The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 24, 1851, Image 3

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brotbetAa-law to resent the insult. Fail
ing to comply with her wishes, the resolute
i ble took the matter into her own hands.
s h 4 procured pistols, and having fatitiliar
io herself with their use; sbe sallied out i n quest of bet husband. Ideating hire on
? bin street. she drew. the weapon, and pia
, c og it at his bead, plled the trigger:" In
ies lory andagitation she hid only half
co rked it, and it would go - off,' an.
other moment, it was properly fixed and
ain4argal, but the man bavin4 in" the
inealitimo turned round, the contents, , con.
sw i rl , of three buckshot, only, grazed hie
arm, back, inflicting flesh wounds' ',With
ottioing any sotiott damage. Minting
* he bad killed him, - the lady gave heti& in
,eargn•ars magistrate, but,soon ascertain
.. he was only ihy- hurt s she drew ati..
other bad
and s t a rt e d -a ft er him egain,-.:
11 0 bad employed his time to good advan
tsge, however, and succeeded in , mating his
t ope and secreting himself, The citizens
of Letington were so incensed against him,
that in order to avoid being Isticbcd, he fled,
be cit. • tba c n ight.—.Loutsuille Courier:
m ritDE R NEAR jOeSToWN, N. J.—The
• T i e ibity of Sobstowa, Burlingtnn comity,
vss a. day or 'two since the seette of the
most brutal and g
outraeous muer we have
heard off
since that of the Bart le family.—
From what information We could gather,
the Case stands thus :—A man named Sta.
.`,tcel:ton, became infuriate at and cow.:
m etc,od a furious "assault upon Ins house
kecter, orservant. He was beating tier in
uviulent ma nner, when a gentleman, whose
ta me was Ridgway, approached and in a
Oft way told Stockton thtit e 'h e better
desist from beating the woman h , wereupon
the enraged man immediately assaulted Mr.
Ridgway, knocked him down with his fist,
jumped upon him with his feet, and beat
him Ina most shocking manner. Ho then
c o minenced beating the woman again, and
in the mean time 'Ridgway bad crawled into
the road, where be - supposed himself secure
from future harm. But, no sooner had
Stockton satisfied his 'anger upon the Wo=
Mae, then he returned to the assault upon
Jihigway with increased vengeance, and
seizing a stone or brickbat, he pounded - his
cieties head until his eyehalls literally pro
traded from their sockets. The wounded
man, unable to help himself, lay weltering
in his blood, until a friend happened to ,
coma along and conveyed bim home; where
be was propuly cared for; but ho was be
yond all human aid, and on Wednesday lie
warrant was issued fcr the arrest df
Stocktosi who was conveyed to Mt. golly,
where be was examined, and the circurn
atabces connected with the affair. were of
Loll a horrible character that the Prosecu
ting Attorney refused to take bail, and the
Ipriioner was committed to jail to await his
trial at the nest term of the court. There
are now three persoas—Copperthwaite,
jehtson and Stockton=in that jail, .on
,charges of murder.—Plala. sun, July 19.
lasijohn S. Wormley, of Chesterfield- Co.,
Ya.-, deliberately shot down his son-in-law,
Anthony S. 11,,bien. of the same county r at
a house in the neighborhood of the Black
Ileath Pits. It appears that Wormley and
:Bohion had been at variance some time
previous. Bott parties were men of res
•peetability, Wormley being a lawyer by
profession, and It kiou having been former
ly Deputy Sheriff of the county and a man
of wealth.
DREADFUL Dzarn.—A young - woman
fifteen or sixteen years of age, daughter of
Samuel Chambers, was burnt to death near
Johnstown Mount, N. J., on Monday last.
While engaged around the fire place her
elothesqook fire, when she ran into td/C
fields, apparently deprived of reason. She
died in the afternorn, about seven hours af
ter being burnt.
tressing case °canned at West Elkton. in
this cot:ity,- on last Saturday week. Mr.
Wheeler and his lady were looking through
the Steam mill, just put in operation in that
place. In passing nears pair of- horizontal
spur wheels, Mrs. Wheeler's clothes - were
,caught and herself drawn through between
the wheels, cutting both her legs off near the
'knee, and one arm near the body. She was
so dreadfully mangled that after three hours
agony her 'eyes were closed in death. A
more stinking calamity has seldom fallen
under onenotice. Mrs. Wheeler thus cut
off in the prime of life, leaves a piing ram=
•ily and a devoted husband, to mourn their
irreparable loss, —Eaton (0.) Reg. July
KILLED Br C. 4 .31P111NE..-...Capt. • 111rlk
Thomas, long a resident of Algiers, opose
New Orleans, was burnt to death by the
breakage of a eamphine lamp, on the !,sth
Ttrox. F. MEAGEttIi, the exiled Irish Pa
triot, was married on the 27th f Febraary
last, at Hobart Town, to Miss Bennett.
I ere - are forty-three nem steamers now
being built 'near Cincinnati. Steixabnat
building is increasing every year.
The Political Exiles of Europe.,
Our readers are, no doubt, aware that for
more than a year past, the representative
of the English nation at Constantinople,
Stratford Canning; under the direction
slhiS government, has been endeavoring to
procure, in some way, the release of the
lustrious exile, Kossuth, who, with a num
her of other spiriied and patriotic Hunga
rians, have been in confinement within the
dotalioni of the Sublime Porte, since - the
disastrous termination of the Hungarian
revolution. That functionary, with a good
ness ;of heart that reflects the greatest cred
h, has exerted himself to the utmost to pro
cure the release of the noble captives; and,
if the reports on the subject, Which we re-
eeived by the last arrival from Esgland,
are to be relied upon, it will be discretion",
arY mit:l Kossuth to remain. in. Europe,: or
embark fov the United ,
States, where so
elaoT of his companienis in mini - sough t and
obtained refuge, and whore-they are eul
tiVatiog their farpas and - their own lands. '
end emphatically enjoying themselves under
ir own vines and
,figtrees.' Such, has
been the harbor al refuge which the ,United
' at e! 438- always offered to the exiles of
i'eTeilmate—to' those- who risked .their
is to 44 in endeavorin g to benefit their eonntry.
be hoped that Yengland, through her
minister, Will . lin - successful - in obtaining Ne u . an , t t itazs , l , tentatt.
release.v and - if, be should deter- , I -
; de- the United -
mine upon imaking the St atesOis
home, we bespeak fcif hint a - reception ;and
n'welcome every wig deserving 'of hie jra-
Wain), Ms valet , on the, fi eld
,of battle,and
his mercy, towards the 'vanquisiMd in the
hour of victory. 1 • '
Opposed as wo are to England . in 'Many
respects, Strongly is' volitive spoken and
written against her, Much* the abhor the
corruptions which thOracteriie her 'church
establishment, and severely tut we have
corntriented upon the wrongs and injuries
which the ;,aristocratic few elk 'the
messes of the people, I, ; cannot withhold
our pleasure at Chia; interference, on her
- part, m favor - of-Kossuth and' Ids 'compan
ions, the - Hungarian: martyrs, and Abdul
Kader, the; •vittim -of Trend) 'dishonor.-
- There 4 nit doubt that
,the iithile civilized
world would ; buil with pleasure the release
of these noble captives. But there are ott;
or political; prist.nt rs, whoiecause enlists as
much syrupathy as that of Kossuth , and;
Abdel Kola-, and Whose release would give,
equal satisfaction.' i We - : allude John
Mitchel, SMith O'Brien, Thomas •RI Mee
gher, and, I:their compatrintsmen who,
with the purest motives that can actuate
the human ,heart„ sacriked their liberty in
a futile effort to, restore their native Ireland
to independence, and to a position among
the great family of natioas,. For attempt
ing, to do' What Kossuth Sailed in—what a
Tell, and. W ashington , and a Bolivar, and
other men;distinguishedin history succee
ded in,-they were transported _amid the
tears of nations, to i i ,penal colony, there to
waste, pine and die. tins not England any
bowels of I compassien for -these distin
guished ciilesi They were guilty' of no
more thanlCossuth "teas; and can England
consistently hold the id captivity, whilst
she is using her influence in favor of thole
lease of Kossuth ?— . N. Y. Herald,
_ ,
Sisk's Railroad Freight Line.
Small beginninge somatimea make large endiaga.
„ gives .
It alwayS u s pleasure to speak fa-
Voribly of 'any enterprise which_ has for its
object tbeigeneral accommodation of the
i public, no matter I,7bother it be. carried on
by a eombleation of, individuals or by pri
. •
-rate enterprise alone; 'consequently we have
.on several Oceasions nth& allusion to the
operations . 9 f Capt. Jas. Sisk, as connected
with the best, and almost the only' Freight
Line on the Erie Railroad. bur adtertis
ing columns contain his advertisement, set
tingrforth the particular object for which,
114 Line is rendering established, dering it dunce=, i .
I essary for us at present, to speak pOrtica--
!arty on this point. Capt. Sisk comuienced
operations,' and made his first trip o'n the
roril in thelatter• part Of January, 1849,
soo I after the opening to
His busineis was then confined tia - Great
Bend, twat...Atom' and Deposit Only, and
his first cargo consisted of 2 dead raccoons,l
f' the tog-;cabin-stripe,) 2 saddles of Ven- '
;son; -- 1.2 white rabbits', 8 patridge's, and 2 ;
black aquirieli, being'se property of Mr. I
Nicholas Lowe, of Jackson, Susqnehanna
Co., Pa. His fare on the road, and other
neccessary itxpense.s, amounted to $lO 75,
and, his commission on .this large,' cargo,
was eighty, five cents, all told. Nothing
daunted at this dull prospect before him,
Capt., Sisk ',. pressed onward," and at every
new opening of the read, followed in the
wake of the iron -horse, until ha has brought
l upin standing; on thesbores of Lake Erie.
Success haS followed him. Prom his_small i
beginning, lay tintiring,perseveitnee and in
dustry, • hei bas established an immense
business, and we trust -is reaping golden re
lwards. The following ren-nrks froth tie
Binghamton Democrat; show;tile- estima
•tion in whit this Line isheldin other lo
calities.:— I
•-‘ The N: Y. & Erie Railroad, is' some
thing of a convenience after all, affordine
facilties forAravel aud , transportation, and
giving business to many a good fellow.--
Capt. Jame's Sisk, the originator and main
proprietor of the '.RailPoad Freight Line,'
is one of those "good -fellows;' ; ' tie is en i
_active, business like, enterpriiing, man, and
One every way qualified not only to make
friends. but' to keep them. He commenced
his Freighting business at the time t•ie i
Erie - Road } opened, unknown, unassisted,
Viand almost,entirely unaided ; . y honesty,
i energy promptness and dispat b, be has
Iworked himself into an bonore le and lu
lerative business,- outliving all opposition,
line being - the only oneofa y note, now
lin existence, that commenced hen hhs did.
IFrom a small beginnine, he .ti a gridnally
lextended, his business its theE id rails ap
proximated towards the Lakes; he has re
i -candy still ; farther extended it.„ So that the ,
}entire lihe from .New city to Dunkirk; i
and froth thence to De'troit; is.; embraced 'in i
1 the Captatn's cemmand. Aside from his 1
Freighting business,' his operations in Fionrl
land Salt are quite extensive; the Delawire
ivalley, and the region obout Honesdale and
the Coal Mines are almost eselnsively sup:
plied by bim; his purchases are heavier!.
than any one . ectuntry :merchant'S can be;
and ccinsequently be buys cheaper. Capt;
Dill, long knOwn in new York as a iamb
I possessed of a thorough knowledge of. the
I markets, is:the Agent:of this Line, for sel
ling • Butter!, Produce, &., and for purchas
ing Merchandise. Capt. Sisk haa'recently
- associated withlina 'in the business' here,
Maj. Prelerick It. Dething. tall Rail Road,
men are either Majors:or Captains ; ) whom '
the public :will find to to be affable and en
ergetic. : They are now building - at this
place for the storage'of their.own goods, and,
freight sent by them,,a commodious store
house.,-33 by 60 feet, adjacent to the Road. -
Their extensive knowledge Of prices, 'the
niarkets,'• their. acknoidedged faciltiett for
transacting -alnaost,ant . kind of business,
and their known integrity a d •espabilith
make them worthy of the-e dence Of the
public at lar . ge. Qui- Wester ' friondi!need
have no - bentancy iri entrusti g - matters,of
business to"their ehritge."--Pep. Co4r.
.!! 1..14100
do T..• bush t 1.03
IsAthtflr Dr CLIP a 1,75.
tiny, 5.7.6 it-0 lO
Sto.alcaaApstoa,oo a 0,50
Butter, OW -
". ; ,12a :14
0014.4 i, bas > Etna
Chiapas, pr ' .5. ' r a
,geopiafeattk<.:::4oa- CA
.ratataatta Imb • OP
palottiyaeal 4,(Xla -- •
ip * .
. .
Wheat, bush. $1, 6 1f $1„12.
Rye, - 60 -
Oats, 44 ... - ' at a . ‘' .e.ct
Stheltat , (4 . • 06a
- /ippler. green ' 20'a' ,60
" driest , I,ra _- -
Roane pr I.ooa 2.P234
sneat pr bb160.6 a .6,00
'rarities pr th" ' El
Eggs pr aaa fr.a . .10
•Tallow„ - • 10a - 12
Maple Sugar =
" " a 9
nagssigtoke4=:. .oa 0
--‘' - Register 2 e , l%otlce.- -- - - - •:.
uncifc::NoT,ltE .given to all per.
• snits condemned in the foilowing estates, to wit:
i n Estate Of .Zara'Sutliff, deb d.; 0. Bailey,
Adm's:. „,-, , •
Estate - of Frederick W. _Dailey, Ileei.; Fred
erick frailey, - Adtrer. ,
'Estate of Lemuel Binghatti'dec'd;Charles
Tingley; Ader.
Estate orAlonzo tarpenter,•,dee'd.; Charles
Tingley, Adm'' , • • '
'Estate ofJosiah Lr;rd, dee'd., A. Chatnber
-40, ' • - - •
Estat ? of Ichabod Terry, dee'd., Charles . and
Lney, Terry, and E. W. Joneei.Adm'rs.
Estate of Francis. Richardson, deed., Rich
ards Richardson, Adner.
Estate of Stephen Dawley, deted.,,Elizabeth
Warden, late Dew'ey, Ihetrx. •
Estate of Leotard 'Smith; 'doe'd.,- Justus
Knapp'and Wm. W. Pride, Eters. • • -
Estate of CilesLewis,deed., Asa, Dammond,
Adner. - , •
That the accountaithr have settled their- nc.
counts in the Register's Office in and for the Conn.
ty of Suegitehanna,uud that the same will be pre
sented to the Judges of the Orpheus' Court of said
county, 'in .Montrose, on the 18th day . of
next, for confirmation,and nilowance. •
- . CHARLES 4 DROWN, , . Register.
-Register's o.lice. Montrose, i n " •
$ -
~ . . .
- , , . - .
~: :* - PION'PR. -
IQILATCIILEY'S Flwws for sa/e cbowp l'Oi sash at the
.IJstore of ' ' . il J 'WEBB.
July 24,1551.. , , . . •
.. ,
• . , .
A SMALL Cold Break. 'pinesec with a white
11. atone. - Theowner cnn receive the name by
callings; this office and liayifig for - thie advertise
rneilt. - 'July 24,1851..
(10D1Mill And Mackerel—A. _new supply just opened
%Jana selling by . J. LYONS & 20N.
July 124tb, Gl, i • • • • • -'
KFItESII sutidy of;ldackorel end Codfish just oponed
and for sale at ' • '• D. It: LAT/111OP ollt CO. -
pin: .Croot Paint at four dollars per hizildreal4 -7
: ' D• R. LATHROP & CO.
. .__..-
DIMAIPS Patent Alpe Boxes for Wooden uxle:rees
4.. which is undoubtedly the hest now in use, for tale at
• D. It: Lxwttnor & Co's.
Wool Carding, . -. •
n9 NE at Itcynolde as It should lie at 4‘ cents cash' or
JJ the Oth pound or IV 001. • _ A, G. REYNOLD:I.
• Brookyn, June-2,1851.-230,
EFIVETTE 11111111.A111,1, SONE
TformerlyForemanfor many
1. years of the Lafayette Murr Mill stone Manufaetely,
' 240 IV o, shington st-> N. Y., (W. Tyack,Agent;) would
form his friends and the public in general, that ho has
establithed a • . -
ghaantoa, N, Y.;
4 Loroy 'loadings , opp Hotel,
And soliets a share of thelrpatronagc.
Ac %tint aro miutantly unhand a large stock of Fren eh
Burr Mill Stones, as &so a large supply of Esopustind
ulustortzr, ar r French Burr Blocks, bolting cloth,
ccrceu wire anti piaster Paris,.
The undersigned a. sur^o Hs friends and g the public,
that be *III faith-u execute- all orders entfusted to
Ifs erre, rot only in quality, but In pries of articles fur
-1 • Ahed;-antl voile s their kind patTcnoge. • • .
ortlari by letter will be executed with as much care
amiss cheapley as when Turcbasers 8: - .e on the spot.—
rs and Millutlghts are requested to call and exam. ,
Inc his stock and I%;orkmattedip:.•
• .
Binghamton, July, IBM. VU
viRTUE of if writ of Ver. Ex.; issued out
1.20 f the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehan
na county; • tome.directed and delivered', I will
expose to public sale, at the Court House Lit'slun
trose on Saturday, August 16th, .1851, -at 1
o'clock. r; at., all those two pi- ces or parcels of
land, situate, lying and .being itr the township, of
Rush, in Theeconnlyof Sustitehauna, and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and deteriked as Wows
to wit: beginnMg at a stake and stones coiner of
Levi Shoves lot, thence South 72 degrees ease
one hundred and twerty.oue percheato a. beach
iree;.thenceaorth 184 perches to a stake and
stones co .ter of Manson Picl..ett's lot; theuide west
115 perches Lo a stake and imam corner of Levi
Shoves lot; thence by the batne,osouth 149 perches
io the place of berenning, contaiuiog one hundred
aud'ninet-en antes and six.y.fite perches, more
or lew, .together with the appurtenances, one
frarM!itl house and one framed barn, an orchard
and about 94 acres improved.
Also one other tract, bounded and described as
follows, to wit : beg:uning at the southwest cot
nee of a lot surveyed for Williurn Lathrop, thence
along the western line thereof north 811 perches to
a post: client e south 89 degrees west 119 per
ches to a hemlock tree, in the line of Levi Sh..".res
lot, thence by the same sou.h 89 perches to a cor:
net, thence north'B9 deg:cos east 119 perches to
the placeof beginning -containing 59 3 acres, be
the same more or less, thgether with • the appur
tenances and,' about twenty acres hop •oved.
Ta'tes at the snit of S. Mulford att.' Allan
sten Lang. ' - •- -
All that certain iSieco or parcel of land situate
lying and being in tbo towusldo of Jessup, (late
Rash,) jig Susquehanna •.coruzy, bounded and de,
scribed 'cas follows, to wit: beginning at a post the_
weiteify correr of the original tract'in the wor
e/intro i-Viijah Brown," thence'north tiveaty-tbree
and a hell' degrers;cast a _ boat tlL'et hm•d_ed and
fiftY-six perches to a post and sta...ts co-ner, south
eighteen anea half degrees east along land occu
pied by I - Homer Lovely, one handfed and forty `
'eight peichea Ma largo hemlock corner • themeby the same land,
swat twen..y-three and a half
degrees,jeast seventy-three 'perches to a poet and
stones i the original tract line, and thenceitoith
aixty4tix i and a half degrees, west one hundred and
fifty-five . .Oerches to the place of beginffi
six ngicox
taining sixty-six' acres, be the same more or less,
being the same tract or parcel of: land which C.
L. - . Ward by indenture bearing date the twenty
-1 eighth day of January; and recorded in the
office for rt.cording Deeds in and for Said
in Deed i Book N 0.12, Page CS3, conveyed to .Na
thaniel P. Cornwell. : .
.Taken in execution at the suit of B. B. Fox vs.
All that certein piece or parcel of land situate
ly;ng and ••••ing in •the township ofLenox in Vie
county offlusquelionna and state.of Pennsylvania,
'bounded and describediss • follows, to ,wit: on the
north by lands °tisane Woodruff and E.R. Grow
and Brotbers' , ; on the east by hinds of IV. o:P'erd
iier and Wm.; Hartley, on the soith by. the county
line between 'Susquehanna and Wyoming counties
and on the-west by lands in the warrantee name
'ofMathew - Brooks and George :"Kepler, containing
'4OO acres "more iirless; together tv:th-the appurten
anceprov:ea framed houses, and. about 50 acres
- -
AlsO,One other piece or parcel of land in the, same
township-and -County; bounded on the 'North by
land in the wanantets name of John , Doreey ; - tin
the entWby land of Grow and Brothere, - and Dan.
tel,Pe4e ; tin the south by. lands of Isaac Wood
rull';- and on the'weat' by Janda in the warrautee
name liar- Andrew Tybout, coutuiping, 150 acres
sul t y"
186 i seven OtileflOtli, described on a MOP of re--
Boy r 1 af John Darcy, warrantee made •by John
e;land numbered on said draft as follow', to
wit: No.'g containing 52 acres 150 perches; no,
4 containing 51ncree 00 perehoe, no. 5 containing
51 acres and 51 perches, no. 6 containing 51 scree
and 90 p"rebei, no:7 containing 51 Items : and :90
petehee, n0..8 containinisl acres and 90 perches,
no. 9.eontaining 51 acres. and 90, perches, in all
262 acre, and 51 porches be the same more or less
together with the appurtenances. " '
Taken in execution at the *nit of Lewis 31e1 , .73-
mars ce:-Albert Chainberlin adm'r. de lonia .non.
etc..; of thartetic h riadler. - . jr.,` deed, and Beeline.
Chandler; wide* and guardian of Mary it, and
Jtutiei A. Iteitstiittald deeedont. . • •
'AU that certain piece or parcel of land situate,
, •
lying and being i n - the township 'of•Rnsh .in the
. cd SasqUelianna, bounded and .deeelihed
AB ( 0 1 10 Wip to wit t it being a triangular lot -adjoin
inglande of Calel‘r Connell - 'on the north; 'on the
- Scialkatia east by lands of Samuel Walker, and
On'the west tiy;tho road leading from the -Ridge
road to 13ackingbani Stewarclepud the Wyalysing
eiceli; *tidbit nib* raft o a t u as to, -hien.
I.- a a
- tpfive tteree,logethet_Wilh the ePPe: qehe'lleee.%.
i'aken is exeOtion' at the atAof cafett Car.
malt vOtaltla9 - Griffis.
ALSO. - ' -
Alt that certain piece or parcel orlend situate
in the township - Of Lenox hi the county of Susque
lienua,.bounded and described as follows, to wit:
"ou the north by:lan:hi of Clark aud Colwell; cast.
by_lands of Williarn,Hartley ; with by lands of
/Buckley, L. /Mated, and Brown; and On
the wait by lauds or y.. Steel and Juba F, pupa
estate,- containing, about -three Hundred acres, be
the same more or less together with the appurten;
'acres and improvements two log, houses and about
thirty items improved.
Taken in' execution at the ' jmit of C. Tyler
ca. Samuel L. Balloted. , .
. All that
: Certain piece or parcel - :of. land:, lyin g .
and being partly in the township-of Thou :so:l,in the
county of Susquehanna, and partly In the town
ship of Treston, in the county of Wayne, - bounded'
and described as Wawa, to wit: on the north east
by lands of Robert Tenant, oirthe south, east ,
lands of Corduer, on the southwest by lands of
William Jessup, and on the northwest by lauds of
John.Wurter, coma hung one , hundred and ,thirty
acres, 111:aut for,y acres of Which are in the coun
ty of §inamehanna and the 'remainder iu the.coun-
IY . or wayne, together with the, appurtenances,
ono framed house one framed barn and nbout far,:
t.; - / noise improved..
Taken in execution at the suit ofßobeit E Ruth
yen and Crawford,jr4 doing business under
the firm of Endive% 45. Co. vs. Alvah
MI of Jonathan interest in alt
those two pieces or parcels of laud-sitnato tying
and being tit the township of Franklin, in the
comny of Susquehanna; the first bounded and de
scribed as folloWs, to wit; on the i (anti by hinds
of SiMon Parka ;'east by lands of Charles Follet ;
soot h by theli;ghway and 11...Fravereest . and west tll4 highway. conttiiniug, 100 acres, together'
with the appurtenuoces, one framed hens... one'
frameil barn, one framed blacksmith ihoKoini m -
"chard , and about 70 acres itnproved. , The second
bounded on the north by lands alCharles.Blowem,
east by lands of Ira Cale, south by Alonzo
Williams, and west by.lands of James Pcck . atid
Sauttel.llaker, containing ono .hundLed and fifty
acres, together with the appurtena iced and im
prtiveineuts. one framed bain and abdut twenty
acres improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of Edwin Bacon .
re. J. E. Chnichill. •
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. all that certain
piece or. parcel of land, situate lying end b6ing
. in
the township of Munich', in the county if Susque
hanna, bounded and described as fellows, to wit:
on the.north . by landsof Dewy Babcock; on the
east by lauds ofJohn Gray -and A eurdich, on the,
South by'' ands of Gee. Gates--and OD the west by.
lands of Henry Dennis, containing 80 acres be the
same Mote or less, together• with the appurtenan
ces one framed house one ilog hem, one framed
barn; one orchard and about 60 acres improved,
late the estrte of Henry Osterhout.
Taken'it execution at the suit of Lathrop,4.
Salisbury vs. Henry Oiterhout. • •
ALSO. ~ -
All that - Certain piece - orparcel of land situate
lying and being in the township of Springville, in
the county of Suirluelautnai bounded and described,
as follows, to wit: on the 'north by the road from
Springville to Brooklyn; east by the road to Nich
olson and on the south . and - west, by lauds of A.
Beardsley, containing one half acre be the same
more or lees, togethe. with the appunenancve, one
framed dwehiug house and one framed barn.
Taken in executionat tho suit of .Spenceellick
ox-rs. Polly Iloadley, with notice to Charles Burr
T. T.
• ALSO:..
By virtue of a Writ of Lev. Fa., all those certain
!mete or parcels of land, situate in the township
of Apolacon in- the county of Sinqoahanna and
!tete °Men nsylvaule, and butted bounded and de
scribed as follows, to of than beg hiring of
the corner of a nine acre lot, hereinalter mentioned
;hence north partly by Johu .Lyous and partly by
Timothy Sbehan's kinctto a corner of John Kain's
land thence west by the same and' by lauds of
Timothy Cnian, eighty perches to a corner;
thence north by the sane, thirty-three {tenches to
.4.1 sink e, a corner oflohri,MaCquit's laud • thence
by the same Nest eeveoty perches to lignite a cor
ner of tins laud ;'therce south by the same
thirty-uinepv:ches toll corner; 'henna still by the
same nest twer ty-five percr, es to a stake .4 corner
of Samuel Millipm's land thence south by the
same tweet:: 4wo perches to another Comer ofaaid
?Mitigates; :'peace cast ninety-eight perches toe
corner Bow Road, so called; therce by the said
road south five , degrees, east forty-four -perches to
the north west corner of the said nine nerd lot, and
thence by the same east seventy perches to. the 1
place of beginning, containing sixty-three acres
and seven-tenths more or less, (which lot Marty
Collins contracted to convey to the said John Mat
thews and the said Caleb. Carmait having - advanc:
ed and paid the consideration money therefor at the
request of said John Matthews, the said tonsidera.
tien money is therebysecured and the said Marty
Gullies byindenture dated the twenty-eighth day
of January, inst., intended to he recorded granted
the same to the said John Matthews in fee.)
One other of them sitrated is Apolacon township
aforesaid, boarded as follows: beginning in the
road leading from Choconut to Apolueon, a corner
°nand formerly of. John Harden, therce by the'
same north seven degrees. west
.ona" hundred and
sty perches to a corner, and, north five degrees,
west twerty-one perches - and a half; thence east
seventy po:che's to the lust described .lot to a corner
theoof; thence south twenty-one perches and a
halt' to a comer Of
,14nd contracted to John Lyons;
thenie west. by, said John Lycns nirteeen perches
and s'x tenths tnanorner ; thence south seven de
grees east ono hundred - nclseVenty-two perches to
a maple sapling . by the road leading to. Apolacen
and thence. altrtg the said 'read fifty-two perches
and five tenths to the beginning, contrining fifty
nine acres and four-tenths more or lees (being coin
pos.d of two lots or l- pieces of land'. whiCh - Samuel_
Milligan and wife by indenture dated the first day
ofof November, A: D. 1847, recorded in Deed Book"
pre 386. &e., granted unto the salt! John
Matthews-in fee,) together with, the bereditattients
and appnrtentin one, shantee, one log hare, and
about 60 acres improved/ • -
'Taken in execution ut theSeit of Caleb Carman:
elt. John Matthew!. .
C. M. 'JERE, SberifT,
Sheriirs Office, Montrose, i
July 22,1851.
Administrator's notice:
MT7'ERS of .AdminisLation of the' estate of
. illiam White, deed., Ice of the towrishili of
Auburn, having (welt granted to the .nnderiigned,,
k.ptiee is hereby given to sill indebted to the estate
to call and settle the same without delay, And all
persons having - detriands - against. the estate will `
please present them duly attested foi,settlement.
' Auburd. July Idth , lSsl. 3tl
~ • • Tailoring. I '...
frHE undersigned . beg lett ' ye . to (inform their
. friends end the Public generally, • that thiy
haci fonnetra copartnership inthe. Tailoring hua l
iness. - =Shop in basement of Searle's. Hotel., . • -
• --. : n. ,F. JAMESON, - • '
-.- - C. N. BISSELL .' • =
~. ,
Montrof e, Inlyl a; 1851.-29 mi.'
__ _
• • Wagon Makin.- •
T irr. gubseribers hare taken the ' , bop recently oeeti.-
piedby rranebt W. Alien,' two miles below , Nan
trete, on the south Turnpike; where they era currying
on the Wagon makingbusmo:a In all Ita branches. AA
orders promptly attended to, and repelling 4orte not
next week butTO-DAY. S. G. kK• D. 1141115 GIL
Bridgewater, Juno 12, 1851.—Vanz,
CENTS per Pair, will ba paid in goods Ai
hie) tinq ipiaatity , of g oo d woo l e n socks at •
1 tr. • ' - - Pear d - Prrea.
'.' Cash for Wool.
. . .
000,1bs Wohl Minted for' which tbe - tiara, market
1' prierin Cash willbe MO by . : . _ . II; Buxuryi
' New 14.11fortt, June iq,1,F51. :' ' " : - -,=.. -:. -.. • . • '
c i_OLD Pei) and -- ,'lxttnelon holders 'of size: . ull
and be* qingitieei for cite Irk
•-' • D
- .
k The MIS or Sautiair Saha; &boat 23 , 1'-iallei ;omen ' of ;
.Cl.Montrase.] The lot outage of Plank and Boards.:
Application may be nia,la by any one 'wishing to•por
'kbasefaticraner Dean, at the will or .07 Cl* entanibiak
• , • ,UAYDEX fa. ; 14`.14.r.
New ?dittoed,
11 , 04 11. re, tarn Starch, Soap - , Macke:at:lei - a'
?t , to/ vet, and Pin re,i2g - ...:.I.YOIIB 4V,
, :-..., , ,- , --11Evi, - .:-..ADvERTig.Fad.F.,N • Ts:.-.7:_,
Petroleum - R I Oil ''' 7. 4iff4'''''''''''lsl' - 'l' --- 0 - " d8 - 1"
vor• 00 -,,, . ', ! . 0 ' ewe.", ow -- oo - 1
A i1 4 1 14-4 , :i*4l,PrOOOkad'frottr,o wan In Alla- 3 - I.YONSI SON. ere t now receirmg; a - frealt let e of
nnenr.enn, nti r, ,,j l turantin ll lo'*etAtttlt . Put tlaPti• 4 4l ..i, -"NT.Pf OottimittutLiiktre . 11 . - '
s : s '" r •-• I" -""". i • -,"
801 tIO,If1 3 L'ElItitliditstial Barillt; Pittabtwah, Pa. At le t a c , o d pe .t.o i aL co i u i b u y Thin g che a p 1.
~.,. 3,
inatlP In bann`tilnit‘ ll , lir g inn ortnnvithe'=" l l. nithnut • ' ''''Airklutts of gitediqinit waret ire ket '' —l', •
fuluda,turie of spy Ithnl. , Alrytithat ere' erillcd; ', i . .;',0 0 , 0 4 srytne at 01l
temote, ea
soap: it-- ---
' .,, : ---- ;•ii ',•-• - • ItEILD ,! .. .RI:AD!,.I '-'" - r --• . ' Mae titian, GA honkel e"its ur i° l# . ' ' '." •..
ithetimail l in U k ida il filo Pewiir of the enirOlenntl. l :. A - - Cotton and coffee glees lok.atende, •' " ''.' .- I „
:iliac* tiom:LinierniCo4 Union tp.., - JtilyntlrilBsl:. l 1 ...., :,- „Med English goo4forrilldemandei itt.- . it , ' - 1
MT. Hier—Deur Mr,. allow me .as- p stranger.. to "."eini% .. ~- halt, crackers; pettpar,andleh'llcce,, , :_, -, -- •I I t•
gistulato Yon Ile the sole preprititor_tof.'antlnvaluable,' . -
•:- And 'tigers too et eny price: 'l7 -=- 4 , - • 's :,
.; •
called Palrelenta nr:Roclt.oll. whlekle.deatinednee • Mug - 'lrmo.", ohoes. h o se; goiters true and s u rer, , . r i,
to take the place.otalloreat nie,dhinee. *any pillions lu • „.AU Torts of knives fin rich a rittpoor; -- ~ . .
t t 1
title neighborhood have fried thatetroleunt In a number •", 'i -, dtera's 0 aro, 6141111;1 ml spools id'Utretuti:: , i': ; 1
°teases cming.trieet uf titian and proving hlghlybeneficial ~„:„ Meeks. ard pin s an a b ars o f le a d, - . - ... ..
In ell. - I hare wetted It hi eough . C, gilds rhoulantlim, •• • - Trtieb. and carpets ' bowls and irmiden tithi;,' Si ::
tette, spridne, and aweWng • far iheusnatlaini think It i '.• And thaValle, raktrapt, ilasteajtigai , •".. ' - -:-. 'i•• '
is a
cure. My Awe 6,,
.b es .„ a s Tikt i l
.s r itb: th e • ' -,N . lee calicoes that will not fade, •:. :• ; 't . -
Rheumatism fort' m 4:
e yenta and never could lailY ,, `" ' ' l ' 4v allPat.eni'ilotha Of *e'er gads:- 1 / 4 - . A ' ' :--- 1:
thing to, relieve her, In tact she tried everyttdog r and no. . Mute muslin* figured, atilpid,orhar'd,•,,,,l 3
thing woulddo her any good until the tried your .Petro- .• ,' PLas, hookit and
ge e'. all by the card-4: - ". i
tem and It has relieved her entirely, for tairpart I think ' ' These Wee new goOdA and mney Mora,. ,- • „ ',= i
It it the greatect man killer notitri rise, , Yotirt k.. m. , • .
All cheopfor cash, ire her e i n it,9re,„ ~,
~ t
, , yp.,,140p, -;.. •' Of load *; though dilly we're bereft, -i '-. • 1
- .Yet atilt we hare A 5T.,4, StOlill , 'LlFlV.'...- ::-, i'
'• klelthel letter front till2Clll6l 'CO, lroctintmenhint the;
Petroleum;: : ts.tcwltevas, July 7tb, 1 Sal , ' :So those who buy nintrutzlitkl, e , to p„
r; gran...4frtir iir:-.4 tithe gre - rt 'pleasure in - emir. '' To the meat. aridta eat LYONS ZcgOlei. ~.l •
tile: to the virtues Of your greatOatural Mint:Met:ailed, 1 1 1 0 ntrotp. July a,asai,,;•: - .. , : .; : -., •-1. , : - -f .: ,s .;- i.
the Petroleum - or Rock OI L whic4 Is certainly 'a greati, - '
medicine'. Ibottti,ht rme'dozen tt:yourngent when he ,
wavalong here Vat fall. I tested ilia a number of c;accs.l
OM found It to more good,. r alma tetntid. It in a cafe of'
letter and tfound it very lienefulal: I would like tory
much to have another box of 1%, tor I tlutt!t like to be
withent it. ' • - Ititiectfully Yours, - .
. : ,: . , "_. ... . ...• • - ~t .' ---. a.tuattntr.t.
A Voice from Sus inchatma co.. certifying to the cflien•
"cy - of the Petrole3ru. ' ' PrN 0 A VP, June nth, ISM;
Me. S. 11,1{lica—Drar}irt—Allow me to certifyto the
rlrtnes ofyour natural medicine milled Petroleum orßocli
OIL tt had boon afflicted milk the Rheum a tism for tome-,
t!mo.: I was In WilkoshOrre last s,nmnier and gotta bot
tle from your „when ho was itlong_thero, It has
cured me perfectly.. I have 'Moo seen le r te. , *tl In differ:
cut easel; ofrhaumatiam, and found it give relief, inall. '
=i- ' 'Very respectfttilyroure. ' - -
•• • t"-. • • - - -•.-- -- • . -JAMESJIAMIVPON.„
-. i . , Tt'S'n ILI !I:COCK , July 1.. t 1 1841.
. 'Mr. Si 31.-ll.t,tin-Dear'str—Altow me' to eerily to the
.virtue • of yet* great nature/ nordielno called Petroleum
o ,nnelt Oil. which 1 belleve is a goad medicine. I line°
been afflicted with Neuralgia:Pain lit the nerves Air the
la:tten years. and nevercould get - anything to relieve
me t .. in feet I tried almost 'everything and nothing would
do me any good until I trictLyatte Petroleum, which has
relieved tee. ii 7 touch; I, have alto tested It In burnt,
scolds. end bra fret. It • hat alway , given relief In- a very
short time • -I' think It Is the gr etest indu killerpow in
tiro., . 'Very respectfully yours,
.. • ' ' ' - " ' 11105. ELT,Ig,
Call and get 0 circular from - the 4cont. which igiv,.s a
full destiription of it: _For sale by IiItiNTLF.Y a. lti-I,tO.
Sold wholettale by all RIM, HALtIOS4- CO4-7.0. 201 market
etreet, Philadelphia. , ' . ~. . , ,21 le
ht thoStove:Tin and sheet. Iron business ore pre-.
]corral to attend.: to any orders ht their line at - Au eine
tett notice They flatter thentselvrs thrtliv eiving.l4::;ct
attention to tusinc,A and jaw Tutees, ',hat they n 0 I have
.a teasonabloshore'ofpublic natrenege. The'r assortment
ofstorciis hood, having the latest Isnd itiO, inieroval
potions. aniong which nrithe Ittot-sides or Yule,n—e
stove which took tho first Prerniuni ct thoE'... le Fair lir
syracuse in 1850. E---0 Foratt queen; Forest
Queen enitu . gcti;!Eey Stone , AirTight, .Phnenix. 'do do.
Premium; ,Patior s:OTCPl,o7.2tUVer,—,for coal or 'Wood.
All kinds orpn steneilne and tin tub kept on
find—sold atilrices tilt will cult. Ail kinel of ir„odu,... ,
taken In payinent and t .sh not re,innal. Oppe.f...e the old
store of Mllls and Knapp: • ' ,SA YltE & IV EIISTEIt.
Montrose Jute 10.'51._-. .• ocle, ;.,
The Daguerrean itooms
lA N the first floor of the OddlFellowe Hull. M
ull. A
%till open; where it - Shalt. be my constant
endeavor, as in times past. to gyve satisfaction to
al( my friends and fees who are desirous of being
consigned to a' metullic inunortality.'
By the magic Da,gnerreotype, l here, will we trace
The Imau.ifttl form, with its delicate grace,
The soul-lighted eye, and thejoy.b.aming face—
Each life-like expression, exact iu its place.
Please give me n call,
3lost einphal
P.'S. Don't
Goods at
- .1
I\l . ow is tbe, time tor pr.'
& Eaton are about. to
they will sell off, tit New Yor
Therwonld also invite tho'
with them to call and settles;
matters 'o a close by the Ist
Harford,July 10; 1851.
• .Notic •rs
ix persons are beletw Ifo--bid harboring or
trusting my' wife 31..1 . 1.1A,' as twill pay no
eeb.s of her co - lirse :az, aftc,; this date; she bay
hig left me, w:thout toy h lorcletize. orpermiseion.
Great Bend, July 4th, 185 • 28•3 w
. .
~ Proclamacion,; . -
v i r /ULM JUMP,
. 1'; esideat of the Court of, Oyer, and !re:-
miner, nod 'General Jail Deltery, Conrtof Quar
ter Seksionstif the.pcabe and 'Court of Common
PleasOund Orphans' Coigt in the l'Eleienth
en:mimed the_CotintieliefiStis,
/melte* Luzerne.-and wyo,nio g slid the
Hons. 111: TVLEIt . and 01.8.11114:11:MGLEY,
At:if:white Jiidgei in s:iisquebilinia potnty, haye
fr-eed their prettept, hearinilitethe' 30ih• day of
.V.av, in the.`ye:.7.Of Lord,' inte if ott.ind;'&ght
huaed and fifty.onet.and to. me directed, for
holdin,t a court of Oyer and Terminer. mid Gen
eral-Jail Delivery, in - the" Borough
.of Mont/os,;,
and Conti , or Sitsquhnime;oihhe third, Monday
of August (it being.tlielath:day): • •
Nance to 11EREDY Given to the Coroner,•joi.-
ti res o f the Ter ee, and CuAst4ol,7l, of olid,County.
otSusqueliutina, that they he then and, thereLiO
their - proper persons; 'at two n'eock: in thOarei
nooerof 52.;4 day, ieth-the7i. ?needs,' '
and other remembrances', to. do those things which
to their offices upper: . hi :to- be done. • And those
who are bound by_recognizaneer against dip'rrie
that are or shall lai'in the Sail of said,Coull
ty Of Surquelianna; are'to mid there, to
prosecute against them Us.will he just." • ;'• .
Dated at Montrose,-the Jtlr diy. of My. in the,
year of our Lord, , ono -thousand, gight. litintlred
• • fldte6 :1' C. M. 6EIIE, Mieriff:
H'mann IT has' now Ins tore. a new and•ehatcessi.
iilectioa of Dry floods, loclUdlng a great, variety of
Laillea' Dress Goods,' titope toll tithe - sumnier Shawls
Silk Mantillas, Parasols. Yronchlcacni FtinerStrawand •
Leghorn Bonnets; a beautihtlf assortnient of Bonnet
Itilibeu; Flowers and "frlannitrgs •of new' styles, Black
Silk and Lacer, Pit *an Mitts, IlonnetFtlk, black -I„nbe
Fells; 'tread Cloth—Taney' Ca•Anieres, Vestinga
summer Cloths; trirtiet 13ags, Trunk Hilts,'' Banta' add
Shoes t raintetLAFiudoactihades, Carpdttug,Slnta, Caps,
&c:, with a lamb and general assortment of Gard {rare,
Crockery, Iron. Grd aeries, Pa , :its,ldatte..;44,ltilii,Storeit
all co which wilt:be Sold : t - st. the 'tract pike. and .oti
the most it‘ailonithle terms. 'IV Ir. • !fairly all Mails Of
Produce wanted. Socks'in particular, and the highest
price in . Caidi paid for Wool.. Flour and Fait constantly
New Atllford,May, 27, 1831. . • !' • • •
_ .
Great Attraetions.
.-Er-,MIIIItITTIx now terclring' gveerarstiliptycti
•Geosla tar therlprlag tr,
;initially ex tertritot anti attractive, particularly in low 4111-
OP, Hutt styles a n d ki ha aof tadier Divas illoodiqgumtuer
shawls awl =rail las; With rigqiieral devortin eutet nage
goods which wilt be sold o the moat farirabl4etras.. ,
'• • ••••-- ", 'Li' • :
'J,'IVEDO esires` to call the 'attelithin - of
1-1-• paraitsoreto his sYocli of NEW GOODS,
just being. *solved, l'her have been selected
with particular:rotrivliVe ro the: wants sndittstis
of his eastoniers,v.thom hail) ever most _happy' to
vervS•:Calla:llld exst i dio for ycurselVeP.
.3Tontroseiiltarl29;Jsl;": - • - , -2
h . 111
UZZAI UZza:f . .
AtAt agitittal enemy, for
whe#l,fal4 Isluigrin a ffciirg!•
11711, Tt- TRW; tuning folly reeorered Menet, In at
, -T part [entire,. nas just rater/101MM tb My pith
tin) targoet ea/art:pen tottroode linel tier _tied
Sn Montrose. Chacke of all ttyien, prices iiind pittnio/
Watchettbg bebdebitoelete artantityZ - to' Fr
clingers, and Yankee notions prep; yeatetie4 , ever-t a't
'Lamm( forburnteg Mild; Canniblno to., of ail a :es
and dexeription. Jewolry causistlng or rwrything
asked for, ~Alleorta of Perfumery &a., as usual. To
enumerate -t-be wbote you'd require Anil:tint ebeett—
An of whieb be ollt 1411 - diespkrihnit acv *ms elto elm;
' Mal and.oechlro. door t0,4;-$. !Iribielfeo Ator.e,
Repatring'ace.; diine be:mural: ,- • - •
Aic'Utfc,4oabo 41 ULU:,
.~ :fIBY ~41~U9 ~ t~YIi,4#~E~FS&:. ~~w
fillHStitmeribers• iL&e'•
1 11 their euetomers elnl theTubllej i that I tlfylame pow
cetted thn!lt seeenil l'emply. or.
. -
embraclng a larger ftnk awl greater‘variety than tbey
he:reeves before ept. rind which they' eil'er far itaiti ors
the intuit reruns as loe
r aa , any other • entabtlihm eat hp
thteennnty. ./ • .• 111.:NTLFX ItEa -
• alnitrote,:lani lii, 1851. '• L
Be ltAtl E:11e/Annes $ Porting; Lawns, arid
y of Dress 1.1 °odd Just Otrentd by,-. I •
.'I . 'IIiSTEV itEA
ti6n and Stilt!:
4, .1 every deacription:lo,toneivare. , cary..eing.clockN: b • C
I.rntt.Pr etc. ,* ItEA t.
IA ()ON Li Dyer- L titfis, Pert
ery, Window Snell; GWe and Putty; nit esti u min t•
to cy#, anduleuye - on J TItEY-& cAD.
asortrii en t, Brebdclothe, horeyrurVes.
Veetlegx, and Sitnunee Goode, pit reeetrei end
be soldrlght Ly . ; . ..11ENT.Ly,Y, Jt. 141,11').
• • _
-I.)ENTL El' & It E i. D are the Agouti. for t lot bolo Orl rr
_LP etiti allot ilalinille (Amor leo ; Dr. 111VIte.'e. 1) a ;or Kt
sr. Shookler Draws twd,othos ttwdithies;•.l..s. Jay to'e
uTeffleines: Parte Pain liiilerp,Dalley. Pam I)errvo rr.
1)r. TownKentla aorenT?rlllo. .I"eriv.ho's.l.lll)Ontri) t!e.
Schenck's Dalston, Dillow's Denys eon.. &e. .Also. .0,
glint:llly on liana. ilarillth: 011.Ayreer Cherry 1 0 ..1[01.4
11.1.1. I. ver 011; My 1l um i Pond'v Itert4lll . or.ll.iirro4c.).
.11'iteb 11.1zal soap Powder, and wit the other approtri.
r'i'otent Mr.ltelner or the 41ny.' • ' :
•ittattiltiO . Yluidi for
June 20, • ; ; 1tex7147 4 UR.
.. Nevi.. ,• - Praetirt - 1 •
. Gold
... Tireiwendoun • z:xelleessentr.ll ..
..,... •
llearl'ol.Warkiation _talrain: e'revircdrif I
S ineutiethal Atha .we'elc the u'OCKiS AIM , gliii
A hdlith: hi. and the -subm il)er would ihra s rwilliip:
Mistander;, and the Outdid that be his mude 'ar.
ranzements to have Adioda fican the - city NO:VTOL!'
and as his piireliasei are mostly foecasb,it's i's e 7
tannined nit to he!inideraold aroindinie -by ny
winn or Lo:km errortakeepers tltir side Of : 4 4nratn m
io Liowrs,.and with many. thanks fok 'post. favont.
he woad most ti ineetfullyiniite one and
. all who
buy for cash, as Well tia these tvliojAy 1 ; 14'8mi:1111y
well on time,to give him a cliamf:ttoseit and ntense
hem. .-:., . • , 1 '• ~ A IL C. l
,TYLER. - •
illontrose,llak 1, 'lll.
Goods bought-for-ash.,
JOM:VS.7'OX - .4. ITALY bavejost _received a large and
‘irellafgoriral ftock of Dry GM**. Graderies, ertles.
ery, hardware, Iron. Nails, Looking Olties..-Boots 'and
tames, Deady Made Clotbing, Drugs. ll.;dlehre,
Oils,l3llrci Ware, Jewelry, Clocks' 'Trunks, Hats, Caps
lifilitieth2ce..W,hfcb they are olering at the follow
ing Very low prices, vls : per Keg. Dire 0- cts.
er 10 lbs. Sogarforsl,K 'fhb* Gaeta ,1.70. French
and English Woad Clothe! from Ills to 2O peryard; CAW.
Mei Is, Sairratus Od per lb., town firm is to 61'.eryird.
looking Glasses from Is to $8.00; Nltawls trim
$57,00. Our vedslaving been std.:Ore& with yard:war
remit .1 Dv quality an.l style. we flatk ourvlraf that 'we
ran please- all who may .ices us witlr a call .-and as for
priers we are detr.minednot to be undersold by any In
this ru.oket for cash or approved crodtt. •
WANTkiII,-1000 pounds Wool. ?..'no . pairsall woolsnetu
fora - bleb we will pay 25 .eta. pri pair, and any quantity
of Butter, EA , tr and l'lnn.te.'7 generally: .= . -
Uartord. ?lay 12.180. ; • - ' :
hike this opruitnnity of :ten.
11 d c rlu g th s e lr alaq l ;re thanks to their ens:taper
groeral!y, nutonly for the very Ithei4rtroartge
be owed upon thrill (hiring the -peat six years, too
also for the 'pronriptiless of their
begle,va to say they have commenced the yeitr
Danny* yours, -
wlth . lidetemtivatinn to keep a genera] and full tie
sorttrient of good,GOODS, which will beinkl
as favorable terms for Cosh, Produce Or, approved
credit, as an, he hocialit in any other . estsblish•
'tient this side Of the chi. • .
heroine as Lake
kan7„e the. loeation
• prices the present
:e• having' nenounts
they wish to bring
•" - • DEIV TLEY' 4. READ
.7itontrose. Jan, 8, 1850.! ..: • •
k , leard. -
. „
rrillE subscriberzWtiuld inform•the public that
' 1 'bele now prating up in' the'old Store'Of .S'. 5
Mulford, such of his stock of goods he was enabled
to save frora the latedestruCtine 'fire. wlrere he will
be happy to wait on hisfriends nod customers. ,-
His stock",of Clothing
,was principally saved
without material drannge. : A portion co' his Hets
and Caps. - -A tolerable' assortment of ' Boras and
Shoes, as also, Books and Stationary, ..k.c:. He in.
tends making his assOrttnent comptele, in,the dif
feient branchett of his b miners as soon' es circnni
stances will permit; A 134 he takes .tiii oOcasion
to tender his" acknowletigoments to the through
whose kind 'aid so nuich was•saVed w ich'must
otherwise have been Init.. ~ , , -: :- , I , ~:, , .
Those indebted to the subscriber must now see
the necessity he is under'of making , immediate
Collections. and ha indalges the hope that 11114 will
step promptly forwied, to iiiicti'neze'sncti indebt•
ness ' , ' ... - 1 - - GEO:FULLER- -
Montrose._ May I% ISSI. - - - 1 r 2,
milorrrber barinr.,Tade anOrber 'rarer los just
a- been to New , rork, twilacting.o very great variety or
almost all kind, of Goode, whirl; be would moat respect
fully Invite big friends and the po bite generally to mike
and govern thenoelves ueennlinglp-' toorf:nrny -nice
thlnge..for the fourth or Joiy. C. TYLER:
'llattroie, Jima ID; l dl' • -
Mere GOod"News. -
- 3 - ay to. t!titliVoiliti'
ANE &EATON", hacht tubiptedtbe itys-
J—A teat,. which btu , .trecidett• uileautt.sir overpti ethete,
tAttlt to bayere and do tie* Offer to the Piddle
their new. exteusive,i.aud letenitnient - of - Spring
Omuta. which hnre Rica tielectpd. with, grcnt caret as to
'beauty of ityi it cud dutultility Outlier°. . 0 ur. or
D 11.11 . -600113
etchriutes, grettt variety or every timirtiptlitUii3,qr9
Printerrom 4e' to 1. per 1,600 - yde hcuvypheetiux.
Lawns's tit yd; Alapitaat;hitlot. it :trent eartety
°habit, silk Ito ines., and ft great Nutiety or, Millet , drew
Goods.' 'VA° u large Ft. , ,k or
• ••_:- SONNETS : • - •
Trnm 24 t 9 206,111bb0n . 8 14 to Akn 'Grnmrlts.
erockery.ltnets•iul shop_+ of every- de?erlytinit.. 11. it
'mire, pal/ for -,•: . •
V.,4411 ta 114 . ,nnr
4,:affnal Sugar; Teas, iiap, TIVIPt . ; Ponders; Leuinn •
intrpp,.gpernt and Talton:Condit% Ilattnii :'.olarn: ;lava
and 'Rio Coffee, Pork, nackereb ftltafcq th nap
Montrone; tay; 18511- 1'
: • •
"niTtINTS. Lawn', ingh mg. nunnter C.Pelmere
_Cnriets, „ t.c.tCltenpetlANDLlMX.
• :Now
. ,
fiII'EAPEST yet, Rice 5 eto. poT pound,. Stig„:
U fi",l,..Sa Inntt us 7 cid... Onottlett - el/L. - 14 k
126 .,. ; ovi ne. joot-opettotl nod by
rato•by s • • •-.. I.:Vi)NS..ez; N(tlitt,
e•ss ,, Goods, - •
At the 4eadalliftirikatitin.4of,rori
t,f, kinds orgoodi usuldly kept .111 a conutri ;store.
- espectod on Monday Ovrt,lnclivlit, lrapsti.Liwl
nntr. Via& Ilalslo 4, Walt 'Tssis, dire s'gO ,lte, width will
I,c olTerrtl,very . low forhe p;m1.1 , - . —caltattil see.
-- trontrio, Aril 17,-185'1: F 11' OM.
Ante — stlouldfb a•N;
PROSE IditillSVC IIDIOII Imino and oboiddersto
di pose of:,
.Iv . lll 001441 to bring, Own, to tho
.bers, wo nos wishingtO &ce110...1101 , 01N , inmeifinteiy
Food.. Shaker,,. nochestertiorden
opened and foT!!al :44:40N9 SON.I.-
"UVAlsit-rifieth (ralted)Coddapjust uponvd 41111,0e'.1
tug at 4 Cants per poliri4l down,--
A 2,„ t, , L .
A •NEW lot Ladiee bbervi ,flciekivoy
, geintemeg's ',..12u1.4)er,e; ?fish
”p !! •,, 4p,,,lßet. received ti f rc , .•
NTIsY, tt-
Qi.ltaiTlNtlti And oblrelnie;tiotii. X 5.0 '2 , T. „VIVO Vide.—
kJ isatitilsbigh:as b ttepatcyde .11tOli8 '&4l,
'PErtiairefindro.lueerecilvillabli hi tali , by `.-
i 3 eirA situ
DtAlr6LLlM 3l ~Kat:g'Ha~tci~[s"K7si.Toxb-gioAEa. TA
Innis , Ac. .I.p!twten -00.414o013440.4111.0"071.
eduptbotto,colirrtt s . Oitightitr4l2,ll tt5Pl.l l ;
A 'Card.
Exciteincnt:No. 2I
, :mpc.ELl4DiF t pu,s,.:Aultsewns' t
--.;:lollialrymenand asmere.
Valuabletpropertyfor:Stale,-,-. ,
A ' RAM& ot 246 . 0cr0s situate Milkidersater tow ntOdp
ituteitiehiliurta Catuity sad 'state of - Pionsylra Ma,
ltia - MWee of Which-II nailer fpiod - ttallitoretheat, r.
The fawn Mao LI designed tor a Oily, and b repot/ref
reeding 40 ownitduriatraumMerrand :Mater:-, and ism,
pitl'iitittriell intend; Ille'buildlinCtiad /and
in 'food ittidAhs tences; Which ire et stun.
and rails arecalsogood.:, o large barns apart .
the premises, beudia* granary, and commit at chedir
for cattle:7 =Thief OrahardePristelpall.fof grafted fruit
!Mild town bite a very pliarent sad destiable'bieathin .
about todadles from Montrose, the (Monty seat of to, •
'enehinitut county, sad *bola the legnett's
asp Railmadi tO:whicb.the're fitglltilltomi In process
of competion, end ilOrl eatirmileat to nirsitinirsand
Aleo.tehools, and mitehantina - r:„
snother,Valuable ram Sidining lilliertir ran'
tabling 200 actelli-OtOldth 150 sew* Ix' ander s.VIgI
:nate oroultirathin. there;d4 a jams. /c r ..
&chips house, and out bulldlageto correspond end s,
liergetirebird:4l - biwell wattiedand fenced and silml%
rably adapted to dairy purposes...,
Said propertY wilt be dola renion able terra/Cairn r.
Mon of the pUrclallso money may reniatu upon Bend and
Mortmrgoto cult tlielinrchascr. .
Applicatioa nifty be made perrotially or' by letter to
Mon t Vltai, ileesilo Or tt.'d- Wen at -Montrose.
ronnty. and any (Luther, th at i ; e 'il• xdr "
el wiltbeetteri..--43tr " • • ' • =
rAtittilt Stories. . A Int:miler Ist just,reteirs i, • dirin
‘.7 be sold law teal' nboirent a eau and stia arti.
ale ;. . •=, • 11.11''• •••• T.
Ner.Vllrq!4.durie3,3S4l. - . . ;
-BA Imirrs itidenitus--4 pure article hipeuail era
i-,. Ale,- •tteisessing.Corapoutitt,,lor resink,
and cakes without yeast . . -• .
Pewter. bythenis ofeibleti eaten e
labor utiniebliie la tairendxial Injury' done to I
clothes. - For
,ala by • ' - • •. ' A •TUIIIti.LL
. .
Farms forSale,'
attlieiaiber•! .111- Agesits roithe irritate
- sate offleal 1, atato-4urma t ilosise. sad Lots-loo
ed hi aoquehionta gi s t . . minu t e.o rash to offer
. aids tlidpertY for.sala can a of
.their Fame or Lute as follows : Nainaber of ; acre,. how
ninny thiprovol, and bow watered 11411dIngs; O s ebard o .
grafted or. common fruit; li
other fratt!tre, aad shatlo
tretpl.l.lovr,fax frOM_Mon t rose, and the OcOretct point to
depo 6bn thO Now- York - 4E- Erie Itollrond; pries. and
:tempi n(ooyment. All wbo wheito eel forporebase End
Il , tere"",willi• Celia - prompt attention by_ ogling on .or
ad:leer-1w: ue et Montrcoe, niqOehanna eoubty, Pa.
• tr.reon ;clime° ftoos 31ontsosoto the presuisesfree of
charge. ..
Oilleo on Turnplko street, 4 doors *gest - ofothellriek
The rolitevtin,2 Parma and Lotr aroliow offend for Pale:
. ); 40 ages,3o Inlitel3Ted,Frante Ilooriand Barn.
No 2,00 Ale. 53 do .10do
8,100 00 do I do - - r' •do
nc. 5. 70 do 40 - dO . •. r ,. do do_
N0..n.06 do" 35- do . •do ;do "
tlioeo. Wese l. tee and Lot;.
N 0.8.145 actes7s tuoroved,franied house Ind
-0.'52,4 do '35 • 0.9 " " do, 'do .
N 0.10,2. - do I:- do • ;
NE).II, do do an4fr .
11,104 new.47o ImPeowed.fttinedhou.o"and barn
a. 13,340, do 200 do :do ;do, do •
N 0.14,50 -do ad do do do
1.4 0 ,15a09 do -60 do" do ••- - +do do
N 0.17, )00 do 75 do do 1. :do -; do.
N0.18.113' '410 . 80 do do 1-do ~
• No• 10, 200. do:150 do' t - •do do .
No. 20,115 do 100 --do -d0. , ; . -I do
N 0.21.100 'do 120 do . '" do ; do do
N 0, 2 -1. 00% ,do do do, t do • do
, N 0.23, 45 do 30- ,
do Jo do. -do
v.'s°. 24. 2a2 'do de , ". - do "do • do'
N. 025.12.5 .du 100:- . -do.; :--do • • ; da -
' "N 0.20,100 do 140" do do
No. - 2S, 11 acres goe4fsew milt and dwelling.
N ,
, oc reA, 90 un p roved, frate houssien4 bats
- No. 2d,11:, do 109 u; ra !- . cc! ..
--•- .
• No. 31. 135- do . 45 . 4 :- .c.. ';.O
. a,
No. 32,, 169 do 139 " • j, u
•N0.'83. - isor do-' 00 4 ' _ :
4 .
No. 34.150 do 100 - ' 4‘ -
No. 35; 150 . ; 1 1 4C
0:31 . 3 1 )A) do. 170,1. 41 ; is '44
No. 37, 190, do 140 -• . • .
* • "-
No"::>1, 170 - do 'IOO ' :
N0..30 173'. do. DO dn.! 3 . al; -
No. 49 so . do 44. du do -do ; do
,No 042-'72 * do 60 *do 'do do: dd
No. - 44 133 do 65 do .do do - I - de,
No. 45 809 do 200 do -; do •- do do
; • No; 46; 120 acrca:Bo trapccnied;fkatne boned and batt4
No. 47 2343 do 170' .".do -"do_ I ;d6_• do
N;11.--Peraonadcairiog ontebase anyor.4l4 'abciVe
pygivla g 4 th lawn bel can ob4alO. a falldeaoliwtloa., .
. • ALI7IIIIII Aursrts.
• • B •
11.113.C0CK1 3
".,r.diti.64o, Ortoliec,, 1350.-444f._ , .
• • " Iteagy-Made •Vlotising.;
LARGE imurtuait of fittest styles; jusreveart4
L and for sale - at IC 'malt advanee for ready pay.—.
SPITIT next door to Judge Tyler's.;' BOOTS suplBlloES.
now and good armament of I.fen's muffs and
:ne. Coif aud Morocco hen's 'hoz. N—Women's shoo,
(112 Int! and One—Mines, Boys and Children's..4 , hour: Thu
Int in town and probably..the cheapest received
. .
..I.; atm
A hen supply good 4140I;MCIA.
• Rooks. •
• ,
A general assortnurne:of Scheel Bnolii, emtnacing ev
ery variety used in the flehpota and Aeadevalestbrougts
out this reelml. Illbles, a.g.ent variety —Sunday -school
Books—Munk "Aecon:2l; Iloont.—Pass, I and Memoranda
Books. nod a lar;,ee Mane of Aliseellaneour /Man.
WALL' PAT'Elt—s new supply,of neWpa Items just te•
caved: Cap and Leaer . Papar, of the JIM _hi
the Warn or quire. Staple and Fancy Stationery, a
gemlassortment - Wm, Inkstands, Plater, Penile, Wa
fer?, Quills, Pena, illatehes,:Cornba,
vats, Men'sS.oeks. Suspenders, Shirts etc. — •
_ •
Snsur, ffee ,
and Ireas -
A oxtail en. 'Omit ling quality. Theft oho _`ant a
tool n rcicle tr adc 'ea, ca well atqlyson, will , pc:ll4p,
well to give t ea' calL . .'
Ali Few Triinks.
Fur Sae , EltrD , e drat below Judge Tyler's.
Nivitimuk. 3ttivtlB. 1951. ' OEO. V 11111971
• Coiner of Court and W ashington its.
!rim Subscriber takes preoruretu . aortounring to the
JL public; that in ennseinenee or tho ilberil patrci, ago
bestowed upon this estahUshment the past year he has
detcrlblitedpCnisantitalyto contlnue;theburineslln tang.
hareton. The steak comprises every style nal quality of
ilrue tr.' vln general we, far Table : and Toilet Vl!aie,
and ura be sold In setts or by the tingle article, Also, • a
variety of ' - •
and Fancy artieles, rcieh'.asPrnit Baskets, Card _Stands.
Colognetiottles; - rum, c„ together with s lwge stock et
G-11,U.5. WA It E. coasisti*c or -ept, pressed and
plain Tumblers, Goblets, yines, Decanter*, Fria Paoli,
Dishes. Nappies. Pitchers, Candlesticks, Lamps, Eptelo
- Jars, Tincturellottles,Ump (Nobel and Chimneys clad
sizes. ho. Also constantly. on band, in : uleortment of
Spirit; Lard , Polar, and Camphene
dotes, and IfollLanteras Also li large lot of.
trifiaow Shade', Tea Trays, Castors, jTable Matti;
tad. Gorman :Myer and Beittsonhil'ableSsd ten - Spoon.;
Table Cuttle . ry, &e,, all of which viii be sold very luw for
Cesh. :with iseeter:':d faelifees for brisitiess. and ttnrc-
Init't , ig at tuition to. the otints-orb* e'osownelw. the - .mt..
defralgnevi hopes to_ merit the continued patronage pt ,tbe
coramunitY, • Y. - . laltrsfrA CRS, Agent.
Itinchwitino,!q:42llb 4 18‘11 -7 , - , ,
COIIIIOIIIIO4 apritalo. •
TN 'OPFERING, mach celebrated :Spring'
1: to - thopublic the Sabicribers resitectffilfy *Melt
a -candid exaMinntion ss to its merits.: •As for its
rmieriorilly: over all 'other einingerlerihose. who
!tufo failed theio,beir wittier'. end this subseri.. Kerr nre'tvilling ,
to abide by th. o decision. It low
heir coital ally examined by Mitt', of schinee. Slid ,
by them cheerfully recommended ,to - the‘public..--;.
cerriette'cuu be built, seith.;thesu Sprimerchoup. ,
ec ;50 •lbs. lighter v lnive durable and for:ease it is.
'tont aqoallcd hy - a ny springs,noW , in . '
' All Sprints warranted.. 'Manufactured
Elk Lake, au't'o.-. Conati, F.
Armarnt—.L.43.-, & Sr ao
IIE übseribera Would inform theli friertda Axil ewe.
tnniers,' that horeitbrianding thidr 'severe" lon by,
elm into nee, they,trre.olda Iced the.,bot ding Worm ly
oeeupied . be ' essrs. Lathrop. early ..pp63;ta 'Erarle's
lintel. where they artreceiving - a 'lteah supply Of goods
from Neer Ewa; which together with their eel MA tar
ed nein the Are, gire.thentAnite a general easement
which they 'hypo to bo etablini. to keep's*, 'Norma)*
will compel thew TO sell mostly for ready pay. .tilsothi y
nib Say - to:their I usterneri that ere indeb!td either to
B , tyfr :/1)70 Co., that prompt home&
'a to' se ttbetibint ninst tiriiiinde of their sectehtr,cotee ice
ria tido lit the only tneansithey.harif to torpAlp their Isis-
Invas-4. a friend In need, hloVienitindeed.'!. The store
- nod 194 branch of their hallow, %MI LP carried 'on by
li. Aeyrelt Withrterrander EMT Of 'Balm it
Webster, thon lade - below the flick •
. • woethew. , 13.11.11A:rug&'eo.
'!' I • 7' . :: : : - titiv:. Att:ogeoenv U - .'-. -.
4..,isi i i;c:i4 - 4ii. - ._. and ksicib
' misiti:.:: :,,,.. :;..-. ; - F ., -'- 1 .
IV'S% W,MIITIt a Co. hwio'nei fully . OomTileted•
-.V V Their arrehsteineedifer tuatintaetwing and , keep.
lnR rotaittrintlfan hand all tad every.lind:Of Ilonertued.
KUMRUIPI ManUf* * Ct CW44:flit of the heat duality to )la.
tioganYa' Blatt' Waloutlltaplo, Choir Ind 'inberlum
her, and to the beef and molt dritab.ln manner, Aninng
rho artirten which titeyOtend to icepoWlimpt, or oink*
to onter.nro Mahogany; nbsekWalnpcCh.rry. and„ 4 3ln.
plellurenn.PSlde poardoi frarrettityfric
try, Card. Plor;snill other Str4lol o ' Pr' fret,' til•
pivot,. Ottoman., hio:ill,editendo
of all ItlnilPAnd start!, made iii!ahcro, i,t,Blls4`Wat
i.nut;flbetry, and .Ifaide.': - j..
AL$O.l-11aleropr.11iatk Valiant, curl ,lllrdstip
Maple, and - Fancy iMilrs , ,ortiv9ivaiietYAnit dvaellP -
Mon, whinlf fttry.lunn noir on luni.; and intond't keep
a eoustant,supply, AnYOttli,e,dualfetywili i. batopplied
few clop " _ ,
thoontringlbOxhnillgtartPeto oqlloitedo rolarrei
tt btha n ekA olut to OPOROc%!enabilkbfneta of the land
[T in 410,0,0..1410h eoi ddeupplyiverrfafidiv. - of Ulu"'
boldNurnliare.. geld late . the. tellifbia of.aefahnt'ite the.
OttleiTiir au& ertfides; 0,71100 to poet. orith Wirral
patron sail e- WM.V. aidiTa;
, - „A • . 83.11914
k.: " - itOBT: A. 1 1 ,11 Tm
;.a(naiicxe; Jag 11 -,0•40ii.,11 - „!#. purr !