SOZ*IIDZiIS3I9IODITge4 NOntrolip l Thin day, Oot. 2, AP , , icture riiitlifull - 3i Drawn Old , ~i True to the Life. , . A '.... ' :ROI, 6:11t. Buceataw,' the ' tal ese), :Scoter from,golumbia county. in - a speech viiide;iii illoomslitirg, on the 11th of .li.u --gustrlast; When - preferring. to - .the ,arroglitit pretensions of any Johniton and his friends, in the claim-set up brthein diet his Illicit- - Imlay had projected and matured a Sinkihr; Fund 'peculiarly lis own,. and : that be 'iis paying off the State debt, a thou! th clearly e n s= fllac.' lie sts e Gernor of his; lyirowed y 4)luMage r ;a ipnd:Witlin ye 14ilf prophetic) vision exposes the pomp and, ply. . 1 4 3 Caliioti.ivoitlitaCcorniiany the Governors first PeoclaPritiOn..on. this ;subject.':tl ' f iart•telatinowtheilarg type' , an_d "great seal" I have imtually'eome - to 'pass. : . The pro - clink gee' shishwas required:lVl"' it'S 511141 CW dlitY, 'is ,paraded in alt the Wiijg ,organs ,under the witended wings: of. the Ittheilean lagle . „ jn," . glowing, capitals, wiih_ ,hands Pointing to its-head, as if the whole ptil)lih,• debt:, ; has . 'b'o6inio - eitii)guiebil ihron.h the great; financial skill - of Wm. , ~Johistnn alone, and that nothing now" re mained but to read the Efeveynor's , • prorl:. marten nf his'great - and marvellousachieve znentS;, lenity YOutselflutof debt with 4 taxesi to pay... , • Eat,'. drink and' be happy as log as-thci_delutton lasts. • But we set out to:give an extract from 'the -Senatorls able speech, tO . which we will now introdnelc the reader,; :: ' ; '- • • ' ' Why then does the 4th section of the acrl of 1849,'.WhiCh l'iitive just - read, provide I that* report' shall ho made by . the , on . ll- 1 unsironers br thi.:SinkindFund at in ii+ mud! titne'instead' of, the usnal • tint° •in ,January 3, IVlty:on the'firit' of SePtembel.. _Miring the fiscal year of 'the 'State; 441 not at its close'r Why, isthiireportlo•he Male-every thiril year; and the first repot ecactly on the Ist of September, I$5llA-, Tac parposenva4to re-elect:lVm: F. John ston ! Recollect, the act was poised 1.0i1) 9f,,ilpril, 1249, end that. these reports sia;- ken' of in',the 4th secition, Were' to be made a 1,,. the end of every third year.. Bat thre:e coats Iron the :passage of the act would . e,* 4 - tend to the 10th ofApril, 1552, six 'months calei the Governor's election this fall; ill consideration of which eircumstanel, dcinbt less; the 'time of toaltiog , tho report was polled bachovaiti . a'ad fixed on the first . 8f September:• '' , . .:.,, -; '' 1 I.lnw i hentifulty the natter Was atringqd to drat . . the purtoloi'intendedl.l4, 116,ir 41ecirly may this. fourth section enlighten us ' w - in th'e icitentiOit'inqpilipesp . eritertained in 4.84% :•filie'*ain object was not to. 1)- friend the' people'. of. P,eansylvactia in t e, ' z their •Itielik. .4e- elect ,n Armstrong eatinty, lawyerthe' , father f relief notes and.thefriendof the abolitionist ' ;-4e the ofide;ot tliivernot. You Will o). sarvathat this triennial report is to be made nut to the liegislattire, Where 'such rein) is appropriately belong, but, to the Goren:o Atist, Yqi,to the tine; er such report the de t paid'uf is' considerediinpaid and draws in:. teilsti'that upon ;melting the' report the VErcernpr ia to,-urder"tho:titOcellation,'Or 'destruction of.the certificates of debt,i;so - that the aetnaiiithignighthont of debt 436.11 -appearatiliiiet: awl that, theieupoa,jiist •,six !tit* ibeforo,aegleatian, 11l shall is4in a , &mins ..proelatnatiou to' the-;people7- inhinellicr 'the ipairdent of so much Of the TOlie deba , Alta' whim "we are tom tat G,:3i , ..,rishilsionati his- wonderful Sinking TOnd . bave'done the- biiSiriess 1- And that , Alm-financial abilities, Of the Executive irel ' . ;-at,leait; - iqiyiLld'tiioie of Alexander 'Hain- I 11 , 41 , '' l!ttd‘W l3 -','PiFt';':" .'Do yon not Pdeklve 1 t „ hat in' pursuable of the inteption•in iltm the - Governelsirrlithe - hey.s . note of the 1A11vic. 161 4 1 )) .- .4)Bechlat 'Lancaster, ',and his , bort :followed,l4l . ins ftle'l,eaders' all u f siOri ti) State. in it pans of itiidi to the Sinking! I;ned r ''lr: iress'cieSirible to direct theipibi lie 'Mind :beforehand in, sneb'manner as 4 to `ire - kfall and salutary. effect-to the . Sep+ telpher -proclamation , That • vonilertul 44 . .'rennient; gentlemen,' is soon eniiiing,in 'Oll il.e'4 . 9tY'° l fririe P.Sp'eanifundei.the great seal.:44.connuoirwealth . It will become itS 4oi.peruse • it:iiith-thanirfilness and gratf. - tide,-and to 46collect that it li thO prcidne`- lioii'nfit'Suiditil,persenage Who ‘ 11 43 . .b . "Ziii .: . - ioiaed a . prc_ject from his competitor - and _prepared it for electioneering' purposes. ; ; SHOWER: 07"FLESli BENiers.ln Sti t terclay; - the'2,o6 inst., a ebewer 'of - Meat afiay, station near,- ; t 'Waislist: 'observed _by. - .Major, Aden, Who eras strucleht orin'Of the falling ,pieces:`,J- The:shower listed tiro, or, three .mintites. The' pinta - were 'from_ the `site of pieehri's eggup tO tliat of Orange--Pie 'perhap . s 'weighing...three Dailies. • 2;74 , birds : were visible in the air at the time. :SPerimeils of. this moat; think is apparent- Were, i eeserred 46y: kla.j . or Allen „Und r - the j surgeim of the ; post. •„ A; piece .tiat was; ; ,examlned,three boars _after. , shtiwed pOrtion of a small-iilood *egad; anthe of_the kheattrof a muscle and iriuss i - tfiVe. was 'slightly tainted: The on the - alio.wer. was uh,ont throe hundred yards long and •eight ty end the entire aMount'ormeat_ilze '• tween two and half and, • • five ,b ushels;: an ',No:Pieces Of hone - were - fano& sin:Jaz" wind ,fiom the west wai:l - lilowing at theitinie, - aed the skies'wercolear. '.Tins is the i third occurrence - ofthelind on: record • -in -the -last six - years. The theories leretofore'ln vogue as to " t"would ; theiciause :such phenomena , seem "aegatived by. the •.,..actionnti given of ,We trust•z the surgeon: - of. -;the 'pest' Will puhlish - his ', obietrationd on theyuilijeet; :both, ihr 460 eace_and the , satisfaction of fuli curlew. y -Paper. - • Tnsae are $2O bills: on._ the Bank of Chean:tog, Elmira, altered from ones, and in ' aireulation;: The figuras2oare' pasted the npper corners' and' the_ word twenty an she.iewer.s.- They havejust made ;their appinsnee and are well .calcalited:toille-, ceivg.° ' • 11Eir ti-,Pr'esident - Van Buren has re , Aiontiyteeli on ; a fishing_ excursion 'id: , the „stool:tete-Ora of 'Vermont. -He is Atty . - - seven yearn ,of age, and illainsoyant'And etn'seie a,owa# be' seas ` twenty pars' -ago. _4(),li`i itAssn - 04i* js; that be has ant diank jag iieeot jiviorainthe hot.thirty ye!kg =la '7 2,111640141 i POW in eserit4Pg save lis polities, ,:i,; 4~: Jr ? I Tenpin's!? Evuipt_•rueo scat [ • - E & Chase- - 11 • _ •'. - rIWPSACTORIIV - -tTERSI , 3O!-O:ce trim cerrrit'per annum, cash in advdec.e, of mu dollen& if not paid Until the cartel the year, or time of subsCription. • Nd paper will ber - diseoaduried-until •arrierager +ter Paid v axce - pt at the , option•of the Publishers ,-'ti All commUnications must be inn 'rain ,to-rm ceite atientitem - All tetieric caneeted with the:office, chould directedto.d. R..-&;• El:Ctuazilfotarps4S:usi, 1 1X Editors' °MOO ovsi 11. C. Tytees Store.; IiATE§ 6C; Ono lities or 1e4,Y3 iusertiOusi s.lot Euch-sui)sequeptinsertion, - 21 4 Ode sqUare; 3 mouths, .;,,. “... m o n th% , , A. Ot. Ilnsinesw girds, 4 lines ti less . ; 3 Os ' Yearly AdverrivetnentS, uot; over 4 squares.- 7 0. Ono column,-one" year. ; 30. Ut -Yearly AdVertisers will be rosirieterl to the bd . siness in Which theyare'engaged.'; • Kr The Pub Otero, having large assortmert, ()flub Printing Matcriele, are prepared ail kinds. Of .ro woRK wait iieatriesiCaud'des patch. ' . •• • - I.* BLANKS of ,iivsit deseriptiort:,constanttl on hand, or pribtsito order. ,• . •, • 0113,',.tti"0_4 -: C/Rt'::; ''' DR.; JAMES, BROOKS., Physician and Sureon, and dealer , in. Drttp• Medicines faints Dyerr,. Sic. ant er . .'n Church and. Ping streets, opposite Col: T'. Lusk's - Great Bend; Pu. . =• : - - - I NIL, 11MOQ3K,- tforniev ,I:outv. • 4 4)Mes 'on- Ttimtiike ntre6.t dt - mr ,sest of the irid Reglater Printing gir..e!,, /to)f,• A TRuEstiEta, _ ATi'QRNEY AT -LAW, creai Benti„On.—office faith Col. E. Lusk PETER DECKER - , ESQ: u VIN G been appointed by Gel- Plab.of New York; it LLa CottonirMonet for that Etta to tak e the proonne eannAstedgernent Deed! nri.lotber Instruments., 'it attend to ousin y ss caPs . in tbat calineitret. higroffiee at ;; ,. ..nt'lli.ntf. Pa. - Pept.lo,lB6o =ly - 5,5. wiiNcititsrurt, . • '.ATTORNEY. AT , LA NV, 4.7;e,r1.',13 - 446. Ron . . - -• . ,-. . liti , - G:. It AiitriloLt. - : -. • - PLFSTDENCEin'iIvi Ifotme . 'fdriiierlyAbo residence o IL Satnnel Guile, detensed. Illrfoefl. DrTernbrr2.s„lß'l• , , -q--,' . : , , 11. II Ai 1):.• LIVERY AND EXC ANGE,STABLF '. Montrose, Penn 7 a. - 7 E, E. B.4,r;S::E. EU—S W , , , 5.1. 2 1 9r :C7"247 . 6 AT .6.W. - ... NIONTROSE, PA. I • (05clover • Tylies Stoie.) _ ' , E , Ti• ctiAsit. . ~ - . ,'.. s. R..chAn 1: - it. - tO.N6DON . - toNli STONES, TA VES, • UCtlteen 'the ' Bridge and' Venn Court .11t, Llinghamtnn,.N. rcr J.ll Whitney Traveling Agent, - gm, fl":7 1 ,0"73. • la'. DEALER IN zr.Y.-coo 8,-GIIOCERIES,IIO4M ANT Jervelry;.Niiticiust , ece: ' ''Oreittßend,..Timi2Otb,l,Bsll • 1 ••• •'• 213 tf. WM ell lEE WILL &ELLAT TITEIR. &LEANT PRICES, - . r ' - ADDING TILANSPORATION. • .- . The TWO 1103 SEI4IAOIIINES are well calculated for tirge farmers sad those aL6 Male a business of thresh ing. They are light that the whole is .onventeni 4tarried on one warn withlwo horses, the weight being shout 2,t00 pounds. - , ~.. .. .. . The VEIRAT IN a SEPERAT 0 ft divider , and carries the Straw entirely chat from the grain, leaving the grain lin the best possible condition for et easing. . - ' Tidiantehlne With froni three to firehimas will thresh I fiortione to two hundred Muleteer wheat per day, or twice thnt quantity of oats. "' - - ' The ONE HORSE 3i A CIIINEF wit! two or thtielianda will thresh about half thnt quell thy: They atm; thresh, and separate Clover chaff from the strata, very fest and "/-Ttie Ottellorte Pores Is ttn*sely usod by large dairymenr fdr elturningend for s. wingwood,cuttiugfeed, 0;-. 1 1 , - . , it - r • ALBANY PRCIEo : i . • qvin,lTaiseTower,,ttneshen an Separator, with. bands 1 not all appurtantes, „". : .. ! . sl4s CO Two llorse. , , .40'.. '. , do., .do. I." . 120 , 00 DO; .- . • dn.:, - ' ' . de. . " geared for ' aortal:4, driiinieress-entiaa and grind , i stone,. • ..- ...„ 132-00 EloverTheller. "'• , ,:, ' • i . - 23 00 I'm./ Cntfnr, ..; • • • -'• :-- • - 23 00 Cretiliirllaw Mill, (1,1 irich saw,) ' , . .. 31 00 , . M", The above machluesal e all wArrented "o work to 1 t r lte entire satisfectien of the 'Purchaser. or they may. 10, I tarried within sixty daysfrom the time they are re ceived, and the purchase money if paid wdl be refunded, The S obscriber hue one of the too horse machines . nll operation; end is, prepared to do threshing In the , I at reanxtcr,posiible; eaduarrauted to give entire sat- isfactlou. liarford Ag. I . 4tt 'WA - 11.3tf. . The:Peaples.Friiidll." - „, ,14,,,,-.,1,1%,,evr.,-Cgods,--; • -.,,,,-1 . - ittonlning. to ... ,, ..i' 'T.N. PONDIN• etithata4 iiii , IT. ' 4 . , thor eu.tomert entitle public, thr.t they have wow. rip DrArpopze..iLwrillzaumasTwArt.-o,Extrik xeCeivad (1 r liFply of - .- front the shrub called, Witch-hazel, and purely from "" 'l' • - •;:SI7SINER. ,GOODS . • _... that with theeteeptiou of a littledleot,olto preSerreit.,' ••' i i.. 1.1r . 4 ,- • 1 i la i ge • i t l , ' c i d rr ,:. 4t ,,,, v n ' t t,t y , th . ...' n 't . l if i , , Traili care all local , pain and Inflateatioits. , old , sore!, fresh wortuda andtrruises,. Piles, and all *diseases,!of the ve eker before tept: credcrLich th:u offer for sole on , bowelsafa ettroulialture, tooth-ache, ear-ache and .ant c. usual term:tuff:low u . s any: ottwr: , 4l,tallraim?'t in lexCellent rim. dy for fertiales, &b. - , , - .„ 't'ittcnint , 3l. '•'. "--,- '•' .% '-•-• 1 . 1 t" . . 0 -L ll '''. / 1E 7 -D- ontero.c..Tont 10. ISl',l. , "It istratfahse it Profeisesto lie;' , the Peofile's Friend), . - . ... „ • . , Pravidannehass=ttered - ['Jong tbirugged paths nitre PlaWidng'thaP3 , larj - initittreatlYito' t he:comfort tall happiness of every body ; hence_ their great value, and WellmaY they be called Vrbinds of tlibTeople ' " "" ' One word him tegnatdagalttstimphathrti: 'll Mai' liy. ' the name aSpencer, 'liar maimfaitreTand , offered fOr sale a armarjona article:called the , .11 Extract,-,-that would be extract 'of the' hazel - nut: hegennine is es c, t white and as pureii Witter, taltilethi spurious article it , molorcd,which enables, the publicto „distinuish. „ ; 1 Nenegennine.bastbosemarltedl'etursl'abaDestroSeT ' MIL EC IIiTCII atiOntrose,and otore-keepezi , and me 'etne•dealmweatterallyagenta - - ' i ' ~t ~ I - :i, - : ,:. - U. PA; sEmmoN4, BOOTANEISHOE MAKER & REPAIHEP, (Shop aver A:talairilep Saddlery :Stiop.% j $3 3 AZt SHAVING. & HAIR DRESSING SALOON • Seitries Building next dour to the.Poit TifaCd, Mordrosoi Pa‘ • 4121 f. 1851 BUSK HOUSE, -1851 - - -, Groat-Rya& Pentila , i froprietbr,.; QTM.& ° leaTe 34101012 re, P5..7..t0r igesent points, on the arrival different:lsaias of Airo, tart. , rirl'emnsturnislicilly3lr;M.Trneidell, at itiortnotiee And terms whielvesuinet fail to Flat: • "- • "3. B.,Anaveredmur . iagir,will. COITIy gneits,to and from the ears.-33 ' ' • - -Dea Drdgs, Medicines, 'Med:kris, 'naints, Oltr„ Camphine, statb,9rocrries,,,Drygoods garciwar.l , -SPnewMel q/aßEwaref 1 ) 74 4 ,1 4e.-JFIFr elry r spoons,speciaelus., :gtistes Instruments. Trussett. ItettleitllttstrumentAV MiiitiOrSoperhintery.. Mitrout; sta. Mddery,binbbesodweS, Toatte-Actior,s„ j Montrose. • 33, ,:MIISCELLAN]OIIS. TO THE u Euigs - y eon Irs• 'that' tit tint spring-at IdSO. iida er!'d. mncb came. upon Ina ashichteenitad faille emcee .the Stunarr and ,Fa. 4 Ppnnonary:Cousanaplion, •My .I'hisidans,,nan ..ndninoe and skill. gay.;• its as In 'a [Mint e. 1 thin srin tuld'bottght or Abel Third!, Dr*: 31tintrass,-Pa4 a-bottle -" trant'svoritiina extzset,"-for which t paidana dollar-nod-by the.usao this one Lot tta,X was , restedod to parfert bardth. I now enjoy 606d,...bea1th: ' . ' ' idAft.T A'.1•21.1111:, L' Franklin-, f unfa. -Co.:Pa4 30Y V. above ..purifylrarfat-4 et'l and 050 291km:4$ pniiion a ryi4o4aam7,(lantb the care of Rill. Ocases) safe b.* • • 'Montrope. - Eep4:4: '•-• • ' •'• ••• • liirsl • Fars! .•• -• ' GASH paid fot fox hunk, Nuikiat, Mirthiind V Coon skins', 4 TYLER.r `Nouttoti, 'Dec. 19,1850. - • • Flax' , cbatige or to 1 1 1 : !. .4.1SULLABD4? r ,t erter qr Calla)! E ..° 317P1..F. 3-' 1..0n; ;ha 1.5'; er . tor, , and plain Pe Late of all colors at ;ALT by the bbl. or load, Q. •. Di R. L. &Co4s, .P.LOVOIM andScraintrifo; rate by . LYONS Jr. C.RANDLEIL! .qt , AP fPF , lers and Bat -Pill .411741 . .Flt p itttOcal Ipstrzzzu . I Perfumery, at "DRASS 'ketties -freah - raiaina; figs,` herring, JUttitickerel;eiidfikt. and Uipoil hats lciraitle by ' TYISR` r. Ditockoftcop.o and shore •„ • D: R: L. atid ;p04,, AATILALE *ad Ltaseetrillaaiate,s,gopd.4- .;:T , V,Eorttneat ,Er.. and tousgoori far plow, and cartB:ters.) ; . N 13 ontivre,Jaa., 1851. , 4. 9/111 xionivt 'thou Orouge Coain,pana and a 1 GiNikliatiai kin& = - TYL:res: . actin -' • .--TLASTERi•fIATER .;-i agotettlim 4 avegaoo-ung Osystga, , catotsweli Mt,' BeridDizpot , 4Bx3i- • i ,I,By W. TAGER; flOTLEMEN.wititittg tP.Ott, Clottts,AnkOlgeSall'iuter Alethltqg wittdotrellottli et 2 1171411M0. f*DnSUandMaaergas Ju A I,l4iestin! indebted. to - 44d ,fitut. 11.14y4enottit'telutsiid to!calligtxtdattetAllie sin:kik - AS keabeieonteneeesstuirp hare laystletk etelittkernktigetinitnediately. . The 'Boob _and Noteetesx be feth4.fwith, th e aubseriberog th - e etoresf Heydett4l,i'ttle,„ - - TRACY-HAYDEN. PhyrarontAluttv26,ll4•l3lf. ,miscELLAM!:bts, ,-:laggrance • compOnli*of:Utica; . learnt for thenhoio company sinefor. L. refs to Insure - both 'rat awl personal property for. he chi rens ofBasqueha nott.county t against loss Or dam.. ;0111.V:eon as taidrable t epos an) rith as alite 5 Yeti c, irtsslire aeon beet:rioted by than. In .aily -Other rsrponsih/e company uhateaci. have obtained a Li ! : i.enseonatuti prepsrol tolosure Formers andothershars op unexposed risks et sorb rotes es reit& r it morally. v.( Ttaiti that I *shall monopolise the business or the Conn .ty if those haVing ptopemytti insure 'trill stop to , moot the tor •Ve {main a:Lain& of. property. chargina. for each a fair proportionate rate for the rick :run and !ellen lor re! , 1113 pre ivpgy phs,in Mg., It Is 14EP/CFR to Insure prima) eentreurieS that ,charge little or.ontbitir. for , heir ileficieri When you nrent with a logs pOy is of , •gatie'terrt"eiad ali - thelnstlied refs for his Pains is a iood bleeding itithe farm of artiest•nientS to paytheurosa --ti andexpensrs"of the company in tonlesting N: 11. Wihohl onrteltee rrroehtible for 100 and . taatagcaby lightning and most ewipardea do not.:. . „ ' • JoIti , tE.IIINILTAN, Pres. 4QTCIISISS, Agent, Office at Searles' IIOtel; Matitre;e, and' turner of Court • „and yestdneten at.; f.{.l floor, Dingliamtoti. Montrire,-Ang,"2Sth,-1851-4,11n0,,,,- :LAFALTTE ELLR - _ TflE UNDERSIIIMED, fortnerly'roromin for many 1. years of the Lafa yetto Burr hIIII done diunufactory, Washington RE., N. V., t:;s ivoulU orm his friends anikthe pub - tic . in general ,that ballets ,stabligted a BURR MILL STONE 3IAIs!UFACTORY linghanitoti • n'Lcror.>:iuiid nri. , - And Folicitea. abate. of than- patronage.' • Re mill have_ Oonstantly outland alarge stock of French Into Mill Stones, an alp° large - ruppl„*'l,ittanpus and Prcntit, More Illockti bolting cloth, ,croon wire and.Plantry Paris. - • . - The nndt , raignetraratirea hie lilezidejand hat taithfully ta.conto all tnllots intrusted to la care; tint - only in qtailil Ina tin pol-es. of articleatur .l*brAt, and aolicits their kind pntrcnnan. • - orderabyletterwillbe c xcentcd vouch 'care , nd nacheapley its,wben purchnsera aro' on the epee.— liners dnd3liliwtighta ate teoueatt to call nod-exam ;tells stock and Workmauttilp. • . • - . _ ' • JOHN IV. SULLITA.N. - Binkbamton,Jttly,lBsl. PATENT. -- 'RAILWAY: ORAN , HORSE POWER "ANI)•OVERSTIOT THRESHER4Sc: SEPARATOR. . Th'r MESSRS. WIIEEL;£I4 MELLOR /a. CO. OP ALBANY, • naiiigeviiy for flie: - ele tit th'eti:celebrited - 11.1 t r:s.;TLET & READ are theArents for the rale ,Jef Dr. Chrigties OelvenieCrirrctive; Dr. Fitehe's SnOport err; FLhavigler Dranee, .1.• other. m014110'; i;r:layae's rantlitivies,,,Davifi Pain I.oller, Dalleye .Palii.Dee .. tr9yer Dr. , rii•z-nkidg 'N'aughn's Lithentnptio SebeneWs•Balearn.,-Dillan , 'elletee;ture;lte. eon st ently vu hatuL Gargling OlLAyres .oherry. Peetortil Cod Liver (M. Day Dam Pond's Deftreyer or Ertraet Witch Marl SallpPowiler.axididt the dtbee:apracTel Patent 31rteltinie otthe'day./ . • " ' TIVIINING Fluid; forsale ..• . • • • Junef.'s, , • ,. , • , ..TIXICTLE 1( . .. READ.' ~' -.. : .„; _Eueltement No. I t b , - - .. . " min rtiloenler baroitig tide another' ratal iftlttst 1,l;eotrtd lire - Yorkiarl. , otinga-rery great axietycit almostallMode of Goods, .ald..l.heacald,mos saspe t- s , fttllyinsit'e lile:friendiaml thdpublirgenerally to nor o I and gorixt thitaselreeneroidlngla ;rood main/ t: c .), for tberfqprtker.fv/y; , : ,1 • . M. C . . TYLER. -, ' MontniFo r lune 19, 1.E.p.. ' - ... ..:::.. . rimotrEntts., N. O. llatautiu, : crtialied, Pt s urdCred . ,taa I,X.Catioe, Sugar, Teas, Soapy yeast,'- Baader; Lemon s Sup, Rp.rmppd TelOW Caudlca, Lamp 011_,. es __ass ? daira itlaa Cattir.Ppik.?dackereli Salt ctc, cheap at _ Almatropti;:ilay,lBsl!' ' IrtiNa ea Oita aUtra t • D A BBlTT'SSedmauf—a purourtielc In pound" ern T-,Also+neivessing Compound, for-raking . " tad nd ear - ea stabout yeast, . • • Ponder, b r the lise,of which much_ r , 7 labor of barbing inenved:--ond rib Injury, done to' clothes. For ale by - A TUICRELL WILLI:IPS Patent Pipe Boxes' for ifi - odmi;:ile!rees wbich is-uodoubtedifthetiiit now id tire, for talent ";• . • D. Jlr liavnaou h Cies. httNySi Oils, Druns. , 3ledicincs, Dye .erriffsTl i erfuni- Window Suite; tittles und Putty,efiveli iassort &int, and, abviry'a on tpad. , arAorrnient of .Itroisderotbs,-. llerayinereri, Testinii; And Summer ods: Duet received and 'will be cold.riubtby IMO: Afauppiy pfblnekerelaud Codtlshjust opened audios solo' nt Rep,ar. Co. ptifff.rooriaint ,at four doper: per hundred et •D. A. LATHROP -CO sibrikale . ;LYON aND.LE4*,;II BRAGE DeLains,Top.linclattni,laillOs its:Goodsjuht.opp.ted bjr • Ready:tialle Clot] ALAU r, eweerinienend-leiteet :styles. rug received and.Cor sale at tdranee far ready pay.— tnete do :BOOTS and SIIGES. A new end tend as , cirtatent-orldlen's Boots. coerce gild fine. • tairitud Arwivicre Mere* .ebeee.-11'onaentcetioee, eetrveZna lbew-es.-13eye andetAirere,r lergevt lot pi t . Qvirtic.a4ritopably eye - nUcipest received idneurtie fi re.' ; r•r • " • - • • • • 71-. ew — PraTC,LaGinir.tituf,suspmecrialtitberCusbatere ..CarPets, ecc‘. Lvarolls. eitiorotzuq. ' _ . :11141',C+3 Lgrktioira far rats, cash nt. ttie or' . - - ' - 11,4 WEBB. _ _ . 4n1y:24.183 A NEW:MVP'S' Prg" d a: At; , ftRIRD fitteei. A fi!gtfurloi lotjusticielve 0414 win . _ .44414JAw 4411100 wript X1V . 1111114 Fall) artl. "NtwiliiirC(rd;:iitie3; IE:4 IrEaxe. 1._." liew-ratiford Stove - D e po t: . o _., T l T7 L.,.. t .?„ gZ s a 4 ir :Ar ,,...:-ra..,na-I =litilZoi lVagi shop St r, r ?aped ilia roll Mai4udldg the gielv.atut most. hapiolred Eklnds Ast Air VIAL - tarp, Oven' common and elevated oven,f4.e.; with Stove pipe t /Meet Ironiand. Zino; 18 Cave Ttsbetylt a.,m1114:0 he willooll Fay low l'or owl or op- Proved grfOlt.; - .. N A, A: P:nocawriziseey. dgricutturel Macthes, 'CLOCKS, WATC DES, JEWELRY. . GreatßargalnB Ts s., - ...,,, . -1 . A.3,A1141F1E111, would say SA.,„ 11. to the eltlzenS of Ilootroso .*Pr . . -' andilcinltY.that be hnsjnot re:, turacilfromliew lirotk With tile , , - ,v . -1, largest, richest, tuml heettelected II , , 7 ,- • • ;',,‘" „„t areortment of AV ait m 111 m tiv 0 - . ,t' .1 elirelryt o .'7llWer Ware* \ll Ci t 5,„ . 4 . _- , .4" . 1 ,..1,,. t k a,,, t ' o erer , iltf o =c o red kr Bwlng ii& '''. - b a o m nith i ttor cash, and ;Mho so er kl t Olio Invent prico,andullartfoles warranted as recom mended. N. ft , --Vartlesdarattentlon paid to repelling all kinds of Wu t chP:. and Jetretty LIZ• Co u rt *Creel, nearly oppbaltet he Ehmtdi Hotel.- Binghamton, 0ct,10,1850. ' E. CANFIELD. --- Endilit'atentLeverWatehes ~... -- `rrllE Subseribei has Ms day _ 1 received from the Matmufao ,4-•—. , tory, another lot of his superior „ii, - , v, t lip :: h nfl s i i ch or 'L n e o v , e i r st i y tcli n tr i lf ve lift a o n r- d I 4 , pk. Gold coses, fulljewided, and plain ) - *,.."-,, Thom penman. larishing a good 0v,.... 4 t. / _ thno-lteepee at lower pricss than A., - v.,, - v___ , - 9 -, •_40,,, they con obtain. them elsewhere, -4 ...?....w , * it.ta,a,'.l,3 '-'”' are lnytted to' all and examine them, as the- eubecriber can, with confidence Tolerant them tmperlor to any Watches ever offered for Wein this county , ALFRED J. EVANS. Ilinch=ton, Ateml2,'Sl. Wachlngtonst. SII,VER waro—A full naeortment of S fiver Fork 8, vpoons Cteamers,sligar and saltelaavals. •Dotter knives, 4 - a, for sale_by. , A. J. EVANS. Aug.l4, 1551. , . s , ITaquagtan treet. - o • eg • • • • ". • • " peons. A LARGE stock , of extra -tine.Albata table Ind .tess , .13..rpoone, Brlttanta-ware; wire stengthened table and tea spoons, butt table and tea spoons., Also, alitrer,4ll - German silver spoons, etc.; ate., just waved and selling low for the quallt,y, at . „ . •TuanalLt i s. , Montrose, July 3, Lint 14-7 hntebeert eneoursgefl bitite very liberid patronage I reneteea, to lilt ulr ray shop with the largest andlest assortment orrtoods ever yet brought to this- parkat— In I t may be foun d everythingbelongingto a Jewolryand fancy st ore; 0 ito e.Cloeha Viatehes. , of ovary dese el ptlon; -Burning Fluid; pattorantt omicron Lantos, ertilthat this time fa thobsst thing-in nsefoi ago 04annl cheap light. You eatillnd theraonly at- , Montrose, November . 2o,lBs O• - ItiigItIOSABLVITIMat Tilli - subscrilterhas this day reetiveduit assortment of `very rich' goods, of *last. month's itruoirtallon from Paris, consisting of tine gold enamelled htuattng Levers and LCIISDCP, Ptqlttlltid Garrret-lireastplos and Ear Rings to match. Silk and Dead work bag's. beautiful Fang for Parties. Diampnil; Ruby, and - Pearl Finger Rings. Brace lets, Gold Sleeve Reittoos, some beautiful Cuff Pins; sit ver N affgin Rings, .3ce., to vhich Le w,ouldlnvito tho at tent on of his trtendii . A. J. P.Vtai.4. Bingham ton, Sent. l 3; ' • Watches ] . Watches i sOLD and Silver,Lever and Lepines f ull jeweled and , lT large assortment •thu very lowest paces and warranted. ' Binghamton, Det..14.1:§50, - Watches, . Jewelry &e ;stock übscriber has received an addition to hi. of Jewelry, consistimy, of Gold Foh and Guard Chains, Lockete,'Fit.teeninna, Ear Rinds, Breast Pius. ilver Chains,Grold Thimbles, Gold Pencils and Pens, &c.:to which he would in vite tha attention of his friends. A.J. EVAN , . . Bingbointon, March 3, !SI ' - Washington st l:s67 l lr,rarelatetan II .pleces-Ll 7rmn.6 tngrTa ble, Tea, Desert, Cream MIA Must ardSpoons ; Salt andStbrar Shor ets. Fork s Ste., Engraved gratis, at' L. CANFIELD'S. - SILVER Spasm.. Fora 00,1- linires,warraat NI the hest manufactured la America, atr - TRUE'S. . , Tntmmt at the 6 41. 201 Clerks Is none hat nioio o the A_ . ll.llle sort is on the way to True's Jewelry shrlF-- CLOCKS, of various- patterns ; received thi %._./ day, and for sale cheap by 11ENTLIW & READ.- ir INGER. R!NUS—A new and splendid as aortmantjuat received and for sale cheap by W. D. TROWBRIDGE. ..... . . :The' Richest , -- . „, ciETA TTIONof Rebnstnins,Earrings and Finger Rings i!lever niTered In liiii,7ltatnt on, by , A:7 . EVANS. y- I, ATCHES t and otherjawniry in qiinntitieii ' V tisull . pnintmeFs by' -•- - • • ! - • - 11 - ; ic.TitownrapcE., Gold. Lockets. OVOI,E,and Double of every elze.hy. ftiniclamton.l •A: J. prAN;lnislaniztoii-Pit Some Very Fine fIOLDWAToIIES perfect time keepers'. -'-Also - nitre: lT 11"atches,1114rantities, by ' : • A . ...T. EVANS. ' V - NEW supply WC j E VV - ELltY,.antrit'atchis at cost for cash, at 'i . TURREL 7.; ,' lan. 1,1851. i ! :' _ !! , „ . - !--r- Gold Gai ns LOCKETS, Thinaldes;Specks, Pen and Pencil C rea ..ti mfultamortruent 4 : 'I.: CANFIEL 'S', , Ai..LEN 'S Reiavera; _double andsingleehooter Ti4 7. r. mornetere, Carpet Dap, Embrella.o. and are atva, riete-pf notienajuat received by DENTLES d it AD. . , .....-:-..= till I}reast fine, Bat rings and tlicei Tiais kiittst ree'd. A. J..E.VANS. Aug. 13; XfIER eery prettematerrareceive4 bis morning from the 'lszufsetory,bY - •- . - cgliclutonqune2, 2pl. 264 f . EFASIS A Argi r r letf byeze_b . Ons,recebred this gay by- . ' 'A J. EvAss. RI: it:lit:l62,4mm 9,18 N . ...._ ' .26 tt .. 0 . 0 D'andAllyjer Watches",iflbrc-rTall(7.Ten,'Destiiiin U e lt poons,; mudageneralu,s9ittnent of.lewelrT, —, ' ,' , BENTLEY & REA . : . T1 y,.,an4 . a. , 1/ Ilona ,4110s1 . ops, at MORE of those gaol Pocket kZairca at • • Fept.lB 7651 I Ttymyyr,Ls L Th.NNY . pp.fflEtirlloope, the teteetetyleoutat 1 . Petroleum or Rook Oil, Aglgy V e it ti l t;, e t e u d lquTu e lZi e l d :47!,Tec 'a p wakinupAalei ,ohl by S. M. ElEir,' Canal Huth, Pittsburgh; ' Pa, ' It he put inp,ln bottlesjUttas. it dowsTrein 'the well without admixtlge of any ktud.' AU ye that an afflicted . • _ ~',-,-, - i - - ; .- REI.U. I . 1 - READ R Rhenmatlito yields to the Potter of the Petroleum: ' A Caine DemixzerneCo.; litilon ti; - , - .lnly 9t14.1511.• --_ ' -Mr. Kier—Dear sir, allow me as - a stranger An -vitt gnitutateyotOs the- sole. protiricter - of. an , Intalnable, called Petroleum or Rock, 011,,which Is destined ere long to take the place of alf great medicines. .idanypersonsln ( 'this neightiorhood,hav tried theTetrelenta hi a nuinter blesses. truing mostofl, amend provloghighlyheue lcutl lo all. ',I have toted t. in conew,. Uhl. rheumatism, totter. sprains, and si 11in,%; for ,theuraatitm I...think it hill certain mire. My wife has " ben' afflicted. with ttie Rheumatism ;for some years and never could get'eny , thing to Above her, in fact she- tried everything, and no thing wouldde her any good until she tried your-Petro leum and it hnicreliesta her entirely, formy puti think it lathe greatest' Pain killer nowin net. -' Yours ece.. , 1 _ Another letter from Luzerne co., reciommenhing the Petrolenin : - i ' . BnAc'it ,I,LivEN, July 70,1'434; - ' ' Mi. gnu—Sear. iii:-ItiOie great plea/fide - In ' verti fring to the vlrtnesetyour great ,ist cirat inediclueCalled' the Petroletuner Roth, Oil,-which,le :certainly. it .great medicine. I bqught one dozen of ,your agent when-be hut Ind talla tested ; At in titittmber of eases. and .founil it to prove good': : - .1 also tested it In 'a Case of teacr,and foindit.very beneficial. I mould Illco -very much to hive another box of it, for I don't like to be I withotitit. ; ...Respectfully yonre, - • - ' 0.1.31011 ELL - I, A voice front Stisouthemta eo.,tertifying to the tbicw ey of the.Petreleum. - boons's', Jane 6th, 1651, Mr.ll_ M. Etat—Dear str::-..A110w me to certifyto the virtues orynurnaturnlinedieineentledPetrolennz orßock 011. .1 lied been atilleted with the Itheutnatimn for eome- I time: 1 was in Wilketharre last summer and got a hot- Itie from' yo ,urAg , :rit - , when he Wu along. there, It has , cured me perthuly, 'I have since seen is o ated in differ i cut cases oftheurastism, and found It givereliefin aIL ' ' ' • Very respectfollyyours, . I ~. JAMES ft LlftLTOti., . , • - . ' , 1 - ' ', TiJititniitSrlicit; Mr. Sal. II ten.,flair sir- , -Allow me . EU certify to the virtue-of your great nature medicine called Petroleum o' , Hoek 01k4 which! bellevoltra ;ood medicine. There , been alni . eteil With Nedralgia, ptun hi the nerves for the' last:ten years, and never could get anything to relieve ine:- in feet I tried almost everything and nothing would do me any geed until pried yens Petroleum, which has relievedme,' erst Math; 1, have, also teted it. in burns; scalds. and brilista it bus tilWilY= given relief in'z very ehorttime. -r, thinkl t Is the tr.atest . path killer nOW in . vise, -., ,''..l :,',. '.3 . 'erYzeili eetfutlY yours c ' .1. - ' • • ' .. ~ .. f . ' . , f, , . , ".-.- -; ~ TLIOS . :-.ELITS. • 'Tat And get 13'01Ni:der from' thiairtit - ;' Wel:testi* !full description of It: For sale by BENTLEY et HEAD. ' Bold wholesale bY liana Isi Ilaisdk Co:, No: 201 - anirket greet, Philadelphia— ..,.'. ~ ~ : • .... • " . , 2911 -.- /.604 - O,I4.FEIT—Its. BUNTER win furtelt Statkli mat- Jug to cure any case tlyat "mar come 444(1'14 care,tto nialtpr hoilong paneling' or balloting; EITEIgIi -AZT ore hirltediolds Private 8000m.'38 North SEVENTlfit.,,Pl3 l 4..,without -fear of ioterruption . f by otherpatiqte t . Straogeigt and Galen who hlllre,been CortiitutUin ttlO telection Of phys)clon orelnvited ten: Vlauseirhe haTelnpiredtbariselvtabisolltm rlce locals° UMW,- 4 • • ". • - rr. - = EZIZZA . _ 1,, • -Bp, p Lon nervier ...The, Viffeted. mirth: do well to iPtiePt loloreirroptiog their-)rollIth; bilyPitttws;atid in t roan' cases their:Wee, in the,bandior ItuYstelau, ifna ' rant of WI ofroalidles, , trio certainly hiblosslble -foronemanfounderrtswl fi11f9 91 1) 9 the Irnoszktrually are subject to. Seery rewetahle, phytisbur haspMopye. culiarbierieh',ib *bleb he is ,thore. sumessful than his brotherrofersors, acd to that be devotee-410,0fmk Times of,PlioctlOP 9 exoliodsolriovittrd tothe study , and treatment of Olgeois . er Of the'seznal Organs, lotother with Meet* upon the body, tbioa t,scis4 crimps; palm in rho bead, or bones; rnercortoklbrirtottitali."arietUrtiy 011,01110111611WItiter41.0zmluistng' [foto:youthful is. terve oe Impuriffes ofthe blood; *hereby, the coristltn. [Jinn :has boOorner enfeebled, enables. the Doeter to offer rainy nat.ray f 9 who soy plsc.a themselves nottor . - . „ vrtG L. CAN'TIELD STOVES: TIARDWAEE,S&-o George:: . $ now, receiving from Xroy, Vara, and Albany; a. large 'llosstustlf4 -*priory a nd Bhop Stowely for wood °recall, embracing all the nearest and beet pat. the Stove!' on the most favorable terms, Partner's ls ,preh bly, all things maid• ered, the hestivarm Oren store that Is made In America and +slit. be ,soid arthe.. • llseople's ExChange low as they can be bought this aldell North Mier: We go now receiving a title assortment of elevated ovens: In short the most , fastidious cantle raitettOith anything la the Rue of stoves, pipe, or trimmings. ilarford,'August .22;'1851.. • STOVES! STOVES!! TlLEsabseribers bring entered into •to-pattnershlp in the Stove, TM and sheet ' Iron bitsines.s aro / praz. pored to attend to any,orders in their ilne at the shor test notice They Samar themselves thetbv glvingutrict at tentionto business and tom prices, that they :hare. a reasonable, atom °final:die pattcnege. Thelran.ortnient OfstoVesis good, having the latest, end most improved patterns, among which: atelier Ithresides or Vulcan--a stove which took the first. Premium at the State Fah. at Syracuse in 1811.: 'Forest Queeti', F.;•-0 Forest Queen enlarged; 'ley Stone Alr Tight; Yheenlx, dodo, Premium • Parlor stoves, box dtcnera—for coat or•vrood. --Aliklnis of Tin ware,atene gine - wad tin tubes,kept on hatl—sold at mice! that will.sult;.; Ail kinds of produce taken in payment and cash hot refused. Oppealtethe old stern of Mills nod Knapp. IfontroseiJuly 10,,'51. -281 y, , • Stoves; Wore, and Pipe. . 11EYStono State Air Tight . cooking stove, for It burning , wood or coal, in use:: Reugh auditeady,dditble oven cooking stove.. Elevated ••• - do: ; ' de Premium , • do do •• Victoria . • _do do do :do EMpire Stata do do *Clinton Air Tight do do 20 Sizeaandlltiuds of Parlor Stoves for wood 4 Sizes of 6 plate ,Stoves._ Coal and Wood Stoves for Shops, schoolhouses , lieltin use. I • -; .Copper, braist tin'and stovelvare. • • Russia, Eng,lialt ' and American Stove Stone, Tin; and Zinc tubes, 4.c., for Fain by the 100, doi.., or single, at. the Eagle Foundry Depot. • WILSON Co. 'Montrose, Nov. 26,'50. _ EAGLy : FOUNDRY ! Ware Raoul- in . Lyous 4. Ch.and:ier' Long Building. . A eeninal assortmeut of Cooking, Parlor, Shop and Coal St4es, Stone pipecElbows,Zine; Sheet Iran, • • Copper,!Btiass,Wire, Bar Iron,' Nail Bads, round & squard Gait §teel all sizes, round 4- square ;Iron, all sizes, , . i Side ill ' • iGreen Sward, • Excelsior, Genesee .Sr WorsterPlows,Straw Cut ters., Corn Shellers,Saw Arbors, Morticing Machines, Mill Cranks, Balance lapels,' Pots, Dish, Kettles,. Spi-. dere, Teal kettles, Waffle Irons, Urn - brellu Stands,Pomps, Lead Pipe, Shingle illachines, Scrapers, • Sleigh Shoes; feta Screws, 4-c. An kinds , of Cistings on-hand or made to order— also, Tin,,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware an'hand, or made to,order. WILSON & CO. Montrose,Nirr. 5.1850. Sprott's Combine d Carriage prin. . .. IN OFFERING: this mu n ch, celebrated Spring 1 to the public the Subscribers ro ecifully Solicit a candid examination as to its m rite. As for its superiority ovir.all- other spring.. ;.let , those wk, have tested them, bear witness, a d the subieri bers are willingto abide by the. ecision. It has been carefully examined ,by , men; of ecienOe, end by them cheerfully recommended ito,the public.-- ; A carriage cart. be Wit with thes Springs cheap ifi cr ;50 lbs. lighter, More'durablefi nd for ease it is not eipralled by any 'springs now i use._ All Springs warrinted. - - Manufac tured by ' , _ ' SPROUT, BURR WS; &. 0., -, - -ir . Elle Lake, Susilett: CountY, Pa: Acievrer.:-L.: B. ,Sz; A Sertour.l , - - - e7-if.'' Stove, Ttp ontt Copptr:1111 T HE endmeritiCrit.hive - just polhased tame Ti stock" of oyes, , n and Col* r Ware, which they cat' io,tha public as cheap - the cheapest,.. ' D. R.LATIIROP.h. Montrose, Dec: 10, 1850. Tite; best S OTlFieut iHE,Keyn one Si4te - Air-tight, Cooking Stove s menufac ured and tor sale by WII;sONA:ca: . 4 .ovs &CHANDLIEIte. Atantro§e. and Lareesboro'; A BE PrarroCtiving alaigti and aalendid "nisaitmentof tt-Ooodr,whichlwil be bolacheapforcnsh. Shea-logs, Shirting, Ticking, Batting, _Wadding, lings t Cotton tin& Woo . lenjarni Carpe And Knitting Yarn, Dromiclotins - wpd Cassircieres; Carpets and Carpet Ilags,Trunks,Billik, pine nfid G teen Umbrellas, 3apan'4l Ware; Crockery and OlaseWare; Ilasdware,l4c. • 00 E E Crushed ; pulserlseaatidlZ O.SugareiColtce, itiacican4firieu Teas, Vdrki Mackerel,Cpatlsit, Candles, spices, Ar.e, BOOKS`4-:STATIONERY: We are receiving n laTeassor t ent oral) kinds climb no Booke,(Englisb, Lain. frenalli Greek and German) 81. Wes, Riatories, Apecollaneous .Wirrkei Ilenka, Cante;Tlzatie and Note'Paa.;7,,tce. - /ce. TlMie nomid orßooke and Stationery w 11; pleaanglye a call, arire4 .ntendto'veltabeep for cinth: : STOVES ANDIIRON..IVARE; Cooking, Parloi.ShOp and -Co . al St ores.Plpo# 'Mews, Store Ware, Iron Scrapm, ows, Corn shone:l4. atraw -Cutts) 8, Plow Polnts,,otc4nt Litnetboro'. • , by tim;bbl. or otliersoire—Oridles bithefoxerlt:-alsii, linlls,Olass Paints niidolls;;.. . j• SARSAPARILLA-..:. Old Dr; P lownsentrs,' iliadEard'ingaria -75.centsgeT bottle: LYONS - 6c O g ANDLEIt. . .. Montrose andL inetitioro',Xor.7,3Bso: 11atehl.V.!fit410W13 .2 . IreuboeriberWrould Inform hiailleadsauu tnepnb - r- Cle.tlrt uhe lernew manufacturing the celebrated Ithsecti La PLOWI at the 'obi - stand: of 1): Boat: i Bide, Idon t Wayne' o:; Living , ten county andSkinners' Eddy Plows and thistines en hand Bepairiog-tiotte owl Abet notice. t ,Ilselng Mule nit arrangement with • a ma elan let, he leprepared to make and tit up- most kindl'af oiaehluerien short notice atoron teasonable trans. • •• Montruot February 17,1851.' ' B. It. A good'accondbnixd cooking Atory.ialso Feud de wyut 11 te4for PaTe,c4ettp at *: . " • • SUSQUITILMO: - ' MAI) MII.B First terta'at the eivond'Year of the _Mori comMenee eniVedneiday'the YCth day otlrm: tember,inat.-, midis the immediate atiperrialoant Int ISAIIO , :eItiMIL IVL, • Mee MATLYIJ. =awl/ono; with conailetene 44isiStant It:straiten; •• The rtimtatien of Ne :GRAN es ta.efllel ant anifaue% eesefulTeaeheeitad pis ciPliniuia4 darlailb.tho Trustees with theasontarfottbat the Inatitutiou eAnnot fall in its management le 't r e tlbehlgtiest epettatiotut Midwhli• es ofitsP-trou4: 4trzaugelnent* Will be twele lite the eonatattatly ticcoml• modation impiliftem abroad, • ; • • . . , . .51'4,1.0E8 9P„ - s2.6o.poftgm The Ciiiiiinogi:Driiiiches of the Academic - • . Deportmeni,r • k 5,00 - The. Higher branettea; or rho ricadeinhi • department, . - - , o,oci •, .• vie o,udies ortheininiiirAeptrtmenc x - Latin,. Oreate Mut-freoeli t , with those cribs dc:ade**Derentioettt, ) lOwhola' , oirftliiiieof Plano, r. DiairingttadyilatMor, • -- -5,00 ."-• -German • pool) *ill be admitted for less than ia , terni union byetUrcial arranganiant Wade - with th e - dodnetlo vitl bit toride luioeeuf *butte+, command of iiikners arena weeks' duration or. more. • • - W6l. JEBSUP,Prealarttt—' R. J. Nrestr,Ber.'7, rlootrose,t3ertl,l4sl. - CLOTHING : , tfliOkS,.. ---.z----"*.', •: - , , -146,14ce't0...t,he PUblie. - 7 . -,-----. --- - ...,..,.... ALl3e.rtY'B4 BUFFALO - 1 . ..- Mete Seasuitable Fall 'and Winter C r litids c - illew - Viiik Br,,lErlei Cayuga* us-, , - t great o„ o , p r i t a 2 /019 , __ queltannaltall Beads, tieneta - - J. Is.. LENlttami Great ig t .f a dt e - , ~,,.... magle,,vetO take this opportunity-WOW Ana quayuga Lakes: .- -- -, - ,D s i n e ee p ship*. to hls Meade and owstesue , .. ~ EVERYBODY'S MARKET LINE igeuer —, Pme7 hi" vlte24e4 ii) j fi tth„ otoo mom ormihem thathe Bat 3usl slims uhscr.bcre are now prepared torecehre 1111E1011T front ffeeirfork C 4ll3l .'fiffYiltiOnni-OlOiCO'St , 1 of al/ kindseat thefollowingpointroriz :-, - --- ' ' FancyandStaple P', ,00 0ds_.. Alits-littoth I Buffalo,Attica, Bmtaria, Derffensltochesteri" Claim& • siveassortment of i treerienrrstmslonsi)loo4l tie,lienevei7Dresdoti, Ovi/ELOdi, Dundee, landitDo Jet- flats and Clt ape, - , r , Csoeltery, he. . B . erson, arium, Dllllport, ono:heads, ,tlortilpg, Elmira m e did u a Dew rw hi d b Ti m dr op ra g i , &no p Factorysille,Spring Port, teddeeds k'erry, Aurora, ltba I very small advanceoat priessibleh defy all "ea,,, Candor, Owego Unldri, Binghamton, Great Bend i Flour,Perk - ,liith,Sattrlffselmialeastiviti Laneshoro',Deposit, end 14ncock, every day intheweek i alseremark that he a Iht Trestrleily to the. (Sundays excepted,jand eftflutie with reguleititthiong I ways n ming the lowest p direst Drilli t tylareli, out thesnation.l Theywillattend to forwarding the same', same advantage to all who i.. xls /% 1 ° 31 v 4 leg to the Hew York Market r whereit will receive the person.: renege: , , al &Heaton ofdiperiamed salestnen, - who win'attend to I, Great Bend Clilibillig Mei theselllng, of the same, and return ftiopproctedsin Bank.. 1 Thelargest, Deanna &cape sg lindjttnent e Made Clotbingin the Village of Oust zeal, Si able funds a t either ofthe ?tilpyll ppitits,t j o thefojlowing l potions: '• • ' ' '' ' I - r I Clotbs.Dlie Sitilis,Cassinteresand_ , 7 ext), metial Buffalo,Storehouse,of Henry DaW i 'AtticaStorshoilse 1 nUi table for the Fall and Winter Trm'ulttlerilelt h of HenreSyford; liatevia,StoreholiseolluciusA.Smith suchprices as to satisfy any one that,_olmisiervbs ' Bergen, Storehonso of"Daniel' McPherson; 'Rochester; them Lethal, In consequence of the gi.' 43l fuelt , Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge; Canandagna; Offlr o; bushicsabe has been obliged to greatly Cb mien, to hls Mendel hni.t ,larg elePlA Walter Corcerart; Geneva, V. Lawrence; Dresden S Ore , unkh he nen house of Whitney &Monett; ( Jvid , F.erßoson&Sgragge oraination,confident that in so doing rif Uodl; Dundee Landing, li_torehoul eef T. Tuthill & Co, thingto their advantage. Thesubsctit, erUs Jefferson, ofDee of E. 0. froriori, On thD Pier , 'Havana ‘ „, mentetu manufacture clothing in eh officeof .1. Fi Phelps; Millport. store elfJ. St nil ; Acne .'"'''" branchell, anti is vow prepared to sell the main, geode, office .of J. A. Ferrell; Corning, store of WM. a l ed to bear inspection. Custom work and cut. Anteild;.lEitedra, storehouse of 'llium:an & ingbram, . ot the latest style and shortest no tice,—all kinds Facturyville, store of Charles' D. Sbcpbes di,'" Redder' • I brie trimmings furnished and fo sale:r 'Bonet ft spat. Store nearly opporite the Mansion Rouse Ferry; Aurora, store of IL & 0 .T.Morgair; Ithaem,stoS . 1.00.11, lirakei Oandor. store of S-Barager; Attegoo, 1 Great Bend,Sept.4Bso. , ' L:S. LE: Ace of Nathaniel Ells; Union, store of V. N.. Wheeler --- _ Binghamton, office of .Ivinnis Sisk: Great lira', office 01 . A, rreskstock. of Cloth:), F. Churchill p Lanesboro?, sffice O rr A, Alls rcp mot end Cup, (spring fashlon)Oen ,ts LE ' store of Enslgri &Dean; Hancock, store of Lon .V. l ty, Boys Boots and §hees . , also, Cap and Letter Reeves. - .1 As. SISK. Dinghnxidon, , by tlie Beam or less quantity, Wall and Curtain ~ ~• -' . WM. I,IIIITNE'Ye Dresden; '.. and Borderanks,Pictures and PletnreFestass, .. GEO. P. MONELL", do. • ' , - Fancy Stationery,Tackle, Fishing&creeoi _ ' NATHANIEL' ELLS, Ovrege; • for sale at 1 osr small profits forready pay, enidreartir T8:-- B 40ENutfah , ,IltnrYDaw; Attica, Thomas Sy- April 3,1851. ..,. -OEO. V ford; Batavia, Lucius A. Smith' son ; ,, Ilochester, Fairbanks & Eldridge; Canandagna, -Near and popular• bchool ,WalterOorcorani Geneve, 0. Lawrence ; Ovid, 'Ferguson COMPREIIkiEII FR SUMMARY of mann. 1 & sprktuej Lodi; Dundee Landing', Tuthill fr. Co.; Jef-1 TORY, togetberwith a BIOGRAPHY of I tenon,. E. 0 Norton ; , Ifttrana, F. Phelps; Mlllport, 3. CUBED PERSONS, to which Is hppentied in I Stull; Horseheads, J. A . Yorrell; Corning,Wm. .1.-A - -r. HEATHEN MYTHOLOGY , N V nerd; Rlinira:Tharman & Inghram ; Fa'ctoryville, tr 11. Shepherd; -Armor:4ll. &,, , G, P. Dier, , ,an, Ithaca,de. TE, PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL ASTRI Drake;,,Candor S. Power; Linton, 0.. N. Wheeler . ; , • O3IY and PHYSIOLOGY.. posit,F,risig Greatllend,n &F. Candor,. S. Haurcill t ncock, Allison &Reeves. .Lanesboro'. F. A . Ward ; De. Adopted and used In the Pnblicsebools of PI • , B. S. JONES & Co; Pubh - • S. W. Cor: Fourth and Rice tits Teachers and school Committees addressing us pest paid, will be furnished with copies for Lion. 4:".RAlLitoAbpi vituip-i-4T,lea.- Capt. - James DM!Superintend the blistness throughout the *hole ae,,att receive and 1111 OD order: tor. • ;.• fend eq. Erttit.4 flab; °pilot*, 'Vt. ato whith wit habought at the toire.terbillesaie prices In Near York, mid toraraia.e4 to any or then:loe. named Depots.. . - . 3.2—tt • New. Stage Arrangement at Groat J.ny. two Daily Lbws of ;Stages from Great Bend to Montrnee will berenft !CUT° the ttailviarl not elof C. Smith in the Iznesediate Vicinity of the Depot, a+ fol- Own : At 4.A.31. and 4P. 31.. on the arrival of Gib Rail road trains from :slaw York, passing tblVllgh dew 3Ulr -rd to Montrose...whence a Dail . line runs in e‘ nnezion therewith to Springville Tnnkbannockittid Wilkesbarfe another via,ll cholson,!, Factoryville. Abington Centre; Providence and 140: Pork to Scrim tante, (these vamp beint, along the linell the Leggets Gap Itallroad_), tbrrong;the stage leave n Scranton's at , l A 31— passing through the above place's to Montrose, whence the lines leave In 'frac toreach the Great fiend Depot before the trains gains Fast. 1— Also,a-Daily line leaves Smit sitallway Rotel en the ef thenomf trait, from thelVest fiv Carbondale via. Summersville,New 3111ford,Itarford, Lenox and Dan daft. . TR,GESDELL & CO. G rent Bend, Jan. '22-1651. 6tf" - TITS - CIEtTaNEQUS - KDVEIITISE3E New Vroodsi JIAYDEN & LItT L stock of New Goods have orrived,.cOmprisinda complete assort meet of Dry Goods, Groceries, liortlivare, Stove Pipe Zinc, Nails, glass; Sash •Weodeu Ware Drugs and Medicines,. Paints,.oils,' Fish, Flour rate, Also — a first t lot arid._good assortment Of Ready Made Clothin, of almost alldesa‘riptions. Boots and Shoes, Huts, a pe and-Bonnets and almost everything, usually.. found in a country Store. - Oar &loos mast:be mild, 'and at the very lowest possible prices. Our frietide are insi ted to call and look , at ourstopk... . _ . . Produce of most all kinds, wat4Cd . in exchang, for goods by .the subscribers, - ' • • - dc; LITTLE. Now' Milford illay'lst -'HAYDEN` ' ' • - H I IItiBRITT his now Ina tore. a new and clioleit tie, • lection.Of Dry Oodds, includingtt: great variety di Ladies', Dress Goods, Crape and othe Summer Shawls, Silk Mantillas; FarasaLe L . , Fecnett Lace, 'Fancy Straw and Leghnna Bonnets;, a beautiful assortment of • Bonnet Ribbon, Flowersand Trimmings of new styles, ,Blatk, Silk and Laces.for Mantillas, BonnetStlic, black Vace Vella,. Broad Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres...r estings and summer Cloths, Lurpet Bags,Trunk Nails, Boots. and Shoes, Painted Window .11:itics, Carpeting, Hats, Caps. Its., with a large and geheral assortment onion] Ware. Creckery,Tron; Groceric's, Faints,:dedleines,tfits,Stoves 4c., all o - tritich will betaold at the lowest price, and on the meat reasonable terms. N B.- Nearly all kinds .of pr.:attire wanted. Socks in particular, and -the highest puke In Cash paid fdr.Wool. Flourand Salt constantly on hand.. . 1 . '-... . , • ~. - : New 3111ford,flay, 27,1551.. . . - ', .. . LiTatiiiNP county hat/17;11C . . smpany,-,. ,1 ' The - dinderS . igned agent_fir this vial) known i end long established iastitution . respectfully in forms l the'pnblic.thitt herwiltrecsve applications for In, isz, enrance,against lois r damage by fireto I . :Wilding Goads, Furniture,: ~ '..13. R. LYCIMI, Ageni. .-- . 'illent...3lse,.Apr., 9; ‘,51.• -,., .. , • -.. ,--- • tf ...,.. -..--, ''' .''' \ . . lailoring. : • - j O HN GIIUI - , the ' wen it rt eaw Tailor, has . , . again made his appearance in Montrose to op erate in the above 'Rained business at the old stand directly—tiver_Lathrnp's,:pry God& store, and Would again tender his services to the public, and elicits their patronage. :. , ;'._. .. - Malting and cutting done' in themost' approved style of the, nge, , and done On the.shortest notice ill usual. - Montrose; Febl2,'sl. . -, . '-- - , .• . "MAILS,3 to 40' - l'Onny Notts,.Floor and Flafthing":olls: llontioso,..Moy 131 INt.ooleCluttotato,'.: • ANTEE enn At+ TS; . Cam phor Gum, Poppersanee Z Mustard, Letteqapri,awsnO,Bleicklugamlltusboa dtc.,] . for t • !! • td: ISULLAII.D. r 1 15 17 - : 1 2 1 Cd TIIST received a nela'attalt , - oflpsing am:jammer ;mode at thaatoiaof • ' I • ,fi J WE813.2„ JUST recelted afresh inplAyor Drugs;gedicinox:Petliati Olio. Varnish, glue, Tin Ware Et.. at , May 29 ' !' • ' ' TURR . ELL'S - A EW-Ipt hurkins tiGaiteie cape, &e., just Ziceivpd - • BENTLEY & ItrAl). • - Cash IfoirWoc;. • 1 000 IbalVdoiSinnfedfoiirhieb . i!se hlghist. 'market .) ~• piles) ItsCgish Swill be 'peil by ByRRITT. ';-New Milford, June 13,, 1851. • ;, GOW Pen and'extension !nada** aizu — sal ticuibest dualities for sale by- • " . • •• ;. . 1 • , II • TIICIIVIIRTtGE, ' • New PST reeelred bytlAszOrcribett Ontrar.Coirce.Tobseco J Salt, Broad Cloth, Ellsetingt, nattlng, fradding,l46., and witl,bo is , tl4 zis Low smith° tigtes Wale:Mit; :IVioatrosa,Sept.l9,lBUo4 O.IIfLER 1j LOUR and salt' nor saleat • e;&.(.1 lU'OOO LBS. YOOLwauted on ;Recount; or in nx.clinuge . foraothe or • othit Good,s, s with ontnevath mixed lu .by Montr4ealay 29; .0. TYLER.: CitIOES—A, general eirorttnr!t,or . r , buraohnl i ep r e o a x p , 4tl Water , Care. meimeprespeet water bath•Establislzment, Binghamton; „Broome Co., N. Y. , MIIIS establishment IN delightfully located lathe, hase of the Mount aln from which It takefi OS name, and umands delightful riew - of tho Cho:tango and Out. uehanna rive' with their rich and beatitilblvalliee. The. Cure" hinow open for• the reception and (eclat went of Pationta. , Tim Instirute has been anecesstnt in Assuring [bona ofilr 'C. U. Barrett, late of New York city, whose long exportencelp Ilydropathy is sufficient guarantee to the patrons of tbla hastittititin that they willbo abundantly eared for. • tors, profrell onalbuslneFeimtut be 411. dress...lto Dr. Banat-at the. Coro— Cpilmtmicatlons only w 1 be received th4G ate pint pa1d..4413tf. lir&prrE,l),:2o,lll.lo buab el of Oats.: Muth 111 ele of Rya and which 14" highest ptice sYili bilaid iu „ . 4.aab ,or tradeby Fair .:Waiving A" portone,lndtbted tOD:P n olit for Ostt...pi.or It% Post, ec.Oce.iareherebybotilled t ibot theaooaunt, rosy. bo fongd ivich.tir4!g, , pple i ss 4 the. stott-menace cetkuy oeimpied,by Yogi, Pitto,uot.WlPe tut day of Oct. lilt": distr `syttleb ditprtltoto 4tit,lttUtd, wil l to: pied ifdiarnmincitek. ,k• Anqi 1&51,6,4,11i4,. rth.BlCpaltiro f qtaugktgr;l4l4cl,.*aelviitit kbtte r !FL" 3:3 , _ tsoN4-11. criAIRPT-sig AR TING $ wats and mauing, u D7` A full and complete amsorjment, of Book tlonary foonle at thu Lowest Pticell. liats and .Caps. A new supply and good asForftnillt. Books. A general nsiortment,of Seboolllooks, stel4 ell variety used Id tho B . sbools ind Academies , out this region . • Elbles . , n great variety—Sandi •Aeootint Books—Pane ;and 11 , Books.und lasge assottnletit fit Alistillonsot WALL. PAPLIt,,,s nest supply of nag pattern, solved. Cap and ,Letter Papal., of the first qat Mel:sant or QUire. BtaPlo and IsusyS,Stall( good assortmOnt. Tuksy Inkstands, Elst e. Pr fore; Quills, Pea 5,1 1 120 ones, Combs, Fishing 7 iota, Metes Socks., Suspenders; Shirts'etc:' S ng:t F, coffee 4indiTeat • A small etnck, but first Thole whi good 'article of Blaek tea, as well as Ifoon,ml o do well to give mea call. . . • A Vent. Trunks For Sale. a7i... o: , e door below Jcplie lytt Montrose, Juni 18,18 51 1e}:: - - OF.0:1 , - - . SCIEZOO - 20 ES. l' OEN ERAL essortment of 'i 00l 800 l ft . sale- or retitleby — -' • -.-- . . . LYON .4. . ,13,3 - Montrose, Nov, 26;_!59,. 00l Cardin Illtinutrae turf:: .. on JibAst. 111111 E sat/metier Would announee . J.-continues the above .bristneSS at his foid toisuship, ape-half mile store IticAlls`. miles N. rth of Donde& and fur the stem his Mende ,se'd the public, he ‘lll :refire Cloth. Messrs.: El: H. Veils A Co.,"i Cones stares in the borough of Dundaft, and al trusted to the subscriber shall be done in manner and a fair discount !dr cash. • Clifford, Anpriixt'2l6oPsl MISCELLANRODS.'ADVERT& ORO ';KERY STORE. . Corner of Court aod Washioktoit frllt Subterib - eitikerstre In annottuthwto • nubile, that In eons ounce of the %end rtns bestowed upon this esta whment the nett year, determined perrnanettli to eon tinnelhe buttneni hataton. - The stock compriEes 00017 style nod gt t r v In general use, Tor Table and Wet and will be sold in setts or by tbe,slopt Wale; satiety • 'CHINA. TEA SETTS, DINNER - _ _ • - - andTatie7 artielea, such as Fruit Buckets, &Vogue otticsi VaAcsol c,. togethcr scab a la., 't II K. cuutistuig of 1,1 plain Tombless, Goblets, Win es.b eeini cis. 'inn trjelles.:`i apples Pitchers, Candlesticks, tamOt Jars; Tinetareiettles, Lamp Globes and Chime! slzes. ,Toe. Also 'Also constantly on hand,.an 33.0 r Spirit, Lard,, Solar, and, Caraphene Lampe, doled, end I.lallLm4e - etia Also a tarried at , • ' LOOKING.GLASSM • Rindoty Shadea , Tea Trays, Castors.! Table Matt) ted, German Silver and Brittann la Table and tes Table_truttlery; ice.,311 of 'bleb b 01313 Tt. Cash. With increas ed futilities for business, ow rnitttrig attention to the vents enstaseemt dersigned hopes tti merit the continued putronst community; ;. P. I. OVERACRE,I -Bleghamtofi,llo f..17th,1851. A STAOLOOT4-211Stie1ebratedDc:C. W. Bei .t-k-Proffltor etrolomt, A stronesny,Pbrettic fleoman'ey, com inedwith CONSURATIONAO den, office No. 7L LOCUST Street", Thilede# l Ids services to kho citineos of Montrose. kle I consulted by all the clowned - brads of, Surope,i 503 - s a higher repitation as an Astialdger thin • Nativitiet calculated aceortuag to Ce 1., adled 41ent emtt $3. Persons lit adh harp thew notirities drawn by sending the di day ofthelr birtlL All letters containing the will receive immediate attention, Natirltiet sent part of the world written oa durable pane, ,• st prepared to make use othls gowerby tonjorstion of the following topies:*-Coortshm adriole glen succeieful accomplishment of a wealtby =ream the, power tb redeera such AS are given to the Me bott Ie; And for all Oases of bawl, and for tbero ofstoleu or lost'properfy;sind tbe purchasing 01l tickets. Thowands of the abreast:SO auk hit done In thincity and Its vicinity.npdin tht Catlett to tbedfill itathfiction of all. 16,000',Nat vitae:llA oiseogles hare beeneset during. thti last here., Letters will ar.swec every purpose, MI IMP i well as to call fa person, Ond the mail is: now ee lOUS persons need 1201 fear to trlutt aridity throllah 41 40 °Mee. Dr. Itoback racemes from 500' to ]OOO lit Mon tidy, and had aererta(ssed onti.-i All lottowlel rellaionclyattruded toll prepaid. For pitfalls , ' al at the Deraocrat °theeSind get an Astrologieel Tram C. W. BODACF. • ' 8 Whitest: Pa Tat fte-Be particular tct mention the Tostoßler scull atitState. , 11 • IY -.NeW.itrrangement - Extensive Chair and-Furniture;Fs' i• ai,Burnt Co. hare no tally ciospieti T, their arrangementeformanufacw toring and Ing,Constantly on hand all and tiler)* kind of INV Furniture, untpufacturvl put of tbe hot quality drs hogau', Waif:lnt; Maple, Chttey. and take Jo her, ;Indio the hest:and most du/419E1111M the arttrleawhltdi they intend to keep otnholli, toorderoronitiogatty, IllarkWalnnt, Cherry, ple Bureaus. Sidelloards, tlecreterles,DOok, Caul tree, Card, Pler,atrother Tabßit; 8 ;aide of roll, rlety; EiortNEetteeinDlTSZlll,oittMllll,,AC. atiAlo oral! kinds and stflell;readoof AlehogarlYl ME I/ Itur.ChertY:and Maple.; • ' I 0;- , ALSO—Mahogany-Inept Watarit,Curl and Bta" Maple, and Fancy Chatreott ilYttyvarietread dot ton; which the, two now 013 hand., and latraeu conetult Any article desired will be Or on a few ditynnlitico: •- - • - As the 31010:Pere halm onen,been tertlS! Melt frojonora at4i4", open an ertaldlrhment of Ulm • in Montrose which nduld aupplfevery stile' hold Furniture, and sate the trouble of rendlstt, - Odes for such articles, they hope tErneet patron anti ancouregenient; . ' Wes.. VA. EPA • Roir ALEX'It •y. A.fßy uh. t rate, June 411_831.-:413y1. --- • hereby eauilan eR ftertniii aganst baying prY ./I..erty. beloneeirto mo. any,pe raoti bat' IT "MI. Alpo of oeltiagnot trusting to any ofi ermat" aft 1 am desirous of,eimtlartng attY.tfloY' bliPs; and 'OW pay rio ifebto of -others eoniritst after this ' • 19AACI) 01 / 1 X" itenten; Attz:4ltt-,111131,' Tux fini 00 4 Vitt*, big lieurilisetrtd by 110 al consents•,, I -Mn OST.' ei trote4 in1j,25.1615i: • 7 :1 -- )133,„ OLUTlONi frirn3 .0-partnetwo he l etorefi,ezisting , •kliamf---andaule.dfliann Oda day ea PY mutual oonsana. Att. Indebted ; pleoe.; -• • • •• O. 4 0 "' • • . : • V. SOIL, 11,-The notes and accolade at thelstotnti. .be found 11:11,..latat, foritand.'lliieto wilt 14111 willows to am at peatlytedneed plots. '• • 'l4 Ilarfced,Aufg.4attr,•lol. • 0;T110 andll3 nee irtiand Ot i r c t OBD Bingtwcoa; Augai. • ' T. M. VOTIII. ". 3451
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers