The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 16, 1851, Image 3

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    . •
r . i hi d hanks -,, I dome, the- keiglit - of I Whailittle: - Partiehlawi . 'we'-'oo',o l ld , :!glea - a -- -o - f !
ere 1 has never yet! been calculated, hut, this steamboat Aiinster are obtained 'from'
I,,h!';,,lrockets of the largest size have en- officers of the steamboat Arontgonierimbieb
, f 0,,,a 1 0 make visible or to reach. will be friend Wait,: .. ...,We'eould not ise , r-,
tires h a ane h'i eve does exist in I tain whether anytime ittaelica to the ett
-1.456' "
. is coun ty, there is no . doubt. On ' eereof the. Brilliant,'
.or iiideed[ anything
•stio,?':, „ age , t s .day, we publish .3a very more satisfactory-Abut . , tho .felloWin . - ti" e -
out u„`-. i r e cuntof a visit paid to it recent- meagre account ' : . :-'• .,. g ry
grs , 7r . , Coup led English gentlemen. who 1 ' The;steamer, Brilliant. lett her 'wharf at
ly , 'Y Isom eta miles, but were • preven - the head et:Conti streM, on Sate - Mist even= -
e"' •°
t height of the water, from going lug ut 5 &oink. for Dayou Sara ; itd,bnd.zi b l i
'." .
~ . proceeded Up. the - rlier as - .far - , a - s -- : Bayou
t r ir t!tar•
we have ourselves - seen an
_intelligent •Goeln.'yesterday - morning_abent.B. o'clock,
, atko n of this city, whom we know per- when. sho xploded her • ,seeenditerheard
V lailr , an { who hassisited the cave hi M- boiler, Which 'Carried away:her Main'ailiirt
-s ' )- i t fie, confirms the report macre bytheseird state-room, as fat aft as the,ladies' cab- .
•, ,, „ iii h gentlemen, and 'states that nothing- - and every thing forward - of the •boileti
.la b t, s tore staltling and impressive than making a somplete *reek' Of. the boat abine
~,tions which were'made, to lqin du- the hull. • -..--, ~ .. - --. ;
. .
therer. ,
. „hi s eenrson, Hs has seen the great = Capt. Hart stated that be bad: from . : go
rl , nr,e
Kotaky, which he W A I N p os . to 100 deck hands Ind:fireman - on 'board at
;_,.; a far inferior interest in every_ point the time the explosion took - pine°. .After
• - . the neeident hexe.eld Got find more ' thaw'
''',' --Ervzing Past. _
! about 25. The number of passengers op
singular Attachment. I : board he ennui on - A'
o. e v e e rtain, but • thinks
ri:a tn ,„ n i n g lately. a In3l.l%.lmvine gone. , the loss of life.must he; Y - great • •
. t i; er ear l y i n t o an apartment in which l . Th e following are the r f
the ,
l', t. 3 fine eat arr whose cage hung en sons killed aneicalded;tis Pa n m ea Ca re a s -- eould pa he -
S:0 had a ile ,
ofjthe rindow-shutter, was much ascertained : - ... .•• - .
-the knob
:-Jaines Fullerton, mate,
• • e d to find the bird sitting asleep in
,nrpris • J. A. Cotton, first clerk, badly scalded.
of the rage and lying side by
the bottom
On • • -S. G.. Cole, assistan_t . el . erklo".do,
s id e r i t 'n a live mouse, also asleep.
,iinz . t he window blind, the moose sive - knell.. '...T. Cames; ..„..eweond
itself throuzli between the wires of the cage i d e a;
..- - ,/- - I.3!ri!'' slightly seal
itself Mr. False. sound pilet bdi - • '
an d a c a. On e xarainatim, the box of seedd - i
„.„- found to be cleaned out, as well- eS i • -- Mr MeCarty,secOndl ' en a ine y er, 'slightly
erg o kkc., intended for the canary, butt scalded. •
•• li b o doloahtless been devoured by his Robt. Doyle, assistant
I ,
On the following eve- do. 1
gra nge co mpanion. I
n i g , a bout half past ten o'clock, while the I Several firemen and cabin boysslightly,
lady and her husband were settingquiteti I and others badly scalded . ' 0 -- '
by the fireside, they were still further as- lin the We, sh-rooiOwhenthe . Cape .
wished at 'seeing , a mouse (noeloubt but land *is not . injured. - -- •'
the same one) climbing nimbly up, he shut.: • ' _
ter, and entering the cage between the two,
v i tes ; Ihinleing it might do harm to the
hh .,i t h e y tried to catch the mouse, but it
made iti e scape as before: The cage was
then saspended from a nail, so that the
m use could not gain access to it. Strange
t ,, sa y, however, on the following morning .
fre eatlary was found asleep on the floor,
of the •ro , iln, (the cage-d' or having been:
t a rt open,) and a piece of potato beside him,!
)(nit likely the mons had spent the whole
of the night beside, him, and had a feast on, i
the potato.—Giusirow Paper. ,
Laltil EAL 1:11n2::....1
Another Expedition to Cuba-
A correspondent Of the /New Orleans
Picauno, writing from Havana under date
-of the 4th, says :--- In my letter of yes
- terday, sent by the Aler,andria, I mentioned'
the report that two steamers, filled with
men, had left Key West for this island, and
that the U. S. sloop of war Albany bad
gone nut to intercept them. The steam
ship Pizarro alS'o left part at, one o'elcrek
this Enorain,, , , for the same purpose. There
is a confirmatory rumour circulating aboilt
towolo-daT, which. states that the fillibus
tcros are 9EIO in noniher, commanded by
GeneraLGonzales. The second in command
is said to be one General 3lelocotones,
(Peaches.) by which title they designate
'General Felix Huston, of your city."
Arrival of the Empire City.
- Nr.n. Yttr.z, Oct. 8.
TheStoaniship 'Empire City, from Ha
nts, Yd inst., arrived here at an early
bur this morning. She brings 150 ptis-
Feugersmnd $lOO,OOO in gold on freight,
casiped to Drew, It .binson &. Co.,
tuzetbet with $250 000 in the bands of
Toe Steamer Johrt Hancock was lying
el Havana when the Empire City feft.
Among the passengers by the Empire
City, is'Claptain Ellis, nt Washington, who
va; liWrated by the dptain General of
tat half am hour before the stea." l
met kit.
The'netrs frnm has been antici
pated by the'Yew Orleans despatches pub
lished Yesterday.
Capt. Ellis, on his liberation, was fur
nished with a passport gratis, and was im
mediately conveyed on board the steamer ;
under pp escort in a government barge.
Thirteen prisoners still remained in' the
hospitals and wonld be sent to Spain as
they tern convalescent.
The steamship Falcon, frnin Chagres,
arrived at limns on the 2d inst.
Latest from Mem
icew OLEASS, Oct. 6.
The : steamship Fanny lies arvriveti here
with adviees from Testis to tne Ist inst.
The Revolutio n en the Rio Grande
seems to be flu a stand. General Caraba
jarstill remains at Camaro. The people
ettba: town had held a Meeting, at which
they resolved to accept pronunciatuento
owed by the revolutionists.
To 'Mexican troops stationed there
Qeeallowed to march out of the town with
rce iduriors of war. The revolutionists were
iAe. - mined to defend the place.
A rep4t having reached Mattnorau that
the invaders were preparing to march upon
tot town, a large number of the inhabi
tants including all the women and children,
ted, leaving only two hundred and fifty men
in the town.
Serious fire in New, York.
NEW Yon.K,
About 5 o'clock this morning' a fire broke .
eat ill the extensive blank book and -sta
tionary establishment of Messrs._ E. B.
Clayton & Sons ; on Pearl street. The
damage will reach s 2 . o ,ooo,'nli c h as cover
ed bfinsuranee.
The Custom House authorities are quite
busy this mori,ing in rem,ving a large
quantity oh. ak. Dlr.Herrick's plane
underwent a cmnpleta overhauling,
pertionsef invoice s said to have been frau
d.alcatly entered were found and immecli
atoly confiscated, Mr. Herrick has made
an assignmen t cif all his business ` affairs -to
thiafelerk. In a? .. ) affidavit Mr. lierrick
.Bvr'Llkis w0r01450,00b.
- •
Mel* Stem-lioat
The Neu'-Orleans °resent of Sept. 29th
I ns the rollowing particulars of the demur:-
t l O3 orfae Steamship :
. 11 arditv was the scene of Unusual ex
thatt~i- lag
vening en account Of a pain-
N‘the s hence
.. w
04 Sara hir a teamer ,
large number, of
4 t
NirrCrs, had exploded - at some point
%you Goola, on her upward trip,_
k t .rN
.Sullivan County gives Bigler 225 maj.; key
Irt over '4oo—Reckhovcs 2'70. -
IfoNEOE gives o'er lop for Biker.
this State Wool) (Dem.) is
elected by 15,000 majority.
'Bisholi Potter's Appointments
Scranton, Oct. 28th, 7 o'clock, P.M'.
Springville, " 2.9 th, " A. M.
Montrose. " • 29th, 7 " P. M,
New Milford," 30th, 10a " •A.
In Jackson on the - first . inst: Lydia Isom
youngest df.ughter of Lewis' and - Maria L.
:BENSON, aged two years two months and Isis
Adieu dear child if thou mist go,
And leave this world of pain and woe,
Thou halt gone and left us;here to mourn,
And never more canst - thou return.
But we would not wish her bark to earth,
But rather go tolker;
For we trust she -is in heaven above,
inging the Savior's dvitvflove:-
Hrs. McKn of BricigewaterSept.
:20., aged 59 years & 6 months.
She had been a member of the Presbetery
an church of ilohliOAe for 35 years, and altho ,
in her lesthours the nature of her disease pre
vente.d .the full txpisure of : .her hope in
... ths
Redeemer, the reMembrznce of her pretsions .
life gives - her, many friends and deeply affiic.:
ted family the assurance that their loss is her
great . gain.
As a wife and a mother affectionate and de
voted, and as a neighbor always prepared to
render aid,Where aid was neeeded. Her death
will be long lamented.
,1 In Bridgewater September-39th Cnr.on But.
LEE, u ife of Ismel Butler in the ?7th year of
IN her ag,e.
Luzerne'county, Pa.,
pillA Institution has ono of the mot desirable Iota•
[ions in bierthetu Pennsylvania. Kingstonls a quiet,
pica ant and salubrious village onemile West of AVdhes
oarro, and accessible by daily E Y .tagel from all, parts of the
country. She school ass now been in operation raven
years, during which its patronage has Leen liberal and
constantly increasing. , • i
Through the munificence of WM. Swetland, ,Eeq., an
additional Seminary building 4 , / by 49 feet, and three stet.
rb.s high. has just been completed; and by the
of Bon. Z:ba Bennett, the school is note tornithett with
n valuable and eStenal • e library. entirely uor. .The
Chemical, Phliosophical anit. Astronomical Apparatus
of the Institution ,a regarded, by alt who have knowl
edge of it. as .41' a high order, and ample for Still esperi
ments in NaturalSclenee
The Liourd of Instruction fee the ensiling yeir b as fol.
Rev. "Lenin. , " Nelson, AS M . ,
Rev. Yonne C. '...arsith,
Tea cha of Anelent Lamp:taps.
Philip T. n vers. A. R.,
Teacher of Mathemetici.
Rev. C. Ti. . • •
Teacher of Natural Science.
James W. Westlake,
Aysistant-Pnpit. -•
Preeep tress, and Teacher of Motterit Languages
Estherffitis Patrick,- . •
• ' - s aistant Teacher of3ltidern Lanpagei
Qrs.Jane S. Nelson. •
• Teacher of Drawing and Painting.
All of the above teachers are employed in the school'
the Whole of each day except the Teacher ofDrawlng and
lAir. Westlake.. • The former devot. a such a porthm - of
each day t her class as may he necessary, and the lat.
, teaches one half attach day. - The public will perceive
1 that by this' arrangement the school is under the super
; el-iintand instruction of a very fail board; of teachers,
i and
.. the Trustees confidently believe quit no pains, will
;be spared to promote the moat thorough inigurement of
~ aillhe pupils. • . .:, 4 ..,... - .. ' , , -•- •
1 The necessary expenses °tibia Tnstittttion are Moder
/ate, 'Tuition exeltutive at prramental breeches, front $3 1
to $5,50 per quarter. lioardssl,so,perweek, washing !
271; per dozen, and fuel $2,50 per annum- . .
The discipline' of the 1 ustitution combines mildness
with firmness, - inculenting 1
sound, moral and religious j
principles, perseveringiutinstry, stict order and correct
The present term of this echool Nill oontinne till the
23d of Dec.,P.(it. Stndints are admitted at anytime,
but the meet suitable time for entering is the beginning
or the middle of each term. .Thiry who may wish to at'
'tend thesehool through the remainder of the Tall and
broughout the Winter,
would do well to enter as soon
es the2Orli or 23d inn. - Titers cabby a vacation of twci i
weeks at the close of the present soma... term
consists of thirteen weeks commenting January itholos.
lag April Bila 3452. i
Catalogues of the "-noisily) , andany - lcfotmatlon sea.
tivo to It can be had by addressing the Psincipal. (mettles.
of the undersigned. ' Si. A. ELIVP.4,IID, Pres.
11, ROUNDS, Sec y.' •• • - ' .
Kinesten. get 4. 1851...42-tf. , ' .
'The Last Wonder.
PT. 11411N17.53. the greaChtimbituer. is about Intro
. &icing Into this country the celebrated `Firelunn•
tartar; a machine nut larger tbana coffee mi ll ,' worked
bye thumbeacrerr. elilch mill putout the, largest tlriln
steady. But tills lies not Jng to do with tlmfact . that
Junis Jnovr.&, Tailor h...a just ret% the.
eul is now pieperod triwait on his Weide With his tetra. 1
olserity, all; and good buxom. ' '
Xr Coati:rat you wrukt capital LS, at the shol)
Lathrop 4 store.
N. B."Cuttlng done es tweak: : 7 * ';'
Montrose Oct. 9.1851. • , JOII I ,I 61104,03...,
I)NTLItY .tt DEAL ore thoagr4at's for the sato orDr.
Chrteira Cialetthic Curs:tiro; Dr. Pitehe'l - SuppOrt.
err. She ulder Braces and other theiDeines, , Arne's:
medicines, • Darts Path Ittiter, D alloys Yale. Restroyer
Dr. Tornwendi „Earrsparliht,: :Vaughn 's hithata4Ptio I
Bthenek's Dalsito,Ddlow's:Plearieure.'ke., - Abe, oon:
staidly on :bawl tiorgllnr. , Orharres -.Cherry:. ViteiOzal
-Cod Lwer 014 Day-Runt Pond's DestroyitorExtriat o
Witch Meal Soo Powder, and ail : the, other approved
Patentatrigieines of the tier. : -
110PUlii.1NO Fluid, for s"le by
Jece;l3, BEHEST #
N % \ • \ \N ,\%.,,_%‘‘ .\ \ ... % ' ~, I , 1- [ ; -1-;-' -- it --/ ;•,'-- -
\ . .
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-;,_ E v
We have net, the enemy and they are ours,"--conquered and dm a they lie, prostrate at
our feet, ; and the host ,of Penn a. Vemocracy, standing around their blazing bannei., send
'forth a joyi-shout that brings a glad response from one extremity-of the Union to the other
--from.; Maine, rock-ribbed and ' inettclad ;--from the Rio Grand's embattled stream comes
the voice 'of congratulation and gladness. The Keystone to the federal arch again rests .se-._
curely in its place, and every stone is now firm and immovable. The howl of Abolitionism
mingles, with the death groans of that-same old coon, and the rattling of empty cider barrels,
"makes horrible concord" in the death song of Whiggery. Oiii, on, - towards the head of
Salt River moves a motley crew, gibbering as they. go " that saline old tune ;" and t akinga
Ilast farewell of their departed glory, like the .ghosts of doomed spirits they go scourged to
their dungeon. Johnston, the -traitor to his firit love and the renegade from his jo,rmer
party, with bowed head and_ the dark seal of reprobation on his brow, hand in, hind with
the 'tor y. John - trohh(ll9 itexi§,llilv_van2,. a nd. _Jessup v ., that, ".great:andigood math" astriae_ihe
Susquehanna Bank, brings up the rear guard. : The 6 6 G1.. , , , e Club" follows close in his foot.
steps, and make mournful melody, chaunting as they go a requiem to his departed fame.
A Bank . Ghost with whip of scorpions urges on the mourner train, and with measured : .
tread and haggard mien the fated mass moves on to the political Church,l'aird. of theii au.
cestors, to lay him down beside the ashes of his political fathers, that Bankers and none - -
ch ang ers; A bo,lition lecturers and NaiOve American wire-workers may repose slde by side. But
we will not exult over a prostrat.e foe,-.we will
- . •
-." Leave him :alone in his crilory••• -,
.. ,
- .9
. . , ~..
and - Jet.himsleepsWeetly on in the grave where the people bare laid him i '
1 - .
another J „
wiThis is- . ackson - triumph.. it can be.comparedlo nothing else. ' The, sovereign -voice of-the - people has gone forth full-toned '.and--,HRtentia 1; adannititering ik .
thering rebuke to; the corruption and imbecility of the Whigs as an administrative Orty. ' - Faction and fanatiCism -are
.'crushed d an:l I.mrricif. IT one nommen : o ye ; tho
liOite bf demagogues is. hushed and their forces driven as chi*lf before the winde - The pure and Lion-hearted Petnocracyel Penns% Ivrinia are . veitered . to t ite rule of tho
government bequeathed as a legacy from the fath ers of ou r country, and standing in the place of their ancestors, they Uncurl their, flag of triumph' and rejoice 'hi: tho
strength and.gibry Of former days. We have ilium:died by our principles, against the niost powerful combination of intrigue; money,:e.nd all kinds _of corruption ' W . ,
have stood by our time-honored principles, relied upon them and the justice of our causg. for success, ind nobly have -we tiiiimpliel.-;;Glory enongh ! - andletFour Sieter.
the gk•rious,old Emiiire!speak'next, and the palmy day's of our Republic will be - restored. Dc . nzperacy will triump/i,_aud T the last and fedora hopekot:Whiggerybaki gOno
down in disgraee, to sleep a long and inglorious slumber.;' . - - •
... .
. _
, ', Preclamation.
New Goods. - _ Dissolution. -
C.I. Orr•QUEHANNA Fair •
Fill;::T IN TIARKET, °child. by her next frieild, Frederick E Tewke.
TUST race:red by ihelr.bscriber a new and large as. frtHE Co-partnership hcretOtore existing be
-lur• vs Stiles Fairchild; In the ccurt of Com.' WHEREAS the Hon. Vtif.tart JEW'S , .
a! .orttnent of heady-made Clo th ing, Boots &-b-hoes. , 1"r - -. 1
JL tween the ttudersigued has this day been dis.
-}d IV (xOODS ) .
Fall fashion Hats & t3aps, Cap letter anctwrapping, Pa,
pr.:, by thermal or less quantity. I solved by mutual consent. R. F.JAMESON. wo n Please of said county, of April Term, IESI, 1" If President of the Court of Oyer - and Ter.
Travelliiig and common Tuks, a few single and doub, - N. C. BISSELL. li, 1, WEBB 11AS ;art returned Irons No, 80. 'l'., Stiles Fuirchild.—tV herena a aubpoe- miner. General .Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
!la shot Grua, fancy Stationery, Books, Combs, Brushes, matron,. Oct. IG, 1851*-42-3w. N- E w V "F" with 5 ' tine no in Divorce term ist•ped in April Term, 1851, :Sessions of the Peace andGoart of COMIII9II Pleas
I , ..nrk of Fall geode whirl, he offrre for sale to rhos, who ,
1 Enives 4c.
, .Eyes over the Left- , .. , ~..
WILL PAT for tin'ili, RCM: low rates' os eon be reteons. tenich was duly returned non ea *meatus, aim and urpuan II t,ourt iD the Eleventh Judicial . I;tirs
Fancy articles to mammon to mention, all whfeh be
i t o_ l r y nt a oh LL intr eil. Not f..r.,-et• lug doe thanks to ouch of Ids thereon no alias subpoena,trus is.nad In said Cetera trict,"composed of the Counties 9f asap
designs to sell for ready pay, and Consequently as * ehrop
C. B 1 SELL having purchased the intcr. troll ds, an he,e he et dere brugbt to
01 . 111112 and paid re ritrunbie to August term, 1851. upon the return Luterne and Wyoming; and the Hore. M. G..Te,..
!). , e , i t o , s p i t l
t h t ,..m i
8 1 n si *: tly.lit: AG AIN .;"
as the dimmest,' If not cheaper. ,
A few desen pair 'WOOLEN OCRS Wanted. ' ..N6 ea, Of R. F. Jameson, in the Tailoring pus
or which. prr.of was matte to the said court that the Lett and Guis. Tistutav, Associate Judgesin NO*.
Nontrote, Oct.% 1851. . GEO. FULLER. Mess, con be found at the shop formerly cs,dopied ' said Stiles Fairoliad could not Lie found. in my quelinutla County. have heard their precept, beiws
''' Ja•neson & Bissell,
bailiwick. ... , ing thitG the 26th day of August, in the year of our
Rover's Ilk Eau , actory. - Having rec e iv e d instruction from AD. G. C: - tPll£lnhowingpropertpwill be sold at onhitcvendile st Th e , notice is therefore to require you fo DD. Lord , onethousund.' eight hundred 11114 fdly. ol ~.,,,..
R E 31. OV EDT 0 ; s oott o r Now York, he gutters lfaliself that he "i• 'the houre of thehne Jasreq. Loomis, decd„ la the,near before the Judges' of the said Court on the and to ore directed, for holding a coon of 0 'er and
can suit all• who 'may favor hit;' With' their Lids- loznip of Auburn, Suicen. co., on S Camay, Nov. Ist.• . . _. )
third 7dourlay of Novendser , next to tins:wet stud Ter minet and General Jail'Delivery, in tt o 11;,r
' NO. 144 RACE S RlgET$4
t eironneneit at ten &clod:, A.. 11 : 1 span or 6
"tom.- Fall and winter Fashimas for 1.851 and 1852, rata old mare s% I *lmo of matOt* ,l Seminal: Units; 2 eutnpluittt .c.. o. 'C. 4.1. GERE Sheriff. ougb of 51ontrose and County n e xt qnna, 0.„,•5-i
i (Between Fouyth std rath,opp. site Crown SJ,) just . d
. rectve . . '' N. f.. 1. BISSI:LL. double wa L rone.l too horse harnesas, I one horse her.. shears office, 3iontioSe. Sept. 17, 1851. - td - the third Monday...if Novembet, (it being this
. rill L AntrlLPlll.4 .
_, Montrose, Oct: 16 Ir.)1--- - , if.e-n-13. floss, 1 sadilic; end bridle. 1 pleltitt.a fall e at of Farming ,
RE the Propiietords enabled, by Increased la- , Wel:milt, 8 yearling., 6 rah cs., a quantity of sheep. 1 cow,
I citifies, to supply OM Frowingrand for novan's ,
:15 tons of hay. 2311 litallelS Of Cern. 211 bo3liels of In auS, Take , Notice , . .- ' Norms re nenatre Greets to the Cucuta, Jtar.
Diu, Which its wide spread reputano has created. Do yov„ Hear.
Thls Ink is now so wit established in the good opinion
}IF!•AVING located myself near Harvey'Grif. rohurliela of Tlinothy need; 200 betatela of wax. I HEREBY forbid Ull p.rBolllilliering. harlbring. races ()Film PiAcr , ,ittroCOMISABLIr - Oftexid Coml..
TEIISIS.—A credit mill be given. Vali good r eturity
or tit still in • son Ebenezer Butler as I will 'tv af Susquehanna that thei. be il•en cati'llirris
and in•rest, es follows: For all Bumf Morn than $lO 1 Z” )
~ ,' , , . • . ) ,
and con3cletme oftlie American Public, that it is scarcely
Ifeetnceesstuy to say any tbleigin its favor, and the mann. fling's, on th e outlet of Heart Lake ; I would and not more than ssn II month, time, A ll punts ~,,,,, p a y no de hts of his eutittnet:n a outer thin 0 , 1 1, e ; CIO, ill blew properpernono, at tamp mock. lathe after..
ores taxes thlsonportunity to saF that th o o o talellw . give nottee to nil who leant their Watt; done right; tnun s‘bo itnd not inoro than SlOO, 6 month., and all hnving i'eft me, witiinot nny knowledge, or permts. mem creak{ day, with their records. Inquisitions,.
........ . Er, rlvEzEit %viiirivEy. - t o nt'',er remembrenees. to do- those things wh eh
I thus eecured shall not be abused.
I In addition to the vitriotts kinds Of writing risk. he that I tag t ie found there at- all times, reedy, and • sui A ris , l' ll o " , 7 t th t r e B , l'l 9 l, l3 . l d aa l l . l 4 7 , .. 6.
a re l t u v i 'l' ,.. o n N t i i ;!N c r......
~,.,,, .
also snanufactures Adarianithe Cfnlett2 far mending - willing todo all kinds of work, in the sliarre of
Glass and China, as we ll can snpeeto e Hai r Dy e; a trint Bleeksmithing. in a good and warrantable man- t • [emus
0 a , z0 p it , .. r . i i , ... , , ,, r ,. ,,j ec ). e t,;:.r .f0 n ,1
jL 0r,; ,, , ,,; ,, , ,, i ,,,.., , , ,, ,- . G . dison,pc_t. 6, I t . '; 5 ..... 1--11-3 tv``• to their • ilfices appertain to • bes done. .ilud th,,so,
who are bound by teauguitinuess 'Pinot the Pt a"
'only Is necessary- to hasttrelts future rue, and Ofeatiag 1, , er. / ho r se Mecon, 1 horse rake. t coiihing 'toil.. 1 stinw eat s TF'a.r, well adaptco frir prtlrgeat and Bottlers, at a vcry _ .... ..,.. .
.. A A TYlini 6 trater ' S DrOtiCe. Or,enl thOt,iater or shall be in the Jail of 11110:1 001111.
low price r in terse or smatt quantities. ter, 1r on lint:l:e harness. 1 burcuu, 1 secret a ry leftre.
N. B. No Cute 60 pay. -
tArders addresteirto JOSEPH , Ec HOVP-E s Bridgewater Oct. 15 1851.
.... . 0.12 o b t Pd h q ,;n t :L b k "l ll , 7• e gts,:c7 s Prit t n e nti 4 t;o l it r i,%:• l rylt: ber l . .I T _l rr Tl T io l n l i t : V s l o a f t ' e A o d f in ft ini t ' .iTl it it i : l n il d of dece th n e s e 4l t !,b ia tiT o i i ng rh b W ee b ri ° t p Y rcS o c r e S ti ll te gti a ti g e tt h in a s U t il l a h ' e a lla M all. to w ba in t oo' lle rsok ilit ', ll . l4llllte ' 16
ill anufacthr. cr, ..-
- ff. F. NEW I ON, ' r.• %RAU TUTTLE, Executrix. granted to the undersizned. notfcm is hereby given t 0 Dated at Montrose, that 24th day ofSepternirr •
• • - . Ne
t el
Roc: Slreelo - -•. ..1
in in A ear co our uora, one urousand e.ght bbn.
Between.4th It bth,eppo!lte Crown St.,
out delay , rind silt persons lonise demands °tains* the . L .., *
PitIIABGLPLtia. lax Seed.' mate will plcabe present them duty attostod for settle., tried and filly -oats ' .
A' ceri quantity of Flax Seed wanted in exeloinge for Oro went.ent. IV,VID THOMAS Adttt'r.. , 39 6w '
esor Grubby 1. N. DIJ LLAII D. Great band Out. 15, 1851 7 11-m G.
Clocks, Watches, &Jewelry,
Musical Boxes, a; Accordions,
touth Gibson, Pa..
. S2OOOIVAIITED.; ~-,.- H.
~ ..
The time to-Bayl - - - -, ..... my tbasubscrib et. aa he Lenin, prevailing In get up -11,13
: - .
~..p tttll. stock, hie casts to his numerous custom s, bie
. .
% ' ' f -... ICANFIE LW would 'sitY - presenklargenssortment al roods at„lowsv mitts than
.- . • 1.4 ,to his numerous friends a d any eimnar ePtgibllmbmeni,lo IYeiteru New York. ' This
etuilemere in iliontrensiandvi i stock consists, Iu part, Gra large Mark of void and kiA ee
Stn .. 'that be has just returned - - iguglish patent Lesmoi, °lbis own importat lon, warranted
;from New Terk'nith•tilarge td-': - ,superior so any ever offered In (dm Couuly ; Gold end
r ffitien to his e*telathentgortatent - - Flirt r anchor Leit;rl and hepinee, Gold Lockets,-Thi n,- oußwring o•lt atr h P n,- •-rbletl, Spectacles, Oreastpina,firaceints - ,Earri4s, Finger
.Cold Ond,sil; levers and Lepine . . - rings, Cuff pitiii,Yenel'criellii, veil, guard and rob eintinsi.
hill jests:lied d plain gold guard • ' - n:eals;slie)a. ite. Also, every stock of Ulcer Ware.coni.
is.. Aeon. ~..,, e islOi ll" .!!.iiestanit fob eli r linii,Lookets,thlta.
.-..' prising °very ardele In that Ime, wiatented poiensessin,
-iffes,apiscks,,Wigs., bratelehr, Hager lnd ear :rlige t era: .. as f ullassortineut of plated wara, In every variety, gam.
pins,bronehm, mnalete,. pew!. and eh II card.cases, pen . . cy Othads, 'Clocks, sintlery,Gorabe,ec.
and pellet enaoa,choral heads, cutlery Perfumery, Sit- - . Ilingliamtmh 0.0.:10. .: - —ALFRED 3 , .EVANS.^
vetr, - ftettztadistal piatads W 4 re.aleontileiins. Hats , ....._
tunkurforke, i lion altitrgsi clocks, nets, post, Monis, -., - .. . „> - .
ExclieirientllTO.2: ~.. .. ,
Needles, stud rallay I,;(kCab,i itiratoh gl Wig ' ll4l v-ri , , i fr lIE subicriber having made another false' has just
tecialti for tho tride by the'quantlty, 9 nbovevilf be . ,A., been to New Tork, selecting A very great variety of.
!old at the lowist palate: ':•XrWatchas zed of :
.aluxest ill kinds of Goode, which be uould most reap* t,
al 'kiwis aerdre4 on-short nolictOiltbo oldt Mend neat. .fullqlnvite bit fritifilla an il 4be pub/I e generally to nor is
.4 opsoalte Lisp iiihmsnis; , Galan ehgingbani n• • -,' ' , : •, .
,and govern themselves eacerdingly--:a . good InOrty'll a 'a".
. . , .
~ ~., • - - 1 • Oct JO . 1 80 /L. . ,things; for thefourth. - orJuty. " •• .' -WC '171,214 .
bitirjui kit - Pia. tlii•to . / * moat dr's suid AliumNew ' ltionttoei, Jane 29, 16/11. ..••• -. • ..,,.... . • ::: -:.••-. ; ".
'Ole and warantel •it• - ', -.. ' .'
•:! ' is.; CAMEL% .- ;: - . .. :,... . • -.',.. '.-.. --
:. • '• •
4'7 ?,
• • ;..„
CAME into the incl.:ince Of. the'subscriber
-Vor about the first of Oct. it three yearn old red
heifer with a strap around her head. , The bullet.
is' requested to prove: property, pay chattel and
take her away , : A.IIIOS , •IIEATA
Cloconut,, 1851-42 w3* •
0 poor Coons ! why do you wonder,
This is democratic thunder.
. . .. . , ---
... -- ----- usguLE.HANN:4 tcktliviii., ~,:...ii i ...t.
.ri RIND Stimeß. A snperior lot Just reeelie . - :. dolt p l / 4 3Li0,,,:i5:1 ) , bet nejit;fri,.idonitot nv i,i, ,n.,„„
Pamphlet - Laws. • • t-T h,....0141.. total tvlto ;vont a new avid Flip. , - aril , L,,, v i 0... , J o the , 00urt of Irothroati, pip . ‘, ~ ,. ..r ,
cle by 1. - - • 11.ncie, T. ~
'VOTIVE To Itcr , by oven that the Pamphlet I.awa of -fie 3111 ford, June:l,llM- ' • . , eounty. of Align term; 1551,, .N0;..27... T o L e vi
Ix the Session of 18M, ire this day received ,• and are ----,---. '''''' — '7 , - -,..- 4 , s
.. , ,
..., Immo / a
antraint iii.uivore ,
--;Avir ft iN " • LeWiW6 ‘V
ready for distribution , to those entitled to receive thew, - • ...; , ;
• 1'..31. WILLIAMS; Proth i y. AM. persona an , hereby ; cautioned . egninst vd to A pr fl ' frrril, p: irre - nil, .i 851 s* WhiellAl s lii.44s . I doroYti
' Proth's °Eke; Montrose, Sept f... 20 . !8 5 / ' - poreliiisind n ef4tltitt erinimory mote, given " en inr rnrtrornod thereon .an di Ilia oilloporno.
~ ~ • 1, - . , ,byme In Asa B. Newtnu. toe . ion dollars. i t at ,4 . Wag large& --iti• saint : time 'return Mite tn. Aounst.
. Abu — listrator's Notice.. . _oct. 1, 2351, rte I nin .11.7 t ermined flat to pay the T0rm.18.514 upon ttio. .
that the:oo Lrvi Li w 4h .retin m et.which.. proof CIII.
1" . r TTERS ofAdministration or i m
ho estate of Jaes . !inn% " ".• 3O NATH.4
N D LANE. made tq the said court
_Lr ilorit, cleo'iL Luta of the .townstilp of Great Bend, Great tteud Oct: 1, 1851-41w11 -.-. i
_., ~ _ foul(' not be found in my- bealiwitli;;,. ' nix . DOliefr
leaving been granted to thiiindersignod, notice is , he: gi ...-- 7 .--,,-...---. 7 -‘.. 7. .-- ....4._.„... ,__. _ ._ - . lit thoreforo, - torequiro lop to otiprits ; Wore . the ,
Lyle:Vett te rill indebted to tlifFtlaatp to vitt and settle
.. • A . ... A . 4.......!... „ ivy _, _ _
.: _ .
the Ailllllo without delay, ottani' persosbeytt, t r,kin,,,,,u, ,• • . , iGli u
' • - •
fgaiiiKt the es-tat...will plouse; present them Oply, attest. grill E tindersigried u, b 4 ao 4 in n z .° N. a ,.),‘, C . cl awi t ,t, ( l 1 , 1 ,-, . von'bej next, td - '''' ' - wcr ila w ki n ei'al g )1411 : . -it" ' '
tti nr At'i drirlen I. ~ -- . DAVID '111031,48, itato r. . : JL , the.Orphaite Collti of ,Snegionhaittin Ginitil ..
' ' - ' ' CI
' igr .'
-Groot Llend. Oct, 4:1851-41 0 . ... , ,
~ , _ - : , , , t ~ S heriffs' ornes.,mootro..., , Srpi4 I:Jai; :in*
A d'ln t ; lv d' ''l I' r
an it i r o mii a
,_iFtlfi in KW 0. , tn. Assent itt .
I\ e--.... , ..„ . . . the hands of the Adrn rof.. t. ()mei:no Rnmiera,,ll,' ' Ri te * Go ds gild to..sirii - stit,
W 'COOdij - ' -' - A
rrirE flubseithers, tyke- plext ore in irinntmento to . -,•&-. onicrog Aim 'ego, neine, of toild decedent rilt,•cil,.);Ei.) . 1, - ,, , ,r,', r a, ' rd r- ~‘. r •
• their:eii.t omens 810 tbe pitlifie;th at ille.y . t oTiy.tioW will'atteud tr, i A : Chl
t' .l " ..t/t!°° ' P. "' 9 nt } ftoiotril.ot. in thii. - .1 etnt,..quftearceisertment et Irs,tibiidt.. ari oh Oft '
racolvedthelr $ 4,0, 1 4 ' I 41111• Of '
.;,.....,." -, ._ . , °ince t±f J. T. Itichardet..E64 - , ;In Itfontreari, 44.. of nrylinnots,.Orecartebtli;vihrate,lityla. Iteldweeteete
~., SIT:kJ iER p-0VP,..15 `-: -. . Flittny.ilie lfit . hdnyi oS,Ntiv: inst., es. - 1 o'clock., l'lgno'4,o`7.:.'ellestralitit.Yrnr"the'Aistroli',.Bl44.4(.l4.lo,ltst,
embracing a larger stock and grvoter TarietY forint hen it . ~..- An - ne , _, _
hove ever before k etit. and nmehthey oiler ref role Oir • e • ' % rg
h . "4l T . l' UP° . 11 93 ) 11 (Milt W i n . iti', iweivr.o"ea 4 ,9 42 kni.ortba tip. titod , st tivi if,„;.
n sent tuem ut inn! time ee ti ..doheere Ih e y o er,„ rtontis tout/ ror teterhu;44 ogan:Fa s. 64 , i.
the usual. terms AB 10,/ tUll. any other establioliment in.- • r • . , i... - ; 4 - : .. ‘it , a , to (a u 'n ol o ~..,~..7 - .
oi,..unty. ,• - . .._ itrAD. , 0r.:.. - , • .., .. ._ -. ,H tlfrt_AZ(i 144luditeit - . n fredh4.4 es ,al".'iwii- ;`,,',': : - k.' l ” , VA4. I,
litontrek-e,,iuneie,4Bs2. . - - - - Montrone,: Qetil leale-i1v,e414 -.; - • - - -"-"" 7 -. - ^'N!".. 4 _t = s I.; - ',--..;.- .::.! •
.. • - - -- .. . .
• - .
' --• : 1: -= /.:','• i' 01;.: : :: -' ." ,;'-i - r , ': , • /....... r - 4 -- - • - ;•• re --..: ' ..--, •-•_ IV: 7 -;•-_----
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G. G ERE. -Shilif