DEMOORATIC - : state Judicial Convention. riaritrsoua, June 11.—The Democratic ! . ()pc:cotton, to nominate eaujidftos Stato for jags of the . Supreme'Coda • met this inorningat-10 o'clock, in the Rail of the Dense of.Representativ6i, and; immediate -1,4111115/ • . JA3IEI M. PORTER, 'of Northampton, , of on motion of Mr. Onissa, 'unanimously appointed mpora Chairman. B, E. C te ams,. of ry Montgothery; T,,_ y ou so, of Berks.; R. P•, JtonntYa, 'of Al legheny,: and .R. A. LAUBEirruN, Of Dau phin, were on motion nppointed Sedetaries to the teMporary organizasien, g r , M. I 3: lolvral.' moved to' e'air, the list cif u ndisputed elegat, so as correct. list, and pr d oceed to es the coosidera. a tiOn of disputed seats. .Agreed. to. The fist ass aceordinglyealled by the,Chairman, an d eorrectol he the Secretaries, Mr. IVhallon, of Erie, moved the follow- ing r esolution : .. Resolved, That thisConvention.t proceed now to decide the contested seats in the fel ilowing order; First taking up the districts in which the number of that is great est, and proceeding in that order until all -districts are disposed of-having more than+ . eme delegate , and then in geographical or-1 der with - the single,seats, beginhing at the; • north-east anti proceeding westward. , 11r. Lowry moved to amend to take . . up , , enntested scats in alphabetical order. e , . i Mr. Cessna moved tc amend the amend. I vent an as to provide that the contested `seats be taken up, the largest districts first, 1, and then the single seats in alphabetical or- i I der. Mr. Weallon's motion as amended by Nr. CeSsha was adopted, TheConventitin :- EvEsi-sa SESsiote.— Tbe Cenventiob then teek•up the Philadelphia Coupty ease. „noon reassembling at . S o'clock, 'mimed On notion of Mr. Cessna the Convention the consineratiorrof the matter of Contested adapted the Rules (so far as of applicable)i 1 seats. The contested seats from - Bucks •the?encs3-ivania House et Representatives. ;county ; being before the Convention,. Mr. ' Mr. Stokes moved that the credentialsof i -Wright advocated at some lengttitheclaims the Philadelphia County Delegates be read, of the Vansant set, and - Mr. Fos Was Lord .which Was agreed to and done. • _ • on the other side. , 1 . 1 ll e iennberten of - Dauptia, moved to ad- 1 ; After much discussion, MessrS. Charles- Tit the Delegates elected by the . C" ven- rE' Debris, Charles W. Eve:bait EdWard wention of which Wm. Curti: was President . . i J.. , Fox. and Win. -Kinsey, were admittd by • nit the eagg . e.s . tion of Mr. Lowry am, ottiers,la vote of 63 . to 55. •-• the Cont. - -efti , m agivel to hex one delegate 1 wt ! :el .•,, or two other contested seats of lit-. • , from each side. ;tie importance were ; disposed. of, and the Mr. Small desired to know il - there was ii convention at a few- minutes past - 10:o'clock, any rile of Preeeleaee• The Chair said, I adjourned Until to-morrow, .., .; ~ the gentleman first odor sing the • chair SECOND DAY. ) ' was in order. and declared Mr. Smell enti- 1.., ..June 12, 1851. tied to the floor. - I The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock; Me. Small gave way to MT. /they, who ! andl proceeded to the eensideratien of the. moved to limit the speekers to half an both. I dispute fur the seat of. Mr. Jacobs,- of Mont each. i gernery. • Mr. Wilson TroTul to amend soar -toi Adam Hurst claimed the Seat.and pre,- • make the limit an beer, .-- • . stinted a certificate of substitutioe Signed Mr. Criswell, Huntington, moved to . f icy the other delegates. ,John B.S td ri • e ere amend the amendmeet ea es t) a/eke the ! ejahAm also, having a letter..fsubstitutirin limit forty raimves. I from Mr. Jacoby. 1 -I , Mr. IVilee:ot suggested to hear the, first i A:motion leer:mit. Mr. Fittest was folloWl speaker halfan beer, the neat " hour. "'Li ed by an amendment to admit Mr. Sterigere. i then give the first speaker- an. additi.eual I The disnet,Mts were on motion limited, , half c'ti hour re reply. . ; to'ls•lnimiies reel:. . • . • 1 :i Amendment ta the ansetiriment liege:raved. tMr. Seerigere stated-lie case and r,rettedll Arn•Mlalent. carried. ' - I that in this case, the Delegate alone iis en- The Resolutien as vended was ndopt•ed. i titled to artyrilnu the SOoStralte, such bas en d. on e speaker from eiieh ~,...!eFaS elle:VC:di b pi , ~ 1 _AI taco i,raetiee of Montgomery) or e2Ol one hoer to state his ease. 1 -i years. Mr. Rich Of Moot t eomerve 'argued Mr Small then proceeded to state the !that the rest of the Delegates of Mem:amine ea.e of the centestoets. Re was tolleweel ITV lad the ri- , ht to suistitute ter the absen-• ht l 3lr. Brie htlee, for the peeelar Deleeetes i-- -• ' -- . -• - • tee. . - _. i.. Mr. Small replied, :lute:' re; , oa torn: ruled'.. Thant as follevred for Air. Hurst I•••• not °Frieder Wthe C:etir fir irrelevancy 1- c• -- ' : - i L , .. • Mr. . e , •ere , ere. re j ettleo. . • • . ;. M r . Canteen, nezed T .,r the-epremtnteet ilf Mr, T 1 Mr. Chain advocate -the claim. -of :Mr. a committee inine. , .tieete aid report ; FlurSt. • . • . . --, •- . .. . . • whether either rte;, of eleineents is entit led, ; ,e, , ...- i 0 ~.,n tine, ques.lien on tee ar.ten Anent to ; aid neither, v,ejedi set. -Tire motion was ; „th e i r , Me. tsterigere. - the yeas and nays I stated by the .t 1 sir, and debated hyi were ealleti—Ne:-c, i...:3; na . y . 30: • .Mr. Strong ogizitist, Mr. Bureside in favor, ; The - . i is' was ' 1 and Mr. Illest against, ' SO.:Fir.Sterigere took hie sen t. Mr. Hickman moved to amend Mr. (lam- I The ' Convention then took up the 3, 7 uniatu eron . s motion Co as to proti,te for a Coin- contest. inittee to which to refer all coat god seats -,, le = -7 •- --,. 1 r I 1 ' ` r " . ;lir: retrieun movet, mr the aunatspen - co Anieetiment ruled out of order. • , i 'Mr. • Shriner. - ' . .. . Mr. Riley objected to all committees: as , Mr. ' Keenan Moved an amendment for the Convention had already determined the admie-ion of Mr.' iThe armlet:- by resolatiMr, to decide fur them.elves. Two ' tilde were rea d b e the Clerks, and the hours hail been already consul:lZr! in hear- : ; evokers limiterd to . 15 mitintes Cad ing thwease. The Convention had it—and i ' 9 ' l(. l '; r H„ - eh , i d...)„,i 4 . taopen o - -, • should pot ptif, in in a shape to .consume i .e 1 •,,- the- case inure time, which - a reference to a Canton- ..M i r :' .7l: i r l i i n ' e e r h , a o lf f ' L'ilion followed, stating Lion would be sure to do. Mr.l,nwry peke in favor of the COM his clam: mitten; as it stated that' lent $0 Delegates The .. .tinetinit was then taken •on the amendment to admit Mr. trench. ••. - -. • ; were present.whenreeular Delegates . were i The yees• and nays were called, - - --••-,. elected, which should he investigated. • , Mr.lBtokes argued r s e i net , the commit.- .1' .. ,', l l ' Mr; -/ 14 4 613 ° 2 1 .1, ,... , v. wa5 s agreOd 34 ' 6 ; tee, stating that the heSt evidenedin regard i a..( ii .' ,. ' ! ' ' '- ire e r n s;; ; b i n r; , ,,t,. 4 l e i d e .--- Co - m - n a i s it - e 3 e , o n n aY o l' ffie . to numbers was the certificate of the I ' t'ffr - i cers,.reetbrted the fellowing; • ars. ; Mr. dthey spoke against the Committee.l- • pr , esidefi4- - wiLIJAm. Nvir.trN ~ ... I • Ficf Presidents—Jaines M. Porter, Ger,-, A. Porter Wilson , s p oke a g ai nt the I Sinuon-.Cittn, er` mi, De:rT:.J. P. Stokes, Fran ' Ccimmlttee. • . . Mr.lCameren addressed the' Convention;' te hen - "riders cis L Fotilkrbii, Jos M. Ritte p. rson, Israel n Thomas, •,' in favor of the Committee. ' . • Mr. ilirst, in reply to - the statement Of Dr. Jesse Young; C. W. Ever:hart' -11etvtin i 'l l12 , 1: Simile , . 11. W. Sample, C. D• Oloninger, 'Mr. &Mall, that when he passed the ..Con - .ill, A_saPaCker; 'Thos. P., :Teas e •rentioe in the evening, there were but 401 James persons present, stated the Conclusive fact' i P 4 illiCitly, aarees BOOS - Ide, A. Pester, that the Judicial delegates were elected tn. I Ti m , ~I Wilson; John R. .Shantiop, Eel B. Chase, the. morning. . ()thy Ives, Arnold • .Plummer; e'lluirny Mr. Cessna called the attention of thel e i ... ' [Whelk!: Jardes Keenan Wm Kerr ;•james Gibson; , .WM.' Hopkins,. James Lee . ; delegates to the state of the - uestion. - •The question on the motior q , to refer the '. Fulton, .il,r. 11: - Miller,' Job, Mann; subject to Committee, the; B. Ard,-II arrison:P._ltaird', Franklin - was natived. . litearehere• . i - --- - The question then recurredon admit- I ling the following delegates from Phil II- i Secretaries —J" -: Ti!. B. Petrikerie Jetties phio mmaty : StePhen - D. A ndersn j ' e- i iI. Reynolds, Ilenry J. Srhale, N. T: 11: . Collins, Levi Foulkrod. John 6 a n :r. ° d 9PP F jlPauleY: Joh ilicil:ain.- Wm. H. "Wallace, ,D. Brightly, Wm. Bysrly, Joseph 1..,r• ' . '- IJohn Oakferde - ....,-- .: •.. -,-- e , • -e : - . •. . . , cot% James . MeCla.skev, Daniel Al. l 7 in T I The. report .nS,rearl . Wastadopted, ; and the , Tohneummin&s. Kenn , M. Nis° , Joe. °J.I g, ex4l,emeii named declared officers 'of the ldeanye Jos M. - 11itterson and Anthony ' i convention. Tbey.thee asettmed•tberpo - N-Isitioner. -:' ' - ' -.--- .' . . ' Ritterien and Anthony `,I- Felton and 7 s I - - 1 '' ..' • . decidedlii-the afiirmaiire without'' m a , ...Judge WI kips was ,welcomedto the char yeas and nays. The aboveo calling! by the retiring - .eliaireiati,;Mr. : Pester; !Who, accordingly. e d m i tted. g e tine " were , said he , Was glad to•-'resign it to such•fable Thyc • , - -„ - • -'I hands, lin& still ...More _gladly:. as itwainot , onvention thenproceeded t sider the Lancaster cent t .° e°° - .i• the firstlith'e• he had denerSCe . . tials ~ iere react. The questione.The ereden- 1 On taking his, heat Jude, Wilkins made the saine as that et the , e tr at issue was a feeling and foteible address; idithith alln••.• viz: Whether the Count -a n In g C .,''eliti°°: I sion WAS made to the:novelty bfthe - esperi ealledithe Ceuet\y- c oTive y n ~.,. onem lure 1 , „ , I v -kb I tuent ..abont . to I lid iriett - - and ;the...dangers Marc4lßsl wag act foe the regularly authorized to I Li o b, . The convention *ha -about to-cMistit-,. • that Cqovent• Democracy of Lancaster when "• d' '' '' • ^ ' ; with tint •. ' Itute a ju mai ,-oligareboL funted ion - deeided • ' ' mi..livihnot rrinv _ in and nfiirmatiVe i • f•.: t 1 •"1: ' • _lf bd : ' iine6 . • . pstvers . otegen . ,OT eVI -. r: . , 1,, .p . „ n . - et tn admit Wm . TT •, 11 ten Walter Ge Evan= ;J , --- ,„. --aln- 1 potent menr weie;seleeted,:no;eninoubd per- ShatfOr and i 1 -- may Eby, Henry ;, th •• ;• b '. .. -.• :Tb ' nest: t osenh I..ll*{Lttq. tray'. e . copse 110TS,Ceti,, .0, .coctr . Mr.•.C, • I might change the rules; - relatin e! i; to: real es tee nalmea of Ge Lssna moved to amend, by insert"' . • `. ' ' -''' . carryruin ' . 41 ' mg' tate even. they tmght a. Sancerq;n n ii - •. ~,•••• . , s ellent B. Leman, a• b - '. - ' "'ld Dougherty, 1 :t taint) to 'the •citiien:•and therewould bo'no• „ h o d _ ..„. . , •,0 n S. Dougherty and' . '•-.'-' ' • ' ' . I ''' mistakes ' u'w Leattee , .!remetry, ; no power to eorreet t, ter , Theitame manner r -- . •'...1 . The'Sopreme Teizit • - at• Washlngtoia;'. lied t e ertem in tri p 0= Droceeding• as was, b l• • - A .- '' .1. - ' ' ; ..n . tep..tmttc . : jupst tettoniorr Ttt .. " .1 dared forl i * t we - e hiladelPhia. case was o r - titv and - rarelv•distarbed aim deo•3lorts- ' - • M r 'a' , , test, here b " - - • 'i ' The. nedrese wa=k; rum•ivedrivith nutting , that the b rho '''' 'L . '. • eur of ,1 ; ry 4-jobr . - " •• - i astie applause ty, Cotiveuttorrand.audt-: r i, / ,,,,.. e , . . , ittrietit, of ti ff , m i._ . •,_•.:.. - . •.- ..... .., •.; 40 mtgen ~., should be one 'o' I ic• - . .. •-• . • - - - ;. ... •.... _ f . _. e c l e , •and ..--Mr.Rieti.titTered-resOlutiet,Sinjmplimettt-', I that the hour-of--meeting _.AE.the., aftern.o9, sessions shOuld be three o clock, Con was hdonted.' . Mr. Reynolds then proceeded to state the I ease otthe Sandei son delegation. 't::., 5 . ; ! - Mr. Atnwake stated thti.ease-ef ate can testine 'delegates:, . . ' While Mr, Anwalm was .spealiing ; the Emir of one arrived, when the - doniention adjourned until throb e'elobli; Eninn'Tstha' si,:Stine it', APT moor ,Skss'ltix:'—The„ - Cn*enOtiti reassembled at u!cleck, - When Mr, Anywa• ke,re - stiniad his_ remarlis .urging_. !hi): Claims of himself and colleagues to seats in, the Convention. .r, Mr. Reynold;' replied .considetatle length to.Mr: Anywalce's argument.:, Hon. David `Wilma then' addi&sed thc Convention against the adulissioii: of' the Fordney delegates. - - - • 211 r. Whallan followed fm the other Col. S. W. .131Ackthen'toolt . the iloot, and made an . t . lotinctit t able, good-110610ra and hittr stic - ech., in Oply - Mr. Wilmot then again spolte'at , arable length.:: 7o the Course of his iintiaiks he .ileelared his determination' to support the Rendinf; nominations for OorCroor and Canal Coninrissioncr,•aithongl ho said he could not . gie in hii , :adhe'sion'te all.the res olutionspassed by that Convention.' The vote on: 'the Contested seats froth Lancaster was then taken, and the Fordne . ,, or Anti-Frazer Aelcgates; were admitted by a vote of 85 , to-30. • • . On motion the CanVention proceeded tb the ciinsideratiou of the contested seats from Bucks County, lnit beere coming to a • decision, the Convention adjourned until .8 o'clock 1.), • • - ttrll9.Ao., ?L Porter,. and the ienipon;y 'ACO4 ; Wideli adopted. .':-14='• A licet! moved • that the Convention tine - prbheed to- tiomintaniiaraotts td be ba.l• - : letted lei.; as candidates of ilie Democratic, party - ellyentipinnia;: for JUdges Yet: the Con non vealth. 'Tbr!, motion' waS . o6oed Mr... Perter moved that each' delegate: shbidd.vnte 'for five -o.rsopS,"the Aire highest prhiding , stich Ilya persnnS havo*mejority et:ibe,.Wh'ole umber Of 'veins castici be - derclireareineted; . .'Mr.' -Lc;*iy -- offered, en tn • aeedtnent, striking .out-the uutuher_ five, an li' inserting the ntanher;one.- . . - ..,! 1 / 4 1K.ILhedor offered the thlloniog as an etheniment:, Breeder `then_ Movett`i,a;postpenemnnt. of the.whole: silijCet, till, dia.' the itOinina.• tions shall have been Made., • ..- . • • ResolVed, -that the Convention' do now proceed -to ballet pica voce, To'r -candidates to be oaned oh the ticket for Judges of the SupremeCeititS9fTetiosSiVarlia; hnd that each'delegate,'eS his name . _ is nailed; - shall vote flit. oue'person from the State et largo,' and that at the end Of each , ballot in : thief 'any ,person shaltbaVe receiCad a Cleo c,ina jority ;dealt the voles polled, the c'eadidates who Shall,,be the highest vote shall be placed ,on the Ticket, hid that the balloting .hall Continuo . :until: five - etttididates are thus selected. •! . ' • The motion to postpone iris adopted The following' - notriinhtions were then made : James, Campbell;J.Tf..Gibson, J..S, -Black. Luther I kidder. .Riehard Coulter. Walter .11,.-LowrY;'