The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 24, 1851, Image 1

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-401VRIV ,
the Democrat ,
• a rs si3Eljr,
Art thou sot lieu me with thy soulful eyes
'ilot weep forth sympathy—yet tell the while
hoarded'wealth of truthful lore that lies .
la-their dark depth e--come now my heart beguile
With thy sweet sorrowing smile?
A m ,( not gaiin on thy thoughtful, brow
Defighted still thy holy thoughts
from to
Dost-thou sat ial o Iten whig. le I call thee
face now,
Tay aoVegpleokiu.
Trith half an angel's grace?
Ilia art not here to smile amid the storm •
Of le i/bight blackness breaking o'er my soul,
Sot trestles to; clinsayound thy peerless form,
While lettered t onghts-that mock my weak con.
trot - •
Flash out on Memory's eeioil.
„11,:siii I see thee in thy matchless pride,
briesed shadows clasped their sable wings
Aloe by track--and sorrows wailing tide
Cloud its surgings with despair that brings
Eloath in its poisoned stings.
Net scold those 11.510116 from thy dreams depart s
Bet thickened, blackened, mocking all thy fears,
And dark•edged clouds gloomcd round thy youth.
fat heart
ia,gingthyroctsteps 'slanted by burning tears
Th roug h tog, lone, starless years.
,y pale meek eyes of azure hue were dimmed
sa fearfully at tear gemmed grief;
at many a rictorpsalm the aa:els hymned •
'hen thy plumed spirit found a glad relief
After a life so brief:, •
h lhon Wert one who long by suffering tried
t length become herein. winning pourer
.ctil ate:west woes were deified
teceiring with exultant drains thy dower
In Ilearen's a:trading bower. _ •
y and found those waters sweet
'here wavelets flash not in an earthly light,
pathway trod with slow and cautious feet
rem ilear and radiant to thy tear-veiled sight,
Piercing the mists of night.
,ine tea► the victory then—well mayst-thon sing
gy shrouded night became a starry way;"
st the' thy cap was filled with satiating—
y crown of thorns proud of magic ray
In Heaven's uuclonded day.
cm calm my spirit—let a prayer laud breathed
oh its dark heavingE, wild as troubled sea,
lin:El-presence with my life is wreathed ;
that which stilled the waves of Galilee
'Seems thy sweet voice to tne4,l, ,
The Cottager's Welcome.
IT co.E P. 5111613
' ted by I've a cottage that stands near the wood—
A stream glides in peace at the door—
bore all rho will tarry, 'tis well understood,
Geteive hospitality's store.
o cheer that the brook and the thicket afford,
The griever !we ever invite:
ou'reirekomeloqeely partake at the board,
And afterwards rpit For the Light.
a birds in the melting will sing from the trees,
'And herald the Soong god of day,
.en, with hirio uprising, depart if yon please,
,We'll set yew refreshed on the way':
' our coin for oar service we sternly reject; I
No traffic for gain we pursie,
, d 'ill the reward' we wish or expect,
We find in the good that we do.
saki:niece a pilgrims on life's weary road,
And many would wander astray, -
a seeking Eternity's silent abode,
Did mercy not point oat the semi
all Would their duty discharge as they should,
To those Who are friendless and pour,
s world would resemble my cot\ near the wood,
bad lice the.sweet stream at my door.
Take this late whose thrilling Jay
Our spell of joy urns wont to be,
Tench thou its cords when I'm away,
And they will speak to thee or me;
Or if in life no more we meet,
Should alienee shade one path of flowers,
Stalk those songs we deemed so sweet,
Beguile thee in the-saddest home.
fake these violets froM - My hair,
.Aloi though their purple tints:deport,
Tttf i waft soft perfume o'er the air,
141egratefol memories to the heart.
6, 4oeartb we meet no more,
1-1-'4is-dresms fade like these poor flowers,
.S.r quit still shall hover o'er,
,And Cheer thee in thy saddest hours.
Rea beautiful falls
rrvin human bitthat blessed word forgive.
Pergirenets--it hm attribute of God-.
Noonan:l which °meth Heaven..:_eettemegain
earth loat Feleu's hlooria, and fling'
Vi halcyon o'er the wage of life. -
t your
he, whose heart has been so scbool'd
n 11
neck lei:sone of humanity,
be caa give the utterance ; It imPoxtB"
lesl graudeu t to the human soot, •
m 441 1014 an angel. •
r'rr°fettional pomposity IT' well taken
ia the following anecdote, which we find
tiale English paper. 'Shields, dentist, (look
;lftned andspeaking slow.* "Well, mar
..'ll'idi taath do you want extracted !----,
iAt nolar-er an incisor?' „Tack, (short
~',L H 4 4P ;) 4 lt is tzt - . the upper tier, on . - 'the
lide Bear a hand - yon Swab, for
4. 6. lfilag my jaw like a bloody:' lobster."
Mitt2ll2 l ßU.
From Sortain'o Union Magazine, •
lIY:CLABA sonsros.
ai ,
No conqoeit sbe, brit o'er Nerself k desired ;
No arts essayed, but not to be , admired ;
Passion and pride Were to her Soul unknown,
Convinced that virtue only, is our atm. -
So:unaffected, so composed
,4 mind ;
So firm, yet soft; so strong, yet so refinvd.".
• ' (Pon.
" Ye's, and' itc too let hiin 'stand '.
In thy thoughts untouched by blame.
Could he help it. if my had -
Ile had claimed hitsty claim?
That was wrong; perlitips-but,then
Such things be--find wilLngain
Women cannot judge for men.
Thy brown eyes have looks like birds
Flying straightway to the! '
Mine are older." • • • -i f-
• - . rE. 1314nactr.
. .
Helen. Graham was in her; thirtieth year.-- ,
She was not beautiful; - but.lier thoughtful,
pensive cast . of conntenanee never failedle in
terest. Few could tell in What -her - - bharms
consistekfor her features were quite- :ordina;
ry. Some there were who -acknowledged-the
spell of mind upon mind ; . and they attributed
to the right cause - the 'sway Which she caer
eised over all who came within her sphere.'
She was not one of those ;of'whum, Keble
has beautifully said,:
" There are who sigh that no fond heart is theirs,
None lovie theth but,-olt vain and selfish sigh
Out of the bosom of his love He spares,.
The Father spires His Son for them to
for upon that bosom hadshe done leaned
for strength, when the earthly temple, in
which she had garnered too Many hopes, was I
shattered before her-eyes. She forgave freely 1
the hand that Wrought its 'destruction; she
learned tolook calmly upon the ruin; ay,more 1
than-that, she grew to thank God-that in the
crucifying of her earthly, Mfections, she . had
6:^n drawn nearer and tt.earei• upto Him.
Ettle knew-,She in her resigned and placid
life of the revenge Which her,bretheiliad vow.
ed, of the recompensewhich be had resolved
upon workirig out. It was aSin of whielishei
, had never dreamed—too terrible for her. belief
would hare been the thotigheof hii,usitrping
the power of Him who has said, "Vengeance;
is mine, I will repay."
When she heard the rumors .of
Dorrance's and his Wife's unhappiness, and af-'
tercvnrds of their separation; she, said to her
self, " There haS been blame upon both
and earnestly she wished that;slie- might be a
mediator betweerpthem. She called on
. 3lrs.
Dorrance, but received the unvarying answer;
‘Mrs. Dorrance sees no one." So week . fel- 1
lowedweeleopportunity and no occiirrel _
.One afternoon she was summoned -intkithe
parlor, to a person who was aWalting her there..
Upon entering she was struck with the singu
larity of the face df the new-comer. She no
ticed the anomaly of exceedingly light :hair
and jet black eyebrows and lashes. There
was something also in that thin. face (of a
deadly 'whiteness from the contrast of the
black bonnet,) that rivited he'r gaze Upon it;
while she taxed her memory to recall why it I
should so haunt her with-the feeling that she
had seen it before.
The young woman seemed embarrassed by
the scrutinizing-look which Miss
.Grifilm fix
ed upon her as she apprtiached.
Yon know me Miss GrhaM: she .said as
one would ussett, a thim.r.; not question. -
' :Helen answered slowly.
'Thank Godl then hu^will riotkuow me.'
Mrs. Dorrance! is it possible , that this is
you so changed ? how,yontrernble! poor thing
what has induced you to assume this disguise?'
_Briefly, Margaret 61E11er:history, 'only re-
Burying, that portion of it, which wouldlae pain
fal to Helen, as, involving het brother; and .
now, Miss Graham learned foithe first time
of the jealousy from which the. young wife
had suffered. Her heart ached as she saw the
wtetchedness which Margaret:had brotOttip
on herself, though-she did not scruple to con
demn Mr. Dornmee for his severity and - his
Through Mist Graham's sincerity, Margaret
was led to see that the esteem which her hus
band had manifested for Helen, bore
parison with the deep, all-absorbirig love which
he had lavished upon her in theirearly Married
dapst. -1-
Helen Graliam appreciated. the thoroufth
change which had been wrought in the thiiU
less woman of the world i to 'inspire ;in her
such self-devotion. as, she now, porpOsed to
carry out: choosing to perform the menial of
fices of a servant; rather than tO endure a long
et separation from her ohildren.
Willingly she wrote 'a note to Mrs. Egerton,
commending her in the highest terms•=spoke
of her as a gentle woman who had .. .known bet.
Iter and happier days; 'and ,suggested that she
, should be employed rather, as ; ritiniery-gov
ierness, having the entire' charge of the chil
-1 dren, anti the control, of - the servants who
should be needed t 0..• wait upon them. She
begged of her to engage her. at Once, as in so
I doing,
she would: perform an act • of charity,
which shespromised tci explain to her at Some
future day. ' • ;
.Mrs. Dorrance was to bear the name of Ann
Hastings. She left with the mite immediately,
her heart full of gratitude to Mi*Grahata for
her prompt assistance ! .
• . _
It was .n - ear. twilight when Rho reached—
Place. Inquiring fat' Mrs. Egerton, : she was
shown into the sittingroom. She waited what
seemed a long a very 'Ong time to her.. Then
the door opened, and her husband stood be
fore her. Her heart beat violently.
Egetton is engaged: he said; 'per-
Imps I, shall .answer as welL I • • -
She banded him the note4without Speaking.
As he turned towards the light,' to readlt,
L she ventured to let heieyes rest upon him.—
She saw that the-traces of sulferin,g were es
evident in his - c.ountenance asupon her own.
He - tniShed the perusal - of the note. .• '
regret to say that Mrs. Egerton-hiS en:
gaged a young woman- ' but lay 'child Veiy
and we may need other` issistanCe. ' I will
mention-this to he:r, awl you might call again
—say at two o'elock to.torroW.'
Margaret arose, and sta,ggeied •• ratber than
walked,to the
,door. adviinced-tO open it
f°r her- Their. eyes met. She felt faint and
siek, almost guilty, such a searching gaze did
he fi t tyPetr‘ber, iris' eyes gist:iced - to herlair,
and his coontensate then settled bacHitto-the
same and, gloomy expression- It bad . wOnl be;
AEI s.ho went out into air, her:heart'
leaped with joy that Oto.,!ind -not I?eett I:ecog
-. • >
`'the obit dairsheie unied' nt two', o'clock,
and. WAS engiged by -Ikits:•. Egerton. •
-•-: i.- ' • _•• . .-- ..• ',- - . , 1:A. watchful heart . - '.•
- _ Still couchant-;-an inevitable ear; , .
-- And an eye practiced like a blind mine tiiali."
- “-1 ~ .- .• •; 4 . •,_ ' . - • IVlrsanstvorrit.•
, . .
'....punished for enr:siiie we surely anti. and . yet
hovi often thy become oar blentioge, teethingWs
that which nothing else can teach us."-, L .
- - . - ' ' ' --:--- -. ; • tAtiros LoCui.'
The - Mild, - odorthis - breath 'of spring stole
. through the open' casement into the lof . ty lipatt
nient . where Margaret, • kthawn -only ins Mrs.,
Hastings, sat bending over her .charge, who':
Wag now -- convaleieent.
-Ida, when awake, would not suffer Mrs., l
Hastings to leave her sig,ht;• if she was oblig;
ed to absent herself, the little sufferer would
moan for her until her, return. Mrs Egerton
• often said that she. was sure- the child would
never 'have recovered, had she hid a less pa
tient and devoted nurse. Thii - physlehm said
so a 150... Mr. Dorrance said nothing: . He suf
fered.steamer a ft er steamer, to depart without
him, watching whole, days and. long evening
hours,ll the bedside of his beloved child. ,
--. Hany Was - the 'only one that Seethed to have
taken a dislike to Mrs. Hastings. - - She would
often coa.ihina to come to her, but ho would
only edge himself farther oft, tilt he reached a
corneref the room, - where, with frowning eye
brows, he-would look upirom under, his long
lashes, and Oak() months at her,in his roguish,
independentiway.. - '' -
This pleasant spring day Mrs.. Egerton had
availed herSOf of the warns atmosphere to - take
Harry out upon a drive. - She had not seen
/ Miss Graham yet, to thank her for. proenring
so patient' a 'nurse; and of course she had not
a auspicioft of who Ors. Hastings was, never
having knOwst her nephew's wife. • ..
In the, 'heal time Ida; lept, and her mother
I bent over her,her heart 11 of thankfulness to
i lk, kind'Heatetily!fathe who had spared her
' child. to, her,. - ;-,. ~ -.: - .. • - •
During her weeks of continued watching,
the: religious
,itistracticin of her early.yOuth had
conic op before her with renewed, freshness.
The L noble sentiments mid :devoted .affections
of her heart, which had seemed to be extiti
guislied by.ianitY ve' - and • the lo of pleasure,
had been rekindled, and they poiv shed : their
holy lig'it'through her 'el:ill!. All her, interests
in life•had revived,' now that she' had taken
held. of its duties. .She sonly.needed , a return
of her basic:m(l's love, to - fill.tbe Cup of her
earthly- happiness-a 'happiness deeper - and
more rational than life ,had ever before yield
ed her. :. -' - z
.AndnOw while she watched Vie slumber of
her innocent babc,she recaited,us she . had done
many times; efore, the errors for which her
punishment .had been so severe. 'Her vanity,.
her pride, Wer obstinacy; she saw in such a
Oaring ligh4.that.involuntarilyshe passed ono
hapd over, her oyes us.though, she could thus
shut it out. .
A footstep fell, upon - her ear, and glen. ing up slip saw Mr...thrrance looking at her.
The expression . of eyis changed suddenly
she thought she detected in them ti shade of
sympathy at first. 'HO Said, -
'Mrs:Hastings, has my aunt told you that
we shldl go into the country in another month
:--to her place on the Hudson?'
No sir, she .answered, . her eyee.dropping,
under his steady gaffe.
'1 suppoSeyou would prefer remaining with
your.eity friends to going so far with us?' he
continued. . •
, 4 ,Ne, no, not for a moment-4 have no
frikds—that is—l mean that .I love your chil.
dren so well, sir, I weal& follow her to the
ends cif the earth,' she" answered very much
erabarrassed: i • ,
There 'was along, Silence.
Mrs:Hastings, have you heard my history?'
. I have, sir.',.
' Another silent°, dieing which she walked
to ;the window to conceal the morning glow up
on her cheeks. " • •
I wish yoli would sit down,:tdrs.,Hastings,
and listen to It from my own lips. I would
like to know if it is as you have heard it.'
' Indeed, sir, -I know the whole.. It must be
a painful - sebjeet to'you, I would not mall
she said as she resumed' her seat.
'No need have Ito !retail it! It is ever
present with me. Will you tell it to me as
Ton have heard it?—it is'a - relief to - me to talk
- about it to von: • - '
lier heari, heat fast; she summoned all her
'Your wife, sir, as I understand, was young,
I giddy, and yain; she did not study your happi
iness itsshe ought; you grew cold towards her;
sae thought that she diseovered did
I not love her as fondly as you . did another—'
I Mr ; porrance gave a start tS surprise.. Mrs.
'Hastings continued, 'she grew prond,and.very
wretched; she would have acknowledged all
, her errors, and begged for a return of. your
lore, if she had not felt that you' had deceived
her; and So things'grew. worse and worse, tin
', til they terminated id a separation. "
I d You have; not told all; will you let me El
i ish the story 3'
'Certainly.' ,
I.worshipped my -wife 1. My affection for
tHelen Graham 'Was calm:as a Eirollier'i love;
Ibutwhen year 'after year passed, tuid my wife
grew more and more regardless of my wishes,
I did recall the calmer emotions 11. had• felt
for Helen, with something like -regret. , Cue
, night, after my wife had sent Imo from her
presence *ith harsh, galling worlie s she admit
ted clandestiriely,a num 'Adios° chlracter I de
spised—a subtle, intrikuing man pf fashion,
whom I had fort4dden to pay her •ffarthei at
know not how-long be remained
41th her—st4p, heat me through:-4e seldom
Mrs. Hastings, with white, lips, rose and:at
tempted te answer him. 'From that
,hour I
Steeled my heart a,:,crainst heiL-God Enotis with
what diflieulty! That rain: tame to trio, he:
asked ins if would 'anew him to wait'upon
my . {vife to some:theatrical exhibition,: where
they were both to take a- part. I. answered!
that I shOuld make no' objections; that: She
could do its atm dime. but that if' mho went,
she should never-enter tny -dooristgain.?' went,
, Again Mrs. Hastings essayed to speak, and
again Mr. Damien, prevented het Hecos
, — ,
`That night I sent"her to' her fath'ees honie.
In the morning there earee's fetterto . nte from
her. It softened mY heart to forgiventaiv.fir
I Avis fool
,eaonti to fielieve her protestatiOns
ofinncreence• I wrOtenianswer, saying that
I would come to her linnedfatety. Twent tar
her desk ;for an envelope—there I fothid alOck
of her lover's hair"; end in her imi-wittintr
acknowledgment of it as =eh. 004 God!
)oalrun,:nam?i, ILlTELYNalt,manimvoil, maann,
~ -
I know not:what sustained me with that damn,'
irgtevidonce before my eyes! • Woman, can
such thing's boi forgiven I - Ansn'tir me : the
Heaven which you bellere'bri, is there ` u' place
Tor such treacherous souls'? " '
Idra. liaslangs had remained standing: - Sho
trembled from head. to foot, at. Mr.•Dorrance's
' It Wainot So,' it Was no t r.she answered
etiergetiCally; 'Ohl conld you have believe d alltins of one who'neverhad a feeling of love
for living man but pouf- -,Ldid not know that -
,earth had stickfiendti that wretch - Graham
liai•Proven himself:to b blr. DOrranee, I
know j our wife; If I 'Mind:ice you lhalshe is
still worthy - otiontlovei as far as her truth
fulness to. Sou is concerned, will you -forgive
her error's, and receive kecliack to. your love
as . she yearns to
_be received
will, so WO Me God!' • • --- ,
Mrs. Hastings resumed her seat,' and, - sup-
Pressing her emotions as much- as .she waS
able, she proceeded to, given MI history
everything that had 'occurred: W4Sn she came
'to the lock' of hair, explaining •the Motives
tyhich hadindliced his wife,still speaking of her
.as a third -Orion, to 'enclose it and lay it in her
- drawer, he-drew nearer to .her, and seizing. her
hand, pressed it fiercely between fiis own:,
His•eyes gloWed with the intensity.of ids feel
ings; and when "all was eiPlained, he caught
.her wildly to his breast And straining her tight;
ly to it, sobbed like a child. He seemed delir
ious with, joy. • •
In , vain she endeavored to release herself.
•'ilLirgaret!_llargaret!' tie crick you must
never leave Inc one Molnent again. • My oWn
good, pure, wife! may God bless you as yott,
have _blessed ,me this hour, and, may He forgive
Meefor the injusticel have done you.'_
Sits threw her arms - around him—she laid
herpoor-aching head upondiis broad breast- ,
she also begged forgiveness. . - .
Oh! .that,was a holy and happy hour.
When'the first violence of their emotions
subSidedi . MrS.'Dormuce questioned at what
part of - the history-she had betrayed herself.
- 'My poor Margaret, did - you think you had
deceived inywatchfeleyesl I knew con, dar
ling, from 7 the mornent yeksteod trembling at
the door,when yOu'brought me thenote of rec
ommendation front :Miss = Graham; I - kneW
you, and hundreds oftimei since has my love'
been upon the point 6f betraying itself. ; Oh,
my precious wife, I thank ,God for the misfor
tunes that have retealed our hearts, to , each
other.' • '
And great reason had they both to thank
Him; And_
Very seldom is it, whea pride and
jealousy and suspicion creep in to separate two
I heartS, that any after reconciliation can entire.
ly rout out the 'Weeds which :have sprung up
in. rank luxuriance Muter their baneful influ
ence. More -frequently the 'breach' widens
with years ; each grows to think the - other the
aggressor, and that complete isolation takes
place which his's() terrible to contemplate.
In society, such instances . are constantly oc
curring; and if in any one case the ditlictilty,
.could be traced kilts foundation, I doubt net
the cause,woild he found to' be -as trivial es
was the first event in the story I have narrated.'
Women do not•sulliCiently comprehend the
responsibilities which they take upon them
selves in' the marriedlifq, Instead of looking
Open - marriage as "a career of -devotion," as
!'• an exercise of virtues often difficult," they
seem to eXpect the homage of the lover to- be
continued t_ and, disappointed at the outset,.
they indulge themselves in "sentimental re
proaches" until there is danger of their hap
piness‘suffering shipwreck ; for men soon wea.
ry of the" little scenes" in whithwOmen so
often squ,afider their eloquence. -
-Again, there are instances where • the wife'
haS faithfully performed her duties, and yet
she sees a change gradually taking place ih
her husband. • The rose-colored tint with
Which she had invested the future, gives place
to a.cold - and leaden hue as the love of the
chOsen one seems to dinainish,abserbed'bv the
world and its , pleasures. But even then there
is hope., Let her watch occasiona.for Malting
sacrifices; let her she* -that ; her husband's
happiness js still herpredominant study; above
all, let her avoid all reproaches; and no one
heart in which the flame of love has everbum
ed will long remain prod to such devotion.
From this digression we will - go back to
and Mrs. Dorranee.
" Aunt Egerton, was horrorstruck upbn • her
return, in finding the timid and retiring Mrs.
Hastings" seemingly entirely- at homeln her
nephew's 1111118.
Howard Dorance attempted no explanation
in words, but he pulled off the close lawn cap,
and the flaxen perruque, and as Margaret's dark
hair fell around her, Mrs.. Egerton could not
fail to recognise' some traces of the beautiful
Crayon in the'library, which she had so often
stidiedvlith interest since she had become an
inmate Of that dwelling. '
Impulsively she folded Margaret to her heart,
for the sufferer had won a place there, to the
extinction of all prejudices, by her gentle, pa
tient Ways and unwearied devotion to her siek
• Harry als4 knew his' mamma now, and no
longer, refused to come to her arms, .
There was a happrpartjr at WeodlaWn that
summer, -
At Margaret's earnest • pleading, joined to.
ltlra .Egeiton's kind. persuasion, Helen Gra
ham Accompanied them, participating in all
their pleasures with her unselfil heart. Her
brothei had gone to Eurepe.
:The world said that it was very strange.
that the proud Howard' Dorrance , Ahciuld. re-.
ceive back his wife; but the 4%4rid:Over kneiv
heliv much they rejoicedin their brief
tion, as an event ordered by their Path
Or tn-britig them 'nearer to each other;. rind to
_ .
PirttionsAt - --A Yankee gentleman convey,
lag a British. gentleman -around' to view the.
different objects of :attraction in' . of
Boston,,brought him. to Bunker. LIU . They
..stood looking at the splendid shaft, when the
Yankee said,`"This is the place'where Vtrar
ren fell." " Ah!" replied the Englishman; ev
idently mitliosted up in local historieal -tout;
ters., 4l hurt tam. rouchr The a 'five
loolleitat him with the expression '<if tb eon'
Fourth of July's in his countemmee.
hint," said he ;" he was killed' sir." , a th e
.was, eh?":said the:stranger, still ayeitig the
monument, and computing:its height hi his
own taind,laYer by . layer; 14 Wetl,_ V should
think do Would have hen, to:. fill 'so -far."—.
The native pre his tair, but it:owe hi m _ i t
good opportunityto entail's upoll thegloriotis
events connected with the hill, and th e hew.
fits therefrom flowing for onr somewhatext e b;
sire cotthtry,and soon talked himself into goOd
httMor. - '
itaitins flt WEst--Of-the 100,000
inhabitants of. Wisconsin. In - ore:than - one-half
ot,the population are enid,to,be Gentians. .1'
Drqiateie Amodote.
The following interesting story that went
the founds of the'papers some yeiri ago,. is
well worth'repeating.. The late - Mrs.'Jordan
possesied a - heart susceptible of the Most ten.
dee and humane emotions, and these were
called into action by the least approach of mis
ery or distress: During hershortstay at Ches.
ter, where she had been Verforming, her wash.
erivoman, a widow With three children, was by
a merciless creditor, thrown into prison. _. A
small debt of forty shillings bad. been wolked
up in a short time r ibyl law expenses, into II
bill of eight pounds.; As soon as Mrs. Jordon
heard of the eircumstances`she sentlor the at.
torney, paid his dedand, and observ?d,-with as
much - severity, as her. good nature could as.
You lawyers are' certainly infernal spirits,
sent on earth to make poor mortals misers.
The attorney, however; pocketed the affront,
and with a low bow Inade his exit:
Od the afternoon of the.funne day, the poor
woman ufaa liberated. • As' Sire... Jordon, With
her servant was taking her usual walk on the
Chester walls,;:the widow with: her children
followed her, and just es she.had taken shelter
frodta shoWer . of raid in' a kind of porch, drop ,
ped on her, knees, and with inest gratefulbtno.
dons exclaimed=-i,•
'God forever. bless yeti . ,'madain,. you, have
saved tne_and my-family. from ruin
The, children, beholding,tlfeir mother'itears
added; by their cries, to the affecting, seene. , —
which a seifsitiVe nand could not behold with.
out strong feeling of sympathy. :
.• The natur a l liveliness of Mrs. Jordon's
position was not to be'dainpened by:sorrewful.
scenes; however, though she strovelo hide it,
the tears of feeling Stole down' her cheeks,
and stooping to kiss the children, she slipped
a pound note,into : the mother's hand, and in
her usual playful manner replied—
There, there- T -hoW,A's 'all over; go, gibed
Woman, God bleis you; don't say another
word. : • ' - '„
,The grateful creature- would have replied,
.but this geed : female Parmtritan insisted, on
her silence, and departed:
It so happened that arither - persOn had - ta
ken libellee under the porch,nnd witnessed-the
whole of this interesting. transaction f WbO as
soon as,Mri.. Jordon observed him, .eame for
ward, and (holding, out his .
with a deep si:zh—
'Lady, pardon the freedoth of iv Stranger,
but would to the Lord the world was all like
The fig,nre ef this tnanbespohe his calling.;
his Countenance was pale, and a suit Of sable,
rather the worse for *ear,: covered his tall,
spare person-, The penetrating eye of Thalia's
votary soon developed his, character and pro
fession, and with . her svonted ood huntor,
retreating few paces She
'No,l won't shake l ' tinds with you,'
• : :•' -
'Because you are a Methodist-preacher, and
when you kuOw who. I are - you'll send tne - tp
the •
The Lord forbid , ' I am, as you say, a prek
cher of the gospel, which tells us to clothe the
naked, feed the hungry, and relieve the dis
tressed: and do you think I can behold a sis
ter so cheerfully obeying the command of our
master, without feeling that spiritual attach
ment that lea& me to break through worldly
customs and offer yod the hand: of friendship
and r .
, .
Well, %lien! y ou are a d old soul, I dare
say: but I don't like farkaties," and you'll not
like me when I tell you who I nth'
, I 'hope I shall.' : ! '. : .' . .
Well then, I tell 3,!0p1,at0 an netr3ss' The
preaeher sighed. 'Yes, 1. am a player, you .
mast' hive- heard of ine,.ink name is Mrs.. jor
don.' i •
After a short pause he again extended his
band, and with a complacent countenance, he
• The Lord liless you wherever thou art ;
his goodness , is unlimited ; he has - bestowed
on thee 'a large portion of his spirit; and us-to
thy calling, if thy soul - upbraid . thee not, - the
Lord forbid that I should.'
Thus reconciled, and the rain-having abated
they left thelmrch, together'; the offer of his
arm was accepted, and the feniale Itoseins of
comedy, nnd the melancholy disciple . - of,John
Wesley, proceeded arm in arm to the door of
MrS. Jordan's :dwelling.
" •
At parting the preacher hook hands_ with
Iter saying—
'Fare thee well; sister ;• Iknow not what
theprinciples of people of thy calling may be:
thou art the first I ever conversed with; but if
their benevolent practice equals thine, hope
and trust the Lord will say to each—n'hy sins
arefargiren thee: • 7 -
Refreshinea Bat-Rlemory.
I was once on my way North, when, rit2one.
Of the regular stopping-places, a young couple
Who had been waiting, took, .passage .
,At the lady's partieular. -request, ;they
Were furnished witli seats outside; for; j said
she, 'One that travels in' the - country' far' the
first time is eager to see as much of the seene;
Ty as .possible: i •
This, obscrva on sounded rather amusing to
me . as you wi:l believe When I 'tell you that,
at first glance, I hadreeogiiiied fit' my lady
passenger -a - '2l.fiss',F=—.of•-, - N.•11.
She. belonged to a Foot family, not,ov,er intel
ligent or reputable, , d,, Up to . tivp_ rears he.
.fore,liad never been a hatf-doithl. Mil - CS-from
her hOrne. At that titie• As I well fenieniber
she had left tor Boston with the profeased
tention.of going into senicd as a chainbeitoaid
and judging from the quality, of her dress and
the quantity of rings worn. outside pl. her
'gloves, she had found the lnisineas, Very prcifit
She cvidently7:retained 'no recollection• of
me, for as soon us her companion and myself
had succeeded in tderating the 'timid creature
to tlle position:she . lind 'chosen,' and her'fearri
had been so far soothed as to ;induce-her sto
desist_from giving atevery plunge:9ll4e hors
es, a pretty; little, incipient shriek, she.. turned
tome and asked H -. ,•,_
*Have you usually reitlitled In the :cotiti.
-1 =We:ed. - intim -
f. Dear Met' she exelttimed, tossing, her head
right and left, 'how con/dyou This . seenerry!
theyOung lady' had WaY of pratraeting. the
sound of 8 tteyorid all Preeedent-- 4 thitc.
arty is certainly most exquisitely Wertdid to a
person of sensibility, but never supposed it
possible for me, With my taste for amttseniente
and • fasbionabhf.aiscseintety' to -survive lobg
away.from the city.'
Po you re.membor, Jerom Avgastes; tsbe
,FE - 3 anomm.,,
continued, smilingly , addressing tile half-ripe hlitonversatiOn;With a poor•nian,3vhin a' rich'
dandy, who, it was easy to pereelve,;-400d in I man entenid his store,) 1,
the 'relation to'her favoredloier, that I'• neverhave , known•amhite - .lvni•ded-h , airy
told you how I - used syppOse that, nobody faced ellice.geekerlto•be;NeryionttrsinCtilth
lived in the conntry, except . horses, and cows, Poor-maw atterelectio*.ik:
and sheep, and all such' sort . of animals, and -• •neveehave knownninan strictlylind , mom;
surprised and astonished `I was to as. inity , hortett to becornei rich by ins own daily
certain that all the people &not rosoitie in the -iabor. • ' , "1
city' ; ' - - - I 'never have.; knOarh•
With such ridieulotis nonsense as this, ac.P tionist - that-Would put. a negro into his".best
comp:tilled by airs' none' the less ridiculous; -•• 4 1 , 4
Miss occupied 'a full hour tin 'unlike •-• I - never : hate: known: tt -loinisteiuf fife Vies:-
her beau who seemed: to listen%With suprrwo peliliat•hated.the:-i-oinen.• i-• 3 •-,
admiration, I grew heartily sick;' and I-nevertmiettunvir a:man.hile beti.ii;thtur
I had previously no thought'ortikpOSing'hen! he should bc:'•
I determined- to seize the :firstoppcirtuiiitk i to
bring, about a, change' in allliirst; ,Tust -ai I
came to this conclusion, we' were, passim., a
pine grove. Affecting the: greatest
: possible
degree of curiosity, the lady pointed to it a and
cried oat, . • ' - • : 7
'Oh!. Pray, see, dear -Jerome •Aligtistus!
Mr. Driver, can vou inform me ,what species
of trees thern aro
_ .
1 Miss . F
-z--,' returned T, in . full voiee, and
[looking. her direetly in the thee; " - you ma 4
rposies4-11 remarkably_ poor . : memory, or y o u
would never have
_forgetter), sk tonell in so .
short a time. ":Theni-treeS are pipe—the same,
you, recollect, as .thriSC:Cihlol 'Cl'oupose the
swamp iu S—, in the - middle, of wide!' yon
Wert! born and bred.; And of ly:look ,thi:r4?,' I
addeckdireiiting what
be a earicalure_ of a horse, gmzing •by :the
rtindside,'"doesn't that look' like Elie very shine
Deaths pony von used:to ride out - of the vil
lilaire M. the mill P . - - ° NO one, except Mr. ..Teroine , Augustua and
myself, can' ever have more than-a tolerably
accurate idea of the 'conntry:city lady's lOok's,
at that moment. The former personage evin
i •
; not as much confusion, qu4e,. es nioeli
surprise; as herself. For the: space of . ten
minutes not a avllable 'further ivai spOlien." - L.
Then ;as the :liories - were stopping :te - take
breath before eicending, r it hill; the young lade her gentleman, in a very subdued
tone, that she-felt ',dreadful chilly,!Mad would
. . •
„ „ •
On my attempting to assist het duim, she
smiteheci hnrself, to One shle; le4ed In 'the
eoacip;irheel;•and from that to' the - groimil
a eat, broke,open. the Auer, :thrust' her la*
ship into the. vehicle, and' tiya4 . risibhe ,tat:tuy
eyes no motor—American-Union.
A peibus Wedding.
A writer in the NewNork Scut thus relate's
the experience of n Westem minister,:44 :he
heard hint give it in:.
.The 'most Soleinn wedding . I evei &tend•
ed was in IL You have all, dontalss, seen
singular things.your ettuntry eirperienee
in that line; but mine is unique -,prodigious
—appalling. One; evening, just at dusk—i
was waited on by' a 'eadaverouS looking 'fel
low, who mysteriously intimated tn . : me that
I was wanted that evening in a hymeneal . ea
• 4 1%g, fellow's hat ',was. not all .d hat,' part
of the brim-was gone.' lie was a landhold
er, evidently, fdr his i'ints Were . coming . ,in.—
bootS were not rights and lefts; they were
both lefts, having been thrown away by a - for
mer wearer: ndr Was there .any vestige-of
rectitude in. them. - As to his- buttdns,.they
were litiO verbs—legular,.itiegular, defective'
His.tout ensemble was: gypseptsh ; and lie
was evidently in the preliminary stage : of A
dumb aipie.
After minute- directions as - to my 'mete;
1 suffered this messenger of Cupid to take his
departure, and prepared myself fora wed
ding.' 211 y toilette was'aoort. made, and I
lien forth.- - - - •
It was a pleasant moonlight night,-;and I
myself outside the village, neross
the canal, in a broad marshy , field, tilled' With
bushes' • After about_ three miles *aiming I
drew nigh to a log house conteining-a single
room and a loft. I .found the • door open . and
entered. , There was nobody Within.. 'The
room was literally empty. : There was bed
no table, no chair, no bench, not the first Vest-
Op. of a piece of furniture- nor of a : cooking
1 utensil, except the fireplace. I -suppose
places . are cooking utensils, and' thisWatiA
i • b
lirme -one - There waS no fire in it howiter,
lonly a couple of •smoking brands. • •
I.stood looking—weitingr:Avondering.
Coul 'I, have, missed my way I No ; the. di
rections were toe preciSe. Could, there be . a
plot to murder or rob`?:.
`A deep ,sense: ;of. etre settled on fnie: , I
[was about to call - alond,tvhen n.'noise arrest=
ed My attention.. .I looked .to!the 'Cotter,
whence the sound proceeded, and there I saiy,
I was mistaken in saying there was no /dna;
tare—there li•ati a: ladder; with every, Alter
round broken out, and a squarcnaited.on,) I
lOoked.,:and' saw a pair of boots , Corning down
followed by - no other than - thzin'iny agde:strick-,'
eh friend: The bride folkoyed 'next, in ia' - stri- .
ped calico dress, and a bonnet which -- trns*
horn, (probably), so called from its reseMblance
to, two familiar nature—a leg, of be.;l
con and a horn of ivhiAey. • . - '
'`The pair confronted red; the - bridegroom 1
in the blue stage:of ague—the .Itride : in 'a blue l
ealico;nnd stood in mute anticipation. t - ise*;
they expected toe to marry, themi I berm'- , ••
I took breath' after a short prayer. - I nal
'think that prayer': was pirtiCularly Maid.
progressed successfullythrough the prek;ribM
I pronounced I.ll . ein mah • ruitl . wife; . !
and again entered upon r rqueludingl
prayer.- •
AS . 1 ceased speaking ; and opened ifyloyesl
I:found I w alone.. Bridd ,And:bridegromul
had disappeared while I with unction. had been
interceding far tbern, end what
* they' Were a 4.1
ing I could not tell: . ; •
The, frogs and crickets Were singing- rincr 7 ,
rily. I walked thiee .miles and .halt to my
home - and'Went bal. And- do you believe]
It ? I never got any fee.'• Take' it. all in a 11,.,
it was the most solonn 'Wedding I'ther atten
ded::: - '
* I hvi:t never istio'vert a /mot.* mao
Ttemium at a fair; whew thetv w aii h thin
tit competb with biol. „ •• e • ' ; •
never have ; ; known motally•l'dishoneat
limn to besomo ittorstlix,lttme4t, becopliag j a
churchmember.' — "
I never have known a real)y peor
v o t e d wetly in3porttnt_efflee; let hie intellect
And qualifications 1)e. evert*
I never have knewa..a minister ,of. the Geo
talN called (by - God) fronts high, to slow
salary._ • i•
never Noe known a poet' men Mspeited
because he. Want l oo4 •
1.1 have _never ~IcniM,it enn'tnani
• r
- .••• I t •.;3,v;;
• ,„
ii;. i? ':~lJl'1~t~
sy,'stwr i&CQIEä orsszax
'The mrkie4ty th'e'S'eripttirei aiteontsb Met
tiw saeredgessOf the Gospel, speaks to My .
' :Si;O" the Writings .Of pitile'sePhels
With all their pump " pley_not inferior to,
it I: coota d book ,ok simßlp and eti• profound .
at: the Same time be, the wnik_ or men'? :Pould
it be that ma M
n acip.this historyof himself?
Is! it tht; style attambitininit. and 'enthusi- -
asticiSciihel :purity in -
its tOu j ching'gra'ee - in: •
strnetiOnlitit subliMi t y m
wleit - Profontid !wisdtini - its'tlfseeurees--
What . p_reScatFe 'of Wlik•linkchnity . and
1 . what, justicehis' replies; and hat demtniOn'
'Over his Passional:. 'AV/14re' g the mOrtal i •
where is the 'sage, WhOilineW how
.te net, to
'fitiffer, and to die;.Withont - elthir weariness or
ostentation? Wheri he. Portra 1401114 h.
ar'y just' man :ileyeid of all 'opprobrium n and
crime, and deservinit;of ali 'the. prized of virtue
he painted' Jesus 'Christ' - Teattire toileature:
the.resemblaneeis so,,,glaring, that:, all the fa ,
tliirs;liai•e'pereeiiNd that, it is impossi.
1 , 31 e to ;;:What bigetry l blind
ndss., W,a9, it to 'dare ;to; 'Coinpare the ion'. of
- gzilibtoo to the sett; Of'grtry! . .", What a : distin,-
'tion bet Ween, the one Slid pie "fittferl:, S era.
'tee: diing sad.
hiniselr to the last - dfhis part;
and if that :Pah/lees
. d; . ;atif' had; not „honored
his'life; one niiiht dOnlit. if Su rites, with all
hEsgerthi,s, ' ,wo other" thai'a sophist.' For ,
SoOth, they . tly' wa4 theiariginator-,of roof=
Others had pot to pr,a`ctic before
h im; he did bothiktrtere'ilnin describe %Wiat.
they ltd done e ; he ,Ithd,.Witt . p', ptit fore
their;:firdepts;and ;. 'Aristides; had
been;_before that . 'oe,rites 'lnAddeorared
What justice vasi.'Leaitidailtad‘'died ll•tr' his
country; before'ibit . Seerate:4 proclaimed
one hught to lcn'd `his'eontitryi,`SPirtans Were
sober,, - befbre' that' 'Socrates ;had
.lauded theist'
sobriety before' their virtue 'Waspaised.--r
Greece ;bqiind e dliif virtMona hien ; - hrtt - front
whom apien'4 eonfitrythen' had - Jesus t.•.. 0
ken those 'moral; elevated; and - . Mire 'ideas, of
.which he alone has and exam. .
pies?Vhe'death 'of Sorates, diseoursingplik
losophy With his friende; is aY sweet
titre :Ls One:eark cletire,,—that'of 'Jeans, e.xpirz
lug in torments,, injured, at;, accursed
by:every' one; is the , tnost,herriblepittere :ono
Call surmise. ''Sverofqi,teeeHni , ,the.,ppikoned.
bowl s , hlesies thosewhO, , weepin g presente d .
it to _ him'-Jesus, in the' midst nrfriglliftil:ter,
tore,''solicits "Wes:Sings " . oti Ms "enraged t o r.:
mentors.,=Yes,ff 'the. ailif 'di'aih of S'riera-t
tes were rose of a Wiseman„:the* life, arid' ifFath
if Jesus were th.oe.of . a' God. '
DEATH IS the - city while men
dare brawlingand, bits} , in the'Cr o ivded streets,
eath - is entering the Secret 'ehainbers, imd
friends sit iiallid by the ciairehed'ef the breath
iles s, or '4lrinlilit',iri the 'sigh which
'bears the'aikul to neaten.: Death is' :silent:
[ those whese very look spoke lei life,pass
frorn our sight, as; the, shadow- froin the - dial
and the music 'of their Words - beeohresaxl ech
; oes in the distance of our memory.. ea Is
'living hatietiththiders in the strife of
war, but when the' contest id oVer, Death,griflu
and speezlileB.4,l.4`nioriarch'of the field:'Death
is'silent.' Tempests :shriek madly apini the
ocean, and many are they who 'ainle'vath, this
I requiem into their fathomless-grave but froth
the depths' of that Biiblithe Sepdlegreno donna
comes baelt tn . ' tell Of ',theib who
Death is silent; Yet' not '`entirelY; silent ;it is
to'the ear, - bet not alwaye . to ;Ike hearf-;. Our
brethrefflare still bound to 'n's;
I they' have hot cenaed'te The:re f -it. lynch
to berfett and learned where'll - 4
rest. :
I lies Troth 'fbe'T - Proud
mtirt i tr'rnenument; itafirreditiiifrintitlie , varaity
that overlies his'ela;y: 'l'hei•e fs Pathed In the.
selitude Where the' titibri',fter Sleept'i".therels
mute ele(juenCe'cui ; - there ,
is beatify in the'poerinatta epitaph; inscribed
honestly; by affeetinii;'theVeild Stibilmili Lathe e
'rude deulpture-Of the paint:lt'd tomb, ,-11erii it
I J 8 the 'effort
And it it such laitli tibia itakataifor front
'the pewit. et death,; - :ited:ileaPaiti-fliun - t he El.
lenee of the rare There;thatitt which:
is not'all clay: - .That'which 'beltinge earth
must to earth : 'but when earth
gets hack o.64l:gniliers up And calls
home his spiritt.. 4 4oisciau:tdon - - Lye, All:'Reo:.
Kenfi' Giles: •
p..::lf I were a farmer, appears tolne,twOul
devoto,thy .wholo, attention to the.: cuifivolion
!Ail my farah•elpthearld fend .163 t servonts. well,
I take care of my-stock-mond tho
tiendes, , tako:a .fair. price, for my frOducoil'And
I.never inaulgo4n iclleness, and ,diasipatiork,
If,l were,.‘a; Janet, ,;wouldinet• charge
!.poor five donors - for a few, words 'of pi,
if I were a physician; I could:Doi intro. ion
science' to charge.itptunch,ns they .for
lino the pulse or ortrotting, tihtootii.. - toking a
blood, or athrdnietenn" g lt , dosh of taloulel
and jolop, 11
7, If I, wertr.u,uterchruitLEltouldaavo ;mu e,e:. •
tablished price:Thr iny:goods,i , anduot
sell or , injure: my & neighbors...4l, - wonl4 ,sejl at a
moderato profit,and give gam' meLsnre, and
deul as honestly na.possfi)le,
, I,wer? 4:.y0,93,4 cut so
many riflieyleuit'eapiXas .. "?puti: r..tli6ui: de.
i3lirynitt MVP Web watch rhairiii;, anti flouriSfi:
/ng'th , eir tattaniftettingiatnif inoking.o greot
TAniso:with lfeeledl-boati l / 2 1(probatn4
not paidlor.) arid itinliing„irdoonts on OWN:AO
yYPPltly,ile,?Pko,,!-,,Theymnolor_th„cnisslves cod -
temptih l §,la,th.iiiye, ; eog,,fe l l l o?!P and
assuming, :• , , •
lave)* seer
young-fellow, nciading , at nnothefr
sweet ansitee'to — s - ShhitOneurilei havieg.
th iieharea ill stocktag - in the
4- • ..!-
If I YrefolAVert vi 0914. 4 - not tfie_tiiz. ,
j .
eet of my nallCti#3;trest
~;•i r.
_ , ~ z~