The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 16, 1851, Image 4

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    , .41•1NN.12‘
, . •:- . tiIiEYTO .- -
, •,
Qn the taming ofille election, Mr. Tri
inmer,.orre`of the:candidates for the , office
of constable; in it tetio . Out west, said to his
confidential . aerving . -ntan; r... Y ou must keep
yOur'eyenopeo - 16-day,jerry. - .Always see
what's to be doneorid do it; Remember
that-the:anvil% eitnini•trotentay pui ire in- .
to oflia". ,-- And.: - ..ofe thing: in particular .' I
want- yOu• tn - :. bear in-,..ninad.: - - There'll be
sonte ape:relaying, and 'of course, 'll be
called:ort; so; the
_Roment- you' hear my
name, proposed, I wantyo u and your friends
to be ready With - thiee chats. .
Jerry. 11 ad a tble,k - skult, -- andltrairtirbut
after considerableneratehing of his cranium,
he brightened up and • said that lie under
stoed,his master perfectly, and that he mild
depend itponiiim.' - .
,• "That *4.4;4.7 ' said :Mr._ Trimmer.—
Yetilfrir`a ntaptd fellow, sometimes. Jerry :
but you can:, make yourself useful, :when
you tr.y. ° .....,,Naw di? Yenr - trork ;"and I'll re
vard-yeu.' And,. Jerty-;:DOn't (ergot the
tbrelinheers." ••••- '-^"
Thepells were opened. At_first, the
electienrwas dull business; but towards the
middle nfilin feretiourt the,. people began to
assemble and; enniiderable excitement was
rnisatl- ' The - whieh Mr Trimmer
belonged made the' Red-Tavern' their head
quarters. Liquor was drank in the bar
room, and speeches 'made on the steps, all
for the public good. Mr. T.iumter's purse
was opened, and so \ was his Mouth. He
treated the crowd to ' ad liquor and worse
barrangnes; while Jerry at the same time
was making himself useful. Affairs pros
pered favorably, when, atter e; number, of
nppeebes had been made from the door steps
soalebody, called for Trimmer !" . I
:"Triturnerr Triminer I"-echoed dial
Now was the critical moment. The can-
dilate or constable had done his shitie of
talking ;that day, but this ,was the first time
be had beet:nailed upon for a speech. fie
pressed ;throuzh the crowd, and reached
-the open space allotted to the speakers.
"Trimmer! Triminer '." cried a small boy
• aiomewh'pre in the,crowd.
.•; - Tttn:irderliowed: Jrninmer cast his eyes
about him , to see what had become ofJer
,47-;:',, , ',." •... :.- ,:.... _
••Ifere !" coughed the candidate, a little
diannncrte~.= C`
. T •
••Put';er through:" screamed the small
Trimmer lowed, and attempted a smile.
Ilut`loi bad =set his heed, on the three
.theers, and be needed them to encourage
him.T " .fter some _heiltation, howeier, he
„A' dela silence followed..,
dayqs ono—of immense
importance to the country
eyed, around' him
•r domo manifestation of aprobation.—
‘ll4Nr.: he trier, the: stupid= JerrY, in his
heart; for not breaking the embarrassing
s'fienee.iiiih,tumultuens applause I"
day, fellowAizens— ,
lilo Ins eat s ley the most,provoking
of speotaolo. erry and a companion were
•elhowing.tbeli way through the cried, tow=
.arch the speaker.
• •Ti-ir4u.s room ;"stied Jerry. "Out of
'the way; bend! Let to pass 1"
Ratritig:attractedfthe popular eye, and
-drawn Attention entirely from the epeaker
hicilself, eineiged,from the crowd with
:his companion, and
: placed directly under
the eyed of :the horrified. Mr. Trimmer a
.a stool and- two chairs.
, "Whit'dnee ibis Mean ?" whispered Mr.
'TriMmei, turning white, then flushing .very
"Wal," said Jerry, loud enough to be
beard by the crowd, "I couldn't do no bet
•ter. Mtn said you wanted three cheers,
• but wel coulden't get, two cheers and a
Up Went a Tear
. of laughter, and down
went `the ilisiiotreei•ted• aaidid The
c , nifusiqn was great, the-specchlKing was
at - an ancl„ and Jerry's mistake about the
cheers" defeated Trimmer's election.
UipoEdtiOn of bad Nails
: .The ipublic should. .be , on their guard
ste:aust the imposttion by worthless nails.
iron is Very cheap, and some kinds of rails
are offered at, very low - price, but they are
made of Artist- some call paddled liron e. n;
outethitig trona.; At any rate it is refuse
worthl4s.stuff, and never 'ought to be out
On e s . mining these :nails, cracks and
-emanate:ly be seen in them, and admitting
-wet into'all parts,•they rust as fast as thin
settles flout a sreith'S forge. It is not a
• )olig whilesinee .a correspondent informed
nathat the shingles were all blowing off
trim onU side ofs building. He found the
!mils gaVe way, - though 'the , shingles were
good, and:liad not been laid more tbau sev
en • years.
Furtriers are cheated quite enoughin the.
purchase of poot shingles., In twenty sears
they,are fared id put on a new coat when
nail'; are gOod., But to
,buy nails that
will not stand the weather more than a third
part of Oat time, -is what they have not
calenlo4d Upon. Arid it:is no wonder they,
'are disappointed._'..hive seen shingle
th 4 were not worth earrying home ass
present! - •
Our object is to warn puransers to et
-amine these . article, before they buy. It
will not require great skill to,.detect such
fraudulent manufacturing. Board nails are
111117 cuff' from iron; that will bend:s without
meakinir. We can show cut board nails
:here,that• have been put into links and
'forbid into a chain... Such nails will data
'nut iota stagings andylaccs where safety is
pr6per. caution is practised, the worth
:psx-nails will not find a market.—Mass.
Plogiltman. • "
gE7• 4 * BOB," tieid a yotnag oodfish4o his
f.ather'slpoitne 1 ,450,y0u nee tibia batoher'e
wav, , 6n ptoeo I - wouldn't: be
A,butott l er for.alLthe. world."
Bitid TPP , eitang his emP lO .9-
:;er'i sson from healtfo'ffiot:',',l had a plagus
: i aight rather beihn hatcher than a
Father;! 'Mud; si" sporting yout h
t • ns I Pred parent .4`4,bny say trent will
'60 ..
no Well,': well," wane') con 1
iv reply, "mind youriark,and then you'll
surtAty Wont bitSynxt.' -
liln' :DitEMAir.
1110Li$11411 EVERY Tuuenuiv 6,1011,A1NG
_ ,
3; B, ar. - Ell3.
_Einro k e AND raortuirims.
TEltlllB.--Patt nomatt• AND Irir CENT, per
anutup l ca s h ip advance, or two donate if not paid
until tite end of the year, or tisne of subscription.
Na paper will Ms discontinued until, arrearagen
aer paid, except of the optionof the Eublishers.
All communications mutst be roar rata to re
ceive attention. , _
Alt kttera connected ivilh.Me office, shouldbe
directed to S.ll. 4k, EIJI. Cuktc, gnitra se ; Stag.
. -
Q„. Editors' office over M. C. Tylei's §tore:
One equate, (lit linos Or icser,).3 insertions, $lOO
Each subsequent insertion, - • 25
One square, 3 mouths, . 2 50
. 6 'numbs, , 4 00
Business ends, 4 lines or lese, 3 OU
Yearly Advertiseinents, not:over 4 squares. 7.00
Ode - column, one year, - - "- 30. 00
• Yearly ArNertisers will be ....stricted to the bu
sittees in which, they. are engaged.
02! The Publishers, having a large assartritent
ot.J Printing Materials. are prepared to execute
all - kinds of. JO B.WORG.. with neatness and des
pateh.-., •
4 e * BLANkS Of. every description
hand, or. pridi fi 10 order. • . _ .
• -
srgagetaTO r .4, ; CZAZTitligOr .
rhyoician and t,itiigeou. - and.deutic in Drugs
Medicines, Paints Oils, Dyr., &c. moor o
Churnli and Pine eireeti, opposite Cal. F. Look's
Great , 11..1i,', Pc.
Larne vat earar. ' Oflice na Tucupike street
dmn , vest of the old. /tegtetCr Printing take, Aiou
• - Dl. L. TItUESUELL, •
Griot Bead, Pa.—OS-Ice with Col. P. Lusk
LTA VISO h cen appointed by GOV' rish.of New Tork,na
111 a Comui rsioner rat that ;State td take the proof and
ncknualedgemeatpf Deeds andothti. instruments, win
attend to busmen callsin that capatity 1115 office at
covet !tend, l'a, ,Sept.lo,lSso ,
0r.,70:1477;n00,-; in Rti, 2 l-I:'s Nri~l: Ruhr
. ' UN - .' G. hi. lißriiil.E. - •
D FStDENCE Ist the house formerly the residence of
IL Samnel Guile:deceased.' •-. : . - -
Ilarford: DPeeniber 25c1850. ' , .
Iliontro;lse, Penn 9 a: -
MoNTßost:. PA.
(Office over. Tyler's Store.)
E. IL CHasx
ZEAVEIL IN 31/Lastmlloicr,teNia, T.:mn :TONES.
ra,n,l, &c. Between-the eons) Brldgo and enure
Cunrt_hone Court et. Itingbniuttu, L. 1`;.7 - J. 0.
WhitnerTraveling Agent. • - _ .
, :=-0 - TVALD 011
Jewelry, Notions, Sc. • ;'.
fir,pe Bend.,.lnne 2011.1851.. .IN; tt
c. s.travicaTs.
Mop over A. IlahluirCf Saddlery Shop."
Searle's anilding next deur to iLe Post. Office,
Montroie; re. u 2tf '
1851. LUSILHOUBE, • . 1851
Great Bend Penult':
- Addison Bryant, t;roprietor,
Daily for naerent points,
on the mica' different Trains of Cars.-Alen, Liv
ery Teo.= furnished by Mr. M. Truesdell, at short notice
unit teintlSlttdeb tunnel flit to mitt. -
N. 11 .--LA covered carfwge comly guests to 'and
from tho cart --35 •
t.hel lurrell -
'Dealer in Dnus, A:l'llsta es, Chemicals, palate, Oils,
Camphine, tarn,.o32 l y e stnffs,CroecrhLDry goods
Ilaritirare, stoneware Gil. sswate, Clocks, Wstches. 3os
airy, spoons ' spretscles, Mimics). Instruments, - Trusses,
Medical Ins ' transents..Thquort; perfumery. Mitrors, sta
tionery,brinls,, shoos, ',Notions, ice.
Montrose, is 4ly
• -• •
The , People's Fria2d ..
T. T. PONDIA, of X
,N. •
from the shrukealled 'Witch-ha:el. and put 1 9 . fralo
that with theeserption of a little A leobolto preset veti•.
willeureall iocal pain-and,intioniations, old , Ka,
fresh wounds andhrulsei+, Piles. and all digeweo at the
chrunien,ture, tooth-ache, ear-ache nad L.
excellent rem. ily forfemale,
-:/tistruly what it professesto he, 'the People's rr.ientf!
Providence hasseattered along the rugl. , ,d paths I:iflite
manythings thattontribute greatly to the comfort and
happiness of every body; tenet their great value;; and
melt may they benalled'friemis of the People.' . •
One siurdlereioguard against imposition. A man by
the natnes.V.spencer, has manufactured and nd'errd for
sale a spurious article called the Cory?' F.:react: 7 4lml
ircadd be eltract of the hazel-nut:—ttne genuinels
whiteand as pure as water. while the spurious article is
colored, which enables the publlcto distinguish.
Nonevautne.but those marked Pond's , PainDeatioyer
Iral. N. 11.8TC11. Moiatrniii.i tnlatqakeiperp and me=
- 03 Ice-denten. rtnerally.Agentso, . ! • "
TIIEREBY codify that in the spring ar 1850.:a cold-and
conch come upon me, which resultrd in the emure of
the Summer and Fall In Pulmonary ConsnmPlion. 1 317
Physicians, met of eminence and sl,ill. case me up as in.
curable. 1 then sent and honaht of Abel Turret. Drug
gist, /cc.. Montrose. Pa:i a -bottle -of Brant's purifying
extriet," for which I paid one donee—and by the use of
this one bottle. I was restored- to .perfect health. 1 now.
enjoy good health. . • 31A1tY A. h3ITIV.
Franklin, Suso'a. Co.. Pa.. July V.0th,1551. .
N. B. The above “purifyln,; ext-aet" and also . ..Drente
pulmonary ilalmm'f.both unrivalled In the cure of Pal.
mommy Illseam,a) for sale by . ABEL TEEEELL.
3lontrose, Sept. 4, 1551:
nit% Furs
11.4.511 paid for Fos, Alink;MositiaLlitartin and
V . Coos skins, by . M. C. TYLER;"
°Wrong, Deo. J 9,1850. ' •
tkiiiiitiiniihnTvii;fitlmvt.tos, and plain V C Lan
eoncolors at - • ' • I ..17 . 1, ER's.
pit by the bbi. or loadit • - i -
• D.,R. L. &Co.
PLOUG LIS and Scrapers for p alely' -
SOAP Powders and Rat Plllpfor sale '
J 1 WE.LItY, Musical laatt a tttla ert otatr, .a t
MASS kettles, fits)) ruisius, figs, herring;
codfish. and 'Mika hats for salelay
, • , 111. C. I'YLER-,
A GOOD stuck of Bouts and shoes at .!
D.R. 7r and CO
11 - AT:HALE and Linseed Oil; Paints, a good as
-1,1 O. R. L and
WANTED—kitty Ll:megabit maim exchange
T fur plows and cartiuge., • _
- . B.'ll. MILLS.
Montrone, Jan. 6,1851. -
Orin inorear those Orange co. - tarpani and ad
,4Vliuthpr kiudii of thi al • -
fIENTLERIEN wishing to buy Cloths tuitablefor winter
U clothing will do well Wean at - tunas:We.
jr - ititikEll and Miikerelat
IJ Octribez2B, . •
ALL peesons iudebted to old 'fain of T IL
1-1. Hayden, are requested to call; and settle the
same us it has become Uremia:Cy to bria.alltsach
claims arranged immediatalyi; *-- -
The Books and Notes may be found ! B ritt ' il l&
subscriber, ut the store of Hayden .
-,Ne sl Milford. March.25.'51—1311..
10,000 . L ',"in s 'ell'ii,,q'elTgltact." l :llll ,
Gondol, with-1101130 cash- tiiixed in by
- Montnnin, May 29, '4l2'. ~M. C.,TYLEIt.,
111TAN — TED20p00 bushel of Pa% 10,1100 butt
11:ehrof -Rye and Corn for which the - highest
= - : AR. Co. -
c:! Ks. ;,IVATC111;;,.:, J 'I)7E.LRY
ereat Bargame I- -
4.rt CIE kilik trortld .
- . •.-IL to tho eithiena of 31outroou
• • and'oleinity,that he Booklet
-•• turnedfrom Knee Torn with dm
, largest, ilehestand best selected
' _., • • 2 , ?a , , t, atsortment of lit BA eta e oki
,t,t ite:B. Alitareb
„ e‘4l .7 * Adel. over betort Offered in Bing
emeaton. The Oar° goods were
• • •••••-•'. hofightfor oath, and wattle sold
e tließriest prioe,ind gracing' trarrantml as recum•
atended. • V. it -•Partielliarattontion paid to repairing
ail kitidaoe Watelmigtod Jewelry:. • - • .
Courtotreet, - n eaily oppooltetberhonditlotol.,
_Binghamton, OetandBso. • ••- tielsi •FIELD •
English •Patent Lever Watches
• • , • rrillE• Subscriber has this y
= t].] : received from) i thfs lianaufae,
tory, another lot ( his superior
.741, Euglialaiwer AVatchesof differ
-4 antglees andstylea, in shier- and
• Ooldenses,fullJeiveled,and plain
Those -pc=ons silsbing a good
t. „
. i,
e t f ,""Zt, time-keeper Wier prices than
• ` they can obtain t cut elsewhere,
aro invited to ea and examine
them. ea the. : eabScrlber can .with confidence warrant I
them superior teeny Watches ever offered ror Eakin this
tea pooni; Btittatua-natre, Wire stengthened table and
te r'poona, butt table and tea ernes. A,ir et o, titter , ell •
an plated, German diver spoens, etc, ete jorte. iced .
d selling low for the .quallty, at - • .:
Mantrap.. J nly 3. ISat. • _
- . -
Ih4vebeen A.
encouraged by the 'say liberal patronage
received, to fill up lay ebop with the hugest and beet
asrortment of goodNeveryet brought to this market—
tuft may befound everything belenging tri a Jewelry end
lbricystore,Odos.Cluekl,4•Watehes, ofevery description.
!turning Fluid, a:teleran:l. common Lamas' t which at this
timelsthobrstthing in use for a gust ard - cbeap licht.
lon can tly.d thetrvonly at TRUES. .
nontrore, November 20,155 n.
Tlll;subscriber has this day received an assortment of
very rich ponds:of . last - month's importation frcim
Paris, consisting of Ent, gold enamelled —711:11.07 h L e vers
and Lepines, Piatl and Garnet Itreistpint'andlar Rings
to match, Silk end Bead worn bags, beaUtiful Pans for
Ptulies , Dlamond,itutiy, and Pearl Finger Rings. Brace.
lets; hold Sleeve Butrans, some beautiful Oaf Pins, sil
NOPUIIa ite., 4 to which he would invite the af
ielnt on of hit triends: I Al. J. EVANS.
Binghamton, Sent. '6l; .
Watches! - Watches !
ilOttandSllver,Levae arid - Lei:lines fu l'jeweled and
.I plainotlargwassorttuent at the vet) lowestpriees
111natanitor,-0tt.'14.1850. . L. bANFIELD.
Watches; Jewelry L i &c
Tuhscriber has received an addition to hig
_k stock of 'Jewelry, consisting of Gold Fob and
Guard Chains, tuckets. Finger Rini, Ear Ringo . ,
Breast Pius.- ilver Chains, Gold Thimbles. Gold
Pencils and Pens, Sic, &n. to which t he would in
vtte the attention of his friends. A.J.IEVAN
Binghamton, March 3.'51 ashington at
.567 . Pieces-- - 84
tiesert. Cream and 3taitard Spoons, Salt and Sugar Shov
els. Forks .4. a., Engraved gratis, at L. CAN F LW'S. -
OILVER Spoons. Fork's and Bniver, l / 4 rarranted the best
at manufactured In America a ' TRUE'S.
T _
M last of the 6 doz. 29s (flocks is rien'te .but more o
the, evitne sort is on the any to Tree'sOftwelryshon.
S. B. C•ni
OLOCKB,!of various puttents, r6ceived
.%_it 114, and for sale dwell" by
FINGER giNtiS—A. new and !splendid as
aortitentjust received and far vale cheap by
' •• "
„The Ric hest r
SEVECTTON.itßreastplos. Earrings an 4 'Finger Meg?
eTer offerra fu,lllnzhatnton. by AI J. EVANS.
%NT ATOIES nud other jewelry t -- iti;itititiet ,
V 1r to elk purch4sers by-
Ir. D. TR,
- Gold Lockets.
QlNGLF:iiiii Double plisses} , size, by
nizolvo!oton.l A.:l. fiviNs„
„Some: Very File
.JoL WATCHES D peifeet time keeper . Alt* milve:
.Watches, all qoantitles, by - . J._ EVANS.
AEW aupWJEWELlNXlndifachea
at cost for cash, at . TIJr. RELL'S.
Jan. 1, 1851.. •; : - : _ -
Gold Chains .
LOCTETS, Thimhlea, - Speeka, Ten and fcrell Casea a
a fa II asaortm eat at. ANFIELD'S,
icevalvery, dotd; andin* yhookeralber
mometerK: Carpet Bags. rmbrellar: ata a great va
rietvnfnntinnsjnetrereived by DENTI.EY,A, BEAD.
CUFF rEiS. 7 ,brmat Pins; Ear rings and finger rings
jnst rPe'd. _ A.4. EVANS.
Itl n NGS,— m 7i r e , Le n rgjAt o tytt y ternarecelveil
Blughlunton,jime 0, 3653 26 tf A.J. EVANS
A !kits' let of bieast pins reeciveAl this dry by
J 36.
BinglstantottlJune9oEsl. . • V 20 . tr
noLn aral4llver Wat cheNtilverTableiTea, Dew: tan
eall'Spoonit, and agencralassortmen t nfJearlry
Tl°ls' and WI s s,ot /cottons, at
"Ik4uREI of thoisegovi Pocket Knives at
111. 5A4.180941" TURRELLS
TEi S? Ltkiligat Hoops, the I ate st style outa t
4 NATUUAL remedy p 4 roctired from a well in Abe-
Ligbenj meaty, four hundred eet deep Put hpand
aok by S.M. FIER, Earalßaein, Pitteburrh, Pa. It Is
put ,Introttlosjutt as it. 'flowefrom the well without
a s m i l koreyfany kind. All Ye lhat are afflicted •
libenmatkin yields to the piste: , of the Petrotenni: A
Union tp., July Otb, 1551.
voloe from Les 'Mat ' l ?. ,
' At r . Ki m —p e „. r allow me as a stranger to con.
eratulate yen as t.. 18 'Bl/e proprietor of an invaluable,
cull e d p e t ro l eum or ZOCiL . Oil, iibith is destined ere long
to take this place of aff t ,"reei iioedidne B . Pesseosle
this neighborhood have is
creases curing most °Ethelle.d PUr.Di'l'in l In "umb e r
• 'oroluighighlybenefirtal
in all. • I have tested it in colds rheumatism,
tatter, sprains, ands rte
is a certain cure. Sly, wife pas' i' nnatisto think it
;ects Afal Pled with the
Rheumatism for some years and t. ever: coul d get any
thing to relieve her, in fact she tried ever) Ong ,
thing woulddoherany good littlish :tied cur 1 etre
teem and ithasrelieved her entirely, for Pat' t I °auk
it is the greatest pain killer now In use. b ours c. `-c •.
- J. JFSSO. - . 9 , ,
- !teethe: letter frotn Luzerne co., reconsme:llling
Pc roleum Vases! HAVEN, July Ith, !SOL
" 31r. Elan —Dear take great pleasure hr. certi
fying to the virtues of your great ontural tnedicineealled
the Petroleums or Hock Oil, widen is certainly a great
mediate. "bought one dozen cf your
. agent when he
wasaiong here last:fail. I tested it In a number Of cases,
and found it to prove geed. I also tested it In - a case of
fetter and found it very benekcial. - . I Would like very
much to have another box of It, for don't like to be
without it. Itcspeetfully yours •
. • . ' .I:OB.3IPBELL.
A Taker= Slisquelsanna co.,certifyingto the etlica
ey of the Petroleum. Dransms, June sth. 1851.'
Mr. 8. 11. 14r31,—Diai air..—Allownse to certifyto the
virtues.otyour natural medicine calledPetrolenmorilock
Oil. Iliad been afflicted with the Rheumatism fog some
time. vie its Wilkesbarre last summer sad got 'it bOt
trimr your Agent when be was .along there, it has
cured Me perfectiy. 'have since seen is tasted in differ
ent cities of rheumatism, and font d It giverelieflu all.
• • - ,Very respectfullyVourt,-
- • • . 411-11..P.1i HAMILTON..
-• • -I'Mocuassiocx.,July nth 1851:
sir. ff. 31.. sir—Allow me to certify to the
virtue • of your grant natural medicine celled Petroleum
o ~flock toll, which l believe is a good Medicine. I pave
been affneted with !neuralgia, panda the nerves for the
last ten years, and never could get anything to relieve
me: in fact I tried almost everything and nothing would
do me any good until I tried your Petroleum, which haa
relieved me 'cry ranch; I have also tested it in burns,
scalds, and bruises. it has alway- ;lien relief in a very
shorttline' I think It Is the gr atest, kak i . now i n
Ymyrespectfailyyqurs, ; •
Call and get n circular from the agent, which girea a
full description of it. Foe, rale by BENTLEY.• HEAD:
Sold wholonde by Bennis, LLtan,49 Co; No. 201 market
strent,Ehiludelphia. • 29ly
6. - A - tckb TER will forfeit iffed.
41) VLF tug to cure any ease of disease that may come
under ma rare, no matter how long sten ding or afflicting.
Esti; an era are Invited to his Private IttS/ISIN 28 North
SEVENTH et., Phila., vitbant fear of Interruption by,
other patleats, Strange's and 'otb ors %rho have been un.'
fortimate In the selection of a physician are Invited to
call; -Those who haveinjuredtneruselves by solitary vivo
aronlso -
nem sea Repeat? —The afflicted would 430 well to
reflect 'before trusting their health, happiness, and In,
many cases their Uvelyin the hands of phYsielant, igno
rant Of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible
for One man to understand" all theltis the human family
arearthlect to.: Every respectable physician has
criliarbraneh..ll2 which he is more eneceserfni thanbis
brother prorenters, eked to that he devotes most ends
aims and study.
Yates or PititaTlCZ,titiltiAlfeltderOted to the study
ind treatment Of diseases of the sexual Organs. together
with ulcers upon the'body. throat. nose, orlegs,yarnsln
the head or bone., mercurial rheumatism, etrictures,
gavel, irregtdaritice. dieter. arising from youthful exe
o sjoil cotlmputitito of tbehlood. whereby the constant.
414 n hstrm
Aman .onfeebled, - . enables' the Doctor to offer
raspy. ittusi'io all who may. place themselves undo
nuenn?g.kluld fur !ale by
7 — ay*andlos ejd4t neciTed and sot awe by
Loaf Cuanza.
REM)! Fi,EAD!!
TUOS. Euxs
GeOtge Ge• Pride
I..tiooniii.rnertitiTollllll-fro.w, 07,1;tiea;atal'Albariy,t Irate
C O 4/44+ 1 1M 3E l 6r - tor, skall. iitora at
far rood ' or coal tub-ruing nil the howest and best pat.
tern , Wbieh will he sold Imam most ratotable terms
"The Varmer'n Stove" is prob bly, all things amnia'
etre, the hest huge oven stove that made lu America
and Wll,l he sold at the : -•-• • • • .
" Peeple , ti 'Exchange '
as low as they can be bought this of Nortltither,
We ma now Teething a tine nesortment at elevated
oven*. .lu rhort the most favtidlows ran be Fulled tith
anything t
, dng in the llne olvtovea t pipe; or trimmings. -
tuguat n, 1651. . . • •
Tug subiterlhers - hiving entered Into no-partnership
In the Stain, Tut knd sheet Iron business are pro.
pared to attend teeny orders in. their line at the shot ,
tett notice They flatter themselves IMAM , giving st rict
attention to business'nnd luwinices, that tiny will - have
a rerisonahle sham of nubile patronage. Their uw , ortment
ofstoves is good, bating the latest end most improved
patterns, among wrath are the Iton.sides or Tuicana
stoVe which took the first Premium at the State Fair at
Syracuse In-1550. E-0 Forest Queen; E-0 Forest
Queen enlarged; Rey r tooe.Air Tight. phoenixol6 do,
Prenilum • • Parlor . at oyes. box stoves—for coal or.wood.
Allklud ' s of Tin ware. s tract sine and tin tubes. kept on
hand—sold at prices that will suit. Ail kinds of . produce
taken to and cash notreinsed. Opposite the old
store, of hills and Knapp. SAYRE At. WEBSTER.
Montrose ; July 10, 'sl.' 281 y
Stoves, Ware, and Pipe.
KEY Stone State Air light cooking stove, tot
burning wood' or coal, the,test iu use. •
_ Rough and Ready doable oven cooking stove.
Elevated •do do do do
'Premium do do
Victoria do do do 'do
Empire State do •do
Clinton Air Tight do do
cua 2 l o .: Sizes and kinds of Parlor Stoves for wood
- 4 Sizes of 6 plate Stoves.
Coal and Wood StoVs for shops, school hotises'
the best iu use.
Copper, brass, tin and iron stove *are,
Russia, English, and American Stove Pipe,
Stone, Th., and Zinc tubes, ifc., for sale by the
100, doz., or single, at tlio . Eagle Foundry De
co. WILS
Montrose, Nov. 26, '5O.
Ware Room in .14ous 4. Chandler's
Long Building. -
A general assortment of
Cooking, Parlor. Shop and Coal Stoves,
Stove pipe, Elbows, Zinc, Sheet Iron,
Copper, Brase,lVire, Bar Iron,
Nail Rods, r ound & square
Cast Steel all sizes,
round 4. square
Iron, all sizes,
Side ill
Green - Sward, •
Excelsior, Genesee Ft
WorsterPaies,Straw Cat
ters. Corn Shellers,Sow Arbors,
Morticin, Machines, Mill- Cranks,
Balance Jirheels, Pots, Dis'e Kettles, Spi
ders, Tea. Kettles; Waffle Irons. Urn
brelliz S'tands,Funips, Lead Pipe,
Shinile Machines, Scrapers,
Sleigh Shoes, Jack Screwi, 4.c.
All kinds of Cast,ings on hand or made to order—
ulso, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware on hand,.
or made to order. WILSON & CO.
,Montrose, Nov. 541850.
- Sp - rout's:,Co'mbin - ed Carriage
iN OFFERING Th is much cerebrated Spring
to the public the Stibscribers respectfully solicit
a candid examination as to its merits. As for its
superiority over all other_ springs,i let those wi.t.
have tested them, bear witness, and the subscri
bers are willing to abide by the decision. It has,
been carefully examined by "men.of science, and
by them cheerfully recommended to the
A. carriage can be built with these Springscheap.
er ; 58 lbs. lighter, more durable and for ease it is
not equalled by any springs now in use.
All Springs warranted. Manufactured by
Elk Lake, Sutqa. County, Pa:
Aar.,ers—L. B. & A &mom 27-t f.
Stove, Tin an Cop t Ware,
VIE subscribers ..ave jast purchased a large
I stock of cm .0. Tin and Copper Ware, which
they offer to .nepublic as cheap as the cheapest,
1). R. LATUROP ;
Montrose, Dec. 10, 1850.
• The best STOVE out
THE Keystone State Air-tight Conking Stove,
I manufactured and for sato by WiLson dv co.'
LYONS 43c. - C
- Montrose and Lanesboro',_
A BE now receiving a large and splendid assortment of
11, Goods, which trill be sold cheap for cash,
Sheetings,ShirtingiTicking, Matting, Wadding, Dril
lings, Cotton and Woolen Yarn, Carpet and iinittlog
Yarn,Droadcloths and I .3assimeres, Carpets and Carpet
Bags, Tranks,Dlack,Diue and Green Umbrellasjapart'd
Ware . , Crzekery and Glass Ware,liard ware, &c.--
Crushed, pulverised and N. O. Sugao, Coffee, Molasses,
lila ck and Green Teas, York, Mackerel,Codash, Candles,
apices, &C.
We are receiving a la , geassortment. Mall kinds r fsebno
Books.Mnglisb, Latin, Preuch, Greek and German) Hl
' bier, histories, Miscellaneous Works, Medical Rooks,
:Ards, Tissue and Note Paper, Zte. , tie. Those in Want
of rooks and Stationery will, please give us a call, as we
ten: to sell cheap for cash. • -- •
c oo kl, g, Tarlor,Sbop and Coal Stoves. Pipe, jtdmwa t
gto,..if uo ;f•on Scrapers, Plows,
_Odra slt ellets, straw
matte, a, rip yr 'lit!, etc:, a t LactesbOro'.
by the bbt. or otlierrfilLO-Ceedles by the box or lb—also,
lass, Paint!. ellA
Old Dr. Jaeob'r,l. p. wtteen.Vo. and Sand'reorra.
paella —75 cents per bottle.' ,LY01:!" 1 .1r- CDANDLEU. -
Montrose and
.1, rierboror.Noir. 70 8 - 1
Blatehly'e:' Flows
THE Pnbacritwr would inform his Hiends a:A . theFun ,
Ic. that he is now. numnfaditring Or celebrated
BLACHLY P sows at the. old stand . of. D. Post.. Bide
Hill, Mon, Wayne On., Llsing.ton county and Skinnon
E 4 ay Plows and Oatitines on hand - Repairing done on
short notice. flaying made an arrangement with a Ma
chinist, he itTreimred to make and fit up most kinds of
machinery on shortnotice and on reasonable terms. .•
• Montrose, February 17.1851. - B. U. MILLS.
A goodsccondhsani cooking stove, BiJO illfeed ieW tilt
IL ter, for ssle,chsap - 2rvintaLt's
Sll - StiUMMTA -- TA - CADEVIT --
ILE Fitst term of the seeonti year of the llistitat ion
• will commence on Wsdnesilay, the leth day of2op•
tember, Inst., under theimmellinte stipervis . losi
Mr. 'ISAAC GRAY; A. 1 , 14
•• . .
Bliss SURS' J. 013. A - WOW), Preceptress,
with tompetent Assistant Instructors. •
. . .
Thoseontatinn at liir. 3nAYas an, efficient and' sue
cessful Tauber and Digelplintirlatri furnish The Trustees
with th e as anrance that the Institution cannot fall Jo its
management to meet the highest espeetations and wish
es °fits P Aeons, - ,
, .
• Arrangicoeuts will be male for thecomforfable acoom
nu:dation of pupils from abroad. - ,
Theatudlesofthe Primary Department, 12,60 per term
Ilbe•Vomnrau Branches of the Academic
Department, .
The Wghcr branches; of the Academic .
department. • • - ' - 8,00 "
The studies oftheßlassicalDepartment,
Latin,Oreelc mon Preach, with. those . •
ofthetelemiesiDepartmentAnwhole -
invert -• • • • 'l,OO •
Music with tumor Plano, .
Drawinvuod Painting,, • , . ; :
No pupil will he Ornittedlor lessilirm a term unless
by special s t madawith the Principal.
Aded action be rnadri la gee Mil eln Coe uftlhifnec
on aceouni ofecknose of one weeks' duration at more.
, ' • WS. azasyr, rteedint.
• - • -
blentrosc.Sept 11881.
ALBANY'it BUFrAt,O r :
New Turk Sr. Erie; Cliputa & use,
quehanna Ball Seneca
and Cayuga tanks I •
.LlLEsubserruersareifeir prepared o reeeIvitIRSIGICR
- trio/tit:ludo, thefellowingpoints,Ms '
13 oriole, Atllea, Batavia,' Bergen, liechester,:,fananda
Ir:soleness, Dresden, 'Ovid, Lea, Dundee, handing.; jef
- erson, Havana, Allaporti Iletseheads, Corning, Etmlra
lactoryville,Spring Port, Redder's Ferry, Aurora, Itha
co ' Cantltir,Vwego, Uniuhi-Ilinghamteni Great, Bend I
Laneisbero',Deposit,end Hancock, every day In theweek
(Sundays excepted,)and continue with regularitythrung
out tfaseasen. TIMy nil' attend to forwarding the taint
to the New VOA:. Mailiet; W bereft will reerive the person-
al attention uferperieucedsalesmenothe will attend to
theselling Nth° same, and return the proccedsha Bank.
ablefuntbat ther ofilm 'alroVirpolnts, to tin:following
11:11Ialo,StOYdrOMItt otitertry Datri,_Artica,Storehonste
I of HenreSyford; Itatavla,StorehouseoiLueini Sruit
Bergen ' Storehouse of Daniel AlePhezton; Rochester
Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge; tlanandegua, Olney o
Walter Corcoran; Geneva, V. Lawrence; _Dresden Store •
house of Whitney & ; Or id,Ferguson & Sprague
Litdi,; Dundee Landing, Storehouse of T. Tuthill & Co.
Jefferson, alien .of E. 0. Norton •ctu the Pier; llovntut
office of ./..F. Phallic; Ilillport, ;tire ofJ. Stull ; florae
ocads, office of J. A. kerrell Corning, More of Vim. J
Arnold; Floilra, storehouse of Thurman &Inghram,
Facteryvilfe; atom of Charles H.-Shephertit.liedder'
Ferry Aurora, store of G. P.3lorgan ; Itbaca,mos
Of P. 11. Drake; Candor, store of Z. Forager; Owego°.
flee of Nathaniel Ella;. Union, store of 1.1.,N. Wheeler
Binghamton, office of James SIM: ; Great Bend, °lnce o
P.'fburchtli lanesbora'' !face of F A. Ward; ,peposit
store of Ensign A.Derin; Hancock, store of Allison &
Reeves.. JAS. SISK .13Inglatniton,
~ W3I. WHITNEY: Dresden, ,
• GEO. P. MONELL, do.
AGENTS—Bnifaln, Henry Darr ; Attica, Thomas Sy
ford; Be t avia, LtrelusA. Smith; Bergen,Daniel3lePher
eon; Rochester, Fairbanks & _Eldridge; Canandagua,
Waltereoreoran; Geneva, a:Lawrence; Ferguson
& Upregue; 'Falk Dundee,Landing, Tuthill & Co.; Jef
ferson, E. 0 Norton; Havana, F. Phelps; 31illport, J.
Stull; Ilersehoulso. it. Ferrell; Corning, Wm. J. Ar
nold; Elmira, Thurman & Inghram; Vactoryvllle.o
Shepherd; Aurora, It. & O.•P. Morgan Ithaen, P. IL,
Drake; °amine. S. Ibien.t'er; Union, 0. N. Wheeler;-
Great Bend. F. Church ill; Lanesboro'. F. A :Ward; Do
pusit,Enalgu & Dean; Hancock, Allison & Reeves.
Capt. James Sisk,
NVlll4uperlntetul the busintle throughout the whole
an 4 receive anall all orders for
Groceries. Fiuitel-Fleb, Oyster*, &C. &c
ehlchwill bebonght - at the loweetwholevale Okra In
New York, and forwarded to any of the above. named
-Depots. 3 2 , •tf
• , .
Nesir Stage Arrangemtnt at Great
MILE two Daily Lira of
,Stages from Great Pend to
1 Montrose will hereafter leave the Railroad Ilutolof
• C; Smith in the Immediate vicinity of the Depot, tote!.
ows At 4A. M. and P. M., on the arrival of the Rail
road trains from New Cork. pantingthrough New MiLferd
to Montrme, whence a Dail. line runs in et nnesion
therewith to Springville Tnnkharinuck and Wilkosbarre
another via.-N cholson., Facturyviiie. Abington Centre;
Providence and Myth, Park to Soren toni 11,(these - places
being along the line of the Leggets Gap Railroad.) - Re
turning+ the stage leaves Scrantonia at 4 A M loosing
through the above places to Montrose, whence the Dues
leave tn.iime to reach the Great Bend Depot before the
trait:wet= East. • ,
Also. a Daily line leaves Smith's Railway Iloteben the
arrival of the noon train from the West f, r Carbondale
Summersville,New Ililforajlniford. Lenexa nd Don.
deft TRUESDELL tr. CO.
Great Bend. Jan. 22-1851. 5 tt
New Goods.-
AY DEN S. LITTLE'S stock of New Goods
JLJL have arrived, comprising a complete assort
ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Stove
Pipe Zinc, Nails, OWN - Sash Wooden Ware
Drugs and Medicines, Points, Oils, Fish, Flour
and Salt.
Also a first rate lot and good assortment of I
Ready Made Clothing, of almost all descriptions.
Boots and Shoes, If 4e, are awl &innate and
almost everything, usually found in a country '
Our Goods must be sold, and shall be. at the
very lowest possible prices. Ourfriends aro invi
ted to cull and look at otirstock.
Produce of most all kibds, wanted in exchang e
for goods by the subscribers,
Now Milford. May let
BUltltri!T has now In tore. a new and clinics Be , .
1-11.1,:eticon of Dry Goods, including a great variety of
Ladies • Drees Goods, Crape , and othe. summer' Shawls,
Bilk Meal illasiVaratoLs. French Lace. Fancy Straw and
Leghorn Bonnets; a beautiful assortment of tloncet
Ribbon,Fluwers and Trim:dap of new styles, Black-
Silk null Laces. for Mantillas. Bonnet Silk, black Lace
Fells, Broad Cloth. Fancy Cassimeres, Vesting,: and
summer Clothe, tnrpet Bags, Trunk Nails, Boots and
Shoes, Painted Window Shades, Carpeting, Hata, Caps,
dm., with a large and general assortment of Hard Ware,
Slrockery, Iron. Groceries, Palnts,Medicines,ttili,Stores
all o , which wiltbe sold at the lowest price, and. on
the most reasonably terms. S B. Nearly all kinds of
prodnce wantcd.Sockoln particular, sod the highest
price in Cash paid for Wool. Flour and Salt constantly
on hand. . •
New 3Thford,3l4y, 270851.
TYCOMING County Inouraue• 3n:fumy—
The undersigned agent for this well kuown
end long established institution respectfully in forms
the public that he will receive applications for In. -
stint= against loss or damage by fire to Buildings
Goods, Furniture, &e. 13. R. Liroxs; Agent.
Montrose. Apr. 9, '5l. tf-
Tailorna" g.
JOHN GROVES, the welt known ~ Tailor has
again made his appearance in 'Montrose to op.
crate to thg above named blueness, at the old stand
directly over Lathrop's Dry goods store, and
would - again tender his services to the public, and
*licks their patronage,
;Making and cutting - done in the Most approved
style of the age, and dons on the shortest notice as
usual.- -
Montrose, Feb.l2, '5l.
NAILS, 3 to 40 Peony 140,F100r and Pinishittg• Nails
Montroso, May 13. LTONSii eiIISDLER.
17ANTRE CURRANTS, Camphor Arun, Peppersauce
31ustard, Lotter Pner,Twine,tilacklnd and Bushes
ice., for sale by I• N. BULLARD.
LlfitW at)*3go,
J T VS? received a new stock of swing and summer goods
.nt the store of 11 .7 WEBB.
UST received a fresh supply of Drup.Mediclees.Painti
Onr. Varnish, Glue, Tin Wareke. of
May 2.9. • TUMIELL'S.
A NEW lot of Ladies Rubbers, ,Busluns &
.t!i. Gaiters—also gentlemen's Rubbers, Pluah
caps, dec., juat received by
Cash for .WOc:..
1 000 lbs Wool !ranted for which higbeat market
.1. price In Cash willbe pail by, 11.BU1tRITT.
New Milford, June 13,1851. '
ELOLD Pen and - extension - holders of size
land best qualities for sale by -
New Things .•
TIIST received by the subscriber, $ ugar,Coffed.Tobacco
Salt, Mond-Cloth, Shcatirl t Batting, Wadding,&c.,
and *lll be sold as low as the times icillactniit.
- Hontrose,Sept..l9,lBso.l
FLOOR and salt for sale at
ITarpOr's Now - idontfilViital;
a 'zine•
}IAN:TIPS New Monthly Magazine is issued
invariably on the first day of the month in
which it iirdated. Each number will contain 144
octavo pages, in double columns; each year thus
comprising nearly two thousand pages of the-cnoi.
test Miscellaneous Liteia:ure of the d„y. Every
Number will contain numerous Pictorial Illustra
tions, accurate Plates or the Futtions, a Cepious
Chronicle of Ciirrent Events, end impartial Neil.
see of the important books of the Month. The vol
umes commence with - the numbers for Jute' and
D'ec - ember; -
Tsiuns.--The NoioZine may be obtained from
B oo k sellers , p er idical Agents, oi from the Pub: ' ,
fish:re at TUREE Det.r.sits a Year, or •Twesiv-
Frye Cznvir a 'number. • ins semi-annual Vol.
I Ames, as eompleted, neatly bound in cloth, at rive
' Dollars, or the Muslin covers at twenty five cents
each are furnished 13y . theAgi3nti or Publishers.
The 'Publishers will , sepply peoimen numbers
gratuitously to Agents and Tostmestera, and will
maltefiberal arrangeinentaWith them fir circula
dug the Magazine._ They will 'also supply Clubs
on liberal terms, and Mail 'rind ',City aubseriberi,
when pitymentia made to then) in advance. Num..
bore fromthe 'commencement. , can. . be supplied at
.Th e Magazine weighs over seven and not over
eight ounces.• The'postage , on each number to
anypoatoffice in the county; which Waal be paid
quarterly in advance, is4citite.. ,
HAitrog , &BßOTlfEt:9,
etreet,'New Y k
- :':1 4 . 1 4 , 1: - ,T).k, - .1. , .A.-.0y5,13..D. OT .S; Std
1 7- '',."''AOtlc_e Itil.titi - raiiie : : 7 ...'
Netti Seaeundoli Falt and Winter Goods'at the
' • • Great Oite Price . Stereo' , -
'.. Sis-tENI - lEliThe Grosse 'Bend,
DEGfileuve to take this 'opportunity cif tunderin&ble.
JLS sincere thanks to his friend* and cnitioners.rok the
generous patronage they - havo extended to. him;. and
at-the same time Inform thim;thet he line'jusfreturnett
from NOT York with a very Large and chtdee tlelectibrt of
Fancy andStapie Dry OtodS. r Also It freak nn4 extent livepase‘rogicntof Groceries; Fitevisinns,
Hats. and Cape, Hardware, Crockery. 4ko 4/rugs and
kiediciriesorhlch will be sold far caeli and produce et a
toil small advance; at 'prices - Which defy alleompvtiticin.
g lour, rorkifinh,Salt, whoWsalo and retaile•-bowould
also remark t bat _he adheres strictly to the system of al
ways n ;mbartholovrest pticant finst.theteby glving.the
eameadkatttage to.oll who may favor him with their pat
ronage: . -
Great 131Ond,ClethIng Store; -
thelargest,.best and cheapest aiiartgient of-Ready
MathiClothlnuiti the Village of areat.Band,- Pa., limed
Cloths,Dee Skins,Casstmeres and Festints of all qualities
suitable for the Fall and Whiter Trade, which be oilers t
suchprices as to setlsfy anyone that this the place bf
them to deal, In consequent of the g reet Increase
' business be bas been obliged to greatly enlargehle stock,
which he now offers to I.ll6(rfeplit iindlhO Public ter es,.
am !nation, conilden t that In so doing they wUilind"e ml
thingto their advantage. Thesubscriberhasmade ar
angementoto taanufacturolclothing in all its various
ranches; and is now prepared to sell the - same warrant;
cd to bear inspection.. Cadent - work and cut ting done
ot the latest Ogle and shortist Of tall..
br triminiugs furnished and roi , DO not. forget, the
, spot. Store nearly" ppoiLite the I.a.n.slon House.
Great Bend,Sept..lBso. 1 - - S. I.,LNITEIII.
- -
A - Fre - shi4ock of Vlothilitg
OP Hats and Cape, ( apringi fnehi on)CI ent Ladino and
Rays Bootn and Shoes, Alan. Cap and Letter Paper,
by-the Ream or lens quantity; Wall and 'Curtain' Paper
and Bord4r,lnks,Pietures awl Picture Frahm, lleolo
Fancy Stationery, Malang Tackle, .%41 just received an
tarsal° nt nmallprollts (errantly pay, and ready pay only
April 3,1851. OEO. yinzgn.
New andpopuirr-S — eh — oollffok — .
TORY, to,gethervrith a BIOURAPHY of DISTING
UISHED PERSONS, to ovitirit In appended an epitente of
Adopted and used In the Onfineeehoolsot Philadelphia
B. S. JONES & Co.- Publishers.'
S. W. Cor. - Fouith atd Race 5t.4.; Phila
Teachers and schoof Bounnitteer . addressing' letters to
us post paid, will be furnished with copies for, examina
tion. . 1 ,': -...-
il', A full and complete assortment of Books and Sta
(mar glossal° at the Los:st Prices.
Hats- and Caps
A new supply a nd geed Assertinent,
' A general assortment of School Books. erebraelng es
cry variety-used In the Schools and Malden les tbrongh
out this region. dfildea, a great :rarlety—Sanday, school
Books—Blank Acoount BookS—Vass and Memoranda
Books, and a largo assOrtnient of Miseellar eons Books.
WALL PAPHIt=a lieu supply Of neat patterns Plat re•
calved. Cap and Letter Bapar, of the first q utility, by
the Ream or' Qnire. -Staple and raney s .Stationery, a
gond assortment. Inks, Inkstands, Slate ...Pencils. Was
fare, Quills. Pena, Ma'elies, Combs, risking Tackle, Crit
vats, Men'a Socks. Suspenders: Shirts ate: •
• - Sugar; coffee andlreas:
A small stack, butfirst quality. Those who ;want a
goof article of Black Tea, W 4 well as Upson, wlll perhaps
du well to giro Inca call. •
A FewiTruntio,. - , , • .
Foi Irr• Out. door,bclox Judge i'yler'e.
3lontrosc,Juno 18,1551: ' GEO. FULLER.
cicook. nOON.S.
GENERAL assortment of chool Bookorrhole
/I sale or reiato by
Montrose. Nov. 4:26,
Wool arding l i Cloth Neising,
;Manufactory. loth or Flannel
. nst Shurs. '
MITE subscriber wonblennonnee . to the public. that he
continue the above business at his old stand In Clif
ord township, one•half mile o hove 31cAlle's 2,111& cod 3
miles North of Dander, and for the accrentraeirtion of
his friends and- the public., he will receive and return
Cloth, ete., et Messrs, E. 11. Wells. S Co., and.Oporge
Cones xtores in the harm/ail of Thandaff:and all wrrk en
trwted to the subscriber Ain be done ill workmanlike
!moaner and a fair discount for cook.
• • T. 31. lISTIcK.
Clifford, August 210. , IESI. •. , 34 ,
Comet. of Colin and Washington es.
Pitt Subscriber takes plearnre In announcing to th
1. , that in cause mime Of the liberal patroneg,
bestowed upon this estahlfiltai•nt the part year,' he ill
determined permanently to continue - the business in Bing
hamton. Tile stock comprises every style ond quality o
II roe kery in general use, for Table and Toilet I•Va,e,
and will be - sold it, setts or 1.. y the single article. Also t
snriety of ,
and Fancy articles, such' eel Fruit Baskets, Card stands,
Cole.mellot ties, 'Vases, 4 c„ together with a la , ge stock et
- consisting of cut, pressed and
plain Tumblers, G oblets, Wines. Decanters, Frnit Dowls,
Dittifes,.Napples Pitchers, Candlesticks, Lamps, Specie
Jars, Tincture Nappies,
Lamp Globes and Chimneys
sizes, Also constantly on hand, an assortment of
Spirit, Lard, Solar, and Campheno Lamps, Ghran.
doles r and Ilatt,Lanterns• disea large lot of
Mau low Shades , Tea Trays; Cm..tors, Table Matt t , pia
red, Genf= ;' , llrer and Brlttaliit'll Table, and tea spoons,.
Tab:o Cuttler)°, tr.c.; all or which will be sold sery.low for
Cash. With increase,' facilities for business, and unre
mitttogattention to the trams of.hlA customers, the on.
thrrsigued hopes to merit the continued patronage of the
community: IP-I:OVERACII.E, Agent.
Binghamton,May 2701;1351,5. :
Professpr of Astrology, Asfronopiy,Phrenelogy,and
Goomancy,i combined wit h CONJURATION, from Sn - ev.
den, office No. 71 LOCUS'I! Street, Phliatlephia, offers
hip services to the citizens of Montrose. Ile luta been
consulted by all the clowned heads of Europe, and en.
joys a higLer reputation as an Astiologer than any one
living. Nativities calculated according to Geomaney—
Ladies $3, Oenthinen $5. , Persons at a distance can
have their natiiitles drawn! by sending the date of the
day oftbeir birth. '.AII letters containing the above fee
will receive immediate attention;Nativities sent to any
part of the world written en durable _paper ,- and he is
prepared to make use of hispower conjuration otranY
of following topics:—Conrtsbtp.idvicegiVen for the
successful accomplishment Of a wealthy marriage; he has
the power to redeem such as are given, to the 'roe of the
bottle;-and for all eases of hazard, and for the recovery
ofstolen or lost property, and tho purchasing of lottery
tickets. Thowands of the above named castabare been
donein this city and it sricinity. end in the L'nited States
.1 la tbefttll satisfaction of all.' 10,000.Nativite's er lbws.
oscopes have balloon during the last four years while
hero. Letters will anreAr O'er,' purpose, and wilt do as
well as to call in person, and tactmull is now so safe that
Persons need net fear to trust money !trough the PO2/
Oates. Dr. Debacle rem - 9;les frum 500 to 1..'n0 letters
'menthly.endbas eievermisted ono. •All letters will
reliciouslyattended to If pre•pald- _For particulars call
at the Democrat oClco and get an Astrological Aignmar.
, O. W. 11013ACK. .
0 White st. New York -
file particular to mention the Post.offlee..connty
antlState. - . - : .I.lely
New- Arrangement !
Extensive Chair and Fainitare Estab-
. •
y~ment. .
. . .
U. . 8311fiff • & Co.' have now fully completed
their arrangementefOrManufactuting and keep
ing constantly on hind alland every kind onfoneehold
Furniture, manufactured out of the best quality of Na hogany, Blackk Walnut, Maple. Chet ry, and' oilier lum
ber, &Odin the best and most durable manner. Among
the artielca which they intend to kerp on hand, or make
to order,are Mahogany, Black Wainnt, Cherry, and Mu
pleßoreaus, Side Boards; Secretaries., Book Gates ;
tre, Card,;Pler, en. other Tables ; Stands of even' ea
rlety; Sofas,Settees, Divans, Ottonlans,„&c. Bedstead
°felt' kinds and styles,;niatle of Mahogany, Black 'trial
nut, ()berry, and Maple. , ; •
ALSO-;.3lahogany. Black Walunt,Ourl and Mateyo
Maple; and Fancy Chairs, of every variety and descrip
tion, which they hare now on hand. and Intend to keep
a coristant supply. Any article &aired will be supplied
one few days wake.; . . .
As the subscribarshave often been solicited to enlarger
thelr business and to open da establishment of the kind
in alontrose which amid simply every varldty atheism.
hel4Furnitnro, and save the trouble of sending to the
Cities for such articles, thej hope to meet' with liberal
patron and encouragement. • Wm. W. EldiTa,
. . ' .ALF.VIt SMITH.
• ROBT. A,8511111,
Montrose, June 41 11t51.-48y1; R;
• Notice: •
TILE him of Post & Pltts,; has been diAeolved biimutu
al consent. 1931, M. POST.'
Mon trnte. Julj , 25.1861 t . - pins, . ,
ri) (iII)/DV k
Tim Colartnerablp heretofore exletintr. - under. the
J tonne ond isuleoflotics R pArom. 18 thta day'dieeoly
edby mutual cement.' A il. itulebted will please eettte
without delay. T..7. LAKE.. •
-A.-The rotor and enceinte of the late firm may
_he found with IE F. EntOn,at the old stand, where' he
silt etill eontlniete carry en the basiners,and Pell geode
at greatly reduced Niece, , , -H. F. EATON..
IlnrfOrd. A ug. 28th. 1851: 37tr.
• Watek-ure..
Maultt PruSprq 'Waier Cure Establishment,:
. 'Bionine Co., N r .
rinfrA establiihment Is dal heatedinbtfulli atthe base
ofthersountainfront which It takesits. metric, and
tuniands a delightful vier of •the Chenango and Sue.
itch mann shyers with their pleb and bee utiful
The ‘l Cure" Is now open for the "reception and l reatt
snout ofPatlento. The Tpetltnte heo been successful to
securivgabe aid orDe: 0.11. Bassett, woos Now p ar k
eitnithose long pip erientp In Ufdr - op lb yr Is sufficient
guantntee to the patrono 91" this, Institution--that they
will bis abandantly.carti fpr. -
Alllettore;fte,. ou prefctsionel buoincro-miiet,be
dressed to Dr. Ilatictt at the Pure. Communictqlope
only will be toadref; 40 . firc
Fora the Removal and- Permanent Care of ell
NERVOUS - DISEASES , ; And o f Ulm Complaints which are sassed by hi:
'paired, weakened or l Unhealthy condition of the
Tblo beautiful and convenient application of the toyv.
teriotiv powers of GALVANIEINI and MAGNETISR,
been, pronounced by distinguished physicians, b o u t la
plump° and. tho Muted States, to be
. the, 1604 valvoile
otedi‘unal discovery of -the
is used with the Mist perfect , and certain see eet , b 4l,
eases of
. .
Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to Ili
various organs, and Invigorating the entire system. g.
all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints lithe inzi
one simple cause—namely,
. A Derangement of the Nervous System.
C 0.. in NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drtin, and Mee
eines increase the disease; for they weaken the vital ee,
gies of the already' penetrated system; while, unite tke
strengthening, life-giving , vitalizing influence of 0.4,
eatnere, as applied by this beautiful and wonderld aje,
cr,serV, the exhausted patient eel weakened Infuse i t
restored to former health, strength, elasticity entsit or .
The great peculiarity end excellence of
1, Dr. Christie's Datrante Curatives.
aon~iste In thesletitat they litiett tleet crew diens
.inawa . r d application, in pines. of the usual male of ant.
ging, and physicking the patient_ till *slanged Nits%
sinks hopelessly under the infliction.
They 'arengthen 'the whole - system, muslin the dints
li e n 5 . ,/ the Hood,.promote the senetions;',and now de.,
thi_sttgatesi ityury under any eircLetuances. Sine. then.
introduction in the United States, only.three lean du ;
more than
75 1 0001. ersohs
Including all ages, classes and conditions. arming eta
were efferge number Of ladies, who am peculiarly rat*t
to Nervous Complaints, hale been
when all hope of relief hod , been given spy and Huy
thing else been tried in vain:
To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BEM,
suppose th e eased a person afflicted with that bang
eivilization:DYSPEPSLA, or any other Chnsnic of Nee
one Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimnlants are Wks;
which, by their action on the nerves and muscles of it.
stomach, afford temporary relief bat which lean tie
patient in a lower state, and with. injured faculties, stn.
the action this*_ excited has ceased. Now templet the
with the effect resulting from the applientiond the GAL.
VANIC BELT. , Take a Dyspeptic, sufferer, era a tie
worst symptoms' of en attack, and simply tie tt Belt
around the Body,nsing the Mimetic Fluid as dirend.
In a short period the insensible perspiration will let ea
the positive element of the Del: thereby,causing a Gil
vanic circulation which will pass ON to the neguire, ant
thence-back again to the positive, thus keeping sprees
tinunus Galvanic circulation throughout the nits.
Thus the most severe Cases of DYSPEPSIA attn.
YEARS. . • •
Of the most lindolubted Character,
From ell parts of the country could be given,staia
. to fill every column in this paper!
ATI EXTRl64llBllittir CASE,
which conclusively proves that
4 Truth. is stranger . than Fictin,"
Fnenintsn, 111101CIIITI90,V.Ei opPrish
of New Jersey, of tlistinguisheil attainments and eisllut
'reputation:— ; '< •
',PIDAT.T, New Jersey, 4017
1)s. A. If. CHAINTIE—Dear Sir: You with to trowel
me what has been the 'result in my own case, of Mot?
My reply is as follows :
For ationt twenty years t-,had hem: l .'73orib; his
Dyspepsia: Every year the symptoms became Tate,
nor could I obtain permanent relief Irma any erma of
medical treatment whatever Aboutfourtonyeausixa
in consequence of frequent exposure to the wester, is
the discharge of my pastoral duties, !,became subject to
a severe Chronic Rheumatism; winch for year Merlyn;
caused me ind escribableangu ion. Farther: in:hi:Tien
of '4B mid '45, in consequence of preaching, a gnat ded
in my own and various other churches in this cepa I •
was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon Wan' n
severe as to require an immediate suspension army pa
total labors. .14 nervous i systesi was now Ontrag6l
prostrated, and us my Bronc hi tis became vrone, so Mott
my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection—thin mam.l ,
that these disorders were connected with cash eau
through the medium: of the Nervoni System.. In Us
whole phannacoprela thent,ecerned — to be no ter*.
agent which could reach and recuperate.m,y ffernd
System ; every thing that I had tried for this pffrpao hi
completely 'failed. At last was led by my friendant ,
amine your inventions, and (though with no very;to
guine hopes of their &Delaney:4)-i determined" to uyas
effect of the application of the GALVANIC BELT(L'ii.
in June, 1846: To an on airarroxiiiimver. torso sue
any DYSPEPSIA. HAD GOAD ; so rinser DAYS 1 Wit emus
To ILEAU111: xr psi - roast, Lanons, eon noes I uoCs our
TED A smote *seems ACCODAY 0i THE .1160ACIETII;
Tam:rata sin. Such is the wonderful and happy tinN
of the expetiment • .
I have recommended the BELT and'FLUID Sim
who have beerrlikowise suffering from' Neuralo
Akins. They have tried them, HIM mar qLssaus,l,
Inn drag sir, Teri respectfully yews.
fa used for all' itimplitibta effecting the Throat woe,
' ,id s as Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat. Nand
and sietlreadar.le, Dizziness of the Head. Neurall'lta
the Fuse, b t ,:zing or Roaring hi tha Ears. Dakla
which is geneialii Ziervnttsr and! that dimress 4
plaint, tailed Ti 4 Dolorrs,Z.: • : • ' •
Aro found-of .rut service in cases of Consalsioas or FiS,
Spasmodic romplaintii, and-general Nervous Atitelini
of the Head end upper' extremities. :Also in Palsy al
Paralysis, and all diseases caused by a deft lincyof
or Nervous Energy in the limbLar other orgauldt o
.11c •Dolotent and 'Neuralgia,
. Thee dreadful and agoaielng coraPhints are seat
&suety relieved by the application of the Orris IC Hui, •
Nscaiace and twin. The Belt diffuses the Firetriulf,
through the systernythe'Necklace has a local abet IM
the Field acts directly upon the of nervea lather
distresals afflictions the application NEVEIt FAILS
These alarming and terrible 'comPlaintr are almqt
caused by, a derengrmene of *
:See herres.• The B 1
B.ICELZTS eine Fisar, will cure nearly every Cater
matter bow young or old the patient, or how emuirch
the contplalut. Numerous end astonishing proofs an b
refreshen of the proprietor. •
V. Many hfindred Certificates &OM all parts of Se
cauntry of the most extraordinary character me k
given, if required.. , =• • ~;
- We No Unable or . Inctinrenihice 'titends the mi d
Dlt CIIRISTIE'S-GALKaNIC .41171C1X.S.lia 151
may be worn by:the most feeble and delicate, witif ire
feet ease and Why: In many cases the sensation huh
lag !their use is Monty pleasant and asi 46 o 6 .
be sant tO any part of the country.
• . P
The Onlvanici Belt, • ' • Iliree Dolliri
The Onlvanki Neeklebe, Two DP/larg'.
The 43alvaniti Bracelets,- Dollarma -
The Magnetic Fluid, - Ono Bella!,
Op- The nrtieles are aecoalpinled by fall as *I
directions. Famphleta with fult•particel.m may be lee
of the anthorized Agent. . •
--• , •
l:ftt!Bacifrerif,.Coinsteiffiiis iied•Weitibrißilmaek
0,0: -MOREHEAD 0.,..
IU.II llioadvsy, par Y 01 1 .14
t , , 4 •
ents,for nag
ept ey ag a. - Co.
.• • 1 . 4
arlßOCl;tlESTiCo ' .liaranai;Crushed , Pe AderidP4
eaffee, - SuErar;Tess,SBnap, kimet,,Toadms, Lena
;Otit,iTip;Sperm . aufl Trilfantlendies; Lamp 011, aims, JOIL
d Itio Coffee, perk, Mackerel, Salt etc-, ebeflP. 2 . l ( •
blentrmie,llla*, lent. - • hrose_S.'
• !NEW -k.
O itANOES, Fresh Teas, Muth II Oslo, Rho_
Lemon, Castile Soap, Finally washing leadoff
to Currants, Broad elniti le. Call Coon at
Montrose, hept.3 'a. • le!TV.Lac