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The Conattaipthrea 're pel° it, re publish next week —Ens. Dom. ' , From Grebe:et Magazine. TO a bousin, Dying:or-Cot sumption... IT GEORGE A"PRENTTCB ey tel me thou art dying—and thy Voice, Faint as & brakes harp string's dying tone, .And the strange spirit beauty of thine eyes,. ,So *lid and yet se tender in their gaze, • l And the bright hectic on thy pale white cheek, Like a red cloud upon the sunset heaven, Coofirm the fearful tidings. Yes dear girl,' A few brief days, and earth no morevvill be The home of thy pang spirit. Ale, my-heart Sbrinks shuddering at the thought. ,We have not loved, Save es we might have loved if thou hadst been , My geirto sister, yet I feel that thou. lies been the dear companion of my life, My brightest spirit mate. Proud ones have knelt a worship to thee, and have uttered won!' (deep, impassioned eloquence-to win by beautiful affections, but thy heart - 'referred my pure and holy spirit lore , • o their wild passion. From oar childhood's years, Ve've told each other every joy and grief nd hope and inspiration. Wo have Smiled - - • d wept together, ay, out'smiles and tears • lave best each other's. Thou bast formed a part .1f my heart's gentle thought—my soul as never had a dream of happiness let thy loved face was pictured in' that dream, - portion of its beant3r. I have known • pilgrimage of toil and weariness, at in thy spirit I hare ever found ' . . • bright isle of life's desert, with its fount, te rose-tree, and tts song-bird. Dear one, now, not soon wilt leave me. Oh, Ido not know hat Icon bear the parting, 'Would to God_ • hat we might never part. Would that mit souls gilt io!ertwine so closely that the one • •ould te'er be tended from the earth away - Moot its Partner. Though my rove for thee • not more earthly than the love that I ight feel for some bright form,of angel birth, ome pare and holy spirit of the skies. • et it pervades my being I feel its broils in my deep heart, ripples in my blood, owe in my smiles and tears, breathes Mmy breath, ud . ll7es in slimy life. Dim girl, rre felt isi 'Lis A grief to be away\ front thee, hough portedhut by foree l ts, hills, and vales, et oh, the thought, the sad end awful thought, at we must dwell awhile in separate worlds, (Latent states of being, with the gulf _ 'r death between as! Earth will be to me erv, oh, very desolate. A. cold nd dismal shadow to my eyes will seem o stretch from thy lone 'tomb, and dimly fall se in the green earth with all its myriad 'ales, nd the blue sky with all its myriad stars. s chill and darkness will be on my ion! • ike crinter midnight. Yet one . blessing still, by beautiful and holy memory, - "illringer with me. Gantlet thoughts of thee ad of the joys that iro haio shared. will fat yon thethsorny current of Miy.lire, " the lovely meter Mee on the. breast ; •-• •• • fa dark, turbid stream.. I need not ask thee, mystvect.and lovely : spirit mate,. nut whet' thou threllest in the better land, • - hen thy high home is 'mid the gloriMis stars, - o soul. even in its mortal Chains; Ins nightly umutleied off to gather strength orlire'igient conflict, thou shalt lose me sift, nd sometimes visit 'me upon thisdini nd cheerless earth. Ah, dear one, well 2 lino' 7 fthisseeet in-my lonely hieurs, rhea life is but one - mournful memory; - 'ill often stopplreinrits home . to me, or no doll mists , uo fogs, no cold drear rains, o driving tempest - of the . earth can soil y bright, angelic wing„ And oh, dear love, know that in'my Closing hoar of life, Chen the last patio A flatteringin my veins, Ind the'last gleam A fadiui in raj , ,o Ft will be there to bear my company o the bright realms of thy own Paradise; bud teach me my first llight'upon tbo wings, new\rinffs Of My immertality. • • 0 - Seme funny body in the Yankee Blade perhaps the editor, we don't know, gives tie folloibig - advice gratis, for he benefit of achelor friends: "Alen you visit ayottag, Wy in a house 'clam e d by hot air from a frimace in the base.; meat, as Soon as the conversation ceases to be general, throw a .that or rug over the !register,' otherwise the ititchen'umid will have the ben= rfit of yeinffoolish speihes to retail fo PssiPs;; . or Perchance, an anxious pared may incline to avail-himself of the . advantages of this movies whispering „gallery: Being a ludelor!by experience, .we-aptak by ard on. Ve should not only do our ditty,m4en Pre?ared but we should endciaior. to 'Att- I slYs PrOtrod to'do our duty: • . t); A Orkin' degree of disregard forifb.: lie 'opinion is' absolutely ruieuisisr for "36'e individual dienityivirtue, Arld, hapiiinem tir'iVe ore toe apt to hate bad'saell should ittly.:p4.,theza, weoften Uttar 62tseltea that We lift bating who 0071104:0/elan', EMMME FrOro Sartai!4's Unfon Itlagazin! TBE -ESTRANGtD TILEOF 151111ABIED - LIFE*: • BY CLAtibil- AtTON. • - - • • • • • CILLPTE2'• • '-' • . . , "The precocious germs of viatity; 'and Of the limo of . pleasure, ebelte t.he keelotuatit `more tail: seeds of de- Toted qtbmi ol ) ll - rit tbettlidst 9r the , bustle o f tbuworlik• 1321Ft4p . not. produce the effect it sboUld. Age iernityurriyesinenrenly dedied,iiiideeeniSiernititeesebiy, the forced interriition torainy, " •*'e 'tint sucli 'unirshind feelings doluot bast; but ulna *loss of hiiipy Woo:rents,- or sweet senibnent ; and wbst bopei of futurewisdom are pus in daitger nc, iz , ingttquenr to the winds • • I • ' - MAUR Nacxah Ds SAVSSOiI. t ineo,!wo.Vartous roli o gpeotlons find; Ia irehtete, two elm* divide the lifod: Thole, 0t43 , ' ttzeci, tliej: 9t or lest obey t • The loin of plearare, tap e 10110 of tiny." " Any y0:1 ,aro'really ex ecting to! go; Ain:- gie . - '.• • • • - 'To be stira fun you d ;dn . % for a.lnament think that'l to'iiisuch a' fool as to stay at honic did you?' .4 th, .unrefineitand hasty imswer; :Iloward pot:sag : 6's pr 09.4 lip railed, as ho replid; I 'I confess that I have been so foolish as to ' think that you: would lop nape yield, lour wishes to Mille. You know very tacit. how much I disapprove of fancy parties, Mrs. Dor pnce, and had you any ree for me arid my lopinionsfyouwould_have pared met the pain `of requesting you to desic i t from any farther preparations,.for I, shall not accompany you.' . . Margaret Iporrance's eyes flashed, but look ing up at her . husband; shei t i tnet u glance as res- eltite'as her own. ahe ha 4 never. e et openly defied hini . ;, ' d there Was 'something now in that stein swerving gaze which - elaiteke.d the l i lt words that were already_trtmbling on her lips. With aflolent effort, she .suppressed . the 'pas sit:mato emotions of her 'heart, and 'answered, with a cal dess - that sur j ,prised.herielt still more than h 7 fiusband.• I, :' - " '''' " Very w; I, sir, it' will e as you Cay, of course' . : ' ''.: 1 ' ' There was along Panse.,l t ee gr.'DOrrar had not met the oppesition than.he_expeeted, and' his - heart was - softened .by . the - conipliance , which_ he - tr a momett doubtedthalls . .. . wife had .lais reqne L He .Moved his ... chair - nearer ter, cud his Oceplow voice ex pressed,mr. tattiness, aa-he slid,.: I wish, ed to each '1 visit EBMII! be w and sty in For a need by now held . , • Were I convinced that i would eventually bring ion true happiness, My wife, to indulge I in the gaiety for which you have so much in. clinatioh, I would not - seek jto deprive You of any ign i tion of it: I Would,l for your sake,.,re notince the-hotne pleasure.i' in Which I atone find enjoyment;V but, nariaietjtach constant dissiitatioMaslyour tastes would lead yoninto, would not only deprive you of that greatest 1 blessidg which God can hlessindof 1 health*but your moral natyre'v,liqld 'become' blightech i and the best affections of your heart . would w"Ather in the glare ''d heat of fashion able life. ‘1 have seen but too-often the-effects which it prOtiees, and in4ild:Adeld pie;wife of my hosolin from them, Will you not, !eye, place your lo'nad.in - Mine as on our wedding.:, night? and in'i\mise. a k'a s u t''' invettenPrt end b I st . For a moment, int - only :fora moinent,,ima Margaret Derrnee !denten. - That unferttk: nate word,' pr.l: again or . medthe evil with: in, which her husband's earnest'tones" had so It&trlittlirelled., \.... '. -.. ... , •ii • She drew the hand ho.-essayed tOclasp rude ly from him. 1 , . k.'. i _.] , . 4 Yompreach well; she said, flint' no elo. quence, con-dulguse ton's your motives. Ite membenilownffl DordpcM you are ten-years older than myself,: and, t coniequently4on havO had te`n more leant of ialety. - I - Marne' d you' r at sixteen--Toolish Schotli. 1 that ' I was, foal throw away liberty and itztp mess with a breath I —now, at tiVenty,yolt aro' d itmAre ale,rle- -1 line, if you could; but tinkist opOn six more ) 0, years of experience. - Perha S' by', that time, the world's pleosores,illl ' 11-4111111.- as they have with-you, ond Ora / will sink At home ald•al)ue them to Put heart's content; but now, you ask much of,rim, ~; • ' ' A wintry-coldness settledou a. Donance's fa*" as Itelistenect to his wife's, tiallind and heartless answer..- • ',,^ f-1 YO:tispokt, of mottos, gargariV:bo *id; as though-they - were .other than Prfesseds, what on paean by thrrtyc. , ;' Why Plaloly.ihis,ity4e-will linvo„ - nre'es;L - pose theal. It Is ibnr jeilOuil . i Ine_l,noil oil the atentionwhietil ‘4:iiceive;#2ld‘Wo tiOluira4 lion b nie-tparties; , You so eetu t .lo..lieeiretu, k9 9,*1 . 5 91/ ! 't r i' '.Margaret!' ;:-. What!.44.l/ i-" Tilers U7O =Wet , / = 41 4 Itirt l2 eo. ' ,l3 mhbuket_Peb tbattcui• . ,bog yo .kt if.yon lure anything s;OnsY, say :glove MargaretLyon.taitnetraesn what you say . . ;widow! - seinshoent jtsvisf4:34 , lir.imP;'` &testi full ouch as my 'OWN tbdi We" earnestly sought to'etre you a distaste (04 sis F sgui t stii fashionable Odd*, low** pink is nothing iniutestelt tl4.tertebal#4lited* - 146 Arbil" Ah; ,if,:yait :were frvi fac,.(TT TO - k3alliVittk - 0-12t4k*' WrgaVERUM 4nrai l linlik i tr.g.4.4 ' ;' 444 P I O% MUTT& thro — wing!away your libery'vOils'atill a school giii; I %vas doubly so in aocniti!.ting my happi ness into. the hands of one.' I_agree witli you , .entirelyi Dir i Dorranco; and I wonder that yon..everl thought , of me; when - that prim old,maid, Nits Helen Graham, was so exactly suited.to , you, l l aud. - ; .camo:ncar dying fOr you, every one „said. Shotyas..t4e very one for yoti; - for ,she- detests parties-as much as you, can, and ;is - . 41svays ,preaehing to me about domestic happiness; tunisuch.fol .de rol. • It: is a pity .that, you I dida't fancy lier; isn't itr- • Dorrrmee's taco- reqeried: . rile turned away, and paced the ; ooui Minted iy. • ' His wife'contineed, 4l l'hey 'Say - that beffire,,l . came honk from sebool, you Were very' atten4 Live' to ber ;, how, eeriously, d o n't 'you think she was better suited to .you than I r Bir..lsorrance paused beside • hiS wife,-and meeting her upturned gaze; he answered cake. Yarfiaret, 41p! ' • 'kothing . dannted by- the serious lone'in whicii thiswas'indd; . and .fully' convincedthat theie.had:never been any idol'savi3 herself, - on the throne of her husband's heart, end that at any moment she -could resume her power, she continued harbizzlimve.'i 'And now, if yen - had only taken compass aion on her, and married -her_ 'twish to deal had I' broke 'from Mr.per dmce's lips; and his ; wire. read-truly in his now sad, pale face, that with no idle .meaning had those:words been - wrung from his heart. In'a moment she was Sulidtted ; she spoke ..no more' tr.untingly;„ for the feelings which ten der woids hid failed to awaken, sprang np- in all their strength - at the first breath of that passion,of which she had so unjustly accused her husband. • - From - Abut 'night; Margaret" Ifoirancti her : . boUred anew guest in her beioin;=.fiem .that she-feltnight, ill her -heart the truth of this Scripture passage, 'iove is Strong as ,death; jealottur is.truel as the grave . : - the coals there °fare coals of fire, which , bath 'a' hunt vehe. mot Lisune: . : - : cllArrgß rL• Yalu taus ate very apt to S r eed _ _ • "Frivolous and. heartiest. as-.Maroare.t :Du rance, tnny;brive appeare4 in _the- . precedint , chapter, she•was not wbeliy ap." Ghialirronhi she bare thr#n-,b'er arms around -handl' neck, acknoll4e_dging to bim Ala of All the unbind thinga she in 'anger; she haTiot: meant ona, , cpuld shp - baye, been sure _tbat . bc,,rFith Con - 11114re said the same. better suit- Often had 6a forgiven her,impOiiive i'ords; 3, 014 (fil t ; but pride nights that, 1e contin- kept ber from see emotions from: his breast, whik 'thet +lust of Timecittild never-busy froni.tter alght; and daily, the' knowledge of Ahem' grew • moire and more bitter to, her.. In ass ;meld levity; - ., she disguised the AV:orkings of her heart; :and,.the studied-coldness:with which her husband trtzt ed, her, convinced her:hut; more folly",that she r had forfeited, the love, whigh;when she pos seasekslie had valued too lightly., At : length - she ceased to reproach herself— _ If she had done wriang,in not stu prig, her ime*wrahappinesa more, -she in other I,respeots sign c belterAY him, had givetildma-vlioleheart in eiclianofor n I diridedmie.: Aline:thhaltlngolle determined PlNtt' 4 l.4: ll 0 f e 4 ,11.7t4u4:tif4t.01.1!*1 Awaken in, - buntb,9 jeaYKIVII44II.-.4iielalmea. ',lf he ; has one spark of love Jell, forlnt, 'he shall learn what; jealousy, : is,'''She thought, es; [on the ev,eaing of the fancy party, her maid sr; ,ranged her,iu the biess4pg Spanish'dress she 1344 Sejected. . -,,.- '• • ~.: ..', ,•:. ,' -: . . yet long tressei,-.liihielkycii: of a glossy purplish black,, were, folded over high Upr ou ber-tlead,o 4. 4 1 4e4.0 with : . en 19 2 Th Pao iii d - elegantly. l earved- comb, or the yaresi:abeil l . Her velvet ar.cas:Wa s 7eJje.d,li.Yl ii. fall 4,143e,.)a. around. be,resquisitely tinsedtiwoal, iylt!'faS-' , l felted Avitik-Asis IgleA.O:ty:x! Jewels glittv,edon herarms:andlterfinger,ri T a4 indiantiy,,bean- i tiful she loshedA stP ll 4jugl?PicTPOP ParAhe•:7 l :glass; she Air ee tPd'4g.i. PO' ill arranging ih'?„ ' heavr.hlach, lace , ;veil; " which,. resting. ; on_ her' teakfell iii careless.foNq almost to: b;'t,l'st ; 1 , •.:But -iNtitc_Rerrancft IVaP 3 PPFentik,'?*.s?ti" l fle d , for 'she gianeed.from ;her.hartsr_te the toilet-table, where a,. profeskai of:, ,oparnentS Was scattered in open - 4=04. sad cases. ker eYss fe! l l l3 P 6 n.ber •suPexl) -1m11e.!4-,•sPiziOg. it, ine•tore Out a crimson japonica,and''Ye.m?viii 1 the jeivel whichtad looped•back4e ; veil froin berfate k she replsee4ii:iwith:be f10wer.:..,_; . - . ... _lt...rms.:4 lhatwss' needed: i ger - 4resi was, now .periect,.and Wonderftilly , hecopping. • , i ~ With her lami. , ..ddrk; Of etS:: fled:their heavy !sweeping fr . inge,,and. her •rish,. but tnuzspa T renily Wei eohipleiferyilui• Well represented the'netion•Wheso.beitaine she Cho's* ', ::" _.• A ei,1010.1:4#1 . el pcs,4o toy ; ;up n front of ed ; out ;sib satin 4, - 4toop ** - .41 . 04;0ciii; . 1 came In before the ; clocrstruck blue .. : .- _ ~.q4 j r:*7ll '.43,1;i4i'11#4 . 0**10.0',0(t4 nd, Mitt alJaaigbt HONTROSE., PA„ THURSDAY, JULY 10,-1851, —but wtien.ehe Wentititci.the roont.adjoining, where the children -wore sleeping; the frown upon her - face Was armed away by a smile,for she loved the dear little- ones fondly.. - Draw. ing ales, - chair tear. their ..aencl4. she leaned her he.ed:upod a pillo!,und stree:aeon sleeping as soundly'as they. , :.3feenwhile, Mrs Deirrance descended to th e p litrary, an/paused beside the door.,ter heart be 4 quickly i•ehe. trembte(t . at.the- thought of bearing her husband's displea t pure,yet . sheA4r. not:leuo, the , house ,withput ..his knowledge: suanneeing ait ber, courage. 49..-entered, tho room:. • ' • • is aM sony that youtuao : nut going iyith me' this ereninfr Howard but I looked in to say that you need feel no, rmiieiyAbont your. friend,3lr. Graham' , is my Uourlier.', Ilertones werekind; but there , was.an alrpf,emlfarrasa: -ment unusual to her, that, showed her ,c 1... science was not perfectly-at ease, • • , . . loolted'steimly -utmn his . Wife as he iiiisweied, I did riot eapeet this: YOu . told me you would not go to-night.' = ' I said frimillui'firit- that-I ' should positively ,go. ' Yon slid you would not accompany me, ind - I : iinsivergd that of course tliat would as you said.': - • !You Mislead meta thht'answer,.-"Mis. ranee, and I presume, iiitenticinally.'' " , .yeekeo crimsoned;" bat h§t: husband *con. tinucd, - ' • • thilik you step y'oti have token :- to-night; 1 5h41,1153t molest 5 03 - _ - Closing. Alto .400 r ..irn.p#l44tl,y, .63 , swept -,-. ... ........uoor 11;:kpati1. ! . from the rooniwithoutins7 log, -,.: t ito_heard the sound..of.,.:th r merry voices, laughing annchattiog.the: passed out--the om•lisige .: rattled : off,_ .. -maij . Fard . :Do . rrimco leaned: . bac.kfia his, chair, 4 ill: . solipakle and - ,, siletice brooded over the, 1 : , .prootiOos of iiii. be-41.t - --- -: - - '..- ' . „-. • 1 l'hp.present ,tortyro, him theJatcre,--hel dared not imagine that ;and .he koll.te, thiidc- jag of the,past.,. a ~ .. - .. ~. :, . y.h4. was therein that; t . bring . , :deeper • glOom to his hrow--a . .4ee r sadness folds crest , - • ... The . rF. were . memories of ,; • •rciv, 'on4 10jos- 1 tice - 7iiich ii,iiiinop(3'iittOtrer'4.-a most Cruel- rrom itivit,.l3l4,*4 .hO.. 7 griPlio '04,-itsi blinhiedfrilit::,. ~licplrigr Tui hoarier saak . is:li`eart:; , within hha,as, he . recalled, hy . '.. P;ilie:trif.atiis; ii e sties •*hich had- lured:ha' 2:' I- on:to': -hre:ik• - • his ~........ - . . Y - olys - tathatiohle-tinuden being 7hoin he first had, weed. .111 s 1 - 1*..k4t,1 - po .- , "tremulously, and iiistion . g,,franic Sinier4' iyith'th6 storm of thought that swept through` bun. 4 Yes, yes,' he muttered, ash.:, 7: 111 7 4 7.7w1T1L,* . eix - .,*.e.rAcr9:!;'y', - .yes,: ,deserye It ,slif. - rery,tiOtiishibent,l4j'ssii ..'., lon , :gladly '74301,i -- 'tlO7 '' . Ciehanoi . - the:a:lin:o63l passionatiityarship*hiclit lioreittirg4ret;' for the calm love kliat - OacO.haata ithinfriiy'heart ..fOr.auOther;, 13Ct it ii toe late! too later : . . ..11epansecl-,hoside a. crayon shoph , of his. wire iviiicli linik upon the' wall;'-'iliTiow his lip_ quivered teUdeine4 us, he pOntin. Markaret, how carefully weiddl have guarded you , from_ unhappineisl - it'uNs, fondly would I liaie ~ClieriSted 'you thrinlgli all trials and all chang,est=Ood - &sat 'yon nai,never need,,the; lore which You haie sacrificed tti your vanity.' .- Ile`iafed long upon it,noticrng the - fit,ultless oval. Of her rue-0 7 411 e perfeet - regilarity:cif her feafures--the . , : tisehiatlni: expression , ; of her full hazel, eyes, idia fs' f he : turned aany, tlnd now his Weitit gie* coid . and dead 'With- Min; as he reOlid,the temptations to *hi& 1 - she ,the Slieruiti4;n: itat naiiii,iticer,larily.:fallo j ii. the cjourie .of Condhet which she had Chosen tO , • Ite:tiiougfit of the'hoinagii Which she irofild command .from Ole i4rik^4l?'.6 nutter which she isit;Old'receirc, and - which: no wopinn can li~tett to. withuntipha4glts taint; odthe're. 'flectien iniateUPO his liOati ll ill'at`"bik' wife * now only come -oh, it. 1 5 . 4fi.. 56 ..: Ale; reseired.thaf.ho'iiduld. tnah:‘ anti '`filore Sei . fita that viiit4 oflisbion plunges , :4111310 , . and degradation, those who have"madly ti as'ted : 616. 0i11i.,. : ,; 11 . 6 :1iv.9,0!d:P0d: . #* 1 10 sake hoithieh recalldtheir:bridal days he'could " pot smother. -the eonvietiop „ that beneath ' all her frivolity eind - w orldliness , there `' onion _ ldered' a flame yet spring; rip rc ) 44. 1;:4 14 - 4 ..i . • • Alfriot children, lie to ued,his,steps to their.room. night•lamp burned him upon the: cbuchi . - Babe s they; still '' were; foe 'oi.4 aid !Jdn'i*C:o63 - PronOtrig:Vt; Dorranco boy's'Uue'couutenancetTiefeatures of his wife f m atched' his; own Aa ho looked upon th e m, so beautiful to , their de s pienda it ind helpless infaneq , fie quest ironed whether = hilt words ;, ,might note `prove *-00K-*Pc4:0101-,'!!..4.20011)::*1,0iti of ;3144014tead f ailed t 1 0 .5 .Y;10:45,4441*.1 1 ,,t; 4 a11Cther .1 40 -••A L, • vying mother,,sl 'lvtisaiilurne'reetfailtehret.deuti.ieesetiocintsitatenni.Toeiniabi-dr fuhUflog theni - propeily. My.name shall not nor 'snail these pliikiren receive tilieritage of shame . :::l;:liavei fried . kindness iii VOnt and will`, yifliat'a husband% au. Taccbini!ii*L i In this mood he . ietuitied to' 'the thelibraryho drew his'chair up to the writing-desk,' and' lOCking:a drawer; lifted from it on by Omi.tho souvenirs of the-past E that had long lain there hidden `nd a disturbed"" were; packages of lottora„ sketches of heads, ui:Anisheit hindseapea, and beneath all lay glii:land.Of'eny dutumn The wrap` 'paper' whiclilabeile'Vit,r bcire the sotdo,: From : Meted, Edgottoa Woods, ~ . • Before hito'rose the - noblei:Old - forest, where ho firet•ha - d "ruct One,' whoa° 'fatites'_and' inch nittious exaatly accorded'with his-bwO. .11e recalled the graceful lloW of her conv'emitioa the' inuate'drgnly of hr'atnueis, the lovelf tieisOfier truthful eettntenanee; first it tin. pressed' itself,upon bun tti@ i; end than all, the mind,lnd the' mature j udgin 'e at, afte r ward;i been -develOp ed.to him as day after-;daY he lingered by her side. felt- the' (lush that mounted' to his teciples,ah in eentradEstieetion to such a being, another:vision' rose' boftire hiut..--:thae:Of - the Petted; epOiled vain beiutY, who bad loft h'er home -that -night, ilratuliig how &in:pr. out Would prove the solitude - to. her husband., :Aroitsing frotu'thisyeierT;he'opened a fel.„ ded paper. it eontAitted a, pile blue 'Withered floWer, and a 'sprig of olyrtlelof,and the Words la his owalialid-Writing, '‘VdtidlaWhAlay • ' Ay. ho reineroberMrthat . 'eening and, thisembleurof constancy; how it - smotelrim „ _ .. nowl -, Forgetine-not . r the' floWei , spoke'ai pininTp:asWordscouldhivedine;:and - tile heart, inaweied, - ' - 13Y IlieSc;* lionra teridernes, thoie clays of 'joY;thoit art not foifr,otten "ph, Margaret,iare uni from these niensoritN!' • ; Arid now, trnfoldini a sheet of tisane:paper, he lifted froth it - a lon . g - imis of soft brown. hair,-whieh fell Trani his fingers spiral coils as ite*zed upOiii it.- trete . iv . as 'no ' writiee eritbin: lie j o needed vincr Ids fillets With tears as - he r- lookedtitiOrjit. Carefully lie_ refolded and closed the paper; almost receren tiallj~he Picased . the 'package - to': hia- lips, sad then; with`a de"p be learied Iris hind' tip-, dtihis.hands,and raised for' hours.., , The 'chick ;track': rine 'his Wife daindnot., and with Impatience added to pleasure, he went - doWn into the; intrlors; and for another'weary hour.paced..th6 long rooms to and fro. Not .a sound •felt upon -his ear, ic %z i tir at ,mow cur u at i ll e Tjtin n tt u clic . kl2 the fin . of ••crriages. - ' , • • -; He stood id thicentre of the snits of tooins, and looked-around ' Vbis ho'me'tbst he' bad fitted up so luifiriciusly:-for LIU'S Lloung L'ride—the draning , nooni r -witir its gorgeous carpet 'of Arcivan , rosei, its lofty . Windows, cur tained with satin and - beaiilyzwiOught lase; its antique and riehly-tarred furnifure, and rill the evpiisite' Oratunent that • nit could furnish, Or wealth bay-- - thelnusie-roorla; with its splendid' initrnments - ; its rais old4paiiitiapiand its friar. ble statuary—:thel 4 little`.bOudoir Tor-her - - own isifeeild 'Use', with its - windowis of stained glass. and iofte-tol6red diapety, -langluor-inviting' lounges; an d ' its nairroi,liried could, she sot.bers4tisfied - *ithin' such'. - precinet-T live for 'din, even its lie Itad'hoped-4o; Jive 'fob, . , pressed -throbbingidinfullSti-oodhotwith . feveril..l-Drti*,, lag aside the.iiirtoidO of ,:tioef -of 'the friintiVit7:, .416014 , 'Whiet(eitetideit-tti'lho;flopi;t4 suieed iti Slid:-brithftb e -belt:Of the; Viitati.in, shutters; mid stepped heaid Oiiid'ikeeteilt:C;4ll . o' and Fitiititieelcit; int; the OhtittOt4; . 4dditiiidlie" . tW - yiiiido - ivitie l 'd1, 7 02/ rho' Carr age olli d;'stdpp#n 'beside vhich Mr Doiiadee, iithie/e'red 'in person It kirei - O f iAl ;hi; did; fhOtitqiii',Oliiititiijviiii 'broken: ``Ho field the door` Ipeo,'sthndiitg: its iiii7eti4dO of ilt,Oslicih'Ot!: iihsei*ed; hi:4d 11K qt'afitii 'tatraliai (4 tot' itder 16`. oPpOir m - ,OiO.fitijOeitY hithi! j society diet v on so adorn. `Will' You here 'oft& honor toO.Nritt(OST.::ejiriiini4iitiO'thet)-Oiv; may' have 1' for; j can assure `you that i ' ant on, ;iiridoll' J-1:1 'I: will'CxCUSC'ygi% ~4tr ;• Grni arn, from ell fit- iitiO*ito - 444:; 660 5t00d Bpeeehlces 'bo i ezt moment 11th. for- yebethentli; - asiiPialitiii;Olii;l/W - 06), • 4e::: -. - drawing; 001,an4 iiii f:o 4l‘ o 4444 -.tintrt CZNEMPHMEM As her hiniband - :(ollOwdd; - She turned her head 7:yitcli:fritoo" Ant he essayC'dwepsalt;; alto : answered-hitn 'With scornful, tnunting.wor4s, Until at length. stung with rnitiness,:ho seized her arm;—burying his nails in the liesh. ; • - • • : Gee& God, 'Biltripnet you`-have no inerey•apOn flint do; yen not see that you are making -a fiend of /33 She did not scream,.althoigh her arra - quiv: ered;Nitli, pain; -she, did',not.: seek to , shake Litn off• - tui•before; - she rathr'einited in the idea addict Petannal vioteneeto the mortification he inflicted_ ,upon her by hie ,ungentletnanly . . treatment or,. Mr. Graham, se" alio Coldly;',,and diuivered.ineck.; ingly. - Ynnr Own evil pig tonti. sir have convertrd vou into the fiend which you allow, you "sin, and . whieh - 1, - elinnotdi?Tpute—ne, nor ••: eien doubt,' es glancing 8t 1,114;r arm, which - he ,1t:(43 now releaeed;',islie Ilv:;,Cdrap of 'Wed 'trick: .11,4 ArOUnd it ;Ire wanni:f her fineiigintoi,c 'hzitul!piLf , and 'Jo g haie - left rooni DorraiZ zu/d:the 'sl:naiet; you maddened he, gild: 1 .1 did not know that.l . 1.Wp5.114? . , iiolent."-:listq to count hare . ;no . !tintlerstitndink." . I uoderitand vonnoW;thorouglily:ili4.nn -sweyed;•let me past' . • No I tisill, not. Yoh rati3ffiiat promisse 'Lem Must !' hissed-Margaret; imust ! I Shalt prv , psise you . nothing.' pion i U bduin,g . sheridded 'with more dignity, Wfien:Yem.are ever Your-passion, and. 'earl treat me „proper ), I will listen tAi you—not bolero:. -1 • You , wilt listen to me - "nor, stqa Mr. Der ranee, determinedly, and elaspinS- her ...bands, tiMut firmly; be ~tieen liis,own,,. I • listen tone werd: .Letmeso ; let , me g', Howard ',Eke-ranee:l : I Will not bear this. „ . You , area.tiruteti:t Bite 1 you l wish: I never hqd married,' add 'ex- , 1 haustedWith the "effort she had - Made, herself, she Sank, back upon the. &Attend, and burst into an ,hystorie.ilili of weepinu. -But wore ' 110 ;: 1 , j 1,1 t4r3",... iTlieS arose,front wounde4 Pride, from mortifte4 ity c fromoseoss p whientTrhus bsnd, ; subdued.. by. them...into-a uslmer gate, - sst down : neat her.aud i t tried to seethe, her .she waved 'lntl, -.4 , niray,zo wnret 4 (le.:ta, tuld theti . .l should be . Out of, le4ol of, yi3lFky-s -ran4Y.';• • , , Mr. Dnrynnee_ Annwored not ; nelynrdi Suit went straight from t4e:rtlnn:Li.o his nhan?ber. - 11111111aiTi • • , 1 • ‘' • ir , r. 1 ••••••••" CU . 1 a .re • ur C ler. ace in itisofteush- ' -init ' l.- I lon:r- 9 Vi°l°9-c e. ' - a - cii , net seio - nnt . . - lo . ns, and, fora fesis moments; goy° iy•ily to th e for th e 6ltanie in his manners in 'any o th er most Inole:ia emotions. '• There 'Akre 'no self- waY,... I saw.all,tmdfter he had lefttbe tooth, aecuSations mingled. with :her hitter nphrtia- i w".ld•h", come to Y° l 4 tad at eacbattewpt Ines ig her- Imshand!s. `condeier. :She. we*. the . 2 ,4! open 6 2:Lah;itterffiders I saw - that I' im' -' injured one; and - she resolved thither hnshmrl v •.` . .. y ou. ;-. • J., s '. l th . an • yoa - livent out' 'id° the' hall, should confess -it, and sue for pardon before 'crFtitcqcfallYAß!dlialekly in, and divining shovould 'restore him! to favor. : What ;had t hat. Y ° . ‘ , 4 _ 4 _ id ,_ goliii..W-th.e library, ' I followed 911,3 'done? -. 'Nothing. • But he Ino words 3 ‘" Atni. k nots ttle r t i &it? IA _n o ,expr ss 0 meashre o- is ! Intared - m ar i ard tis".:iiii. t . ` - : CI- 4 ' , t Were SW S' . e ' tol ' 6 `tlf • 'f if ‘ikw imprudent !' 16 th i l e'er ti that 'condemnation. - -"A! noise •itartied her. She ' A frown dark 4 lookkd'up. - Her.conth Am& fallen. froduler ' ~ • „--na , G,rahams brow. *I . Am he•Vering'irith it,ttie heavy' veil, snare t . l°l4l Tg o . YP u e 'lire:DPii 4 laatl: hi'itii4, imps.. her:lett bineit tresses - fell in ' - !' ' h tie P tL Y; 'P li • dor t° i e - im iillisid '' fli lt opera'', ciMili, "centrasting :strongly., with•_ita -!;, 4 7,.. c4 P-, A Y i. ?- ii ' ' ' sa i. Y;'#?t" i l 2ll ,, ,_r• .44 1 am r_and ' stiowiwillt;ficiik 1 Sliel, - 41uni back , la& lilir ''' 9 i,,.,, s. '` e ' t ," ;: . er . " 13 , 11 _,.: ' 1 4u . ,21 "- alw a y s / 111 ° 11 [ franc her temples; whl - Cli.wVre thrilhing TA: ''': ‘ ,.". e. • % ,; -..Y° .,,-. 11; , z a , t Y ° "„ u us! 8 - 41 a iiiiii,lmprodent .-- q : ll,c , i_elt_e' linseed . : ,. he , r . I . sin , . n 2 .1 ; je . w .. elie . d • 'fin ., od . ,o i . l i a l l e , " , ;: ce 'i:?;:- ei T t lu lt g. ii n T';'"-- h ".,;:Lt tili°ioil' po si tio n s.4ra: I at, er tnem„ann rtstni, si on iy • wnue , net emir ..! • ... -•- • , ••••• :. •., • • -,- ifell td iicirea,;Ti . eittC g ht.'tlitittiketion;of !lei' . P9r !"°,. i M i l ihe . v , ° ° l 4 - o° ll o l / 'l'd'. "syfnitiefriaalriiinl'rliihitt iebedlorm in tluiltair.: 1 ` 7 . °uld 'r.' shel L 4d o:? . V_OVo j• lial - tid not, ior opilAte.'" Raticiostimilby ler own ' wild, xPl ' lr l . onfi - l '''Y os " - ' 1; '..' 6111111 r ,11h9 l iid"Ild kr 41enining heldity,ishel drew:fieai.er;crushing as ' Y v4 , 3 4 . ,,.Y : 8 de , aer T es i t -. G i ai46 ' e t r --- ..,.:‘ allaitd 30; 1 1iarfollen gitignet. -` .. • - i'1., ,,,, •• m. . n ,' PZ u g, u _ t _ v ,• 2 ell ° _, l l /7 : 6 _, F. : . !.94!"!! 8.41 _ ' ,,F..ttliatd ...Alw3liltuitdoiikithr-e: 1 ly" :1-4a . she trampling 5.14"1'".; you Pa n,7 l"? " tigi j 7,11°r ' W l l °4 da"[; [ ;,;,ll [ ;. [lif,frii it c ,;,;[6[,.a..., - r ', t' r _-. - :1.,,,,. °V; ILargAret J,carancer, ii y o i r ,4, - r w e tient, k • .., '. , - .. • . y• -- was freigiOod .with ,lovelor in other if his 'Me '.' She said,hfill l'oolcluilitCber' itnage volee was thlk 0;6 . JJ . ' ';' c a r p .. =UM t ai,3roor eare u, in, the glaaa-,!..1a,,it I )l ' s 'i l).l. Q . 4 1 4 o w,ar 4 l) P r t to , listFa tc)rila Battle yOnr only antilight,Woilld rapeelas treated Mi r 5p, , !,,iy:a . 7101415,j -Aow, you, bo satisfied, that that Onaationld ontiiiiir' di Many times bef?rel-wns Ilia Nfe i -,` did hepro.l kelt-4 yor,kirt. relbritif , ' .:• - m i le t o,s ioy ? c i ly, "jily . ,wi 7 le?; firid inn',, . be. k .iiffs: - ,DorranFa'fierita eic4 - firiiiiiiated vilth P 4 Y 3O . 1 -PeTPv.,e7A4 i i i t} i ° c f e ` )i PP, l i7r! ) ,g 7 !" t: - °l . i sa9TikiPloo dropped. beneath tif; - ideady : =4 I oE'. ... 4losi r e i -ne,wii ! s 9 uT t' d :•PilPF"''' ) "' lt '''. 4 " IluV i ttlg ga;li that Pet ber,cwii, ;;'_ f , .J_ sutinglyupon Mol z p! . .id.tle regard to MY t , !ol - - 1 ings . even before anoiber, , addiig'ilnuie ,fn 16 ;emoet,-)isterglo sitah,,wordarltiog vitt to liiCl'#'24 she -g l an c e d 1.6.‘,-*,ii Upton. /,'"! a r m . ---INAYP no now. liod i-oeirdroanialtlifte ;,,qho_sotntd,whieh AO baofost4ololl„.ltertitlilchwas to ltla: ll r94_o ft'ctn.c'lgiei fo ' ellugn thou tvas - ropested,,„,4 whop;ty l iatt-qeit'altegl;,if -1-11qs° of Pieqasigh A should never hatir met It might•lino ,heen the'ileil-: Ind , terriff . she ra4 11 , 1 w4) 1 1 - haie • - x ' ' - 'i - ' ' , . _ _ ... , , _ ~. , - _ .l, .J... -0 J.: . ,'-',:,. ' • Ft• - do fronk the,:ropm, mullito,the AIN-41)304. ,_•,.' go did no!._,,tunr iiia_eyes*oo k i fek " h em . The light,was-, still , tmii,ing theie, amt the Lira ' '' ''',i[ re4 ?,'[:, i ~,,( r l , '- . " -- . .'., thing ber,eyes fell npon l was the., Opejj:drOVOT", -i 1.1 4 ,• 7 c 2, Y 9l Iliftiktviciii-rtklaiinievedii3 ti ttl e which her,husband ji,DI r.rgrAfee te eiee,—. P a P c i r , 11 0P - e.?"„i_o!t:leue, 6 44 - b4r,t - ieltsiou she line 4 Plig4Y,lviti , '4 l 4 pod ,rot4,,fite,onlo i t !'!'. t . /. t. ' 3 . ,-.l eh !: , :ilk4irdti - iiiilai:Yi.iiiti; on: and 0:4:, jt , Ilroppedi:ropi - ket! %trembling! sliaPPl now` ' that.yon woofs' hilie - riverf g e--= , hnodqr ands bogie , * 1 1 9,t9 .4.4° : d . t1*T1, 4 , 1 , ihe};-,°.[l canno t l o ve .. -I'' '! i lirbri:'i6:l -Y 4 i lnizei aver t i t Ihi 'lf r, i devoted- ' a lithrlf l'ae l lloo o al' iOilee. 0 4 PirT(44 c' , ' iV/ 4 1 1 ..Tu , . , ..,!!!!! ,- heart: 0 to ano tor -glier', A P aul i i g ° 91 ; 1.9140-4 ;H l eA she date 9,0,,L1iki !PT 0. / :, 4 3t- 1 07' ' ': _ , ~:".:, 7: 1 : tiidt,, tilt) ribtiOn-that-Plalerlo4. l7 ,Pielawirt ecalcd. l. i g -,/,e, J. do . loislik!',sNroko' , noi. Arm:: Dot . At lengtlt ahe•eatlit (a. the l'ilq,. • miTi of ; ohm. t r P"? , n I:l*.tifol but .too, r”bet , hi; :thol l no-hA i ro u ' d a osli'har: l : l, Vef: hianeho4l ;IA Lee 1 - ne'i.Je,rltha_ll' itilivili ,corivinoi44o . otecon., ups_grpw4Aow, ,- 'cv)vachiag-lit, - i k parj,. ilk+ ,t,r:o7;'Atia,* , sialiia eiii 4i3Oti ought . wool& liave,tlitown: iti - upon , _the - ,seelel - , [ bili ' 1 ? 14 ?Yi' t l llat , que u ing-he n .MOO_ -F. 4....P 4 t, e ffi niddenlY , tho ,- oXpronliort.of -frerleortereepi ,I .l rs htq d,42B ...V.lF P ., Tti , . I !Ph_ o '[..A4nhniallys per. doinged;rlg . ereile.or3ipoph:oitsciti frii4 bil: I I IPP[ 3 . PP. )11c"P?'00,1:.#013n , ! .-: ~ , intr.-to:4Am replacoil ii I' II •.. ', - : atterzvssei, the Illsarr-tn th. l A n ,, ..„f a. ,-- . - . P.4%414 in;....lo..peper 'al - '[ hi 'le iird• - ,.[-[ -,,,,,-, .r. -- .., - r - r. 777! ••••••• tiialle4h ls i , - 4 be lookfla towards the[dopr.i., 'I would A ta . ~ /,.l , :! is ..i, -,....J. -.-..-- '-.. , l t ,. [l 'i allo ' l 40 l eP o k- c .t 9 o l o!l l lY ,. .thr oti g h he, eßprouqiull, , ehil iiiidifki it , i iii i[ evai - irm Jule. [front brad-. to tooti[4olLinho-rnikt - zreN, ' int 'rill toaj ' aidge ' iOii. ' , : lf- ri -i lirtio in ' t ri r frleu Graliturea eyes.lierceop imr,,,,,..,,with - ,10, a t f .' iiiiiii . ; 4 . 1 ,,,,,, t , .t... L . :., t t l x c ~... ~..„,- %...._ - 1, gee r itror bitAirk,:tuk,AppronebitChey: Witli lii, ''-' 4411t i nt7 , f 40 . , Y.F. - ,, , z -, P ,00. Ito notse • tetip4; l l 7 ( ll 3lpr ; 1 1 ,,,,,1 2 :: oi: . 41.,:, - '1t...2 ,' , -?-'r iv si ~ -..., ...,. ..; ...,.. ~y . hkatiQO - - • - ' t' . .. - ' '',.,•,- 4 ‘!" ono., silttyne - pp. en, On, meo emu ;. - cridtieite , •frightelgst: rwill:unplaint tn li , rnln,lte --- .: i; t[ , [ “ ' : 17-". - " . • , ' ioir lii'w rirome'rittiit , V•eirrinclie* , [l , -MietTe; ,Tilid ' Ald:iref i [ i;iiii,h,t 'i'lati biiiii4o thetito , iifildoli;tilermitt , l3o . 4lly.yoß 4 04 : 40 4onfilot ' 14 11 ,Pai ' ijuli i i 'aiio th eiii i ii i# i)01; ** iiitiisk4erbitslge 4l4 VOW ' ll 2 B # .tlit-11*-441'44: heist the . 0 4 / 44": 1ii*" 614 4 161 - " 17 :' , $ . ,;"; ,1t z; ?!.. z 7, ",- - 4.•,----;l'' '' , ::' , . l q ,- -.. 1- • ,-.1, ,,, A.1 - A', ±,„, -,,,,,...,„,-„,,, , ,„, .14., . .. i.. ' , c VOLUME Tilt- „ 'NUMBER letlue Sell you hoki t ,wonsbie yodi thati-may mums ;for bind jag upon- you - ne th,Avellono:. , ni rgare v a v clic@ Wita hoarse an she azetweied. 'No, you most tell me nothing; what woul4 , 1 ; hi wore to-find you lierot,l4:-.go, I.beg . of you. , I tremble.td think or ; I will go, It tiiy....absence . ,,vl4 relieve yaw' any., Oh, Afargaret, if .I ;.dared to plead.with yon Vigo with . Mo /tar to subject ourselfy to such treatment as' I have witnessed this night 41 114 44retv W4 l yott not let mOproteetjou . .:111oL Do.nanee'a .mind, vaa She evidently did not understand Ida meaning., for aim Answered, r 'WEI are very kind. - 9tr4 992 have sherelibia anger„with ;: but yott•must eienae him for my'sake. Looverami=hineau, rude before. As for ine, I could have forgiiva andlorgotten all, had it notheen forthis,!and. :die, pointed to thotabloW &Me: the T e e, 41r.arit 7 hunk-hedoes notdove Me; he never hae; there lie _the hoarded Mementoes Of A.lieefer love. fell me; for you mail know, was thy - htudmd • e..er your'elater's professed toyer r. , _...Edward Grabarn'athiii lips weruerappolssed, tightly,and his gray eyes glittered !Milk a steel like brilliancy ; as he answercil, _ • Yes;,4llis.,Dorrance, when he first saw you, he'was Helen's.tetrothed) 1" will. be revenged, upon him; :she , said quickly, while her eyes Bashed. With their fire A lialfsupproiSed smile wreathed fpn4e* lips as she spoke; and when .sho *Se. and taking a =pair eCiciasoll! rim!' 4-1!0 rk--ba4dteZ near, and approaching .14nVasked; vier:Mellott to cut, a, lock-of heir. rForn . lds head,' he- could not restr.ain..the exulta4 glon,whichlli up h,la foatures. , .. : - -, • •: . . . She laid thp,lusir idly . uporcitho as 1 . 41. would hid it been feather- or ald,illll he saw_ that, his eager hat* ,ho,had:gieaprod hop for the adv,anctimt ,of Ids purpose, whew then luxe for , P lll 4'bg 7 0 4, as.oe friend of _RV leo liete,Pratteges eyes resnmed . theiratecL. but,the.uneotiSeio4s Itrarimit, - c. o .4iny9d, !no to. e x PP B P_ o : oll 4Pinew: X k i9 w , 4 l 9 t.i i°Tin.4 ll- Y9;?': llq 4VOsees; nor. hOr You:3ilw th ou g ht t4 o 4 oo k- (1 4 41 Bre u:/ Y0' 1, 1 113 . 1 came totOhe .11olutO , loioo; An4lMlPtq4l:l4l,lh; 111 • 11 e4:yourip+Aaaci shut me, out-se isitelya sb.errecl,thst ape of • the•• drawinglikeps shut. ttus.,ktd f!een•l3o slightiy closed, SW : Atilt:B. =thud' unfastened. • sent the_ tlikOrm.l464- and. statiening . myself uptis the .rbaleciny -watehed,;,- fearing •that;-Howard: thight, been . to'sonrKr.el*rneeting,,And .returned :in. fin- „ , 4110: 1 --