try are stipulate% fickle sensual and tr ees sneak Pans fa.. the Paradise of the Senses; n Pens. of enjoyment, not of hap piness. Nowheiiiiiii*oiltbkandlits C19 . 11C,.. ities wore It ; nowhere is old ago Ina. happy or lett; respeated.-:—Wor , ace Grecl.9.. A ritailmr 'simonork-' Yesterday, while; very busily engaged writing. ai tall, gaunt. awkward looking „11A15tw•esnosruabiawinte—ous- saaaturn,-as ifton an'errand oflifo and death, and sad 44:mly bringing up within' about two' feet of uur existence, exelairnhd ,44,1pkotir,head. .• • . r,- - 4 CI piai salt nibt.bilsy. It kiafit to .1409 !al"-QP.,PaTtig....NLIAiPA s Vo:thips! down "Our,quill; ayd.leaning . Uck. dui Oair - 41) .to'appear , ese, t . o , proc4a. s • ; _ _Said he ...thavebeeri engaged- for some yeirs -past in writing verso. Ihave two or throe. ] trtiesl governiment and p olitical nett 'lily,' Also the principle s of the common li p ,l3.terkie on Evidence, , And some ntlier iiistorical, and - blograi• WioaF wntke a;thymm.:.,l don't - pre tend tf, he. m poet early :opportunities will nnt - permit to tiepin , to that honorable ; Bet my v ells ate no doubt p •sso,s A'or some ability .and 'they will make al-ogether five or six thousand lines: hive:„ been living in Tennessee till last Apt il, when . I ; came up ,here to teach so:ioul," ' ' "flyaear s ir ,-this I all unn ecessary— *bat dq• yoti propoSe'V' and , • ."Woll, 1 was going to "tell you,, d plaio ab tut it. Now,. m3r, hand writing is rather bad, and I want-to know 11 . 4011 thadr.• man that writes bad can be an author, 1" • • nit imaterial that an author should write a aplembd - hand though the pall& ia!ion - • thought of lotting some editor I;;ttk over my poems, and . publish them if ho dJit on reasonable terms." • hero our visitor emptied two capacious east packets ; • turkd Lis . - hat inside nut noon uur fable, and the : aforesaid • produc lions ivere before us.' "There.;" said , he, with a proud look, there is the whole cd it I If yon will look qe s er it awl give wie your opinion, perhaps we can make a bargain.' - We lieg,ged to be excnsed—he asked la favor—we plead business—he blzist.PdHand the only way we could get him I's was to recommend him to an ma im it bookiniblisher to have his poems prin t2.l in.a style, winch would do honor to the Leac libraties\ the land, • With with this new conviction he seiz.•d his inatruseripts„, and , ' rnsbed down Maio sirCet. with the' determination 'of hav ing the work +lit before' night, How he Fiieceeded we uie not advised:—Cirri. Non- prreiL,., Anecdote of Washington's Wife: In cottrefsatiOn with an aged - ladS , of Whippany—N*l yail—the followingwas gleaned. _,A.mong_tho_risito7a of her firet husband's muther—Mrs. 'luttle—was Mrs. Tr: ofop theladi ,11. half-pay Captain in the •11.itish Navy- She-is ,diseribed as an intelligent lady, of affable manners, and stash esteemed • * • - • 0:to day Mrs. Troupe visited Mis. Tuttle and tlie"nsual complitnents - Were hardly Ilksed berMe:the visitor said, "Well, Mrs. rr,uttle, wl:ai:desoa think"?-1. have been • sec Ludy . Washington !" Ilave;3•ch indeed? _Then tell me all ohAnt bunt you fetind heriadyship,• bow she appeared , andwhat site said." • • I Will boaestlY you' answered Mrs.' Tran'S ' . ..l•Peiter was so ashamed in • my and 3lathune r ,ttod . .lladame. Budd. and myself; limitght we would tleit 'Daily Was 'tiepin:and aishe was said to be so grand alatly.''wei tin:sight we must put on our bibs and ' kovik 'So* we *dressed ourselves io 'er itestelegant‘ruflies and silks, and were it4rodue - elitu berlarlyship.: And dne't yop thinii we foUnd her: knitting,: and with a specked (check)-apron on 1., She received s_veiy: gracinusly: and easily, but after the compliMents were laver, she -- regained her knitti4g.A•here we -were Witliout - a' stitch of - wprk:anksittitigin state, but Coneral Washiittan'alitly with ter own bands, was krii•ting staaltings for berself and husband ! thatwas ;Pot all. , the afternoon her ladyship took eecasinn •to say, in a way that we Would notbe offended at, that it wis veryiiinpartant that American ladies • lie' , pterp' of industry' to _ their ✓ because tile separation froth the: inctherp.nuttri Will dry up the,sources whinee many of., °Ur newtons bare been firri grit. ;,, ‘l,l mustbecotairindependent by • determinationto do without*" what we to t nnot Innate ourselves. :Whilst our htta 7 L b.sods and - ht;itherit'are examples , of patri otism. wit niuS't he patterns of industry. Ace:Dir t :finite Mrs. ~ TroUpe'S itury ; Mrs. Wauthingrnagare tier visitors some excel advitie, the wutanwhile adding farce to • Ler words _.byheri;actions, 'and withal in pleb a way that, tlio could not take offense: In this she proved r liierself more*trarthy to ear her distingetshed position, than She e;told have'di'tna bs all the graceful and el egant imootafill.s,batenta which are: Jound princeaand,queens., In the relation she • ot-capied; her knitting work, and her check 4rt:rt, Were - queenly .ornaments, -and* we tuns , he proud to knots that each twomati a», Martha -Washiagton set snob ae adtrti , ; • ruble elitrrip!e Ater_ countrywoman 1—• Vrtrark- • ' ZMIS BretaetrimMaztied Men . . The Aosti,n'Atlis says' that BenediOlts alkoul I taate the'aeCOtotdiabed Swede their bat bcw antl give ter A. pieioof plate, in takenof thew thinks - . for followl4 hearty:ftistimOily tifibeir j faior as a - clam tfidy: dead . 41,1 t joie fervently, t wish' t hit; 'her itime max - come loop, to etijqr iritatntel sOtiari o snWfatly to - itp ! eeel4ll. 'thrivalawilf a lood'itastied wain' s,,e . netir « ant girr r t'cund, - ii: man re isitirating; siocn liiiirea' . l3ll6l; that is to 1.3 v. a grPul 'titan - le ries. 140 peifeit; In n)i.eyeis, as then ; tie thartle V—as. when it 4 father 'of 'a hildre ) 11a and cn, • 'gra cbe.nriihli dusueaLAO.Fir4 . c.,-iii4 1 1. 4 6 . . . e t1=.11;:a. )41/1: ' . c;e, ZDStr)td: 11.t2tf, around him, and constitute a part of his l s ornenn4 his world. He is not merely on. nobled by this position, but he is t ► ctually beistittifled-liy it. \Thisbe appear to UlUla the #uwn of, Creaticc,;'coPit ii such a man, aii":this who is dangereuaLte me;',.-and7trtth wham I aminclined to fall in joie. I,,Hut then:prospdety .4hCi4oBl.,and. all.Ebropean - legislator&lluelate: 'it to; sinful, and-all married women would con sider it a sacred duty to stone me. • Never.,. .thclessicannot-provent•the , thing;--Itis and cannot bo otherwise ; and my s on's. hope of appeasing those , who are, excited• against me is Mtfurther coutessiou, that no_ love nifesoldeasantly r thirconteni plation of no happiness makesso that between married people.: It scents to me...Sbat„L.liTiog...unmarriad—or—matelgea r hiv. o 7, 1 00 qt happiness :,to,d9.P.hut it le ao,*i3isoarisjiAl. CILQCARAT The Largest Mutilation In Northern Pena'a kosao coraks AV E EIFELY. ' S. D._ & V.: B. cHAsE. moNittbsie:PA. Thursday, Ortobsr 30, 101. „ , IItTITANDNELL.DOI.IbtIeB.3,!OXIr readers have already bevome deeply interested in the fate of the "factory and are Anxious for the End 'of it ',The story ,be"Con' 7 - etuded in. 3 - 0r4..w0ek;.... If any of,oOr. Cam paign subscribers, _who have. net•expressed a wish to Continue, are - dish6uiof doing soi; we earl now. furnish back' N'os.' of the , so that they will not lose. the thread, of •the Hav,e a Credit to 'iota naans, Upon, looking over out books, We , fiti4 ninny' of 'our subscriber's 'names; with Out Now this is,wrong;"cVerY 'BOscriber ahnuld have; at least 4 Small credit to his num. - Court is coming soon again, which will bea 4 favora-. ble . time . •for 'Our friends to r nail or iend, -6d have the blank-oppoiittheir names , filled, vp by a credit tiro or. tfirce(lollars. This rho' a small amount to yon, if all thus visited usi would help ns - IYho•sPeaksfirst fOr acredit in this way?', , Now election is nna the _turmoil of party strife given wiry td. quiet arid ealtn, hope to devote more of to general . reading matter—give - limner and better stories —flippant speeches4ipicy jokes—startling intelligences—horrible diselostires,-&c.; which always serve to while away'plessantly thelerig _evenings of winter, No effort of . out' . shidl be spared to please our readers, and in yeturn. we hope for a commensurate effort'from-thetn to repay us for our labor. Judge .Campbell'sPefeat: What Dernoe7rats think of it. We bad - ocCaSion last week,:tolipeak of the' defeatof this , gentleman; - anci the - base le r fluencesby winch it was brought about. 1 The Democratic press 'of the state are bold: and fearlessly speaking oat on this - SUbjeet, in tones that 4.liiiw the he:lit - et iouiDetnocra-.. cy 411 right. • We are right glad to : see ,this universality of sentiment, eon dein natory of this ireacherous plot, and all the deSigning politd.; . eal ttaitors, eng,a tied in - consururatitig it. Yn this - County air. Campbell , Irtsgfpi gainer by it, showing our Democrats to be above any such despiCable movements. - clip the fol lowing freM the Pennsylvanian "Every Democratic paper in,Pennsylvania, published since the defeat. of Inclg,e Campbell has become a certainty, cont.iins l the most em phatic and,indignant denunciations of the spot. ted and, malignant crew who ° plotted his de. feat. We have, before us now the Doyles iown, Democrat, the Berns: Count. .-Press, the Lancaster Intelligencer, the Uplancl‘Union, the York Gaxtte, - the Democratic Press, Lewis. burg rriti Democrat, Pittsburg. Post, , " Centre .Democrat, Easton Sentinel, , Montrose. Dem ocrat,ond numerous others, every one of which speaks eloquently the Sentiment of the Demo crats of its county, in relation to this outrage I against the Democratic party of the State.--. These are but the first murmurings of a voice that will swell into a thunder peal,consigning every man and every interest, connected with the traitors, to a, political grave from which Mere can be no resurrection. As for Judge Campbell himself, he has not been injured' a hair. The bitter persecution of which he has been the, subject; has onlyeade, ared him the more to his friends, and:increased his, impor tance to the party here and throughout the Union. There is not an office of consequence in thegift of the. State Government that is not by a spontaneous and unanimous movement of the party and the press laid at his feet, and should the best and most honorable of them all be tendered to him, the deed would be ratified without dissent by the Voices of a hun dred and sixty thousand Democrats who voted for him at the recent elections.. , • - Monroe county gets the Banner- . The Banner which Pennsylvania has "so no bly and proudly won from her younger, sister California, at our recent , election, and which was to be given to the county polling the.lar gest ‘Demdmatie majority; iiiproPhrtifin to its voters, seems to belong to the• County of Mon roe. - Several counties have claimed it, among which are Pike, Wayne, and Clarion, and oth ers; but Monroe outdid them.all. . 'The proportionate vote in 'thls Cou nty; Was 4 in4:9B-100 Democrats to iNtig: the Teti° in rike,"neit highest we believe, , is 4 and 94.100 DentoeMts to I. Willi. • ' • , . . The town of Pout. in M onroe, gave Bigle; 138, and Johnaton , Truly,' this is a town worthy' its name ! • :•-, ELcT?oNs Cauronara.--Efour , reha' We , returns, Julys the 5.711 . 11' Franelseo ~:fterata=jl the 15th the Whigs have elected tvie - State`Senitors,sna the Dew ()crib__ elevent One inad:# ll ) peusxratie Balaton 4rold , over, •the Se,nate ionsists 01 23taenibeTa. To the f'Afreetobly 14 Inlgs El.Deliiioin4;J and - liiiitrOetpl; are elected. ,` , ' 4 , , - The Wm* centadtrof 63Membert,etwhich 32 1 8 a ni4joritY• . ~9ie ` counties : to fie tiesid' from will 'nesio 3 ibtedly gi6 clear majority. ,:'Thal.porty:vill then !Mu! :both branches! ef: the lia4islatursysitivris- s birotiAttliti, -#4 Pledlilelt:lkii3 4, •• ' • „ E, C. Marshall and. : : —i.,....MsCoritle„ both-Dem ocrats, are electeil t - 6 COrigresrw' The latest retitros ehok,e Jnajority of 250 far Bigter'llso,Dereeerzatha 'candidate for Gore errtott , ploettoikbi `this State on b. 23tki2ei,ticitultiatirt 1 / 4 4 glorious . Dom . = logic triumph: The 9ohgrestqoiml .Delega don will stand: la, Democrats to. 2 Whige.— The Goveruor au4 ligialaturo are. not elected until-December. • - •'— ,kBno.-"Senr4e, • stands:: Democrats, 8 Widis;aisftWO"Etiiiiiefito - ba beard The liolgenil I stand.B2Dem?emts,24 Whigs, 2 Free Sellers; with 11 Districts tp• be heard Tr• 111- frout , x. 'aisiitigttisliea 'Patriot to the Aniariati written °mile 2Ztis. of Mareh 11350, ;hasjoet been Publiabed4. ; doeti nets's.] history of Hotigarinn strait* dining - . the ; war with AuStria_licd.Al,,si.l • ; it is, a cieeinnent iruefrie.rsi . 4111k.rty.„ -We %lilt try and ; Annitn roen‘ for it in.our next : T. • , . Keisnih'lsiims on his wertivisit the Uni ted glad ',to see, tNst prep. matiqpi beim , made to re. ceive him. OFFICIAL tx P,EtinSILVANIA.-••We give the ofEcial , voto on Governor thisAveei, and shall publish the rest of the dicers next. Thexeturns show fer Governer, - 11igler, 186,- 178,070. t Canal Commission.. er, ; Clover '186,363 Su t prem Jolgery•Bhielt, 18.5,761; Cemphell,l76, 7 071 ; 184. - 064 ; 184,363,; Low riet.lcfs429 c0u1ter,,180,13.0 Comly, 174,; 307; Chambers, 174,489; Meredith, 173,823; Jessup,- 173,768: li - Ceniter's 'lnnjorits , over Canipbcll.-4,059. -: SECRETARY eieTHE esiNAIONWEALTIL-;-We observe. in our ixchaag,el several 'persons al ceadY: mentioned in.connection frith . this office, as likely'to reeei4 the appointment from Mr. : , Among theso are Judge-Woodward; oflMzerne, Judge Campbell, Wro. i : Matflit4,!. of lancaster, ;of Pittsfmrg. and Judge Docic, of Harrisburg. • DEATII or in l ErTron..--JAMEs A. DUNLAP Esq,latc± edioi:':of the Easton Sentinel, died iinddenly on the 10th inst. He was a mem ber 4f the 11. r in ,Northariwtod County, pos. aseid good abiltiis and a cultivated intellect. iarThe Case of Tarisrosiyho has been convicted at Cbvdge, for the 'murder otatuitr swir, has been taken ta ,the Suprenie Court.— His sentence was suspended until the Case could be reviewed by that tribunal: TnartzsurancloGov..lohnsten has appoint. ed Thursday the 27th day of November next, as irday;ofTiintikegiving in this' State. The Governors of :Massachusetts, .New York and Maryland have also design.ated the same day. srFTnicis. -Goy. Mar of Neti, - York :has, appointed Thureday. the 2' th day of Nov. nextas a day of Thanksgiving and prayer.- ' —The General Division of the Sons of Tern perance of Weitem New York, commenced their session :attics CM the 22d inst. "`' An eitheslastic meeting, of the Demooracy of New York city, vasheld at Tamninny on Wednesday of last week. Col. Forney -of the Pennsylvanian was-one of the speakeis. --Jenny , Lind is now giving Concerts in Canada: •r, 0 I • I '' • Potatoes- throughout the: west this year will be a failures. They are at'present retailing at ono dollar a boshelin Galena, , F —The totartitiPuntorproperty invested in the whalintPsinessin,thellniled i 'Statiti, said Pim ,bsit*ein .0;04 or ~,tithly, pillions , .-,The irst.seien -.months 14 this year there has' been landed about _82,800;000 ,worth ottpenriod, 84;500,000 worth of Whale Oil, and $1,200,600 'Worth of breene- r malting a total of sflp - 04,000.forthe firstflseiert months, ,+,:ying for the .•' coitht - ,R4tido4p.+The citizens of r pe. 'Welt lawenuh4cri6l,Bl4B,sl:lo to the stock-of the-Great -Western Railroadi -' s The'isam quire& Of thep wia $00,000„- —Thadlion:College, ,Clinton, Oneida coon-. ty, is stated t 4 be in -a 'more flourishing condi tion than at an% foimar FOrty . young gentlemen hive entered _' themselves for the present - tenn.l - - The UnitSd States Army Is officered by one major, getierat three brigadier - generals, twen: .ty-three colonels. ~There aio eight. brevet ma jor generls, ffteekbrevet biigadier generals, twenty-three brevet colonels,slly:eeven brevet ) liefitenanketdonelii: In two years past there haie died one , brigadier' general, four brevet major generals. and three colonels. , _ t —At Willow-river; Mirinisoti, Col. Thigbis had a squash which weighed 175 pounds, and its average growth was thirteen pounds a day by the ateelyarde;• , •Iridlan coin grewsnear St: Paul f!ottf . .,l 15. feet• ! high; and . enre . are borne nine tqel from t 6 Stunad- Planted:an the:2sth of*ay, it was ripe oit the 25th of September. !''-• • , ;-41 Miss d dZuOiman h'as Undertaken at St. Louis, te r mini five: hundred miles fiire hundred OutiOintive hottri; the feat to biper , formed - in *Gower costume: ' .• , As AXISCrgLEDGMENT....-A- late number of the London TiMes says that *Great Britain toui received' more useful ideas and more, inge! l . low inrentiOns from the United' lA - ate?, thro , the eibibitioni tbau frorn .other,,treures!' The Times .whieh, early in the season, kidienled-so unsparingly the American department httlin 'ol4kt/en. Thf! Bank , 4)436 1 4A,W1e5:41 her accounts, no. ess ipso Sixty folio iegers,filled, up coin. Pletely everydaybanituoteuthroWn ordally,'padiAtiqi _reed the ; ab• strF4 l 9 A)inile - 2 4 4, i51i 111 4* . ti Mediate deteetien; ; , • • •• The Xenia* geiretninent bas asked' pera minion C6PgrelA'. to anticipateSMOG° kuore , of die!4 l 4/94*.biaciipitti.; Lin a antairrtown Ainssnainusells; ram jugs anrlib6ll,ed !inshing Acid. Tan is snrry was** l 4' - it ' - is 4 bOilafr• ; a,‘ The Carpet Bag rays there must be some, horrible cannibals in Boston, because in an .eating-house..tha otherdcy, , a man., called for.. Baked , • • -,:—.An'histapart.oantlons..thtspublimtigainst trditing.his Wife Ellen, 'because hp W 45 never .; ". ••• all at, all. Marrted to , tt - . ;=-Mrs.Parthighin, on renaing an die - Lana of a Schooner baiing her jib-boOm carried .away in , Long Island Soundone_niot. b a st week, wondered people would leave such things .opt doors, ‘ nights, to be•stOles, ihed3here was So many Tingles% AMA every thing they Could lay their bands to.' „ —NeFt, to-l‘frs„ Pfcgton, the; flex!, 104, friena the C arpet - A it gentleman nam ed Philanthropes:- Here tirone othia - benero; lentileedsf • ;=•• • Philanthropes, wolking Beeitilotit ;street, the Otherday;'observed a Leafy dart s; nwhieh 'two, _Peor',jaded horses were attenipting to draw op the hi 11.... TheLarrived abiout'lhalf way, 'when their strength, e'ompletely faiieil them and they conid 'neither tlraiv or remain itihere‘ they Mete, and the loam_ •11eg,iiii,..baek ing down the The.tharester sought fora stone tcr block the wheelo, when PhilanthroPes in his - eatoroOss to, tend 'ward, and put hisneW,hat - under the OUR BOOK -TABLE Harper's Magazine Tor on'out,table, and more than realizes, in richnesi of interest the anticipations which were cherished, t‘lien the first:. number'appOred; immense re sources,for inforination"which: the publishers of this work have-at their - command, render it superior'to the other monthlies-of ;the day; While it cont4ins:at the same , prfee of most of them, almost twice as much valbable' reading. It is indeed the Work for the day, and cal64lla ted to glie a higher tone to literary 'taste, and tojle . 'sgeking.mind substantial alimeUt. but one Magazine is taken in a funny it should be this lyall.means.;, Terms $3 per year. Address Harper t Brotheri,Bp: Cliff St New York. Peterson's Megar.ine, for November, domes with with its:varied interest : it is a work . we ever give joyful iveleoine; and each No. seems bet- . ter than the last—, We are looking forward to succeeding numbers with increasing' interest, as the'prospectus for the next year informs us we are to receive from the pen of the highly gifted Mrs. ANN S. STEPHENS series of sketches from. her recent travels in Europe, which Will undoubtedly be rare 'gems of: de . scription , and narrative; for who can picture scenes so viiddly to theimagination, as Mrs. Stephens! The trial of Dora Atherton in this: iluraber•is intensely thrilling. The en'graiings are fineitexeenteci. $2 . per year; id" copies . _ Address. Charles J. Peterson, 9'7 Chestnut. St., Philadelphia: - • ' TIUMKSGIVING. • In the name And by the aythority of the , Cont- hionecealth of Pfmnsytrania. lit W.141,Am F. , Jonisros, - GOVERNOR OP TUE RAID COIIMONVVEALTII. A Proclamation. • : • Tni‘promise the, " - seed- time -and harvest shall not ,cease" has again been fulfilled ;•'4 God of infinite goodeeis has watched over and cared for us, as a People, during another year ;—Plenty has poured her TreasureS into our Garners i---Peace has presided over oar councils, and and liappines&hiWebeeri universally enjoyed . ;-Civil and religious, lib erty has :been - more widely :spread , and:- he foundations :of these. Institutions which- our Fathers laid; have been deepened and strength ened by the Providence thus vouchsafed to us. To that gracious Giver, to whom, belong "the Earth and the fullness thereof" for these manifold evidences of his benefiemice,thp Cit izens of this CothmonwealtkoWe public Amu.: onstration of their humble dependence and nd_ oration, and of their heartfelt gratitude• and, thanksgiving. • ••• , •• Deeply impressed with : the propriety. of the duty, and•• in accordance, with venerated, ens tom,.l. Wm.- F. Johnston,-. Governor of the said Commonwealth,' dO heieby appoint and deifignate ' . . . TrtunsuArirtz 27Th DAY OF , NOVEMitit NUT, 'as a day: 'of general THANKSGIVING thro: out the State: and. I hereby recommend• and earnestly invite - all, the good People of .this . Commonwealth to a sincere and prayerful 01. servance of the - same. • • GIVEN under my lutnd mid the Great -Seal of , the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty.first day of October. bi thet year of our, Lord, Ls : one tbmistand eight liundred and,. fifty _ and of the Cominons?ath the ievehty-sixth. By the Governor.. ; RUSSESL, ' Secret-11y of the-Common‘Vealth. Tae AMERICAN REAPING MACTUNT.— . —One poinythat strikes•ui forcibly "on' r a survey' of the last : few Months is; the, extraMdinary con- tract-which.the attractive and the nieful feit turesotthe display , present It will be re- Membered that the American department akfirat l reghrded as the'pCoreik and iCast inter esting of all foreign countries. Of latelt has justly assumed apositiim of the: first impor tance, as "having brthight to the aid'of our distressed igricniturists a inaebine which, if it realizes theapticipations.of cmapetept judges, will amply remunerate England. for- her outlay 'corinCeted with the' OrCat Exhlbition"._ The reaping 'machine" rest the truited.klthtes is the nkosk,valusble contribution , from, abroad to the stock of our previous-knowledge:that we have r yct - discovered, 'and several theta in Connection with it, 'are'tiot'tY . littlC iernarka, ble. • • • - ". Iu the.first' place the want ofssuch an 'triple.. meat was so much felt, that we find, in' the catalogue, It list , of ',Fight.'" British exhibitors, showing Inventions' designed lo , acCetaplish the ! 14131 F °b.iceti• -444 n; fli ) Piars , t4 ) . - r hFe` been in use,in; America ; for, the last: ten - or twelve yeare,withOut ~9 ding•lte 'way • perese . the)ttlantia ; ;and I Garrott had at lengthdiscosgredlts t ,me ri ts , theio can be no "question that but for the Exhihition, the attentien ; our fanndin would it'p4 , for sometime`comec, hare been 24.:btthngtir. drawn to It:" •A*Ogii: ioliiti4o,l:nollclnit , lhat.thenitricaltural interevt, that_ ybicb at -,l ll iVi#- ,l **ifit*Nitos Pad-Inks warm support totbe scheme of nn interrmtivatilk , Nay in Hyde Park, is of nit other interesfit,ttle Onewhicb rpeAtive!!.from it the most Uolisple- Uouiand ilimeussa' benefit ''.f.fond . 4:4, - :# the Cart ! , : - A!icrreiii6iide4 thciNet,,O,ileans " .ynnelurnlities thi 11 ow ngt„tqoup ie Progress of a terrids epidemic at the Canary Islands, The first victims caught it while flattop:in the onst..of r Aftic4,-.-It—tvos—appre , ... licndcd that the mgro ,tradors , wool briog, the. the,'Havrpa The year 43pcned under the most favorable auspic es Tor the tattarylslands, their- increase io,ooornerce and population beingwell known. 114 fine arts also flourished.. But the destiny .htelrforst - mometit . seemed - to rcs 1111111. the perseacitlarsofthesei whichvhati date fronither litho:when tliop tibolt"t t lie 'srMOIOf "the ,Un,fortunate', ornire:tOrY tluin Before ; its ; tOniblo no. othmos. oimoneßce.Was pataltizedtho theatses We're closed, emistermition , seiteLll eseryi, mind ) the inliAl,tantifbid;',themseltes 't.etireitl,lto to the and '4On •stiiPorrsiliies's,luid utmost despair,sepineed,Ble heirs ,of falicity of these once happy people... . _ CM`the'fikeif JiMe;jlt3sl;:thee-';offieitillenr. , nal'of the' ii•Ovince'cutitilin'edllie - folliiiivin4 “ The Board isepealth.p,f the Pistriet of Las Palthas, in the'Canarici, has informed the Su: perior ,of the ProVinee; under date "of - the - sth inst., that iii:the bairie of San Jose, the city of the same name, sane " cases, of 'elicilera' morbus, hate oppeatedA.. In conseqttence of: pre'cautionary , measure's were:'•ordered , to be tat; en FOr . some moiaihs, this infirmity 'heel prevailing in the city of Lt's Palma, cliciplaying itself ihisolated eases. - The facility, thrddgh ignOMnee 'or 'inalice,.:tssed it 'M malignant quinsy,, But e the aufhos,itiei,iiiiertaining',that many persons were dying:: that- the ,sick -Bur. Owed but w shert ;tittle, and that Alio -corpses shoWed black' splits, dhd were hCirrlbly orderc4 the BoardOTlleidth'olthe isfand under the- stsiotest responsibility',. to declari, the natore of the'epidemig. Then, with gen eral teribr, the announcement we - have alluded to was reeived. History does not record anything. so and ns the. spectacle Which the island of Grand Canary •se . has presented, an • still pr ese nts. I The best dirieted pen,atteMpts in VOA to-relate. such misfortunes and horrors, and words %read:riot be sufficient to depict their intetisity,': . . . . . The epidemic raged with soefi:fury tint the inhabitants' in Consternation .al)andone.4 the town, without,. caring enything Aut. they persons, to suth•an extent that they' even ' got - the flea of blohd; 'ffeatlienrPriseci the midst of their ,fight, so ilaat,tbe,roo4ttore covert,il with corpses,. oter which not a, tear of friendship, or 'of filial or frntereal i43%443 . V4ht4 shed, because terror, had smothered every area timent except . :that of eclfprcservation... As. was to be expected, the, fugitives,. carrying with them the fatal germ; infected the eenntry!. which became the theatre of the most horrible ThO beasts, abandoned in the city„:,perished, for want.of -food, .• and • the: decomposition of , their bodies, together' With•that of tik.'huntatl• cOrpSes WHIM rentained,unberied in the'streets, vitiated the atmosphere to such an, extent that. an . uhfortunate person who might return' to the city fell dead almoit as a 001) as he entered a house. 'HoWever,,this heiv contretemps was stopped rm. soon es poastble by the ,energetic measures taken by the worthy:Military Gover nor, and .by the humanity of the second aleaide of thiCeiregidO;anci various yoinfg,Meii, many of whoai fell victims to their heroism., At last the supposition was confirmed that the epidemic was , nottle ehelerrybat theterri ble plague of " the Moors, it [Miring beci4,4cel tained that it WaSAntro . dCeed into ,the island of Grand Canary by. the fishing vessels which fre., quent the western.coasts of Africa:. - The per. sons in the isiand'deveted to l this traffic, am& beriog abOut•l,B6o,hafre:alitiest as there remain only enough to man a Single - vessel According' to the - - declarations - of the toasters of the said vessels., 'ACCordine to the declar:~tions of trio Mastcrs of ihe•tcpa . ressers; on all the western shores, of Africa' there reigns a deathly :peat which carriesiiffthe inhabitalits, the morality 'being .so griiacthdt,thi corpsea' are strewn:upon 'the ',eatthin lileredibiO'riuM- . bers, arid their decompositiott angmenat the in., licences of the corrupted atmosphere. As soon aS the COmMandant General of the Province learnA the - abainlimment of the :city of . Palma; he sent a portion of the garrisOn of the eapitotto. bury the dead but the greater portion' of the soldiers' were attacked, by the ppidemiclnd qied, la she'll., in oilier, to give an idea of the raragei the peSt; it ,is Only necessary to state that in two months'6,ooo. persons died in the 'city of - Las 'Palmas and I 6;000 the Whole island: `Up. to the hist dates the plague had, spared the towns ,of Ag= aete and Frejedn. . , , The bishop is .one of the persona in Grand. Canary:who have•eontribnted.mosy to the Al.' leviation of siliferitig' ' ' This'lioly' prelateand worthy pastor, with n,resignation truly evangelical; displayed, the utmost charity, zeal Anti itliterest in behalf 'of unhappy, people: and is;untiring : tray'.' erring the streets opening ; his r , giving spiritual: consolation., establishi 'hospital in his own palace,rind to the ur. happy, victims With., Ins own., hat34S.' Brothers' of Charity : and the :youthi'_of . the' hospice, isnitatilig this hero, who luta ,acquired eternal glory, and !who appears a' -messenger of the :Most till their offorts to 'assist the afflicted.' : •:' '• At the leeVilates,AtiOst 12th.4he epidemt: !eitited.eteisiderablr_ 14 the- city, thougli!it still rage 4 to the `euntiy," .t• : -- . . The, shot in Selmytttill geenti whic4;hurt Gov. Johnston most, wig tI4-mujoriti , foi Bigger and tfie.. Constitution I • 4.0306 is` oM:ion - of lan4:mVner,., In7.emplin,itnd:Wns porninlo96. He is thCiefOre net's , this " 45tH yecr; 3~e tvismirried 1841: Piesictui ta4herHua . gatimi'ievolr eins distinguistivd eta qu'ent adeoeuOy Of, liberal ittneifileti;'M; the Hipp - Arian Diet, but. wvas 4ku:seteitif, .editonithst his-influence was most..-exer.tiA nit& deeply felt. Itossuth - is' said to Pave out. ineimed hilesientriSittepoitifei the tinniDiet, tuad:itfterivirds became n editor. o Koisuth ozi his way. • .OE,iOA, Sept. 12. 14osintb 14• free ! and the United States liaellie , -honeepf bearing hint,'Witlr his tam 7 ily 'and 'polo p4nions, to a lurid- ot- freed,Otm ThcV,steato-frigate 3116sissippi, eapt. Lang: arritied eft Spez;ia in 'thisKingdoth,, zester T del from: Cons tantinottle Whence'lliersailed on the 11 being,, anzsave two or. three exilei7Vbo were to go direet to Etig : d,..onloard.-.The illustrieusaunwitiaa leader his hisWife.and three ions with him, and they are liindsornelyieeammoda tett in well fitted apartments' on board the steam er.' The, quarantine law _ • will not permit passengers coming froththe Levant ,to . land, immediately on her any to Arneriimi;tifici. falling' stores front the Naval Depot at if _the - Ser d - ian government; ji_pkteiAtct..tti:ttnse of our Aedit'erranean- Sqnadron. Before the end of OctoberAherefore,,yenWill have the piness lbe.exiles tlie‘United Stacy.- _ r • r I Austria made every possible effort to prevent their release, bait the Sublime Porte remained firm - to bispt!oinisc, - and ilky were ,nceordiegly permitted i t.o: leave ,Kuthaia.on the . Isi,' and weretialmn by a . TfirkiSh *miter:lom the. port of Ctimeleck to the Dardanelles, where the Mississippi and Mr. Marsh, the Ameridan Minister, whetted just returned from a Visit to SYria- and'hgypt, were thara.': Mich ereditis duo to Sir Stratford COnning,,l'he British:Mittieter I Constantineplc,..indithe DjplotnatiC tacr of Sardinia, for their indelatigable.ex [ ertions in behalf-of theieiiles..: 'The former functionary is understood to'be thertbist in=i 'fluential person at die court of the Sultan, and British diploruaCy baldly jo! , t 'now exerted throughout Etirope favor . of the. right'eause, ,„ , Baker of Ohio, is now fully installed es Consul of the United States at this Oh. Com.. Morgan is at Smyrna, and will remain, in the-Mediterranean With the flag'shipin:- . flependenco-until next suing, - Among, the'Amcricaa,Visitora in tbis D hify, I notice the on, 'John-M. Niles, of! Connecticut,. formerly J.J. a Senator, Post 1 Master:General, &c. .fic goes to- Venice to I morrow by way of ."Turin, "with -Mr. with' Mrs. Geller, and Will; probaly spend the, winter at Florence. Itnine and' Naples. Newark Daily Adierliser. Sossuth'i Address to the People of the United States. WAsuilicaanr, Oct 18 18511 The Union of, this morning' publishes Kossutb's - addrcsss to the pelnile the United States: -It ,Uiakes five:a - antis in thm . :'paper. :us, if, rthelJuitOd Stites had been n. nelghboring nation ,at the timo _of ,thp "Hungarian riiyolution; all Europe would then 'have. , been revolution ized. !rhe following_paragraph is extracted from the Plot of the address "Free citizens of Attieri6 :' You in spired my - couoitymen de. e di. Your'approval imported cenfttlene.e. Your sjmpathy consoled Ili in adversity. lent,tt ray of.hope,to the futUre,and enabled. us to bet nntanfully-thiweight of our henry bur- - Yimr generous, fellow feelin = m ,will Lill sustain u until WC' realize, out; lopes and faith, that. Huitgary is, noWstifor. ever. Ac eeKin the name of my . courilyyraeo, the acknowledgements of Our warmestgratittule and .oilr _highest..respect. - : who; know Hungary co well, firmly:•belicre she .ift - oot lost.; and the intelligent citizens. of Annri : . ea' have-decided, not only with imintlsiYe kindness, but With rei:on and policy, to fitio r r the unfortunate, but; subjugated,hun. garY.' 3.l4 , yiur pow,er ,be the terror of 41 tyrants; and the protector of the unfor• mutate, and your free Country error ecintinue to be the asylum for !the' oppressed of all nations." - • ' The Invadoi of Wksyy:aroiv,,Ciei . . 23, The : President, having received, gence.on Monday, from the United. States ;Consul at Matamoras, - Ithat a company' of Texans : had been •organized and marched into Meziwand that neti• enlistments were progressing for similar,. purpesas, has issded the following prcelamatioti -• • .; • ~(0FF1911,1,.) • , BP, the President of the Unites States r- -Proclamation'-: - • - - . Wheloat, there is reason to that alnilitary expedition - re about to, ,be: fitted out itfttio 'United States tor' _ purpose of invading the MCatican RePublic, with which this• country; is ai - pcace,and, w hereas, -there. is,•reason: to, ariorehend• that a portion of the people of, this..eatintry, regardless of their ditty as 'geocrett liens, are coneerhet), or m,a.y 'be:seduced to take part in the, satne;:'itid:whereas' sucb enterprizee tend to' degrade 'the ';Cliaracter of the United. StateS in'the opinien;of- the civilized _world,. . _ and .ara-expressly prohibited by law:, • • Now, therefore,'l have issued this,t nip reclamation, warning all Persons wire con . 7. nett them Selves wi h any . such' enterprise in violation of the .latvs - and 'OetiondLobli•., gation 'of the t enited;States,, that they will thereby,- subject. thentielves to . the. heavy penalties that-tire. denounced against-at - rob offenders.- . , -• • That, if they :should, 14 ; eapeured within the- jarisdMtion of tile' Mexican Author' ttei they. unfit expeet to ,fici tried and is nislietl,! ace - aiding i to theiriwi'of Meaico;, and, Will have no right, to clalin:the interposition _of this government in, their behalf • - I therefore expected' well•disposen citi zens, who have at heart the reputation of their country; and aria animated with a'just regard for' its laws; its pence 'and ',its' fare, to discountenance, and' by alt lawful Means prevent, any such enterpritP.-; 'And I call upon eVery,Officer of this gov ernment, ,eivil:or military; t.o be vigilant in arresting for trial and. . punishment every Pugh offender - • Giien'under 'my: hand, ;the '22d: day - of Ottnber, 1851, and fifitii"yearof Xhdcpert r ', deuce. - 011.I.410ilt; Pres. CrittendenyActing See, ,of State, The Republic says that all previous in formation, was of snob 'a nature' aS te dist : countenance the repnri that anyeipeditten Was on foot, or that oonaidera y e lierof American citikens..have ptls•rd. ll ?tki •Ilexicos for the Purpose:Of THE E FAttuttie ritkiroN, accord' ng to the entirlei, were , tlitieti'pr Erenry Be ti "&ti;, rind' Mittleyn . lloll . oo; Pioker.=, !The' Courier panic ; 1 4 1 4in: Accommodations ,for : _short - petiode• were vpti)49lnained yesterday that: f ar f idtd e lde_ysQu°ylouday Oye r a mil. lion elf dullaid.ivill:b e paid out fdr divihada and , " - Tbo stock markOt.still eon. finite's to be depresied, but trill react vriie inorauntcthere is a deci4d d fefibii_be(ter in:tbignauees. ~u Ka liOceurrenee. ' rTho Trojan publitshes the fellowing pa r . • tieulars of one of those deeds of Crime, al o i e h whilel they aretceoming vdarmitiglifevitree in eommunity,are calculated to shock all 0 5 Ewer feelings of human. nature.: difraculty bad existed foe some tom, betweeriLtwaslLtiab'r,, who resides abo et East ( of .Troy Borough., a v d the 'tater{ inernbers-or his !atheist familyAitife,, .i.,abtirt..distance...frotn,}him.. --On. -Sunda; trierning,jast, the 12th ~instanti,Lettieleri his hStise,:'apd waa paisinethreakll, afiat belung ing io, Mr. C. C. Pelee; eppOsite th e residence -or Porns Barret; VhO'trBB4stand. ing in or