„, ‘ ;‘,------------.77------ i.E.,--;--7-- ~.,, ” •! - • . . ' l -'l -1 op ACCOMPLII:IIED R.LICAL.9.—"I . A rEkALC ATTORNEY,--Stranac „,ecne [ i. . IMADELCIIIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: 1/o%F iro (Illino i s ) Sun relates that two! to a French Court. - -!-- A singular affair took iln the case - Of contested 'election for Dis: stopped a the, store of M . r.l place on Saturday, the 12th. of April last, - Itriet Attorney, between Wm, B. nee& Esq. 5'5 ,, c rte4contly tho u. •C . 0 ., to i a . t the Cour!. of Sessions Of the Tourth sec- res_' pondant, bolero Jildgas Kiln:, Kelly and race 'in Joneshorough, v'ast Sa te- and requested sermi . ssion to now of p a r t s, . A lady, Nem- Grange wasteaumbell,' it Ave§ .decided I on - Saturday: 6 1 e osyhich they had in their wagon I seated ou the bench •of the attorney, plea-11(Judge Unwind! tlissentin ,)'in furor of te I ; b3 h% h'ouse for the night. Mr . D. at first i di ng herself, the eause.of her .sister, .Mme.llWtn: 1.1. Reed. and a formal; decree made ' n ie L ct o, but finally consented to take the:a:liven; This . element. woman came i'accordieglt. ~ On 'Monday sand _ °-. nibis store room The men then put; forward with much calm:teas and Simplicity, : i peared in' the Qnarter i.;eision as bas th i , h.irses for the night. Early on . the l took off her bonet and her gloves - , put aside sunned the duties of the o ffi ce. u r .. r)irning they had their wagon at the her umbrella, arranged the ringlets of - her re'' T 1 store to got their box and start ha r, and then, spoke for threelmurs; without •. ANorttna. DEN OF ROMMEL The New dog ° itje • - nor any appearence . of Albany ,Via.) Ledger, gives an 'account of, T Om the town.—Mr. Dishon miased ! the least hesitation, a den of robbers on an island in Beaver '74 of broad-cloth from his counter,- :mid i fatigue. She explained , that thiS, speech co for th e r , e xamination found that $:.500 : was not tbe 'first she had delivered in public, i; Lak°,'JisPer county in that State, discov drawer stlur- I for, when she was a young woman; she un-. [ erect by Mr. Weiss, who went after four ' al h4n tar en from his d e - s k ',; t he Mohr,. ,Ile then refused to let the dertook the.defenee of her mother. Ihelt"iel horses: In order to save big life, he ' ,,', a bive the hos until it was examined. I reasons and proofs given by Mtne.i Grange, I swore not to divulge what he saw ; but, he 1 ,,,`„, y snore that they would have the box in behalf of her sister, were so clear and :.. exposed the whole when he got home. i thev his i^ I d forward to take it, Mr. ! conclusive that the tribunal decided in her • . o as 1 , i). 6 , e ppea out of the door and locked them i favor. is Ilavino obtaineC assistance the door ; was opened and the men arrested. On ormin, the box a stout, daring looking n;),`ue-3' r r aar , oat, and the missing cloth-and -- n 1. , ' a11. s ome-silks and a dark lantern w ra c 3 re c ' p l ' a ad in the bottom. The fellow pfo tentlcl to turn - Suite's evidence," and de clared! he bad long sought an opportunity to leaie the other men ; that to have left them o luntarily would have brought their deadirl venoence upon him ; that he had nererl)eendetected before, that he remained with them o nly because he was compelled to do slo to preserve his life, that there were now xis hundred men in the United States ce o a g,dd in the same business ; and that the last tithe he was at the general money de posited station the company l:ad over fifteen busheti; of .giber arid gold. lie would not i l e pnt in the same room with the two ac contiOes, feaiing they would kill him. The tare min swore to the officers that it was folly to put them in jail, fur they had mon ey and friends, it would take at least one hundred well armed men_ td guard them and notified them that they could not possibly be detained three weeks. GurAT Souvuuttx Rantioans.— The Nashville, Cattanooga and Chad:Ann Rail, ro ad Company we learn from its report, has a capital ; Cbaristnn has suo seribeds.;so,oo o each. and the Georgia Railrnad CCinpany $250.000. It is e4ee red that seventy miles of the - road will be finished during the piterit year. The re port CSliinatl . the Co:4, of completing the (*tie.] line tree Charlston to Cairn, 111, at lees than $15,0011,000. The 'Jaelzsim,- 7:kladis' olivine are! New-Orleans Raiirkad C..mpany are looking to Congress for a grant* of public land- to aid the cons truction o f this roll. The e.mirany . Lave a riolit of way,:a!!l have obtained $50,000 by snb- ."11. - T., have been two meetings a:. NL;:,lo.l...a:.s.lately ooi the sulject, an‘,l ow?, party rj ae,l the Madisonville mute, as IL te,:laiout,s opposite New Orleans, and a ferr. , tnul,i have to be used. Buth are ..iti,ll.lt ufsuceess. The 'road will he 200 m i, e , lutic , goioe. into Mi:sissippi. DANIEL WEBSTER 2 s CARtLEsSNESS IN PECUNIARY MATTERS.—The Gswemo Pal ladiuni relates the foll Owing anecdote, as never' efore given to the public. It is a egad tine, and characteristic to.; A few years age Tie took a trip west, vis iting Milwaukee, Chicago, &e. As usual distrait out of money, but his friends made, am a purse dill/00 for him and one or two of them went along to look a little after financial matters. He reached Albany on his.return with a hundred dollar bill in his pocket, and, hopes were entertained that this would enable hint to reach home.— Webster and his friends passed a night in the city, and .chen they were about to pro ceed in the morning it was found the God like's money was gone. " Where is that hundred dollar bill souhad when we readi ed thecity ingnired one of 'his friends. Thunder,,' replied 'Webster alter fishing for it awhile in his vest pockets, -I gave it to din porter for blacking niy boots this SIORT De tests Mrs. Bloomer, editor of the;Lilly, has adopted. the ''short dress's and trowsers," and says in her pa - per of this month, that many of the women in that place,j(Seneca Fulls,) oppose the change ; othersl are stiii in favor; "and many halve alrcadY adopted the dress " . She closes the article upon the subject as follows : • - Those who think we look .queu.' would do- well to look back a few rears, to the Mau when they wore ten or tneeri pounds f nettiaoat and hustle around the body, and paLo ns on their arms, and then imagine winch cut the queerest figure,' they or we. °care not for the frowns of over fastidious gentlemen; we have those of better taste ! and less questionable morals to sustain us. if men think they- would Le comfortable in i long, heavy skirts, let thorn put them on— we have no objection. We are more com fortable without them, and so left them off. We do not say we shall wear this caress and no other, but we shall wear it for a common dress; and we hope it may become so fash-1 enable that we may v.-ear it at all times, and in all places, without being thought sin gular. We have already become so attached to it that ne dislike changing to a long one." • _crass —There is no surer sign of over-' action lb trade and speculation, than the rapid increase of Banks. It was so in 1.836, and is 'p now. A large number of new Banks; have recently been created in this I State,! and the number is 'constantly in-1 <2 ; teas . g. The ease is similar in other! States', ; The flank Clanuittee in the lila.- sachuSetts Reuse of Representatives, have; , rebotuthended an incr ease of -NT TO DEATlL— 'hallo the amount of $5,936000. banking "1) - i . TwrAvE PEitsoNs BUT , ' - In Ken- I , , John Ilannegan; of Harrison county, 1a..1 r tuc h lry, ;eight new hanks have; been estan-4 lately moved into a to b0118a; And in ; the !,,o;5 cd, ;with an eggregate capital of s 2,soo .'leven • inff concluded, to celebrate the event; • fin Ohio, two new benkii, with a call-, with a jollification, to aid him, in which ho , nal of :;;;:.;00,0011. In Mobile, one new bank, ' obtained a gallon Of- Whiskey - 14, • 11— ! with a papital 'Gra million, In Savannah.' L_,_ . :l e nets. L;4:1-, with a capital of .;$.100,000. o'clock the ncird, bora discovered the Louse' lin dames, nearly donsumed,labd in it were! 1 6 ,, :veral new LaeliS are also about to he es-. 1 bli hed in New Jerscy,—Aurit /of - - .1 '' **, " d Patiielc Slane, l Ilanne ,, an his wife, - seven childreni and a ' motaer-m-aaw a man name , ; ; Cuntmtece. land another Min, name unknotia--in all,l AIT 7 ----------'- -------±-- • ' i twelVe persons !;=-L-One of the 'elldren eras; ''.:r.._ .. e..u:citoir Acciumix—.-Mrs Fritz! ound near the door, where it is Sup Posed 61 anheim.. in Laneaster c..upty, attemp-I hive fallen intrying termite its eseape. .1 . 1 , , .1 to Lancaster a small child .with a switch. j •- . ' ; .; r 4 e child Ip.gan t<, cryviolentl • ben' - Averylong -tunnel ha been recentlY ex-; x 4 ,61 excited, plai:ed its hands to itsmouth il eavuted in France, -.on the' line 'of railroad ..flani, ch;;,-;..nl resniration, which it had often; leading Trom`Marseilles to Avignon. - I.t is i 1: ~.,°" before. Daring this lit of , passion. - it [three miles.in length six _hundred feat Ain, I ftupon the floor, whore the mother left' it,-Ider'ground, and cut through - solid rock.- - ; PPqsing the child would recover from - itsiThe height*, ten metres, (30 feet,) . , Th , . e mother shortly afterward returned I width 8 ._lndrek ( 24; ;-fn4 ) ' s.' and, thel tfie„'work.m i to h e . .Child, and upon taking it found ii dead. up .she '!finished; the ears-run through' daily, and] cost 20' 1 00 000 fritzdes or $2,410,000. . - 1. Counties of PennsTrlvanitub.TlOwhen .Establistied. 1. Philadelphia,) - 2. Bucks, 1682. 3. Chester, 4. Lancaster, May 10,1729. 5. York, August 19; 1749. 6. Cumberland, Jan.. 27, 1750. !. 7. 'Berks, March 11, 1752. 8. Northampton, March 11,17524 9. Bedford, March 9, 1'771. 10. Northuniberland, March 11; 1172. ' 11.. Westmoreland, 'Feb, 26, 1775.; 12. Washington; March 28, 17814 13. Fayette, Sept. 26, 1783. 14. Fraiiklin, Sept. 26, 1783. 15. Montgomery, Sept. 10, 1784. 16. Dauphin, March 4, 1775. 17. Luierne, Sept. 25, 1786. IS. Huntingdon, Sept. 20, 1787. • 19. Allegheny, Sept. 21, 1788. • 20. Mifflin, Sept. 19, •1789. 21. Lycoming, April 13, 1795. • 22. Somerset, April 17, 1795. 23. Greene, Feb. 9, 1796. 24. Wayne, March 21, 1798. , 25. Adams;Jan. 22, 1800- 26. Centre, Feb. 13, 1800. 27. 'Beavei; Mareh . l2, 1800. 28. Butler, March 12, 1800. 29. Mercer; March 12, 1800. 30. Crawford, March 12, 1800. 31. Erie, March 12, 1800. 32. Warren. March 12, 1500. . 33. Venally, March 12, 1800. 34. Armstrong., March 12, 1800. 33. Thdiatin, Maith 30 1803. 36. Jefferson, March 26, 1804. 37. McKean. March 26, 1801. 38. Clearfield, March 26, 1804. 39: Potter, March 26, 1804. 40. Tioga, March 26, 1804. 41. Cambria, March 26, 1806. -12.. Bradford, Feb. 21, IS2O, by the name oT Ontario, but afterwards changed to tr. :A ., ford. , 43. Snspichanna, Feb. 2l, 1810. 1 , 4. Schuylkill, March 1, 1811, 45. Lehigh, March 6, IS2I. 46. Columbia, March 220813. 47. Lebanon, Feb. 16, 1813._ 48. Union, Feb. 24.1813. - - 49., Pike, March 26, 1814. 50. Perry, March 22, 1820. • i 51. Juniata", Mnrch 2, 1831. - :52. Monroe, April 1, 1836. 53. Clarion, March 11, 1839. 1 54. Clinton, June 21,1839. 55. Wyoming, April 14, 1842. 56. Carbon, Mardi 12, 1843. 57. Elk, April 18, 1843. 58. Blair, Feb. 26, 1846. 59. Sullivan, March 15, 1847. ' Go. FureA, April 11, 1818. 61. Lawrence, March 20, 1819. 62. Fulton, April 19, 1850. 63. 'Montour, May 3, 1850. .TELE FOREIGN NEWS by the Franklin is important in respect to the insurreetifin of Marshal Salxianba, •in Portug&.: Oporto had opened its gates and its arms to receive him, and the movement was spreading throughout the country. The King Was retreating upon Lisbon, most of his forces having declared"for Saldanha. Unless the Queen should immediately authorize Sal danha to forin a Ministry. it was feared that his party would demand her abdication. A Spanish,army of observation was gather. ing along the frontier. In England, the Government haisufferd anether defeat' but of no great importance, and Lord John. four times defeated, refuses to resign. In France the 4th of May, the Anniversary of thelte public, passed quietly over: In Germany, nothing new but the probable end of the Dresden Conference. A conspiracy bad been discovered in Catalonia,in Spain, but it threatens to be .of no importance. in Tuicany the, reaction is triumphant. POWNING Alin SPIRITUAL' RAPPLNOB. —On the 6th inst., in Providence, Pavide Island, -Admire Boasly, a girl of sixteen, *as, examined en a aurae of poisoning her broth er,-enly fifteen months' old, by giving him arsenic. One witness put upon the stand. I testified that the accused confessed to her that sluff gave arsenic to both the boy and 1 her other sister.; but sho was a professed medium of spiritual rappings ; that she bought the poison witb money obtained of those who came to witness the spiritual rap- pings ; and that her mind had not been 1 right since she became a medium. She was; fully committed for trial for murder I A - .1?.00IGING AT SEA is now a dangerous business, Since the passage of the act of September 28th, 1851. At a suit in New York, Judge Lynch decided that the net abolishes fio_•ging on board vessels of coot meth: as well as naval Vessels, and a master of a :vessel was fined $l5O for violation of the statutes. LiaTß:Vir im News from the Smith. - BALTIMORE, Fritlay; Ma) 16. The mail frntn New•-Orleau9 as late as due is"received. The Revenue Cutter Tanev, cruising in the neighborhood of Satilla Riper. Florida, has arrested and cent to Savannah, Capt. Samuel J. Dookagey and Licut Rawlston, and some ;27 men, in charge of Deputy Marshel Finley, charged with having been engaged ini the recent attempt to tuvade Cuba. ; - The brig' American, Ross, from Savannah bound to Sew Yoik, ran ashore on the 4th inst., S miles South of Barnegat Lighthouse. The brig i,i bilged, and lies high up -on the beach so that they land the cargo on the beach at high water: Her cargo i consists of 264 bales of cotton, rice,&o. Abraham Parker murdered an abandoned woman named Elizabeth Philps, _ at- New- Orleans, on the 7th. 'Movements of, the President. BurrAr" :Monday, May 19, 1851 Mr. Fillmore.is expected in Buffalo this arternoon. S.tcetary Graham ar ived this morning from the Falls, and Mr. Webger went there at nine o'clock. Mr. Webster will deliver a public address here to-morrow afternoon. The President. will leave to morrow morning, if he arrives to day, an will show himself at Syracuse, Rochester and perhaps other places on the route. Mr. Webster will nut leave till Thursday morn ing. He has re3overed his usual spirits. His son Fletcher Webster, leaves this af ternoon fur borne, lILTET.kto., May 19—P.M Nr. Webster returned from the Falls this evening - , aml M. Fillmore has also returned from his father's resider Me. Mr. F. leaves tomorrow, and will speak at Batavia and Syracuse, • He will stay at the latter place over nielft.--7N,: Tirribane (Friday)_• Payments at the Treasury De partment. wAsurN:AToN, Moy 19 The Republic says that !the Treasury Department has paid $2,000,000 of Mex ican claims, awl that they have yet to pay nearly $1,250,000. The President has reenguizeil Johams Jacob Ludwig Herrin as Vice-Consul of Sieflen and Nr . oway for San Francisco. Cholera in Cincinnati. Cl:sem:Nan, May:l9 Two deaths by cholera are reported to have taken place in this city o; Thursday last. The victims had arrived. here on a steamboat from I.+Tew,clrleans. Universalist Convention. The Pennsylvania State Convention of Uni versalists will hold its annual session at Brook lyn, Susq. county, on the first Wednesday and following Thursday (4 and 5) of June next.— Rev. N. Stacy was appointed to deliver the oe, easional sermon, and Rev. J. 11. Campbell, al ternate. - All friendi coming' y the N. Y. and Erie gait Road, should stop at the Great Bend, from which place Mir friends will take them to Brooklyn and back. free of charge. A. B. GROSLI, Standing, Clerk. Temperance Meeting. A beefing of the Montrose and ,-Biidgewa ter Temper:awe Society will be held at the Baptist Church next Tuesday evening,. Km Jons l . LONG and E. B. ('.11.1.52E were invited at the last rneetin to deliver addresses. N. NEWTON tChairman Ex. Cori]. Notice. !' The Eiectic Botanic Medical Society trill hold its annual meeting at the Court House in 3fonttose. June 10. A gnuerai attendance is so- United.- Dr. Loomis tvill!lecture upon the injuri ous effects of Calomel .onl:ths human system. ABRAHAM CHAMBERLIN. Sec. gVITVAI: _ . At Jones' Hotel, Windsor, N. Y., on the 13th inst., by Rev A. Craig, Erunatu of Scott,Wayneto., to :Miss CLUE.; Lorrn Roonns, of Jnekson, Susq'a. Co., Pa. !In New'ford, onithe 3d inst.', by P. Decker, Esq., Mr. JAconi SCOFIELD, or 'Great :Bend and Miss N.l.Ner I 'Slinnwoon, of the former place. • - ' nga. In Br'ownstown, IlrndfOrd co., on the —=.• inst., Miss .Imm. Ass, daughter of Eli and Sarah A Crofut, in The With year of her age'. diSeSsti "was Consumption. She died as she had lived, full in the ;f4ith of s World'i Sal6tion. Com:" I V. , ,„,.. 4,1,?,1:::: ,- ; good tintiAeerr! , Fine gold . . ear , o , \,....i. r .j , :,?t , Za -ing4, breast puis , finger rings, a...._ ......C.. hand, stone and linxbracelets.eu'X put,goll fob. gnarl and vest chains, gold lorkets, of 'all sizes. single amt de able. ialid and all ior spectacles. gold alai silver thiaildeJ. penA, peneiß, watch keys. hot ho o ks and Filth , sit r ar o.a. .1 ware. ' h i t tania ware, clocks, rut le y. Fancy ,ttAnde,rhell and holfain rontbs, etc. Moo a lorze a,ortnte.G.lf ..elver spoons, forks. etc., warranted as coral as coin. (I.n.rmved gratis.) Owing to.the inerease of the subscriber's business. he is enabled to sell any or th•te inbiFline at a very small advance from 3fannfarq lir era' rand Importers' prim's, thereby niforlint sunerier in ducements to those Is'aallinT lo purchase, Its the ratiety cheapness and quality of his COOdS, ~ • " Watches awl timepieces of every deseritition repaired 'and warranted at the thortert notice and in the hedt, manner.ALFUED J. EVANS. Binghamton, :11;y12., '5l. - Washington at. New Goods,' • • D D:Ts. Lawns, GAThams,FurnmeTlNOtio,(Lualm .1. CrurpetP, &e.. elrap at LIC , INC ...t.CHANOLERI GitOCEltiri..N. Clinssinnn. Crueked,piiider,Z t aJ Coffee. Sum. Tess, Soap, Yea t, Samlent, I,eraMt airnp, Sperm mot Candle}. Lamp OR. GIBFA, Java and Rio Coffee. Pork, Mackerel, Solt etc-. cheap ot kl (+nutlet', May, 1851. Looks k 011.111DLI11. N A ILS, 3 In 40 Penny Naas, rlont and Irinlflilng Nails Montrone, May 13. Lvoss& eirA MILER. J. Lyons & son REPECITULLY Inform their frlemia and the public that they are now opening a handsome russors meat .r Dry Goods. Crockery. Hardware Groceries, Books, Fi.h. Ltroutas etc., which they °Ger nt their usual low rriees. May W. Stray Hog. AIIE into the Ineloottre of thr Folmcjiber. Fomotitne C to pri I lnFl, n !gruntl rel boo. The none* i. reveit -1 to prom property. pay rhnrrj.s and take- it asrny Moy 14, NYI , -Zhv•. TIIIIS. GI LUCA% ' %IL" (LI 0 . QTII. ATED fro= the ruhreriber on Wedilesday. litity 7, lsn. a land red cow with thulium horns, ' nr year old. Whaever will return raid cow or girl: i nformation where rho map Le found. «hall he liburrilli• rewarded. Monlrese. )lar ln, L.N EAIII.II. Live and let Live, AT THE CHEAP READY PAY STORE. D. TROW BRIDGE, is 'new receivinz a - V . new end well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., which he offers at lower prices from selling on the credit system. By dn. Mg business on the ready pay sytztpm he is able to do justice to himself and his worthy pa trons,that deem it to their interest to purchase where they cr.n do the beSt. He would here mhko manifest his crateful feelings for the liberal' patronage res ceived- heretofore, and reciprocate the favor by off•nng a more extensive mid desirable stock of Goods which may prove to the interest of those that look out for No. 1. ' A sixpence saved is worth two earned.' His stock cousirD 7 0 part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, viz: Giountins; prints, shawls, Cum bricks, sheeting', Cloths, Vesting', ribbons, para.. cols awl MareHu& Gum:mut:F.—Sugar, molaiiseP, teen, (a prime article well selected Black end Green Tea.) Cull dies, Pepper. Spice, Rice, Soda and Slilaratus, (do,) Soap, Tobacco, Snuff. Cigars, Dyc.Stufrrii Candy. Oils, and Perfumery. Hers, Cora, & Sritsw . GOODS.—Kip and Calf Boots, (of good quality, a good selection of Ladies Shoes and Gaiters Gents and Boys' Siioeg,; Chit. diens Slwes,and Slippers, Clocks Watches, Gold Rings, Pens and Clines Stationary:and -Yankee Notions, you cant hit u miss. _ Great Bend Apr.29th 1851. New Goods. 'Er AYDEN Sc, urn, stock of New Goods hove arrived. coMpriring a complete assort ment of Dry Goode, Groceries, [fardware, Stove Wipe Ziuc, Nails, Glass, Sash Wooden Ware Drugs aud Medicines, Paiute„ Oils, Fish, Flour and Salt. Also a first rate lot and good assortrne'ntof Ready Made Clothing , , of almost all descriptions. Boots and Shoos, ILIA, Caps and Rounets and almost everything, usually found in a country Store. Our Gooos mutt be Fold, and shell be, at the very lowest possible prices. Our friends ese ted to call and look at our stock. Produce of most nll kinds, wanted in exchange for goods by the subscribers, _ HAYDEN & LITTLE.- Na* Milford bray:lst 1851. . - 13Ti . S.Jap;Thlq.cl7-iil just O c eiv. , , t y an t i tom g C LYONS SON,. PAPER raga wanted, at • 7'URRELVS. WHEAT ..!..ua ,Buch Wheat Flour for aule at D. R. & al;c. I.lFunged Lind Lrmigs, just retelvt-tl by - TYLER. - - filuutros..Fo). L 3141851. extrusion aizes v..z.A and best gOalitieti for pale by . TitOlVDitltidE,- lAIWE'I page, Vutbrull4e, 'Dramas, fitone-wurc7:llluNs U :ash, Putty,Tiu ware ets., by BENWLEX - 84 HEAD. _ S HOOES—A gencia. I usortme.nt or Ayes gaimi cheap st . .LIME Zr. EATON& - 131 1...a.T.1.:11LY'5 . V.011 § just treceived and for sale b s t A NOT.I.IEIt large lot .of the A llay AMU Shawls, paean- 11: eel red—alao,..'dou‘slulu De Lain , s uud triughaaaSfAxa vciv..6l , tt e.:STLC): ILE&D AcAul , nitp AL. SUSQUEHANNA -iiOLDElni, .111oNTnese, , MITE Trustees re!Toctrully Inform tho Public that the A. Third Term or the Atmitroll° Year or this - dnatitattmt Win Cull,ltnoice,on To es.lny, April 29th, with thu ' It.i.kn oP INSTNITTIoN. • l'rtar.iLeatuel U. Waters. PitTSCIPA 314 y J. Crawfhwt,Prereptresa. - Lorenzo Lyons. A. 11., and .311$s A. A. P. Bog. era, Assietint Teachers hi the Aeiiilemio and Cliasical llepartmeato. Misi Caroline Tionnusn, Superintendent of the Prime . 71 DUpartUICIII. Mies Emily Blackman Teacher of Music. uatay IL Walter " Berman. • There are three academie term in the year. The first coratnettelog• ma the tOth slay of Sept., of 15 ireeka. Tlieslon theTthday op e n. of 14 weeks, and kholldrd on 01.291114 y of A fo 11of 14 woke. There are. thaw, vacations In nit Winter and spring of two weeks each end nue of lire weeks in the summer. PRICIN ON TUITION. Thr studies of the. rrimary Prpnrtment, $ 7,60 per year Tito Connnulirancliel , of theAcadenilectl . . Drag rtmrut, entl,ra ring Ileading,Spell , - IVriting. trithmctlr , Geovrophy, 0 nil (lrummta, - 15,00 " 'rho hlirhrr Grouches, aG the Aeitlemic . -. ‘ - ... department.. - - _ - - lB,OO " The studio. of the Massieal Derntruent . • Latin, Greek ono Eivneh. with Mom oft be tleattentleajDnixrtnient,ltt whole or Dart - - - - - 21.00 " 11uple with use of Piano, ' ' 30.00 " Pr:owing and Painting, { . 15.00 4. Germun .1 15.00 " 1 - N IL It to the ileoreund part"e of the TrUAte4.4 tiv approprinte discipline-I,y the routs.. of study tiursnell. hy the t horpue,nesa ofithe inFtruet!on imparted and hy the fneilitles furniabed. in wore for this MIMI try n high stundine among the Literary lostittuious of the Mud to our land. N.M. PupHo front ohrolol.Nrighlrr to obtain hoard mo, Tor olvt• (Di ':rt 101 l to pinA.P Ly applying t o Alfred Baldwin or Win. 3. Mulford, counnlttoo lion. Wm. dESSCP,Fresldeut. • rt..r.mt, , ,, Frey_ Mastin S. Treisurer. Montrore, April 15,1550. M k.:CEJ.LANEO I IS A Card, Tsubsdriber walk! inform the public thnt he is new inittinz up in the old store of S. S. Milford; Ruch of his stock of Fonds he was enabled to save from the late clement:tine fire. where he will be happy to wait nn his friends and customers. [lid stock of Clothing wits principally saved without material damage. A portion of his Hots and i'aps. A tolerable assortment of Boots rind Shoes, Hs also, Books and Stationary, &c. If.• in tends making his assortment complete in the dif ferent branches of his business its soon as eirctim stntices will peron't ; and he takes this occasion to tender his acknowledgements In those throneh whose kind aid so mirth was saved which otherwise hove been Inst. Those indebted to the sobsoriher most flow see the necessity he is [older DC rant:Ma in colleetions. nod he imlttlaes the hope that they with step promptly forward to diseharee. tmeh todebt• nern GEO. FELLER. Moo:rose, May 7, 1851. . More Good Netts. • jea to the World. LA I; 11 & y:ATON, having adopted the Ready Pay syr tem, Ashisli has decided advantages over:4l.llr rs: ' LlagißecreiJty(!e !looms. both To haver% anti sellers lin 110 W offer to the l'ohlir ' , Odd b'etluirs Iliad, ettrner to/ . Turnpike' and tiuir in.w. extensive, and cheap nriatirtment or Sl•n.!, Goods. whirl: have halt selected with greet enve as to Chegifittt Sirerin.) • • • beauty of style and .Mobility of nrtiele. Our Crock o: Tr i A 31 - %:0 loci ret orne.t!frritn the city with a new sr: DUX ( - GOODS - t I -1,1:ou id plat es, caeca, chemlrals, Jttr.; the nntlet.'l he can give ratisfac ion to alt.l embraces a great variety of every dear:4l6in, IMO Tit., glie.i b.ria aiisitr...l thar Prints from 4, to 1 A per yd.-, 1,5''10ya, , , tn,vy .111 , 14 - 44 r. ' . I, ' ci , h a ••, , rrect c , litints.," • Among lay.now Toth:lli-a I Lawns lspr yil; Al:Taros :::: do; a great variety nom:pros, urk - a , 1124' ta1 4 .3"1t found Jrnily Lind, Papier Olathe. and i clotha.silk ceilings:. and a great variety of Ladies dress-i I*. '' n ' *). I-nok c '''' ' '' Pl "'"' 'call and eX3H'in° ti ' b " e " 1 Goods. Also a I.:age stock of Piet err:. m 0 0 ...,: shishtti n Crayon Digit "ere. typo taken i I.IONNP,TS. rem :toot's reiribratial Ila..sicactitype ofJettny Linda Yours Articiiiially, W.ll. DEANS. from it, to 'jail. Ribbons Is to 2m pr yd. Al-n Oroeirriea, Nfort , rn,..latr. 15. 1'.4 . 51. ' ' - Crockery, llnoti and gh . ,ea of every description. Itriat —-- . -- • -: - -- irriresplild fOr 1 . 111:41‘14 of produce. i Bp/it:and 6haved.shuTta - es l i 11.rfocitl. May S. 15.11. , N ' ex.rollent article. (warranted) kern rototan tie • Admilistrator's 'dale, A. 111111.1 and for sale rig ( lit at. tho slarip :tiff Ite eubariihrr. 3'4 miliiii North rat MulltrOge. OD the Chenartiotumplke MO net: is hirrayttivert that in pursuance of an order near:Dania itanehers. :.tune 1,1830.7 V.l3'. ALLEN.' Al of the Otpharui Court of the County of Susluchanna there will loo'esiatairli to sale by public vendue, in the- , , Sole • leather - • •.. ,... Township of Greet Duni. the two following described pie rnish sole ma or part•tls of land situate In the aahl towneltip of rI III R irnbaer'hers nre now prepared - to fu Great !lend. county aforesaid. The first bounded as fob 1 Loa th. T lit any unimtity,of Pratt ik *M.'s nuinuter• lone to wit:' 'beginning at a maple no the bank of the rare at !lie uml3ufecturers parrs , Those wlitiarein want of a ll rat rate article, at low prices. ore rail urated loran Stoluehitana river, thence north lia.f a degree west one hundred And 14)ttY-sit perches to - a-post, thntr.? north:: amt '•!‘",,iirle our Kuck. •-I '. ILIYDEN lc 1 . 17 / 1 / 1 - rightymine and a half degrees east one hundred and six N:isr 3 1,1f.,ti1.1aii.'2.:ith.1;147 Perches to a leo'tir thenee 'south one hail degree cant, one lri INC; ER RING:••-•-a- new and splendid as. hundred end sixty perches to a beech on the bank of the 1 . . . sort ineut just. received and for sale cheep by Futquehanna river, theme, davit: said over bank to tbe W, D. TROWITIITDOIL place of beginning, containing one hundred arid one i — . 1 acres be the same Mate or IPl l l l .be ' rig mostly hsProvrd• andhaving a good dwelllog house, ti.trn. out houscs.frult • trees dm thereon. Thr second, bounded on the north by laud , of P. Storeinsn, - on the east by lands of William Armatrong and nil the south and west by lands of Jere. mint, Itnlorr, containing fifty acres, or theacaloints. Sete to he held upon the premises of the first 4,1 r Aro . ihryl mem. on Saturday the 7th day ofJune, at 1 o'clock P 31. Trews to be made known on day of sale. JONATIIIN TAYLOR, Adm'r. May G, ISSI . New and popular School book. 0 051PI:E1l min VP! SUMMARY of UNIVERSAL MS TOttY. to-tethet with a 111.0011APIIV at COSTING 1.1:411 ED PE4SONS, ti which foi apranaled an rtatatur of iIEATHEN :MYTHOLOGY, NATUR A PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL ASTRON OMY - and .PHYSIOLOGY, Adopted :ITO 'lced In the PubUm:holds of PMlade:plan B. S. JONES & Co., Priblisitvr.„ S. NV, Car. Fourth and Ilact• stn.. Phan Teach Pr , ' and schnnl Comm' ttecs duldrlFing Ice t..rx to us post paid, Win be furnished with copies for examina tion. w- A fell and completeasgoittnent of Ilwolts awl Si: tionsr)• to/tale:a the Lowest Prices. Great Attractions, unutzitirr b, ',Yr receiving MA genera! simply 01 • oeaia for the spring trade, olden will la:found nu usually extensive oval at:Mei:re, itartieuisrly itt pti: CPF. new styles and kinds of ladies Dress. .;nods, Sllllllll4r shatris and raunttlla•. n' tit a general assortment of staple groat. sririei, if❑l be geld no tile mess favorable trims IPITV Stl.. I%M. New gold Placer ! Trementionx Excitement I ! Head o; Nav4zatioit again revived .!! 1 AS mentioned last week the goods are still. iu, and the sutiscliber t wouid inform his customer+, and the public that he him 'mode or ratigemelap to have goods from the eity MONTHLY and as his purcliaSes are mostly for mob. be is de termined not to be undersold or otudotM by any untis, or u,Nir srontherpers this side of Sitimmtett to LIGUTS, and With many thanks for past favors, he would most respectfully invite one and all who buy for cash, us well as those Who pay reasonably well on time,to give hint a chance to suit and please them. dl. C. TYLER. All that certain piece or parcel - of laird situate 1 lying, and being iii the toWtishitfef Bedard, in the{ County of Sommeltanna,..bounded and described UP roilturn, to wit: 61thilii1141 at 'a heap of 'stones'inl an original hoe between die Drinker and the Poyn. I tell's estate, being the smith east corner oft' lot ofl land staveyert.to Niles 13.„Guilel - thence, by the said Drinker's estate, sr Mb degree west 141 perches to a pest und stones ; thence by hinds, ! o f Win. KIIIIIII, EnUtlf degrees, west j.percliesi in a past and stoney; thence b y lands. of Joseph Peck. south 65 degrees, 1616 Pcreitri W U WWI. and stones; thyme by lands of Haden Fuller North 454 degree's. west i2l perches; to posk arid' strop s; thence the s . to it 44 'del:roes W:lqi 1206 perches to poet . and stole's. in a Ithe.of ,a'lot !of land Surveyed in Datum Tingley ; thence by land of widow Richards, north 46 degree s east 29 perches to a post and slimes tortnerly . tt sugar tree; ' thole, by lands formerly of Jacob P. mum, north 831 degrees east 57 5-10.percItes to the centre of the Rifillardsett Road; thence along the. Same south GOI legates east t' porches ; thenco Booth' ililj de na i ? es e a s t 130 peteirss ton plait, n cornet of the Blake lot ; .thenec Mein! the centre of the mid rea d stu d alias, Guile toi,lll and-by laird of tI i said Gnat-. North soyetny• fa' degrees east . one Itruntired nod Kevetity,,one nut! Rve,tent h perches to the place of beginning, centaining 244 noise Mid j 395 'perches. strict measure with the appintenan; B rw ARE I : ces, one fratnetiponse nueratned barn and wa. gon hepse,ine orchard, and about 70 acres itu. TlLEhereby Public urnhereby especially Optioned • proved. , . , against, paying high prices for Goals. It be-1 Token in execution q le suit of C. C. Birge lug nu longer nece.sary—us • ! vs Gershuni • POST & . . - C. M. GERE, Sheriff. Are now receiving one Of the best stocks of mer- herirs °flies, Mittitrnie; chaudiso in the county—consisting of Dr y Go*ctds, April 34185 . 1: •• , Groceriet, Crockery,. Boots and 'Shoes', Huts uud ---7 " - Ii Lo UR Caps, Bendy , made Clothing, - etc. which they are • and Salt for sale at setliug eLf fur ready fiuy at priceti. so low-as to as- - idni/th all who-examine, the goods.-. More !tertian ha's hereafter. " : -POST& PITTS :Men 04e, May, Montroke, May 1. '5l varii‘ty, aim flue cassAncrcr Oand more of tout nice black French Broadcloth for ante ~ tamil. few, by M., C. TYLER. CARPETING, mutts acid matting, at - TvLen't; 100 Barrels salt, tdso 100 sacks gi:oand Ruck suit, washed. u moot. splendid article for dairvtnen at eub.critpeix; favors and would respectfully call the tit tenliun to all Persons who wish-t.O bny_goods cheap to call at their store ode dour east of the Wick corner,und examine their Flock olgoods. A. - , euerai assortment of Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Hollow-ware, Groceries, slinet iron, and tin ware, 'stoves and stovo trimmings Con stanilron hand, and orders fur tim_eupper, and sheet iron ware, promptly atteaded..to: D: R. LATHROP & do. 'Montrose. April 29the 1851. . Executdrs Notice, `SriT[TF.Lrtiers Tostithieutary , to . the V• .Estate of Ilarriet N. Ifodgo, deceased; late of dm boreughmf pundutr, hove been grouted to the Subscriber, p,rsons indebted to said estate will maks immediate payment, awl all persona ha4ing demands • against said estate will present theta for twttlement. . E.LIS,HA rtuNN 'Her; 1bui.145, April 3:),Acisl:' - 10 w 6 , MISCELLANEOUS .ADVERT'S. Farms; for THE ouirreribtr, will . art 'as gent for tho - prtrate srle or (teal l'aitte...—Yorm.s,.lluurer cod Lots—loca ted In Sur.tuebenno: county, ra: whn with la oiler Muir InuPert7 for *ale eau give a minute descripii.m of thtlOraruur or Lot as fottows : 'Number of acre,: how ninny improved, and iIOW w at „ma; Buildlogo ;.crehord; grafted or common rrult ;tither fruit trees . ; nod :Annie rreeiri•hotr far from Mon tripe, mid notrwr !mint to avlepot ou the New York & 'Erie ; germs of rayntent. AU who with tosell orpurcbare Real D i m., w ill ulna prompt Attention by. calling on or eddrerslng tue at Mout re.e, tbg.outhantia county, PA. frr Conveyaric o front 31oniroto to the iwainitetfier of charge. Oilier on Turnpiliiistrect, 4 doors wett . ot tho Brick corner. . Thu following Farm Ana Lot o aro oow offorsd for rata No. No 2, 1;4.0 80. arm, p) 20 lin protrikfraina 'lon ro and "Cara do do . do • do No. 5.100 do 60 do N 0.5, 70 do 40 dd No. 6.110 do 'as do- No. 7, S lore, Wareltauge and Li.t No. 8,145 acres 75 ImOrO ' ved, frame) k"sa and bra• No. D. 52,4 do 35 do. do do, • do Vo. 10, do - ET ,do do - do • d.i No, 11.- do. do - atl. Lot • No.l2:loOnCiesn Improved,framed bosom ood barn 5.13,340 do 290- du An • .do • - do- • N 0.14, 50, do 50, do' do do do .; N 0.15, 104 do 80 do! -* d'o do • 'di • N 0.17. /00. 4.'775 - d 0... do • do ;10 N 0.18.112 do 80 do do do do No 19, 200 do 150 do do • do do • No. 20. 145 , do iou 40 'do - do , . 'do No. 21.19 0 do 120 do do 'do • do N 0.2- 90 Ti do 45 do do !. do ! . • • do N0.'23, 45 ,du 30 do ' do: No. 24. 2,1.4 di, 223 - 4.1 , • • do - do do No. 25. 125 do 1.4 do do do No. 26,190 :do 140 j do' do do . N 0.23. 11 oi•ros j.Tocd sox 10111 nu , t di941109. N -2,). 134.11crex, au 4a proved, trame Louse oodbare No. 34:175 do 100 •• •' No. 31.135 do 03 ' l . " No. 32, Igo do 135 " " • " "' No. 0.160 d• No. 34. 150 d,, lop • I ti it I) II No. 35, 150 80 i. a, Nn.30.300 do 170 '4l :41r sc • It - No. IT, 190 ' do .140 Ia No. 3.5, 170 110 100 11 . 11 11 1 . No. 391173 do 00 'do di do do 80 .10 43 dodo •do ' - do No. 41 191 •do 550 tln - do di' do m 0.042 72 do 59 _do 110 . 110 do • No. 44 139 do 115 do - do do. do • No. 15 819 do 200 do do .do • do , No. 4G. 120 nerve So heprorod, frame house and barn and I..lier mill. . N. It —Perron,. desir7n; to purrlirise any orthe abon by gising thonuatbci can obtain a full , Weription ALFRED lIALDWIN. Ilontroxe. Pa. Ortoher.lßs4.--44tf. . T Ye() MING Camay 4nnuranc- Company—. • Ti« laulersiaited a trot for' this well "kilowti and loog established institution resp , etfully littorals the politic that he wilt r•lceive uppliactuotis for in agaiiini fuss or dainiwo , by fire to (lila/Env Goo4q. Furniture, 4:(•• 11. It. Lvoss, dllont.mse. Apr; 9,'31: tf Tailorin TOkIN GROVE.S, the well 'ionvO. Tailor has fl again made his tiopetiratiee hi Rltiattose; to op erate in-the obey,. earned ISLISIIIC#S stood directly over. Luthrop'S Dry Goods Ftore:nod would :wain trader his services to tho public, nun nlieits their patronage.. Nlakilez and Cutting done in the milk approved ei vie of the age, and dune on the ',hottest noncoms usual. ; _ Al•tiorrlg e , F0L12..'5/. Valtiithie Medicines., N co , rortuts•nt of Met prcparCal by A. Woodcock, 11 amsistirt'orlttiqumutter,octurc. Sproinnud Itlng4 hone lAM•suncnt. Pain dindrqing compound, specifics nom. Lineament, of Lem on. Wittterzroeti, Ciumunnti4ll..mtork, Sanonfras, AMR. I.q.d,Jcr.,;uxt re , eived and for g.alo by ~• 12:n T v, nr6L.4111).".. IN - hW T L: Post St Co., are now reeeirinfrTrota New York a 1. fine ret4ortrnent of New fteo,ls sailed to tbe tear ea which they offer for fa!e no tt'rta. A. No 1. Itilla of faio next wvek. 310 n trnie, prlll6. ew Things .1 UFT eiv ea by 111.. outtArri,ber.S.igns. Coffee.Tobsera Salt. ilrua.lol/All. Sheetihe.. Batting. lVucidiug. &c., • null •ill he sc , ld nr tow tu , the titnextrilludmil. • 1 AP - min.:le Sept .19.1559-i : N. .TYLER. , bheriff's Sales. 1?1' virtue of a writ of Vend Ex. issued out of U the Court of COUII/1011 Pleas' of Susquehanna cbmity. and to nie directed and delivered, I will expose to public sale nt the Court Muse in Mont rose, en 3londny the:26th day of May, A.D. 18.51,' at 1 o'clock the iittorest of W. P. White, in and to all that certain piece or parse! of land ,notate, lying and being in :the township of Rush, County of f'ilttscinehantin and State of Venn:viva. hoinided and described as followi, to wit:— Ott the north by lands lig posizeNijon of JtAppli, White nail John Bradshaw ran i by lands of Daniel Daher nod said Bradshaw on the south hv lands in the possession of George and Perrin 'Tupper. nod nn the west by binds of Cal b contitinina about mine hundrill and twenty se.yen acres is the enniei more or less., tokether with the uppartenanc , e) ono frantril letuse. one ntw-tnill: one traluM barn, 'au orchard and abont sixty-five acies l intproved. ' Token iii'i•zreentiou tit] the 'suit of George-De via is. W.,T. White. , ALSO.' - • • Water.: Cue,.. Mount Pro3xei Waer Cure Estiilitishm' Bineuzniton,,Br'p(ime'Cb.,.lV. _ • . . Ilia establishment isdedinlittelly fonatccl it the base . of the raountain front which It takes its ; name, end commands a dellefitful sdeii or the Chown - we and sue quelonne rivers with their rleh and heautll itsables., - • The" Cure" Is now (vett Or. the'reroPtlem: 4 na lreab• meat of Patients.', The Insti tuto has been successfuli tt ftenrlngetho aid pair d, B. Barrett, Inte'or New lark whop Inn exnericner tn - Uptronathr Is aullletent guarantee to the ptttroutt of . this . Duititution that, they will hr abundantly cared roe.) —" lilt lettere 4c.,0p profassionst bushimm most be ad dressed rd D Burgett at the Cur - o. Cninmuulehtlons ? 111 .Y *Li re,xi ,1 1 gist Ala ost. pak—ott. DRY GOODS, GltiiaERIES, &a. I Latest Arriiral;of ifesir.Goeds. • - ive'air. Icor:ohm la new trad- iteatral :atm*. "of jrateta ortilehlnvite the atteallas of they:Alla." (hums_ Wholl is h .hux goods chew . faCtbo-C tad) —.011111c: vall to call awl see. .. • • _ r: LaTiUttq it CO. October IL. 1450 ' • • , . , , IVANNEOr-socks, stocklais; Wooll'lrrtasn; thkallate Whlta Deana; Fla:reed audt:ll ithado etprWaoe. - - - ton LAT.IIIIOI/ ir. CO. A Vitt T;- - _ -HE sutseriberulalie - this oPiortnnity el tett ' during their sincerer audio *their customers generally, at only for therierYliber.al Paltering* bestowed) upon them during the pail's's. year*, bat also fort the .prompmesiof their -paintents—enli beg leave to soy they have tommeuced theyear with a determination to.keep-a general Andrei as. 'sorts - nem of good GOODS, which will be - gold era us fitirorable terms for Cosh. ProdalePW 6 11 4- "'d credit, iss cuu be botight ii any - other- eeteblisti silent this side 6 the city: - • - - BENTLEY # READ.: , Montrose. Jou. 8.1850.,_._ • - do do do= do• do do . ' ttIEAPEST-yet,Ricefi cts. per,poniti, 8134 V - § 4.1, :Satcruttto 7. di.. Candles 321.014 ,13 t:sisins 123 emits; for cast), just:44lsed stud In t , ale ' • LYONS ac 80114.' J.New hment 11E' secret or success In business, Osculate in great 'lowlier in keeping the petalc apprised td one's Oben* , Louts, and ot ti, kind OtgoOdi and wares be hat co bow —conequentty, the. nods:signed Vets Inisdy to state. , th..t. having fitted up a room tiearlyoppurits VOW& Kuupp's old staled, and purchased* choler- assostosn t o 41) e... 4 6131112 MS in New York for C.4 8 / I ,conalsetug or Tea, e , ngsr,, Feel, Coffee, Tobacco,(studking andebewin6,'llict,ret,ryti' - 14pier.Storrho diotra,Ealerattus.ginget-Nulorge.Eigato ed. Soap, Candies, CoLtleb, llarketel, Bening Raisins, Ground Rock Salt in ratio for Derry and tali* use; Also, a Irtilifl or liotnede litealtdato. such se widen, an Inva luable remedy for Cold.; Drops, Wild ("hero am, Lung Wort,' tlongh ~. Neutralising Cordial, droond Flippo? Zhu at• .&04 Art or which are ottrretl to th e public at as, reasonable twice; • oreeady peg, either' in cash, Orlin -Butter, Cheer'', ; Envok.e..LUl can be•obtabsett erseitiele. Also, Drrits • Pain 14:111ar. LZi.DUL4AHD. Montrose. Ost 10,1850, - • '-New Graidls.''A ' • I At the hod of Plavicatioi . for court *rot:" A LT, kinds otgoods usually kep,k - 11/ coucitsy ..CA. expected orrslooday next.lnernding,Orangratieur.. nog. Fins, Retsina. Fresh Tess, dream goods ice,yideb wid be offered very low for the retelyall and seu._7 alontro,e, Aril 17, 1851. " " TYLER. , . firmoked Hrams aiid Stiotedess.. TiIOSE who havegood smoked barow !id shotildia Mir Tose or, will demon to hritig Mini to thi. 51 11816 here, as we ore wishing to piaci:woe 2000 lbs, mardlatctr nARIWN Feetts.ThaterfP llocheaterOardeti &edit Sans I.X opened and for Pala by,, J. LYONS IL SON.:, March 11. ' 10111 0 1e , 11-Ires6 (salted) Codtts, just:ups/tut au trig at 4 cents per pound in!ab-dawb.i ' 31a11e4 12.. ' J. L!9s3 ft SON. A NEW lot of Ladies - Rubber's, Bosikizati:di Gaiters--also geritlmonli; Rubbers. RhiPh. caps„ &0., just received by . -• %zit ItairiNUS and eldrtinr,s,footu to 2..,y( yards °same as high as b cts.par yd. = .1. LYONS ,it'2olCl tirw eurply of pool!Ottet receiT;do7l77 - 77! LYONS & . . - • . - fiew 00 1 fL, -: ~ •-• ....: -., . A frrsii sui,ply just. %ruing, a.m.l. pill be 'old .nt cwir ../1. usually low priers., ".. '- ' " LYONS it BON: - 1. _ NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS , ikc Take-notice. rtnrosE personisindebied thti subsexiber;er peciaily by book account are requested to, tend to the settlement of the earns, without - farther notice, ai time sufficient btas hien given end must not be eipected. '. l /Pl4-:0441 7 #0:, March' 25th. 1851.' ;, • • If ":!' THE subscriber wishin g to leave Town, curs ". for sale hisentiresmeels organs, Capi. - rete4 ether with the necessary toolv and fixtnrie for w Trying on . the !basin; busine,ss. Any-perrnt! hi,g ish to engage in 'bneiness 1. - Arixid opportunity , is tialO'presented.G'B ELDII,ED. March 26,'51. • • Take .Notice.; ALL persons indebted to old film of T H. 11\ Ilayden,ure requested to call,and settle tbs. mime as it has become necessary to have all each claims arranged inintedistely. i The Books and Notes may be found with the subscriber, at ibe store of Hayden it Little. I . • , _TRACY IietYDEN.! New Milford, March 25, 'M—l3tf. . New and. Valuable Invention- F . OR raising and lowering Carriage Tops.. The übseld.! Carriage hos procured the right for setting up earrings tope', with ti °china's patent handle, for raining and loweriug the name by a alight exertion with one hand while ,sitting. in the carriage and would invite the 'public to call end! examine thin valuable intfoovemeitt at his earring. olok• ing entablirbrnent to 31ontiose. -11LNRY CLEIIOIO3. e 34. - ant • _ .• Last Call. 1 •-• •. rrlttecrounts of the late Arm of Eldred & Neweosnh.l must be settled. those Indebted ran settle elth the bseriber until the first . day of May oat, after they may found with ft JIVItiCe 'I3.II4LDRED. ,liinntrose. 'April 15. -' . _ Nm,GOOpS ORANGE & Lernoni.—A fresh' lot just te= epived and for vale by the hundred,`dtrzeii, or. i s;ngle, also. raisins just n. . Also -fiuuzsr:Wo men's Coif Lace Bootee for saleby. ••- ' • • , I - , BULtARD:: ,_ _ . r Timothy iOtElt and Thy Seed for sale by v. • • '• ' LYONS It, eIIANDLIZit N ENV' supply of goats N OURS, of voriou& patterns,- receiv day, and: forealo cheap I,v'. - - RENTI.E,Y7itt; RE par pairt _syciot will be . :paid in goc!2da Sari i../ tri atylut!ntity . oftood , en Bock, at • •., Poor & , . ( 1,011411 N E, Limp Oil, Candle* and Tallow.t • , r TURTIELL'I3.-, V. 1 1,ZW7 1 1 121 1 40,D 1 10- .Pll T tg r i c io r l e o d o s t "w Mock of!Pring sad iMerr.inte.ds! . . . . . . PLASTER,.PLAtTER ' • icgi to n s man lero,loo topeCaypglN Tor sato at Crest' Rend llepot.--lem3, , By W—EAGEB. ; .... ,-, CLOVEII- SEED IATATtjtANT.nu lame kind, for Mb by • V : T. L. POPP* 6. riENTIMITN wiFhing to boy 01014 ultabl i•rer chtei. tol clothing will 10 tucaltat ! Mackeielat 95V4 , er.28. , • . . ITT4NTEO-j—ricariel, SOCk", Lard: Butter. hefty,Trl ly 'igm, Beeswax, Ohl Peltier Oraio•lce. • • - • . • - s- A . fresh supply of GrocorieftlOSl'epoooffrodlor tato Cy J.' Lynne it SOM .ign pa id for /laughter Wei, delleereir Ghee': Pt tannery. ' CTlONoisit 'WANTED 20.1v00 of Oats, obi of Rye .eftd Cora fet•whielf pries will be , paidie cub or. Ueda by ~- • . : • • 1)41 4.. & kAV sau,:x , 311.121,0 a Ingtptumt.iiind Prrfirrit.l 6 B"sskettles, - fi'esh tr iaekerel, codfish: kW Union hits - thresh" . by 4M.0. TYLER; 'QllEEPstictireltirietle 6p 7 • 1 kJ - -• • • J. IXONS, SoN. A 900 D stack U *- 0 0 i$ 4Pa . idtWe-11411 ' D. It. r e . iiald 1 DRI, & Co. HALE and loultouud Pulnl4u guegi. ii, "eurimint at. • ' fl. R. I.`und Co:''' . 'IRT.4NTED—=' fifiy• tans good coal iuaxel!anka f.' fat plowa and - ctu34iuga. • * MILI,S. • - *Mantrosa, Sit n:8,1851 ,-- = • • ' 9 7- moroor Oa* Orange ea tit, papa end a - Ul~uthei isiadior IA • 'TiLzata, BENTLEY 81.1tEAD Candlerjeul received and gni e by' RIM Limn • & CHAV DUCA' 'lt Garden seeds fur rale by ' ' • ' . LYONA & CIFANDLItEL C snow lot foi sale by Turrtr& 11. 3. WEE t 1