IST BALLOT: MI - 21 • 28 ,!::`43 Ting Tag,TA Tyler, Crt^r, , L p. It was therefore duly nowt oat,! rm..didate. for Associate Judge. . f, - • fr ae following persons were named Tor the ctherAssociatc Judge: - Amherst Carpenter,: of Harford b Martin poker. of Clifford. John Boyle, 'of 'flew, fort. Charles Tingles, of llarford, Robert Grif,; ts. Jonas Carter, of Auburn, AL C. Tyler of dlontrosc and Joseph 'Washburn, of Gilnien; 1 rattozs,-. Ist 2d 3a 4th 13 15 26 33i IS 2U , 29; 23 9 . 12 3 5 5 5- 1 1 ' • stir, 4 • , Vashburn, 1 , - AMHERST CARPENTER was declared lily n ominated. For Covsr - k . CommiSsrorcEr„ were named he consideration of the Convention, James I,,throp„ of Di-mock, David Taylor, Harmony, Onflis, Frdest lake, Otis Ross, Thadie, John thaicock, Jessup, Titus Smith'. jr,, f rAutyrs. Ist. 2d 3d .4th sth 8 11 a! ,1 06 , 9 12 5 2 , . - 14 23 25 1 23 15 17 25 24 -30 Oa thr Ettkballot, JOHN' HANCOCK "was v nominated. Fur Cor.osnn. G. B. Eldred of Montrose, .d 30 votes, and Uri Newcomb, of Bridge.; -nte.r, I vote. 31r. Eldred• came forward and volined the nomination, whereupon the Con eation proceeded to a second nomination;— "mo 11. Boyd of 31ontrose, had 30 voters; iishd Griffis of Forest Lake, 3 votes Bi ore rS, 15 votes. Wm. IL Boyd iris erefure dolv nominated a_ candidate for 'Cor. For .Arnrror., James E. Howe of Brooklu, d rete.i end Elith Griffis of Foreot Lcke, votes. James E. Howe was therefoie minated for Coimtv Auditor. On motion. Inn. B. Handrick, E. B. Chase, Id Henry H. Philips were elected Rpresenta e Conferees to confer with those of Wya , 'rig. and Sullivan. e.fullotriog Reolntion was then offered he consideration of the Convention, which s carved, yeas 30, nays 18. rye* That F. B. Streeter, S. B. Guile, ;ink Bush, anti 0. S. Beebe, be elected COB. vt, to confer with others front Brtidford and fa n c;ninties 10 put in nomination a can at. tor President Judge of the Judicial Dis % uinposed• of Suscine,hanna, Bradford 'and iirgn countiech- On a motion to lnstrnet the Conferees elect the yeas and ne were ordered and lost s 20, nays 35.- 'n motion, the fullowing named gentlemen re e lected County Standing Committee for ensuing year. 0. G. Hempstead, Joseph Merriman, 0. Lathrop, Simeon B. 'Chase, B. Streeter, Wm. J. Turreil, Thos. P. Phin .l.lnrnford. to motion. Convention nd,iormied (Si mod by the officers.) Coprt Proceedings. • CAM) .3 rili.—ladiet:nerrt were found,. 'list the following, persons, namely, /..ienj.. esworili. hllleS McDonald, James id jr., Chauncey Luce, Charles Valentine., oze C Leonard, Christopher Wellnrian, ben Dalton, Silas lyinters, Samuel A.Prin .. Uriah Chandler, Wm. flake,: John IL we. and Wm. Skinner, for Conn%rtiitink 4.lenry Day,Pros.: same fur Conspiracy .heat and defraud,Xy Cuunterfeitin,g &o.:.; 1 If. Cool{ r, Pros.: Benj. AYlestvoithiohn Brawn. Charles Valentine, Chauncey Lute,' • .11'cl-ism:rid, James McDonald jr., Uriali mle, Christopher Wellman, for ConSpir- Jo creat by Counterfeiting, R. W. Cooley, s. Two . ngrdest Christopher Wellman for sing. Counterfeit Money, R. Ward and Ueo. iden, Pros..; Win. Blake, for Arson : Jas.. :Donald jr, for haring bogus money and • I r.o apiast altlleS TV. Cady, alias Wallace rarpeattr, for Larceny, George Walker E. trulker, Pros. asap Leh for Grand Larceny, It. Krou- Pr 05,.: .4..5.s Davidson, Assault and battery, d — lgriorainn s , and Pros. pay costs. '" \ :?init Benj. Heald, for Grand Larce.ny= ryh n; arraigned plead guilty. Jury din. • qdriairsday morning. . {,rtn— Common'th vs. Silas Anson,,Ruzi ' Smith. Pros., Indict for Assault, and lint. titii intent to kill, found at April Sesi is, tried Monday and Tuesday.; verdict not its, and Doh. pay OAS. , • ommon'th vs. Zones Brown, Indict" for Ping Tippling house, found nt Jan. Ses. tried Tuesty, verdict guilty--"-Pourt-. Ry a costs o tine of, 2C), and pay f,prosectition. • oteminftis vs, George TV Chamberlin In= r. for Compounding fdonv,April Sessions • IL Billings, Pros., tried Wednesday, ve.f... tz( it. guilty,. and pro'ieedor Pay the costs: enenutitir vs Georg e N. D. 3.leadr. a l i ens erne Deming; Indict, Larceny founo,: lanti Delb being arraigned plead Gailtk— I 3,-et setenced. 14 above Indictments for ntereittog,! re Cou, 4 PtcY &c, ly e to _next Soo , geal.Ayle6orth recognized in I Li; appearance Court, _and at. next. i L.litrani.eonfinement • l'+• !I 4v er lacy discharged I'Vedriesday tiler" . .• • Inner% • Arland n.bachelor man oft the au,nhatl4.: th em es they get seatiii•ln e three eVeere, waTed kis ijafr, 344 Ytheieselres if they cBtdd and Vann went. 6nie. FPy mad. IRE=RIM=MEMM La[AlflVrT4AUai'lglnft Arrest'orti rugAtiveSlaio., . .1311 - Pr3lto: Sumnst 4 25,1851 The Second cook-cif tbo steamboat Buelt : -, ey State; named Daniels was arrested this niernin., as a- fugitive slave front. Louis ville, Kentucky. Ho is' claimed hp° man named was kept ai` still ti Bible,- hut 'the . report soon spread - through the city, and a largq crowd collected around the, building which- he -wits cortfinetl;=-i-. : An attempt yasmado. to take hint to jail in a private carriage: - but, a'. very 'large : excited . crowll 41ocike44thii.passage,,s0i ing the Horses.; liy -Abe ;bits„ ,and. ;making threats of vieleied if he was not release/ The firebells weresrung; which . ' served; TIT measure, to 'diggers° theserowd; aryl hsWas then taken to by as'large inunber of persons:= ibat is all that has transeired up ADDlTlONAptOqii#CiliAltS;ai trix alq; l;Ablo, • rvax,ia,, August.l§, 18151.. We, learn, in addition Ito tho -account given this afternoon 'of , the negro's arrest, thitt whan he was taken.the son , of the claimabt stePped up behind hini.whilclte was passiag lairing on t 6 boakat Ids 'ordinary advoca tions. and felled him to.the_deck-with ore blow of a billet of: wood. The blow was_a 'severe onc.-laying•open the-back part of his head and. rendering. bins, senseless. Tice LI excuse given tor this•aet was - understood, by sme who Aver° pfesent at thelesarnirtatioL), Ito be,. that he had.o Carving , ' knife iii Ins }} band, with which she intended; to attack his assailant. ThiS afterpoon ho was taken'tar Irto the ,Court House under chargo of the Napsr. a large body Of police, 'and :two or three Companies Of fireman,. who were Called out for the occasion. Oonsiderable &O r , I culty \via - ex - pail:llCA , , the: nd or ,akitig, and several perknq aatiam as duardians, Were dragged doivn and trarnplecll - under foot 'enraged multiinde. - ,,lha Court Ilfouse was reache4, - , nuct:4;barge'rititiaber of perstins collecieti•juSidein'ivito - e*the first trial, in VngitivUSlave I law. A dense I throng ;4;lelle.oteti!itintshic; blocking up the " - pas-saga and - rondo:ring' them impassablh, thelreti 'provanting- all inoret.-s or egress _into , of the Court. house. ' The examination was held ,before United States Commissieber rt. - K. Smith, Only one witness - ...was stiern---the same person that knoCkettthe negro, down.;-- The near', did not deny being slave: 'The ex amination was,_consequently,'• brief, and re- . suited in an orflei , iiir his return to' Ken tucky.. lie aras'_ then remanded to jail, whence bCwas:takeu Withimt Much trmab - le. • - • - ?" t te Sacre;,3l,;t 4 tprns. B) Rev. 3, T. I k... n d'ey. , ,Icill,' liltutt.: , IllligtVated, full cloth,' 1,41 ti ; . . stll vi1 ; 114. 1 ,. rsint,'Bl,slt. * . 'P '. t . ' - The •Stecreti Notmlutaa. . By 1T.t.v..3. T:lTeadley • , ~ . ' George - G. Pride - , , , -I V14,12%4110., .0:111101.11 1411 . plates. , Sunday TS note receiving float Troy, ttica, and Albany a large ,/ i'' ' Schoelednion. t SO ets. , . ILassoantent of ' ' 1 .Sankt. ..q& - nett and Charcriers. 11v lire; .1. "1" 4.• oolc *ntr, P.orine.,,nitil Stio l ls stove', I / ' ii 'd , v.l: I I" 6" 't t i , ea .r, .--- t 0 - ..m ~ 111u6 ra ed, lu l cloth, s 3 I mu. •`tpleedges. 41,50. t •- ' ' ; for timed or coat clubrarine Ali CIR. DPW (1.6 11/10. 1.17<t sat. i , tern: tvh"rh u-fil be sold on the most resemble terns I. I i t• Ti.- Farmer's Store" is proh blr.all thlngs iem ,ll3 I- ..„-:' The auhstriber Iles ebtatnegfran ,„„ kartivT Scenes:oral ("dames/no, lly Rev. J. l'. erect, the hest large oven *tore that Is made lit Asoesia 1-31ESSES., WIIEELER, 7111:LICK IC CO. 'OF AI,BANY, ilt•eaky.--'1 vol , Itltuti.. without this lutes People's ENtint lige and IyAn be *cad at the . ' ' - all egi'lleS for the sale of thrlr celebrated " , Flitiday . , right:ol aitlen, ;illetti .. - . • II i1.,;..y If the.{crartut iO7lB ail rI, Eletilei of the l ev low let - they-eau be boUr,ht . this side of • North Ricer; ilgricultural. Fliachines, , _ :-. 1 v,, id ,. 11 „., 1T r . J T• 1 • • • wv. . . hr.olley --1 , 1 01. We are now rer•-•ivlng a tine rosortment of elevated , ..„,,,,, . . 01 , 05. T a ,l,„, 1 the „ ion r,,, t 1, 1101k ,, en h„, i i ted % du i i Tl . ///‘ll.lll. 11.111. l'.t , l.A.T . T . r.tElil AI.IIANY ri,tioxs, Idnits-,llliictratert„ fallvlath;,sU co,. ... - , , 4 2 f ' iil u a g a in A lhe"up .:,' r ' t 'V es 'i' l P e ' or lemEain P .• 1 - VI; T'ITO il l i ) II 'Allt . g . t l ' ltil : ...Z l l l t:' l ; r ls l9 l4;a le lie " f if isto,‘'y If tile Waltle".4Bos. - By: Itev..l- l'. dead-. { l A Wadrad Trai sworn out by one of the ! • , urolet„ ...., isat. __ . s • ' 'envy ftirrntrs and ih.c.,- el a In; t . t. .abli'o . • * w. • h d -"'i l 1 ;"3"-- 1 vol. / 8,1 / 0 - Suadaj bcboal eda two- 41. 1 citizens char gittg the negro's assailant With 1 Diotiee , to e. 7" 1...... ant_ I „It nut, compert,eil Hutt The 'whol of i cht, 'I . "-.f i' -'-4 s' -f' ..-Z, ,i - ... ',. Once/ " ,I 1 t involuitl errrad , r n oun silltralritix tat ht.n.ts, the I Xap3lerm and'his Dieflozolshed ll,larshata. fly assault and battery; and he has been ares- 1 rrHE Board of-School Directors of Bridgewa- 1 ''''' e4 ' , tl . l l ‘. : ' lt '-'. c Li' ""''''''' • . - .„,,,,,, I ' Ilea 3. T. 11--ailiey ---I'ool, Itlrtio :" It itsetrtitecV toil, and is now in jail. It is reported he f -1 , - _ter, will meet at the• Court House on Salta.- 1 stra Ti a l tir i tf; T e t ' N fa G t - 4r r e i z ' tft i lit l e c r ' llti a , l i v e T i . % B -V, la ' a c t 4 a t t s I fue l clot11,;$ I.'" "' - = "..• t* , ... •'' will be tried fo-mfirrow . morning. • , , 1 d a y„.s e pt, ~la d at 10 t e e k e t t A, R. , - - ... !. ito• 1 , ..:47 ,u pT:11 , 1C ~. 1.7.1 1 1411t, ,, T c10:17 rrr- ' Luther grit; CriAntrell. l3y R„et%„. J. T,. i1e. , ,a1,i,_- , • • ' 11. L. CATL/N, Sen'y. - r e ,,, 7 ,l" e ;, e a t e ,;:r„ , `, !,`:, t 2,',,l e r e ",r l , t ,i', ' :: , ..., " e 7., r e 'h' i ' ta t l p ',7, ll L y . l ' e ? I s re] )2 1000 ti [4 trig eti • rewpiott , :•ii ) 'Before Fiving the order for the. removal 1 'B • ridgloyater, Any: 20, ISSI. 1 t ,,, fc „ ti ,,, i ~,,,,n o, z , 0fc ,,,,,,.. . ... r Ratable.; a fthr.S.". 7 .4lch , s. - 13 y 14v.,T, T. tt:;itirt•y. of the fugitive 11. Ir Cominictioner , Smith I - •— The osx liOnFil Mt:IeITTNPS tot: tenor threebanis I tot. Patti ' filtv-ti-afed •full'eloth f.k I'' ' offered to subscribe twenly five dollars :I THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, AND THE ; 'Till thro'n ftl'ou'llo' s rll'l 4 Ilthn'lrtY: 1 p ,. .r.. 1 t - nr ,,,, ... The Po l ei r e rilleau . ty. ) B ' y Itei: S. P. lieadley, 1 towards pnrcha.sing his freedom. ' eT. L.I I FARfiIEH'S GUIDE• • ~.,,,,,i „ rate ele,-er 04 from the straw, rcry fort end 1 I r'l-44 111 tdflll I * - LI -i, 'I I ,Takott and Seth C. liawky, Esq., , acted 1 L EONARIJ SC OTT & CO., NO. 54 Gold , IrTS`Tho nnellll , o relre , hi exts-ne.relr usedhy large edgeth i estja.-7? - cts.. , .-. . 1 .... . ~_ . 1 dairy:Len far churning Andrei. srohing;oood,cuttliF,-,feed. Lettere f rim. Ike 11,rch- 4 ,ono'de anti the.ll7l ond;erk. as counsel for the accused. i I street Nen- yerk, Con thole to publish The four 1 "to f ' l leadin'e British Qaartiv Reviews:lml Blackwood's' ' - AtaLt'. , :r rua=t,: -- • B Y Ito' 3 ; T. Pe -^V4:' - t.. / v° l - I .taiu,2 I ,. ol6l u'id 1 The excitement has somewhat abatedmt Magazine; in ad - ciiticat - to which they lia - ye nearly n r Th .1 Separator, ,r , SO cis. *..-'. • - " "'t , 1 . Tyre , orse rue a' I er =ld Vita 1M1D,04 7.• • 2 ` of v. -8 ' • ' and , h • t ./ 1 Knots of per Sons can be s.cer. gathering pt 1 , completed the publication of a raluilble Agrical- 1 and suappurtances, • - - „ -- $14500 "grigPnY -to- avow 141 - , Mai ea the corners, discussing the merits of Farmer's Guide }o' s e i. I One nave. ' de. de. do-- • • , 120 00 -'' %Vial tprittnil. of ; each, engraved lin bt1471.-- tile iJural WOrk. called the .‘ case. Now i hat its operations' are seen 1 entffic ow/ Practical Agriculture."' By 1-Itzkiai I I.) :b arningo l l l. , , , , , cro ,„„a t " u - i 33 ,..a a gr a it'a grin T , ~,,,• With tut efsay on the Ctiar.acierof ths,Apo..tles, , l and more vividly appreciated, there:lean. , s I •s .: T n Er , l , l 4 c ;-''' t i, F 4 R. 5.,,0f Edinburg, author et- the I 2tone, .., • ~, • .., 132 00 ,bY R . ev.".l. 7'..ll . atfley.-'l , vol 19Mo 15 ail , ss et. 1 graying's. :SI ; gilt edges. extra, :31,511••• • ann," &c., 4-c., assisted by .Tons Ctoi er italics. no dispositinn to attempt..:anything' like a 1 P Noel. -, '4. •k. N 11 P f sso 1 -P 'i L ' utt " , • 28 oo i The Beauties of 11er.,1: 7'. Headley.-W itle bk.. . i ,-;.,*- - 4 "'' o ! 9-- ,- , a 2 e . L .'• rc ,. e r,.. ( if Circular Nam M111, L (24 hush sesi,) ' • 3100 • • violent rescue. , ' I -co' ilt--c Agricubure in 1 alcsuouege, au!, oz•e• isP"- - "*The ebtA ama chine.ere Lit warranted 'et stork to ' 1.4.11 c -1- v° '" 16 '" ° '''"u'''nittd• 7)11 cts''t g ilt 1 This highly valuable wok will comprise two : + the ent;re sExtrfretion Grille porch:ter. or they "may be odi:Le.' extra 75 oh'•, • -. . • `1 I returned within sixt l t d a vit f t v xn 'rho Oleo th r f Ere re- Hero:nes' of Sucref! ffirtory.--Bylirs. liteits.-.- 1 large royal octarOvolumes. containing - over 1400 I l pages with lb, or tO' splendid steel engravings. ." - g...T. , .. ,, y,;:,!. , , , ,f, , , ,, , , !„.;;',ri, e 4e 1.8 ;, ° : i f e i 1 1 f: ! t d , 'T1 0 h , " ( .."'ut i 1 r e , "!' I 11111ste, with Sple'ndid ettgrai,:itigs: '1 v01'..11- tno.4vtetv, enlarged dud revised edition, l*3 1; and more than COO engravings on wood, in the taltill oper'i;tio'ni r * ndlrs.l , -pert,ll,, r .ll4 11 ,77 In tg big,hest style of the art, illtrstratiog - ahn os t every I be•v mammy nesslblei ondu,err.lloted th s,'l‘erotire s.xt- gilt edges; extra 1,50.• , . ," ,-. implement of, havbend a ry nos in use by the best ] i ' r ' c l-'°°- , .. - , ir.o prc ,„ Tilerpnculty, or; the.,Plerzary Iqspirotion ,of the farmers, th e best tnetl,ods of ploughing, planting, I narferd Atm. 3403 .1.551. mot -, • • • .-110:'y , jVcrlptierrß. I.Ty profiT,t-o r Oairo..eit 61 haying, harvesting:, etc., rte., the .2 various domes-Ir, zt „ ----------,-- ,Gfareva. , , Translated by Rev.T.: N. ,R,lrk. IA 1 tic animals in their highest perfection ;in -short, i zngusu Patent Lever Watches ~ b nv 6 , 0 eiit.ig , m I v :14 . 1 .rnt1.: 410 1 , %,..51.J ib ., b . th i s ay Shanty the lilac htnitiik: A tale .ofolher times. the pictorial feature - of the book is un intte, and i - , Sa--'•ser will render it of incalculable Value to 010 bltldtilt. t ' .1. reettred too the Masan:fee, ,:ily, -Mrs: iShertvooll, /, vol4S . rato,, illustrated, tery,onnther Int or tali sunmior ;OA& , , , ,• ' ~ , , , ' of agriculture. ' 'rim work is being published in seroi.montrily if r ii. X. 4.,0iv 147171:111;6rpt.";12rIn";nivf:rifle, sifter 1 Liii g p f ti ' 'e r4 ll e Y• * 27 Y -Arrs l ..11 ` 1• " .' "i*"l'''''---/' tot l Numbers of 64 pa ge s each, r xlnsi've of the Steel j ,i';' .:,,kie.,0.1,1 eare-,fnlljeweled.andslino I i'- ,i n n . , 'lllulnttdi'd., 50 ' 4l °' '' ' 4 eugrav , ar. „ , and it a m id at ,25 cen t s eac a. ar 851• „.., 1i,,,,, .0„ ‘ --,r' t.t., "f trii. b .s., a , r_ eli e s7 rte v ii t ais lo t t i v. .I e s r hi p ite ric a mitreth a n d The Dir=ties:.;Siert fre l e v a tt f i e r. r i h w iat a m rs of til f em he 0 1 e t z. t. ti tl i r i : 4 7 ;,.. b c /y rip of . for the entire work . • in bombers, of which there i (l'. ":‘'." c 5/4"' -24 theia, ea the subferiber can with enef &vice iterrant Eztraclifroliiite Oilltion' of 1 4 C Ptes*. ,' will be at leasttwenty-two. I t.j.‘4:r•••:-s";'. are io a ou7.l " cll .r . e ; ' korov• ill vi . ° 4l 'l oL ' h l n gtil" .rt'rJ Oh -$ 3 . The British Periodicals Re -published, am as 1 i t follows. 'CI~. , FULL ! J„..11,1 7 1111;$„ 1 n ._,:itatr..:. ; ,acass.s , riki?,.....,aisntiostos. :7 ...,y_t ei Tke :London Quarterly Revi;to (Couservative), l nmihainton. Atir.l2, 0. - a, . 11 esti leg.t.m •t, I et... 1,1. licodnty. .1 his work Ittny vrery proper. The Eclingbierg Review (Whig), Isli7V - F,n3v;eo-•:.% fall ns•orintent of tOlver Forke, fpuons, Ity hi; etinsid,tie'd - 1.1 - coMpunion Co (Ice ~ Vented The North Rntish Review (FC , .!e Church), Creamen.sagar and salt shovels. Butter Itnlvee, 4e. • - t•' '• * ' ' illounttraitt " u • tub.same author. 'lts ob to The'Westrnineters Review (Liberal). ' !for sale by tug.l.l, ISal. • 11ashuo , ton r 'et ' a natratil aril ".render mom life-like . ' 4ito sacred Blackreoutts Edinburg ...11ugizine.(Tory), , 7. , - -." - . • • . • a ritings. al. ID Put 100 ttUthcir ts Ores tgli to, super flliFf RIX:: brcset Plas Ear ria-a and Sneer en q i Although these§ works ore distiugnished try the 1 t_iJa.t reed. ' ' ' .1 •• '. sede Illt ( Elble iTaL i i -81 J • i •' •A. ,lAAA 5. , . I 5 n't ts IZI estate u sum- 1 shades above indicated. yet„. but a small I Auz.l3. _ . itude to obiaiti:, and ti. beet:one I t deqiiiiia.. - 1 Delitroctire Fire at raltori, near ! p olitica/ , portion nf their couteute is devoted to political sub-1 (2.OIDCifAINs, w — ii- ----- innA pl7tteni4rnd jl77CrE.b7 ------ . red and lirefe t atfi fain iliar with its lostoti.,- due= i Ostre4,e-Loss...sitiap,ooo. jeers- imbibe ills' /1. is their literary character which givcel" . kim;hatoton, -trig 8,4. _AL .. FIIED J. MAYS', r i ors and t aws: to know ;. 0 t rot h, 1 ,, NO Vl: b e t:ea at 6515760, At3g.lB, 1851. them their chief value, and in that they stand ---- 7 -- ----- spirit, }eel its power, and partake, of-its ea:ration ; f ,,,,, h . fdiu , 0 , utu.. ! in a word t to.prixo jasmine tura• it deserves'. ' - ' , d 1 far above all other journals of They mum fi na ' orra , t4. m i ls, day,A . re , brok , v e ,r outab , ?u , ! „ tiv; ii P.' , 31. yest.yr- 1 'e el u ss te . 3‘ Bi , Y eelneeari, still tinder the masterly. gin- ...t. al eau•ent. 3131.31. POST , litis troubdeo witicii r,,i;.,r,.:eii beyond n - rize - :Ire • in the, village to anon, oestroying I dance of Crtstopber North, mantains its ancient • Montrose, July '23.1551. f .. R. PIT'TS. •- t prediCl. fril.ii'ir'cire alat" ion far' beiond Fitly 'or: tb.;l ~ . property to the amoent of Grasper's hotel:— celebrity. and at this time unusually att-active,_ A s d m i t ii st t I - 1 --------- I a uth o r! . few,„.„ : „,„,.,„„,,,, New , ja „.- 7 „„ . „. ra or s at PP , The firemen of thfs:eity hastened to the -spot from the serial tvorks of Bulwer and other literary, BITE s, - -1... , ..1 ' ' , 1 - ~ SacredBeenee ftn(lCaracteree.- 7 4' tilt net J. by the cart, but Is dotal:4es, „ritten for that Magazine, and first sp., Vi:illairo %%lute, dee'd., late of the township of 5 4c I••'''''. '. k' •• •• L - - R -,, c ,f . 4 tholniolretion of th e estate of l' T. Heridtej..autlior of the,.!! Sacred 4/ountoiiiii." ere not a/ie. to- Creech pearing in its colonies both in Great Brittlin •aind 1 o.raut d i ii d . d ~. , a.t. f tt.or , o ill .r add greatly . tath......reput.utom there till! be progr,eSs of tbe 4re-was che ckedi Aohurn having been hereby given to all indebted lo the eitate eijualic his • •' Sacred '.slitontilins."- • "31r.- ihiadte iin the Dotted States. Stich works as.. The Cax- , • .t. , e• c °le on ersigas iof the . author: In Ineritry merit it. more than , . and a large of portion' the village vas radii-lions" and "My Neva Novela tlooth by Bulwer). i notice 'a Y 1 Cell. JO asbel About.lft.Y.'latiiilieS :.were; a :kly Pea l agular Medal," ~ .„I"he :G• reen H ee d,. to call still settle the same without delay. and . all 'excels i u his-gluing itylo and vivid, deeeriptituri. burned ottt. Tile Fulton House all build 4 i and oilier SCrials,.of which DU ni«roes rival editions i P erso ng hav ! a g denialuis !'gd'il'lbl tire; est ate P present them duly attest e'd 'for settlement. foo h - ' d 'wit) tho,tronifi .art:' a licit freusury:of till tint ,subloulty • ' I are issued by the leading publishers in this coup." lags in • the block - Upon wbieb it stood and ' •- • - • • 'wit.' IA q wo rrE • -'' o 4 7 ,t, f " °,vul g tel t en -'". " 19 ""'"` l'g , • ' try, have Jobe reprinted by those poldishen; in - ' ' I '. l rW•Allin r• , • emus tree i'Co °leant I , SrOll WhlCh 111 . 1. , to be'loll'ail all the steivs and,„ dwellings on the west I country, fromthe pages of ilooklorood,of ter it hue ' A 4i builiPittlY- . 181 h, 18 . 5 1. '3o6w in 011 b th J la r itaa •• ' 4 •s ll l)• ' 41 "all ° O4lOlO 'dee :4l ' ll- 1 side of First street; adjoining the canal, were' been issued q Messrs. Scott 4. Co.. so that Sub- Ifto•o:/ife - i i i - N — OliCe ---7 -. ' •• • ..' 1 ' 11 ' 1;1 'G ' he' j 54: ' ' ' ': - . ;heir onn 14.- y. ‘e , do,, t - 1,. ,_ ,_ tl_CStlo' d . , , '''''' '' - ' seribets to the.reprint of that Magazine U 131.10 NOTICE is hereby gi ' Ram/ilea atill+SkilCifeit--Ily iti:v..l.T. :ileac!. 1 , ' le-tos, maY oh* 1 -ways rely on.baving the earliest reading of these P fascinating tales. ' , - , ,__ „ , , •• e ', mr°,- t ° w itr: book with inure pleasing aitticiptiOns, tie tchind i sons concerned in tbe 11win' , v t ett t° all Pet- IY "'''' '''' ' 114v1 not ll:l.'' ' . l'l4l. LlP'''. 444 t aaWa tu a The principle sufferers are Mr. E. Lusli i i boot store, ; - insured= AV: E. Eiiierick, leath Nathaniel Gilbeit; dec'd. R.l 111ien, of-the i l / 4 -drit befoie:us, and we talon; it will er-stere. mostly burned; 117. H. meicrueben, _ , s • ~ , Ex / ,' , .. e ` a ', ° LfceseP Addison, decd, c,_alvia. Licil i; tb e e ru se m a i nticiputions inert, tuilyrertied.• ihtm'in Mi.' r • any one of the four Reviews. ' ,$3OO • EF . t ,,,, 01. dry goods„ partly insured' f d church, hard- F :',..„," ) ; two . z, : t. - , „ - rnn "-- Adm'r - • -' , ' be bailed witli gratification by the many •tulinires ware, - insur,o4; Shepherd ktEabciick, meat For an y th ree , , 4 0. , _ P 1 7 001 That the nceountan t ' s ' in' aye. ' C:etiled their s ;t r ia l i t t s e ht ti st ° 7 ll- t tc va tl e., ° Arriajis', l l l l7l'l . 4 lN at ti a li rrald it I ulti)dud. Ilia, market; it .. i ., 4) eft,o_,n .isc Tel 74:. d ry , 8.064, For all fo . nr oft . be R,evie . ws. ~ , )300 count , h. , the R egi ., , , itr , o ° il i ac!, iti. . no ' d , for the , 1ii,,,,hr .- r - e - .,is ; i0 5t0,51:41 : 13:t4 , 14: :psi:: 1:0 , 11 , :: : : ,, avu, : : : : : /dict : . !nosily burned ; Fulton House insured,s2 For Riecewc° 6 8 count, nerieus, , , 40 ° t county of Nasquelmona. mid that the same„ will ba ali n a f t t rif 3 ti l ltd'th ). ei 'l itietted.': ‘VO 'think' the' Ranh es ' ,: ' I '." 000 on 13nildinm and $l,OOO on furniture. /m• Mack w " d uad or I€lllll° [ preg , 'Med 1)0191'0 ill,. Judges of die Orplonee'Court and `sketchei ate - destlied • .to , lie • as..4iopullur al jet .11 c r o ct u n fi t r an o ei ; , tlil o it i a l,V n l d o u u d i l a y w , li a i n o e lslll day e t A ugukt . fea „ „..„ my .,. i y hi e : efrueiousty. . publish ,ed . works, •.c , . . For Farmer's Guide (tu .112N05.) „ The total loss' is estimated it $100,000,--en- Csvaanca.--at. discount or tw it en ow t t y, t c o e c per iub s ce:o r t :t r i ly a small portion of which is govereciliy in-' from he above prices will be a , otrRIXS L.131{0%1 , 1\1, Register. : „it is with on inGulte voriely." l'he ltithor' has , surenee. - . - • ';- , • dering fonror more copies of ouy one or more oil ' R , • . the above works. Time: 4 copies of Black : wood i • Illgt l„ . i g , Trei'F,..l.ll,6l'im"' is o ft Mein and•Ve rge'enonilt - ent or of one Review will be sent Toone address for 1 - 1 - I * *-- -- a ' ' G .' o 7 it ; s 4l ' - a ' u ' ina ' -.' - ' dfiliB664ealebt°Ab 4 `"r'idvant "' huill""l ' sdc pled b o y Yre„tiets 'W. ,alien. two nines below &too- '' 89. 4 utiles of t e Roar Rosiowsand IPackwood , , , • • ------, ' ''e2l ' fl ' 4 Ilis he • ftvc ""P li * l ' ed ti le ' 44k * 1 - 71 , 1 v: bi for V. 4 Copies of the four Reviews and 'Black- , tril stomeribess have taien the silo'', recently o'e - ect. 0 11.4 1 lica! rtiNott Alf, th e sotto:lilt interebting- and tvell,conticlort4:'cn! whin snuckto llte;yolte of, %tom, for $3O: andso oa. , - i lioney, torrent in the Statesiyerissoed. „ill o r o w tt'e u i r tiri t ig e onin ut ati ' rfa u l u n P k i d :'%:l l . k ill i t ht l, grg,hri7ll the bli P ;lviliell P ‘°t'bi).l" li%ry ini .: gt "d• gb be received tapas. '. , ,. " - . , or&ro prolopilyottpiiao to, and Vell*erran:e•ae'i4tlci :tractive iddely las puldistier.-- 4 Port/..ridTraits. Err Remittances an& communications •should i `nett Week n• 0- Is )t,. D. it 411.1cEn. eta Pt Dee ,ls tit '' -' ' - ' ~..-' 1. -: ' 1 _ ~etreter. , June I . 2 t lSsl„. 7 Storna. -• -7 , X -- 'Mr/ ilVAdley is ona,of tits meat promising writersi he always addiessed,"post palder franked, to the' - publishers, LEoNARDscor T 454 CO. - of this conntry,:D3oWe littye , here one pf Wi t , lilt 10, FULTON -S TgE ET, New York, ~ - y ,i 111 ( - 1110CcattlSi S ti. I . ..i, 4 ,0 io. ~ ..,,f I .g.l . ve.1e,56..1).....,1......, :.. ...... ..... l t y, e - 11, t ie Inge/ ts . ' o e' e 'ai ' l .-4 ' :Lev ' - 'Y • - s - • v •, , ,11‘ P ~ r 's n It v0' un. „u a rms fp rre t ni , L , ' .' , il-Ar--..".. 4 + "..r. - ( l - • n. -"Ss ..e Inn booker- on on tthich he coil- Elite! Ive , l i le'r,i ' e', Entrance 54 Gold it, hoar kmiliitati . .`l'betokittlgritceitictrunkluis b ti ?"1' , ?0„ ,,, ,"iu,d,1 , u, l_ori elm ditS, TAtuoG l l,;(thtss,slwrP, • . ud'ltie ~4 -M's. Oa, zottel,.er et, fl'd it rte., cheepot , - promfilag-theecampt,2.Ktuvu. Witicli ouguges_the Ill? , - mot19•3•0,11O,y;141.. Uri nl4-1 1 e1111 1 '0 01:z 1 1'• . ferer4 of the rCutier ht thettutimar ale sv,ell,tia in the 7 -- ---------- " ---- 11 -I ,', A ,„ - - - 7' - --- -- - 17.-• a is subj e ct. iiie'rernbies about Mune, Parte utel,Eoil'. ' i l- evtt tzuutis. __ ...., . 1. deti,exitillit. , 4 . thlosind liielY 1 144544 up lon'epoog,,DE!NTs.lawol, PJaalia.mii, k'pllll7ler ettltPlgaYolluvre 0 jiirdre;tipoit wino 0, , ffilli or zut.3. win di . in : liii. it) • .„,..,... c a rpets, 4 - c., (.11eop :A t- LY.)14.1 i: • (JUNI) Veilli. ii„ . iii!' 2 •4O,4'Wdfeifilithisit h itide'' eiritiJ , to that ' , - '.. P l a‘`:/: 3 r . 8 1' 6 1ili:gil l ' hare sloths - i•.•Nega York Neol Ti l t'. “ i ' - 1 , ' 1 -- ' ' l . -• " t 1 ! I 1 i ' ' , ; 't ' id Otter al" the Intl • - • • . est leert err {LI* ng nkt etv nto nti,Dar nCo rl 1 ' - n0.44)0641011 iit itilf,orviiiieil ire - umber efr,64 bp - , r; rim t-ier..riiiiem-4,i , ei tr,*i 1...44&0 Reword- ITltalgl?,J.,-/T ► ~ f efsiott, ~tittced' of_oomo, of tell. Ptrwl , toAtirta er nor : spiels in.thiar tine st the shoe. A .• , h roi i Id . ,/ ,,• ri 1 d . rest nett c - The II ater 11 etame - v e thathytivinsitrict ifindlaY'aYlitasi ril ' ' 6l 4 1 Yr '4 6 le eV . "' .i.tiottmSiabliFt s neel tout l'eW e .. .lV:list they wilt* hitt* bleidstre ofpp . 1 rp, rpul h e ,Ibrit:araQ i , rTo"..,ltt pailtitiits, Of itilise' / ipecloiens'af lib' zatilliiai by ;„, v , r ,„ iv ~t iv hliiiimilylienjOitedlklik. thogreinest,itafe: , OftitoveeiEtaood, hiring till, late•L 4 krz,,,i, mprOvv4 - -hi e iy to - hle!..(ienie.stern-ward,o utltelf -, nail , tiiiidierL. ' 1 4, 1 ' r, ,tt rt?f,`l .l l l .l 4 7';' ) ,,' e . 4r° ,',,i,lii - 'irrNure ! in- , 1 r., - - - r4'ftt Vott:A RiiYail:DeP•i 17 4C 1 1 9 . , ; • ,:, i ' p iii "ftillre' l t:ir -!* , .hr i pt-yltiorttll' , . irrar . .1 d • , i , ,,. r pc,0 you• • ,•-•• '"' r r. at it, pactsin ,tinnea (Ter • ti f i : p 7 7.,. ii t nird t r ra .. u s m n? s tr , „ „ s*- vior , iterreee AirVioltit. ihnatrarctlVlni [•, f IPiiretdeptivflorlikbt, F.. ... w, Yt i "igp ° i'.vg,f tu . 4 3- "l ll w`f"'illiAlMke,louow e ... ..„ . , y- pn of the IJrtiL ,. ..tgt_uLlis , e t ecip of 'i, 4 0.1,idt ttie n i.:K4:4,T i tt I 'o,, kf t ooti ff ili nc i, 4 ore s lvimothi moniy; "mi - 4 - 4 „ - i roily serMy t , teti ill,kventapit s.4H4ovis,f,Bie'l.k&F*littil'"'ll a l it liali s ilOta -.. gj ~i ,-.,',,ti f ,a4v)fi, ...,,,., .thoi , ..rvitairalis-b sE _- 6-•..,“ A l -,irg vtit Ti9k, .. ~,: it 5,-;%114.-I,ft: ,40,11:4:-',0•WAV14014104 Itr4iltrP4'4"l7-444W..'77411"1"44 "7;4''' 2 '? ' rf rg bi l sher e /43 1 1 1 1 P 3 - 0 44 't Zt.:4 4,7 ; AT E W (1 1°1',;ii , 1 to o ivllt or --- .7i. -- Froaa by -it 4 . 1 ' i_11,, 4.4 .`,.-',4,;1'. 4, '-- •,il ' - - ''' , ' ' , i " 4 - • mot:3 se. 310. roieign Itettis. Lord Pa!Lannon has announced In'the House 'of Co'rranon - s, .the :intention of- the Turkish Porte to rclease Kiu•suth,,and the few Hungarians Irma their confinement in Agia Minor, - I. - The Steamship Baltie eros - sed the At - llantie, in 9 days, 13 hours and .50.ininutes, the shortest passage ever. inade.. We no tice among the Arrtvals- in .the the return.,of 11.6ttAcE GRIN EEL., - Martin, F. _ Tupper, the Ppet,.bas return ed to•England.:-.- ITO &nibs thevarrent ru mor that be intending tb aßook of Ameti,ean„Wnuers-and Society, The Vessel; Fanny 17orrester and about , n-bieli :some ieirsl.liate . , been ed tort ained, has - beeti heard from,: and is safe although it has not arrhed... r iN 3- dBobberS: bl" • -. On -1. t I- The Fulton Repu man.says . - s Monday morning, about-, dy...broalt‘c -`ill, house clf Mr. ,Dennis floss; in ;Belfast town-,' ship, in this couniy. Was btOkon into, :,and robbed, and hfterwards set on nod burned io the—grouaL The yillaie, - - or villain'e, took two notes on the ,Bank• of Wiliiainsport;Ad.;loneA,ss(tn - ai ibO t;t 11 - er a 20, together witktlo in, gold: "Iflr. Hess, wire bad. boon,out - baryostillg,,,.,bad started 'for home early„thni: morning, - and on arriving tlfekliiscoverett the house ,on fire—be ontOred , ibb`•itiom :where be; 1 kept his valuable, paperis nod tuonej-; 'had , theti discolored that the bui:eattbed24beio 'l , Oll-- sumed.4..together With tho money that: was I destroyed $.1.000 Worth of notes . thi differ" I, . ont persons. • Tho;fire hind aoteinurdiated• ;to the upPerlstory, and his.:. Single banded efforts w ere ,-64 . - xo'aisitio-stOppinig,he dogX *tering Ilautoti::!'Svory &liar that o yos sessedin granby ,ortiates 'bus ',niu dosiroytti: rtoietrioi4a4.4lo,Rotkre-conteoto ._of his bouse.„. Mr.lJeis'ig-iv•l3e4ervin.s-liFitEn4 poiti—finit h a s the'oroptby of tbe pain EOM . i ... _ _ i Wool-Carding , Cloth ,Dressng, i ~ y/..„—i_ctitt, ihißds......„l ; ~ - - : -,._ . nor Shrere - s. :. :7 . . . _ . orylllE silb4cra,er would innonnon CO the r. - 011c. that bo I A' ,continues Cite above bu4ineA.s at hie old stand In du. 1 - • rA ra town,,hip,,ime-half none above Alf.llles SPIN t. tltl g , initoe"North of btind:iff. and fur, thi ac'..lolntnoillitcon of , hip! fritrolA:-t:pd, the publiv, 1,,. will ierotiO and -tettro 'ClOPh,' (Ve., at !ttossrs. I. If. il - Co., .and 0 ebrget 1 2, 41 , ts At.reg'in the horosugh of Dundatf,and Ail work on. *rad to tile Anbsctiber Ahall be .titino In NI oilaunulike nzlittnor and4..fair,tliscolint for Cush: I. tnifficrd.. Aimn4: 31 At . .1F:31. - 4 - '. " :1, -:• . ..• 01111 ELY. !AIME ttotic.of, extra: tine tatia'atiittial epotatt,' Tr! ttatua-ttata,:- wit* fitentliened table had tea spothr, but table an Flea op•pocur.• Ater plated,.Gertaan tr3yet,ttaotut; etcg ete::`..ittat 'remit"' and oelllngt , rst tor the tuallty; 311.4,12ELPtt. Montrose - Jut)! 3 1851. .• • • -itAiiiiliPtwspect:Tirti Ter . : Circe'Establi Ihment,- - , F: ,Bincrhaintintintioli Co-; N: y„--- - - , ---- PAiitibifitthtlit Is imiglitrutr$ , Ii 4a tcd mato bars W ittoinittati (tom .wltieb Itciakeflivtuune t skad .intaari di a. deli! Eftil view..o.f the Chonstnge Amd.:l.4*- netraAns rivers vitti gielrxickriattligitiptifulypnie.F.. 71 lbw" cutv is WO opett for tkii` reol l s l o l ,- altd. I• larPt.4;entioßtlbi , The Isotitut,cAK beta - AjaatmtgLizt I I S"u l n -0/ "A S CRIP ,:;17 ^ -44 ny#.10/7P,* Irios, - el F.T i oppitiong porrit9c) 4 , , ,y e API:4 "nimdixt - Jo arentte tc;xturpOras y cl-44 , ~, u- to *, Abq TA.llleuigt , trZ4Pl. ' 14;ipitsf.a Atessftlioppruairete-it 44e Q,i r o., kkonakatoti4f4s por rill'e”TtlY,t4oAnT!poorkt,—lftt -.,, :, ~,v1 ERNE AVoi opo guilty perpe4 tratprs. of this outrage_ma l y be ferreted out seversly ptioisitglif.:S3;l _ to tender ied :with my. most lietert 'telt gratitude , (to my. rcry.aumeroue friend* It particular) for tltp , Puliattudeil . kitidnesi. expoienced hem during itty melciteßa and • at. the , ianiciliitee'. toltistire,.tiletti itathiutt'ari my part, shall be.trautiitgiOrovaltaw grateful is the - taib . FoTher... • W. It. 11. 4. 6.;2II.ETON:„IVateIf triaYer. Itionerime. Aunlist '1901'1851.- • ra 3-farrow] ; on the 9th MERCY, wife of in liid-72d ., )•eal' of tiPr'ai r ie. ro •Lietin A -, A., tinugittei of rsaz.e CM.heFine aged 124:enrs. " ' .." InSprinq 'l2,tli.Etnacn - A.,wife of Slieneer., Samuel and Noney . ttni4; aged 25;}'c* ` ingnthsi.'iliid 2 • Lint. I , ;ntterns';.. l ,...; EMAINING itelh'S.Pust 00lenat Alontcrose; 'August. Andersen,F. Arnistrong,'W.J: Beady, Robert. - — Barber, Mary - A` • • 1 Beaumont. John Brown, Gilbert-2 .• • Erady,, Genry .72MIngs,J Ea • • Babcock, I<JJ , . - . IturrPs's, Mtn Bennett; : beoriry,'llexity, Core, ha , • ' ' Chairiberlain,i Gninaingharu, ; ' toonarci r g . Crun dat, Eln a theinr Callan • • . , Denniston.E Lewitt, AlbersA Drpew., A g Datunce, - • : Edgerby,Ohafilah Fif.h, mrgo • N,,,Fitigcraldiallsa Ann Fisher, Ifiss, Lucy . . • G ibson, Angelina Hawley, Benjamin /Twig, Inshop Kenny, Mathew, kr6bers, Sarah Ever, Meter • MOnn,-.14 lieEidgett, Richard Neal t •Eit 14' '' • tsdeet,Jciseph• Orraneup, -Abby : . Park, !ter, NQ. • •Ranione, Janie, Rogers, David '• •• - • Riley, David A Sloc:utd. Phoebe; - • ShatTer,'.lnrOb • - Stumm, Wm - . - . Scranton, bliee Esnerlence • Wllltatna, Walter - Gnatar - •• •, -;- ..: 7 11ENJ.GAU,' Post Mast Cr... • itjarp Robert:; 1,.k-_ - tf7f:',l(ii,to: - 77' „:, .I(cte• Coliepi , Eastone-Fa i . setidurt of - this' , tistitAltloti. which is ntiNlrin „ suet ussful Operation With the most . eticou raging pros. Pee celnulautedntlta DON 4 41."( 1 ,tiltItultopriext • Ttlft....RAQilia.Yr. CON St•ST • The nes WV. iticLecd. DD . - President, and ProtVssor 'of *el ener,toelcittud .tlte •• James 1.1. cmtpu," N.; :Vire Pres-..apd L'rciftlSl9T efAtatherturt.lrs Satural "MOO ephy'.'" '" errcor'. llll rrows,"kild:, • Professnr of Andetft .t.nntfturget and ,Litrrrature.; , , • 1.!„ We.shlunton I'llnt,tarnlayi , PN. l .4 . ...3l. f .fltrifeisot ofJjen. Lit,philoseplw nod Itheto'rie. - ' ...Janto 1%1:: Proreit4r ilenee and Political Ernmany. H The Cettrar,Of study is thprpusli-.the th-lePthl4..f..triFt but Paternal—P - 4. pesltion liNtl thy, us' a 'th'e et. r. +gar e for . htitlit ult Ion• end "liivrtd." •Stibretthert 61 ; 181(4' and upwards to the.,l.lndowlr.ent Fund now sendinr pupils at thhl Mlle; Still.,h4re.thalAtteht,Or {Le tOductlonwhirl% it wilt orcaFion. CiieularaneditirtlWt,haforrnatloh Van he hattivi;ild dressln; Dr. L. V. 31chcan, the-Prositleat of the Cortege or 'A: Tfacketti , Esav,eeeri:tary:At tl4O /,Ipard Of Trustees, tastot4 Pa. , aw I • • Farm' for • mut .i,,,Fetnitr oilers inn enlo stttn X alert - About omsnille Nortbehst.fratli.l%.l , llttrt+Se.;slX thilre teeth the;Leggett? Alec Reltrond„,an .Inrt,lll. Creek, 414 m)ee tient the Nee , ToriC3c itallrothi fit the Greau. '4:ceristetlnt elghty.foui , Scull. OF good tilla. blo 41nd;.141311 , fii0 dr,the King tnattpr Rued rottivotio kood sonic fenced -with steone.mall—r,lth utt 011'1;6 ne,, , or food sprfog,Nretor.-ii ontfort able Ite'ue. ' two good heating oYettro;.l4 nitn ;01.fted it • The land /s very oroduttivo—and sititnbie roloacit Wl,lslods: of grain. bol ides It .Is. n gemd grontog: farm. Any-Person igIFMor to curette's,. ATICh n rarer cannot do het tnr than to coil op the subscriber. .'cans wit be mode easy and 'rely reastinehle. . LIZNAT:PATItIt.K..., Drid,reita ter. - Atti: ISSI. . ; ' 5 . 4 • Ct I Atiet Yurreil Dealer in .Ih•tigs, Cheralopt,„p - ainta, Camphine, Fluid; Limps, Dye stutfs,Urpeerfee.llll'.4';ul3B liardwaro.itoneware, Gincgware, IViketter. Jn , . elry, spoon4,•spectulps,•Mnsida!,lnatrllgeiltll!TrUg.£e.f, ,3111fral Tnstm . n.ent,s,: s tNifOii.+ 7 pen'orivere 1111frqcs, sta., tionery.,;-brnslar.i, Yanheu , !tlntrase: Pa. :• - • • /:114 ly ' • WHEELERikTENT,7 - RAILWAY - CHAIN .1101ISE-POWER AND OVERSITOT S, 1 .;. 1 1 1 (TQl1 • -- . . ritoni.hei elorgire LIAO epir4teribir, 04i ;14 2 - 71.)i 4 , . A !lark 4t4 , vet", clsl4.A. - 4beliend, with a malt 1.1 , 4rn*; orty trPrson .1113.dieg- thq pape, 4011 t °pier a_ 6W: by Tearing word,tbfil ~. .9.4o;ll7zircy.i .t.Ol tirety to,rtnitied to 'Fettle op toy - Printing Arozotiitslintnilliatoly • Tho 4,. 1n4.1.9,4tf, , ,1 to' In.q, tiu.reforoormit thrnmelirs Ot• ttio t •opporfunity. lif 4 set Wing tiotOretne,psptrotiohof,Aug,urt..Tcrut L'oftr,t.t.,. .theY witht bi xurtde.--TibfiYi sitierrri riArit to' be oorOpotted to tor any poreoiilm t'j oitke tor 'toyFet(re- , :nutro..,..thot`ollioolonce& goo.* eb u$ Scrthili in .ritboutiielay. "Figt g Amen!t D; O...EtEM.OFIEAD::•-r , , tilAlitri. Dull= ecer.4 for Fate by - • -• • . L. 3 INfitirf#l(.l,ltAinMEß. .EitP.:YELYßieststyleoutiatl,,,. kro ~411;p0g,i;44-gl. c 6 A-41iStekr,:riArt•Al: yitnottitrter!*-774:1,7M ',Mt‘TP•R .74 101Weityypl y ernItrilb t r ap 4 , 814 $.7.VIY,Tkel:^,- 'lnotnittlY; 6Xratilit tr„V.k9Pwituct reetlYed b i y JW,"174 4i'!!419. g • - bitY - 60.(>P8: OItOGERIE: &O. • Wanted.- Ced ;Newel kesit_Gaods,l!.' 000 Bit'shely of!, Wijent,' t'ori);,.,/ye; and 1 - LYONS Or, luntit 1nt.01% oats,l:cr whicb the Market'pnresAsdi "01 t = 9 7::?:!:i. w. '°;'4.,,,t 1085 , 11 . 03 iiaid itCqb, witeittteliveredlis I,;,.llc„Kicuiey!a All iu Gretirßelid. " tad; j,ot AdtQl'oe. •, I 1-• , . otten and.coilett,gnkft 3,44iint143, f urea! mean, Ja ,6 7- •., t ' thrgii.b ke,ooibloctilDthentrldi,', • . . ..... .. . . bait. grn,cketr. 1,t1V4."144,#, ' i,sl.ra,red. ,=.lz , )c . r;, Amr riv" ,- ..,onn;ouY.ltt . nivil into the incrtisurs th'e subscriber on. //" 6 "';'''n•4 lll .Wr 6 tru t I 1 • • • • Allsortcof4illsrifet ran enoPnort , „ drifltrire7t . ll f i yetiot e t cow abonc c rr,e ti4y,'n'ttls.end spools Of thread,. vea tit °VP :file owner cair iinye the same b) eau. -;' Itencs: nrdritlg.and hste•nr Trankl Onti ~,,ArDets, bowls and woodeuttny, ilia sabscriEw4Profing PraNtlyand „s • t jags„ Atid Arni , int tirrlawmirn :-" • As , -). etfttlsG., • Niee eallects tha n ill tint fntle, „. - .Auburn ling:l4 ' • Iv Tip r i Ley'ry chrie. -• ` " ' 1 I . Wlfte Inuelinclittltred• °fThs" " •- Pln4..boks atni erec.,l.ll Lt . the cartlr r Ti l t,,lee s gotitlY bra 111 , 1ny 1 . 1.431*, • All cheApfare4SW.n altlca In' ; Of losh , ,thoor.,htlally , ; : Yet ht ire hAr Alcr.te'l,tonv ttPl',' , 5 thwe nfolltlY•niltct 7t l i4C" , the CRCS N ',Tenn cc L.TOSS & EOM. Ilftntro....Tuly23,l4a, . • . 9r uhseriber tui:;•;pieortife tlr antimittelng to 'thnle eus ,, tenkerti and tile gvle O w reelretkthelr xTeentl ,rnoVIY - , „ , SV31:%11 4 :11, GY)ODS'' " Ta'rizerl itnelt 'snot greati - i4ariety OSA the‘y ',nye er n : hetes". I; ept.O2Bl MAO they ptTer for sato en the n50,.1 terips us low as any - nth,•r e.tahhstithent tltlxrnurihy. • BINTLMI ikitEAD. Mongolic, Junt,lo, WA. -• offt;rlr jL 404 I)l,o;ipt4,4qburt;Susq.cpritity!ung Etititi:lF,4 l lol.llg•retc, 75 ; pr. „tiPP,nCrip, ; tin:der: . iin,; proveureidi bilik‘6ll 'cok(d, riu*l) . i ivrtristoilV. I uqd icihrirry arch ird. iefrali.tres;iendlaWjakv. ri 4uk' .Jpnite C#ttrf., • furpler,,lpfu,rmNi nu iitquTrf of fne !VI r.'§aiS•clet . OT Altintri3l3e;f‘;F,; 5-6 t ose. vein, oste 31e. • AV 11.6 . to; ititie Woo u : 191 una lin gesint ova coinpellod in cl, alltbosiaintlybtod fu me, nuteoo,t. • coulls, l ,ipcl4l,nttpe„o!nie of Copt Septiour, ,litiffor4 ikttri,lltO dame, ltit •" ' "•'` li' L uvi:kft rnk . ..: 4lotpit Iticcgtinto rwitli Seynorx i ' whorO;tho y. con, bo,founol,ull kinkep. CIAx knqi4. T;4351"--:4la . w I . • ANhCrafP riZALF,4t. £pr , ..igil nitd ,Anterl cart 3itirtele,:.Auch bo 11 h 1411,62 ilts;lecubtcif..?a.14, , totiorPirtA t id 1.'161u w 4 4 1,1 ". 4 - or AlEcit Tuvern, Illngb;lnAnn. N. Y., 18* 1 S. t.. IL 6: Pa., F6l be ppoirlpay, at4ndvd,to.„.,: „ , '.:', V.111::1;K8,13,,',0.011$,-!. • - • Etat r.D 4Y.D rott , • ' •a i VP . nditiUtEL • . , , • Tilt', fotiu,kiii g , ) 001;:= mail freo of post,,fo;cif tlie"thiligrl'Stiat:i;; Ne.;•ip - 401.411VitIOili , y foe , lito - sadie. bt foiwurtied Vintiik at, the riek of the; Pubiiift• INGEffillill ~IISOEI lIANEOUS. ItAu r s pulotfile4,3'nitlit;p: Ln*Ty!, nud IkgTent Yt•l'LrgsVaociarjuli • •• itsisltEY. . • • rometurS, ( ltieludi vg Iron 4113 q os I.„TeS);ty,,l, Crlt ion tonot'grt, car;:oti ott.clork S., hoot rbh , s,tegth*f ttc.' Wes 11:!. UNA if 4 31.,fic,Eor, 1-ye Part. 7,.% fresh agpart, p)eni alyaye.9l2 - " Ajrtaf.VrttlLl;XD: tiv71 , 613 ag6rtmtnt of" • itttivlt:lt7(ll3.. No7:yr/13 , ra: •' 'tt Stlitrustitiltriltdß...Pkv.o mccis-edpatt.' = IiENTZIEZ 44.. READ. ' , X r, 4.1? arc 1 brtle of Dr. .13 .I.nd Itr..l.ltyy:l,vt4 ni , allaii)s,ll. : 1)a slll Pahl rort,.r: 1 1 0.1 1 41y1 Min 'flestroy , if"; .'trfp t lc. 1!:e.t.1114-...P. 31: Esti'', ifer.a rtlt pyt.Jf.„. enti• .o , oly .01 1 0 1 1.1- Pi re.,l,(ll.l.ltri.j.calialail. 1 - 14.1 1.. rf.a. 4- 111tItitr heal I. :ffitP:l/Atioyrrrs , Es , iliet of WitOti-Onr.. ll tYrr.itutt tha (a fur: •npprov.r.l "Patera nt'ciqt, tic 1) .1 rltt I, ll. FATI.; I • # 31 : 4 , 41 f 4 1 1 ), 51 .311 IN!). frit f: uln0(• aikottr roTit Les juts t cii?7 - g.ll i'hriety P,1,F1n. , all (it , Ot i; • bs , l‘t ii,aat_icipect futly tr“ ite nd p et to noliee nn. gn4,97) arb. , Atial;l)-; a can't - nu/T.,' Died fqr !lief; Nlnutrm , r,Jyr.i.,lll, 1E41.. ' r" - ' - j llll. :APE*Tko.pte , ...sfl.:,.per-.4 - 41. 7 Yfp... r:iliftfo- - - 12h, fo by.' [wogs & soN., . at pply-'4ust - 4pclFged, Win; t. yLy 4 siinr"ik ;RM." -, I 2. .. • • Fitr.ilTs;iippli,<Cllatkr.Tel"and OodatibjuAt nrun 4 ili,l"nr„vitiv. 4THROP /C CO. - ,. 1:t.3 , 441 „ E'44it I f , ktiiiiti:i7ll;ilTi3 s YeW7to r wocKtrzi x'terTri - 7 bs unikiibte.44' Ake vvii non in 12 b; ' ' for e:ale 4STIlitnP [I.I'f.II..TTE . ~ 1, , .. , t.te.;•'- . *...,..,"?.....7..z. -,----,,:-,7::1-,F,... —'''..,--:- -7- ' - 7:—"" -"- ::-i•c44.".:%-p-;::-.1 7 ,:, , , , c---.--4":„ -- -_-_, v 44.„ .." ,--,-----, 3 -, :..- - --:4111,4h-tre.s 4V -'- t --3\ ..- - tl=,,, t_.--- , -,1 7-_- , -1,-.-,1,174-72...,..,1 , ,,..• ,;.., .: _ :-5- x1,4:4;4 ' - f.-.t'v « --TZ.P..754.--f- 1:7 ...,_ . ,. .-.t' a, Arth' itiv..."r -- - . ,Ai:. -Vt: -ietV--"i \ -. 170%-414-4kl';'''- k'-4•••'------ -\ - • • --;,-/-3,,, .:2‘...---i.E. , ..t5T.,w1,„*. • :It ,',N‘:...„1,.:vi11,..1.,4,-,:,AY.f.")f,.`il , -,„ 0, ~...q--,- -,-- ,V:../i....4k,..:;3•K',V1.--7..k.:1‘Z - f V' , 'T -r '''q•Wr .':-11.,:',4•4-..i.f.4 " 1 / i J /,' ),,,t--- Av,...-1 w ~......I=, kep(}l-,A-1:, ~,..i,,, ti' l ,l;t.„4/-.41 ru....N. , -. .0:- -'4IVIIL.A 0.''.f•._•::?.!4,-lA:r.-IyfvEg ez•liti,, - .i.'r4,•ILIC. 3tl?*\V. —'ll . ''''‘''' I 2 j i --,Z•4.,r,.)- • , 11,...2•":,W95,..,11 %,•,'•'4.l‘ A.., ~.:-.. ..4-4•.,,,4,4 1, 44 -:r &,;‘.11_,1 .: ~.'tf•ri; ~..e'l.. -F A ,- --7-71t;336. •: C 4 4,'-'14.;1:1 7;, :. ' . 4: V 1 '' ' , cf .- ,. ' . 7' • , '''•l --177: -4•Ct4,4;'. i.tri-i.X7 '. V;btj,:t2P ' I ,‘P,I I'''''' .1.: AA 4 4" -• Vii 1141 ''',:...74'', -"-: 4 1 . 1 i.t.:A:3,:i_ .. i i.,1.t.,.py • ~: - _-, ~ ;.„.„. , ,,-.4. - ,1 , - ;110,47 - 1 - _, -,--,,,,,,.!-.4-_- - , ..0.-,- ;L ,, , t.„ ; •,_ , = 't rim --f -i••••,:xa,s-zt._t,•,r.:-, fl,ii I ill.. y-,,,,,r ,144,-, t54,."...,._'' , -it.-•t, , f r ' I%c- ' • ' ` i t ,, 1 Vii , - :7 21124--1- ' II ' , lf IZrn li(lV,'lii•l illi'll Ihi , i I'l , ' l•, 'l'di , l'i - I , . , . ... ,:" V ' . .-,,L; , i.',, , 1 ) . ,•:.:. .7„' , ..# ' L :4 ,, C,'",. -., ~;) t 7 ."..."., 1 mit ET:NialitslONP.l . ),'fom .Iy. foremen for mane_ , 1 yi..ais at the Lardiett.lfrifi.lifdcidi:e`Maiitlfactoix 24tt I' .. a.hintrtormq_. N.. Y.: (IV. Tyaak:Agent.)Nstrald In• form h*, fri. iltk and tha . T.d!pli;-i» . ogtital p that he has cigEtt.biiti:td a i 1.4.: - . , 1• BU. -- 1111tE - .'STONE _IIANJFACIbitI ,-. ; ... :-.: ...,, ;-• .: '; .'''.' 'Billghatnton 1 i pi -, ,- - I , ~ ~ . . i,,,,ti.,.....,...itir&fi1. ijiA,,:iop,p.rli..-ttx.irotet.;- ,:- z. , Ansl Flliritsa ahin•-of titMe.PairmOge.' • , •,• ,' =IN pill hov, , i(3nstantly rnlaind'alariestoek of Freh'eli !Burr Mill Stones:- is• also a largo t idat , l'of.E.snpna and ' .Kalnyt , mer,',i9sayTer.elc jluex. 06aiia, : holtin.;. cloth; 'careen ware 21t0 I . lbitilParis. -: .:1 i - • • '" ' : ~• '..,7ln•litpli•rsieniii netairesids - Irlends and the public: Illilt bei - wilt: ria,ithfcitly • xer . uct, ail id'deric- rdtrastod to ht i , care.-lint oily id I I tifility.liut iii iCri - 4,s'of urtici6iflit; 1 nbdrd;and SMialta.their laud I.ltrnse:.•• , .e r,; C .-' . f t r a, Di by letter wilt be `i..):eentMt,teith iie Mueh 'a:tie a nd aa Rie-4plarai V.,belijivSlinsrliii-c'en,,,the'Stiot:4.- Apiktis 41,43,1 illrrejvhfanryref?ner•tt , 'd , to t calL arid rxam fur the mock and Worl;inan ,•bir. i:- • '• • ' "•". s - -*• - " • - .10 tx.w.F;lr Lir or :: .:11ftgl.tiirAD,Aply,i.e.,:q. ;, ~ • , , i ... r, i l "Nt;e{•'S T O , (.Rll6'or'rii 3li'ftiCt . 4i • VI{RPNCILd q 1 .C. 4 -11j6L'iriil. Coal aitairee vesi, Natv iv (he sal , ser ll ) , '..l l 2" , l!led Piral)l9ZYt Erltaeittlou, 4grjealtpre, rf l NN 3 tttir.:lSeacliri•'s,` iiud'( r. ii rid Intelligence, pracaA;:l}; rry cfalls riAltlars. - -espei'!ll.• IY 511 Yoana.titeii.uild of ev , ty filpi!t.l), at -One (11114, m yene. lettrra dirveYed•;ci, . . . • . 'FOWLERSWELLS.7.' 3Ltiustau E. W:Vir, if -en &F. Vill!1910 of till; ;lonian! iSl'llrAiliti":: - c , iimnoticrei. in July. 0i1er.,.; -yi t y intrlgy. lia!ony. of Hie .1141,1tui f - Hint th nntf ritiripij)tits; bn.gii.tx. hi 1 iimjnitriil,i , a, 'Ray. iirnii.r4 l . thin lloll:ir'.n r: in ite:SiitibodriOot; iNei..vf!1i.,9.01 ,14 . 0 .i1ic4 31-WA- •• • ' 110114'1:CIILEY'zI pr,f4:l3; r ,IL t JutY 1451,?.,.j liff. - q - X I I4I4EOV4'-'ll I: AT, • folf,.$1?1?;i A-.FAAM4I4IIOd tetraaurta.o6flg -telidielelet'ea4;i4vLlN 1 2 - 1. snatignehontia 4ovint4'oatit-ioate-5r.,v555415-1r:,—..• etiacreadroodOellialltaber good hoprottliu 4 1 : • ^ ,: r •-,Mbe rarua ta ticaft* - !; or a a41..q.•14,6, r 0j-#9...,.-... fatebtiot/ lopart Of lt islioarautilliou anti -abeg ritual ai-,ti'ber Vine. roi, arr iSp raila Ira oleo 0 , 4. 14e;o oroatlxf thrlcFsrtisti.B,-."l.A.rx•rjed:ci.ksl7.4lll;4le Pol.kll+ l ,f4r4;- 1' 1 :4 and ociierrtarp troat.•-: •• - • . • l• SAN faztalusAlemOispiot Iteu.dashatbia igartr z ,,,, al/Out tWo miles rrotn Illoutrose. the totguy teat alp, letP: &ha avettrit lints osatbe:- 'I:. go: , • map 41 , 5 1 ktv50,455 , htv.b7tb001s i4512k . or 00r0r10r.100.n324 ro4!: iceboole; Arid inteletniia.: ••t , - ; • - . Aleei another Valuable; titan akl ytileostpuiti,..:, ;•.7, raluitagzelo aerie,. or er.,bitir Ito" Dere* - ie areer 1•• ttb+e ikatieof iatitlautlior,r,•; cyan_ la' iia iera4 11 :J; .duelilyte anti ultt build/aalieoSOilkolt • • ; largo - oVebard:: tt is eeelkataterrebilui leuaaer u#4 ,Lrably•iidAytes4'46-Ailry,As --. • • 1- - gait" properly trill be aola eas:Aaattli•leruli• t ' 4 - Ma brake peireluet,roahipietreaa a fa upafi 1010 . 4ortime•ao emit the - Application toaxlie noulo veriimapirtt r •5y lion.Lwin,:.rotou,:eyi•4l4.)thelos S.tristins4.:t,i;o.--, .couhly‘titol any hietberkatticulara son • eli ViltllololTill,43i- • ; -~; . _~t . 1- I:lNDsUlneti: A Anpr or I• j ; bea#l4 - . Bm" ig •purarticihi anJ p4ot 'd 7tlbouteeot., kr; l- , tikiott y Powbr. by tbo oblekifivrb Aixo=q, app labor b(triobtbg Irriaimb4inurnO.4njury eOno rbit,b1,4,2 , ,, 'ale by .. -,., • i,-. - , -.. t ' r tti 14 j !Tin" 1-xs,r) . • ti Ott ,GO -11,11 poop no .ie 1... e : oiler 1: ant ritate-:Frinxis. Doubts and I.nta ,. li • ,I.• end hi Sottioohanno oolrtyri. Po. •'4ll obo 01n1iti1. , ,14:? ...,, thott . p. - opprty for. solo oun give- O adoutr, I thtiorpt 1.0. • 1. , r tti • ar.fanotior Lot*lii (*Roth' t litouberot ocroti. lt 7-.• Awlyjueterqtevdie,exu unit le c tic sr , ittet:etj;:l3u6dittitm„Urello . l i ,;,, grafted or COIUMPU nit.; oilter.frolt trr... and A - e:i • Iretex; bow for frOnt . l l lontrone, and the . nonnot point- 'o •it tlopotofiAtto Now.: York itr, , f:ritlkatkvi,,di, peel: ,o,:q Iv ra3B. of ony t uietit. ' AU w 11441.6 to telt ori.ot,bnna ki Cotto O,o11: It colvo 'Tqrsapt Ottootlon ;By IkOld6V-_4lO t tt , gddienslntt us ot, , lloutto.o, Funqootiat on le_Op . ty, Po . , . rtj - cootuyilee'truzi liotitiosii to thOi t tioo6oD•ffet• ^ft (Mee on Tilroxiiko.ottvitt,4doorn 'est ! of 11to lie- 4 corner: ';....' : . ... ;, '.' ' - 1 ThofolloOdnd Foram nod Lotasionoo 1.1706 a for no: •j . „f No. 1, 40 ',toren, 30 : ratprOrotl,Fritti r 1f00.004-.11oill.: N0:0,66 . 1410 '5O I t dr/ .- r - • ~ ..-".10 • : • ~ .11,/,' . .... -: • f = No, 3,100,71 1 0 :CO ...,. do • ~,,... ~ I. , No. 6.70 .do .40 •AO ' ' ; 'do.''', di ' , . ' •;..N0:640. ,dei- 35 ',.. do I ' ,!..;":;.. do •-•:-..: 1 do- . ' •• .. '• • ~"No, 7 ,-SlotO,Arnrchnuse nod Lot, ' ~H . , N 0.8,145 neres:7s radt roved, hinted bout, took .. -•t. • - .. No, 10;2 - ..,,00: ~ do •.do . . 'do ~ - • No.ol',- I - t. "... • ''' ••• I - k, : do . ' , do. • on.d.f,' . '. • 1 ; , •:.•F L.- _.,40-12•100.1tereSTO 1111PrnIfddbia,sd•bc4,141.,1104.t1Irti...°. '-3.13x350 do 300 ; do : • ..'do 46 , do . - 1 ' • 1 , 10.14,50 z dO 50-, do ' ; ..• . I, •'-'4,- do ' 'i ' do' -• '''' ' . 1-...:N0.15,;:165, do. GO do,:- . do; . d 0... do -- . ...,- NO. 17.100 do_ 75 . :do . ''' - Lid •.“ do - . . ...4, • ,.... - '110..1811.12 , - , do SO . . - do. .• • do' : qv. : .7. : ',.ai;.,.. __......._ ___ ND' /04'00 .da-150 do. ' `-N0.20;/45 JO 100 do ...b . ; • • No. 21.200 do do - do - N0.2:4„00V. do 40 Alo . •• - _ 'do - . ." - do ; ' No, 2 44 0 23 40;220 -•';' do„ tin ,1 ' 14,25 :1 25 - /ql. do !` 'NO;2030.00 do • i I ..No' , Jl:tcirc4i 11$41 1 rpiltAlli 4W141147.. prom!, Rotor Lott Ito d tosidi f ' ; 4 No. 30,17 i -do:-_0.' 10 ".•,- 44; • •N0:,31.1:55 ; do 101 • 4 NO; P . .'.:11Z , . ....No: at - 150 AO, ' ‘4.4 :10; ;90 :;j ; 34.120' .; , 1c0.38..;140 , _d010 ~-:-!. • r: No. 39 / 73 ; do . No:'4o 45 • Ala , tto-f42 ro dl)?- , •: do' Zio. 44 123 . do ;a. - -- • tto0';" • ,-"• No. 484.220 acres 'BO 1iapt0* , 144ta4,44" Boo** sad 'No:47 ZO tith" • do 11, distemi to puttLf , tt Po, bxisis r itig titonatiDet ton olitati aln II desertodott • • - ' - • • .7. r". , —....ALYRKD BALDWIN.. . , .'... '. ' Itelidy...iiiide . 4.1011111111.; . • ,; - A-t.iiid E. sissortmedi_oriAtelt styleo, juitirintiii;.i; - Cl dud ter sale:at a;. nnuill.Wdeince for...ready yes . _ ..1 lere. 9ea c. duort a Judge Tyler Le - BOOTS And s.llt) ka,. - inett-uulgdiel tissertpent or Men's Timis: coittsc.44-4; :.", .6fie. Oeitainl3ldracce Sien , x....shoci=-W0nitiev , 3141.,;:;,,:, ',.. - - r,oyrse au tf. tiut--31isses; Bop rad llsillxvu'o Ir.b's ii, s", , lt. a fargeseltdltf tilts:nand piobsbfy , Um; 'cheap nit reeinta4.i. ... , ..- ~. -. . ..•. . , ; -.v.wit Agit - Caps, . .t . i'eu- s'cipply 1944 tick) asset : fulcra. ." '- ' - - . ":: ' "'P': glioilkii.. - • A general assernnent of Schook Books. ,; embitir'l4l i'r" . cry .rarhiti used in the Sehools and 4 rad.lll4o: itat,ii.L.-: .. out thixtrqiou.: , liftiset, agrcat variidy-I.tudsy, debt. 4: , '.;,' ildoite—nlinik :Account poeks. 7 .y....ast . and. 'Mtn draw. . :. nooks. nett n large a'sortnient of Miscellaneous lit;1 • WALL; VA, Pnit--ti new rupply of neat.patterzaltisti.:^ 1 • .: . rased, Cep and Letter Paper,:of the ,erst ryntilti,. 1..0.:L. ~, /t th . o.einii dr Quiin. : Staple -and' Fenry.,, Statleiter7l. a , , '", trindlauestpent . Inks, Inkstands, Slate i 1firtiri1a,411,:,,....; fiirs, gains; Peps, Mitchel, Combs, Fishing Tackle, 1,4:-. . vats, Men'k SorksVe„estienderi,nirniate: , v."", , -• ; . - .; . ''-: , 9117,5 t r,. coffee acid' tas t ~, , • -A snulit44o4, butfi , st,g4alliy: ..,!Pliesti. alai:wantit,..- . . ..reel article orßleek Tea, as well hiTTI - sdn; aid `itirkisos • ' de welt to Ovate:l coll.:" :.- i'• -.-.'_:- - -.-- .r• ' •••-•.:'' l ' ' ' z % '• g ..: - ' i -' , -,, ;;; _-A..„,',.7 4 F - .rruniis , . ~.,,,,, '; .:,...... ,-. or ......e.- ... 0 ...4. dodr halals 3441.1riirs: '' '' ,- '-' m.r., d e , , ea`, - Juns'llt:lfikl : t 1 . -- 4., GE Fll4.tnt.',‘.- • • . , Corner of Courtand W,tielilngtco r r t llßSu'actibestakes.pleosartein; nun PM, Kit,ji I , `'sb. 11 pnblie.,:;that in consnitenre of the Iheral.tatronage: • fiertored upon this establish:Mint the part yeatt:ba has: det rinhis s ineinsixentlytocontinne:tbr borintsl. luunton, The stook campfires i4ery style and quality : et. . rne. tkrii In Oniial use; fhel.`rildO , and and will be sold lit"singl a,stfticlo..i A lso, - TEA StIVS, 15NNER :End Pitney . articles mach. as Fruit lisskotsilintd I Voingar rtottlrs, Paaca t g tr .. togerhcr. with u huge Ma , * . ....blterrllY - A onnsisting - ur , :cut; kersid -sed pia In.Tamblerre GabletaoViDaS; Pocatiletir.qtyitllo tn.; • Candicstlckr,:.l:ll.pri Jars, Tincture Potties, Lamp Globesand t 'lntipnrys of ' tc.n. - ,.Ahto constantly on hand; on- aseZrtment S. Fidtit; tiirtts.r• itoicei awl iliituointera 9 'A l9, ) , Alartr o. lo.ot' • LOOKING;GLASSkA • AVln.hitv'Shinies , Tan .Treyr; Carton;' Table lirattS; phvi, .ked. !Athos and lirittennia ratite nadirs. TIME, Gilt Cory; 2t.0., alt nrwhielt wilt be sold very , Cash; With Increased faeilities fee tinsinsisi'offil rinse ? niltitnguttenti6li.tit.tbc'Amor eustPolero. derslaned hope? . to merit the continued patronage of •-• ONEltA(iltEdi 'Aria - Itiostunntan:,3lny -vo;.v. ! [rtl, cotiv.ined A. 2 .1. 4 'z'ai4*,•,,t-lk"i • - • T , N„OFfEtuzig,.t4is _ cetri)rg' to ill SubsCribereinsiirtifullY,tustlikt u catuliAl.fxuiriinutipn na to Its merits: ita- . wba ti=ive tretecbtheni. heat. wituresongl tiffs bubrre.... r. r , i liven •berr, srrf rian $4 re i:ty to ,tiiitire.bybide by, th e deci,*:ou. - . 1 1 ( byqb6in eh rrfully, roposurnrjuir Au duo , A chrriliia”,cUU br, built with . there'Siirliger et" 11" it r, • more turn e'd'{" or ru.4. by buy spriugt. aew ;-• .i All §'pribga , ...11;01),T; ncitliptv.&or) t Elk lolie;Stun'a.-etitatitv.,r),;. • L. , 11; & :4Pitoot.. • obtOrlhoti tioulillafOrtir h totror„that nottelthftapoll4: thole; 'The lota Er 4; they, h aka la ed. 11M- r btintl 4 't,'F't , 70: 4 , ,:cu plea,by hrnili , neeelY c:SkAt tjotcl , whore they are reoeftlogti froth oupptt haul Now Yorkiableh tArotheystith theft 9.11.... - ti,c3.4 - 3 eJter~tOVt.? ~ theat quite a. Oh eral apty, 449: 3,lllelltijOY'llOpeti4e-tlIAlll6d. SO' t rrtp. thian to sell hum tly Tor natty M 9,4 Foy te34 llo lc.eileintnetfi 1,,cp , i334.1 tl .4;shyre tit . 11 '. 114 1 24 0"Co;.'ihorill:enipt *hi] -lu,u'i, otthitront,tnn et hijk:tomjc ,tturfr,c l - 03 3 1 wit WAIF the onlytucan); they have te ).eolomyt hoir • 14esoll n i trientr hAlood , ' eel r pq;brfolchrottlitir,,hisinees, .331111.3.. fie. WI 11 , 1 %1 , 1 11. Sayre u`rbrtc.fitittch , r .the: thm .of fe)36-• ViWotef, OitaMU - a the btlelchowe. ' - . Xrfintrllifff; 4 ' New !Arrangement-, -- , T Pfensiste'Cltait' arid Furniturb' Ratoa. •I, ~ t , , IV I V) . /zf.rx 3ll ,of g. tt ,nitut:'ivr' .ing-ecne l tunt l 41411114 rimy kipst at 'it art) , ltiviitoie.mnatliattnyad out 'of ;Ili t'syt quellt); 14 4 , ' Illaak 'hialTatt. Maple. (I , i fly, snit at't,,ta boa t and to the best and mast iturablemsnost; g the onfalaa *Mel) ropy lotircil to Letp ctrlisod. vs 0 et" i n a ra aata ra iitatoopy, uhkek'svoinut, tlittrb ? idapilaraat ,, ndoTsurn(s,l3"l7Stash*,):ool; tsar' trOo Viadaler4,llll,ititrir Tablcr SIAN!' 4.4 'tvtlY slaty; soriP,'SetlteS,Dtvans,-,otistnia", "rat; ktuils 1434 styli", stiedy . of Nabapay,'lllarr S a t fatiriyaluir ,11410:, , , - r-^1 ' it NO iNtat aud fl , rdrtl ALSO'rslPh9ginY'll 'all vo thiwttr, r Atapt., hull t4T.r Main; of 4 "4 44 171 11 , 41 1 )1 1}77 1 5f1Y5r01ir5414 , 71';ii171 0 11 4 11 , 1 1;( ) .ibala nal aluitt ,P* Often ad,' c01:11...kt, In }thrarpstrit4lol ro; 10-1 "PP I "Tgi, r faVir' I Cl mel i t,4lll2, ono Ivir• tr. will kintol r lirildlii44l47 SO *a moro " rt*-F • te = ;-,-; sfontrusi, June ill Jr/1 , 48,7t, E {rt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers