The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 01, 1851, Image 2

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    r:. .~
plerte, in the spring of 1793;t0 send to the
revolutionary tribunal theaccompliemof fettu
cini Duinottrez, and the tombs/sot lb Orle
ans family, tbaltarolOomagognet oltacked i , the
Gh4mdinsOlt . an. atitolt . and ebtbotitely Prepar
edt tipeirb, didOrting their iwts,, and, aziO.cipat;
lag their explanations,witkeitraoeilnaty
With a satanic sneer, he concluded by saying:
a-Ni for the deputies, Gaudot, Gelisonne and
Voids* it would - be a secrilege to mime
such upright; such virtuous nien. Feeling my
finpOtetwein regard to them, I leave them to
the Wisdoni of the Ouiventlon l"
I I trimuse Sothis inalicions, premeditated,
and An itlr e , ted OP* Vex/Pined delivered
neitettipore reply, worthy of the crisis which
had !suddenly overtaken him and his party.
He ralkibittho boar - was approaching when
thei r rierietonquer or bal.
_,Leaping to the tri
iiirmilte demanded A hazing. After a Unruh,
he My 'veicar. said he, "which has
En o thin once carried terror into' that palace '
when I bails assisted to hurl tyranny, shall
t,trike terror into the souls of the van :ins who
deal to substitute their Owityrantii foi that;
of yalli."' l - Oa' iepUed one' by one to the
' eig of his necuser,exposing his thisehoods
cha i
deli g his aoiVardice, stripping the Veil from
his affected ' , virtue; and tracking hire( through
the dirk aiel devious paths he had trode since
he entered public( lifis. With ail the eloquence
NvldrACconscieus iniceenek warm friendship
tor MS Colleagues, end 4n:tingled detestation ,
of 141idversvy could inspire, he vindicated
Ids own conduct, eulogised the policy 9f his
partzr; and , contrasted therhunisnity and noble.
ness of their alitswitis the factiouscnd bleody
atones 'of their enemies; and conclUded by
saying," You know whether I have endured in
silence. the mortification heaped upon me du
ring thclast six months, and whether I have
sacrificed upon the altar of my country the
;Lost just resintureati. You "know whether,
writhed Seim deemed cowardly, without con.
fessing myself guilty, :without compromising
the little good I'am still allowed to do, I could
longer avoid plicing the impostures and malig.
nitiescf Robespierre in their true light before
(Conehula ntrt Feel)
• - ...qll.a day last week a- Frenchman from
Louisville Went into a settlement of his cone
trymeh is coorgetown township, in this colon
• ty, and proposed that if they, ..would agree- to
Prerure, him trutife, he would give them three
of as fee ;tine as ever came from the
vine Clad hats arida :La Belle France. The
bargailt was attack , and the jolly Frenchmen
setabentto linnt,op for, their bachelor coon
trip a . . helpmeet In a few days :Johnny
Crapovvasinformed that they had succeeded,
andtolithim to come et once and have the
nupthil knot tied. The expectant husband
carai, : Wis introduced to his future bride, a
delicate piing lady of:the most modest de
mesner", with_wbont he was soon in ' raptures.
The pinties were biought.before. the Squire
(Martin Hanger ; the whole company looking
very devout and solemn. At this crisis a fe
male relative of the.bride was observed to go
upha something in the bridegroom's
ear. Thmider Fortes=d I the storm that was
rained; Theo#4linat bride was a smooth
heed lad of seventeen!—Nero Xiang Ledger.
Azi , lorusztro OccultEIRCZ.—A few days
sindO.ialaughable scene occurred in Ford
Frenchman passing a house
where o red,flag was hung out to indicate
that, ;rem° infectious disease existed within,
inquuri . oione *horn be met why the flag
was'suspended there:
kent , small-pt xin - there,' replied ' the
resl,4lrurrying an.• ,„
The Frenchmannansed and gazed at the
fazacid the brnme,for a moment. and then
oraUgup to the door plied the knocker
vigeriu4. • •
at doYesi want, sir? inquireda wo
man 'rein) eautieridynpened the door. ,
*ant to seems grand show, Madame.'
'IV) have no show ' bere,'. said the 'To-.
man andeuvering 'to keep the Frenchman
from entering,' hind you had better go away,
for we have got the smailloz here
flat is it 2 de tootle fox,' elmekled
Motouenr, iry you nay no show; aba?,
0,011 yea, sir, there is no show 'here !
COM got the small -por.-d'ye hear?
s se ! :pa retied the Frenchman, getting
out of poem:ice,"fall b vat you my two,
tree, seventeen zeleetle fax--/a pe
tite reinaid'; I oil/ sce-sa grand show?
Be.then prooteded to trowd himself in
at thapartistly
. opened door, when lock* a
gentleman passing at the time succeeded in
making him comprehended that what he had
taken for a 'small forr i ! was an infections
disease. : .
TheTrightend faieigner reached the eurb
stonS at s anigle bound, and with pale face
and trembling limbs burned off, muttering
• Ah,liesta I sal ite Maynard Ah, sal
die— l i t VIII be all over spotted—Ab. an pe
tite vezolet Se petite 'yard° !I—Portland
Sreick -
Tifs Rona tN Paisow.—We mentioned
last week in the .notine.of the 'Grand Di
,vision of western New York, that that hody
visited the 'State Prison. The Watertown
Reformer speaking of the scene, - nays, the
members " weie eitorted through the va
rious work shops and apartments of that!
vastigieivoir of frail humanity, marching
two abreast in regalia' The inmates .were
allowed a cessation tolook at tb ezpectcle
mbiib was presented to them, by the kind
. of their gentlemanly keeper. We
STro manned thit out Of, 725--the whole
number within those
.probably--pobahly sec
" hdirect
enliglas Vent t ere t roug the
*MO of ardent' ep:nitat': 'What a spec- ..
tack for the rum-zelleis to contemplate !
Now-affecting tenet have ken the appear
ance it 250 Bons of Temperantse. many of
themsaved from the gutter, and -nowise
saved fats tbeeritaiusd's sad fatu march.
ing through tbekwork shops, and dreary
passagelelothed ii#o3 regalia of tbe-Or
der! .We. renogrn* any au unbidden
tear inning itearey dirra luny cheeks
nnneedfb ireepiiik—fiint gleams of other
-daysiretellittitacrositheir minds by wit
nessing contrast lisle rust
ed ; atnivell they might forgot der steni
t n ashood, and let fill the burning tear ' to
ease su sehingiseart. , Tbs tssmtruu sub
limely soleum—ii: OreinG
TEM - DMEOttilial? 5
She Laegeit Cficulationja.Northerturhatell
S. &E, B. CHASE; ir,Drroas.
( . 91 1 hureday, May :1; 111131.:
farDo bring =some wood, rood,
WOOD 1 11111:
In thepro,edings of the Denidiiiitie'COilu:
ty Convention, last week, R. It. Little, Esq,,
should have been reported as lielegatii 'to the
Harrisbtug Convention instead of Reading;
and a motion vms carried to - concur in the
nomination made, or to bo made in Sullivan
County, for a Delegate to the Reading Con
vention, instead ofnuitsburg 49 reported.
A Pal) delegation consists of two persOns
for thin Repre,sentative District,- and one for
the Senatorial. There are two Conventions
and two sets of Delegates. The Delegates
stand thui": R. R. Little and E. - IL Chaae Rep
resentative Delegates to the Harrisburg Con.
vention, and F. Lusk, Esq., Senatorial, if rati
fied by the Senatorial Confettees.. Gen. Jobil
Blanding and some gentleman from &Minh
County, Representative Delegates to the Read.
ing Convention, and F. B. Streeter, Esq., Seri.
atonal, subject to the ratification of the Co -
ferees as above, making both delegations coM
plete. .
It is probaby Well known to our readers
that the gentleman whose name heads this or.
tide, stands before the Demomaey of Pennsyl
vania, a candidate for the office of Governor.
The Convention to which his name will be
submitted will assemble in a fowl weeks; the
nominations for the respective State offices, to
be filled the coming fall, will be made and the
Campaign fairly opened.
Present appearance's indicate to a certainty
that Mr. BIGLER will be the nominee o r the
Reading - Convention, for Governor, and, for
our own part, we have not now, nor have we
ever had, in connection with the coming Cam
paign, any other choice for the high and;hon
orable position to which he has been n4med.
He is emphatically a than from the ranks o f the
people, his whole life. having been spent en ar
duousindustrial pursuits and enterprise% and
a man universally beloved for-his many amia
ble qualities as a gentleman. The exalted pa-.
trjotism of the min; his virtues; his purity o •
purpose and character; his stern integrity; his
unquestioned and unquestionable, Democracy.
in heart, sympsthy and principle, all combine
to make him the man of our choice,i, and the
man whom the Democrats of Susquehanna
will delight to honor with one of.their largest
' Aft; /31aLna' was six years a State i enator,
in which position he distinguished himself as
an able and EtithfelLegislator. As Chairman
of the Committee of Finance, the most diffi
cult and arduous position in the Senate, he
displayed wonde rful skill and talent; and when
he le ft the Senate, all agreed that it had lost
one of its brightest ornaments. i ''. '.
The position of the Democratic party of this
State, in reference to the opening Campaign,
is certainly.a proud one. Harmony apparent
ly exists everywhere; and from all sectionslof
the State comes a voice which seems a certain
prelude to suecees. The unfortunate state of
things that lost us the election three yetis
ci zal
ago will 'not a ff ect us now, t&all Pppeanut es, 1
and we really cannot conceive how defeat
prostrate ns next fill; save it be by over co ft-
dence in ourselves. In that there is danger;
and the mistake is often made that we pre
strong because united. The motto that "p
-ion is strength" loses its truth, when the' ,
strength is not employed in active service:—'
Give us union and-a power, an energy, to bring
the.united elements into actite service rather
than passive, and the Democracyof.Peniasylva
nia cannot be beaten.. All put history author- ,
izes this conclusion. - I
Every Democrat then, should feel it a duty
to himself and his principles, to act, to work,
to labor, diligently, faithfully. We have the
same active, ever-ready foe to contend with,
and.their every energy is now sharipated by
previous success. We know of sloth= in the
State around whOm the Dsmocrta can rally
more enthusiastically now, than around him
who promises to be the candidate 6f their
choice; and, wafer such circumstances, do.
feat would be humiliating in the extreme.
and one from - which they would not recover
for icing years to come. With our . opponents
the struggle will be a desperate one, for, to
them, the. verdict that' given will be , ansro 7
bative or otherwise. They have held the
executive reins for the last thtce years, during
which their 'policy has 'been, perhaps, more
boldly declared than eves before, so the verdict
will be more direct and explicit ,
For Canal Commissioner, seeeralgeptlemen
' have been named, good men and able. I ‘Vhen
the Convention meets, a judicioisa selection
will undoubtedly be made. We have in Con
fidence that the Convention will give us candi.
dates all around, such as Democrats, in all
sections of the State will vie with each other'
to support most ,heartily. This &Pe, and be:
fore the ides of next Oetober shall have passed'
away, we will send a glad greeting to our fel
low Democrats in ether sections of the State,
that an inert:eased old democratic majority has
beep registered in‘Penfisylvaoix I
rtreary.sir bellotings the - Legislature! of this
state have fins* succeeded in rub* e choice
of Boum, as U. S. Senator for six yews
from the fourth of March hist
We present below the vote on the final bal
loting in both - branches of the fegialatuie for
the lontand the short teach:
Siutani.--Shorc 'Thei.--(.1an.28,) Rantoul,
21; Winthropl3; Battering, 2. Lev 'Dm.
—gam 29,( Sumner, 23; Winthrop, 14. •
Fronan.--Shire Tenn—(lan. 20,) UAW,
187; Winthrop, 173; Seattering,l2. L(3l§;
Terrn.—(April 24,) Sumner, 193; Winthrop,
166; Scattering, 25; Blanks, 2, (not countS)
"Prii tii Mahe."
- 13 .4 1 tkle"Edlter qther Registete "wilt the
Editers ofthe De4lersena put ma 'right before
thOgiendersr certainly inked to do SO,
in the bioadist sense
*fa* ireekti since We Faked the simple
qnestion,why the evidenceln the Rude page
I did.not'sppearin'that paper, noticing the 'fact
that; Mr: ChaMram appeared in the Evidence
ad a stockholder. The next week in the face
(lithe evidence., be denied ever having been a
atfekhorderond said that the. briputatien was
fitirsaom nuipint We theit*inted him to
the record where his mune appehred for forty
shares. Last-week, after having denied , ever
having anything to do with the Bank, seeing
that the evidence contradietid him,he excused
the matter by saying that he did bid off some
stock, in his own name, - for some one else,and
aslu us to put him right
'll4 he s exPlaini.d the 'natter, in the first
place, like a gentleman, he 'might be entitled
to slime consideration at our hands. This he I I
did not do , but attempted to get out of it, byl
giving the lie to the testimony before the Com
missioners. - -
"Murder will out, 4 ! and it hasioine out this
time just as Nye expected. Our readers will
reeolleet that the evideriedisclosed, that near
ly the whole stock of the Bank was taken by
persons never intending nor expecting to pay
OWfarthing of it; 'A small sum was taken
and paid in to 'kink on; and then the very
honest and business.filie men who had charge,
of the swindling monstor,procUred such" toad
ies" as the Editor of *he Register, to take the i
remainder, finally miming the whole in the
renowned" Surplus Stock Company."' .
That Stock Company, citizens of Susque
hanna, laid the foundation for one of the most
stupendous swindles in the annals of Banking;
and 'you were the innocent and unsuspecting
victims. You have been robbed by the law
less operations of, that concern; and you, we
doubt not, will put, not only the Register man
"right," but some others before the matter
shall bo ended. A day of retribution is fast
approaching, and, we say, let it come. If men
trill evade law when the interests of whole
commnnitiesnre at stake; let the consequen
ces, however fearful, be visited Upon thom,and
if those who have been their tools get caught,
we shall not apologize for their stupidity, or
shield them from the full force of indignation
that an outraged people may pour upon them.
pr,.Extzsct from the evidence before the
Commissioners; appointed to investigate af
fairs of the Bank of Susquehanna County,—
" J. W. CHAPMAN, 40 Shares—NOT PAID."
Harmonious Whiggerr•mnow In the
Whitt Convention.
The richest politipal demonstration we ever
witnessed, came off at the Whig Convention,
in this place, on Tuesday evening of last Week.
We earnestly wish that every Whig in Sus
quehanna County had been present, and we
are certain the candid ones would Jtave Made
up their minds firmly, never again to act with
the Whig party of this county, so long as it
should be led by the men who figared that
Convention to their own purposes.
It was evident at the organization of the
Convention, that the "Clique" (to use a Whig
phrase) had - the arrangements all completed,
to send Delegates to the State Convention
who would support Hon. Wat. lissue for the
Supreme Bench. '
Contrary to all usages and befona the Con
vention had half assembled, the Chairman of
the Standing Committee, without even stating
the object of the meeting, nominated ABEL
CAsstor, Esq., for President. A' suitable
number of Vice Presidents, Secretaries, &c.,
having been chosen, A, Chamberlin, Esq,
"moved that a Comnattee of thirteen," not
like Hr. Foote's Committee, to save the
Union, but "to report Resolutions, and to
nominate suitable persons as Delegates to the
State Convention." This was agreed to,where
upon a "suitable," person slyly passed to the
President, a list of "suitable persons" for said
Committee, made out for him to copy, thus
giving the whole an appearance of fairness, as
thoughiappointed by the President, instead o
having been got up in alawyer's office in town.
Dr. Patrick, one of the champions on the
side otthe People, saw how the game, was
working, and moved to add thirteen' more
names to the Conimittee, and presented a list
of Whigs of the county principally, instead of
the Borough of Montrose. Uri flash of light
ning had that moment darted through the
room, it would not have startled the "leaders"
more. They denounced the motion in the
mast vociferous manner, and seemed deter
mined to brow-beit'the Doctor down. But
they-had "waked up- the wrong passenger,"
—the Doctor 'was " after them." The motion
was seconded and a vote taken amidst a gea r
eral uproar and confusion. The "Clique"
made an the show of strength posidble, by
aliontMg, No, No, NO, nt the top of their voi
tea, and insisted that the motion was lost,
whemin fact, it Was carried by more than a
two-thirds Vote. The vote was taken again
and again With.the same result. A division of
the house time called for by A. Newton Esq.,
The "Clique" seeing themselves caught, blus
tered and raved, and the President stool nal
though stupefied. Finally the Doctor'arose;
and expiated the whole game of the "Clique" ,
to the audience, plaeingi them in no very envia.
ble light , They then 'offered to compromise
by taking both - lists, tuao selecting nine names
to compose the Committee, being careful . to
secure the , oda one themselves. The Doctor
and his friends were rather forcedlo accede'
to lhis, for, somehow, the President could not
undmitand how the Whig. delegation from
the whole county could - awry a motion when
the "Clique," composed of five or six persons,
voted Noq The Committee was then formed
by the President, and on the
f irst reading of
I theilials N. Newton Esq., was the first named,
so of course be would, be the Chahman; but
Mitt* second reading it appears that A.Charn.
berlin, Esq., had taken - his place! A slight at
hand peifoftoanett we presume..
The Committee retired, and soon returned
With resolutions, dm., and among the red" one'
nominating Urbane Bunrows mad OilberfWar-
Or forDelvites to the State - Convention,—
Hein the Doctor stepped on %aloes of tfie
al Clique; by open and bold opposition to the
kesolutke, an in' under -bunted game to send
a couple of the " Ciiquo:merr to thO
tion, who were known to be anxious to go,but
dare not have tbeir'namas used lnihe Coven:
tion, knOiring that they could not get five
votes without votingfor themselves. sSo_they
thought to . get Messrs. Burrows and Wainer
elected, who,instend ofgoiug would substitute
them. • The Doctor kw tins, and 'offered an
amendment to - the resolution, substituting G.
W. Stephens, BK., in place of Mr. Burrows.
Mr,Stephens 'would go. if elected, and:the
"'Clique" opposed-him with
_all their might,
thus proving the troth of the' Doctor's - 11
The Doctor insisted that a vote should be
Utica on hisamendment; the'" Clique" bins
tered, donned and scolded, but • the. DeCtor
reas'nt scarf.", Her exposed the heartless
cheat, and called tipin the. Whigs present to
crush it, and show the "gentry" that they
knew their. rights and meant to take care of
them. The most sagacious of the "Clique"
now diaeovered that,the Doctor's amendment
was " out of oider because it changed the char
acter of the whok Resolution," and intimated to
the Prestdent that it w,as his business to do as
they (the Clique) told him to? A re&lar row
ensued for nearly , hour, when somebody
said, "Stephens wont vote for Jessup," where
upon the President rated the, amendment out
of order, till the wig - hill Resolution should be
passed! The "Clique" Were evidently sur
prised at the sagacity of the . President,' for
even they hid het thisught of 'objection.. How
ever, it , was manifestly out of the "order" that
the CliAue had laid down, and It was fully
understood-ilia' his decision was foirued on
that principle.' Such principles embodied in a
Legislative ganualrwould, we presume, su
percede Jefrerson'e, and enlighten the world !
The vote was finally taken on the original
Resolution,' amid a general tumult. "You lie,"
"you are a liar," Mho President is a fool," &c.
&e., followed the - decision that the Resolution
was , carried. A division of the house wa h
called for, but the "Clique" would not allow
It. They dare:not have the vote counted, or a
fair vote taken. '
Stillman Fuller, Esq., then offered the fol
lowing Resolution:—
"Resolved, That we hereby instruct our
"delegates, to,supiiort no nian as a candidate
"for the office of Supreme Court Judge, who
"has, directly or indirectly, opposed the Amend
ment to the Constitution, under the provisions
" of which, they are to be chosen by the People.
Here, was a "direct" hit at. the "Regency,"
and through. them, at His Honor, the Judge.—
Mr. Fuller had charge of the Register office
last fall, when these same gentlemen went
there, and cut from the Whig Ticket, the votes
or the Amendment, spoken of in the above
Resolution. The "-Clique" were now fairly
caught, and to prevent a vote being, taken on
Mr. Fuller's Resolution, they moved to ad
journ, which they carried with a row.
- We have made these statements as correct
ly as possible from memory. "The ono halt
has not been told," nor can it be described on
paper. It was certainly the boldest game we
ever saw played to suppress the voice of the
people, and we shall wonder much if the inde
pendent Whigs of this county, do not teach
the "Regency" a lesson . that they will long I
remember. We trust we shall hear no more
of " Fireproof Cliques," " Regency" &c., from
those who originated the schemes and chica
net"' so fully exposed in , that Convention.
Injustice to Dr. Patrick and Mr. Newton,
who took the side of the people, we would
state, that they conducted matters on their side
with perfect fainiess. The motions made by
them were clearly in order, nor did they evince
any disposition to iiolate the principles of
honorable dealing and fair arrangement; and
the Doctor assured them on the spot, that he
should "take an appeal to the poor man's
Court,—the ballot box."
AL Dtsratcr.—A 'despatch from a distinguish
ed Democrarin Danville, dated yesterday, re.
marks as follovis upon the investigation into
the election for Congress in the above district,
now being condußed hi Danville. It will be
remembered that Col. H. B. Wright:tbe De.m.
ocratic candidate at the late election, contests
the seat of Col. Henry 31. Fuller, who has the
certificate :
Danville, April 25, 1851
The evidence of the contested election case
yesterday, and today, discloses astounding
frauds, not less than one hundred urinaturaliz
ed persons and boys,' cast their votes for the
Federal candidate for Congress.
We clip the above from the Pennsylvanian.
It Will be recollected that Mr. Fuller's majori.
ty ever Col. Wright was only about sixty. If
the l above despatch bo correct, we judge that
the CoL will succeed.
eign papers state that the committee of the
British and foreign Bible Society have secured
for their society a place in the crystal palace
ittiondon, where the labors in which they
have been engaged for the last forty-six years
nay be examined. The Scriptures may there
be seen and read in one hundred and fifty fan.
guag j es and dialects. In connexion with this
the following brief remarks of an English wri
ter are exceedingly appropriate, and will be
read with interest : •
-"To many (says Anderson) it might seem
too bold, were we to affirm that the English
Bible is at present in the act of being perused
from the rising to the setting sun. The -as
sertion mightappear little elselluna a figure of
speech, or an event to be anticipated; and yet
this is no more than the half of the truth. The
English Bible, at this moment, is'the only ver
sion in existence on which the sun never sets
We know that 'it is actually in use tin the
banks of - the Ottoway and St. Lawrence, as I
well as at Sydney, Port Phillip, and Hobart
Town; but before his evening rays have left
the spires of Quebec and Montreal, his morn
, ing beams have already shone for hours upon
the shores of Australia and New Zealand.—
And Wit be read by ao•nianiof our language
in Canada while the sun in' sinking on the
shores of Lake Ontario, in the Eastern world,
where he has risen in his glory on the. Walks
of the Ganges, to'the self-Came sacred voluine
many who . are less our countrymen have al-
readyturned. Yetare all these branches for
the parent stoek;under whose shades this ver
sion, corrected and,re-correeted, - hi been read
by myriads for three Imndied years."
--Judge Woodward has resumed the_.prao.
tiee of law at Wilkesharre connection with
his'nephew Warren J. Woodward, Esq,
—The Supreme Court has sustained the
Writ of error in the esse,ofißbrtin Peifer,
the, Commonwealth, and onfered anew WO
for Peifer. The ground of this . decision is
that_ the jury were allowed. to seperate far
several days between the time they were sworn
and the day of trial. "
_ _
--Jenny Lind has sent $3,000 and Barnum
$1,500, to Mayor Taylor; of Cincinnati, to be
disposed of as he thinks most judicious for
the relief of the unfortunate and diitressed in
that city. In_ addition to this, Barnum ..had
previously given s4oo` or $5OO. - -
• —The citizens of Montour county am pro-
Curing subscriptions to , purchase a handsome
watch and chain, as , an appropriate present to
the Hon Mr. Frailey, for his : defence of their
rights in the re-annezation bill, lately defeated
in the Senate. No one is allowed to contrib
ute more than fifty cents. •
—lt has been ascertained that the transmis
sion of intelligencelly the Telegraph is at the
rate of 13,000 miles per second. Rapid as this
velocity seems, it is about fifteen times slower
thanjlud of light, and more than fifteen times
slower than that of electricity from the electri
cal machine.
—The Plurality Law ofillassachusetts has
been signed by the governor, and is therefore
ztiaw. Where there was no choice of Con
gressmen on Monday, this - next trial will settle
the matter, as then the candidates having the
highest number of votes will be elected.
—The last survivor of the Wyoming Mas
sacre, Nis. Hannah Mills, died at Meriden,
Coon., on the sth inst., aged 83. The massa
cre, it will be recollected,-took place in 1788,
by the Indians of the six nations.
Legislature of Delaware have passed
a bill providing 'that the ante on the Sabbath
of any intoxicating drink shall be considered
as a worldly-employment, and shall subject the
offenders for the first offence to a fine of twen
ty dollars, and for the second to a fine of fifty
dollars, to be recovered by indictment. ,
—The whole number of deaths in the city
of New Orleans during the year 1850, was
7819, of which number 1308 were by cholera,
338 by dysentery, 290 by diarrhoea, and 674
by consumption.
—The Erie Railroad is now running over
the entire length to Dunkirk. A great increase
in their receipts is anticipated for the month
of May. • _
—We learn from Washington, that the Ans
trian government have refused the' application
of the Sultan to release Kossuth, and his com
panions in exile. Our government will make
a strong appeal to Austria in their belief.
—Why is an attorney like a minister? Be
cause he studies the law and the profits.
—A new and valuable invention in the man
ufacture of type is chronicled in "Gleason's
Drawing Room Companion," whiCh seems to
be worthy the attention of printers. The ed
itor says: "For the superior typography of
our paper, so universally admired, wo are in.
debted in a.great measure to the important
improvement in the'manufacture of type, by
the Newton, Company, New York."
The face of the type is coveredby an ingen
ious process, with copper, thus making it, for
unpractical purposes, as if cast entirely from
that metal. The durability of the I type is in
creased in about three-fold proportion, by this
A GOOD this.—A Western critic records the
following astonishing effects produced by Jen
ny Lind's Echo song on one of the "milky
.mothers of the herd." On the last occasion
of the song's being sang in the town alluded
to, a, venerable cow, -disturbed from a pensive
reverie in the courthouse yard by the delicious
melody of Jenny's call, " Come Kine," imme
diately obeyed the summons by bellowing
forth a responsive "I'm a coming." On inqui
ry, (the writer says he'learns,) it appears that
the maternal grandfather of this cow was im
ported stock, and that in the early part of her
ovin life, she was fed on Swedish turnips.
Mail pass. I Night ex pass I
Way frt.l Catl ft.
1130 a.m. - 10 3p. ar. 620 P.M. IB}p. M.
Mail pass. Night ex pug I Way ft. I Call fat
436 P. M. '3 49 A. M. 152 A.M. 620 A.M
Pelmet Temperance of Surgehanna Co.
Division. No. Location. Meet on
Chatvansisgo. 444 liarford. Tuesday.
North Star, 432 Brooklyn, Saturday.
Montrose,4so - Montrose, Monday.
Spring,vie, 464 Springville,.Saturday
Lenox, 466 Lenox. Saturday
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
For Great Bend, leaves every day, except
Sunday, '7 o'clock, A. M. Arrives at 10 o'clok
P. M. • Mail closes at 9 o'clock P. M.
For Wilkesbarre, leaves every day, except
Sunday, at To'clock A. M. Arrives at 9.P.
M. Mail cloies at 9P. M.
For Binghamton, leaves evepr day, except
Sunday, at 9 o'clUck p. 31: Arrives (every day
except Monday) at 9 P. M. .Mail closes at 7
o'clock P. M.
For Providence, leaves every day except Sun
day at,B A. M. Arrives at 6P. M. Mail clo
ses at 9 P.
For Towanda, leaves. op Sundays, Wednes
days and Fridays at 8 A. M. Arrives on Tues
days, Thursdays 'and Saturdays' at' 8 P. M.—
Closes at 9-P. M.-
For Carbondale, on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays, at 7 9.M. Arrives on Tues.
days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 P. 31.
Closes at 9P. M. • •
For Owego, on Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at 8 A.M. Arrives on Tuesdaysahnrs.
days, and Saturdays at 6P. M. Closes at 9
o'clock P. M. • - •
For Silver Lake &e., on Fridays, at 5 A. M.
Arrives int Saturday at .9 P. M. Closes at 9
P. M. Thursday.
For Skinner's Eddy, on Mondays at 5 A. - 11L
Arrives same day at 10 P.M. Closes at aP.
M. Sundays.
..itar Court wijowrued Aforlay - afternoon,
having done up a -whole week's huelnees in
three or four hopra. sorry timo this , for Lai'.
A RELIC or Tim OLDEN n execo a- ulty and a number of the students.
ting - a bank of earth in ;this Borongb,- on the i pears that he tinnier Class expressed d r ,
lands of Dr: Miner Kelley, on Thursday last, sur e attend thn funeral of a highly
reap er
i foithe purpose of constructing the N. 11.Carialltab e citizen of Borough, and requeuti
i iro
a large tusk of ivory, not unlike that of an et. a postponment of their recitations ler Oat
ephant inneh large 4 was found embedded i purpose . This wasdenied them bt tf
in the earth 'the ;depth of ten
feet from the the. Professore. • The y, young men, b aits ,
~l a ttended the funeral ; to the • h er
'surface. - Tha 'relic is Flew in the' "possessio n the s es of the Professors for .doing 1113 , - ";
brought up before theieullethy the
of them expelled. A ' gr a tt i
of Samuel G. Brenton, Who had charge of the were
work when' it was, discovered. Both ends have ; ga i t , a number
excitement was the:consequence, and - se r i'
the appearance . of having been broken off,leav
ing it about 3 feet and 4 inches long. It meas. ous injury to the college was antieipst e i
tires 15` inches in circumference at one enil, The whole initter,it appears, was finally re .
and 14 at the other, and weighs 35 pounds.— ' ferred to the Eon. JAMES BUCHAiIAN, Th o
From its appearance' we should judge it may happened at th e Limo to be in Carlisle, L A
have een,in its natural state,
some u l na or through bin isluence 'a:Sreconcifisti oo tai
ten feet in length. I
transpi going op is if nothing
• l 'effected. The Students have nearly
it got " there, is and
probably i re
tnrned. to their-d . uties, and , the busia ra
ever will bo a mystery . ' " The bank' of earth °f npi s easent had °f the Institutionu - -
from which A waetakert, has not been washed
or altered by the freshets of the river during,
the memory of the oldest inhabitants of tho
country. The finding of tho remains of huge
monsters, leads- to thei ; irresistible conclusion
that at some remote pepod this country was
the native place'of a race of animals now ex
tinet. The Elephant i not, and probably net:
er was, a native of North - America: d Indeed
their present size forbids the _belief that this
tusk was ever possessed by an animal of that
species. Traditionary! accounts or the Maw.
moth or Mastodon by the native Indians, are
the only evidence, except the remains °tea:
sionally exhumed, that!we have of the exist
once of such animals. ; The question suggests
itself to-the minds of the curious.- Ilas this
country been the native place of such monsters,
or are they of anti deluvian existence?---a ques
tion to be pondered upon but never to be an
swered.— Wyoming Item.
the North American, thefolloiving report of a
trial for breach of promise which took place
before the District Court of Philadelphia on
Tuesday last:
S. F. Earl vs. Esther P. Packer. Aetion for
breach of promise for l'n.srringe. The parties
are residents stßending. The plaintiff alleg
es that Mrs. Packer the defendant, entered in
• •
a contract of marriage with him, and.subse
quently refused to carry out. her cObtract.—
The council for plaintiff stated that the defen.
dant was entitled to the interest for life of a
large sum—he believed equal. to 834,000 per
annum. The plaintiff is a very young man,
obviously younger than 'the defendant. Ile 1
alleges that he has suffered serious damages,
in consequence of the long, pending engage,
meet; which induced him to.neglect, his pro:
fession, and that its termination threw him in
to a fit of sickness, The plaintiff's coun
sel read a long correspondence between the
parties, which served.:to relieve the tedium of
a civil trial; The plaintiff was non-suited up
on the strength of one of his letters produced
by the defendant's counsel, in which he stated
he would give her three days time to
' consider
whether she would marry him or not, and that
" he would abide by. the issue" of her deciiion,
whatever it might .be.. Messrs. Watts and
Meredith for plaintiff; Messrs. Shepherd, D.
P. Strong, of Reading , and Mallery, for defen.
I dant. -
, -
An act to authorize the county commiss
ioners of the county of Susqueleantiah
to erect new public buildings for the use
of said county.
SECT lON 1 Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the. Com
monwealth of Pennsylvanza - in General
Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same. That the coun
ty commissioners of the county of Susque
bannah' be and they are hereby- authorized
whenever they deem, the interest of the coon
ty require to build a new court house
jail and public offices for the use of said
county at the berough of Montrose, Provi
ded The said county commissioners shall
not enter into any Contract for the erection
of said building or buildings until the grand
jury summoned for next -April term, or any
succeeding grand jury o. the Court of
Quarter Sessions for the county of Susque
hannah shall have reported in favor thereof
SECTION 2 That whenever the said coon: I
ty commissioners Shalt determine -upon',
building and shall commence the savee;:the
commissioners of the said county of Sus
quehannah aro hereby autboized and re
quired to add the sum of five handled dollars
to the usual county 'Tates and levies of the
borough of Metroselin said county for ten
earisecutit , e years from the time of the coin
mencement to erect said 'built:ling or buil
edings for the purpose - of defraying the ex
penses of erecting • the same. •
SECTION 3 That the manner of levying
and collecting said tax in each year shall be
as follows. After; the, assessment shall
have been completed and the day of appeal
shall have passed the commissioners .shall
add to the tax of each person assessed in
said borough Or county purposes, such
pro'portion of five hundred- dollars . , as the
tax of such persons - ,shall bear to the aggre
gate amount of taxes levied upon said hor-,
ough for county purposes, when such addi
tion Shall be made the duplicate shall be
made out and the warrant issued, in man
ner and from authorized and allowed by law
and all laws applicable to the . _ colleCtion of
county rates, in the said borough are here
by made applicable to the collection of. the
additional tax hereby imposed..
SECTION 4 That the county commission
ere of the county •of Susquehannah .I)j , , and.
they hereby are authorized to borrow for
the purpose of building ris aforesaid any
sum not exceeding six per cent,, and reim-;
bursable at such times as they may deem
proper-not exceeding fifteen years.
go Journal of Thursday_ has the follow-
ing ; a steamer has arrived from Kingston -1
to aid in raising and removing the wreck ofJ
the Comet. She lays in nine feet of water
at the steamitotit landing at the - foot of
Seneca-st. Tbc loose fragments of the
wreck have been removed 'and it now op
pears.that a portkin •of her bull, apparently
down to her keel ; i&blown off, 'as well as
all berupper works; above theloilers.--
Three men are yet missing. They wore.
probably blown into the river , and instantly
killed. The two who were- scalded and who
Survive, I are fgradilally , recovering, and.
probably will get well, They all belong .
to Kingston. i . ,
quite a tlare-up Ifliokiaeou College in
the begining of last rfear t as we learn from
the Carlisle paperkgrovung out of ~ 0
ouity betweea ecrtam member/ of the Fag,
From the Evening Poi!.
, .
The Erle Railroad _Completed,
On• Monday morning, - the president, (li r .
eaters, - engineers, and other principal rts.
cers of this road, left the city, to pass ore --,;
with the first train of cars, the Whole li ne --' - j
of their road: - Beaching Littesboro, sly -4
took an extra engine, that they might e t r „I" -- ;
interfere with_the regular trains, and stop.
ping at, Elmira for tbe night, pursued thei r
way the next morning still., o'clock, to the
Western Division. . „ The road has been i o _ .1
effective operation as fir as timelier:l e --'
since September last, end , in partial q tr . ;
ation to Cuba, fifty miles further, since th e ,4
middle . ef, ?abruar,t. This, portion 'of the :
road, however, having been finished during
the winter, and portions of the track est
thoroughly completed, his only been rued l'
for freight, and fur passengers incident:eh.
At Cuba, the convoy reachedsthe untried
and entirely new portion of the road. The
distance thence to-Duukirk, on Lake E.
is 79 miles. As the train passed . vents, '
sections of the road,tleo resident and sup er .
intending engineers and contractors joined
the party. At Olean, the rushiog ma
of the Allegheny met their
. view, covered
with rafts, floating to the great father of
waters, , and on its banki, gathered is
groups the wondering children of the feu.
For several miles, tbe.road follows its basis
through the Indian reservation, and lb
Indians, whose attention was arrested by
the shrill whistle of the locomotive,- as t
thundered through ; their .herc4ofore 10 3
domain,-gazed - with a sort of, melancholy
interest ; there was ,no expression of ra t .
prise in -theii countenance—upon the rnie
disturbances of their peace, the precursertt
their fate, the extreminator of their race
he genius of mechanism.
At Albion. the train passed 'over an ea.
bankment 1,2C0 feet high, which, in gars.
.deur of conception' and •execution, rivals
the Starneca ; it is called " Drew's Galt"
The length of the culvert through elicit
the water rushes, is 830 fier, - and is of sill
id masonry, built for all - time. A shut
distance further en, is another embankmat
which strikes the tra - ve,ller. with ; t.legreerf
wonder and awe only leis than that whirr
he experiences on „ first looking upon tit r '' . :
gulf. This portion' of the road exceeds, ii i, :; , ,i
picturesque , beauty and effect, anything r,-.,','h
even on the Delaware,or SusquebannahL r q
Division. For some miles the road tnr. ~ -. . 1
erses the sides of the.mountaite at au ele• is-. 1
ration of 300 feet, and the iuceessios_d i, - ,Vi
views are wonderfully grand and exciting Al
Throughout the whole.. valley, called "Li. ill
tle valley," the eye and are deep.
ily interested, and the. exclamations, "Nil V4l
look ! look !" were constan% ,
At Dayton, twenty miles or more heyerl, J - .. - it,
they came-in view of Lake Erie, lying is f A
I low them and-,.extending far as the q tO
could reach. As the party caught the firs
glimpse of the lake, three hearty ,cheerti-- I.i'`
burst from the directors, engineers and at. -.A
tractors, they felt, each one, as De Son - . 4 ~,
felt when he diseovered the Mississippi- :'1
they had achieved ' their 'object, for yen
they bad struggled cin, - -at one time. tut!! 4
great-anxiety. — The Board had said, is in - .I
public addresslo their stockholders " tirr --,
could almost see the Lake," they now et
it not." as through a glass darkly," B ..::f
clearly, distinctly—not by faith, bat li [ ',..
works. There were three hearty Awn.- -,-
On sped the train ; the snpet intending eng•
neer, himself, at the helm, and in an tm r„,.
more, catching occasional glimpses of Se ,
I Lake—the shrieking steam horse, whoa
advent for ninoteen,years, had deen hoped
wished prayed and Waited for, rushed is t:
, theivillage of Dunkirk. About the no
I gratulations, firing of cannon, illumines
&o, let some others write Ore have no et
at present, but, there_ is a drought or twin
we contemplate the subject, that seems 0
it'were, in an instant fill• us with amp&
In twenty hours, running time, a distace
of four hundred and fifty miles was passe?,
extending from the, Atlantic borders to tta
Western Lakes, which in former times avi
under favorable circumstances occupied to
to twi•lve days. single day
'sources of the, rivers St. Lawrence. the-
Delaware, the Susquebannah and the Idas•
issippi. were traversed By following tii
several courses voyagers could 'reach tlt
Gulf of St. Lawrence, Chespeake Bay, 3
the Gulf of llexico. . The locomotive
dished up. the - mountain, reaching an elf.
vatien of seventeen hundred feet, atusird
on the way, portions of the road, of oT
twenty-ono miles the' hour. In "twee
minutes, Sir," said the telegraph opersta
your„ arrival will be known in New York
A Cue lostxv.- 2 •While Governor Bror:
was in Key \Vest, says the Tallehassi
(Floriada), Sentimth. ho was presented
Hon. A, Patterson with a miniature
of Gen. Washington; found ten years :g'
,the neighborhood of Mr. Panama's
premises imbedded in the limestone ebiri
forms the island. The .bust is of pwrP , .
and is evidently the Work of a, mister:-
The - expression is said to be, identical Rid;
that of the' thulium sstatue ,
te° Washing 4
at 'liana mid, allowed to be the best Ilk
nessie exiStance.--The little bust is it'
state ofperfect priservation ; all the d
Cate chiselling in the' plains et a rufg
shirt remaining as sharp and well-deftte l
as ever and the marble without discolor' .
-tion. ,'Across the shoulderti lis irsoribti
the word .Washington"—a welling wil°
seems to indicate an Rollin origim. In thi s
same spot two English geiniens were fop s
and .the inscription " of which we did oct
/eata.-: All were probably,depesiis by sostO
tree-bootcr of the olden time, ,
, 2,2