The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 24, 1851, Image 4

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    Otin'%ti.* -skoismit:
itiontrine, 24•11851.'
:, ? IMOgOA XIV 'Ilt;-
I 4116' Pirates,
There lived not , many
,years age, on , the
Eastern,shOre,of Mt. Desert; (a large island
inff the coist of binitie,)lla old fisherman, by
- the name eflidediab Spinnett, whO owned
stneboone i r of some hundred_lons -, barthets.
h eld - man had,five thingsof ,whieb be
vedia beast,—bis Bei:keener Betsey Jenkins
and his fOur sons, Seth, Andrew, Jolur and
Samuel. l- -
,One morning a stranger called upon Jed**
iliab to engage bim to take to Havana some
``iron machinery belonging to steam eogines
for sugq plantations. The terms were soon
agreed npen, and the old man with his sorts
immediately set about putting the- machin
ery on beqd; that accomplished, they set
sail for Havana with a, fair wind,..find, - for
, .
eeverat da.o proceeded ow:their counts with-
Old an,a,dventure of any kind. One morning,
however, a reseal was descried letheir kr-
board. quarter, which, aftersofite hesitation,
the old nun proneuneed to be a pirate.—
.was; not much time allowed - them for
doubting; for the vessel soon saluted them
with a not Very agreable whizzing of an
eighteen pound shot just under their. stern,
"That meanes for us to imavo too; re
parked this old man.
"Then' guess we'd better do it, hadn't
?" said. Seth. .
"Of min."
Accordingly, the Betsey Jenkins was
brought up' into the wind. and her wain
boom -hauled_over to windward.
"Now, boys," said the old man, as soon,
as the sch e oner came to a stand, all ere can
do is to be, as cool as possible, and trust to
fortune. There is no way to escape that I
can see new; but perhaps if we are civil,
they will take snob stuff as tliey ivant,and let.
us go. At any rate there's no use crying
about it, for it can't be helped. Now , get
,your pistols and see that
,they_are surely
loaded, and have your knives ready, but be
sure and hide them, so that the pirate shall
see no show of resistance:" •Io a few min
utes, all the arias- which the schooner affor-
- - dell,' with the exception 'of one or two old
muskets, were put about the persons of our
Down );asters ; and they quietly awaited the
_ coming ofthesthooner.
"One wprd more, boys," says the old man;
jest as the pirate came around under the
stern. "Now watch every movement I
make, and be ready to jump the moment I
As Captain Spinnett ceased speaking, the
pirate luffed.up under the fisherman's lee
...quarter, and in a Moment more the hater's
deet was piked by the presence of a-dozen
as savage !looking mortals, as eyes ever res
ted uponq
"A,re you the - captain of this. vessel?"
'Asked the leader of the boarders, as he ap
hed the o
prose Id_tuan. -
"Yes, sir."
"Whets your eargo."
,Machinery, ter the steam ingine&"
"Nothing else" asked the pirate with a
searechig look. -
At this moment Cpat. Spinnett's eye
aright what looked likes a .sail off to the
sonthird and esst'rd.but not a sign betrayed
the diseoviery, and while a brilliant idea shot
,through his mind, be hesitatingly replied ;
there is something else."
• 'Sal and what is it ?"
• "Why lir, pimps I had'nt ought to tell,"
said caper,siormett, - counterfeiting the most
'extrereepertubatinn. "Yon see,' twos given
me as a sort of ,trust, twouldn't be right
for, me to give gum Yon can take 'anything
• elie you please, furl s'pose that I can't help
- •
"T 6960 an honest codger, at any rate,'
• said the pirate, "but if you would live ten
Minutes longer, just tell me what You've got
`onboard; and exactly the pled° where- it
' '
Tbe sight of a cocked pistol brought the
91d man to his senses, and in a deprecating
tone he muttered. - _
"Dont kill me, I'll tell all. We've got
forty th'onsand silver dollars nailed up in
boxes and stowed away under- some of the
boxes ju t fo'ard o' the cabin bulkhead, but
Mr. Defoe didn't suspect that, any body
would have thought of looking there."
- "Perhaps so," chuckled the pirate, while
his eyes flparltled with delight And then
turning to hiavesiel, he ordered all but three
of Lis men to jump on board the Yankee.
In II f#w moments the pirate had ttdcen of
• the batches, and in their haste to get at. the
• silver dollars, theyforgot all else; but not so 1
with Stinnett; be bad his wits at work, and
no sooner bad the last of the villains disap-
i paired beloi the.hatchway, then he turned
, to his beys.
"Now, boys, for your lives. '• Seth, you 1
' clap your knife across the, fore-throat and,
peak halyards, an' you Johb, cut the main:
Be quick-now Ikll' the moment you've done I
itintap' aboard tbe pirate.—Andrew and
Sum, yell cast off the pirate's grapplings, '
and then you jump then we'll walk into them 1
three chaps aboard the vessel. Now for it."
No vionervere the last words out of the
. old meg-mouth than his sons did exactly
as they - bad' been directed. s The foraand
main halyards Were cut, and the two gmp
pfings - castoff at the same instant, =and as
the heavy gaffs came rattling down, our five
heroes leaped on board the pirate. The mo
"-. meet the 'clipper felt her liberty, het .bead
-, vwung Off; and before the astonished bus
sneers could gain the dealt of thelsberman,
"their own,vessel,was .61ra:cables length to
the lee Ward, teseeping' gr.:tidally away be- ,
- Thistle:wind, while the who'had
been left in charge were easily secured.
:1 1 '".11olloo there :
~ shouted Capt. Spinnett
as the luckless pirates crowded round the
Joe gangway of their prise, 4.wheo you find
`them &waver Ateliers just let is know; will
you?". 1. - ' , .'- , • ' 0
Half a dozenostol - shalt was nil the an ,
' swer tha old Man got, but they did Tim not
'harm; and crowding op Sail he xnade for ,
''' the vesiol bo had discevered, which lei deed
.the leeward' of Vim, aid which he now 1
' ",made OE to ba la' large Chip: 'The clipper.' .
• . • entthrough the %sterna adolpliM, and in
~ is intrierbabli ahok,spane of tittle, 4innetti
-s; huffed up= ander her _stem and ;captained',.
Alithat had happened:Tbealtip proved to
fie:an Es4lndamau,:bontillor Charleston.
hieing:l%li told,thlrtpotanrat board, firenty
of witata:af , *unkjustiiitinta ate siipPer,
and ,offereci - thnit unitises in belping,to take
the; pirates. • • •
Botora dna,' Spinnott- was once
MOTO ITittlim bailing libitsneo or his one ,Yeg-
Eel, and raising ,a trumpet to his moutti,
• . ~
"SCioatier .alioirWill ;yen ialetl,y imr-•
render 'yeuiselves , pri'aeneriif we Come 03
board. ' "- -.1 : ' ' _'' i' •
"Come and try it .r. , returned: the pirate
captain as he.brandished his efitlata . above,
his head, in - a- threatening manner, Albeit)• indicate that be woild VA to tbe
last. - - •-- : , - '-
But that was : big - l ast Moment, tor Seth
was crouched below the - balwirtoi,t'takieA
deliberate aim along the barrel of heavy ri.
fie and the bloody villain Wasiturning to his
men, the abarp crack of SethlSplinter's ri
fle rung its,fatal death peal, and the pirate
captain fell back into the sins of his men,
with a brae of bullets" ;through his heart.
"Now,"'shouted the old man as he lel
eled thc long pivot gun . ? and Belay' alighted
match, "I'll give you just five Minutes to
make up you minds io, and if you don't
surrender, I'll blow of you, into
the ether world.)! ~ - - 1
• 'I he death ' of their captain, and, withal
the sight of the pointed pivot gun—the Pe
culiar properties of which they knew t i ll
well—brought the pirates to their sena
and they threw down their weapons,
a nd i,
agreed to give themselies up.
It was two days from Shut time Ca t.
SpitMett delivered kis-Cargo safely in a
vails, and gave the pirates into the halide
of the , civil authorities, and delivered the
clipper up to the government, in returnor
which he received a som of money suffici e nt
for an independence the remainder of is
life, as well as a very handsome inedal from
the governor; 1 -
' '
-TIRE :FAMILY 014 , 04 a 0 NEWii , atERS.
--Tie man who don't take his-contityliews
pap9r was in town yesterday. He brOught
hisrole family in a two-horse Wagon.- -
He - }might that the',' now; Constitution"
i l
had'been . adopted, and was rejoicifie be
, can e no more railroadS, turnpikes or bag
es c uld be bunk He still believed : that
Ge . Taylor was President, and wanted to
kik+ if : the "itimehtitkiatis" bid taken
Cuba; and if so, whOro they hid. taken
He had Sold his • corn for 4 25 cents, (the"
peke being Wand upen_going to deposit
the ' money , they told him it was most
'ly counterfeit; the only - genuine . bills be-.
' ing on. the late_ "Bank of Circleville.'
The Only hard, moneY be had was soma
three. cent pieces, and those some .shaiper
had "'run on him," for bill dimes! His
old lady smoked a " enti pipe,' and would
notl believe :Mini_ any : thing else coral be
used. ; One of - the boys went ,to a hlack-
smith's - shop to be measured for a. pair of
1 shoes,and another mistook the-market house
for: church. ' After hanging his bat on a
meat-book, he piously took a seat on a. l
butcher's stall and listened to an auptioneer, 1
whom he took to be al. preacher. Ho left
before meeting was oat,'.' and had no great
opinion of the " gamin." - One of the girls
took :Clot of "seed Onions" to the ' post '
office - to trade Am. for a letter.: She bad
a baby;• which she carried in a "sugar
trough," stopping at times to rock it on the
sidewalk. 11'1mo - it cried, she stuffed its
mouth with an bid sock, and sang "Barba
ra Allen." The oldest boy had sold two
coon skins; 'and was on a "bust" : - When
last seen, be had ' Ladled fora glass of ." Body
and water," and stoOd : Soaking gbigerbread :
and making wry faces: • The .shopkeeper
mistaking' his 'meaning had given him a
mixture of sal-soda and water and it ~tast
ed strongly like - sont, 'But "he'd
_•. bearn
i tell of Body was beound to give it a fair trial
puke, or na puke." Some : - "town feller"
I came in and called -foX lemonadetrith - a lly
in it,' whereupon Our'sonped".friend - tUrned
. bieback and quietly Wiped several flies into
his drink.. . -- '. - i , ' - • - -". i. .-
We approached the; old 'gentleman , and
tried to get him to " subsCribe," but be
would not listen to it.,i He was opposed to
" infernal improvements," and be thought
larnin was a wery wicked inwention, and
cultivated nothinlibut wanity and wexa
tion." None of the family ever leained - to
read, - hut one boy; he." teached skule..and
then went to studyin' virginity."- 7 - e
vil& Herald.
A GREAT GARR OT Cans.— The an.
cinnati . Nanpariel says : Mr. Lowenthalt,
the celebrated Hungarian chess player, left
his 'home in this eity,s few days since. for
London. He goes to attend the grind 1
chess tournament to take place in that city
soma time next month, and at which near
ly all the great chess :pinyers in the world
will attend. The game is to be played for
1 a - Purse of £5000), (about $25,000) which
I bas been made up for the occasion by a
few English gentleman. The plan is, for
thirty-two of the best players to begin six
teen games' simaltatdOnsly; and at the close
of which the sixteen beaten players retire
from the contest. Eight games will then
i be played, et the close of which there will
yet remain eight players who hare not been
beaten. These play font more _games, ,
I after' which: the four remaining play
ers pair off for two other games, and then"
the trial ginie is bad'between the two re
mammg players. The, man_whe comes off
victorieus ru the ;erne., receives- the , -puree;
and is crowned the king player of the world. ,
Mr. Lowenthall las : gone to try for the
crown and purse; • ' _
'Townsend, the Sarsaparilla man,
says that hii bias exhibit an ontlifr for atl
vertisingin the course of five years, in the
various papers in the United States, of
$300,000. 'He_says for six montts, he cut
tiff all his.adiertiseniehts, to see if his med-
Jellies would' go on their own merits, just as.
well: _is by Advertising. Re, lost $30,000
by the salesdwindlitig right down to 'loth=
- tog, for tie eompetitora seeing him drop off,
they weni on. advertised be_avily, and: got
the start of him; ;
A Lear's • Itzasoll Volt Luria° ;TOE
G itEaT. Exatarrros,—"., My Dear it is ao
.very agreeable. You cannot tall bow itatt-
Sloth is I iltois much better far thai go
ing a shopping. The whole place is fall of
$OlllO of the pettiest things za -the' World—
laces—ailks—breea4es—and such- lovely ,
' jewels—and tba beauty it' yea may lea
at them ovetao hog , witbotm being `expaa.,
ted to buy aßiPlite_ thing r!4Panch.
Of' all ths flatterers the parfait painter
may- be said to awry eff,
_the bnish„ for so
fl a tt ere r "ends the art se 101 l as he,
offatteting s settos — Sitoliii very fat
ISle" '
Cutting \itta urafigGraint. „
111xParimentet Ve pretty well settled the
fact:that whoa should be out while grain is
in the , state called doughy, This' eonelt
sion . was, Weed,' 4caeheil several:years
in regard , to, wheat; but s it hie by the ei
permed of VeziesEti,\been clearly shown
to be applicable to oats i- pee Cultivator
for 1850, p. 260,) and it is also known to
be equally applicable to Indian corn.' At
first, it was feared by some flit there would
be a great shrinkage of the grain cut in
Ithis e !age, which would amount to absolute
loss. 'lt is prorid, boweyer, tbatAhe sap
of the stem or straw, is sufficient tii'perfeet
the: grain, and but the grain under \ucti
circumstances, even possesies some value
ble.proprieties, which it has not when 'Wye
mauls uncut tilt_dead tipe. \
, Mr. Comas state& that he found by
many inquiries in Bngland: that %the best
rule for harvesting is not when the stalk be
w h head t aas changed color, and the bir
culations have consequently ceased, but
when the grain, -though it has ceased to
yield any milk upon pressure, isyet soft.,,
The advantage for cutting at, this stage are
briefly given as follows : • Wheat cut early
affords more grain, yields less bran, makes
better flower, wastes less in 'gleaning, gives
batter straw, and enables the farmer .to do
the work more leisurely."
O. W. JouNioN, in the Farmer's Ency
clopedia, - observes-0i Grain; if not reaped
morethe straw is -wholly yellow , will be
ere than ripe, as the oar, generally, except
in the late seasons, ripens before the entire
of the straw, and it is observable that, the
first reaped usually affords the heaviest and
fairest sample. The indications of 'ripeness
in vrheat are few and simple. When the
straw exhibits a bright golden = color from
the bottodof the stem nearly to the ear, or
when the ear begins to bend gently, the
grain may be out. But as the whole crop
will not be equally ripe nt the smile time,
if, on walking through the field and selec-
I iting the greenest beads the kernels: can be
separated from the chaff 'when rubbed
through the hands, it is a sure sign that
the grain is then out of its milky state, and
may be reaped with safety; for although
the straw may be green to some distance
downwards from the ear, yetif it be quite
yellow from the bottom upwards, the grain
then wants no further nourishment from
the 'earth, and if properly harvested, it will'
not shrink. These - tokens will be found , to,
sufficiently indicate the ripeness of wheat,
barley and oats; but that °Frye arises from 1
the straw losing some of its golden hue, and I
becoming paler;
Some of the most valuable experiments'
wliieh have been reported on this subject,
are those of Mr. Hanuam, in the 12th and
13th volumes of the Quarterly Journal of
Agriculture. , The trials were made wider
his own direction, and with great care.—
He but samples of whcat at five different
times, as follows:
No. 1, was cat a month before fully ripe.
2, " ;bred weeks "
" two weeks "
4, two days
5, " when fully ripe.
Of these lots;100 pounds ofgrain of each
yielded as follows:
_No. Flour. ' Seconds. Bran.
1 75poundS, 7pounds, 17punds
2 `7,6 . " .7 " 16 "
3 SO 5 " 13 "
4. 77 - " ,
.7 " 14
5 72 " 11 :'" 'l5 ",
Thus it appears that. No. 3, which was
cut two weeks before it'Was fully ripe; was
stiperior to the other lots; giving more per
bushel than Nil. 5, (cat When fully ripe,)
by 61-2 pounds of flour, and a gain of
about fifteen per cent on the flour of eqUal
measure of grain ; 100 pounds of wheat of
No: 5, yields 72—showing an average of
eisht per pent in favor of No, 3. In grin
ding, it WBB found that No. 5 ground
much worse than No. 1, There were jo
I No. 5 a greater quantity of flinty particles,
which would not pass the bolt, than in, any
of the other lots. The bran from No. 5
was also much thicker and heavier than
that of No. 3.
Mr, Ilannam coneltides, therefore, that in
cutting wheat two weeks before it is fully
ripe; there is a gain of fifteen per cent of
flower upon equal measures, a gain of four
teen per cent in the weight of straw, and ..a
gain Of Tis. ed. sterling in the value of every
II quarter (560 lbs) of, wheat. Many trials
have been made in this country in cutting
wheat at various stages. and the resultsl
agree, generally, with those above given.
But when grain is cut before it is nee
eessary that it should undergo a process of
coring, before it can be safely stored in the
barn or stack. Bence it is usual to' place
the.eberuies in shock for several days, , an
cording to the state, f weather, or the de
gree :of moisture in the straw. But it ,
sometimes happens that loss is occasioned,
more; or , leis, by the sprouting of the , grain
while" it,itands shock—especially in
wank shoirery, or damp weather This
was the case last year in the -western part
of this State, and it is not unusual in other
states. To guard, is as possible,
areinst loss from .this cause, the shocks
shOuld be put up in the - best manner.—
'They have ' been made in venous forms;
bit those affording the most erectus' pro
tection aredeseribedin tbe ,Pictorial'-Cul
tivator Alnianac, belonging to our current
- Volume, page 10.
'CaP7. made of, cotton cloth, have been
used for proteeting hay, tbe - process
of,curing. We have several times described
the mode of making and using them. '(See
Cultivator for 1848, 286—for 1849, p..
260—for 1850; 880;) They cost
but little. and have proved very
,useful . in , i
protecting hay '--frOia rain many farmers
who have used tbem, !have derived an ad
vantage in one 'season, more that! sufficient
to pay their east,', and th e:craps wal l, 10i,
with proper care, many years. We see no
reason wbs,tbeymight not bo used tuprofit
in curing gtsin in-shock; —.74 02 1 'Pali-
iktiiirasealo propos.. that halm wbo
elautor for their riette, should be made to
do military dilly. They wish to *ems and
bemitei their "companion in arms."
ta . mcm ,,,,i,„2. •
evounte.D tvgai ratntspir taolivrvci es
B. B' & E. B. Chase i
Encrops AND enorninots•
TERMS.-00tra iortisa AND BITTY CENTS pet
animal, 'dash in advance, or two dollars if notpaid
the pad of the yeni, or time of subscription.—
Wei papet will be discontinued until' arrearages
aer paid, a:Cape at ilia option of the Publishers.
!Alt communications most be "OST PAID to re
ceive attention. - • "
A . ltletterit connected with the office, should be
directed to S. B. &..E. B. Cussz, Montroee, Buag.
Co., Pa. • -
,'lrrEtlitors • office over M. C. Tyler's Store.
1 "I
TEM 01"
,Opo square, (12 lines or less') 3 insertions, $lOO
Each suboequeut insertion, - 25
One square, 3 Months,' - 2 50
•.. 6 months, - 4 013
tughiess Cards, 4 lines or less, -, 3 00
Yearly Advertisements, not over 4 squares. • 7 00
One column, 1:1110- year, • - - •• 30 00
Yearly Advertisers will be restricted to the bu
einem in which they are engaged.
03 The Publishers, having a large assortment
of Job Printing Materials, are prepared to execute
all kinds of JOB WORK with neatness and des.
patch. - '
*** BLANKS-of every description constantly
on hand, or printed toorder.
Physician'and SUrgeoo, end dealer . in Drugs,
Medicines.; Paints Oils, Dycs, &c. 'Coiner of
Church and Pine streets, oppo itc Col. F. Lush's,
Great Ben4,Pn.
.11TIFIN 11121OCK,
Attoiney aelarnr. Oilleo lan Turnpike and,
ono door west of the old Register Printing °Mee, luon
Great (lend. Pa.--oliee with Col. F. Lusk
LTA VINO been appointed by day. Bisb,of New 'VOA, as
L 1 a tloinntiesioncr toe that 'Stale to takdthe proof and
acknowledgement of Deeds audother instrumento, will
attend to business calls In that capacity at his Wilco at
threat Bond, Pa. •
S.S: IFvlllllolllES'llan.,
Tunkhannock, Pa., ()lice in _Stark's brick Row
• D eSIDENCE in . the house farm csly tI:C risldence
11, Samuel Oldie, deceased. ,
, ilarfurd, December:Ur, 1850-
J. A." Scut t"1: 11t. Cu.
Montrose, Penn'a
.'1"ETE111. STEVENS,
Cabinet and etiair,ilater; earritit . he
bush:Let:4u allits various branches and on a large le,
at t ho old stand of 8 mit he, Stevens and Avery.
ATT0.7.1171 1 113 LIAM'
(Office over 7kr's Store.)
E. B. ClIABe.
T.T. LIMNS - et' SON,
DEAL= IN .11 . ry tiouds, Hardware, Crockery, Tin Woe
Grorenes,Booksote, Also carries on the .
Book Binding Business.
Arenite, MOULTOSe s Pa.
- AFT. 1~. 2' tiOtRT~ ~I~G~:
Jewelry, Motions, &C
Great Bend, June Seth. 1851.
(Shop over A. Balliiiel,Saddterj , Shop?.
03.4.7.:4313 T7.:.1; -
Searle's Building next door to the Post Office
Montrose, Pa. _ n t2tf.
The. People's Friend
T. T. PONLOs. of Ithaca, N. Vs
from the shrub called Witch-hazel, and purely from
that with the exception of a littleAlcoholto preserve it.
it will cure all local pain end inflamations t old sorer,
fresh wounds and bruises, Piles. awl • all diseases of the
bowels ofa chronic nature, tooth-ache, ear-ache and an
excellent reta,dy for females, Ate.
It is truly what it profess es t o be, Me People's Friend!
Providence has scattered along the rugged paths of life
Ananythings thatcardribute greatly to the comfort and
happiness of 'every body hence their great value, and
well may they be called' friends of the people
Clue word bere toguard againstimposition. A man by
the name .fSpencer, has manufactured and offered for
sale aipuzi one article called the . Coryli Estrart,—that
Timid be extract , of the basel-nut: , --the genuine is as
whiteand as purees water, addle the spurious article is
colbred,whirb enables the publieto distinguish.
Noneg, thosemarked Pond'sPidn Destroyer
WM. 8. tIATCII, Montrose, and store-keepers and me
dicine-dealerigenemlly, Agents
A NEW supply of JEWELRY. and Watches A
at cost for cash; at , TURRELL'S.
• Jnn. 1. 1851.
afeprepared to sell Messrs. E. A. tc 0. Pratt's cel
ebrated sole Leather at N. T. City prices—haling
an agency. Dealers can be sceomodatedwith a superior
ardcle,from oneto one thousand sldesat prices hereto•
ore unheard of in this country. . '
Oct. 1, 1850. ISAAC L. POST & CO.
_ ,
A Fresh Shieli*of Clot hing.
OF Hatsand Capi, (spring' fashion)Uents, Ladies and
Rays Boots and Shoes, elan. Cap and Letter Paper,
by the Resat or less quantity, Walt and Curtain Paper
and Border, Inks, Pi antes and Plettire Frame, Reeks
Fancy Stationery, Fishing Tackle, .c just reeeired and
for sale at small profits forready pay, and ready pay only
April 3,1851 GrA. FULLER,
Perfumery, Fancy Soap &e.
. . ..
F'Ollttandoline. Trlple Extract. ttlaemissar 011.10 x.
Marrow l'amade,ftears' 011; Barry ' s Trieciplterous,
and other firarans for the hair. Military shoring Soap,
Watuntail do White Bars. Almond and Sassafras. Soap,
stmerinrartlel es for the Tenet, to be found at
Montrose, October 28, 1850 ' J.LI ONS Ir. Si*.
Fars! Fairs!
itASEI paid for Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Martin and
V Coon skins, by.: ! M. C. TYLER.
, Montrose, Dee. 19,1850. ~ ! -
A" quantity of Flax Seed 'mute a in ezebangb fort:lro
net/um Cush by _ I. bi.jitralAttD.
'UMPIRE Long Ennuis, ralmettop, anti plain Da Laze
* Elofall COOT , ' • - • TYLER'S;
SALT by tha bal. or toad at.
• D. IL L be Co
. ,
. . .
DLOT.IIIIII and eravn for talety
. . - LYONS . y t. CITANDLER,
QUAD Powders and Rai Pills for snlo'by
1,7 , • ... 'LYON nIW DLE 8.
.rown,ur;ilusical In strum en E 4 Perfumery. et
. .
BItASS kettlte, frish raisin, figs; herring,
mackerel, codfish. and. Union hats for sale by
i M. C. TYLER. •
• of
A GOOD etoc of Boots and shoos at
i D, It L.. and Co
IAT HALE and Linseed Oil, Paints, a good as.
Vl' sortnient at: •-• • - " a. Ind Co.
ANTED—TiIIy tone good coal in czahonge
for EilOws and coinage.
. Montraie. Jan. 8.1851. • , . -
2[1(1 more of those .oreago ce. tin peasant! . all
I/1./other kinds of tin at Trtea's.
lootons .ter.,loo to., Cayuga, ferrate at Great
Itend . - . By SY.
11ATAIMANTAD large kW, for age by-, • • ,
v . . : _ • I. L. POST ken
GNTLEMEN 'flatting to boy Clottus salt:tibia or winget
etothing will do welltooll at voltaszLts.
October 28.,, -
WANTED—Slannel, gockv,'Lard.. Dattir Unite; Tat
lior,Besswits, 014 Parte* Grail' &et '
. • _ Erinis & spa
' ' Great Bargains_!. ---- ' .
. ..
- . --.., - /kNOIELD 'ansuld say
fis, - ,7 '— ' d.I Or thopitisens ,i)l' Montrose
•••••:'' ' "::'.?^.- ' ' ~" " andlleinity; thathei-hatjnst re.
'• ....- ' - c-P. turned from Now York _ sith the
• - Y ••
- 4.. n, lacgcat, and best/ivied : o
.1 i: ....,.. .
~.Pl. sirsoahnent ,-of -101' ''
. 4a Lc ti e I!,
-: j',., c jel,VCitl, SiV9Cr .11Warc e .
'. • c' t/i. /4:6i act. oyerbeforeoffered ha Ding
s 9 -, i . ,-.'—''' h a tor, Tho above goods were
• ' ••
-' ' • boNthtfor cash, unil will be sold
mtholowest,nrito;and allattleles :icarrantad marl:tom
olded. N.ll —Vartianlar at tentlon paid. to cCoa t irlag .
all kinds of %Vat chi!, and Jewe!ty.: • , , - , '
ra- Court a Greet, nearly oOposite th e Phenix o f 1.
Illattuunton 0ct.10,16160,-L.(14!..ik5.18 llo 14), '..•
__ , , . •
-- Viratotei''lewelry - Ito ,--
-.,. .....•...•..._-,.,..., -FrE subieriber is now 'reedy' ,
H - 5410,7 .
~ • Lug his spring stock of (Mode,
•::.'"- . ..„...; Consisting in part of Cold and sii - -
ArVer English Lever.lTrite.hes, Gold
/ . 1
.., w - ... and Sliver - Anehor do.,- f/Old and
4... ),
:, .; .- . c;..;
, S.l l i n n:l b .::: d t, tr i , n ot , every.
n r im: th e lts ty .:
-•- • ;7. . ;t: of style atul pattern;' warranted
th... . 4 . c l j', # e .tl" - gOOd timakeepers Fine gold - Aar
L. 5. ., •• : - handestoneand boxbracelets,cuff
pms,gold fob, guard and vest °lumina, gold lockets, of all
gem single and double, gold and illver • spectacles, gold
and silver thimbles, pens, pencils, watch, keys, belt books
end tildes - silv.or plated ware, brlttania 'rese t , clocks, en t-
Imy, Taney goods, sliell and bu ff alo combs, - eta. - Also a
largo amortmentof silver - spanner, forks, etc., warranted
as good at twin, (engraved gratis.) Owing to the increase
or the subieriber's business, bo is enabled to sell any ar
ticle inhieline eta very *Malted van ce front.3lairufactur
ere andiMporters' prices, thereby affording superior in
ducements to those wishing to purchase, ler. the variety
cheapness andnuality of his Goods. . • . '
. Watchea and timepieces of every description repaired
and warranted, at - the shortest notice and in the beat
manner.. 1 - ' - ','ALVBED J. EVANS.
- Dinclumiton, Maylff, '5l. -- • . , Washington st.,
•A. 11.81. lal WELT.
. . ,
I have been encouraged the roll liberal patronage
1-received, to nit up my shop with the largest , and best''
assortment of goods ever yet brongt.t to this market—'
'nit may befound everything belonging to a Jewelry and
fancy it tow , , O dos.elocks 4 - Watcb es. otevery description.
Burning Fluid,parlorand common Lamps, which at this
time is the beet thing to use for a good and cheap tight,
You can find them only at TUBE'S.
Montrose, November 20,'(850•
Trtett - ANI 4- Niing ofiji
ArEROUANT'FGargling 011,Trask's MaanettcUintnW"at,
111 Cod" Liveroll, l'avrosend'eSarsapatilla, Vaughn's LI.
thontriptic.Schenckhdlalsam,Swaim's pan:m.ol4lll of Dr.
Jayne's Siodicines,Dalley's Pain Extractor,
Ditimes Heave Cure, and most of the approved Patent
Jledleines of ale day; kaptconskantly on hand by
Watches } - . Jewelry &c
grim S ubscriber hat received an addition to hi
I. stock of Jewelry, consisting of Gold Fob and
Givird Chains. Lockets, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
Breast Pins. Silver Chains, Gold Thimbles, Gold
Pencils and Pens, &c., &c. to which he woeld in
vite the attention of his friends. - A.J. EVANS,.
Binghamton, March 3, '5l Washingtoff at
WA - cies I Watches
Gol,Bandiglver, better and Ltipines tall Jeweled and
rain, a larga assortment at thew very lowest prices
and warranted.
Binghamton, Oct. 14,1850,
Slicer Warn plated, and German
567 Silver con dating of Table, Tea,
Desert, Cream and Mustard Stitious, Bettina S agar Shov
ela. Forks ac., Engraved gentle, at L. CINFIBLB'S.
- TrliVEtt Spoons, Yorks and giiiver,warianted' ifie best
tl manufacturedin America, at ' TUBE'S.
.111111Elart of the 6 dna. 20e Clack. Is gone but more o .
.the anal radii; an the way to,TrueP.lewelryahop. f
`"'PLUCKS, of various patterns,
,received thir
N.) day, and for sala cheap by
INGER and apleudid us
sortnientjust received and for sale cheap by
The Rich - 6 — st
ciELECTIONef Breastpin', Earrings and ringer Rings
',ever offered in Binghamton, by A. J. EVANS.
S. B. CuAge
111-A to 'f su C h il p E u S re; l o.2 ini er o s th b e y r Jewelry in quantities
w. D. Tnowaronog.
Gold Lockets.
SINGLEand Double of every size, bpi
Bingbamton.l A. J. EVANS, Washl n gton-si
Some Very Fine .
GOLD WATCHES perfect limo keepers . Also alive
Watches, all quatattaes, by A. J. EVANS.
Gold Chains -
r OCHETS. nimbles, SI:tel . :8, Pen and Pencil Cages a
Li a full assortment at L. CANFIELD'S,
Wt. S. E. CItAIN, German Ph ysfeion, tak&; thismeth-
JJ 01 of informing his friends and the pubic in ricneral,
that he, has located in the village of Owego, County of
Vega, and has e.tablished a permanent office on
bier E. HAI ulliurt's store, and is ready to attend to any
'business in the line of his profession.
llts superlotmethod of arriving at , a correct diagnosis
in disease,
_and his unparalelled sUCeeSS In treating tha
Various diseases 'adamant to the human sytem, more
espetiallY those of an' acute, S uhacute, chronic, or com
plicated character, ate all that is necessary for him to al,
fin to the invalids and diseased of every charaoterto enti
tle him to the confidence of a dlecriminating public. For
the' benefit of those unacquainted 'with his method of
I practice• he would say that he describes disease by a
chemical and microschpicalexamlisation of the Urine.
Persons may scud or .hririg their Cline in a clean (at
least two ounce) vial, tho first in the morning preferred,
and is a record is keptoCall the c.ascs 'examined, the
name and ago of the patient are also requi re d. to
charge Is madofor examining a case whereno medicine's
'Ms medicines are prinripally selected from the Vemta
bleKingdom; and are administered necording to the°Ger
man Botanic Praclire,
lle troUld also add, that he has st last made an impor
antdiscovery in relation to treating; diseases of a eaten
lons origin, or Gravel. This is a singular depot:Rio:l,am!
may consist in crystaine grains, of a gritty handl feel,
but not distinctly visible upon a close examination; or it
may consist in irregular shaped transparent concretions,
sufficiently large to be readily distinguished by the eye,
and denominated
The preparation that, hi has introduced Is capable of
di,soiring and holdiag In solution, calinlous, or Inten
tions concretions, which Is Ore 'source of irritation, and
very oftsriezteusive Inflamation,s of the Urloary'organs,
thereby allowing the same to escape. •' ' • •
;References can be bad at his Of tcel., m persorsliving
In alt the Western counties of the Stat. of Sew York,
Pennsyibonla, lehigan, Ice., who had been, vett up to
die by the most eldllful Physicians, hearingot . and
sealing theutselvcs of his,skill have been restorr to.
gica health. The great °Ma= Remedy for :Female Ob.
striations, Worms. Croup and Dysentery. mayalways be
-forma at the 011iee.-• D. S. E. CRAIN
Owego,Jan..V. 1851. --41 y.
Profesuor of Astrology, Astronomy, Phrenology,and
Geotnaney, combined with CONJURATION, from ti wee
den, &Bee No. 71 LOCUST Street, Phlladephia, offers
his servlCC9 to the citizens of Montrose. Ile has been
consoltzol by all the crowned heads of Europe, and en
joys a higher reputation as an Astrologer than. any one
living. Nativlties calculated according to Geomaney--
Ladies $3, Gentler:Oen $5. Persons at a distance can
1 hare their natlsities drawn by sending the date-of the
• day oftbeir birth. All letters containing the above- fee
will receive immediate attention, Natlvitles sent to any
part of the world written on durable paper; and be Is
'prepared to make use of his powerby conjuration on any
, of. the following toplem—Courtship- advice given for the
1 successful accomplishment of a Wealthy'marriage, he has
them/wet to redeem such DR are given to did' use of the
bottle; and for talcum; of hazard, and foe 'the - recovery
ofitolen or lost property. and the purchasing *flattery
tickets. Thomands of theabose.nomed eases hare been
done in this city anti Re vicinity, tad itt the UnftedStates
to thefollsatisfaction of all. 10,000 Nativltes or .I.loro
of copes hare berneast during the last four yen/awhile
here. betters will answer every. purpose, and ••aill do, as
well as to call In person, and the moil is noarsosafe that
pe sonsheed not fear to trust money through the Poet
Mee. Dr. - Rama 'receives from 50 to 1030 letters,
mouthl,tt,andbaritevermlraed one. All letternatill be
, relfriourlyratentled toff pre-pall, For -particulars call
at the Democrat Wilco - rand get on Astrological Alnumao,
, • C.• 17. ROB ACE.
71 Locust sr. abinro Eightb,Phtladelphla..
porticular to mention the. Post-place, county'
aug Strip), .
eu 'i re — a p ny r :c ll a il le N d i fillsca wi s ti o r tbar . ay i e f o r t l e .
under Ms care, no matter how long standing or afilleting.,
EITUEI/ aux are invited to We Private Komi, 38 North
it,EPETAII phila., - without fear of Interruption :by
other patients. Strangest; and otheriwbo havebeennn
fortunatelntheselectionof 4piltyalelan are :Welted to
call. Those wbo haveinjUredth =Claire's by solitary tin
. - -
READ sun Raii,scr.—The afflicted would do Well to I
reflect 'bifora.trsuiting their health, happiness, and .
many caseillieirlives,ln thehands of physicians„ igno- !
Sant otthis class oftnaladies.!;lals certainly Impossible
for ono manta understand all, thollis the human Conn,:
are subject 'Every respectable physician has his pa.
culler branch, in which he Is , more suceasfill:than his
- *other professors, tqd to that he devotes snost orbit'
time and sttuJy.
Yaaue OP paacricir.eselliSlvelv.derOtedtothe study
and treatment or diseases of the sexual organs, together
' eitif °leers upon the body, throat, nose, orlegs,nahis in
l l h head"t eor bouteiznerearlal rheum/41mi ntrietetres,
gravel; Irregniaritiee, disease arising from_ youthful • ex•
cones o•impurftles of tho blood, whereby the cormtltn
don hatibecorne :enfeebled, enables the Doctor to otfei
epetetfr#XLlEV.P ell who may Waco. thentastato wider
ZANTEE CURRANTS.. Camphor Clum, -P4penuitice
Mustard, Lester.p . iptr,Tinne i ßliickinte and Ittur4s
te, for .6411 . IC . BULLATIP.'
. .
vavr-eiczas -
T ?Scared s new stock of Entin; and onmmiessiveli
thestore of • • ' wrap.
pApER rsigis waded, it- • -`
Stoves, Wirey.lWlOAriPe•
. _
KEY Stone ,Stata. Air Tight . cooking etoye, for
burning wood or coal,ille beet in use. , • .
Rciugliand'Rendy double oven cooking
Elevated • ' AO • 'do -
...Premium • ;, :do • ',...d0
:•.Victorin -' 1 do• ,do:
,--Empire State • • do .7 .do
• Clinton Air Tight' ; • do "• do - '
Size! and 'kinds at Parior'Stoveis,for rood or
coat, - ' • - •
4 Sizes or 6 plate Stoves. _ • ' .
Coal and groin: I Stoves toe alloys, echo house'
ihe beniu use, • • ,
Copper, brass, tin and iron' stove ware; '
Russia, English - , and , Aineriean Stove Pipe.' •
Stone, Tine and Zinotutree, tj.e.; fotsnle by•the
100, doz., or single, ot- the , Eagle Foundr);_DeOt,
lilobtrose, NoVAG, - •
Ware Room in. Lyous 4 , Chandler's
. Long Building:
A general assortment ot
Cooking, Parlor, Shop.and Coal Stoves,
Stove pipe, Elbows, Zinc, Sheet Iron, -
Copper, Brass,Viri, Bar Iron,
' Nail Rods, round & square
Cast Steel' all sizes,
round; S square ,
Iron, all sizes,
Side ill
- Green Sward, - •
Excelsior, Genesee
WorsterPlows,Strate Cut.
ters, - Corn Shellers,Saw Arbors, -
Morticing Machines, Mill Cranks,
Balance Wheels, Pots, Disk Kettles,',Spi
ders, Tea Kettles, Waffle Irons, Um
brella .s . tands,Pumps - ,' Lead Pipe ' ,
Shingle Machines, Scrapers,
Sleigh. Shoes, Jack Screws, 4.c.
All kinds of Cuinugs on bond crated.) to order—
also, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware on hnnd,
or made to order. WILSON .du - CO.
Montrose, Nov. 5, 1850.
New Milford .Stove . Depot
_• • . •
ittlltraTT has just received a nen assortment of
11. Stoves; including the, roost approved kinds -ot Mr
Tight,and common Cooking, Parlor, arid Shop Stoves.
Russia and constrain pipe, Sheet Iron, and Zinc, Store
Tubesoke. dre., to which the attention of cash purehos
ers,rind the pnbliels Invited, and which wiliboSold at
very low prices.for cash or ripprored credit.
September, 1850. . •
Stove, Tin and Copper Waie:
THE subscribers have just purchused a large
stock of (Ives, Tin:and'Copper Wure,..which
they offer to the public as cheap as the chiapest.
Montrose, Dec. 10, 1850. . -
The best STOVE opt t
_ .
THE Keystone State Air-tight Cooking Stove,
manufactured and for sale by WlLso'N,sr. co"
• • Mintilise - tind isboro' l
it RE now teceliing a large and iiplendid assortment of
t~Goode, wltklr will be sold cheap for Cagil.
Sheetings, shirting, Ticking, Ratting, Wadding, Dtil.
lingo, Cotton and Woolen Vara, Carpet and Knitting
Ynrn, liroadaotbs and Onselineres, Carpets and Carpet
Bags, Trunka,lllaek.lilue and arcen.timbrellaii,Japated
Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, hardware,
Crushed, pulverised and N. 0. Sngars, Coffee, Molasses,
Mack and Green Teas, Pork, Mankerel,Codlisb, Candles,
&e. • •-
irereceising la , ge assortment Mall kinds carhop
llooke,(Englisb, Latin, Priniebi.Greek and German) 111-
hles; lustories, ligeollaueons LVorks, Mn.licat nooks.
Cards, Tissue and Note Paper;ke. tee.: Those .n want
of Books and Stationery Kill please glee us a call s as we
stead to Felt (lien Car cash.
Cooking, Parior,Shop nut Coal Stoics, Mop. Elbow,
Stove Ware, Iron Scrapers, Plot+4s, Corti vbellerar straw
cutte s, Plnw Points, etc., at, Lanesbone t •
by the tibt. er otherieire--Candiel Ufthebozorlb—also,
Nalla,Glass, Paints and OM. 6 • • _
Old Dr. Jaeob'o,i. D. Townsend's. and Sand'Asnnea
purina —LS eentsper bottle: LYONS 6: CITANDLER.
Montrose :Ind L nesboro', N0t.7,1950.
Blatchip's Haws
'VIE subscriber would Inform his friends and the pub
JL lio. that be is now manufacturing-the celebrated
BLATCHLITLows at the old stand- of D. Poet. Fide
Hill, Hon, Wayna Co., Tarim ...ton county. and Skinners
Eddy Plows and qastines on hand Itcpafriug done on
shot, notice. Hating made an arrangement with a ma
chinist, he is prepared to make and fit np most kinds of
machinery on short notice and ou reasonable terms.
Nlmtrose, February 17.1851. 13. IT. MILLS.
RON—English and' Swedts, Flivtre: ale
Drag Teeth by : S. 11. SAYRE & CO
A good secondhand cookit% *tore, also rt peen roc tnt
11 ter, for cale,cheap at • runisLes
PLOEGIIS.-13113,Thamton.Montrose.Skinn4ro Eddy
•iinil Mott and Faller'sPlonglisaitd Castliv.cowitant
yon baud by • • ' • - S. IL SAYE & CO.-
Notice to the Public. .
New S tato . noble Fall-a'nd Winter Goods at. the
• Great One Price Store of
L. H. LL:llittErit, Great lltend-, Pa.
lIEGS leave to take this opportunity of tenderim; his
JJ sincere tininks to his friends and customers. (Or the
generals patronage they bare extended to him; and
at the same time inform them that he has justreturned
from New York with a very large and choice selection of
Fancy andb - tapie trry Goods.. Moo a fresh cad excess
siveassortmentof Oroceries.Provisions, Boots andx.boes,
nets and Caps, Hardware, Crockery; Zco.,Drugs and
Medicines, which will be sold for cash and produce at a
very small advance, at price. which defy all competition.
Flour, Pork,Fish, Salt,wholesate andretall,—be would
also remark that he adheres strictly to the system of al
ways b ming tketowest'price at firs t.t hereby "Living the
satneadvantage to all who may favor him wish their pat-
Great - Dena Clothing Store.
Thelargest,:bent and Cheapest assortment of Beady
Made Clothing in the Village of Great. Baud, Pa., Broad
Clotils.Doe Skins,C-'sstimeres and Vestings of all qualities
suitable for the Pall and Winter Trade, which he otters at ,
suchprices ns to satisfy any one that this ts the place for,
them fo deal. in consequence of the great increase of hl•
business he has been obliged to greatly enlarge lilostock,
which he now otters to his friends sad the public for ex
amination confident that Into doing they Will find some
thlogto their advantage. The subseilberbas made are
rangementstcy manufacture clothing in: all its various
branches, and is now prepared to sidi the Isarne,Wetrant
ed to b ear inspect 10n.., V cutout work and cutting done
at the latest style and shortestnotleer-all kinds of tall
orslrimminge furnishei and forsale. Donut forget the
spot. Store nearly opposite the Mansion Goner. • •
Great Bend ;Pep t., 1ti50,. • , ' LENGBI3I.
New-and pcpular bchol
V TORY; ((wilier with a BIOGRAPHY of DISTING
WEED PEP:BONS, tairhich la appended an epitome of
031 Y grid PHYSIOLOGY:
-Adopted and used in the lialresehooht of Phltide:phls
B. S. JONES & Co.; Publishers;
; • S. W.-Cor. Yetirth and Race
'Teachers and Achool Committees addressing_ letters to
tie post paid, will 'lto furfrisbCti with copies for exanslaa-
• .
cr.i-.• A tall land Complete oteortmtin t . of thxdo and Sta
tionaz yto ht the Lowest , Prlees, • • • •
:.Booksl 1.Books! • •
Arl nupply ornunkv3tint received. "pending nit
the kinds ueedin the Netv,Acwintuy. Also Draw-
Inn. Music, Leant nnd pup Paper, at the lowest prices
get#Ls - ' • • r • r .14 'Llt ONS & SON.
Val ~able,Books .
I rTTON'S Deily LlVite,llluitrulotte,Eteerieo'prertyi,
Apoatollenaptiem by Tnyter,ltevieer of the )lexlenn
Wee)) , Llvermore,Doolt-efFertee,D'Aublilme'elfietory
°foie Itefermatton,ete.ete.v:" - J.IYONS &SON.
G GNEAA aesor!pie4 o School pooke.wh cite
sals'or retail by •
- .
-,l%fontrose: 1g0v;20;',50..
fresh supply OTGrocerterjust opene4 end Air sale by
poltlfofiltnighter.hldc 4 _,' der•vered a$ Otto
‘.../._tannery, • J., LYMIS OfIANDLIOR4
IitANT.ED 20,00(tbosb C 1 Of 0104 10,000 bail}'
el. of ftge..and Corn for .which the, bight's;
price wiltbe paid in mai; or trade by , - •
NEVir outtii) of • • - •
................... ........... . ......
BUSQUEHA Mk-10110E1n
111rp\TUO E, PA
. -
MAR Trustees respectfully Inform the Pottle thit
.1' Third Term of the'Aeed sink year atlas
will eounenego ,, Tursday,'Aprll 29th, with the. fob
lagßesat, or IlinnrcTioN.
Prof'. Lonitiel 1/. l ofaters.
• • •---
- e
Ares Airy Jt.Grattferd,Precrptress., Pr -
iapa .
31r. 3. Lorenzo Lyons, A"..11 '
. end 5146 A. A - . P. 12 4 ,,,
ets, Assirtnnt Teachers in the Academic mad elszety
Departments:, _
MSS, .Carollne Ito-triain,f3uerinteudot of the
ryr Department: - ••
idles Paully - Bleekman Teacher of Music.
niter 11. Walter •‘,
• Theta are intim sestiorolo terms the year, p„
first commoleing.m thelOth day•of Es pt.,or tr. its t i z ,
ThnZlois the TO day °Egan. of-14 weeks, width-01aq%
28thdayaf Apt II ofl4 weeks. ••
There are. thus, Lie:along in the hinter Ind ipr als
weeks each and one of tin, 'weeks in the ummtr,
, ,
eythe prlmaryPepartmont, $ 7,sopetpv
The ComtnonGrancher of theAcatlendeitt
' ..Periartment, embracing : • •
log, Writing - , Arithmetic, Geography, •
and grannnitr, - ' •,• • 12,00 a.
The Illgher }trenches, .of the At palletele
• department. • • -
The studies. ortheelesslcal D epsrtm ent,•
Latini Oreejc ano-Yreach, ulth those
oftho dem. leinicalDepartiocnt,lu whole
orpart 1 • . • - - - 21,00
Music with Use Of Plano, 730,0d
raw4ig and P,ainting, • , 12,00 ~
German 3,00 a
N It Is the 'desire acid purpose of the Truste,
appropriate dlielpllne, by the - course of study pa,,
by the thoroogtmets of the Instrnetten finpirted set t
the faellitteelqrniebed, to secure for.thls Artakolll24
'St MI ding oniOng the Literary , Institutions of the kit 4
. , .
,outland. -
11.11, Pnpitsfroor obroadorlshing to ebtein tfoanit,
metre MI action t Offices byapplying to itlttect itchy
or It*to. J. Mulford, committee. • •
lien. lFm . JES.4CP,Presldett,
Mason S. Mlson,Treastircr,
Montrose, Aprill6,lBo.. -
•• RAILROADS, FRElglit&a,
...."..,.............,...... , .............n.k...n.r.w.......-i t ......-.-.,.......
Chann , of 11)3r3, .1)74 n voiz, , fel' 8
Rainapo & PatersOn Anti rater
son.& Iluilsort 'River
ease Suticitt'spepot atl LeaseNew-York gt -
*6 - O'clock 3i1111i13. , • A. 31.1 7' o'clock3o tale. 5 11 4
1 0 II Zuy n i n . A.M. t/I . '' 35 min.. pk.
*6 ",- 30 min. P. M. I 5 " 43 min:' y.l .
tsWV DAY 'I IR Allgts.
i care Suffern's Depot. I Lear* Nee -I'ork
• * 6 o'clock 30 min A . Al s .
I 0 o'ciesi' - 3. 1.
*Or on the arrival of thd Erie Deism g 013: 243 t. •
a - A 1 ElibOri Tlll A 161 s,
• Leave Paterson at • Acwr e New-York,
7 o'elock A. 31.3larket•st. - 7 o'clock Minis. AA
8) " 4 ' -. Pnt'n Dep. 9 "59 ".
12 . .. 31. • " '• 1 ''.. •
4X al P. al, II ... 41 3 11 , 33 I I
7 1 ,, u.: 5 " 65 11 ' 4
Leave Pederson all, Leare Neu-York et
o'clock A. M. 9 o'clock -, • ir
S .:‘, -P.'n Depot. 6 s". - ?.11
:N . . B. On MondaymorningFtliefirsf tralnfrornland
will! ease at 7 25 min. or on the arrival 'of the Port Isti
train. -• : - -
The 7 30 A. M. and 5 43 o'clock P. 111: trging,fren In
York, will no% stop at any station north of Datums n
cept Hoek Itoad and I.lnliokas, , .
- 'lllO traine which leave New York at I'M A 31 and id
P3l will be in tim e . to meet the Erie trains, morning ::,1
v ening„ go!og We.t t la SullernsDepot. '
Angust22,l63o. .
New York & Erle,..CaYuga • & ts.
qachanna Rail Roads, Seneca
• ' and Cayuga Lakes:
..L„E.intlicriucraate now prepareatoreceivv FltElGat
°tali hind+, at the following pointr, viz: ' •
MILLI°, At itea, 114tavis, Bergen, Rochester, Cateh
ua, Geniira„Dresden, Grid, Lodi, D ral Landltr,l4
eraaa, larscheads, Corning, Ish
.FactOryville,Springl'ort, Itedder's Ferry, A urolt.lth
ea, Candor,. Owego Union, Binghamton, Great tea
Lano•boro',Depomt, and Hancock, every dayin them
(sand:q t . exeopted.lautt continue withregalarity
out theseason. They will attend to forwarding therm,
to the Now York Market, whereit will recrite the perks 04:
at attention of experienced salesmen, who will attni
sthesollingof,the.same. and.returritheproceedAn ?Ad.
ablefunds:...t either of the above points, to the folhfq
pers . otir
fluflale,Storelfolls enf Henry Dave; .Attles,Stord , n,
of IlenreSyford; Ila,taria,StarehOuseoi'LlarinsA.Sal,
Berger! Storehouse of Daniel' McPherson; Roctu
Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge;
Walter Corcoran; Genera, C.Lanrence; Dresden i. 1.1
house of Whitney & Monet I ; Onia,Ferguses a. El Alt
Lodi; Dundee Landill, Storehouse Of T. Tuthill k 5.
Jefferson, oilier of E. 0. Norton, on the Pier, linq
olliceof J. F. Phelps; Millnert. Store of J. Stull;
acad.. office of J. A. Ferrell; Corning, store of AL!
Arnold; Elmira, ‘storelunice of Thunnun & DIM:,
Factoryrille, store of Charles 11. Shepherd; teDr
Ferry; Aurora, store of &0. P.lllorgan;lthara.6
of P. If. Drake • Condor, store of S. !Integer; Ora..
floe ofNuthanie ' l Ells; talon, store 'of C.' N. Wlrt:e
Binghamton, office of James Sick; Great Bend,. eta I
F. Churchill; Itinesbora', slime of F A. Ward; . Dr*:
grout of Ensign & Dean; llnueock; store of Adists
Beeves.. 3 A:4. SISK .linghamtcn,
.. • . WTI. WHITNEY, Dresden,
GEO. P. MONELL, do.:
AGENTS.—BuITaIn, Henry Paw; Attica, Thomn
ford; Batavia, Lir clus A. Smith ; Bergen, Daniel:4oin,
son; Rochester , Fairbanks & Eldridge; Carandsra;
WafterCorcoian; Geneva, C. Lisercrice ; Cal d, Firma
& Sprague; Lodi; Dwaine Landing, Tuthill & Co.: i 4
ferspn. E. 0 Norton; Havana, F. Phelpii;
Stull; Horseheads, J. A... Ferrell; Corning, 'Wm.
mild', Elmira. Thurnlan•& Inghrarn Factorrille.o..
Shepherd Aurora,ll. & G. F...Mogzan , Ithaca. LT
Drake; Candor, S.; Union, C. N. 15'bn-it
Meat Bend. F. Churchill;"Lanesborce, F. A'. Ware
posit Ensign & Dean; FlancoOci Allison &Reeves.
- = Capt.. Jamvvisk,
' • the basinees throughout the 11:5
ae, anCreceirr i:drill all orders* "
Gr4ceries. :'en Fish, Oyster. l / 4 &c.b
which Rill bebought nt the lowesl wholemle prim
- Near York, and tor:caviled' to any 'of the above col
New Stage Arrangement at Great
TOE two Daily Lines of Stages from great Lags
iihintrofe will hereaftar leave 'be Railroad llotEt
• . . ,
C. Smith in the immaato vicinity of the DepctieS
At 4 A. Itt. and 6 on the arrival of Melte
road trainofrout Now York; passing through New 3.646
to .Montrose, whence a Doll line , rune in ecannia
therewith toSprinpille TuakhannOck and Wilkedect ,
another via. N choloon, Factoryville, Abington fer,
Providence and Hyde Park to Ecrantenia,tthese
being along the. line of the Leggets Gap Itollroad) I'
turning, the Otago- leaves . Scrantenia at 4 A 1 1 , P ,4l g
through the above places to Montrose, whence the ntd
teave in timetoreach the Great Bend pepotbefortU
trains , going East. -
- AlAo,aDaily line leaves Smithionallwayffotel reel
arrival rf the noon train from the West h
via. Summeroville,New Milford, Harford. Lents and tO
daft. - VICESDELL It CO.
Great Bend, Jan. 22-1851. . stf
• _
New Goods. •
ITAYDEN & LITT LC'S stock of New Gan
Al. have arrived, comprising's complete nu
nient`of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, So
Pipe Zinc, Nails, • Glais, Suitt Wooden ITI 3
Drugs and Medicines, =Paints, ale; Fish, Fla
and Salt. - • 1.- - -
Also a first rate ,lot and :goad asrortmqtd
Ready Made Clothing, offilmost all descriptions ,
, Boots sild Shoie, Hats Caps Mei Bonnets &
almost eyerytbing, usually found in a cote!
Stord. . ;.
Our Goa* 'Must be , sold, and
,shell be. st a r
very lowest possible prices. • Our frieuds are
ted to tall and look at ourstock..
Produce of most all kinds, wanted iu.exclurls
for goods by the subscribers, .
- Now 31ilford Illay 1811851: .•
LYeomINQ County Zurttigtito• Compeer
The undersigned agent 'toe ; this well bull
and long established institution:respectfully Wort
the public thut.ho will seeds° lapplications for 2 °
Suranco egaimillow4 or dainuge by Ere to Iluilifint
Goods, Furniture, s.c: D. R. Leese; .ligeot.
• .3r o l l trefief Apr. 9,'51;
OHN GROVES, the well Anoit:Tailor In J ognin illude Ids opifeentucci iu Montrose to cp.
prate in the nboie named twenties. ot the obits&
directly .over, Lathrojett Dry i.. Goods ibre,
would again tender Ins serriockto the ttoblio‘W
oticiti their:patronege. . •-•
Making onclotittitnedoutilm:the niitet tyr'
styli of the ote,itud done °dike shortest 0 060 °
usual.. , ._= • ' -
I , Montroe c. Fcb.12,'51.,
tARANaErt , LemOns.4l fresh_ lot just n!
delved oiqd Air ;sal* by, the litihdred, dozet e l r
also, "raisinrjust iv. Also Suot4 l4
CnigLsce POpita (Or.lcatek by ULLARD
. •
. - B,
VAII.B, suit° tifinyi planolow,,nd rudshigtiria
Noutrqn, hi 5713.. • • Lionieg, c 11.171511.
18,00. u