The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 01, 1851, Image 1

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For the Democrat.
ZiffitltaZ ffitsotagsaito,
Meet, Meet, to me, is the Spring's glad re-
From the isles of the South where so long it
was chained, .
For as buds and its blossoms, my heart has been
yearning ,
a d its bright beaming skies, 'in glory's hues
ey are heil.—they arc herer—and lance more
Visions and theaghts, that deemed ever effaced,
a Tate, that lies silent, whilst lone and fovea
Thrills sweetly again, when its bright chords
are traced.
her c ame, , those loved memories, in fond fitful
Like mystenous gleams from some far picture
ow flitting all dimly—anon wildly rushing,
TB we join in our child's home, a long•parted
hero is joy for the spell, on yon pine crested
These is beauty supreme, in the ravine below;
hero ,is that in the ,dashing, and rock-bedded
Which causes the spirit with love to o'ettaotV:
! around the broad earth, may Ice trace the
Of trim, who in goodness, and power, let it 'Be
ad do we but mount on oar ideal pinions,
Wo.rire Lon, in a sense of iris infinity.
dorms MIST, April, 1851.
For the Democrat
! wreathe riot for me thy chaplets which glee
bnlhant Mai:alinia in yen Inotintsin's brow;
host rich Crimson chalaces, lovely in sheen,
poitonons nectar - contain, I do ween ;
ay! with thy wreathes; in exteri poor fair,
night-51a; is hidden most artfully there,
an Aspic envenomed lies ready to clasp
o hand af MTection with <deadliest. grasp!
• onid not, like Egypt's fraß,leantiful Qtieeen,
,• dare tar a tnoment its fangs fell and keen,
• e ails of deception, I ever despise,
• • sled I turn from its siren like eyes, '
.1 many, we find who in sentiment shine
• d friendship's sweet chaplet pretendingly twine,
tanking love's rose-bode and truth's holy dew
eir garlands tom fade and are poisonous too—
en breathe, not for me thy weird magic Again,
y warmest.efisions are heartless and vain. -
.w soulless! to trample on Faith's gdldeu vine,
.d wound twisting friendshp on vanity's shrine;
for pure sympathy's beautiful gem,
d found a night-shade en deceit's sombr‘ stem,
&tell in fueling—betrayed in my trtmt—
i,,d from thee, Lady-4in pity—disgust!
From the W U yoming Democrat.
t i. aT M, ZIT OTar."
ry call Me cold, because anon,
I smile dot as they .harry by—
ecanse their come of friendship fall,
UrthonoMd by a single sigh.
hey call me cold, because I love, •
In solitude to pass the hours;
d say kraste my youthful dugs,
Amid' the dead mid dying flowers.
t of
ah, they know not all I know ;
They see not all that I can see ;
ey know not all the world has done'
To make me what I seem to be ;
ey knots not all the faithless friends,
_Of wham this lonely heart could tell;
ey know not all the cold reproofs,
That it, tdas, Into known too well.
ey see not all the hitter smiles,
That thrill the pulses into strife;
ley see cot all the chilling looks,
That greet me in the walk of hfe ;
hey know not\ill the sland'roas tongue,
Can do to pen' frthe heart;
tey 4olv not hew the whispered lie,
Will moke the purple life-blood start.
et ! he+ not how the-canker -fiend
ZIT an4ermine the firm resolve . ;
ley kno‘ not how the hopes youth,
The biddding cauldron ;
a all! they know not all I know;
They s'e not all that I can see ;
knaw list all that they, have done,
To make me 'shut I seem to
VII4T r WOVLD Do.—lf I were Possessed
valuable thing s in the" world, and
• about to will them away, the following
uld he My plan of distribution:
week will the world truth and friendship,
'eh are very scarce.
would giv'e an additional portion of truth
wyers. ;traders, and merchants.
ir!illftgir e to Phyaleianc skill and learn,
would give to printers their pay. 4
gossippiag women short tonnes.
° young women good sense, modesty-,la gs
As, and aatuml teeth. •
llypocrisy in any matter is liad, but in
o n it is abominable.' There in no inch n
'ii al h._ tliatiooks like an angel.
As soon as a good child,dies, one of God's
angels descends upon the earth .takes the child
in his.arms, spreads out his large white wings,
and flies . over all the , places that were dear to
the child, and-plucks -.a handful of flowers,
which he then carries to Heaven, in order that
they may, bloom still - more beautifully there
than theY did here . on earth. The loving God
presseth all these flowers to his bosom ;-and
then it 'twelves: a 'voice, and can sing and join
in the universal bliss. '
An angel of God related this as ho bore. a ,
dead child to heaven ; and the child heard as
in a dream : and they flew over all the spots 1
around the houses where.tlie little one •had
played,and they passed th digh the gardens'
with the loveliest flowers
.. . •
"Which one. shall we take with you and
plant in Heaven r asked e angel.'
And a beautiful slender r tree was stan
ding there; a "Wanton hand. had broken the
stem' so that all the branches full of ' large
half open rose buds hung down quite withered.
" The poor: tree," said the child, "talc "e it. so
that it may bloom again on high with the lov
ing God. ; • •
And the angel'took it and kid the,ebild;
and the little one half opene4filit eyek; they
gathered same"of the despised daisy and wild
a nsy tom
"NOW we have flowers," said' the child, and
the angel nodded,but they did not yet fly up
to Heaven.
It was night ;it was quite still. They stray
in the great cityt, they floated to and fro in , one
of the narrowest streets, where great heaps of
of straw,of ashes, and rubbish lay about; there
had been a removal. There lay broken pot..
sherds and plates, plaster figures. rags, the
crowns of old bats ; nothing that was net dis.
pleasing to the sight.
And amid the devastation. the angel pointed
to the fragnients of a flower pot, and to a clod
of earth that had fallen out 'of it, and which
was only held together by.the roots of a great
withered flower ; but it was good for nothing
now, and was therefore thrown' out into the
"We Will take that ono with us," said the
the angel, "and I will tell you about it
we are flying."
And new they flew on; and the . angel:rela-
"Down yonder; in, the narrow street, -in the
low celler, lived once , a poor sickly boy. He
had been bedridden from his . very
When he was - very well indeed, he could just
go a fen times up and down the little room on
his crutches ; that *as, all.
One day in springhis neklbor's-son brought
him some flowers, and among. them was i by
chance one with a roof, it was therefore plan
ted in a flowerpot and placed in the window
close by his bedside. •It thrived, put fOrth
new shoots and every year had flowers. To;
the sick 'boy it u-as the most beautiful - garden
his little treasure upon earth; he watered, Mad
tended it, and took good care that it got every
sunbeam to, the very last that glided by.on the
lower pane. And the flower grew,
.up in :his
very dreams with its color and fragrance; to it
he tamed when dying, when the loving _God
calledhinto-himselt He Itasnowbeena year
_God ; a year basilic flower stood in the
window, withered and forgotten, and • new, " at .
-the removal it has -been thrown among 'ether"
rubbish in the street; , And that is the flower'
- which we have taken - into, our nosegay; for :
thisflower Tins caused more joy than the rarest
flower, in the : garden of a queen?'
" But how do you ktiim all thisr asked the
child which the angel was carrying up to
"I know it,". said the ituTel ;"I was myself
the little sick boy that weiat , on , crutches; It
must surely know my flOwer again." ' •
And the child, opened. his eyes and looked in
the beautiful, calm:face of the - angel; and at'',
the same moment they were in heaven, where
was only joy and blesselnes. ;1 • ,
lIV II :I=J CIRO ialllA. is=
I love to listen to the fidling,of the snow.—
It is unobtrusive and.sweet music:. Nou'inay
temper your heart to the serenest mood its
low murmur. It is that kind of music that on
ly intrudes upon your ear when your thoutr,bts
come languidly;. You need trothear it if frottr
mind is not idle. It reOlizes my l dream of an
other world, "where. music is intuitive like a
thought, and. comes flnly when it is reminn
bered. • , .
And, the frost to.), -has a. melodious "min
strels?' you will hear its - eiystal shoot in the
dead of a Clear night, za if the moon-beams
were splimering arrows on the gro r und; and
you listen to it more earnestly that it is the
going 9n of one of ihe_most of nature's-deep
mysteries.. I know nothing so wonderful as
the shootin of a, crystal: Heaven has lad its
principle aft yet from the inquisitive eye of the
philosopher,' and we mash be conterrtla gaze
on its exquisite beauty, and liiten -in, mute
wonder to the 'liaise 'of its invisible - workman.;
Ship. It is to fund' ri faaiwledge of us. • -Wei
shall eompreheid itivben We know how the,
' morning`stars sang together."
You would hardly look for musie in the
dreariness of early-414er. But -before thi,
keener frosts set in; and while the %carnival:lds
are yet stealing,hack occasionally, like regreti
oftlietlepartedattnimer,there Will come 111+4
Min itr, a heavymist t aid When the north Wind !
retartis, there will be drops 'suspencliSt like!
7,/:4; ~7 -7 ) ‘. .1.1; 4:4",11 :
POIUVRA, rEIVA iliNitaafifilV:LOßVlllliTiaL'' , W2UEßl42 l - "LIED -ECK A LITL:2:, - . 7":
.•_ •r. •., 43, e_CIV.MI34
earring jewel's ketereen the - filanients'ef the
silver tasteli,rand: in the featherly edges'ofthe
dark , green kemloek, anti if thaclera•ing •np is
not followed by a heavy wind they will-sill be
,frOzen in their ',Vitals like wellset gems: The
. next nierning, the! Warm Sun 'collies -out; and
br tlin-middle of a ratio; • dazzling forenoon,
they are all loosened •frem the; close touch
whieh sustained them, and.ivill: drop tit-the
slightest motion. If you go along upon .the
south side - of the•,wood at that' hour you will
hear-music.. Tho dry foliage 'of, thasumnier's
shedding is scattered over the ground, and the
hard round drops-ring out clearly : and distinct. .
ly as they are shaken dawn with the stirring
IA the breeze: It is something like the , running
of deep and rapid water, only more fitful and
merry; but to one who . goes , in nature with
his heart open, it is' a pleasant , music, and, in
contalst with thb stem character of the season,
delightful Winter has Many other sound s
that give pleasnre it; tke seeker for, hidden
sweetness; hut they are too rare and aecidek-
MI to be` described', distinctly. The brooks
have sultan and muffled' murmur tinder tha
frozen"surfate; -the, ice in the' distant "river
heaves up with,a swell of the currant and falls
back again fir the bank witha prolonged echo;
and the ivoodman's axe rings cheerfully Out
from the bosom 'of the nnrobed forest. ' These
nro,'at best however, but melancholy sounds,
and like that cheerless senses, they but drive
in the heart upon itself. - I believeit -is so or.
dained in heaven's wisdom. We;, forget -Mir
selves in the enticement of sweet ; summer.--1
Its music and its loveliness win away to the
scones that link up-the affectioni, and need a
hand to tura us back tenderly, and hide from
us the outward idols in whose•worship we are
forgetting, the higher and- mote spiritual al.
earniot believe that
the. earth is man's abiding place.. It =dot be
that our life is cast up by the ocean of eter
nity to float for a moment on its waves and
gni. to nothing,nesil Elsd why is' it that the
gldriousaapirations Which qap like angels froth
the temple of our hearts, are forever wander
ing shoat Unsatisfied? Why is it that thn
rainbow and the cloud come over us with' a
beauty thatis not ofeartli then pass off and
leave usto ',muse upon their,fadedloveliness? .
Why is it that the. stars who hold their' festi-
Vals around the midnight throne aro set above
the graap of. our limited . faculties to;. ever.
motking us with their .unappreaching glory?
And finally why is it that the bright forms; of
human beauty are presentoi to our view, and
then tikes from tis leaving the - thousand
streams; of affection to flow back in Alpine
torrent upon the heart? We, are born for a
higher• World than that of earth ; there is a
realm where rainbowsnever fade, where they
will be out before us like islets, that !slumber
on the ocean ; and where the beings that pass
before us like shadows, will stay in our pres
ence forever.
Gtion TAsTi— You see the lady of good
taste turning a cold ear the assurance •of
shopin en and the recomCendation Of tailliners.',
She cares not how original a pattern may be if
it be awkward Whatever law `fashion diet.
ates she follows laws of her own, and is never
behind it. She . Wears- very beautiful - things ; '
which peopl e' generally supposed to be brought
froth least "made by. a Meriacli . mil
liner, but.Whieb so often are bri)u;ght from the
nearest Itnin; and made up byhei own maid.
rs,* that- herenstume is,,eitherrich -or new—
ts; the contrar she werz; . s' Many a ,cheap dress
but itis always-pretty, and many an. old one;
but it is always good. Siie deals in hagaudy
confusion of colors; nor does she affect a stpd
ied sobriety ; butshe is sure • to 'refieSh - you
with a judicious harmony. 'Not' a scrap of
tinsil ortritrapery tyjPears, buttons • or twisted
Cording's. - She is quite aware, however 'that
garnish is as important as the ' dress ; all her,
innerborders and headings . .sre delicate ' and
fresh; and shohld any thing peep out which•is
not intended to he-seen,qt is quite as mach se
as that Which is. -After-all,e there; is no great
art either in her fashions, or in materiaL The
secret simply consists- in her .I .; ioWing - the.
three unities of, dress-her' own Station; her
own age;'and her own points—and no woman
Can dress well who does .not. We need not
say,, that :whosoever is , at:traded , , suili
costume will not be,disappointedin the wear.
er. She iiaynnet behandseme:er accomplished
but we will answer for her being well in.fOrmed '
thorohghly settsible4and possessed of a refined
taste, which is of 'Ditch -More importance.•
• -
13nEvrrY rn Womb,---We find in a Califor
nia diary the 'following, glorifioatlen of a qual
itywe should like. I "'A man of few. words" is
Very well, but "a wciniza of few. words" is a
matter open to arguMent : • - -
I encountered' to day in aravine,sorne three
miles distance, among the gold Ivasheis, wo
man from San Jose She was at work with
large wooden bowlby the'side of the stream.
11 asked her bow long she had been there mid
bow much gold she -mewed 'a day. Sir::: re
plied, "Three weeks and f an once." ' Her reply
reminded me:ofari anecdote of the late Judge
who met girl returning from mar
ket, and asked her, ." how deep did. you find
the stream ? what did you get for your butter?
"ITp to the .knee and minepence," was' there.
ply. •"I,Ah r said the judge tobimself:4—"she
Is the girl for me ; no wordslostthere;"•turroid
.back, proposed, was accepted, turd married the'
•neat week ; and amore happy con* the con
jual bonds never united; the nuptial lamp nor
er. waned ; its ray was steady. and clear to- the
last. We who paddle off and orv. fdr • seven
yearwand.are at lasd, p_erhaps sized, _ take
ito3oll Of the judge.. - nat "up.•to the, knee,
and itinepence'li worth'alf the rime letter and
melancholy rhymes over penned,
oN.ll : kok:: . .i4; : ,t,iftritgl).& - 1; - :'‘':4'4t.:3 -, ,;.i'5f, -. ':;-,
;Of the Ulan into Which
[Franee was divided lgreatest interest liti:s•cluiitetedhidtind 'that 'of
[the Gironde:: Its xn"" einberiwere not confined
tette deputieS representing the digtYict whence
its •nainmertgleated, nor nY'en
feeniolled in its tanks soted:Of the facstAistiti
guistied'perseril • in;flut country," dwelling On
both'eldes• of: toire..:,..,'That it dirdiraded,
names that'pOsteriti will not willingly let ; diie,
we have only to "mention' iti.;<.titodf -; those of
[Verguiaud, - ,Condoicet, Gtia:(lo,t,hig,s,c4,ol4llY,
Gensonne, Petion, Barbaron,ti - Upguhrui, and
Madame Roland. The'Splendid, talents of ita'
'leaders, their brilliant eloquence, !help attae 7
1)1' • of• o e
, ment to 'repu learns , the. h lierme Ong) , s
with the jecobins,' and oierth ,
and lamentable fate, havelnieSted their 'atom.
I with the dignity of histotiOlie eharrai of re' 7
mance, and the virtue of mareyrdpin.•
' The most attractive and eadlinandingfignre
in this grouP of re"markable•iin, gni : * yergl
'niaud. Condoreet'was widelf,lMOWit thrqugh ,
Europe, as a profound 41:1110spidfir; ri ripe
[scholar, and an able writer en .natural Science
and social' economy. BrissetlxiandiStingnish
ed for attainments in varionSriepaitments' of
[learning, was familiar with,lhe constitutions
land polities of modern state's, and claimed to
be the citilian and statesman t 'of his
Beilly was an eminent member'of the French
Academy, had presided °Ver.' the•firit National i
Assembly, was the friend at Jefferson !
, • and Franklin, and was esteemed for his' tem t
integrity and "spotless virtue: 'Palen enjoyed
great p6PularitY with the people of Paris, WAS
mayor of the"metropolis; , had'rendered °risen,:
teal aid to the populace in the early struggles
of the reVolution, and possessed executive:tal
ents of the first Order. Guadet was a ready,
versatile and fiery orator. lit every conflict
between parties-in the convention, he prompt
ly ascended the tribune, wheinhe poured forth
a current of hold, dashing eloinence, sP4lllng
with antithesis; and 'rippling with wit and Vol
artee. He mrely`declined the conflict which .
the Jacobins tendered-to the Girondists, and
they as`seldomfo n nd occasion Wei:in - Outdate'
themselves on the result of the eneounter.--
His aiknowledged ability, his Unquestionable
courage, and his fondness for displaying his
powers, gave him the leaders]iip of 'his col
leagues on the floor of the convention. Lotf"vet,
a vigorous Writer,
..4:•:silindid *-declairecr, 'and
- knowinir, neither fear nor fatigue, kept - his eye
steadily fixed on the chiefs of the Motintain,
and hurled his shafts at Marat and Robespierre
with unerring precision - arid telling power.L-:
When the latter ventured to say, " No one will' l
dare accuse me to my face," Lou Vet rose,
stret'ching his hand ton ards him, said, " I Mal
he who dare accuse you;;yes, Robespierre; /,
accuse l" Barbarous, he ulo - first brought the I
Marseillais twParis, and Caused its :streets to
echo with their immortal hymn, was it gener:
ons and enthusiastic son of the South, whose
impassioned oratory Ceuta inspire: courage in
his friends, and bring them back to' he conflict]
under the ;most dispirting circumstances, He
.I,vas - among , the earliest to fathom end exposel
the ambitions designs of, Robespierre,.. Gen
sonne was endowed with sterling sense, and
held a readynnd luminous pen, which was of 7
ten put in reqUisltion to draft reports and-de
crees, and digest materials for the use of his
' , party. Theugh thrown into the shade in, the
tribune by the more brilliant gifts of several
of his Colleagues, he exerted - great influence in
their councils. Though an ardent republican,
I bis sense of justice induced-hiM, on the trial of
the king, to demand that two-thirds of the voi
ces of the aonvention should be t : equisite to
condemn him, and he exclaintect, awe vote-nn
der the daggers and cannon: of -t ho factions."
Just before the fall of the. Girondists,. when
processions of petitioners -poirred through the
hall, clamoring ,for the accusations of ;the
twenty-two deputies, he braved the torrent;
clinging to thetribune, whence - several of the,
Jasobins:attemited to drag hini by force,. and
nmidst'such a terrific scene as had never been
witnessed hefore, hurled his' burning ejacula
tions right and left on the • threatening multi
tude abd thd'yelling,Monntain. Roland pos-j
sessed qualities, and enjoyed the pres r tige
of' haVing held a port-folio in the ministry,—
He owed most of tlie:infipenpe of his party to
the animating genius,;•enerous courage, fasel
nating conversation,, and eloquent, pen., of, his
[eelebiated" wife; whose sway over the younger
MeMbers of the Gironde was unequalled.
But on'great occasions, When unforseen
I/gene:les were to be conquered by the powers
of oratory, and decisive crises were to be mas
tered-LY JuMincius arguments, all the minor
figures stood aside, and the fiat,.
urally indOlint ',Vergniaud was summoned .to
the tribime, With n'thightitbemp opening,
fare him, and'inviting !UM to definelts great
outlines and trace - its 'sUbkinate:reiationS;
, _
the beaming eyes '
of. his friends riveted upon
him; 'the Nountain 'watching his every ges.
titre ; throhged galleries hending,t9, eatehdils
whispers;lowest then lie toweredamong' his
colleaglies; the iioiiarch•spirit of the Astienibly
hain and_again, did helu'rest_victery, from
the standards, of the liienbin leaders; awe
Silence the mob. of Cerdeliens* infested
hall; turn thelndignation of, the deputies
4 15 n pnA•liat,i and 44v0 tilPm
heck :le their, midnight. phibii ; there to re lifir !
die passioni r persuasive reasoning,
had subdued. `:"gain and agilin;dia his words
of wiaoP-'4114
. power , his. odor and outage,
Arid respoiispi ility, 4dAPE4OO its.moderate
*ambers to rile '
superior to the ehtinore of
"ti; i~~, ~~ ~
• . .• i , ,-• ~ l - , .;.:; .l' . - -,, ~ , ' ' ' 77
''' • ' - ' -- 'ifacittin,'inecoriult only the interests' of. Pr,
:3[[-[[-i[ i i i i i i[ c 4[li[B l ..[A. [![ , t . •[-;...-: cu,'. I, ...i.r r. „. r,
f ' iaii \rg ee7 ' .,: P l u i lil e :vaa " .4u 'in ca a ' ti fed. lie 'lft ‘ r i I b lie : e s h C ur% tll lt. l. - ? ,lf
At the ,last moineat,:t?.orunkfrom : taping
orders,. and commenced the study 9t; law in,the,
city of lierdeaux, . Admitted4o Ake bar, his
efforts In that arena were early crowned,-,with
silc.F•ess..: , 14 . .vas , prp•tisipg,:4o.,PFo.l*9tip
'When he waspleeted a. - deputy,from *cleattx,
Pl h e; 401 1 4 1 ,Y5'. - 4- o §9o ll i' ( 1f,!J,7.9.. 1 ),. Mut
then inthe vigor. 4 Manhood.,, , Whetr be,re--
paired to Vi.lrA. tc! tales his sea-,/P;.0.1# body',
he . Was,a Stranger in ,the.r.atetmplis. ; - - tfis . ..9r,
Merkel itnwe rs, , wero then,- Reim ottm, i even. tet
hiMseif” ,Obscure, : poor,, loci, modesk-bAbad
[ pfivaieleitersto-his,niser :and friendsi writ,-
tea, afthis period, show, that he-waa
[ straitened Circumstances in: PaT c , ankevince
t.lieJe, ll 4Pretl,t, aTgcti° l3 . illl4,ao,a l7 ;ci4 ll *lPligilT
E'er tbe delights,oftltmee,,.:-.Alys,-,lintsplino,
"This Young Man .who with a oesture crush.
ed i'-thrope, scarce knew . where ~to lay- his
head in the, empire which he i‘,.as,alialting, rn-,
l'h . ePxCitifigevents by which he was - sutToun.
de d; 'aiiiilikvAiicii . be. was-summoned , to .play,a
part,,infliced . to., overcome-his, natural indo.,
t . , ,
leneennet love. of ease,. * nd he earl} -rose, 11gt
only to he'the first : orator of„ the, :Girondists,.
but, the most eloquent man in, the , .Assaznbly.
Until his; party was orahorne, and finally pros,
trated bythe4acebins, ho occupied 41,still more
commanding position,in,the_,Commntion than'
lie_iio qialqo in the Assembly,: _ ;-![:-.
' , It is IMPOsaible to traceintelligibly,thepelk l
'lie career of, Vergniaud, without estimating i
theeharaeterof the ; party, of which- . ..h0 was]
eotifeasedli the most. poweild-champion, and
:with - wbiekhis whole political life was identi.
led. - - linch of eulogy * •
heed heitowed np
(in the Girondins. The purityof their motives
has generally'been:eenceded.' 'Tbeli: - serf ices
in the cause of iep'utucimism [base received
the`Wainirsi,neorri.' inmS. -..tiberixicuinds have,'
glowed with adniiration, when reMouing their,
heroic-contest with - the i Jacobins„ Generous.
-hearts have throbbed with simpathi,or. harp-,
ed With'indiinntion; at the ; san&inary,domp
to which ;hey %yore consignedhy theXonatain.
and allies. : Vet. history has -not done them
full justice.,.,, They . aye pamally,,heeprepre
senled as visionary .cptlmaiasts,whose.:tbeo
ries of govertunentjand social ; progress were',
beantiful in , theabstract,but.ulterlyincapable
Of beim* reduced topractical uses; mero splen
declahriers, rich in talents for 11:Fzling. a
. ,
higidy' imagi nativ , e and profoundly excited Imo. 1
pie, but wholly destitute of those solid, states-
man-iike qualities, which their times- demand-'
ed;.. and, though possessing a firmness of pur-
lpose that ritited,them to the post- of danger,
and an , intrciidity of soulthatled them to the
[ scaffold witkunfaltering step, they were de
void'of the sagacity to,devise, or the:nerve to
execute, Measures essentialto_ curb an• infuri.;
aced poPulaee, and crush, the hmders: of, anal:
chial factions. In a, word, such writersas ~,Stott
and .Alison, (from: ,whose; prejudiced pages
American, readers are Apo. Apt to. , army, their
'opinions , concerning tho ,French.-rer . olution,) .
have de s cribed them as ideal tbenrista,endow.
ad with many captivating gifts, but:having too
little breadth of comPreheusion, and energy of
action for , the, crisis. in which,,,their lot.was,
No 'douht this stereotyped pertridt„ of ;the
Girenotits hears: Sq ' Me resempanee
But, to render it a perfect iikeness,: will
require essential Modification. „They endear ;
ored'teselie upon' the revolution nad ,, ruidet
its forieS towards the consummation -of .their,
cherished wishes-,-the establishment of repttla.;
In this they . wholly,,
mentality failed... the tailure is attributable,
in a lailre,measure, to their haste to obliterate]
all the iialitieSand semblanees of the ,rnonar , .
chy; to - their, toofavorahle estimate of the ex :
isting e.apaeity - of the. French peeple, to • main-
, system,republian of government, and
quietly , submit to its,mandates;: and -to their
erroneous measurement, of the momentum to.
Wards nnarhy,_,whieh„three years
tionary license had given to the•masses ofthe
At the opening of the letislaßt - e . ztssembly
in 1701, the tbncs.requi - red that a curb. he'put
in the Mouths of the populace, rather than .a
tooser rein" liti.the bands of : the :demagogues
who toiled them z, that such dark.,eonspiratUrs
as3larat be hunted from their : deps; and driv
en Into the open . lierd eFposure; that such
canting fanatics as. Robespierre, he shipped of
their, guise:sand, p:thihited, to the ; .eye : of vir.
tuo in their, n4eciitieformity, Yet, during the'
entire aittip4a of the..Msontbly, the, Girondists '
[-were continually, thengh uttintentionallY,plau•
ing weapons In•the hands of.these tactionistsi
and not until ; they
~srere sheathed in
their ownbnsi-,i l j4 !hgy, discovered.-' th*
ffataliladA , py, utthe_ctutsekof their
career, and before the guiltetine became the
arbiter,4 the natio:4E4 destiny, moved - cautieue•
ly foinard on the Mlddle,t)lnebettreezz the es:;
tresses , uityaisiii and ponservatism, their
keovvp.;:Attpehnitent.:,t9 revittflican
6 v94 2 1 11 * ) kir:OPPortr alt 00.1" A ,"
tionat progress; nod reform;; -,-TheAlse step
they randejn,tit . , 4ss9o*eti receWed
itt,the'COnventlon.,. psn .4 jug ifip fiTat ‘ weeks,o;
•14 fittings;, '9e4,.aP.C.e4tur4l 3 in reTo-
W 14044 trey 0•9r0:, keg 4e I P,Y, ePFillated,the
4Lit4g91148..-cf Monet. ir 4,41-Ateelfte.4
the hatt/p-iyhjeblt.,tenclure4 ;to tbte L tttodoste
rgx: ,
,sue(3.byhl part, iittfi,Bo4ls,plarli4c4*s
g the :crpejtjea,..4
tar reivlittion: sense-of justicecoldemit.
_ ---...-r.11•,......, n.ielostix.",a,aakiptow-aue.0.,m1404.,1-110dtv.$10•Ve
eiP4T'", 34Witqi " ? i1,,,4•1.EF,Tc,;Mt . i'i i 4. t 4 . 4 'arias 0 ,C,: - Z1 - la 'arlllofie.l Vt - e:11111
I ''''". - '-:.'-',n.:77,r,,'' ,::far—f. 1, „ tf..f-, e r,i-z_ ' ''.-
1.43 e ''
' 70 1 ;: . tiiiii./34 - . 4;11 - T°4-ztriilnic;;;A
fl -- , '*-.;". ' t '. %:, .'" '' , - 4 - 4: 1..,t, -- - - , f,,,:',; , I , 'E-' ,— 5.i.. ,. . ,,, :;..i...., , e1 6 ,,, -)
, 1 • ..„ . - x - ,:z .
0 .. . -, -, r•,: : ,.. f.,. i . i - - --. 1 , 647 , ., ..,,, .. ~ _.
.f i ,•,-.-0...., #4,.u•-.,- 4 .11i.
1.11 - -
72: ',,"
f fart% , (.fit , r kz' 111-14.-:1 PT; .i 7j13,t3.;11t,...)
f - , r b : 4 'fir t r 'r l,;:.•• • 1..,-04 , .-: 1.1"J,,,:i
.. ,'7,77f a. , ' : '.,. 0 f;' , .f : , 1. 1
' S. , .'• . rU e ' . i , "- - d r e.z , ,,:4?)“ ~ - , --•:;It...:: t41,C..
r , : A' , 4 - i Z
-- - ,i.1.7, - ;! . .,.' ,4- % -.1 n , 1-;`t 1 ": 1 '1•T;4 >t,',..eititr,:, .4 , 'l' - ' , ,ff #l.
-'',ri '''. , .'; - 2i ii .1.7.':;:v.31.17
ed its , erimed; the:
demagogues, who befouledoach othertitibitti
mire and Vet ;heiTivzis:penet,rate&-Witli
ti conviction :of its PstoMOUnt , necessity;- lank;
A for the complete overthrow of the bunter.:
eky ;. and had full faith inithe:abilityof thenal
tion to mahltain.Npublican ittstitationti,-prOti.;
ded theootiqdeneo ,of the poptdime: Celia to
UTested from ; the , .ltiolent Ivtirojivielded'
the.Pelverref theAusseslorthe 'dverthrtivr'•of
govertnuent.:l.•,,4eviceepied wind&
ate position between, the. tWei culies'of.iiher;
islisteirepreseeteth in-.the; pdneipl and per.
se t!!,,efiltjlt...l',ette /nut Ittibeapierie.: iLLent i
etTevyrit,iy,f± , than.t.btrkormer,,lmihatlisiette of
thcolatter. •Agreiing;sohiej
thtlee73ol4i thg ,, the-A:m . 6;l4nd' Sonie,-
times of 1143 , A:1111er; , 'and - fie.;
Ineptly With. neither, he , not Only, lost the Sap . =
port,of both, lint,vvas hted to •endurelithe
Ernst of the virtuous patriot, whild encoura,gink
the hatr ed - of - the:unseruptileirif - ',T,ie4113. - He
and kid assodifed Wer'e er'inShedfhetWeenithe
of the ihniclfriends
and iniiiticiithiTt'ied of lilierfy and, law... , ,
firer niaftd and hiS party; ade many.Stree
pons'efforti'te arrest the downward course of
( events` These' , tiOli` frequently;
the aiiientthey,'Were forced to give to.violcnt
measures, in 'Order, to clear themselves from
the dilate -1 6f SyMpathizing " monarch.,,
ists," aristocrats," and: 4 federalists."
lug made 'n false'step at.the'cOlinuieneernent
of their c‘treer, they were'driyen nfterwards to .
assent to whiit they ` shOuld 'have,dehied and
to yield s iron they should hare risiStiat
adversaries . Were not slow in hiking advantage
of thesO'Cirom. : „ •-•-•
As atfillestiathin of our Lisse on, thlt the
Gironditts`ss ere often placing, weaPons the
hands of the 31euntaie, which the latter,subsc
'quentfyitirned against _then); 'We quote a p:l23silie,
attack on the hihg, in' the'tegistative Assent . ,
bly." The . fi.,ti•St : continent:4,
VraticO. had ijnie forined. I ouis was sup:
posed to be 'ln seeret'.treaty with the, allied
They'deelared etesely his friends, :
At the close • d'' 'V
, iscussion,
asc ended the tribune: 'lle said, (We.cite•only
Paragrapli,) ;4 if, while - Prance was swim:
oily , in blood, the king .were, to say to you
!lt triielhat lour 'enendes
.pretend to ,
acting for'tn,, for my:dignity, for my . rights:
buti that I am pot',,
'wee: detitarialesintOtheitield; they
were Weak, lint ihe''cOnstitutien, 'does _not
fix the dcigree . cif their force. . have astietrk;
bled thenitmi lite, but the constitution does
I not limit the time f,i collecting them.. I hate . ,
stopped the general who Was on the. point of
conquering, but the constitution does not order
victories." - I have leul Miniiters Who deceived
the Assembly and disorganizeA the. gm:eta : .
went; but their selmtion beiongild tome. The.
A.ssettiblY has passed useful dee ref 24
have not sanctioned, Lit I had a ri,ght,so' to.
d o . I have done 'ell !lint the eMistitation en
joined me. It is, therefercihnposTiible to doubt
I My fidelity to it. ‘‘ lf,'",'rOtillnueci the orator,
theling werelo.hoid this lahgnage, would
I Ytin net kavti•a right th reply: t) kiug„ who,
tYranf„, have, 'lnilieved, ,that
truth WAS' not wertli Mere . than' falsehood—.
wile feigned iilmife'for..the merely
to preServe the'Pewer, which eribled, yon:to
defy'theni—Whis'it defeticling us. tooppose. to
,foreigh armies`, fortes Whose inferiority incur
ed the certainty defe YkraS it defending
us, not to cheek a general who violated
• the
constitution,. while enchainingthe courage of
those - WhoWere 'leklug Didthe constitm.,
Tien inak - U On - the - hi.:id of the, 4rni for : 4TE
glory; it leave you, the
=ministers for our Proinerity,,,or
our'sintit Did it 'Confer
,on yoit4e:right,
si , ,neti 'on; a soManyprero,gatives,
in order that 'you. Might constitutionally
strOf the, constitution _ of the empire?, N0 . 1,n0,!:
man; 'in whi;nitheketipresitY
~ of the French
has excited no correspiinding ihsensi ;
to eserything het .the loveof despotism,
you are henceforth tiothintT,tothit eonstitution
Yelt:hAVeee - ,eet'vOrthily,vii),ll4ll,--uptii r ,
mg Cr; that:people' . tvlion you hive, so - ,basely
": " at , i 4 ea '• i• ,• •
Thisidife; -- elaborate, and vehement speech;
,sealed'the fate of Louis,
' f4e " r" its derivery, was, sento
I guillotine. And the Offences ,of thn - king I
naiad:the constitution, enumerated in this ,
speech; were thrown in the teeth'of
rondists by the - 3lonntiiii, it lice: the form_ gr,o'n
Ids trial, endelivOresiiii
, When tlie'Jad)hiuS pi !! pri s'f",(l: bring, Lou 7
iS to the liar (iftfi'o',c4i.vntioti Verfr
;liana end hilt Minds Were arous6il ,to look. et
,heart ut declivity a onin , tvlikh.tlie'.nation was
tiu7yinet I , %ihkh .
een,tbe most ohlop.os 7
,the. nnihe. -. hut 'feebin:reSist,
anen io proposal, They de..ired3t:!, 7
tbroneruent, but sincerely - nrin4.4 twoici
1 4 C d P i g: hi M9°4! - heart of
Yqgrliigia;? 3 ,h l . - I,l,3vith.tjortnr fronr. - theitho'k
Daring ttte protracted proceedings , tba:depu.
ties of.,th the ~9)ronsie; yornptopelleit to pass
ly.nntakoninte tln:nyi:nglooneltlnio*Aenclin4 , tol
theAn'strneii.oti,- Abe-I:big .frolivptentlists
which they had proelaltu94ll44.9i4ut a bi u d i ,,,,,
A 410: ..;- ,h ' .4:. 1 4 P!,.. e '1k 1 4., , ,40 YOtk
phasis by ,Robespierre fll,4ha
r4:4494qtYwut,4,:'--/4 AR:M"94S
` o ; r°4 ° itif -s eVP thr;,*9t4Ril.i'l #lB piouli
ii (a appeal
o'`kitienkeid,Y . is one of the' ;nod splen.
~1 ;31A,•,.-;;11
Oulf 4 1;1 tr.,
4 , voime.3ue, 40Y, vwX,"_;_reOile4 . 9e4
the. Conventioti rt to
,agnounco the :a ;ma y ,
ie: x*Ot o : *figall'44) l 449*usinh:: anent lia
t ll c.„lvAlAi of ila
',1 1 ., 9 .,"11hJ7P,4 1 A, T if'.:Rxitige4ideitek*lot 01 4';
f r 94 , Aft•Silleecoreitts.,o He
hpc44.o . the civmmicokliddr*
I ?)'F , l7ll9l4,o*o.,PaiMkkw,telemoi-2Mid,l* . i4
t RWPg . !. !,?-44f,t41 12 4m ItAtel
- t_LP , 94q.,0 4 3 .0 of the king
4 0a104. 04 1 4 ) 4teoimegC - 014iitoil .
of, bßffimf.,a,o4444,-golk,
rarktteo6l* -
lt 4q:Y u lt . ,t, , Terxiiggr,?.wilt not, .afte..49ii
40. 1, 5-,v;y,94 gresi
claw over, If bread. is 4u4isllo.Alusdigififthiti,:;
:G t oiirention' money aoarccelf:tittrJ tuudeii -, 4
ilx° • , R44j!.Y , ' ,tl Pol4#4 . gause 0-ift
RIFILtriP . o f44le,lgoveranieattia , :„A
SC ATF_FY k ePV4°Agf :!' ll ,ogtk4so io4ll:th9..eoll4f'::
X e o9//;-#K.4O 0 0440e4 .qt war are#ldesierk, , ,
l i,e.4 : 4 r4 l 94 ,4 4Eneml.AnitepOiii;ittet.4t
cal?e'els in .(lie, PcMygntipp.s;whick:lproyokcai77
"il i ei e ,d ettlarationi4ytlmAttetty.,:emnletuneiioi t 'A,
will , gmeruttee that
these seditious putericsafiatter,sWel flarhuleneir
04:44 0 1 .Y . fg,ii_ipt kiAizt4P 444 ? 0 fur revenge; ,
'poverty, eager' for change; etitlfr:7:
pity itself, excited fer , le fate of Loci VVbv
w ill guarantee to m e that; -
whi c h Ivo shall seethe fof43epte in.
bor .issuing :from, their lairk - there not. - 1)
presented you,' dripping' ithithinik, _
the title of Lihemtorithatliefehtlealiattiiiet,t
diebosylerre,) , whoiti said teettiinditielitiabliil
Alt -if suelt
ilie!instant he appeared, tat tinifsa he ""
Pierced. 1)., a•thoUsatarlvothidaf
i , .44.1/orrora *ad - bit Print'
I , , tirbr, - Wheslyheroie-''Coutztie
terity _w ill+admire, while it Qabe-14iiiiiii.•••
4tithle.of coniteivingh er ge ,
to # , hatidful of brigiMkthgactuiaf
Mnbitiowatil their
4* llint ecitymilereterforluirTdiallilinitliC"
zeMt, trhoie lultor is nil' Tura"'
whom the: Means 'ef labor Weiild'iitie4iceie47
—,yoilwho7.have Made'eaciiirtial
. revolu ti ci * , MitEtliesvodld - heileteiirkit"
'4le absolute -tek.44..irkik44-0:;!10,i11.3-1.z4
• iitities,NihOse patriotism; inirr7Wh'ese'aiiCalf:."'"
tY have rendered,YouriednetiOnlittiiiesirtlif
- Weald 'become of youl — What - 'ii'etthl,,lle your,.
resources? - :4that' tad
'au,toati} - • relief tele* tperisidit
• *ould:ybumpplitallimie:fiiiii'fifindi,•thoeW
ereackerepe s flatterers the
u4aiii,anci the .sclairt,j Lwhe'ts would !letr(V'Ll
fit.tiiged bent ;.:
rather f" Dread their answer.o, , Rill
Wild 4 would
seek tole
lii,they 'would say to you,menciAethefo-
Inarriestttutd, dispete4itirthungry :hennas fee ,;
the inangled.fiesb...4•the vie t
int/Were&iy'otil want inn t'''s He is
the blood we have shed:-take }4 Blood an
,offer you.,, ; , s
Ye Ithudder; ( `eitizenat-I,( '' becometilt'o those ,130144.;„TkenCel
huge vanquished Time. ,
es,l6e passing sir nger, hPiatel . lnt: 7
tt . liedeGtelkazg, W*lloeslitifitidl:JlMeii'
ofo the ; - 03,til 1.4 2
F 6 .l''countrAtealtuPoiditnirte'attest
forts: I, maketo7'satto thim - freikthi
tiPori_thi itt./Vtt,TA;lvflo?",v,
all' * .l7-I M i i" l4 4 , o=l l /4 1: 41 : k 1 6044-
t " -tii
min 9. 0 „ , 01 4
- irgrpci ont e i
spiri{s ef the 49 etlt*, cleemradfotrnecliok;rl
414 ArOugtt the terriesit'tl4.l,
tiwid, the s tualiguitymf Vic ivickiutfividrilliii°l'l,7l',
Srenzy of the fanatics, a majority of the ,
I;,enti oirwasihertdlelfeldlirthe'Ventca'
tit ea d i l i - oa l betinit'*!ll4/4 . ;*;04 . ::;i1 . (A4
*uiktiii - 21 o il.-
to procure ihe'ecealoiiinittioe of *mat, as
traitor to liberty, and. law. 'twos a hold - rueas,„:
ure: •succeasmlly3 &cold
feat .t om.
rain. ',They caused him rttillki .
c , P10.19 1 ,11/:PnWatendtsent:
ti s. onary,Tribonat.forltriaL,..tlbe,r,codeAds,ii.-;y
th u Jacobin s , nrid , all_tho'incendipn'e& ::
metropolis, rallied to e lmpport.„pf*w4;o,,,„
the? pr laiwed'unn'
-by, iidversity';'S'id7leeditatioikierebining
h ileuev heark , With
Penetration -discoibied tllii l tiaiitors'tit`thiir' :-
herd! were yer - efferineiiii o t }vas arraigned Before the thbpnal T ,21„
! .. * ,4 i( l :Piit3tia4!?(o - ;°:611°,6:4!?*.
it 6141120,4ik • kiettv r a
,spas z$
uftatto3 .9!!9,4pxyaTx,}vit,lkan,m4nalyrealh,atotint,-,.,.
6 .-
1 Oi t k ek, c o i/Mtid.) 3 14 11 14440 . 8111
vo:tiiti.lAtipm iliinfietsiitte`txl4lt thi; ed o f ,
the,halLly Men antblionienTpehrtidleit'o6llV.7'..'l"
well, 4-Mitipg`thireatWitt
wilkivW6l36iiei 4
P. 1 07 j 1, 1 1 ,5
' !fai44/ W 01414 1 14
4144T.11.6a:igi5i#M0,91iv,414111,e, "ROlFyifAt,
LllcaikAio.l*.lll#lP,49l‘#l.lolncyajq;* ; 1,4
Asa Pb? 4 41 - 40.14 1 011641014634e-cv:
,t 91.00 pyi,Wq•A
Oa the occasion of the trotoist, of Ro6ee.
•I .!<, - .,%-f-:y-r! v-