The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 28, 1851, Image 4
was ti%ose, tn . 4 tern A avoit the time of the for. or tto Pest COngregetitirial Clititclt 42 . 1( 1114 Socictfan Eliot, Mo., Rev.John,Reg -4° r or is hciWai theWternied Parson:Rog • „. h i r rs, was eql4d by the ~ poyplk ,- their shepherd.'; Ile was a man whose anger .4,tiltras easily fused andwas • • verY :violent eiAnthett angity. ,So Much so, indeed, that be I ,i'requentlyd.Al not • • hesitate' when angry 4 /chi ) an to Ole *More /Mild ATOMptit .4. 2,..... *411 - 4 7. t., . There W r aPiti*Xibei of his olive. knatned , - . l ,otaple.:.,.sibeiowas.ot in equally quick tem-- 1. 41 . 3 ,.!r; though Opt so prone to settle ditteren• hy.,budig,,strength,'who, is the.; parson NO;, witl`f4nilty of a " heinous etti, ) !And .V-Ny:th la s hein ke had long bei* seeking to upeli the subject. , :,1 1 ?; o,ko evenit.3 the, +snort went' his : ferin,pril:ex4tmning_ii3ltitinsals, he hoard .'me one opOing gate, land -On turning WtolMlr. 4taple*.OPteriPe`:‘i ate F,l" CClMMeigl4llo),replloll; ranten tnaC*l upon`*to:Subject lietrest r heart; • Of course '8 tes' tinget was "mediatcly • rouled, wi li r o retorted to the arson-so?no f his errors. 'otie trord fol- , • - .atad'anatliti*.in quick succession , both the :Arson an man becoming each moment r•I re wig . * 1 - 4 Staples at last dew back, as i( abont to,:itijko the 'parson, at the same lime coolant*, ".Parson - Rogers, I' wont 'hoar it any,lger." • " s hut, -310 1 , Staples" said the:parson, . ye‘o shalt-hi/re I persisted Staples,l firmly suu4 motions at the pars On. 7. I rt Aiiilo)?ar it," returned the parson, i nup•iliately :seizing him in his arms, and in , , kr# easy maiwer tumbling over the • I..nre ino,thd street, ' ' , : Not, it Ilippit . ied that a - few hours be f'te tWera 14411'been a: eery heavy .•thunder .term, and it Orgo puddle of -riot very clean %•. a t er ho.l - efOtettd in.' the exact spo t where • p4rson bait thrown-his victim:" As Sta -14es rva, ,e aw ng from this Peddle, blowircg ; t lie toad +At 0 his mouth, and endeavoring rain to 60 ; 4 his eyes, Parson .11ogers I ,:tepped up; 04126:fence, and. looking very i at thi prostrate ehUrchman, ex -"ellimed,• in if tentorian voice,"Mr, , Sta. ;Iel; y;t tiehi • it r Whenever4Ocriyards Mr. S. engigo4 with {Ay one, who did not wish it . • 1 rolonged. thei! Lad only to say, Mr. Sta.' • I ""i'Y'fu:" l 4, 2l lihear it," and he would . sec ' some,ti . k iciness which required his im 7 zoorrtate otte,44os. • •-- • ..' ANOTifiraV•AXECDOTI, JEN4NrY L1241)...rik, , r,rre:oputulei)Of the New York Tiibine, • fidlig frittl Waal°, , relates thri fulloir.: . -lag: - • '-':;, ' , -"I! •• ' -, . -"' ', , i " 3lye*oWer was fine boy of sixteen: Ile whippedN-og over the plank-road and ~....o , i ped-of *II betties, the p'eople, and the ' viSet.a we- pittOd. Be was sharp- eyed arid' .-ioar-min 4 lF#4a hright boy, who may one :44 l ite Presi‘‘nt. _ 1 - ~ " Cleve sti WO ti(,heard- jenny Tie d, Girl" in- i Meer. ' . Ivirsil tnyneas of tae U. i ttat • 7 tes, of 14" , 1 ..i, ,•• q rest *Groan, sir.: Don't you think • - . t at rite r dl " I. ~.,,_ost e y "She witi', ' e last week. air—Get up, 'Comte !" ~.; ' , V ‘ " 1 Bl o*d'yßear herr i asited. '', i , " Yessltiilpd I drove - with ; her to the •-•, Palls—that 'li' Tour Higginairove,' but 1 ?;.ii the *it" ' , I '• 1 iq 't. Arid wir4 flte pleased?" 1 ,"..Yes sir , „r - nly 'whoa she was going to see the Fall?, very body in the hotel ran (x 3 r4 1, .1‘) the dual ;' `l ook, at, her; so she went E• her i , - anti then slipped out of l Thee hark duer ..,'. - But there was something.' " 14,4 y t.lari.tl4, sir." - , • -,)Visg. I!4o,ttrat?" , r . , •, !:c gaFe4can 'Biggins fifty dollars lelt -. I he drorigier back. - 'Bat there vas i ~,,mcotiug be - 4er thin that sir." ' - 1 ~, -• ir.deed li ' 'at was that r . 1 ~L k ..111iy, sirs Ttf we came back, we passed i .1. ', w ad e , wo o d,; er she stopped-the carriage I 1 11142-teppecl 4: with tie rest of the party„ ii-atal Tom Ails and I, and went into the J r.... v 0 nd: It w -o asward sunset and the wood 'i "" 7 . benkutillii,b4gr. She , walked about a :1". little snd pitit4 up leaves and floviers, and ' salg,like to het4elf, and if it were pleaseat.l , fly and by 4.1 i. at down upon a rock and Cepa to trig% k 4 cid. She sings some, sir, oral it stionilestALgre_at, wars,: - But before -be-stoppri, otjltttle biul came and at up , ~t: a bough cl,Je by us. I saw it, sir, with my ewn cyes,tAte whole of it—aud when , :enny Land' b' I done; be began to sing ; ~.I,d shout:is -as she did. While hetras ' ' 1 l • dllelirdited and wh atm , -. ainglng, s.;e fa C , , e . -r , svprid slat '...auticrif. sir. '. But the little bird would •l't glee it up. tad he sang' - apin, but - not teltil she:itadirilone,. ,Then Jenny,: Lind ~i,.; at well ,xot7pr slie,. paioa. It scented • 3 11l the Woo all ap with ;music, and -.Oren it waafi 'l : ,-the little bird'- was still ~ whily. but triit spin in a felTusoraents. Th. tymill'i` du sir. 'go sang very bad, r 4 - A triett the _forliro -;-- lerosit •-• - •,1: Jenny . 3.i•t4 * back to i.tsr.- , .5... p., performed leoeiliftslix'hyr. r. Carimehau, at the Em mattes fitio:iii . . ; the hone being removed o f ru • toth artieul.# as. - Thiele the trsttime allieh ttdig. e lion be been ettemptidi the I . : fed ' sfates.- it was madded ~o misar• hy.:4leneive;tieerosis. ...i/. - ., :-.- . ..----' . Ve.ainatFn .!.Irr is T0w5... 7 " Ti an ne.. ,"' 14 a, enultising .ioung mile -3jelli • •sted up . oitint linen aid ktiPgat nature,"i ,ii: et tioa thsi ttiy ••• mould 'wend tO bave sir; imha . ri tni ge ntle ia n leeen a:lheir i Leta far fle 00;"' , That any one with ktrbnielge,of ' sten himan natureihouldi gra tfstkiili.' . We V* they will; ; noknttle tit. ' The newinn will Lulaell be• green& Co." - - ', . , it4 l n cti o, Ait it..l.—lfictinu in Truth in win , - shim given -stiun -ornnii. '- 'r' P,l 4-0" . lit %dm 1 41*4 1 4.'-rukir , ..1 miler' i$ a color - • bpi . - gin -- .;„ ciao) , nil tf qt. ire tiii js* . . escininilag fir= that,. wql'4o,o.!!TtP 6 o-04 1411, 0 1 d,ioveb!I if "Trittni),F l . l - 17497 5t - we - Alow 4:4 4:f,cl tc# l o*4o 4 : /ilk* livl. 1 I - . y Tx4y4 . 474 , 174;;444itzcz' '1" 4:4, tv.tfi 5 Mrlagr6 KLEMM. - The-Farmer's Boy. ST lILKCIS,EN CIAO. o,* jovial firmer's„lsoi be, As - fresh as the. birds thrtraitig, - *r" _And cdriol my merry soug.of ;Arruipg the , flowers of Spring, * With is whoop who hoy, - to drive my teans TilefoM.the rising . To Make their thirst in a silvery stream -Shall - be my morning's tau To:see rho hungry poker fed, . And hear him grunt his thanks - To.rrnese the calves from their grassy bed,- To'shuke their drowsy flanks; Tedrow train the generous cow her atom • With young heads strong and fieei'. • - TM the brimming pail is running o'er *. • With the foaming luxury: _ To haste to the garden with hoe and oesd While the dew is on the sprai,.., • Vo plant, to trim, to hoe and weed ••• The morning hours away, . To raise the dowers for the honey hoe, With their petals bright 'aiid fair; 0, I love-the budding flowers to see, . Iu my gazdeu here and there; Or away to the fields with the rpapers hie, Andloil the And think of the happy time when 1 Shall be a man as they: .• To plow. to 6rreir, to plant; to sow The rich and fertile lauds : To reap and bind, to pitch , and mow, With strong and willing hands.. . Mgt 0, I would not lire in the otnided town. Widths paiements hard and gray. With itti lenftthaned streets of dusty brown, - And ita painted houses gay.-- Where evdry boy - his ball may bound Uptio - his neighbor's demo And overy shout and every sound- DistUrbirathe other's borne. The rotary:el that leaps , from lit bb so limb In the' forestgarring h igh, Or the lark that imam with liis'martia hymn; Id Volloom free than Then give me, the trade of, a farmer boy, From city tiara:nail free, , . All /II track my adtip, and - cry,;. Who boy a farrner boy I'll be i • Hoy maklugini California . , . In d iffe rent parts of the State, afar from ~ and near the. - esmblished centres of trade ~ and commercial industry, -great attention _ . • has thisSllMMoi been given to - the curing of the , grasi crop, and tlatt legitimate branch • of firming operations, inseperable from far ming labors every where'else wo believe viz.; the 'making of hay. In the "green San Joaquin valley," as one: of our California poets doth describe it, and the great plain bordering on the Saerameato and its tribu taries, _hundre.ds have been engaged ever since tbe grass commenced to Tivoli-and put on its summer leery of yellow, in cutting and curing and ranking ,it up into stacks, according to the process ineent - k -, d hundreds ' of yeats ago, by!the tillers of lt - ni land and the hay-tuakeas of •mervie England."— Throughout - the valleys of Napa, Sonoma, Suisun and Sai•Juse, those garden lands of Pacific west,- as thay have been app`ropriate ly atiled, the'. mania fur hay-titakitig has i extended; and engaged the industry ' , which, 1 diverted from plying the blunt pick in the mountains, - wields the imen-edged scythe in ,the valloys, and counts on stil greater grains it/ its new employment than from mining.— ' Into theinild, uncultivated, and almost, un til new, uninhabited recesses of our coast, ; mountains, where fine grass is found to at lure, and futilities for getting it to market are easy. the hay-makers have gone, scaring !from his haunts the wild deer, and driving to new and remote grazing lands the un tamed stock of our broad prairies. This new line of pursuit mus t , as a consequence of the vast amount -- of labor invested in it, soon exhaust the sources dim profit, pinch live their existence almost entirely within 1 the borders of our State. Our hay market I will ere long be overstocked, and the ruling high rates of that. commodity forced down. In various parts of the State, the mein sir e right to cut bay ci - seme of our rich lauds l has been sold for hundreds of thousand of; f -dollars. and this privilege has been limited 1 to this year's crop.. A purchase of this kind I was made not long since, in Suisun valley, Which niany.of our readers will doubtless recollect. During the winter and spring,' hay was sold.' here and io Sacramento City as one hundred, and even as high as two hundred dollars per ton. 'These rates would seem to somewhat justify,the cost of grass fields, and enable 'the purchaser - to realize a snug fortuna far one year's produce, even thnugh.he'sbould pay one hundred thousand dollars for this use of three leagues of land fora season; ' 'lnformer times, that is to say, twfore the !Ming up of California with - adventures and 'settlers, none of the quite numerous posses - sots of ranches or farms in the country ‘ ever foresaw or felt the necessity of gathering in a blade of grase in summer to be fed as hay to their stool in winter.: ovreoever scanty . he rains, or certain the indieationi of a long ant porebing summer, uo provision apinst want of grazing land was deemed necessary es,ludeed, it liras not needed. ,-•The land liven over to purpose bf stock fattening ear.. !ly matured its growth of „grass, from the setting in of the dry season, When lull, val.' ley, and plain presented, to, the_ eye'one un relieved view -of Ind parched vege tation; the . sweetest and most nutritious hay was even then , being sapplied- by the bouldiftil, band of nature_ to the immense' `_herds that dotted those plains, cured and Preserted as it had grown, without-the la- - bar of man. At this= period in the Year it was that Cattle attained their greatest 'de gree drains% and Until the return of the winter rains the broad fielei yielded in pre- fusion that food so tarettillygathered, pre-1 isieditnd doled out` tit time; me; eudunt. ofi such fortunes have been] and antrum being , wade _ by our ittikipka,! er , ir-ate' writ!, 'sues mayue - Clll ijuirprif" maks : , or ton 7 her, ,LOXES . , - - - - . . Irinn rttsfulits itiznY. tu i if t.) t , . S - B . Chase.... LDIT4s •rcu taterturroftlie TERMS.—ONE not.Litti stat:Wirit CCM% pet annintwieshin odveace, or twOdollare if not paid 'Until the end of the year, OF timeofattbscription. • +No r :paper Will be dissontinced unlit strearag,es ser paid, exeept et illy optioiksof the Publishers. ' All commtmieetioni inest be . POST' PAID to te ceivs attention. All letters cotinected with the talc's; should b diircird. to S. B. & E. IL Cu,sys,l l foilrose;B 66 2. Co., Pd. 2 . • •- IXi Editors' office over 61. C. Tyler's - Store. . ;. ' BATES OF ADVEUTISING. ODD squareitl.. lines or levs,) 3 insertions, $lOO Each subeeq ent inecrtiot, , • ' • ll5 One 'square, 3mo Sub_ - • , -, 50 ;' 1 6 meat tt„ 400 Business Cards; 4 lines lT 1r - . 3 00 Yearly AdvertAsements r not over 4 nertass. 7- 00 Ono colemn, one year, . , 30 .00 Teed) , Advertisers will be - restricted to the hu siiess in which they are ehgaged. 117 The. Publishers, brining a !ergo assortment of Job, Printing Materials, fire prepared to execute all kinds of JOB won't trieh neatness 'spades . • 6 .* BLANKS of every description constantly n hind, or printei toorder. gAvln: sz.ts -.02T01it4 DR. JAMES BROOKS, Physician and Surgeon - r end dealer in;: Drugs, Medicines. Paints Oils, Dyee, .&o. Verner of Church and Pine streets, opposite cot. F. - Lusier,2 Greet Bend, Pe: JOHN 111..DIMOICK ' Attorney at 'Jaw.o:llce on TOrnplks street, one door west of the old Register Printing Office, Mon. ihrs. , '• DI. L. TRUES/OLL, • • ATTORNEY . AT LAW, Great Bend, Pa.—;;Office Oh cot, F. Lust PETER DECKLE, ESQ. HAVING heeit app.:dated tip 0 nv•Sish, of New York, as LI a Cotnialeadonee Nesbitt .St ate to take the proof and acknowledgement of Deeds and otaer Instratnentai wtp attend to badness calls to that capacity at ids ollce at Great Bend. pti. , 5ept.10,1950 - S.S. ATTORNEY . Wl' . . Dunklisimule, Ea:, Wet en Stark'* Br ick Row OW &irk GAMBLE; FSIDViNCE in. tile! hine- fella erly the vielchrte IL Simnel Guile, deeraied:, , Hit:ford. Peeember 25.! 1850' . t/. L. kiiiiDs.k. uts. LIVERY AND EXORANGE.STABLE Diontrose, Pennta_ E. IL 4, S. 13. CHASE, 14. 1 :171707.11 4 713 A y : -111.7 r. MONTROSE. PA.: (Office over: Tyler's Store.) E. n. comm. . S. B. CHAAR Z. XatONS & SEUL"- DEILL'ER Di Dry Goo*, Ttardware,CTekery, Tin :Vac 4 Groceries. Pooktote- dlso enrcies on tAe Bur4iness: Public Arenue; Monfrose,lPa. • JOB"COliGDON I DIIALIR-111.11AUPLA . 3101.11CNIINT3, 7 ins STONES. TA. -SLIM &C. ' Between the Cabal. Bridge.and' 'Court Court bonito, Court et Ilinghltratoni N. Y. trr.T. B. Whitney Traveling. agent. • 27 0 T 73 R I D — arals : • -- DEALER ;N. ' • , Dr. Y-1300 8, tiUOOEfIIE 11001 i AND 5110E4 - , Jouicie,y• Notittztti l &c. OceitTlend, Jane t.'Ot;t; 1851. ' 28 tf c. ast. szvnvioNs, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER & REPAIRER Muni aver A. Itilarla'r Saddlery Shop.'s CEAMaZt4 SHAVING & HAIR ORESSDIG SALOON, Searie's Beildirig,uext'door to the Post' Office, Montrose, Ps. ..nl2tf '‘. MISCELLA-NEOUS The People's Friend T. To POND'S, of Ithaca, 'Ss To PA,ZnibtrleetZ7,:t 'NDelltlgt.Ezelfitocl:;ul:l 3 %"te that with the exception - tif a little Aleph ol te preeerve it. It will cure all local pate and talamations, :old sores, fiesta wouridt tad br.cdoes; Piles, and ell 'diseases of the bowels ”rtcchronlcuature, totith.arlie, ear-ache and an excellent rem.dyforfemales, &a. It lamely whit* professes to be, cal People's Friend! 1 Providence haescatterea• along the rugged paths of life maerthlegs thetcoutrib s ute greatly- tcl the comfort and • happiness of every body, hence theiri great value, and well may they be called‘frtends oldie People.' • [leeward here tognaidagai est ImpoSitloa: A rase by the nameafSpeneer, has manufactured and [demi for sale a spurious article called the Caryl!' Earr4—that would be extract of the hazel-nem—tee genuine . lens white and as pure as'eater, while theseariena article is COltatd,Vilttb enables the pnbliito distinguish. . Stmegeneine.hur [hostess:eked 'Potid'ePaiu Destroyer WM It. RATCII, Mantras*, and store-kcipers and me diclee-dcalcre genevally. A gents A NEW supply of JEWELRY.und Watchea ..."l at con for cash, at i TURRELL'S. . Jan: 1.15511. ' 'SOU LEATHER. , iirr. are pre p a ted to selnieeers.E. 0. Pratt's te n, ebeated sole`Leather et - N. Y. City ptiees—baTing an agruey.. Desires eau be eeeluziodated lab superior artiele,from otieto one thounatul elite at prices hereto. ore unheard atilt this country. Oct- L I BSO .Ia&AC t. POST & CO. , A. Fresh Stock of Clothing. • Ot Illos and Capv, (spring farbion)Cients, LadleA 3 3 ,1 Boys !Mots and Shaer. also, Cap and Letter . Paper, by the Beam or ten quantity, Wall and Curtain Paper and Border, Inks,Pictures and Picture Frame*, BeoUs Fancy StationerY,!Fiabing.Tackie, .3.c.jtist received and for sale at email prOts forready pay, and read 9 paY only April 3,/851. ,!l/EO.. FULLER:: Perfamry. Fancy Soap - &c. 'Emmen nandoine.iriple Extract, *hems= itil4fox r Marrow Pomade, Sears? Oil, Ilarry!s Trieoptierous, and other litmus tor the hair. kilitary sharing-Soap, Walnut Oil do Whiteßars, diiiiond and Sassafras Soap, r r anperiorarriel es for th e. Toi let, to lie toxin d -.3lotitrose, Oetolier2S, 3856 _3. LYONS St SON: Furs! ilASTlrpsid for i"Ox, Mink, Mookrati Mtirtin aka U Cnon skins, by.. . M.C. TYLER. Noniron., Dec'. 19.1850. je ry quantity atria:Seed wanted in ex g ebarrefoo Oro' eerie* or Cub by • _ I.N. XIOLLARD. EMPIRE Long Fbawle;Yolonettos, and Vain L•e• Lone Li °foal talon . • TYLER'S: • ALT by the bl?!..ez load at: • D.R.L. &Co. '; puivots and Scrapers for rale by. •‘, LYONS It CHANDLER: cludP poordtri and Bat Vino tor rale by • Lti •. • • ' ,• LYON iiNDLYIt • baLra, Musicallnetrum 'Ferlntnery,nt - 21.1=ELLIY. J. B. ASS ,ket tles,--fresh . Juliana, figs.. herring, inaciercl, codfish. and Union bats for sale by. - C TYLER:. • . QllEEi‘shes for-sale tqr • 40 • - J. LYONS 4. Sox. ... , 6 0 ir. 'AYE „1 1 t ..:.- at i i -,. l. ltrA tTr L ; lt i , will forte t it SOW/ail s under his owe, no master b u ow e long standing . rTsf a il Y iells. e 1 1 Dernea fiz z are-in Wed tolls Priv op Usage, rs North' SEVENTH st„ Phila., without' tear of Interruption by, (other patleato. Strostscens and others seh'o harebeennn s fortunate in the.selection of 8 ,phyei dan are hilted to tall. 'Those swto'hareinj tired themselies by solitary vita , are also foritet-, ; = .• - __. Ms n Alto Mart saw --The afflicted would do well to, reflect Infore trusting their health, happiness, and .In - many cases their tires. Sri. the hands or physicians, Ignm rant of thisciaeuiof meta dies; 'lt 'sternal:sly- Impossible for one titan to nutittstandf all the ills the human tionily aresobject to, . Every respectable obreletin haa his re culler brandhits which he la more int warts"' than bib brother .proferaorai 4 . 4 to that he derota moot Obis time and ettidy. : •,,. . . - •.- • • - . poAols Op ensurrculeachiatireirderotel loth* study; lend trootment of diseases cone ersoal,Orgensi together ... (with *leen upon the bOdy:throettlote. or.legs; pains kr ' , the head or bontsi, totreurial- rheninsitism;..sttietnref, , 0 6 t0ni i.,4 - 05 , 7000ionsciTum. f or ia i t e t t ren t , trovrel,trregulissitiec:ellsesseurisirtg from yontisfal ex - • '*PLASTE R, PLASTER 1 ,-: -' Dead ve , o4 lri n.2. .., . . : _ ..,:_. 7 - 11 3 , 1y,,.- EAGER ; -..- often or Impurisiepartbe Moat whereby the courtltte .. ---, sine tile bemuse , enfeebled, enables . tile flesettsr,to offer. '... „....,..... : HereOVER -. SEEk, :., ~i ~ ...,..., sa . ats y..!ittrts tosittrho , stey elate', th , nose:yes tram , iirrktb../ziklat g ekind;foreitle oy ,-; ' - ' le calre-I. : ---.. -:....,.....: , ..,, ~....:. ; . , ; L , , . JP; y.. Wfl ~ . i' - • '- - . :4. LA'Als7 * Pci. ''i ' _ .:".- .s, as aP. a di: , en.....• '. 0.. . .. -... „ A. 4.1 L. Pant—kilo ., 11Te to recovitiet-firm:lf ow York to , . • Ope"aosintaHirnfor New tiroyto sui tell to the . !Men , C ~._, -' '-; •.-. iirldeb.tlity.offoribriattoolitettasAilgo'Lt. Inlet fir 11 , ,A; WE13,11: ' ow. veelr, -.- =' trom 4pri).l6 1851 - ' •-s A GOOD stock of Boots and shoes at. • • " D. R. L. kid Co IiATUALE and Linseed Oil, Painta, a-good aw sartment at - D. IL L. and Co. 4.NTBD,-Filly tout good coal in axchaoge for - plasm and castings. , = ' D.ll. MILLS. !tontine, Jam f 3.1851: . ctilft mere of thole Orange yet_ tinpens anti all ZV.lJether kindi a tits at Titmets. SYTLEMENwi OAT to OrtnOthir Cubic fur win& elothitirwill do well Cavil' at - vaaastyla, flopprangbduata:eii4st , rtZB.. 0201 .ting,:at='•-'. o.'oekr" -- .Tird—SulteriAirlisms,,T jrni . A Rperbw ri " oll 4 l qitilltAlfyrikll;ol4 Pc.11.4ftfq4142141Y(44*14,100 • - -- • m it 4 1- , 'ats. , 0 ino rni.t - tti goilr shou l 4_ _on with OS CLOCKS , WATCHES, JEW.ELRY. Great 'Bargains tionid •ii. to, .tbe, citizens 'or Montrone - , . . - and tidally. that he haajnptro. 4 • • • 7 turnedfroui fiocrAoik the lowest, slettost and boat aeleetod - aenortment at ache ' . • -• Sillver - Wore 6 I Am. everbefore offered InDing. ' - . . handoo. The above gotialrero bou;dttfor coab, and will to. sold at tlirloweat prkee,frdalliarticies warranted ea roeora mended.. —Partfeularatteation paid ,to revalriaz eilklStds of Watcher and Jewelry.. - t• - „it Cour t a tree t, nearly opporito t tiortornt x Hotel. Itingliamtoo;Oca.lo,lBsti. CANFIELD: litilG11101N: ihav n been encouraged by Ent very - /iberni : Patrenage received, to 011 up toy shop with the bogest and-beet astortinept of goods ercr yet hroutlit, to thls , marl:et— In It may be fennireverything belbuging to a dcreelry and fa Orystore. i.Clocics 4-‘l/ itteh es, of every desraiptlon. Burning nultLieirlerand coalmen, Lamp., which at • title time isthii best thing` In use fora good:and:cheap ILA t. Yon can fludthera only at . • . • TBUE'S. • tferitrose,Ndvemberiln,lBso. : ".• • . 111.1191L'ea?,.''r7t10;1',1:,1 1 :1: 8 , 1 riallteVnI•Triltlx.ft: thontriptie.Schencit'sßalrini,SwainesPanficea.all of Dr. Jaynes Medicines; Valley's Pain Extrattor, - P:ln Killer, Dllloare fictive. Cure. and most of the approved yatent Medieln es o fthp daj, kcp t eon Stan tly MT hand by . • • - • • - • BENTLEY at itE,AD.• • - _Watehes - - Jewelry.. '&6: rrf . lE obscribae hap received an addition to: big I stock of Jewelry, coneistinx of Gold Fob and Guard Chains. Lockets, Finger lliuzs, Ent Binges limit Pins, Over Chains, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pehcila'and Pens, &a., &c. to which he woad in. vita - the attention of his Mends. • A.J. INAN s Binghamton,' ilfarahl, Washingtoa at Watches !Watches . . . t'tOLD and Silver, Leve r .and' L'epin co full Jeweled' and 11 . j)likip; a large assortment at the eery. lowest. prices and warranted.. . . .11!niTha:latan, Oct. 14,1g50. nt1%.31 SI erW plated, tniife -- 667 Silver co a n r •isting of Table. Tea, licsert. Create and nustarilSpoensiSait and S near Sher. oil* Forks Mc. , , ED arsvoil gratis, at L. CIINFLELLI'S., QlLCERSpoons.Forksand Helves, warranted the hest 13 minufnantedinAmerie,l;nt • TIRIVS. rpirtiom Ot the 6 dnz.2.6e (NON& gone bat more o .1 the genie sort is on the way to Trite'eJewery shop: OLOCKS,;f IFi°"lenPnatrr as, received thi b y , - day, " ' ch RENTLP,V . & READ. VINGEIt IZINGS- 7 A' new and tpiendidne. sortment just received and for WO chenn Gy TROWBRIDGE... The Richest IT 111.111TiITT has just received a new assnitment of CIELECTIONor Itreastpits. Darrinie and Fin7er Ti - rifist 11. . Stoves, iacludiu4 the rAnst at...keyed kinds or Air rievai offered in Dinghltaiton,ty .A. S ' EVA N 'S ' i Ttt h s t i ' :n ri n t !l c e 6 o l i 'i n n wro n n Upi7e4iliiere.ltrtniT'ntirgii:e" Stoves,. ' WATCPES and. either jewelry in quantities . Tubes, St,c. &c., to unich the attention °leash pirrchask 1 , • . - • • 'NV: D. TllOAV•rnirna E. "••-- . . . . .r 7• io Bah 13UrChaSen; bk ._ ere, and the public's intitcd, and which will be !old at , veryi OW n rims. fur cash or approved qedit. 'September, 1850 - . • • , - . •. ~ 1 • H ••• • : Cold Locketg. , - _ orsor,Dand trouble of every size by• ._.- - ' il . .f.:l37...iN,Wr.shincten-se itinchamtna:t A. Some-Very Fine - . ,- Go'6:WATCTlE3'perrect time keepe r s.Alm 'silver Watches:all guantitirp; by • A. J. EVANS. Gold. Chains.. Lou." .s.lldmidea,Saaelac Pen and Penril P:relt o a full arra rtalent at coPIELta, VINO ER ft INGS.—Sona o very Pretty pattersreceive,' A.".thla MU/Mil:lg froin th. Stentitseteny, by Elugharinon;June 9, Issl. ... Vitt' A. J. EVANS /A., NEW let of breast niffreecived thin dip mton, junu:9,lSsl: a if Govo nzdAlior Watchu".ailverTable,Tea.l3e,rertan eateSpoons, isn4 ageneratamaartraent of 'Jewelry ; • •-• BENTLEY ttnA. P"s, and all aorta of Notions, at - TUtU' ,IttiSCEELXNEOPS — A . DVFairg: , ; '.Pettraleuni'. or-Rock OIL Al NATURAL. remedy procured from a welt In AMC.; gheny county, four hundred ,:eet deep Put upend sold by 61. M. KIER, Canal Basin; Pittsburgh, Pa. r It is mat no In bottlesjurt as it flows from the yell without adlniiture of any kind. All ye that ere afflicted ... • ' - READ! READ-1! • Rheumatism yields to the power of the Petridenm. A TORT POITAUZCttIe CO., Union tp., July fith, 1651. -. Mr. Xier--Detir sir, allow me as a stranger to, con gratulate you is the. solo proprietor of an Invaltiable, called Petroleum or Rock Oil,'which Is destined ere: long tenths the plaza of all great medicines. Many persons In this neighborhood Lave tried thupctrolenza in a number of cant curing,most of them and provinghighlybencloal in siLbass tested Witt' coughs. Colds rheumatism, totter. iprains,"and melting; for rheumatism I think it Is a certain cure. 'Aly. wife has been afflicted with the Rheumatism fm some years and never _could get any. thing to relieve; her, in fact she tried everything, mad no, thing would dolier anY good until she trod your Petro leum and it hurt-tiered her entirely, for my part I think it is the greateit, pain kilter now in use. Yours &c., - - • • J. iILiSOP.. • Anotherletter from, Lucerne co., recommenhing the Petroleum llnsert Mao rN, Jelly Tth.-18.51. Mr.' Rites... Dear tie take great pleasure in croft= fting tti.tbe viribeicof your great natural ute.heinecalred I the Petroleum or Rock Oil, which is certainly is great Inedleinee lbsolght one dozen of your agent when he waradnisg here lust fall. tested it in a number of eases. and found it to , prove good. false tesbedit in a case of totter and found it very benefleiat. - I would like very much to have an box of it. Tor I don't like to be withoatit.. • Ilespectfally yours, • '!. • •• . •• • 'J. clorrnrt.t. - A war from Susluchanna co.. certifying to the ellea ey of the Petroletna. - Doss: ATV, June stb. 1551'. Mr.o M. KIK al-Dear sir :—.Allastrw to certify to the , virtuoUtyOur n aturalto edi ein e call ed Petroleum or Rock i Oil. I had been atilieted mth the Rheumatism for some time. I vas in Wilketbarre last summer sad got a bet. itle from your Agont Athen he one along there, It has cured me perfect , y. I hare ainee seen is stvd in differ• eat cases orthemnotirta, and found it giverelieflu . 'Very respectfullyyours. : . • JAMES ' I r r AMIETON... - Traumas:sock; July 12th 1851. Mr. d. M. RILII—Dtur Air—Allow me to certify to the virtim: of your great not - arta medicine milled Petroleum . o- Sleek Oil, which I believe la a good Medicine. I have been Itlfheted trith Nentuigia, pale In the nerves for the last, ten years-mid never conld get anything to teller,. me: in Act I,teird almost everything and nothing would do me any good until I tried your .Petrolertm, which has relieved me a Pry much; -bare also tested it in burns, /adds, and bruises- a has alscay• given relief in every shorttiMe. I think it the gr etest pain killer now, in use. • Very respectfulli , you:s, • • CaTI and get a eireala' r from fire aroit. whicb Fires a fall dMeriptiou of K. ;For rate by LESTLEF & READ. Sold 'irlmleralo by 114cais,-ILLLEA '2Ol =Act rtrolt,Fhiladtlphla. - - A STROf.OGY—TflEl.lelebrated Dr. C. w. nolike.g, . A.Professor of Astrologyinstrouomy, Phrenology, and eemnancy, cc. nnhinftlwrith CONJGDATIONiftom °Mee No. fl LOCITST s?treet, Phdadeptlia, offers Lis serOcee to the stitllens of Montrose. De - has been eonsulted b)-all the crowned heads of Zuropc, and en joys a higher, reputation* on Asttologer than any one liwing; NatiWities caleutated according to Geconaney— , Lea* Gentlemen $5., PerFOR - 1 eta distanee can Lave thelrnativities drawn hy . sending the date - ot the day ofthcir hirtli. -All lettets eantaleing the above fee receive immediate attention, !Vanities sent to any part of the world , written on durable pcher ; and jle. is prepared to make use of his power by malorationolkany of the'folloling toplesourtslop,Mlvlce given for the s - ucceiefal nem:oh:do:tent of kwealthy malli2ife; he bas the power to redeem such Cs - are given to the use of the beta el. end for all caies of hazard, and for the recowery ofstalen or lost property, and the purchasing oflottery tickets. Tbochands of the shore named mire hare been done in this city and its sleinlty. cad In the Bated Etates to the ran satiftfileGOniOf all. /0,000 " - Sativires Der}- I I:scope's have hecncut during the last 'four years while here. Letters-will answer every pnrpose,andwilldo as well as,to eall iu p craw: i nn , : the mail is now soeafe t hat pe tone need not fear to, trwtst money through 'he Poet OlDc4:' fir. Itolmek' racemes from - 400 te.looo - letters monthly.endlias newermlssed onei All letters will„be rcligicuslystfindetftoif prelpild. For partienlars Cal attar Democrat aka said get, an AgtrOlOgleid - C. IV. ItODACK. - ' =0 White st. • - 31 as York pc2r.De particular 'to mention the Post..nthcc„, county and tate. -11.17 STOVES- HARDIVA - RE,:` Scii. Stoves, ware, and Pipe. rEY Storni State Air Tight- 'cooliing stove / for 11: burning wood Or coal, the , best in nso. -, Rough aud.Rently double oven, cooking stove, . Elevated , do ' .do - Premium ' ' do. .do 'do ' ' do . .:do' : • ail Entpire State :..:do do Cliirtett Air Tight- do ~ 20 Sizesnnd hinds of PartorStoven for wood or coal:_ . 4 Sis:ett of G r plate Stoves.' Gaai And Wood Stoves fofshops, school bontisti the best in use. . Copper,-bnum, tin.and iron stove Russia, English, and American Stove Pipe. Stone; Tin, and zinc tubes,-4-e., for sale by the 100, doz.,, or single - int the Etig i l v e u ro s un o d s ,ry - E c e o po . tol Alc7Otrose, Nov, PA, !AO EAGLE FOUNDRY! Ware Room, in. Lyons 4 Cha,ndler's - -Long A general assortment-et _ Cooking, Parlor. Shop and Coal Stoves, Stove pipe; -Elbows, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Copper, Brass,Wire, Bar iron, Nail Rods,round 8:: square Cast Steelall sizes, , „ . round 4. square Iron, all sizes, - - , Side ill . ' Green Sward, Excelsior,' Genesee 4. WorsterPlows,Straw Cut ters, Cirri S7Yellers,Saw Arbors, illorticin„T Machines ; Mill Cranks, Balance Wheels; Pots, Diet. Kettles, Spi ders, Tea Kettles, Ilraffle Irons, Um brella Stands,Pumps, Lead Pipe, Shingle MaChines, Scrapers, Sleigh Shoes,'Jack Screws, 4.c. 4.e. All kinds of Castings on hand or made to order— also; Copper and Sheet Iron Ware on hand, or made re order. WILSON & CO. - Ictiutrose, Nov. 5.1850. L. CANFIELD Nevi Milford Stove Depot Stove, Tin and Copper Ware. THE subscribers_ hove just purchosiql n torn I 1 . 0604, of arcs, Tin and-Copper Ware, MIA .- they oil: tho public us cheap as tho cheapest. R.LA.THROP.: 3footrove, Dec. 10, 1850. , ' - Tile - best STOVE ont 2 THE licystoile Stater tkimiglit Cooking Stove, munufactiketUand for sale by IVILSON it, CO. NEW GOODS Lif,ONS CUASDLER, • , Montrose -and .Lanesboro' A WrillOST reeeislug a largo and splendid assortment of ti Goods, which wilt be <old cheap for cash. Shootings, Shirting, Ticking; Batting, Wadding, Del- Cr,uton and Woolen 17:mar Carpet and Knitting Yarn, Broadcloths and tiaisinieres, Carpets and Carpet Bap, Trunk s,lllack,llinc and Green Umbnilla a, Japaxed Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, Hardware, Etc.— • GROCERIES., Cr:Aft], piilvorired owl N. 0. SuprA, Coffee, Nolasso!, Black and Greoit Teas, Pork, Mackerel,Codilsh, Candler', apices, &e. BOOKS •STATIONERY . .We two receiving a la•ge assortment of all kinds rteebnn Tlooke.(F.initsh, Latin, French, Greet:and ()einem) Bi• .bler. Histories, 311ecenancoue Works, ..111edical Books, Ciuds,Tiesue and Note Paper, fee. ac. Thoso'in trent of Boa:sand Stationery will please give us n call, ns we ntend to sell ehenn for efteb, STOVES AND. IRON WARE. . , Ceokinte, Parlor .Shop tad Coal toves.Plpe, Elbows, Stove Ware, Iron :le.rapers, Plows, Corn vhollers l straw• mitt°. s, Plow Points, et c., at Lowesb9ro% • 'PORK, SALT 4. FLOUR.' by the bbl. or otherwlre—Csailles i by Ohe liox or lb—also; Nalls,olAss,Palnbiand 01:o. • • SARSAPARILLA. _• OW Dr. aitrzt,'Ni. P Townr,m rl .Ts, auB3,nd'rtorato. eents per battle. - LYONS &CHANDLER. Montrose and!, Nov. 7 1850. Blatchly's flows ?TIME itthscriberirould inform his friends aid ibbpub 1. lic, that he Is. now mannfacturing :the celebrated I . ll.4l"nliLlt Ptorrant the. old -stand of D. Post. ' Side Hill, Pion ? IWayne.Co., Liring•ton county, end Skinners Eddy Plates and Castings nn hand Repairing done on short notice. llavlngmade nu arrangement 'with a ma chinist, ho Is prepared to make and tit up most kinds of machinery on short unt ice and on reasonable terms. introse; February 17.18,51. 11.1 f . MILLS. Il:o3—tnglich and Swedeb t f 1111Pil . Drag Teeth tby S. 11. SAYRE do CO grAulAccontllutud cooling ctuveol6o tt rroa / 4 "" cut IL ter, for sule t ebtap -suanzu.'s DLOUGlLS.—lgn;ltatnton.MontroFe,Skintier!rday and-3.10tt and raller'sPlo uglis antl CastingF.eowtailt , Yon hand by - - S. 11. sAyu I k; a-, co.._ CLOTHING; BOOKS, BOOTS, &e Notice to the Public. New Seasonable Fail and •Wintei. Goods at the Great One Price Store of L. f 3. trifYlifE in) Great =end, BEGS have to alto 'this opportunity of tendering. hie. sincere thanks to his - friends and materna - 0,61r tha generous warming° they have extended to him ; and at the same. time Inform them that lie has just returned frons.New York with a very large and choice selection of Fancy and Staple Dry Good/. also afresh and exten ' slveassortment of G reveries, Provisions, Moot and°. ilOeth Cats and Cups, Hardware; Crockery, it c4Drugs and Medicines, which will he sold for cash and produce at a very small advance, at prices vi lch defy all competition. Flour, York, Fish; Salt, wholesale an diva/1,7-11e would also remark that he a Cares strictly to the system of al. ways n the lowest price at flrst.thereliy giving the saine advantage to all who may favor hbasith their pat ronage. - . , , , Great Rend Clothing Store. Thelargest, hest and cheapest assortment of Itetuty Made Clothing In the Village of Great Ban d, . Pa., Broad Cloths. Doe Skins,Caarlmerer and Vestings of allanalitice suit abi e for the Pall and 'Winter Trade, which be offers et snehyriees as to satlpfyany one that this's the place for theta to deal. in eouseiineitee of the gfeat increase of hi business he has been obliged to greatly enlargehle neck; whirl he now offers to Ills friends ntal the publlefur ex , plain ation:confulent that In so doing, they wiliend &one thingtO their adiantage. Thesubarriber has made are rangementato manufacture clothing axiom' branch ea, and is-now wanted to Pell the 'tame, warrant ed tobeer Inspection. Custom work and eating done at the latest styli and shortest notice,—allkinds of- tail oretriromingt furniShed and for Pale. Do no t forget the spot. • store nearlYoppo-ffe the Mansion Donee: •," . _ Great Bend, Sept.,lBso. L. ff. LEND:BIM... , New and popular Schoolbook: 'OMPREITrifSIVR EC317,4A11Y of tl.tittirftSAL C. TORY; together with a ItIOGRAPILY of RISTING• 111.511 ED PE.ISECONE; et which SaaPpended nn eplicar.o of HEATHEN -• MYTHOLOGY, -• NATURAL' PHILL)SOPHY, - GENERA.LAS'IIiON:'• . . ; : 2 :031.r: and. PHYSIOLOGY: .• •‘ • 1 Adopted and need in the tubtleseltoollinf Philadelphia R S: JONES B.r..TCo.,'Rublisb6rB; 43. W. Cor. Fourth and Race tits; Phila. Teacher, andschool,Comuilttres addrrsslog lettirseu: us postpal, urn be furnished with copies for oxamloa! Mr. .k roll and emnplete assortment of Dias and eta Moon y !battle at the Lotrest, 17iees. _ • • -.looks! Books , NEW eurpty or Daknjust .rptelved, Including nit ,IL the kinds used iii thtbiew A ca,frrity. Ml* thaw to:, Al and etzi Paper 'at the lawrsi prim. . tiept..6 & SQN. Valuable 13 — ooksi ICITTOWS Dully Bible:II luatralons,Emerson'a ?Allays, APortolla aP lam by Taylor, orlerr the 'Maximo WarbyT,lrero l ore, Book ofgorma,DlAriblllgoo'og History Ofthellmflmnatlonrete , etc. t ..J.,LYONB !tr. SON. .- = SCEirbOrs'BOORS. A -GENERAL tisaoitment ehoolßOoks whole it sale or rctall !)y . LY6S . . I Motiirese. Nov,. 26, A & cidOupiiliiof Ca viceri . rt.j . uet:op ell ell .111 d for sale ky ,7:4:Tome & son; ' ' - -- ClA.Sttraid for olaittliver -b.latal: del - vend.- at Tooter AL, , CITA xlmen• ... • . • ATAITEi) .40;000 6.lthel of Oat.. 10,000 • buab ii eau/ Rye: mut Com: for witieb the hio f in pripolqltyip d ici..4lish or tr+ideby • r, , orup ,go .L.o , • .NEW • ." kif 0 • :1111:NKS'zteliPti..i,415'k::,2a , .: , • New York . . „,.., &•:lErlei'Caynga'. ft. us . - quelianna Rail &toads, Seneca.. , - and lbayuga.Lalieji! : •-- . . . .. EVER:KRODVBI4IIIIO3:LINE 1 14/risUbsrluerear_enow proparettpareceiveLlll.oo4T, ,l. of an kinds, at the foilowing points,vls : - '' • -'" Buffalo, Attica, Bitavia,Bargon, Rochester, _Cananda utt, 0 ouova, Dresden; Ovid, LoilisDttiadee, Lantlitii Jet Orson, •Itavann, : /Illiporti Itorseheads;•Cottang, Eimirta YactorrrilleiSpting Port, ltedier's Ferry, Anroiailtha ca; ; Candor, Crwegt, ',Union, i Ilingtututteni Crest - Dead Itutesboro', Deposit, and Itaneticit, everyday ID the week (Sundays eueeptedJand oontinuew ith regniaritytbtoug out thesealim, They will attond-toforwardiug tho Snake _to tho Now York Market, wrivrelt will reeeire the petton. sl attention of experienced Rolex:nen, whn whi attend AO ;'the teliingoftho sane, and return the proeeedain Ilanki , ! iahrefundsat Mt hot of the tabovepointa; to thefollawing I Itufildn,StoiehonteofTtenry Davi ;' At tlei„StovolutuSe lof tlomeSyford; llatavia,ltitorehease efLocins A.. Smith; Bergen, Storehottio -of Daniel JtePhevf Ott; ltoclester Store of Fairbanks k - .Eldredge; Canandagna, Office a 'Walter Corcoran; tieneva, C. Lawrence; Broaden Store i honey of IV.hitimy & Blond 1;• Ovid , Ferguaon & Spregne - Lodi ;;Dunilee Landing„Storehouse of T: Tuthill & Co. Jefferson, °Moo _. of E. O. Norton, on - the Pier , Ilavana Mile° of J. F. Phelps; lililiport. Aare df J. Stni I ; Morse 'amide. office - of]. A, Terrell ; Cornin(s, stunt of .11'In - J Arnold;-Eitntra, storehouse or -Thurman &-•lnghrarni Faetoryvllle, Retro of 'Clutrict n.'nimplat Redder' Ferry I - Aurora; store of IL& 0. P. Morgan ; It bnia,Btoa of P. It- Drake; Condor, store of S. Uttrageri, 0 wegoo„ flee of Nathaniel Tula; Union, store of V. N. Wheeler Binghamton, °Mee of Jetties - Sisk t•Grea t Rend, otOstfo . ! B. Churchill; Laneaboro', eflice of V A. Ward; Deposit store of •Enegn . IE Douai: Ilanewelt„ store of Allison it 1 Reeves ...` • " JAS. SINK. Binghamton,' , --_ . -,; --•. , _ : W3I. WRIT:IKr. Dresden, , '. •-. • . . ~. OEO. P. MONELI 4 . - "dia. . .• .; ''' ' • ; , NATHANIEL I.ILLS,Owego ..-..,• ARENTS.—littijalo;llenryDaw; At ticn, Violin/I - Sy; ford; B attain, Idiclua Ai Smith; Ilergen,llaniel Ile Pher son; Rochester. Fairbanks &'.Eldrldge; .omandatana, Wattertloreoran; Geneva, o:Lawrence; Veld; Pomo:mon & Sprague; 'Lmilf pumice Landing, Tuthill la Co.; Jef 7 talon, I• 0; Norton; itavana, P. Pheiie; Miliport, J. Stull ;_ Itonteheads, J. A. POrrol I; 'Corning; Wm. J. An'. nnitl; Elmira, Thurman & ingbram ; Factorytille, 0 It. Shepherd; Aurora. If. &' 0. I'.it Morgan:lthaca, P. m Drake; Candor: R. Ortra?er; Union, C. N: Wheeler; Great Bond. F. Churchill;Leneettorn . „ V. A. Ward ;,De. poll t,Eusigri & Dean; llaneock, Allison & Reeves., - ..„ Capt, James Sisk,. the liuslne . ng throughout the whiple no, awl teeelye an 11 It All onlers for • ' Gresebri es. Ernite r Phase, Ovate ess,...kc. Ate ; eehtell Sent i , ebouktit attho lowest wholesale prises in Nen York, and forwarded to any of thO above nnoied Deots. NerrStage Arrangethent at Great mIIE Iwo Daily law of Stages from' Great Dena to Um:lms° will ben:Attar len re 'be t hilttntrilotriof C. Smith Strtheltnmediate vicilaty of the Depot, n=fet, one : At 4A. I. and 6V. M., on the arrival firth° Itall , road trains ream Now Yore. passing thet.e4lb New Mliard 1 to 31entrose. - vrtienre a Intuit line Tura , iev et nnexion ' therewith to ElptinitVille.Tunkheinneek and IFllkenharre , I another via. 11 r holien Faelotyrille. Abhittton Centre;,; Providence end Il.rde Parhl to bferantonla,"( thiso - plareli befog along the lineof the Leggeta Geri Railroad.) • Ur. taming, the stage leftfcii.:Berentonla et! A. 51., par F ing through the oboe Nentreseorbence tbo Hues •leare in time te reach the Greit 'llona Depot before the trains pint EGs4' ti ' . . :'' - ' - ' 4 ......„,.., ....I tellitnith'sneilvtaillotel en the arrival of nevi t in &art the Wee tft r Carbondale 1 yin. Sdmni ill e!fdlifitril,Thirforit, Len elrold DUD. &a. . ~. ritOZEDF.LI. tc. CO. I Great Den , aim It2=iSf+l.-", 6 a .. ItIISCELLANEOUS AISYERTIS EM'S - - • : , ".• Bow G..- - t.• • - --.-: - ITAY DEN. & LITTLE'S stock of New Goods lio I/ hale °Mr mprising a complete assort ment of Dry G f ,Groceries, hardware, Store Pipo Zinc, Nail , Glass, Sash Wooden Ware Drugs - and Medicines, Paints; Oiis, Fish; Flour and Salt. • ' AIFO a .first rnto list - and good nerortment of Ready Made Clothing, daimon ull deecriptions. Boots and Shope, ti nts , Cam obi Bonnets and aimcet everything, -tumidly" found ja si country Store. Our Game intik besold; and Flinn be. st the very, lowest possible pr ices: Oar friend's are invi. ted to cull uad loop at our stock. ' ' " Procince of most all kinds, wanted in exchang e for goods by The subscribers, • HAYDEN & LITTLE. Now ittilfimii ray Ist 1851. BURltriT has now [nature. 11 new end choice 5r .1.1. • lection of Dry Goods, including a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods, Crape and cam summer' S.hatcht.„ Silk Mantillas, Pamvols, French Lace, Fancy Straw and Lesthnsis Bonnets; a beautiful assortment of Ilonnct Ribbon, Flutters and Frit:main , s of new styles. :Mack Silk and Lacer. for 31antillaa:lsoutiva Bilk, black. - Lace Veils, Broad Cloth. Fancy Cassinicres. Vmtings and summer Cloths - , tnrpet Trunk Nails,Mots 'and Shoes, Painted Window Shades. flats,Carpetingl - Caps, Sec., with a large and general assortment of fiord Ware, Cmckery,frea..irecerica, Painte.Medicinca,[lll9,Stcares all or which will be sold at the loweft price. and on the most reasonable terms. N Ne.rly nil undo of produce wanted. Srackstn particular, and the:highest pica in Cult paid for Wool. Flour and Salt constantly New,MaT,27:11>a• -r-yco N ING Con nty imurattc• seampan L The undersigned *agent for this well iniown and long established institution tespectfullyinfornis the public that he will receive applications for tn. surunce•against foil or damage by fire to Buildings Goods, Furniture, &c. - - I IL Lyon, Agent. MonVcse. A-pr. 9, 'fil, ~tf allorthg, -TORN GROVES, the well mown Tailor his again made his eppeurnitee in Montrose toOp. erttte in tho - nbove nagred business at the old stand directly over Lathtiies Dry Goode store, and would again tender his-services to the public, and elicits their Putronue.' . Making and clotting done in the most approlied style•of the 'age, and done on the shortest notice as Montrose, Feb.l2, 'M. rh" R.1.1k E & Lemilizs.— A treih lotSjust re ikfeeired and for sale by the hundred; dozen, or single, also, raisins just in. Also nom, ; We - men's Calf Laco,Bootes for sale by. ' ..I, N. BULLARD. NAILS, 3 40 40 Penny Nails, Finishing Nana moat., pay la. . LYONS& CITA SOLEIL Z- ANTEt CURRANT=, Gamphoi Gam, Peppersance 31uPtard, Letter Paper, Tvine,DOcking and Barbell ac;, for ludo by .• ' • h N. BULLAU.D. • L - S 41 -1 2 11 g 1 a l L4sgo - TUST reeelrad a new stock °taping a nd summer roodi al at the ewe of IIJ TiE Mneiican Lawyer and every man's7Foranook ,a very ealugb fe work, contesting Aber Laws 'and is Map of each state in the Vnton . ,,tha correct Inched of Dock keepto*nnd many *au able tables for rate by . • : • Lreas !c: Boa TIJST received afresh supply of Drugs,liredicleas.Painta J Oils. Varnish, Glue, Tin Waratce. at - - • Way =9• • COifF ll . 4 ll—Freobltod) Coding vjust ep n dandscl log at 4 eento per pow!odonali down. • . 'Amon 12. • ' LVONItd• EON.. A NEW'Iot of /Attie* Buskins : Gaitere—also gentlemen's .Rsbbetir, Plush caps; &S;;juit riceisecl.l4 • - . • ' BENI'Ler 4011ZETINGS nod Eldrtings,fuotti , 1 4 t 0.21( yatd, xidc -IJ_someadtigifat! ket...prrid, .7: LYONS bc ,80.% SZER4Ctuidle4tut reeelved excl, Art oale by • • ' I TONS & . , ash ,tOl, WOOL'. • • 1 000 ibs pihted for *bleb tbit , },l best 2iinrkit price is Cash will bCpnitt /I. BlJUltrir. Not VAOLD.Pen air& exteniiion holders and bSsfqoalitleito - i este ' W.. •New Things TUSTreeelved by the sabairiber4Sugar,illoffee, Tobaeii, 'Salt. -Dread Cloth, Sheath:lF, ItattlgeOyaddlniks., w and'rtllbe sold an lo as tbalialis iriJla Montrose ,Erpt.10,1550.3 - v.TYLEtt.. , - FLOUR tu3diAlk f9role at D LBS. NVOOL Wanted op pecount, 1.0 1000 ttr iitehafigi tot:Chichi bi'othei Gioia. with tome each mixed • in. by -.. broattose, l'itay 29, '5l. Id. - -7- , rliie Lumber! . • • . • F`eiisintity of sensoleii "Painei und cintimou'i forsali Dt the ail 111111• Of The uhsariber, - Ono mile ; . nolik"-tit. Dr: tortitvell'ilj6 IcPsup —24w3 - - LI/CA TEIGER, pew supply ur„Bauksjust ossivest tut so • orepera!sistortuant sews gran: eheir 1 , -- Sm °tied emu :and .ShOollikteit i ' =-,_:. - ~.._,____ fp nos e Ito 4y4 good. 0149 1 .11 blin itt.d OP.Oklitto Intlikt-V.:011.1_141.4.f.4,11W00....f5... ' -IL "4114de pf iiul 4o.Welt .4.4 i trfor *Eta tiiihrsalketil 43 . ../ vigtq t witrmcit,l.l3oW4pl btti Pilre arttilsitiottO /12#allie"C"bi.l04/""1.41714dryfi1k04.-Z?U"--?Al7!:',';':! ,' --..-, , - -,,,, i ---, -. MAXIMS - P..mlllefs; - - .5. -;-- • •....,. 4 r;4.4 - : - 41 ,- .4t•Nyi - -_,.1 - .:-,i;...•:„1,;__--.•..r. 1 . • _ . , .:,:...,,, ~,, ~.....„ . . , :,,_ -.:-.,;,,,.-,_4!..,,:.,:r1i-..•41-,..„,..t;.4.?;:::.?,,,;',,,,.`4;.7;•=-.V!*v"-"' . ''';'?...-:....- •.-,, ` , : - . :, , , ;,. ,-; : ,,, : , _.: ;, ;,..,,:,14 ,1 ?.. , :t. , ::'.. - 7 _.:r ; =.= -; -' \ 1 _*,'. -:'. :•-:.:;-,,-" , , • 'i• - '_.:::' . . ; • 7 -'-'-'.'-: ...,:v..•,: - ,,;,.,., - -:-.:. - -:._,.,:,. , ,,;_.'-..A.:, - .4,1,14:1,6.,,,rw.. ,;._•,,tr,,',1-.,_!..:±14.:::,t,;.',:,-.:r: RAILROADS, FREIGHT, Szl LB~NY &:. BUFFALO,. Thli Icriouc botn Eumi suftle D) aced watt the most perfect end certahl ea4es OTNE.RAL ,- DEbILITIN .Btringtiloning the weakeited betty, 21;4,4 tone le DSO 'pious organs, and, invigorating the entire system. ARO in .:PITS, .CRAMP; PARALYSIS. and PALSY. DYBPI P'' SIA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM. -ACV.= an CORONIC, -GOUT, EPILEPSY, 'EU:MI.IOa • !MAPS NESS, NERVOUS TREMORS. 'PALP/ViTION THE HEART,' APOPLEXY, NEURALOtA; PAINS Let the SIDE end CHEST; LIVE= COMPLAINT, SPINALt_;. COMPLAINT, - end CURVATURE of the 'SPINE, Mr COMPLAINT, i DISEASES • of the Elostys, - ,.DEF1.. , . CIENCY.of NP.P.YOUS end PHYSICAL E (AY an& all IsiERVOTJSpISEASVA *blob comp luiso front' onb simple cause—aam"! . .l7, • - ' Deralr o ie*ni: 01,1t6 Nervomi gysferit.i. Nravous CCiSeIPLAINTS, D ' end meal; Linea tnereate the dine*, for they weaken • • vita etaar. Figs of the, already:prottrated eyttem lolule;ualsr the strengthening, Efe.glvingiiredmi. of .oald vairiktn, as applied tls.boantifitl and plural die:. enverv, theexhansted 'patient end 'i.eeakennj gem If reitored to forme[ healfh, zfrengtl4 elaatlcit 1 1 1 ,1 Apr.. The great pecallaritr and excellence of . - Dr. t:hrtstlets Galvanic Cara(tit, . . eonrtite in the fact that they.arrest sand Oda' dams Dy sniiword applica(toriocr ploce of the usual IWO Of drop ; ging and Iphysicklng the patient . till exttattieglngues , sink; hopaiessiliender the b.d..tiots. 'hey strengthen the Obit allettes. equalize theiren*,, lien of the steed, promote 'the reetelionsp..4 er de . the giipteit injury-U.1140r 104 ciresissuntect. 614: I& I ty Unad litotes, only thtiA y introduction lo the C , . ; - - 7.5 000. -- Per9ollB. mall:ding all Seer, clams and condltfoni. smolt Wino II leigimiamber of ladies, who are peculiarly to Nersoui Complaints, hare been • .• - • ITNTISELT: AND : PERMAZTEITIZa r 1 - - , - • . . when all' Impose!' relief had bees given up, and viii thing else been tried irr saint - , _ • . Tit -illustrate - the use of thicOADVANIC - ,-. toppllse the case of a person, atllicted .with nit elf civilisation, DYSPEPSIA; " or any other Chrtakie , e t , oas - Disorder. In ordinary Cases t titiniulants Ti: TII. • . which, by their action On the norret and mutei 'of the stomach, Irani temporary velte4 - bat which Wave the'' , patient in e toweer state. cod with Injured Daties, all ..' the action thus'excited has crated.: 'Now cotpans '. with the effect skerolting from the application oithe'GA VANIC BELT. Take n'Dyspeptlit sufferer, err, worst symptoms of-an attack, and i simply tie thr De ennead the IMO, using - the Magnetic Fluid as 4i e Ina abort period the 'insensible petspiratlcal wa t lhe positive element of' Ma Beth - th ereby curd/ Gal vanic circulation iithieliwill'pass on to the term Dience back again to the positive, thus keeping.m I Untied' Galvanic circulation . thrOughont . the s i i Tens . tbe , ,most severe .cases of DYSPEPSIA a P E BIANENTLY CURED. A TENN , - DAYS ' , IS . ll'ET„."";; SUFFICIENT TQ ERADICATE TUT. , ;MEW. 0170 TE L , qta. :. ...' -"_, -,..,. z - .• i , . r CEIIIIFICATES - AND`TESTIMONLILS! [ ' t • or -the tiled .11tuletibtett . c.ituitleAet . .' . .1 FroM all parts's)f tbli'coientry coiold be &art, sulkies?' tofal every, column irrthiepapeef ,„- z ~ - ;-AN , !UTICA ORDEVAInt FOE, ... . : which conclusively; proves that - ' ...: i' ' • -... . • , . " Truth, Is ..granger. 'than notion."' ' , - ' - —.'. ‘C VILE r O. - ~' .Y . '. .... .:. agnlanSlis. - Ecatir 6 - : REV. - DIL.:I;ANDIS;'A qBII4IIII 4.1 .7 - r of New.dersciicifelnithignisbedal , mita_ 044 • I I: '' ' ' :firloaari Nei Jamey; July t',.i. , Di. A.D. C•reirris-DUr Sir :::Yen wish to 1 wie,what ha, to:with'', reiult lit my own case. ' plieption of THE OftpIiUNIC.DELT AND NEC aIY IaPIY ia as fauawa , .- -- ' -'. ,-, ~ , -For about ' twentst veins ' I had " been semi 'Dyspepela.:- Every year' the symptoms becam nor could I obtain' permanent relief from any c medical treatmentivhstever: i Abontionneraye in consequence of frequent exposer° Wile vi , . the discharge ormy pastoral duties, I be:mem -a a miens Chmnic Rheninatisiir, which for year a eauied me indescribable anguish- Farther:: lot of, '45 mid tith in 'consequence of preaching a 11 in my own and various, other churches in this- Ina attacked by the .11roncliitis, whiott'sOorctl , severe as to an immediate suspension 0 tarot ' !them My nervous - 'yeas ',was now prostrated, and as my Bronchitis became worst, my :Dyspepsia Itml Rheumatic arectiontheip that ; these disorders mere connected with through the medinm of the Nervous Sys . whole- plarniecopcela -throe- seemed , to. be .itti, agent which could reach and recuperate my System ; 'every thing that I had tried for this completely failed.' At last Liras led by My f arnica your - inventions. 'arid'•(thringh with - 00' ' guise hopes of theirellclency,). bleteratmed• el:then:if the application of the GALVANNI 4 NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC; FL f 'Du in Jane, 15.16, -Jo 3IT ORLAi4IIIOII/IFIRRNT.: : ill* lit DTITITIII HAD cons; Li LIGHT:ILI" - TITITACJai MT TLITOILIL LATIOLS, ate' TTO a 'merino Isamu - LPT sec.' -AND Ili RIICUILLTIC AFTFC,: -loon Ste KZ; Such is thr of the experiment. • - I have recommended Cu -who here..been likewise . r Wu i They, have .tried madam in eerie case.•:. ~ , I am, dear air,-vi DR;: CHI GALVANIC Is used for all complaints , such as - Brencitil* inflaral and Sick Hea4sche,,Dizsint the Face, Buzzing or Roam; which is generally'Nem - plaza!, Called Tic Dolmen: OFt,.. OH ; GALVANIC.. Are found of: ' vast service h Hmsmodlc Complaint; and of the Head and upper eat „Paralysis, and all diseases Cr or Nanette E.ttergy 141 ody , . . • Tic, Moloratut These dreadful-a nd - agon, diatel, relieved the apploes NEC te-ACIS. and Inti ID. ;4-46 thnengb the systemi the No the Fluid acb directly upon 4 / 6 4e 48 . 12 ; l iF•tOn!I FIT_It: :AND' 0 , . - Them :aerating :and- tees ionised' by a iterrikepiro• CiLE,7ll' ANY* matte: how younie or 014-4 the eureplaint,' IYametotlt poutulan of titeproprictor. , ffij 4 •, hlinihnildred inuntry of:.the toOst: - eatram given, if required: 7' • IV. No trouble. r.leetit4 DR.,CIMISTIVS 0:41,V may be Worn by the most tett ease end safely,•- 1 their_nse la Aigaly ;Omar be seat to any pan of - the eAgl CIUNDLtX. • •..; The Ga Reit, . , Thr The °drank' The Galvalie The Ategeetie.Flehl,;!: O n orp. The alleles era emote_ trill d irections . nu Pamphlet* With ' patio of theaatharkg Agent ,L -- r TPARTICVLAR OALI Beware tr Cotilignfdle eeif Mrs C. Cw NI 0 R ENDi GENERAp ; Amber soli via B !lusg'ffai jirritle7 13 B rad sAienter C. TYLER, !. - : - .:- .- - t:,:.1i3 ErNPArBcl ; 400_4:13 Ipiiiiii'ar - SO voluOit 47. JnA o :''''' -..-,.. - 1... -•: 6 14 10- 11 J :4161 :P:ttokif TeqyillP#o-Ae l -,toToi -.4•:.,, - -:." . ".;.:....,-7 , .,..„.z: ;;-, -,.:*- -t4.5•'' , / , - - .1.1;.: J., ato aw dtP Pollan; if ollars. 'liar II ollar. . ha and p any as ..10Ni -',...,y, ss tatiaiiiiiiir!, ',- D., i tt.: .; AD StA t L . V .„* ".. 4 . ' . - r i,un r • • ;.~ r ~ "`