Well, I suppose its bestpot to drink nuy. Do you thiuk rut going to at,,well, Viii' i ' 'Zi::t.''..: ',.....:,:,..,,, ,e....k, ,__ 41h doctor said, flat it yii onik" . ,qlp tar 1 . 11 , .' you w0u1d . ... most probably reeigier., Iti:..ii:m Dear 'lebbe!l now; . - to . ... , -E ' l . - —, "And you bare l.ecnfilt ‘ lAttg qp.lb.p I:itkr *lt h Ind? - • rm:pfritid..l . eau it`e‘'er repay ,ourAitl7. ~ itc.s, Itlindrra.' , ,.. Don't menshuni dat, sir.. It am. bery, , rortont, dot Ton N olitant more sleep, so don't 'talk no. more Wilmot.' - The e - Nrtion of saying so little: bad %% I ' 2 ' l riett:MAlWlFflit3 -. lohßleep again i lie felt not quite slope, ' and! iltittllt4iSitei l eir one 6ria PrtA.,41.0.,....- 3 €5 01 / 4 1 :# , P Rt. 4 0 1 ..A 1 Y°4-4 1 Yi 11 4.., i4trAttwo.? l 4 l , l - ierrekijcai ip„:,two or:thrc;o+ ' 4 44PP 2 OVp • A‘V - 40: ,10 , gV 3 at?i. (Canclucied r aext weck.),, . 1 61 DEIt. 011 l'ruloyi TitiMt 1 -Palmer was miltyfermiln it'ttiost:sheCking miniter, nciir -WlxttsPre,i trbbaJcibll)y,.thelian s„,cf, his • 'll W-11 P 1 Th tva.,_.rot.er,, I WI trier. - ttrlititsvlicerts: - arrestea...: land . committed e to ptit t ui;t4teettistliat they := had been at _ - V iristte6.:sonie4itna - aboty - some • property, one br 'more 'lhw,blits, eretrtter feelingot hos. ti OW Friday-, axe.anrwas' • scSititiftlk bi's biothor a ..4.hertlyafier. the biy of Murder was Imard - in tite.direction tliey httd .7gone, land tA,putfourlours subsequently. William re tioned;'. Searqh watt . almost immediately tla defitr s Timetlty, whose corpse we, found, wit,k k .n ,tree.neross,it. The tree:laA bon, - 04 - lown_liy, thick murdered man, teli . [ ,- .th:ltewoi'slibt , a Aistane4 off_ Tinetfi the des 4 - had'been gr4iiied, lA ., `-theittnnier n- tif iireieni the Aying` - 'mait from making a noise. The gun was chat•Ltea wItV siiht,; ,- Whieli,lititlr the wed, had pa.sed orit'43f l'iniothy'a antis and Into lis - lireabr:.'W - m. R. was arrested. hi:. gun f* Tlll tfi t ioatied atiti his -clothes , blet,dy,-- .1)1e, sbr.ft fomtkitt iiis.possossinn coYeespon , - ,i f ychwith those which I . toil . .been used tn per ritrat itorrid and utalateial deed. • . sbppeqemurderet.., When quoEionea iil;r@g rd t ‘ o - wl3 - bille:baA.beCti doing while. airay wit-h`‘ lics - gUer,'saitf that be had not artA titit he had lain dbiin t-Yirelettfingr and - fallen Y.,) Watchman, May- TI2I - 0 SCENE.—A large concourse both.,sexes congregated: at I ::tleomS.lc&onthe ‘23th ult.; to witness the wieentitin of "'Hiram 'Bland, A •prricessimil was- fetned, a - ma the- prisoner. dresSed in his s.irkm&-sitting beside his cotfin on a wagon,. '..ra.s.cenartefed 'to tile gallows, where- relig 'tus seitices were performed. His eonfess inn, in -whieh he „accused some of .the. agaiest hiat..,er false. swearing, sad l`caied striking ids-mister, and accused:the (ledealled of commuting , the conflict was 1 1 16 ,r,2i)dt'o IY an 'attending gentleman. The , frisonci the bystanders to take N A rning by-his - Sid : fate, lieUppeared - i ver2t mUeli agitated.,atidtitoancd'moStpite n7iallt."l36-Cbie way Eo the gallow's h'e'eung Ayrciti. in trliioh hb spoke of "gait:tr./mi . /le!? diast aitbe: fatal' noose =was being a%jusied. and , 'the :dark: -.mysterious after • place,'l gloonied , a mddnight of death before him,- thu 41erk - .4?f the. vonnty,..l"udge, ,Carins, stepped l forrardand.annonneed the reeept I',;PECT44 ruspite Srom ..theP-orernor. _Then qcret i wero,purees.iptid and long against the sent, the dliappointed• throne„ audits thelprlsoner waSreconducied MaledietiOns were poured: fci'yth t ''e're're reiiiintorposing eseen 2. tivecieMeneytti enable the imSerable, out pet -opportimityaO be head - in'The Su , preri3eCtinr (Ind.)Repor. 1 , Col. Wllll4m. Blgter:-, - ,„..l24miniscencesof his - _early History; .`...Fr:lnt. , an intimate: actituiintaucc of near twenty years, with Uon: tak.Bta LE tt, the young, and .popular: , nominee ,of the De.MQqrai9' park,' for, GovVilvv , of - RooP.- silvairia, we are, Induced., to. offer a„hosty sketch ofiome ofthe " remmseencesof his ea"ltyhistrity.'7 . ,_ Was hoinin Conaber , liail'eannif - ,' State, about '- - the'Yeir Whence his parentiremoved'to Mir; r. cOhnty.l' .SubSeqnently;he was apprenr tie;ed the.printing•business, in:Bellefonte ti{imE fame ihout,tba years 1832-'33, he I ,cateitt:in..!Clcarfield„ • Clearfield county, wherei be established , and fora' few years imhiiihed...with great ability, ,a newspaper A!atitlOCl-the! ' cicar . ficld Democrat." iloning.tha printing 'hitsineii,lm,etnbarlred ioMiireatitilepurSiiies and thti lumber_ trade; io W.liolt : calling lie' has since been exteri - -' siyelyiand'eticeessfully, commenced lig career in `the - v-;mtill'friendless and destitute, save an un-' reputation, indondtable energy and onlirifig; Temeverance, - which .he. carefully fistercd and:as become the Architect of his c , wo .. ; We _will remember wbco be would retire to, his editorial:sanctum, after t'm :la:bors .Of the Inid terminated. and exerclse 147;1-gel:In reheaising, lessons o'n . taeties, political jurisprudence mor al philosophy, a 'ecti'ia: The same ardent VerServereabe and 'anti. v i nartrali researeli; Which controlled the hoy, ,Leg ri:dtirned the mun,:and raised him LIS au vthinella imd.Topularity never 'befikre en-1 eitittoux:f.thislood toortvicaltb... • • ....: was, the nominee ef the , ennoral "I ce.tecratic party in the S • f,trupß sed of the,..countiF Of.Clearfield, otja,A*stiontr. Ciaiien and Jefferson, „op,l I :ose,k,kz 4,.. - . w%' Iriii -. c Aiiisoirt i the restu'rer:whik, candidate 7 -,:atolyvas electedliy, - Sriliampently - be Was increased Majority:- itle'rOinenbereri, -is . Goi'ernnr Johnston's ilistricti and had Mr.'Binier consented . hayti liechthetandidate, a third time, - I‘rc slir uld have been saved from the misrule present:adn2inistration. , • Another fart-and we are We yen r ilt(I that it evinces in our r glorietts - itealowatio . - Standard- hearer, a .popularity intheannals of,poliocal Mato! - when ; up. for to/ iLbovp; eVeg voto, tif re one, in,Clear: f Opt r. was catiforWIT I T,4AgTIO.: - ' "', Taw A. (04,31 _ : he Larges - txiteutil m p in Natt. ) firitlinti ) a ..:-;,..,—....:.‹ • -,-..\,:,,A..--.6-- , -:x.. S. B. & V,. B. CIIASE, trwrons. i Thursday Jill, - Democratic State Nominations - . . . :FOR. TWILETASCBTOLM: ,Ci1i0106.4!4.4.7-,; =MC koil CANA t.. - comitiC4TOSER, ',. . e,OfCittrioit ' r,t Fo4* .It3I,GF.S TilE, Jerentiah.3. 13 ' , • ; •Jarnes r'• rib John B. Gibson, Of enutberiand.! • 'Walter 11, Lowrie, • id . J9p 'Worm—We intite our frit;ntls wanting Job „Work.lf any description I.olgire tiv a cal 4 v-ilkda,it elm:per, beti.e4.4l 'parp expcdi tiouCy tbanany,o,ther establishnicnt, in . this ,arc, ticat cmuji.ry„ .. , • 7 BEi,OLLz'iGT • That tso•wiil fufnish the Miniocrat for the' coming t'amPaign, from itilfl"stit to Wither 15th.•. t period ,of Altres monL 7 :, s follows .l.4llthr Ritchie, by the e,.mpi.gors, theUnionofflpe, in tbli - foriniit teautiful t silverpitcher. Thus are veteran Editors, honored. r- 'Wt ; - 1. - IriaiiiiitiVfnirWhig" - SVriatiiiinl Conferee§'for thii Distrik have inet, and - elloge B. - F. Pci‘q.Lti, Of Br:Akira Connty, Seniortal Hr",egnte thianneiisterTiirerintian: Iteprehentitive rile% rind ctipsrsiltlitfoir:liniiii' cif Wycinkink find Henry Netealr of Spilirtin, ,Ripi;cient4ive Delegate& to thu same .-Pcrrrsc .. , Aucturss.Tlie -- Su preme Court of.fiennsylranbi lras just deciiied at Harrisburg that' the• eniployment of a puffer at a public •auctireu vitiateir-u:sale; and Cie buyer is dcfranderlierca though hi did'notpay; more than the . &nide ityas-tototh in tho:,:opinion , al rritnmscs: A man is.'ilefranded - whenever he 'is 'incited by artful means' to-bict-morei than'he ,:lotherWise • woulri; and :whenever..the price is even: :little' enhanced.' bS? a= secret contrivance, his elicatml. , This is-an impor tant derision; '‘.llich auctioneers - will do Well to bar - , . : AN HotionAncE o*NEuT.—The..Philadel- Oda PaPer,speaku of our Candidate fur Governor, Col. Wm. BIG LEII, in . the following complimentary terms: • : ”Col Bigler is arLamiable and..nstimatile, man,. and cleseryea great credit for the.inanner in Whieh he has . snrmonnted "eN'ery Obstaele.in hia pith; and reached his present honorable . und•eievated position. -if our rpolitienl °pro: nents should have it in their power to elect.n 'State Executive, we know but few men in their party N:111)111 we. Would rather see them sUceeis. With-than Ilioler." • TOL ' i tS o.* PIII3LIC WORS.:—AVC :ire indebtW to Thosi Eaq:, Secretary of the `Canal Board; for the following exhibit of receipts upon the pitblic works, up to the nIL The comparison with last year pre: 'sods :i gratifying - result. ShOuld no Occident • occur;' the reicipts will considerably exceed the . estimate; and be much larger tliatianY pre- - ceeding year: • • The Yo)ls:roeeifeit.Ml•the'ean4ls acid s raitioad i,f ti o comMonwealth, from the 30th Novem .ber. I 851,-to - -yhe .Ist of May, 1851,' amour= ted to. „ $559,213-5-1- Banie . perlotl last year. 1 49505 78 Increase in 1851, Tint increase in - .1851, is as f4llows , _ Del,tware Cnti \l'eA 'lir:inch and Sus •o.•r;•11I1111-1:1 dirikions, Etlito riut:Corrrupondence. . . . We , give.tbe foll Owing letter,frotd . our Jun ior. Which trktno too . late for our last issue. oudtting'thelirst part, which was eontaint;din suirst4hee,in. the 'proceeding,s" published last CITY OF Itk,k1)I1G; Tune 6; 1851 llr Dnatt - S.or :-POundeti . almost ton jelly by twd days shiliing" over the woist roadi in creation; and 'additionio 'that, the terrible 4onfusion and'excitemmit incident tdthe des. lion of a State Convention, all - of which I rave' endured with- ns "tnneh 'fortitude as I could 4otirmand,--lenies me in lioor` condition deed to erti‘M‘together, in (hie 'half hrittr; ' a succession of incidents tluit Rill be of much interest to the readers of the -Democrat: - *.'. *.; • 'le * The Coniention - re.sqccrnbled Thursday, morning `and proceeded. to elect'Termanent. fivers.. llon. JAMES- L. GILLIS„;.of Elk! county . wan elected President, assistedby-thir ty 7 three Vice Presidents, Mier the,perinanent organization, : a motion. was. madetoyroceedto . the nomination of a candidate for. Governor.—, This 'carried, Col. War. Mutsu. of Clearfield county Was nominated.: , At themention of his name, the hundre:dS, I might say. thousands, ip_ the gallerie.s cheered till the huge edifice shook . . to its foundation. . An further business : . was [suspended, for, some" time, such was the out but-St of enthushism.. i After it had sub Sided, CoL-kimnx.t. Bf.Acx of 'Allegheny.Ava.s nominated. A -letter was.then read to the Convention from Col; BLAcx,declicing to have . his name used.in Connection with that high of fice. CO. IL : 3 - ou re-member, was one of the bnivest . heartS that dared the etieun the bloody fields. of Mexico.... A motion was then m::dethat Col.--Wxt..BIOLEn be nomina ted by acclamation... At the announcement by the President that ifl motion was -carried mann: imonsly, the multitude seemed wild with en thusiasm. The. ivilolo city fairly thundered -1 v;th npplause, and ..every one felt indeed that ."it was the proudest, nioment, that-over dawned .02 thelDemoeracy of. PeEgklyania.. A Conuittee, woq.appointeillo 'Walton Col. lbot;En and ; inform him of his' nomination, ,then time 6,ovention - pieteded , ballot; for (Int:11 Coininii3sionei..- 1 -The severalgeritletnen n l ooJetl, - nuditlie icisnlt'of the cliffete.fit' limilet ihgoryon Will' copy - Itom; , the , preepedhigiir.: . hid,: :indent it unneeossary'for toe .to *fleet 1 tlient In nhot# sn.hour the COntrnittee . tiountil-tho' :presence of Col; DOLEtt: - ' . 4s he • walked tlwough,the • isle' eieik.igeotit slits Was still nirther.death - chatii: :ber'; but when he aseended-the'plitionti -and . hesved wills, fellow citizens, at the mention of hiY'iiiinie.by. the . .oiesidetit;a::tnere. lepeafine ohs luta ifithusiasti6 . triietitit- never' 'terido torit - turn in P6niiyliOla.‘ vieferidito:Geneta);' just' iettfraing . "from-- the 1 '•fiehi7of gieihr , nevor' - inet "a *Ore cerdinl - reeentietillotit-the , henits - ,44: - Ifrktiatef4,nnd tb.untliy!en;:.,thiti: did . tlris 1 ! - gred aio nisalartseiclby tlyaniee of 1118 n-ii tiitlents;‘4.llie iategrity~ of his piiiieiples iiiiikh6*tei; to the 410,11441.—iire:irip6 dfee!ip'ilif of il!Cli*opyi-ar . , • . Col. D. addressed the Convention, in a speech replete With charming eloquence aboutf_thirty oniontes, retired; and tinlillye if 'tlce,liiptost4l,,Clueid people of the - 40-6;Stirti'vLl44.l)o4 sre,tettl, netts close ho Niptil.4aye been && f/ devernor PeitniyitMnia . 4y iiecuor4ioiL::::., ll ,, The Conven t ion assembled at '-'lli'Clock M. and continued to ballot for Canal Commis sioner till 4, wimp Col. Stin Ctovr.n;ef Clar ion county iN•na the'hailer o‘' . *:ls. ! Snaumnr of , 'fayette, having'PreviouslYwithdrawn..- Mr.-Szantonx was, the ,Canteren. ean idatc, Gen, Xatottott was here andivorleed hard. .bitt,- , ,vainly, , '! • r! Cunzta„tnuch ,tor, tit e.regret.... 0.1 ablp. to meet Pie C . Priveritiint in - pprsen„ having 'been,ionfined to.his room by illness several days. an eltimable ed Demeerat, of IV6olR,the whole ,State.will be proud should,ite be elected, which,is almoit beyond question. ; 4.94 after the nomination of Mr. CLoymt„ the Convention adjourned to meet at.garris burg the fourth of March next,, : : The harmony and fraternal feeling that characterieti aline proceedings made a lasting impression on bath spectators and memberi,-and °ell 'parted, feel ing assured tliat . ,a campaign_ thus gloriously opened can pot cp4 o,thenyis thp . in - certain andtriumplumt victory:-.--a victory as glorious as bloodless; and which' shall. redeem Penn sylvaida and : her-tried Democracy.-from . past prostration. Never was the Deinocratie Tarty of. Pennsylvania encouraged with brighter hopes, and if true to lerself, before the ides.of next October shall have passed away, her flag . will blaze witiOriumph, - • • InAlte, evening a mass meeting mot at the' Court Ilouso (the largest in the State) and ad journed to the Public ,S'quare to accommodate the thousands who flocked to hear. - C01.13m.• LER made a few remarks and -retired. Judge. Laporte of Bradford, the President, followed in a " short and sweet" speech, Then follow- I ed Col. Macs, of 'whom I have spoken. lie spoke about one hour, and it was the boldest and most eloquent effort I ever listened to.— During his speech he alluded to his campaign in Mexico, end . the brae hearts.who followed his fortunes there in language. the most thrill ing amteloquent. Ono Of his soldiers being, .present, in rhapsody rushed upon the platform, and clasping his,gallant ;Colonel : in his arms,l shouted to the multitude to give three ,times',, three cheers for General _pack. . , was ,a scene that every heart, and the ,, cail ofi the brave sldier was responded to till, the earth_fairly trembled. , , - Col. Black was followed . by .31r, 31eC4-. mom., late Speaker of the House, ] ilir.4nar,of Armstrong, 31r, ,BAIMETT, of Clearfield, and Fott,szy and D*IIEP.TY of Philadelphia, in speeches doing, honor to themselves, and the Demderaey, and, the enthusiasm „that was ev erywhere manifested, foretold a bright and glorious future. G 3436 76 _ . My letter has reached a length that calls for a Close. lam sure I should ask pardon of:the reader for imposing upon him .such an ill-diy gested scrawl; be it so. ,I am not in my own gala sanctum . . i I leave, today, for liarrishurg where I hope to' have some repose , before the sj l tting of the. next Convention, in which case I may be hble to give you a-Inore. systematic history of things.. ..Truly yourcoz., ; 43,543 53 8,908 54 11,104 69 63,556 '76 NEW Yorm.lnne. 14,1851. DEAF DEllo4lT:—Lest I tuity not reach you in time to explain.'' the record" of the liartisbuig Contention in your next. isstie, l I have thought to do - so now, taking time by the fereleek. - Your readerswill doubtless, ,be surprised that both the Him: Lirrimisi Kinri£a and Hon. GED. W.:WOOD*AiiI), of Luierne, were bio't forWardin that: ConVention as candidates,for the Supreme tench; it' having been generally understoed,lor !Ong time; that WOOD- Wirthbad pOsitively*deciined to hate his name • • ,used thatlioanection. Aeting, ~ gocid faith !upon' that undeis'taMiing;' Mi. aril:min was ;brought forward tlfe_ northern candidate; no on'e'drtiming that the friendSofJUdge Wood- Hard, in other •sectioni: Of the - State, would press his name ;upon the. Convention and his own will and wiihe.s, as publicly' and Pri vately expressed. At the Reading ponv,ention it seemed well land universally understood that Judge W. was 'nota candidate, but that Mr. KIDDER was the, man who would be nominated as the choice of Judge Woodward himself., say.thi.s,„,Wa.s, .understood, rind no northern, delegate dreamed to the contrary, till it was announced in Philadelphia, a day or two previous, to the Meeting of the - Harrisburg. Convention,- that 'Judge Woodsvard would be nominated and supported by , a large delegation in that Con -1 vention. Harrison Wright, Esq., of Luzern° couuty was. in :Philadelphia •when •the an-1 nouncement was made, on his way to ,Harris.: burg, ittstrit . cial to support Alr.,Kiddef, as was also ,Mr. Nicholson, and instructed too by:Mr. Woodwardend nisintimate friends, who par ticipated in the Convention of that county.— Mr. Wright immediately telegraphed to Judge Woodward and received a letter from him at Harrisburg, reiterating his former, declinations and reg,rettin,gthat any, body should mis 4 understand hint as :to suppose that , he was. candidate..., When, Mr. Wright, reeeived.that letter, the . northern • delegation supposed the The Convention met and Judge Kidder's name suns brought forward by Mr." Wincrus ter of. Wyoming,: , Wne..ll. 31iller. of Cute berlarid county immediately: omitmted Judge Wixdscard. : Mr. Wrightthen rmulthe letters 'ofJudge W.;- to the Conventiohi:forcibly - ex. plained. the sibittion of affairs"; and asked that, 1 the nomitfatfonlielvithdrauma.- Mr.. Wilmot also addressed the - :Conventio. -stating. that 91r.-Woodward had expresieda Idetennination !to him not to be a candidate, and that 'with th 4 understanding he had -folly : committed hhusel(to -.Mr, Kidder., He deprecated the Consequences that must resnit,frotur drggghlg Judge Woodward. before tho' Convention utu. der such circumstances, plating into and the stole North in -,a , false! positiono before Ale iStag. ~..: Should': ho be -. tiiged. ,beforu: the Convention, the :delegates :from Ins ,imme. l aid° dection , i of , the , State, _all ~ , . o Omit, his ......._ ..... .. ..... warmest political' friends,. and some pl - iii his et;itlatnily relatives, must vote 'ngai ! tim„anear'Pear Upon the...record rt.s. his ',. !litresinittthe'Onek.:yylkl)lttl.,olliw,*l4tirt,ides n, ishatthiltg.tiOdef..l44 . 4iii all firOtaltniii7 ° iould bit t Front r iniell4reSult it4froirt'au 11 aiptilsititm.ou*koied.,-Af!3lillir,ycuillisa o ',lndge'VOOdward4iiid hi.firiencls lrY,..'itilt:: 'drawingthe notniiation. In that tine Were d s. l -_ - - . i' . appointed. 'Alf. Miller utterly refused to wi'li- .. -„.,'' „, '4 ' f, g:41. , i ' f ''' 4 . 57 - - 41 - thwi i ii , iforwifidt t .... ,-....,,,._,..:.,-...- -,,. :5 . 0n - .. t nt , .-Alic.-sluiiers;siviMetubers_uf, , the. ,l l9ntrose • No 450, a . iir T., are requested to be !Melt :Avis;hls.. - .fricl n s ' it gl ipi v ' ' u ng ttrala [ l e ra " tion.' or ; DiYill9l' ' -. 'hdeo WAtialfe anititfliwfriendsintiSt (l'e .7 in't'4tol l' 4o. o '.4CP i l lo3l ' aleotiog; . on Monday eyettin,7„, - at 73. o'cleelt, as business of great onstrate itAiy 'their Votes.._: In vain lte , was p, importance will be - traniacted. -., - - - • pealed fp by every consideration, and - shel l m By order of thO W. P. '_.. . - -, = • tbit'sViar - froth doing IMige Woodwer. a : , -.- ,F . 7 , ' :Alon - t rose, 4ttile 17; 1851., - . .iiimlness,lt.Would result in a demand. lasti ° n• wrong Which rivii4* ••,,,-0;215:.der;;40 - ":i"Pfiri — i Xflli - ;i;i 7 'tlirVtr .---7- fl' - f - nl sinverely . as any one, us an a-itorillinitine. toUniversity,;will ttilie.phien:'on - Wedriesday, .in.. hlin4lf and the botittier.„4:Ot :the - istol;th. ' .1.: IY-..d• ' ' ',.. I : - : :. 1 'fill . )i'6' . l l )isistc:fj,iiidv'e: . :hiiviiid" - 6iiie ' qu ii oi. -- ir -1 p fe w . -.oklil.C.orseinotiglcitee. ceit, un tulip, yt ,7e .? ti!the defeat . of.Tifr.l.- tb.iDepravity qt . Areta - Yrk:City Politicians.—l . der; and the: 'Whole sortli':iinrepresented'_ :if i comes to enininit' - Criini' granted at varii;u: thO:Betricierathi Ticket. , "`, ''' .'' " , .'' . l . .lales.—lttunoratity - if the City Press.—Es , . Thiith c v i oi. l-.: s ii,„..1/4;ii ng iii - ah j :ip .•. l - i. - .ii , , , i it i ~ tracts front theii-ddriylis - 4g C o liumns, 4. c .' of , Bit'iiiiiirtisitut. if; its he claims,.lin is le ' ~.:'''''...-: ':..' ' ' NE-, ... ‘;'.1:9r4i.' .:. jd6 ....2 1 ____ .t1-I ,'' '3: -_' B : s 2t' . I , E . DtrOtilf ‘.4: 'lid: - ...!evoottAT.-..--00inetimes mien:, 'friend of ;Judge 'Wcitalillard,.iiis'ie'id, at II .r.: I:Writei a•Stianithip' has just •Cirrivedi' and I cap ' riabnii,'WaS net: aCe ' OrdindiOiniivile:dire a. il then - give en - y a , fe iN'' hi I eri.sti lig fiirei gu • i te ms t'but ilia iiii(lillle.oll'loiiiiilieatißiritile , iiiiiii-teiiii; , It; we - havolutd.no r newti from Europe 'or California, is indeed a 'seri* 'evidenee Of " one ' s' "friendsl ip ' sincethe Oth;and us you'will Intim got iv all, lie. i whoa i,. ito: ilitivi it EiirtA' . liey * l . l. , : tint . Onli:pe , raista iit . fare this letter reaches you, I shall confine:myself I t:editrOo;'?Feendnet;soperlatively wrong, 0- • to Rew-York matters : ;. ~--.. ' . --... wards the one whom' h'e would''Serve.' 'gr . in, .;- Who has engaged Miss Cath 'it Bays ' ' such'friethis,3ndlin'‘ViiidWiiid 'or 'Ott Cr 'question that, --•• ' ' ,-: •-. arl a is .., . , unuthaS'meire'te . fear thart . ta - ltope for. , ' , ; circles of. ew York. ...litis•mornirg, I Was in ut ~ e - I'haron's,jlair dressing saloons, tho r...,lounable This tinhapPy„ resuit:is mast 'deePly 'tia . deplored. • 1 -1.hd liitiO'WOodiVard Imen.'ae; if.: lennging place for the i dire/nide,: and everybody , elan that wiints'io be SUM , hod ' h ' 11 . 'II ' didate'in the COnVention'by Ids Oivri . eoristi 't,' visit to the United Stateif weethe iingretising tali, Judge , Kidder would 'riot'; and the north rn ~, t .' is of conversation; Several noted Vtrtillls`t.'epeeir delegation would net:have 'been' driven Inters and enterprising' Music:dealers • orCre in'en: tli&walP' ' They would liave . .,PieSeiited' In tioned; each as - tba fortunate : individUaF rho hud unbroken front for‘Judge W. proud' ris t ey a secured the . " Swan of :Eriii;" suitlie Eng,lish•Pri6es tira:of the Man. - llit he was not a.'..iiiid, 6; t lips; ivhen all parties were suddenly and'disroituding lds wishes'in that' ' reSpeet as . r 6 silenced ss one litrumn a agents, who 'an- Weil as iii retarnnce to . Mr: Kidder,' wh se, pounced that-flar of Mr. i aum himself, had positively et, claims he had generously` strewn . to 'aaii'all 'o, •feCied an arrangement with the -celebrated Irish 451, has been,saeritieedhY the blind hifatuati ii 1 sougztress.. - .This ma y; account for the timid en ter. of imprudent meh. - . - Mination of his eugageMent with Benny Linihand lours Editorially, • - his hurried trip to London. The ~ Swan or'vzin" E. B. Oa SE. . i will hardly ,niake astiMch Money •in this eoauz ry as has the " Swedish" Nightingale;" but, if liar aunt has engaged her: he will be pretty. saro to make a good - thing of it. ' : .. - . You in the country Can form no idea of the de- P - raVity mid consumma t e rascality. of moot of 'ow city politiCians. "An 'intelligent - police Officer; whom I have known fer . .ycarsi-told ' M e , : Ye S it; r . day, that for two or three months previous to an Peterson's 4 . 04ic.5' A'qlt:ozp4l Magazine, ,Mrs, Ann Sstephens and Charles Petersou Vxlit6Ts.. Thls:,ntunber ecunraeu , $24 year 8 .copies $lO. . C. Peterson, OS Chestnut st, Phila . Sartain's illaga.*c for July,.eopunenein new voitung, with new aftrections—a3 a ye 5 copies Jolin',sartain & Co., tiocley's Lads Book. 'The July No. of t work is superb.:. Engravings well execut end testnfully designed r. contents varied a interesting—s3:ii year, 5. copies- $lO. L.. , . . Godey.:Phila ••. • . ' ' '' - ' lor poliee justice, thenext inorning,and, soinetimes, .. , ikmoc' ratid 7 "ltetioM . for . Jtme . ; contains a i even without n hearing. , . - , , There is no doubt Of the truth, of ,the officer's magnificent portrait of Wm. D. KELLY, a dis- I tingttikied .- De ' iliecraticLaWyer in iThiladclid ia: 3 1 all sorts of ralsc:alityprikutiCed ly those whose votes' Contents feiflet ' e with. interest and tirolit. -- • • ~. r r I elect them to office. ' If•further c!lrroboratiOn be a year. • • liktlif & .11/06re",..17011r6adv ay,ls I. ...1 i statement, that the "Police Mtitfletrates cc niiive ay . i v . o o u ti r h d u i v i e ly it t La p t e l is ie•f o o f ll T m u vi e i s ig a l a r y a , ra j g t r i :p d l 3 i,. e r: . o' case of Thanws. B. Bieroft, charged : n !'r e o c , n i e ll . :o S : ti l) with an attempted- rape, 'which was counneuced •' .yesterday, was contintieid_to-dayi• The case was I summed up and giieti Yo the jury," wit'o' rerideii•d i a verdict of guilty. The Court sentenced Bieroft Ito pay a fine of :$"56. i Hp paid the money and I Was ilikelitiiged; • ' , I ' Yon see by thanboVe paragraph, that a Polled I 31agi.stratein New York virtually*says 'to 4 , very !scoundrel no the city v ` l, As long. as you have . a :... !fifty dollar note ,to+pate,'you run no farther. tisk 11 ithan . that of losing it,-if even a jury should fend i 1 you guilty. of an attteMpt ,at-,_rape.". Ihe other .1 paragraph . is as follbws: .- , ; .I,' . . '4. tiik IL,i4: Gitsc.'llie prisoners, Ham . mood, Smith, and Murray, indicted ,with four others . with:having, in February lust, violated-the :person . i of Ellen 10.111, were brought. before the Cuurtmf .- 1 Over' and' Teinii tier . . yerterelay„ ;and discharged' . I °albeit- Mon reertgaimineeo." , . ' ',- ' 1 i . , 1 The crime perpetrated by the above villains,wits ; I accompanied by thelnestbrutal 'Violence, and ut- - i tended altogeltherly :cirenmstatWes :too revolting, to contemplate. with any approach. to. coolness;- .yet,, they are flischarged •'.. upon theirown recog- 1 nizances,"hccanse . they hare votes, and their vic e .; tim isa.pf,oi• but s respeutable, seaman: ~Well,what I is the pr.lath:al eff,ect of all this'? ..The very uighl. foiliiivitli . i.he appearance of the above paragraph, an elderlY ferriaTe;wail gagged, raviihed, and kid'''. murdered, in Catharine Lane, leading from .Broad- way to I .Elin;and afterWarda - carried rain a coach, without alarming theOlice,Urarousing the neigh bOrhood 'Where - the d4d was 'connitte d. The next day she was disnoyered, covered with blood TINII 7 IItITIT N. Y. Sr. ERIE RAILROAD. TRAINS 'LEAVE GREAT BEND nrr Mnil pasi. Day ex pissl2Night ex I -Catl 10 55 A.m, I 353 r. at. 1,3 28 . r,74.1 - 12 28 E. B. CulsE GOING 'WEST. Mail piss.] Day ek.pas I Night Citl. 5.55 r. 31. I . 304 1;2103r:51. [353,r. Sons.of Temperance of Nutojelsouna so : No. • Location. Moot ,n Chanransisgo,' 444 , Harford,: , Tuesda North:Star, 432 „ Brooklyn, ' Saturd: y Montrose; . 4so • _Montrose, , Monda Springville;- 464 Satur(L Lenox . . 466 •Letiox,. Saturn:). e Almanac 1851..- Eliniat Days of - Days of,,{ Sun rises Sun se the iveek. )lorith. , . Sunday,- Monday, 23. Tuesday,. 24 Wednesdriyl iThursday, .26 ,FridaY; Satutday,.• —2O . . POST-orFrcE, . lIOSTP.OSEt PA. and D6parittrii of Great Bend; leavi4 . -eVery day, ekrept - Sunday,:7 O'clock, &AI. :Arrives at 10 o'clok closes at 9 o'clock P.• 11: - ••• For Wilkesbarre, leaves every- day, pcept Sunday, at '7 o'clock Arrives at 9P. I‘l. - Mail closes at'9 R • For Binghareton; leaves every day, except Snaky, at 9 .o!eluek P. M. Arrives (every day. exeept:Moeday),at 9 P.M.: closes at 7 o'clock '1): . , . For Proiidetiee; leaves, every day except Sun:. day at 8 A. M • Ariives'at 6 P.'31. - • ilfaii cloy se • .1 For.Towanda . ; leaves .on Sundays, Wednes days and Fridays at 8 A. N. Arrives on Tues., days; ThursdayS' and Satardays 'at 8 P. ... CiciseS at 9P. ' '• "'.• • • •• '• - • For Carbondale; on .3iondays, Wednesdays, and ,Fridays, at , Arrives on Tiles, days, Thursdayi, ,and Saturdays at 6 P. .Al.-- CloseS at 9 P. ':*. ' • - For Oweg,o, on Sundays; Wednesdays an Fridaysat 8 A;M:. Arrives-onTuesdays,Thum days, tmd-Saturdays -at 6:P.M: ...Closes at 9- o'clock P. M. _ , For Silver Lalce &c. Fridoys,nt SA. M. Itrrives on &tura . 2i - Closes at 9 P. M. Thorsoliy. ' ' ' For Skinner's Eddy, on.ilkfondays at 5 /14.,31 Arrives same day at 10 - Closes -at 91 ), Saudays. . • 46e lebrittl oti 0 fthe nO . pil vill The'Springville Division.' Sons of Tamper= ante, eelebratitin at Spring-1 villa tiillage; : on the 4th of July, The 'neighhwring:DiviSioni of the - Sons of Temper:' twee, Ole Union of Thatidhters, nrids citizens ee'. te partleipaiS i *lth us in eel:' `eh - rating this day'Of National ': . 9ft.DDR' OF ThE pAir: '" The irc;cesioii Cal f fOrin_at'the v iiall tfin Sons of Temperane:th at half pa.seninO 3r., cud tnareli tha Grove:'-- . .tyhere the I . Deelaration Of had4etideice will lie read by At W. Pride, . An ()ration by key.. A: H. Stoat, A. N. Dimnck and dhase, E.stes., of 'Aiontrose, Hon. John 13risban and it'.llt.NVoi,. EN's , of 111100 K TABLE.' GAiSG EAST 4 35 4.35 4 35 -4 35 4 35 4 35 4.36 addriiss'ee:. — After - ndifelt — fli s e Iffoasion 'Will 4lfiiie , lo,Q. house of Tlioir.:r.s 'Jackson %Otero lefreslitonts illy be, obtained, : ' ~, ~,,y,tilLEs PIUCILW,D, - I , _'' '', l ' ' s I: ': .:4'hi 11; SLOT. 2 .- . ',:!. -'''. 1 1 ;5 .t i ii l .W. B.'-'llAfililitlCK, eontiiileO. i:C' 1 1 'L'A BVItII4 : 7 -: . • ;''- .i , '' .1 7.,.:;1L 41..'. r . , l.'KticErt. .‘, , ,:-/Spriritivilki .liiiii)tl;ii. . , .":.....- ' • • , election; it is almost impossible to convict - a man r . ,1 in any of the lower cotirtsthat, often, after hay. (mg, at the risk of his jilt., rushed into a crowd of s .I" Short. Bays;' ". i Skiiiners,7, or " Rock Boys," wilt) weierobbingsornecouittryntau, or assaulting ci d . l female, , aud,having been severely beutcny b ~ then), hho iniself, befor; efrected flit*. arrest. _ , they were invariably discharged by tbealderinaii 25 7,25 7,.25 7 „ 25 7''25 7-25 7 25 andhruised half to deafly sOntei . rhere is the Fifth tVardi and; tread lint description; four of the bra: tat ravishers were aireSted arid 'committed for - tri• al—to he disc:imrged again. • - - Thenext morning, 1./ fellow;riirited Henry Wa-1 I coil', was 'arrested do a charge Of rdietnpCit o ti,Pe,l upon ilia per'sou'of a ilMigliteref Officer - Anderson of the Seventh Ward.' The' child is but fivo years of age, and the accused had mana„4(l - to get 'her , into an apartment, where he was endeavoring to effect his infamous pnrpese;Whou the child scream ed fin. lielp, and her father, who was in the hpuse,. went to the,room,,antte.aaght the fellow • in, the ' fie was a boarder in Mr. Andors,on's family. Mr Anderson is a police officer, there is some hopelhat this.fellew will be convicted. Mr. -40- derson will no dolibt see. that -an outrage on a member of his oWlllfaniily is properly punished. - On Thursday morning, again, ii womun named. Sitialt Jane Smith, and two men named Murray and Meyers, weie . itirested'hiiheeksth Po lice, under the; following, circninstanoe,s:lt ap- pears that, Smith:isi the keeper of a hese cif ill-faMe; at'NO.IIG, Oetilie:st., and that ! on . 'ltresdaYinst; . she piecuied from en intelligence office; a girt nuffied whom ;she en gaged-le:act ittilie.tiapaeity of a ehamhermaitt.— The girl tvnitaltedtetter new plate,' tvholly- coucious of the cliart.Mter ol; the ..houso, nnd"ipas thero.indaced,to drinliOiquor - ..1n theevening,the prisoner Murray. by consent of the -woman - Smith went into the gin's rieuknpriattempted.to,eliect her ruin; , but , n ids ptypose, enileavor- 1111 1 oa,'to otroo!, kje,,ol),l,?cti , ky violono.e, When ..the girl • Berea - Med,' and the; Fannin kijnith',lnid Meyers Went into Ike room'to stop her cries, .and. to aid urray i M n his diabolical attempt,- She, ltetvever ) continued het' screams, arid several of.. thiipoliee went into the plade,.l and reseued her and took the bikers hito The gill - its and friendless, and hims alto been ' locked"rip, ADt' lie leg able to give bail for ber.apPitaiance - d3 - 11' Wit 7 cent .The Woman Smith acid the meti Bre obton bail', -and,,by:cmploylng gOintlairyersi kttble it,theicaSe, ajul se lterft!.he. girl in . .• prisvn;runtil , „;-,,-.--;_,. - --, , - - - ;, - ,7,-,,;-----,-'i.,-sz-r-7-2------1.- I penal:Fre - half : for her.L."-=That's the tvay-ttie thisi'' I done irr.NaSrYorlarykheuven'a sake, 4 : 1 take yofii,cue, lminditicO,'ficiiii'New York -4 city lii',Whilali;:all nteit &patinae!, halnener one'' ,-•--- .• , the,, „Posinotio;itt a grOnt.tricasti* to their leniency te , - 1- - Wardn'i4teo• -1- ' '' ' ''2 l j.,. P . - •'':. . ! - 1 s ' se to say airit it purdah of th'e 1;:-: grr, - I - - - _1 'City ph, .., ;is - iii n c.„,,:yat! vxterq, foritho pr ee , 2. - ling li'aelitioitsni . ol.: , "cvFi'be - etWimilo, either I f.,'' thet.Wide' circulations, or: the e.steneled tuflaen ee - X, df.cityjoumilo. I 'ronld tell you some etruil 4 1 - dlorliierabont - OtnitetZikeitt;z4i - ors thy raeie j , - supported, atid:hy What means they siegoire n„i inattence. Two or three enclsoclvertismeta,el,l week; no the.followlni, for creample, Would entir e . ly pay fur your paper and presswork, and In n er arythinZalso chat; propt::- , 2 - Ishrs- york- publ,, i - Str dan'tsh ir enich'elirty _wink, at' ate tieral - ritee - '1.3,010,11,13,:-.%,FAerrenta.Fosntsuien_otruifurrk, „,',A [ 1 I --1.3) ed room, fur al:idy _and pentleman,-.. w „ 1 1-,, board for tiler,' ludy,..otilyr.-..1n 'a s'etireft:locarit s .. !, 1, '.1 r inquifitiSa „ pfssons - te4l - 17St-aotgi, . M 1 d d ,: ti; tl_,.. i ' ” Carar"'Herald Office.' . .; -- r '-, - ". - -' - 1::', , = r • Bolirin : AvAN'r,-;4 !Ain i1i0 • GE, , ,,, I:: [ al.siudeSirr; it - fcirolitiert 'apartment, ill a ;_,,. rd situeintrvivitti.tmailtiot. the lady; only, ; .. referenees „Tire:Sol required: • _ Address !,,, F ile , ... lin," - Herald, 9illcc; -;,,---:',;;- ;. :i BOARD,--WANIT.D it i - tenr-akso Glen,, ] ' 14,1 N it flirnitthqd team , in ii retired localay, - - e. , mut : inhere no questinne . wiltbe .481 . 0: Add,,,, , - 'f " FA.lix..7 Herald _OfriFe :; f 7 ~,.,,.;.4- ' 11;44 e.fii+r eti:tii4 aimve rioni.t the- , itirgu 4 ':-. last weak. They ate rptita - deasut compared 0 , ', 4 1, many ilMt - appear i's that jOurnal; although ~, erY,Ners Yoriter.lttiolso that ttier, are arias, IT ~,,. seducer's in search of hiding places for theme e h i • and th_eir - parainours; from the pnrsuit of veroa zt i Imitrands or ontragecifutheis. Yours. Tralye ..,,,-- Runs Glare. WOSIAN'S 11.1011 r l CO - — NVENTION.-,-T111.3 as? ' . .'• 1.• ez- -, :i - :;: filaie' ridjOurned . its session at Akron, Ohio, (4 1 ;1 the 119th, ult. - The following - is An 'na l : extract, from a npoeclief 3lrs. - . gee': r. Something, has been said of• tile . ..dia . :ere.; I:: spheres in,which the sexes are to - inove.auli are glad ,for. once to hear Mi . attetnpt lick; the resolutions of Mrs: S. to limit that of c.,, ... I have alwaystteurd.that. lio:had .a:sphere,l 4 l 'no one, before, I:believe, has ever, thougl,4t'',..: prescribing bounds to it. .His sphere hue lit:: .;'' erto been all over creation, and if by ony_y, t .,':, hoe invention lie could contrive means to NW ; nut of itit . would be perfectly..,legitirone- [Laughter.] ; emay-not only engage loc., .:',.:1 H most noble, but wlibre.ver.there .is ,a copp en ..c.-, be turned, may descend to the most coran 4 . - i 4 • and igneble pursuits, without . o:tore:idling la i the feast enthe_boulidnries, of the ,sphea: (f lan.,ether being. . ~.._ ._ , ..• ."?"-: .... -- - -- -- . • '',.-.: , . lie may not only,stutly and practice the-,.: ) .. 2„:" : I f - oSsions, engage in. extensive rmunifna-,:,-.,ti1 : .; -..-: and'meremide .eatetwises, but it is comidel-:.ki perfectly legitithate for hini to deScond t0.a., - ':.. minutest . :details of a lady's toilet. Ile mm_? sell, liair•plos, combs, brusbeii,:tbread, reollrii,. i breast pins, .ear. and fiugerl rings, doll 141:'4.:::1; i t with .011 the e!., eat..crr,'..s of* child's, play 11::7. ; if;:',,,: I gingerbread, mugs. beer - by theglaSs,ander4.. ',sugar . candy by the- petin,y :Worth, if 1'...-(1,13 any moncy, to bet:lade. ¶rom it,.1 . 1..5.n;;i.11...,', ,.. i.; . • !and it has not inaptly been li..,id of liiin..-,Mtli. he were, to hfive `a' lit:'s liiso i:(f heaven, q V.-,i , . 1 condition orbeing pe . rfettye.outented nil:iiK, i and should hear :.sixpence drop on the ter i s of hell,. he would feel:au-itching palpalmust",i: : :' , .:A 1 hal contrived gouge ..means-to slip down rli; I pick it up l'Apple.use and laughter.] T . ..r . :‘, creed written on his young heart from 6.-.:... , :i.:', 1 menthe .leaves his • mother's apron. 51rit...;:,it,,,;; I " Cie get you gold, no matter how, , -4 , . . ' No.Apicstions asked of the rich:l trow; • T;,) - , " Steal - by- pig' it Nivi-steat- by day', 4: , Doing it all in a . legui way.. , •-:,-(-- [Be Ir . :poMite, - liar, kratve, Or fool, But don't, be.._poor, (remember -the. ru1e,.4., - - -11 ::: Dimes and dollars,.and dollars and dice V.': ..4 -An empty pocketis the worst, of crinite Y. PRODABLI: • Mo_nnEu.—A woman, Ea% • Sarah 3l'Dartn.cl; living in -a Shanty jail river . liauk, a short, distance,aliove the pe,;,. earn(' to her death on Monday evening, iinadtinerwhlch eansed 9Usp ion that hct emit" Was- the resultof, violencc. !lob . , band, John and step _ol4 ' M'Donnel, Were - arrested . , nod after .an iition committed - to aian•Wer she charge. person of the deveased.bere evident marh violence, a blow upon the ternplei:havirlie. the_cause of her death. The inqiiest'n=r l ,,• : , a Verdict lit_aceordanee with the the' third Occtirrehee - of tapperitl.: , this county' - daring the last • - vear:—Br4il , : , ': Reporter. ;F.; • • nr ; Sunbury and Eric Railroad: 4l c ceremony • of breaking ground on tbe'ate. this iinportant'amilroad. , was , perfounci c Tuesday morning, Ocar-FarransvilleSiiiz count}, Pa. ,rrbis road. will hold the relation to,Philadelphia and Baitimore,i4 tbe,Nothern Erie road does to these two 4 iel'ibranches are already built of all 100 Miles each. The enlargement of the Capitol at ingion - , was commenced on the first of J.- eP"- • A great ploughing match is too off near Norristown, in October next, counties of Chesterellneks, Detexiare,lo caster,i;Philacielpl4 'and Motitigonieo furnish: the iploughnsen. ,Ilandsurae ' iums to :beawardede rfo the best -pic••';' and the best ploughmen.., • 4 The Whio State Convention, to ci:'`c-1 a hate. candidates - for governor, Canal Cr: inissioner..• and, Jthiges of . : . - the' Scßoi Court," Meets nt lancaster„on Tueschs,ti 24th of ,Inn,e, ,16,5 t. •„ • • • ' ilaattali- jubilee or #he SOos of Tar ance,-- , T4 41th - .NationA Jubilee ef Sons Of Tomparence of, North - Americ•V : be fie'id Tor - Onto; Canlida, June and authaf occasion all they" of steamboats upon lial4Oiitayio ilOco their fires to half:priae. Nletter is adVertisedlni Iliiffalosilia , to Dr. Va n dok.i.trburgeidondertroinK Stirring Tlient ,publishesJho ciccl If_ you - aro- asleeV7utvake If ycicr avriake-- rnortc'!.lf ydis aro in ov i ii i,v lll - If you aro, walking---nuN If you aro" fling—FLY '1"0'7114 RESt;I3A t - gts ' • fortUnato man, boa; need of a -shario inrioconeo ataxia' . h'etween ;. Billf and the envy of tnanlilud.: b4iboli Caroimia - felt'lkie tire a ,when :going tolibii-sPauislOcAnt sitiol. . , - g 0 ,4 • said be,."betycAlniiy:lft• frien,, .14.16 IPY word, enew.y,; i nv_v : en Is 0:1 lle °e° ; my. tA tho.nrilibisippie OD;