I=al —prints Sobs, runs:, ant/eft:alias,snWs ood, works inithepr4eitiatis eare . oci;stl %r esiSed . rocks the' eradle;.talksAll hisAuttriihswhe :call; patiently receives :la',the . for* thpiisand • things,that . ttever,were ' d ne1'eq.00 , 4:40 20 ; ty,i.i scarce timeto i.iivwsvih6 , qiiietijr . f!iktllVA restorative - s eqs nn :.est,,c„„- nmse peen . ;1 liarly, fortunatel lie ij not assaulted and bat. Ttercd by some unprincipled' demageritie, who .lOve.stuPpet shows, and tires the rabble with J . ,' 41 o'ltiss - e - r - Frin'aro — ratb'e'rutn — co - " - bOnse • P ett y'l , cities.... That's an etiitor.' ! .,, :,, -,...,: , - - ... 1 r. ,[ pErtscrinos, xr-nonstssu Undef-the'above_-boad. - the - tWymning ' Ihmtiorat_ments, s oil totTuito, - Jcsspp „and satellites a reerited;seonrgiitin a"lllnOlitici lable article from the Edit - tint - gen,, S. 11'e i egre! , :tliat we rAye - 'net !"tii6m*Ttir the whole tirtinle - 114',Vireeli; tlitt ,Matuteit, showing. up the Spdgesitititliiik The Stock -Comps uv, in tni,,very ,eniduble. tliough faithful , mannert;-.- .-1 • - llttd .jut* Jessup :used his influe'nce; and great 'elnquenee - in • faVoi of c , a' striet fulfilment cif the . ..Act' inimiuttAting the Sus- I quelian - na - pottuy 'Bank; the people` Would have been saved,' .141111 probability,_frem I :the effects Aif _ono, of:•• the mint • damtable, • concerns* that 'ever .had an exhitance. - The seventh Snction tif the' nt tit' IneorpOratien is aifollOys: " Ne - diseinuttAl.to m ape. not - any notes'lisssuell - hy the tank, until.thetolt9ZO -.6 ,f 4 Xe• ogli!zaltQClit7ler of 4i paid in : 210; khan .any loan, I,o7nade 7rpon the;pled.,g,e of -.its O.ICIL- stock," Not ‘tithstanding this; positive'provisien of the Act, time Batik commenced bitsines.s . upon I .:the notes of :Jessup and others*, on ;Nybich I not - ono-, dollar was ever paid inbotiafidely. TheeCoMmissionefiaPpointed ,the ,Leg • iilatiire 'to investigate the affairs 'of the] Bank, deOare in their `re.port, that, " the; eridegce is , clear that the, surplus • .stock was never paid in::-and that no certificate:7; were ever'irsted the tefiar." 7'liel Sgt in. r .staltnent'often per, ant - was ; iinte of Intithershivilig 'shop; ti;e Towanda Raillf; but this s paynient* was all a sham, a I inere u ruse to,deeeive the :Public. The Towanda money was brought over and taken ha& the nest day, or very - soon'a _A r- ! ter. nd -even if thn • Towanda nate4 been paid in in good faith, it tvettid* nof! Ease, bosh a CAnipilai n i s eg 3s , ith tlio, rCquir - e-: 1 :meats - of of the AcifOr that part ,ef.itwhielei required the tcn poi cent, to . _ be paid specie. That ithat,solitary provision of i the act was annulled throuzli the instrumental ity ofJudge Jessup of B:nilt Note Resolution. These would lie semi. tnitigatien.abcmt the stne - knote*transaetion,' if the'notes bad been left in.the Tier k -to represent that•antolint.Of, Stock: and with the intention to pay them, some time or+ other._ Bet there never teas any ietewien - to pay them ; and aftett he bank-.was „put in operation; the Surplus Steck notes were cancelled, and the stock' tiansfeired,back to, the,Bank.—whith of_t;mme r was worth the paper and ink'which it, took to. do the hits : mess with, and: no More. - NOW judge ',Jessup,'knew this was all 'wrong: _lie knew it as then, when he hoped that the - futures might never btingin light thetdarkdeeePtiOtt in which he,, wet, enga l getl,'as,lie does rroi', sitice'rein im,ver tv and distress hare' -become its-,fruite.— 'het his friends olefin that wehavetea tight to hold Viarresponsible fitr_his- part in the • shameful transaction; „'t ,Whether we have or not, we leave-the:. people to decide.= We • merely intend to prpsent the facts, or srme of them, in en',uogurnisbed', form, •withnnt •callinghar Tisisnd es an.fihing:',)ftbe,tind, to, the public and the denoeatic•party. - it strilMs us as being-a little singular the Surplus Stock 43petation - Was-managed , in secretly andinvstermisly; if there -was no fraud intended. : Why was this matter •FO meefr in the darn Even' the Judges ; t kneWinititing to the etintrari • hot whet the - stoek ,we'k paid itv. W e in quirellihe_other:day-of• lit thous Ctv r 'ELl:tic-he knew, anything alnut the mat ter at - the'time,-or had any notice of it and I,e informed us that' lie Was entirely, iiviotimt - upon- the , Sithjeet.'s held ftneli, a,• -- considerable 4inciuni, and_ paid /he money fur , Tile * Man . in the Surplirs — „Stitelc_,:ias 'managed,. X 5.28 lrand ' upon Overfteldandall et her-payitrg,subscri bets ;Nand,' it would:tot.answer , to,let these gentlemen knit* in ithingTaby ut the operations of the:Stirplus-StoiketitMeti: For then; the deeiiilaid Each' fecal an un'srtspeeting.lah4:ngeomMuilltY would devastation and Ain 'which ,follOwed, - conlii 'Only have imagined but tielier experincek:Wu - find in the Repnrt Brick alert wild •Wriellt;the gentkman - uppointed*to riam ine the affairs 'the Bank, thi very txpreSsiye:Jangeage'.: -- : .; - "l7ze ;ratts'ctaloti r - flittan: to -14 , .stock, 'it . " ii .9Peu. ( Ina flagraat rioiation,of lazo;and the :ground work of the'subsequeutt mismanagement:mid'. disas ters of thelnstitution t ', • :••• • , And pray, fellow tiiens, did n judge Jes,•ttp, bow that'ihiafinsnetiMi l Was . openof ', 7a - Wl" youto seeded Tuesday of betolter,neit,-, t, , leraveittibrg Gircertimr•:• , A person reading Vie. Whig papefs lie . almost - led te believe.that; Gov-Johnston possesses the power of übiquity-- ; ,We read une day 4 him being in the cast;', but on (Telling unotherimixT.re . :find :that :Ile is ,notuidly to 'the - wegil - -itnii so it las bien ing bf which, .erer, since lie - ,has been _in .office',..iintil heist the good ' L.nly esti itik -tho 4priellation •of s' e eer ee ' in:rl-11i' ' °71f9u1\itY. ..TrevelliiigaerelliCit." • 'WV • "G - I Whltever st;i ' t46ue and.)°c:ai"jesuPP3. en overnos ~,,„1,„ . 0 ,1 00 1 he-f hank _one ' oacashitilinthe' snaimer of 1 p tar ;,.t. ed (kr .18-17; left. thef;eat, 0(G. ciiirinUeo, - the Whig w n L)", Pa'laed :papers ofif,usilciast. sunpardenable 1 s ', el3e . : _ tt. , ell/I Y enl i' to . aa.Y to our ' ll: lead n a and their ,flue singibilities - were -seierely s", ° , u 'g d '' 4)ls6lite r a ; O at:lii P l4l-0 " ar the hiwjaaking a-upeeeb a'ark together forfoo d , t adthat Pest • :at a I.eureratio ineetirgin Reading: -Th e refetehei witi.showio' our common :foe, :that) f o llowinz is an eitraei,froia*urtiele'*iti the heart ' of the Deisiod,ra4..-la right, and ilia 1 ten h3f4lie tditor - flati,islinrg- Tele- all its pulsations threir• forth a :life-eurreoti .144"a1P. attli tithe, _,utia toiled lOto the - , ,aspare,as palmiest - daya.; ivhen ‘l".'e here ~ycht , 2 po -I,6* s i t ili m s t ate 1 _.;- dirglorioils, old standard . 4A; to ••Aclingth ieliae . tha •bettiiiiiti,t;pect,i;:#et of — ptineipie# not nigh " Next'etaCk s 4 4.01 say: :what we- wohld' ale rifitow:en - or oftliagreatodmmonweildi aeglectittit the interests-of the people, and 1' 144 lacitiatingilte'ettitatitoliti for Oter;" ND iTtst . as is,. Glorious.oo.eitg,eof - Whig :06'6AS - tenay! C:alifeettots'vrivit !t , and Jahn to 7hat was Aintoigaiiio, iiiit -- unciaraniiiiiin in 1 •A ~,,,,,,'"„,,,e,'",Th ir" ,,,i 4lg t!,„ 4 ltr • I Pay; §rito4keipOß\to-bea,;e9apaelAablet to 10;wute :kirfltO, 'fa 'AO! 1t0Yi*00.0,4440 - 81151i.th4lItidgb : juP.11211itale°11. 1 efidq:ofAtliiet..;:..-ItifiltrkpeshaPg4liattkal , #ift ibn oe. , t f cc tinehitnieitia'drt-Atrttftiodißixtiblt .tor #3O althili-4 18 Intfmtitt 19 a inojiiiiravett .o,e z niettt.;,ealied-ciatircly,--and his influence, -peti file-m.)4c nactot, inioieto *AA wholly. withr-v-) .from its support %ire place frorn,whecc he ctime," and bi's end 'will eb e of hisAliastrious .-piototyPe he to Iropqaysburg 1111 rfikE@EriOr Tile Lart.r.‘t Citritiatilin in Northern rennin . - • • f.6"6siceni.ort; wErit S. B. & CHASE, EDrtons. - Thursday, Aliglist 21i I 551: Democratic State Nominations • .FOR ColrEttNot,. - ' WILLIAM 131G15,11, Of Clearfield Co:EMT. ' mit . 9AN - .ll...cqzpssrann, T . • • !floc 'HE Q?.Giar[ou Ca, rgrt : Itt4S OF vir, gtrIT.EnE •JERE'AIIAII..S. BLACK. or .SOMERSET co JAMES CAMPBELL; or PIIILdDELPiII.I. " - ELLIS LEIVIS:iis. L' e ucc.ksTEß..; ?. • JOHN .11. GIBSON, or cumunr.ixsn;' , .: WAI,TEIL IL L()WRIE,Io.: Atitalitsr. • County-NOnitHatiOnb,' : : ASSCCULTE JUDGES.. I bAVTS - WA TINtR, (if Rridciewater;! A3IHERST CARPENTER, pi" Llartot!d,:' L T ITAM G_ RDICER, of 13ridgwater. pßpTixoN.pr,ny. - WARD, of Harmony r.r.arstu: in:conntrt. J. T. LINGDON, of, Dundaff. enuNTy- comusstoxte.., JOILN, 11A.N,d0Ori., of-Jessup ern;NTT - TnnAmlnn. . . r . ll' MIA A 11.0: C•Cif Montrose .„ Cot. AsA.Druocx :-2- . • '..- -,, , - , 1 Dear Sir:-- Y ou'.letter of the 2nd July, came duly to hand and Would Nava received en earlier tr.Olyt. 'but that from time to dine some of es:.have. been ; 'but; or I Otherwise prevented from- attending, to it. w , 1 In anser to your, lettd we are happy to 1 state that the:_Bank- of .`,:iusrea. County, has flit- I ly recovered from:its-late embarrassMent, and I been revived - noon a :Specie Basis, and is con ducted in a prident manner, able to meet all its liabilities and carry out thepreper object of an institution of the kind • ,- - " • • We have thp most , entiriconfidento in Mr. -St. John, the present - -Cashier, both as a bugi negs man and a man: of.integritY. -• Besides, he is deeply interested in the prosperity of the Bank. r, , Truly. &e.. Signed— - WM. JESSUP, --.- - ''' : • LEONARD - SEARLE, • . DANIEL. SEARLE, - - • : • . F. LUSK. -, - C,....'" In justice to .11r.didden,,whose namel to attend • ,Welave now' to the case of the rappe;:rs . t he prOceedings or the Conventien; I: ~e,,,t1, therefore shall take one,at a time.l , , .. as .. an opposing candidate t.0.2i/ r .",n e 0d 20 , 4 :, i t , Besides, we suppose the other ,siguirs of that I 1 is proper to state, that lie was not. in the cot_ letter' are, really more censurable for being 1 ventio'n at the time,: afict'r.ftern - a - rds came 'in I made dopes by;him, :than anY: design._ Thel land diselainied all knOuled .. 7e of it id' order I kaer 7 ths, 'Trritl en b y Ifu-,4e...fe:.s'''s-ur, and .can be. I tint he Might.not appear in a talk .-position..iiradueed in bleman unmistakable AMitl 'crumb"' Ills- nom, t4 - as not . useal. in accordance. with I itaeccesa 74 ,./., * i t Lida nishes., . ,- -. ~,,' -. . , : - ~., I, : FirstZonr readers Will see that, this letter I .. 4 .,er' ,, ', -We learn:that:a on if Mr. John Fitz'-bears - date, AnoUst, .1845, only abOnt'Fonit ', Gerald;„7 - or•f , ,year'sl 0h1„ .. .0f Susquehanna De- 1 JeF•r-Pri°F :to t4e , - failure'-of ,the Bankt:: and: 1: I when St 'John in-fall car er Is thegreat 1 [ pot,-was run Over bYii, wood last wee.,-1 • , w a s .e " a nd kili e d. s.a . :n . bi ame attached to any nne I man of the town - hardly excepting , the Judge{ • -- :•• - 4 Ve e ask toll kind, reader in .4 1 .1 cander to I l' We Plaee tut he head , : e fieer P a P eTe43 : 3- f' look ,carefully and falrlv . at the . conduct of titi the names of the ' , gentlemen designated by l . .• •• '," I , ~_:• , _ -..._ l_,. ... . . . • , man, Dar citizen, our townsman, WM: Jessup. 1 , the oemocratie county convention, last Mon-1 w „, a ,,,, k. Taatolook • a . t . h i m, aa, u,, , , uii ..i i - 4: - '„ is : :I 1 . 'a daV al - ening, to fill the •s , ..;:eral offices of on . i- - ''' Cininty. :. . • •: - , T g,od,--- to strip him of that - 001k of dignitv and ,„rt.a. t,s which.he has thrown-nroun , hunse 1 , .. It is unpo.ss,thle for us, this week to S-yany tiling . respectiog the ae4eral - candidates,. their; —e n d ':- . 11 - 43. te2a of letting Ilic'gln'tionJlie- i qua llikati tn k v; ',...,. -4 r ; , i t • - ta _ i g . jure him' as the model of everythin , '.oreat'and Part ofi 1 beenuisewe - should do injustice' to a. geed " abd.Pure, loot ak Ju% ails mid judge him 1 the ticket should we - not oive the-whole r r.it t thereLY, applying the same rules 'that, you np_, / 1 equal , bearing, and the.demands ef l uis hi e - aa 1 ply to others. - -We are- aware that it is hard: Fan d circumstances:are such as to picelude'. lig 1 for maul to 'do•so,:that there are these Who 1 from bestowingtile, tile attention to ;it' that seems i have so long.looked upon his extravagant, pre required,. =Court heia ,;,.6 , seua t ua _• . t h : , , 10.j. ' fe.ssiona of ,imoralitv,. as Springing from the 1 ! pent incident to the - Convention.:togettl ,t,leM er with 1 sen Te e: e f l-41 P u f lt. .:fi' th a t it iii hard- indeed- for 1 •is's ::',leetini, 'and i,isit Of !W. - Bigler. • has i themt&bellevelliill -insine e rel — i° believe him i 1 lett l i a - i io - , th i n ,ted i se - h i u . : . :4 1 11. - t.v : lie r ei t i .j , te so lost to the,principles thatiadorn . and ...digaio i the Lion-hearted Denioeraey of ' .§us4uehanna fY, #l6.lli'm of Oi4q'43' unt l i-PlegitYi - as to put ttheir candidates and'Otins' elves,lin the manne; l' on the holy -41i11- " ae O d :g a : Tb • t' of 'Religlen'' for ! lit should 'be'dlieliargeck We; therefore,,are I /lie PuTP•e!le of hiding-his C ° O u P ti°ll frQui the! i •biig .,4 fr , j4 . l . ntee , ;l/:y., L :to & fer ' t : trthei , zorii. l world. It is Jura to 'i adifi:,n man' tivas; and 1 , . . _ . F.ments till our 'next issue, -with .the.rcalark.-- ; , l e.,.l "‘)''''' , Y• Pe t Tl ( M ea n.. ree°_nelle the 'ltem of 1 f, we hold utiselveg,in 0: , a ; rpo - stion,is ! se k, ants [Wirt Jessu. p the man,- with 'Win. Jessup the I i of the , ieatDeatee - r , tia , party the r ; ritie r ipies , ef. : lodge and professed Christian,,and cone to j i which tit lute,' and th&orga. nization of Which t any other -CtinhiSiOpi We know nat.' :WO Iwe reapect,, That part' h a s - co, 4, • - its -pr •ma 1 kribwof no d"i.gtinction hetWeen him 'e t ni,"otti. , -ry . meetings, which, perhaps, weretnore ftilly le' 8 . ' Yhat, is crime in one man .ts , crime loan, attended' than 'before in 'ream Delegates t'.ere other.; ..in4 in judging WM. Jessup, -we must ! I elivted; they have niet itui fslinied the Ticket:P•P l Y• t b'- emn e 'Tni e ntinit we apply-to 'others, onr duty is Plain, .1 a; exbete:irl , f , , ,,od,faith, on Tiz•-•'-4°-liiirgqiel him by 614 nets, professions, - our part the obligations, we owe the Dernecra- and com lany.;.: : -., , -.- - ' -- .••2 I ey of Mir county, aod its organiiation. This - ThOinfimmee .of judge - libs n. P .- " w ent al/ 1 italiallie our constant:aim to. do. - We labor 1 lengths te' Butha'n'o::''Tobri.‘as you :trill see h''•l for our:party hecause we See in it'iniceess, the 1 the.above letter; ' ':lisr honor Ind '-' lie molten': triumph and tiltimate aspendenCY 'of • —i.l-i-ies 1 firee ° •:• ll-111 enthi *r . i St . - lei ' ll?°q 0 a biis2l:- . . i" -e. we . Ve,n:Frate anti cherish;- and on the establish. 2 2ZSS =ln,: and: A MAN .OF, kNTEGRITV.." , -of 'eh, We"religikuslY belieVe - depends., Let any man have dared to say . that St, Jolla V.TATO . R. J.V3,IES E. BOWE, of Brooklyn • - • ,VIL,LIAM IL 780.Y . D, of Montrose . Irileotiqie.llo to putke till 71-7.771 meek, th6,.publication of-Brat H little liook,!' in - irliiCh"Jridge J up b;is:receirdel his diag,racc, 'COnnectiOn - with-thn We suppose this to 'be..the book which tie Judge p ays in his teatiniony; "croup probably:refresh my recollection- as to furthe - r -matters - in thialcon mvtion."l Be patient,- Judge; sre sill.set it forth la'fair, bold type, :n such a manner as to - . -r;:fre , „q:!! your "recolir-ctiOn." and also': to bi• plito-l'efrksliing to f - propose •to -showiakentiie'different state t,f unlike, perhans,the; Banker's,' teaches us, that ti4gS. - , .. - Theitioh lit;:,-;We :410M:dell- la 'Week Pfol - . SeSSlOks;litiiiiractise4ar'e , of tioPifail lallik ,were it even truei-there would still rest a load sight of the Most Migh i but rather increase 4.l3ank shipliiikhhd, sallicientio bleat - foreV. the 'ink of the the hypocrite heart hi which they ef the 'fair ,repotadon'rof Mestrineit;, for he had 4well.' , :l,llo,thing is more cowmen than for men certainly Vans eliongli,lind It pris_-_high time for _to'm3sitrtiti piety in order to • 1 / 4 ray 0 0 1 s e,, - Min' to wash - his guilt-Stained hands, if such a IMo:ft front: suspicion; 'disgrace-ImA bring into thing- as conscience remained inahishosom, us reproach the great faith of the Christian world, - atnonitor-andluidei--,- - -- - --,------:,:- . - , -..-, thatjights.iipmnd cheers -the , rough; pathway.: We don't wonder Olathe hermit to, feel mix , of lire, Moines. the darkened. tomb, ;Ma casts, a iriuste perferniablUtieris,•and Ade - ease - him - self italy : radianeci 7 aronedthe-lightless'pature -- wo from the deep .moral stain: resting upon - him, Say; nothing is more common z than for men ,to before sitting himself upon the Judicial Rena; assume thiS . :sanctified garb under` which to as: the ruiniMer of JUstieeth e avenger pf - vie::i conceal - ,t)iti:th est -PtilmlloWed purposes;, The: - laied law ; -the pretectkr and Patron of moral- :Banli - inen say- that St: JOhii is ftist such a man -;" ity:-:-Tne arbiter • betaeenylis fellow:citizens— St.ohniv :p et me UPON aaKthat the Judge .; standing in : place:pl . - the sightless- geddes - 5..:; 7 I was his particular friend ; -sustaining - him ands sr,•.iiii,i , f; Wonder that ho " - ir islied tO Uppearas this character, liitten tiec'esstut;!liti-iic: the letter I : 11 a , :N.'44 init. far - fre* : hiin. the iineleanthing,iMf. aboyeAtioted. ; -' Ohs -it not -high •titne .that 1 ibie. Standing-in the presence-of his - !GOO,..aMiI there 'skoi'ild: tie a 'eleansinga - purifriegt:-; .1 taking , -asidenin'icatlfto•ipreserve inviolate;:rint I - I:aiP not the, principles of morality, Of virtue,: j MS Part, the'Canstittition reidlairiof his mina.: of. Religion, opconnuan ho.nr,ify.;:liecli outr4cl try, thelasi:et iyhich he hod .raised.hisarfn Tong ;enntOf';•ht" Sit6q l lPlifinna. cont - 4? - We agaMstmith'ivantonrP rides snesi,:'-- - -WU: ton!t sen. 4 .t . li,e, - ,,qUesiti . ; ply bait, ta: ; Yo.nriten iti, -- ,fet- 1 yonder - tliat)ifidge - JeakkWheti he'receired leii 7 .,eitizeas; .we ;appeal. to ,you as loVers 'of., his - ConiMisSioias.JiidLie, - Came talus ,- s - c;nses ; . i:irttn:4--tri.canjore you by , • ellthe . obligations and thought it nigh time to ; "abstain,: publicly, that -reSt•-upen you .as mrnt.'s . citizens=-to froinheing the . !owlet in- an institution' which , amps% fefer,ep, in ; the majesty -- of your might,l he knew, if he,hr.:ii -- COMmon aerise; it run ,defend ; and shield: font-farther pollution,. the nip iirapidetWeero, : f deWnright fratid; eciding instifutiois :and Heaxemblessed...prerogatives i :uid ' brealting.dpir it ittifs]aWlessiMurSe, every of your (Immunity. We .appma .to you not I battlement, standing as•a -, protectiOn' : to•_ the : as politicians; not ils partisans, hut aS ; inen,y;ho I prrperty and righti Of his fellow.eitiions.- , • -• have e jest sense .of right, and,Wrong, of .jtui, I But neintendto'shoW a different State Odle :lice and injustice, of a duty which .is Heaven- JUdgea acts,from,t hat Whielthe:has endeavor= i high, above all party _obligations. We ask not. ed to bolster np hissiniting, rePutation with-1 one Man; - a? .. ' . hig., to go 1.43 - thk. polls aria sate We intendto - shoe that he - acted. inueli like for a Deiage-r* to, the sacrifiee of principle. -...-... " the inakife : readPf," . in this Instil:me as in Put we.do tusk our citizens, to defekkfirstthe many others, Who, -- -; -, . ' great principles upon which rest a':i their 'social ,-.,. •-, "Stole - .the liveryPf_lcaven," tic, -.- and morakinititutiOns, rather" than let theM be We intend Ad - BLOW that:the-mon St. John. sacrificed at - toe Shnne of . Poll .tic:Padma (rogues t. ' vritNhe'airs - ; is the vilest reprobate O thilt -- .- yer ‘ IN ' ° e e-Y' l e t- P ellt ie n g ° to the winds ' -when we Scourged the earth unchained, was as iri,'dl - as can-follow their devil:Ms C.i . .mrse, only'by saCri= the l?atik; sustained by:the. influence and c:c.. ,fieing the firificipics.of Virtu 2 and kinestr. --' ."-; ertions of thissame thin. Wm: JessuP. - : We - ThL.4.leiterthe a istrcs two things at the out. by 'Mindry: - d intpn! set. --• ; First, thati - .V,ina. Jessup played the part fl to slOivi jitese, : lhinks' iieu ,' ments incur AniSietiSion; the authenticity of - of a datFlrer - when - he held out to donimunitv which; if ~ he denies, we bind ourselres'hy-•all -in 1838 tli4'hlS - , connection with' the Ruth had theohligationsthe - Can heap upon us, to exhili. tinall:,; and fully terminated, ll - say it shows it publicly. to emninunity, in his . ,oZilm hand irri: thus, Lee:luso here: in 1845, se-rem - .years after /Mg.:, ' The first doenthent Which we Shall hi. I the „he standelorth secretly lending his infin. trod nee is; the folloWing letter: - ,:-. • ~ •- _ Price te.`strengthen this hYdra - of Olt corruption: Mo?RosE, Aug..l4, 1845 Viii. 4 i. ; :se."9:undrOrtheu,iulditthti ; 'nade:thii•til',,q,, . lettei, it is - ettdc4it'thAthe hiia,ekaiiiined- and ' ......., ......„.....--„,' gatiou'ip:pres4ee of the '',Cour . t,7.4ndigi,„ „I.' es . 7 i how; al.la4ut :ii."': ' No' jci,ipaitial,,.. , tpludoli ut?: sup WoUidinvbably..haveeouuittelditinv:witht I iivelit latily. :tbaii. this One, oci*lvtiOU, that. hem ' out t riah--Re WO tildThav 'o'. ti 4. on,ancd.:el,6.itie.iii , l%vas ...a tool ou:d dhliboi.ate. effort,- to:buoy - 4,1.1,6 • 41'14 . - .llofia4l:itfoii''.6l hifiii"ly.l/o:4rvd': t.titis.tiitsujiitm; ship rdgardle . sU'aliko- - Of 'cOnsequetiees cal kntliii;.ithin:tlie laio , iity'':'of In, 'uS.O - ei l -iilia - iesult 4 . - • " - ''' MU St.'' John. '_;ll4tile.: heie the f"-/ttd" a'B - • earn- .-. Now to the. object of the" Judge in writing. tlie:viitu'alvviips'akhis&inittituid, lOst:liOratdht . l t!lia.;ettei';.;, jt-w4.Writteu..to...CUl;' , f Asa:' - .1)1WI. ..14 , :ik4 . 114.4",by"fidiit .1,i t i 1 66E,..-4;,i, l ;6.oiii.do c tli* gentleinaii,welli4tOi4o4lll4 Olpenu• - • ,iii;tliiiiit:thei*oi 0 - 1 . : tti.:.TiO"zi:!B.lll;ii*on - , I. PIIYI . i ll( i'' 'ir.ti'ietitii as :Clr l t- .4 1 : t1 0 " P i 9.a001: .oi7ii:ys.3 . iTejliWie4itiplit . ,:-:atid.:, hiU:p4wdlii.44.6oTit4 . 44.rjabprii.:7 jt,;*s.,Atiivebia the VhOrOlv ajlays at St; 1014i:Aeiviee,•;-: And illterO:o4ld)„*.44.t*:ightba.:i:uferendel4;thhi -yo,;;iy*;***:iiiio,oi4;4,.ll4..*.',;4l4l-13:131i4.::,- LUge,';ittupuiituofAhe' r !,;,lnoliey!,irgie, i la ia,ii i i4i i it r ettfTAwi a t - . , .. , flu ide':hiii..,i - s e ou n -.1 etirtstantly'..hola 'otetid :4 thii; Treasury;''''iii tfrell..-... : 1116. ? act51.- : Tlic4 ,- ;Weii. ,- -bolit4iiii:.joiiitiayinekt.Ort?4.o:44,:7,-_ltti..;:Diti44l:iveti:::liiieW itio.hti StittiivbiebOd'ihi iti4iniiiiOf 4 ;iiitOti;;l'tlfut:'.oleuid ( ' tt4 , ' Ve , ieftiied;liii4e,'' ji:iatiiii :toy'oliii...,t4iii:4;-;'.:tio'll#o..,s);**.l*re4if*,-I*oitlii--be;<*Or.teet.6o,,:i:':ruit,'lniulii..loPed-thi utaiv#l444lLu:,ll4):;sanile'.ivet6tlDitriliad' "-nit iSiai li: - : . SPiiit, 4 Viitutu' of things - WoJild - gbidJ 1 sgO , ',..tui&i:vety ..*ll , 434abie i fOitli.eit flee' - o,4'fllk - -..0 61 0;i ( 06. 1 hii:i',. 40 . 1 : 4 4" t: t , CP:JOittle% 4 A , ..,9 1 *- 116 '.tit - P1P.. 41 4f . :4! - .4:1 1 04, 1 1 . i.; 41.4.+4,. ' 64*.4 1 444,k9.0.4i'1kh')iiiigt?: l itOupifpg,"*,iiiklAteir.tiiiio4444l:f i t,:i . ffitum - ,to - thitßUOki titt,tf itUppashgi.thit:cteui i 4 17 i4„V:0'ir.;,444 , :40fige011, , ,htiilicif_sir 490tft4 0 404 1 1c4iiilld Aiii:iliiitig*Piii hid' eti 140160 7 * -- 4ailip.4tad . SCilbbil;pactiski #titeuients. -- :This, Which We:: publish, was his. ed.. - roi-fretii'its do ' ipi.:_ But. - (AU. Bibit rei)lit. -- It iwit 4etuntsfsufiKent placed ouftl . And we have also. another letter:written in 18.16; only .three years prior to the failure, to. 'which is ettaelied only his men tunic, - still fur- . , • - - - 'Jo in The lifacsilleetince and Coif ther vonching . farthe "integrity." of St. I , ' ' I and the solVeney of the hanklivhich shall ap, - - - Bigler this I pear in dite„..timp, , Yes, • we can come to . no 1 From the erowded state of our columns lother conclusion, judging him as he judos St. , week, it is impossible for -.us, to give that. at ' John; than thiS'ene--thai. when . hel went upon 1 tention to the MasS Meeting and the Visit - of the Benchbeiri . eant to . impose . upon comrn . uni- e. ,OLOSEL'BIGLER9 ' OM" candidate for Governor, ty by' holding out that he had no connection which we otherwise should. Ile, arrived here with the Baul4 and all the. While use the Ulu -of his station to . uphold the sin-freighted ' llondainfternoen;.anil hundreds 'of our eiti ence zens, - .who were in Town; embraced the op= craft ;till it reached those' deep Waters, where portanikv.' to pay their respects to their worthy of . his, Candidate. All were delighted with his frank I it should earry . dowd the,, possessions and - ,pleasieg : , manners, the' 'cordiality , with fellow 7 eitiienS. to A depth"' so bottomless, that whiTil. the received them; and his apparcut,deru , the ware that 'should close over it; should hide forever all triiieS . --of his doings in reference to " mi l e sympathies., None approached but to lit. For this lie seemed to have labored;as the. love hint: '-•. . 1 '' ~ -- - ' - . lonly. AY. - nf , Preventing.bis deeds: from rising Tuesday idterneon;he addressed the assetn .iti judgment against him'. ,-- --' ; - • ~ . ' bled'mUltitude in the grove north; of .the . 'Nil-, i ... in -second place, this letter Shows . . eon-‘: Ingo.- The assemblage was immense, and - we 1 elusively; that the judge ,either meant to de=but speak the, sentiment of hundreds; many of I ceiveMr. Dimock.in reference le the condition whoni had harden similar .6i:elisions Mir' first !Of the Bank, or: tnat he` was . ignorant of: its statesmen,ivlTe we say that it was one:of the 1 I condition- and=managethent. - Which end will finest' efforts of geniva and statesmanship. -He 1 lie take? .If bp . :tt as nt„ ,... ignorance he tvoi. . traced with a• master hand tho . history'ot our i most likely, lt#,c sPoken . .doubtfully ,on Ilie 1 Stale through the . days of her prosperity:_ . and 1 !sublek,--le would have qualified his language. 1 th e nightsi herdr 't• and' .mbirris ment I o a e.rsi). ~ c, , .Ss . 1 Now at the , words.of -the . letter ;--slVol.He showed.that,to the, ads - taken policy of the •I are tiapPytateillint the: . :l3ank.of . S.nsuae-,Whig party, which prevailed under 'littler; was I hanita,Counik"haSlNkitrecovcte:dfromits,lato i .justly:attributiblo - ,:the terrible condition'. of 1 embarrassment,.and : been revived upon.a. - Six - laffairs'iliatibrotight thiS noble Old Coinniwcalth. l'iie 134s1ii and is conducted in a - "prudent inam;tlow in the duSt.ol repudiation rind bankruptcy: I . , ..... . I tier," &c,..__ - -, _ ' .- - ' 1 He showed from the state , documents, that ; a1- 1.: , • Let, 13'0' see - Whatiltind Of a ',Specie: Bas 4" i ways under NYbitadininistratinn,,the exPencti=.l tit was ,";revived tiPou.',', . Please- turn. te. theitures of the:government' had itiereased,ried / - • . i Report of Messrs. .Wright and-Bueltalew,(sth I under.D Cioneratic rule they ,had uniformly de-, I Page) and we' find it.'A. St.'- John paid to the iereased.. , . He showed: that.to the' adminiStra ._ .. . Bank for., Stock - faiti; the:livid. clellari.'. Say 1 flea' of Governor Shunk, - helengeit the - Credit . , -the CouiruisiOners irt,their Report, onthe Same of adopting a line of' policy that haS - relieved 1 page,'• . : - --- --: '-' -- ,' .- - - .- -, .- i- ~ : I our. State foam einbarraisinent, epabling,:'.the 1 .I.:, " Thii arithlitli, '1 of 94 000. (indePenderit,.utl present Executive to pay -promptly the..inter- I funN - advaneedeo,loani, if 'there were any) constitute;l44 bb , :sis -of •• subsequent banlanrr pp- . I est on our enormous debt; &c. • •= : ' '-' '_.' '-1 . - " On Compromise he snolc'e like an - toneSt l erations..3oiieh Were' so , extended at 'the c tune . , . ... .. .-,- . - . . .. -. ,- . .i lof the failure iii- . 1.849,,' that' th'g amount of - man, ' , entertaining . honest conviction of:right 1 I notes out,was . abonts!2os,6oo7l' -.- '" - . ' . 'land linty.. .../fe.thade -.no concealment, but de l 1 And further than ' this, at the.:tiirie •of theldared himself satisfied ~ with. it 'as likely to 1 fsilare the whole amount of funds in the Dank*! produce . tranaulity' to' the . ciruntry,' 'Settling I„Was: Tligl.ls- , ''..,5E 1 1 , F.N ,:AND .1.A., lis'a.l 4 I:pertnanently :,tijil . vexed.qeestion . of ShWeiY,. CENT.S ' \There 'cittz eris of Susquehmina, is [and PUtting an, 0 end , itf::further extension. I , r : • Jpdge. .4.E.S.Up'", Sr cle . Bcis4 ;"- . --.The.. - enord -' Ott trte-Triiiff . he'. 111:5 peculiarly TelicitOus ; - , „ . .. _ iminis .oeitt. or.:oo 9 o;*ttiiii i ssue of hundreds In short, the - whole speeeh'Was ealin, : dignitied l'y - thou.tands; and,yctin that letter he declaies land' . logical; evincing, Ithe.'highest order of' Ipiiiitiv e jy r as though; speaking ;from- his own- 1 - mind deep research and 4eatlearning 'in ref . - _. - 0 - • I.personat - - - knowledge , dirt the Bank'" is con= !cream to, affairs- of Government. .. - Irerim- Ilitie*friairy4lerit wichther,iin. I .Ole to. duet pugned the Motives of net brie; , anct treated - the liali its liatYlli4le,s''!- - .: -,;'-:: '::; ,-., '..-.- : -.- ' . I opinions of no one With - 4istesPect. 'All left, Fillew.C".eitlAns; what- think - You .of such.; satisfied, - of hi4isineerityintegritY end Aiiity,- I transactions ciii,p6',i4rt:' of; a:`publie man - f-- - landthatiin his - ,litina:the . a4iirsi ,orthe Conn -1 TellttS,if ',yfirt,cati,:iniall,nandor and sincerity;imortwealtltwill be safe ''' ----.'; . ' ---- ''' ' " `, - how, - you'reconcile, : tlieso . „things With.- honest l i ' . Hotc. , Splunz.' S. Beim, a Member of -the I : Motives; fair dealing; and strict • integrity ? . Is . l . 7l.4Coagrei,i'from Otsegelßstriet,:N.Y. Was', iit annexcred Ceti:Edge ;Jessie WO in :.iglq). I present,av a.foll owed -Mu.- :Blots ain a- short' Visa . 6e.Of St.' _John r inoimnent.V • Then,Whyl speech of extraordinary , beauty; and eloquence,' I diii. , lie ; .not . .saY4ei.- - :7 IVhi.,..dki ho- ahsWer..l which WaSiapturoeslfeetived, %The speaker thus pre , Mpilyand• inewinglyl . ..The , Meeks I gave:eviiimifce:ofiCe . lt poWers efloratery . ;and' tor the Bank'showed-thatthere vas but $4000,.1 when he closed ' the audience icemed.'more i real caPitidinder,lina St' jehif;-":,iiitangeteenti ;that; enecionithnt.' he , 'iheuld continue his land-fremthe..ludge'4 .r .intitmicy, with ,St.:Johnispeech to any ledgtlt t liy . : loud and -continued and the Banki—fican.tbe very: anguage Of,his, 1 drie. of ,i. go 'en" . r --. . : .:: '- in thO Office; and the Department continued:. to - tad `tlie. when - , l oteiee'Nhis is :a fair staie s ment es, : ii-o_tiniferstand it; and. if. not; We. ares4 , ep to tiottetien.., -- • . The:eon*etindncdli thtit litter - being' - sirit. - -- tee ani,,.,not-tO.'. - bOOerlookedc!: The i DoPart iiient . centiencdto take-the money down to" . tho time failure, when a large amount was. • found:en hand, and there it lies .to this day s un• rettezme l 4 rind unrcdayutb le VVith that lion. Win. JosuP ean; certainlY . be charged,. and it is a Brea*: wonder that' - tbose_ who prate_ se houdly about a free, tAlie6,'Lland the plender invOltd Treasury, don't Condescend t 4 . ex . 'plain thii dark transaction to their readers.— Wh : nre4 .llo t; Ihq pr_ople of csgnetrmnn :co un ty told: something tat '.'ferene.eto this . indirect 'cif thie firensury, - , who resides' .- theirl'er:lnidst,--who sits upoti theirthrone of - :le.'stice as though omnipotent in -swny?- , 7171 y IS he' not held Ili:0 the public es - . Odions . by theo EditerS? s. ; it ? not 'heraldi4throngit the state; that Iftnu.WlLL IJessup, tintli. , r.eircuinstanees -the ine;k -.ll:usable; procUred:the taking Of alarze amount of - gusipteliannaniOney . at the State IreasurY e—nionty ofr:a Think in Which waS_Partieu -1 Im : ly:interested, to be.whoily.lest to- the, State I.lbrever,'!.. - .Why do 'they not . send 'forth their nerr(m end,. passionate appeals to the People; Ito unite and'remove this Tre:isury plunderer from. vibe ? Who, who on -Atiswer 'I • ,t , . . it is, very, true that the amount may he col , 1 - .!e.tecl of hini on that! ettor- cif rec'eattitemdatioh, neemlditig to a principle of lard well'upde l nitocid hy';everybedy;• - ,114, szipPose . , he ,shonbl Le elected to the Supreinc Bench, would'hettot stana in readiness," by: his • influence there, to ward off anS , snits, that 'might be'conitneoced? .With him and.e . feW others here; it is a case that comes home to the pocket,—a question cif dollars and cents, whether or not he sliall. tie elected ; hence the desperation' with : which they tight. . • Retht upon these things, fellow. citizens,- with:candor. Take them home to yourselves, and, when the time for action • arrives; show r• .- that youttaderstand your rights :Ind dare fend: them. . . , .. • , Great Rally or ttle Itemocraey. - y • • ^ • . . Susquehanna's -f'•favorito -son," Bort. G. .et. Gnow, we should hatMSrild before,•introdueed- MIL inf' mi t bried' lie ds . ° cloned in' o,:':,pOWerfnl ,' appeal,: to Bps-. tain'dtbe 'eandidates , „ of our: party, , :and •tout, from power rind place, the British and : Alexi: Aitor:ether,.it'tias the rielieSt feaSt*,thm, the 'Derpourae)' of Snsq - uehanna eyer, partgott of". The audience was variouslyindituatedrafrOm threoto four thousand.' Nt . Gori . eys-Lades Book -for SeptOrtilier, cornea to t \ac as ovor i ipreseuthig ,us-uot only withra furioty• ¥amfisitr i g and ibterestitur triattiri but witlftho USefulOnti tasteful:" " its 4 fstA; • p.Lltts are rIC pproac nut. no beautifully ,u4couted"., cogravitiz -wol) *OA pie - serving: '''Elut:gri. , at :variety gtd• - • ilqttingclies-lt -YatuuWttlajoiturit I gaiftlin:` fiimliei;'is-received; 'this wtirk is justly nutiibefell anitilik_tlie' first of our LiterarY ilfar,azines.: , It is filled with mat. ter Of genuine intereseand fh this particular far Preferable - to many such pOrio4icals of the t present day. "Scenes front' the * - of the Saior by . Rev. joha TOO! are slillreon. tiriucd ,aml git:e unusual intercsbto The enfTrat.ings,.."St, Cecilia" and "Tliobetir, -- drop are cle l glunt.- • _ • ' The .Lculic.;ltiritli;"rttri, is also on our table. The gifted:Ann:s: Stephens ht ono or the - od: itors. = Tb.l3 alone would be sufficient attrac tfo'd to thousands.- - The Sept, No. contains mush please the fancy, and taste. . ".Dora ' Atherton," by the Author, of " Valley larn3," , continues through all the nos. since, Jan, )Sl,a,H finely written nouvelette i full of .. thedeepestirt [Crest, and superior to, most ficilons iq its beau. tiful and forcikle illetration's;!xitibe‘brightest of cluistian principles. - This Of itself is Iltntist v.-01'th the prien - of subscription,:, 40 . • .40 ° ' •C‘fra*„.F.Kit:W. ' • r`- "412 '" X vii. Democratic Co. Convention, The. Delegates frith - the' several townships! ftssetnbled'ln the: ' Court IlenSe, oti .lonclay evening the 18iltinst., aint were-C.:Tiled , to. or-i der by Jeux 11 . 4.tcccx, Chairman of the Stand. ing . Coinalittee. r : ' • T.11014S P. PIIINNEY, ESQ.; of Dancing:- w'as chosen President; ILL4inttcrr.; of Springville and ILI. C.A . .n.ettrinn; -liarford, Tice Presidents, and P., P. of llid+ dletnst it and . ar. Trite.Fdcll, of Great:'Bend, Secretaries.. • . . The I)elegAtes then tame-torward, and pre. sented their Credentials, as the. several • town ships M - ere Caned iti ordetiinnd took their seats as follows:, • , Apciacoti-7Reuben Beebe, Timothy_ Griffin. Auburn - -Thos: Adams; Sterling King.- : •. 1 Abijalt Bash.' prooldp 7 =E; coOdricli, Ntlson Cht)conut.,-Francis Quinn,'Edward.Barke,,, - 01Word=John- Baker, Chas. IC, Dimok-41 IleinliSte:td; Urbane Smith. ' - •Danikilf-Thos. P. PhinneY, r kS.l3: l'orest Lake—Raj. L. Patcly: pard. . • Franklin—Hefiry L. Blowers; John Blowers': tfien/rille--XharkiS CaniPb6ll, den. Gibs'on—Reuben Tuttle, Luther 411nynard. Great Bend--. 11: L. Truesdell, ILW:Ke.ach 1/arford.—dra Carperiter,E2 .3L Bfanding'., ifarmony-.4..N. Smith; Elliott Benson. Herrick—S. Dituock; Thus. Burdick jr. • Jacksan—LMilton Tingley, James Cargail. Jesup—T. Shav, L L. Camp, Lathrep—R:dus Rose, tli,Sha Loa - Lenox—Allen McDonald, ronrad• Liberty—D. D. Brown. Johit H. Green..: II:L. Canfield. .illontrose- 7 —Wm. IL - hod, c. M. Simmons. Nezo'.,tyord-.4as. W. Belknap, Daniel )1:c- Rush--N. D. Snyder, John NV Silver Laki—jOhli D:Murphy; Dennis -liven. •Sprznon Rle IY. B. Handrick, O. Latbrnp. Thomson—Churlc4 -I Wrighter, 'Ebdimier Messenger. . . On motion of 0 a :wmpsi.end,]iii. Convention proceeded to the;nomination: of a, candidate fur Sheriff.' ' • • - John Young,; Dimnelr, Gaylord Curtis Gibson tirebb, Montrose,. -.; . G.-B. Eldred. Montrose,": L. Gardner 'l3ridooniter Daniel Baker; Clitford:.. • ,Titus Smith r., Franklie,. - Hamlrd PoWer.4, • „1-‘ werOSeferally named: 'Mr, Smith's Canis was withdrawn, • ' The Convention then'proceeded to ballot for Sheriff - with the following reStilts Messrs. Bi2'ebe, Glitlin . ,`Adarns, King; Hempstead, Siufth; Campbells Glidden,',Ca_r; pen - ter, Blending, Shay, Cutup, linllistery.Cnn tield—roevoted tor John young: 3lessrs..Goodrich, Tiirany;Burke,Viesdelli &Atli; „Benson; Rose, Lord,',BroWn; Green, Belknap, McMillan, 5, yoNd fui lattliatui Garner. MCSSTS. - Bitsh; " St(ippani, - H. L. Blowe'rs; J Blowus; 130 Yd,, Snyder, ‘Ontni,Ter, Lathre'p.,:9, JAIT,eII.).' .7 „ -• Messrs. Tuttle, Maynard,•liimock; Burdick, Tringley;,'"tlrgail,-,Wrigliter; Messenger; voted . for 'GuYlor&CurtiS. Messrs. Foster, voted for GA.-Eldred.: • - roted for Daniel Balt . c.r.': MtiVonald,;Conridfa ,:r4ed 'or 11=a/4-Powers._ •-• fln tALLor. 3Te. , ssri. Beebe, Giitin,Adigni;B:in,g;(4,dlnn, Cappbell,:- taipenter,,,Blnndingi. -Tingley; :Shay, Cntnp, Illenonald, Conrad,- Hollister, Canfield- - 19; voted for Young. ,- -- -• • - - 31essrs;•Goodrieb, ,T.iffany,,Rurke,,Pldkoh Truesdell, Kenell,Gplitli, Benson, Rose,' Lord, B.rowji, Green, - Belknap, ; ATislillan,- 31urillty, votetbforTGardinii,' 3lessra.'nister, Patch; Sitrunons-=-3, 'voted 'for Eldred r • 7, ./1 4 Is„ssrs; Stbppard, 11. L. - . Blawers,'4; Btowers, Boyd, Snyder, Granger ' , flanclriFlo, Lathropti„voted far, Webb; Messrs: frutiteiMaynartl;ll)idkoak,llitrdiOi, Cargail, Wrktliter, -- :,)re4s9P4o - ' 4 0.. YofP4 for Curt Mesers.-Pziker,..Mpleir4 votedfoilliker. f: - • •*; 31) - BA:l 4 m , .4teigt, slllltb, -Welts; penor,Tßlaridipg,TinOey, Cargail o Stk,yriCarap, *Dc:flaid•*: liollititer4:- - gcliits.66odricji; tOrzttlYl, Tritottell,,,lCeEtett, gipitb; • Rensou; - -.Roityliordi- ; Brolin;•' ,.. Giceil, ter; Mei4iigr;-; 4 2t, •r3iessrr, Fsstictr, 43m1),IPtteh,LISsaltordt0 d'er`,*Gitnig . ei; for Webb, - iresiira: , Ttittleoafiynard; Dieted Biut t k• vOteti for Curtis 4ztt f' Icatiis: Beebe, Griffin; Adtims, King,(),! C4l73pt t l i 4tidaett„Tuttrei'Mpybiad ; 'Carpenter, l'idgley;:tsriguil, Shay, C oo?, SfetiOrlsid; Cunrsd,llollister, Canfield, t o llurpli r, Sullivan 27, voted ferNoung. - ltesirs. Foster, Bush; Goodrich, Tvr, Baker, l'Atiller, Phinney, Patch, Stoppard, 1k L Blowers, J. Blowenh Truesdell, Kesel, So l i t h; Beesori, Diteeek, Reae,‘Lid, Brown, o re; AiratuoimißkziknaPi 'Dielllll,an, Snyder, Oliftillici . ,liesenger—LtrrietedfOr 'AlesSrs,,Haudrick,-4throp 7 2, for We • 0111 8A14.0T. .Mesara:PAelig;Grititri;Adiirosiiingi t il vq , stead, Othitlf,AV4l4 qliddn'n; tle, 3Taynard,7Ceipenier; - Blanding, :fiite t y, Carga_cl, Shay,Cr.utp„Aletl9ald, : Canfield, lloyd.-. 7 2? 7 ,vptedfor les"srs.' Fostei;Biali, , .doadrich, Tifr izr, Quinn;litirke; italCer, Miller, Phinney,- pstek. Stop'pard; IL L. Mowers - , Jf Bowers, :dell, Heaelk,,goith Bens p, pitacqjcv. a r k Rcise, Lord, DroviTl gr#6", Sinc . tnono3elll4 Snyder: Gr nref, Murphy, Sairm a : Latliriin,,Wrigliter,Nesgetiger. 7 33oeti'd `Gardner. -Mr.liTandriek:yoted for, Webb. ; ,. „ LATH-111 GAnn'NEn having received a it1 :1; ity'We.ll- the' votes;•tV:lS' duly ' , declared Le* nated as a candidate for the office of Shea Conventlon then proceeded . to Tintr t 'nomiriation a candidate for •Representathe,.. .. • Is 'll:iezniiur!of Great Bend;Und 'Convention then proceeded to ballot, t . l4t res'ulterlis'follolitg •.- ; ; For Isaac Iteekhow, - 41 • ;' Eenj, " 15 IsA:ec'PlCino‘i ; ivas therefore 'duly ns '' • For Prothonotary mere namea,.t. iams 31 - ontiose; Harry Barney of Apan. 7os,,L..3lerrirpart of Franklin, F.-, l A.:Warkl - .lianneny, and S. U. Hamilton or Gibon.. IST. BALLOT. .• 3fes! . ..'2loaMs,'roster, Phinnty,l' BI o TrodSizfell; letteinal4; Cenrad,kd, Simnions. Murphy. , Sullivan,. Hendrick, . ,thrbp-14, - voted for Williams. Alessr .Beebe, Goodrich,'l"4 . liempslead, Smith, Stoppard, Campbell, Gig, '4eri,- Camp, .Rose, Lord, Hollister, Craleid, ,Grang,er--.15, votetifor Barney. _ l'Aelmrs..l33lser,l 4 .l:ll!er, L. Blowers, Tv, 31zInard,111Andikg,Ditiaoelc,burdick,'N. iey,Neargai!, ,preen.l3, for 31,erripan. Measrs.:Quimi, Burke, Wells, Kenchif..z4 pensop; Belknap, Melt' tau, Snyder, WrigLfe, Messenger-11, voted for Wurd; - ffiessrs: Bing, Patch; Corpeiter, 3 v'oted Ilatnilton, • - " • " 2.13 PALLOT: _ •.. • , i ; ,. Williams,. ~ :,,. ~, ~ 4 I' Barney, .;. , , • : 1.. . -.Hamilton," • . ' ,Merriman,.- • , .. , .' :. : •-. • , : , • .3nn2.t.t.or. Williams, - - - 1.. Bar ney :: - . - • .• ' Ward, Meritinan,- . - - Ant BALLOT. Afesars; king, Foster, Bush, Baker: SL i al Quinn, Burke, WellS, Phinney, Patch,- l'ts' dell, Keabh; Carpenter, Blanding; Smith, Pe.... oori;'Hinipe.k;l3tirdielr; Tirigley; Bt:im; Gras Belknali, ' 2p;3lillan, Snyder, Sulliriiiill.., drink, Lathrop Wrighter, Messenger-30 t: . 1 ted for . Ward. ' —, :,...;•-', ~, 'T • . ' i 'Messrs. Beebe,' ti:llpi;,(Aahivi, dog:A !Tiffany, liempstead,Sraith,Stoppard,Canr4 k Glidden, Tuttle, 3Talmard;Carg,ail, Shay,Cqy t Rose, Lori,ic3orialtl, Conrad; ITollisterCr. :1 , • . field; Boyd, Sinamons,'Granger-24, rota/ 'Barney. 13essrs. H. L. 'Blowers, J.- Blowers, rcg -for ••- -•- • • . F., A. IVARD Was .deilarei l - nominated foi Prothonotary. . • For REuistsurmil RECORDER, the llo>r~ ;gentlemen, were' tallied:ll T. 'Lan amid Dundaff, G. B;R:WildE;'of' NOW' 31ilfote. L. BroWn, of '.:VontrOse; - 31. -.T. Piro - ford d Vrliornson, S. fliac6d, L Ilferriman;'of Fratibin, and -Ediviird "Dosa . Layriniii'iVis'nomieafed on, the &stk.'. lot as follows • ‘,.. Messrs. Beebe', arlifiii; Kink; Gdodrioh,l l fany, Baiter, :Miller, Quirmillsropstead;SA j'AlaYnard, Truesdell Catiwtiter,Blandinir, l › 1 Oe., Burdick, Tingley,'Carga i ll, Camp. Id* . 11eDonakl,'Courad, 'Holliston Canfield, S. enons, Grang,er--33,`Voted . forlalifidon• Messrs. Bush Berko; H. L BloWers,Zholl , Green Boyd. SnYder,MurPhy, Sullivan, llm - driek, voted fo,rC. L. DiOWIT' Mesirs;Foster, Reach; _Belknap; Melliaz '4.1; voted forlVaile., Messrs..J. Blowers, Shay, Rose...3;TM for Merriman..; „; , „ ,••• • , Messrs, Wrighten,4losoiggr,-.Pi TsltfNii! •••• • , :-s, Messrs. Smith, ‘ /Jensoo- 7 2„,f0r, Masse., •' Mr.-Adarn,s,yotel joy . Hawson., .• , For Cpt;:ify?Tr4asintiii,.o.'ll.- SimaioA. 4; isr. - 4!.y.:Rencl Mad ,11 . rm 1 1c,1 1314 ~ ->_„ :The Bailuts were-thus:, .e!. Bullard,; 5 PuPard,':" - ld Redo' 13 :Hatch,;: Satrqii;,Z 5. .1-46 11011( tw • , " • 1 , • • , • • ;•• • 129 Hitteh t „ • d ill Oate4 .: for County Tronpurer. d yle for vne Of. the • . *.socl# . ' ;indica, The following gentlernonlvei v • r, (11 .3 1 i; 4 44' of Jesslll4-4011a -Boyle,. of NeWt Ng° i in PWorcilt 0114 o 1 Harfoottfiuraubl, Tiirxurt, t of , tiltdalewl M. C. Tyler, atilf ttf" Odd Jon °. Cliter , Oll 1:15 , 0) of Auburn, '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers