The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 01, 1851, Image 4

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    • ars;,,,e, .r,•••••• , • Inv
kviopk:' hit Beason
• •
:DO swell Eis‘hponitig . u pon''
0 11 94,14004 - 4hiclEttre' are to center . - aneiv
into strife with,-.op . pcusinr-influenee-with
raj - pwkdrought, tasects.svorms, - and a—;
multittide.ofotherieneinies- 7 in order to pro.
vide atiotheryeaVssuihdi• of-food the
inbabittrnia`of.the=treild..'• 'lf we desire our
labors to be rowardedby . the beat 'siccess;
it ik - Of +hit importance that We begin• in
seaeok Put ell our implements: in, working
order, andifin vast , many • instan eel we
were tninbstitata new , and_ ones
the old the balance'sheet at
the keh4 ruf the year would. show. a larg*--
, amount Of profit:' " , A' fbw days' Work re
pairinklind irtoriler, wilisage
much vei?tion i a4,treit,lde ( ' w hen the hurry
and bueoe arrives; then - a,
brolito,,pionglii barrow, or cart inay remain
at tha blaekatnith!a for days; `waiting to bo
repaired; while Welire losing the time which
we. should be improving, and placinA our
selvesiwaaitnatioa to be driven by . our
-entire: season.
The:ilOta of it crop depends' much, upon
Its being SoNii."iii planted early; a few
delas olten reduce the. Yield One-half,
andienaiion avast amount of unneeessaty
gratoblio "bout ttio .Widter is
thefarmer'aleitufe time, during which ho
should"fi t ieremp the profit and loss • and,
wherciboTlatfeolii been incurred,: Change
thq i niothod.which..was the causo of -it .1.1.
Alio lay plans and calculations for the:com
. there is sufficient `thee
to mature ,them, se, that nothing may be
don'e . unadvi3edly and without thought; but
when alltplining is deferred until spring,
there is but little tiina-for reflection. and
the results, that crops • are put in without
half the Care'and attention which should be
bestow OPOis them.': - ,'WOrlecannot be sligh
tecf,iiith and the half bushels at
thif'CU Of;the season Will prove the mis
take. t a
With 'nhoting and cousining all done up
and every thing in order, yow are ready to
tetra advantage of the season ; so ,dolng,
year' basineSs- 'tvill' be :prospeious, your
nights, p4aefm in and,-your days free from
If anyi of corresrpen4ents will detail
the,best method bf -cultivating the • sivebt
p otato,atid :more especially; the manner of
preserviniit thfough . the_ winter they will
plasefinelas'iliv4t 4:diet eSculent, under
obligati° '- i , • •
vnurri. * --;Plani.ent cuttings of
grapeg4osiberry, currants, &c., as early as
practicahle; and. if they. "have been' kept in a
moist place during the winter, and are plump
and well jecinditioned,i they. will -soon make
roots. I'linsiii - ofthit4titelierry and currant
shonld have all the. eyreis removed, except
three*lfonr at dip, Op; as this means
the,irriill'picidiice on single stalkitand throw
irp ;pd,sackers.,"' Grape: cuttings should be
planted two ayes out, and . all cnttings should
be partiallY shaded nr:thei - will not take root
-with" 'certainty: particularly true
• witli thir grape. ' " '
VaErttlfts;- goosehrries, • and grapes; two
years &nip:the cuttingashotad now be trans
planted', place; and in putting them out
be wire Pet only to;adig - the boles as large as
yott'ineend , tbe roots ttieltpand. but also to
a depth'tif it least two {feet, filling lip the
space_ previonsly occupied:b,y . the sub-soil
_Vat* Frady, but not
vith . fermenting manure; for small fruits it
should ..ither 'well" isintegrated with
muck . 4, ohareoal or:-of quality not
liahle• ti';i heat.). The gooseberry is a rank
feeder. Las Isnli as. tbataspberry, and is,ca
pabie oippropriatinglirgo amounts of an
' imal ntannre9 to it§use.
Stra4iberlies..-1-,Olein, dress, and fOrk
.: • -
Grape rtneslmosert the 'earth abont
their ,fonts'ati inannrea Swamp
monk Which.: hen :2been deComPosed bye the
salt andlime mixture; Answers o good pur
pose.. bones buried near the roots
of gispe . vines will sonn-belsTip'ropriated and
daringlhentimitii-t.esta,little potash water
will burry up ‘ theitantion:
Quies...Dscnot' believe tbe old . story
that.itunees Will take cure of themselves. .
Mannro them well it'yon want fair fruit. . _
Eys', Tu*.v. :7 ln an interesting vol
utne, entiOsil Ascollcctions of Ceylon, it is
asserted • that 'Eve l 4lmle...4efi. (kadura
gh,rka is, there alOimnon tree, It is of me= z e r its leaves nine inches in length by
three in width, with ttenty' or,more strong
fibrts Wm:l46W Offliom - each side Of the
Its'frilits are attached to a
stalk Of considerable,lenthoind are pro
ducedin pairs. _TIM ; appearanUe presented
to be very peculiar, hay
ingthform•of an apple ofeommon kind,with
about . ime-third-bitton out.'; It is not edible,
andTfil t agordeCiii..ii;MOst deadly poison.
IVben. finnan:if:4, ft exudes a juice ortnilk
so acid, -that a siugleTcltop falling on - the
skin immediately raises a blister. "The out. ;
sidelsaystbd author, "is of brigbeyellow
color, !and the inside 'it idep' crimson. It
contains a` black seeds; like
the'plPs'Al . an apple„ embedded in a quan
vity otscorlet colored pulp. I.have counted
fifty-c;ignt?of these -seeds - in
Wheteripe;the frriii - hurste and the seedsi
fall mit ;Am ; 4?utside ...signets up,. but still
sdherb3 to the stalk for a considerable timel
i. 4 iIoNEST,:OIMTVAIRY.--A, WestPrn
papctoinnouncinglhe - sleatir of a iesident,
of the county, says
"Ife b ! 34113; flil44i:deatb by tot,' fresnen,
tly niiiiiiingit.,the:ussunee of the still-worm
which soon placeit-bitte in a lion-travelling
condition. -- flo,lo ; ppltbp-.nigtst, previous
to bis,,death near,a.moton.giiiin this,place
and R,S IninC.tpaaate .on the Jollowing
morningfor medimitaia-tci be of . toneb im
portineo in`stObiebis 'breath,. He had
been IL' regUbw laat big( cen
tury: • '
Anion7 t - gin" " ee!inaltien: l eddea Pl* tbp
ScheOptediP.aketo, epoignito's
der, containing the sauli 24 .misera; and
the futtifininc , hf:).Z- .. kieterlA—nearly half
-moms so -rapid
tin they, kflopithead t intiiinnoil send. "
SP tainsatre KNo6uNas.—'And do yoxt
believe in the spitituons knockings n 404
Mte. Partington'asahe leaned : fcrvara
over the tablnand bother eyes upon the
individual who' bid:: narrated some !queer
thingS be had learned in Springfield; ,-, ... 4 x
I would like so -to lave :poor Vaal : vim e
back l' 4 gentiti rapping upon amold eliest:in
the corner attracted their 'attention, and
the party immediately'surronuded 4(
it. , - , ,11
it is Paul's aliPTChePstoll:!.: said', m . r?„'Pi-,
'HI kithilell answer; me. - , Paul, -is that
you ?";Knoek.,:' Just" like bite ' said slie
smiling, - , "when he was Wing be usetobo
always' tapping t whenever we haffan thing
in the house to 'tap--didn't you pia r
Knock. , "Dies that mean yes, ar - nO r---;
Kn. 04;.:, 'Whialt.. does' it mean ?",Knock.
Some of the'party suggested that the alpha ,,
het should be Called, which'was done.,u--
-" Are you in want of anything?" Ittieek!
.t What is it ?", and the arfzions spectators,
through the Medium of the alphabet, Spelled
"Mae "It is Paul I : exclabned Mrs:
,Partington,',"that is the" way he always
1 spelled it. Do you want me to come to you
1 Paul ?" The answer came hick, "No I'm
in better company." The old lady, turned
away mournfully—there was a sorrow in
the wavy lock of gray that struggled be
neath her cap border—there was a quaver
of grief in thy tone that inquired for seis
sors-7there was 'a misty vapor on the spec
glasses like the dew at half mast, trailed
in wo over the ruin of disappointed affection!
At this instant the cover , of chest opened.'
and bead of Ike pr.( trading, disclosed the
secret, of the knockings. " Ah, you rogue,"
cried she, a smile dispelling all evidence of
disorder ; "oh, you rogue,- .was it you '?-=
You'll never 'be a, good spirit, rm,afraid, as
long as you live, if , you, go on so. You
shoulderet.try to freighten people. I know'd
it wasn't Pant." - It seemed as if a whole
basketful! of sunshine, had' heen upset in
that rootrOt was so . pleasant all the rest of
the evening 1 . , i
Pne day a fat her sent his son for some
beet, giving him the jar but no innney,
"How shall I get the beer," said the boy
when Pie no money."
, The father who perhaps thought cif get
ting it on credit, answered. "It's no trick
to obtain beer for money, but without mon
ey it is a trick."
The boy considered for a moment, and
then ran off. In a short time he, returned
and handed his father'the jug. j • •
" How. shall I drink," began the , father,'
"thera is no .beer in it. .
"Yes,' raid the boy. It is go trick to
drink when ther's beer in the jug, but to
drink when it's empty, that's a trick."
o'clock on a December night when the ther
mometer stood in the neighborhood of zero;
a party of wags bailed a farm house,,in„ a
boistrous inahner. The farmer sprang out
of his warm bed. drew on a few articles of
clothing and ran out to see what was wan
ted, when the folloviing dialognu occurred";
Have yon any hay, Mr.---?"
"Plenty of it, sir" ,
iI -
" Have you plenty of corn
" Yes."
'.,Any oats ?"
" Yes.,
"A plenty of meat and breadstuff?"
" Yes."
" Well, we are glad toa hear it, : for they
are very useful articles in a family !"
The party then drove off, leaving the far
mer to his ruil,e: ions
He that dies a martyr proves that he is
not a knave, but by no means that be is' not
a fool.
gam a ITo2q faZiee
Pennsorir k nist. :: INew Jersey--ix - attuned ,
All Pluladelpblaban s ' par ,State,at 'Morris, • failed
Bank of tr. States 13 ' " atCamden,Newark,
Bank of Chester coimty par' tlisabetinown and New
Do of Danville. par.' Brunswick, . , ..if
Do Delaware county do: StISFeX ~ . i • do
Do of Germantown do Trenton Wag Commuly par
`Do of Gettysburg ...r , talon, Dover N.
Do ofhriddletown .. X( New. 'fork.
Do °Montgomery Co. par:: - All City banks . par
Do of Northumbeend do? Albany City . , •
-Do of Pittsburg- - - N?AlhorkyDreliFogi.- .. ~ par
D o 4 gusq. co.- no sale /..ttlaptie, Brooklyn, • do
Carlisle - ' - I'f ?,Atlus,Clymer, .30
Cliambersburg - 'h . : Bank of A1bany.......K.
Coltimblalikabridgetio. par: " America , failed
Doylestown ' do? " - Brockport ' -50
.." • Buffalo closed
Erie . 1X? " Commerce failed
Exchange • 34(' .. Olean -- • - do
Exchange., llollidays'gh ;1.; ; . of Corning , ip
IFarm , Bucks cbunty par? a, Newburg par
Far. fr. Drov., Wayns'g, Ai ? w Pawling , par
Parra., Lancaster Pox? " Roundont -.,, do
Farman, Heading de.' " Wesen N. Y. - . Wed
Faun., Schuylkill ce. do B a ii,t en springs ~ x
Franklin - • 74 4.tronklyn.• .' - liar
Harrisburg • , %.:Canal. Albany - 10
Honesdale, • , ••., i llatt ski I IPer_
Lancaster Pur(Conarnercial, Albany,.
Lancaster ce. ._, ~-,•,- de e - . ~ . - ome ga f a il e d
Lebanon .• d"? . " , - Balialo,elosing
Meech. & ltlanufae. • 3i,) Cattarauxus co. b.. failed
ilfmars ' Pottsville ' pot-City, Buffalo . faded
Mnpongahela ' ' LiiDutebess county, Pike par
West Brunel '_. . ParjErie county . ' , 50 ,
Wyoming ' . - ' Pa3yFarxecra', Malone closed 1
York , ,
~ At " Warwick. - do
' EELIEIi Notes 1 . 4 . Gaines do
i ffa i„,. _ _ 4 . • Seneca eo. do
Calais -- ( Tenn & Dray, Someri par
Mercantile - - - ape Farm., Orange:co. ;do
Arestbrook , - . < 4 Hudson' . _ 'do
All solvent banks ' AC? ' 4 Penn Tan cloud
Near Hampshire. ?Hamilton bk. - • &died
All solvent banks %Ilighland, Newburg . par
: Vetmont. . ellndscm Elver - do'
All solvent banks " r % e gina , -rh.o;, . _ do
ITlessesehnsetis. ' Kingston ; '',
' , do
All solvent banks m ~ L auringhteg •,
.' • K
mi , ie i s i no d. ii.oekpurt lt. &Tr. co. par
Hamilton - no sabyManufac'rs. Ilister failed
_All solvent banks " ii ?Merril- Ponglikeesie ' par
% . Canntfe tie et. ~ ?March. & Meat., Troy. ,v .
Dridgeporthank ,Mee. & FidinrAlbaDli `l.3i
City, New 'rea ' AI Mohawk •_ , .' ', Ai
1 counectient.tridgeport .KN. T. State, Albany,' •.X
Conn. Iliverldkr, Co. di' Oswego ' • ' 50
Danbury. Norwalk 'di ?Pacific, Brooklyn ' , par'
Nut Haddam is' ..)Powell, Newburg , .do
Exchange, Thetford di Pongbleepsle - - par
Fairfield CO. Al' Prattville ,pat
, Farm &Meas. M)Saratop Fprings -
Ilart&rd.. - , , .'.ll‘iSaratora county
_. .if
Iron, Palls Village ;42St. Lawrence ,failed
JetrettOity . - 4 ;Itaten island ' - !hire
Mechanics, NewlTaven if ?Statebk; of N.Y.', , - failed
Merchants, Norwich • _ - Xi:Schenectady • : - ::x
- ,X
Meriden, ,/Tanners,Catte. .. • ' ph;
Co. - Trwit I ,;par e
tidaletown M Troy City
31yetie-," - - Union;Suffido I filled
Sew llavea , , - , MjUlstertiourity '• •
New Ilaven Xe-Widtir_r foy's tidied
Nov Lotidog • ' ' X Water vielt • -'clottd
Noraiel r .if Weitebeßtermitinfy ;;par
Pbrolx, Hartford If All other banks
Quinebang;Noririch k'Delaware. -
Stamford - All - solvent banks
-1 ettiaitiNtali Maryland..
Thames, Norwich -wf t:timberland ..1
Thompeon ' i()Varmers;
•Tolland .1‘? Branches"
itiWW,te; Landon i Far. & lde;h., Fred. 3i
Whaling, New London ICiFell's Point - • 34
Nindham, MyFrederick
Windham co. Brooklyn .sj?linver de Grim, failed
• New . ei!ser. ellagerstewn - - I
. l
-Belvidere 3‘,.llereharda'
Br "
hturlington county pa.
Commercal, Path Am.- .14'
Fanners oft. Jersey,
;Aorta& Mech. Rahway X t
Tatui...and Blerctranta
plectuages,Entllngton. par
. . .
, -.. ' , Do • - -,l 4 levarici- Sipillothrrtiisnkli - ---, 3i
Merl. ecilui.,Trartan pi,: Dist. Colo tabhx.,
i Newarkirogic. l /04 0 ,_ do a!ioiratitlants , ,-i _1
Otartile,minq " - ' . _ Virginia.. - •
Oninot% '-' • - ' ". ' Mc,lthrof.& Meehan es t ' : 134
.oiplec Pattenon , parYAllotber Banks -! >': I;
Pow:aeon. , .' , me, Ohio. [
agelll irlig Company . doc All solvent baas ' X
nor Art , ArliD;rierir cmersiMr
alumna, cash irijuivance,•cielwodollars if radpaid
until the, end of ibe year; pr timed suinciiptimi.. -
, Napaper_wilibe,4lscontinuedtmtif:,arrearage s
ter ;midi exceptga the option.of the Poblishorx, •
, cOMmunitiationx tonst'be,: tour TAW', b?
ceiveattentien.l t • • •-• •• -;
All letterstcohnected *Ail:the office, should!),
directed to 13, Cassz;MontroSer-Sta2•
3:r Editors! (pee over X. ,C. Tyler ' i Store,
Onaisquire, (12.1inotorless,) 3 insertions, $lOO
_Each subsequent insertion, ; ' - .25
)ne Square, 3months, -• It •;• - • 2 ,50
I months.; • rt- 4.00
Business Cards, 4 lines oriess,, ••-•- , - 3.00 ,
Yearly •Advertisements, not over 4 squires. 7 00
One coluam, ono year', -;•,••• •..- • 30.•00
Yearly', AdvertisereAvill Ini-restriated to the'bu
enmesh) whiehithey are engaged. • •
3:1" The Pablishersihaving a large assortment
of Job Printing Materials, are prepared to execute
all kiudsnf ,JOB WORK With neatness andtes
4 * BLANKS-ot every description constantly
on hand, or printel'toorder..
. •
JOlrt 11. - 100tIOCIE,
AttorikeY at C.nme - Office on' Turnpike street,
owe doo west or the old Itegisier Printing Office, Non
1 •
'Great Bend, Prb—Office with. Cal. F. Lusk. '
iIIirAVEIG been appointed by,Glor Fish,of New York, as
IL n Commissioner for that Stale to take the proof and
acknowledgement of Deeds anil other instruments, will
attend to business calls In that capacity at his dike at
Great Bind, Pa. • • Seit.lo,lBBo.-1y
Tudhannack, Pa.; (Vice (a Siaries Brick Row
. ..
DFBthElkiCH In the house ,formetly the redden-to
1.4 Satinet Guile, deemed.
, . Garford, Deoctuber 25 4 BO; ' .
J. N. SCOTT, & co.
; 1 Montrose, Penn,a.
tabinet and Chair Matter ; cardes-onlbe ,
Wariness in nll Its varioui branches and on a large scale,
at the old etat4 of Smiths,St orenrazil Avery. ~
:TT 0 .11:1172 41,,r2 LAW,
(Office over Tyler's Store.)
I .9'. INCONS - 6L SON,
DEALER IN Dry Gook Haitheare,Crockery, Tin Woe
Groceries, nonktote.,l Also earkies on the
gook Binding•Bwilnees.
PuMie Avenue, Montrose, Pd.
(Shop over BaLiwin t s Saddlery Shop.)
: •
&Eike' &sliding ne4 &sin; to the Post Office,
Montrose, Pa.- , n t 2tf
STEAM, STElit7,i:gEA)l.l
The immense power of Steam as applied to
la now. has been, and will be, constantly -employed
turtv:lrdinn New and e...sheals Goods to the New
ant Ctsetap Fore of Lake & Eaton, where
st nR times may be :found an assprtnient, extensive and
varied; beantifal,Aurahle andcheap. Ourstock of
CnnFisting of a great variety" of every .description. 260
yards'of good orange and blue prints. at 8d per yard—al
so Prints of every other imaginable description, equally
beautful. and equally cheap. Bleached factory cloth 6d
per yard,.Alpaccasl2B eta. per "yard; and a variety of
styles of Polilins; M. Detainee; Woolen Elates; Meri
noes ; Cloths; Veattn g a; Case:lmams/all very good, and
goingvery cheap. Also
Good Teas at 3y 4 and 5 'shillings per ILi—Candles—Sn
gar—Salaratnea.—Soaps—Astiton and flock Salt—salmon
Trout.—in shot?, a geneial assortmentof cheap Grocer
les. Also . . .
In the rreatest possible abundance, or it least only ex
ceeded by ourasscirtpient of.
Which is really unsurpassed, consisting of Melt's and
Boy's Bootsand shoes, of ' every shape and, size ; India
Rubbers; half Galt era; !Jonny . Lind - Gaiters ; nd—and
—well, anything elseAhat is ever used as an article o
"covering for thebody." •
Any qu an MY of Sheep Pelts, Wool, Furs,Plannel, Oats,
Corn, It'lv'st, llutt•er.and Eggs. • •
N. It.-2 sh Mines ph id for good socks.
nor And farther with respect to
. prices we invite our
frienas t do Ile they ever have done, Itt : call and judge
for themselves.; • ._ LAUB EATON.
; tri ll not be under-Mid in this market.
llizford, Oct. 25,-1810:-44m6. •
laTtariarerrired to sell MeA f 0. Pratt's eel
ebrated aole'Leather at N. Ir: • City prices—haying
an Oeeey. Dealers can he aceomodated with a anperiar
artltge,frgafonet:a aria thonaaud sides at prices hereto.
ere ttatrard of hi thiacoantry. •
0". 1,
,850. 'ISAAC L. POST la CO..
N asiortment otliedian et preOred by A. Woodcdcii,:
• ; consistingpf Rheumatic Tincture: . Sprain and
bole Lineament. Pain destroying compound, specific
Bgne Lineament;Restoratise Balsam, Essence of .Lern
on, Wilder" r, rep, Citititirami, hemlock iSassafraS, Anise
secd, &c., just received and for sale by
Montrose. Dec. 13,1850. I. N. BIILLAIID.
• .:Litett.Arrival.:-.
tuts:Just received a ails rind snperitras.
H. gortmout of Ladies Dress Goode, Winter Lon 4 and
(mare' filsawls end staple ppd. adapt ;tt to the seas on
the most tlfislrable styles and prices. •
" New Stltord; Oct, 18,1RbU, T. Etanirrr.
. . , I
.. .
i , New' .Thm" gs., , ,
TUSTie l peiveti bj the subscriber. fiugOs;Coffeo; Tobacco
J .Salt./:,hroad. Cloth; Mooting. Batting, itiaddingitte.,
and wilt be. snld as low as the giffiff ItiqGdO/it.. ~ .-
'Montrose, 8ept.19,1650.1- --..-•, M. U.TYLRIt. -
-- .. .
. 7 " . ici..Soeks,2oolbe.'erciolettarn
Witted... 7 50066R pat& Simple!, 2,004 Sheep
Pelts.for which tile highest.,prtee will bepaldha goods
chebPcicalh 9 1.
rr r.PAI Y A
P. BOP & Co
lirik.NTED-40,000 yda , Woolen Flastnel, 6,000 pr. good
VT mixed wellengoeks,any Ones between this and the
elt Oet.,thewhieh the higtestp#te wNbcdin Goods.
.1 1 1 1 3 , 9• - : , • • , &EON.
A NOTITER. targe lot of the BaY date &tattle, jistio
eeired—ftNo, Moaslain De,Ware and Gingham:lof=
to 25 ceataperyard. ENTLEY It BEAD.
LAItD Lamps, with a twisty otaapau ware , - cheap at
U •• • • I I. LYONS §ON
DRINTS,Sed Ticks, Batts, and a bandsonie assortment
A .of Dreg Good , Ping cheap at 1. Erato & sox.
INDIA Bobber Over /Shoes, Booli . s t .E.hoes, Ortinberrieg,
1011 Cloths k.e. formate by , N. O. TYLEA.
11.b"?' FALO Robes, Tark's Island,Salt,; Daley Sait In
small sacks, stizotbelteat kind °Malls, and Iron,by
,ri, : . • " J."; .O.47LRR.
WASTED 100 bushels good: White = etas, aleed-goy
quaulltrutprlisiApples by , l. i gous & sox.
)PeitaPeco. •
. 3 f,
Salltibury; • •
)Washiittan cot!t?ty -
Avesttaustei X
)I%e tern.. .- • X
flENTLEMPrvistilcit t o buy Cloths table.fpr
ciothluireirl do welltt4 at .._ . -
PODFMI indMlLCiLiValit
1..14 OtTi3lscrP; ,
Foekr, Lard. Batter t.yeere t Ta
low,Bceswas, Old Priter Grain ite;• • •
; e - • ityableitsoar• -
A ltebb sujipv of Ggocerlifitultofeor
filklA4o.4oV. o
tOntED KVEAT-TERIAZDAT 1110.011'.10
199n1w.:00 Catto.
Vninable Medicines.
..._..,•..,..... • -- ------
. ' .. ''treat,largains I
....,. I vAIwriELD would_ say;
--, • —„ ' • -:: sto the eltisens of Montrose
. ',..._ and ski:ay, that. he hes,lnst re
" 7. ', -- 7- --‘,' qiii turned trim New York , with the
I .SN 0 • largest, richest end best selected
„, ,(.. sesorlinegt:Of AV Mt e heir,
',, . 1 - 1 'Z. JoiVetry, Sliver Ilirrtre,
/-:-., ''' 9 . 4 , / .; = _""r , &C. ever before olTered in tang ,
/.*". -f.- ' ''' . . 1. , -- 1 214
04111 1 10t T4311) :1111filne W .=
at thelowest plice,anindlarttoltis warranted as mom
mended. .N.ll.—Partionlarattentloo.pald to reptirin:
allklnde of Witches arid Jewelry. . • . . ,
ter Court otreotincorly opposlte Um Pluintr llotel:
Binghamton; 0ct.10,11350. -• • - .:L.';CANFIELD.
the; Good _ Time Has comes
friMiubleriber hat this day Sett/flied frenia•Nifw Fork
1 with Marge and welt; selected assortment of Goods
to which ho ,would call the attention of hie friends:Ho,
ng had the advantage of 23,yeasa experience in this vib
age, he flatters himself that he well understands the
tastes and yenta of his patrons. • - •
1 Amonghlsstock wilt be found upwards of 40 different
styles of Gold and Sliver Lever and - Lupine Watches;
Gold Vest,Fob end Guard Chains; Band Bracelets, Box
tind St - ono; Pens and Pencils,' Thimbles; Spectacles,
Belt Rooks and Slides,Watch. Keys, Lockets, Breast
Plas,Flnger Bintis and Ear Rings.
A large assortment of Silver Spoons, Forks, Butter
Knives, Cops, Napkin flings, Thimbles, Pen:holders and
Spectacles. Also, an extensive variety of Plated Ware,
via Castors, Cake Baskets; CandiestieksiTkult Stands.
Snuffers and Trays, Toast Racks, Spoons and Fork s,and
a full variety of Cutlery, Fancy Artioles,Olecks, ete.
• These Gooditowing been selected with; great care,
bothwith regard to quality. VICe and style, the mabserl•
bee Is confident that he will give satisfaction to all who
'mayfarothlm with their patronage. I
ALFRED .1. EVANS, Washingtoroet.
Bbf‘gbamton,Nov. 7,1850. • i
Tamer Watch_t il and Minute Alttiimatu
•-: Mechanism. •
j SINGLETO.N (Pupil of latherlartd,l the Paten
t/ o tee, and late with R. Roskell, Liverpeol,) 47ERENO.
In compliance with numerous influential, and earnest
solicitations to remain In Montrose, I have consented, on
condition that I meet with that encouragement and ap
proval which 'lotioll homy constakt study and Interest
to merit.
In additicin to theManufacturint Department,J. A.
undertakes] effettually 'to REPAIR every desenpilon of
Geneva Marilee Tableaux, Repeating and other watches;
together with Automata Mechanism, however complex.
The disagreeable jarring so prevalent in spiral music,and
so justly complained of,thoroughly eradicated, m ore par
titularly so in Musical Dozes,
It must be admitted that, la connection with, and in'
addition to theoretical knowledge, or a speculative ac-''
aualritance,it is ludispensibly requisite the artisan should,
be practically familiar with the complex nature of that,
delicately minute description of machinery referred to.—
This qualification, awl this only, -renders theartist com
petent to accomplisliwith mathematical accuracy.
If upwards of forty year"' aisiduons and practical per—
coral:twain the construction of ations approved escape
ments for the more accurate means of measuring Time.
in conjunction with unique' specimens of Automata now
in his possession. together with the high patronage et.
joyed, preponderates in the scale of scientific approbation
then J. A. S. unostentationsly presumes ho has same
pretensions to the confidence of those honoring him with
the rcommends.
N-li-.-I occupy a window In the Drug and Variety iiitore
of Mr. Abel Turrell.
Montrose, March 6,1f-51
A.I. Ri GELT .
Ihave been encouraged by the very liberal patronage
received, to fill up my shop with the largest and best
assortment of goods ever yet brought to this market—
!nit may befonnd everything belonging to a Jewelry and
fancy store. 6 dos.Cloeks 4-Watches, ofevery description.
Burnlngliluld,parlerand common Lamps which at this
time is the best thing in use for a good andi cheap light.
You can find them only at . TRUE'S.
Montrose, Novembet2o,lBso.
Notice tO.Railroad Men.
filnEsubscriber hag this day received another Invoke of
I. English Patent Lever \Vetches, per Atlantic. These
Watches are from the manufacotry of Joseph Johnson,
Liverpool,xnadc expressly to order for the subscriber,
with his name engraved on them, with especial reference
to the wants of Railroad Agents and others. wishing per
fect time. They are in heavy silver cases, and will be
cased in gold. of any style and quality, to order.
Blnghamtort, A.J. EVANS.
IfEaCllANT'SaarglingOil,Trask's Magnetic Ointment
R Cod Mar 011, Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Vanghn's Li
thontriptic.Schenck'sDal am,Swaint's Panacea ' all ofDr.
Jayne's Medicines.Dalle '8 Pain Extractor, Pain Killer,
Dillow's Heave Cure. an tnost of the approved Patent
Medicines of the day, kap constantly on band by
200 Oz, Silver Ware.
CONS brING of Table, Dessert Tea, Cream, Mustard,
and Salt Sp Oen ;.Eingar Shovels, Sugar 'rungs, Table
and Dessert Forks,Dutter Knives,&e., warranted canal
to rain. (Engraved gratis,3 by A. J. EYANS.
567 Pipees ...s s l irv e e r r W can ar plated,
pl and German
4stitigor. Table. Tea,
Desert, Cream and Mustard Spoons, Salt and S n Lmr Shov
els, Forks & e., r. ngr as ed gratis. at L. CANFIELD'S.
QILVER Spoons, Forke and Enivesorarranted the hest
kJ manufactured In America, at TRUE'S:.
MEM last of the 6 doz. 20s Clocks Is gone but more of
J. the came sort Is on the way to True's Jewelry shop.
• WatcheslWatches!
GOLD and Silver, Lever and Laplace full jeweled and
plain, a large assortment at the very lowest prices
and warranted.
Binghamton, Oet. 14,1850. L. CANii LLD.
The Richest
,Breastpins, Earrings and Finger Rings
ever offered in Binghamton, by A. J. EVANS.
ATCHES and- other jewelry in quantities
to emit purchasers by
W. D.Tnownionau.
Gold Lockets.
VITLE mad Obublil 'Drewry' the, by
Binghamton:l A. J. EVANS, waftaniton-st
. Some Very Fine
114)LDWATOIIES perfect . time keepers. Also silTe:
Watekes,all quantities;by A. J. EVANS.
Gold Chains,
LOCKETS,Thimyfro, Specks, Pen and Pencil Cages a
a fall aefortec eat at L..thsrrEtws,
fullltrcelpf of his Fall Stock of
Burritt iZ 'n
oob,hiehlri tannsualiy 'large and
complete in Pastry and Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, ;Hardware,
Iron and Nails, Boots and Shoes, Cooking, Parlor
and -Shop Stoves, Buffalo Robes, Hats, Caps, &c.
including in particular, al urge and - splendid as
sortment of
and Winter Long Shawler.
to all of which he would invite the attention of all who
arewishink Goods of the best styles, and at pricer 'that
cannot be beat,for cash of prod ace of allikin ds, including
Woolen thick's. Flannel, Pork, arain, Zoc. in any quantity.
New Milford, Nor. 7.1E350:
8.--Coarse and *astern. Salt, and Flour kept -con
a ntly on band. , -
. .
Still Rolling the . New . • Goods' in
At the Head. of Navigation..
TIM subscriber is receiving heavy shipmentaptalinost
every kind of Goods which he is offering - Ter* cheap
for the ready joins, Cre.
fie would tender his warmest thanks to the pub i lle,and
everially to those whc have been liberal in the lnestow.
meet Or their patronage,and who seem to feel aed eel;
that the Merchant needs his pay some time during this
century, and,he would most respectfully mks , caution
mice of theirfavors. M. C. TYLER. •
.ktontrose, Novemberl.4, 3850. .
BE Jut ineelaing a splendid lot -of FALL * GOODS--
Our customers mu doll at the old' stand almost any
thing they depireatfair prices.
New Goods,
TltElsobsekberls again receSring a fresh suppl . l*
Fall and Winter Goode. Please cslkand emaraltie. '
Montrose, citt.'2B,lBso. ' U. J. WEBtl,
IQfifi Y S: of that„ 8d Orange and flue piint
.i. - OUll jut received and selling rapidly at
. .•. ' - LAKE of EATON'.B.
The highest pricerfpaid for all kinds of for.—
; We are after 'em !" _ L- & E.
• Llarford, Not 28th, ' . .0.: _ _ i_:
' ran toclibfGoods • ' I .
N . 2, %.
POWIC 9 %::
driOBSISTING in part of Bay state drawls, Empire , *tato
11,1 do.,ldertrios,Cashmeres,DeLalnes,ellker,Velvets, Ga
la Plaids, llorelory, Gloves, Comforters, Linen Edgings,
the largest stock by far to be found.: Lace Cape, Puffs
Collars, lilitte,YMla, Mate Good4Corpet Bags,Flannels,
Ited,White,and Plaids, Horse Blankets; Buffalo - Robes
sleigh Bells, - Whlps,Clps, Boots and shoes, hardware,
Iron, Balls, steel, Groceries of any des eription, grockery,
Glassware saildierY, Oillilothir, Carriage - Trimmings, is
worth looking at.: Weuniite ourfriendeto give as a call.
Montrose, Eirr.1650.• • - 1. L. POST *tea.
itENTIODIC/NEE.—ierchant's Gargling - OE, Dll.
lowa IleaveCure and Green Ointment, Davie Pain
Killer, Pond's Extract of witch Basal, Bailey's Pain Ex.
tritator, LitbontriptlO,Sarraparilla,Dr. Piteb's Medicines;
D4,Christie's'Clalvanie Belts, 4W., Bran" Balm% all of
Dr . Jaynes iletlidnes, gc.,constantlyon band.
• - .
sad for rale by
Oorts & 6021
nlOn m
d till they Come
• • ;, •• Stoves, Ware, and, Pipe.
Stone State Air Tight cooking stovo, for
fib burning wood or coal; the Tight_
in use.
Rough and Ready double' oven cooking stove:
- Elevated do ,do do do ~
• Premium . • .. do do ,
Victoria do -do do
Empire State l• do do
Clinton Air Tight •; ,do do
20 Sizes and kinds of Pa or 'Stoves for wood
coal. • , _
4 Sizes of 6 plate Stoves. , •
Coal and Wood Stoves for shops, school houses'
the best in use.
Copper, brass, tin and iron stove Wan._
&mare, English, and American Stove ripe.' :-:
Stana,.Tiri, and Zinc tubes,.4.c., for tha
100, doz., ofsingla, at t ii Eagle Foundry Depot.
Montrese, N0v.'20, 1 5( . ~ .
Ware 'Roam in tyou,s Chandlar's
Long Buildinir.
A general assortment of
Cooking, Parlor, Shop and Coal Stoves,
Store pipe, Elbows, Zinc, Sheet Iron,
Copper, Brass,Wire, Bar Iron, -
Nail Rods, round Sr, square
Cast Steel all sizes,
, . round< If square
Iron, all sizes,
Side Hill
Green _Sward,
Excelsior, Genesee 4.
WorsterPlows,Straw Cut
ters, Corn Shellers,Sate Arb?rs,
Morticing Machines, Mill C(inks,
Balance Wheels, Pots, Disk Settj
es, Spi
ders, Tea !Celtics, Waffle Iron , IMP.
brella Stands,Pumps, Leadpipe,
Shingle Machines, Scrapes,
, Sleigh Shoes, Jack Screws, 4.c. 4.c.
411 kinds of Casting,s on hand or made to order—
also, Tin, Copper' and Sheet Trots Ware nn hand,
or made to order. WILSON & CO.
Montrose, Nov. 5,1850. •
New fililford Stove Depot
• itao.
BRRIIITT has just received a new assortment of
11.1 Stoves, including the most approved kinds of Air
Tlght,and 'common Cooking, Parlor, and Shop Stoves.
Russia and common pipe, Sheet Iron, and Zinc, Stove
Tubes, &c. &c., to which the attention ofcash parches
ers,and the publiols invited, - and which will bo sold at
very low prices. fur cash or approved credit.
September, 1850. 1 "
Stove, Tin and Copper Ware.
THE subscribers have just purchased a large
I stock of Stoves, Tin and Copper Ware, which
they offer to the public as cheap as the cheapest
Montrose, Dec. 10, 1850.
The best STOVE out I
THE Keystone State Air-tight Cooking. Stove
manufactured and for sale by WILSON & CO.
Montrose and Lanesboro?,
A RE now receiving a large and splendid assortment of
/1 Goods, which will be sold Cheap for cash.
Shootings, Shirting, Ticking, Batting; Wadding, Dril
lings, Cotton and Woolen Yarn, Carpet and Knitting
Yarn, Broadcloths' and , 3aSsimereS, Carpets and Carpet
Bags, Trunks, Black, Blue and Green Umbrellas, Japan'd
Ware, Crockery and Glare Ware, Hardware, &c.—
Crushed, pulverised and N. 0. Sugars, Coffee, :Glasses,
Black and Green Teas, Pork, Mackerel, Codfish, Candler,
spices, &e.
We are receiving a lingo assortment dell kinds creamy
Books,(Englisb, Latin, French, Greek and German) 'lll.
Ides, Histories, Miscellaneous Works, Medical Rooks,
Cards, Tissue and Note Paper, Ate. fee. Those in want
of Books and Stationery wilt please give-us a call, as we
ntend 4e cell cheap for cash.
dking, liarlor,Sbop and Coal Stoves, Pipe, Elbow,
Stoke Ware.:Tron Scrapers, Plows, Corn sbcllers, straw
cutte; s, Plolr PoSnts, etc., at Lanesboro'.
by the bbl. or otheraise—Candles by the boxer lb—also,
Nails, lass, Paints and Oils.
Old Dr. Sarob'it,S. P. Townmend's, and Sond's sorsa
parilla —75 cents pct. bottle. LIONS & CHANDLER.
Montrose and , boro', N0v.7,1850.
Blatohly's Plows,
TnE subscriber would inform his friends and the pub.
lie, that he is now manufactnring the celebrated
/ILA TaIILY PLOWS at the old stand of I). Post. Side
Hill, nen, Wayne Co., ilving , ton county, and Skinners
Eddy Plows and Castings on hand Repairing done on
short notice. Ilavingmade an arrangement with a Ma
chinist, he Is prepared to make and lit up most kinds of
machinery on short notice and on reasonable terms.
Montrose, February 17,1851. 8.11. MILLS.
TRON—English arid Swedes, square tam snitableo
1 Drag Teeth by S.H. SAYRE & CO-
A good second band cooking stare, also a goad new t•sit
11. ter,for sale; cheap at TGURELL'S
DLOTlGHS.—Bingbamton.lontrose,Skinners Eddy
1 and Mott andFuller'sPlough and Oastinp,constant
y, on band by, ' S. 11. SAYRE & CO.
Notice to the Public.
. .
Nev, Seasonable Fall and Winter Goode at the
Great One-Price Store of
L. S,. LESIIEEti, Great Bond, Pa.
DEOS leave to take thit . opportunity of. tendering his
1) sincere thanks to his friends andcustomers, for the
generous patronage they have extended to -him; and
at the same time inform them that he has just returned
froniNew 'York with a very large and choice Selection of
Fancy and Staple Dry floods. Also a fresh and eaten
siveassortmentof Greceries,Prorislons,BootsandFhoes,
Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, tro., Drugs .and
Medicines, which will be sold for cash and produce at a
very Small advance, at prices which defy all competition.
Flour, Pork,Fish,Ealt, wholesale andretall,—he would
also remark that he adheres strictly to the system of al
ways n 'ming the loirest priceat first,thereby giving the
came advantage to all who mayfaver him with their pat
ronage. .
Great Bend Clothing Store.
Thelargest, best and .cheapest assortment of Ready
Made Clothing in the Village of Great Band, Pa., Broad
cioths.Doe Sklns,Cassimeres and Vestinge of all qualities
imitable for the Fall and Winter 'Freda. whlch he offers at
emeb prices as to satisfy any one that 'this is the place for
them to deal. In consequence of the great 'increase of hi
business he has been obliged to greatly enlarge his stock,
which he now offers to his friends and the public fur ex.
aminationiconfident that In so &dug they willtindeume
thing to their advantage. The subscriberhas made are
rangements to manufacture clothing In all its various
branches, and is now prepared to sell the same, warrant.
ed to bear inspection. Custom work and cutting done
at the latest style and short est notice,—allkinds of tail
ors' trimmings furnished and for sale. Do not forget the
spot. Store nearly opposite the Mansion Rouse.
Great Bend; 5ept.,1850.. L. S. LENIIEI3I.
Boots & Shoes!
A3IIOOD assortment of Boots & Shoes. embracing ,
en's Coarse andfine Boots, Boy's Boot's and Shoes,
Women's and Misses ditto—oleo
Clothing, -' • •
Embracing a great vrrietyo Overcoats, Snob, Tweeds,
tr...c.,.a large variety of Vest from six shillings upwards,
and a good assortment of ants, Shirts, Drawers and
~ . '
. i . Hats & 'Caps) ,
Sawed Furnats:i Plush, Yur, 3ltihair, Cloth and gips
ell Caps, fall fashions, for men, bole and children.
.. .: Books &Stationery.
School and MiscellanConsßonks, Staple and Fancy Sta.
tionery, Inks, Inkstands; penracks, Penknives, and a
great variety of fancy articles too numerous to enume.
ratej oat received at -' . - ' FULLER'S, ..
, . . . . - ' First doorabovo Seasichalotel.
Montrose, Oct.:l4lMo. . 1 .
ANEW .„,„fy Of Bonksjist received, Including ail
the kinds used In'the Now Academy, Also Draw
tag, Music, Lotter and Cap Paper, at the lowest prices,
Sept_ 5 . . . LYONS As SON.
Valuable Books. =
=ON'S 1:1 ally Dibleillustretone t llmetvon i e Resayi,
stollen aptiain, by Toiler, Rixiew of. the Mexican
War by Llvermore,iiock ofli:orme,D'Aubbigee's Mete*
ofthe Neformation, etc. etc. T. LYONS et SON.
• scaOOL BOOKS,:.
AGENERALmoor tinenkof School Books whole
.eale or retalo
Montrose, N0v.126, '5O, . ,
• Bootd and :Shoes l
NEW truPplY ef Genneplan'a Rip and Calf Boots
' , and Ladle • BootaiShoca r apd Slippers, Just retely
Sept. 4,1E59: • • GEO. BULLER
WALtd.apor and Window Cartallia, Wood palle,lintt -
taMr6 'wily's; clothes Fins, bapketi. &a.. WWI
~iAIL1oAb8; FEEIGIIT; &c
Chrnke of Hours, eommeizc ingJut . ` : ....
Ratappo Iv Paterson and Pater
- •
`son- Si, Iludson 'Liver* .:,..., .
- RALZ - 7411,
Leave BaarneaDepot at teavallaw-Yark at r .
w 0 o'clock BO rah). A. X, 7 o'clock 30 mitt. A. 114
10 ,4 ' 30m10. 4:111.. 3•,, - 15 rain. P.ll.
+o.!'.. 30 win, P. Br.. 5: i , ~' 45 min: - P. 31.,
Leari Saffern't Dejvt: •I • ' Leave - NeS6York. -
'6 o'clock al wan.. , A.ll. I. 6 o'clock - ' - -
.P. 14
'Or on the anival orthe Edo train, going Moja: .
• .: - PATERSON TRAINS. ' ''• '
Leave Paterson. at' ~ : • ; ;Leave Nete.York..
7 o'clock A. M. Market.A. 7 o'clock' 30 min: - ' A.ll
8,4 i ....“: .! - Pat'n.llep. 6-c 4 " SO"
at M at a.
12 . .1 . . :It,
.4)4 'it P. 4. .-64 •• et I ,
• 3 '-:',et. 1 3 it
7 ~‘- ." , Market W. 5 "`'4s "
Leave Pdtereon at -•-• - ' Leave New.:Yoikat-' , " .
0'01,54 A..M. .MnrkeVet. 0 ecloelt. '.,.. , A. M K " P. Bl.Pat'n Dello:. 6 , 4, - - ' . P.M
N. 11. 1:?t ilfondayikinTingithefiret traltifromtiffern't
wiU l eave tit 7 25 min. or on the arrival of the PortJervlt
train. •
The 730 A. 31. and 645 , 'ck 7au -- 4 o'climk kr. tritine,tromNes'
York, will not, stoptit anyklatiowtrorth of Poterton, ex.
eept DMA Road and Itohokrui.,' ,
The trains will leate New York at A and blf
PM will be in time to meet the 'Erie traLne,mornlng and
venlng, going treat; at Suffern Depot.
August 2 4 2,1850. ' '
New YOrk & Erie,' Cayuga & ns.
quehanna Rail !toads, Seneca.
and Cayuga Lakes I
.EVERY,BODY'S MARKET , LINE prepared to receive FREIGHT
J. of all funds, at the following points, viz; - -
Buffalo, Attica, Batavia, Bergen; Rochester, Cananda
Ira, Genova, Dresden, Ovid, Ledi,Dundee, Landing,Jet
croon, Havana; !Silbert, 'Horseheads, Corning; 'Elmira
Factoryville,Spring Port, Rodder's Ferry, Aurora, Itha
ea, Conde:, Owego, Union, Binghamton, Great Bend
Lancsboro', Deposit', and Hancock, every day In the week
(Sundays excepted.)and continue with regularitythrong
out theseason. -They will atte d t.efirwardlng the same
to the New York Market, who it Will receive the person
al attention ofexperienced sal emen, who will attend to
the ening oft& same, atid re t rn the proceeds in Bank
able fundent either of the itho e Points, to the following
Buffalo,Storehottse of HanryDaw.; Attica,Storehease
of ilenreSyford; Batavia,StorebouseofLucine A. Smith,
Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel McPherson; Rochester
Store of Fairlmoks & Eldredge;lCanandagna Office
Walter Corcomn ; Geneva, C. Lawrence; DresdeiVetore
house of Whitney &Holten ; Ovid,Yergiuson &Sprague
Lodi; Dundee Landing, Storehouse of T. Tuthill & Co.
Jefferson, office of E. o.Norton, r on the Pier, Havana
office ofJ. T. Phelps; Miliport, store ofJ. Stull; Horse
oeads, office (11J. A. Ferrell; .Co ruing, store of Wm, .7
Arnold; Elmira, storehouse of urman to Inghram
Factoryvilte, store of ,Charles ID; Shepherd' Redder'
Perry; Aurora, store of H.& G. P.Morgan;lthaca,stos
of P. If. Drake;
Candor, store of 8. Barager; Owego, o
fice of Nathaniel Ells ; store of C. N. Wheeler
Binghamton, office of James Sisk; Great Bend, office o
F. Churchill; Lanesbero', Mee of A. Ward; Deno"sit
store of Ensign &Dean; Hancock, store. of Allison • &
Reeves. 'NAN. SISK - . Binghamton; •
WM. WHITNEY, Dresden,
GEO. P. 3IONELL, do:
• • NAT/Lt.NIEL ELLS,'Ower,o- -
AO E.NTS.--Ilurtalo, Henry Dow.; Attica, Thomas Sy
ford; Batavia, Lucius A. Smith ,• Dergen,DanielMcPher
son ; Rochester, Fairbanks Fadiidge; Canandagna,
WalterCorcoran; Geneva, C. LawreMee • Ovid, Ferguson
& Sprague; Lodi; Dundee Landing, Tahiti h Co.; Jef
ferson, E. 0 Norton; Havana, F. Phelps; Millport, J.
Stull; Horseheads, J.. A. Ferrell; Corning,-Wra. J. Ar
nold,• Elmira, Thurnian &Inghrarn.; Factoryville, 0 IT.
Shepherd; Aurora, H. et 0. - F. Morgan. Ithaca. P. H.
Drake; Candor. 8. Darager; Union, C. N. Wheeler;
Greatßend, F. Churchill; Laueshoro', F. A. Ward; De
poslt,Enaign & Dean; Hancock, Allison & Reeves.
Capt; James
Um:me:intend the business througboxit 'the whole
ne, and receive and fill all orderafor
Graced e s. Flat', Oysters, A:c. are.
which will be bought at the lowest wholesale prices in
New. York, and forwarded to any of the above named
Depots. ' • '32—tf
New Stage Arrangement at Great
Bend. • • •
PIM two Daily Lines of Stages. from Great Ilend to
.L Montrose will hereafter leave the Bail:cad Betelof
C. C. Smith intim immediate 'Vicinity of tho Depot, Wal
lows : At 4A. 31. and. 6 pL. 31., on the arrival of the Rail
road trains from Nsw York, passing through New Milford
to, Montrose, whence a Daily lino runs In ernnerion
therewith to Springville Tunkhannoek and Wilkesbarre
another via. Neholson, Paetorville, Abington Centre;
Providence and Hide Park' to Serantonin, (these places
being along the line of the Le.- ,, ets Gap Rallmad.) Re.
turnitr , ..„ the stage leaves Scrantonia at 4 A M.,.passing
through the above, places to Montrose, whence the lines
leave in time to reach the Great Bend Depot before the
trains going Bast.
Also '
a Daily line leaves Smith's 'hallway Hotel on the
arrival of the noon train from the West for Carbondale
via. Summersville,New Milton!, Ilarford. Lenox and Dun
daft. TRUESDELL , & CO.
Great Bend, Jan. 22-1851. 5 tf
nit. S. E. Cif SIN, GermakPlivician; takes thinned'.
od of informing his friends and the pubic in general,
that ho has located, in the. Village of Owego, County of
Vona. and has established a permanent office on
over}. 11.11ulburt's store. and is ready to attend td any
business in the line of his profession.
Ills superior method of arriving at n correct diagnosis
in disease, and his unparalelled success in treating tha
'Various diseases incidental to the human sytem, more
especially those of In acute, subacute, chronic, or- Com
placated character, are all thati is necessary for him to ol-
ler to the invalids and diseased of every character to enti..
tie him to the confidence of-a diecriminating public. , For
the benefit of_ those unacquainted with_ his method of '
practice ho would eay that he describes disease by a
chemical andmicroscopical examination of the Urine.
Persons may send or bring their trine in a clean (at
least two ounce) vial, the first- in the morning preferred,
and as a record is keptof all the cases examined, rho
name and age of the patient' are also required. No
charge is made for examining a ease where no medicine Is
Hit:medicines are prlnelpallyseleeted from the-Vegeta
ble Kingdom, and are aandoi stared according to the (Jar
man Botanic. Practice. '
Ile aronld also add, that turban at last made au impor•
'ant dlicovery in relation to treating diseases of a calen
lons origin, or Gravel. This Is it singular depoisithn ' and
may consist In crystaine grab s , of •agritty hareb feel,
but not distinctly 'risible upon a close examination; or it
may consistlulrrexular shaped transparent cone.retions,
sufficiently large .to be readily. distinguished by the eye,
and denominated calculi.
The preparation that he has introduced is capablerof
dissolving and holding in solution, calcuions, or leen
tions concretions, which Is the' sonree of irritation, and
verykollen extensive inflamations of the Urinary organs,
thereby allowing the same to escape.
References can be had at his ()Meet. •m persensliving
in all the WE'S WM counties of the Stat. of hew York,
Pennsylbonia,Miehigan;lce., who had been,; yen ittp to
die by the most skillful Physicians, hearing ot I'm and
avallng thernselvm of his skill have been restort 'to.
good health. The great derman Reinedy for Female tib
strtctions, IVorms, Croup and Dysentery, may always be
found at the Office. - D. Si E. CRAM
Owego Jan 22 1851; 41y._
Professor of Astrology;; A stronomy,Phrenology. and
"Geomancy, combined with CONJURATION, from Scree
den, office No. 71 LOCUST Street, Phlladephla, offers
hie services to the citizens of; Montrose. Ike has been
consult6l by all the crowned beet& of Europe, and en
joys a higher reputation to un !Astrologer than - any ono
living. Nativities calculated according to Geonsaney—
Ladles $3, 'Oentlenicn $5.- Persons at a. distance can
have their nativitles drawn by sending. the date of the
day ofthelr birth. All letters 'containing the above fee
will receive Immediate attention, Nativities sent to- any
part ofthe world written on durable paper; and he Ir.
prepared to makease'of his pawer by conjuration onanys
of the following toples:--Courtskap. advice given for the
rucceseful accomplithment of a wealthy marriage, he has '
the power is redeem such as are given - to the nso of the
bottle; andfor all cases of hazard, and for the recovery
ofetolen or lost property, and the purchasing of lottery
tickets. Thousands [Retie above named eases have beau
done In this city: and lts vicinity, and in the United States
to the full satisfaction ofall. 10,000 Natlvltes nr Rom:
oseinies have been cast during the last four years while
here. Letters will answer every purpose, and will do at
well as to call In person, aryl the malt Is new to safe that
pc- eons need not fear to trust money, through the Pool
Office: - Dr. Roback reserves from 600 to 1000 lettere
monthly, and has nevermlssed one. ,All letters will be
religiously attended to if pre-paid. For particulars call
at the Democrat 011 tee and get:tua Astrological Almanac;
• - C. W. ROB ACE.
' Locust:O.: itliove EJghtb, Philadelphia.
117 - 13 e particular to mention the Poet-dike. county
and State. , % 11.*.1y
. .
Illerrunan's New Saloon. -
A. Mg! VeN removed ret e
r a: e n n o y n n a c n es t s o a t c h o e n ptuob hlo
new building opposite Searle's Hotel, which ha has fitted
np,ln a style unsurpassed, fpr thp accommodation of
those who may thlnkhimdeseiehig of their patronage.—
Ills eating rooms foi gentlemen, aro spacious and ate
gan t.; and in addition be has furalehed, In apprOpriate
say's, two ro oms expresssly forth° accommodation of la•
ba wanting on the part Oftlicproiwlcto
No effort will be wonting
to biseakion ipleaattot resort,
♦inntrnsn. N,w.14,1115P-461ne•
- -
unitizoit Band°line. Triple tztract, ltfacearrar 01140 n
1: 3farrow Pomade, Beare'Dit, flarry'a Trieaphoroun,
and other Maeda for the halt: dfditary. *having Soap,
Walnut 011 do White Bars, "Almond end Sassafras Soap,
superior mild es for the Toilet', t 0 be found at --
Montrose, October 28. 1850 , ../.LYONS & SON.
,600dos.*Om Socks, 20,00 1 1 yds.
Wanted"'!" l .Ftannel 3Y).000 bushels Cats, 6,900
Sheeproits,acy quantity orMost, Corn, Ityo and But.
ter &c. • JOUtiBTOII It :VERY.
Ilscrotd, 0ct.15,1850.
•Fars s
~ fain!
flASII" paid for Fox, Blink, Muskrat, Martin and
V Coon ebbis.'by .12 M, C. TYLER.
Moutsosei Pea. 19;1850.
- ~„o ~ , ~! ~,,
~ i, . .,.,
in all Christ!hulled and civilized thentrica hazy unto"
larger proportion of deaths than any othor maltuigthi t it.
Aim the human Way; and,vindl within • few years. th,..
hos not been any terrain tweedy to stop the devastation at
the destroyer. tint 1101•••• ,
two eery rumor the most rtroi44 marked and developed
"mere( Pitharmary antsaveption—nemoindawkai Lie ,"
Ylarated and discoid LUNGS--atch kopekw cauw sa rens
loner before cured by any other medicine. , So tdcr/yaop e „
kas were some or the afflicted persona, as to have been pro.
nomiced by
,physicians and friends. O be ActuaLLT piano.
Some, who their burial-clothes made, have been caret
and yet live—others: who It was said would not lire finotht:
day, are now as well and hearty ea they ever were., .
It posseuca all the cleansing and purifying r Imes, suety
se powerral and wive as the preparation which we call
This differs' from. that, becalm this powesses several cart
lifeacatiou which are pecainally adaptedta sad era =m4
natactrx , to vase • .
- Coughs and Consumptions, •
tad . peitzei of r Ikaal 110:aze—sttch &teems
tun:loyear° iptia pxtder p trrattn!mt, when they
- Br east; Throat, Lange, and Mart. -
This BALSAM' Atali . and core Worn Inaba Lung; an t i
else-where inscraelly, as certainly and ropily as the Prior.
leo - Errs acr aura and hags Tbis
gam torts ores easel of Cough and oat of 4,
after ell other remedies hare failei re 44..4 . . .
. . .
Thousands..of Consuniptioi3s - •
tad Cluanicbbygls. abundanUy .ve its mnfailteg
in Ouch &theses; and its undcm.—. -curative powei.ami,
soothing, healing properties. in the following con:1041s and
thseases, Spuring of Mood, Bleeding at the Loop, Paia
in the Bream and Side. Night-Snow. Naomi* Cherplaue s , pet
pitatims of the Hurt Cholera Info:item, Dysentery and Ss
Om Complaints km, Ctildrris and stdaits, Agleam, and ALL
ythat has been offered to the . public his core
been Self as catahs and Teethed In airralitt,y ALL the
dental weaknesses and trregularkles of the female Inc.
once whether the iderraat>iigeinent be taivression. coma w
other incidental weithrusi—it riguietes ALL, b these/as
Leg the system, rod/king the circulation. and soothing eui
alloying NERVOUS IRRITABILITY. See oar Paaptlce
for proof. _
A Dying Woman. Curecli ;
We state this cure to prove the iiree to iare when
this BALSAM is need, even afterthe person is coendert
-by physician and friends to be in the art stages of disease
—actually dying—and. in this case. so .for gone that the
shroud and hurial-elethee were bought.. Far the particritin
of this cause, and the respectable and undoubtitproat of ill
the circumstances and fact% we refer to our PAMPIiLETS
This cure effected wain. ZIBLDYKEMAN. at Sao
ton spa - Saratoga Y We can prove, beyond sant*,
etany others alonost equally as hopeless, and thwarterabh cues
of Coughs and Convoiptions CURED, which ware pro.
',ounced incurable by skilful physicians.. .
See the cure of Dr. Hubbard, of Stanford, Ct., and others
• Dyspepsia !
See the core of I'. S. Wilcox, merchant. ofAttlea;WYomlsy
Co., N. Y, and many snore, in our Pamphlets:
Dysentery and Snnimer Complaint
to Childrei and Ada, are aboais cured. Weakly I.7kildres
will become ficsky, -- k:se - t/t/qh and hearty, and grow rapidly, by
the pee of this BALSAM:
No mother need ever mourn Ow death of her child by
Cholera. Infant urnwhile teething, if BRAN7'3 NIL
MOITURY BALSAM be &dm:tinkered. It should be, fur
mach eases, given in Ter than the ordinary doses.
A G ENTBAbeI Tu rell,slontrnee ; Henri , Burritt,'Ner
Milford, Srallry & 'urtig, Eon Gibson ; T. P. 'Badger
Lanesboro; & Young, Griat Bend; r4llllll Tire
ny, Brooklyn.; Johnston es' Terry, Ilarford. G. 2.1:
ble. Duhdall; Lawrence fx..Etiwards; Lenox, Lathrop -
Salisbury, Springville. i .
The,hople's Friend!
T. T. raniWS., of Ifillimett., INC. Ye
from the shrub called Witeb.harel, and purely Irma
that with the exception of a Ilttle,Alcohol to preserve It.
Unlit cure all local pain and infatuations, old soul,
fresh wounds and bruises, Piles, and' all diseases of the
bowels of a chronic witure, tooth-ache, car-ache and so
excellent remedy for females, ~ttv ' -
It to truly what it professes to be, Me People's Friend!
Pr.oridencebassc.sttered along the rugged paths of llfe
many things that contribute greatly to the comfort sail
happiness of every body ; hence their great value, sad
Well may they be called' friends of the People.'
0130 word hero toguurd against Imposition. A man by
the name ofSpencer, has manufactured and offered fcr
sale a sphrlons article called the Caryl! R.riract,—thit
world be extract of the hazel-nnt:—the• genuine lea
white and as vireos water, whilathe spurious article
Colored, which enables the public to distinguish. -
.Nonegennine, but thogerearked Pond'aVainDestroyet
WM. K. HATCH, Montrose, andstetc-heepers and me.
, •
Dr. FITrIPS elebrated Medicines,
Jed by him 'pith such dtsiinguishezi iiireesi in the mese
Coughs, Consumption, gatarrh.
Asthma, Dean Diteares,Dyepepria; Donerchtea,Piles,
Female Complaints, ete., ete.
Dr. S • S, Fit rh'r abdomlt a I supporterr.rhoolder
• the art of preserving Lite k Ilealth to old dge,ke.
- BENTLEY & READ hitobeen appointed Attenteipe the
ale of the above_ G o.ods, and will keep them man tautly al
and at their store.
• Ne — w Goods
• „
AaELTURNELL is. now recelting a largo-sad dert*
ble assort:neat of GOOL/S (comprising nearly everything
wanted in this market,)whicb will be sold extremely LOW
for CAM or really pay.. My assortment : maybe elanri
In port as follows :
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicali, - Painte, Oils,
Dye Stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods ] Hard-
. ware, Stone-ware, „Glass•ware,
• clocks; Watches;,:lewelry,.
Saver - Spoons, Spec- -
tacks, Musical
I . • Instrunients; Trusses,
Medical Instruments, Liquors, ,
- - Perfumery, .3l t irrors, Stationery,
' Brushes, Sltoes, Toys,Yankee Notions, 4-c.
Thankful for the liberal - patronage and aubstantialer
couragoment hitherto received, 1 hope to merit and re
celvo a continuance of the sane.
Montrose, Oet. 24, 1830
Physlanthrople - Pills, ;
Flsbest remody for Dilllousattacksextant(lspeakfrom
experlence)for sale by C. BALDWIN, JO
LAMP OIL, the cheapest in town, for sale by
GANTEE CURRANTS, Camphor Qum, Pepper saved
Mustard, Letter raper,Twine,Blar.king and Brushes,
4c.c., for sale by I N. BULLARD.
iIIYE-13TUY141 . , Madder, Indigo,•Lor,wood,
V roll, Copperas, fcc.just. received and for rare :by
Sept. 5. . -.LYONS k SON.
Flax Seed. ,
il Ny quantity of Flax Seed wanted hi eiclianke for G ro
cello rCaeihby , • • I.'N. pULLALD.
--- -
UMPIRE Long Shawls., Palmettop, and plain De Lane
1U OAR colors nt • , - - TYLER'S.
e A,LT by Qat, bbl. or . loatt at
DAL L. ;St Co.
A Fresh Stock of Clothing.
F lints and • Capi, (spring n
.111.—on) Ladies and
O Boys Boots and Shoes, alai. Cap and Eater Paper,
the Ream or lees quantity,.ltiall awl pirtaM Paper
and Dant er,ln ks, Pictures awl P laurel:lli:nes, Bests
Fancy Stationary, Ebbing Tackle, &c. just received to." a
for Bale at small pronto torready pay, Radready pay oi?1h
April - . REO. FBLIXIL
English. Patent. Leveroc
rpHE Sscriber has thls day, received isnot#er . frkvoics,
1. of his superior Patent' Lover "WATCM , wide la',
pressly for Wm by the celebrated Joseph Tobusen,llren,
pool. 'The subscriber is prepared tq eafg: the:abort
Watches In any - pattcrn, quality_of gold;as eastern,
may ntrh, th ose "on hand should - :tot Alfa just
- received a large let of Sliver Arichora; and Lepinet, allot
which will be sold at tbeloweS CAl4lpriees and
ted to give satlsfoction.. " ALFRED J . EVANS,
Iliozhanden, March '27, , Washington st
TILOVOIS awl Scrapers for sale by - ' •
suAY rolvdtr!li,uld 211tVOISerellANDLER
IItOUND WO Salt for eitlea olv -
We Churn Castings for talc by , •
IttinlB: •
- • • WILSON& 00,
Watches, Jewelry,
THE tinbsdriber has received , an addition Obis
utock of Jewelry, consietini of Gold Fob and
Guard Challis. Lockets, Mugs? Riaee, rar
Breast Pius; Silver Chains, Gold -Thimbles, .414
Pencils and Pens,. dtc. to which ha
vita the attention orbit' friends. .4.1 .EY.l".N$t
Biushamton, Match.% '5l , Plabingtonit,
EAS a prime - article , at prieca;to nit the 9 1241 '
-ity and purchasei.' =For sale by
.. • IT. D. 'rII4WER
otippry of jEWELiti, rind 19(1fito
1112 , at E'l coot fol. - cub, 11111tItELL
Juu. lr 1651.