been in our poisession
some weeks, but we bad refrained from pub
lishing them, nk we Were disposed. to let Judge
Jessup rest- The incessant howlings of the
Judge's protege— ! his publication of a part of
the corresporidince and parade over it, hue de
termined us to publish what ho lies not, in ins
tics to Judge Woodward and ourselves. Not
wishing to treat Judge Jessup unfairly in the
matter, we give , him the benefit of •his letters
to Judge Vlroodivard, if any benefit can accrue
to hiarfrompthlir publicration.
Judge - Woodivard's reply. - we suppose will
touch some sore spots. We cannot help it,
and Judge •Jessip must . put the blame where
belongs - on belongson his accredited Editor, who has
provoked the. publieation of the whole by
bringing out a part of ihe correspondence.—
We are edit on the defensive. How Mr.
Miller will relish the brand 91 "falsehood and
detraction" that Judge Jessup puts upon him
so coolly, we leave with himself. '
Now, one word - as to 'Judge Woodward and
ourself.. We have had every reasbn in the
past te.think that we enjoyed his friendship;
and also his ecapience to same extent at least.
Were we vain enough to do so, we have many
letters from hick -in our possession that we
might spread before-the public. We do not
chime to do it, but have been urged by friends
to make a Short extraet from one, to Which we
suppbse the Judge allmies in his reply to Jes
• - • WprEszazaz, 4 -'Ol.ll - 0CL,1861.
E. B. CIIASE, Esq.
Deir Sir :•-•-• •
* 'a 'l* Yneknowledge my er
ror ih 'alluding tir your , article in m y i ettcr to
Jessup of Seyt. wrnto _miller the influence
of the niodent;•-•* r fre01e,1491....-ftlm.
trnatreill uld'irgalig,ize' to you, and
111;1 . mean atilitinpol,ogy." It is false that
ever apologized W him. There is not a_word
in any letter that ban be fairly au interpreted.
*- * *
,* •
Fully reciprocatift your kind feelings lam
truly Your friend and oh% serv't,
...Attonie . General. . .
We !foie seenjhat • s veral Democratic pa.
. ,
pars have already bro ht out lion. • Jasiss
Catiennts. for Attorney wend, and earnest
ly urge bil appo . intnient,•by COI. fligier, to
Yr e
that honorable - position. . We wish to join the
... . •-....„. ,
nuinher. ithat• have already staken, and we can
' safely" say that his appointetent would bo high.
13:gratifying tar'the Demeerack of u•squehan,
as county. It, is - due. H r t James Campbell,
that gin radical .Deall)C yof -f' asylvaniii
should-defend themselves 'a his -' p rson; falai
-the blow that has been' coed at hem btu
1 band of - -unprincipled = 4 - . gaulae . who are
ever ready to inflief astab at . the h rt . of our
,lelaking common use with the Whigs
and Natives they bartsoutht, for 'ie./fish ptir
pases,.the'Prostratien •of Our -party, and , we
I now wish to seethectirebaltell.. •fames Camp.
bell shall rise, it rode ett 4 can be-Said be has
fillen,.with one hundrid• and servitistrreii thou
.sand - radical -and jou • . hearted Deinoerate of
Pennsylvania to Star. - by , . him.' -We rather
I t
have his positicinifir, 'a bUndred•fold, than
that of the .:aremrai 4, wile glories.. in.' the
mustering of two or hreo Thousand
.broken 7
winded hocks, who . r powerless for g4od and
' soon will be for evil: If .thli ' biow has filled
.11Miliantes aiinpbel so'hisi' it the Democra.
f. . .
-,ey of the state. : :Au can ther be:prostrated
iin•ant particular bat or_tiday ?-_•ll'eicr. _IA
'defeat•giveetii( new - .airee4th s . and With 'the
certainty of•tate• - itiselfweWill rise with re;
_vigor.. ,-.": .”, - ..,' : ••:• ••• , ~.-:• . ' '.;,'" •
' IVe•wishiir - see the linterieg seal Uf.Polit.
• leaf reprobation ;-• idace. .on -thoi hem. ef the S e.
neen,bythe,hand•Of th partithey half* is.onn
'tied: -1 " N ever r-iwirt Ali tlinnoiin9y, so strong
' and - Out:ells - A, ; rind . l4o6N; theiseotit.
WOreitera - 0 Ple'enukt rand ieciet,:fo6s from
n t
the ranks.' G.O tie - the . Lioil4leartea-40
true ' 1000... I
....m.t';,ol . 'prinailitg-, - lepaioie the
sheep frau!' the gnits44nd thee our party
.ineriaisilif str . . gtb, and the .totleytnase
_as !
rayed• again st : em, in. eiery. coalliet,
_will .' be
'driven away, b • the forte;:•;-the ~;" er••••ofinin,
OPle hi the ii i . , of rnen;:;4l, eep . - , ented;fimit.
ly.rooted the - . -•: -." • -,.. - -'. _: I•: ' : ':
,"' . ' .- : •
go ItLp
ore us two
We hrive'
of w •
pa one and
s full,fiur. l o l - 62 9 11 '1
44, ale (rem, the tre
er:of -Bridgeivatet 1
ari,hcheater, you sect
ity , s
voto 4 ?Itl,
~ka;.pretty. girls 412 d
the biggest apples also,-
a your catalogue. -
H. N. Bre
Now file
henna col
" broker
We tuwi
far z
dor ofthgee . itipli is
very Pjeir-Int sour
.: By m 6
qbey coalmen' we are a/
Blest this down as'the preni
topost ! ** . mier ,
The following is the summary of the offs•
eat voto in tho State at the-We
Gnvertior : ,,
*ca. Big,lei..(l)qm.) ---,
Tin. l•. Johnston i (Whig)
Seth Cloven (Dean.)
John Strohm, (Whig)
Cloveea niatdrity,,
-Democratic Judicial Ticket:.
lerOmiah S. Black,
James Campbell,.
Ellis Lewis,
John R Gibson,
Walter H. Lowrie,
Whig. Judicial Ticket.
Richard Coulter, •
Joshua W. Coinley,
George Chambers,
IVm. M. Meredith,
Wm. Jessup, • ' •
Coulter beats Campbell,' 99. In July last
we said in sitbstatice that after, the' election
we should announce Jes.sup's defeat by the
largest - majority polled.' - The Register' re-,
plied, quite likely as we never,publisbed'any
thing but !lei. We should have the
Register man examine the figures now. and
tell us how Jessup run the lowest
on the ticket,--over a thousand behind Gal.
phis Meredith even, thus miking true , our
prophecy to,the , letter. And while he is about
it, tell the people how ,he happens to
run about fourhundred behind tke leading man
on his ticket is this county.' It is not possi
ble that the "rapid succession of ,'llemocratf
editorials' hadsnything to do , with it,—did it?
Of course not, for the Register man used to
say--;." the course of the 'Dem - mist' will make .
Jessupfire hundred votes in the county."---
This fire hundred then that ho got, by .the
courso'of our paper added to the four hundred
behind, and according to the Register's caleu
lation ho would have been abo - ut nine hundred
behind his ticket in this county; but for us.—
Surely the Judge and his friends' thank' should_
instead of curse "The Democrat." How is
this ? -
Importatit *Lim-Mexico.
hero dates from the City of Mexico to
the .16th ult. '• " •
- The British Minister has domande& oillPres.
iderit Arista, "a final answer as ,tb the payment
of the British claims. -It is reported that Eng
land will immediately blockade • the Mexican
ports unless the answer shall be 'satisfactory.
What 'shall bedone Mexico has rio money
or, credit; a revolutionary movement has bro.
ken out and from present indications that nu.
happy country must fall into the hind's of some
other power. Who will' receive liar? Will
she knock" at the - door of this Republic and
find favor? ,England, haughty and out of pa.
tience, like aucrnmped "creditor," Will seize up
on something in the shape of territory or mines
for security; or 'else will ,blockade her ports
4m&Collect her revenues. In either . event we
see no hope for the government to sustain it
self against the demands of a koreign power,
and a chi/ Whr in its* own borders.
From Matamerak six days. iaier, e learn
early all the city. In
,tile battle which
lOwed; the government troops lost 1.40. The
loss of the Iterolutionists was three killed and
filleen.wounded. Among the latter Was Cap.
tain Fotd of the Teian Rangers. The city
was fired end the Custom house, and iliereral
squares burned. The American' C0119131' rVRIS
also wounded. • 1 • '
All indications are that Mexico is hastening
to a crisis, that will involve her . nationality,
her existence among the nations of the,exth:
IterolutiorMiw Europe
A-large meeting was held in Pittsburg to
take into consideration .the best 'means of ni
fording.aid to the cause of Liberty in. Europe,.
Mayor Guthrie presided, and imong the offi
cera were - Cornelius Darragli r late Attorney
General; W. W. Dallas, Esq.; H. S.Magraw,
Esq.; W.rW: Irwin; late 'Charge to Denmark ;
RobertM. Riddle and other prominent,eitizens.
The Gehl= patriot, Dr. Gottfried Hinkle; ad.
dressed the meeting, mid , Col. S. W. Black,
Judge Shale!, and Captain Naylor, Were also
among the speakers. Resolutions were adop.
led in which is detailed a plan of Organiza
1. The creation of a fund of tic? millions
of dollars, for the;purpose of forwarding the
approaching revolution hi Germany, shall be
forthwith commenced by means of a German
National, Loan.
•-, • ,
• 6. The' Revolutionary Committee, elented
by the Coivention, shall have unlimited power
to dispose of the money realized for promoting
the - revolution. They will, surrender. their
power. when an: acitnowledged revolutionary
government shall be established in the father
land, Via government 'shall tiaie the right
to require at the'haltde Of the said
an account of their transaCtions, and to submit
to the d;cialen ofthe'people, the question-.:o
tbeitadministration of 61 . 6'1 trust.
7. The tot signeri - d o cument:this:n pledge
theinSeliteis, After the eonqueit of the revolt'.
tin s tp use all their :influence, to procure 'the
aissumptiori by the State of the priuCipal, and
interest of this German Revolutionary Loan,
and'to carry, out .ati the; conditions
Demooratioyietory in -California
will secure a Deniocritio U#Senator in place
of Col
,Freinont, jOr urnatood that the
Colonel wilt piat 11'66116'W.: Anon :the
,emidhliiina are , C01., 7 Winn; T. J.
- Henly Col. Weller, Hon. David .Cr Broderick;
Don. Nathaniel :Bennet. ' ; t • • •
1. pies," nue
in. Ovum
and of Mr.
‘ t I3usque.
g . besides
lease put
Waiod . at, tlife Office
kind!, 0(61'40, and 100 cord
1 4 WOOD, ln suliscription±: Also, Pipir Rags
in lard,:~-oc'°einiill. ; gnuutities, on eiubscription
'• ' •
rirThe:Atate , Harrisburg; closed
oti•rriday, lastiithe .31st ult; ' We shil l lay
itz,proceedingstieforebor - readeis bef viebic,
Un appte
Gupta'. FOOTZTof Misamsvp -him resign , .
s hts iesit; izi the U. a Senate: • ;•
The Official-TdtlJ-.
• 183,887
- 185,464
PRammt - tr'Anititi.
I The following tamed gentlemen appear , td
be eleited President Judges' of the 'seversi .111-1
&dal Districts of- PennsylvSnia. ;Democrats
to Roman,• Widgs in italics: '
let Distriet—Qity and County of Pldlidellbia.l
Oswald Thompson.
2.nd--Lancaster--=Henry G. Long.
;rdL.:Northanipton and Lohigh.—Washington
'3l'Cartney,..- : ' •
4th—Tioga, Potter McKean, and Clear ;
field.—Robert G. White. •
sth—. , Allegheny.-..Wm. B. McClure- -
6th—Erie; Crawford and Warren.—John (Jul.
braith, ' •
ith—Bucks and Montgobaery—Daniel. 111.
orthumberland, Lyeoming, Centre, and
ClintOn—Alexander Jordan. '
9th—Cumberland, Perry, and Juniata—Jas. H.
10th—Airestraoreland, Indiana, and Armstrong
—.Jeremiah I.,Burrell. ==, •
1 lth—Luzerne, Wyoming, Montour, and Co.
lumbia—John N,Conyngham:
12thr.pauphia and,'Lehanon;,4in J. Pear.
13t1i-Bradford, Snaguehanna and 'Sullivan=
David Wilmot. , .
14th—Faxatte, Wa'shington and Green-S. A.
Gilmore: .
- •
15th—Cheater and DeLware-:—Tommend.
16th--Franidin, Bedford, Somerset,' and Yid
• ton,—F. AL Kimmel!.
nth—Beaver, Butler; Mercer and Lawrence ; —
Agnew. •
18th—Venange, Clarrop„Jefferson,. Elk, and
'Forest—John C. Knox.
19th—York and Mains—lobed J Fishor.
20th—Milliin and DnionAbruham fS.
son, - • - I
21st—.Schuylkill—Chris. IV. , Ile.gins.
22c1=-3lonrue, Pike, Wayne, and Caxboa—LNit..
. thaniel. B. Eldred. • ,
93d--Berks•—J. Pringle Jones. -
94th—Hunting,don; ,and,Cambria—Geo.
DeMocrats ! l5 ,
tVhig- 9
• Outo.—The 14th of October "saw to o great
battles fought the two gredt'States of Ohio
and of Pennsylvania. The rout _tins been com;
pia° in bOth.. Ohio May be reT,aiclA as a fix:
ed DemocrAtic:Stele,'andis one'of "the 'most
certain, inNovember; 1852; ist'aid in the elec.
Lion of a Democratic President De not these
figurei promise•at least as touch? a late
number of the Okla' Statesman, IVe perceive
that . the 'Legislature of Ohio standsa:s
. •
Dem. Whig.; , Free Soil,
25 9 „
68 gq •
In addition to this. the Governor, Supreme
Judges, and tbe whole Deniocratic State ticket
have been elected bylackson majorities, and
all this; after a hard fought contest.—;.Penn
sylraniaii. . . •'
Coisul o , ii , en=--Letter from Pap
taro i Kelley
- . .
We have ' already published a letter in
which the American Consul at Havana,en=
deavora to account. for his inactivity, in re-
gard to the Americans who were shot .by
the - . authorities. ' Capt. Kelley one of the
Cuban invaders bispublished the'folloiving
replr: „ • -
bLEAVET;AND, (0,) Sept. 1851.
Dear Sir :—II see a letter going.thro'
the papers from: , Allen F. Men, U, S.
Consul at Havana. Permit, me, Through
..ealinalika vat...mkper i td Correnfr-imulie
06.4sse.a.asimmenswin-mgafs- COMM
awards Col: Crittenden's command, And
[' t ether American - p'risopers since confinad_in
the Punta at Haven. In the first place,
, says : ; . - -
"I reside about four miles horn.• that
place, and not being welten the morning
of. the 16th , did not reach my ogee
. till
some time after 10 o'clock;_where, for . the
first time, L heard of the couture of about
fifty of the men Who had come with Lopez
to this. Island in the'stearner . Pampar'o.- lat
the sanie time heard that. the prisoners had
been, tried, found :guilty, -ciondemmed„ or-,
demi to be executed, the order. for - their
execution sent.forward, and that they were,
about being
"removed - from the 'harbor.
where they were,t6 the place ofexeoution."
-This is'the meat' perfect.. collection of
falschoodsl ever , : met. with, and is only
equalled in absurdity by the the audicity of
the man in thus . attempting- to! justify his
conduct thro' the American press. He does
not live four milei out of town. nor was he'
sick at the time referred to. ' He did know
in time of thii arrest,ofCol.' Crittenden and
his party, And was, sent for them, and posi
tively refused to see them, on the score that
they were outlawi. The American, 'and
English eitizans-resident in Havana, ' will
'testify to this whenever called ripen. ' -' .
The American Consul's assertion that
the ptisiinera had been !Add,. frinnd guilty,
and condemed, is !ti falsehood that, every
man in the United States, at all acquainted
With Spanish law and Spanish - , rule, • must
. see-at once, -It is'not the custom: to
prisoners in Havana other than by the gar
roteer by shooting in the bacii,, which
Owen knew at the One he 'peened.his let-
ter, ea - well 'as the ',Gevernor :General . did
64004' and judging from, lqr..- Owen's
conduct, I think he was' more in. dread ' of
getting: inrisen himself ;than
,'anxious to
set others , ord.: The _.9civernor General
exercises great influence ; tiver'coitardly
lwrettihei like:Allen P . Owen,- no, matter
whatcoutitrYthei'may hailfrit'm. .Bence
I ace unt in *great measure . for bis . .tieg 7
1 ,
lent et duty in, permitting the :Amerkans
to be'shot.. ._ : -
-- With regard to the; other prisoners, his.
Conduct is
,ortually outrageous. When I
reached the prison, I found eight or, ten of
imy comrades there, and they all said. that
the Consul had; net been, to see -them; I
also sent the saute, evening. by an "Ateericart
merchant to:Havana, to - Mr: Owen, and he
refused to came,saying, that our own Geo:
erttnient did not-` ceogniie us: When
Captain Platt, of the eloop-efwar Albany.
visited us I sent to; Mr. Owen by' him, end,
ho again refused to eome,. ',
~ *,', ' ,
Th' V
enogt. ,Taylokef the Akbatr. sad'
he trotihP'mike. him come," and 4 the next
morning Mr; .oweit : paid, us :.a visit, with
Capt. Platt, : ' As he came: iri, the- Amen.'
cans gathered around,' him,: and' for 'Seine
reason he backed thro' the, deer,- and '"-beld
eonveisation with tis'with the rates in
tervening. -,' I then Salted bim'tx'assiatimo
tri'corresponding_with.n4 \ ':, friends' in- _ the
United- Stated. He refused 'to help tne
and said that I weeld be Sent to Spain,' - .
111 titY,of the -prisoners then gave up-,all
bope of aisistioce (rem the American Con.
suf.. and threw themselies owthe protection
of Mr. Vraiferd i the Britith'Consut .-',l'We
of *the Missistipp eorMitiers,
ealleethemselywirishmen, in order 1 4 '1
tain assistance from'the:Englibh C onti !
.‘ After I wii - released, and whil e re
ing, tin . boarp the ship Norma, 4 1 . 42
can Consul asked I 'faded of slut
Neti - Orleankif lie knew Why I wasri ki r°
My, friend said - Mr.; Owen 0 14 ' l ,
that hiflid . not went the credit or t h e
of my" release io - rest upon Lim. '•
My,,Ohject in , publishing this letter,
defet4the FlV,t!Pttion pt mY
pa,,ioiliinp prison,; by refutin g (4
falsehoods in. Mr. Owen ' s letter, an i
show to the American people the tr uo
actor of their Consul at Havana.
Will the papers that have p ublis hed,Owen's iettet,..give this' . a 'Ohne 'in 0
O .
ttO l .
;tor addressed by Mr. Orititenden 1 , th
District Attorney of Northern Nes t d ,
itstithe receipt. of intelygenee of the rt il
4 fueitive_slave by a • Syracuse wok
cates the,detertuinataiou of the ad
tido to carom! the'law, witliout re st
pr iocalitiei: , •
"Washington; October Otb;
I Sit:: The gresidentlas learned frog
newspapers; with the deepest regret. t.
a llisgraceful outrage' Las, recently
Committed by a lawless milk who .
foree rescued a fugitive from labor El
i ki e t O e di e
c ol t
o l!il l a e rt g a t h4l ,
t ,
rob t h ec c e r : e in h a y arr .r det " :
g - the law at , defiance, :
,fla h opes
the statements reipectirg
are exaggerated, especially twit took ph.
at pier residence, and no coiniantat
Upon the subject: has been 'received
yuu. _But whatever may hare beef .
extent`of the outrage, eXpects tEzt
,Js z t s will bu'spated;- on year put
that of the Marshal, to bring, the Olt, q
renctqs, to justice. The supremecy of th
laws ikast, be maintained, akerery. b zo t
'n!nd any sacrifice. Men whose troy
duty it ,is to, execute thtm, meet It
tested and - ithu - tined in the„dischila t i
that duty.
.1t canneldoubt: that the 'great majis i
of yew. citizens are loyai to the custitati l
aild, that they ',still' aid the: proper aim
i~i_bririging"to justice those who bare tne•
tnnlY and wickedly violated' the most a
bred duty of a cittzep, in a free' Reptiblie,
Cy jetting an example : Well, if foliose,
mast: endanger the' life of every eft
Charged 0 ith the exccueion Of tiro lan
`sir, very yespeetfullt :yrtrobedi•
entservautr ' (Signed) 1 ;
Acting Seat,
93 35
--- .01 - 1111,1•-ill DIVA
nom CAt.tvoimu..-13yr tbe aninl d
the Cherokee, we,have seventeen days 5.
ter 'frotri Califorori. The. result of et
erection shows - the 'choice of John BO
for Goveirier, by 1,145 majority. nest
gregnto vote as follows :--Bigler, 22,13
--jiteiading, 21,8312 i. The whole Dow
cmtic State ticket is elected, the Logi&
titre strongly Derr:66llde in both truck
Su, the defeat of the, California 13*
' 4 1, 4 A.,.th0 Whigs have been solaciog th on•
selves wfs.f.
tlnt like most 1114 vie.
•• noms
Come in, then their . victory -- n the n ovo
a 'defeat. Three cheers fur the Bigler!
The Cherokee brinos news of a. blood!
bolds between the Anicricans' and man
bOatmen on Chagreff hinilY fits
were-lost. The Aniericans are coati
as the•aggressors.,
;The Cherokee brings over two milfvt
of gold dust. The mines continuo
and lousiness active. As. Bennett nyt
"incomprehensibly magnificent Califorse
• l•
' By the Frapklin. we have fonr daysh.
ter from EurUpe. Louis Napoleon is ail.
Mit a cabinet, the result of a bpld stands
hrs . part for universal suffrage, Naha.
citement prevails thrOughout Pranceloref.
erenee to this - subject. The massd the
people of mime. will - sustain the Freida;
and it is thought it 'will result in Vast•
electicn in liogiutb has toot yet fc
barked for this- country. He is exPecui
to visit Eitgland,from whence hawillmi
foi. the StStes.• is represented to lan
assumed tke'attituda of haughtiness'ollatt„
declaring that his purpose of
,visiting the
Utfited States is to raise the ramps to io•
code Austria and not to make a !vitae for
this futtire. If this be true, which u
not believe, his'reception here willrte,er
different abaraoter than otheniige.4, heat
be!. , • •
• MIN OUNTA 7N Mortos.—Nve find 2
'our 'German' papers an t apeOuu(of-a
tar eatastropke, which We translate for tht
Nbune, Above the District of 11101.-
, hoick, in the' sofitbwestern ;aides d
Transylianict,' : there lie • two . 'onnit'Ast f
Venyikee and Gelesitas. The districan
oni a slope of the two mountains, which at,
from eightinintked - to one thous" sof ,feo
high, opposite a kettle shaped hollow
the 18th of August, ,the Gelestes begat ,
move and. forged the Itenyikes, which!
°bent few, wiles from , 10gYarelisrek ,
near to that,distriet, , that it is now food!
t !iv, PtiPliect distant, andthreatens tat,
troy the whole'
,Theidotion oftlt
mountain continued from Midnight era.
15' noonen e the lath of August, s' a
dering this time It occesioned:greet dt,
ag°- through, a .epttee of, obitot one don
aleogeb, and :n early a qu oraft
mile in breadth Tlie fields. beeerth tad
around , tha mountain,; which tat 0"
were covered with a harvest of ,uneeemo
beauty, were precipitated into' .the depa?.
and instead-of them,. huge rocks now 0
against the sky, • -No one would know
place. No one;knOws wherewaildifiel i-•
the two parts of &plowed fiel&whiehtit ri
t"ititEsundekareoften found at a distato
- two mites from each other, with a' bet'
,tortiless abyes:ll9lweeu.there, The! pops
let ion.of the O&M', numbering abetar`t ,
i'f i
hundred 'and eighty abate, are eerier
with their little property 00 a reeuntai D g,
within' :de and j eSPeqs
state ofigreet d e r,„l - ,
shah. Beneath' this torn.tip : mo,untsio ,
even on the' Very:soA; water gushes ejt 4l , °
°Very Aide, and the*outa in the tlin"Y'
is id choked dot no "living ,iireatura ete.
apProwelf, Traime,
•_:LaUY Captain Cuban