- ~111,.1,e.11 - , Itogtro e, AU;USR*I,:IOS2.' 0 , rimmlaws The Edlfois'' Thedate Celifornia=papers anotineed the.' murder '4Dr. Grfin, - formerly - Ains'etty , for an article , thut-appearedin - bis-xteiiipaper:i It noti' ziP Pak' th a tet'ainiticetnent ' was a mist tifit One ie say a Werdrespeating thn:righta anti dutietiof Next in•atreeity It, I A's - man • y lynch laW;rahlil mitieler,iie4P#aed*l4er these eircutnstaknees. cnnsideretlthe. palladium 3 af liberty . , liar; the press pan ney,e.r . lio:frelfirbile insmern.' hers aro liable to: lie aisatifted.,lifeierjaevil ruffian; for OM beheit - Cipreisian', - , inn.- ;- If arFditotlives: - in m state -of society, I where bowie knives are the!. replies _.to his' argument, be either . learns,in fear speaking the truth, or hedeitt6 - hiteselT a bully,)- In•eaelt ease he-d,e',:nrades - hishigh . rOeation. l'ractictslty, the profession; in eommunities that,:tiestriptilm; falls to tt - great.tiegrt‘t,. into; the bands , of men ereatileas principle. eleVate the' Ode Of honor abet - e - -law, and thus bream the powerful advocates of] - D4lilic,opb l •ion sht , uld, thereftie. l reprohate - an on assau l t an editor under any . circumstances. jt is tree there are eases in whieb, though there may he no justification fir an a'sSattlt, some persons may, -Consider. Abate will be more-or less.of pahiatien. Cerininly the world has little ',yyripathY for an editor who 1 has;been 'elmstised for libel, mitten' to Glance at the past. gratify personal revenge: Public 'The history of Pennsylvania 'tells pew. wit ha. sort of saver equity, holds - that - IN erfully a , minst whig rule. The 'editor of sneer, who takes advantage aids p , sit iomi Rcading,Gaz all earnest inquiry as to slander a pricate'elliZ'en, has no right to+, to what t.peli - 11 'claim • his excellency Gov. aoraillain if the private citizen takes advan. , ilto-ton bas on the gratitude of the people, ince of his strength to casti;mt tho libellee. has with pewit in hand. gone into figures ; Ter; eien in this taie, the friends of order hero are some pf them : When Gov• mourn to see secietY.outraged. It, ,i 3 • net I . Wolf retired 1 . 111111 . (410.f., • the! State Debt t h e , v i o i enco o n o to Ab e s p ,an dergr th a t, jg was a little over $24.900,000 : and when regretted ; it is the offence against :.the!GOV. Porter catneinto Omer it amounted p u blic peace and good morals: Two- wronp Ito more then_ ~,135 000.000—being an in -410 net make wright. , It would be wiser, i CrenSO. ~of- 4'4%000.000 ilurinu• tbe . three ',vents 4Bit:ter's' niiirtile. is tree, that . . ovei Ir. such eases.,. if the. slandered -party , wouldappeal . t,o law: The oniats of justice thanks - to an enlightened Iceiibition-sffOrdi for,ecers' wrongivitielkeart. ;be pnr=.l petrated : and while . _tbisis- the ; case,?..it sima6ks of anarchy : tor any person ,tri - -,take 1 the law into his own hands. And if it ihns a mere assaults, how muelt`tilore.. So ,is it. where murder inurder.i committed. f “. An upright editor Will-never r tmjnstfiahly another;, attack_no Man from private pique Ant only for the public good, guardian may deriand an orphan, a. hits-:' landrieglectitis:wife:ti-child -be ernel_tol an aged parent, or other priiitte -wrongs, of ivnit‘mninheinous` haraCter be' lerpt.' , .: -trated , ...i; yet an_ r editor 'has no right toput wal4,-tuiless the criminal,' by teckiog, ogicker-:ntherWisn chataciec..,ifiiil)l*,:e"nieninjuStites- 'the allusion: ...The coursi furtilib fic all private wrings and the seeking redress I should be left to tie parties injured. We tliat it.is the.custOni with tt any jotir. • pals, amd will' ipict• t vtn pretend to respectability, to tasei,lari,e license in personalities, and we,dailyisee the t.ffa'irs individual.: in cousequence„no.. jnitinably (bagged before the.public.. We do ant. loweVer, excuse, the_act.: • ;We, not ; defend our ordt,r sooner than ive, will defend tUhers.if is in' the wrong' and iii - ellarfletCTF, exceFt -in the instances We' mention, the pl'ess surer outrages privnte;Vto:.,..hts`: .evil be best enrreetd By the press itself. .Jtarnr.lists re- I sped the lig tts''‘of i;thers., tliei . 'own be hut carelk tiAateil Let the press I,e, tut' . true, to matitigni, though, they.may entirely. disappear, will become comparatively : scarce: More (.ver, when., they An occur, public opinion will:nnite:to , execrate the offender, - instead inf palliating the'critinc as it too frequently doeit = at* presef7t:' WTOTtr, begets' wrong; justice.gices birth io justice. .. In 44 rashlonablo Hotel. tringsur ROOM. Yankee ct a 161 c eat in ts:', , Soup.3 Waiteit 'his era' soup ain't 8o flean as I have seen!" 'Waiter," Sir, I don't .1,-ntqc {Cot . yon !Incans by soca- an insinneration. must spit: ICI() 31r. Carrintulfe about thnt." _ . If:after runs to 'Head Waiter. and brings that...DP:et - to :sonlae's chair] ileadiraiter. Uooking read injacej - Sir.'shall I:have - the pleastire sa)ing ti' I be:Suicriat endnt,'that Soli remaiked the Yankee, Fhroteing himself :hack in .the hare—yi.o can ralc;rt to of:,:i3eutperii!tctideiir, cr)ou've got sucivan officer Cver yer- 7 1 s'poicd they bad Seta poi:um:dents in, Sunday Schools. but. lister heardni one'n a tavern beforc--yok cal - , jest fay lets him - srbut . l said "to that /hien:ll4;4 Mier Mind, = now, pareart thfi trnth,Tqliicel "se that tis the hen t _vain thlow in jest no time id ;AL Tell.the Se* p whit said, but-don't yerlie." _ - Superintenciant, ceemblg• forteard3—= ,Apytiqngi he' matter': bait; TholattBY.-.-• fling :none, litl`saystimisonplidt clean ; icoac sir'' . , . • - That's: a- teetotal? lip.:. (Ball% say' . tams say' twn't niaan.l abnat . -yei,sci,np at: all, :cf.:that .linec jacket, teller haan i t:ratealii bill for6o , 44lpar in my cane rifnre Fay in advanCeliilie*(llllgrffln ;things charged, nn - in tap', fOrtiiights.— a - int- at wino 'charged, wil_e7)l.l l i4nng , to On Sons. 11 ,e'!cy the . *orlc i ii • dT!. - bare—was 'ren.atinaaiiacit toil - 14, A' fiat Soperittleitt6lt. , :L:... , Dljr dear 4ir, tiist 'c , ri..ti':uly xi* Itill 4f ,S fikrA'Adgii , oo - fimP l Y I , ,,,,.iiilleh!e , whaidishcslitay,bei , ealfil . fur, 9 ,Ie I>ri(!ei fiiit(ittii)r:laitt ..utiifurtu,', ' ",' i'inZukkfe-The - ilug.)st , :i,.; iv_el.lL'ilte fact iZ. Triliapeatilt4t,liiiig_e_gaii;-s,er; soip., NV)itil. iiiii 9,44trti - is tills ' 'that the s' , Ni,rfistet , tit',Fleatt:es ' lies' seen. Co: yer % , ,: f 4tenl:Ar:aiksiritiell - itf,renOltvania; tif ,,, trifid.iinic, tpriq'p:at -one thveMia , tleiln IGU,4:ier'sioiiTd. 4hi i'lafte .iait3ikk he.ni4jr! air igpit, 'twin — ain't 7 giertis it-f' filtioliTliztesient, 4tosaiinerty.4:l .-.,.,-: 'z— .. _ 're' ;la Ae, Touching Incident: '• At the ennelusion of -the -oration - of Mr.. ileit:lQintrteri", jh Newburg, oel.itti4tlf2.`liti intradueetl, Hen 4 Gibson, iiiirvipir Of 1...• VS'asliingion'o Life, Gnat : lV' terbitc-ibcarifii. l aged veteran ennanteneerl his *ooth year on the 181 b of Yelittark 164. but still, retains his strength and reeollecti;4l in a:, rernailtable tlegyeetlie - rimardi. of a temperate end *ell spent life. ' He was in baftli of Princeton, Tren ton_ and Yorktnwn';;Atia with ..',NN'ashington daring his encamproentott• Newbag, rind remembers all the excitement produced it'y the publiention of the Celebrated "Newburg Letters." - . Mlas - resided in the town of Monroe, in Otsego county, Since' the clOp'of the: Revs ohnicn, supporting himself by, his labor as long as ho was aide to toil;: but is note, and bas :been for-years, the grateful tedipient of a 'reside from the Governments—the res . ward of bis early.toils, privations Cud stiff riligs, .w hi eh, with the - assistance - *entlerid by his charitable neighbors, has, given him . ;laconic - nobble Support. 1- The citizens of Neirtairg intend placing ' him in the old . " Head Quarters" tine* own-- ,ed the State and in - charge of thn pnraiion - of that village, where liis every 1 want will be supplied„ and wheto lie will [spend the remnant of his days, stirriunded by scenes hiS early sufferings helped iitifine • seerate, receiving the homage ot hia;g4td tul countrymen.-41bany Eienin'ts. Ritni4.,--in.bielaitl l lessige, atte:npted to Show that the State - -Debt. was just as he found' it • but' sutieqUent investleatior.s disiclosed a'- l i re;r•oupther. of , unaudited claims due to domestic creditors On account (4' 'extravegarkt and 'useless inwrrivements Commenced by virtue nttherAct of Feline-1 irk . 15..-I F 26. ehartevlagtbe Monster: Ranh .if the U. States, and ,for.,other purposes, ' tunotatiniin theagOgrite to $10,000,000 - , Tilt existema of these elaints.was phrpose. ' li'eoneetiled, and their; adjitattnent . -shoved i off, la.orrier-to blind the people, to:.the - truel istate;4.affairti nod east-edium . iipeit - : the ] sheulders,of llitner's eticcesser: - , To . this 1 enormous expeaditirre , we tenet - add ' riear.7 1 lyl3,ooo.ooo'receiCed from. the ,Gerierali lerovernment, out ,of the earplug - terilltlr . i fan& and about $1,600...000 from the Bark] - of. the U.S., on acconnt of the:bent:mit, con lail inned to pay for its charter ; all:47111W I:Was squandered.hy.thellitirr•' Directorf.' lin improvements wlaielt afterwards passed into private hands at a ruirrons - Sactifiee to the State, or were .otally abandoned.— 1 This is a faithful exhibition o' the sort , of i" econonre" wlich characterised Whig rule' ; ' fr.mr I SSG, - to ,18:39; and - to prove that the ' , same disposition, still prevails in the'party; we have only to nerd' the attempt merle [ last winter by a Whig' Senate, at the insti -1 gaticin or .ii•ith - the: enneorrenee of Girl. Johnstrin. to in c reasetsx Mate debt by a perman - entloan_of $i:000,00(1 issuable in' irrelieroablr .:sirinplaxters.'? Fortunately i fir the veldt.. this , dairgerims Measure Tram 1 t•rmal , ed by '..tbe . reSrltite opposi+ina, of -a [ Dram:wadi - 0 Rouse. of Representatives and Ito that' body belones the credit of - having - ''- shapekair . appropriation bill . Wheire esti mateswere confined within the ordinary available means of the: Treasury' •. Bxecntioa& Week_ before Last two men were bung in York, for the murder of a pet-son on, snip board. I., : asi -weel two ethers were 'hung at New Caitie, Doi., ,for. the Murder of an, old man' by beating him with a large stick. one , A 1 ~ I No saw t•ae, ne.n. bu t circumstances . pointed to Emp - sow Bayard, a man of about 21 years, as the gidity wretch,: and upon his arrt:st he confeSsecl the deed; and itepli. ; sated Jaynes A nderson, n -aged 50 years, as, his accessary. A.nderson denied it, and I declared his innucenee. The motive for !the deed tuns a desire - to possess fire ..dok ,tars that the old man had been seen : to re., leeive at a store. - Ou the trial, some;of the it found on Bayard was iodentified as I that - given, to the; old Man' at ._ the store. "` Andeana Ilecounted for, all the Money „in possssion except one piece', Which Was'not . intimated as the old man's.: W hich , two I men had been 1 ogr;t her. Bayard retracted ;. !Isis charge against, Andt;rsoi,_ as was H i p . 1 'lo.ved in consequt4tee of Ai.derson'i kiln- I lace over him.' This projneed a diversity l td"sentituent out-uf dears as to the guilt of I Anderson. • They were however, boat ,con. I demned. • At theA'xectition, on TliurrdaY I last,'Anderson persisted to the last, itf anerl.l icing 131 entire into reti ' ee'. and %Viten- the [Sheriff asked Bayard if,helind any thing to I iiiy Ltefore his eseention, he anSwered uJimi liras trot,,there - ' The ; Sheriff--then,:said, l 1•!' bit you mean to say that Anderson bad nothing tada with the , warder V' be ans , l i waned " Yea!" The Sheriff; to avoid any; I inisayretension, repeated. thf-question, and received the same answer.' 'rho rope was :then cut and the -*ern launched intol eternity.: Bayarirs; - dying :declaration of Anderion i s innoecnee has Auken the - .eon:. iielialls nf.olatty . :people alio, befora'lwee ,satisfied of his guilt.: . - .'lAhatever the truth - I. may be,„Avill remain a secret until 'I se, fi n attY 4-reafinkli • g.:as no liviufine witnessed 'ilo deed.-Cation Dem' ' ' _llms.: l -Severra Zives D Itring the thundt•r" storahof Friday night, last the steamboat *nth America ; *bile pear Hamburg - , ran into, the Schuette?: Plot; (itt tast.cheatefr) Capt. - 4 kblialt Bur tir.laden mitkepal-and laound to - Paden, Conn.- The "sboOk vas- so violent - that the ischooner tioarn-slateit • itionediat'elp ittreObe Besides . the 4040 there • via _or board liens" 40110.11ais, ieer. .grand;gonV, the -captain. and soft y Insei _Barker. 0f8r:41.04 Martin gunny. Etrokl7#,:4ll . 4olass!it wercri*nyno—N. INISINIIMM 1101EIgir S.OIYEER! Itaproarl,attti'SttlllP4irs. Idany farmers . ha 4, ,peen deterred from using, ,tho ,sub -Boil Plw, froin finding it necessary to use. double- teams to carry it through 'sok 'af avail fair condition,. to .the required _depth. This lati arisen , front the mal-constructionnf the lows and not front the amount. of:disinie ation . , required:.;-= The nub soil . plow, 'as o made,bas the rear orifs . icing si or eight inches above the lower line of t e plow. and as, at is forwitklnOtion, it lifts 100 lbs. , of soil aterory,foot, eve:rY , foot, of travel, the plow necessary to adianee it will through a fermi of 1000, feet . lO length, is :equal .to- that used for lifting of necessary fortimving the'ploci the distanie named, . Before; the:construction of the Present' improved .00, some of the objections.We have irgedlaWered,the rear chd oftbe 'wing; leaving the po nt:with tho same fOratand thus remedying the evil , but in' part ' -the - form of the pointreinaining as befere,reqUired too much force to commence the disint egratiOrt: . Uttar hence 'the ,evil wan not completely:remedied.' . W. F. :Wire suee.eeded in constructing anlmproved'salt soil plow, which remedies ail the evils com plained-of.- It will readily be preeeived 1 that the form of the point straight form the point' t,o the'rear, of the,wing base lino of the plow. In this form the point is sufficient- IY sharp and thin tehe easily forced through' the sub_ soil, and the' rise. of the inclined Plane formed by the -wing, raises the. sail restiOg on it sn gradmdly and to . so, - slight an elevation, that the.ninnunt of power re - Iquir.d is much less than that: ; usually„:'011-1 plied. = The sub soil plow is not intended-, to bring up the sub soil- admixture, irit the surface soil,. hut simply to disintegrate it in Place, for the 'Porpole of admitting the ready ingress of roots. .atmosphere, water and all the results are as perfectly accom plished by this plow_ raising the Brij] two inches, as by any Cub soil plow, previOnsly made. raising it: eight inches while the amount of - animal power necessary for its use is less than one half. Tho wearing part si of this plow are so -arranged; - as to be easily and cheaply renewed, instead of being rendered useless by bavkg the land side {heating at the lower edge -worn off, as with llitish:forinerly made. They may be Seen at - ron,r_far* or, at Messrs. Ittiar and Atter har_tr!,s. State..Agrienltural -Warehona, No. 2tilifistreet; NevrYork,':—WorkingrFar- - .Agriciqtuye lit FrAnce . writer-vTdier f o r the ; says " A : „ . trip of six 'tundra and fifty miles, • KM the norther:lt to-the' Southern extrem ity of France; Justifies.me in the .expression 01 opioo thit God's sun does "not . Shed its rasa on so _fair a land, or one so thor; oughly_eultivated„ The whole Country is, literally - a gardati:;. Every - square==-foot, front - the n moutitain l top down to the lourest ravine is to produce somethinth if. it be SnscePtible of it. Their mode of.plent ing or sowing their crops, whether on - plain or hill4ide. produces - the finest.effect on the appearance el thelatalscape ; the space allotted fur each crop is laid out in squares or parallelograms with mathematical precis ' r ion - ' and, whether large or small, tbe best gatden could not be divided with greater accuracy. .As theft': are no fences or bedg es,' rind as the different crops are in various stages of matnrity, yin can imagine the va riety of hues that meet the eye the mag nifiectice of the panorama that stretches out , iii every direction as. far as.the vision can penetrate: lam sorry to add, in this con ec lion, that seven-eights of the agricultural labor is perforated by females, While two or three hundred thousand stalwart men in iiinifortn are idling away their time in the ; barracks of jibe cities awl' viliges.„ In the absence of feneeS, cattle; secured by roues, areAriven about their peaturage by fethales; and sheep are confined within 'the required limits by boys assisted.by a shepherd's dog. I d „Speaking of cattle reminds me , that, not f'witbstaftding fresh pork is abundant enough in' market, both in England arid France, I have not seett:a live porker , in either emu- Increase the Manure !leap ',Good farmers mill,n,ow cart Matter into their cattle yards to ., increase the manure !heaps. - There is no - other mode,of-preven-, tint the wagte or manure " so certain as the mixing of;the excrements: of aninals, with such materials as will retain their virtues/ We most bare . bulky. heaps, and we have' no faith in the loctritte that'a little essenee! e,arried in'one s vociti+can pesiihly be,qua ; in virtue to a good eart, load of matter. ' ~ Peat mud is - - not • the May matter snits' hle Ifor the 'cattle :yard. Soft from =th , side of, the rOad.•6l: from the Side of fi eld , neat .to a wall; are often found to bit,quite as good atkpeat mud—though there is us inurh , difference in peat mud as in soils. ' Some,men irOihttel, 'deceived by the color i Of the article they jut , in their yards.H IBlack mud is ; supposed to be richer than, that of -other colors.. But; this is.not.al ,ways the ease. -Still - any,kind Of mud Or soil, will onswer'i goad mirpose compared with' the,poor practice of yar i ding cattle in summer without:supplying, the means of 1 retaining oil the 'rich matter which is'drop. 1 Red there. -', Yards' ought to be cleared out I twice each ; yearonce" for '• planting ; in the Ispring—;and again for sawing dein in Au= . 1 gust and. September. • If no sowing:is thin , 1 done the summer matinii'may be used:to much advantage on;grass lands iirOetober. But hy.'all _means., take , care : sad' keeft:a good.. quantity_: or matter. in. the cattle yard, adin the •bogpen, for otherwise , you waste idiat'eir4 l 4 be replaced. ' : - r - ' ' I '-- ' ; ' ' _ Cee+Suri.wrfusirt o 4e%¥ad4 nowt:44 taloin-Spoonfnis 'Of ,wo Ongor: Season-with _ nutmeg or einsonen, and add salt: to.yotw . Ding. -. Tho should Vs ptsied'osee tinick fire, Fd when at xpeint,;:she'ilour being preriously stirred.m.in Mild milk— :As soon- as. thoroughly scaldek, add r Ole soggy. spices Sn&salt. - This' 'an ex-tol led' &sir, Itildlaiter*ttiftlied 0 r .° 8 7 snivhiijoitiiii, - •,... . ite:-Beniirptiliiiiii ihi iii iiii - *#fiti .1,4? - xtirtOkultsbx -- !od - 440.;- - #!etalkott.ie . . . . . • • 44. vrtiA7l3ll-Bakatal/P YOBLISUBD:UTAY ICG se -C a h 611 - &:'EB .- I.DiTOt.ICAND kiiO.OllllETOll3. 'PERMS.—Oar. tta.t.an arm vircv cc:yrs per iriurini, Cash in advance, or vat) dollars . irnof paid Until ihe eudor the year, or time of subscription. . No paper will he discontinued until arreureges acr irtrid,ascepc at the option of the Publishers. All cOntrounicatiotts must be roar - rata to ro• • ceive attention. .. • ; • • All letterscararected with the office, should - be directed, to 8; B. ` 5..11:,8. Cifssz Montrose Song Co.. Pa:.. IT Editors' (nee over M. C. Tyler's Store. • BATES OF ADVEV.T.ISING. One square, (12 linee or lees') 3 insertions, .10(1 Each subseiluent insertion, 25 - One square, 3 mouths,' • 250 6 months, • - 4 00 Thasihees Cards; 4 lines or 1(4S; +. -.3 60 Yearly Ailverthietriouti, not over'4 squarer, 7 00 One coltimn, one yenr,-. ,;• 30 tin : Yearty Adiertiserewill be ,retricted to, the bu siness, in yhich,they, orer - engapit,' . &The Publishers, having a large neseriment aril:dr-Printing Materials, are prepared to execute. allkinds of,4,OII'WORK with _netitur ea and des , I)_tch , ' • ' '• 'l! * * lII;ANKS', of every description constantly ti hand, or printoi to order. • • , giiit!'!,l4o4..oMr . .dgi. • DR...TAMES -BROOKS s Phytician and Surgeon; nud dealer in Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils, Dyes, &c. . Corner of striotsoapposite Coi. Fausk's, Great Bend, , • : Attorney itt ?Amu-. .0111.i0 Oit Tilrl)l./%0 street; one door west Or tho.old' 'ltegleter Printing Office, :tia e,Pa L. TiiIMSDEI4, ATTORNEY. AT LAW'', Great Den 4. PETER iiiCKER, Esq. .. . . . . LIMING been appointed by Guy rish,of Neu 'fork, n a Li a Commieslaaer tor that State to tako the tm4 and neknoaledgewoot of Docaa. and ether Instrutnente - 111 11 attend I. htutinera eallain that capacity at his odee at Gteatitend, ra. ; - • Sal-4.0,1850 —ly .- - &s. WI%CUESTEU, .ii`TOR - NEY AT LAW, y Turthhaimeick, Pa, office in Stark's Brick Rota' DFSlDENCEin:die.:tionse luraxreily' de iittaLti SasnuelGidleoleeestsed. • . - ford; December2s, - 11. tliihUv 6z,. co. LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLE Montrose, Pennia: E. ii. - 1,87-is:Clutsc, I.7.SCZYTO A 2 7:l'. - • - MONTROSE. PA. (O . 5Ce , ()tier T_ yler's Store.) E. R: Emig, DZALEIt IN Dr g Goo3s,47ardware,Creekery, Tin irae , Groceries, Rooks, kc .Al3o , arries on the Book Binding.,Busipess. Public A renue, .litlystron•ora. 308 14. - .CONGDON,. DiAnnn IX _ m0'1%101E575, EroNas, TA ist.g?, lac. , Isetaten the _Canal Itridee and Cautf Cottrt bori.P, ilourt a, Olughamtan, N- Y., 07:3.1), -Whiti3ey Traveling Agent, , 8m 0717.17.T,D DEALED, IN OROOLRIEe.,LOOTS AND Or:At - Bend, June 261x.1551 o. *Ltrtuviorm. BOOT. AND SHOE MAKER WHEPAIREP ' iShopowl.A. ftstdain`s.SAtl.Lerj• c •rs . TIL:;:t4A2 SHAVING dr, HAIR DRESSING SALOON; Searle's Building next door to the Poet Officy, Montrose, Po. ' . • nl2ll, MISCELLANEOUS Thb People's Fridnd T T. of Ethaca, :v. 'pant lissruoiran .11.140filiAtiN0 Extrar from the shrub ca,Ued Witch-hazel, and purely from that with th e exception of little Alcohol to , rese tee Itnill eure - all local path and intlamatinris, old soiesi fresh iroundsandbruises, • Intes,Orie all diseases of _the boarets.da chronieuiture, tooth-ache, ear-ache and 'an excellent rem dy for femelesoke. ' - - It Is truly shat it p rofess es t o bg, • t:ig People's Friend.' Provide/ice his scattered along the raved paths of„Ahre manythinga thateontribute groat.' to the ematfurt to happiness ot every. body .7 . henee their treat value, and well may they becalledl`r•nds of the People ' One word heretognard against imposition A man by the name ofdpeneer, has nianufactu red mad 'altered for sale a spurious artlelo galled tile Cory/I Esdrart—that: would be extract-of the - hazel-nett—She genuine tsar whit s e and las 'pare SS tooter. while the -spurious Attlee is colored,ublehonables the publkto distinguish. Nonegenning.but thcwe marked Ponit'sllalnDestroyer • 11/14. K. lIATCW, Ilontrose,and store-keepers and nar dirdno-dealers generally. Agent s AA TIEW supply of J E mid Watches .01-at cast rarcwsh, at • TURRELL'S. Jan: I, 1851. '' „-• SLLE_ LEATHEI ITT E areprepared toyen Meene. IL 4. a. 0. Pratt', ebrate'l Sole Leather at "I. T. CI t; prieess—baing an'ar'ers, ey. _Deal era eau be a e crowed.' t cs.l with a; 's uperior nrtiele',fromUukto am thousand 'MAL.% at prices hereto ore unheard of In thit...rount ry. , Oet.l: 1850. ' • • , .ISA'AC L. OST & CO.. A Fresh .Stock- of Clothing: . . /AP Hats and Capi:t(Oring . fashle)(lent, Ladies and Iloys 'Banta snd Strtes. also. Capand Letter Paper, by the Roam or lesigitantity, Wall an& Curtain , Paper and Border. Ink:, Piet ures and Pioneers Frames, _Rooks Fancy 15 tatioaery, Fishing Tarv,le,..k.e. jets' re!•ei red and for sale at sin all proSti forready pay; andrea-N pan Only April 3.1641. • • : GEO. Vlll.LErtz- 1. . Perfumery, Fancy: Soap r i nrcCit Tti tdr'Es tract. "ii;-,earsar 011,!0is lilarrosr earoade, Dears! Oil, - Ilsrry's Tricopherous, and other flmngt for tlie r 3111itury Sm,p, Walnntolldo 'White liorr. Almond arid Samfras - SoaP, rimphinrartielep for thel'oileti 'Lobo found app MontrOer, October2B,l9:lo J,LYONS.Et. SON. I ) - _Fur!' 1 11A§.1 . 1 . fa!' Mapkrat, : Martin and ,1 Coon skins . ; by TYLER. /Ifontroae, Mc. 19,1850. - • - •- • - _ "Flax Seed. Aquantity of Flax S ced wanted in exabanua ibr Giro aeries nr darikby I. N. isetaartp. ESlPllleteng Shawls, Paljnettaa, and plain Ve Lane otathealdra at ; • - • - • . TY/X.101,, 4iT.by p_ the Lbl. or lead it, .-' • • .11. L &G'tr." • nutratts Seriipita for rale by " • 11 • ••• • • LYONS .t.CTIAisiDLER. , l i owdrra and lint Villa for *ale -by • •13 LYON u NMMLEd it IV :7 P,l,VggiAt I)RASS' -kettle»; • froth Ilti9111%; berrmg, jUltnackerel, pnd Unlini hats for rata by i 1 C. T-YLER. Q REEL'. fpr saIP by , -LYONS 4. Sox- of Ifoot , o . ood!! mL iove D ti :,alid c. VRA oud.Litmed 0)1. Fitints go o d no. ointment at. D. R. 11. +mit C 43.: TED—FiftYtinisgod c"iiu e X C h tin g e for plows and .earth!go.',." &It MILLS '`' MM9= . more of thole Ora ego . co. MI pees an d all 200 - . ether kinds or uo 31, - vLenV. . . . , . PLASTER - PIASTER . ! •. , _ 100toniafartlersjr . tiy . ng4. for sale aftirent .-. • BY W: Biaßir CLOVEA.StED ---r---- WVVud;ronalot by;, NY: -2 1"-; - ' L. PART k 661TUnabi . "Albino so WV Olsobo clothing win doloelltorcalt 0010115NendlitickeOlst V 004 MM _ ' itudt oekPi Urd,, ti; erw: easo,caj Ars,p44t,r' - t • • J . J.: CLO,OKS, WATCHES_,I.&WERY. lies ....".... Great, Bargains . . T CAN Fll ELD say , • • I /•:to the citizens at Identroso ; • and 't that be briajnet re. t urged from Nets Tort: , with the • 1 , largest, richest and hest selerted I - eT, assortment of lit p, h let ", iII'AVICITV, I4 I 4 VOX. Urn' re 4 e. erorberoreoffi4ed hi Bing. - auttort.- Tho uMulo goods tetra bought for cash, awl trill be sold attlrelourstprtce,nndnllarilales warranted as recom mended:. N. II —"Particular attrution paid to repairing all hinds of Watches amfdewelry. ' Court trot, nearly opposltotherbcontxllntel. Binghamton, 0ct.10,1850. CANFIELD, MLitt IlliGlaPe. . . baeebtcu Oneourtuiel by the :t•Erl./16tro4pittfon . nge Ireceived.todliupmyshop with'the largest, and Lest asportment of qoods ever let brought to this market= Intl may 1)9 found everohlog belotoOngto,a Jeweiry.and. foneystore, toiXtockstWatdhosoatedery deseris•tion: liurolmrEittikl.parlorso cotouton.Ltuoits uhteh.ot. this thno is the ip•st thing itse lot a good - acid Clump You can find them ants at TRUES. Montrose, Niovember 20, 1850. . • ,tattnctiettintweps , , Cod Liver Oil, Yosnsend'l , Sarsaparilla. Vanithrl'f. Lt. thontriptle.Sehenek'stlaitam,Stralinta Pinseett.all of Dr. Jaytta'aNtedielnen.Dalley'a Pain Bstractor, P. in Dillodt Cleave . Care. and toast of the approved Patent 31edlelnes of the day, it epleonetantly on hand by BENTLEY dt BEAD. _Waohes i . .Jewelry.- fie rr aNcriber has recCinted an addition: to his rjLstock of '3osClry, consisting of Gold Pob'and Guard Chuins;l:ockets;. Pincer Rings, Es r:Rings. Breast Pins. - aver Chains; Gold Thimbles. Gold . Pencils and Pens, &C., &m :to which he would in vite the uttention.of fri,Mas. A.J. EVAN', jui c hltingtoti et Watelies.l Watches! ~OLT)ima ' , liver; Le Ve r 'and Lepines tnll jeweled and plain. a large assortment - at the soy loweit prices nnil warranted. • Itlngliumtnn. Oct. 14;1.85 1 ). • L. CANriELD,L. 557 pieees ,....t v zi ; e u p tl a nT i ck a va lki e etn , Desert. Cream and 51nztird Sp9ons, Salt and S nzar Shfir. eli. b'orks e., En : try:et' gratis, at L. CANFT COY& SiLCEltSpnonu.Fackeend Icniiei,wairanted the hest manufactured In linierica, at- TRUE'S. WE I a:g t nt the anz.2os gene but -more o 1 th xlme sort. s on the any Ten e's Imvelry Ann: 0 LOCKS, of ,variouw,..pitterus, recpived , ,tlll:: 11..../clayiund for sale c heap by . - BENTLEY Si. RE An. VINGER RING:.--,A new and t=pleldid sortment just received and for vale chPilt! by ' W. D. TROWDDIDGE.- cIELIICTTONof lirenstptro,Earrings and Finpsr litngs I•sover offeredßinghamton, by A. J., EVANS., AITVT — CIEI4 and •ater jewelry in quantities tos . ni! puichaseis - by. • • • .w. D • • Go:, gaockets. ot:itmr.nnd Tienib of every size, by O Bin;haukt. cm.) A TWANS, Alrashingtou-st. • Boma: Very Fine flOt. D WAT CM iirrte kOexii? se: Also !Mrs: Irnt elle& Ottotttb.s.: by "-: - • A'. 3 . ECANS. • • :Gold Chains : T OCKETS, Thimbles, Speks,. Pen and Peneil erges n Li a Cullauortment nt.... . • ;, CANPIPLD'S, NEW: --- •G001),S 1 b' - ONp & Cali\ DILI:11,1 • - lliontrose, and' Lan'esbo - ro', ,11, RE r=aw receiving a large and ipleinlid assortment at /1 Goods, which will besoid cheap for east). - :Meetings:Shirting, Ticidng, Batting, Wadding, Dril lings, Colton*and Woolen' 'Yarn, Carpet and Knitting Yarn, Broadcloths mid Caasitneres, Carpetsond Carpel Ilags, Trunt.s.lllack, 11l ue and Ot een I.lmbrell'as:Japao.l it are, Cr ekery and Glass %Yore, hardware, Jae.- •_ ' GROCERIES', . . •• --- - ---- f -1, ' - 1 -,--- crushed. pn ireilsed outlN O. Sugars, Coffee. Molasses. Nab - TELL A Nitol.l 6 ADA , LII. I' S. nick und Oreen Teas, Pork,Mack erel,tiodfuth, Candles --."-^--"-----"I"---,---------,.. spices; &c. ' I . • " - Petroleum or Rock " tilL , . BOOKS ‘B 3 . AS' 7'.el TIONERY."-; ' . A ALT AleTri)PrnZdfrTa well 1a ile.l We ate rerciring u a gents° , t unit of all thole. ftehoo ' .Clutty. nrbuniectep.lltup:d Ito oltsJ Ruglish, I,ftin. Fr.-nch. Greek and German) lii. sold by h. Id. ICIER; Canal Dinh], Pittsbureb, Va. ,it is hies. 111•Wories. Miseelloneons Wacky, Medical Rooks. pat no in tottles.just at it flows from tin , well Without Conit.Tisstte mad Note Paper. &e.,&e." These 'n Tvllt admixture one kind. AR ye that are atilicted - , of 110.,0 and Stationery - will' please give us a call, as we . -READ '..,. p,:BAD c.! tuterm t..s.al cheap for cadt. , Elicumatimn yields to thc power of the Petroleum. ,A I STOT'ES \AXE) IRON , WARE. l '. leni,e Pam Loretto:Co.: I. q., July Pth. lE5'l; I, c,,,,1,,,, a . , p ar i ty ,.,,,,,, p a n d 0,,,t Etoees,rip Mows, , 1 Mr. Kier-47.ar sir, allow me as a stream, to " n. Store W Lauore, ou Srrapers, Plows. Corn shelters, straw- gratulato you no the sole pmprietor or an invaluable,. matte s, Plow Polo ks, etc!.. et Lanesboto'. • ck Oil, which is destined ere long called "t"t'u'"ril' ' ' • •'' ' PORI - 4 SALT * FLOUR; . I to take the place of all great meth:inn, 3lany person in , this neighbodlood have tried,the Petrol , um in n number by the Ishl. or otherwirt , --Ceral les by the box or lh-also,i of C-Ree nurlng mast of them nod proving highly b-octieol Nols, Glaar, Paint st and Oiln• , - I • jr, 11., I Im‘e wted .it In. con Alis, odds rit, animism, i_ • tetter. sprain., and swelling; for rheumathrwl ,think it; S.4IUSAP)II?.IILA. is ti certain cure. 1 y wife use been atillettil with the, Old Dr. Jacob' sii. h Town.omrs, and San ' d'osarsa , ithournatim f•r some yearn and haver cen.d get nay- l partite -75 centsper bottle. 'LYONS & CIIANDLELL, Ithing.to l'elleve her, in tact she tried everything. and no-1- Montrose and L'iacshoto',Nov.7,lBso. thing would do her any good until she tried your Petro- s I learn and it has relieved her entirely, for in part I thicik It is the •-reatest pain killer now in usp. Yours he.. I, 1 ' J. JESSOP. 9 Anothet letter from I,nzerne co., re,,,r commenhing the Petroleum: front llavnsi,July 7th. VSSI. i Mr. limr.-Drar 7ir s-7 take gnat pleasure in c.rt,l- ft h ieg to the virtues of your great .atural used eine called the Petroleum or Itoelc Oil, wide', 1., ccrfainly a great medicine. I b night one dozen of your agent when lie wasalong here lasi fall. I tested itin anumber of cases'. I land found it to prove good. 1 also tested it in cease of I letter and found it very beneficial. I would like very ; inmeli to have another boa of it, for ['don't Mc to be i 1 withoutit. Respectfully yours, . - J. eAmrnut.L.. , I . A Toler from Susquehanna co.,eortifylng to the elllcaal ey of the Petroleum. , ; , DI:NDAPF:Juue sth. 1551.. _ "liir.S M. Bie r-Dear air:-Allow me to cortifyto the 4 virtues ofvourontural medicine milcithetroleiim or It ockl i Oil. I had been alllicted with tho Rlieumat,isin Ter some 1 time. I was in Will:esti:wt.. last summer end got a hot-.'„ tie final You' Ag , nt +when he was along, there, it least a, , . - , . ..., CI °THING - BOOKR BOOTS ate . . cured me perfect'y. Tharp slime grill Is t - st•4l in differ. -- I -7 7 • - • • . ant cases of rhoubm tism, end found if giverelbfflu all: . iipttiCe to the Public. ~, Very respeetfullyyours, ' . • • • - _ JAMES HAMILTON. New Seasonalde Fpit, °Ad Winter Goods at the , 'fir eat'One Price Store of ~- vxurliesyncleooly 12th 1551- '' Iltr. S. 31. Ktsa-lOsorsir-Aliort me to certify to' the , IL. S., I, cN.pi i . on, Great fiend, Pas i virtue of yen? great natural medicine calle I Petroleum I (TIROS leave to take this opportunity of tendering, his o lionkoll. which I believe „btu good medicine. I have i'D sine: re thanks to his friends and customers. for the beedatilleted with Neuralgia. pain in the nerres'llirlliei genertnni p"atrona,le they hare extended to Itira ;" 'and last teaSco't. and never rtnlid get nu•Tthhm to I L 4 ' l, ""' at the tame time interm them that he bits Just returned m-: in fact 1 trit-inlmred everything and nothing would I fr om ti ,,,,. yorh. e , ikh a very large end choke selection of do me any good untliSt tied your. I'ItIgIIIII:11. whirl, Inn i F licy a aud'titaple Ilry (loads. Also afresh and eaten 'mimed ale `erY.lnuchi I lft , " n'so tegte d it in l ' urn " , isiveahsoitnieut of Groceries, Pro vicious, Mots anal-Aloes, senids, and Valises it hasalway- given relief in• a very i lint's and Caps, Illor‘lware, Crockm. ttc.. Drugs Midi Ishorttinto - I think it is the .gr atest• pails killer how in I , i Medicines, whirl) Wlll he sold for cash and pro•ince at a' .. I use. yery respectfully yours, , ~. very oniatiadVonele at price! WWII,. dory all coMpetition. - 1 r i,..„, ~,, .ur.Pork , ts ... 1 , n 1..A3 Oft/1 II ~ odi and Beta circular from tbeivrmi l . l 7llle r: l L : r".' ' Fl" F . l'' ' ''al I'l ll Lail b'slould fail deserlption of it. • For safe by ItENTLCY ~ ,1: END.. Sold wheloale by Ilanam,ll.stuok Co., N 0.201 atartt, I ;mar advau tag also reniad that hen Metes strictly to tliel , ystem of 01-1 'rays' u mittg thellowest pricoat ftestAherehy giving the 1 e it, all tehu may favor him with their pat- ' I street Philadelphia. --_____,L, „ , .9 ly i - 1 7 ,_ .1 . ~.. 1 A STII6LOGir-THElhelebratell Dv, O. IV. .7AOIIWK, ( ' Great lend Clothing Store. , I ripregoosor of Astrology. Astronomy, P ['remotely. owl , The largest. be t and. cheapest assortment of Iteady , 0 vv .,,,,,y ; e nminned with CO N.II2ItA rioN;from lave: i Made clothing lathe Village of Great Band; Fa., Broad ',den oftleo No. 31- to (Wei. street, •piglag, T hin. tigers i cloths:Dan elltins,alaysimeres and Vestino of aliqualitles I ibis 'Services to the citizen, • n t liteat r o t ., Ito bas been !suitable for Ole Fall nO4 Winter Trade:which lie offers at/ rconsul red by oil lite el owall'd he 44 ' of Europe , am-, 1 cn" i Pitch priees tie to itri Oily tiny one that Mists the plare tot' i flys i ls higher raPutation as an Ast winger, than any one [theta terdeal. In consequence of the great increase at hi. 111,i,,,, . riatiiities colpuloted according to tleolliaileY- business Le has brert obliged to greatly enlarge his stock, Led a.. i., , 1 , ow yawn Sy, r, r.t.LE,ltit 4 distance can which . he hatv Offers to ids friends ad the pubilefer ex. I day of have theft nativities drawn by tending the dare -of tit Noir birth, - All tette , s containing the above win r e ceive immediate attention; Stith Dix A VI nmlnation..ennthlent that in ixd doing they willfind some. reel tliingto their adrnutage. Thesubseriber has made nut tent. to tiny I ratigernents to manufarturcrelothing In all Ite various • part of the world written on durable paper ; noddle is i bra ochre. and fit now pretia•ed to sell the coma. warrant prepared to make use of his power by conjuration on any f ` - rd to hear i nipeetion. I of the foll,k7hig topics:-Courtstdp adrift, given for the at thelatext otylei and %hottest notlee,-all kind. of tall sueee,xfutoeemapihbreent of a wealthy marriage, he has ors' trimmings furnished mad for colt. Do not forget thr the power toredecin sugh as are given la the use of the . CIIIIIIIII work and , cutting done spot: , F. tore nearly tipPOxite the Mauston Utlise. i bottle; end for nil Mite: , of hazard, awl for s ti e reern , ery Amu. 1i ,,, T, sept., 185 0 . .. ~ , 1 /, s.Ll ,... sit sim.. .., ofstmen or lost property. and 'lie purehasing of tottery . -,,, -- -,---,_ t let efe;.Thouainds of tho above ns med east e have bean New and popular EchOolbiiiii, done In this eity and Its oleinity.and in the Culietifitatea • ~ , / .. . • „.. 1 to'theriill satisfaction of all. - 10,000 Nativitos or Horn., 0 0)11.10111F,NSIVIV SIAIMAItY of UNIVEDSAL .11 , 1 g. I mietpex have beeneast. during the dolt four rears whife 1 .1 TORY, toother with aIIIOGRAPII3'of DISTING I hero: Letters will answer every purpose, and will do as U/SUED, DgitliOSS, t•kwllleh is arfentded an .epitome of cell as to call in person, an 4 therein! II 11111%/ SO safe that HEAI'IIEN ' MYTHOII)(iY, ' NATURAL I pc roan ll.lell 11 , 14 . 111 to trust rummy through •ho Post i yr. rotrat we .," f ruta so to tong ' u tt e s s PITILOSOPIIII;GENRAL ASTRON..` ... louses. ' ~ a - Ail totters nill be - - I - .olfrluid 'PHYSIOLOGY.; - ; ' monthly.and has 1111 rrlLlse one. l regalously attended toll pre-paid.' For particulars roll ~ Adopted and used in the Public/Awls of Philadelphia at the DemeCrat Office Midget all AStfOingiCtil Allll3riar„,. - 8...5. JONES 47.. Co., Publishers. , It9DACK. r ., ~.,„ t ., ~ ' . -• -- a White St. Next-Yee: • 0. tv. . Gov . ; x °Unit up aa sta., Phila. . . -05r-tir nartleular to mention the post-401re. county Teachers and sehoal Committees addressing letters to and State. - - . . ~.. , 1 - tely . IWI post paid, willl he furnisheilmlth copies for .exaralud• r).:r A Pill iipaCanipiefte tisatortment. of !kola and Sta 'leo.- - -nolo at this Lowest. Prices. . .' ~ Itl:iGS.—F.ume very pretty pBtternsrezeire , l I` this morning frotri the - Macula tniy,by ftingilamtoti,Jime O. 3531. ' A.J. Evitss • Cuase • A iot brea.et pins I.L.celeedt.bh l l.las . , by A .1 EIANS Binghamton . ;fano 9,1851.. ' • - • .'2B tf ~ • GOLD and 4119 CT Watches,lllverTable.tca,De.fFe. tau faitSpoons 4 and a g•etterctlimrttarnt of.Test.3lry BENTLEY Zt. FLEA trrs' and art sorts oil:cations, at • - TIME'S . • . . ~ di ~,, 1 r OltrElT—Dr 111INTEll.. eel lilbrfelt 8 . 8 Olfroll :D eJ V lug to cure any case of dieecee' that" mar come &odor lila cure. no roster how leag rt ending or inflicting. 1 , 4 ill int it.% aii united to hie l'iirate Itantue.3B North 61:VENTII:st..;1111a.', yrithout.Por of InterroMhin h 7 other rotten ta.. , S t rangers an il Other : lrwin) hove heetett lc , tottuunte in tlieeeleetion or a phieiclan are Ineiten, to . tall. flace whO hareinlumltlicresetrerliy_ablitai7 o :e - are oiaibtrite-I.i :.. , ,- _ ..,,:, - ... Nur WAND . ltert.ccw —The oillieted 'wollid via %TOWN , reetet .befere trupting their', health, licapinese, and In many ewes their liver.in 'the hoods of .1 , hreleinn 5. Igno rant of this ewe; of utolittlier.. It Is tettatnl7 , ltriporsibie for one man to un.leretinul'oll thollts the hutuan.k.ll44. i arereiblect to.' Evert',respectoblorillyeleion hoe tnerit. a ulfeibronch.in . Wh d leti'ha la' butte succeerful thon.tila „Ibrother Urnferierib o. to Oat ha . de v otes mortf W oe , rl.tima.aniLetudy. . • ' ; ' Yna or UrlcurcriCt.eiteltunrelv devoted to the istitax, and treatment of discs rei - orthe rexuil ourh.ns, together with ulcers _upoollio -- 115dy. throe t: bore. OTleg" , . pelipl4 ID the broil '-or-baner'i'OrerenriaL ihetunatieto, „alricturee, krovel, irregniaiitice47sidi.6 niftier front youthful -ex, orlosen erhopcnitbui-of tlie blood.. , wherell the, corietitu. pm - hiabeciointuenrechled; enable* the3Joeter t o Offer rev O V it Lizr to altitho:-may phyo,. plowito.lyeo' Wader Ls care. '•-':, - ..:,..,..;-i -. . ''. "' .. -. , ,•-_, VI 'lr. - - -• _ , AIN Tgl) 264100 barite:lof OA tO,l .iO,OOO Poo h T ti.yeit . flo ci..sronOvr reeeirion from -Now York s els_of Rio sod• Corn ; for ve. bleb- tho,,,hightirt ' - - N EW - G - 01)5.......::,. IV. ~.: Pao 6.o6ftmintat T4'eut finals suited t 6 Alto season price-witi Ix, 04 id - citsb:i., taut.' bi, • • ~- ,• . . :. vh,lob rtioy oroorr . we on soon* A: Ne 1. ' BIU. CC pia - ' ''' . ' ',.' D, '-v•A r ,,,:c o ,' next, intelc. Stantrnor. A 174116. 1 1151, -' . :-.;. - -' • ' , , .------,.= riAtterituiiiitlaiteto 010!!ingt at '- - A 14Sw.. opplyglso.o.44its:-- , f --; .. - 1 i i :). !- , ' - --,,,,.: —..,,,.. •.,-..-. ,---, `- --, ►{LLta • • nicliit'a:•,! : ,II.7:19~P8; ...—.7—_---T --- STOVES, . . •'ffAuDivAßE;-,&6; •-, . ~...„---,..„.„-,:e.„:„:-f.„ 4 ......, . ..., . ., . .- .. ... . - - - Stoves, Ware, and iNpo. VEY Stone'State 'Ma . rright'; COoltiiigl sitrivoiloi II burning wood, or 'coal, tltebesl in u '. ~ . Rough aud Ready thluhle oveu.cooltig stove., ~ ;-Elevated - : ' ado; ' _.do ' ' do" 'do -- Premium ''.. - ';' -- --:f , do' ":,.'. do ' ' 1 Victoria , 1 '- • 'do r -- ,do i ~- do : , Ao,- , :, l_ Einpira State ;,- , .1, :-‘L , . i'. ,do:- - :1; o:.; Clinton-Air Tiglit,-; . ...7 . , ....• d0_ , ,,. ' do " ; ., I .- I 'o Sizes and kinds drailor Stoves for wood it • , I'Siies'af 6 pinto StoVes.' - . ..L ._ • -' -: ...,..;,-, Coal-and Wood Stoles for shops, school biome ihe lnatju 'use. , - ,-;= 7 •I=.. : , . ~, ... tCoppe,r, brass i tip and iroi(staVe wire. - ... 1 Russia; Englr, ttliff.Aineriein Stove ripe: -. - 1 1 . StOne, 'Fin, a tl Zinc 'tubes; 4-c.; for sole by the 1 , 100, dez.;7or-sin.lo, at the•Eagle.Foundry.flepoL I - Montrose, Nev.. 1.4; '5O. .... . ~_ : . EAGLE •••FOUNDRYI Ware. Boom, in . Lyous 4. Chandler's A goitcral nuertment of- i Cooking, Parlor.., Shoji and 'Pool Stoves, :Store pipe ; Elbows; Zinc, Sheetlroh, Copper, Brass;TVire,,Bar Iron, - • Nail Rods - , rdandli square Cast Steel all . • , round if square •• • " Iron, allsizes,• - Side; ill a • •_ - • • ' Green :SWard, • - , • ErcelsiOr,' Genesee 4j• WorsterPlows,Straw cut- • tors. Corn' Shellers,Saw .Arbors, • Morticing Machines,- Mill. Cranks ; _ Balance Wheels, Pots, Disk Kettles. Spi del's; Tea Kettles; ii brella. Stands.Pbmps, Lead Pipe; ; • • Shinile Machines, - Scrapers', Sleigh Shoes; JaCk Screws, lke. All kiti".4; of Castings oti hand or made to artier ulso, Tin, Copper and,Siteel Iron Ware on hand or made to order.:.WILSON & CO. Montrose, Nor. , Mb, • New Idlilford , Stove I%tiva. • llnur.ttiTT has last reeeived a new anewtmentos I I. Stores, ineluding,tho Snot, appraee4 kln9s of Alr Tight ,and co:tools t.looltints,?attor. and :?hop Stoves. It %Plitt It hicenie..4einitie,„ Sheet rots, antl. at, .Stove l'ubesoto. jk.e.,to trifith thititteution of cash purchue et's. sad the *bleb 'lrtilbe sold at very low ptleett:foi,it#lx,o,s4Ops;ll.4• ' • SeptembFf: ;SO:: . Stove, fl and Copper Warp.. Tplit.,sabSerthers:fiavai.iust - .purchast : d c , large I stack cf copper wur - e; they offer to the p b tc att cheap as the cheapest. 0.. Fe.LATIIROP ',- Montrose . , nec.llo;-4550: The S beo , TOVEoutl. • • . , THE Neplone gtate • Air . ..tight - Cooking Store, mann Natured_ ittur far sale by WIT.FON -& CO - Blackly's. 'Flows .- rilflEanflscribern•ould Inform his friends and the pub - 1 .L lie. that he i s note imtnnthetnring the, celebrated PLOWS at the old - stand of U. Post. Side I lid, lion, Wayne. Living ton county. and Skinners Eddy P 10,95 and C: dins on hand Repairing, done -on shot,. notice. 'lasing made an arrangement with a ma— ehinist, he in preaa4vil.to make and fit PR most kinds, of In.leidnery on ;hod. notice and on reasonable terms iI mtro‘e. Febrotry 17;16;1: • r If. MILLS.' Pd SITZ - tfer,. t. S. H. SAYRE k (O o : id cooking store, ?len a Few at:vent, [cap at - " •1 . Tun unt.t.'is lii f Drng Teeth b A good accondba' for . .P tG ori'rzs.-- in glt nmt o n.3lont rose-ittlnn eieL DM) , and Mott and klalleenlnonglis and Casiings.constant , . nn hula by - I I - - . a. it. SAVO: 0(40. -tSnnpi 9 foisq~ 1 , 14 NT . stn'tily 'at NAlNsjust pecrivrii. /1 the k tyls sartd in the. tawAcnvenly.. AlsoltraW-. az. Slum Cap Paper, Inweit 'SeYt.fi : 4. , .L ()NS*. goy. Valuable Books': rlTTox , s,pilly mblortwartifPnr.rtierian'i. Essays, % by.Tuylori lieTtow of the Arrxicsii Wart)y talirinora,lpio% of Votaas,D`Auttbigne'elffittiuy (Olio Ittfarny.itionotemte,.; I - GEN EftAtAa'siffiqment or ,cool Q9o&R ~ hale , 0310 or,Te4Ve !),y1 T.XIrI4,CrIA:I9:IL ' ER. ;''- '• Afresh la poly . uf G ramie rju,s t• or a, •ud for vale by : = • & flASltraltl for slaughter Naas::.‘eratt at - Fetter , , ; Mtn:cf - 8 V.itt , Nnt.lP: o ...+t '~ ..a' RAILEOAD , FEEIGHT;&c 'ALBANY & BUFFALO Neiv Timis & Erte - I , Cayuga & Us. quehanustßail &toads % Seneca and Cayuga Lakes! • BITERY..BODY'S MARKET - LINt q tyllsubirloers are now piepared to reeeivisp:m gu t dt of all /heals, et tbe following point,. vis BitQalc , Attica, Batavia, - Deegan, Rochester, elli/ntr, ua,l{enevarbresden, Ovid. Lodi, Dundee, Landlet,h orsota, Havana., Idillport, Horseheads, Coming, balm Victer')villoiSpring Port, Iteddees Ferry, Allem t, ars - Candor, Owego Union, 11Ieahamton, Great heti L p s er n s eiho p. r : o , ',D . e . p ; o . sl , and ,„, ll ., a i nc , oah:e i vei:d . ayinthey . m . tSuritlaysexceptedjand cantle ue with reemaritimm t ont the aeason. - They ziO end to fOrwa "'dint” t tat* ' to the New York Market, wherelt willreardve the perm,. al attention of experienced a:Bennie:who atreed to the selling of th e same , andrW.urta the proetedele had,: able fundsat either of tho rtiIOVIS polntsj to the follom q . . , . ItugadO,Storelthtmeofilern7Dawi ;Attic:LS.oMar ch Of More:V(o4 Bittallll,StdriltbillPPiltleillt IlaVen Storehouse - of Daniet,Morhirson; Melanie Store of Fairbanks , :h Eldredge ; Illanindagua, ffille e Walter Corcoran ; !CI c neva, O. Lawrence ; Dresden Stet. hunk e f Whitney.Mouell; Ovid, Fergua ou & Lodi; Dundee Landing, SterehOulef T.-'t ill k Co. Jefferson; ofaco of E.. Ct. Norton, on the PA -, °Mee of.l. F. Phelps; M .'s illporttore of J. Stoll ; ts odd s , office of J.,A. Ferrell; Coring, - , stere of ire l .l Arnold; Elmira, storehouse of "Merman & Inghren, Factoryville; store of.,Charles: 'IF Shit hod: Redder , ' Ferry; Aurora, store of IL &'G. P.Morgan ; Ithatim os of P. It. Drake ; Candor; store . of-S. Dareger ; Otot ro, fice of Nathaniel Ells ; Union. Store ofeC. N. Wheehe • Meehan:Ben, office of James Sisk: 'Great Rend, dice e P. Churchill ; Laneshoro', 'Mee of P- A. Ward; Dews store of Ensign hiMan; Hancock; store of Allied k, Beeves. JAN. SII.S1( • Binghamton, .1 • W.:WHITNEY, Dresden, • M , GEO. moNELL, do; • ••• NATHANIEL ELLS, Owego; Thorp Date ; Attire. Theina s r . ford; Batavia. Lucius A. Smith; Ilergen,Danieffildh er . Soul; Rochester, Felrhanks & Eldridge' Canoed:ok Wel t erecircoren;' Gtodivn; C. Lauren ce; Ovi d.Fertnu a sprague; Lodi; • D und co Land' & co.; Jet. terror), E. 0 - Norton Ilaratia, P. Phelps; Stun; Horseheads, .I. Eerrell;',Corning. Wm. rar. , no:t1; Elmira-Thurman k Inehram; Factoryville.o Shepherd; Aurae:L.lE h Morgan, Ithrtead. rat: e ;.,tlnniot. B..llnm:ter; C, N. Whsf„, (3 1. . c i a r 'Berm, V . Churchill ; Len eshore. - P. A. Ward ; poilt,Ensign h'Dean; Itnncolk, - Allteon & Reeves, Capt.-James; Sisk, • Willenperintend the buktnerp: thion#out_ the siej awl receive end all all or t lerefor , • igori ea. fruit., Flap, & e. width wkll be bongbt .:the loneijabolerale 'viol a New York, and torwaraed to any of the abate mato New Stage Arrange i tut at Great Bend. Depot TMIE two Daily Lines of Stages from Great Dead!, Montrose will heretiftar leaTeAte path...! ii o ,4 C. Smith in the immediate rieiitlty 8f the BePota•let. owa •At 4A. M. and 6P. Nf., - outhe arrival of thsp,4. road trains from Nsw York. passing thr.4l.-tlt Nest Bin{ to Montrose. Whenee et• itno Taos in ct aneria therewith, to Spring.rille Tunkbstmoclt and Illikestam, nuothev.via:N cholsout Faiteiryville:Abicmon Coat, Providence and Hyde roe& to te , eraittinin,tru se , t h m being along thallise of the - Vrggets Gap Ballroad ) g. turning, thr stagatrares Scrantania at 4A b1...p5.6 4 through the above places. to Montroite t tithence-the le:trent tiro° toreach Hut Oratit Bend Depot befeatth trans gain: East. • ' : • - Also;a Dallylinee leaves Smith's Hotel emit erelmL~f the noon train front thuWast r Cads;. Nat Sammersville,Ncir Milford, Harrold, Lenox wit?, Great Benti,dan. ittel6sl.. • . , 54f )1 ISCELLA ;rE 0 ITS:A D 313 •• Diew 'Goods • - • TTAYDEI' . .: St, LITTLE 'S etc'el: of igercea "hnie °raved, coinprient.n complete me, rnr-ut of Dry Goode, Groceries,..Durdware, Slur Plpe 'Liar; Wooden %Co Dogs and ;lodic:nee, Paiute, Oils „Melilla and •• . . ! . 'AtS O a first rite lot and good assortnandir Rends Made Clothing, of almost all deseriptiora. coots and Sho:s, • cops Obi ponnetsed aalmost' , ' usualtyl'found in a .Store:...;'- `Our Goons nitist be.sold, and: shall be, et very lowest possible prices. Out:friends ate itS toil to uod !obit at our k00k.% . Prodticei iriost in kinds, u-antedin to; goons by, onbnerilwr tifaiDEN & LITTLE 'Nnw 111 'Void Illnv Ist 185 1. IiCKILITTItas 'noW in ,rtilre anew and chrer. of Pry Goods, including a gliut.vtiept Dress Goods, Crape and °the MUM" Eilt •llanlitlas, Pa asals. Frca,h Lace. Fancy grad Bonnets; a -beautiful .at_4ortment of Bre. Ribbon; Flurrera and TriMmltfo of ;new ttyler.,s•' aruflaces. for 3ian al las. lionnkralk, Cots, Broad &nett. Fancy -Cass:lnures, Test 4 Filmier Cloth!. t. =pet Dar. Trunk Nana.. Dods Shims. Painted Window -hales, Carpeting, Bate, t .1.c., with a largo anti general namwtattni of Mini i e, rockery, Iron. firJcerics, Yalata.3ledicinca,olll,Ft e.; all o' which will be aold at the leweFt price.= the moat Trammed° tonna. 1S li. .1 4 ;e:.rly nil i'ias produce wanted. :tonics in particular, and ,the h(.r' • a rnicaln Cash paid for Wool. ,Flour! and Ealt rotra4 M;=lE=M ,- 1 -. I(CONING Coynty 111.7 m-quo. ! cc! The . undeiFignetl spent for Oils 'wet. itti long established iniiitution ri;sfeelfully the public that he will_receive licrance effehist loss orditiii by fire tO oc/ode, FurukrUe, Ltoss,'Agre; ' Moor:ate. Apr. 9, '5l, ' . tf TOHN GROVES, the well -own Ida PJ again made his appearance in . .illontrosei crate in the above. named businesent the ed directly . over-Lathrop 's Dry . Goode 'store would again tender his services to the pabric elicits their putronage.,• • ~ • ; Making nud cutting done in the most eh style of the age; aukclone on the shortest a: usual. ontrose Fel; , .IJ.& klceiveci an d far male by the ; • -. • • • - a:sn. taisats Just in.. Also ituUs -,.en's Calf tiOtalOotes far sale tly: • I • if N. BLit& iv A L 8,3 pl• 10 Penny IkrailT,Einor nn4 filar , SN Montrooe, 1% , ay 33..." , Lroasittnasia GNTEE tAllt.ll,AWTet;*Comptior tluOi, - repre -31ustar0i Letter Paperi Tvine,B tack ing and c., for +ale . ; 1113 • :g7T...w. kj* tST rdeplred ti new siock.ofrotngand nt" tho ntore of - •Ti. Y. Am eticain .Lawyer and every ' - tnau's a Very yalt.ali le etetk. enntawng' the Map sr eneh'stnte in the talon, tai correct_mi Book hceplhgarn; Marty taluale tables or , • fArteit reeeived a trCsh supply' ofthugr,Nedi :Qller Varnish; Gina, Tin IVare&e. at G 0 0 I count_ bln.telt I'2 NEW lot of Ladies. RALers. 11w Gaiters..-4 - .4lEd - gailetrieds /6bbei ca o_, &C. 7, jOot'irceired by - ; ;- vtite.4l3:l (1 shlrgol,ruon4;Nto 24 sispla as tkighAs Cti. per " tved i tt4. a t! o d s :a as') for..lllroz;. 1 . • on Os Iroolvin tell formbleli, 'the 1) 1 411 prlee In 'Cush by • U.ll . New MEMO, Jonc• /30 5, 51 .• • . 1101,1.) Pen and extoitsio4'holders 'Ol _KA sod best qualities for, sale hi • • • . •• ,Itreiolied,by tho . 1745 ouhacribetifogor. (lolteo• 11 salt. Brost! Cloth; Sheol Inv p .A ttig, wade Igo AM he o actoplow tio the limcrNihr +ma.. cpt i 1550.1 • )Ultand self for 'lOlOOO- LBS. WOOL Avuntid on neva eichunga for Clotho ., Goode, ssgth„ name. cash mixed in by .... ' i I%loomnire, fiLiyi29;''.sl.' - • m. e T , • . - PincliLutribert • ... ''•,C:ftliantitrii•ri.tie•oliod Pine incnbil .4 - 1. and common. for aaltrat tavola Pabialrikr„ann.inita,, motlttir '..htpfup 7 9.4o : i neW OUPPIX 911 13 " 1 " 11C !' 1.700-711 P1411001124D1 ' 111310hedua 1114 liiikturstoottiopotObais sta.• olsof,-,iriitdo two to bring t to irtn * bonVoimplitaithinitifpunboevalow ohoct, , • , OO 414 -~%i~ ~: BEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers