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's, it, - • :;--, p• ._• , .... 4- . 4. ~,,. , 4 _ ~,,,. ,4 ~i ..7,:. : i 'fi..1,44 ' - • 4. !.'. . ' .`• - ' l 4 e ' ''',;.* . —' ,_, s: . ' ' 4 :. l7l ' , _,i'' , -!, -, ',?.' 2 - - P , ..i , -- • ,:. ~w..f r. 41 ,. . 1 :1` , 1-:". -- ' . ...ii5f; , '.'!;;::.,P :.• - Y:.7.4.i.. 1:'," 1 - ":' * - '. a: SB. E. R CIASE, PROPRIETORS ~ again.' There hi 'inneli ' thatl whiffs " explain, much that von might find to Palliate in my of feilse,'Coilla we 'one€ more, speak:fooetlier:' 1 '4..."-r.,_ -_,,irktpx I he of yen live 'Veara vin your old home.] ' • •,..-You were,then still Whining hcintirS;lthed and .44 . ALISE 4,:t ''••••-- failloh.''', I, Would:fieek - you ' there had I' th e ''" f collrilge to do it . ' If I iiiiiY not 'collie to you again, will yeu not Write to :me , 'and sq!, that I airi.forgivent • Yott'are:WiSet !Girl' has brill- Willi , gifledymi; , it'will he .ii 7ohniparativelY easy thing'for you to nankin „what,.enly in tare !-hourSOf , your - youthtiil ' affection 'may; have seemed ii wrong to you..' Fertiapt you have I lived to-rejoiee dial . proved false mid. fickle I=u fool; . Ido not offer my hive men% 1 on. ly pray you,.answer 'me." -' ' .• I ••There Arai no . More luioling 'of the owl that 'night; but the 'biritonlY hesitated; paused in its illity, on , account of the 'raid. ' Day by .' day, ',for the succeeding three months of summer as it had been during all the spring,it Continued a lifreqnent viiiter at theeettagweaveS; and notli 1 '!ing prevented its coming to a speedy death but ;the Superstitinua idea Ay hich haunted Mr. Vero, thatliatening, to the creature waS; but apart of. 1 the ]regally he . waS condemner] to ,pay; for . the' transgreSsimis of his 'youth: • ', ' ' In the antii in Came 'this letter tO• him.' - 1 '- " MY DS.IA Aus•ustiSn,;--Your letter, three . Months old; is lying . lipen . before .ino :' I have Only tel plqad art unusual pressure 'of duty, as flay reason thine long - delaying to. ansWer it. I 'Will you piiiden the l" for,, indeed; I' have had i you in my thought, and _ have, loh4ed 'to' mi n- i vine& you hew truly lam year'friend: . 1 - "Ytiu ask if 1 were the author of theiclinis to which .yen:- refer. I ean imagine that You believe it, (4261alie' being-my signature. in' those days when: I ivA so fool-hardy as to at-1 tempt outhm-Ship.z: 'Will you believe it, my , I shame , in confessing the fact arises Only front, { lan afflieting consciousness ef their entire want' of artistic merit and be.auty. You must re:tar:di, them not With the eye of;, critic,but as a inere passionate outbreak front a heart than that it was broken and wretched forever.' : I 'Go with me for a moment to the 'past : It lisby no flowery --pith I fed you back. I was I seventeen years old then.- 'Yon were very - lit- i tae older, • Step Ely 'step I could' hardly trace My way. to that point hs . any incidents that mark. the. road. 3tr, life - has been of latter i years exceedingly ba rren of incident. , -there are I fete landmarks: I have scarcely thought as 11 • went dreaming along,.to count the mile - stones; l iirto_look up the. guide:boards.: But this is digression. . - ~ . . . .. , You remember we' had. Met', but a few tc ti , ri k i e es. th y e •et vo in ws op o r i - y i o li u ti t i l f i u fa in l e z g ea s. 1 we.voitured to 1 till ,death come l oponras. We counted. on nothing hut our ' own power .444' constancy—and so Were be trothed, .-.- ,It was tholiShwe knew so little of' each`other. We trusted too much to that siinilarity of taste which had led ,ps to one pro-, fesSion, You kneW I : lud ambitious fancies-- had `wo n a trifle..of-attention by my v emes.. 77 - 1 Y oil also, being literary, had, better prospects of Success than - L :,. Your uncommon poweri, as a critic and reviewer were evelithea devel. oping_i_Vitt„s ak.seu n _..._,*? sSp_irantsfer imanortal;. tiveen. ns. ..: During. three years,. 1 - think, ,our engagement remaimd. firm. But you were more fortua ri, te than.lwere in .the world.- The kind of ability you possessed . was - morel' in demand , than my .poetic talent. You pros= i pored, beeamelitmons. , I watched. your pro-1 griiss proudly—labored to beeome-your equal. i It .was not after all strange, believe we, I do not think it at all stran,genow, that you found among the crowds of people With whom you braaine acquainted, one who seemed to you, wtio was more brilliant, more attractive,: more, encaging and lovable than' a. simple' country- I gir , whose Way , of , life had kept her nature' from developing; which had made her, quiet and reserved: As to-the -charge of incOnstan- - ey,l wilt not even prefer, that.. I know the ,power of tertiptatiokandhr.ppily recollect too.) • For we are nevermore az we have beep is well my own entire want -of . beauty. and con-] - .• ._ ~ .. - Yet will I faint not in my taupe* recoil; versational talent. , . _ . . I eau look ali, for nothing diunte My ken-- ' ...I. am writing of theae,things as tbey..seem I haven° inoiell ems the world can aped.; to a,wonnia.-honestly, as. they seem- to Arm . . -... , . , , noir.. It COSTS .me more of a stauggie to go Farewelil farewell! Ilia a prkyer to anent'. .- :' ,-. back again to the trts . t thyself, in.my.ownspir-:1 In Partingi wh 7 4 11 ' 4'4111 P 4 With " 414414Wi . , it, a s itwasmine when young, to tell YOU how 1, The dark elond binding me mils never !meek -. the sudden.tidings of your marriage :came to i There is u t "lulu i6i at 16211"2"'" ' ' the' deserted girl. . Yet I.feelsstrong to do it; .1 ' - - ' ' - ' Emma d • - • - • • . an neither yon nor I, I s trust, are violating any 1 ' "tiVliy„ - it was strange ; Something, Very • like. duty - in speakino . thus togeftterof an event's° 1 a tear fell on that printed leaf -as. 31r. Vere I long, gone by. ' %t'. are . too old, have paSsed-1 pushed it away from ldni ; and much in the :mintier of one inspired, he drewhidwriting I 0 „,,i,,,,,, to , we lt, 1 indli-idnaily thronglitoo much, have 'learned 1 to speak such thingsin an materials toward him; unit dashed olf.the fol.. o ther spirit than It's right for us to speak. -• .. 1 lowing letter: -. . .;. ' - • "There are days and ,weeks „that went by "The importune whisperings of a voice in 'which left no, trace in my memory,. - save that I my soul impel me. to write , to . you: gEnialte; the,sole.hopeliving in theutwas, that I might i the suggestion' of My heart would long ago 'die. For atime the, ability . toaet.and think 1 ,' have tonne to do this, but reason, a nd shame, as a rational being, the -very thought of faMe 1 I end 'regret that equaled 'My my-remorse, have' and-the love of life were , over. Had the An- I ;forbidden ; they restrain ime no longer; theig4Of Death yeti:Leto - me then; I Would gladly i ' spirit of the past_ the very distant - past, is up- have given hint,My. hand,,and. h as t e n e d' Lis 1 ton me. Lhave a confession to make, a. reetri- steps . es be led me liway.... . But I was- to live; ciliation to.erave- :1 see in that past a. record and once , -3 remember 'that day - . ,We11-4n the 1 of my wretched 'inistake,',lnv tniserable niisdo- I overfloiving anguish of my, heart:in the bitter-: inn.- and b e lieve me, they worked name! oeSS-cof my disappointment; I did write those i ~ , their unhappy results,to this hriur.-...., - ~ . Ime s of which-you speak. 4 i Isla s b eei i- s: ' ".I have a l . hing,ing,to,titurible myself before that a women never writes. such :Ivemes • from you. It is an idle= bottinge to .pay at sO.late thik.heart; that the .soul' which. =experiences' an hour; but I must_ pay. it-.-must pray for euett'sorroWiS the last to •proclaina it . , No the- . ' yoUr - forgiveness. - 1 wish" to extenuate noth.. man, I suppose, 'would 4xecord such sOrrow- - -1 ing; it was my baseseldihnees, my Contempt. - that one who bad seen: seventeen years 'oath ; , ible pride, My unholy, intpure, -polluted -timbi- ' might, in the very. abandonment and. reckless I tion, that made me false to. my, vows With you. 'neSs of her desolation have done it, ' I , prove;i I have lived till.oflatetEnialie,'in my,own shad- the verses Were written, were. printed‘ and 1 . ; ow. There greminda (yciiirtils . one of thermif read them, when every , word came with a it has'deieldped as your girlhoCid p . rothised) in from my soul, and returned With its echo there. 1 which the thunder-crash acpmPalies the light: _My; recovery ham that shock was - sudden anal mg, the intense power in . extreme. action .is - strange. - Trecollect it 'Well, ~ --Even' :while I , ; seen and, deMonstrated. ,::With me it has been was weeping and lamisiting:moit - liitterly, .n 1 otheriviie; reit - Atilt:We folloived to my" . own 'revalsion , came over me; it was not pride, nor i apprehension 'slowly on' their causes; therefore hate,for you; but shame and contempt for my-, , it is, that'afier se many years':hsvo - passed, I . self, that I could suffer arty disappointment to , come, penitential, and as a ,beggar. throw . my, so ',overwhelm', ine. - Then I deliberately ' , haul self at your feet, for the Est time seeing my tied with Myself, till inv reason conyieramy via--I can 64l it by no lighter Parriein a 1 griefs, and I was' free from them _"again.: .1 1 its hideous Proportions. i I havelived behind .grew so strong as even to pray_ for your hap-- myself; hen , else can I Interpret - that extreme pinessafterthat--to look and listen withleng -1 carelessnesswhich.robbedme of the best good . ing for the - story - of your success., And no one that was ever in my grasping! :Bow - else can could have felt a greater disappointuient than I account ler it; that I am alone and solitary— I, Augustine,whew I. - learned - that yoti -- had oublessed,Jilibleasingt : That you; whorir. 1. - Abandoned the - pursuit- rit , fame, : :A.:.Abought loved devoetly, are not here tfimake . n hetiOn that yon:deSerreireongratidatitinsfoi this, tit - i of such words n il A i l - w r iting 1., - 3 ' .:...! 1 . :.so mingled with my -- regret; - for I knew hy. my "The , vow of our youthilt-is InyshanM , and own fortune that yon were than - eicriplag pe: disgraeethat.we did not,fulfill„it---r-iti.repeti.'.eitlisidisappointnient and- 'tna.--iieculiar temp. Lien was Our:last uttered iviir& - iii patting— tation,loo. i . I heard of you though, tin:-other . - - - 1 What followed V Gh; Ettialle 1 . 011Freproach I ways, and believe me, I ,I,7is glad to learn that EirThe °How* '" - '- ' ] self-reproach! I cannot warve it.l , -,.,'.'-a, ,-; ~-.--, ~:- .. yon were married to a good and lovely WoMan, r?aria -- " of ,n,'ry te j e m b g rat ta io r was .dm-lik •st I'l -"1 never knew the. effect.. no : 'cruel, _pro. and that years viiisTjtt, happy home. fm . In tu co ll e ge , imted at Ge t tysburg or trio, ,Pennsyl - va: ;. Pa.: - - ,: 4 Eti.4.on yam I. week' 'ask, if I daredi,4 : you asked tnes-4re yoM happy I'l could. - -answer "I'm .41nres OF G ..,. were tlitinuthor - orthoie lines: ''', ,l iek,laieivall,',! . you at-linee, yes . , lam content with may kt.;.i; ftrr 6100; h ot never Sau,l°___*" 4 , lll k;',"'eT Whiehafteriard mane taMe::-It Yot'iddresii: I Couatint'wisl;:it". otherwise... -Were - . I: hal • - • becom e _ lamas. " '-• 'ed them ' to . ? :It is . with no: We -varimit happy ' - eontentil waltid searearloli 'ask irt )ll oynasell • __, - - ..• '-'• that 1 ask, ~ Lam ,bat-treeking - .14: - tuOlviedge snd.yenrs.to. comer ere, I . should fear sa-.. _says the .ratdo of "oar Itellattal that cannot ' fail lo MOM my,eaeondemnation other 'aiMkenintr:6l' old Memories thaw - that 11,447, s1 !" 1 1. 1,0 'altered to - E:puntibiii, and Anlicteeli 444 Atill. .1:1 iiti'...itlOP•7 l 4 l4 Whicli l lmit . ;etto ha akul.4 War I" 'tit ,' ' ~, ... • ;,,; : ! •.:.,:: ~.,: • ~ lengbr. abdie 41400 'it/ tor Otte. ` l. "•4••.' . • • • • k 0.714,.. t./ a l = ; a ~~:~ p~~ ~~~~0 ~- ---- - 'S.' for the Democrat. F4,', Remembrance, - , IL 11. PVIWNI3. Tn 4 fair and youthful maiden once. , 'Who dwelt among the mountains. Free and mild As her true native air, yet Mild she wok itud gentle as the evening. In her eye The light of lore was seen, and ou her cheek, There eased the mantling blush of beauty. Gaily she trilled her happy song,—her voice Deelf was music. Iler sweet face , beamed ever With: plearcnt smile that told a sunny heart. Acd her light brow bespoke a lofty mind. popes, bright as youth can make them, shout, - around Her puhsray and lit up her future with Thea starry ghat - slings. ,ihiny friends she had, Who loved her well; and she was worthy of The love they gave. •- e * Again /saw her in The lapse of time; but oh bow changed! :Th e rose - ad faded from her cheek, and in her eye .e life light had gone out. The hand ordeals lad touched het, and on that fond cotintenanc:e Ws seal was set. Aroand that cherished form e shroud +Ammon:led, and a Coils was lier dwelling place. newt-,Tek I turned away. ' And in this all 7" I said, "mast lifo ali coma fo thief Aro not e . en yort.t.i and beatify free? re they no tahnnan to card away • he subtle archer's arrow? Death, oh! Death y didst than set thy mark on this young ~unshed one, when life was in its sweetestbitiom ad when the hand of fond affection 'Would ave held her back ?. • Methinks that one so loved ad lovely shonhi have claimed indulgence • en from thee." 'Rethought f heard a lowly voice . &anis!' me. "Hush the rebellious murmurs (thy heart! indulge not th na thy gnef, 'or chide with death. The God thou worship- s good andjust. Mourn not that /re, in Ilia rrot idonce, has tat:rll, her hence to dwell ith Km in heaven. She was a flower too lovely' 'or this Earth—too frail to eacoubte r erndesormrof life, and to endure is many cares and troubles, and her horn is new with anzeis in that brizhi an d larreetat idea, where earn is not, and sorrow twat enter.' Long I mused upon the - course of ad when i turned again to Mingle with busy tare nod strife, methought it looked ors :loamy :Imp before, and had lost oe half its charms Wealth, power, and fame, ad all di! glittering pageantry and pride - • at fills our hearts, axe but illusive dreams, . death will surety end them. Yeats hare passed, • nd often Yet, in pensive solitnae, think of that lost maiden—but as ono Viso 'mere almost n sin to wish again t at to this eta, rold ifinticc, Pa., 3tay, IESI. Evenint • other soprone ! Thou High aud Holy, To Tore we bow; when tho lobor of the day is done, Deroody now. mm age to age unchanging lain the same. All good Thou art ; allownd nod hnly be Thy reverend name, la every heart. hen the gladdnoro upon the hills was spread s Thy smile was there ; ' ow, al the darkness :ethers neer head, We fees Thy care. N.ghtspreids her shades upon another day, Forever past, ' So,o'er one faults Thy love, we humbly pray, . A veil may east. Siktue and sleep, o'er hearts by earth distressed, No sweetly steal So every tear that struggles is the breast; Shall Faith conceal. Theo thro' the dark wilt watch above our aleept With eye of love i Awl Thou wilt wake ua when the sunbeams peep The hills above.- Clk, way each heart its gratitude express As life expands ; Lsi the triumph of its hippinesa In Thy commands.' Vulgar and Refined, Vticcen 7 If I had zitionkey as wouldn't go. Do yriti tlaiek rd woHop Nu No s 1\o; I'd give hirßsotne ecru and cry gee wo, 'Gee Alp Neddy. . . Reel:tem '- . . If I had an animal averse to Teed, ' Delco titink I'd chastise Wei No.joilied, Li gift him some owe and cif proceed, - - Go on Ed viir d. . _ ~~~ '~~~L~~}~~d The Owl od_"Eulalie.n CLUBll.lsE . Clif.'3ißlioV "Tu-viito . 43! MI-whoa:l .Steadilv.the rain beat against the , easement; and the wind, hushed tot soft., sighing sennd, made mournful melody With it and - the pla!ty tivea-iver-seng, to, the ear - of Augustine as he sat,' hang lifter it"grew dark, bY his study .window, Watching the lightning which flaShed *so continunlly . acroas,the heavens...-It. was A comfortable, plea.sant plade which - the gent tletuan• was ensconced:; see, now that the lights are brought in, and the curtains what a, tasteful look is intparted to the- library by the pictures and medallions, thd pretty min pet, and tables, and those large easy . hairS.— Bnt With such a 'the-full - expression on MS faCe; and his evident nnri..st, Mr. Vcrer should not 1 - ve'retnained alono.On guelt adreary eve ning, you say.,.: heshould have' been • rending or chatting with his wife—lie should have git-, en the twilight that. Wasjtist paSt to„ telling his children fairy-tales.' • iAlasi pOor;:man, he had neither wifetior 'child in 'the: world;' be was a. widower, and .little 'Grace; his only daughter, died leng..ago4 •• 7 'snch tluiug,lits as, I ,siippoie,.never trouble married men and fathers, - had 'been days tormenting him, ,Suggested . by - Miserable croaker iu living,form--iteanie .in the shape of a chattering • owl,. with - its 'eternal " Tit - MUM? Tn whool".i had haunted hint day in and out till the Vietii;begau to,grew des: , perate. • -That afternoon that was juste passed . the great gray thingliad.perched on the eve. trough just above the library.. winao%.piping its voice 0112 C IRON to that monotonous tune, which, till the rain . began; it gave tio token of - intention Of bridging to delese. ; tinny a time, I repeat it, had it made itself 3lr..Vere's guest '—never, till now, had. it proved: such an un acionable bore . ; for, the train Of thought, only sugge.stecl in . rust VisitingS„ Was }IOW arriving at a climax, and The handy- inhabitant :Of the pretty cottage was growliig desperate.' But it was not ou account of _ Loved and los tenor;" that the creature Caine with that reproachful interrog,ative, that "inelapeholy" "to Who ? •to 'who?" remindinglfr. Vere of all that had gone' 'away from his embrace doiVn to the grave: farther back than that 'page ofhis heart-book,'' on which ,the names of hhi dead. ife and child were: Written, his inentOry; went; his thOughts circled around another one whom ho had de, I sorted in the.lovelinesS of her youth and the helplessness of= het orphanage—and the .re membrane,' of her was a. grievous repro.4..ch to . , has pushed away frOm before" hint pen and pa'per; it was his intention-when' he first sat down to his desktowrite; bat now let us look over his sho - ulder as he unfolds y serapU ' printed paper, and let us 'read with hint .-the lineS which the old gray owl haibrOught.back to his metnery, lines which for years have been for„ otter,.. • • ' FAREW - E - LL • u:itst this night I unverfs/f. Li e - word— , • I`, The drea4meaning cempa:ised is its fold; My soul by thine mot never:rore be, Wend Belleau our souls wronging - Spoils have rolled How ean this be? Thou acct my life, toi all; I asked of heaven no bles.glOg but thy love— - All wordlY good, even fame,sermed poor' end small To thy dear love, awl thou eouldtlr faithlas provel I strovefor fame- le only was to lay The rich gift at thy feet, td with it bend, Choosingthee---vb, cost guide to lead My way Through all life's dart:nit-54-ml rusit,roy friend,! I have so trusted, thou hart iw deceived, • ' 'T ins e ueh a blessed itionght that on this earth Thy lovin; aid was mine. lam bereaved 1 . The balance-dust outweigh'posy future's worth. Eaatti goSph Nt>t Vi .'M Utl gnt gageizcei alizmtaeg. . . , MONTROSE, PA , THURSDAY,- AUGUST 14;18'51 "It is lona , Knee 1. hare. poetized when, :ivroto these ve winch I - send s thinking' only yrin. TheY , to`yoii fraught-iiith anothei tone than the s.!Pnrevrelr you . hare mentioned. .31S,T . heart„was glowing frith 'a true; friendly feeling .for you '?then wrote s thent-:..can yen cult to' tulid that'daY oI whitih they %Oen) written?'.; ; ; • - • • , --;:; verycriry aeon think of '" ' ' •*. /44 of that losety dli,sihttsstato.lothet ' ' ; Through the srh! woods And gelds ssFut msnifyi • As b lithe wet: thou to that bright snmmet.Reatb et,,,, No rahitesi etotthtschid the eledisapph;rs shy ; Oh. ibis' raitmlier bon , the , inn tbet inn* olni .Trode" 41ce kis couree s Oad frita ,o 4l ll 6 Louked his proud silty 0 ; v:1110silted for earth's adoring? , „Duet flip u remember how,,tlitiropp ro b ed. , • And bow those nutters crept se iloirendiOfernia, .To tbe niid; bon leaping(er,thepgrtrhel. ' • • •••-, To quickened ;Ur, 'math that..suns, misty eninzun A denim:M . od or ley I goo riot See— . • • • Deit tteu romexabeK—dOst thou think of steel . , Remember n's for we arc ;ono afAr, Thai day and I, indsummer inadoif; Pear lova, trod betteathailtothe*stoe;'"....'„ We .reamed beneath Qua star our factnuitgended. "Rensei7lser us 1: the linnet:dae hill cormbaek; I Pink; to heraddineaniote blest ti:ffeeitini And if the shadons spread .king tby track. • ' Tither,: without sunlight they have no selleepon.f dolma are glorlonei !tat, tr they , dasti,„ Thy best IMPS. to 'anti fro hi wlikreent`oni . - Sec! midst, the trmOist ind:tbitlxuridi,r trash, •• From the fat depths the the purls peals or ocesu 1 ; I Lavin° fearfor thee let weal. or wit, „r,i Illibeavo yours: lie heicrheari r Moon; A"ltdieu, .Augustine., De not 11.1sifinty pie; phetic Words. Believe me. ever truly . yotir . ; ••41,-alttiu-. 4 There was a- response„ eager,.. and instant; given to that letter, _ Xett will receivei you even bid me come, to . you! Ph, ',Bulalior let Me tell - you .- /iote . l . eettie, With " What Itope,, with -what exceeding thatikfultietiiii: Ttironoil' my stagnant heart u now tide of lit'd is —the rainbow, -the ,glorY-hutt.,le, all over the World - again; and I also tun young once more t Cur you have forgiven the, and the err more-glorious than the:Child.'" err in wri ting this to you! Do:I-err in -thinking that! coming toyou .now we shall both lose,. sight of lull the past' years, and, be, as in our youth, , affianced ? " What have I Written! It il • which-lies in , my inmost heart,''' tula!fit ; I its most treasured hope, ruest, sacred idea! 1 have for y-rs lived alone—god took - her from 'tlie earth whom-I sabred :to count-between your Self und . nie. - She was - a glorious,beau!, , . titul woman; o blessing 'ilie lived—an I angel-long before she ifidd. If I knet6 What I I believe, that she is my guardian angel, and was .uware of t,ll.tny, thought thr, yet4l would not shrink before stieh kattiviedge—she, would rejoice to know it, if-1 . -could nuke reparation; shape, fur that - sin of my-yputh: . Will -yon surrey we ; to come to', you with-Such thoesi f —will your kindness receive, your cempasSion refrain - /10111 6AldinitlatiOn will_ your lore await me What do'l I forgiveness wits It small thing compared-with thtS. till 111 any measure ud;1; urciinqs.' risountriv - yolt. like part:tr . ? lownat e tame erititigh - to satisfy, Might be your answer: 'I Imow it well..huti on-1 ' myself Seale a yet higher which , you have nut dared attempt. , Your presence, yoUr ivtirds would be a perpetual inspiration. (laning us I ant niiw; I shall -- Desperutoloutily—Uothine With b e such Its* Lucre friend zevercherisbed I' Would,' come to you., _flay thus come _Your -an swer decides thy life—it-will send ine..baek to the entei,-tiarkness;t:_or forwt.rd titrim4ll the e . f ... all any ~. f one' pearly gates to the realm of light 'and glory: ; eodn'in iiimuier thhe,,andthe remark it would ' . I i Lord Choi' Justice_ Tintlal.-= , Those are not 1. :111) , w:thing your answer, 'Bulalie'—obsthittlt ' crea t e , c a me o'er . me, and.at every swallow k chri. i tian sentiments.—How can:" you expect how it is I wait. " - ..! • • ' could fe?t the Peolsranen "zin tl, '°U (it _me ~ the th , court. rind jury to look witlilicor.on_ybur ' ' I " d ' - bath.—' ' (' There W:A.4 reparation such as the deserted,, as though , tvas . piace over a steam a r-- ' d e f e nce-, or God to pardon you, 'it' ycni , . cannot; orphan 'in her bitterest sorrow could not have Fria girls:evidently, - crijoYed illy; ; misery, wished, visited on Augnstine Vera in the an- •- t i,-ei r s ht,i glance! and 'sinotterecf, giggling in ns c .furgivel I Ilrisi:ier—l know to lerd, 'What will, .be • ~: .• swer which he speediiy-receivedte his appeal ; 't .„ • • dicated., „ , - ~ ~ ,. , 'IV hur judlinient,und that of the jury; God • -,- : - , ~•----- l o g note. " - .. ', : ' ',.' - ' - --• .r. At lehgth, Much to my relief,•the'ditiner was. ; h s a r i .,; a ll., ) :lu:dulled me, I feel it in my heart - lam brief myself;, brief in stature,. brief ict I. are distressed beyond measure--Icanhot es.,-,., and ley . i,„„o n ii t i on working' ~: up..n lo!•,":, , . You know .not, 1, ham - not -- then, the whole , diseMirse , , iihert cif theinory and money;" and 'forgive m Y seifii .2.stwlishi''i annoyed-ir i kuoutab, soon relieved- it-,of ' its llaPdCa 23lll '.eXtellt, of, the evil that .man.had. :done. me.-'4:l far'short of me' 'Wishee.‘'''ln" mint:things, too, would say, butthe word expresses too tightly , 10 ,,,,,L , , , .. _,, ~.... , ~ ' , ' .i ..-• • i - Whiill liflUle. coMp.issionate 'OCC01! .brought ila er •rar , admirer of brevityl , t•canhot-endum , z All r:thef... delicate: viands , . that the real grief that I feel in reading-yourietter,l .. Augustiee, ..trui ,you indeed think of me std!" Vl7Wenl'aiin in-itch the in4ii . s. I was in het - me my danEritter in my plison she wa:s no lot= 'lint - dinners.' ter mnii4and InaMiged 4 .0 eXplain ;my Pritpoti , t,:ne iiiY - child. 'She Wia' tie tenger Pare and loe4 find ,land, with -.all .the - 'points ..‘` on the in at &yet.. 0114 I , Do you ratan it. iwhen yea; s p , q , for cooiis,-by r e tniodia4; e x i le that-where ,;figelle.-..s ftnaterlc—s - ..e'vtas:corroptid,,ltotlyshiPnlaoP e4 , 4lP,rodnee, are not so..inerdat&. 53 Y you have ventured your future happiness i.t, lived we voisideredthent luxitries, as '• they i l and soot. Fier us tuner, her bra- l i.tife.a,tenlitation to giuttonyfes, the lentk,ul of in a thought of me? '- I deplore this fatal even - were not se plenty, as: in _.the neighborhood :in- alums, :.like those) of:the ptc'oplii With sq l ogk i a needles,, half htitil.;tt table; certain, motions - tuition--4.10d help us! • -- ' - " ' wide lil, w a s . solourithor. I fancied that .I had,: inc h ar l ly,, es i liting. •• • Slie did not ,reeogoiie,,ef tfiesjawS aie`..tiodo'ulitedly ' irift4:tiouti;lstiels "I base triendshiP that l' tmn give you,faith-. g 6 t . , M ~.,,t.. the ~,e e '. „LI - phi ve d ,in, part'llader i , 6e.,,illiki A , recognized her no, longer s tnyelf. !-aslatighint, , yawning and eatieg...' Shcitild the , ful;iture,,and geod, as one human Icing "al the'clieutustabceS very well: ,' ' '-' - -'t ,DU sou eMourehenti nii'w 1 ' Iltst , Maa h-td I nightmaie 'rind her ninefold," deseend 'vial offered to -in tier, I have love even, fur you— . i -, Tithe•greig :apace, ,and. tea nirtis annoiincttd:'roblietrum of the mid soul 'of 'my 'child. ; 14 - 11Pdif:llie - dralleir;;Sr)ini.4 - gestion. after but I ant bound by other ties as well. ' Is it II „,,, in high glee , and haviti . i an ePPetite Anti 1---1 have killetl him but. once. ;-• ' , i theold flishimi, ciasornotho,sbape, Or, Aherne.. possible that you do - hot- know that lam al whetted by. VIC IoSI -, of dinner,lieped to enjoy 1 P, - .llt- - -. - .lle lord;we have agre'ed in, our l'Ill.'" tt; hdrantiish in hid tont - appear in, dial wife--a .mother? It , is four years sinec-1 war- a. good.iupper: Bat I ails disappointed., there ' verdict = ..! .:..,-.r . .--- 7 ...,..F, , r;`„ ..:,::„, , yet more formidable likeness, or a racint,t- tot., tied. When your first letter came to me,} was but One - seat vae:int, W hen' the ladies, were I_, ch . i f fjuaiee t —lunderstapcl you, gentleman,', the'uteredead Weight torque' it'ould'ture limo trusting to your own and my integrity, ;I '''''- a seated, and opposite that :‘,Vtis the veritible,i but law must take its, ourse. I most' sum up ; balimee of my resolyes. , . - I.llmitartial io k ih o rt, gird to hear from - yen; glad th‘..4 you thought; coon., 77he hide of .thellou.se , remarked that • th e. ea - st i i iia l 'th e n ytitt win retire to deliber-indies.i - diere.l shak be told, ,pertuips.that the. , my friendship worth theasking—l did 110 t illel= 1 i 4 as I-was fond of croonshe had kept it fur illy 1-.;, rt i. -. •'.. •• :. ,•.• . .-:-.) .•••:., ~' ..,.....; - . Greeks inelode, size itt their . ideal. of: hettoty ; tigine.fill the letter, came which - lias so iroubt: teatin. ,, , • • ~. , . 1.. ~,rile.chier.betic,,,, having e e re th er t, all th e }that Alftlerners 'fair ones are, large and come. ed me, that Yen had other thoughts . th a n . t if . , tvh,a ,i , ..-._;.,, ~,, • •,,,,, ---,,,: ,; T1,,,..„1...„? I , r ~ r.„ 1 - • 1 . 1 4. I, / ter ' , ti and thAt Lord ItyrOit, he; expressed his. could I 110.: / 0 admit that I L:? , '5.,1 case s toe. Jury,:rellrtio ~a•ntt, to, au t man .11 1 t . ,„ , ~ - ~ , . recent:Bement. "lily friend, • I have but op.e.. to piny n joke. on' her 'tylirieging the'-coon I rei,urned into the .Centt, with a verdict, - , not ; etestattoa bid'w dultapy women:7- Alit his is. pntyer tdollet. fo yon. Ile a dieniner no 10ng.. 1 , hewer tvouldn't do, _therefore" tit preserve My ! . g iii1t . . ) ...... - - er, arouse-and net. Come into thoworld,e.mic I iii -, , ) CMditj was drain forced -to.cat an trat)all' -oil thedi,i c iii r o;.or:-IrA n i T ionil, the' Sh e riff! are not idenlsinor do tee love driadiffirethern here if you will; .I.shall 'be 'glad Ili See 1;° u '' amble supper., , . ~.., . -:. ~:, ..,, ..-.: • ~. ' ..'1 , wis-• obliged to sorrortml. Mtn' with ski esepat. i a such': licimer makes hfihereetrtallai'voll and Proud to sho - w you my husband,and tail. . , • When, supper :Wri`s - over t r,egrlgrOahitedlla:li e er'owci tif met, and wornen:tvas -initnense. '.. as his heroincil ,therecannot;'.as , Ftilaistrisys e , dr°° ' I ; l6n g to kn oW ot' s 'Y ou -a s- t akin g' tbs t • inYiself tiPon the final disposition of the var-I,4‘i se woMen - tvete.,deterotinetl to c4rry„hica art !Jo liette!. Uml*lilY.• 7 lAnd. tta.tiit, his. lordsliip„. play: oblong honored lien which you are justi... m i e t, ,, .„ .- ...-,: ,: , :.• -, -,• - , • ''..'" ' . s t'in triniiiPh. The crowd followed. him all:tho I when I am.thc,Grand Ttirk.helllludl-aboese for ded in occupying. • I long to see you: I rail i ~N ow,"•said Ito mvself„:".it will tato the i. 4 to his'i o dgings'‘Vith ihr2rfeniug, Shontitand ~ yle,...4,revere fire ees ~iglFiuch'asArly malaat` Bah what.' will not :write,for 2 must- not reia;' kitchen; and that :wilibe the end .- or. it." Itt..ii v eiris; -,'?. ;-, , .•., .. -,. ,-- .. . ..- ~.:- ' f „'. r . deCinelikV to : hook tio . tti....tifeiti. rti.,d ; ratti.. der, my words_ liable : to misconstruction-mune; 'the.' evening, I eliinieid iit,attunille iillen the C' .';' '- :.', ',. :. . , . ..-.. - ."-- • ' ier be consorted "With . . t4' yorittOst wren or . andl will speak, iinewingyell that spirits un'' Cook - ,` and I colielliddd• to relieve titc" timid by Crumbs , forall . kiids . of Chick- nine," than with' any ;daughter of Eve?' Whose defiled and pure listen.: We are children. no irtonidnirof thOold lady -iftei the 'Cite of the • -' • ...,„. • ' '•• , morning stature. wns'-taller , tharr my'aVoninz longer, we liffir laborers in one vineyard, are, COO ,. ~..,.. .:,'. t . : ':;. t t X..r,t..t.J. :3: ..,, j•;.-..., t.• :. ..,, , I (-.:::-..- , Vilpi '..‘ -7 , .-. ' ::-' :' ; Ikillidoly.l ,Whintever 'lsuch sa Amazon'. Might . tue . not2 , We can easist one another in Our "I hope you bad a goteisnpper MT Um coon;" ri ' finiu:Anything thht is wring and tinprOfit. I condescend te MY tainef it would Itunad of work, can counsel amtguide,',l You. chit not iai d .L . , . , ,-, .:- ~ , ~ . L. triulel•:-As' lung as:our • railroads. made - money I" nothing but low, and little." ,, Those pretty _ Waite any more, orion:Ye-PI% - There is work • ' "'On. tid,iLlg/i'ieoeri:4'ii'l'isiliss sitptiiiit ;tier- I by, runiting,ears - on.the.thbath, they, disguis. 101, milltlitive's.. • which„„itlmall r ian, MO ttre,' this 'to be done! Fail younut!" ' lend . 1 "o ' ' ad 't bin( must be kept lei ! 1' • 1d . the ilea'of neeeiSit The tno. tem!? - Of alreCth?n, from her 11 1 , . would .secin - oeo n,•tin a ....., eft tti tr . t ,y., . ~, , , . ~ „~ ..... Liii7fead:thelp words wt tears, but be youi.brenkfaiV:.; *..... -... ;.;.., : 4 _.: ,_ - • • $ ilijent it; imzisi.d , to pay 'however, they were so l Idle pt.rsonatititti. she could h.ive hut ono Set obeyed their bidding: ,EVOiy line .pf that let. ~, 4 ,weli,l,,euld.l,!fte tell..yea the troth.annty4i shoeked:by , the igtorlieetioe; that they not . only !of Phraica:fOifatidnealandiCdill;' 'lr I *Dal ter-pierced his soul—and the booting ow: al; tdon't like coop three times, in. suiression f l lucked up their coal biasi" but they even ' '.vent ! 4 whiStibrnonsensit in'heeear,'" twist 'tat on, most maddened him•witlfits "to—who'c;-but an d fil g ive,you, duller to thiOW, him, to thel so f a r as ip forbid their locomotives to whis. 1 tnY lege. as it I,,,weie - going to More a remelt!. ~ • . the sickness of hisireart had passed, ho lifted haVs"" '..'' - ''' '. '' - :" '''' •'.-- '. ._ '' I fie. - tirliethor-itien, Wait; GOd'Or thii Devil, I ,tiont,vir'. iis, go,ls, ,ittSll,, 4 *?aill 7 tee/i.'!stey with , upibis apirit,,tveak though it was with reinorse 1; ...6prry.well; replied thOold 'Afilein,•"i'll' de' 'dep'eriils altogether on 'ilie -, k - ag . ,i which theylP-e o r, t';uS. 4,l lutne OA. ,Were measuring lbo , and ram reoret;Und hp, grew strong again., :1 is •1 ) feetho dolliirr•- i.- ..‘,..•• •!...! ,' •-, • :.:. 4 gitte,l" -'' l '; •---' - ''' .-' ' ; ;'' -; '‘'- ' ' '''.- Igr and for - tv,e ditelisfe e ; one Of Whom wasn't. , The, dollar, was, paid•tadt-,cndeth, the .., I very good Mend; and MO 'other. ii 'very cod. vo: , -bring . ativit or looseness of wants, we , h , ~1 sh , di , , ~ ,- .., - F Watery:Of !lila Same, Ohl 60,n. thus.. • , ~_ ... ..._ a et: - oul • &nee with he (alas. am snOw.of nit.better laxative, thcnthe weatner. 1 -, . -.. .. , . ' - "Whin - Ilktilit6d - lo ft - ; ; -:-::- - -%='. 'I rebid the' s tr ik e,. t hi„ t„pk, tut o f, „ nven • ut j o i .l ind it !past .buntan daysY , I laical& seen' os. country alive-,witlf-Wirig.anct-'Detnoeratie er - b,1j 0 e.,6 1 , a e.'e us tiee,Mi kltieutie:, ~' It leeks ",a°6- toss in a s w m ili k im''`tehllO'f . il citement. Coons wore at npreadem with' the like rain," Kai tinatai p , - in i o • tiliat ,..l three=deeker.•y-iiintt stotarld rived ‘ber '(proh, ,Whlgs, and biekory,poles wititthe,Petnocnits. py• nit '• ' ' While a casual 'reit:lark ottr.„, tees ,, i, dolor ;- l'4llS declared by slgns infallible sn old la s t b e f o re the „r ,: leolon ,the whip, were; to ,ni„daieii., wind .'- lice i dt em p reee d the c o t eli,h,, 1 baciteint44o l l lintlVtlef otoyest of ,the brood. Bare a barbeetfe...Proiektiton; ,ialresies, .4415., 7 in ' th e, h eze e t eucco w i , . ~, '., 2 ~, , -._...„ -kill OA nit ,Iteift hf a lt,.; af4l;pl., kpikre,: oiled • , whi •:, the_ ' -i i -'. ' ' -,14,e ir , -..-.- •tV ~ •, • , ' '' -, ' tlutiold.bitebeliar , falle eternally to",ntly share.. • - and evei3e t, In c untt Y "tin AtiLlt is robi6ol - - ' ''' - and ' " ' '' ''' ' . - .. - ...' . -- ..r,,t ,- .- _ ~. - -. no • sot;lodit' Of eoritritclietlou punts tins pressed into sereiec 1 twanteadyon be ground , - . 't , t , ,i iiir , 4 -„ t , , , ,i n id p i g i l ti t sitio a d oafs in Us . - •. - -di i l 'hy 'if tinge . x bed - h 'y) omen: OM es ait as .t , s w ell -.tfr peribimmiVattin.thaCaremonFinichanCei ' m 'r c ci l ie e . .7. .-' • , ' --' ' - . ~ , a ....„ 4 .. ,-, t + . . b e ' • ' t e d D ear where the heie Oa c olumn -- -..-,-,..• ,-, •. .. '_. ~ .• -,, --,- - z' 4.W0U1l BMus Oi-soete,isructressee ' voice will ° • V ` °s '' '' .:.' ' . i• -- ' ' ; 'Whrit'is Witt' .-- -' - . ';' ' '''" '": ' - 1 • Sid ' -buttibould 1 ed het Wcalernied; 'One of ilio,M.t.otdee.:Aat.rtuit ' 1 ... ,- . ~ ..- „ , chidenay,saavw nese. . w , 6,: v i l i v i alg ' &4 afeete,infili taenon 'perch: i.t Thatpeenliar kind of talk atelier* paptdf i tuaust !titaid tile Prtsbatevery , itegilleatt sal& . 4 twairte4e; I,l The hlstoiy or it* trialkwhen: leiVzolleslodigakeihO d '• ""'2 '' '' '''' ''''. - '.looMunratlre4 • ;••11'1 0 50 1113 .gEtOnlitniaritanapes. 'fortwd 19 INA ,itie4l.ettekirtcoont tedechrell Rs. - -Mt I.4ldletteeett 4 :.'Cr-. , ";: --'; t.- .'r' ,- -:f • wouldcall'ue Elegiaes,.(bantwnlmi*e_ty66 vividness Itct ,lll .9bf, 1.81# 1 4P;4i rbAci, -..:3•Ycr# o .l)74lei . ulOrtnfibli!On lt:Plak' Ali. Calo4,o,o4nittil wool &Ai:pi Allem duplicated, attinding,nerz. roe., ;:.--,' • : .., '. ~ ~.; - jiiiMPT4 b 14440 1 .81. 4 4 lia e1T5 0 4 4 '400 . ;.• OA f Y 6 6 111 . 1re. 30 4444 / 1 1 1 4 • 444 !e5s et.tiiiittlitlit. , c*;ti4tir , ' vtaitichi.::', --- .. . . , . -,. :'; unit ' s era itrthelr 141blot(cetbl Ory:after us, ,178_ Trois. ..: , ' ' _.. .., „ '. 4 ll:tteitittier.OrtiiiiltiiioYitilikoi*lt is "'SIVA'S' ;opt ''' -, - - - , .• - _ chine' Os e , pqice, And pnert w i, ' r''.'' - , ' ' i i g li Oars weld 'mtfairthelnatakln4eMe • pi a t attic clicoi.k,;..'. .c.:4-I' ,, ';'--= , • '''' l '•2 , VoiltbutitjoiititiOnsinttaidd'# Oltittlitt . - - • •la .,,,,. ~- ~.., isititomegutiggyvily dage ttozfroyemmansfes aDrinXtt , skoildtwakm,',,,, -,,:- ,-,•.,. „;.:„ ir - ,,,.. f.;...1,1 , 1 . 4 t - . . . , - . •' - '1 -.', ~..A •ri;., ..',. 'i - ” •'''-:,' 1:; ,-, . It „1 „. , .., ~.., • After all “Eulalie" died first, and of a bro. ken heart heart: Not love broken was, it, the affections of her nature never panted ; . tor bet-- ter gods of earth thri were give her"in" her 'own home, tfer children and her liosband'were epoot,rh. But the world, thei - cowani,-sottlleis ,world, saer r her in -the 'strength of her qmrity extendinga friendly anctdirecting handtoAu gmstiVe Vero=-saw her,'ris it seento,, guiding and leadingbin:4446 needed such a col/Miler as *be prored,rttni . . thenl a- pica' of - 14tutil rose,., • - ss--4.taspiebrokettoldri rAserengat welted ios,r , - - volP,t9o o . l , l iturankottift• 2l,- c , ma OS milislier ptherea arenth tbd tom, sill 4-1114 out *broad-11401Ni wati4 024 sing. inglipX.repeated.it,and hearts lent It credence, tilt itlesine.back atitnit in snits iguibleeit: 'cArtiolt; its mai f4slty,, 0404 - A .throfts toZlTlOßN:' aka' ?Jet 3 :*: "- . - . , Vkald:that gray otvl:might'llaunt forever thi:,l.honloa. of .thoe: whose ,poiponed,,, ieriovi'foitnit: her. 00tle' heaftl WOW that'll' lidt 'of the :tei•rdd Ityminitliy; the; hots tender nes4 that laddelior life no precious to the dear I " heart4.Pr. 11 Plae,"Ituight .on theat,.. (tin lin .wonted h4;?sing it tventd prove,) teaching 'then] that gr dt ptie BaU.lo%e intend of "envy -Andliatri , d,sniiil.inaliee, and all 'uneUrituble werti know .to who! to: whorii, „ , ovt•-• appone •,:toi turn De,_ • - ,•-:::, i , •.. t,-,.:,:zoCrati ...,,.--.- -.- .! , .:It iA,noti,etTry inan,, 'Mr,' , f Spirlt! *that can glye,.ll,4pliTi . re S Sa ll ,'S'or -hie , pelititill- , predirce,- tien;i, howtiver . ,;.tho., majority, trmy kir„ among. the neiSSeS in pilelainiing*lne:r.adhcreneei., to one '•iir'ilid tithdr . party: . Siirpe"itre Diimoctuts as•scirtio Whigs, becauie of tisaoehitiorii 0r...m. 0004 ; or,fa.ney ;•,,hatlew, :very: fenhi'S:i party P9 ll ties kuft)ele l 4 l Y.Pro‘re, ; beeritoie,(tf”rational and ,intelligent aillierenee to principle, ' The Itabrat of anr . aftitelf prOVeS'thiS tict... - ...i : - -..." - You 'ask, how' I , bechide a Deinnerat,' said it- sleki ; well, - -clad ; ex,ciflicial to iigrining - crowd, ”Z.tot POW, Unit. taut entr3rollice,„l:ll tell yon, if.it'S only' Mr.i.iledie. Im ' , to 4 , ..inNirgiany,' ; I ivaii' a 'liikr Mari. 'Ttlieng , lit lianki made mu ;tiny plenty . ; niul •ils; • that . ivas* ioii,f i ileiir4, I e'oold,not see the .iiinnu - of ** , opposing , thein.J.-' ; Ity'fofits,wereall .Democrats; tiut-s I:wits for ~banli4, theya It 4a1d..17w . c.3 4 41 :Whig - 7 -and so I ranked myself ; illai beferti the election, I I 'lLOriened to ito'-on s'iialf-te the' Confitry . , :mil ,whem their+ had tiothintthetter to - do,- I went uncut hunting. ;- I captnrede fine ; tit, rank old fellow,, and .h.ronght ,him, home, .:I knew he ii/14!not fit to eat Stlirlt season, but ertnelltded iiiiti(itlistariditig; that 't WriuLP liaye'siaihe fun in Mr - own way,•"-. •: - - --, , • ... , ', • , Arrived at litim te e v t threw the comi'don on the doorway.. anti remarked to the old lady of the hoase `tinitlV like.lo have it, cooked for. dinner. -• ..- -, 1- . • ~, , • . ~. , o What I": excleihied sht;, - 4 COole Aar * coon fur dinner. P! ~,,; ,-..., ~:- r: , Yen," treplied,;,`t•Lam fond of . coon' sand eat I it ni at :ii ii e t ! i;Z 6e p :i e S etTt . co ' nle lord f finding my joke car ried Coto Aim. Folilkexpeeted to give the girls'-an;uppertunity. to:talk a litt:e•enneerning ' niy ; 64. ,•tp. , 4 appetite for coons. in the. summer; season; but to my tiorror, .aner dismay,' when 1 dinner was' served, me Leoort was placed di rectly before ine:" i'liere 'WM( one wary for me to preserve- oak , credit, fur • trittliftileeSS, and, that was - to eat tietirtily .i . .if:. the rankent meat that covers the aketetoti Of. ,iiny 0 the ' four footed tribe. St.h'eral ladies,'lvere at the table: and I.was foreiid by politeness- to ask theta w partake otinv coon. ' - , -„; 1, ."-Will you: . ll,sve,sorne coOnnsmd I to-the nearest'ione:. .• ‘. ; , , J - ' 1 ' No,:sir, I Only' erit - coon In the whiter sea t sari," iv'as' the reply.: . .. , :" Will . .you have, a, piece..!". ' .' o NO; sic;l iierer. cat Coon" . -. ' . Haring tried 'al? * lie . ladier , Q'tnUtiliw..therkti 't -. --- ,-,-,..-..,"."'":"."'' —••• • - t.glibt.t.,l3 ~.. —..... ... ..,,,.. I,,uuunrcrra ... . , ' it/via'A like.- ;i - liitleather, and rank-4/10d lite:sal - was miy . poor child, Her - Mother . weeld, m e!..- - .it i v o .s riei i rle. r ! ii.ritek..,as a polecat, yet i-perhapS, have precipitated herself towards her,_l was famed to* - c4• It mm cooked for ,mo at 1 4 1 . 14 locked herself in her,arms... As forme, a my request, juld1.01:14 not avoid eating 'Mlle I veil p.issed over my eyes.. I threw myselfup. of it. - * . . . -** . - - :. -, -- . • ten the chief of the ropidancers,* Iknely, tint , .. . „ . .... .. , . 1* * Of nit I ..e.yersat, down to; this I bei.it . W ; is i I, habitually gentle, event() Weak*. l t *one - .wili Stick the faSteat and r e main longest ' lnes; seized hits by-his clutlies,-,4 raised • him , I in.'viihl*,tentetnlminue jii„,Mt„!r• me 1096% " I !!atl. iin the 'air, then da;ihed him to the : ground-- liked 'to .haxe -,ehtiked-- - 1,.-;c00%!..th0.-OnimOl3 i then again. tie was dead: Afterwards I .re ,lliabits, and .I** MOgniiied" , thhiPld fellow into the 1 , peatedn - h:1 I had done.—At - the moment :1 I t 'Solomoii of his tribe.. ,*I fatteiV,d; .Lim . tiokur 1 regretiol that I wasonly 'able 'to; kill*. hat ; think one of his kind: ; -The . *thouglit:of eating , -..„ .:..,,- i - • ..!- , . . ., . MIME „-;:iirlaij-....i.i5,1'i7;' , ':1 i'.:1;..c.-. I was willipg . to give upl,qll my bank notions vitherlhatt Pt - he forged 'to oat 4 coon in add: inaradet, aii&froid.that'da'y. heheeforth,' actlyettlo elassoysel6ltltr.the beau:Pendia patty.' And_ this Ica s _hoz?. I became a Demo: HOw'rOany of, your readers are there, Mr. Editor, Who can:give lidttei ,are for their frarifilte4acce and a . ii - §P . • SATCHEL,.; Tire COLITier des. Eta sgives'us an ne count.of a• recent trial-•at, tho.lold ,London--Lord Chief -Jhatiee" • • -• • "George Ilammond aj portraitpainter, ivat •placed at the Imr,to . be 'tried au an indiettnent fonnd ngsinst• him , by the grindjiiry• for. wil ful -tnerder, with" - nisliee: afbrethutight, ,•Cf Georg,ii ihildWin; a ropellsacer and :tnintnte. the prisoner was a of -middle but slender form:; His eyes were 410, lis witch: .being, .gare, , evitience, a!ilidtted,*theSi, : ankinelapeticily Ile ) lik-t - til.:::.y0r4i - uf Age, had a 'buff voice, and his appenrancetatia matter bore. tee: 'iireionyto' his 'being ',a. l'ecitleiltion In , Spite of the piiveriy of .f . „•,_ lw.ing...eallfti on to . plead, .the„ prisoner ::idmitted he did kill Da end be _dephired the aet.;-.-adding,.however, thi4 . on „his :Ina anal etqaciehce Ile did not . ty. Tli6reupon . ..a ,jnrY,i.wempannelled to try the: prisozier.'._ - .l.'ne iindietinent iras . then 'road, to the jury,'and the 'net- of killing being 'admitted. the. governrmint rested ' tneir; 4.1,50 and the prisoner mis'cilled tipen. for. his de. . ••• ' , , , . The prisoner then addres*od himself to 'the, •• •• • - court and jury: Nil: Lord.; said • my justification 'is to be foinici it recital of the facts, Three years agO, Ylosti - daughter, then four yeaM of age the sole memorial left of :ny beloved. - ; Whomit had pleased God • tn reCall'td himself: [lost her ;but I-'did not see her die;ns I had seen' her ruoteer die. * 'She disappeared--she was duleit from Me. She was a Chartning• and but for- her.'.l had nobody-In' the world to love tile.—Gentlethen.,!what I loves:dieted eanuot llildosiiribed-yOn, cannot comprehend I !Live expended- in= advertising and.-in; fruitless everything possesseil furniture, pictures. evon to my - Clothes.; All hive beets-sold. - -For three years, and on foot, 1- have, sought . for my child-in ail ::the cities, and'all.rhe villagesin - threes kingdoms. As soon iiiby pmotinti' portraits, I had" sue. ceedo in gailtingAt little Ju.oney, I returned to London, to re-cot:ape:me .my adiertiscments ip the.neWsp : lpos., At lenge , . on Frithty 14111 Aurn' last, 'eruss'ta the 'Sniithdeld Cattle AlArltet. la. the centre of the market a ; troop-of mountelainks were Performing :their feate„ , Among !th'etn a child- was. Liming: t on. its head, its legs iu the air, and itehead sup., - ported, by a halberd. A•ta2i froottlle:soul of )i t. :', 1 .: .).- f . =, - ;: 1 ':f.,::...;' , - , NOW - Tgt *iiii . ,-.- 1.-1-400.E.1:33 '.kifiiiifill:.'o. - 'a::, =EEO I', , , . ...Vl,iitm in conscienct.t •.-:, -; ~.... L ), gomeihing_that'gnilty incts'T 1 . o•lni7 tam. It thonders:.• ' ''-'' ' •-• '''''' ' ''' - What is Knowtedget. •_' •-... , ' ' .., ; To b_eraway.frorn- borne'whetr people' some to borrow. brooks or•umbre)l3&.-.- i-,- , •''', - .. .., , . N'Vhasis Contentment?, :.. ;' , _ ,„',:, _ -' Tasii in. ths-bouse,amt-;seet Oiler .peOteds. stuck in.the mat lot;cither words, to be,a little.bet,tcr - off,than, cps nptgbbost Nithat4s „lustiest ,', _ „! - • ' lti.Pl; . t I : ,.Tile,9ljtuicpof t%yelvedruokep fuiyasen. ,' Ailat is Ambition ?.. „ ~. • ' ;,., } I ' kdesir,s to becomepcmcmcd.of s,ycitow pilielCg and a bait-Soled eyebrow:.. : . $. Apo* A Thr' VT I. OILVTIZE TAT2O.' Wen of wealth, of learnirig; potte instruction upon the headcof the -people... Toy etre them thatlaptistu. .tookat the IRciy ie therigutter: hattess,_shoelesa, isiviatt Of,olr34igi End apartcif our. sovereignty. , henot re. etiive sovtireign's educatiOril nut ' be 'prepared. for VA throne - oitiluitiligions have given-to him? 'There I=Sa i lini fil'every human t'ortn-4et the , diamond lie pOlished,and -, • shine in truth. and beauty. is Tenth and habituate thpeople • to• make. a right use of the lacalties,•,whienC f od has. given theca, and then trust *ens fearlessly-tit llicetielvfa. "linedUcated Mind 'eduCated sit," for God made bitti to know. -He isthe ereature. of instruction; for in right ediicatiosi ttlereiges divine althetny which turns shi't's' baser of man'a nature intOgold., ; We are told by the aneients, timt;aiaeon as the:first iays of the - mon:ling our; fell'ution the statue of bleronon, it sent op,tpusic. , ,Ibis at. . ter the, first rays of knowledge fall upon:. mat nature`diseeurseaharuiony-::aliliefore is'the darkness of barbarism. • All-can'see that wiefednessleadi taniSsery. yet vety ,few find out that. whiehls`equalit certain, that ignorance leads. to. !rat t y; and, misery to, wickednees. , Dr. I,ohns - cm was once asked," who-is the moat inise.riblemanr and the reply of.the .Was, "t•Thuf. rn.tA whip 'Cannot read op a plink 44.7' Twe viyikr wit* - once piissirig:thibugh'n parkland'iLW"tdiod. • to One of the treesthis warning r 4 All'doga ' found in this Park rviii. be -`sleet." >' , Alriend who was •with:ustediarked, ,411atess dogs cant read, they are pretty badly. off ,:Now God has notionly,written-lits-law - a upon the trees, but, ipjhe Ohlts,anclin:the flowers; 114 laws are about ns and beneath,tm,omour right hand our left; and if - anion li,not able to read,' he le'pretty badly MT her.` A miedin of Moro truth and'fbitee that any other 1 - ever: remember' tchhaveNie - eti,`, was thrown ont , by a British statOilanot than wh , , to learning was vitid, varied, and plihisophimil 'lnd pho,ip eouversationth rew ont more getis. sparkiiiig Mid brillisntns they came, than any other aim' of his age.. His profoOnd apothegm Was, that'",Eclucationj - LU/1114. hi/ 'I Y orinana ed, bestow the pence vn con nutt schools,and.save the poUnds:on priscnso .."'Theignorant - child, left to grow ,upclark. ening inte,the dejlier,ignornbee of, tounhood, with all its je,,lousics and naromi mindedness, 'and its superstitiousnes§, and itkfkentiry of enjo'ytnents; poor, amid -the intellectual and mural• riches of the universe; blind; id this splendid - ternFle which God has ligh , ted up.and fmnishing, amid the prolusion , of Omnipotence! “abotoe-coribese who tratntde otithexate4 That Varful thing " They know not what ,thl di Nor what they deal with— ' .^ .F 9la f rud ` " ull sP t F le * tbP"." i'.Plo..aliii:tiiiiif:.titOiiiii; - .474 #.I42!LBIt:.4?DLISEF2GS. MEI
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