The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 19, 1851, Image 4

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    , . 44.
• -e, Jtttlo 19ya01.
:. s~~3~~~~'l~~o
fr WORLD'S,'VAX Villein or
Atria loan Tints frtotts.—The• London
Joninits'aid'AtieriiideerreSpondenta -ye=
mark that theAt ter:leans do not'make much
.o.fa show nt tlieVorld'iTair L o ndon.
•Varitearearooiara' " th is,. se au
- we believ e are WOrreet. In our opinitn, the
- ratiseAflimeileanattot taking any trouble
to hirePresentod in the Crpital Palace is,
-thettiur people entertain the idea thatthe-
exhibition LS' nothing more• or less than a
vast hitnhug and swindle,tencoeted iu Lon
don for the purpose of giving the rest of the
world an idea of England's greatness. and
making them afraid- of it ; and, in the next
plc°, to.'draw Into. the British metropolis
ail theicapare change. Tao ostensible ran
tive.orgettiog it up, was to prOmoto fitter.
IAI - feelings throughout the world if
Sitan Were to reproach ala i it Would be time
fo r ',6,lsider what 414 real motive was, and - to .
foOk carefully after' those whom his Satanic
Majcaty,.Wiithed tn. convert. The Ameriean,
iteophi bate ini'firth,iwthe avowed motive,
, no - tire - tin& atith'aimpletons as to expose
theitnotietts anti knieknacka to,she
lion . or partie s who would nut hesitate leap
iireprinte ibelabnis:of others to their 'tiro
purposes; The United States do not want
to have lttirthi io" do with. an English
World's Fah'. • Our People will meet those
-emu other country. in the - markets of the
world, on sea or Oti land. They will make
an apPle l i .parer that cannot be beates, or
build a steamship that will make the run
Vein LivOrnool to New
.Fork in nine days
twenty hours, '
and a . quarter... They will
f..e i d all the world, • and the rest of mankind'
)ti-`. , neecessary, while living, and enclose them
_ e korlibh deal, in patent airtight coffins. And
tt !thfi'detnind for hams, nutmegs, or ether
delicacies. should be Very great, on a pinch;
accommodate them witty a genuine article,
' -Made' bass wood othickory, according to
skourtistaneei. Tho world is their fair—
`ttth ocean and 'palace not made by man]
We venture to say there, is more to be seen
of American inveutiend - and product ittis
soy 3lathanics Fair in thiscouetry, every
• sear,: than there no® is in the space allot?
'tett to ' the Americans -in tha Crystal Pal
• '‘Tonathan is, too wide awake for
Joint. • All -he 'manta is — a 'fair field and
oct favor,iarid bewill . outstrip all creation
thing,..-from a ctimbricneetile- to
a fiigatO't .anchor—from a millrace to a
Iritaract of Niagara.; If we arenot MiAta.
kOzJehti T,tull is aware of this or onght . to
ha , by this time.—N. Ir. Herald.
• Ate Act supplementary to all Acts
' relating to Tavern Licenses ,
• Size4l:4 1.-11 e it enacted by the Senate
and 'base of Representatives of the' Co m
ingnzosealth of Peansylaa,ala in General
:10.efOlj , avg. 44 ii is hereby enacted by
.4,tth?ritl °flu same, That the rertift
cat« recittiJed by - the fourth suction of the
act" critktled Att, relati tg to inns and
itaverns, aid retaileis of vinous and spiritu
ous liquors," passed the eleventh of March,
true thousand eight hinidred and thirty-four,
si addittin te bei , lsigoed by twelve
:yeputtible citizons, be accomitnie 1 with
;thew affid tvit made by maim- affirmation,
'before ti justice of peace or alderman-0f the
, city, borough or town where such tavern or
inn is-pioposed to, be kept that tite r state
' mews muds by them in said certificate are
jun and I t true; 4.4 . the said intim; of the
.posie cor alderman, before whom said affi
be,divit shal be made shall certify that be is
;personally Seguainted-with each of the affi
ants, aiid that they' are reputable citizens
and resi/ents of the ward, borough ur town
.:ship in Which such tavern or inn is proptised
•to kept; and that they are of good repute
for truthland veraCity.
. Sze' That- the provisions of the first
iieetion'of the Wei entitled ".lin Act =pill
amntary to the vaiintis acts relating to tay
ernTicenes,": passed March . twenty-nine,
,one thottitind :eight hundred and forty-one.
- be and tbo same are hereby extended to all
! the citie4 and counties 'of this C.,tainon.
, stealth; and addition to the provisions of
sukd first!seetion Of said act. ; the' publituttion
embrace the affidavit snd certificate re-
ggired the first Section of this act.
Sac 3. 'That'll any tavern keeper, re
t.itiler :or: minder ''of min , ma ire spiritous
'tinnt tormented or, matt liquors, shall sell
•dr vend 'the same in any quantity, on 'the.,
Sahhath'or Lird's day, ' , their License shall I
'thereby become_ absolutely void ; and the
said tavern .keepers, retailer or vender of
tipons spritunus, fermented , Or malt li
qcnrs,:stall therefore be subject to the
prosecutions and penslties provided against
0.-the keeping nf tippling houses, the same as
thnugh no license had, been granted them.
• Stit . 4:llnktit shall be the duty of the.',
treasurers of the several counties of this
; ttignmonweilth, to insert, sonspicaous. in !
~ .e very titre& or, retailers license for sale of
-Annus Or spirituous Jiggly', within their
several.' 'Counties, or for the talent' fermented
, dr malt liquors, a notice that the sale of the
scum oni _ t asahhaen nr ml's day shall
work a (lrfeiture nf said license, and thme
fore-the Same, wilt be void.
gee. 3..„That'any laws inconsistent with
the' ftr4. - ,,itecond; third , fourth and 01.1 t
ser-tioilitint the act entitlori 'An Acr relating.
o to intaLlaverns and retailers of Timm,' and
soirituois liquors." itastledillarelf . eleventh;
one thousand 'eight hundred and rthirty-four,
be and the statue are hereby repealed.
StMI ee . is • Broil.— We think bad
valeta will have little difficulty in under- . ,
standing the followingaign. which mistaken
friii;n a ntoro deer in , a commercial town ie
Oalifornlar-Califereie Enquiivr.
PllO.ll. MIL HE
Boots. Shone. iktilassek Winneger; Pork
_and 11s4me..aandles, ti" kitties, ureters
alamaJonit altioo, eider, brandy. wood, to.
•-• bakker, hats, =pot nutmegs; pertatcri, it
tithe sttiings witch ' aint ingnshind hear.
ilvoitant at
An pia ladyWher tEd - rireeknow whether
plintstion was in 'Virginia or „North'
tlatiThibijoartil when the line was ran. that
elle waits resident of the former- 4 •
At aid whivs,. tans glad 41on't Math
-Corialnio 1 :-11 los Allem', eneti A e*.
101oarto have good PlaSe
. visits : as ste trawa made attract in
the. country' during the past few *Mutes;
we have been astonished at, the itanipleti of
p plin.s :we have seen. this_ city .there
isoultiiiiieulty in getting. itAo 4 1 - re:airaps
as large in'eireuinferenee as-the biggest'sort
of hoe= handle* z and two feet length to
the lea( &Om . the ground; and • "very little
more difficulty in getting:the same. sized
stems' three, feet:in length ; "and_no more .in
having stems fifteen inches in length, of the
size in
,of a un' s wrist. On looking foriuch
abroad for tio•keasons past, we have found
settle, with - stalks eight• inches long, and less
in sizi than a silted inn's - - thumb, called
tnammothi while the common - size was that
of a yi;ung lady's finuer... What is the mat- .
ter? Alter alt the talk 'about pie.ptatit van- i
not we hive in) better thin that? or did '
we not go in the right:direction- to'fnolit 7
Pio-plant wants a .very rich soil; - it is a
glutton of u feeder.. Ir- loves a soil tilled
with manure'frotu the cow : yard, the hotse
stable.,tl en. at d the 1 . 4 . 1
of niglit-suit. Lt wants; moreover, a 'deep
soil. -I , syait roots poke about in the fuel
:low loam, -. with •no fear of gettiog through
into China, and then scud out their runners
in all directioris, greedy as a tribe of cater
pillars. •It - wants moreover mkt - ;' - anti
this it must acrd will hive, or - it will not
grow to any size worth . talking about ;and
the want of this is prohthly the reason why
we have f;nnd such as we have described.
Nord we have a project for growing it as
big as it nee ever to grow, in the driest of
gardens,— oat witbOut a:little trouble, for
no good thing cones On any other condi
tions .
Plant it in ather shady situaiion, itr
an enriched- soil. Then cover the earth
ahelit the roots to the depth, of-tire inches
with straw, chips, or refidie; Next get an
old barr e l with both heads out, and plant it,
one font from the pie-plant, on end, i Then
plant it full of manure, good and strong, so
tightly trod together that it Will take a
while for water to go through. but, riot - so
tight as to hi.ld it, Then rat+ tri, it pour
into this barrel a pail of water—i-the Soap.
suds savO on washing-days would be the
best of atiy. Follow% this up through May
and Jane, and if tholeaVes will nut grow, it
Will be because they cannot,
It is needless, however, to do this with
the little spindling mid conunonly grown.
Get the ,Victoria's Giant, or Downing's
Seedling to begin with.—Prairie Farmar.
On Deep Ploughing.
Ma. EnT.n:—Toe boisness or farm'in;
differs materially from other pursuits in
that it confines one more to his home, and
his own broad acres, a n d allows less leisure
to travel and iollect front the practice of
others hintafor. his own management. than
the Merchant mansfacter, nr even mechanic.
:This disadvantage ean'only be remedied in
one way, by the circulation of agricultural
periodicals like the 'Tann Journal," wideli .
in fact are nothing more than the - pradtice
and science of good farming recorded in al
book, certainly not the less valuable on that'
account.; and thug reaching many a . corner
'of the land otherwise inaccessible. The ;
fatal prejudice against bo .k farming, which',
is only observations on 'enlture printed in-- ,
stead of spoken Into in a measure passed
away, and our practical farmers now find
their true interests to consist nut only in ;
reading Agricultural - Journals, - but alto,,in
'writing for them:
Among other innestions an old system
, brought about in this way, the heading, of
, this article I have somewhere seen
this observation that there. is some excuse
for the yearly renter of a farm to plough i
Shallow, hutment, f w the 'owner of the sell.
The one wants-to get all he can even at the
eXpenses of the lankthe latter permanently
to improve, - While' cropping it. I doubt
whether it is to the advantage of either.renter
or owner of the soil to plough shallow.
In the spriug of 184-1. I broke up 1 stiff
Sod for corn, with a heavy plough, (Prouty's
5i.) . drawn by two.yoke ofoxen„ to the depth
n: nearly eight incite,. " I then followed
,immediately b&dtid who a subtedl plough,
which stirred up the sub,oil to the depth of
tsix. or seven inches' more. aVtai the
I:ploughing anti harrowing were finished, a
stick could be pushed down in nearly every ;
;part of it, to the depth of fourken inchesl
of loose earth: - It was well ploughed and
the experiment was a fair one.
• We may remember that the summer was
a very dry nee. Not only were our pasture
lfields burnt up and
.liari;-but the summer
crops suff wed greatly. . Cattle ware fodder
!ed for dothe time: - I Went to England' in
i [ the spring of that - year„ind did not return
i till the crop -was harvested in, the fall it
I proved a full average, and I was told that',
it had been a common remark of the neigh:l
hors and passers by. how green - and luinr
iant, it cootifitted through the season, MP..
pared with' others around it. . This - was
an instance of benefit of deep lannghing in
a dry. season. and I hold it would have been
i equally perceptible in a - ..very wet one..
!The depth of the, soil. would have snowed
the superabandant.. Moisture to pass off,
[ and thus relieve the rooteef growingUrops.
In wetor dry seasons, in rich or poor land'
, I contend for deep ploughing... To be Sure
lan ineiliousted snit. or in a nattmilly, defie
iont one, very deep ploughing, is not, to be
• et' gees' adopted; but the systein is correct,
each year to go - a little deeper.
it is suprising to see the practice of many ,
faimers, working for 3 ears, ploughing, Maw'
urine = and planting about four or five inch.
es deep, fearful of touching the hard yellow .
substraium. Ask the question, :and it will
be admitted, , that if there:was twelve inch.
es of depth as rich as four inches,' it would
be a fine thing; but bow ttiaccoMplitsb tide
unless by ploughing and turning ,up to: the
influence of the atmlapbere, would be difft'r
cult to answear: The larger. the source
from whence growing Mops derive their itn.
triment, of course thalarger Ali crop.
given amount of. surface representinit , test
inches dearer good soil, of Mvplieit
more' food to plants than the l ,:ionnit
amount of surface on' Tr fourinelles, ai.4p.
West rbeeter, - Pa. ltsl. - 1.
1;': 1 - 5 5gRil - t.:tAZ(1,t[41?.':'7 -
Kimmins TouIIIDAT NOLitura sr
A.B;'ttiEcß.' : :.;hoi3l
IDerdis 'Mar norattmoss.
TExlli9 Dee session Alio rind corers per
ruatturn,csah in ruivance, or two dollars if net fetid
`until theend of the yews. or , time of subscription. ,
No,piperwiilbe dlseoutiutied until Imagoes
aer paid, siscept it the option of the Publishers.
; All coutrounicetiorts rrwn be rose PAW to re;
eeive attention. .. '; . ;.:', ...:
Alf krs tte tenni:tt& with the oißcti ' 4l °' 2 ld be
directed to S.B. & E. ff. Casts, Minima. , "dn.
II? Editors' Ace one C.TylefeStore.
One liqunga:Cl2 of leas') 3 insertiins, , gloo
Each subsequent insertion, - - • _! 25
Clue scutire, 3 months, _ - = 250
•0 6 months, . . 4
Basiners Cards, 4 lines or teia. 00
Yearly Allidvenisennents, not over 4 squarer. 7 00
One column, sue year. ' . - 30 00
' Yearly Advertisers, will be restricted to the bu
siness in which they are engaged.
QT The Publiskers, having a large assortment
of Job Printing Materiel'. are prepared to execute
all kinds of JOB WORK with neatness and des
! se [BLANKS of every description 'ionstaotly
on hand, or printei toorder.
gazStuzz girZro
- JOMS U. uanock,
-tittoruoy 41.tsiv: tidizer on Turnpike stmt,
one door wort ofdui old itegistor Printing Atico, Ai on
Great Bend, Pa.—Office ioith Col. P.. Lusk.
CIAVING been appeinted by Gar Fish, of New Tork, as
AI a Commissioner for that State to take tbe omit and
acknowledgemint of Deeds au other Instruments, will
attend to business calls iu that captivity at his oaks at
great Dead, Vs. Sapt..lo, 1850 - •
Pa., l o.flice in Stark's Brick Row
nrsiDENcE la the house linm aly tLe teed( Eft
CI alto. deceased.
Ftarfortt, December 25, WO.
J. N. , IOTT & CO.
Montrose, Penult*
i!ftbitant mud. ;Altair •Ia raw; carries on the
huskiest. in stilts rations branches and on a large scale,
-at the old stand of Sanths,Stevens and Avery.
. E. B. &S. B. CURSE,'
.9.72024.. ;1.3
(Office over Tyler's Store.)
F R. etrafix
DEALER IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Tin Wile
• Groceries, Rooky. 4c. !Also mill/kern the
Book Binding Mildness.
Public Acenue, Montrose, Pa.:
(Shop over A. ttalairin'sSaddlerg.piop.)
- 7,111A77.11.1713 1 2::4:61.2:111
Searle's Building next a. to the Post Mee,
Montrose, Pa. 01 4 2.11
The. People's Friend
T T. PONDtaie of Ithaca, Pi. Ta
Dux Dusvuovaß st Usatapcs Extitace.....An Renee
from abe shrub called Witch-hazel, and until,' from
that with the - exception of a little Alcohol to ,reserve it.
It will cumuli local pain 11.11 d inftaouticro, old ,ores,
treats wounds and bruises, Pilea.ind all diaeues oftbe
bowel...fa chronic 0 nun., tooth-ache, ear-ache and an
exertlent rem dy for rental et,A,e.
It is truly what It protessesto be, flee Pecrpte'e Friend!
.Previdence haa scattered along the rugged paths of life
many things thatcoutribute greatly to the comfort and
happinessof every body ; hence their great value, and
well may they , ' be ealledtgrlends of tho People '
One word here toguardagaluatimpoaltiou A man by
the name a/peneer, hu manufactured and offered for
' sale a *patient. artielPealleff the Coryll .Estract,—that
vrould be extract of the based-nut:—the genuine is as
irldte and u pure as water. while the spurious article is
erdered.which enables the public; o diatingulab. thosemarted Pond'ePain Destroyer
MI. K. lIATCII, Montrose, and store-keepers and MP.
A NEW supply of JEWELRY. and IVoicAes
at con for cash, at • TURRELL'S.
Ow) 1. 11151. •
iirz.abtre . taslo 7:Mt . tit'„lirratt .. velenifi:
=agency. Dealers can be aceomodated !rid, as u perior
articie,from aorta one thoutond sties at prices hereto-
ors unheard °flu this country.
Oct. I, ISSO. ' 18,L&C L. mosT&.co.
A Fresh Stock of-Clothing.
Othat and Cl4l4(sPeng la/61W Gents, Ladies tad
Rota Boots and tite•ee, abs.. Cap and Letter Paper,
by r the Ream or lees quantity, Wall and Curtain Paper
and Berder, Inks, Pictures and .Pteture Primal, Books
fancy Stationery , risking Tackle, ae-jar received and
for sale ecnallprofits forready pay, and read.l pay craly
April 3,1851. • :GEO. rucims..
. .
Ferfoinery. Fancy Soap Scc.'
thindoline. Tripletstrari. ilaeeassar 01LjOr
.. I.larrow' Pomade, Bears' 011, Barry's Trieopberons,
alit! otber Auriga for the hair. Military. shaving Soap;
Wsinut Oil do White Bars. Almond and Sassafras Soap,
atiperlorartfelem for the Tollet;to be found at • •
Montrose, October 28, 1850 J. LYONS & SON.
Furs! Fur st
pAsti paid for Fox, Mink,'Muskrat, Martin and
11,;Caon skins, M. C. TYLER.
.111natrose, Dec.-19, 1850.
Flax Seed.
AF26- ta nr ntgad t r y lu Seed wanted te r saaae i r a ld l. t.
E dShawli, P&hoettoa, and pinter colors at iAa;r
SALT by the bbl. or load at
TILOCOLL 4 and Seri" petsor t tale b i
Q. SAP Powdrri and /tat Pills for role by
JEWELItY,Sluaita t instruments aud Perfulatry. at
430 rts.V. kettles.. fresh raisins, figs. herring.
.11mackerel, codfish. and Eniou bats for pale by
SHEEP shear,
for sale by
.1. LYONS 4 Sox.
GOOD stack of Boots and shoOlit
•' D.R.Z. and Co.
WHALE and Linseed Oil. Paints, a good as.
T samara* at - • D. It L. and Co.
AT AN*l ED---Fifty tons goodcoal in exchange
for plows and castings. • . -
:ilk-foam*, Jan. SO 851. '
qg I moire' of those' Orange ca. tin pans and all
41VA/other kiudi pi tin •
1001oalltantey'0,100 toad Cayuga.' for Lao it arra!,
Bad Depote-1,6m3. _ By W. EAGER.
wAREANTEDu F ge Wad; farsidea port. * en.
OENTLEBENimishing so boy diotkut outtabirt srodct
clothing do well Id eaU
rrislllll24ltOckeel - •• -
- IE,J. WEBB..
uramth-racom4 a'atutuird. Roster • hew. To;
law,Batlnnur4ol4,tutel °Wake.
RANGER klotolosso.—A With- sus just re.
11 .feeind and for sate by hundred, closen, of
AV* flag; faith" just Aloo Amu; We
qoader/olflasto flootasarer
.Zreats - Bargainsl-:.
CANCIEILD- *aid ay
,1/: to the oittsout Mentioto
tud.oleinlty,thet howjg,t, r e,
• —7* tornettfrom Ken York with the
i snos t,-Ita„isid best i t te e t t 4
' • otoortment of TM Q tC Qe ss
.ire'avtifirr. VIPs re*
• a t i orer ore
• offered In Mag
• *Teton; The above goods were
bought ter cash, apd anther - sold
it !I:leleven prlee t and nit articles warranted as moat.
=ended. Pi. 11-.Pattleularattention paid to repairing
nil kinds or Watthee and Jeweiry. - -
Conrtst tett, nearly oppeeite the tthamixltotet.
Dingiukinton, 0et.10,18504 ,-,. CANFIELD::
. , „,
Watches Jewelry, •&e.
MITE ststiteTiton. Is now. recall('
3 7 13a7 ' trig hlstiprlog stOck of Goods.
, . '• • consoong in part of 1. old 13.4 sit—
•-• cr. ' 'Ter Vugitab Lever Watches, Gold
•• and Silver Anchor do., Gull and
• .....;•").1 4 ,. •Ellyer Levine du,of every variety
-1•. ' of style and pattern. warranted
. 4fk —.lt. 800(1 timm,keepent Ilue gold ear
e 'logs; breast pill!, Anger rings.
147 " band, stone and boihracelets,culf
plol,"gold fob, guifd and vest chains, gold lockets; or all
wises, single and double, gold' and silver spectacles, gOld
and (Myer thimble!, pens, pencils, witch keys, belt hooks
and slides sitverplated wate r hittaula ware; clocks. cut
lei, Fancy goods;shell and buffalo comb*, etc; Also a
largo aesortment of silver spooni, forts, eta.; warranted
herd as coin, (engraved gratis.) Owing to the increase
of the subscriber's business, he Is enabled to sell any . ar.
tittle to Moline ata very small ad van cefrnm Manufhetnr-
We eta Importers' pikes, thereby affording superior in.
dtfeements to therowishinr to purchase, In the variety
cheapness and quality of his Goods. • •
%Catches and timepieces of over deseriptian r•polred
and warranted at the shortest • untie° and in the best
manner ALFItIIII J. EVANS. •
" Binghamton, ty 12, '5l, Washington's.. •
11:1614 irralk i ke
hare been the very iiberca patronage
received, to till up my shop with the largest and best
astnrtment"or goods ever yet brought to this -market—
Intl may boround everything belongingto aJeweiry and
fancy store, 0 .lor.Clocks tWatchea; oferery description.
Burning 11l old, parlorand common Lamps, which at this
time la the host thing in use for a good and cheap lieht.
You can find them only at . - • TEUE'S.
Mon trese, s tievenibet 20,1850.
It ERG ElANT'Sdii:ribrii 1, Trask a Alaineticuintuunts
Cod [Aver OH, Townaend's Sarno arilla, Vaughu'a
thentriptic.Schencleallabaun.Swaim% Pnnace.atl et Dr.
dayne'a calcines. Dalley'a.Pain Extractor. Pin RWer,
Dillow'a Heave Cure, and most or the approved Patent
Medicines of the day, kept coortantly en hand by
watches, Je inlry -&e
Subscriberhav receivedlkt) addition to hi
stock of JeWeiryiconsistinz of Cold Fob and
Guard Chaim Lockets, Fintzer [Halm Ear Mize.
Breast Pins. Silver Chains. Gold Thimbles. Gold
Pencils and Pens, &c., &c. to which he would in-
Vito the attention of his friends. Al. EVANS,
Binghamton, Ilfarch 3.'51 Washington 13
WAches ! Watches !
lam and 4 1Iver,Lever and LeylneitulljewPled and
lT plain t a largo assortment at the very lowest prices
and warranted. -
.ungh. Oct. 1.1,1650. L. CANFIELD.
567 Pie e es-; .s s i i i i . v .,;ll,v c - o el a r e
lacingp telio,ra;filltler.rgian,
llesgrt. Errant - and !klnstard Sponns, Saltand Sugar Shay.
els. Forks Engraved gratis, at L. CANFIELD'S.
QILVER Spnons. Forks and Knivet, warranted the best
manufactured Irt America, at
trite last ot the 6 dna. tlOs Mocks it cone but more o
.1 the same sort ht on the way to Tine'Llowelry Atop. e
C — LO C of various patterns; received this
day, and for sale cheap by
FINGER to-w Hod' bpo.ou a to,
sortmcnt just receiveiland for sale cheap by
The Richest
jfELECTTONof Dren.qpins. Earrings and Finger Ring*
ever offered iu Binghamton, by A.J. EVANS.
- - -
WATC . HES and otherjewciry quantities
V V to sun
w. n noWnIOIIGE.
Gold Lockets
USD I,F:autl Double of every =lie. by
13 Dinzhamten.l_ A. 3. EVANS, l%aehington•et
Some Very Fine
GOLD WATCHES perfect time keepers. Also sitte
Watches, all quautztiee, A: J. EVANS.
, Gold Chains'
LSCAT'S.-Thlmbles, Specks, Pen antLPeneil Cases a
afallasaortment. at L. CANFIELD'S,
• Is In full Receipt of hls Fall Stock of
it Banat Goods, which's unusually largo and
complete in Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,
Irou and Nails, Boota and Shoes, Cooking, Parlor
and Shop Stoves, Baguio Robes, Hats, Caps, &e.
including iu particular, at arge and splendid as.
sortinput of
2341'1M15. 49 IDIEIMO3 evacmcm,
and Winter Long Shawls,
to all at which ho would intlte the attention of nil who
arewishing Goods of the bent styles, and at prices that
cannot bobcat, for each of produce of allicinds, including
Woolen Socks'. Flannel, Met, Grain, & any quantity.
- New Milford, Nov. 7.1850. •
'N.B.—Coarse and Western Salt, awl Flour kept eau
antly on hand.
Live and let Live.
WD. TROWBRIDGE, is now receiving a
e new and Well selected assortment of Dry
Goods, Groceries, etc., which , . he offers at lower
prices from selling on the credit system. By dn..
Mg business on the ready pay system he is able
to du justice to himself and his worthy patrons,thet
deem it to their interest to purchase where they
can do the best. He would here otake manifest
his grateful feelings for the liberal patronage re.
ceived heretofore, and reciprocate the favor by
offering a more extensive and desirable stock of
Goods which may prove to the interest of those
that took out for No. 1. • A sixpence saved is
'Worth Iwo earned.'
His stock consists 'ii part of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods, viz: Gmattams, prints, Fhawls, Cain
bricks, sheeting's, Cloths, Vestiugs, ribbons, para.
sole nud Umbrellas,
Gsocantrs.—Sogar, molasses.' teas; (a prime
article well selected Black and Green Tea,) Can
dles, Pepper. Spice, Rice, Soda 'and Salardturt.
(do,) Soap, Tobacco, Snuff: Cigars, Dye-Stuffs,
Candy. Oils, and Perromery.
Hors, CAPP, & ST3A'W GOODS-.Kip and Calf
Boots,' (of good quality, a good selection of
Shoes and Gaiters Grate and Boys Shoes, Chil
dreus Shumand Slippers, Cloche Watches, Gold
Rings, Pens end Cases Stationary. and Y ankee
Notions, you taut hit a miss.
Great Bend Apr. 29th 1E51., .
D. R. L. &Co
F tIE subscribers gratefully acknowledge •part
j favors and would respectfully call the attention
at all persons who wish to buy goods cheap to call
to their afore one doer past of the thick corner,auti
examine their stock of geode. '
A general assortment of Dry Goods. C — Mckery,
Hardware, Hollow-ware. Groceries, sheet iron;
and tin ware. stoves and stove trimmings -con
stantly on hand, and orders for tin, copper, and
sheet iron ware, promptly attended to.
D. R. LATHROP & \ Co.
Montrose, April 29th, 1851.
Goods bought for Cash.
TOLINSTOB a VERY have jitet received a largo and
al well assorted stock of Dry Goode, Groceries, Crock
ery, Hardware. Iron. Naffs. Looking °tastes, Boots end
Shoes, Deady Made Clothing. Drags. Medicine, Paints,
0111,11lver Ware;deweiry, Clocks, Trunks, hats,' Caps
and Bonnets, &a, which they are offering at the follow.
lag very low prices, vim : Nails $4.00 per Keg. Bice 5 , cts.
. er 1b.,16 lbs. Bngariorsl,OCr, Thick Boots $1.75. French
and -English Broad Garbs from 15s tolliSper yard, Can,
dira ls,Saleratua 0d per lb., Lawn from le to
Looting Gleams Bum Ia to sb,oo, Shawls from $l.OO to
$7,00. Our goods having been selected, with "peril tutor
regard to quality and style, we Hatter ',Unitive thst we
can please *Web* may fairor ns with a call: and as for
prices we are determined not to be undersold by any in
tide market for cash or approved credit. - • •
WANTED-1000 penult Wool, 2350511 rs all wont socks
foristdch ens will pay 25 ets. per pair, and any quantity
ntter,Eggs and Blonde" generally,
Etatiord,letay 12.1851. i . .
nuswell's Mineral Paint.
. rl arPEEtlOli artio!tforotinthal on wood' bd.*. irons
or t a. 'error aramit EN., Water and Wottbor. and
rinebaogroble lb Ito color.'lt mites readily with "oil or
rompoghion t ind it a benotitiii dark brown or FrerS tont
. .
• (monis Pstut rewired tho inerniunt et? New York
state Tar, In lON In competition with the Ohio )Iro proof
Pond. and ieveral other ktnda of Ighteral paint, sr befog
=to VI thin g of the SPA now Wats For We 17
W I NE, :V ; 4811
Stoves; Ware, lied Pipe.
tr EY Stone State - Air Tight cookintzt stove, for
burriipg wood or coal, tho best in ate. .
Rough aud Ready dooblo oven cookitig
Elevated . do do do •
' Preiniunt ' do` 'do
- Victoria , 410 - do , do do
Empire-State ,- , . - d 0 do ;
Clinton Air Tight. , , '
20 Slats and kinds ;of Parlor Stoves for wood Or
4 Sites or 6 plate 'Stove'. _ - - • z.
Coat and !Food Stoves for ahemaehoel houses'
ihe best invite:: , • _
Capper, bratty, tin and iron, stove Ware.,
Enema, English, and Atnerleatt Stove Pipe.
' Stone, Tin. and'Zineltsbes, 4c., for sale by the
100;dez., at, the Eagle Foundry Depot•
' . 'WILSON Co.
Itlentroie, Nov. 20,'50: . .
Ware'. ROplll in . Lyons . 4 chapdler's
• 1,
A general assortment of
Cooking:, Parlor, Slop - and Coal Stoves;
Stove pipe;•Elboujs, Zinc . ; Sheet Iron,
Copper, Brass, Wire; Bar 1r0n,.,
. Nail Rods, round & square
Cast Steil all sites;
round . h sq'u '
Iron, allsizes, . •
-• . • Sidi. hill • .
• 1 Green.. &Ord,'
Ereelsior,' Genesee 47'
WorsterPloies,Straw Cut
ters, Carl: Slillers,Sato Arbors,
Morticing - Mitchines., Mill Cranks,
Balance Wheele; Pots, Disk Kettles, Spi
• ders; Tea 'Kettles, Waffle Irons,' Um=
brella Stands,Punips, ,Lead Pipe,
Shingle-Machiiies, Scrapers, •
Sleigh Shoes,,Jack Screws, 4.c. 4.c.
All kinds of Castings on band or made to order—
also, Tin, Copper and,Sheet Iron Ware on hand,
or made to order. WILSON & CO.
. Montrose, Nor. 5,1850. • •
dew Milford Stove. Depat
n litiftnlTT has just received a new assertrnetit of,
1I Stoves, including the meet approved kinds of Mr
Tight.and common Cooking. Parlor. and t+hop Stoves.
Russia and common pipe, Sheet Iron. and Zinc, Stove
Tubesokc. !c 0., to which the attention of cash purelms.
en , . and the publicly invited, and which will be sold at
very low prices.o,r cash or approved credit.
'September. 18.50.
Stove, Tin and Copper Ware.
THE subscribers have just purchased a lurge
• 1 snivel: of over, Tinond Capper Ware, which
they offer to the public as cheep as the clitapest.
Montrose, Dee. 10 7 IHSO.
The hegt STOVE out I '
T HE Keystone State ir-tight Cooking Stove,
- manufactured and for' sale by WttsoN a, co.
lifantrose and Lanesboro',
np: now receiving a large and splendid assortment of
1 1 1. Goods, which Will be sold 'cheap for cash. •
Sheeting,s, Shirting, Ticking:Batting, Wadding,
Co: ton and IWoolen Yarn. Carpet and Knitting
Yarn, Broadcloths hud •Jassimeres, Carpets and Carpet
Trunks. Black. Blue and Green Umbr.-11as, Japated
Ware, evekery and G lass Ware, hardware,
Crushed, pulverised nud N 0. Sugars, Coffee. Molasses,
Black and Green Teas, Pork, Mackerel,Codlash, Candles,
spices, be.
We are receiving ala geassoftment of all kinds fscb no
Books,(English, Latin, French, Greek and German) Bi
bles., Itiftories, 311seellancoue Works, Medical Rooks,
Cads. Tissue and Note Paper. Ice. &c. Those n want
of Books and Stationery will please glee vats cal Wits we
ntend to sell cheap for cash. -
Cooking, Parlor,Shop aril Coal Stoves. Pipe, Elbows,
Stove Ware, Iron Scrapers, Plows, Coro &oilers, straw
catte s, Prow Points, etc., at Lartestioro'.
by the bbl. or othererisr—esndles by the box or lb—also,
Nails, G lass, Paints anti Oils.
014 Dr. Jacob's.i. P Townsend's, and Sand'onarra
pnrlllo —75 cents per bottle. LT(NS & t!,ILINDLEIt.
Montrose 4nd L nerboro',Nor.7,lBso.
Blatchly's iliws
TILE subscriber would inform his frjends and the pub
lie that he is now manufacturing the celebrated
RLATCHLY FLows at the old stand of 11. Post. Side
11111. Idon, Wayne Co., Living.ton county, and Skinners
Eddy. Plows and Castinr.s on hand Repairing done on
shor. notice. Having made an arrangement with a ma
chinist, he ie prepareftto make and tit up most kinds of
machinery enema notice and on reasonable terms.
:Montrose. February 17.1851. • • R. If. MILTS.
and Swedtt, aanau hare. imitable°.
1 Prap a ."Teetlt by E.U. SAYRE A CO
A gontrAeondliand cooking Rove, airo a goon new rut
It ter. for ante, cheap at TIMUELL'S
POUGUS.-13inglutmton.Montrww.Skinnerg Eddy
and Mott andFulluesPloughs and Castinp.constant•
yon hand by • S. 11. SAY RE & CO:
Notice to the Public.
New Seasonable Fall and Winter Goads at the
Great One Price Store of
L. S. LEAilliEll Great Bead. Pa.
DECS leave to take this opportunitrof tendering his
.J) sincere thanks to his friends and maternal's, for the
generous patronage they have extended' to him; and
at the 1130213 time Inform them that be has just returned
from New York with a very large and choice selection of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goode. Also a fresh and erten
siveassertment of C rcaries, Provisions, Booa and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Ilardarare, Crockery. &c., Drugs and
Medicines, which will be sold for cash and predate at a
very small saunter, at prices which defy ajlcompetition
Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, wholesaleandretall,—he would
also remark that he a !heres Strictly to the system of iti
ways ntang thelowest priceat linst,thereby giving the
same adant age to all who may favor him with their pat
Great Bend Clothing Store.
The largest, best and cheapest assortment of. Beady
Made Clothing in the Village of Great Band, Pa., Broad
Cloths. Doe Skinr,Cassimeres and Festingsof all qualities_
suitable for the Fall awl Winter Trade, which he offers at
such prlees as to satisfy any nuelhat this Is the place for
them to deal. in cons equence of the great Increase of hi.
bustnese he has been obliged. to greatly enlargehis stock,
which he now offers to his frieWis -tat the public for ex
amination, confident that In so doing they will find &mut
thing to their advantage., Theaubscriber has made U 9
rangcments to mantifiteture clothing in all its various
branches, and is new prepared to sell the same. warrant
ed tobearinspection, Custom work and cutting done
at the I ateststyle and shortest notice,—all kinds of tall.
ove ti:Ntarnisllo and for sale. Bonet forget thr
spot.. Store nearly oppo-it'e the Mansion House.
Great Bend, Sept., 11350. - b. S. LESUBF3I..-
New and popular F.chool book.
UISTIED PERSONS, which is appended an epitomewf
Adopted and used in the.Puldiesehools or Philadelphia
B. S. JONES & Co., Publislicrx.
S: W. Car. Fourth and Race sta., Phila...
• rear herr and school Committees addrorsing letterst,i
us post paid, uill bo furnished with copies for examina
ccr A foil and complete aosortmeot of D 4043 ortei
CSonnr y formic at the Lowest Prices.
gioks! Books!
A NEW, simply of idst, received. - inendinn nil
. the k furls need in the New - Academy. Aho Draw-
int!. Music, Letter and Cap Paper, at thp inwent priced
rept. 5 . ' J. LYONS& 8014.
Valuable cool's .
IVETON'S Daily 113ble Mast talons. Emerson's Essays,
Apostolic Baptism by Taylor, Hesteir of the 3texleaa
Wee by Livermore; Hook ottrorms.D'Aubblane's History
ag) Reformation, etc. etc. • L LYONS & SON.
GENERAL aorsortipent of School Bookembole
*ale or retabi by •
14,1ontrosi3, N0v..9.6, 'SO. - • , -
A cre . shailplyotOrocerie, no , c opelu t
ASH pafil far oltinglaer Atter; d clitereinirtor
tatlatry. LToNS k CtrannLva
TV OTED 20, 4 P0 bushel: of Orair. 10,00U - bush'
vls,of Rye end Corp for which, the . .higheol
Jnioo 'wilt be paid ID cash or trade by, - -
. .• D.lll. L. dr, CO.
A . NEW ..apply goodvii:
rurrfrt :
_ • '
RATIRdADS,- - VitElatit&C
Change of Hours, tokuitencing J my 8
IRainapo &. Paterson and Pater
_ ..
R soil Si . Uudson River..: - 'l .
-A• 2 JD 11.'0 11 . , D Sii , v: -- :
• yes, . SaafinViDopotart'. ~ I.coio Neir-Yoik a 11.6
.6 0 4 cioc43Otolo. . 1 - A.M.,. 1! o'clock 30 lulu. • .... I k, N‘
/ 0 - " ' 30 'min. 1,. 1
.k.. 1 1. a - . ." • - 16 ten. ' 1. , . 31 -
*0 -..,!, .39 ten. ......, -r: 11. , 5,-" , ' ' ; 4 4. 13, 4mc ,: P , /f.
: • .'- - ' 1
- , T.VI9I)AY 'PIA AlIro".• • .
Licies Suffern! a Depot: l r.:Lea re .2 1 Car,-Irenk - •
*6 or.olock ate mitsc :: A . M., 4 o'clock - - . —.P. X
*Oran thcartical of Me' rhi train's jpil9l Pain; , , I
, : • ••• : '• *'..l, 1 1 ift..liStaN Vlt A 'INS:. •
2. [ ... •:. .`•-•• -1
~ Leare P4,[17071 CI ", % ,' Leard'Netc , !arm.
' 7 o'clock A;)t.ilarket-it.' l .l 7
. 0' tiock3Clinin: - '.'- A.ll
", -.
4:4 .. '! - Pot'o Dep. 9 : .... - 32.0! •:, ,
12. .. M. •..;•• 1 1 i te '.
; - t i ”..
43i . a P. 31. . .!; , ~, :: ia . 12 1 i :-- - ~ a ,
7 • . 4- 4 ''.. .. Morkotist. .S 1. gi 45 .. .' • m "
_ ,
;' • . • Palltil Ale .'"
Lear' Patentokat • Leave New. York et .
.n'alook A. 31. Atasket et. $ o'ctant
11 ", P. At -Pni'n Depot. . .P.Jt
•N. B. On Afendaynicannratliefin't 0101;06mgal:remi t '
alit learn 447 min. or on tho arriviilarthoportJarfli
- -
. .
. The 730 A. 54: node, 45 o'clock P.M. traina.rma NI V
York; will nut stop at any station north or Paterson, e:
cept Reek Itciatl anti Itokokus.; .
The trains which teate New York at 7yiA 54 and it
P M will he incline to fleet tha Crie trains,otorning and
yeuing. going WeV, at SulfertutDepat. •
August :»',1850. - • •
New York & Ede; Cayuga & us•
quehanna.ltalutoads, Seneca
and Cayuga Lakes!
TtlEsiltristiumarenotrprepared to receive FilklOur
oral/ kind ‘, at the following point ft,
Buffalo, Atttea, Batavia, 11-ariten, Rochester Cananda
4a, Geneva, Dresden, Ovid. Lodi, Dundee; aindlog,Jef
anon, Havana, %Milton, Worseheadsojorning,
Factoryville,Spring Port, Redder's Ferry, Aare, a, Ulm
ea, Candor, Owege,..Union, Binghamton,. Great Bend
Lanesboro', Deposit, and lloneock, everyday In the week
(riliindays exetmtell,)and. coutiune wits riMularity throng
out tbeana.s.m. - They will attend to forwarding the same
to the New York Mareet,wherei6 willreceire the person
al. attention it eaperieneedsalevmen, who will attend to
the selling ofthesame, and return th.procecdelu Bank
able fundsat either of the above points, to theft:flowing
persons: • " I ' • . -
Dulfalo,itorehouse of !Limy Dow • • At tica.Storehonse
of hears `yfordi Itatavia,SteretionseoiLucins A. Smith,
Bergen, storehouse 'f Daniel AlePherson;• Rochester
Store of P Orbanks & Eldredge; Caw:deg:la, Office o
Walter Corcoran; Geneva, U.' Lawrence; .Dresden Store
house ~f Whitney & Monell: /rid, Ferguson .I.4r.gue
Lodi; Dundee Landing, Sttirehoose of T. Ttithilt & Co.
efferson, office of O. :Norton, ou the Pier Bevan,.
A:Aiken( .1. F.Thelps• Mil tenet. store of J. S tull; I tor.
ocadr, office of.). A:Yen:di:l Corning; store of Wm.. ,1
Arnold;, storehouse l of. Thurman & Inghrern.
Factorytille, - store 'of Charles A, Shepherd; Itedder'
Ferry; A urora. store of 11. &:(1. b n en. sto,
of P. it. Drake; Candor, store of S. llaragq•r; Owego,
flee of Nathaniel Ells; Union' etore of C. - N. .ITheeler
Binghamton, office of James :mei,: Great Dend, office o
P. Churchill; Lancsbern'.sflice of F A - . Ward; Depo,it
Eon. of Ensign & Dean ;• !Hancock. store of Allison
! Beeves. .o_4 s. Itint:hamton -
101. WIIifNEY. Dresden,
GEO.P. 310 NELL, • do. •
A GENTS.-11 uffolo, 'levy Dow ; Attica, Thomas Sy
ford; Dalavia, Lucius A. Smith; Itergen,DanielMoPher
son; Rochester, Fairbanks & Eldridge; Cancudagua,
WalterCoreoran; Geneva, C. Larrrence• Ovid, Ferguson
lc; Lodi; Dundee Landing, & Co.; Jef
ferson, E. 0 Norton; ILtranO, F. Phelps:ilia illport, J.
Stull; lloraeheads, J. A: Ferrel ;.,Coming. Wm. J. Ar
nold; Elmira,,Thurman & Inghram ; Factory - rine.° It.
Shepherd; Aurora:ll. & G. P. Morgan. Ithaca, P.
Drake; Candor. S. Itora,rer Union, C. 5. Wheeler;
Great Bend, F. Chureifill; Latieshoro'. F. A. Ward; De
posit,Ensign& Dean; IlancOck, Allison & Reeves.- ,
Capt. James Isk,
t4lllsnperintend the busrnese throughout-the whole
ne t and receive and fin all <Tiers
fillrile oti ell. 'lt' - i`1•11. 0 , -'l.• r 4; t.... A i
which will he bought at . the dowe.t wholerale prieei In
Nevi York, and leritarded to. any of the above named
Depots. i , . ' 32—g
New Stage Arrangement at Great
Ileuid. •
TITE two Dolly Lite* of Stages hie= Great Dead to
51outrnee will herenttdr tease he liallr , ,no liotel of
C. Smith in tho immedlate!vicinity ott he Depot, a.fid
owe : At 4A. M. and 6P. 31,, on the arrival of the Rail
road trains from New York, passing ibri.rmtt New 3lllf rd
n Montrose, whew* a Dail line runs in d tinexion
therewith to Springville Tunithennock and Itlikesbarri, ,
another via. N nholson, PaetovVvilio. Abington Centre;
Providence and Ilydo Park tn Serantenia, (these platen
bring along the line or the Leggets Gap Railroad) Re
turning, the stage kayos Serentonia at 4 A M., pafeing
through the above places tollontrose, whence the Hues
leave In lime to roach thri Great Bend Depot before the
tralar gong East..
Also, a Daily" line leaves Smith's Railway Hotel en the
arrival f the noon train limn the West f, r Carbondale
via. Summerseille, New Milford, Burford. Lenox and Dun.
Great Ben 4, Jan. .12-1151.1 • • stf
DR. S. E. CRAIN, German Physician; takes thierneth
od of Informing his friends and the pub Ic in genersl,
that he has. located in the villegr of Owego, County of
flog% and has edablished a permanent office .m Mainst.
over E. B. liniburt's atom, and is ready to attend to any
businea In the lute of his profession. ,
llis superior method of arriiing at a correct diagnosis
in disease, and his amparalciled success In treating
various diseases incidental to tie human sytetu, tore
especially those of an acute - subacute; chronic. or com
plicated character, are all that is necessary' for him to oi•
fee to the invalids and diseased of everfeharecter to matt.
tie him to the confidence of a diecritainating public. For
the benefit of those unacquainted will his method of
practice he -would say that' ho describes disease .by a
chemical and micmseopicalexemlnatien of the Urine.
reasons may send or bring their Urine in a clean (at
least two ounce) vial, the first in the morning preferred,
and as a record is keptof all the rases exainined,the
name and age of the patient are also reqiirreat
charge is made for examining n ease where no medicine is
taken. - .
, .
Ills medicines are principally selected tram the Vegeta
ble Kingdom, and are administered awarding to the t 3 er
man Botanic Practice. . .
He crould also add, that be bas at last made an iropor
ant discostry in relation tti treating diseases of a calcu-
Ling origin, or Grarel. This is a sin,gidar depodilon. and
may consist in erysta Inc grains, of a grittyliar4ileel,
but not distinctly visible upon a close examination ; or jt
may consist in irregular shaped transparent concretions,
aulficiently large to be readily distinguished by the eye,
and denominated calculi. . • •
The preparation that be has Introduced Is tenable of
dissolving and bolditus. in selution, calculons, or laten
tious concretions. which is the source of irritation, and
very often extensive inflater:Cons of the 'Urinary organs,
thereby allowing the same to escape.
References can be had tit his °Med. m persot
In all the Western counties of _the Stat. of New York,
Pennsylbenia,3liehigan, &e l , who had beers,, van up to
die by the most skillful Physicians, hearing ot . 'III and
avallng themselves of los skill have been, restart ' - to.
good health., Thegreat German Remedy fer Irctuale Ob-
Strtctions, Worms. Croup 314 Dysentery, may always be
tone • at the Office. . D. S. E. CRAIN --
Owego, Jan. 22, 3851. 4ly.
Professor of Astrology„ - Astronomy, Phrenology, and
Geomancy, combined with CONJURATION, from threes
den, Mike No. 71 LOCUST, Sttrei, Phliallephia, offers
his services to the cithens-of , :tiontrcise. Ito has been
consulted by all the crowned heada of Europe, arid ea.-
Joys a higher reputation as an Astrologer than any ore
living; Nativlties calculated according to Goomanoy—
Ladles €43, Gentlemen $5. ! Persons at a distanee - can
havetheir nutivities drawn by sending the date of the
day of their birth. All letters containing the above fee
Hill receive immediate attention, Nativlties sent to. any
part of the world written on durable payer; and lie Is
prepared to ruakeuse of his power by conjuratien ori any
of the following topics;--Courtehm. advice given for the
.successful aecomplishmtent of a wealthy marriage, he has
the power to redeem such asaregiven. to the use of the
bottle; and foralleasei of hazard, and for the recovery
anoint Or lost property., and the purchasing of lettrry
tickets. Thou andsof the above named cases have bete
done In thisitity and Its vielnity, and in the United plates
to the roll satisfaction of ell. ' 10,000 No tivites or Coro.
GrrOpeP have been cast during the lest four yeirs while
here. Letters will answer every purpare; and wilt de as
well auto call in person, and the mail is now so safe that
pe sons need not fear to trust robney :through ho Post
Mee 'De Robe& receves from 400 to 1000 letters
i monthly. and has nevermisied ono.. Alt letters will be
religiously attended to if pre-pall. Per particulars mil
at the DemoCrat office. andget an Astrological Almanac.
• • . = C.-W. RODACR.
.Luenst at; above - Eighth. Philadelphia.
irrilelfautleular to mention the .Post.offlee; county
and State. ' .
r,Ot WORPEIT—Dr, WINTER willforfelt $5O
ing,to curd any case of disease that ruay come
under his care, no matter how long standing or a Miet
EITH En sax are invited toll's Private 'looms. 38 North
SIEVENTII et., Phila., ,without fear, of Interruption' by other patients. • Strangm and otliera who havehetin nos
, fortutinte in the selection ofj'a -physician are, invited to
call- Those who haveirdaredtberraelT6sl7 solliar7 vilte
are also ir,yited. -" • ; -
. ,
. - Ruin ion Itevencr,—The ofilictil - would do well to
reflect before trustinfitheir. health. boppinesa, aid in
tunny ca"cotheir lisna, in the hand" of physicians, 4gon ,
rantOf this cantor violates. -It in cc/tatnly lapoisible
for one manta underrtntid ell the Ills the human Nally
are 'abject to. Ewer" respfictable physician herb!" pc.- -
cullar branch. in which ho Is :more successful than
brother protentors, and to that be devotes most Of his
time and study. ' • ' • "
YURI Or RR ICTICE, ox.clusiveivdeyotoit to thii tend,
and treittnieut of diseases of the mesusl °rpm', together
nith'ulcers upon the latir.tbrost. noie, pens in
the had or bones; mercurial •rb eu nuitltm, 'stricture',
gravel, irreguillitiee,tii"coslortsltre froin otithful- ee.
conies crimp:attire °title Mood. tklarehy the coustitu
inn hen become enfeeblett,l eutibles,theDontor .te tan
sezenv stows? tool' Ida car pitted themscires tinder
YANTRE CURRANTS, Ciunpßor Rum,. reppenance
'Libtuetard, Lett Paper,Twln!jliachilig end "push es
a r.e. . f or ‘a l e by , -N.ittla.AßD,
• ."FgaW 1
JllRTTgamsd 4 mew cited of epic% ardtamel
tbo of .f - ujw as.
For tho. Removal' and Permanent trio of e r
And of those Comptainis ivlkidi are caused b 7 in
paired, weakened orunlicalthy condition of tha. ,
= This beautiful application or them b
totious poworrof GALVANISM end MA9NETIIII,I O
been, reenounced -by ilisUngtatbod pliplasoi both I,
Europe and , the Ifolte4 I3tatet.. to be - Gm curt oaisi e
aedicinol diteor ory of tketage.! • - 7 - i •
tea thp sulAt perfect and tutain ioeea. ilk
. ,
GENEELA:ye, .Y.,,EllKLat i lPif e •
Strengthening the weakened. bo dy; gleing tone .
tallow organs, and Invigorating the entire system,
all NERVOUS DISEASES, which nomplaillta arise fri ll
one simple cane—namely, -
'k Deriumgement of .the iverroub %tem,
In NERVOUS COMM:M . I4n Drags 111141 heft, eines I:scream the diseate,Toe they *adieu the vit i d
Ries of the already prostrated system; while , Wei iy
6-Lengthening, life•giving, vitalizing teammate of
tannin, as applied Ey this beautiful and Wonderful di
corery, the exhausted patient and , weakened them;
restored to former health, strength; 'elasticity-tad fix
• Tlit great peculiarity and excellence of '
Dr - . ,Chrlittele Cahardi Curatives.'
consists in the fact thit they arm! and 'eats &mal l
outward application, us place of the usual mode of dist
ging, and physicking Um patient till exhausted Nets
stinks hopelessly under the inflietiou I
They strings/yen the whale syttrak tattatizt the eie n ,6
tion of the blood, promote the traction% and meter t,
tht :lightest injury under any eiretoneranees: Hine they
intradnetion in the United State, only three yenta sizet,
morn than
7 5,000 Persons
Including all area, ernes and condition ' among whki,
were a large number of ladies, wheeze peculiarly ant,*
to Nervous Complointa, two been
ENTIRELY AND rramtarmarz °tram,
when all hope of relief had been given up, and acct '
thing else been tried in vain!
To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELL,
'appose the case of a person affficted with that Nut
civilization, DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or New
one Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulants ere tats
which. by, their action on the nerve' aid muscles of th
stomach, afford temporary relief but which leave tie
patient in a lower state, and with Injured faculties, ea .
the action thus excited has teased. New compare .
with the effect resulting from the applicatkinof theft
VANIC BELT. 'Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even loth
worst symptom' of an attack, and simply' tie the 14,
around the Body, 'wing the Magnetic Fluid as diresiii
In a short period the Insensible perspiration will seta 1,
the positise element of the Belt, thereby Causing aGI
, sonic circulation which will pass on to the negative, in
thence back again to the positive, Una keeping up a rs I
tirmous Galvanic circulation throughout the *yew
Thos the must severe cases of DYSPEPSIA an PI
Of the most Undoubted Character,
From all parts of the country could be given, sand
to 311 every column in this paper • - .
which cpeclusively pro.,es that ;
• " Truth is - stranger than Fiction!
c up.E OF .
anEratiTio, unoxcuins, AND OTSPEP6iI.
of New':fersey, of distinguished attatrunents and cultel
BsD;ctir, New Jersey,ly,
• ea. A. 11. Cintisma—Dear Sir: You wish to bawd
me what Ims been the result in my own case. of thens
My reply is as followt :
For about twenty years I had been inoffering 'fuel V. ,
Dyspepsia. Every year the symptoms became wens ''',:,
nor could I obtain permanent relief from any counsd
medical treatment whatever . Aboutfaurtrm years tints , a
in consequence of frequent exposure to the weattlech ..,,
the discharge of toy pastoral duties : I became subject ti
.5 severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after To:,
caused me indhscribable anguish. Farther: it:them:lr .f.
of ',15 and '46. in consequence of preaching a great en/ 7
in my own and various other churches in this natal :-
was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became* ,:..
severe as to require an immediate suspension of my pa :--:
total labors. My nervous: system was *OW thermina :,
prostrated, and as me Bronchitis became worse, so also :..
my Dyspepsia and Ithecar.atic ,affectlen—thus edacii 7:
:that hiese disorders were connected with each star
through the medium of the Nervous System.' In St
whole pharmacopccia there seemed to be no remehl
agent_which could reach and recuperate my Neror
System ; every thing that I had tried for thls purpose hl
completely failed. At last I was led by my friends ten
amine your inventions, and (though with no very m ,i
guise hopes of their efllciency,) I determined to try In 1
effect of the aPplicatiog of the GALVANIC DELTAS') .;
NECKLACE, with the' MAGNETIC FLUID. Thins .ti
• my Dvirs.rsta HAD GONE! IN moat naval was zoom
TROUBLE ate. Such is the wonderful suad happy ram]7.:-:;
of the expeiiment..'.
I have recommended ,the BELT and FLUID to ma,
who have been likewise suffering from Niuralgic dr Z
Dons: They have tried them, WITH HAITI' , ItEnnTi. I ~!
arum, is peony CASE. '.i .
. I am; dear sir very respectfully yours, ,
, .
, g
Is nted for all coraplaints alrecting the Throat artful
anch as Bronchitis,-Initammation of the' Throat. Neryea
and Sick Headache, Dizziness of the Head. Neuralgui a
the. Face, Buzzing or Roaring in the Ears. .Dcafnea.
which is generally Nervosa, and that distressing cal
plaint, called Tic polo-wiz
Are fount of,vestservice in caste of Convulsions or FA,
S Complaints, and general Nervous Arecticar
of the - Head and upper extremities. Also in Palsy si
Paralysia, and all diseases caused by o'deSciency of pour
or Nervous Energy in the limbs or other organs of a
Tic Doloretuc. and -Neuralgia.
These dreadful and, agonizing cemplalits • ere inst
diately relieved by the 'application of the OALT&Nte Bra
Naumann and FLUID. The Belt diffuses the Electrial
through the system ; the Necklace has a local effect, ttie
the Fluid acts directly upon the affected nerves. lathes
distreuing etHfctione Ma application NEVEILFAILS.
These alarming and terrible - coMplaints t are ,el.ll l
caused -by a derengeffral.„-of
IVO", f• T he. Bn !
BRACKI.CTS F1.1.M. will CUM neatly :eyerycata -
matter bow young or old the patient, or low.cositirati
the complaint. Numerous and astonishing proofs are if
possession of the proprietor. •
. Many hundred 'Certificate' from all pub of
country of the most estrto?rdimuy, chin-actor can
given, If required. . • • •'• . •
• Oa- troubletrouble'or incoayetilence - attends the Su d
may be. Warn by the most feeble and :delicate. with fo
feet ease end • safety. , In many cases the sa maim ONO
ing their use is fllltly pleasant and agresakta. They ria
be sent to any put of the country. 1: ,
•-• Prices:.
The . Galvanic Belt, . . Three Dollars_
The GalVanic Necklace;_ .
The -Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Pa
The , ' , One Dollar.
_ Co- The, articles are accompanied' by full and P l 6
directions, Pamphlets with full particulars may be ta
of the authorized Agent • - ' •
erif:Beivara of Cotalterfrni and Woridess
0: - C. MCRENEADo' - M.D..
• 133,proadwar.A7sw Yom
Bentley & Rearl,-Agents fur Sang% CO
011.,,Ahe,towi; f or sitle il.
1.:1 •
. , - I.YeIV t.
P &:. SOL
fe.7-51 . .V)11+, Mndile.r. -frt.ttillWniwirn,,,:, c
.rig , (7oppupt,24o,jUllt received At (I for st IP 1,
_ fu.r 4:• "• " ''. -• , --.. ,:',.'iliki /60 •
, I „ :1.1`4 p petzt Pai9.lor fate try. • •
iT ' • ' . I. tt - '!ti k iITIAWDLT• R..
Ott t • : X CIS age los: 901
)19-• - '49, April Dl'lf',Cl