The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 31, 1851, Image 1
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' • = 4 - 1 • ,7 .• ' • 4, TD1T11 7 ,1.) .~ _.~~,~ Tor the Democrat btioctiti l s First-Love. hop.elegsr—yet undying love With all my being blending— trembling eon-beam, from ebOre, la fitful gleams &mending 'pm life's Jrrar and darkened way-- No other bglit breaks o'er me -13011 fOt aye 'twill pan away, I.lving black night lkfore me. • wen Strztonic ! more than lira Thy pirience is to me et dream's; thou not the hitter strife My soul endures for thee. •uld'n thou but shore my untold irief— This heatt-cousuming woe, timid give my spirit some relief--i. Dot thou may never know. rather let my life•b!ood flow Than one dark ihade of sorrow hould dim the light of thy fair brow ; Its joy I would not borrow. real Jove! accept this wretched life, Self. sacrificed to Thee; rant me s passport to that realm That lies beyond the Bmn, ere let me drink of Lethe's stream, Forpttinz all the Past, loves mid fars—in a bright dream Tat evermore shall last." secret thus Saletsuis eon Gave ntierance to his woes— vain for.him music rnamndr n rain the sine euplinws. what were luxury and .putvertt, t. pxzeautl of s:nte,l love m S:ramalee's bower, Where all the Grace's wait. s handers ere, and pallid cheek—. 31 1 jaylexs, saddened tone, • plainly, etutfullc bespeak 3 mirate—pet all unknown direful nose—profoundest skill - r batles—here'iti vain, milli_ arts ate tried—and still 'astaaaehdd life's fount must wane Inyai father, Syria's kinz, • all tes spirits anguish - mrd oat that .neural sufFerint hue canned his sou to lialq, , oish. lore be liitieti`near hie side, Vitt! watehfulness untiring— '! fainter fleas life's 1 bbing tide, nd Hope II fast expiring. erening—o'er the western wave 'he snu's IRK ray are beaming— banns:led dome Mid battlement n zerzpous sp!endor beaming-- , o'er U R . pol--the prices . softened raliancr. throwing, .il. Tepkyeus to foe his cheek' 'torn spicy roves is blowing. ddeu glow o'eripreads his boa— Image fire lizlits op his eye— u it Woe awity--each trace— stades the evening s hy. thus has fa'd,tl hie • di'vruise— Is heart ie a elpoKed, bieetl.n au Lore's altar he secreCie disclosed.' frunitwo bright bTantinz, eyes, ut now was glancing, a . 4r him ; like a meteor flash 'tis Cone-- croaked from before !dm. Suatonice ! was that glance.:.— hou knower! not its power ; ar.tve day afar—and withdrawn, hack unkuves ruler the hour. yes! he 'oven the yuuthful o frthres brauteopt wife ; cleft patriot): all unseen, ; ,-rcrs preying on his life- Ing er war with Destiny, or strive to vanquish fate-- live—l gladly yie:d to thee, y Queen--rny crown nud state." *puke the- King - --aubonnded joy s ad heartfelt gratitude einvut—'twas bliss without alloy— Almost beatitude. r - TOM D or VInGTE.—Tho Qality of re at myny a genius now lost to the Even the tomb of Virgil near Na. itieh has been for so many centuries by travellers, and regarded by them eneration, no ha'vilig once retained hes tt' the great }suet, cannilt be pro a with cod leoce genuine: It is a luare building 'with a rourtdd roof. ands on the very brink of a precipice 'lately above the entrance to the sub an tunnel of Possillippo, alieautrul. e learn, faithful view of which Mb in IVanzh's Italy. The old entrance te ' 4ll ) 14 3 been enlarged, and rn .d..rn cut through the wall. The interior ulted cell aitnut twelve feet Square: many wooll rec:esses tor urns. The Snti e , er a, y'filled these recesses,, are tg; With them, Of course. e)etaieidg the ashes of be . mkt' The epitaith reported to hare hien et upon tliis thnegenu is t C h a e lawberil rkpukoerweParthcaopeeeciei,•paseutt, raren, Ikttr asked her husband what the .di letas br weteen exportatio n and tntus " 3IY denr,""replied the d - ' h a 3 taad, ' there is a difference and :teem!, to bring ii as near, your nu lling as liessible : suppose that yon led I should bp trartsilorted! ,Al , -faia.,4 l , - illt.'{. KATE BLITiRLEY. , ,Story of the of Nityinning. • Px PERCIA IL Swim:. "Do you see that 'nd I sca old man to me, as we pansedtpoti thii edge of the mountain road, and loOked - doWn into the'.val- I ley of Wyoming,- beneath "Well, ithat spot, beautiful as it now iii,waS once theSeene I of massacre.. God help me! Atte. agoniei. t of that day almost wring, my heart to, think of ' them, even after the lapse of fifty yeats.", I have heard it was a, fehrful 'the,' and you have often tell, me the tale of , your own connection With it. ;Not if the'imb-' ject is,so painful tiqott, I date scarcely make the rectitest." • " No, boy, no," said the old man .safifb. "I will tell it. for the promise is along standing, arid I feel tOklav, as if. I• could narrate, that tragedy with less emotion than usual.' Sit down on this rock and give me moment to . rest: I will then commence my story. • • While the old man Wiped the' perspiration from his brow, and sat 'fanning, himself with his broad.brimmed sunnuer. hat, I took the place pointed out by him, near his side, and spent the moments that elapsed before be be gan his narration, on gazing. on the landscape before me. • • Sitting on a huge bolder, on'the head of the mountain; just where the hill 'began -to slope down into the valley, tve; commanded a vie' of one of the most unrivalled lands Capes in the world. ;To `cur lett ! vise dp tlte mountain,' gge bold, rud, and barren, like the the.-mountain,` boll, smite Nat monster reared ag,ainst the . sky—but on the right interposed -to prevent the view; whose loveliness so exceeded my expecta tions, that fdr some minutes I gazed upon the scene in mute admiration. Deneathme stretch.' ed the valley diversified !with',gently sloping ,clevations, and sprinkled, with fields of waving golden , rrain't . 'whileiherie and there a patch of . woodland, with its dark green buy, lay slum. bering on the landscape]-the Sort:ice of the forest ever and union varYing to a. lighter 'tint as the wind swept over. The tree tops: through the - centre- of the valley Meandered the river 7 now rolling betwixt bluff banks, and nowstealing:gently among ; the rich meadow in the distance,: until at length it turned to the left, and striking_ the foot of the tar hills. was lost behind the-profile of the moun tain before us. In the centre of the; vale wCa the village, with - . white 'hoiises and airy church steeples, smiling Over the scene. - Far away on the horizon stretched a line- of hills, ' their dark blue summits half hid by theolouds which Wrapptkl them as, in a Veil-of g,auze.-- - - No sound came from the Valley. .Occasionally. the twitter of a bird would be heard threugh the surrounding tee: - I:bile - the low tinkle of ,he surroun in 4 tinkle of s tiny waterfall on the left, kept monotonous. ly sounding in our ears. :The iOrnin.; rays Of water has I.....gaiii, and tigain,„beeu esdeilgaies. A t.' - 0 HS coon rv's hor.or aim es... isum„,.. JIS O. , perea, in a uPgree ul. ~r,.. a summer hen poured down mien 'the - land-be them-let us on." , , fame and aimed t le utt"rY' view et this time, the Let .that that'a [run of the confederated States amine our gltirious. ~ "Ave-it mustel 'in no . - - •hoice be. create n proper feeling of bretherhond in the 'of any other(country is a most ob . vious Let. cause of human rights: - We thus hold iip on,e Seventy-five Years sin ' ee, we steeing!ntonation scape, and everything around wes bright and ;: e semi. , or we 1„,,, e‘ s o, „ _ev e k now : not , tw , e ,„' ~,,. e10r ,,„„ e ° . L I "; 1 ,, it -,‘• ~,i • orey and beautiful. I was still lost in admire- Certain' •*.th" ti ' ' "•' - 'th '' it ; '' ''.le "I - --:`• : 7 ' - 51. -- '": 1-1 .; ---' or . - ' , :* / ',7•4..' 15 e, ° F. I ," :s -'"." - ' .S. at iis is epa y , we ,see i et def e at. , h. : ye : me e t swi, ow 'beat end biro. cotimintrconntrY as our - common Parent: , rind Inl - e xistence; n scattered people, wahnut wid e l e t ,e, s - t eee t . e ee. ie titretd , A. e , • . fui • . tf,here, on this proud dee- vf triumph and fee* •om ' c - s•ne Lion at the gay scene, when the} yid in nu 4 ;g-I Us reconnoitre?'• • Inn both, and we opine there arc ten who will avow that all het sons of whatever clime ortat!' withoot credit: a 'meagre ag'riculturot and ,' , 6 ,:- k ... L . r , ~. pa ti , „ ee l s l nixed his readiness is comae the tale. .. • , e ',lowly 'and"stralthilv, trembling twit a twig r e j e ct the l a tt e r, t o oue who %yin pr e f e r him to class. are our brethren :MI that trenerni happi e "It is now fifty years age," hebegan," since should crick under.oul• feet, we, crept up to- the former. . ' ness is bestprotnoted liV the exercise nf inn. still' more depiessted .mrunifeetures; wldle our . %: - .::::' ,. L e i j u le. : t i : v t ' it Y: n ui . v : I t u n : l s te - h r o - 4 : l . d m r s e P n : i n o t r • - ' l ' ,,, commerce was struggling under restrictiens, teal tnlierailin and liberality between. till sects WlliCh bound this whole Continent and its bd. - ' I came to this vidley a fronti er man, with a minis the edge of the meadow, and peeping They leave been as inconsistent in relation , naiitat himpy • with 'de•dit ieS hardy constitution, a love' of adventure, and 1 ciutiously through - the undenvood, beheld the to measures as to men. They pass a resole. and parties. Sects rind parties! I , lThe sheeld ... _ . more the repetition of being the. best shot on the !object ofeetir search in six tali swarthy 'Ma- tin(' der faring th.,t , the government and people ends, in a st:ite of coloniel wissilege to the 'pa. - 1 th ,,,,' w e •• ' • , we know, =or , regard, them in this pled ; &real stetes in Europe. Over - these' green ; ee 7e ne ‘ r i e . ,, e d v 7 d e l ‘ .. l:-) !MY ether e yenltle‘•"-l e et. border. The Pleee, was: at thAt time settled [fres sitting smoking round the remains of a. of Ilennelilvania are loyal to the n alone! con• I bust s a id, every lunericenj hill% amidst which we ere now assembled, and' air i t .. Diin d i 10 . 7 1 11 - !. 911 : i rt m .5en t .u i ," 9 4 . 61 : 4 ,r., 15 :: . principally by fannlies•from Connecticut, and i fire. 'At a-little distance, with her hands bound! stillninn, an d are re ady, (a an hazards to carry hnsnm is thrilling with minded emotion otN , where we now find nilthe arts'. end luxuries , 0 1,1 13 -' resi; • 5 cur -14-DB '''''"''''" '` ' 4ll ' even then bores marks of its present luxuriant I end her eves upreised to heaven, sat my OWES I its provisions into eject, and that •• to assert Pride :and Patriot-inn-Arley rind gratitmle.--- that accompany,the highest stege of human re 7 . i i iik li , si ? tAr i t , -. Ult UN/ON illU SI, 13.*2 ,AVill Sou hold en to unr struggling state twirl. cultivation. Maly of the families • were in !Kate. 94, how my; heart leaped tit, the sight. oth e rw ise i s a Heb e i on the fair fame of the 1 Ofpridee because the event n'T'enmrrtemnrive. fin e m e nt ; scarce half it century, the sat. ' ~„, e . e e... Shall . , e! •', hooks of s:eel I %trill yen attempt US fence its good eircumetenees, others had seen, better I I raised My rifle convulsively and was, about c iti zens o f th e corun f on w ee lth," and r e fuse by I wee, at once the d iy-epring•and the. meridian ages o f t h e ' w ild erness roa m e d in s u il en e t u f 't '!•tat.' 'tow preserved? it be cy tercet eitizens tu remain our brethren i(the bayou. daye,and altogether the society was more r e . to fire When my comP e anionienmediatelyeaught ' a v o t e ofthr ee t o one, - to declare " that the 1 -the' commencement and, the .conenrnmettrin. s olitaiv pride! -Ear veers afterwards, the her. pre, , i , ,iens , fthe eenstitot i„ i i , re i„ t i ot , to the of glory to the American cherecter. Of natriT dy settlers of these regions, were regarded as , eihk.point.l' No, no : ' They tau. A mencsats fined than was' usual en the frontier. Among my hand and said . a 1 . all the families however, in the 1 valley, non e , "Softly, dr sou spoil ti 11..; Let us get the rendition of fugitives held to service or Libor, l olism.,the most , di sited and minty-tit the a border people. Where ere the American iik9 6.urseives, and vim Bever sobolit to okor. pleased Inc solinuch :Ls thAt of hire B ever l e e e ..-1 yarmints In a renge,,and then perhaps we shall demand and shall receive,from our (their) per.icontentoletlon of the Wisdom. the valor,' the' borders of civilization now? OVer the rugg 'd eturnent uf force.'. You may pile edict_ alter and unbending fimineee Alleglfanies : still onward, the torrent of Limy edict upon them, red seatter'Presidentialproc and of' his fire Side circle his second . dari,ghter.; fire With Some taste. liiSt..”, • ty 'a failifful manly and unequivocal support." 1 incomtntible integrity Kate, was,i n my ct•es, the. geu74 How shin i 11118 - 14 st exclemation was occasioned by "They pass a resetuti t in declaring "that tbp !of the fathers of our Rerniblie. Of gratittuk life has rolled, until the once nimok.fabnioull ilainetions thick as - the snows of Winter the,: I dscril3e her beauty? Lovely. without being! the sudden rising of one of the savages. He t adjustm e nt 'measures of th ee feet congress, Ito the gages who planned, end the heroes who I R oc i ze . itfountain barrier has been paseed,•ned I beautifut‘with n sylphlike form, a leup:„lisas4 gazed a moment cantionsly. around, and then I shall be faithfully observed and respected by i nehievPd nnr, liberties t and nbove . all, . rmti. i the tide has re: shed at length, thole regions loyous as the, carol of a bird', Iv step lighter ladvameed totteirde the thicket where we lay th e whips ; and n o minat e by acclamation a I bide, glowing gratitude. to that oracioun Being' but l a te •• described by the poet, as . le • - . t , You' may' exterminate them; but you ientiot than that of a young fiwn in spOrtive play, a leoncealed. I drew my breath in end trem. [ c a ndid a t e fur gov e rnor, wi l e' declares, in a o w f h f o re s e m d i o le m d•i o ip r o v n itt n l l l i e. th r e n i ( r i e o ffi z irt in a ry in i tbe cause ,tvt,. , 1 - Nnot sestant a cover ' +at , • h•N ' h `filch. borderSe and 'yet; ell these, they ',win g ntnen. w aved t-t.. at....ea. disposition so istriable as to win. irresietublv, ;bled at the beating of My . own heart. The,; speech which they eipturotrely applaud, hustil-"—The continuous woods the love of all t wito met her. Kato Beverly ,l'eaVage still approached. .315ktompanion lnid its to the most imp or t an t of these Measures;' The celebration of this enniversare. insteed 0 . and It 'here roils the Oreo.ll - 1 , 6 no:seuno, , se he ue . the t e. . s4eli int , they, . such iiielke, , was scarcely seventeen before she had a host r Wei hand upon my arm and.pointed from the which he considers as "still within the reeeli !then, of being a matter of mere plesenre end i !" Save his own dashitee." • '•-. • ' • . -,• , I such ought tube till those - Who are true suns of mid liters, mid might hive woo any youth in , ride to one of the'lndians.' I'understood hitn. ,of a m en dm en t, no t neeesser d -in a l iso l u t e an d I choice, may he enrolh.d upon the ea t e i ne ne of; Other sounds are brezilan . g upon thena 'BlMres iof am IteVelutioriary sires.' -oiir'g o tte rt ud eu t e ' the valley. Why it was she _preferred me :At thus juncture the adranehlg'satage, warned f p e rfect l a w, b u t J et t as open to di scuss i on an al duties. I will not essert that 'en man can hen , i . now. Artlerienn toterl'rlie 18 OWN, as It inlito far us regerde the states of thus conf e deMey e over all the rest, 1 eann•,t say; - perhaps it was !, of our presence by the cracking of an unlucky . : modiffeatibn as the tariff of 1846, 4 ' 'time repeal' worthy soh of the republic who shrinks from 1 every wherel. with its 'ci mite!, ' its energe,nud i lweet be one Mf epinien 'nOe'f ore e.'• 'B o rn t e , the eonsrionshese of sotne mysterious sympa- i twig belie:lllE my companion's feet, sprite , ;of %%hick form e d th e burden o f his s p eec h. ' Ruh celehretine ; yet I will not he s it e t e i n at. i its skill ; and this runt Ike il ing fdrY-i , comprobrge andmoneiliati4, it ShOuttile sd as . I thy tinking,es together, or perhime it was be. back with a I6nd yell towards'the fire. • ° !The force oe,folly c a n no further go. Inconi, temPtirer to prove that he w.muld ho a hetter; like, enchantment over all the internaedietel , ,tained in' the:Smite - slitield trod') to eausl we both came front , the mune place in ." Now,", &dd. Pay eiimpanion Merrily. 1' f e ist e n e i e s so gla r in g a s th ese , need n o coinl citizen if he mingles in :there. Ti', thus coin. I space: - To: our. lantitral. Idvantet'ites, long,j,crerY Member of the republiecidothed in eh* Connecticut, -and had been eehoolmates in Quick as lightning„ I raised my piece and I m ee t. it ls imp ose ibi e th a t, th e p eo p le o f; muning with liiii f e llow-men in tht. honntg - nnil ; branching *tiers, with lotlinnale•s'cltinlinds !guise Of friendship taidprotection. not indu l t,. childhood.,so it was, hotrever. it soon begun_ fired. hit eompzinion did the same. The re-. Pennsylteinin„ of env tnirty or shade, of opin. I fi*iiitivitiee "I'd . this eventful date hie n fr..' e tt orm ;.vvirleeepeied bike/tend specious Lip:, hard been 1 tint runty, or, with the.strong :inn of power. to be kno.,,:n throughout the valley that beforoi treating savage and One of hisMonilemione fell ; io n , c a n b e d e i c iv e d by so f ee bl e a i a tt em pt I would b e the mere p er f ec tly punified. ( rem th e ,_;,edded artiheinb ligament% ' rd'ds, c alalserdle) Thera stands the' ;dein written 'ecoinfunit'er another season' should 'ellipse; Ket© Beverly I dead npon the-groued, Eech of us then sprang Ito earry water upon both shoulders-such - a rrossnese, end, o fo re lie er „ity, extet o rd ,h erend - rea d s ,, and t e l e g r . p!li.i._, and tlyae are litentyl our fethei•s.- To it, after due deiiiieratiief,they ' would become my' wife. , •-' ..'. , Ito a tree, loading as we ran. It wait well we; .f.t • .o f f t d loose,lt b t,. the• •confines of sell, .. , , „pc rec gam. as an us is teen a : narrow i I eveteline end faidening togethere every - p.iri of 1 sub e scribed, and thus bound, that - sons: ;Its , bonds• .• - - Lie..' b ' table .as lessm s a • "Oh! like hapPy were thoSe 'daystoo I did,tor in, an instent the; enemy was upon us, i tempted to be played by the whig convention roused: profitebly retried •'from Cold ' indiffer. i our broad Crum in inert ~i g rand its, heeefits. heyeebeen knows . heppy, indetid, to laid. I will not dwell upool Shall I describe the dreadful fight? lily emo 7 l , at LeneaSter, whieli placed in nomination tVin. ence, and deneernue !enemies to public ' eon; ; :inav hope that, they will be indiseoluble., , ,-," , la. d telt, through long years pipet/et+ andnnexe them, for they•.will fill my soul With tigonv.--eltlan forbids IL A few Minut e s, d e cid e d it-IP. Jormitori. {infield Seutteind John Strohm, eerns. - fie would experience an engmentattnn I Our country now. streatehes soutlitvertLbe-)ampled•piiiperitY.''''Phe 'only hou4st aid la: Saw. it to se?, that[ hilo ilretuning or boss from tree to o dgi n g, feeding,l, thus tutting sides for and against our own afield, his relish and his •'Tr:lilted° for the in.. iyond the Equatorial lbw, and Northiverd Pattie gitithate Plinio of chtuiging tiny of! its yroets. such as mortal; never before experienced, thel'nd • endeavoring to get sight on toe, we kept !country in the Afoxican wsr, and f or an d 1 estim•ibie blessines and priViimees of freedom. ; Anew - Circle.; for praet 'Willy , • . . ~ tens is, peititc4. oot. With admirable Mention illt " The whole breindless ciantinent is num.". , tlid neblein:ifrutiunit itself: Thnse,dien,emoo war of the retmlution broke oute-and after ti up the fight nmirlyefive minutese-atihe end of neetinst the compromise and the ter vision oft 1 - Ih4 . whole soul would he expended, lies heart! hard struggle between my' paseion and my du.' ,Avilkil time / ilium/ nat's,elf wound e d, white' Abe •constitution ; virtuallyfreaad agaimq the ' ennobled. end his ennscienett rendered - More Cities nee springing tmeind spreading out tipel they from North or South,' Who Mien!) , dent' ty the latter chequered; and I jiiiniel •the ar.': four out of six savioges lay, pees,t re tie on the; dise.olution -of the Union. Tliere is no miatme keenly ;live in a sense of till, his oblieetinne tn ;our ' Atlen•ic , any of ts i • • •• • ',,on per. Pacific, mill :is upon . . , ~ ~ i oblig dions, or seek h oAertly totiy•Old sod. Kate did not • attempt tddisSuilde me I trolled. The - other'two, finding their cam.; derstanding the position of Bigler and Clover, thostete. Histove of enuntri. would he.fur, i cast, and natural and reciprocal truirkebsoviil ; complier - ice with tiny of its, " bVll,..;iil, dinil(lnbr. . frOm the net--she rather for me the more.' I lenions dead, despeiring of being ableto carry lon VW/Weill impoi,tant questidue •; it is the po:i ther matured, aid confirmed, hiS genet...of tie- thus be formed mem erell. for.all the yast and I the liiith of theiefethers, and coyer theiresities • for it. Though her woman nature caused her I off their prisoner, suddenly rushedeon ber, and '..sition of the petnticr.die, party [ and can be oe- tionel honor qnicltened and exalted, end ills-, varied productions of the intenmning ,reguans; ,) end' memory With contemPt. - The path Of time_ , to shed tears at my departure, her reason told 1 before,we could interpose,, h a d se iz e d their ', cepied understendingly and borisietently - by inritional ettschtnenL in all respects irnnieW4o.: These great', matte, lying midway .hetweenthee upright Ainerientepatijut'is as elearlir °Pane her I was rielit and she bid nie God speed. e . , haidesii vietini, 1 had ‘. o aly bee n t prevented,: every:Member of the party.' It is impossible To your own.penmen, experience, tolhe eh.. twit idol Contineritt. will roil le; collect:led by . 1 iftreeeil incharacters 01'44dg - fight. /le should hitherto frotn'reseuirer Kate 'bv the know!. ! f . • ' ' ' • ' '- - . and honest -n • • - -•, • s „i ta bi e hiehways that will ,supersede :a Oestiv e indlime faithfully toall- the cote realises - lad orene one imi to cc. tilted feelings and sentiments which et this- , s . „ . and . ..., i . . . , P "Heaven bless you, litirry," said• she; "and I that '' q • ' ''' - • ignnt and dangerous oat lenient, trmaisti- i cluceseinnsaill ;he principles iind provislone'or , , edgb an attempt of -tiles-kind,. , while the leu• nt tied, same t• ' 'tl ' •t • of tlmoment tl 'll th n 1 nand t ' a .. no in pi . ie,, re posi ion le in rngi y ur .veins. , ..„ ~ . brine , i , ,le it war toe speedy'corwhisien• - lemla i•• i ' [werestill '!l • - attract tot, commerce of Afrietientl Europe ith e ca p 3 iit u ti on .. - .ir w , d, this,, ~i i „411. b. , &al ges nnmene.a y superior to us,l win g Is, and vim r bneonis--4 dere confidently to enpeettor , ..) 1 ! not Lid You stay, iint. I pray Lila! the necessity , I would end in the certain. destruction .of us ' the p ed by : the truth'of What I haVe asserba mlif v ,nn ,On 08 one side, anti or China, .the. Bast halmes, - ..11-I„rniony and, i i i ii e t e id e do 0 ;7; . .. t ,,"` t ;''i,,, „4 • of your absence may soon cease. \' • lb • b - ' - ' • ' • and_ the rising comumnities of aloe Southern ther.f drearia of traitorously attempting to .'I „:• . .. - ut now, worlds could not restrain me,' themi • ' the conecientionii celebration of 'religione fore " Time tolled by-the American cause water, and el' bb• or • rifl • forthepierce• ' n m e my t, war un- i - . tire's: contributes to the interests'nf pietyand ... -d" n en orkhe other. . , • . . -"Shout mud'y from lea - •." - ' - . . i p tern ~ " , - still doubtful ,hind the tear beide fair to beprow i lolde , I (bibbed out from my covert, shouting '''lSP' TI htl successful I I' rind tenetstocompletethe: iroug te. vitniant tine ( CVO ton, en le character ... boundless; . . . With a position tut filmrible; and .• • • . , , tmetedinto years. I had.risen Sri the ceptain Ito my coMpanion- ' . •- • treinagenieht of the:public. wo ni b the Dein-, Of the christinn-so does the frequent celebre.. en •t•' 1 . ion with,t 10 wee:ions end •of latzerdine .1111 th •v• 11 , - ' - '' eo in e . nec 'rect..' . •• ' ' ' 4 O - - ' ' - - ' ” in tile— regiment, when . led laforma- . r-en e m , God 'a name, - on. -•- -• ":'; acme: Canal .Cm ' issinne'aided b ' I f national ft• • f lt'• I• • d It' t,y ;the on n 4 - 41 ita e moi re t an exa intellect, and eager industry of oorPeoltle-; WO I.theolselves in certain tent fearful proepe c t alone. . . is ion tint - the to • an - Indians ' I s. , _ tortes dintended Mad '" Take card of the teller varmint," thunder. i financial abilities :nd perseve rig industry . ofi tie civic sirines, mid ire or' higher tone tri the 'ore,destmcd soon to take the proud P.4e41 of, her lonely, traik...,e :. lugs descent on the Valley of Wyoming.. 'I -ted my entrip:l'lion. , '-, -. _ , -.-, . ' ,-' i, one Dancer itie finite TIVIU er more ti n i chamoter of the patriot:. Hewn hvevervenune e the Mother mien"- as centroller of commerce) A,. phip:.ll4 _local: traffic, i confinc4 within. knew the unproteeted.situation of my adopted I 'Th • were' e• ' t' I / li' . I.lf i . •Ii• f lull ' The: .. u 0 ca m e 0 0 ate... net 0 t u mult; la ti• to men 1 ars of the State de-t lies trrew ' ' b la - 1 . . b ' ' 'l' a <I • hether arbasonn or flvt ite - 7 an ,in ine . • mid' mistress :of the genii! But this is not MI ; ' nerreve,liniite • A ti. , g unknown : ned,thereforo distriet, end trembled for the life of. thosel. ' tl best wiemati hope to beentae... We iiotimspeetedoii Ah - b" ii6i; • ( 1,3;116.46,,, - sedition of my feeling Uhed not, obsersed that the , been paid during this protlig- e Whig edmin. ery nee, whether ;.enliclitened, or •.ignornete-, , nclr le e , held most dear. At first I discredited the ru., Saymie farthest from me had Ids pie e loeded '. istration end now sinne eine ipers of h•ir wherever the name nf p.itrintlem has teem ' shiill, soon exert, a miraenouet, Amaral -ns Wen. as inoCkiog the hea ,lang . violence ofthe 'weigher mor--ehaitee, however, threw in ialtr.. WnY .an iand itefore I could • 1 ' g '" '-' '' ' - '' I ' sv. I-- ' ' .' - * - ' . ' ' .... political influence an the creat theatre of lin. I state itselfeht"feeblelnilitittit:tartiee' Yet:' Atft. Ai .., . . avail myse fOt my corneae.; erysny Governor 'Johnston t done alt tid e . knOwn, era% benefitsto the 'alto held . In tine . . , i ' i . . , anti lifir. Already here the matme e fireti of i et:turd - or , Ilitentenee-eohfilet Conitiontly'sell opportunity-of ascertaining theredity of the i l i on ' s e OO l o b scrva ti o o, I rece i ve d the b u ll in t, I,Vhat a contemPtible nese lion-w estimation, nromineVt and - beneficial : tinblirt'i e lite-41Y Shed their . quickening beaten- open the Fm,roundsed Withirthei:!berderat: .Who: would. reported dnseent, end I btmameciinrineki that Imy rieht arm - enti•filt; rifle din red`; on/ '1 1 more than din is th . ' 7 . it . e ' ,pity vents I ' been 'elehnted as. ill most' 81 . - pi _ . p er e . Es . , ,_ , pei . i 3 t,,noir tunny, who even late .c • . a moment Was not to be lo,sh if L would sate f bi - my e; ' c ' .' .l 'expiring eivllizetion'of Aida. A tide 'a)(lei: i'lifteartr alt theie, - ithat , nowe behold. deaduir -, la , notsprang involuntaintyl gives-Johnston credit for wha ho hue no dis• fretted mnrie of firma_ its _ .mly fires,. .. . - t. r . f m 'beyond the - the iaL China, '• b 'l' I cl th' the lives.of those I loved at homej. hkditer.] : Sale; - Thii old woirld haro else 1:14 ninnernes emi r t., gra len earl,. r n - • .1 nye, lie ten ~,, at proed e tenideneut a great,e , . ~ aside at tit try,' I should bare' Position or power to do. •-•- urination taken-! .Wes solicited for leave of been shot - through the bouts •. e ... : c They -wield - witli - a littl to r'•t I • rt " - net tte . l end movir•llvireurin 'fe'stivrit‘Cllut. ,l4 14 this moment, setting towerd, the newly.,,mincruoited people; timu,/lorioimmiold stripes and, : absenee-i • s twe refused, !,then i*sigried, nil, e e ee i 'e e ...' -A ! - - 1 . ' - v ' .' . , fu r th e t a li': "0:4 it . e . p elf:me ye aim . e y e n . . g r , . 0t : • f r utitliiecl El Dorada ; the, dileiple ! , et Copra-I,state ; Which have comp() red reipectihroughnut di 1 din - t•i• n tat cominission and e e t f or th t o _wy mn i ree ~ „, , 7 vulenta, -t•reareo tn agony. as .1, seized ~ , , tian,,c s it wort: of the eposties 0, hnw !vide_ ' y ,re r ,m . ~ are m t s 4) plus, the 'quoiidam• eubjeets of the ill is [the everld e=e-Who - findk ' " '.' - lid Seel II nil ' peace. e i c e• 1 , , - my tomahawk in royale-Jost useless left hand I " g i " • the itivil• the credit o being the eta& them, in ,their : eheraettor mektendenciee . , If,. ~. . . , , .. . I sled • . I net er forget- my ernottens whett,',l t• Ai Stootr - " said Inv ' MID ' • • k - 'or theßiblo -, • - - ••• I - Ic" I I iota tl el rev :mon, qume ivesttiop . ' ' ' '' • ^ ' ' • 1 4 -lift t he ,consin or n, son rind moon, are. Sitting. atm n •athOlnee'`seettreti equellyetoall by atii- Irtbalst.i wt., ote .e ese Y • I r v n • ml - 1, ttl under olei republican h ' i I -iWO:.11 [lid Vi •' drew near• the ill-fated place:. It wes ran: ;the:; , . I .') ' 1 e", - ,,. o inn ., ~ a ,- . ---- Randy robes end 'flittering tinsel Which eMierii, -Ir.° i I n.,. veil able_ power:; :who.' .any, . 0 0e!og , ond - feeling . Rep daY of the inasinere-and :the first .-e (4,-p aOlta riTRO4OI4-Ou Lan HAI?! itiiinty iiitint;itiog .. l o . y t , and d a t s h i t d . , o n d egret. , e ort , the - ..-e-e , a..• r .; ra - 0r - - Is I the iictorS ive i,liii - 11 find their' Willitskt. merri:Z l ien ' o -Upper : California ~ . f.7arrying out . in : , thisilanti Mare; Wokild not 'cling with ... mentor.. I had of the - calamity Was I ,the niangled'Aody. ii i • the Whig Candidate for-Canal Commission-tot remit hollow and; heartless: elle .Titett-'ire ' , ..thought , the . probable iMosetplencee cif.tills ing'dthealon to OM common name imad_teamsiros, of one of the inhabit:nate, Whom reed kneitn, I - All this did not oectpy.att instant ~- „I- Was i dle was-ono- o r t h e ..f ourtep &I Mimi hand Tattered -not' iinfreqiiently to . eelebratei. the e e sni_prisintr'fiet,'Mid whit; Mut l'airte', , periei4i; ;destiny. of tho - Anicii44l,l,l!)Pitl l trit be , poi. r, floating down the stream, i te A add sids:er ran ' now within e few , feet of tier .i loved; wholwas !tnd hospitable - grave- Mesh; synipathizeri :bi r th ,t'' t ie ing ", a t r ii l ,,i .f i t ieAr e r to . whoa .the , 81/IdowerLforth iff the distance, l. Mi- s re:gent!rit-jaibits__ to find HUY, Ono elate So infntilutett as ter through everyiveiti as l e n - Z:etrotifthe...terriblelstrugglitig.infthe grairi of the ether /lid/tete- pnCattgre I "I'IS. jCv"teda ,g "i t 'granting so Pe' fectitiOnii elicit mitancinfroYal p i iirentegieglies: l , i n 4 an 4 ,l%untan oihumtut . socmi,y 'throughout etteimtliceekiloniivhilie Ai• natihnidartinpaiV: sight, end a thousend t' era -a g it a t e d, m y-. b eel /le Itad.eirelici,v entwioed his hand id her. ton ePtle e e rst our gulbalt 'Earl In , clic°, in , order ihi e 'h e r ee l e ta r y priviiege Of 'playfn,g the - Vitale ' ' Lac . w9riat - through, American, tmgeramt and3tim isikopt bet Sil-thth iitherseitiefeery eirtaiothilt:,: nom; but my worst - animist sfell'erhert of the 'hair.:.-his - glenmlrei in" tu-tuwart the l'dministrPtion • - its ' 41 ° 116 - t"''' bell% ' turn, over a tititlen - Of hilt' fellowmen. -•• 'influence Of American Instttmitions, I:, i -,, ahe4wonla rush; alone lute-the, smiles - or itica.. - trirte. When, hours after: t met Some of the:. the - bitting seine Never. shall ',forget thjde- brieertthe,wir to a- stietteisf and honor 1 , 1 , 0 people of this country honor the birth.i: Time basis of 'Mdcitlation.,eatabllshed hYPrult: We , Selfr4st!" ll _o l Po.r4 4,,.. ,, -: - 1 - ,' I` . i ; •, t -',.'-' f' e•-"' - . •' i .' ' !..i -fugitives and they rehearsal tattie thet tale Of - m a rlit i i full with's:Mich : the wtiteh glared -on ..tormination. ' This 4 unfortU te Vote" n 8 'it days of their patriots .the, !geneine .,d_ele.; experienee Will give tis's,Opnlititin of thirty '' IfiringibliP 4 . l 3n'eY o l44P ulflre Fogorli4 nt.., horror. I stood fora mOrnent u thiinderstriielt;tbiOerlithit. A second only was deft for-Nip ° , rums styled by ildr. `Grasiaas, of PhiladelphiN wited,anirit Of li.berty: 'VV/int,` line.Arnerieret 4 - millions/a lea than tetiyeamil•mit4ho present etnciiti of ...Our conn'tq l # greitilniii,, old 4444) lring to belieri that beings hi human form rillY toinpioloti was fat : behind% with hiCrifle dud, Wit StlinEned bnainoss - 1 tho - Whig Con: 'h er t,. o ;ii.. e m e i e dlh e - rfentivelj hail- to haeor , `: time; .of eighty,millions in thirtyyearatOCeine our 4 . 4t 11 ith it 4 1 1 44 8 r 46 .) li°V*; , cld Perpetrate istieb o deed:.-but it; Wes 'all' unicatl4 4 .., ,, l.made -4 destrate sprhag,ferwarol i iventiOn - of / 850 r when Ile 4 "'Mato' 41 ' •the natal 'day cfWashingion, - that: didnot there Inncliat ono ban. 44, tollions. by 00 ; 01000 Orthe let:jai - P .1 %00 0 0W etnitA 0114 44 47 -49.1 4 C too tree, - : . -- :-.: '-: =I : , -,..:., .- isnd hurled:my tomehnw at thestaysge . shearLi Canal CoMmissioner;and ma abutitiietesi throb-- mote_litureit`l or , VBBlll4 Wi th :; deoper;.prgsent centuri! . But Whltt IFS IntrPhers.lll 2 .. thtrkeillikiwt 4l/044 '# /ti tkOlp l ait sis% :,' • A lm t i st .4 7 first-inquirY ma 'far' ' 64 : t 'Tx ° Y.'-' father° /' *b° 4 We #P n ':Wilili, 1112 a ItWe 441 ' 4 inislakc ' th 1146t1Sttrart he - devotion tn. Op. con ' ss. of imam finfidorni;-i..denendently . otrioinie)ornents. - In i`nitfoeii - Alvionunototinallsl fraidat; I. ," ' ',,*`'. one knew. a as! 'what was beeranp of. ha, haroileas by the Wrefeh' ann. boned Iteslf,ln - , pe_op7o 0 PonnSylmia, - .lt lli-ittle hisfht,44. 714 dia. t ba - ..; 0 0... ..ig. i. - . - 1 4 ib. ) ) iighfoic'Ccilitaiiiir l rfte : re . allitreilgthlif i •ClUetifilkt ~..,t hiNWeriii . .3.,... .1...'1i -1 4 4 41 t, °01 : 111 ' . 1 , ..i , .!'' One et those wholuld escaped the BOA fold' the trunk of o neighboring tree, 1 groesidineile*.'lttitAlteffeetaajler at liellet-beZos.e'' -1" ''f - '• ""- • lit'''' fotbei inirdOokii'iti 'coiinlitswin the vita totezestowilkb " 4 4 1.44 i 0i: "'".."'"'"" "°'"'-''.'" - Qur- ." " . . - gal3p 0 0 MU kilt' ' '' ry .21talta 5:lMarA, llatra4 afSt?,lrattgirz; Kgartatatatn, AcCraimh,xtiati simovaug2. . • me; that her. father. had been killed, at the" be. ginning of the conflict—and that depriVed of; protector, she had probably Fallen a victim -to the inforiatedsavagesorlule theivther tents Were. severally engaged in proteeting themselves. Hew I Cursed this Sellishnessi— And yet could I 'expect aught else_ of human, nature, than that tacit \should protect those.l deareSt . to therm . even to the desertion of others. . • . But'MY mind was - made up. I roiolved, l cotue What might, to ascertain dearly-what became of Kate-=so that if dearl;4 might re veriga her, ifl .might rescue her -1 Bidding farewell to the - flJing group, :shoal- . dered ipy rifle mid struck out boldly:, WO the : forest, trusting to the guidenee Of that God who never in our estremitik will not-tire you by a protracted narrative; I will only sly that, after numerous inquiries from the fugitives Imet, I learned that Kate had been lust seen in the hands of a -party of [savages., _ This was • sufficient for a clue--1 once more began to hope. • I waited until nightfall, when I Sought the spot Which had been - described to me us the one where Kate I had been last seen—and never shall i forget my feelings of almost rapthrous pleasure,when found-in the neighboring forest a fragment of her dress - stiekmg On a', bush, .y Which it had doubtless been 'torn from her - in, passing. I was new satisfied that Kate had been carried off captive. Fortunately, I had me t , in the 1 group of fegitives, a hunter who had been un der some obligations to her family, and he was easily persuaded to join me in the search: I J Together we now beguLa pursuit of the eivages.. He was an adept in the forest war fare—could follow the trail as a ..hound the chase—;knew the course which would most likely be chosen by a flying party of .Indians,l and withal-was , one of the keenest shots that I thried a rifle on the border. µICs my opinion," said he," that. these vai-1 thints'did hot belting to . the regular body of t Indians who followed Butler, though even they were bad-enough. I think, however„he Wouldn't suffer a deed like I this..,These vil lains seem to have acted on': their own behalf —ari&if so they would fly to the back coun try as quick as . possible. You may depend upon it we shall overtake them if we pursue. that way," . I felt the truth of these remarks, and asscn- • ted to them at'once. In less than a quarter of an hour after we first discovered the trail, we were in pursuit of the savages: Let ne hasten th the close. Hour after hour all thrbugh the livelong day, We pursued the flyin,giavageseroSsing swamps, elnmbering . over reeks, fording streams, and picking our way-through the labirinthine may, until, to, wards nightfidl, we reached the edge :of the' open spice, or, us it wer•,,abeautiful meadow sinit in by - gently striping hills.' Ili s f„t! said My companion, "we are upon. _ . them. Do yoo not so that thin thread of, rmoke curling upward over the top of yonder aged henalock ?," ! MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY, SUZY. 31, 1851. . aloud in agony _:there was yell . of. triumph on the air—a sudden flashing in :the' sun, like a glancing Imlfe,-iind—but,l cannot go She I loved es my Own life; she. was the purest and loveliest of her sex; she with whom promised Myself . 4a long life of happinei—ohl ....:-must I sav itslie lay a mangled corpse at my feed But her murderer, ayol he was 010- - ven to, the breast by a blow from his owe tom ahawk' which I had wrenched from him With the strength nr a dozen Mei" Til iee'ola than teasedr—big tears rolled dMiin his furrowed fuee, and his frame shook With emotion. , 1; saw the remembrance was too Much for him, and Ise. by his:side in bilenee. I eubsiquently: learned - MS sad Male from others, and hiarned the manner hi"Whieli 'Kate had been earned efl: The old man's compan. lan Was right--she had been made a prisoner by a predatory band of Indians who had fol., lowed Bu_ tler. and. deserted him immediately after the Massacre. • Beautiful as the Valley of Wyoming is, I never have seen it, from that day to tinsmith. out thinking ofthe sad fate of Kate Beverley. DEFERRED ARTICLES • More- Whit. Consistency.. Tithe whig petty can lay claim to, consistency in any thing, it is in being inconsistent. ,fif this tendency the Lancaster convention affords some striking instances, prominent among which stands the nomination of John Strohm for canal commissioner, by the same conyen thin that notninutud Winfield Scott for pre‘i 6Ot. Of course Gen. Scott is indebted for his nomination to his Inilliant services in Mexico;: it is by the laurels he. has won hi a war which. was denounced bv his pent supporters us. unjust unholy and inieoasdtutionl, that they expect to . elevate hint to the presidency ; unit ye; the same men who thus' nominate hint c place iti nomination with iiinfa min who vu. tedin Congress to %timid the supplies that, necessary for t .e support and success Gen. Scott and his army ;,and so Kir as- his power went, endeavored to compel them to re , . treat ingloriously from what is now -the field of their fame, but wli cif, he .and _those who . thought with him could have hid their way would have been the scene of their dishonor and disgrace. = • No other party but the, whig party, would dare to perpetrate-so glaring,a piece of incon sistency true, it is nothing for the leaders of that party to du, bat we are muedmistaken it' iris not more than the mass of the party will endorse. The men whoie ridniiration - othe military character of General Scott, and pride-'in - his achieveinents on the battle fields - of 'Mexico; impel them to support him forthdhigliesi of. flee in their gift, will never be induced to give. . _ their support to the man, who, by his i"oi~e in eongrss;denies him the-ineitns of , vindicating, " t and -"estibliShinz `:L ,wr MoNnosr; 'July ' 5, 1851. (2. L Wen% Esq. • Dear Sir:--Ilaving had ihe'pleasure sf listening to your able, and elotfuent Oration, , Iclivered yesteglay•oh the oceasiott of thecel. ebnition of the 75th AnhiversarOl our %lonia Indepeedence, .and 'belicylog that t h e public at large would be highly gratified ty perusal, respectfully solicit a copy furpubliaa; iOn: Ravi:airily yours. &e.; NVIn..I. l'i4ell, • ' ' li. J. ihrebb,- ' Cont., Isaac-L.-Post, TOWANDA, .44,10, 1851. G RNTLZUSi : I empty the more ,eheerful rwith y bur requst under ,date of the bth inst., since e yen criticism has ceased to loolc.for,anything n Ow, or origipal, from n field so fully explored rs that of American fourth, of July orstotyr— rtxcept it may be,, perhaps, the string ,Whlch fastens, or.the •vase which holds the, offering. Hastily and very truly, yours. , brogan. Win. J. Terrell, FI J. Virpbb. , Com. Isant L post, Friends and Fellma , • . I feel, that I.miebt. with instice, claim in the outset, tour kind forbearance in regn,rd to the manner in which 1 may discharge the duty na simied to me on this occasion. A painNi neSs. from Which i have senreely recovered, ns well ns the brief space of time allotted to me I for prerrition- 7 would emelt , lustife eneb an internosition in my own behalf. Ent;the teak before me is not wholly nn swine:et one. This is It festival 'of the he-rt, 'RR well the hen& The tzlnFonn memories- of thli day. cluster around nq like an ntmeaeheti` of .linht . end beauty : and the' wildest and .most joeful, imoubiei of freedom are awelliner in every Md. action of the great dean of •American= heats You who ere nssembleabere. exneet from me, nn cold,and abstruse philosonhical d nisition. Yon elme.tneether. chiefly. to unite in, a de. vont thanksoivinT for the bleiginza wkieh our liver:loM% on this &w.secured to our common country. To `peak of these bieseings. and, the men, to whom. under God, we are Indebt ed for•them—th?ii toils and : - linfrpriiin. and nitimate triumph in the:pnst. ' lbeve nndertA: ken in thie - festival• of , freedom': and: if my humble ministr lions before the alt.•r of libel.: tv..shanld be too_ tamely and, feebly pyrfortnea. I know it•will not 'affect. the truths of your, faith, or the terver of von`r uMti,hlo. ' I em one of those who belfeee•tri thin ludie. criminate and•primitirP made of eherishini^lit National Sabbaths. Forjt ig thfin vre - eniti! rate and extend n- holy, polities] eh•urity. rind every American to study and to . %alter:ate.. And while their _still Visit hie:grey° or glo r ify :the dawn of "st ill %Vitae:they .eSperience fresh regrets at his loss; e . r, express, renewed admits. tion of the principlekand services of that great and good man, who fought 'for his country, who labored fur 1114 country, rind' whoSe last wishes were' yet fer.,his,inninifyi spirit of similar virtue is' preserVed mid" it Invigorates anew the soul, of our national existence!. To' day it is our Navos's ritatu .t 4 .4 .we commemorate: . This more ing's'. sOn,. threw its gladdening-beaMeOver theuiaids'ef miles of mountain and . vallei-Htiffield and for. est- 7 a Prairie and savannah. : Wasrgieeto throughout each, with the pent of cinnem'and. .rhi shed of joy. ~ The millions (t. our laMi now resting from t;very,ordinary toil,, std ail rejoicing in pride and triumph... And. rvhy t Leak at the Wave of toe nee:noel it playa,with' 'the morning sunbeam. lundi careers oniva4. and still onward, iu_ glittering .mul. Unchecked undulations; See the mighty cataract leityinLr its rocky barrier and shouting. s.s it.were, its joy in tones 'of.everlastin„tr thunder; why do these thus rejci,:et ltifark OrliAllutt natty chosen our nation's emblem--soaring 1 -fetterless and fearless. , above every, slum 1 and cloud of earth-whe sloe's he'screanallirth 1 his gladness in the hitesir! upon ivideli..b6 . floats?' Ocenn—and 'torrent—and' tatglo',nic free. and thus exalt in theic . freetton ! S.U'ike; mixed and mUltitndinous peunle, extentilin from the frozen shores of the St. 'l,swien e ,..., to the torrid' sands ..ef . .the ; we too, exult in a freedom foil as that of the organ's wave, the bounding cntar.ct, or the soaring eagle: free now, and with the'blessing of Ilea: yen, if we remain true to our own best hope— FREE FOREVER! But, Fellow-Citizens .thli day has also its duties its saered'and solemn duties; triseme of which I have incidentally adverted:•. This day should always be one of reckoning, the pdst, the 'present and the future: As We summon around us 'the Ira tarries' of further; and (I had Amost Said) better time:4' and amid theitrefleetA light, examine the, goodly laer4-:. rtge,, which. has been bequeathed to us, let us makeenre that our stewardship is nfaithful one, so firaSit regards - posterity. " Let its See' that we are prepired- to transmit trust to' our. children; unstained in its ..purity-; undiminished, in extent, and unfolded, in its glory , Seventy-five years have flown by since yon, bright banner Was first given; to the - gratefurl .breezes of .the. infant- republiz. It •hats 'ever glove been proudly. upheld on many ,a battle field; ..and triumphed gloriously on every sea. But; while' gathered here to-day," We. sheald: ask if it still floats. os tiurely,ss' When 'it first :become the flag of freedom; if : none:of stirs' are (quilled; none of its strip4 , l tarnished; nail_ if the hearts which now best around it: ars as. ' tiercelc free,ai those that firsU swore to live 9r C. L WARD. die beneath , its foldsl - • , That as a nation, We hive .odtwarcliv ed,' d qatalleled in the I- . dor -- v.OolS,t.'ilft',. , -pag#Bl';,::t'.:' width t h,ai ill theperinauency of our unit tuciop. Peril or destroy these iitrititutiorot,uariauctifir+ by the 'bleed:et the . 11evultition they Skive Inst. handed down tit ils,aud 'each of us perils, or . loses bur share of tinver6ignity . 'whiel i these In.. stitutions secure aline :to_ - the the poorest, the highest andtheilunible:st lu thv hind.' *The experience of , three" 4narters century shoWs that thel'Aincriean people•un- • tierstand and appreciate 'the 'henetivent strum.. tote, and benign 'Operation of Our. .republiinit; (Unit of goverrnnent,, 'Wc 'have_ had factions . at Leine ;.Ste'liWn.liudinsilioniand ulity crow abroad, and.wo.hate even now fur=• - , Rs. cur iniclsti;-;lint the:repuhlic stilt 'stands _ prondly, and may Ladd,, 'Ls fi nely ,; the'alieaienia of the 'Ainerican'peopiel.ait it any 'further peried'id its existence: ' • lii pointed out the ;Soprees of ;our tinv , ', tienal prciperity as.cuntistitig in the freedan_i-. ithinstly and intgiligenee , her.Periple;_s:4 tae ;cell riaturtd zoSourtros four country, aim he advaiitag,Coini commercial intercourse a warring u °rid. hut ,there is one elethent inure potent thari iii these; it is tbeproteinlon and eneo s urugeinent ulfoided'by the nots qr '..SLiter, Cider AU adequate and stable g0v ! ..., ernment. To this,.and the iiitite of uur pee. pie, 'under the imile ef'kleaVen, site we tilers indebted, than 1.4 other eirministunce Or rein.. 'Lion.' 'rake iretu us ail else beside, steep as ufpeverty to the very lips; l‘t our '.llOll. nii.ue barren and our sky overcast; eripple itli • the wingsytif our Wide spread cinumerce,' and crowd our 'berdure with -in anned united and virtuous We might laugh the weild Le ileum! ' ' * . But on the contrary. break the bonds' of one. , . glorivus fabric in twain, said saf'oUr proud privileges, will` crumblebeneuth its ru has 1 • Let the Union he lost,' and kat! `IVO! tics it beep said,thut then industry. Would want itS itteentiee' and stand, appalled: _Our shipt would nt•their ilesulate wharves! ,ths. snattle would be hushed hi .ohr. factories:ant tlie'plow lie stayed'in in iti furrow.: ,l'overty and fantitie would stalk throughout thn_ land, itutence and enrue. Weida dug . their foot- Lica:sine oyr wreteheilnes,4 civil' war, the: must - sanguinary.' and brut,l uudei heutieh, would rim riot, its tig,re=tuotir `dripping with the beat blood, of our people. I.he'stutiku'uf destructi9llwoUldlant uver the ashes of our 'cities; and the,ahinit c rage and` the' shrie4 'despair; would .go up 'trum'deptipultd - ed'valli6s! .ikher ail the hot , -roisterthinzited,lt would be iii the saltine:kik', of despotisui,itc the !silence. of sinie4tinder', !'that• darit4 despot... The eluk. or . f.:tters tv,iti d Ting taere we nevi hear Ca nglud fro.deiss: and the darkest a!hd sheet: Of infamy brend"over the hind of ilVass., I ineddie not here ti,i-day With nnytenditierk .p.ittytoP.c: Bei it would Lt silly. alfettatior _ truth, it would'bit ithriOing thlu ‘* l :freeutaiets'duty; : if•Weit..tu leuve Aipt CT L,! , 'I `y,