~,,s pee: t h. o n:it4ir 4,4111 Vro - pi• oit,ting of the AgitdOltuitirboitcentiary,iolhis place. - PE' ofThilatlelphiaosas called 411aly the,Cooveation - for wspeech. He corapliedmith the inritationand. tnlcr- I VanccmiiOn - vithinstenetiee marks enibetbing a great taaiiSti , e4'Coirse faeteld'relOtiod snbjects,gf,sponland hair. AZfew, briefAntes..weroAalten-of. his a4asessanci,bavo,,been,written out in an' ually Airier - manlier"; avid 'are:bore - fritib r . - tetei'X:'ltiet.W' 4:Pg.,' 'being eallea up on fe,r,ikitOedi Ana 'lie mould offer a few obOer,witiOas tiOn'tliotubject, of hair and w;);. - 1, ; -.• ....; • rfis :inlesttottonkuneCtuught tom there viieltiteq - :ai l ler.ent lands .of hair ; Firat, t ha 6lliatii4 hot -which is•characteristie of the abOrigines of this country: Second . le oral hair,-rrhich is_characteristic-of-our— chWiltpd 4bird • , thp-yirrt hair which is I itaracteristic ofthe AfrjCin'neaco. There! ate: iclpo;two diitinet epeciezfof sheep . : First Tha& with- Vat,pile.,'"whicii are the two species must not be crcssea:Cr,the'laUcotillie; prodUcing ] not npplykgw , hyinid baprodneed; to which• all, tlitt-laws tith . ybrtdistr: will: apply. Wooli ] ahectare most esteemed for the pro:. dilation iticcr,on),l:irt , helps : tape - titre. of felts or 11hiTys1)‘qp are useful for the ur:odietleti titarticles Which.are, riot •talcuz nnol, 'carpets, stoelriiMs; &;e; V fli ' • 13,11ildlia.had,a, very large corres.. romicneewith tho wool-growers of the coun try anti he was sorts! . ttitay, the lareb arci:Proattaioi Ity4;rids by amalgatim tion.!ln4ona of Ziee'ping the.species togeth er.and therehy..:imprtrong: - , the : they were ero~srdg bried,s,,Piiiling:the wool. of tlie,Dc4:l,i.tylVptii , ; :iroproving, that. of , the moo'eem'inon • Tha oniy exeeption to this pranticeltie trap glad. to say.was in out state of VermSylariia pi:ere -there were slmo who properly,appreciated. the 'necessity of:keep. = in , the species - Alga ' :let. ' , . 4 :114f . r t is .that.pilo whicb,ia either cylindri cal or ovit. . • Iron/ that'oo!sibioh- either !: (Teen, trical elliptical ; ,' or fiat •, and thnse definitions are true Irliether the bait comes : out of the bead nf astrian b - airp,sbniei9r the wool ille ! Xegro i nr the :back of Vie isnoll.P,ibeep."l-i>; ,, .: , ' - Hair originatca,at r ibe ‘ dtrmis and comes not of ,the„cpidert9j3-*.an ,aciata 'angle; Tilt.' at , 43, and moot are composed of three particulars :Ist;ttionutpramisalting,4thich is called the,,rhid.Timcortaxe :This is :com posed 'of stalls' nerintietieini - nt . the root and reeang on nnianotheio as'.rho'scales ak fish. Tilf 07. 1 10' di ki -and iron!: The sea e.von hair , arcles,S,,)-funiereirs .than - on irigi- 7 .4.ritinieaed- it the extremities • and aro .at close to therbody Oftbe -hair; The stales qn.4ln - 4Tarlic,iiifiititely. more .numer-- . 914, hair;—sherper at.the point a.cd!'q . andnfre:littici `from' the body of ale- pfte,.--These . -latter foefe..are the ma-. sent - xth,y !wool, willrelt.aUlfull while hair .vitt'not.• 1 • The iricisit,Perfeel,Merino or Saxon sheep bare-not to her on thetti.soxid-Perreet hairy EfiCiPlManoiot a strand 0f..5r001, on' their. Mr, B kid exani - 7-pilailxiClls which Mr." - IT4inithn.l4iii agent sent:- out by the trifilaStateivto - collect.qifforeht, Narietfes ortroglii4JaineglA,l;Oiriii 'with . him_ from PaAs §ax. opyqind 410 hesitetiori iO saying that yeyansaise-asattitry country in thd - *orld', - and fiiier.thervany, country, ex-.; ' mtpul , ftirther!titeilticied\thet vi le -the roetknt !NOithl'ast to Saudi estr.Ttltere is a aistrint core 'rit.a.:l37aiTiartinaritciftli-Msflo West where-the fiftest4ord iri t'he siorld can erairt — lro - iiiis - ii4frePared - to 'say there" ,bras tiFfihi`-kdealy,*poe,ne F ic . re - tetyreeri the two: , depend in some measure-upon:the Teetra-I,7upon - tbe. -- sTiVe - cilT, mast in sem), mpasitd depend the natural veiciaNproducitiens and upon'these -veg eta:Eh productions the - sustenance th#,Shgei:4l,ll4,4il-4Kfte-say-Ahut:-these facts, WA*. en! e t establish a 'close connorloii-but:-.14 lseggeeteo, the idea for' further iiivesti4tt3e; 7oots nr. Con -1:41"kt 4.1_415.4. -Opk . 3l A Ane,... as tthese itTNeirork etweSiv_Piaio,.l.enneseeolote. Er hitherto teen Oodieed - in;:ite; • S tates r limkring-44. 44antia Ocean but othcrlarts will 03, - chi - be . lti The, WnitortiltanCloms:l44 - itt that of--the eodfinotinta;thelloited.StateAis inferior in qualitj , and she oliaerbeen eoropelled to ion Sum 'e of stet ttlittniaa 'firii . eakit,i , l bat an elsattriniiioa of these coleniei proses, tht.they pannet-produee wool tine!' in fine - • - • -- -ness of textire 'to ;that : Of. - Ithe 'United Stutee,„lpstoc) sisal is'found...itv.aungar3r,:. Saxony and Silesia ;-but therein nothing on .Earth srrhihl will -prevent -our': country ` froth, cotile,tlici 1 10PC,',::, • Wbotaliggststetip are I;eight' to .:this ceuntrylthey- d o . tat deteriorate. bat :the wool nyeonteaftnettaid even the Merino'atid Saxon (IP popleteriorate,tid liatje perhaps become-thief!, ,on - -and - yrby not our trool ulsoy . I thefte - St step to be fa- I eetion)ifg4qp Attie Stiles and, parts of Penniyl4nixdo , einite the pre mint& „111,-isto;froblept . . l . - . - 4bero is no doubt abonti# uOlity7fil_Aitabi If if we , send .the' specime4 Ittlidl446d.,tatep,,w4l not. sitito-pf Pent?4l94nja send ovorlei own siSie'ibrer4, *iittifiti agent and In the iewk etlitize per..4ltcSainy, 414 'Toyed, tatfintiaii4oiatokaolaild - tiOeqed tie Vail.] or 1011;41hi:ba.:' a _ 0 I gitstiO C00 445+i , milted 'Keigmlj'W h i t h,4 l. ;,iiinik;gl 64 4 Cangifkitistaattiffeldlowing - fact: fn 'Mee• tra vri - KiifihilA*Agikf.lifyllOnAtendor trkitiiitAWittiife.trAutailtstf aditirl. v4leyv.[ Lieut. ItisuitypW:kpiteiiMie to on rAritriiiio'rtiatt orebarOzroundsi. itr4l 3witiKr at. the bottom, .35 lea lower. At 1 d. tt;, he found, the therpmmeter at the bottom at deg;,-find surprised to see that on the bill at 33.,deg,1-thanged: their,posilianktut Ofia,MMU:ionvineed that there , was a difference intomperituro `the tifoPeieW Of:fitio;,degreiS.— Granite Farmer - . • r , '4;40)(14 't o 1, :.,Ethan Spike, bas beett-bolding , fortb, in favor' ef - -'our-glOrionsilriidbr io tber . people of Hotaby ; he - opens nport , them -.ta 'this way, -7,- - " fplter citizens,' tvcr Gave come" p 1 here every man prepared to take bis -life' in his trowsis pocket 7 . , -to. presarver the Uniod-, that blessed .union , -.fit for - bled tor and i died for by our reverend posterity. on the 1 bloody, fields '!:ii Buena Vista; Yorktown, 1 illtlatiiisky i and . AVaterlieu: This bore 1 Glorious union feller citizens,' is chtcatend within an inch of itifilife., By whom . *2 Why i by a set of unsareumsiz'ed, mean' nasty crit- 1 tors who can't depreciate this blessed; ,per-1 laydium that prevides every man a vine and a figtree—.unticr which, were sot `on;oar fathers has sot, and no one has dtire!iflo 'mo lest or skeer us: - ''', • ' ' . . Feller citizens : Fro•for the 'Union ! Yes sir I—An though the hull world was Agin me, though tll.t &Nil jined the al) erlishnnisti yet as Webster said .in his NewburYport letter:--"Pore slam, Santa Parianz• Historia satire fez taglionis recd siOunz ee Bronday"—thougli peliean towered on ossv, rd fite till all was blew !"—Hear..! hear !•and :Am pin. _ 1 ,- *, .-* * * * * *''' ' ".Fellet . citerzinB. Pin in • airiest. oasis is ris. :An it is waltin np the free, - on- - terTiflid - sijiyilisothese ere,atil[tnore 1111 1 7* titter Staei -to the reali4w. Thac s; inostorin n 1 nations, +' - A. tvaltin•up -ofenakag - 7 .. The devil's, broken : ant Aotl all, creation shakes. - • Yes; every flin t ? is wakift" tip tin takin off its coat.— Even the .sleepy lion, Webster. s O ronsin' -and.shakin his an d trisne ; prepares to fire for human rites tm.demooratiek nsacros.- "The ennfounder of the Constntetinn,"as'lle is tprme4 in his last letter to , me, very'trrdy and, cut S-. sieally.says.;—"Erhail." says he. "I don'''s speak as a l‘Tasanlmsetts Man 'nnr else--no, pen up tinny terkevs ormuteraet my pnwers...:t he "Ihnll . ecintinent,, howiier bounded is mine!. SCENE 13117. WEEN Two SNIIEF-TAERTIS= "Good bnrdirg, Hiss Cupids. How doTini do today ?' - • -- - " Patty, well hiss Gribrs. I ; opc' Son aremell this borditt...." 1 higbir you," • "What paper was Ton readig 7b . c . ,11. Cab' id, Biss GriheS." . "0h,..r . Witt - re the - Yaate", tad e. It.,s an execliedt piper I 'tiddk. - do:t „von?" Yes, it,s very, flid,iv piper, add ;has dice stories add ooetry... Do_ read, a Bias Gibes.", . • . • pOebi by friend 'rob," rebebbei TM). tife tibe" . • , Med we . were von.? tomether, How bneh we enstenib.ihß add dada, : ' For sole, add upper leatherl"--T -"Oh! Ms G ih^St th oto to , se d t l4,,,i tn l Do read a faddy "Well hPre ann. Ilia bust 'be fud pp It is writtol tiarey: "Wher.i Tho :Ro n1 ; . `.The that hvrA sn_ Trite O'er the with darkness - ' - Tian' rirer a lmided,'M the "teladowS, • . softly-tandd fro. Add the Tneks''abtint'herboaseb - . ,•, • , Are like subskine - over sdoiv."' . "That,s quite gond, Biss Gripes- brit liLe' be ntideetintes bet; after 1 theme add add eedote abost Jeddy Lid—but I would,t read ady bore, I,ve get sueb a bad cold • - "Add I-declare, I hnSt rad alogedd brig • .Ine sduff—sn good bordig, Bins Gribes." "Good bordig."--Yanki THE littoosixtis,The Christian'Reg ister; in a very sensible article relating to the "Spiritual introduces the followingilluitrative :anecdote.: , ' We are tempted to draw from our col lege rerniniseencea a case which" we deck' a very worthy parallel' to these andaeional fooleries: . Oar-coeralK at Clamb r id ge &M. not have forgOtten a Man of livery stable, no t or i e ty._ His customers were' often so ,oblivious as to-tile extent of their rides. 'that be contracted with ina-bolders of the I surrounding conntry to score • their names on such of his vehirlPs their; re specs c+i taverns: Ile-had also a horse that had been trained to lift his forefooCas Often is a alight signal frnu iiis master's finger Was repeated. A stupid frssiurtat once re turned ; ailien-aaid, from a ride to Watek- 1 town; but learibeivith him the sign matiu , .. al 'Of an ilia holder' in Concord. The yinith persisted Imbltishingly • Saykthe man, mMy harie knows, and will tell me many miles be haft been driven." 'The . nal *as' "given aid . repeated. The .hi lifted forit.fonrteen tiMep iti,sneiesF . , . The aqtonished fr . ishman paid his hill' ble fee, and retired firmly, conviniedlof „ _ preternatural endowments of the horse WAione, of lastballs whieb,T.,l 'Napoleon itterideit retharked who was.beseiged by , a -throng of adnrers. She was a stranger. either Saxou, pavirian or Germaa. She rad, bee`alliike and never onee awife, -- She eiarried first AO, officer of dragoons, who quarralledr, on-='his wedding, sy,-'wt. captain of uzzars. on j .tbe: subject of . perfettia:g irruileetelyA,tke' Pfpseian service. A duel ou;tho spit ensu T ed and the hrideVneari'li'At killed Wirioir next married's lawyesi'lit the bridal ) dejuetief the,happy_ hush a n d stralled it oberry stiine;islinh ohoked Ciin,;an i},he ',Piredlietereotapp.l4okutiraitodi . io*lipi;,, _ Tiara :teaa.y.l ', , ,,z't - T., , 3.i: , , -- .:•.. Intz 115 .2709,Nst,Itiatsclt,-7,A ear York iorrispiita cleat Of Pittsburg .Aslvoftte says-duitAkounW.ittilierfOi ,0 - 4: 1 1.014t1 1 . diOt EPiaeoPtillelkur 6ll ,'lBocith: . ogainftt_the_ MtlthodiitgßistOpal Church, North; for its share of Aurchilrorrty, are Asslcitt: pro ress.4o3llltie.lisie probsbly, tried, at" th,..-Aprg term tif Act Court city -4•-- ffirl DitEata - AT 0.4- . I CLOCKS, WATCHES; '"JENV-g1,11,Y S:e , ~., . i 4 4 .U.A .......5..,...,:,...,,,, , ,,,,, ;......,,,,,, ..".....-,/,`..,7,H,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w, .j..• ~` - roatistis4=Evetty.amuitstivc stotutfxo Ur ; :::: •• - . ii ' '.. - V . ..0 1 3:. r, tg , n ...Ilk,. ~-'' ~.- „ ~. ,'. , _ - 'l': _ureai, f B arga in s [ :.'7. : CY., 47 1 ,9/ , '..iii- DI ,M. / 1 4 0 ,Uf ' . : •'-- ~' " ' ''-;wiiiiii . ' •••''''' I',,cfIAN,IFIELD went& Rai - -.. j , ,', ,:. ...., j.• .' :,-,, aprrogiva . Nn , p_aoratrfroits. ;.. . Ike.: •,,'c. -- •',..J. - ,to tbecitlzenn of Idontme . 0 " - '''' ' and lielnity, that be banjw.t re. , 1.,t i vit5 ... . ,7 0 ii tisl i p. .. oz . • F:IFTT cr, ,,,, p 4 r . A ,-• • turnedtrara New York - rdtb' the • • .-- •,..• .- •• - c i ~ ,ri -i• • - , : 4 At Inzzokt richest and beeteeteeted niiiintn; C 13.91 1 .4 auvaxce, or tw..uolt ra t not paid . i Q 0 .( ~,,,c,.., ', of Ai ,, I ~, 1 - . 4 ,, s. ) - tuftit the Cndottlin`yeiti;4-time Otantiaciiption." ',,i, ',- ' 6 4 : : : -': r .,‘ '`•- - Jesv gl et u r t y'; sity ,a er . Wnrc, - '. lsr,o pdpii'wiirbellisenhtiutiettuutirtfrreinages (Si , - - e . 4 -.. '''a ACC" ev.erbefore offered in_Bing. ... -, -, . ~ , , , _,- :... .. -; baraton.,',sbn above goods,Were air pard,oxcepi Ot the option of dui rublirdtenu boughttnr nob, and vill be sold ' 'll4rnahmililtda4ous mast 'bo:#lT tali!' tti re, at the towest prie oh d e, Wit articles warranted as recom neliin'iitteittioit.'...t -,: . '- ... .. „, :, . mended. , N.1).,-Par,tieularnttintinit paid„lo repairing 'All itittnoi Ctitinekeil With the iiiri•ei; eb`ouldbi; ; nitki*l " 'if Watcher , arid iewelry.' -,. -- '' • --, ' S teCtitd to :. , ,St : . .E . . -- a CuAt o siMitt;'Sus4; ' - F "l° ' '"e°' ' tlearlY°Prnittetbnith4enix lintel, .B -- • ' , l .. -.. ...• -. L. C.A..NFLELa 1 - , ,AC 16 c ',, c6 PF er M. P . TYer. B Ptore. , . . _-• , i -;I2iIVES , O,IF -A.IIIIKERTISING. .. -, Rae scmtte; (t,llirtea or less,) ' . itwettionsi 'sloo tech subsequent insertion; -.0.5 Oho , sgtiare, '3 months.. -. ' :. ;"-.: :_ .0 50 "' —" ' - G Monthn, -- .. . :••• -;-, '.' ~ 400 Business Cards, 4 'Mei or fe ' is, -- :• - •-3 . 00 Yearly Advertisements{ not over 4 Egtiarek 7 00 One Columii,, one year, • .. . , - ' 000 Yearly Advertisers will be restricted to, rho bu . .. . sines in which they are engaged. • - ' . - • iD" The Publishers, hi Brig - a .largo assortment ofjoh Printing Materials, are prepared to execntc all kinds of JOB WORK:With n atu sa and des patch, "!„ 1, BLANKS'Of . oio . r.k:degcription conottiutik on',loind, or print! 1 trioraer;' - • gw..?e.-vlioi - o:e.:gt , zro..-• JOIIN U. VI Attimitey ;it 011 one door west ottbo old aegis! rose.ra. ' . DI. L. TAVESDELL; lATTORNEY.. AT . LAW,- . great Bend, ra.-19.fflee with Gol. F. Link . • . PETER DECKER, ESQ. • TTNG been appointed by Goi , Flab; of New WA. na 11 p otier for that State to take the proof and at knottledgement of Deeds a ndotherinatruments„will attend tri huskiest' calls hi that capacity at his office at Great Bend, Pa. ' Sept.lo, :1850 S. S. -A T TORNEr , :AT.'I:7I. NV, Tlf onnnek, Pa' Oitc - 04a,s Bricknote. ORG M. GAMBLE. orstinseg In the bowie . 'formerly the regaen ce IL Semite? anile, dm celled. ; • • • ' . Llarford, December 25, 13507. - . . tIVILItY\ AND EXCiIiNGE Si4I3LE Montrose, Penn,a. - PETEit StEVEmIiS, call, net stud chair 31 1 / 3 "4:0r,; carries oa the befari6o in ail Its various branches and on a large wale, et the tad - Mittel eiSntithe,'Sterens and Ayety. • E: S. , IL EICIASE; ,• 01 5 .:\:TZTOLia. 1 17, • . • . MONTROSE: PA:. (Office ov e r. Ty/cr's Store.) . E. B CHASE: ' ' - ' S. B. CHASE .ar. tarONS:Bi , 50203 1 . DEKLO DT Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Tin Wae Grocerics, Books, &C. Also carries on the 1.;111ook Binding Business PublicAtenue, Montrose; Fa. • C. ifx. sxnararoNs, BOOT ARO SHOE MAKER•& REPAIRER (Shop over A. Blal7l,teti &Watery Fbop) SHAYIANG & FIAIR DRESSING SALOON, • Seidrte's Building next door to the Post 00ce, Montrose, P. 1 ntf?tf • . MISCELLANEOUS: T&i:inzmelise power of Steam as applied to 110 - 11 . ,ts'Ioen, and Will constantly eropleyed I fOrsr:i r W raid 1.; ts e p Goods to the New' is+.l; a-up-LS ore .1 Entsrt, where ai if L ome! may foundrur assortment; extensive and ra.rie , , 5,111th - 01,4:arable andelleap:* Ourstoik of ;. . ' 1)111 T i ()DS etThgAlbr, Of 3- gient variety of every. tieriptinn. yards orgoodorattie and blue prints. at Sd peryardal, Prints of every • 'tber imaginable deseriptlon. equally beautful. and equally cheap. Pleaehed factOry cloth 54 pet yard, Alpaenas 2 eta.- per yard; and a•variety of styles of Poplins; Id. Delaines; WooleoShawls; Merl noes; Cloths; Vestirtgs; Casslmorea, an ;vra7 goodt nod gulngvery cheap. Also •- • ' • • tirocenes I G ood Teas at 3, it and 5 shilling per lb.-Candles-7.Sn trar—SalaratuF--Soaps—Ashton and ItoelcSalt4-salmon Trout—ln short, a generalarsortmentor cheao tlroeer- . . . Hardwaio, ' - I . , . . In the created ponsible abundant:e l of at least ,only. ex ceeded bgctur aszortment of ' .' - _ . . i . . . . " - ' BO O' S 4 - SHOES : • "tnleil in tinny unsurpassed, ,consisting of 116t's and Boy's Ilootiand shoes, or every shape and - stip : I n dia llubbers ;; half Osit,ers;' Jenny Lind Gaiters; and—and —well, anything else that is um used as an itrtiele.o f‘ entering for thebody." , ; - V1E00..... • ~, Any quantity of Sheep Pelts, Wool,rtirs, Fl annel, vats, : Cern, Wh.at Batter and Eggs. ' N. D.-2 shillings paid fer good -soeks. - '... ' -.- fr.?, 'Awl further with respect t.t. prices we Melte our friends to do is they ererhave done, nab Ball and jedge tor themselves- - j , LAKE d• EATON. Mr•l'Ve sits not be utickrio/it in this market. .9Lsrfnicl, tic5.125,1850:—.14ME,' • ... itiiik***V.v4lo an agency. - . Dealers can be - acme:iodated with a superior artiele t from onefo' one abonbend aides at prices hereto. •ere, nnheard of in 016ourktry. . • 0cr...1; 1350. ' - - - • ISAAC L. 'l'OBT . Vailpabele . . -- 111avveriment ofl.l klieg prepared by A. rocaeoeli, consiating pram:mark - Tincture. Spribrand Ring bone Lineament. PAW' destroytne compound, aTmoltio .Bone Llnearneatillettorative Belenrai-Esrenee et Lein- On 4 Wiatergreona, Citimimon, itetolocl,,Samafral,'Anise .red, itc.,jugt received audfor ante by j: . Montrose; Dee,13,1850. - ,- , N. 1317LLA8,0. lintra - 7 tarn hmiascreceiT.a .neeratul Auperioriti• neat of LadleaDrese Goode, ;Winter Lang and male and efifde rind' adapted to theacaion dietrable styles tad - Itord, qiet,lB,laeq, - . 1 RITT. tecOred by die subs exiber. fiugar. C crffee, TobseCo Kron d 01,4145 h Batting,. 17traddi*,•, &a, be 614 as , law as thatanes admit. 5a,6'iiit , A1416,54).j .TYttrt;:: 7 „ Ate di,-50AV:i1rir0t ! 4.intwbichthe , hlthest store be paid In &ear i,Poods sold• au:',t4vforstash readniap: , . gl• iD-A447 011 .9P.& ilfrivsnil - -40,000Tdi Wdalea Vlattiai3l; 5,000 pr, irdad mixed enlc.r...ks, any time betweerg tWrand .the sit ect.,forpti4r.thtb4b",:ttlicice*lllbeltaidin Goods. 4 - ? sly 9; . - - 4. - LYONS .k.' , Zio 444 e Shallgs,just re. anti Glostoonartato -to 25 oettlis per yard.; javiorygy I L" ' farietY ofJayan varei **up et - I .‘ J:ISOISBEc.SON. Tlcks;lgat to, Rad allandionie eaßaittaent ::orltreg.oo , 4s 8144 cließalat , - • efORIS 500-1, NDLI Itubb6rOivr rOitulottuo 49 . ,40:0T6a1e'br , 1100.1410.401;eliMitsli s i lilintifftiler lilt in jj nmen sank alto the /ron; by. Ill* C: W4NTED'l. l,l Pustuitgl o 9 ,l o lsl l l ießefiniiiinili4 _ . .v ..lo .lumstltypfDtied4p?te4l.4,,V.,LTom,,44llo4. •:•111, utros,li• ~ b rr:4" • •• - , . fIF:=M24 vdstang iobui maableforiviiaa It elothfarwilldoveitto caU At- - - TtramsLvi. m 1.7 . berSBi. , ta.i.Sookly Lard alutteralteetie r - Tat !oitAtettsvniN 0 . 14 Palterpran&c: • . fiethicupplyotqrimitiv . :olo4 - larsaed for bf • : ' - • - 1:tlost & Eat ,ccertlces,Swiths, Bates , ADA! Qu.. nabang titonoi sßtcrigktb7 ZE.NILS4X 4c REA b _ . . . _ . , , . spar, subscriber has this day.returued from New York I with a large and welt selecto, attnrtrilsotor Goods. to Which ho would call the attention of his friends,flov, rig had the; advantage of 23 years experience in this 'age. ha flatters 'himself t hat' he . trell.•nriderst arida the tastes aitl Wants able patrons. , I Arnorighls stock will be found upwards of4o different styles; of 6614 tuid Silier Lever and hepine watches; Gold VeSt,Vot. and Guard Chains; Band Itraeelets , Box and Stonedo; r Pens and Poutils; Thimbles, Spectacles, Belt nooks and Slides, - Wattd 'Soya, Lockets, Breast Pins, Finer Ring's and Ear Binge. A largo ntsortment of Silver' Spoons, parks , Butter Knives, Cops, Nqpitin 'Rings, Thimbles, Pen-holders and; SPeetscles: - Also, an extensive varletf. of Plated War", viz i Castoes. Cake BaSketa, Candlesticks, Fruit Stands, rinuftersamt Teats, Toastltackit, - Sp cons and Fdrks,and a full Variety-of Cutlery, Fancy Articles,Clocks:.otc: • :Mete Goods having beat selected. with great care, hothrekt, regard toquality, price and style, the sothserl her isronfident that lie TAB glee. satisfaction to all who may favor.hint with their patranare , : • . • •.-- ALFRED J...V.VANSilVeshhigton-st. 13inghamion,NOT.7;1S50. • ;-: . • - Levek: Watch: and :Minute 'Automata' Mocha:olam. - - T , ;.A.;1311.143TATT.1. ortitherland, the Paten. 0 tee, and late with It; Reskell, Liverpool.) ens:ono= &menu, and Ptammy Lassa WATCH MANTPACTIHML. • cotapihMce with' umnerenttintluctitlal, and earnest solicitations to remain In Montrose, I have consented, on' condition that I meet with that encouragement 'end tip , , proval ehich , it shall betty toattant atudp, , and interest merit.co - ' - .Inadditiontothellanaracturinng - Dspartmcnta:A undertakes effectually to REPAIR .Oreiy--descoption or Geneva SiOIPiCZA TabieStIZ,TATOOTUI; and other watchrsi together with Automata lifechauistn, however tor:epic:4 The disagreeabl °jarring so - precal eht in spiral masic,and i PO Justly complained of therougiely eradicated, more par! Conte/1y en in Musical Bozos: Itinust be admitted thtt, litonnection with, - and fa addition to theorctieor knowledge; or &speculative ac quaintancedt Is indispensiblyrequisite the artisan should be.prectically familiar .with the comp le: nature of that delicately minute description of machinery - referred This quiliticaticm. and this only. renders the artist com petent to accomplish with mathematical accuracy. . • If upwards of forty years' assiduous and practical. per severance in the construction of Vlll4OllB approved escapes meats for the more accurate mean.s,of, measuring, Time. in conjunction With unique speCimeni of Automata now in bialinscecstoti: together with. the high patronage .Tll - prependrratesin the ernie ofecientifc approliattost then J. A. B—unoidentatiously priAimes he has •some pretensimm to the confidence of those honoring him with the rcomtocods. - .L: - _ _ ~nr 1;` on nn' Turnpike street, er Printing Office, Bien . . . N-Th—t nlnil ol! In the Drng audTariety Store of Mr. Abet . ' i 3lontroFo, March 6,1551. - nlnnm • 11.1 WOLIN • j have been enconraged by'the rerri Mere indronage received. to Ell op my chop with the largest and best assortment of goefliever yet brought to this . tnarket-+ In it may be found ereryiling belonging to a Jewelry and fancy store, 6 dos.Cloeks 40atehes. of everf description. Burning Fluid,parlor and cOmmon4amps, which at this time Is the twat thing in ace a gt?Od. and cheap Bea, Yon 6n Bud' them only at , TRUE'S. Montrose, November 20,1551* " bscriber lass this (12yr:calved another invoice of I'Engjish Patent. Lever Watches, per Atlantic. These Watches are frbie Ore manufacotry of Joseph Johnson, LlVerpcird,,made expressly to order for the subscriber, with hiSsiaine 'engraved on them, with especial re ference to the wants of Railroad A.cpnts and others, wishing pet fcet.tioar. Th 6 are in Leary silver oases, and. will he cased in gold;of any style and quality, to order. Binghamton, Washington•it ' A. J. EVANS. ITER CllAN'i".sGargling OlLTrask's Y,dagnetleOlntment AI Cod Liver Oil, 're srasend's:?Narsap aril la, Tanghu:s Lir thontriptic. Schenck's Dalsani:Swalm'. Panacea. all OW. Jayne's siedicines, Dailey's Pain Extractor, Parr Killer, Dillow's (leave fleric:and post of the approved Pateitt Medicines of th e day, kep t totistant4 on haTi by , " 200-oz. Silver Ware: poNsisTrisc 'rale, IlegAert Tee, CrkitiOtustard, 1../ and Suit Spnons; Sugar Slureels. Sugar Tons. Table and Dessert Forbe,EuttertNnlres,&e., watianted to mkt:- tEnetavedgrntiellby". A 3. EV ANS. 567 . p ie o et ...... riz. t e r r ,r o a n r uti t t t g. . l: tt f Table. Teas Desert. Cream arta Mu-start Spoons, S.ilt and Scent. Slew. as. forks st e.; En;rata 4 , '- atls, at-. L. CANFIELD'S. Q LVER Sp oot ts. Fork s d KniTOE,Warranteil the hest 1.1 manzaseturedinittaericioit' ' • '• TRUE'S. VILE last at the CSez. 20 Clerks% gone .but more of A stme sort is'en tbe*a3i tn - fro e'e Jewelry shop., Ifir , tchesl Watches ! ellOt,l7and sliver, Lever Innl Lupines full jeweled and 11• plain. a large: assertmdat at, the very lowest prices and warranted. I Binghamton, Oct. 14, 75 L. CANFTELP, _ . Theltiehest'. riELECTTONo f Breastpins, Earrings and Tinier Tiingi. ever (Item, iu Itingbaraton, by 6..1. EyANS. .Vir ATC EI ES- tiud • other jo‘Kelry gunntitiei . V to snit pareilusers by , • fit: - • - Golirtockets, QINGLEand Doubloof every pize; by' titighatriton.l . A. J. EVAN, W*lngtori-st •ome Teu. rine. ••; VIOLS WATCHES perfect time keepers.. Also illscr. IA 'Watches, all quantities, by A. 3; EVANS. C - 6144 Chains, LOCkETS.,Tlairribles, frvinkS, Pen »pJ Pencil Case* &fall assortmeat L. cANvtEups, • ltai!elpt - iock of Efi U.LL/be entitle, whlchle ziuiuna3lp-large zued completalti Fancy eind Statile _ '•• • Dry Goodxr Groce.ries, , 'Crockery, . Hard wit re, Iron and Nails, Boots and Shoes; Calking, Parlor and - .Ship Stoves, Ballala , Robes,,Haur, Capa; &c: ineladiug partienliii, n:i.zuge and . splendid as: sortinent or. 21/1/DIIIIMPIZIMEMZ - e1b6160 9 ;go Winter. Lotig:Shatils,,— to al of which ,he would trnite the attention of all who, wistthig Goods of thobst - styles, and - at-pricey that cm:dot hebeataoreashot-produtootalltlnla,lnelnding -I,VOoleti-Sotkaalannel, Pork, Grain; &e. in anyfinantity, New Milford, Nor:1%100.i , • • Ne and-Weetermi.a.ll, Ind riatir kept eon •, , • • • ••- Stijl Roftg the-rtew Goods in - ' At . dead of Narloploon ' . • Wsubscriber lareeetving heavy Alpacas o• lathiest ry kiwi of.Goode • he Icatredas 3ery cheap for thLefeady johi,ive.. • ; iroaidleaderbis thanks to the pubtle,an"! is ally to thoie idle have been iiberal hi the bestow,. mentor their pitronage,.aol-nbo seem to feel.and act; that the Marthant needihlrOak eathe time:dr:ping thio OnturV,and.he would most respectfully asks coatino mice of theirfavors: -• . -. ' AL IL7••••TYLEIt. - - Montrose, - FA LLGo_cor),. , .: itAAC'L'ObSt& CO. - ARE just recittlui. a eplendlitlet of PALLVOODS.— Our cuttorarricauliod at the obi atandalmost any they.ripareatrAiryrieee.. • Nvar eta;ilerlhi7lB aisala Teaeiving ' a fresh silpply a Fall:aid Winter ijocela: 21ease call and exiunine. .31enti0!5e,0E.23,1650,. . I!. J. WEBB.' tlllikeirVome Qnfl'YDi, of that .Bcf Oitifige painddip eCt liTiet 'J.O tr, just, hceitiedeed • ' - ' 7 2 -Thaltitlieet ftrit4ii :Pad fox,' all kiiidiF of fur.- r . 4 We ore - oftei: 'em !' • ' • - Nov. 528iti;:50.• PCINMICMIGIfi 1 lgiOni4eitt4 ShildlierMpill. Otte ij 40., Merinos, Cashmeres, Dant neusilks;Vslytts, Oa, leiPtolds,ileetteri,Glovee,,Corefortere,Veet' ,Edgiefre, the leriese stock byfar b 0 rottridj._ Lam 'tin* golfs Collses,ll46,Yellai,VbiteGoods,Cariothgcsartongtels, 11 , 4,111dte, and'Pl aide, Horse !nukes, Itnitalo Bebe! eletgh Bells, Whipi,Cape Boom /111)4 shoss„ l ,usrd4m Iron, Nntle,steel.thoctlits of any datelptiO4, CrOebri; Ansss wart 6tadle.l7 Oil Ctotbei-Cartage ? fcirpmip~r, to 116,11b1001riatilt. - our filendsto gii4 US adj. I '-Moutrose; "or : ? ).850. - Lin POST it CO, ' PATIVSTMEDRIN - 14.4tereAnnt!s Gargling - on, Da, _long Home Ours - 1W - Gritni - :ol6;inerit. Pa in EDler, Pond's Extract ofsilteh asset; Didlers - PatirEs, tiactor, TAthimtiintitglannpatills, . Fitch's Medicines, Dr, Ctuistie't Garbankilidtii4v. all''ll,lllft Doles*, sltof qr. JarosSl4odlolassi '4 , s4OonstonDSon.lund , • 4111N.A.Corn wtorrell gud Macaroni at . • - I..l2ctgla a 2 l e . - ,• - 11 .d, IT 1.6,13 The Good Time 'Rai Come Notice to Railroad Men. BENTLEY &READ DRY Goops., ~- I ,'', --- iTali ttietc - i)lGoedgi::i j:-;.:1, STOVES, HARDWARE, Zia. _ • i` Stoies, wttre,avid , Piti.e. KKEY: Stone State- Air Tight: Cookitig those, for turning 'wood or coal; the hest hi use. ') • r • tough dud Rend); dOubluoirentookitigatove.' • Elevated: i• • • , do'; dr; - Arc; • Premium ' • dti Victoria do ,do do ,do • EMpirir State ••• ; --• "do. . do • 'Clinton' Aft. Tight • ••• do - ' do • - 2tl Sizes urid kiuds of tido!. Stoves for wood or 4 Sizes of G plate. Stoves., • ' . • • Caul and Wood Stovekfor school bp4vto, ilio'Peet in usn.' ' • • • . , •„ 'Copper, bran's; tin.atid irim. stove ware; Rtissia, English, and Ataericau Stoop Tipe. Stone, Tin, and Zino tube's, 41e., for sale by the 100, - doz., or single, _ nt tho Eagle Foundry Depot. WILSON Co. , . MontiOse, Nov. 24;, 9 ;10;',7- : ; , EAGLE FOUNDRY! - Irarc- Room in ; Lyons. 4• - • 'Chandler's b 1 : ' ' Long' Building.. . - .•' - :A. general assortment or oolcing,.Parlor,' Shop and Coal Stoves, Stove pipe, Elbows,-Zine,Sheet Iron, ~ Copper, Brass,-Wire„ Bar Iron, ; ..., Nail Rods; round &square •- , ; Cast Steel all sizes,. ,round 4 -square - . • • Iron: all sizes, ' - • Side • Hill Green. Sward; • - Excelsior, Genesee . 4. ",“-WorsterPlOws,Straw Cut- . ters, Corn Shellers,Saw,Arbors,' 11.taiticing Machines, Mill Cranks, Balance Ineels; Pots, Dish Kettles, Spi -dersi Tea Kettles, Waffle Irons, Um- Stands,Pumps, Lead Pipe, Shingle Machines, Scrapers, .' Shoes, Jack Screws, 4-c. AU kinde of Castings ;on hand or.rnade to order-- also, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware on ballad, or made. to order.:. WILSON & CO. Itlontrese, Nov. 5,1850. ' liffiford..Stove Depot; •,.- I. n. ft tit BATT his just. re celsed • is • new seat or= ent of it Stoves, including the most approvea kinds of Air Tight,and common Qmikinct. Parlor. and Shen ',Stoves, RUPPlanna common pipe, Sheet Iron, and Zinc, Store Tubes, kc. dtc.', to which the attention of twit .. pnrchis.. ers,and the pialiticia invited; and. which will be sold at very low priees.for cash oc,approyed. oredit. .• • , • Septmober, 1810. , . Sioie, Tin and Copper Ware, VIE subscribers have- just purchased, a large I Stock of ;Stoves, Tin and Capper Wire, 'which they oar to'the public us cheep, as the cheapen:' • 4 'D. R,LATIIROP SvCo. • -51ontrime, Dec. 10, 1850. , t • The -best STOVE (mt. THE tiyotonii SLato.Air-tight CO6kilig Stove, manufoctured,and for gale by Wirsox . . _ . NEW GOODS • 't;. • ' Montrose - A RE-now recalling alarge and. splendid. asSartnientof Goods, whleh will be sold cheap for cash. !Sheetings,Shirting. Ticking, Matting, 'Wadding, Den tines, Cotton and Woolen_ .Yarn,: Carpet and Knitting Yarn, Proadelothi and Cassitneres, Carpets apdCarprt IbigS; Trunk CT,lack,lllne ander een rmbrellas, - Japan'd Ware, Crockery. and O tars %Vatic, Kardw are; GROCERIES. Crushed, pulverised and N. o..Syigars, Coffee, Molasses, Mack and (liana Teas; Pa ek, , Mackeref,Codlish, Candles, I.plees, BOOKS 4- STATIONERY: ..•- Iti• are receiving a In-gcll.4BOT intent of all kinds • fsebon' Daoks,(English, Latin. Fr..neh, Greek and ernittn)' Bl; bteS, istoric a • liliscellaueona tea, 11.1edierd.ltooksi, CatdS. Tissue and Note Paper, Ice. &e. Those , n want of flasks and Stathinerj will please give us a call, as We tatend tv sell cheap for cash— • . STOTTS! AND - IROAl! WA R E. 'Cooking, Pailim.Shop and - Coal Stoves:Pipe. MOWS; Stove Ware. Iron Scrapers, Plows, Corn shelters, straw eutto s, Plow Points, ete..at Lancsboro', - - • PORK SALT tS • I;'' LO , by ` the Md. er otheriviSe—CAndles by . the box or lb—also, Nails, Clasi„Palnts and Oils. ' ' • ' ' SARSAPARILLA. Old Dr: Townsend's, and S'and • PSarra. parlilaii.s cents per bottle. LYONS & CHANDLER. , Moatrose and L nelb oro', T. 7,1850.. _ - ' I ._ . • . Bratohly's - lows. • m il. * rbAci-ib• i r would informi hia friends and Mai he is. , now - ;manufnetnrine' - the Zolibtated BLit PLOWS at the .stand Post. Side , Inn; lion; iWayno Cn., I.ivin2 ton county, 'and Skinners Eddy Plows and eastincson band ; ItSpairing' Jane 'en shor. notice. liaringmade an orranallnePt With a ma chinist, tie Li prepared to mole and tit up 'mast kinds 'of marhinorg on shorknotiee and of reasonable t , Tras: - naltrole. Pelir nary If: STILLS. . _ rii4VS- . -":Eniliih. and B"eader, round bars._ atoiaFf r o, I Drag Teeth --•- S.II.'SAYRE4k. CO Ar.mcdAeronalig - nd cookingFtcre, 'WE o u 0000 nem - vnt ler, for aule, cheap it • • TUy.trEt.t.'s _ , LOVGlTS.—Binenunton,3lontiosc.Skinneril Eddy Intl 3Tott aqdrullet'sPloughs anti Cutiugr.cou.staiq on b'ana by ?, • &.11.'SAYItE &CO. ELOTHI\G,,BOOJ . Notice. to the Veto S'etivenribla.Pitek and. iirinier_Gqads at .the driiiibne . Price,Storeof • L.S. LENHEIIfIi Creat Rend; Pa. ' DEGI? leave to take this epportunity of tendering lilt sincere thin:14,430 Lis friends and cuitomers.for the generous - patronage they have extended to . hire ; and at the sametime Inform them that he has just. returned frocaNew York with a very I orgeand choice - selection of I fanny andStapie Itry (1tt0d4,, : - . tlltu. a fresh and extet?. siveassortmentofti reccries, Provisions ; Mootsand Shoes, Hats and Caps, ilaidtrare, Crockery; t!cc., Drugs and Medicines, which will hesoldfor mush and •Prodltea at a very small advance, at prices which de& all competition. pions, posh,gish,Salt„Wholisalitindretail,--he would, , also remark that twra , lbezeistrirtly to the system of al- Ways n ittilng: the lowest price at first,thereby giving the same Ovantage to till whoniayfaver him with theii pat. - Great Bend Clothing Store: The largestbest and•eheareat, assortment ',Of•lteady Mile Clothier in ttieVillage ofOrezit Band,; Vn., Dread Cloths. Doe Dkinr,Cmitimeres - and Vie tiers ofsill qualities suits}.4"for the FalLand Winter Trade. which he afters at such vices as to satisfy any one that this la Os rlar-efor. them to deal. in coniequence of the groat Increase of hl b Usiness he has been old (red Inman,' enlarge hies tock, which ho now, offers-to his frionds - vnd the pubile for ex ation, confident that In so dour thertrillfi nd some. thing to their advantage. Thesehscrlbeilma evade ate rimgementato manufacture clothier In, all Ita retinas branches; atolls tiororpropated to Sell the same;irarrant ' od to bearinseectlon. . Custom ,work and cnttingdone I at the lidestatyleatul shiutdsteatlcei ! ..allkitils of LON oretrimnii ere fartdahed and foreale... D 6 netferiet tbs. iS pot. Store neatlyoppogte the Idansionilopse. - orsal,Dend 2 .l3ept,ilBso. •. . LZ.N.LIBT3I:. Boots . AA. , IOuIY-assoitment'or. :Shots;..emunclng coats.and fl ne nogta, B.oes pcionsapd Shaw, 'Women's awl Igisays ditt6—also % . 0/othing Embracing a great vrrirtio or Oirreoats, Sacks, Twordi, /co.a large variety of-Vest s from six 'billings npnarols. anda goodastiorttnent Or.Panlik, ,lihirtil, :Drawers ant! Wrappcits—tiltto ; ; hr.% ' Ca t' s Elik and Eimilats Pluib; Friti,"l4o sir, 4144kandglaic ad Caps,laillashititur,forinenitiotsandeti. o &boo} and Iliscallanconsllisgts,l4ople;otti kisity Sta. tinnery, Inks; inkstands; - POnratirs, EmiliaireS; arcia greacseotty of rang , ' at:44o too annterons to Punta& rate,just received at :. FtILLEWSi.f- - : . ; • EirStrloototboo Searitt t allOteL- Stontrose,Oct. 3550, • , sUpplyArßookiricitt, received, fueiudiug rl - she kinds used lithe hit •-•• 'Alec fi . adinn y..nrerr 7nr; us (c,i,Lvt,terartd.9lpyipFromilkelorililptictiL ; - - . l ls'efit, 0 . :•pc .* . „ ...I,...fitiONdids 00N. . • • • , '-- Valttabittl3oolo " TfrillYrElDatly 'it Apoltplinaaptlii4 bslallit.!fdprriglr the gersdiviti Nerby Liverniore,Debk offarcal,trAniltlfrile.(llllotory ofsbe'Refdruitition, etc. ate. ~....."1...-,•,•I.IIYOSEIIi,SON.-•• ',..,,,:,- SCH.OOIkBOITICIatiIi': -:‘,.',,,- G ENER AL assortment of Sckeol Bo . okoTtigt, .gate -Air rt tee by. '. . , 4 :: : ;,•.- - ''i'• - '-i. ,1 - : - ...'- I,YONS 45: eIIANDLER2 - ',Montrpm:Nov.ll - 6, %EL T: : : ,-.:,. • (..,-, i• .fi, ,:.f„,....,,,,,; x foot ant Shoes.1 2 , - 1.. orGendennin'ilEtp `and Doatjr ‘ oin!..42diesilnonN - Sbnnsinnd t kappit%junt,recov. Sept. 4, 1850: - vut.j 4 Blc. V,rALLpapoi and Windoareurienn, Wand'indhatuter T -nanyno nd ladicoi ei ethee pfns, b.ruittd. hentiky _ • ONF. It SON. II ILROAI S VP I Iqn T, 6;.c :Chiinoe corn avirtc Eq. J Patprsop • 'and rater , I,ltrdsoa lacer • . .. • .. . TA„4i.,-.§..rri,„D„viika,..— , .i.,..,„, Meipl'ork at— ‘ll.9"olock:34-tin.., 1-. A. 51. 7 o'ciaik3o t01u.1,, , ,' '..A. N 4 VI- : . 4 attn. • A.-;.11: 3 -.'s. l5 rata; . KN. *5 - " ‘,'' 1 /ala:' , - :P.. 11. '5 I' ' 4 ;•`• ',' .4S min." , - IT. - M. ; •.- - -±- -.5c ., : titA n v. ritAirkz+.._. - )- . •,.. l'eaie .'ttlerit' &Depot." _. I .1% rary. - ctcYcnlt: - : - ".• •0 o'cltek 53 Wm- j :A..:1.7 1 6, • Q :eldex.‘ ..: •:. 7 , ,; y• Ms, 70r an the atlital of tha 1:rle trains gaint., , Eost r - .. - ,•';- - - •- - AV. , 11141t-MtN I'leil 1 ,4, ‘•' ' ...: Leave Patir,4qtral ,• .. ~. ..; .Leare-Nver ~ ... r.• ..- 7 o'clock A. M. Markt-il. 7 o'clock ttomin:---. ; - ' A.. 1 934 ., ~ ~. rile, vrp. 9. - ...':39 " • 4h 4 ~ . 1 ... 5 1.• to ts ' A'' tji 15 . 0 7..-: ‘ 4. - :gt.- . Matkck•st. 5 ,h -45" ... , : ... s V ":11 ‘ 4,31 •Til .tilt NS.. • . , ietica POtersOn at , I 'Lritte Nii.c....York at o'clock .A ; 31; • Ittrket:st'.' - i 9 o'clock- --•' ' :,A. M X-" P. M.Pat'n Depot..i 4' a. , • . : P:5l • - . . N. D. Oii MoMiktitaernlogitheflrat traliffrieMluftern'i. will leave fit 1' 25 trilti: in on the atriVal of the,Pott • The 735 le. )I.,Mid 5'45 a'eleek P. 51. trarns,frota Neci York, will net atop et any station notth l'atx Mira , ea: ceptlteekltead and. Ltnliokus. • The ft.:due:which leave New leiletd73 A M' furo P)I be:int:me to meet the Erie trains, movn . "Ms and Teeing. going West, ut Surf erns Depot. Anguat 22,1850: ' : ' ALBANY & BUFFALO, New. York &' Erie, Cayuga &us-, quehanna &toads, sencea . '•• • and Cayuga 11.,:alicti ~• - - EVERYBODY'S 3fAiIiKET LINE T "E ....lb,scrieersa,. e e now prepared o redelvelltElGllT auols, at the following poDttr, viz: ' Buffalo, Attica, Batavia, Bergetz,t Itochester,' Cananda ; na; Geneva, Dresden, Ovid, Lodi, Dundee, .Landiug, Jeri erson,llaVana, llernehends, .11orrang,, Elmira FactorYville, Spring Fort, itedderbiYerry, Aurot a, Itba! cap Candor, Owego, . Union, Binghamton, Great Bond: Lanesboro?,Deposit, and llaneack, Every day in the Week (Sundays excepted,)and Cant lone with reguieritYthre ug 00'1 theseasart.. They will attend toforwarding the sante ‘. to the Neer York Sf.trket, where it will receive the'person al attention oiexperiented salesmen, who - will attend to. the selling of the same, and return the proceed:do 11unk! . ..; able.fittids4t either of the above pain te; to tho fallowing Itutialo,Storehonse of llonrktawi; Atties„,Stnrehonse of IlenreSyford; llatavia,StorehouseOfLueins A . Smith; Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel aziPliersvin; Itochester Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge; Canaudagoa; Ogee. 0 Walter Corcoran; Geneva, o:Lae:Once; Dresden:Stare: house of Whitney &Monett ;.Ovid, Ferguiort .k. Sprague Loll Dundee Landing. Storehouse or T. Tuthill & Co. JelTerson, office of E. 0. Norton, on the Pier Havana °Meant Phelps ; port. ;tole Stint.;i 'Tors e °cad's, oftlee of J. A. Ferrell; Corning, store of WU. Arnold; Einiiro. storehouse of ThUrman Inglirom Factoryville,.atoro of .Charles D. Shtpheid; ca .1 1 0 ,4 ,e. 'Perry; Aurora, store of G.,k. 0 ; It ha,SW , of P. brake; - Candor, store of S.Barager; Owego. ()- flee of Nathaniel EtleUnion, store of 0- ?..:-Wb.' l° ttm r .Binghten, office of JainesSle.k; Great Bend, rdlie. of F. Churchill; Lanesboro!, sfliie • of k . A. Ward; - t store of. Entign 4Dent; liallcoc4, , store of.A.Bisou Reeves. JAN: SIIS.K. Binghamton, - -• . WM. WIIITNEY4 Dresden, • . GEO. : ito. , - . • -- • ' NATIIANIED ELT.S. • Owego. ; • ;i Attica; Thomas Sy.l ford; Batavia. Lucius A. Smith; Bergen,DanienlePher ,son; Rochester, Fairbanks & Eldridge; Catuindaguai Walteraorcorans.o eneva, C.Lawronee Ovid, Fem. usOn & Sprague . ; Dundee Dandier., Tuthltl & Co.; Jet.; forpon, E:O. , rlorton ; Stull; Iferschcads, .• Ferrell; Corning, Wm. .1..Ar..•`• Uold; Elmira; Thtirman & Factory'%ille. 0' 11, Shepherd; Autora,El: & Iljoil„-an'„Ithaea.1 ) :- l Drake; Candor ' S.. llarazer; Caton. 0. N.. Wheeler; j Great 'lend, rlhiirchill; - Litnesboke, F. A:.sraid; De- t •p0,v4 . -- ,Ensign & Dean; llaneock, Alllsr)n & Reeves.. - • I I Capt. 'James lsk; Willa~toerintcnd the .buslung ft throughout the' whale 'nc,und reeelec anlfatall. orders for -- - - :rot:Pries, Fruit y. Plati t - tiyettita, which will, he boacht - at .tho itaro.t wholeFale ericear hi 'Sera' York; ahtl lortrapled to any Of the above named Depots. ; - :• . " New Stage - Arrangement at Gret • " Rend T ar . two Dilly Llue , i of:Stager, front Great• Mentroso mill hcre:iftar .leare 4in li greed lintel cif C. C. Smith in the immidi ate vicinity of the Depot, a 4 rot-{ .At 4 A. M. and:G. P. -31.,en the arrifal orthe i road traiwrirom No - v; York, pussingithrough to Montrose. whence Dail line runs in c. illttr:Ott therewith to Springville T..ttnkhzunt , cl; and Wil'AcArarre., another via. N eholson, Pactoryville. A1,1;471,011 Centre; ' Providence end Ilyde Park to Scrantonia. obese "loco." being along the, line of thelo=cisiGep , ,ltai:road.) Elie i - twilit:gab,. stage leaves Scriatonia St pagsink through.t he ablve plaei.s to !Jon trOs.c. , whence thelinei leave in time to reach the Great .t.4na Depothgbrethel train , East. - • ".l it ' ' ... , o,wimity.licte- leaves Smitles;lln...... 4 Llnt , 4 . s.n arrival .1 the neon' tra In from the' West Carbondale v'a.S.wmtaersville,. New Milfortl i llwifoid. - Lennx aria daff..- • . - CO. il, 5-.tf . , Greet tTen MISCELLANI.OUS ADVLfTtSEM' . • - • 41'S '43 1, • . . Till. S. R. CRAIN, German Pll9B(ciaq. ta4es thismeth.f 'nd of informing big Meat/sand' the rub ie in genr.rnt, that he has, located in' the villagr rif rjty , n, tic•anFr:or •Tioi..fa, and has e-tablished permanent off] ce , m-Alain.s . t.-1 over Si. 11. Iluthitrt's store. and is read 3 'to at tsna to any I . buairmis In the line of his profession.. .' • . I ills sa l , - orier method of arriving lot a correct, diturifozis. in disiase, and his enparaleLlediecessin treating thy, Various diseases. incidental to, tan eycrmii more especially those of. an acute, subacute, chronic, or. com plicated character, are all that Is necessary ion him to a." for to the invalids and , fiseasel of every character toeutl— tie hini to the, confideace of a dieeritinnuting public.: For the :benefit. ot,thaitoinaeriuninted with- his method of practice be would say- that -he describes disease hy a chemical and mieroscoplcalexmniriatlen of theYritie, Passer's may send 'or bring ilMic Urine In rs - cleaMfat least ten cancel Vl5l, the first in the ;naming p'reterred, and as a'secord kentOr all the -rases examined, the name and ng,e , of ilw patient - are: are: also required. No charge is mach for examining a case Where no medicine is ll' Gismedieines are prinelppllyactectedlrom the Vegeta , bjeKlHOom, and are adadnisterilt according to the Ger- Man 1:lotai?.io P4..aelite, - • : . 1 , . Remould also add, that he has tot last made an Samos ant discovery invelationtO treating diseases of, a eaten lons drigila; o.; Gravel. Thto Is a singular deposition, and • may consist in erystaine gralns,Of a gritty har-h feel,, but notallst Wetly visible upon ;' close cxand nation ; or it may consiatin irrf7elar shaped transparent concretions, strinclently large to be 'readily diStinguished by tireeye, rind denominated en kulf.. - ' t i: '- -. .. , The preparation that he has ntroduced is capable of di...Solving-and holding - In solution,•calcirlons, or late°. Germ' concretions, ohleh is the strums . 0. irritation, and very Ofteri'extensive'intlamattons of - the Urinary organs. ,therebyzilloorfng the sameto'esmipe. ,' . ' • „- • References can tro.hari at, his °Meet. • rn pc:versifying, In all the Western counties of the' Stat.. , f..Netk York.' Penusylbonisillieldmiti; ecc.fulan bad:been., ven tip to • tilts by the most skillful .Physkians, hearing ot . fin and 1 availng themselva. sof }pit shillhave. been reStorr • to. ' good health.'-.Thu great German ttemedy fer Female Ob. strtettolm: Worms. group - and DisenteVy. may nhrays l fount iit' the Glitee:i - 1 ...• D.S.R. CRAIN • , Owego, Jett '22,101; , :;.- .': ' -.." . •' ~ 41y. -, _ __., A aT.ROLOGY , —TIJECeIebretisfRr. C. W. itOBACIL I.3.ProfeßsorAt Astrology, A strOrminy, rbrrnoloe7, - and .Geouisney; conkbrned *hit CONJURATION, from Scree. °Mee LOCUST.Street, , Vidladephia, offers his .sersleen to the citizen's of ilhantrosc. Ire bee been consulted by all the' et owned heady of Efiropei and, en= joys a,higher, reputation no an Astrology than ariy one &Inv' Ifatirltles ablettlated alcordlng to - coinaney-- Ladles .33i '431,-atten}en $5:. Persons .01 is, distance can have their natiritlcs.drawn by sending., the data of the day - ilfthelr birth. All lettebs c l antolningthe ahh're fee , .stillscoelveimmediate attention, N atkelties sent-to. any Part of the world written on" durable :paper,' owl he is; prepared to 'Millie u s e.of blapnwir by conjuration-Mt any of the following topiess•- , Couttelap. advice given for the' sneceisfrilnOeoraplielinent'of a Wealthy marriage; he has the power t. as areglven, to the Size-of the I battle;: and for all eases of :hazard; and for the recovery ofstolen or lost piopertr, and the purchasing ofjottrry ttetcits;, -, ,Tborontolo of thetthorn named 'vises-have beep I done in-this ,Ity owl its rientty, and In the United Fs at et, to tho run BAtlxf:Otioli of fill. 104000 Nativitts or. 110143; o'scoPes hare treenccanduringr the lost four yearn while hero. 'Letters viii ariawer livery purpose, and will do as well as to call in person, and tho Mall to now so tufo that Pe sons peed not (war to trust money, through. the Pool Qllleed . be; dtoback rcioveii frottA- 500 6.1000 letters" elopthlr.eyld him nevercaloml one. -AU tetters,will be relirioulq ottenttedtO If Pre-poll: - .'for pirticulare. 1 'et theDeEnoerat aka andget an Artrologleat'Almaimc. Loenst et; abOYC 'Eighth, Philadelphia. IM.Be Oracular. to mention the.pest-oPlret county' and State. , : . 1 1 * /Y; I er Neir-Saloon,.: . MERRIMAN rerpeet fully; ittmouncoe to,the_publir, - .13.• that ho bee remoredhba Orecery i and Falcon to hie now building opposite Beetle's Hotel, which hatless fitted up, imp -00j044innurposseill,, for the urcomunalation, of AloSo'irlio.maythinalthit dasOrtriugorthelr Ins coting'rieltne.-forginiticreetii are spacious airdble-1 glint ;,-soul In sildltirm 7'16 her, Xitrerhed, in • apPro plata Otrlc,tworoema expreissly for the accoronnadatfon of le ; • - No offertralllbe wentfOg..9ll the part of thiproprtetu • tom -kg htegelooe ephninantfiegort.. . , -r ' ' - Piiiit'utiker*„ Fancy )3oaii. Ea"dri fiadontio . .. Triple - fttract.liaelL , lslllV Ono% n'OrOW49/o,adOpßeVe OK. liarry'afTriqc.pb:franr; 'and'ottkor, -fixibal'far bair. taTy • Bb*l Soap, Wabfat Ott Ad, Whlt orlq NA ana-Sossotratf son superfarsi,tirieicroatba.Taiktit.a ba . ' . • `"AloatroNe,'Oetobar '2B; 1&50 - UMW Ile, $014; TfraiwAA litoadns.Wop 2o len goiki, s ooo yag“ ;Int u4stfigu"'".` 31.000-bnebelb• pats, E4lOO Bbeell.Paltsoany ituant.lty„ofiVtAt, Corn.llye andßott ger Zr,c, - , ,;JOILNBTON ic.X74ll(i. nerfoid - ;,,0ci.15;1850. - ' • . • ~tASII paid 'OrtITS ' e ' • • fiir Mittin and Atnntruze, Dec. 19,1850. • tei . ..- . : :•F•;. - ! . : V.i..li' • ..• It:•• t -.'--;•• .. :. t' - "J' - • ' •:'•-,- .'•'---. -p , -- ' ' ; y l' AA l; , '4 \,'-l-go-Ttar --77-7 ..".;.x',C- - • 20 1 .... •.. tL.: ' t i ' ' is-- . ." - *•_.•: l , --..1 . t . P.PY; 1 .7, ,--ii- A zt.„. ; •.?„, r.... . - ' -3 4-fir - -_-%-- -, - 0 ,--• ,- ;-",-,--- ', .. t .. - ' :. • - -41 , ,, ;•-g-- - - ."-•:v- For, the Removal ardl' Permoneat• tare ~of .all ~ NERVOUS'-. DISEASES, , And 'or them Comptaintamhialvare isittied' by ext 4 paiteil,: weakened ono ultaillnycoaditlon of Alto • . . -- - lc ritir:ls•.sys i rEnt; '' Thls billeted - Iml e bitienieht typtieetteO of the teye h teriose powers of , GALVANISM and StAatirtlSll, tti been,,pntnouncel by , dietingoisheorilbysielatte, beta; 4 Katona and' thalTni!ed States, to ire the oast eatuatle medicinal &sears% of the Figs. ''.' : - ' . : •• . VALVARIC BELT: TriLLGNIMC FLU ID;. , is used watt thii,most.'peifoet. and Certain sateen is LI • = Strengthening— the weakened body, giving tone to the ' mons organs, end inttoratlng• the ontite.systent, • Al so in.FITS, CLUMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DYSPI.f. SIA or. INDIGESTION, 'RHEUMATISM. ACUTE am CHRONIC, GOUT, • EPILEPSY, _LUMBAGO. DEAF. NESs'• NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION DP 'TILE IaLART,•APOPLENY, NEURALGIA, PAINS Itt the SIDE ancl CHEST. LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE. of the SPINE. HIP 'COMPLAINT, 'DISEASES of the KIDNEYS DEFL CIENCY of - NERVOUS and PHYSICAL: ENERGY, am 'all NERVOUS IMSF.AStLS, which cOmpLainta lute Don oniarimile cause-,namely, • „ ~; Derangement of the Nervous •Systme. In NERVOUS CONIPL'AINTSJ Drags and mat , dues die - ease; for they weaken the vital ever. gies of the already prostrated systevi while, under the. strong hoeing, llic.giving, Jenne:lce of Gil. imam; nit applied by this beautiful and woudefful t4t. emery, the exhausted patient and .wehliened sutfererli restored to:former health, strength; elasticity and rigor. The- , great peculiarity and excellence of • •. 7 Dr. Christle's Galvanic Cur i atives. consistasin the . fact that they arrest and care diseaSely uutteard applicetion, in place of the 1161131 mode of lout. ging, and physickin„.. the patient, till exhausted Nature atink4 hcpelesslyluider3h9 iraliptioa.- • • . . . - They strengthen.the whole zygtent, equalize the eiieule, dory the hteett, promote the seeritieyis, and twee 6 /41thgh.tra injury under any circumstances. Sincerthen Intmduction in the United States, only three years since, more than 75,000 Persons tneludinc, all Sigel. classes 'and conditions, amen wlileh were p large number of ladles, whom peculiarly subJett W Nervous Complaints, have been . - EirrreEvr : . AND prAtum . rthrn. y CUBED, ..whcn alt hope relief 'bad been giiron, tip, and crew thing else been tried in vain!' , • • • To Dlnstrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT, suppose the caw 'of a person afflicted with that bane et civilization. DYSPEPSIA., of any other ChrOnic'or'Neto - ens Disorrer. 'ln onlinary cases, stimulants Jiro Ake.; which; by th6ir action on the nerves and muscles of the !stomach, ellord temporary relieC but which leave the • patient in a lo'Wer state, and with Injured faculties, after the .detiori Aline emitted bee ceased. Novi Compare with the.crect iesolting frmWthe applicatideof the GAL YANIC VE LT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even the worst symptoms of-an attack, and' simply tie thei Bet around, the Body,. using the 731agnetic Fluid as directei. In short period. the insensible perspiralloe will act 03 the „positive 'element of the . Delt, - thereby catuingl Gal vanic cirenlation which will pass on to the negative, Lai theneis beel'agaiia to the "pesitive, taus keeping up* tos. - tinuons .Galwanic circulation. throughout the. system. 'Tillie - .the most severe caves of DYSPEPSIA. are PER. A - NENTLY - CURED. A' vElv rDays IS Ametr SUFFICIENT .TO , ••• - auTinturs'AND.ATTrimoluis' ' ... . .. ~ Of ' the'l . li4:si - Vntliiubted . character, V'roth—all patty of the„countriEotild bo - giien, cifficied to till cyr;r. colurrytio this p . q.9r ;, . -„ ' • . - .-AN. EXTRAORDINARY : CASE,. which cOur,l4lively . prcwastht.,.., strangei.thanFiction." RAtPIATIS)b.EFLON.CIOI9, AND 'DNSPEPaI, :. - REV. Eilt. * LANDIS, A CLERGYMAN • of New Jersey, of diitirguished attainments ante.saltd 7utati7 .s,, Er , Jersey, July 'en. A. 11. 61 1 / 1 971K—Dcar_Sir : Y6q, wish know me whit has been the result in my own case, of the-: ? .ptiB . tipn of THe GAL V.A.NIC DELT AND NECKLACE. dryreplyLi es l'opow!;: • .. Fo ' r'abont twenty . y enra /. had been suffering Frei 'Dyspepsia. Eve . ry..year, the:. symptores became von; nor could I obtant. permanent relief fromtany coursed t Medical treatment wan reser - 'Aboutleuitren years riar, in consequence of frequent . exposttrerfe the weather. tt .. the discharge of ray pastoral dutie.i, I ticame subject u '- a severe Chrortio'llhaumatisin, irchns..ht for year eller yet; ' caused me indescribable auguish. Farther,: lathe 'slaw ' of 'l5 and t 4 tl . , in, consequence of preaChing:a great'dol -; in my own an'd t.lieus other ehuechts in this, region.] was attacked by the Bronchitis, which• 400 n became severe as to require en immediate suspension of my p tend labors:: 'Zly ntireus system .smts - nom thorougtl prosti-z.ted, anti as ray Bronchitis because worse, so alsoOl my Dyspepsia. and .filisnmatic'effectfon- . -thuS" erinerg that _these disorders were connected• with each east throtigh - the medium of the Nervous' System. , In ;tit Whole pharmacopcsia . there' Seemed - to 'be nq temodal agent which - could reach. and' tee operate . my ; Nauss System ; t'vary thing that I had tried for this purpose hil complstely.failed. last I was ied - by my friends toe:. amine your inventions. and (though , with.no! very 83.5 guise hopes of their: adiciency,) d deterMined' to try the effect of, the,applicatioriof the GALVANIC BELT AND !' NECKLACE; with - the MAGNETIC - FLUID. This en . I in June, - 1518.,, To BIT GREAT AStOISISIMES I I‘,4S TADAO ' rir DT!PEPSIA. 1100 GONE j IR iIIIGHT DAYS liWiS EsABI.D TO 11.ESUSTS: MT PASTOR/MI.IEOES, NOB HITZtr WWI. 0)11I. /31N11LeSEIITICIS-021,ACCOURr:Oi.THS ' iBROSCHITISj :awn SIT Rua:imam. Arricronst HAS T.SITISLT'CESSED To TSOCELE $1 . 1Oh• is - the wouderfal.and - haPpy•resailts pf the experime nt. have recommended the'.DELT and FLUID to rainy Who have - beenlikewise suffering. from - Neuralgic adho. lions. They hate tried, thern,, visit lures assets., l azuEis . ol rvs.us , • • "- I , am: dint tirovy - respectfully yews, • • 1101IERT DR.; CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC -NECJILACE Is - tiled for all complaints °reeding the Throat or Hag such as,l3 ronchitia; - Intlaramation of the Timid. Narver , and Sick:Headache, Dirzincasitof „the Bead, Neuralgia it the: Face, Buzzing or , rthawng in the. Ears, pcsferui which is generally Norvant,' and that distreleiug com - plaint, called Tie Dolorethr. , - ••• • DR CI4RISTIE'S • .-GALVANIC: BRACELETS Aro found of tist - servko In easel of flaivulsitas or Fila Spasmodic Complaints, add gecercl 7 Nervotts; Affectino of the Beall, and upticr extremities; Also' la Palsy eel ParaNsirs, and all aiscesticattsed byls deficiency of power or Nit-vows . Energy la tlie. Limbs or othei.o!gan3 14 the Tic Doloreng .aid Neiiralitia: • . . Them dreadforand cOmPlalids 'are ince dierdy relirrod by ,the application df tho_Clotrame Act; • liriin.Atif arel'Fixto. 'rho Belt dittoes thq Flectriritt ' through the system the Neeklaebilai 'local effect; ie the Fluld.se to 11 irectly u port tho affeetedneroce lathW distresoing - ofilictions tho oppIIcatiorONEVED.FAELS.FI S :AND . CONVULSIONS. - Tbiso alarming and terrible Complaint* 'are shol 2 motmod.'': by e dem-newer of 'the 2Verril.:' The nos, , Beocuto.ra earo,'Lvos„ will more- nearly_ (miry misc . to matter how : l ryOung or old the refloat, or loom confined the complaint. IS Merlons awl astonish/4 proofs are • , yompoolou ot tho - proptiotor. ' - 1 kt- hltuiy tundrod from • ail parts, 4414 country of the. moat extraordinary -character . can hb givery . lt coquired. • • 117...: No troulde or' inconvenience attends the eta fa Vie. CM/87'/k :Imaz.v.orre .IRTICLE, &Pa tbfl may "neworif t by the mast foehlo Ikadol(o4tak. OWithP. frofotaa and lately; calrea the senottlon emu/. tog their OOP irlesiersi'oad eirtytyr. :.They be arab? otty: part ,the.m?ohtrY!'" ;• The thiltilito,not;::::: ;,.; .Theo' Tho Two; Dollars. The i3alranie.Bracelets, - One Do11ar• -Thu One;Dollar, L -, '• cr7- 'rho articles ire iiicompanied by', ME and 1 1111 _ • itirectiono. r . r.tophieto with - full particohms may be, O m. the autherszedligiat.' 4 :, : s. ,: 7 "'' "PART3OIII4IR::CAtiTII7I4S:- • 40,414)1 4: Wp s itA4s:Aitgisis.: gEl'OiLd/.,40,Wr FOR. .TITiMOITED. STATE- 4 ' • ' 132 uzikadwolri !Fe* Toc) 6 •.; • tr, Aoente kl7l- 4'"''''"' '' ,•-_ . : l : ' , 4 .. P f 4 R 4l :::6 3 7:o:l l:e.r r : P 'bi 7:::! ) Wil 'P hic i : n'll i ti h :°: 'e lHN' : up' b i: i b; g ul h ;i6 : - : :. .. pricn,vill.be paid nob,. ortfaile by , "-- .2 • wanteul; trada or or: *tenant, Ilavow e c ' tter, Ohmrase, :c •feetyerin hitidifohrgtaintßu e LED. ny • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers