The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 05, 1851, Image 3

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- added to the nember apportion.
ce nt:
obon, Indisna; s Noir York,
connec tient, Kerlin:6ly, Pialaylvania,
w o o, • Mannaoliasetti, Rhode Island,
:Maryland' lettnessee,
Gor es, Missouri, 'fetes.
Itartatoan.-7The Brie pad is the ,
',got in the world-467 miles.. That
tom Bosomy and Bt. Petersburg, in Russilk,
is in length, being 450 miles; Tire Rae.
go government is about beginning is. road
from Warsaw to 'St Peterabirg, a distance oil
moN than '7OO miles, of which - .Wi Major 'l'. S.
Breua, late ef the Erie road, ll be thlif
E n gineer. It , is note worthy that , the Ameri
ca great enterprise is bra private company;
theiliessimi is built by government.
Bravos. Assianul Pansatiinx.
„, :oramt, N.Y.-This body Met in the city
of il t i es , N . y, on Tittuiday last. About 1250
detiLlateswere inattendance. The Rev. Al.
,b c d gunes,D. D. L. L. D., of the That Pres.
14rian Church in that city, was
rieited Moderator, and Itev. , prolessor S. M.
Hopkins, of Auburn Seminary, N. Y., Clerk.--.
OnTridayilVashington, D. C., was designated
us the next place of Meeting..
—.The Democratic Convention at Washing.
ton, pa. have nominated Hon. James Buchan
an for the Presidency in 1852.
—John B. Gogh is lecturing in Dayton,
The Democratic Reformers of Rhode
Island are to have a grand celebration on the
4th of July next
—The fare from Dunkirk to New York, on
the Erie Railway, is $B. „,
Sll CostattsstosEns.---Hon. Timothy Ives, of
'Fetter county, to be superintendent of moun
tiitisection of the State Railroad,. to carry
out, the law appropriating "a certain sum .to
avoid' the Portage inclined plane. General
William Brindle, of Lycoming county to be
Superintendent of the North Branch canal.
A Great Deal of Whitlitg to lee Done.—
In the advertisement of the Clerk of the llouso
ofßetkesentatlres of the next CongresS, there
is set down among the things needed, 250 doz
en pea knives—about a dozen for each mem.
bet.lLof which 150 dozen are to be u four bla.
ded.,:pearl handled, and of the highest ileish
:Lai beat quality, and 100 dozen of two blades,
pearl handled. and of the highest finish and
best quality." Each- member must have U.
large family of boys.
IShacking Accident—As 3liss Caroline A.
Stephens, of Ossibee, N. H., was dressing her
hair in the factory in Dover, on the rich ult.,
it was caught by a horizontal shaft, around
which she was carried several times. - One of
her feet was badly bruised, the skin •tints loos
ened from the skull, and the bone in one of
her legs was dreadfully. eru.shed. Hopes are
entertained of her recovery.
Practical Satire.—kt Syracuse, New York,
on - Saturday, a fat negro woman, rigged out in
the new Turkish style, with a dress 'reaching
just below her knees, flowing irowsers and a
Olin hat, with streaming - ribbons. promenaded
the streets, attracting considerable attention.
Tee dress was giren her by some yotmg gen
tleman atthe cite.
The Remit oTSeiesslon.
The persistinee of the secession leadere
in South Carolina, in urging' on extreme
- Measures, has had the natural effect of
bringing forttrat last the eonservarive in
fluence of those who would save the com
monwealth front the ennsequences of threat-
ened precipitancy.. We regard it as a good
omen, that such considerations as are put
fnrward in the subjoined extract should ap
pear maleading journal, - the Courier, in
the city ot Charleston. The writer is for
ming.a probable hypothesis of the course
'Which the general government would pur
'sae in the event that South Carolina as a
scats should resolve herself out of the tin : I
The federal governMent will not march
' treopiinto the state. This would be a
'rieesure of violence inexpdient and unnec-,
• etary. It will not establish - a floating
eastern house, as has been supposed, be!'
'came it would be 'clumsy and inconvenient.
To - secure the revenue, it Would merely',
'abolish Charleston, Georgetown and Beast -1
Mort us ports of entry for the time being. , .1
Tho'power ofthe federal g6v.ernment, un
der thetopstitution to deckle what ports
shall beTorts of entry, iP beyond all doubt.
The set of 1799 determines the number of
those ports in South Carolina and elsewhere.
From time in time congress - has: changed
'them ortholfshed them, as for example,the l
port of ChUrrituck, in North Carolina, in
1841. South. Carolina will not permit the
'duties on goods imported to be collected
within her lithits. The federal government
will be driven then to abolish her ports as
Pcuto of call
-SG lettg as the ditties are not,
perm hurl to be-collected. -
Bow will thit proc.eding operate on the'
vandition.of the stater and particularly of,
the city, All foreign trade will &ease,
caner vessels attempting 'to enter a port
other, than a port of entry, is liable to for 7
reitur.., vessel and cargo. Commerce being
annihilated, our merchants must go'• else-,
where to do business. Capital, which de-,
trade or employment, must go
4 04 theta Wharf property will be worth
nothing; there will be nothing, to land orj
Ship.. Pry decks - and ship-yards will be
valueess ; there will beno vessels to repair.
Thenthiber of vacant houses will be so
large. that house rents will he greatly re
duced. No'Metr buildings 'then would ho
erected, and Mechanics must emigrate with
the merchants. 'Factors must follow their
customers,- whOso rice .and cotton will be
Bent for Bale to: other states. Cotton, in
motif of coining down the inailread'froi
anshurgb, Will go up the mad Arne&
Bamburgh to Augusta and Savannah._:
That part ofthe said road between Bran
chville and Charleston Will be unused, tin
iest it he for bringing goods to tl
e city
Maggleitfrom -other states, ~Thecoastt
rade would be 'destroyed as Well tta
Me 144
gn trade, as the state will tat
tithes tmadoce, and it will go of course to
1 4 uao Whit it is not taxed.
these,Places it will 1* smuggled
South will be as easy to.
loutple into the state IS out or itoind
,' Vhody admits that the last is very:easy
yule? l - 14 Zir teasel that will 'depopulate...,
aten will Ore en immense impulse
to the . growth of other places; - Savannah
will double her business nod !Population.
She willreeeive the merchants. the ueohan
lee, the eaptial ! that we shall hive At
the - very moment when lee baie no - employ:
menta for :It wilr thus become
direct interest of ourieighbereto keep its
in the aesolute Condition to which we shall
bo reduced. They ,will wax fat, on - our
misfertunes. ' If our planters and ! (anners
are so patriotic its not to send their ,enttim,
rice, sad "other. pntinee la ports out of the
state, there will bane Money eirettlating_in
the state. ',..The banks will be Withont Ws
inets paper. There will be no divldinda.
At the very. time when,
_. ode 'Usti
quadrupled there will ho \ no money to pay
them. We 11 a shall be theckinated-!—unable to
move. - •
The peoplc - will very soon demand of the
secession leaders that some remedy for
this condition of ruin be pointed ;out ,to
.theitt. What will that remedy be? There
can be no fighting—theto will pia nothing
to eight. There can be no appeal , to for
eign nations—they could have no pretence
for complaint. lfany Man _ thinks, Other
wise, let him reverse the ease. ,Should
England Abolish liristol, or Prince Abolish
Havre ; as ports of entry, could we com
plain or, object? Shall we send a minister
to Europe to ask for help ? Every foreign
state would ignore" the independent gov.:
eminent of;Sectli Carolina. Our condition
Would beat once•belpless and ridiculous—
should suffer, and command , no sympa
thy -I - because the evil will be our own choo
sing both as to its beginning and continua
_ nave - not the people a right;to ask tit
once, and it net prudent to ask in ad
vance4that they who are about to deliber
ate on the future proceedings of the state
should at once declare what ,rernedy they
propose to apply to a condition of things in
Social Carolina' which trill he the result of
their own measures, and which is at. least
possible, which may believe title probable
and not a few think certain? • . ,
—The Lewisburgh Chronicle of ,Wednes
day gives the particulars of the injury to
the Methodist Church at Danville,by light=
fling. on Sunday last:
The congregatiOn were kneeling in prayer
just before the sacrement was to be admin.
intered. There wore no previous
tinns of a storm, except a slight sprinkle
of ruin, and a cloud which _ seemed to be
gathering in a northerly direction. The
steeple was first struck and much shattered.
After reaching the main building, the elec
tric fluid divided into two seperato currents
—one passing through theeeiling t and along
the chain by which one of the lamps was
suspended, (both of which latter were Ile
mnifsbed.) • directly-down into the midst of
the crowded congregation—tearing up the
liner and pews considerably, and instantly
killing Mrs. . Pencil, and inflicting alarming
injuries Upon her Sister, 3liss Vastine, and
eight or nine others. mostly females, besides
stunningfiod otb6ratise partially affecting
teeny other persons.
Hottatorm.—The Albany Evening. Post
gives the following account . ofa horrible
tragedy, enacted about three miles south
from WUrtsboro', Sullivan county, on the
15th nit.: • -
“Timothy Palmer, crilile engaged in peal
ingbark, was shot dead, and was afterwards
found under a tree which had but- x abort
time been fallen. Suspicion' fell ow his
brother, Mr. R. Palmer, who had recently
cherished revengeful feelings - towards him
for some real or imaginary wrongs, and who
followed him into the woods, taking with
him a gun, under. lhe Pretenee,of hunting
But he disclaims all knowledge - of the mut
ter, and *tenth to have been sleepihg in
the woods at the,time it took place.- The
deceased was about 28 years of age and is
said to have been a man of violent temper.
Rosncav Br TUE Cutorcovoax Pao-
CESS.—, We have publicity to reberies innu
merable,. and the name in which they
were committed, but never, did *we think
that.chloroform would be used by the mid
i night depredator to'accomplish his purpose.
Such is--the - fact, and this powerful agelreY
to lull ono intb a state (if insenhility,
used by some rogue, on Thursday evening;
inihe dwelling house of Richard Baird,-,
Eighth street— TIM robber, after surveying
the premiies, quietly :opened; the parlor
door, *herein a young lady was slumbering
in an armed their,' awaiting the , return of
her phrents. A sponge, saturated with
chloroform,yras, placed to her nostrils. and
sonn slue was rendered powerless. ; The rob
ber th'en eommenoed search kir plunder.
and carried off a gold Wateb and- several
other ailicles of value. Who the • accent.
plisbed and "daring villain : was, !stamina
mystery.—Cin Com. -
A 3lddi , littvoLtlOn AFFAIL , --A num
named. Butler is now in prison at Nashville.
Tznn., in default 0f 4 510,000 bail, charged
with causiiig the death of his wife ihr
lence - and -starvation. Strong susinctons
bad:been triteitained against Lim, and finally
the house wad . entered by a window tbe
doori being all faitened, and a woman was
found lying" in .the bed, oovered,With filth,
lin a most emaciated condition:` was
l'ettremely weakand h is stated she declared
that she had not eaten anything for a week
or more,. She spokebut little: • They found
that her person bore the, marks or iielence;
and- about, her limbs Were'black iiituits of
dords, by which it is stippcised She Lad been
bound to the bed. ',; She' was so tench re
du:Cod that the bones id many Pliteeihad
worn through the skin. She died on the
10th, soon after being diseirgered.
•OALIMITY.-4Ptlr pity was
throvrn into a state ofgreat 'eiciteloent
evening, on account oft painful catastrop h e
the details of which, as tlear ei we must
certain, are followi ;—lsaao ft Brown,
Major Hughes, and Win. Beboe, of this city,
and Nicholas Vera" ancf John Smith, of
Bergen, started 'yesterday afternoo' a.
sinall boat frac:loo vicinity *film Thatched
Cottage Garden; or Ellis and' on
their return, between 7 and 8 etlocki! i the
boat- was by .spine twins mist:ad setae;
*bare about mitTway, ixitweett`the Island
and the Jariey:Wire. Hogbeland
clung to the boat, and Brown, Titere and
Smith reach a badge of brush
catalysed ottbe tops of -fishing poles, whiels
the latter affected, but Brontoited Teem
worannable to:do so, and sad to Mate; bitb
fo u n d a watery J ae' ether three
were soca rescued by 'perms Iron). the
phare. Tho bodies'of the drew:tall two
disci:Arita about:ten Ain& in tturevaaing
chi, watch of one . N o* cease] to bead at 25
inhaides past 7; tint that of tlos other it 28
niputois Arta. = .ThO' .yet
joong ma. not. 'over thirty', yaws or age
and both hate young families- to -mourn-
Weir sadden exit:—Nra's4 Ms( 2 WegraA
: Cesaszr:,rjuticitar.Cnrptier Newaute
held an iiniCesit',ott:the . ttedi Of one ;mace .
MeNamera; at
,the . hoosit Uf J. - 14- Garwood,-
ittNieholiou;.,tOwnsiNikthi&Untinty, an
Saturday; :the .; - The jury: foind
that deceased came to his dentliby blows
bySatauel , L4f.sittead,v6l44'444.
cated_his neck ,
Ne learifthat the, deceased wattort,lrieh'
laborer from -Soule of-the Ohne Werkii. and
came the. Ueighborhood of 'llal9teitES:
_noon on, IhuradaY.:, 22d ~Ete
Pitied 'along 4.1 - ptiblie sold; pass tug,
stead's honse and_ went. totinirds Garwood's
iteppini at Mr. Thiberta end 'called for some
thing tomit,' which Wei! . given him. ',Tie then
left, and Moen: afteireterned. and tried to
get in, the - house, hot Roberts being
alone and having . , been alitiMed at his
eondeet: when in the' house before, alto bar
red all the' doors.} :Atter
,trying the door's
and . windows he. left the House and proceed
ed towards the stoke. .While on his way: to
the store he .wan overtakee. by a young
daughter - Of. Mr., alsteadaged, aboUt ten
years, whent 'accosted : Witli„.imptoper
language, and taking held of her;_thspured '
her upon the around and . endeivereotto:Ti ! ,
elate kerperson.L ShO. screamed for help,
which:alarmed hint find, he let her tn.'. He
thin went towards.tha depot; and Met Hal
steitd, the girl's father in the. road. They
both stopped, and while there, Mrs. Hal :
steed came running up, and told, her bus
hand -what had happened, whereupon Hal
stead fell upon MeNathara, heat and-kicked
Mini, breaking his neck, 'which owned hiS
death in abbot tiro hours after.— Tryoiking
wheat in the centre an) portion of
the State is moat seriously injured by the
late fro Sta especially the early sown.—. 4
Tbousahfis of acres may be seen, red at_top,;
yellow atbottom, and wholly suspended in
its grosith.. It has commenced sprouting
from the rookand will throw up new beads l
probably if the %relabel' &weld be favors;
ble, and make perhaps a half crop, but not
of perfect - grain. Late, sown wheat promi-:
ses welt—Ohio Statesman, 17th,
Dzsrandrivx Fraz.-41n Tuesday mor
ning portions of the New Jeylly Iron Co's.
extensive Works at Boonton, eonsUtine of
the Spike Mill. main. Roiling 'Mill, Little
mill sheds, blacksmith's shop; ace.. were
burned. The *hole &image to buildings
and machinery was about $15.000. on—
which there; is insuranee.ateounting 046,-
000. The `whole loss, it is estimated, t will
not - Their storehouse and
contents were uninjured. It is anticipated
by the Company that their building s will be
so far reinstated in a month as to resume
, -
• CouivTrtiltatT.—One dollar bills of ibe
Bank of Albion, Orleans County, have been
altered to tens, and detected in Wall street.
; The Are° following !ranks all refuse to
pay their Old circulation, on tlio'ground of
having been ;robbed; yet Minh bills are con
stantly nQQearing in IYall-Street, and are
rejectuf,bv the-brokers. ,The only safe way
for individuals is, to refuse all their bills,
whetheri of old''or -new' dntes of issue.—
There can be no mistakes that way :
Dorchester and Milton Bank, Dorches
tar. Mari
Phirtint Balk WesteriC,
Chesegrly Daunt'. Bank:Pa.
iLAVII.Vir MEM E27,1g)
NEWS FRO* Etr,uom—The S. Mail
steamer Washington, took N. Y. by surprise
last arriving much 'sooner Allan sis
irns expected
,having made her passage in - 11
days and 23 - kours.—The Tribune, of TnesdaY
Europe is dull and quiet and so is able the
bettevp_prepate for the claim that nre:to come.
In England the Exhitition still prospers and
Ministers agin have fat "majorities on the anti-
Pipal biil. In Frande the angry discussion of
" fusion," " revision," " prolongaton,"
.is kept
up with as much zeal as al steam" boiler dis- . 1
plays when the escape-pipaia opened. But for
the power ;or letting of the warmth of patty
feeling in this way, and finally taking the sense
of the countryupon It by some sort of bophlar
vote, these disputants ivonld at once •go to
fighting. The liberty Of the is a, gfeat
safety valve: -
In PotatoAr, &Marla Still stays et Opinto
ttnd avoids the Office of Prime Minister, to
Which he lies been netted. This"seems to
fa+or the libothesis that, his designs, reach
father than,i mere 'change of cabinet, He
is very likely bent on tang the '-King mad
Qtieen out of ofride, as well as thfiii late Pin
stittitional advisers; 1 •
The King of lizsitamt has granted an am.
nesty in the insargenta of Sehlesivig I 1 ils:
in G ERMANY analt ,
ur there
,is no crews to
speak of, not because everything is piosperetia.
but the contrary:, , . The monOtony , is that - 4
bad government and national dear. -
The Liverpool Cotres market has Erica;
though prices hand trendefi
The fituadsaaiitiescue
13Osur5, Monday:l=o*
The tettinorry la the Fugitive Slays relactie
'use closed :today. and 4t, nits past 12
o'clock Ron . John P. Haiii ..orimmencesft, the
closing ergainent for the defame. -He as.
carded find, that the'l - Govertmeni, was
to prove that Shatliactiiiss -bmitide a slave
attar the `;lbws into Mtheethu
eeite and Was legally, WO' -ineth -
alftided to ilia feeling and law la Virglrds-Js
I .ogard 13 ' 61 0# 0 7. And paid ' her &`. - - 4 001 3 1iiient
for her liberality Weil eases *here ,s/aveiiore
coiteridir4 rot their tighl**d its Osl7lol/ed
for, Scott -(thi-TeesicsirYthai iliqt!ljffit Culti as
Ali sea aI:14 U* he Wield
him in- *a moan, **lst**of :the
Fugitive Slive law - Mr: be
4004444400* ,the *ser#: case
Wetild eopelibimeelf - th , the '4ereetw-.4zikdoe!
illaimt'as it itta. lis thee proceeded to take
erp-theseve#.l countsin the 104ctratnt: sad sr
pod theialepetittely as sustained tiy: the — law
and -evidence:. Before be conclude it tfieteurt
adjourned. _ • , '
- Eire at . Troy,: •
_ ,
Monday, Inia(; 2:,
• A Al'o occurred •at \Vest Tray last, n,ght,
widnlt destroyed a taiga wooden bethile,T be
l(ilging to lloinee: Day. TW O 'dwellings
and three barna swish also .-- _
. destroyed •
Thnlieia is 650)00, which is covered by in
surance. .• • •
Late tind Interesting Crow Met"
. toil-Orleens,litednesdni,'s . o 28.,
- The steamship Materna his airtied here
in fiee"days. from Vera erns, bringing $2B,
ORO !meek.
Beth Aiuse of OM Afesieati Congrese.
''a'lirga tnejority;anitelled the Tehatm,
tepee grant. to Gary ;Land in the sena6 the
Tehauntopeo Treaty ivas lola en the - table.
A motion -AIM Made to impeach Lacalsen for
negotiating 'the `grant They refused to mod
ify 'the : Tariff byrereoving prohibitory du
ties. Ilongieseadjuuined on the 20th.
Eta'residentl'indiazia died on the 15th
A letter froin n welt infer - reed inureti,
.sage'- l Anather appeara close at
-• . -
'the Yucatan Legislature earnestly in
vokes the aid of Motion to terminate the
IndlitiL war. -
• The Lou oflhe bark:Sitivannah
by Orel -
CIIARLESTOSS . IIea*. :gay 28.
The steamer Jasper, arrive from Savan
nah, passed on Tuesday evening the Hail:
Savannah, (from Savannah , td - New-Yoak,)
on fire, near Tybec. The ateam , tog Tybee
took the passengers and eras -off. Loss is
about $BO,OOO.
A fire occurred to-day I'm Savannah and
destroyed two housss on 114-st Nos. 212
and 214. The loss is estimated at $20,000.
130unty .14and. Wairanifi.
Wasuisaros, itlay 29.--:An official no,
tire from the CoutmissionVO of Pensions,
says ~:—..Where Bounty Laud -Warrants
miscarry and get lost, the persons to whom
sent most immediately enter a! caveat in the
General Land office to prevent the issuing
of Patents to fraudulent claimants, and also
six weeks public notice of the lost property,
by minutely deserkhing . the warrant. The
identity of the applicant: and all necessary
facts must be proved under oatlpl,'
fridaY, May .
The trial of issues relative to thik es'ate
of Kosciusko, will commence next Monday
in the Circuit OsurtAtevertly - Johnson and
other. Counsel have been retainuti
The corner stone of Minn - Academy,
lately established - 41i. Rieltards„, - was raid
this evening by the' Mayorga the presence
of a large assemblage.
• TheSoallierit
, BALTthIcRE, Friday; 31ey 30.
The New-Orlenrui Meals received.'
The eteam.ship •Ilraebtnarrived-atlNew
Orleans from Brim , with c 22,000 specie,
and the steamship Plebe with 35,000.'
To all whom It fluky 'Concern.
Tl - ICCommittee desiring to take nplist the
Puryitig-ground all that: have friends boiled
and no rart!tunas atsauttxmafted.auna,t-Uto
Corifinittes on }he ground on Thtiraday afttrnoou
of each week diming the month of June; coffin:en
elng .on _Thursday. June 4. Also • theise that,
woald like lots are requested to tall on the Cum •
mattes. It. R. LYONS. '
• The Electie notanio' Medical Society will
hold iusannual matting- at.the Court House in
Montrose. Junelo. 4general• 'attendance is so
licited. Dr. Loomis 'will lecture upon the injuri
ous' effects of Cato:Met on thehutfiftn system:,
Temperance ":Meeting.
*A. !Meeting 'br tlie Montrose and Bridgewate'r
Temperance Society Kill ie held at the:
tist -Chureh next Tuesday evening.
Bentley expected t 4 delivei an address.
• ,31aaraosz, Alay 1331.. •
What, bash. e 51.90 a $1,12 813, pr bbl. 81-70
Cora, . `• _ 60
Rye, - " •60 - • B.whEHeprlt 1,56a1.75
Oats, 34 a• ' *3l Hay, pr too, 5,75 a ( Oa
_Btu:kart 37., a 40 Etonee,oal piton 5,00 a 5,50
Appler. green 29 a. 50 I Batter, l2 a 14
‘. dried 1,00 I bard 7a 9
Bans pr both 1.00 a1,12X Pork; pr bog . a
ITheat dr pr 6615,75 a -6,001 <Weber's, pr lb 5a 6
Tarktes -pr lb. 81 Gee.featb '4oa 50
pr dos 9 a 101 Potatorepr busb '5O a 6.1
104 121 Tiniotby seed. 4.00 a -
- Maple Sugar 8a - 9I Clover 7,50 a '
Maui smoked S a 9 ''" 7,00 a
vrtr• •
. ,
1. anik. Stegirect etazeatt.
FlOtir, Get bl s4,ti ci $4,91 1 Oats pr bunk 40 a 50
Coralttrzl 3,004 'r Ailey da "OS a 1,00
Wlrtat : Wish - 1,00 x{'. 1,12 1 Pork dr prrat 5 : 00 a 5,60
Corn do ..60 a IS Lard Tr lj) - . 4 , ' a -- 711
Hie , -da ' 37-4 - % Bitter dd - • .., 12 a 10
1 11 1 . - .1111:111V
In Ibidgewnter, on the dd by Wm. DeLong, Ih. Eno.ut Bi. Mina end
Miss L. B Z.LXNE FOLLET, both of
water. ' _
• - The Printers were - remembered.. •
_NT 11 4 1 Ztibmistaritersese:
Dstity*en . and Farmers: -
Valuable property for . Sale. •
A FAUX cd2oo aSts Minato in Bridgewater foinsblit
xs. 44,114thausatitutnty and - state imf Yommirania,
1,60 ass of Vida le ander goal improesmeet.
ThafailBlaan dasigned :or adairy, and lac ipable of
teedlar do Wan during summer and atiotei.; and entry
patoisoN *di riatexid. The buildings and land, are
trod lonaltlost and' the limes, lableb. are of atone
nabs* alsocrtd. :Tbere large barns. upon
the preemius, benders gras4:7 and eons silent Anil
for cattle. bre* orchards principal" Of i grafted fruit
and titberfrait trees; - •
Sofd flino bae I teri4destant and dettiesbie loentkta
itoirewo elder from outrope, tis Co ontirleat
opetbstait eounty.,and about- 9 mileafissebe: La:tetra
Gap itallros4, to width tberels a Plank Liondin proton
• of es:Vette:l,LO ooftvishoin to?fteetino isid
seboole, and noestbeninte.
- 4,lectiuxotber Valuable ilinnskintifles' *bore, otonA".
tibtfaii2oo acree,sf iibleblso acres la nyder a biro
#As t s of egloyation.
.rpoo , it Oa« ip a imp frame
dweditat boils, add oat buildings to correspond and a
arehard. - 1 tie watered an tt roPed gad 411*
isbiy afiatited Plieile• • ' 4 • '
It died property will be atti entraaroisble tartaistkpot4
Odder ISbilbeetima#ol7l3=l4ll,oiikflßPo
I Id at* salt the paser.
; 4 list% say boas:de imessoniii*Sr is* 'to
u m , wei,dosoptse 11.4.•bileosi7 . Xourom 1,101104,
rAYanty.ond any ftuttof re!tianiaesibatmay Olitedifk
*via botanists/44 , •' • ' - -
.8111ToStotar, Kenpetiar 105110 mend And lOU
b** o .l 4lo " t"*1P, 04 4 01 414 - 1 , 4 4 * and snootier ord.
*tan , , _ jus psjurr,t_
, Itoor*TatooWtolett, ,
BABSITTIt tolosatt %its *Mete popp42 Won ,
Alsrmslestystisin .C 110004) som*.brood
pot egilms'Oithoutr". droi-tu
• p m , sr. by tbs us* Om
Isbqr - tifittoltd to *psi tooth"
omor iforilatioy- • loTtlittng.. •
/0. 006 W" lf " 1.141 t:d for wldell 41.
Newleitord, , Tur.or: "t"C VintWelP4
. -
huzzii I htiitza
. ,
"Rejoice;ot . mine' .ene . my, for
Cohen tahrtilsr4e
urst:sr:ThttE, havitaglhOteCOvered iimsett,ln el
• T 'paella:elan, Ins just returned from tba City iith
the largest assortment effoods lu biz line tear. offered .
In Moulton..Clocks of prices; end..lbatirlek
Watches by the bushel or less quantity„,to suit gym.
chasers; and Yankee - 110ton) of ell ' isletleiCerir thin
Lampe tot-burning , fluldiCaiaphlne e , .. 0fe1l sites
anddeseriptlon: 'Jewelry enuilitintrofentrything ever'
tined for. Alt mute of Perfumery km., 49 49491:. To
etkhznerati the whole monbl Tog - Wrenn "ex tn., sheet.'—
.1,11 oferbieb he will sell theaper them any one else can;
Call and see bltn next door to 31:. B.' Wilson's store.
itePetelei Ice.. dolmas usual.
Montrose June 4,1861.
• New Arrangement! •-
Ext. ensine'Ch.air and .fw.niture Estab.
. .
' , at' Co; hare now. fully coinplettid
W their arrangements for tointinictuthm - and keel
ha% constantly ou hand all and retry kind of Ilaunehold
littralture, manufactured Out of the beet .4 utilityla•t
tioitany, black Walnut, Maple. Chesty, and a bee ium=
her, and in the best. and Most durable manner; Aranag ,
the *Wines which Wet intend to keep ori hind: or make
to brder,are Mahogany, Mock Walnut, Cherry, and Ma
ple pure me, Side boards, beeretsties, book cases; Con,
treiCard; Pier, aud Other Tablee; Simile of oretY v'to•
gay • Sofas, Settees,Dlitans. Citronelle. tic. Bedstead,
ofelekindi sail styles, made of klabo;latiy, Meek
ant. Cheery; ' • - • ! • ,
ALSO—Mahogany: black Walnut, flail and '"ltirdsere
Wale. sad 'P*llf7V•hairf. of eeeryiaciety and ilvt.orip.;
Con, which they bare now on band. and Mond to, 'coop
• Constant supply. Any article desbid till ho dappled
ono few days airlift. .• •. •
As the subscribers Parr often been'.l,tlleirial to . ettlaeno
their pushers and to . open estatilialunont of the hind
elantroin widen laittlilauppfy evitry vulg.* c•flinueo.
bold Furniture. and tare the ;Inutile of rootrnima the
Cities ter'suchartiolrEthey hope le meet with lila:rad
patron said cnaontsgement. Win. W. SMITtI,
- - - - • SMITH. '
unEr. A. 13111Til,
Montrose, Tune . Sr R. Sit IT •►nnilsleEuta:Ynatraddehnive sr.
lecUnn of Dry Derail, lnelUdipg n greadeari..ty
Utra' Dress Geoda, erape - -and "other autraner.
fie k Mara illan; Parasol,. Fir rot Lace. trim
Lighoin Banuetsr a beautiful sranrttaent of Donut
Ribbon. Flowers sod Trimmings of new styles, lhata
Silk And times: for Mantillas, Davao tnilk. black Vare
Vella, Broad' Cloth. Fency CaPAIMth.% Vesting', still
summer Cloth', t nipet Dago, Trunk Yale. Baal 'and'
Shoe*. Painted Window abodes; darpethr. flats, tiao,
are., with a large and general sotorttneto of Hard Ware.
llrockaty, Iron. tiro canes, 'Pa in Is:Medicines. I tilsdit ores
. e., all o which will bu ardd at the lowed price. and en
the most relleanable fermi. ti R. tie: riy all kinds of
produee tranted.Soeks In partleular. and the bigLeNt
ptlce In Coati paid for Wool, flour and Saittoustautly
on hand,
tie* alliford, May, 27,
. - .Wool carding.
TONE at Iteynotde in It abouhl he at 4 ernts CI,
LI the 4th pound of Wool.. A. O. ILE Y.NOLDS.
neenslyn. June 2, 1551.—iatf. . .
THE undersigned au' Aud itor appointed fey the
Orphan's Court to diitributo the trui.lot remain
ing in the hands of John ShererJr..Aritninist re.
tot of the estate of Jamet.T.llherer.d. , e'd ,will at.•
tend to that duty at die office of Chadors Avery.
EPA.. on Friday, the twentyktisth dor of June. at
2 &cloth P. hi., at which dine and piece oil 1;17-
anus interested may. attend 7ir !belt un0n.....
• - C. MILLER, Auditor.
Moninine. Met . 2R. '5l. -•-
Corner eif Court and %Variant-tun ,tht.
MBE Snbreriher,talicililealture In annonneit g to _the
.1. public,- that In consequtratoof the stroosse
bestowed upon thlc ettabllitharmt the post year, he lion
deti 'mined prrintinentiy to continue:the bur retztht It h.;.
branton. The stock Comprise/ ecru style "thl quality of
flirt/wk., fu general atr, for Table and Toilet Ws e
and will be /old iu setts hs by the ginglo tic:r. Ai u, 'a
variety of •
and Fancy nvtlele*,.sneli Fruit Packets, Card stand.e,
Ccat.yellottl-s,Nescs, tope vith ala ue anal: ex
up. 41.5. WAR cwetionsc of cut, prefscd arid
'WU Tumblers, GoLletsr, Wines: Decanters: Fruit howle.
Dishes. Nappies Pitchers, eandleaticke i Lampe. Sp-de Jars, Tibeturepottles. Letup Glotie aud 4:hlreueTe of
site?, constantly nn band, an • tsnortmct
Spirit, Lard, Solar, and Camphcue, Lanu.. Ghana
doles, and ilatil.a rteraa , Ala.) *lnge lot of ... •
. •
. ,
Wln4los , Sheet, Tea Trey& Caxton., Ithie.,:itnitg,ple.
t td. °Menu rinser and Drittennisi Tthie ant tot Fponng.
tabet Cautery . , Ike., ell of eitich win be selti sr* low fur
Cart'. With thecteesed feenkies Ptr bttentee. amt mew—
infilthelitteinieu to tbe wants Obit teneteemthe -tin".
derglgned holo;ii,to. upiFlitbo eoninued petrenaße et tom , .
community. -, . - P. I. OVEll..ti cue, event.
Dinenuntoii;Ney27th,lllsl;• i- %• • : ' 22 Gm''
nth of Jul go - 1.
A ROSGEMEN'TS will ti.
tern iument . (on the . 4th of: Jnly bf.xt.) Of 7
largo company at Grow &Brothers now Hotel;
in Suftfa. eo. Ticketk of invite.
tion wilt nctbe issued: Wri tako tltiq filanner of
-o.lteudiig a general incitation. "-
the , Roil Room wilt to+ ender the ti;reCtiort of
Mr..B,iughani, Teacher Of. Daucitg: witli 'tine
baud of Music.- -
. ,
GROW it BRO'Sz.. Propriiorp
Miittrdavillei, May 26.
WEBS, desire's to calf 'he ,attgarjon - or
Hpurcheeers to his Kock - of NEW GOODS.
just beini received. -Thep hnie been seteeted
with particular referehco to the , t4ante and tneies
of hii cuittntners;whoin he itt'oiier, roost happy it;
serve and please. Cell and essmiif . e for yourselves
— lirdntriiiii; flay.
104000 L. R i: .. elCMgeq'o n r r rioi7i n s a o c r e o " l n e t r .
Gnade. withonne.e..esh mixed in hy
Montrone. 14039.-'5l. M. C. TYLER.
Ihnsve_l l nerai , Paint.• •
A, SUPERIOR artictg for Witting on wood. Wet,: stone
am tin. pied' agninet- Fire: trafeekti , l Weather. and
unchangeable in its enlur. „ Trtizea. with nilnr
emu marina , and is a beautiful dark brown or Freestone
rrrThle Paint reneirad the Oremhint at th” West Terk
fltara Fair. In 1650 In eom petition wittf the Ohio
pidpt, and several other tondo of 3iinaral Paint- ar being
anterior to a y thing. of the Idol 'tom In we Pal sate by
Montt/um. Ma • 49,1151.. AFEL TUftKEI.L.
• - - Egtr • •
CAME into the, eitelosore of . the ephserifier: nn
or about the first of Ma,•,, Aid., se I M5 - .11 . 0.417,
heifer, hind leo white pp to theAsteisiniet; white.
on right side it the flank, sail therked oti she
ear. The owner still;tilea, Asroye Priipeoy, 4hy
charges aid t4kn hei.nwity. J..GRAffAM t
• Wag...water. 'Mnv 185 i. ' 12111
TSJl?feby given.. to the , Stock .hoidmit in thin
Jll...Stuntman. glad flarford.. Plaitlt Jima Company;
that as additionril itirtalmimt of -wive, bOlitirs. 'on
onetaibaro of Stock. aubsCritied will be requited on
the 15th day of /tine twit. -., -
- - J. 0.. SA LiSBURY. tot-mower: '
Atm:limo:May 1:22 Bt.
A, , s4p.i.jor ink% of burning Fuld,rptitpllioc, and
buimint Flula Lamps, ju,e . tt releived st
- ,318721,1851. .
new supply of Ladies and <Thildien's stiebelen
nPII . II coarse brogans, cheapest teem; rcr cud, st
Tilt subscribers would loform their frreedi . - 4154
towns, that 'notwithstanding their aer,eva .10,15 by
thelatellre, they have obtained' the - buildnit'retentiy,
oecupled by Messrs. Lathrop. nearly opposite Seerie,s ,
Rotel., where they are receiving a !resit supply pram&
lin New Yoric,Whithtolvtber with their old stook see.
em, fire,give them quite a ge , ieret eionr, ment:
ch they hope tobe enabled to keep good.. Necessity .
wilt.compei them too sell Mostly rot ready pay." Atiofthey
Matt say to their etudomers that are indebted either to
B. Sayre or s, l. sityroo-, ca., that prompt and ImmedS..
eta'eettlribant roust - be lead° of their senoneu.noteake j
stable is the only means they bare to keep sip their bac
Iniesa—'slt Mend hi need.biti frieed_i ndeed." - Theatorti
and ?In traneh of their business; while earded ors b,r-
B. 6_ ayre*.A. Webater. ander theitctu or Sayre 4.
Wltur,.af,rui Utile below the brick hour, . ,
litmitrome, Iday2d. ' & co.
Heacl _ardin 7 . /ePived
A , ( IS, kit wee ' the: giiod s arc hill
Saint In. cud;the safattibsi would iliforal hid
opasmers,ead the t!ss Jamie itr.
rangsmentsla have goods:from The 'city tiosioar,
- sad allhis priichaseit ars mostly for soh., ha indw
ixaißsd,aas tots' 1 1PloroMil:Ar , tundou'tit•atir
silos or Latta smakssistor ;his.** afSaorsaperk
to -iwasstaad lay thanks for pelt fsvoni;;
he woo!d-moet respectfully . iagiti oas sad 011, wlvti:
ioLcuii,est will kw i hise who payrsassnobly
Olt Oalitainta give Ida) isahauca taunt ind please
then). " - ,
*wow, May L.. 15,1.
R.IATEuotk G. co. wiloloit.A3o_ltitl wow, •
• 1,241 t. slag. . r,
`:. ' •
New Fancy Dry Goads.
Auditor's NOtico.
IxiscEmarrEpus AwErars:
• ..
41r. :tldt, as RgcAl DlT,tbe , Private
AAA OritAill , rittittA;;;.ratlltritOtitelt And Lifts -10 e
at, P14*., 8 9, 11 4 11 u1,10uny, E;a6.
minute,sri pest
nen, p. ope rty foi tale can giro a ,deetttioikt $ll
tbettStilleirof bra>
mad! iropro,rod,,and,lion, Soldered ; Buildings . ; O pi V
grafted or aciintoron'triult tothrirfitiletties, and e
trees;rem frail Mmitc ol olunt tho twang sso
a ilepot ott_the New York & Bete gi l ltrold; peke. and
,itm w orpirt,p,nt.i- All ithoorfoh to tell impureW• Reed
gime...will pdo.o,proapt mt 43001-• by, ou or
addrtondug meat Stintroso, f l uaqueluanilieutinty, Pa.•
Ctlat,Cdoreyattes fans? daitituar to Usti trikedatifresof
Corner. oft'
'll4 tidlotiinp Paiute and Lots *tenor Meru' foe nta'r
Nn.l,4'oo,sess,Boittionorod,Trador ItOitioand flare:
No 2, 60 old 80. .do - TAO 71 - 2.'77 • •
No:' 5.100 . . 60: .do , do ~ do
4- Nal 5,70 f!d4',,, 0 - - ,:"
; do- •. do:
• •
No: T,,, St lb. Ipsr e tsittsi and Lot': -••
fiai, 145 anis TS Itilptdtetlilistutd .
~071,h; s 5 :. do_ do , ,
No.lll, - do' ' do. *- •• do _ - do
• 6.11 13' aorealtimpnwelLfranl ho * ozer and barn "
1:13,51"dd 2t/6 do"'do ' -
. 1 N0.,14,40, 11111' .ar; do 7 . :. ' Jo do
15. 168 :du do, do .. do
d dr ;ado •• '
11. PIO ado` ' • 130 " `
NO. 13.112, ~ tio 60 - ; ylo do;
: do
No' IP. 21 , 0 do vo do Its Jn .
V 6.43.113:: do , 100' ,do • ' do;
pc 21,100 ,41 , .:1211 • W.... do,. . • —do
• , „:22. 9rAc 45 -"de 4o • 40 ,
23. 45 . dd• - 311 dirt:' -• -4 o
No. "4. 24: d 0425 - Jo •do , • - tfr. •
• 120 `do 'lOO ' • - do
• ;: , :n.126. 1943, '
;14? 140 . , Atk 4o .
; lta•
. N'o. 21. 11 tiers* go, d see '
• N 'S)! 134 metes, 91 topieid, frame bulk' aroltnitts
: tlo o ".
No. WA*/ . do 13.4 .t.:.n . •
No. an. leq d o , ; 66 •
.6! -
20). - 34. - 160
.d" 44
, .. . . , .
tia.nn. 3o !In .
170 ', ..
' 11:o. nrootr . ao 140 .':- 'i'i '• ; " ' - -- .
, g . 11.3111 . 170 ,de 10 . 0:. : . ,i‘._. • 4 , ',. {.
~{% ,
.... -
• ,I, 115 ; an; so a.". • .. 'do . - 1.14,' --
r * dd. , : --. sio, - - ' • ilt. , -- ' do .
~ n . 4., ;2 i .to IA 5.141 , do : ..., do . „, t). .
Ai, .2 ' , v 3 Oft . ' f 9: do, - do' 'do''' ' do .''
'.;qo, 41 k ,, . ..,.. .2no .0,. dii, - :-.'do -du
'\n, 46..1'20 otrea tO inaprurea. Mule hotu4 izd ban%
. u.l grig. milt. - - .- - * * • '
41 t3O do no do . 11;4 ~ do ~- ! du .
. fl.—Pervi i
ns dr:tient to piirrhlutisiiy of tbli 'share y
lying tbuaunalmi car. obt4in's fall dunrlptbal
'2Stoutrose.l4. Octob - er.16.50.-44tf. '— •• - • -
A. Tamer ComPanytit
4 ,
,Li. eniei the Borouiti of fifotitrttae, Wei.l'Oet•
Jay, JULIO llth.. litradell-by the Neve ilt, , elt-13,148
tr aoltriala are theme 'ethical - were exhibited theoogh.
hr the peocipol. cities of Europe br :41,VanAtoieurgh.
- porbimiina. Eteptu:ut,- Abd.iliah cacite,i the anode,
rurprioe of ever, indiir9laif atoilias seen ilia al.
i t
, itiogedilue Periorniaue;^
Oit4Out its auperar Sn did
know wor;k l - " tun`l; Nchit-t Link eevbrmerl six 110-4
lbdcr„lT. d. Tnrier dud cluv Clwa ,uf all • Cicoth..
ilyird. Wilt i•dbiblt.dt MoutrOae;itu Wednei sj ktcelUL
JUng. . . .
1.. , d0rs ?men At HS 0124481;1. Performan , ted eau:odium,*
al 'lt dud 7 t'. ;1. , - Ail:11111514311.2. CAS. Vhiltipm undtr:
, . , ft , .
, .. . . , ...,.. - .
' i.!'r The a.bu,t, e!reti.stut Atenarzeiti . 'sin '4.x.1111,1c s t
Mr runt Aioud.ty,tht 1)tb„ Dud at ii neat i1i,643!.4.1s init..
li , al Notice.'
.11AQGT, TB :tint; takes tl)le In - rtlied to infnrin
latcautoorous ftirtiols litor,,ho los totoortaild
itt otauillio47 Istr,•‘Tiotllnpe"of Pr:1 1 4; 4 0.talifd,
a ivoll rent I'llysOlut. to aisiif
ittafet•pioit, ut‘ricottiottotitity•-tOisilrii - nlinii4• 4
uador tits Oniittal nroomitv or te.ilidiov-so;_nospy or
tiisienstutortp away. to 10.4: puisutuslor.theirtoit.,
horos-lboi. oir tug it TIA ou nltl uccooals
• . -
s r o:th e 1110 e-spay iwto•p bag n %Imo h oar us' is
trouble to prarne.i. - .
; •
• • ...._
Admmistra' or's. - .ldotice; ••=,
y I rEnwies th'e iittet:t of
Thiry W. Pliinuy lute ut the, fliitetif
detarased, hecittw tertfgrantrilte.the eltdetisigntd'i
aiitlee hereby Eireti to ail indebted te.the eatatr
!le mill and i!..tite.!ilie'ita , et t without:delee„ ,sad
pritiwat.ll,vivir nzaiiist. the estate will
thi• lit atter - tett Air, petite iittlit."
-- • VA)
.a - 41stf
To WE i hiToy itireu Viet in pursuance of an trici
-1 of %ha Ur Baas Court alibi) tiountyorSasquellauna
tiler...on de torpoeed to teet,e by public - irrnduei. in' the
connelepot On at head. the two followitirdearribild pie.;
eta t?r par.4ls latpl-stt um,. In the . add Wen:tab:fp of
bran, Rend. notinty eftiresaid." The; first hounded as In!-
, lone to wis : I Inning. at ri maple on the bank of
!Ott. , In shaorta thence north' hal aOP e'et west one
hundred and' sixte•dit perehea to a post. thence, - sitirth
' dour and aim'', degrees osit Inindred. atm:Lela
porches to a net. thence south:Vie half degree oast, one
hundred and *hay perches to a - La„eoli on the bank army
istialueli.eana Tirtg, thence dna% laid rive. bank, to- kbo.'
*piper of beginnldg, noutelnlnic ono hundred cod one
UCTISN be the sane nto:e or lose, being , niottly
and hoeing e 1:3:',04 bouseafruiti
trees Ae, thereon. The second. bortielediontttenorth by,
taut! •of P. laroreinani on the easalay Janda of. - Williatia
ATITIOT013; and WI the south and west be landss of atop:,
udah Raker. tontalniny flay aerie, nr tfieseaboule.. Rattai
to he held_ upon the pretnisra of toe Rot described Ono
on Saturday Ch.; 4th day of.luno. at 1 o'clOck P.% Tents
to be nisde kucrirn outlay of fah..." . •
May 0.1951 .• , t
Exec tors •otige,-
VVITEREA.S" Lottent . Ti•ilpstoeutisty . , thin
V .
• Estate Ilitrriet . N. tiodmo, deceit/4d, tato
tlie harcmgh of littitgr: haie been grioted to
thp.l O tr.oriler; paid ritute wilt
Tivik;r: imni f irate paymnit. and till pergatii havka
&snail& vitt juin said ertate ill . jtrepent them.
for sintletnent;.: , . - - •
so. 1851.
,ln trt;
_ . .
. Goods haught for itAkih,,- • •
TOIINSTON 'it VEILS" hove jot , rer, , rrd u larp 'and
el le .11 **sorted otor.k - rif Diy. a.mip.-or c k.eri er, . e r 66,.
lery. Hardware. Iton.:Nwla. booking I'INAPI'S,: DnOtS and
iglorr. nearly Made CA/Ong, 1 Irogg., painlai
011,,,511,.,„ W . ,,,,,; jf”4 , ..,:ty, 4.. :ro!l.a. Ttuidti o Hata, Cape .
low monuria.,te . :olthidr that' lire "Mr , h;.• lit the , follow,.
In.: vary tow pm... 4; Tit .T' NII;le 54.1A1 p.r Krt. Hire S co.
er M. IS tba-For,artlir ill. Clo, Tidr l / 4 BlletH',sl.7s: French
and Finaifiit Pru. , .lllN . , U. 1,,. t ,, t!fli per yard.ll.%in•-
‘2l , alp.SAleratn.* Cd r,; . .r lb-. 11.11 L nrsi Is toys - irYaid. -
t Looking G)APPew frrlr ]'.'J t:4.41 , .! 6Vlrla friar sl.oo' r , ,
',5,1701).; _(Hur R- , 01.1 liwinl7-b.. , . u4 5 ';:1 ,,, / with PATO "dal'
rrg , ll4"to Illiiality - 410 “tyla, ... flortor orlriolvor that-we i
rob plraFe an ' whit may &Tor n. with u volt. and -at for
prierfailt , e an. drca-rninrd no . t to his : find:ll'lldd by any lll tbia inu1 , ..1 for orb Cr 1,71r0v , 4 erfdit, -' . :' . -
WA,I U 1111.4400 WAN 4+ Irivl,l'ta) TAlry ali*col acids
orimi. ; /..heo ariirray.:s tpc : p .-r ',lli, and arq r qulzlty
at tut 1'..r.-Vat.a atul ,, Pionda- . .`z,vnenill7,- , ...-: • • .
• tfor;ord. ,Nay 12.15'67 1.. _ ' ' - • ".- : ' -.
•-• BEWARB-v '•
T. Public ar.!• bei.'ohy oolloctolly imittiodeti
tor Goods. , it b e
.ing ad lonic, . _
• POST:At PITT§ _, ,
' Arni l
now_receivingTona'af.the hest toad/sof nfor:
ehtnu:l4,lfiet couoty-46neiotioa at. Dry Gonda,
broavine. t.:inekrry, •Elnate and •Shaea:4fa tit mail
rtpady , Illnthinx, ptc. , ivlkli:thiT, arr.
reYirseicfr fat: ready pay iiiicen t ao Igiq sit ie, tqt . ..,
Onigt 4 itaazainkne tha „Moro o n o 4; 4 .
tarn ha raffia:7 ' • • i!osTac.,.privs:
Maa l pie; ' •
tatusei of so mono •
Arnwsixts-tuigai l # 4 , ft Wiry. j•OV tri
' r Ar.k NIL
linerleati taVrpilinktvek7 ,
twv TANalrie calgalAittit.o3o-/7"
I 144 it 410 14 f4o. l7 mion , ttia Sctraoo l l $4ll
trA !ping snw,d;444rvirivWat,ppilk...
St r aA - Alb - OW*40 I dr 64 ,40 444 k 44
7 1.,0r tog iNirinikvq,eg ror a11,!..T.
DRY GOOK tiltiYaiirfEli,*.'.
LaU tio fOrl*tritsielti4(torlit;
irt•tii.A;d. of F 4411
yr_ IvOich on 14 . 1141 qt. gttiolloa et tii!..plattr: 71.41,4
olitlVlth to buy gootiteleii.p..forilholpoz do - T.-W4v 1711
toi-an *ad ieeiw,.;_4.,.;,;_pitl,qtawoopol ,
' NTEDur:'; : stiiiktolnic WooiwTori
K Lich ell ;,'
BI3S, Fla r zfetat AM thttr
I .4.TERALIO-Cd . -
t -- ,
rrtitE aubsetiberik take s lhis i opporintiltir4
:drying their "Melo thmilro,teilteir emriathiri'
itenerany, notnrify for ..Ihe veryfilisillmrtronega .
bastard ripori qltiri:bne;
*too for Om promptness.( their payrinfir4nent
kt . g leave th 4 +l they Ifalreemiititininaahri year
, • .1,
arlatenttivat trx itiefi'x t 'l4l46 , 4 ato isal:
aortment• or goork GP0D5 , .. 1 0 1 4,,wal he "0 °m ai
fortirafite,tertirs for tve!i f .Proance 'or, approve*
Credit. ii
medi Ohl aide (it airetey,-- - '
Moatiaa‘JarA, try,1850. , •
• r • • % el" - I
41!1*:31 3 E4' . 1' yftv R. 3 tit or
V Gd, Sateratui. clog:00 . 31e, 121. ettk i tL w
Neisius Ciata,..Ak cash,
_piss opraii-amo.
' "'' LY.014.2.166011
~- • •
L rto . secret of bia,lpyre .popeliti
meagre la keipteg ear public appriedar oni'm litmerv+
baffle, and of the !dui goods and masts he haw' an barid
"..-Calaseqinintly. the 'underriped.bep brolly to state
hmrlaitlitt*tl up a : room rirlY -. b Hoyt -; ic
K un)! mold, xlmad, and, pilrohem: ett a etailuttorakezt
to ALU 4304131112 cli
Intforcisiticiiisfattie or tit:o4
*OA. Loßce,"/"Olteco,(innoking
Spice, tattreb. itors.eideratnii:Popo, linlpaypr,ope*
Plp.x. Snuff. Itema, - Cenel ex. , Mash* Mackerel.' artririt ,
Retsina. Ground Rock Sell, la sacks for Dairy mad
ore: rtlso;avartriy or Botiale aledielaix.,eueb a* fral.;
ma larshamble xratirdy il_or WO; 6 net
Drops. Wild - Cherry hitt. rx. La ng IT,ort. Cough
.Neatrillting Cottlial:Groltad - RUMpfry Ilar ft. Al
of which ate barred to the imbue at - r*mrynabli ,
tlor randy pay, either la rilsb . Oreln;' - Batter; Cheese.,
ggv.k.e.•mm out be obtalatd - illidirhere. Alma; Dmrho k
Pain KfirPr. ' I.N.811144.111D
• Rontritie: Get. 10, Ran. r
At the heed of Nanigation—for aim, week.
AIA lido & ellonds titian* . kill ai ionntry
expected an Monday nexf,lnsendloiy. Oranaes•Leao•
rig. n Ras nit, F•eah Tau draw itonda 4ko,w33lellirla
be attend very lota fb, the read,y—atil and am: .
Ifontrre, del 37, MI.. ,• _ M. O. 1111 FR.
mo ell Hams aria- shintrtdi hi:
rrtIOSE lobo have rood moored bane" sod dr Meertrei .
J.dl pase of, sin do welt tobrtep-tblmtonbeeober ly
ben, as ;mare Mrthlg to perdue yrrt , the men eer rely
61tltD4 Sec:da. Ebak cr'n Rottener(Unten Feetla , nt'
. r4;ened and forwida by .1. LYONS a BON ,
CO FISH— Fresh (wned) Codlts ,Inst Opedtl3 salt
lap at)* tenni per pound entla down, ,
31x,th 12. , • . ". •a, EON;
NEW tik
:-of Zeilliee hubteni t i Burkitur--&
X •Gaiters.etso'
rapti: &-c4juut ;
• . BENTIAir idr,READ.
ESTI GS end ohlni
h EM•ruora %AG 2X yaw/
his 5 t 4, • p 9, ItTONS 4r,
zit l4.m GLUM
nsw supply o auks just rkeired at '
t • '" • " • •
'LYONS St, :,,16N
eW 77 E
freth WA; altt 1p;;
tumaily low.tirsei P. ; LTONSit
Ganle,ii seeds tat ad. ; .
, AyoNA,ii ctliCickagi
. _
N; 0 tleE miscELLANtotls.746:
_ 'notice,- .•
rrtiOSE - tientoris itidebiOtO'thri
pecially by book account .ziri to.
tear'. to the settleinent orthe satue,withost fitithei
notice. as time sufficieot.fass be'rn given and uticto
intistoot be xpected. • '8.82V.1.:•..5•4YRE:
Maith 25th, .1g51: • -
..ttOlr*Cti:. 7.. . - .. • , ,
RE subscriber Town, dens
' fofioter his eftfire stock of Hat' s , Caps, etc.
togethet with the tii.ceeniLrY - , 66 4
Carrying oa 'the. Hattieg htteinitii: Any Prima
wish tag tti,engagit; OW oilitolinuity
on* prereotod. B ELpetx
Mirth 26. 'St' • • : r _ •
take ' -
ALL lit"Mne old finn ter R 4
Hoyden. are t:t:tiorfttO to coy, at& ot tile the
'omit - o• it hal bieotne ttece s esit4 to have s u ch,
Toloittie • • '
The Book. and Noiii mealy; teiloot4 • with" the
Itatecriherott titillate of - Hay6n ¢ Littte: •
' ' - -• "; TXACtiIitt,YDEN:
Ner -- atitt Talliabielthtention
T'POR retina:ld Top 4. Tbenubscd+
bar has proenk.l.o4 eight fir aettia up aertiega toys
with gladdal 7 l'a adept baadls tor;m4sintr Ireeriaa ,
Ibri paaiaby a Alight election irithami band vtille
ft the caning* awl mould lattleabCpbablla. till pia end
examine this yalaalda imptormarat at Ulla mak.
gag c.tablbranwat Siaatrola: ONS.
•' ' 7.• ;
. ,
(: , Latitit
[lBaccounts ofthe latofirtp .otifldred & Newcomb,
AL mutt be fettled. those IndebtedOel fettle with tAw
iteribet day itnilayteit,afterebey mar
outtOrttlt, • Jrutlae -• • 4 1 MIZA. •
Moiatrote. Aini115,18!;;;;;;'; - ; ' ,
Env GoonsjuitMehrea.ll4l*B:l : by -
. , ,
.. . ---
ft OLT! mid ellyer.Watehee,iiive . i•T • ii, ei,beeeeiteti IX Pelt Speabs, end agenotalitteattmelifoLliiiielry .-
. ter fteopi4 the tete irt style outa - t7 .—
- -:t - ' : • 1.• , - %,... • - - ..'.. c• , ,-- . - . . ~.-. ' TatlBl1 4
, , • . . ,
VTIig.A.T puma: by the helmet* epee V. r. 41 ft . .
, .IsraT.-111.1830.- -' ;
~. .. . , ~ 7yy 1 e.ty,
r 's, an/ all torts etNot;otep t at, . • .. • -,
~.i t i. . 4 . Pn"..ttht. , ;:orstrew„iteeorDAlrlLNZlark
whiFrp,ne d i otter for. isle on tonne So '2: itt has'
next, Wrek.- - • • 'BroOtror;Aptil /6 5 1. , -
, •
• . ;;
- rttw T ut' gs , -- , •
11:IST rovolefl 6y. t' inkbogiyiber.'enYsr :Coffie• Toblibeck
a Ralf. Rroa Clothi Watbll.4,
andwtif,bflddf►loyr. the - bassi =- •
llo.ntrime.ff9.k. , l9ilBsP.l , ' • 411141.
FLOUR - and salt faesile
Water Cure
3fau?tt Peospect bum 0416lishmott,
Binghamton, Broome Co N. : ' Y
nts•stabliement to ttelightfPll7 Neated at Out bast,
et thq monntain from which it tine* itp lame, and
fisn;andsa 40114tr , 41 view of:that Chentnello and Ent..
quehanna river - I,lth their That and bee ntlfut venire
The ‘• Caro la note open for the remotion and treat
ment of Patients., The Tnetanterlia been enemata, irk
prenringt the aid of Dr oEnterett. late of Neat Tort
ethottelong *aperient* he Ilidronatby ds ittfiletent
annenntee to th” fmtrone this , tratitutbul eft Oar
will be ainrndantly fired fir.
All let tare. dm- on profeekahmal Inettnera tenet: be ad,
finei.o444 Dr. Ilarrett at 'the thttn. , Comnennicationa
only ad I he reti!tid that are port pf rl..lotfr
-. Sole
.rnir iatt47
thers are:'llila prepireid, to'iuntratt : aolak
1. UAW., In -arm qtytotity,of Pratt- at .(!•.11 ototttbe.. '
inra :it he msnuracturer, pfteat• Thatiltkaaro Iran it,
at* tl rot tato a rtrala, st tow rriaao: - /vre tag orstint to exit
ttralaramtrat ntirstnak. - 7 1 4,,TR;rfkkEITLIt•
No* 3P Ifrorti- Jon. 23th: . ,
i't tir oluortmn'
Qi 1 ,50/Ert star& tiv Y.'s .
„7;tusi inorent thai nier 144 Pk PrePrh Thrwfriogis
for's4te ea owiftl. fain bj. At t ITLEM.
PARlTTls9,,, , ttlewptat!olip pt _
" - - • - •'l'vtait'e,
106 11 "nretivilt;4110 140 inch rnettft
h_eriest sigtufft'aio(4o44
, ft; - • . " *lllkl6ll
' 14011Sliblei 7: •
0 ,044 M ettl, legclitiOnerprotte/ by,A .
gartektlAgnflattittnatlefleettric 15pratil raft,*
bnivi c.i.orwrice 11014),,dior,,tn,t'etarlintrid..:4.04
1 : 4
Sprtittieameot npftors Mr. TIPIPM. ) 14 1 AltrtiMws
tl nkWiltteleli:OtetPliMo4l.lfealbiek Rindtilli ....
41 ° 4 7 1 %1495i Teceind *Ad Tbr . eal. by, - ‘.4.• • -
31`botnati0).11.1.71$511. , , T. v...nnuei.
•, Itroeredli fYeth mar &of IttnpAledici,rlreop;
Oithlthen).l4oloitillu W 1, 1) 0 41 6 : 11 1 , • • I -. •
• r - ,
Di( L &6t,