~. i 1 ffl.% Seed Potatoes., _jn • Aka Deeamber number of the ceneseo -, Farmepage .227, the. question is asked "•Whetlier it is mare advantageoks to plant f mnitptatoes than-large ones .: ["; ,Prointny earliest youth,' have been taught the importance of selecting the largest and bgst poiatoes to be used as seed. My prac tice has been occasionally to put such in a hilt; bikt;generally, to cut them into two, or throe woes and to put three pieces into each hit!. In-the spring of 1849, owing to the-scarcity and high price of potatoes, I teas induced ti plant, as an experiment, seine small '3/crceis in the garden, on a square that was 'highly manured. The yield was great, and the pntatoes first rate as to site. Being much disappointed 'and meting tho fettle a friend, ho gave an un qualifild opinion, that the favorable result . was owing to the richness of the soil. The 'past[seastin I planted several' bushels of the largest and best 'Mercers I could purchase -irrthe thy. -They were generally cut in three pinees eacih. But the supply not be ing sufficient I planted three bushels of - Small ones, sucli-as had been s taid aside as 'toil ,small for, table use.. Of these, three :were put , iu each hill ; and were along side -the large ones. The, quality of the ground, ;the timd, , ef planting, and the tillage, 'were in all iespectittie same. When the shoots • frordthe small seed first appeared, and for - a Omit time after, I thought them more slen- ' tier . thatil,t liege ,frotit the'. large ones, but inon thereAvai no perceptible difference.— At harvistirig, the size, quality ind priduet from thelemall seed was . equal in all re "Teets to the large ones. But the ground on which these were,planted was rich, hav-1 tag been Ihiglily manured. To complete the I experiment, however, -I planted at the same I time half ; an AMU of ground of fair quality' that has been tilled before, but not manured. Ilia the! piece was planted with the small , seed, and half 'with _the largest and best quality. 1 These-were cut in two or three pieces etteb. PrVous to the first hoeing, a handfUl of leached ashes was thrown on cash bill ""At harvesting, the potatoes were large-and no; and those from the' small seed were equal in Size and product to the others. 'I The richnecs of the ground, there fore, in the first parcel was not the cause of prodUcing as largo potatoes from the small seed u from the largo. In the latter case, ground, comparatively poor produced! the same results. The Farmer, a Beautiful Picture. Il" /lON, EDWARD EVERETT. :The man•vrho stands upon his own soil, who feels that by the laws of the land in •which helices- 7 19 thelaws'oreivilized na ttems-"--ho is the rightful and exclusive own er Of tha land which he tills, is by the con stitution of our nature under a wholesome - 1 influenca. not eislly imbibed, from any otbersoaree. ilifeels—other things being' equal-4tiore strongly than another, the character of a man "as the lord of the inan imate W i orld. Of this great and wonderful splieredwhich. fashioned by- the band of Goa, and upheld hy..itS s power, is rolling through•the heavens, a portion is his=his from the tenter to tho sky. Ais the space on which the generation before him moved in its round of duties,: and he feels himself eOnbebted ; by a visible link with those who will.fullow hku: and to whom he is to trans mit a horde. Vertiaps his farm has come down to him from his fathers:' They have gbne to their last home; but he can trace their footsteps, over the scenes of his daily labors. The roof which shelter/3 him was 'Tared by those to whom be ovtes his being. some interesting domestic tradition is con nected with every itmlosure. The favorite feuir-tre - elwefe gaited - 1)Y hiS father's hand. Ilesported in his boyhood beside the brook Niihich still winds through the meadow._ Thiough the field lies the path to the village school of earlier days.- Be still hears from his window the, voice of the Sabbath bell, which called his fathers and forefathers to the lkopes of Gad, and near at hand is the spot where his parents laid down to rest, and whete,iwben his time is come he shall be I tid byl his children. These are the feel ings of the owner of the soil. Words can not-paint them—gold cannot buy them; they flow out of the deepest fountains of the heast :they aic the life spring of a fresh bealthY and genfrAtis national character. Zuoi,rornta PLANTs Imola - INSEcTs.— Droft Mapes says : Welast year procured ti;Om a Seaff-mill a barielof dry, but dam. aged _snuff flour, -and prepared dredging boxes, covered with a fine bolting cloth, with which wexifted it over the surface of any plants attacked by inseCts, and with most signal success. The snuff should be , applied While the plant is wetirith dew, and 1 oepeate4 ufter every stoat'. If the boxes oto properly made, (like a common floor dredge) and "the snuff is perfectly fine _and :and dry, but a little time is necessary to rte overran acre of plants, Even the rose 4itg,:calahage louse, thripa on'" grape vines allyiehl to 0.3_ influence of snuff, and ,riiitt most delicate plant of the hot house is . Dot injered by its_ application.• For field yngetables,eanetic int% made into fine pow der while dry, and applied before slacking by conttiet With the tur, trill prodace 'sin& Ikr - .Ftsit I ttq nor some experi ment shy Droussounet, twiny species of fish tred seviwal days in water too hot fur the hand in bear it far. an jnstant. Sounerat . ptatee thitt in one of the Namilies, there is '3 hot spring.nith a temperatttre so high,- that he epuld not beer.his band in it, yet switntningnbout in it,epparent- Iy not ipeoininetled by-the beats ver• Te:bat avails all pomp'and parade of lire which aPpent ; abroad, if, when we Ilia LLe Itittering Sienna; the man is nn floppy, whoa happiasseilike allaay,must be at borne'. "the prospect of. /oven -104" "anYB nn ,paper, 4 ! would baye no. charm for fin :American of Abe hiPlcwoodP,' 4 if thought there was arty place farther west • • All - B.ALtiq,P.l A Couple of Stray Leaves. LE/CF 31ONTEgi AFTE.B.'IIAII.III.S.OE: " Well, 'my - dear, will yoigo. to the party. to night Y yea kuoW we bave i bad a polite Why.; my love, just as you please, for you'icnoiv- that I always wish. to 'consult your pleasure." '• Well, then, tarriet, suppose we go ; that is if you are4erfeetly willing; ''now 1 du not wish for yoli to say yes, because I do, for you know that wherever - you' are there :lin I perfectly happy." , " Why, toy love, you will enjoy yourself there, I am,sure, and wheneveryou are hap py, I-shall be of course. ,'.What dress shall 1 wear, IVilliam? my 'orbit° satin with blonds? or my ashes of rose . ? or my ievantine, or my white lace ? you always know better about such things." . *Harriet, 'dearest, you lo ok beautiful in any thing; now take your choice to-night ; but Lthink you look very well in the white satin." , ‘• There, William, dear, I, know you— would think just as I did; oh how happy wo shall be to night, and you must promise not to learmmelhere for a momeut; for I shall be so sad if you do.". "Cal 4 thee dearest, leave thee by youder star I swear!" "Oh, William, dearest William, how beautiful that is—you are always learning poetry to -make mu happy." " And Harriet, my own prized Harriet, would,! nqt do anything in the world to give you one moment's happiness ? Oh you are so very dear to nue, it seems at times almost too much happines to last.". • " On, du not say so, dear William, it will last and we shall he happier than this, for will not our love be stronger and deeper ev ery year ;'and now dearest I M ill be back in one moment, and then we will go." " There; she hai gone, bright and beau tiful creature as she is. Ou, how misera ble I should_bo without her—she has indeed a spell around my heart, and me that :can never, no, never be broken—she is the Only star of my. distance, guiding:me to -virtue and happiness, and can I ever love her less than now ! Can I ever desert her—can I ever speak of her in less terms than praise? Oh, it is impossible—she is too good, too pure—happy, happy man that I ate." LEAF 2-SIX YEARS AFTER MARRIAGE "My dear, I will thank you to pass the sugar, you did not give me but one lump in _this cup of tea " "Well, Mr. Snooks, I declare p.O use sugar enough in your tea to sweeten a whole hogshead of vinegar ;—James, keep your fingers out s of that sweetmeat dish; SusUn, keep still.yonr bawling; I declare it is quite enough to set any one - distracted ; there, take that, you troublesome little—, Wretch." " Why, Harriet, what has the child done 2 I declare you are rather hasty." "I wish' Mr. Snooks, you'd mind your own business ; you are always meddling with what don't concern you." "Well, Mrs. Snooks, I want Co ;know, I who has a better right 'than I have; you! aro'always fretting and fuming about noth., "Pa, Thomas is tearing your newspaper all up." "Thomas, come here; hnw dare you", abuse—l'll 'teach you how to tear it again,' thereisir, how does that feel Ti now go to bed." " Mr. Shooks, you horrid wretch ; bow dare you strike a chiid of urine in that way ; come hero, Thomas, pour ilia you get,hutt ; never_tnind ; here is a lu.oapi of supr ; there that's a good boy." "Mrs. Snooks, let me tell you, you *ill spoil the children; you know I never i4er,: fere when you see fit to punish a child it is strange that a- woman never can do ally thing:right." "Can never do anything rigid - Mr. Snooks, if nobody did anything right but yourself, what would become of us ?" "Let me tell you,ma'am,thisis improper language for you, ma'am—l'll bear it no longer. Yon re snappish and surly as a she-doz, and if there is a divorce in the land, I'll have it ; you would wear otlt the patience of Job:" • "Oh bow mad the poor man is ; well good night my - dear • pleasant dreams." "There, she hai wme ! Thank tfeav eti, rm alone once more. Oh ? unhappy man that) am to be chained down to such a creature • she is the very essence of ugli ness—cross \and peevish. Oh, that I- could once more be a bachelor; 'curse the day and hour that I ever saw the likeness of heti, Yes, I will get a divorce ; I can't live with her any longer "; it is utterly. impossible." I A nobler in Mobile, who nhop prntessedtrY tench music, had the following .kignever' hie door "Delightful task to mend the tender hoot, And teach the young idea how to Fume." An-inquisitive country gentlernan once accosted a boy who-was feeding pigs "BoY, whose pigs ; are those l". • "The sow's, sir," replied the boy. " Well then. whose sow Is it?" Father's."„ " Well, well, who ie your father • "If you will mind the pigs, 1 will run home: and ask my mother." - . The Ruin whose word can always be de pendedlupon is sure to be always honored and esteemed. - - There is a ladyin Boston - so modest that she lately.discharged her cook for seiving up a half-dressed leg of mutton:, rer. Marrying a,woman for,ber beauty le like eating a bird for its zinging. Extraordinary virtues are ever de famed bithose who. want the eourage to imitate them. .1E1;6 - To some meu it is imlispensuble to 'be 'worth money,. for without it they are worth nothing. • - • riir Mer i t is mostly discovered by acci dent and rewarded b destiny. An alehouse keeper put up the following sign :--“-Tabki bear sold liar." /1; 1 wag said on reading it, that the bear .must be of the person's own brtitirs Jenny Lind is timidly called a nighti ale but a chap who gave ten dollars fora tick ht says Its, his opinion she's a robin. • Tr. YUDLIiIIED EYE DV . TBIIIiDDAY MO USG DY • .. '3, B, &`E. . B. Chaser istirromi A! , 70 ritorstirrons . . SiOLLIR Al 6 vim currs per annum, Cobh hi advance, or two dollars if not paid until the end of the year, or time of subscription. No,Paper will be discontinued until arrearages) tier pad, except at the option of the Publishers. j .All Communications must ho rose PAID to re- ceivo attention. All letters connected with the office, Should fa; directed to S. B. & E. E. CUM ' Monirosc, Sun. Co., Ist. • ' (11:F.P.ditors' office over M. C. Tyler's Store. ',4IATES OF ADVERTISING. One srMare, (12 linen or Peas,) 3 insertions, $lOO ach-subsequent insertion,,- 25 One square, 3 Months, - • = 4 ! 250 6 months, , - - 400 Business Cards, 4 lines or less, -- 300 Yearly Advertisements, not over 4 squares. 7 00 One column, one year, - ,- 30 00 Ym Advertisers will bo restricted to the bu siness:in which they are engaged. • - gi-;!1•11. Publishers, having a large assortment ofJobl"rhiting Materials, are prepared to execute all kMdir of JOB WORK with neatnees and des patch:„ i i .I3LA - NP, of every description. constantly on hand, or primsd to Order. - - MUIMP , 4 CTM. 301101 U. DIMOCIL, Attorney at it,aw. ofilce on Turnpike etreet, one door We of ilia oI Reglater Printing Inky, r4on rere,Pa. M. L. TRVESDELL, ATTORNEY AT i,A.W, Great Bead, Pa.—Office trial Col. F. Lusk. PETER DECKER, ESQ. ITAVING been appointed by Gov. Eish,of New York, a 11 a Commissioner for that State to take the proot and acknowledgement or Deeds and other Instruments, tall attend to Mildness calls in •tltat capacity at his office at Great Bend, Pa. - Sept.lo,lBso.—ly S. S. WINCOESTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW,. Ty4llannock, Pa., OffiCc in Stark's Brick Row DR•. G. 11. GAMBLE. D FSIDENCE In the home ferm.trly the midi tee jL Munua Guile.dereAsed. Harford, Dectnnbck 23, 1530• J. N. SCOTT , zt co. Evir,a Y AND EXCHANGE STABLE Montrose, Pcuu'a. PETER STEVENS, - • ratiiner and Chair litaizer; carries on the buslnctsio all its various brantbes:aud on a large scale, at the old stand of Smiths, Steven., and Avery. . E. B. & S. B. CUASE, - ' ATTO:=MTO AT LAW, MONTROSE, PA. (oce over Tyler's Store.) r.11.64m S.B.Cmsg LYONS tit SON. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Hardware,Crockery, Tin Wac Groccria, nook', .tc. Also carries on the Book Binding , Business. ' Public .4renue, 3lontrose, Pa. ,SAIADZONS, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER & REPAIRER (Shop over A., Daldwin'i. Saddlery Shop.) 0z.A.7.7.Ard - ttar. SHAVING & HAIRDRESSING SALOON, Searles Building next door to the Povt. Office, Ntontros.e, Pa. • n Ifltf MISCELI' 4 ANEOUS SOLE LEATHER RTE are prepared, to - sell :Vessrs. E. A. & 0. Pratt's cel l! ehratell solo Leather' at N. Y. City prices—having an acetyl. Dealers ran he accom foist ett with a superior artiele,front (meta nue thousand sides at prices hereto ore onboard of in this country. Oct:1, 1850. , 15..4..i.0 L. POST yic CO. AI E. TIIIMELT, DI new receiving n large And defina ble assortment. or (()O lIS (comprising neftriy everything granted ill tido market.)wh'eh will be sold eztremel yLOW for :ASli or r enly pay. My assortment may be classed u port as follows: Drugs, Medicines, Cheniicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods, Hard ware,- Stone-ware, Glass-ware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Saver Spoons. Spec- 1 • tastes, Musical • Instrument, Trusses, Medical josinuneuts, Liquors, Perfumery, 2111rrora, Stationery, , Brushes, Shoes, TOys,'Yankee Notions, c}e. Thenkfultbr the llLeral patronage and substantial en touragernent hitherto remised, I hope to merit and-re selves continuance oftbe same. . Montro.e,Oct.24, 1A50• A Fresh Stock of Clothing., ny. thus and Cape, (spring latidon)Gente, Laillll and OF tinys it oats and Skt.K`s, also, Cap and Letter raper, by the Ream nr teen cinnutity, Walt and Unstain Paper and Border, Inks, Pictures and Picture Frame., Iteok. Fancy Stationery, Fielainz Tackle. &c.jumt received and for Pate at ;mall profstf forready pay, and reud'i pat, only April Gr,O. yuids.n. Flax Seed.' A" quantlty rg . Flax Seed wanted in exchange far aro ,erior nr Cruili by . N. DULLARD. • Oct. '23. EMPIRE Long Snawls, Palmettos, and VAIL De Lane 4 ofall colon , at' TYLER'S. SALT by the loud ut D. IL L. &Co PLOUGH:: and Ea-aims - for rale by LYONS SUAL rawdrra and LAGIta for pal :,LYONF ~ i gernm* an's New Saloon A• MEltittplAN respectfully announces to the public, t that hc,has removed his reccry and Salton to his new building appueito SP arle'silotel. which he has fitted up,ln A style unsurpassed, for the accommodation of those who May think him deserving of their patronage..—. MP eating. rooms. for gentlemen, are spacious and ele gant; and inaddition he hoe furnished, In appropriate style, twortiums expressalyforthc accommodation of la dirs. • No et/after/11l bewnntingonthepartoftheproprleto . torn 4. ke Ills4aloon a pleasant resort. ungtrose. Nor. 1.1.1.a5c)--4nran. 1 - Ptkittatery; - Fancy Soap &c. ircr,s4.3t 'Tondoline:Triple Extract; Macaws= 040 s marrow Pomade, Beare' Oil, Itarry!ii Trieopherode, and other fixinza for the hair._ 'Atilliary shasing Soap, Wein ut 011 do While Brim Almond and Sassafras Soap, superior articles for the Toilet, to be found at Montrose; October 28, 3550 J. LYONS k.,,S*o2f. Wanted- 1,500 . d05. Woolen Socks, '20,000 yds. " Flannei. 31.000 bushels Oats, .5,000 EhoepPeltit' en uant'o-or ter Zte. Wilma , Corn, Rye and But. , Ilarfo - rd, pet. 15,1850. JOILKSTON TERN._ Furs! Furs!! VASy paid for Fox; Miuk, Muskrat, Martin-and I/ Coon skino, by •-'.; - M. C. -TYLER. Montroge, Die.'19,1850. ' The, People's Friend T. T: PONDts. of Ithaca., N. 17. Dxt re DE5 . 71101 . 811 ANDitEATAND'EXTRACT.—An Extrac from the shrub called IV - Rd:l-hazel, and pilrely from that with the exception of a little Alcohol to preserve it. It will cure - oil local Tata and Intimations t old - serer, fresh wounds and bruises, Piles, and all':diseases of the bOvrels of n chronic nature, tootlr.ache ; - earnche and, an excellent rfmAyforfemales, &c. . Itis truly_what It professes to be," th e People's Friind! Prtysidence has seattercd along the rugged paths of life many things thateontribute greatly to the comfort and Irappiness of erery body, hence' their great ratite, and well may they be called!friends of the People.' .• One word here toguard againstimposition. Amen by tint:name ofBpencer, has manufactured and offered for saten spurious article called the Coryll Erlract,—that wo(ild tart:area of the hazebnutt—the. genuine hula white and as .purc es 'utter, while thespluions article is coinred,which enables tnepuhlicto distinguish. 4 1ifonegenalne,buttbosemarked Pond'spain Piestrwr WM. K. lIATCLi, Montrose.and store-keepers and me drelne-tiealeregenemllyiAgents. . .ANEW supply of JEWELRY, and Mitchel at cost for ensft,it TURRELL'S. Jan. 1, 1851, ; CLOCKS, vfxrcEiEs, Jt WE LltYtte , • . -' -, Giva llargalnst, - --,c.....,,,..„ .„._ li r .c..trqpir,ED vent,' fay - z-. 7• . lb . to. the citizens of :Montrose ,0:7 7 .. ' ~ and vicinity, tbot he hasjust re . , ~,.., 14 turnedfrom New, York 'with the , sll i s' ' 0 4,,, s /' largest, rleheit nod hest ielected if 44 . ~ i?.,,cjiWortnnut of , lit a t e li it tii 4 Ypavelry. Silver AVrtre• %.,, .i o M af, 41,:e. ever before offered in Bing , LI,. hatuton. The libOe pinds were bought foreaih, and will ho sold lit the tiniest price,end all articles' warranted as reeetn mended.: 'N. B..—Partienlarattentiou paid to 'repairing alit:lnds of We t cher.and Jewelry. 1",..1' Court street, nearly opposite the Pleenigitet-el. Binghamton, Octal/JO!). L. VINFIELD. The Good Time Pins Come! Tm: subseslber hail this dayrcturned from New York with a largo and well ! seleiltsd assortment of Goods to which he would call the attimtion of his friensls.liev, ng had the la 'vantage of In years experience in this vi age; he flatters himself that he well understands the tastes and wants of his patrons. Amonghl a stork will bo found upwards of 40 different styles of Gobi and Silver Lever and ',opine Watels I Gold Vest,l'oh and Guard Chains; Ban' Bracelets , Box and Slonedo; Pens end Pencils: Thimbles, Speepseleg„ Belt Hooks:ma Slides. Watch Keys, Lockets, Breast Pins,Finger ltlnashnd Ear Pings. A large arsortMent of Silver Spoons. Forks. Buttes Knives, Cups. Napkin Wags, Thimbles, Pen-holders and Se , eetacies. Also, ass extensive variety of Plated Were 1.14, Castors, Cake Baskets. Candiestleks, Fruit St ands. Snuffers and Trays, Toast Backs, Spoons and Vorks,and I a full variety ottlutlery, Fancy Articles. Clocks, etc. These Goods having been Felerted with great care. bothwith regard to quality: price and style. the suhsert ; bee is confident that he wilt give 'satisfaction to all who ' may favor him with their patronage. ALFRED J. EVANS, Washington-st. Binghamton, Nov. 7,1530. Lever Watch, twit Minute Automata Mechanism. T A- SMILY:TON (Pupil of fatherland. Om Paten e tee, and late with It. Itoshell, Liverpool.) iinosi , JOLTER, PA•TENT Tamtsa WATCH MA St7FACTVIS. Ett. Li eomplienee with numerous .11SIllelltial, mud earnest eolieitiit ions to renvial in Montrose, I have consented, on condition that I meet, with that enenuriy.tement and op prova which It shall . he my eonatant stilly and interest to merit. In Mblition to the Mann:actor-T:lg Department, J. A. S. undertakes effectually to REPAIR every description of Geneva 311iSical Tableaux. Repenting and other watches; together with Automata Mechanism. however complex. The disagree:3d ejarring en prevalent in spirit musie r and so ju lily complained of.thoroughly eradicated, morepar. Ocularly to in Illusical Boxes. It must be admitted that, In connection with, and in ruldition to theoretical knowledge. or a speculative a, quaint:lll,l,R is illdiTCll,siblyrquigite the ort izart should be practically familiar with the complex 'nature of that delicately minute deseript ion of machinery referred to.— This qualification. and t his onhi. renders the artist com petent to accomplish with mathematical accu riey. If upwards of forty years' assid uons mut pr..tica I per severance in the construction °lv:lrons approved e,npv wnts for the more accurate means of measuring Time. in conjunction wtthiunique specimens of Automata now in his prisseFSloll. together with the high pa troimca en joyed, preponderates in the scale of sr•i en Oho approbation then J. A. S., unost rota tionsly pr,;Funies Jut lion some pretensions to the coallence of those honoring him with the run: mends. N-D—T oerripv a wlndoir in the Drug nutl 'Varlets store of )!r. Abel Ttirr,ll. :Sloutroqe. )la.reh English Patent Levers .ern , ris this day received another invoke T :You,trmot his superior Patent, Lever wArctin, nmdecz prevsly for him by the celabratedjoseph Johnson. I.iver pool. The subscriber Is prepared to cage tin nhnee Watches in any pattern. or quality of gold. as cnstomers may nigh, if those on hand slienbl not suit. Also just received a large lot of Silver Anehora. and Lepines, all of which will be sold at the lowest Cash prices, and warran ted to give satisfaclen. ALFRED .1 EVANS. Din3ll2oml. March 'M. dk. 1 1.41.. 1111 G I hnve been entvwtrged by the very tibecni pntronagn received:to nil 117 my shop with thti largest and best as:ortmenVof gout. ever yet brought to this maritet— Init may befound everything belonging to n Jewelry and fancy st ort• 6 .10a.Cineks o . aVateheA. of every description. Burning. Fluid.parieraml common Lamno. ableb at this time is the best thing in use for a good and cheat, You can flail them only at Nlontro‘ei. November 211. 1 SW) Notice to Railroad Men. rilifflstrak.4tibzir bas MISS day received another invoice of finglishillatent Lever Watched. per Atlantic. These Watches are from the mane:teary of Joseph Johnson, Liverpool, Made eapressly to order for the subscriber, with his name engraved on them, tvith ennrcial reference to tbevrants of Kaden:id Agent s and others. Wishing per '. cerf time: ;They are in heavy silver cases, and willbe 'eased in geld. orally style and quality, to order. Dinghaint au, Washington-st.—t 9 A. J. fi'VANS. lifEßCifAND,Sfircr&ding Oil,Trask's Magnetic Ointment M. Cod Liver Oil, Townsend's Sarmparilla..Vaughn's Li thontriptie.Schenck'slialsam.Sw•aim's Panacea.all of Dr. Jayne's:Medicines. Dailey's Pain Extractor,' I. Ain lfeave Cure—and most of the approved Patent Medicines of the day, kept constantly on howl by (ONSISTI'SG of Table, Dessert Tea. Cream, Mustard. Ij and Salt Smons; Snore Shovels, SuLzar Tons. Table and Dessert Forks.Dut ter Knives,&c., warranted elual to eldn. tram - rived gratis.3by A. J. EVAIk:S. 551 J. J"" Silver Ware Pinter, unit fierrnim Vl..iL; - Silver eon •Isting of Table. Tea, Desert. Cream and MUF ;aril Snoops, Salt and S uzar els. Fork s e. , fin:roved gratis, at L. e ANTI ELD'S. QILVER Spoons. For1;1 MI 1 finivqs, warranted the beet manufact ared in America., TRUES. 11117 E last nt the 6 dna. 20s- flinckti Lr . zone but more of 1 the sumo surf is OU the may to True's Jewelry shop. • Watches, Jewelry &c 6 rpRE Subscriber hat. received an addition to hi stock of Jewelry, consistilig of Gold Foh and Guard Chains. Lockets, Fidget; Rims, Ear - Rings. Breast Pine. Silver Chains, Gold Thimble's. Gold Pencils and Pens, kc., &c. to which he would in vite the attention of his friends. A.J. EVANS, Binghamton, March 3, 'M Washington st Watches! Watches ! aOLDand tiilver. Lever and Lepineo full jeweled and T plaln.n large assortment, at tlie vary - lowet,t,nriees and warranted. Binghamton. Out.. 14.16.50. L. CANTTELD. —_ • ABEL TUBEEBL The Richest r I ELITTIONof Itreartpfus.F.arringr and Fir,,rer flings i)erer offered in Itinahamton,liy A .. TATATetIES airti oilier jewelry iu quantities V V to suit purchasers by • NC. D.TAOWISTZInGE. GGINI Lockets. OlNGT,r,andl)ouhle c)ferery Fize. by 1.) Ilinz:trtmtnn.l s A. J. EVANS, pe'rfeet. time keepers. AlFa tVatetws;allquantitieß,Ly' . A..L ErANEt. • ' Gold Chains LO.ETs..Thimbles. speckF, Pen and Pyrell ('arras a foil amortla cute a L. VANFIELD'F, NEW BMUS ! H. Burritt teceeintuonfia i s l u lo alT; l l.. " Z k an o l complete in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, GE°Cedes, Crock Pry, Hardware, Iron and Nails, Boots and Shoes, Cooking, Parlor and Shop Storee,Etalo Robes, Hats, Caps, &c. including in particular, !Warp and splendid as• sorttnent of aaaagav =l - tio , 2 and t Winter Long Shawls; • tom whOl lz e u - ote.t invite the attention of ntlwho nrevrieting - Goods of the best styles, and at prices that canuot;be beat ; for cash orpt mince of all , kinds,incizuling Woolen Soclo.Flonnel.Pork.;.thain, dr.c. iu tiny quantity. New , slllford, Nov. 7.1850:.' N. D.--Coarpe aad Wcptern Salt, and Floor kept con antly on hand. still -Rolling the New Goods in At the ne4d.orrias . imation. - T • lIE Aulr , rib ris reemiri g !teary ipments,ot almost every kind of Goods which au offering very'cltenp foi the ready John, 4•4 • - ' Ile would tender Isle warmest thanks to the pukUc,nul tspeciatly to those whc Love been Mend in the bestow. melortheir patronage, and seem to feel aul act; that , hfilerchant ncecht his pay conic thou during the cenftlry,and;he went(' toost rt-Tpeetfully tt ka contlun: aneelof theirfavors. ' - M. c..TyLEn. Mcintrose,Noveroheri •. _FALL. GOODS.' ISAAC L. POST 86 CO: • ARE jurt receiving a aplendld lot of FALL. GODS.* OUT custconefikeon fled at the old stand alintist any thing they desire atraiereleesi • - . • . . . New . . Goods, . , TrltEnlbxeriberis•og ,in receiving n - fresh supply o .1- Fall and Winter (toed S.- Please call and examine. • Montrose, 0 cv.2 I 3,WA. -- - U. T. WEER. 1890 YDS. of . that 8d ,Orange and Wan print , just -renewed and selling , rapsdiv at - • - LAKE 4 EATON'S. The_!kitest prices paid for all ktuda of fur.— ,t We are after elts - !" L Es E.. flarford, Nov. 28th, '5O. DISZkiTL FIY . 1 / 4 . -READ 200 Oz, Silver Ware. Some Very Fine DRY GOODS._ And till they Come STOVES, HARDWARE, &c. ,Stoiresi: Warp,. ai‘d - • tEY SEMI() State . Air 'right - cooking stove, for burning wood or coal, the best in int:igh and ,Ready double oVeit cooking stove. Elevated do . do. do do •. 'Premium " -do •do Victoria der dt, do ' do EmpiroState •do do Clinton Air Tight - do do 211 Sizes and kinds of Partin. Stoves for, wopd.or mud. • 4 Sizes of 6 plate Stoves. Coal and Wood Stoves for shops, school houses' the best in use. Copper, brass, tin and iron stove were. • Russia, English, and. Stove Pipe. Stone, Tin, and Zinc tubes, esm., fer sate by the lOU, doz., or single, at the Eagle Fotmdry WILSON Co. Montrose, Nov. 26,'50. • EAGLE' FOUNDRY ! Ware Room in Lyons 4 Chandler's . Long Building. A general unortineOt of - Cooking, Parlor. Shop and Coal Stoves, Stove pipe, Elbaws,•Zinc; Sheet Iron, - Copper, Brass,TFire, liar Iron, Nail Rods, round & square Cast' ,Steel all sizes, round 'S square - Iron, all sizcs, Side Hill. Green Sward, Excelsior, Genesee (S. Tr)rsterPlows.Straw Cut ters, Corn Sheller,s,Saw Arbors, Morticing Machines, Mill Cranks, Balance Tilheels, Pots, Disk Kettles, Spi ders, Tea Kettles,‘Trajle Irons. Um brella Stands,Pu mps,Lead Pipe, Shingle• Manhincs, Scrapers, Sleizh Shoes, Jack Screws, 6.c. (ST. Aii kinds of Castintto on hand or made to order— also, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron %Vitro on Imn . d, or made to order. WILSON & CO. Montrore.Noi). 5,1850, New Titi"iord, Stove Depot 1 1%Tp(). 111.711111TT has just received a new assortment of it. Stoves,- including the mast approved kind 4 of Air Tight mnd comment Cooking, Parlor, and Shop Stoves. llio , slann.l common pipe, Sheet Iron, and Line. Stove Tnbes,,k.e. toe., to which the attention ofrash placebos ers. and the public is invited, and which will ho sold at eery 101Cj•rit`05. for cash or approved credit. September, ISA. Move, Tla :and ,Copper Ware. THE subsctibers have just- purchpsed, a large stock hf o yes, Tin and Copper Wpre, which they offer{ to the public. ;so ehenp as the elniapest. 11 , ;n.Lx . riiRop ;,. Montrose, Dec. 10, 1850. The best STOVB out THE lidystone State Air-tight Coobing,Stove, mannfacinred and far sate by Wir.soN 4 en. NEW GOODS. I,VONS CEIANDLE:I, Montrose and Lanesbero% F. norroor•iiing a lorgo nor splen•Prl not:, will be sold cheap for c ' af.h ° . "°rtfnent of I iihirting. 1 irking, Batting. Wadding, Dril- C"t con and Yarn, Carpvt and Knitting Yarn, ItTnarictoths and ‘,lassimi‘res, Carpets and Carprt Trual:P.itlank,illue and (keen Fu11a,11,15, Japated Ware,erceliiiry and Gluac IN are, Hardware, ROCER LE S • Crushed, puiveriscd and N. 0. Sugars. Coffee, Molasses, Black ens! Green Teas, York, Mackerel,Codfisb, Candles, spices, &c. BOOKS 4• STATIONERY. We are receiving; a liugc assortment of ell kinds • ischoo linekr.fllwriish, Latin. French, Greek nod (lerrann) Illrtoricr, Miscellaneous }Works, Medical Ilboks, Ca,.I,Ti , SUP and Note Paper. fc.c. &c. Those .n want of Books and Stationery will phase give us a call, as we. literal, to sell ellen p for cash. STOVES AND IRON TVA RE. eouldlta% Parlor... Shop and Coal Stores. Pipe, Elbows Store Ware. Iron ts:orapers, Plows; Corn shelters, straw eutto s,. P low Points, etc., at Lane:dame. • PORK. SALT 4- FLOUR, by fir 11 1. nr other pier—Candles by the box or lb—also, ti G lass, PuitatA and Ohs. SARSAPAI?ILLA P To‘rwentPe. and Santl'eenrea paril In —75 emits per bottle. LYONS & CHANDLER. ! , lontrost,;:n.l i, neAnro', Nor. 7.1350. Blatchly's Plows m i1E,...1„,,,„r would inform his friends and the pub. .I. lie. that he is snow manuracturing the erlebrated Ilt.sTnnLY I'Lew3 at the old ttand of 11. 'Fait. Side Rill. Mon, Wayne Fn., Living...ton collate. and Skinners *Eddy Trews and Castings nu hind " Repairing' done on Otai, notice. flaring made an-arrangement with a ma chinist. ho is prepared to make and fit up most, kinds of nmchinery on shirt notice and on reasonable terms. Sl t rose, February 17.1851. 11. MILLS. 1110 N—English and Swedes, $01:11 , 1 : 11 fire, fult:11.1vo. Drag Teeth by ' S. 11. 'SNAP. CO. Agr,o,lArcolul head crokit,g etuse, air° a goon res.- rut ter, fur eale,cheap at T mutt:Lt.'s ALOUGlES.—llingllnmton.MontroFe.Skinn•TA Eddy and Mott a'nd FulltesPlougdlF and Ca Fling ~eonstantv v on hand by S. It. SAYTIE EL CO. CLOTHING. BOOKS, BOOTS; ike Notice to the Public. New Seasonable Fall and Winter Goods at the . . Great One ,Price Store of F.. S. LEN3Iui3Y, Gri•at. Bend,. Pa. I:GS leave to take this opportunity of tendering his B ,ittel,l, thanks to his friends and customers. for the generous patrimage they have egtended to him; nod at the same time inform them that he has just returned frolii New York with a very large and choice selection of Fancy and Staple Dry Coodsi Also a fresh and eaten vi veassottmentof Grceenes, Provisions, Boas:lnd Shoes, lists and Caps, Irardware, Crockery. Ecc.,Dtugs and 3ledieines, which will he sold for cash and produce at a very email advnace, at prices which defy all competition. FlO s ur, Pork.Fisb, Salt, wholesale andretati).—he would nisi) remark that he wilterev strictly to the idystem of al ways n ming the lowest price at Hrst.thvrety Firingthe Fame advantage to all who may favor him wi4L their pat ronage. - • Great rend Clothing Store. The largest, best-swl cheapest assortment otriemly Made Clothing in the Village of Great Band. Pa., Broad Cloths. Doe Sitins,Casslmerrs and Vetting? of all qualities suitable for the Fall ant Winter Trade. which he Offers at suchprices no to satisfy any one that this's the place for them to deaf. in consequence of the grttit increase of hi. business Ire has been obliged to greatly enlarge his stock, which he now offers to his friends sod the public fur en. amination, confident that in so doing they will n nd some thing to their advantage. The subscriber has made are rangements to manufartnre cliithing in all its various brandies, and is now prepared to sell the same, warrant ed to bear inspection. Custom work and 'cutting done at the latest stylennd shortest not ice,—alikinds of tails ors' trimmings furnished and for side. - Do not forget the spot. Store nearly opposi to the 31anelon House. Great Demi, Sept.,lBso. • L. S. LENIIIIH. • . Boots. & Shoes! AGOOD esiortment of B o ots & Shoos, embreeinq 31en's eoarenndilne Boots, Boy's Boot's and Shoes, Womea's and Allsseeditto—ntso Clothing, rmi , rnelng a grsat vrriety of Qverroats, Sacks - , Twesds, &c., a larva variety Of Vests front viz ehillin ,, a upward.. and n good assorintynt of Pants, Shirts, limners and .I'o - rappers—ditto Hats & Caps, Silk and Fur lints ;.Plush, Put, 51uhalt, Cloth and glaz. ed Caps, fall fashions, for men, boys and children. H , BOOICS & Stationery • r School and Miscellaneous lio9ks, Staple and Fancy Fta• th;nery,, Inks, Inkstands, Penracks, Penknives, and a great variety of fancy articles too nualerons to canna tate,just received at • PULLER'S, First door above' Searle's llotel: at ontroso, Oct.. 26,1859. Books! Books! * NEW Furpfy of Books just received, Inchnling nll 11 thp kindor used to itut.Nnw Acad,tniy, Atso Leticruud Cap rum, at the Inwt.st price, Sept.s -- J. LYONS k SON. Valuable Books VITT ON'S Daily Iliblo Dias Emerson's E3anys, apostoliellatithark by Taylor . , Itcrieirof the Mexienn War by Llreratoro,Dook Fonna,D'Aaltbign..'a lliatory of Reformation. et c. J. LYONS &SON. G EN ER AL assortment of School Books whole El sale or regale by . • LYONS 6. CHANDLER. Montrose. Nov.2G, ‘-- Boots and BhOes! - ANr.i ... ..uppty or Gentlemarnl ,Cal f Boot s . and 1.441104 Bnots,Sltoce, unit Slipper,Oust rereiy F,ept. 4, 1840, .11):1). FULLER EAS prime urtiolo at prices to suit tho quul ity,'autt.iirchaier. for . sale hy W. D. TitOWDItIDGE, IiAILROADS; FREIG liT, Sze . , Chang 6 ri Hours, .commenting, Jul!, 8 . Ramapo. &Paterson and Pater • - , sun .S4,lllludson Inver, . . . - ra.‘,4A; E LAM- 0 A :3)S .: . .Leave Suilcrn's Depot at- I '; Letive New-York at '0 o'cieck 30 rain. . A. 31.17 o'clock 30 min: ' A. 31; 10 "- -30 min. A: 3L3— " 1 tirniu. P:31,, .0' " .30 mitt.. P.• M I ' . s' " 45 mkt.: - 1':34 4 , 4.1010.1,AV l'illAtnes. Ltart Stifern's Depot; 1 . 7,eare Neill- York ' *5 o'clock :10 min. A. M. I' o'o'clook P. 31., •Or on the arriral'of the Eriutnlinstroluir. 'East. , eAIC Fat.NO Ai 'V It it I NS. - - Leave Patermtnt ; Lea re Nere•Yark , 7 o'clock A. M. Market4t. 7 o'clock 30T111$.A. , 51 Bki " " rat'n Don. 9 . ! " 30 " 12 " M. " " 1 ; 4 3 4 44 It . M. 61 {A . 3 ‘is .13 ,s• 7 " "• 31arket•Ft. 5 ; . " 45 " s ini DA s."rre A Iltira. Leave Paterson al ' 1 Leone New-liirit at o'clock A. 31. Market-st. IS) o'clock . A. 31 ,!.1 " P. M, Pat'n Depot. I 0 " r. 31 N. IL On .Ifonduytio'rnievtliefirM, train fromSaffern't will leave at 7 25 lola. or on- MB arrival of the Port Jerrh train. Thu 7 30 A. 31. nnd 5 45 o'cidek P. 31. , traing.frron . Nen York. will not stop at any otatlba north of Paterson, cr.. cept Itork Road and Hohokam,' The train:if which leave New York at 734' A 51 and IN P M will be in Haze to meet the Eric trains,morning rind voning , ,goin:.; Wect, ut Suffcrtis Depot Augmt 22,1850 ALBANY BUFFALO, New York Erie, Cayuga quehanna Rail Roads, Seneca • and Cayuga Lakes! EVERYBODY'S AIARKET LINE T"E ~, b@cribers are , how prenared to reecive lIT of u://:”.1., at thofollmting point", sits Buffalo, Atmet. 11 ttavia, "Borten, Itogliegter, Cananda ua, Omieva, Drmiden. Ovid. Lodi, Dundee, Landing, Jef, erroft., Ih Mitiport, Itorretteatb., - Corning:, Elmira Fagtoryville, Spring Port, Iteddees Ferry, Aurora, I tha ea, Candor, threTt, Uninu t Binghamton ' Great Brod [mobs boro' , ()eye Ilaneock, every day intim week l 5 a witty s excepted,) and COntitiln with regmlarity throng Out chei.th,oll. ilmy will attend to tot - wording the saute to the New York Market, wberto wilireeelve the per:me al attention ot experienced saletquelf, Ids o wll attend to the Neil ii.nr nit Ile Saute, and return the proceeds in Bank • able laud, at either of the ahoVe polo ttt, to the following perstate : 1111 dato,St orehouso of lienryiDnw ; A ttica.Storehouse of IlenreSyford; Bat avla,Storelionseoihnei US A . Smit , Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel Merherson; Rochester Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge; tinuandagint. 011iec 0 Widtcr Corcoran; Geneva, O Lawrence; Dresden Store house of Whitney A: Mourn; Ovid,Fergusan ..:Sprague Lodi ; Dundee Landing,. Storehouse or T. Tuthill & Co. JetTerson, office of E. 0. Nortnn, on the Pier, Havana M11e...1J F. Phelps; 1l illporti store of J. Stull; Horse oeads, office of .1. A. Farrell; Corning, store of Wi0..1 Arnold; Eimira, storehouse of Thurman & Ingltram Factor) title. store of Charles 11. Sh.pluid; Redder' Ferry: A niorn, store of H.& O. P.:Borg:1u; Ithacn,stos of I' . If. Drake; Candur,store of S. Banger; 0 0 eFfa , 0 lice of Nathaniel Ells; Union, store df 0. N. 11 - beeleg Binghamton. office of domes Sick; Great Pend, ode e a ,l 0 F. Churchill ; Laneshoro', sffide of N A. Ward; Petit,* store of Ensign 11 eau; Ehnicock. store qt Allison & Reeves.. l l s. II Dinghmmt on, " W.H. WHITNEY, Dresden, • GEO. I'. 3IONEY.I/, do. N'ATHANIEI, ELLS, Owego AG ENTF.—Buffaln, Ilenry Paw; Atticn. Thomas Fy ford ; Batavia. Lucius A. Smith; Ber>,en,DanielMePher. son; I:oche:ter, Fairintnits & Eldridge; Cm:and:tram, Walt et-Corcoran; Geneva, C. Lawrence; grid. Ferguson & Stmerue; Dundee Landing, Tuthill & Co.; Jet,. forgon, E. 0 :carton; Havana. F. Phelps; Millport, J. stall zit:at...elle:els, J. A. Ferridi; Corning. Win. J. Ar nold: Caiira. Thurman & Inglirant Factoryrllie.o If. Shepherd, A urnra, 11. & 0. P. 'Morgan, Ithaca. P. H. Drake: Candor. S. ilarager; Union, C. N. Witecier; Oren t Rend, F. Churchill; Laneaboro'. F. A: Ward; De posit,Ensi.gn & Dean; flan cock, Allison & Reeves. Capt. James Is qlper!ntend the bus!tiese throughout Chu tsjiole tle,avelre,eitre and fill all orders for f4encorles. Fruit,' Fish. °ratters, ACC. 4 .tc. which gill he bought at the Innekt wholesale prirem fn Nen. York, and forwarded to any or the above Domed 32—tf New stage Arrangement at Great` Bend. • • marl two Daily Mlles of Sieges from Great Rend to 1 Montrose wilt hereaftar have the Railroad Hutriof C. C. Smith in the immediate vleinity of the Depot, a+ (pl. lows : At 4 A..'s. and CI P. 51.,'01.1 the arrival of the road trains from Nsw York: passing through New Milford to 'Montrose. whence n Dail t line rote in co numtion therewith to Springville Tunkhannock and Wilkesbarre , another via. N rhnieon, Factorywille, Abington Centre; Providence and Hyde Park to,STrantortitt, (these places being along the line of the Lt.*cts Gap Railroad ) Re turning, the stage. leaves Scrantonla at 4.A. M., passing through the above places to Montrow, witenee the Hues leave in time to reach the Great blend Depot before the train. going Fast. Also. a Daily Ihn leaves Stultles Railway Hotel en the arrival of the noon train from.' the West for Carbondale Summersville,New 3111 ford, Ilarford, Len imand Dun. tlatf. • TRUESDELL& CO. Great Rend: Jan. 22- ISIII. 5 tf MISCELLANEOIi.S ADVERTISEM'S • • (3 4 ti) 12 1 - • i DR. S. E. MAIN, German Physician , takes thin:neat thtt of informing his friends and the pubdc in general, that he has located in the villagr Owego, Count) of Thra, and has established a permanent oM Ce on Main-st. over Ilulhart's store, and is reedy to attend to any IlSineSS in the line of his proftitsion. his superior method of arriving at a correct diagnosis in disease, and his tinparalelle'd success In treating tat ! various tiviett,es incidental tot the lama= sytela, more csialcially those of an acute, subacute, chronic, or com plicated character, are all that Is necessary for, him to els fer to the invalids and disease:l : of every chant ct er t o enti tle him to the confidence of a diccriminativg public. For the benefit of those unacquainted witiiiiitt method of practice he would say that he describes dtsense by a chemical and microscopical examination of the Jrine. Pet sons may send or bring thelTUrine in a clean (at least two ounce) vial, the first - in the morning preferred, and as a record-it kept of all: the cases examined, the name and age of the patient are also required. No charge in made for examining ti case where no medicine le taken. Ills medicints are principally selected from:the 'Vegeta- Mc Kingdom, and lire administered according to the G er man Rotauic Pruelice. He would abeD add, that he bee at last made an !mom ent discovery in relation to treating diseases of a calm lOUs origin, or Gravel. Is'a singular dettosit ion , ana may consist In crysta Inc grains, of agritty barb-feel, but not distinctly risible upon a close examination i of it may consist in irregular shaped transparent concretions, sufficiently large to be scadily:diatinguislied by the .7e, and denominated calculi.. , T,he preparation,that.he hap introduced IP enpnble of dissolving and holding. in solution, ealculnur, or later', tious concrotlons, uhich is the, source of Irritation, and vet)? often extensive intimations of the Urinary organs, thereby allowing tile same to CACATTC. • oferencett eau to, hot( atillpOtTlent. mpersot•sllving ht oil TAW Western counties of the Sint, of Nen York, Yenusytbnnin, Miebiann, &e., Nth° _brit been, yen *up to din by the most skillful Physicians. llearing of . m and avaiing the nselres of his skill have been - reßtor, to. good imalth: The great'Derman Lein edy far Female Ire striations. it'orras, Croup and Dysentery. may always hu fount at the Office. • ;, D. 9, E. CRAIN. thne-go..lSrt. 9'2.1651. = 4 ly.' ASTROLOGY-111 E Gelehrat,sl Dr. C. W. aormex, Professor of Astrology, A stronotny,Phren Mow. bud Geonnuary, emnIUM,I with CONJURATION, from y 0 00. den, office Nci..• n LOCUST Street,' Philadephia. otters his services-to the. citizens 4.lllontrose, Ile has-hoes conrultcd by all the er owned heads of Europe, and en joys a higher reputation as an Astrologer than any . pLe living. Nativities calculated according to Geomaney— Ladles 8:3, Gentlemen „Sri. Persons efts distance ran have their nativities .tirtrn by sending the date of the day of their birth. All letterslcontaining the, above fee will receive Immediate attention, liativities scut to any part of the world written on durable paper ;- end bets prepared to ninhe Use of hie potter by e'onjuratien on any of the following toplete—Uourtslup. advice given for the successful aceemplhilment of ti wefdthy marriage, be has the power to redeem such as era given- to the we of the bottle; and for all cases of hazard, and for the rectwery ofstolen or lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tickets. Thror.ends of the shave named canes have been done In this city oud its vicinity. end lu the United &tetra to the full satisfaction of till *PAM ll:invites or Dore oscopcs have been cast during the last four mug while hero. Letters will answer every purpose, and will do as welt as to call In person, and the mall is now so safe that pe sons 'feed not fear to trnstAnoney through the Post Oilier. Di. Haack rece.ves from 100 to 10I)I letters monthly. and has neverinisse,l one. All Letters w 11-be religiously attended to If pre-pitid. For particulars cell at the Democrat office and get!an Astrological Almanac. -• i O. W. ROBACK. • Locust st. above Eighth, 'Philadelphia, trruo particular to mention,the Post-Office, county and State: - '• 3.1*1.9 . ••8 7., r i POttEEIP—Dr. nuNTER wiliforfeit $543 If falls el ing,to cure any ease of disease that may coon; under his care, no matter how long standing or afflicting, Ennui" sax are invited tollie Private Downs. 38 North. SEVENTIf st., Phila., - without, fear of Interruption by other patients. Strange's and others who have been Un fortunate in the. Felertiqn of a ; physician. are Invited to call. Those who have injured themselves by solitary vise are alsojovitod. ' : D AND It EteLECT.—The DaliCtet WO,Tati du well to reffeet before trusting their health , happiness, and in many cases tb or lives, in - the hands of physicians, - Jane , rantmf this elm' of maladies..;lt is rertainly impossible for ono man to understand nil Ills the human Dimity aresubjoet to.. Every respaetsble physician has cellar branch, in which le fx more successful than lds brother protessers, mod: to that ha devotes moat or hia time and study. - . • , yuAn a or vitae:Tref:. exclusively devoted to tint-stmly and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs,. together with ulcers upon the body, throat, nose, orlegs, pains in the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism,' strictures, gravel, irregfitimitice;ilisease arising. from , youthful :ex cesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the conetltn tion has becnnie enfeidded, -enables the Doctor •to offer eraser natter to all alto may place :themselves .under care. . . .19 ly - rhysiarithrople TULE heit reirphly for ilillionsattacicreitantfispeakft erre . J. experience) for snip by - '• C. ISALDWINt- rim:Wf.:l; Ounplipr (ap r Pepper sauce; )u,:t ard„Lttt er Paper, Twine, ISlaraing and tencher, Zte,, for ?ale by . 1 N. DCLIAND. ;~ `~, ~~ ~ D,'` -i ~_~pi Mfke, l v For the Removal and .Permanent! Cure of all NERVOUS DISEIWES, And of those Compininta 'which aro mixed by IA id paired, weakened or unhealthy condition of the _ . _ . . beatliifUl AM convenient apPication of theta - y.lg terinus powers a GALVANISM and l MAGNETISM, had been pron,ounced.ty distinguished pbyticiana, both id Europe and the United !States, to be the most valtioti stedicinot discovery of the Age:. • .'; • Dr. CIIRISTIVS GALVANIC BEV MAGNETIC 174111 D, is used with the wort perfect end certairi success In td cases of GENET;I. DEBILr!jI ,' Strengthening the 'weakened body, giving tone to ad itlrious organs, and invigorating the entire system. 4J in PITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY; DYSITy. STA or INDIGESTION, RHEUNL4TISM, ACUTE trj CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, •LUMBAGO. DEAD. NERVOUS TRE,MORS, PALPITATION OP THE LIEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS ie epfr, slot: end CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, an.l CURVATURE of the SPINE, Rif COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DU'. CIENCh of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL 'ENERGY, sad all NERVOUS DISEASES. - which complaints arise Lam oho simple cause—namely, • A Derangement' of the Ifervons System. /13 , In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drags and Mel sines tneres re the disease, for they weaken the vitalises. give or the already prostrated system k while, under tbi strengthening, lite•giving, vitalizing influence of as applied by tine beautiful and ;w.onderkl virerv, the exhausted patient and weakened stderet is restored to former health, strength, elasticity Sad Sim The great peculiarity and excellenctie i . Dr. Chrlstiela Galvanic: CurOlves ! consists in the fact that they'arrest and curd disease by outward application, in place of the usual ;mode of dray. Bing, and physicking the patient. till e#lausted . tiatun sinks hopelessly under the infliction. They strengthen the whole system, equalize at eireule. Minn of the blood, promote the serrations. and never de the slightest injury under any. circumitaneei. 811:100 their introduction in the United btates, only three years dies, morn than 7 5,•000 Persons . ine.tuain all ages, elauei and conditions, ; moll %Flak' were a large number of lag ev, who are peculiarly ttabJett to Nervous Complaints, have been ENTIRELY AND rEraultErrny =RED, Whop all hope of relief had been given tip, and every thing else been tried in vain •To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT,. suppose the case of xi person afflicted with that banes( civilisation. DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Ng. ova Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulants are takin, which, by their action on the' nerves and muscles of the stomach, afford temporary relief, but which leave thi 'patient in a, lower state. and with injured faculties, alter the action thus excited has ceased. Now.compare this with the effect resulting from;the application of the GAL. VANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in es worst symptoms of an attack, and simply lie the Ben around the Body; using the Magnetic Fluid as direeted. In 'a short period the insensible perspiration will act oa the positive element of the Belt. thereby causing a Old snide circulation which sill pass on to the negatave, tad tbduce back again to the positive, thus keeping up a era , Unisons Galvanic circulation throughout 'the spites: Thus the most severe. cases of DYSPEPSIA axe PER: ANENTLY CURED. A• FEW DAYS AMPLY', SUFFICIENT TO 'ERADICATE THE DISEASE Of Y EABS. - CEBU:FICHES A.ND TFADJONIALS Of the molt Undoubted Clutraieter, From all parts of the county could be Mien; iattlciest to Jill every column in this paper; All EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves thot • • Truth' is stranger, than Fiction"' ' • ! CURE , OF 11i1EUNATE31, RitfaCIIITIS, AND DTSPEPER, REV. DR. LANDIS, A PLERGYMAN of Now Jersey, of distleiuLthed a4ainroeuts and exalted reputation Sroxsy, Now jersey, July 12,194 a CitetericDear sir: Yen' wish;to keeled me what has hehn tha result in my own case, of the ar plicatinn or THE GAL v.ucc DELT AND NECKLACi. Sly reply 13 as follows : - For about twenty .years I had been suffering hen DYspepsia. Every year the symptoms became wortg nor could I obtain permanent relief from any COT= of medical treatment whatever. Aboutfourtreo years sinrs, ini consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, ia the discharge of my pastoral duties, I became subject to revere Chronic Rheumatism, which for yea . ; after Far, caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: na the winter 0f,',13 and tlti, in consequence of preaching ti great dad v own and various other churches in this region) was attacked by , the Bronchitis, - which sped became a severe as to require an immediate snspension of my pas total labors. .i.fy nervous ;pion wee now Goronity prosircied, and as my BrencSitis became worse, so alsodd my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection—thus esimir; that these disorders were connected with each ether through the medium of the Nervous System. In the Whole pharmacopmia there seemed to be no remedial agent which could reatth and recuperate my Tenon System ; every thing that. I had tried fur this purpose tad ,completely failed. At last I was led by my friends ton' amino your inventions, and (though with no very so guine hopes of their eniciency,) I determined to try the effect of theapplication of the GALVANIC BELT Ala NECKLACE, with the 'MAGNETIC FLUID. This wa Is, Yune, 1846. Tolle GREAT ASTONISHMENT. VS tiro DAH AT DTSPEPSIA HAD GONE j TN EIGHT. DOTS I WAS GUILES TO REAUSIR SIT PASTORAL LABORS. NOR HATE I. SOCK OMIT° TED A NINGLE lEaricE ON ACCOUNT OF THE. BRONCHITII j asp Per Rfe crosrec AFFECT2oN HAS P.SITIRELIt CAASSO TV TROUBLE are. Such is the wonderful and happy result* of the experiment. I have recommended {he BELT- and FLUID to EMI who have been likewise suffering from Neuralgic stfero tints. ,They have tried them, wink stern OELICVS, is ETERS CASE.. , • I am, dear sir, Very respectfully. yours, -ROBERT W. LANDIS. DR.. C HRISTIE'S . GALVANIC NECKLACE Is used for all complaints affecting the Throat or Had. such as Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Threat, Nemo and Sick Headache, Dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia in the Face; Sas:ring , or Roaring in the Ears, Death s% which is generally Nervous, and that &greasing 6= plaint, called Tic lloloreux. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast genie° in cases of Convulsions or HA Spasmodic Complaints, and 'general Nervous Affective et the Head and uppar extremities. Also in Palsy $u Paralysis, and ell diseases caused by n deficiency of power or Nervous Energy in the limbs or other organs of ter Tic Doloreuic and Neuralgia.. . 'These dreadful and agonizing eritapleints are Nay effetely relieved by the application of.the GALVANIC Burr NECKLACE and.Ftete. The Belt diffuses the Electritifl through the system ; thoNeckface has a local effect, Ed the Fluid acts - directly upon the affected nerves. lathes, distretsing afflictions the application NEVER FAILS. . . - FITS AND CONVULSIONS. ' These _alarming and terrible - complaints are • :Away/ caused by a derangemard of She Nerves. The DEL?, Basesa.cre sem Farm , . will cure nearly. every cant I* matter. how young or old the patient, 'or how confirmed the.eutoplaint Numerous and astonishinsproofs are la possession of the proprietor. ffe- 'Many hundred Certificates • from elf parte' of the country of -the must extraordinary , character can be given, lf required. • 0/5.-•• No trouble or lnconvenlSnce attends the use of DR. CHRISTIE'S G.ILVANIC ARTICLES, and they may Do 'worn by the most treble. and delicate, with peo fact ease and safety. In seamy cases the sensation attend , ingtheir use is highly pleasant and agreeable. They cas be tent toasty part of the country., ' Prices: Tho Galvanic Belt, Three Dollars ;" Tho Galvania Necklaceq -• Two Dollars. The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Each, The Magnetic Fluid; One Dollar. Tho" article. are uccompunied'hy fall sad plsM di:vellums. Pamphlet* with full purticulare may he bu of the authorized Agent. • 1 , 'PARTiOULAfiICAUTIONi . . 07- ilmare of Counterfrib . and Wortqati.radtations .- D. 'C. MORE.HEAM, M. O. GENERAL - AGENT FOR THE IiNITED STA : FFiIt • • 'l32'Broadrity, Row Turk.' . . Bentley & Rend Agunts for Susq'a Co. (I OLD and eitverlYntebea,nlivarTtibletTea,B e " e ' ll° 1/ Balt Spoons, owl gencralelsort ment ()Identity • - 11ENTLIp" 4t• *YINKt iigir)b - ii uai ifyle o tat j • TAUB Vlll 4.l fA Ov i: f i l oi tp, by Oni banal orplu ,s.