The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 31, 1851, Image 3
tb e jr, friends and relatives,lo support him for an important office. 'They will pro nounce him disqualli fi ed, and declare in fa' s o of the man of the. people, G oni . Corer. an American democrat, instead of an a id -Mexican whip General Scott must f ee l highly flattered by the aide of this gen= iletenn who sympathises so fully with the Grads late Mexican feel. Bat the whip are like anacondas—They can swal -1,,n anything, horns and all.-- - 11 7 0ming Dem - Our New Volk COrrespowlence. NEW Yonk, July 25,.18.51. Earross OF THE PESIOCILAT 1 have just finished a perusal of the Europe an topers, brought out by -the America, and reeeh . e d h ere , this morning, front' Boston.-- Cotton has - fallen one-eighth of a penny per pound. The promising appearance of the Crops has made the Corn and the Flour mar lets dull. with a strong downward tendency. The Russians have been defeated,' with great lossron several occasions - by the,Circas slags, Serval tribes, long subject to Russia, have been so stimulated by the success of their conntryMen, that they, also, have raised the studard of revolt; and the war-cry is ech.. D ing throughout -the whole of Cireassih. ,1L De. Tocquesille bas officially reported in favor of a thorough revision of the French Constitution. ' The Washington is the next steamer due from Europe. She left Southampton on the LOA. !Ace that the departure, front Baltimore, of the Liberia packet, on Saturday, the 19th inst., gave occasion to a grand supper among the free mitered population, nt which h was stated that the Emigrants comprised many af the most respectable, wealthy, and influential - of their race, in that City; and, that, if on their arrival in the land of their forefathers, they, and those who have recently sailedfrom Nor folk:Va., rePorted favorably of the country, and their own prospects, emigration, on an ex tensive scale, would at once take place, from all parts of Maryland and the " Old Dominion." In this City, the "dark - mind" ,seems brighten ing up, en this subject, for I understand that, a large meeting is expected to gather this eve ning„ for the purpose of discussing and ex pressing their views on the question. Among the emigrants from Baltimore, was one most interesting group, consisting of an aged couple and their only son. Seventeen years ago, the old man pure'lascd his oWn free dom for $8.50; after eight years' toil, he was enabled to ransom his wife, which cost Idea :$700; and, some eighteen months since, by ;their combined exertions, their son was freed from bondage at a cost of $9OO more. This, .to my , mind, is a most touching instance of unswerving, patient, heroic, self-denying nisi). lotion ; shcwin, that, if—as Locke has been of some pains to demonstrate—there befino such thing as an 'innate principle, in .any breast, the love of liberty—the aspiration IF fretdOm— most have been so strong withid that swarthy breast, as to be instinctife. if not irmatc. May not this example of the despisea negro put to the blush, mans• a white waiter on Prov idence,. who sits down at the font of the uphill road of life, and like 3103icawber,' waits to tako.a Ting so also reach The top, at, one . hound ; instead of telling painfully - up the mountain path ? Edward F. Douglass, of Michigan, aged 22, James Clements, of Belfast, Ireland, aged 18, :Id Thomas Benson. of New Turk City, aged 23, seamen of the bark Glenn, are to be hung to.dar, in the yard of theltity Prison, for the murder, on the high seas, of the second mate of the-Glenn, on the night of September 17th; 1850. The vessel, cot/Lining a cargo, !earth $400,000, was on a voyage from Valparaiso to ' New York, and, at , the tune of the murder, Which was executed in an attempt to get pee. 'ilon of the ship, she Was 1.000 miles from pott The captain by his personal bravery. quelled the mutiny, and brought home the prisoners for trial. 'The President has refused to interfere with the sentence of the Court, 1 will not harrow• the feelings of your read ers, by describing one of the interviews be tween two of prisoners and their mothers. The mother ofDonglass has been on here,from .3tichigan, during her son's trial and subse quilt iraprisonment Failing to secure the Presidedis pardon for her son, she tried to b:ibe one of the keepers; but he would not listen her offer. Mrs. - Douglas is quite a young woman, and a widow. To-dtt, at noon. she will be childless.—M a y Go d sustain her! • There is an old story, in 'Joe Miller," of a i cobler, who declared that (hire was nothing like leather; and although I cannot agree with I I him, I must 'confess, that the extent of the "leather and prunellaq business, as exhibited in the following statement of the manufacture-I of Boots and Shoes, in this city, per week, fair. lv astonished me; as I had supposed, that our 4-down East" friends had almost a monopoly of the understanding manufacture. Number of Boots and Shoes 'manufactured weekly . Ladies, Children's Total, . 109,.50 . 9 Number Artizans- employe4: Men, 'Women, 13,500 10,600 Amo Total, 24,100 - Areragp unt of I'V,eeirly Wages, $117,600 Wages Zen, 86 to 8 1.0 Naal Womep, 82,50 to $3.50 t , er of WoOielpps tes,.-1,600 • a Retail Stqfes, - 2,172 I'V •holesale 1eA414 Total, 3,846 Yalue of Weekly Manqtapture, $1.52,000 employca, 3,000,000 Yount Tmly, kumflaairt., ~. ' • At a late hour, last e,yening, lkfr.Tte. inad,fle rereired from the President, n letter i containing a respite, till the 22d of Augnst; , of t he l li ntence of elements, the younger or =the l 'Tce Priscaters sentenced to be hanger 1 . f `'r planter d te.ds cis the high setts, ? Ta.m. NEW xorc K,,T a 1 y 52, 1851. . White I write, late in ,the rifleman, the streets are. still 'resonant with "Extras, containing" full partiaulaii of the execution of the mirderers and mutineers of the barque Glenn, and the public: I dust say, emu ready to , purchase• as the news-boys are to sell. ; ' -•- The gallows did its work' preciiely at 11 o'clock. A seaffold,l large enough , for the three criminals, ,hadt been _erected. in the yard of the prison- in '.oentr . o street. The Deputy Marshal afficiated, and with the ex; ception, of a few'other offiCial functionaries and the reporters of the newspapers, the ex ecution was ment to be private. Tura were in all. about 500 spectators, howevei, few minutes help re eleven o'clock the two prisoner:Over° brought from their eellS. Douglai in such a weak condition that he was hardly able to' stand. but Benson(the negro)not apparently a,ffeeted. A hymn was sung by their religious attendants, in which neither of them joined, when pOeyers were offered by the Rev; Mr. Hodges for Douglas; and by The Hey, Mr. May, a, col ored clergyman for Benson. ' The priSonerswere dressed in derk-clothes round sailor •jacketS, and had blackcaps drawn over ; their heads, • after the usual fashion for the gibliet.• \nen they had ascended theseaffold,:which was onlyslight ly elevated from tb round, they proceeded to make addresses to the spectators. The reinaiks 'uf Doughlass were as fol lows'! wish to say.that the Wages of sin is death." :Yes, felloweitizens„ I wish to say, that wages of' sin is death,' and I am now receiving my. wages. You have in example tefore you f'rom which you,sbould all take warning. • Take warning from my fate and beware - of small beeiningl at evil, for if yoi do not you will soon he led to something greater: I have soMettti'ng more to say, and thaeis. th t Jame.i S. Cletnents, is not deserving of death. - that's all I wish to -say." • ," Marshal Tallmadge—" Is that all you wish tosay,lDonglass?" ' Prisoner—" Yes sii,.that is all I hat to say." The :Marshal then Addressed Benson as follmrs • " Thomas Benson, tile time for your ex ecution has now arrived. If you wish to say anything to your , fellow, citizens here assembled you have the privilege of speak . jar." ;1 B :ns - on then in nn earnese;clear anifirm voice spoke as follows . "Oh mS friends,iprepare, oneandill to die Asa dying man, and one who will in a few moments, be face to face with his, Maker, I wish to say; that as to , the sit of committing the murder, so far to; shooting, striking, cutting or stabbing is concerned. I n m not guilty. nor i James S: Clements, to my knowledge, Prepare ye'all to die ; you see What a • Christain Is, and take warning by my fate. :That is all I have to say" 1 . ... ,At fire Minutes past eleven; the rope was adjusted ahont their necks, and after a few words morn by the clergymen, it was ' cut and they were suspended. Douglas ; died without motino a muscle ; those near him said that his neck broke AS soon as the rope .Was cut; and indeed 'the poor fellow -was nearly dead when he came out of his cell. Benson, the colored man, struggled some time, and appeared to die very herd. ' After hanging half an hour, their bodies were ta• ken from the gallows, and delivered to their friends for interment. Irrtto3 endOus Storm noNESDALE, Pe.., July 26, 1851. l Last evening our village was, visited with I • , • a very :violent storm accrimpanied by a ter- ruble whirlwqtd, which!swept across the up per part of the place, taking in its' course I !the rarge dwelling }Muse of 31r. West, portion of which was d'eposited he -ide of the' triver. Another porticM was seen by sever ! al.of our eiti ens , hichlup in the air sailing I before the wind over Irving Cliff, 'which is j more than 300 . feet high, and, nearly two miles distani froin the locality of the house ! A large qua tity of the bricks were scatter led over the fields aleng the track of the 4 whirlwind. :Mrs. We's% child and servant' !were in the'house at'. the time the wind! straek it, and fortuna t ely escaped unhurt, A large quantity of glass was broken by, the hail, and the crops in directions are leveled to the ground'. The thunder and lighening was very Severe. Mr. West's • damage is estimated as. $2OOO. A large tarn, owaed by a Mr. Brush, standing, about a quarter of a mile from Ids house, was Moved off from its foundation by the wind yesterday. At Pleasant Mount fifteenmiles parthwest of Honesdale, 'the , hail storm broke thousands of windriirs,de molished a number _ of Chimneys anctfetines, and started al house off -from its foundation several inelieg' at Pleasant Point. The damage in that town is not yet estimated. In Clinton ,town4ip; a roof was-taken pff a house, and was carried half a mile. July 26;18511 A violent - thunder storm occurred bere this afternooir; bail stones id . a large size fell in. great: !quantities, severely iOjurmg the crops and; breaking windoys in ,all. di rections. - -The Susquehamra ;has risen, and a freshetis anticipated: 59,000 53,000 17,500 ,„, , SITOCKI7 4 .:O iDEIL--1/00 last 'lainer of the Ashland (Ohioy.Vition, gives the the following account Of one of the wrist brutal murders_on record: . • I 'lVe have to record: one of the most re. yoking murders that bee ever shocked the public car. i The merdered person was Clarinda irantilburg, little daughter of Isaac Vantilbarg,Tm of the best citizens iu &coon township in this county.: er age about ten years, idiotic and blind. ► The fiend who perpetrated deed is named Charles Stinegraver. - was ern played as a laborer upon tlieTs*of , Vantilbnig, wid on the 411tinst„'while ' V. and family _ (except this helpless , and bapleia chilcii);absent at -the - Cilebratiah the 4th, at Polk, this Monster tommitted the. Murder: hisOwniargentialicitation. the parentt tonfided- the t 6 his charge during their absence: He undertook, when lett atene,to'graticy his brutal; pas sions upon the ohild; her resistance, added AO a fear, of her, testimony, provoked MOnSpirit w.iGbio bitn, and he inflicted blowa upon her peteen which caused-her death.- 4 :-, Deprevit,i , and crime baie,inarked the 'whole course of this villain's life. lie has' now twotrio wives' living—one in 'Washington. - Pa., and one in Jackson township in this county: He is-said to have threatened repeatedly the livee of bOth of them." SAD L AND FATAL. ACCID O T.—On day; the. son of .111r. - Jamell Smock, aged about fifteen years,'easno to his death un cler the - following distressing circumstances. He was engaged -by Dr. John G. Bastecio; on his farm in Dutch Lane, a mile and a half froni.Freehold, plowing. He waspas sing along tho road to his work after nor, riding the horse ; which had the. plow gears on. •He had :tied the traces in a knot, as is common ; and placed his feet in the knots; using them for stirrups. - The horsc4Ot unmanageable; ho fell Off, his foot remaining fast in the knot;and finally tbe -horse ran away with him ;"fins kept fast by the trace round his foot, he was dragged bythe frightened animal a long distance. His bead and body were dread- . fully andthe horse's hoofs tram pled him as he waft flung fr6m side to side under his feet. When the people got _to him, and lie was extricated, life was near ly extinct ; he died in about fifteen minute's. Monmouth. Inquirer.' THE, TEBUAT4TEPEC TROUBLE.-- The New - Orleans Bee of the ith inst. , says , with regard to the Mexican decree. Order ing the Americans engaged in the Tehu antepec-survey to depart: 'These demonstrations do:not in the least o t larni the Company here. They have ad: vertised for five, hundred laborers to work ion the contemplated read ; and if the Mex icans persist in their insane and inquitqus folly, the Company will appeal to the Gov ernment of the United States for protec tion. -Trouble ,is brewing. Mexico - has learned nothing from the-pasi; If once again. the talons of the American Eagle should grasp that country, she may be well assured that she will not escape as easily as before.' Whether the stupid policy of that sham republic be the result of her own ab surd pride, or of the whisperings of British diplomacy matters very little. If ever an American army marches again upon Mexi co. manifest destiny' will make short work of it." ( DISTRESSLIG, CALAMITY.—Henry Fisher, and Abram Fisher, his son, and two Other persiins, were _burned to death,, at BrowittoWn, Brad ford CMinty, on Saturday last- . About two o'cit.ek in the morning, the dwelling' and slian tee F isber, at his section on the North liraUch,mae discovered to be on fire. Several persons in the dwelling escaped, but - those in the shantee were enveleped in flames, before assistance could be rendered. MTZI. • In Jessup, July 9.8, A .11:11CDA, E., wife of liar ye Sherman, aged 28 years. Seldoin does the grave close over the re mains of:one : loom truly lamented, an affec tionate daughter, a devoted wife. and a sincere friend; lies departed from our midst. Of her it may be truly said, "The memory of the just is' blessed,' - At Binglunnton, N. Y., on the 231 ins t .., titter n severe:and lingering illness, Mrs. Euz,t -strttA:llinr.Err,'coniort of C. a Barrett, into of the city, of New York, aged 28 ypit/i; ' In Bridgewater. on the 10 of Tilly' EUGENIA L. Daughter Of DANIEL 4111 d TREODOSLt 31e cozzum, aged fire weeks. --- NettrraCaratranuilz. A Nriw VOLCIIS OF TIIIV,•IIEG.ICAN •PiIIIENOLO. 00111111eliCe13 July I, 1851: Now is the time to' suhicribe. Devoted to Phrenology, Physiolegy, Mechanism, Education, Agriculture, the Natural Sciences, sad General Intelligence, profusely illustrated: it caithot fail to interest ev ery class of readara. Every family, and have nil young men Mid women, abould have copy- It is, printrd on the first of every month, at Ouo Dollars' year,. Alt letters • 'should be post-paid, and directed to , . - FOWLERS , & WELLS. • i 131 Nassau it. N. Y TUC . WATER CCRESovmvtt~ L NeW Volume of this "Journal 01 health" commences .in July, .051. Subscribers euould send in their names at 9ner. The Philosophy and, Practice of Bydropa. thy, PhysiolegYand Anatomy of the Human Body, Dietetis; Physical Education, the Chemistry of Life and all other matters relating to Life, Health and Life, will be' given in t his Jonnial,-- We believe that man may prolong his life f much beyond the number of years• usually attedned. We propose to show-how. Published monthly; at - One Dollar a year, in advance. Please "address all letters, post-paid, to - - - FOWLERS Ik. WELLS, in IV assau Y. IrrStibscription received, at this Office. 31 w 4 -- ____, - . . I'L Plows. BLyrcuLET'S Plows or side (leap 11 r tub at th U. J. IrEBll. Ju1y,21',113r,1- . „ ; 1/Fle , ll au biarlicrel-4 new rupply Just opened G W rad eelling by ; J. 1.4055 & SON. July '240 2 'M. Xilt.B.Biliupply of 3faekerel and Codashjust opened _nd for sale at L 1 t.l). it. LATIIIICT & CO. - - pat; Proof Dunt at four donors per hundred of 1 ' ID. B. LansaoP es CO. DBILLIPS Patent iPipe 80 - a - sir for IS - poliesa axles - rest 1 which As Uudoubtediy the best now in use, for rale at - i ~ .• - . , A: IL Larnaor &Co's. LiFAYLITE BUR& MILL' STOIGEN - MIlle: TUT.- ►PIHE tINDEItEIUNEIi, conueti rnfefinit Tor 1231 *1 .I. years of tbeLafayette liar, Mill stonelianufactory, 240 Washington st., Y., (W. Ty ack,dgeh t,) would in• form big friends and the public in gootml, that he has established a , BIJAR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, , . . i- • i Binghamton , N, Y., - . la iLernron tido note opts Phenix llestel l . . And aolleits a share of their patronage. • - I Me will hare constantly outland alargestock otPth ren 1 BurrldillStoues, as oleo a large siipply ofEsopus and [ Ruin stones - , Also French _Burr' Inticks, b olting t cloth, ccre-en wire and Plaster parts: : , . _ The undersigned assures hla friends and the public, that he ,wlll faithfully .executo • all :orders entrusted to his tore, not only in quality, but Ininteses Of nell4.ell fur' althea, end solicits their kind patrcnage. . Orders by letter will be execnted with as much ca re and as cheanley as when pnrcluntere are on - the spot.-- : Miners and Millwrights arc requested to estit end min the Idsatock and Workmanship. 1 , -. • - •- • .- .:r- • - '' - - JOI - Mit IrsSALLWAN. - - .llitighaniten.dulj, 1841. .'•, • . • •SD • I • - 'New Coos PRILI4I4. Lawat, Gingham, smarm? Cletbp,Carelmr . re Carpets, &e., Vbesp ',Tots Lc CRAVoLeall• Tailoring. • - FFOE • undereigned beg --leave to infant their frieraleand. the public generally; that th4y have formed foraied , a copartnerabito in, the tailariagbus• Irmo. AS'horia basement of re•ratle's Hotel. - - F.JAMES'OI4 ; r • - '4" - Ti:, 1316 SELL 31oiitese;' i laty 16; 1661..-29nal. , • *aeon-Making. . frilE an atriberstaietaten the shop recently OCell , 1 pied bylranets.W.'Allay: two Milt. below Mon. trose, °Dale southTatinpike where they are carving making the Wnen skipg businhs Iu ell Its branches.. All orders promptly attended to, end repairing done not, twat week rift TO-DAY... , B. ../1144gewaterlanern, 11161....25ma. ' ' . JOB CON,. GOONII DrAtzaiw bIAitILE-110 4 / 1 711MSTE, 'VMS 820/1111..-TA• stage, A.c...,Betereep..the Zeged Bridge Awl-Goad courttlow; Core it., isbaitigrotof. T. 10.1:11; WietrlTrotteir AP,A, - r gas . - • LEGAL ,ADVERTISEIitNTS Sale • - • ' , THE valuable real fatale of William Ward, late of Nevi riedeased,will be sold at public ;vendue or, on Saturday the-16tliol August next, et the : Court Bottle in Montrose, commencing at three o'clock. R. ,111. The -property wilt be divided into - three parcel 4 vix: that lytng on the eastside of. the cochecton and Great.flendlcuapitZe -road, containing about eighty acres, without builditigi, but with tit least 50 acres in a good state of `cultivation, 'and under goodfence—will be sold in one parcel... All that lying on the west Side of said road, being about fifty acres, 3.5- of, which is impelled, with an or chard and with a framed dwelling:house, Shed and tiara, no divided faiorably, by tho Lackawanna and WesternTailroad, (a _Depot of which is ex. pealed to be upon or near the premises,) Will be sold in another parcel. -And the." Gray -lot," (so called,) will form a third parcel in the sale. Ev ery necessary information will -he given at - any time previo nsl ytu those desirous Of ptircha sin g, by culling on Wm. C. Ward, EN. ,- or on Garden Mosley, EN., of New Milford. Terms, olio half ,caeb, the remainder secured isatisfactoritys to the Exeeutrix, in two payments, at six and twelve months, with interest. SALLY WARD, Executrix New 31illard. July 21ut,,1851. • SHERIFFS - SALES, By of n writ of Ven..Eri.. issued ant of the Court of Common Pleas of Susqueltan: an county, to me directed and delivered, I will espeie to public vale, at the Court House iu Mon trose, on Saturday, August, 16th, 1851, at o'clock. P. at., all those two' pieces - or parcels of I land, situate, lying and being in the township of t Rush. in the county of Susquelnionn, end State! of Petinsylvayn, bonuded and deseribed as followit to wit: beginning ut a stoke and stones corner of Levi Shoves lot, thence south 726 degrees east one hundred nud twenty-one perches to a beach tree; thence Borth 164 perches to a stake and stones corner of Alaimo Pickett's lot; thence west 1 - 15 perches to a stake and stones corner of Levi! Shoves lot.; thence by the same,south 149 perelteel to the place of beginning,,contnining one hundred j and nineteen acres and, sixty-give perches, more or less, together with the appurtenances, one framed house and one (muted. barn, an orchard and about 20 acres/improved. - • Also tno other tract, bounded and described nnl follows,"to Wit : begi n ning ut the southwest cor. per of a lot Surveyed for William Lathrop, thence I along the westenrline thereof north 80 perches to a post: thence south- 89 degrees west 119 per. I ches to a lictiiloek tree; in the hue of-Levi Shoves lot; thence by the same south 80 perches to it cor-1 ner, thence north 89 degrees east 119 erches to i the place Of beginning containing 59 3 acres, be "p the same more or less, togetlittr with' the upper tettauces and chant twenty acres improv e d. Taken at the suit of S. S. Mulford ra. Allan- 4 *ton Lung. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the towuship of Jessup, (late Rush.) in Susquehanna - county, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at u post the westerly corner of the original truct•iit the war rantee "Elijah Brown," thencenorth twenty-three and a 'half degrees, east.,about one hundiedrind fifty-six perches ton post and Stones corner, south eighteen and a half degrees east along land occu pied by. Homer Lovely, one hundred and-forty eight perches to a large hemlock :corner; thence by the sate land, south twenty-threi• and a half degrees; rust seventy-three perches to a mist and stones in the original tract line, and thence north sixty-six and a half degrees, west one hundred and fifty-five perches to the place of beginning, con taining Itixfy-six acres, be the same more less, being the same tract or parcel of land which C. 7... Ward by indenture bearing date the twenty. eighth day ofTanuary, 1840. and recorded hi the . office for rcconling Deeds in and- for sal& county, iu Died Book N 0.12, Page 683, conveyed to-Na thaniel P. Cornwell, together with. the appurten ances and improvenient, 2 framed ho;ses, I (rim ed barn 1 orchard end about 40 acres impioved, late the estate of P. 3. Hari. . Talon tp eieeutiou at the suit - of B. B. Fox to P.J. Hart. AU that certain piece or,ptiretii.of land situate lying and being Iu the toirlallip of Lenox M the county of Susquehanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded end described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of ;Banc - Woodruff and E. R. Grow and Brothers ; on the east by landed . W. Q. Gard ner aad Wm. Bartley, on the south by the 'county line between Susquehanna and Wyoming, counties and on the west by lands in the warrantee name of Mathew Brooks ands George Kepler, containing 400 acres more or lees. together with the appurten ances two framed houses and aboUt sil acres im proved. Also one other piece or parcel of land in tine same township and county; ho4tudod on! the North by land in the warrantee name of John Dort;y ; ou the east by laud of Grow and Brothers, and tan. iel Pease ; on the south by lands of Isaac Wood . - tee; and on the west by landsin 'the warrantee name; of Andrew Tybotn, containing ISO acres more or less. Also seven other lots, aeveribed pea map of re ' survey of John Array, warrantee made by John Boyle, and numbered on said draft as follows, to wit: No, 2 containing 52 acres 150 perches; ua. 4 containing 51 acres _9O parchort,,no. 5 containing kl acres and 51 perches, no. 6 containing 51 acres ane 90 perches, no. 7 containing 51 acres and. 90 perches, no. 8 containing 51 acres and perches, no 9 containing 51 acres and 90 perches, id all 362 acres and 51 perches he the same more or less togeth4's with the appurtenances. Taken in execution ut the suit of Lewis lt,C*., 4. mara re. Albert Chamberlin adm'r. de•toitio etc., of Char, les Chandler, jr., decd, nird Evelino Chandief, widow and guardian of Mary and James A. heirs Of said decedent. ALSO. , • ! • All that certain pie, or parcel ofland siyute, lying and being •in the tot thship of Rue!' 111 (hi county of Susquehanna, bounded and desaribed as follows; to wit: it being a triangular lot adjoin- , iisg fondant Caleb Curmalt on the north ; on the south end east by lands of Samuel WalkeiJ acid; on the west by the road leading from the Bidge I rued to Buckingham Stewards and the - Wyalusiugi &pelt, said lot to be run out so as to contain Men.; tyAve acres, together with the appurterrandes. ; Taken in execution at,tlie suit of Caleb 'Car. I malt rt. Mahlon Griffis ALSO.- • : All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lenox in the conntinf Susque hanna, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of Clark and Colwell; ',east by -lands of William Hartley; south by lands of A. Hinckley, E. Halsted,. and Brown ; and on the west by lauds of J. Steel and Joint F Dupu estate, containing about three hundred acres, be the sane more or tees together with : the appurten ances and improvements two log houses lind about thirty acres improved... Taken in execution a the suit - of M. C.'Tyler vs. Samuel L Halsted. • • • ALSO. . All that Certain piece or parcel of rand lying and being parity is thoioWeahipofThonlrtop, in the county of Susquehanna, and partly , ini the taivii. ibip of Preston, in the,minnty of WayneOwunded and described as follsere, to wit: on the - .north cast by lands of Robert Tenant. on the"south east by lands of Ciardner o .on the southwest by- lands of William .I,gssup, and on the northwest by lauds of 'John WeirTer, containing one haudred and thirty acres, nbout:forty acres of which ere in the min. ty of Susquehanna-end the remainder in - the strum. ty of Wayne, together with the tipportentinees, one framed house, ayes frered barn and abinit ty acres improyed. ' - - . Taken in execution at the snifaf Robert E Ruth. ven Ind Israel Crawford, jr.; doinchusinesa antler, the firm of Euthren 4 Co.'se , Alvahltudge. • • _ - - . •- • All -of JonCtirlan filtered in all Cosa two pieces or parcels of land' situate lying and being in the - township , of, Franklin. in the County of sinaluehzinna, the . firat bounded aud'de: scribed as follows, to wit , ; on the , north`by !antis of Simon parka; out, by lands of Charles Folic'; south .by thehighwlty and IL Traverseal nue! was; ; by the higharay, 'CoptaitunC 100 acres, together I with the appurtiaincee, Axle Mimed housdpone framed Urn, one framed hlooksruith'ehop, one or. chard and about 70 acres improved::: 'Fite second bookded- on `the noiib by land* of Charles Blowers, oast toy-lands of Ira -Cole, tomb by !ands Alonto Willlcroa;and wog by trade of hrriti. Peat end LEGAL 4DVE4TISEMENTS. samnetßaker, containingone :hundred and 'fifty acres, together With. the , appuitenatives 'Unit im provements. 'one framed barn and about twenty neje& improved. _ -•• Taken In execntion at the suit of Edwin Bacon rs.J. E. Churchill.' • • • By Virtue of a Writ of Fi. - Pcr ell that certain piece or parcel .cir land,"situate -lying And. being io the toornship i4Dimock, in the Anuuty of Soigne lianne, bounded and 'described as follows, to wit on the north by lands of Heitry Babcock; on the east by landamf John Gray and _ A Burdick,en the south - by lends of Geo. Gates-;- - -Oud on the, west by _lands of Henry Dennis, colituiftihg 80.acrs be the same more or less; together with the Appurtenan ces one filmed house °he lo g ' house, one frothed barn, one orchard- and about .60 acres finprove'd, late the estate of Henry Ostethout. Token in.execution ut the. suit: Of Lathrop (.5. Salisbury vs. Henry Osterhaut. ALSO... • , • All that certain piece or parcel °Nand situate lying and hzing'in the townskip . ofSpringiille .lhe'emmntyn Sasquehannu,hautlUedunddescriteA as follows, to wit: on the north by the, road from ,Springrille to Brooklyn ; east iy,the road to Nish• olpon ancron the south and wept by lauds of A. Beardsley, contaiging one half acre be the same Inure or less, ropther Witli the appurtenlincee, - Oue framed dwelling house and one framed hairs.' Taken in execution tautly Flll4 of Spencer flick /ix vs. Polly lloailley, with notice" to. Clark BUrr T. T. • ALSO. • By virtue of a writ of Lee. Fe., all those Certain tracts or parcels of land, situate in the township of • Apohicon in the .county of Susqtiehanna and anus of Poll l o.l .l ratiia, and Mitted.bounded and de scribed us follou a, to wit: one of theinhegiiiningat the corner of a nine were lot. hereinafter meutiened thence north partly. hy , John Lyons and partly by 61tehan'sjend to u mailer of John •Kain's laud: thence west by the same and by lands , of Timothy Crimea, eighty perches to, a .cnrner ; thence the name. 044... three perches to a stub ei a corner oflihn ItleOreth's land • thence by the some West seventy perches to a stake 4 cor ner of— Reagents laud; thence south by the stune thirty-nine - perches to a comer; thence - still by the same west twenty-five perches to a smite a corner of ;Samuel Milligun!s land ; thence south by—the same twenty-two perches to another corner of said Milligen*s ; thence rust ninety-eight perehes tort corner Bow Ruud:sat culled; thence by the said road south five degrees. exist furry-four perches to the north west carrier cif the said nine acre Ititould thence by the same east seventy perches to the place of beginning, containing sixty-three acres and seven-teuthst more or irfli (which lot Marty Collins centiacteti in einney to thesuidJolm. Mat thews and the said Caleb Cumuli having udvanc ed and paid the consideration money therefor at the request of said John Matthews, the said cousidera tion Money he thereby secured. rind the said Marty Collins by indenture clute'd the twenty-eighth day, of January; inst., intended to he recorded granted the Sallie to thesaid John Mutthews in fee.) One other of them situated in A ;salami township nforesaid; bounded as follows: beginning in the road leading froid Checonut to Apolucon, a corner of land formerly of -John flurden, - thence by the same north seven degrees ,west one hundred and sixty perches tp a - confer, rind north five degrees West twenty-one perches and a half; thence east seventy _perches to the lust described lot to a corner thereclf ; thence south ,perchei and a half niut camer of lend cOntructed to John-Lyons; thence west by said-Jvlin -Lyons nineteen perches end six tenths to a corner ; thence south seven de grees east one hundred and seveuty•tw_o perches to a maple sapling . by the rood leading to Apolocon and thence aloug the said road fifty-two perches and five tenths to the beginning, containing fifty• nine acres and four,tentlis more or less (being com posed of two lots or pieces of land which Samuel Milligan 'and wife by indenture doted the first day of November. A..D. • 1647, recorded in 'Deed Book 1i0,.16, page 36.6. &e., granted unto the said John Matthews in fee,) together with the heredttanients and appurtenaturas, one shame°, one logbdtu; and about tiO acres improved. Taken in exeention at the suit of Caleb Carmalt es. John Matthews. C. M. GERE, Sheriff, Sheriff's Cifier,'Moritrrier; • *Jr!ly 2%1851. si Proclamition. UTIIAREAS the :Hon. Wn.r.-Isst Jrssur, Prersid , Mt of the Court :of Oyer .and Ter miner, and General Jail' Delivery, Court of Quer ' ter Sessioni of the Peace and Court of Common Please and Orphans' Court in the . Eleventh Ju dicial District. composed of tlnCotibiies of Sus ,quelinunn, Luserne and . Sti t ruing ; and -the Wile. M. C TVI.r.R , and CHARLES Associate Judges in Susquehanna County, have issnecl . their precept, bearing date the 30th day 91 May, in the year of Lord, otto thousand, eight hundred and, fifty-one.; and, to me-. directed, for holding a court of Byer and Terminer and Gehl eral Jail Deliveryvin the &rough' of Montrose, and Cotinty of rhisquhanna.oh the third Monday of August next, (it being the let, day): NOTIcE is HEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Jig. lice,' of the Peace, and'amei . ablee of said County of Sustpiehauna, that they 134 then and there, in their proper persons, at O'clock, in the after noon of said day, with their o.c.ords, Ingnisitions, and other remembrincei,-to-da those things which to their offices appertain to be done. - And those who are bound by recognisance,' against the Pris oners that are or shall be in ,the Jnil of said-Conn lq of Susquehanna.. are :to fie then and there; to prosecute against them as Will be jest. Dated at Montrose. the 9th guy of July, in the year of Our - Lord, one ..tlionsandi eight hundred and fifty-one. - ' ' ERE,. Sheriff: Administrator's Notice. L ETTERS Administration of,the'eState of William White, deed.. late or the township of, Auburn. having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to ,all indebted to the estate to call and settle the same without delay. end all persons having demands against oho estate wilt please present them duly attesiecrfor settlement. - WILLI,4g WHITE, Adm'n Aabtirti,July 18.51. 30.6 w eglaterts Notice: PUBLIC NOTICE it hereby , given to ell per sons concerned in 14. (snowing estates, to wir: Estate .or Zara Sutliff Jee'd.,G Bailey Ad Estate of Frederick W. Bailey, dee'd., Fred crick Bailey, Adnfr. Esta6 - ok Lemuel. Bingham dec'd., Charles Tingley, . Estate of Alonzo Carpenter, dec'd., Charles. Tingley, Adner. Estate ofJosialt Lord, dec'd., A. Chanihe6 lio, Adin'r. Estate of lebabod Terry, deed., Charles and Lucy Terryond E.,W. Jones, Adm'rs: - • Estat, of Frantil Richardson, deui'd., Rich., ards Richardson, Adner. Estate - of Stephen Dotyley, dee'd.,-Elizabeth IVorden, late Dawley, ily.'trx. • . - Estate_ of --Leonard Smith deed.; ,?nshra Knapp and. Win.. W. Pride, Ex.'rs. • Estate of Giles Leivis,dee'd.,'Asa Hammona, Adm'r. , T4t , the accouutscits have settled thltir ac. counts in the Regieter's office in , tind for , the coup. ty of Susqueliannit,and that the same will be pre. sented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court of said county,' in Montrose...on ihe 18th "day of ../lugirst 'next: for confirmation and allowance, Eaters ofJoseph Addison, dec'd, ;401. arr. , Ratite 61 - 1514tbiiiiiel Gilbert, deed, IL/. Niveih That. the' accountants have salted their .ac counts in the , negisteek...9lßee t arid foi- ,, tbe county ii•fßiniquahaano; cad . that the came will be presented before the-Jukes or the Orpheres coon at',llfollimse, on' Monday the 25th day of 4tugapt, for ceefirmatiou Add allowpaqt, • , • CFI ARLEB I. 13 itOw W. Register. Rmister's OfficeillontroSe, July 23,1651. -- ' - - rPHE American lawyer and fiery, tepee Torn 440/1. 11 a Tors ralua4 la work, contalwaa the 'Lava and a Map et each state is the Oaten, the correct - turbo' at nook tempts; toad tuuttrgpsMe tlitt)ef tte. for Web,. promplis-So . , , Dicy . f _GOODS. _QB,OOERIES. • GOod.News--Ew..GEt . T . Larord k.., 0 2.1..„. Tani' Yedeisuoeta . Irish lot of e •• -.Noss ans,iand,so lay - flood - people all, come buy thiro;chaskt Allkiude - ofgoodeatuj.waestrekeeji,.• OoKsaytlto stinks, bonnets, raktui:Unda9lll; flab huoks;coils ofrope.' ;' I.:ottou and tuffte,glars iak.atands, - • ---, „ Mee English goods rot all demand , . ; pelt,-trackeirs, n a 3PO 4 untldleis, ' ,• AAndsangsttoo at-any price: .. • ' - Here'. shoes, hose. Salters true and aut.."' All torts of knives for riehatol.poor, Ifererac . oily', nalls,atuf Spools ti;rmi. Books, *td pills, and bars otlead,, . ; IF Trunks and carpets, bowls and ; w‘wletituba,' And tin-polL4rott.rans, 'tomes jugs, - Nice collects that will not fade, Wall papers, tiotlui of evliy shade; ' , White muslins ilguned,strip',l,orhaed,", hooks and eyes: all by thecard— Th eso nice new gubds and tunny more, All cheap for cash, we have in store,. .; °Mails. though daily we're bereft.'. ' 'Vet still we have A. I:gut'sloos tart.. ,; So those who buy must quiekir m e ' To the c u eA ¢ StoR.H.OF 1.1010&30lf. Montro.e:July 3,1351. , , hew t,oops rIIIIE Ruhurriber# tisk.; plcunro to announcing to -I- their cuctoutors and the public, tint they Livia oov received their second puppy of. - . SU.Nplbit GOODS embracing a larger stock and grater catiety than thay hose user before kept, and which they offer far sale on the usual terms as low u any other estakSishment- in this county. „ /It:NTLEir, & HEAD. . Alnutrose, June.lo, . : . - Tyc RAU E!alines, Purßus. Lawn*, :mats crest tart -11 yet Dress Gouty just opeued by _ BENTLEY* DEAD: • - 11.0 PRIES, rdware, (Including - Iron, arid S trel os r arms for- bat 6, G• eeery doscrlption ) etonoware, car.rtinie : clooks..boot . , , .},o,m, Loather - ARAD.. Tn iiltigerib , i a will' act air rtgenti‘ fat. the Prillars , lodq or acid 1 . .1', lionstoi and lout-dots: ttd its.aarluebanna county, Pa. Ali who whilst° offer thvir p.operty foe 'dale con girt a mintile Tdestription or thrir Portns orl.ot. av tutiovre r -Number ofacres hoer niany . improved, cud bow watered ; Buildings; BANA L graftrd or Coalmen fruit ; other fruit trees, and shad" trees; hmr.far from plontr u s c . and the nearest point to d..T,,,1 rho NIIW k Brio • Ballrood;itice sad 1 , 414 or y wont. , : All who wish fosellatpUerhe6o Beo4' E.torr.wi.: torve prompt attention by calling on or to,: lin vt , Montro.d,olooebantia totolty, tr 3 .:ou veyauca Owls Sluattosa to the prosuiseOfte• ol mitre an •Trani ike 'street, 4 doors Weil of AB, BSI* , %rtn; ; ; r.i-roA and Late re tiow ntreivillbr lH • 1. -16 intsaysod,llsosno Woos* and Urn. , N.. 2,00 do. 'O3 ;do .Ic. do . • No. 3 Ito d22,10:' o." • -d ; •-: ...No, 5. 'N. do 40- : do_ do .do e. , „)0 do: 33 do do - • do 7. -4. ore: oreho,100: and •--„,•-• acres:s improi,id,fritutlOlLlOlLOO”: No. 0,52.. f.,; dn " " "do ••. .10 ' 't? q; - No.l o , 2'.do`- do do No. tl. do do and" . lo ti 0.12, 100 acres 10 htiProiedinmed ho " . Ind bag ' v. 13.240 - do 200 do, do -do • . do, Np.l4, 50 do,; 50 ,do do do 'do ' N 0.15, 1.13 do . -do do ' "da N.o. 17. 100 do 76 do do do, lo Ns. 18.312 do 80 'do • do 'do do Nre 10, 200 do 150 do': do Id, ..... NO. 20.145 do 100 do- do .do do N0.21.190' " do'120• " do do do - de N 0,22. 00„,44 do 45 do do 'do _ ,do -No. 23, 45 do 30 _ do No. 24:232 do' 226: - .do do • - do N 0,25.125 do 100 ' do. do " do - N. - 24;106 .lo 140'-' 1 ;' "do do-;eta N0:29,11 acres goad slaw nslll and dwoillsts. N . 29,1111 acre., 90 improved, framihotum and 011211 No. 00,176 -do - 100. . . ' No. 31.135," do 93 - %•• • _t " N o. m. 180 d o 133 r. u le • "7- No. 03. 150 do "GO. ,- "" 4 '- 4 '. • No. 34. 150 di, 100 t. - a ' No. 35, /50 80 ' ' 4, - "1: ' N 0.33. 333 do 110 • . !is 41.. 4 . 1 or No; 3700 do 140 - a No. 06. 110 do 100: • '" • ' 1" - No, 39 1:5 do 90 do •do No. 40 50" "do — 45 "to - do 'I do' ido no 0.49 " 60 do,. •: do 'do No. 44 138 do 05 do - - do No. 45 830 _do 200 .do do do • No. 46. 120 a-eras hriprorred, frame house And Urn nod gris , milt. NO. 47,200 1.10 - • -do 40' .:do • N. IL—Persons desdring to, purchase any of Ulf those by giving the numbei can obtain a fulldouniption. - ' • ALVILED BALDII'II. E t BABCOCIC . .. f. I . i"Ae s tins, InUjpi.lllodicincs, bye 'stalls, .Perturn cry, Window Snob, Wass and Putty, a frrsb exacta. went. awl always on band. BENTLEY & BEAD. LARGE adtsortracul c*.f - Broadcloths,' Keromres, t Veytillo, and SuincuerOoyds,juct rcatived be cold right by BENTLEY & BEAD. • ENTLEY tc ILEA D ant .iacnt) , ,thr ratii of Dr. B Chris ties ttalranlc tttiratira i Dr. Viteha'a.Suppuriz era. Shoulder heater and other mmilclne.; I r. - Joyner Medicines. Darla Pain Miler, petite:, Pah) Pc.traye•r; Dr. :Townfends FarrapariDa..Natuil , n r o Schauch't Daham, Ddltitea flume t tare. &c. 41h:h. min! stantly on baud Oil..lyras Cimrri -- Pectarnt. CO.l l..ver fit. Bay Rum P,Ma's Ireqloytr Evrart hi' Witch Iluaal Shan l'owder:Ml aU thh (Attar al prep. td Patent Jlrdiciaps Lb,. day - . 1411 (Tit NI 2.‘ (I Fluid, fur suit . , by .1!: June 25,. ltr• - rtzr r•P/”...• Goods bOuklit for 'Cash. JIINSION & VERN has ! . juAt reeeo c t i o'n,rg e eTol well assorted stock or Dry Ootel;. O eJ!!l;litie t cry, Hardware. Iron -Nadi. 1101,0' and Shoes, Ready Made. Imoth:ng' i rug.. ?redo ltn , Dahirs, (Ws, Silser Wine. Jesivirr, Clocks, T. so/q... Hats, Cups and DentiCte. &e..which they'arc offering at.. the Dillow- Mg eery ion prier,., sit: . Nails $4.00 per itlra 5 es. er 16 lbs. Suirarfor 1,00, Thick Boots sl,i3 'Yrench and English Broad Clo!b‘ :tom 15s to 20e per ye rd; d lesls, Sal..ratue 0d per lb., Linn frem Is to Jor yard. Looking Glasses tlr.m 15 to .5:,13.40. Bhaerlffrom sl.eo to $7.00. Our goods hieing bcina selected with parti Misr mind to quality and style. we flatter oureelvor that we ran please all who may ("Apr us witlra call, and as for we are determined not tube undersold by 'any in this market for cash or approved credit. WANTED-1000 pounds Wool. 24:50 pairs all wool socks for which we will pay 25 ets. per pair, andltof quantity of Butter, Eggs and " Plniado-';generally. Ilarford, May 12.2851 A Uatd• T HH , E subscribers take this oppoitnnity of ten= during then s;ncere thanks to their customer/ generally, not only for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon them during the past six yeare,bm also for the prompinesa of their s reasments—ond beg leave to say they have Commenced the year- with odeterminntjon to keep a ceneral 'end full us ` • sortment of -good GOOPS, whirl, will be sold on as favorable terms for Cush, Produce or approva nredit, us eon be bought: in any other tablitill 7 merit this side of the city. 1 14.:NTLEY READ Moutross. Jan. P. 1 esli. • • ...1m a. 'ost. r• • Nrcnv iikthe inn.. fnr green, hiirgliin,r,tim Like & Eitton tire Libout to Otniteo . litr lo c iatot) they [oil/sell off, ut N.:se:Nock pm:me the prt44it si3toek.. They would oNtn inviie 1110.48 lotvitin rieentmli• with them to roll und'Aettie us 1110.- brink mutters to u clove hg of A un tie,. Hut-ford, July I(J. 1851. _ _- Excitement 0.2!. rrEfE subscriber taring made another raise las juit been to Now York, selecting a very great variety of I almost all - kinds of Goods. which he would most respect. a fully invite hie friend. , end she public generellyro notice , und govenabernielves gecnraingly—a rood Mani , aka } things, for the fourth of Ady. . V. TYLER. Montrose, June n, More Good NerNi. ' . dor to the 'World. L AKE EATON. haring adopted the herulePayeyt tem, which has Repels advantages ores all oth.ey, both to havers and Relicts do now offer,to the Public theirnew, extensive. and cht;no ossortii2ent of Eyeing Goods,,which hare. been seiected with pent cure sn. to beauty of Style and durability of article. Our stock of DRY: GOODS - embrace:a a great variety of every deseriptioni 3.000 yds. 'Prints from {c toll per yd.; 1,8:10 yds heavy sheeting, . Lawns ls pr ydi . Alapnons .0 drc a great - torletymerin clothe, elik vesdnes, and a great variety of Ladies dress Go . oda. Also ii large stock of •BONNETS. from 30 to 20s, Ribbons la to 2.a pr yd. On Grocerirs. Crockery. ltnota npd oboes of every deser:ption. Best pry paid for rli kinds of - produce. linrfOrd. May 7. 18: 1 1 . r • W.I. tttl . l_T Cog.- A U. Havanna. Crusted. Posstlerut.ani 43 Coffee, Sugar. Teas, Snap, Yeast. Muscles's,. Leine's' strop, Sperm and Tallow' Candles. Lamp Olt.. OlaSs, 'Java and Rio erase. Vork, Mackerel, Salt etc-, elleapnt. hletitrnse. 31 AS. I S 5l 7.yeN.l & AeYtt"Arrisitl OBRA PEST yk, Eire 5 fqx.per Sati„: V 6rl, Salendue cts..: etW,' Raising 1211 cents..r :^cash, Just prh:ned and to .1114. by , LYONS & SON N6W 600d* , . , . At the head of Novigatzolf—for !wort week. A LL kludi orgitndi venally kept in a country saw% 21 expected. on alonday nast,tlln. infing;:trrangeLlankr? 011 P, rigs, Betel Is, Yi 'fem.. dress }nods & r , which will be offered very low fortbeready—call end sre. • . • Montrone, Aril 17, lasl. • M. e. TY LER. . Pettoreut .. . `Rock ! A NAIIIIM I. remedy procured from Alle -oeny county. rourirdreirect - .eet deep! ; Put up lust sow by 8.31, BIER, Cann/ Ruin, Pictebursh, 'l . "s. 1c Is put by In bottles jurt us it . florre frent•the soli without eulmintUpr of . any kind. All ye thus are afflicted ; It.EAD!!. f, •-. • . Rheumatism yields to the pc4or-or the rettitlettm. A robe tom Lukerne Vomit tn.,:tuly 91h. 11151: : Me. Kler—Dour sje, allnq , roe .as a stranger toeen 7 , gratulate von as the side proprietor' of en Inyalualdo-, celled Petrolcumur Roth 011, whlehla destined era lung to take the place of all gnmt'tned4.ines. Many venom , in this neighborhood havi tried thO Vetroli vai In b nambel 'of cv Ear curing MON t of t Isom and proving highly c.a1.1 in all; I have tested It hi, ti,bglio. colds :rheumailitH totter. sprains, and awelllog: for. rlicunortittu 'tt Int is a chtsia core. # y has been nlll;eterl the Rheumatism for some yeerr , 'ar, d tics e 'rabid thing to'relicve her, In fart she trilal.eterything;:and thing woUld (Jolter any good until ehe ,tied yew'. t!etro- . i lethal and It has rellevedher tirel,Y, for Uo' purer think-f It Is the greatest to4n,kl4,qlg . • • 4 '4lhi:'ol'.' • Another letter from Luzern+• ce..i toren:ow/bine thi3 Petroleum : - BRAGtt iiAVEN, J l,l l , 7 t 1 05 5 1 , Mr..hies-Deartuhe h'16...u.e. e, fting to the virtue. of your greet, • einem/ rued rlne celled I the Petroleum or neck - tfil, whie , le eerteinly u gres re/qt.:lnc..' 1 b , Mght nhe dorm or vnur. /went' hen he, wo w along bere hot fun. I tested ir ma number ortwo;•I and lotted It to ,pruve good.!- uho to• ted it to-n late of tette,. end found ft very beueftelat. tumuli/ ltkn , irry much to have another box It.. for 1-don't Ilho ea ifthontit. • - IteSpeetfully your*,• - -" , : • - • . J. A voice , from $, usquebanna co., Min "VI to the vihr a- - ( lik e pervolep to, - hes OA TT: Yonc!fa ./A5l. ' Krim—Dr& ert—itliowntc, to rert4 to t vitt tier ofyot r vat Oral medielneralle'l Pet/1'4(16m 4,f It. k 01...111ad been afftictid wnh the ithennuttfem, for 50n.... time. 1 ems In Yilketbarre last summer, and t at a Mo th, front your Agent when le , wait' Mont thive, It' heal eared me perfeetl. I hare eine° 'melt is t st.d MAI/rev. , B t camel ofrheinaltinfl, and found It glee relief lu all. - ' • - - /A)IFR. /. 1 11/1.T0N...• • • • Ttunn ottectt. Jul' , 12th isat: - -str; 8.5 t. Rtzio-kneor afr,Ailovr me tertify.tAithei virtue. of your great. natural medicine . :Petroletint Beek MI, Which helicon lora good reedit - 4n . I hare ' butt afflichnl with Nauralght.' nalctin the tit:X.4 'flu. the last ton years, and never could Rey anything to relieve , Met is feet I tried abitost everything and nothisilf. would do trio any good until .I tried your Petrolougliwhich heal relieved me verYmuchi / have also tested It in blltnr. scaltla;,ato).brulder:lt has ;dwarf liven Send In taverx short time I think ills Abe,. giAttcst, peivi hifitrMerlts. -' ' Very:respectfully yortire', ' 1 ;4 1 1 and . rlreuligt froni tbeagent. desttiptiori of Tor sale-by -BENT - LET kAPAP. Sold arbol t silo AY 140 ass, ILt Ar,&40., tor 20 1 1 44/P4 ‘ ,,,, e;Pymeitophisi: . ' • 291 Y Gr-eat Attractions HBtritillnismniit:tveilvbx.fils.gsnatt sityity rj o' (food. for tbe spring trade, ollich vinitiltona4 an. liimatty exiandrs and Amain; pluilettlimly.tti Tat; am, near otylooood kbat of frillaito Pre„ 0 100, 4. I VOIAfx. ishior " io and rassitillaa, with's killatal limatolou 01040 %PI V,A.10._! yin te 11014 cn - site muNtikrffittile t!pro. • wow riumablielth, . 4 utie - iLTAN - t6i* _To bai6iiiiiiiiitstd Farrneirs: - Sale: A Fla!! of 200.,*m* Arhoiteht /I f3ur4nehanua CCUOr and vitiator thittio7/**9114 :filitterea-Of whtchis ontlergoodiroprorrstobtr-- The (arm Is writ designed. toi - • deity, a ad is ratit/0011T feeding 40 colts dining summer and . ..unmet; and. ate, pan mitts Welt watertd.‘ 'Phe building) an land Mc irfgood-condition andilts - leseito, which aio +Matta; and !BUS Ate alto god. Thera arntwo large bens opost ' tho premised, besides a gra:stair mkt - coat 'Diana fur cattle. 1 lane I:melts:lb principally (drafted fruit bud other fruit trees:- • s*lo form tout p yery.pleasant arid - deshutilo location stout two miles from bfentrore, the County Neat *fops unelmona county, and about 9 toilet from ttd , LeMgest4 Oap. Itailtuad, to which there la a Plonk' Roodln promise ofeoMpletlon, and is terytiontenietit• to sheeting* un schools, and ntothanloa.: ' .„ . • • Also miothei Valuable tom sljolnp - the • ntetir, am. taLuirq2oo'aires,:ot which:l6o aertola lituditi a high ' , tap of cultivation. tpon. there-fa a larmi trim" ilwelllne housa,ntid out buildings to correspond Sod or lane orehard • - • is well watereilfia.4loillet'dell4 admi rehly adapted to dairy ptirposo. , •;• •-; Sold Moriarty:will-be imp on resronittlaterfn*.*rt, Volk pffhe ilareloom *volley tnnyrosnaltt upon Bon* ati,t Mortgage to colt the purchikT. ' •" •-• " Application itarbe made: personally ctn. Niien at Montrose* said eounty.and'atifforther partionlaris that -' '.soqtdp , al pl4e . n. , =-2arf; • • • A Animtlor tot Juot melte , • 1 1'11 bwsold low to iklr Flo lout keviitd ftitir• • uti• tie bp ~T. Nrw • . • it.AultlirSSalerntur—o pare ankh In youod .I.l"—AlFq—kfrortetolng COMpol4pd, tor fatatog 7.44 and ' F at es !withal! t yea, t. , • . r _ A looL•Stiop P • beider: by' the 'Web totteb i • trottilog•lxttrtett—Notl oo Injul stony to rinthet. Vor ,010 bp. Tyltitttlt, i,~:auJ 7 Muue cauiaiag. . . . . . . . . . . A 1.. ARi 1 g sismortioillt of latest atylea, Just taa•laad Z. - 1. and for able at a. small' advance ter it'd) , pity:.• 'tore eext d”or toJutlao Ty!es's.. BOOTS aactSllol,l. A new sod 4.101 hs4oritteat of Meo's libOta:'eoane ab 4 floc. C. 611.1 morocco ,moces,..hocta....trottten'a,alibea, cuar. , v4 l, tl ila , -- , lisseq,, litm, antitThildran'e 'hoes. The taTc.t lot to c 6.113 aced probably that cheapest received, wince thi: Err. . ~ . . , s alid Caps; • item 'anttrneitahßoif Meta.. a Books. • • A general asaortment of School r.10014._" embradttir try vartetyizatd in, tho Sehoo!aand' Acallettdal throne,: out thjartzttn. Itiblea, a great variety-rf ttuday acbool. Donka—illank Account..Doottra--kate aad Metaarabdis Books. and n large luPorttuent of 3liscallantons nook', WALL PAP ER —a. firCit4lok Of neat patterns Mist relaiit. Gap antiLettor Vapor, of tile Lyn .q the, Ratty or genre. . Staple arid racy .Stationery, • good OxiOrttnenit: ink*, Int:not:Ai Slate,' Pencill, M. care t qnilla. ran& Matcb ea t Contbr, Fbhing Tackle, cm. rats, 31en t a Socks. suarvi•nders, sblrts etc. Setgor. coffee And Teas A ornolf!tock.hutfirsl . qualY7: • l'hois who want • gonl.Artie!oof.lllnok,Tea, as w6llas .I) . tyson,sriG . pszSps niii:•-•-• • • ;,- • • A Few -trunks For SIIO. 1)..o dans Velow Jydgo Tylies. • 1 4 :1e51 ' • • GRO. KAM. Cortier' , ilCourea . nd Washiligtoo sii. . rr Tim Sntweiribel• rnbes pleasure le Innourning to I public, • that In couset osnest Of the patrosups bentowed nnon this establishment the' past year ' helms ,Isterruinssl prrinanstitly to enntintle,sbe bttstnessln banuon.:.. The stock compeitee every style and Itaillty of Cr ,- els.e's , its general 4:weans Table and Toilet Watt. and silt be amts in setts ur by the single netlele. Also, • Tarlety n r , . CHINA TEA SETTS, DINNIHR WAItE. and Fans," ertlcles. Ands' as Prult, Baskets, Card stands, Cologne. Bottle, VARY, 40,, teralle.r with& law* stock of 41.-A pit E. tnnsisting of cut, pressed and plain-Tumblers, flobldsciflnes. Deranless..lrrult Bevis. Pishes. spoies. Pitchers,. I.landiestieltd, fmnfas. Speri• Sara. Tkleture Bet ties, Lamp Plebes and tab:maga at att riot.. &c, 4%IAn eenktantly- on band, an, assortment et Spirit, Lard, Solar, and Camplithe Laois, (allusags. doles, and Hall Ls/sterns. Aim; a lore lot of WOKING-GLASSES, irinantv Shads.. Tea Trois. (history. Table Matta; Oa ? red. Tierronn Silver and Brlttarbla Table and tea sum a.. T111:00 V ttirty;,lte.. all or widely llbeeoldeerylowfel Cask. AFitisincreti,!ed facings. ter,businers and unfirt ratan: att ration to the Oasis orbit stttstnem, the uu. dermunsil Stapes tri merit the continued patmnage_oh tbu rOmmonity. • .- . P. 1: OTERAORS, Arens rthurbandan. May 2Ttb.lS5l. • • • ' • •••' =Aar r $r ...erns m' npriutrbs OFFERiNG .this, much, .celehmted Spring. to the public the Suhscribersrospectfully eolioit as .cauilitlexnnilutstion ' ne to its inerils.- As Ilk ill' superiority oversill other springi: leCtliese who hey.) tested thern, : bear withers, soili the sut*eri bete nrr frilling to abillo-by tho tlecision. 'lt hos brell caret - Silly eXainilled IT men of •scieutte t antl by them cbeerfn!lfrecoinmentled,-to carriage -can Int built - with these !Spriogsthirste.. er'; , 49 Ilitc lighter, Moto darable'end for ease it tit lint .litittittil by any springs now in use. All, Springs warranted. Mansfeettirrd .:3PROUT,,BIRROWS.:&CO.e !•-z Ent Lake, Sittig a. 'County, s. nr•vra— T. &A. Sraairr.: 27-If. Notice. .; ertir.atthearlb'era ironld inform tbilif demi* 'and =On • I 1 tauten.; that mitaithrtandhile theft aerate - teem f.r Umtata Ore, thetitave nbtoincd the: btdiding tecentl, aeray. , ,,,4 ItlrArno:" tfithn - n. Pearl/ nPllntlin-ettllie itetel; where they imereeeltlng ni- geode 'tram Now vinek, oldett together - with theirold etock raw. ed Irian thedre..gtve that* Onto a itet.e4l'aatorearnt which they tope to int enothlad keep . toga. -Neeol4 l 7 trill rorripel th.nn r" pelt Inertly ier ready on y, Menthe' , ntnet'aoy ea their rootninths that aro indebted either to It, sa.) -re or N. 11. 4:/yr . ert l'o.. i hat leopptikt, ftqmedl 4 , a t 6 rettinn'aut 'mast he blade artht I:lnception An netbia inthe only paean, they lattee't4 keerCap their hum. inesn-re. "'friend in nerd. len Mend indeed." .Theattre andlin branalr ottheie burtnern; 'will lA. :eirried on is Napo .!c Id. 4:Webneetnndee,thit'ilitc.orlairy trehrter;rhap little below lb r. Nick hourpt - 31" , " 1", XI,: tiArtevik re: 'ittiiigelitent IL • • •,.• • •. • - -•,- Eztenpire. Chair and -Furniture . • meat:- ;... , Akrn:,W. $331311 * - 66;.tleVe row • their eteettg. meta, for nutputeetni his end eej. lag eonpt anti/ en Maul ell sod every klnd of Ihnteebold F ttrAtt vire, pets tent ur. d Out of the beet Wally vf NS- Iholtvh!, Meek irtanue,llople. Cheziyontt alter twee bee, and hv the tweet and trout durable manner. -• Among the artieleo It Ilicktfter- blend to keep-0 12 -414 ez mike to 011101.4 re Blatteteitny, Meek Walnut, ebetryi and 11110- ' • pletlFreaueSideßeartectietietertte,Both Citteet Cry ler,l,ent, Pier, and 'they Tetder ; Stead* -pu_stray vit"' rlet MON*: Mir% Ottnenslei„ke. , DeAleteeds , oftelt hinds . 1,14 steleei !nap litetipainbt Meth gut; Cher 3 , , rod gut; Staple, and Pitney i•-•hitittl. 010F1I'arietr cud den-P" whieh they hnvo now on hand: and hatred tix_keep enntlefißaPnld 411 , :attoo * 4 4 be laippiii . 4y Ino 4 "teA d aTsvikatt,. As tie inionnibirt antleitid In'enhotta 4111040;40v; IPA t# 6 l*Tl Irk . 2 . l4o hotntig th .._ ll ' tut Montrose ertliett amid eilitpty everrVaihke idetettloe• • aid lundtdrai and mart the' trouble et 'Nunn' to tits -, Cities ,tor ruck article,. thu btinelo Asset edth Itherstr : i 1 4 Arottluild etLonjtriCenttrit.' -- • %rm. /0)-41-44111Z, Ventroilit, Auto 4! Isst.- - -tiv Wu!. -