The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 23, 1851, Image 4
'lR4q:tew: ac*ooaat. THITASDAY, OCTOBER 23;161. aIIEtILLITIODZ. • [From the Daily :fate.] . The Preachingi.oftWhititeld. , _ 1 130.1-ons 3. , mblin Is. •_. . • ' . The era mars -ea by - the Preaching of this ~extraordinary min, was one of the most wonderful and illastrious, perhaps, with which the writhes ever been favored, en lightened, and &domed, ; I From the day' of his embarkation for ' America in December 1737, until his death nt Newburyport in 1770, bis fame as "the • Prince of Preachers," increased dally, nay I (Italy. - - • Whether on S . hiPaiatird; itinong file slaves of Georgia, the imbidare And statesmen of England, tho.tasnufactureis t et Manchester, the merchantptices,of New Turk, the stur dy yeomanry of New Hampshire, or the strolling players.of Leidesletsliire or Moor `fields, he was\ thdliame eloquent expolider of Ditine truth, the same winning and persuasive disciple, the ;same winked, zeal .us and heroic Min. Nailing could deter hint from his darling eriteiPrize—the' sale vation of souls. -The yeomanry' of England tneimeed him, the boothplayers and moun tebanks of Hatiapton ..Common devised nohemes to interrupt and disdninfit him. Men, at the cornaieneement of his disetior ses, settively a sound could' be heard of his erect, yet manly , dad comnaanding Voice. llis - impassionedgesturei betokened the ri : log fervor, his whole fianie seemed to par take of the zeatand ene.rgY of his heart. Thousatitis attended his - preachiti„,m. Upon occasion, at Gloucestershire, 'he preach .. , eel to twelve thousand attentive hearers. and at his farewell sermon delivered- at Boston i-t October, 17.19, ,his audianceSuumbared almost twenty thotisand. • Airing seasons of great Silt pourings of Divine .Graee, he preached dully. His rust effective sermons were delivered at *ix in the meriting, o Monday,..,Tuesday, Wetincsdarand—Thu shay, 'of successive weeks. i. In ;his;progress and itineration tiireugh . Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, anti the colmsnies nu the Atlantic seaboard, it was his custiona to gather the. people in the fields and on the wharves, and: there pivaelr to .:oun the love of his Lard , and 11Iaster.-- 1 lis voice rose with the dignity of his Sub ject, heaved - like the ocean, was clear and tiets:ca!, and iinpressed hearts_as much by if., lively .symplionies,as its seething rebukes '3.iii thrilling =pings. 1 " His ceaseless labors greatly impaired his health and caused his followers much alarm; but lie says in a letter to James Henry, " Cl4i - st's latmers must live by mirieles for Gni onlyknows what 1 daily endure, end yet the pu pit es my cure." His was the preaching at earnest affec ting love. ,_ _ The rugged wayfarer loved to attend it, the sea- to s sed . mariner bent t o 1 i catch a syllable of his rich - and •holy elo tpuine, i e, , the enervated slaves of Georgia Hs- 1 trued w ith attention skin to inspiration to' ' .-very sermon which be preached. The de eire,and love of hearing him was never sat iated by gratification : and seemed to in- .trease, rather thaii decrease, by every new, impoly,r Hume, the• infidel, was asked his .pininn ;of Whitfield's preaching, His re-: -ply was; 7ip is worth while to go twenty voila CO, bear hitn," and the recited the fol- Ile iag `passage of:a cerrnon delivered in his presence, as an evidence thereof. "The arteittlant angel is just about to leave the threshold and ascend to heaven, aid shall lie ascend , and not bear.with 'him =the news of one sinner among, all this Multitude. re- , r!aiinedlirm the error of his Nyays ? Stop l ere you enter the cored, portal!, and yet ' carry with yen the news of one sinner enn verted to God.' The power of tie, Holy 1 - i Spirit evidently necompanied the , irord preaehe f il. 'Strange and ludielrous scenes, instead of,Confusing, oily fureishing point. and beauty to his eletrant and nidGterly ap peals. i The players 'of' I\l°6i-fields, who through along serios of years:lad erected togitfis for their exhibitions during the ho liday seusat, felt a great diminution oftbeii• iirdis on ace - Dont of the preaching of "li'llitfle;ld, in afield adjacent., They em played a recruiting sergent with drums, to pass• throng!' the assemblage, And _thereby create diseriler. But Whitfield 'preached laden and louder, until the ,players and letrlecildn's broke -up in confusinn, and left the'preacher arid his hearers to the quiet and seclusion ',they coveted: Whitfield saysteterring t',l) this occasion; -'I received, 1• belieie, a thou'and notes froth' persons o ode r ennvietion, and soon after upwards 4" three bemired were received into the Socie - ty. in 'one day." His preaching was delightful yet effectual, and yet - no show of tfeete'tion or'conscious pre-eminence, ti t her 'Oral orinteleetual, marked the deliv ery •of his message. His voioe by its sweet nnd'geptle ;intonations, added power and ffeet tn the words uttered. 'llis gestures were orantifur and _beautiful, his manner .iignified yet pleaSant. Christ and him eruclued was hisloveliest, most eudeariti; T Ileitie., GeThoiaorelhim in, his glorims ersd iinmermi.mission, inasmuch as he hon ored Christ. - r , i Thci Svroril mid the Mess. • Thefollowing , beautirul etti iliaact; ilhistra 'ling powerf ul manner the mivantige!= ..r priniine to mankind., it; froinan essay by T hi.inas Carlyle; in the "British Review,' ..tuliliaited . ikettrV twenty -years ; agn, - whn noel writer clothed hiaidee in plaial.:4lih,:lind • worts; could hp nid without in Weight - 11M. the mystariei 4 I'..tallecendentillism ' Tauter a le had hushed budding . tlyfunlid _of seventy - thOuSand human ttultr, and was , seen standing at the gate of :J)innaseusi glittering his_stoel, with"his . .shoulder, - till Kts I.9sts filed out w nevictories and new ear -I,dl,ti..;tlio—p-ailtiolier On night have fancied I , 4ut: : usiure.was in. let _death throes, for and, , disßuirhad taken phssossioa of rt:,o eUrtia - -414 sat) of maahbool.seemod set. -blood.— Tit it might-he <in ir hot :very,galsd4 Tarierlaie, thats iii- ~ i le.l l Ote4vits_'444.l•llglkitlePiaige the str e ets tletii ; wkoielist-Orywas tuartiin'poitant ,thg,..1:4: 4 1-vranty. T amer anes. - 7.litratu,•witt; his:shaggy,detuons of the wit , : ' . l)isr.Vd itray like whirl*ind,to . fie,oo74tottp!l Prever ;• and -that German at riPin ;hns *Ought, -s t 'be,rlie:fit, Whisittis - yet `Win 1 - • _ cpuiitiuo to vanitself,: trigs bed tbreugh all OtteS;:„ .. i;WlititOire, the . ,ecnititiesticfid expeditioni of the''Ott.le CO tinintlen kiaf e.ipta us,' , froni Witltreti ',the = Peri-. ttylesi te;',.tirtpuleon. 13etiepar*,CoMpared With - the4f_ittevable types,:of itatist ly is is a mortifying thing; for your conqueror to - reflect bow perishable isi the metal with mhicb,lic,ltatuniere . trithSnoli • violettee ; iron , 'the ttied::Qarth ;mill soon ithrortd;_np hia bloody footprini4 . and all'that la.acheived 'find :01etl . togetbef tivill,lie like 114 own - Canvass city of a eamp.-=,7this all 'struckanti few earth:" itits . .and heapis:Cf 1 straw.' V.orAtere; as alWays, it-continues true that:the deepest fete° Is lira stillear4 tbrit,.. as In the , table, the Milt , :shining. of the suit - shall accomplishe whit the .fierce blustering of .the .tem pest in, vain es aged. Abovetill, iris ; ever tti - keep: in mind that, ant - by tizaterigi, brit by metal pincer are Men and their netions . 'governed NO :'rolling of d, urns, no tramp of .squadrons, if; itittueas at able. tumult of higgagewagolC attendits ninVernentS, 'what 'n6nieure and setitieS• teed places may the head be Meditating which is tine day to be crowned With f more than impciial mullet ityl ftir kings and ern perers will, be anincg'- its Ministering cants; it will roll tint .over but, in heads—and , with. these 'solitary of ideas, and• with belie& the world, e its will! tin4t may I route whenNapoleen . himself be betted 4110W11 for. his lait's than his_hattleS, and the! victory of Waterloo - proe less, ettinentu- 1 1 our than the opening of tbeirst mechanics' Institute.? - '• - • ,:7 - Snivilizatior.• Whithersoever we go,..ire meet ttith the' sniveller. He stops us at - the cornerof the street to entrust us withitis opinion. lle tears tlitit the morals and intelligence of th 6 people are-destroyed by rhaelt,citouo some rogue to office. , 'He fills - us, i just before church, that the laSt sermon of sotne tratts eeMdentrapreaelter hns given the death-blow to religion, and that the -waves of atheism and the clouds of pantheism are to deluge and darken the --In time or-general health. lie speaksof the p estilence that is to ThMmaireannot be an "hour, late; but the prattles of railroad Mmidents and seam.- boat disasters. • His , fears that his friend, ,Who was married p-sterday; a,bank rapt in a year. 'Whinaperi over the trials which he then will' haie to, endure. Ho is' ridden With' everlasting liiglk-mare, and emits an eternal wail. :-ReAlessness is a bad quality, and so - is Wind and extras- ;Twit hope; - hut neither . is Se degrading as inglorious and ineetive ,dcspair. We iAtject to the sniveller, because he presents the anomaly ,of a being who-- ha s the power ' emotion . without possessing life. His insiji hi languor is worse than tumid stkength.- 13ettcr that a Man should rant [Mari whine; The roan- who has no bonwling and buoy ant feelings in him; whose ,elik.k•• never flushes at - anticipated good y *hose Weed never tittgleS and fires at the . cantetnpliiiioti . ao a noble aini,,.wbe has no inaPiration; and to treat ohj , ct in life, is, only fit-. forl the hospital or , band-box. :Beterprise, "crittfi-' (tience - a disposition to believe that good Can e be dene,'an indisposition to, believe that: all good has - been: . dune—thpse constitntelm pqrtant -eh:meets itt the Character of eVery man who is of use' to the world.. ',We-o'mA no wailing and whimpering about the settee of happiness, but a sturdy 'tleiermi :lntim to abate misery.--'-Straday Glpbe: Boys that ,are philosripirers at sit Years of bge; are generally blookhe.titt' . at twenty one. •By for - Clog enildren; you got 2.0 into-their beads 'that they . .becopi4 - crAtikeil in order to hold IL ';'.— OztiUz. ' . 4 ,. j ' [Neu rJer..9.—eimatizin64 Etiite;al.:Morns, Perinirrirrria. All PlAllachlplealanks part Dank of U. States - • 33 Bail: of tllles ter county Do - of Dean:3le. ' • ptr lin Delaware county. do's Do or Germantown • do Do of ettyst•org • 3i :Do of 311 . 331et0wn - Do ofliontgomery co. poi ' Do ofliortloiroher'tul 'Do of Pittsbm7, Do of Susq. 'eo. Ca:liFt , • Newark, . - EiSiabetittotst andNetv Brun:quicg, Stvvez Trenton It'ngrompany 'par union, barer . • 1 4 . . - - - All City' Par .llbany Vity Albany Exchange" 'par Atluntir,.l3rooklyn . , do A tlap,l.ll3m ZO' nark Albany i - America" P.rn4poit 5 0 . " Ctannlerce Chambersburg • N; C-olumbiabkabeblgeio. per. Doylestown - ' do: Easton : - Exeltnn;7o Exchange, Itollitlayegb' Farm .11neksmwnty par. Far: Sc Dror., • Wayne g, 3i 1 I.nneastrr -par , Farmers. Item Eng ..• - deg Farm.. Schuylkill cO: df, Franklin . • A I. Ilarrialawg , . 14; llnnesdalo • -;j Lancmler - Fart Lancaateren., Lebanon • , .do! Mannfae. Miners, Pottarillo pari. Monongahela. West . urzurA, Par/ Wyoming , par York ltnuEr Notes • _ P.luLtac. i-ts • - olleata . . • 'do "I :" nt Coriiing 10 " par " Pawling • ' par 11,,utidont do ..` Epi-inga —1: X Brooklyn, , - par Canal,-Albany !i !Vattsktli., j ,par Contravrcial, - All'an,y, • do 0 . FRV.21. ,far.e‘l Baralo;clcßing i erdt.arauzuf! co. b.... roiled 'ERty.ll!affalo.• ` • 'failed ibutcheFa county, pike , par Erie county .. - , . 50 Fortocra'i Malone , . cloaca • " •-• IVOrwiclr. . do o. . . /5 .4 . Gaiucs ' do " • Sencea co. Flom Ec Dror, Somers par Farm., Orktqc co. Calais• - 10 Itlercantito Westbrook MI solve:art banks .111ew Pig twzmllaire. Allsolvent banks - ; ill • Peun Yan . closed iffa m ileon bk. ' - ': .. failed ighlaad, Nentarg .. . - par .llltulson River ' - : do • Kinderli.o - ok ' '. ' '-'' do ',II ingstoo . ' -‘ , _ do ;trip:qtr.:burg, ' • ,ii .ILockport .B.fel'r . co . . - par ildanufaers, plater -failed Illerch.,Ponglikeerie... :par 31.1,111: at 'feel.; Troy A' Ntia..Y. Parat,AlbSlli„ - • U inollaivic - ti:: Y. Stata;Albany ' iraelfic,liiklya , , . .• _par powell...Ncialsurg . ~ - ' • 40.. PoughkeePoio . . - par Piattsvina 1 .;.. ..' par Saratoir.s. Bpriaga ' r. '... - g Saratoga county , 1 ,34' St.: Lam-rellee - ,- i .. failed - .Statea Island . . Jailed State bk. of N. Y.: ..- fara'l SelleAestaily . ;, ' .1 ..If Tanners, calla . : , ; ; par aro,' : , .., - .; . . - 1 par ilroy -city: : ', .' _ .v llnion.llutfalo .' . • failed Cl,ster.ranntr .. : - ':..par AValterlbl!s ' . . tilted Ifsterrleit - '" :.- closed tWestellesltrronnfy - - par ill. other banks' - - • :: - - f -,'- Ye rtli - ' All POlTeat banks - :Ilay.a.ciittsetts.• All 130iVeZt. bauUs ' ,111.:olie lioland: Hamilton -.., .. co sale' 2111 solvent batiks - ..* 1 , Caintsectistit: Bridgeport Bank • .4 City, New Haven - 4 Connectieut.3fridgeport X Coun. Hirer 11t.g.. Co. '-.4 Danlntry,Norwelh i- i 4 E4o.3.laddam - - -. 4 Exchange, Hartford. .i 4 Fairfield Co. . .4', ,Farm la Biel& .. - i )f Hartford, - i i i .4 1 Trcna,lfilla Vintigo ' - 34 Jewett City . ... . ~ - ~ iii.. Mechanics, : , ,T errllaviiia .?..‘ Beretta:its, Nl:Teich . , -...ii itlichliesex C 0... ~-;: ; - , if i Middiletoun _ Z s; i,, .4 i.i . ..iiii .41 New liven, . ' ... . -: ,-' .4 licalia.vgn,,C 6, ‘ ..' -:- X Now L'etisitha„".i., '; ' i , ' : T i Flornia:flartford I, : - `,.', . X 1 quineboug,Nerwiett '-,'„"''-il - Stamford • i i - i i; ' ii"..41 Stontagion' ' ' ' ' - K. 'Mottles. Norwich ; . - Vi Thoinpson . . . .- ' , • .' 4 I/lam:lca. ~. ..' - -... ) i r intl, New Undikti ' " '• ...41 iVbalifer.,NewLeudon:' Xi Windham, . • -1.- i -.-- <Mi r :mantilla= co. Brooltlyif -3,i' _,... .ikievir,JA..r,ey. - -- Belvidere : . '-, Burlington county 'i , par Commercial,Pelth Am: - —, Cninlmland .. - ~. I=4 partners or ii..pnie* 7 .do l nu= ei,.:ilech. - Tintaiar,:...Xl j FOrm.nOl.Mtichaiits "do' Mechanics, iluelingtok „1 , -Po.. ..'.. Newark, . ,':b Meth: Meeli. 01=1,:7.11=1<iit f f Ifoostkiragec Ins,c,o: ' A Atorix epu!itr . .:, ,_ .. _ .N , .." ~.. ' - ..X Peivbeir,Vatte;sco. ' -- • Delluivarp , - - ;Allsolrefit-ticinict ' • Mat ,(lamberlavd Mbryiniod • 4 . • Britt:then . -14- ' Pot: 87. - Pent , • = th' iFaideriek eovitity • [lavrr de larac.c: . .. 4 failed I 1100revivrit 1. 4 ; 410 .1 41 .' Mineral • 4 gal FlAiry - trAslilAgion coigintr , Wenultugter irtatern All ot'ller . banks. • ,D5.0.C0l eiliibila•• • A 4 600:it:bank" Vtrel Win." ', Meigninlpft't Another Bunks - • •":N • • 611 sol Tot butts . , =2= VII18 . 2:M116171.1411) " rotnastis.n cards, Tanis :ass juiturintitt . er:_ Chase: ' ,AND P*OpRIETOII,O, -, • fit 111t1S.—Osz DOLLAR per ms annum, cash in advance, or Ave dollm if not paid Until tho end of the year, ortime of subseription. No pape; Will be OiscOutioned-until nicentsges; we paid, except nt ths'..s - ptio - n of the Publishers. Alt communications must be POST PAID wire ceive intention, • •--- • • --.-• • - • Allrettere :connected with the °thee, ihould,be direeti , d:to S. B. di; E„l3. CHASM, Afontroile , ICO4 - Eaitois' o.Ttce over M. C. Tyler's Store. ; . RATES Oi'Aea'l7 • • - *I !One agnate, 19.1iues or less,. -.• Each subsequent iusertrj Or.Et square;3 mouths, ~ 6 mouths; 13usinees oros, 4 line's or lel 'Veortk Advertifemeitto, - not . 1 'Ono coluom,,one year, ~ Yearly , Ativertieeo will be eiiiess in wl!iehthey!nre eng, 1:0"' Tho• k'oblishers, hayin of Job Printing 'Marials, at( all kinds of JOB %%ORK wi pat Ob. 'V BLANKS -4,- "every d. on hand, or "wild to order. tiTgO _ DR. JASIES B' Medicines .Paints Di Dyt Church and Pine sticets„opp Greiit Pend" - - DIrOCK, .morns`Odle Turupiko arrest Coo door treat of the old iteglete Printing ()Mee, tilou trosoYa. • - - • • tRUEDELLi_ - ATTORNEY' AT LAW, dreat Bend. Pa.!-LO:fice tnitli col:F.Lusk; PETER DECK .11, ESQ. jjAVING becnimialitioil by Go • Fish,of !iewTork, Colllll.llFSiotler for tbat Sta cto take the procland acknottledgenici.t of Beede and o her inattlituctati will attend to nosiness cullt,in that. c parity. ut hie office at Brett Bend. Ba: Sept-111 : 16'a , •, ATTORNEY, A Tunkhannocie, Pa, qjrce in . • bit Li. Ni. 6 ifictE. - RFSIDENCEin 'the ,liouse , St, erly We residence al Samuel 0 Mk, demised. . i Ilarfortl. December 23. '1,8:0* --- . . - , i it, it. ;0* P. , 1 k LIVERY AND EXCIIANGEBTABLE utrose; D'erm'a. • ' - E. E. -.Si. S. - 13. EASE, ATTOI-1,11 ET. AT . AIONTROSE, PA. (Office over Tyler's Store.) 7- 308 A. CONLTDON I~tALEn t% MARTILI; VON MIENTS, T..YB STON'ng. TA. net, itc. Between the eintl Bridge tad enurt Court 110 1 /0, COUrt ot, Vinghan tan, T. Ca*3-IJ. WhitneY TraTehug Agent. 27 ant lt j : "man, us, D BT•000 S, G.IIOO.r.ItIV)I3OTS An 5.110 ES 7 Secreirif,.Notiotisl;,:4c 7 , firept Beild,4nne 20th..18.51. 26 tf . 2 : 01 . 45; BOOT AND-SHOEMAKER Ec REPAIRER, (s-. 0 0 c?v,7r A. 13:L1.1v:rites S Co=i-h7.6i.a15 TSFiIaTZ;g\T • SHAVING. -&. HAIR. DRESSING SALOON Searie's Buildidg nest door' o Post Oflite, Montrose, Pa. . 1851 LURK.-1- DK HOITOE, 1851 .. • Greitt Bend; - re nn , a. AddisoniEryantlitprietor.: - . QTAi.ES ihisqviste, Tfulli . (for afferent pointi, an the arrival differiftt Tram., or cam AlFo, Lis •ry Teams furnlFl,cd hy!Mr. 111.Tria4sdeli, at 'short notice and terms which cannel fail to Futt. N. B.—A eoterill cattinge nib cOnvty guests to and frrna the ea:s.-4Z ; • • Dealer Sn Praes, 3ledieiner, CI. eicietas, pints, Can - Thine, Fluid, hat Cps. Dye stuftsj,Grorcttis.Pry grwds .11nnio ate, stoneware, Glassware. Cif...el:B. Watcher'. Jew elry, spcon. , , spectacles, hlntical Instruments. Trusses, Med!Cal Instruments. ;donors, perfnmery.- Mirrors, eta, tiontry,lnuAnts, shoes, Tanked Notions, &c. 11Cntrcse, ; 134 Iy MMltilill The , People's Friend T. T. PONWS4,of Ithaca, N.V. P4I:ID - zsranynn ..I : ND HEALING Eiin acr,—An Eitnte from the shinb called Witch-hazel, and purely from .thzt with the exceptioa of a little Alt`9boito ;preserve lt. ' Itivill cure all total palm and ittliamations; old sores, fresh wounds andbrufses, Plles,and all - diseases; of the bowehoJa chronic n iture, toothcache, car-ache and an eicellent rem dy forletuales, ' It la truly what it pro fe sser to be t Prople s Friend! Providence bat , scattered Mow , the raved paths ofllfe manythings thatcontributegr'eatly to the comfort and happlai'ks of every body; hence their great Value, and welt may they he called..friends uftbePeople •.•• • • One wurd bele tapiardagainst imposition Ainan by the name, peneer, has manufattUred and effered . for gilt , a spuriout , article celled the .COrytt Extract,—that would be estruct of the hazel-nut:rthe, genuine is as whiteast4aß, pnreas Water, while the.parions article le eoloredNlieb wial•lms the publitto - tllstltuitlsh: Nooe.teuelni,buqhosemarked l'ond'iTaluDestroyer W31.E.. I raTi3ll,..l.lontrose, and store-keepers and rue ..:ene-denlero avnerallY,Anents - . . 7 ' TO' ITER:AFFLIOTER,.-. 113 1 P , EBY ce , Or).that._in the,iprii* 1550. ; told and . Yazoo Itiroti Lae. Which restittcti In the comet, o f thf Summer and Failirt Ptemonary IContnmplinn. My PhYsicians i met: of rtrlinenev and OFIU. part• me by as 111. encaliie.- I t het senfaunl of Abel Turret!: Drug , Olvt. Bc.. Illomrose,.p,i.; a bottle, of Brant'a purifying extract," for which; I paid oneclniloand by. the use of thlsbue bottle.l wan restored to perfvet health: " I now r joy gond health.:. , . ? MARY Franklin, naq'a. Co.. Pa., July 2011.1651: 8. The above .ptitifyin , ;cx.t.-aet' and alga "Ilrarda pulmonary flalbita" Oath unrivalled lathe cure orPul. 'Loamy - ilStoutrOpc, Sept, 4.; issl. - • I% .- ~ . .: ''Furs! , Esax•s! - •. , it ASH paid for Fov; 4 ink, Mmikiat. Ma tin and V Coon ebiio. by . , - - . : - Ati .. C. TY ER. i t. Ilfontrose, Dec.. 19,1859. ~.: 1 ' . :-. - ' _ ir - - VlPlRE.LongEtinitle,P,almettee,in, Ldjilata Dto IN Grail colon, at- 1 . ' ' 1 . ' "TUE .I.VS. ALT by - the bbl. !cal at E O co LOrGfl.s and Scrapers for rale bye• - .LYONfi r k. CIIANDLEIL ; yalirstrualient p•rerfuiiery-ia I • . • ; ,•• TURREI4 S. DRASS kettlo! fresh. raisitiP, figs,-.herring. ijitharkerel, codfish. and Cniop ligte for "sale by . , . C. TYLER- t. AGOOD stock of Boots and shoes-st - , - • D. R. L and Co and Linseed Od.i,aints; a `good as ). snitment -at. , .; •-' and Co: funognodlconlin ii:Crni.7 7 3ge forp lu we; anJ angina. -"..; • U MILLS I%lontrose, Jun.l3. 1E3511 - 9fin more nfilmie Orange eq. tin pa no and all nfiin at, TTLER's. . . eNTLFNEN wishing to buy Cloths; auttabir ninter T- clx4hltscrill do Ineato tall nt"- - - .10 - annnVa. (1060,1 EXT and Mackerel at V. Ocn.ber2l3: • - . J. wirin.L; Take • . • - A,Lj. persouti iiide . btedto old - Orni. - 0tT,.4. ,IJoyderi;ari;t : !equeeted to.e . ell, and settle the came Cu it ties become necessary to have all weft claim& arren7;ed • : •• • • • The 0 1 34 Piet es! holy he 'pinta with, the eitttielitteroi the", itore'of Itoyden 4- Lillie., • ; • TRACY HAYVEN; iste 25;'51.;1.1tf. =;' •, in Ann' ISS: WOOL; ted on recount. vg ) v og to exchange cog Cloth" or ogher Giolis."‘iiitlg.iiine rash inixed . in ingintroie; :Pdait !Or. ; ,M I :C. 'TYLER. BNTUk ofoaia. 10.00,Iish - 4;;1' &Ye 'incf,.COrn .for the ..hiehtlri pricevill be paid in ,dash or tit bv - ' ' 4 CLOCKS;;WATCHES,JEWEgtY • - ....„: , S•rgotice of.netbov4l , ' • , - I - : '-' To. thelin habitants a . Susquehanna Co. • ,3 . lk. 6 biglntim (late) pupil of tither Igor (Patentee ot the rack lever escapenenn) pod detteised lever wrap. 1 went maker, icritobart ltoskell of List , Et Litertnio', te. cently with ill erste . Itentley & licarr:•of this 'place end , until this announcement occupying , a par, of. Mr. ' Abel Turrel's Store. Grateful for tbe out ounded cutildence I reposed. Does beseby give notice that in consequence of the aforesaid Able 'Put 's conduct has lett - ids 01,1 I stand tas before advert! d etthe same time Wures # Ibis very numerous' mist thathe hat re , connection I with, neitherwill he be a . erable for any n'tuches Jew city ocidhef propeitY delivered at Mr. Abel Turrellit Store for repairs or othersiso - ''...' Montrose, Main et., opposite.' Democrat" elite..' Fi „ lshPatent Lever ate es - - ..i 4E ,-. . T UE Subic.riber has this day received from tire 51anaufae. . ; ".• , tory, another lot of his superior .-' gz -i. « ' English Geyer Watchts,of d,ffer eat sizes and styles, in sliver rt. d 1',. 4 ''''',.; ( Gold cases;fniljeweled, and plain \ $1 ' - . ,: ' Those persons wi shim; a good -i,.. „ e,'". 4 41.„,' lime-keeper at hover prices than .6j...k...„..;,...they can obtain thent, elsewhere. ' ore invited to call and examine , thertoas the subscriber can with 'cot. fidenee warrant them superior loony Watches ever offered for salein this county . . ALFRED J. EVANS. ..- Blechamton, Anu.l2, 'M. • ~ 'Washington tit.' Q MAIM wa re..-A full assortment ofSliver PorkS, , prams OCrennte'rs,'sugar and salt shovels, .I'l3 , u , t i tc , r i k t n , I , , , es t , r .4 ei c t . for iale by - . • .A. J. EVANS. • Aug; 14, 1851. ILTISING. easertions, $lOO - I- 125 . . 4.00 vet, 4 squerptt. 7 00 •:. - 30 et. restricted tO the be., a large assortment, prepared tcr execute lY neatness laud des - - - , . .. , ... Spoons. , .. 1 A LARGE stock of extra fine Albata .table and tea ' spoons, Drittanta-ware, wire stengthenatable and tea spoons, buff table and tea arenas. Alto, sliver. sib lir plated, German silver spoons, etc., ate.. Just rev Wed and selling law for the quality, at . TVIIIIELVS:- ' Mordiuse,JUly 3, I.S.:il:' .: ' Vilitt IKIIG . TA - '... .-• ThaTebcen encouraged by the eery liberal patronage I received, toll up my shop with the largext and best an P ortnnint of gnats errs Yet„, brought. to this marketl— Inlt may hotound everything helongi ng to a Jewelry and fancy store, 6 biz:Clucks "t• VII at eh es. °revery demi ' , Gen. Burning VI uld,parlantal gnat non Lamoa, whielt at this time fa the Mat thing In nice for a good and cheap licht. Yon ran find them only at' - , .lltUE'li. L scriptiou cdastantli 6 . Ind& OtIKS; • tlcaler in: Drugs, 31antrote, November 2141850 . ' . -- FASHIONABLE WELRY Vli Fubscrilierhns this day received on assortment of IT rich goods. of latt month's importation fern oonsisting of flue gold enamelled hunting Levers and ',opines, Pearl and Garnetitreastpins and rarftintts to match, Silk and , Dead . work bags; beautiful Funs for Partied- Diamond. Baby, and Pearl.Plimer Rings, Brace let, Geld Sleeve , Buttons., s o me beautiful Cuff, 70ns. Fit-. rte - Nagkin DMus, &ct, to which he would Invite the at tent on of his frittuds. • A. J. DUNS. Binghamton. Sept. 3 '5l. WAchesl Watches 1 OLD and rnlicr, Lever and Lenin& full jeweled and t 7 large•aasortmeut at the very lowest prices and warranted. Bin*hanxton Oct 14. 't.s(l. - CANPiELTO Watches,. Jewelry &c MHE übscriber has received an addition to -stock-of Jewelry, coneistino• of Gold • Foh•and Guard Chains, Lockets, riipre? Rinzs, Ear Rind, Breast Pine. ilver Chains, Gold Thimbles. Gold Pencils and Pens, &e., &e. to which he would in vite the attention of his friends. X.J. EVAN, Binahnniton,•March 3, 'Washington qt T LAM: "rk's firick Row 567 Pieces.t. Desert.Creara unt MustardSiionnr,SaltandSm:nrßhox els.Forks•&c.,En.Lrarelgratis. at L. CANFIELD'S. ILrE It Spoons. Forks and liuirce,warranted the best manufactured In America, at - TRUE'S . rptir.inst of tho 11 dos. 20aClocksis gone but more o I thnanme sort Is on the way to Ten e'sJeirelry.hop. CLeCKS, 44 various patterus, received, thi day, and &reale cheap Lv '• • • BENTLEY- & READ. VINgER RINGS--A • new and splendid ns JL sortment just received and for fed. (therm by . _ IV. D. TROWURTDOE. The Richest . • cIELECTIONot Breastpins. Earrings and Finger Rings Meyer offered In Bi.natramtnn, by' A. J. F,V.4 VITATCHES tind other jewelry ha qoautitiev I ; to sub. purchasers by-. W. D. TiIOWBIIIIIGE. Gold Lockets. CirNGLrand Double of every e!ze,by 1 ' 1 rti neoin ton. , A. 4. EVANS. Weoliinztnn-ct flOtn WATCltES.perret. time keepers: Also side. LT . Nntebes. all quattitieg. A:J. rms:s. ;CAW supply of JEWELRY. nod - WWoiii forcush, TURRELL'B: „Jan: 1; 18.51. • • • i __ . ....._ . . . . : Gold Chains - . r ocKETs, Thimbles, Speck!, Pen and Pencil Caren • a 1.4 a full aseortrnent at . L. - CA NFIELD'S, 211 L LLEN'S plernlvers, double an d Pi ' ll ale shanters.Ther, mnmeters. Carpet Ilsgs. Umbrellas. sin] it great ra rietv ofnotinne just reeetred by BEN'ILEY ci• I:EAD. CLIFF -FINS, breast Pins, Ear rings and tlii - er rinis just rec'd. ' A. J. EVANS. Aug. 13., , ______• rIINGEIL EINGS.—Famt, very prat h v ,,rtex.RFreceive4 .1' this mart - dug Irani tin. 3tatmfa , tory, by. ,I3lngberuton ; June 9, 1561. 26 tf d.J. EVANS . A NEW bi'east ping received tbis day by J. EVANS. • Binaliamban. June 0,1651. - 26 tf GOLD andillver WatcheP,Kii V erTabloaea: D esoer tan fait Spoons ettvl agenoralusortment of Jewelry iII;NTLEY :& ILEA T orS, an ii sorts ofliotions, at MORE of thote . goyi Poet Anises at - E'ept.lB s 113p1.• " TUT.II. ELLS iloops,thelate st tyleou ta t • , TRUE'S -• , Tetrcleum of Rock A NAVAL. %L remedy procured, from a well in Alit 11gheny ceuniy. 'Fair hundred eet deep ' Put up and sold by 5-31. 'Canal Basin, Pittsburg); Pa. It Is put .upitibottleijurt as it Howe from the well without admixture of any kind. Allye that ere afflicted READI. READ!! Rheumatism yields to the power of the Petroleum. d voice Item LuterneCo., Union tp., duty 9th,18 , 41. -Mr. Kier.;-Dear - air, allow me as a stranai r , to inn gretulatcyou as the Ede proprietor of an invaluable, celledPetroletun or Rock on, which is destined ere long to take the piaci of all great medieines:' Many person Pin this neighborhood have tried the Petrol' , um in anumber °fusses curing mostotthem and proving highly bsnet cult iu all.. I leave tested it in coughs; colds rheumatism, teller. sprains, Mid swelling; for rheuthatlem I think it irf &Certain 'cure.- )1 wife boo been afflicted 'with' the Itheumr.twm 'f , tr Sorer pearl , and never. xeuld get any thing to relieve her, In Met File tried eirrything.and no thing Wouldrio her any good until she tried your Petro leum audit has relieved her entirely: for my part think it fs the greatest pain - killer now in use; Yours &c.. .Anothe, letter from Lucerne eb., rerommenhing the Pc•eoletint : Bustle ITavtx, July 7th, lf.:11. 3ir. Mtn—Dear take great pleasure In .certi t Wog to the vytues of yourgreat ,atural med eine - called tbe.Petroleum or Rock Oil, uldenis certainly a great miilicine. I truielit on&dozeo of your agent when he vrasahrog, here last fall. I tested Ii toil number-of cases,- and found It to Trove good. I alto tested it in a care of tetter and found it very beiledcial. 'I would like very much to have another boa of it, for I dunat like to be aithoutit. Respectfully yours, . -.7. OAMFMEI.L. A voice from Susquehanna co., ceitifyingio the erica—, ey ofthe Petroleum.' •- DM:DAFT, June sth. 7831., 1 Mr. S N.ltire— , Dror sir:—Altow te. ecrtifyto the virtues olyour nature' medicinecalled Petroleum nrßocl4 !Oil. I bad been afflicted with the Rheumatism for soat,, time: Yaw In Wilkoharre last summer and got. aI:44J tie from your Agent 'when he. was along there, cured me perfectly. shave since seen MI , steel In differ.' eat cases ofrinumatlftm, and (Mind it giverellef In 411: - Very respectfullj•yeang." • ..• . .7,ISIESIIAMILTON , TIINKIILDNOcK, July 12t,h M --- r. S. M. KrunDear Jlir- .Allow to certify to the ;virtue of Your greet naturalinedicine culled Petroleum' Rock Oil, which I believe is a good, medicine.' I have been-afliieted with Neuralgia. pain In the nerves for the Mat tea years, and. never could get anything me: In fact I tried almOst everything and nothing mold do me any good'untll I tried . your Petroleum.lshlch hm.4 relieved me cry much; I. have also tested it. In borne,' sealdta. cud brulFes It tail , alway.. r.,lvenrelleila a very shorttime I think it Is the gr :Meat pain killer riow in •. Noy respectfully _ . .. . Call gadget - a eiranlar from tbeaarne. whialagivaa A fall deseription of It. par .ale by BENTLEICa• IttLiD. Sold .wholPsitre by ILA nit/s, HA Ls, .54 -Ca, /i o .2n/ u 4 rket st:reet, Philadelphia. . ..- ~. , ,-. ' - '. --. , '.,2911.... 4 8 0:I F 2- c E g;; D u'y i.. rn tL r r in 6 a Ct i l e"o 4l m l ; canderhisca re, no matter how long stein Eivarn atz ere„ Invited to his Private Itoonia, 39 North SEVENTII et:, Phila..-without fear c r interrerptinn by other patients. Strange's and others who have been tro: fortunateirlthescitetionor rt physician arc intrited‘to whWhavelikitrred them, sciverhy scattary:vite - titan Ann Iltimeoy =The afflicted :oronlcl;aft - weli to retlect: before trusting their lcaltb, bappinerr, and in :min-yearn thel r in; the ban do of ohYsinlan rant Of this Mar fa( niainflice; ;le certainly impoarible forCifie Mon to onnorrtatitl thilth , the human afirubject Every - resprctobbqbyettion her Mope- Citlitibranch ,in which ho .10 ',niore rucceittal ban bin brober Miffersofai and ;to Mr devotee most OMB time and study..• , • . Ira If a 'or mi cildi f n;chiriveirdeeoterf firthn - cloak nod treatment of dirca Fre of tbesennalorkane, togcther witlitlecro upon - thichntly. throat. uoie,`Orieimmaiirritt the head'rimer:Mercurial ihenrontirm: etricturri, govel,,lrregnifi,itire.n.iseare trete Yorifilet ea. &r ea wimp nritienottho blood. *thereby - the;constlttt iba"ri Inintecomo: enfeebled, enables the !Motor to-blyei tisirfei tintiFY toAll'srtni 'may plaeri. - themanic,Ms: urt4 VET Bunting Fluid for sale iry . • - - . •-.- : O. tTLEII; . . Some Very Fine TIIO . B,;ELLI9, , . . `Zeorgszi - G Pride : :: . .-• : ral realcinerern Tro,yy Vitra, runi-Albany, a Jingo uortnant • • . •• as a,•' - Pnidatv and fillin4o Staves; for wood or coal emlancing all the towesteuld best pat. terns which - Will heiolil rite anosrfavorab tir erms " The Farmer's Steveis prob. bly, all things Conti& ered, On hest 'largo ckven stove that iimade in America and will bet sold at the - • • • . People's 'Exchange. as low as they con behonght•thie side - of - North Eleer. .Wavtre euw • receiving u bnu assortment of eisirattet ovens. In kliort the west festelions can be suited With anything in the Hee 'orsroves; pipe, erninnnings:': • ultra,: tl, August :2,1851. - • stovEp!..sT6qs!! rinlE subscribers htvingontered- Into co-partnership - J. In the Stove, Tin and sheet Iron business are pre pored to attend teeny orders in their line at the shor ten notice Tiny flutter themselves thatht giving striet attention to business and low plea., Ow tiny will hare a reasonable 'share of public pint enage. Their ti.S.ortrueut ofidoves is good, having the latest end most Improved patterns. among which ore the I , olvtides or , Vialcart-4a stove which took the. first Premium at. the State Fair at liyracuse In 18.50.. E--0 'Forest. Queen; Forest Quemienlarged;' Key stone Air Tight.. Phoenix, do do t .Preinium • . Parlor stoves—for coal or wpm'', , All kin ds of Tin were. sten e zinc and tin tubes., kept on hantl44old at pricm , that wilt eult. 'All kinds a tirodueo taken in payment und easb not refused. 0 pproltollie old store of-Mills ondli tiapp; wEnstER, • Montrose, July 10, • 28 ly SQos Vince, and ripe. rEY Stone State Air Tight cooking anise, lor burning wood or cos!, in use. Rough cud Ready double oven cooking. stov Elevated - 'do dO-• do (lb Premium do do Victoria • do : do . do do Empire State do do Clinton Air Tight do ~ do , Sizes and kinds of Parlor Stoves for:wood coal. 4 :Sizes of -6 plate Stoves. ` COI and Wood Stoves for shops, school houses' the 14 : st in use. . . • Copper, brass. tin andiron stove ware. Ilussia, English and American Stove Pipe. - Stone, tuhr , s, for sale by . the 100, doz., or single, at the Eagle Foundry Depot. • - WILS ON Montrase, Nov. 26,'50:` 'EAGII FOUNDRY I Warw: 14toni .in 'Lyons 4. . Long Building. ,• A. general itortiiietit of Cooking; Parlor„ Shop and Coal Stoves, Store pipe, Elbows, Zinc,Sheet Iron, Copper, Brass,Wire, Bar - Iron, sail Rods, round &square Cast Steel all sizes, round: 4- Square • • Iron, all sizes, Side ill • • Green Sward, _Excelsior; Genesee WOrsterPlows,Straw Cut- • • ters.:Curn Shellers,S'aw Arbors, Morticing Machines, Milt Cranks, Balance Wheels,-Pots, Disk Kettles, Spi, ders,r Tea Kettles; Waffle Irons, Um. brella Stands,Pumps, Lead Pipe, . , Shingle Machines, Scrapers, Sleigh Shoes,..TaCk . Screws,4c. All kinds of Castings on hind or made to order— :llse, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware on hand, or Mackie order. • WILSON & CO. -Montrose:Nov. 5,1856. Sprout's Combined Carriage Springs. VIOFFERING MIS :Much celebrated Spring to the public tho Subscribersrospectfully solicit a euudid examination as io its merits. As for its . superioritY over all , other springs, let " those w 1.... have tested tbetn,.bear witness, and the subscri hers are willing to, abide by the decision. It has been catefully,examilied by, men of science, and by them cheerfully recommended to the public.— A carriage can be built with thinesprings cheap ; lbs. lighter,, more durable and for ease it is DM equalled by any springs note in cse. All Springs warmitted. 'Manufactured by - SPROUT, BURROWS, &CO., ". Elk .Lake, Sustfa.; County, Pu:—L. B. & ./1 SPROUT. 274 f. Stove; Inman Cop :: -, Ware - •- - ..... VIE subscribers ...ace . just purchased a large I stock of ov!.s, - :Tin and Copper Ware, which they offer to ate public as cheap as the cheapest. - - - • ... - .1); FLLITLI itop : , Moutrose,.Dec:lo, 1859. - • The best STOVE out i• HE Keyetone Mute Air-tight . , Cooking :Stove, I , muntifact*d . und, for !ale by ,W u_soN & co. . . . . . .• i .I..scoriii - • The t .p,.., .1. , .. i g.i - E P. - ' . illontrose and Lanesboro',".. , . A.ltt now receiving a large and, splen4itl assortment of II Goods, which willbe sold cheap for ensit. 4 11 thitifigs.6ilirtinga3cliingr, Batting, W,ailding,.Dril 'lnca, Cotton iind IVoolen ' Yarn, :Calvet and Knitting Yarn, Broad cloths and .Cassinierra, Carpets and Carpet Bags, Trunks. Biacy,Bluen.pd Green Umbrcilas,Japzul'il Wore, Cr ...Miry and Glass ~Ware, ilardware, ecc.— . ~ .., .. GR OCE Mt -. 6: -.. Crusned.pulveilsed and N 0. S agar!, Colic°, iiltlasses, Mack and G rc-rt Tp6.lf, Pork, Alackerel i tiudilsh, Candles, BOOKS 4" S ER . Weniereceiving a la-geasiot tin int otali hin tl st,ilgehoo . itookr.(Englisli, Latin, Frvnch t Greek and German) bki. tstoriesOliscellatieous Work - S, 31.11 Iva! Stooks, Caids, Tissue ittnlNeta' Pape', ece: - ./ce," Those.. n %Cunt of!ooksandStationeryaSll pletui . e . ..giv . ivi a' oat as Fe ntend sell ' , bean for cash:, :4701eTS. AND. IRON,IVARE...,. - . . Cooking, Parlor. Shop and Cant Stores. Pipe,' Elbows, Stove WareiTran Scrapers, Plows, Corn shellers, straw. acute 5,1.4,17P/data, Lanesbnps'... • .. • • '. PORK; SA LT FLOUR, by the bbl. er ot h erwite—e miles by tite.hoz.or Nana, less, Pahiti And ON. .• . . S'ARS4PARILLAJ • Old Dr. Jaebb'e.4. t'',Totswend, 4 g, arid S'and'rmirna. patina —75 cen taper- bdtt le. LYONStr. CLIANDLER. Montrose ;indL neslioro',Nciv.7,lBso: Blatehly's TitEsdhscrihe tv r °aid inform bliCfriends nail,the pnh lio, that he is -now mon nracturine the celebrated fl icuLY Pr.ows at the old otand' of I). Poet: Side MS-1. /don; Wayne On'..,Lieluif-too county, and Skinners Eddy pions arm ilarthics on.hand Repairing drme on abort notice. Raving made an arrangement - with amn chinht,horspieparedtomakeandtltup moat kinds Or inaChl nary on short notice willon reasonable ti.rtno. ll.ntro.e.lichruary 17.1851: • ' 11. MILLS, , A good oceond band cooking otor . e,pioo o Eccd /Ivy cal It ter,l'or visto,thettpur • ounnEL es . . strscturmAlarA ACADEIT'ir. rhst. term of thn i • erond - ynor of the Inotitiithiti —l. - • will commence Malf rtinenday..the Intl, cloy ofSei tember, lust. 4 ander the immediote Up? r!wion of Nt'ISAA.O Principal: . . , °it Vtiffi)Et LTiceptrers t • • with CoMinetent itissistant Ipstructons..,' . The sits - tits 6.11. of Mr. It ay, on naldlir.lent nnd one ceseful Teacher nml !Wel niinarlan. furnlth thy-Trustees with the agotranne that theinstitntloneinno . t Mil o ILS !inanagnment to affect tbo higheft expectations and whl3.-• les °fits P Irani. • • • • A rranXementa.ll/111 be MaiP fer.tlie comfortable eseam rapdation et pupils. ISione ntireaa, , . The .tiviles erthe Prissier Department. $2,60 ticitemi The Common Drenehes OrtheAcadenlic Depattmelit. ' = &AD The nigher branches: 'of the Academia illepertnient;- - , GPO: u .... The etndieleftht.Dleigel raiDepirlment-; Latin, Oreek ono french. ulth..thore" ' - _.ortheAcadmidealDepertmettt,lnerhole :Slush! with rise et Piano,- : 4 .. Draaingand Painting,. ape " - German ' - - -NWptipil - will be admitted tor lets than - a tem unless by special anmagernent made with the Principal; - - A dedudion srili be Madeln the Mils In mice alisence owacconut oteteknees etude weeka r dnrettort ot more. JESSUP, RS'e.4l4l-at- R. J.Nivitr,Ser e y - i, ' - liontrose.gept - 1,1851. - UA/ 1 0 1 QAMP.,REfO n t &° - ALBAI'IT & BUFFALO :- -." ziesst . ..totir, :ilefie;:.. - cay.o tn:4. , ..00. , , : giudiiiiiiiinit *ail “ostokosienetic F . :'' , ':!!--" ..'-:•-atidlehytiga Lith'es, - -.---,,, - IVERYBOD I". S', MARKET - LINE' ! I T i ga i t it t ri c i t u . i i b : r zal a t r ti e :;o7 . 4 . , , ,..p u a r „ ol,, , t -o : .. v .c ,: i : v . _. pita ? trx , l 'Buffalo, &Mica, it vtavia, Itergew;lteehettar;.Oananthill f ba, Geneva, Breetten, 0 vidj Luai, Datttlee, handing, 4 ,1 !? ,- ereen, jjalfall3, Alliipottp Oorseheinlei earning', %noire 1 !,- Fectoryroille,Spring Portiltedder's rerry ,'lt urot a i Itha:' i ea, Candor,,owegu, Utilon;-.llingbaunton Great Bend Laneebtvo', Depotit; and Itancoeit, every dayi in the weele ( (Sunday. ex eeptett) and continue with rep iarity t brung . 'out theeeabou. They will attend to foiwarding the tame' to the New York Maris et ; whereit vrilivitevive the person%i I attention otexperieucedialesmen,who will - attend to! ',he selling of the entue, and return tbo proceeclein Bank-, I.blefuuthist elthecorthe above poltrts, to the 191 lowing: 1 erSOllll. - NS lindfalo,StozehoWse ofllettryDaw•Attlet., lleuretlyford; Ilatasia,SterehoutrofLuelusk.timitt6 lergen ' • Storehouse of Daniel McPherson; Rochester} ;tore of Fairbanks & Eldredge; Canandagua, °Mee &; 14alterAlorenranl".Geneva,;(13.awrence; Dresden Store muse i.;f Whitney tollotiell; osid,Fergusoi& Sin ague odi Dundee Lai:Wing, torchouse of T. Tuthill & Co.' leßerson, °Mee of E. o,NoriOn on the . 'Pier, ifitsani Itlicu nt J. P. Phones . ; Millport: ;tore ofJ. Stull; florae' Clerictr., office of.). A; Ferrell ;.'Cornintr, *tore of Win. J: Arnold; •Elmira,:storehouSe of• Thurman tr.:lnghrinn,! 'Factory's-111e, store .of Cbarlei 11. thepbeid; Redder','! perry;_ Aurora, slid* alt.& G. P.Morgan ; Itbacuoto of P. D. Drake; :Candor. stare of B.llatagerl Oweguo; Ace otNathaniel Ells; Dillon, store of C N. -Wheeler' Binghamton, office of James Sisk: Great Bend, office a. F. Churchill; Lonethoro';sffee of It A. IV ; -Deposit' store of Ensign &Dean; Hancock. store of Allison &' :Reeves. •, JA St. .11inglittmtort, L? 1V :VL.R'IIITNF.Y, Dresden, „. GEO. MONELL,- do. I • - : ' NATHANIEL EIJ" Owego - -AGENTEt.—ltuffaln, Henry Daw ; Attica, Thomas:Sp: ford; niouvia, Leielus A. Smith: Tlerzevi,DanientePher, ROD • Rochester, Fairbanks 'Eldridge* Cana Mingua,,l Wal ' terCorcoran; slice LawroW , s; ' Ocid,'Fergusen sprllgnicl Lodi; :Il:undo. Es.nding, Tuthill &'Co.; Jef ferson.ll.,o Nortop; Havana, F. Pholps; Millport, J. Eton; iforseliends, J. A. Ferrell; Corning, Win. J. Ar. nold;' Elmira. Thurman & inghram ; Vactoryville,C U.. 'Pheoberd; Antrorajf. & Morgan . Ithaca, P. It. Drake ; ltnrager; Union, C. N. Wheeler; Great Benel;F :Churehil I; Lariesbern'. R.A. Ward; De nosit,Ensign & Doan; Iran toCk & Reeves. . _ Capt. James Sp 71114uDerlotond the business thrtingtLont the 'hole no. and receive and till all orders for • . ~. . , Gracf*ei ea. iFirnit -., Olith. Oixtcre, &c.''L &c WWI, will be borty,bt at ilte.loweo wholesale prices ha New York, and forwarded 10 any of pa aboie - named Depute, .. .. New Stage Arrangement at Great . . Bend. , ITE two Daily Linea or • Stages from . areal Dea d to T.Moutrme will horeaflar leave •he It nilrend ilerf ?of C. Smith in the immediate vicinity of the Depot, 0401. own : At 4A. M nod 0 on the arrival of the Rail road trains from 'aw York. punning through New Milfcrd to Montrose. whence a Doll lire xriti. Inc. unesion. therewith tn.Sprimrcillo Tookbannockanil , WilkePliarre another via. N rholson; Factoryvilta. Abington Ceptre; PrOTldenciaddllydo Tark to . Scruntonio.tthere - plarcs 'MN. aloof:the Roe of the Lepgets Gap Railroad.) Re, turnma, the stag o' leaves .S era n t miin at 4A`Ping throughlhe'abare places to Mon troselwhenci the lines leave In thne to roach thN.Great Rend Depot berate the traiof . Abia:aDnity line , leavei Smith.'s Railway (.01 on the anionic f the nooti'trath from the Wept 5. r.Carbotoble via. Summersvilinew'Milford, Moller& tenozand Dun. duff. . • • TRUESDELL 4: CO. ' Great Beath Jan.'22-1651: tf , lISCELLANgoUS ADVERTI.O':§ Diew Goods, ITAYDPr& LITTLE'S stock of Ne*Goods bairn arrived, comprising n complete more mein of. Dry. Goods, Groberies;Jiardware; :Rove Pipe Zinc, :Nails,• Glass, Sash. Wooden Ware Drugs. and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fish, Floor Alsb a. first, rate lot and good assortment of Ready Made- Clothing, of 11111108 l all descriptions. Roots and Shoes,. Hats, [Cps awl - Bonnets and almost everything," usually found in a country Store. - . - Oar Gooos MUM be sold, and atoll be, at the very lon,st possible prices.: Our friends are invi ted to cull and look of our stock. - • • Produce of .must nil kinds, wanted in exchang e . for the subscribers, - • lIAYDE.N & LITTLE ',caw Mitfard May hit ' - BU BRITT has now in itore.'a new and choke se. 13 election of Dry Goods; including a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goads, Crape and °the summer Shawls, Silk Mantillas, Parasols. French Lace. Fancy Straw and- Leghorn Bonnets; a beautiful assortment Of ilorinet Ribbon, Flowers end Trimmings of new styles, Black' Silk and Laces. for MantillaS.Botinetalk, black Lace Veils, Broad Cloth. Fanny Ca_4sinteres, Ceilings and . summer Cloths, i_nrpet Bags, Trunk Nails ' Boots and Shoes;PgintedWitalow .shades, tlarpeting,llata,=Caps, - &c., with: a largo and general assortment of !lard Ware, Crozkery, Iron. :I rocerms, P.tints.Medielnes, 4 4 ili,StGfell afro' which will be sold, at the lowest price; and on the most roasonable terms. N It. Ne,irly all kindi of produce wanted-Socks in particular, and r the highest p , i4e In Cub paidfor Wool., Flour and Salt constantly , on :coml. New Milford, May, '2-.l', T YCOMI NG County Insuraua• - 9 uniiny—:: I—/ The onder,:ignetl , Ug'ent for this well kdown end len established institution respectinlly inforirs the public that he will,recuive applications for in. surance riainst loss or derange bytire to,Buitaings Goods; Furniture, B. IL Lroriu, Ageiut. •Mont•ose. Apr. 9,,''.51.1 • tf •- • . TOLIN GROPES, the well , ttnetvn 'Tailorfitts ng,Uht mud hisuplivaintjett in lAlontreve to op erute iu the übove nutned:huviness nt the diamond directly oyer Lathrop's illy to storp,,aud . would. again tender his services to thO public, mid olicits their putrOnage. • . " Makin.* and.eutiitia done in the mast, appravrd style of the age, and dono;on the shortest uotienas usual: Alpntroie, Feb. 12; MAILS, 3 to 40 Peony NatlNFloor and Flaf Aing Nails. 1, 'Montrose, 00y,13.• , . LYONS& eRAN.131612..'.• ZiNTEE CUILICANTs, Camphor Gum,: Pepporaartre Ntistars.l,,Letter.Pap et, 2iff it.w.,lllacklm: and I.lru , ho* 4.4. c., for 4alehy . - N. LIVLLA ILD. liVfikcaTtx . • 4VNAt a".,4 14. aat eIFP receire4 n tpir stock of spring and Annum er ;fleas t the ate; e 6f Jl - .1 Wk.llll. J — - - - tsr receiVc4 a fresh supply of 011 s. Varnish, Glue, Tin {rare &c. at . % •. " TuntzsaAvs: Nbi , ,V orLudies Rubbero; Atigliabv,•&. Rubtiere;Pluib cam &c.,just.rvceived by , '`-; • llENTtgir Cash-tor Woe:: • cron Ms Wool ornhtetl for - Which - tht , highest =teat 1 price. lb Rash Neni 11.111141.Jugola.48.51: LOLD Pell - otidvt;AteltiSint twitters 01.istF.r ull urid best qiialiiirs foritile by .;, , •e, • . • • / - D TROWIntriME.. New Things !UST received bT thesubier,ibet.Sogar.Coffoe.Tobaono .1 Salt, hroad Cloth, Shouting, Batting. Waddlttg,ko,i atid tic 6,1,1 as I.lsr nt4 the:l:l7W 1, gOntroio,Sep t. 19, 16504 j '•_;11 , FLOUR and suit •fay sule Ur • - • &:CO.• • Itarper's iNew , ' , Moab -Nag ' azifio• TI:ARPER'S New ninthly 'Magazine - Wasik} JLL, invariably on the firet iiuy Montiviii which it la tinted,: 'EaelOintribee ivillcontaiu 144 octavo pages, in'dottblaeOlurults reech year thus commixing nearly two theasend pag,ea attire eroi. seat I%iileelleneane Literutirerof the .Every Number will contain rmie - ions. Pictorial liltislrp'+' tiona, accurate• Plates the Fashiuna, - a - eepiona Chronicle Of Cuirent"Evvrc tindlintiataar Nati ! ces of the itiip - ortani bunks of tile Meath.. The 'ael nmeei,_cdritmelice•with.o4 flambe' ri for Jiine - raid D,o,•iotHr. • - ';, , • ••- •-• Tmt•sts —The •Migazioe May, be obtainetl from Beektiellers:•Periodieal Agents, or from the Pu b ,:, Ili.heris et THREE DOLEIRS n year,i- or_ TWai.iy: Fiv e CENt8 4 111 number. The semi-annual Vol- inner, as comitteti.d, neatly beutl in cloth, at Two Dollurs,tir the Afuslin covers 111 twetityfive ten to each': are furnished by the Agelits or Publishers.' The Publishers will supply Specimen numbers tratuitously-to'Agefits and Postniasters, make libertil arrangements with.theirt 'for nirculml flog the Maitnitte. They' will also supply on Tiber it 'Mail and City suhserilidri, when parnentleMaild to theM 1p advance.' Nitre bets from the •"coinmencerneut c nn:b ' e supplied pt any time: • - r • • - '• • " :Thn , MakFiiine oyirtuiven antruid ores eight ounces. '--Thm . peittaie on each number' to any postatnee thmeonitY, whieh - nmat 6d tiaid quarteity lit adennee; cents: 11A111 1 4ER & fißo77lEliSc h3w 671frotreet; New Voris: - 1 , •. ' I OLOTHING. BOOKS, 1100 T8 1 it r..100..i.P.,—,------*- • --- - ------------- ~. ---- _...° • . y, Notice to the Public , Ne Smut/n(101c Pali and Winter treads I. Great One Price Store of at 1 - L. S. LENIIEI3I, firctitt terend s PA, inoS teave to take this opportunity of teader.„ l a D sluevTe thanks to his friends and customen t.', ,r,,, generous patronage they hare estroded to hia ;;;; a t the g4mo time Inform theta that he has just '„,'„' from New York with a very large and cholee selea,,%"4: !Fancy and Staple !try Good,. Also acres and et::: r sireastrortment of Greceries,Provirmas, Buot s soett""' IHata and Caps, Hardware, Crockery. rite...Drom" Medicines, which will be soh! for cash and prorieti, p, I.erys.alladrance, at prices which defy all cosopehr,;; , FlouriPork,Fish,Saltovhoirsaleaudretail,...tta„,- also remark that he a ibexes strictly to the sport te'., ways 0 ming, the lowest price at prist. thereby ta,,,1, r eatue advantage to all who may favor him with their 14 ' • In .."agC, Bend. Clothing Store, . The largest, best and theariest tissertment of Rad, Made Clothing In the Village of Great Bond, Pa., h aat . 1 etotha„Daa smar,Cassituen 0 and Testings of all qtar t ; r sultabietrir the f ail and Winter Tradorwhich lie Om? !such pfieres as to la tisfy any one that Oils,' the No" `r them to d•al. In cons eauence of the great lmes/eel ta I fluorine?. lie has been obliged togrt enlergeka,od. 1 which hi no,* offers to his friends ltdth e pate ~,,, .... am Mat len.contirTen t that'll An tioing th ey villtai,,Z . I, t hi ng t, O their 4dvittitup, Tin:subscriber has las e „, I augments to namowthettire clothing in all Its va., ' french he and Is now prepared tosell the same %mu. e,il to hear inspection. Custom work aud eatia t e c . li ot the latest style and shortest notiee,all kin la 0 tm s „ I brs'trimmings furnished and for sale, Bonet form, 1 spot • B tore, nea rip op pwrite 11mM/tuition House '” i Great rend, Sept., /S5O. 'L. S LlNlllik, A Fresh Stock of Clothing. INF liars and Cope, (spring fashion)Geut 1., Ladles kt ' by th eil °l t Ylr al ln a° °4 l a e ns a d u h a " n e t '? t a yis °, ball AntiCLulttrdera'll.4%; mad Bard er, In k 6, Pict ere:land Picture Frames, kr,t, Fancy Stationery, Fishing Tackle, A£ just reeeired tat for sale at small profits forready pay, and ready peee,d, April 7,1851. • GEO. WO LLEt,' New and popuar i , oh — oorlifoE C°4ll;tallitEc.:7tible.Er wEa"a"ttralt'f:llgEolflgtlllsll El SHED PERSONS, to 'which is appateled an erltotev HEST HEN MYTHOLOGY, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL ASTRON. 1- OMY "and PHYSIOLOGY:' Adopted and used in the Publlcsehools of Pidlsk r ,th, - B. S. JONES & Co;, l'ublither a S. W.Xor. Fonrth and Ru e sts,hii, Teachers and school Committees Addy rsing 'rum to no post paid, will be furnished with cirpies for erusbis. tine. A full and complete ;reser tment of Books Mad hi unary Orate at the Lowest Perm'• , lt,St i?Tehonse - -. .. I;:ats and Caps ~ A new itvply and gond assortment) • --.,- .11lookii. i . !A general assortment_ of deka)! Books, embradtx et. cry . r rarlCty need In the FebOols and A embeds, daunt, l out.thisreadon. Bibles, a great variety—Sunday nboal L Ilnoks—ltank Account Books-. Pare and Itlrramic l Books, and a large assortment of illi , irel'arentis Burke. I WALL PA l'E It —tt, new supply of neat patterns ;bin.' ieelved. , Cap and Letter Planar, of the first q unq, the Beatn'or quire. .Staple. and Faurya Statirem. a I ; good assartrnent' Inks ; Inkstands. Slate 'Pentia.lts ferriltallls,l'ens; Matches, Condni.Thbing Tatkle,rn. l' vats, Men's Seeks. Suspenders,.Ftdrf,x 6 t e ,; , .. . • SwigOr, -co ff ee kind Tea - 8 i A Itmnll Otork. but. first qualify. Those who snot t ~,,003 articleoff:lack Tea, aa well at llyson, pedtp 10 Well to give raca call. Ak Few Trunks i - For Salo. 0:7- 0, a door below Judge Tyler's. 1 , Montrose, June 19,1551. :GEO.EULEEL S CEEO OL BOOBS. ItGENERAL assottrneut of claool Bookas6a!e• sale_ or /auto by --LYON CHANDLER. Montrose. Nov. ! I Wool arding,iCloth, Dresskg, .0 Cloth or &lame' on Sllsrarea. TTIE subscriber wobld annopnce to the public. title continn4 the above business gable old stand in Cid. lord township; 'one-half mile above - Ilcslla's 31114nit,1 'miles. N..rth of Dundaff. and fur the accommodatod his friends and the public. he till leech.. end rest loth, d e.. at ltlessrs..E': . 11.. Wells lc Co.. and Gera Cones stareg in the borough of Dundefl,and all IrPlin erlated to the subscriber shall be lode In worluut:b uwfunir and alair discount for rash. • .• 1 -, T. 31. USTICE. Clifford, August 21st ,lEZL , • 3411. ,nrifIadELLTVNEOJISADVERT I PT l SRO .I~ERY . S`fOßE.= ' Corner of Court and 1r ashigion el - trrE Fubitirlber takes pleasure hi :announcing to dt public, that is ,conscluenee of the liberal ratreug bestowed upon this ftrablishment the pact year, iota determined permanently, to Coutiritze'the bufinese Juan; hantton. - The stook compri' p ce•every ptyle end t:lrnelt ery In general tree,,for Table and Tone Wale, and will bt.E O l4 io setts or by the sitgle,artiele. Ake,' variety of 1 CHINA' . TEA'SE'It; DINNER I and Fancy atfieles, - inch asPruitlrzskets.Cardnob, Cologoepottles, Vaseti, d c„ toce , ber with a Iwo net d 42, W R A.: • consisting - or cut,- preset tal -1 plain Tttoablers, Goblets ; ifines. Decanters, haitEctl, apples. Pitchers, Candlesticks,. Lamp, fkedo Jars, Tincture nettles, Lamp Globes and tbirattrooltU sizes. Also constantly on band, an aseartmal of Spirit, Lard, Solar, and Cadapbene Lanips (draw 4oles, and nal ILmiterus Also a large lac: • LOOKING- , GLASSES, Window Shade. , ;Tea Trays, castors; Table Mato; pb. ted,tiorman direr and Brittonn a Table and tea men, Table Cattier', &a, all of which will be sold iffy iota Cacti. 'With incroas.,l facilities for business r ami, are. witting attention to'the - wanis of hip custemell,the ts• darsigned hopes to merit thrcontinued patronage dile 'community.. - - Y.L Or ERACR2,Agett. Binghamton, May 2441851. : 2:61 ASTROLOGY—llkEtlelebrated Dr-IC. W. ktoltafg, Profe,sor of Astrology, Astronomy, Phrenology. ad Getimtmey, combined with CONJURATION, from free den, omee No, TI LOCUST Street, Philadephis, des' services to the citizens of ;dontrose.. lie huleett consulted hy.all the et owned heads of Europe, mine jogs a higher .reputation as an Astiologer than tv ore Nativities caloulated according to Remarry- Ladies $O,. 0 el/SlM:ten st*., 'Persons ate ,dfstarre m have their nativities drawn . hy sending. the data of to ddy of their birth. AU le tets containing the atcrefre will receive immediate a t tent ton; Natiiities gentle of partofthe world written ou durZtilo, paper; atilt it prepared to make use of his by conjuration nal of the following Copies:-.-Courtshmadvicc given AIM succeslqiilactomplishmentota wealthy miniage,tebas the power to retleem etteh'as aril, ten: to the Unt hot tle;, and for all ca of hazard, and foie) etwerrey oft tote or lost property, and the, purchasing crictnlY t fah ata: •Th au , a int ()Dile abora named awl/Mho* dope in lids city and Its ty: nod In the United Fula the.funttalizfhzt/elzof ail. 10,000 Nallvltes or liner osenpes havo beencaSf during the last font Yeatilhle here. Letters-will answer every purpose, Atli' wiiideu well cafe call In person; and the mull is caw Foisafettst persons need not fear to:trust money throuCh - T Wel Open. Dr. Itahack recemea from soo to 1000 lona m on thly, and has neverm6seJl.ono. ~ All letters Mt be relinionsly attended toil' prepaid. , For - Tactical:a; all at thitpetucorat oLtlca and get rin Astrological Alums. C.HORACE. • Whithst. I.!est ycA O:rßepartientur to mention the TOstufilee..romity and State. •• - • :.! • ".• • 'll*/1 • • hew rrangement ! Extensive : Chair gfid Furniture .Esid - • !mend.- '" • , WM; W. S3fltt Go. have now, fully completti , their arrangements far lannuntelluing and tog Ing constantly od hand all and ovary kind of lloonta Furniture. mapufa et urt d out of the Ltrt hotalq; Mark Walnut. Maple. fkretyl. and tuber len be and in the best nit') most durable manner., Aral' th tirtleles Which tu,ey intend to keep on hind , ol fell to order.are lalsogany, flack Walnut, Chrtry, ara platturea ..514 e Boards. Ferro tar it s. Foot: Ca ors; Clll trd, Card. Pfaraiodot heiaabl ;,F ,of WTI VS deb' Sofas, Settees:l;oone, Ottcrrane. der. •Iltdtirst ofal I kinds OW sty ha. made of Mahogany, Dlrik Fif nut. C4144 , y, and 31aple- , ' • ' - ALSO—,,MaboganyAllitek Walnut,Curl and - Ihmer Maplozand Fancy rhairs, of aro,' varieti Bud &Pit' tioni nldgh tkeylharc non on hand. and.intend total a constant supply. Any article desired alllbe supped no a few days notleo. • . • As the subscribers hare Oft eti been x,licited to etslistt tbelrbusinca4 and to open an establishtnenf of the in font wpieti quid fupply avert' iatidtY ala s " kohl Fur:Word. awl Soso the trouble of nudist Nth , eithai for RIICII artfelei. they haply to meet :with yutrOn ti4ll6crouritgemcnt. - - - Itiollll.l,lllllllllll9if . . Notice.- = riEffni.igpao.APlPlr has en . dlfsolrea 11 121 . 11 ' ' al eptusenC. . • AVM M . M. IVA. !MO trrie, , • -DISSOLUTION: ile l ! nitl Cartaetylitit • brritatee existielf, 'mitt fit name mut *pit , ot Latca &. EATON. Is this dsittisrol! . ed 6Y tont ust collier] t.. Alt ;indobted:iwill Otos ut .Without attn.*, • 4 ' ' -• • • LAN& : bo N t i , , u u n ,.- 41 W 'r i lt t e h m u at , r es . k aV in it , e a cti t u e n h t o s n a l n d f-1 5 bo tawi lit$,O rta bri , si t lint it Ili cotitintle eat_ry an'tbebfistiassiasd seU at areatty rednetalptlaes,‘- - - -H. F. Ealg ej Ilatfattl, , Auft.2Bt6,lB.ll. , ' , • - 3111'; Water cure. ,„, Mount Prospept Water tiure Ertabheetn , — , Binghamton Proome Co., AY, 'l 7 : establidoswit del Ightfhlly leeatrd th. ba l of the mountain from which it takes its sew, sh intnands a delightful view 0f the Chewing ° " 4 uelianna rivers pith their rich RUG bee until rsillet. , The"Onre"is now open fer the reception and • malt of Patients.' The institute has been nteeenful securing the aid ofllr. . B Barrett,' Isle el,f 4 eir titildott ens, whose lung orperiencein Cydrepate, i y guarantee tolbe 'patrons of , this institution ibal bonbundently`rare4 ter, ittlietterai en runtesstanal bushiest must be ~..1 14. : drenred to Pr. lin:sett at the Cure. Ceratnun'' only allthelrecelved that are post pafte-ieu•,