the new States on the . Paoifiet, : Twei ; Per. f ens found in the net of horse stearifin. on . • Casa:lnes ricer, were liangell by. the people. N. Ir. lepald Satdidcry. . . FOREIGN NEWs.. , , The Collins steamer PacifiC 'arrived: at her a o ct on Saturday morning. .ohr ma tjug the voyge from' Liverpool in the ifinr., test so ce . of time passage has which the passa vet been 'Accomplished. The .joy of 'our citizens at this, though not so -londly, ex pr as when the news ived' o the - , te satvof the Arlan id sam rri ship, was tot ices general. All classes seemed proud ofj this trintnph of our steam Marine ;and when, the fact \ was announced' on Change, 'tba j j . ,le i me of the merchants: was denionstrit ed by! three hearty cheers for the Collins hoc ! of steamers. .N . The political news, frea' the •Enropein Stated is not very interesting, I The hopei of France are now centered on tcneemints: terial arrangement, . which .is have before j noticed as in progress. :Thisitt connection with the debates on the revistonnf the con= stitution, still keeps the gay eapital alive with hopes and apprehensions, Business 'ha revived with the anticipation of a more settled ministry, and the great mercantile h ous es were preparing for any contingency that might arise from the discusiien on the c onstitution. In England the Chancellor of the Exche quer b as introduced a second budget, which; has been tolerably received It is quite modification of the first, and the; ministers I are holding on to office only till the disso 'lotion of Parliaments which it is said, will take place before the close of the Great imposition as the English journals now ad mit the World's Eaie to be. The case of Miss Angusta Talbot continues to occupy I popular attention. The decision of the Lord Chancellor has been made in the case and he declared, under the _circumstances, that the lady ought to be withdrawn from, the convent at Tannton. Accordingly, we find that Miss Talbot is now in society -having made her first entree into the gay world , since the decision, at the residence of-a noble lady, introduced by. the Countess of N'eburgh in whose care she remains. Miss Itn,rrtista Talbot it will be romemberd was !a ward in Chancery, now nineteen, year! of age, who bad been placed by noble rclattres at the convent, as a pupil—but a s thefortune of eighty-five thousand pounds due when at her majority, would go to en-, dew the-eonvent, friends interposed to res cue her property and person from the es tablisbment, Chancellor took occasion to say there was not a word of detraction. The case is quite an interesting one, and we shall endeavnr to present, in a day or two, n complete history of it as given in the Court of Chancery; So far as the general prospect of Europe is coneared, we can perceive nothing that diminishes the anticipations which - we have. often expressed with respect to grave po. litical commotions during the Summer.— London may furnish many mad spirits, who! ,will attempt any difficulties to tarry out their favorite theoretical projects, while it is not too much to suppose that on soue! parts of the European continent one oil two deeply designed and well di'ested rev,-' elationary plains may be - ivorked out, to attrzetrnore than common attention, and to have a very great influence on the future of - European E . Herald of Monday. .Kent County Tragedy. BALTIMORE. April 19th. Drammond, the man wlio was arrested about amontb since on the charge of par tieipating,in the terrible murder of the Cos den fae4ly nciar Geoigetown Cross Roads, Kent eaunty, - 31d.. on the night of Febru ary frith, has made a confesFien disclosing the true authors of the crime. - Ile sayA that 'five men named Murphy, Shelton, Foard and Sills and Taylnr, were the prepetrators of the murder. He denies that he had any thing to do with it. He only knew of the conspiracy of the others for the•enmmission of the crime. The four first mentioned, Murphy Shelton Ford and Si!ls, have betmarrested at Havre do Graea. Tayloi•the other party, is still at large. Webster, the uncle of Mrs. Cos den, who has been snspeeted, is not impli cated- • In Ms confession, Drummond also inti:l mates, hat if some of the 'Cosden family had not escaped and given the alarm it was the) intention of the murderers to have followed up their work of . plunder and massacre ; and other families in the neighborhood, against Whom they entertained feelings of hettility mould have been murdered the same night The disclosures thus made add a deeper dye to the already terrible mime which has agitated the community where it Occurred to such an extraordinary extent. Ighly tntportant from Albany. Oar isitelfigence from Albany is of a high ly important character In consequence of the determination which was manifested by the adroctes of the bill for the completion} e the enlargement of the canals of this State twelee of the opponents of tbe meas ure believing it tobe unconstitutional; re signed their seats in the Senate, to defeat ,it. 'Yesterday morning, Mr. Mann is a very appropriatb speech infested on the propriety of postponing further action on the bill, in order that; l the sense of the people at large might be obtained upon it, or until they had ail opportimity -of instructing .the Legisla tare on tbe subject. Ile and his associates he said were willing to remain until the 6- ,nal adjournment of the Legislature, for the purpose oedisposing of all other business ; but if this bill was not postponed, the ma jority must, be held responsible for the re sult that Would foliose. The majority in sisted upon immediate action on the bill,- twelve Senators, as we hare remarked, re 6aedb thotheir seats, - and , the consequence is , 'houses die. of the Legislature ad journed sid e as the'Appropriation'bills hare ot yet been passed an extra session may tc convened by the majority; but unless the G'avernor has been authorized to . filtracan aie'la the Legislature by a bow passed since the adoption otthe new conititution, an ex tra .344 in 01 be of no avail, and the wheels, of Eno gorprnment of the State will be' !topped until the sneetin - of the next Leg - !stature on the first of Jannarynext. / 13; it - may we can hardly tronderi care ALS estrordinary result, for it might ] care beta ahticipated from tho, conduct. of the majority of _the detnneraticmembers of,-; Li this conn"e - eiion We may 'State Thai at jot! the fiopein "'and ilMws - aeltiee the Senate. The Canal bill; from its' very the unction Profesior Webster' librarylin the - reflection that ho -is Testing With him inception, was, fraud a spring trap on . the ; last Week, his name, was erased front all the 'who said, Igo to prepare a plat's for- you." Legislature, as well, as on the peoplo of the hunks nkcept one, And 'Which "Let Sickness blast anda - kith d - otir, State of Now York and - the _ ;sly and very in the' possession' of s well , known literary - If Heaven must recompense our pains,_ t suspieious manner in ;whielt It was intro. gentleman of this city, who hssone of the; Perish the grass and fade the fictive'', iducod as well tie the pertinacity with' which ;largest collections of `autograph of any. per-j Still tirtu the word- of God - remains." , - • lit was advocated and' hurried forward car- son in the 'country. This bunk , contains ; Oskaloosa Herald. iried Suspicion .with it, r Its peculiar and }the rrofesser's signature, written in a bold very ardent ,advocates must have known land dashing manner. It escaped _the de ;from the commencement that there. sitis an ; teetion of the family by one of the leaves honest doubt; its constitutienallty, to !adhering, to the cover. say the . lea - st; but, notwithstariding that, We believe these are the - lag remains ;about • and notwithstanding,n - ot only the of the anfortunateman which' will come ho -1 opinion of -111 r: Chatfield the Attorney' Gen. fore the public thro' a sale.--IlodOti /Ice, ;ern!, who decided it was. unconstitutional, 2701.,u1t. ;but that of nine-tenths of the, - people ht. large it was pushed and.- hurried on, as ,lifi 1 the salvation of the State depended ueati ;its passage. :-The minority - would net a.* ;such teranny and, preferred to resign as lit I 'did, rather than countenance it in any way. I Now that the majority have'seen the re sult of their effarts to force this bill tbrougli I regardless of the opinions and eonsele u trouil land constitutional - scruples of the Minority it is to be. hoped that the people will lie al-1 lowed to have an-opportunity of expressing Ist) opinion upon the . .Subject. We have had the opinion of eminentlawyers, foil and against its constitutionality ,; but in. Ithis ease there certainly is a " higher law" to which an appeal may. be' taken. This; however is not the higher law of Setva4l, IWeed, Greeley Co ;.it is not claw high ' er than the constitution—but a law bkher; • than the opinions of lawyers and politician's; which we hope will he resorted tt, for the purpose of testing whether this barefaced attempt to violate the higher law viz, the 1 constitution of the State will be' tolerated or not by the people, who have a right to be consulted in the matter.—Nl Y. Her ald. of Friday. - _ ,StrlClDE.—.Peter Osborne, a man 30 to !35,years of ar,,e , leaving a wife and theseeverel small children living jtist over enn. !line. near FactOryville, on the opposite side of the Susq, River,committed suicide on Fri iday morning last. He went to bed with two !of his children at night:got up before day ! light, himself and left the house; and some hours afterwards his lifeless body was found - suspended by .a rope, to a beam over the barn floor; by his brother-in-late .who was at work for him. . The deceased was a young mad, comfor tably off in the world, apparently enjoying life as well as any body. No cause is as signed for the rash act, although circum stances are called to inina of recent oeel#- rence,ivhich lead to the conclusion that it had been for some weeks premeditated.— ()leek° Gazette.. TITE Altssissteer.,Fromtnany quarters we hear the voice of distress and alarm, in consequence of tho encroachments - of the river. Every day or two some new crevasse is announced. We talk over these disasters coldly for \half an hour, and then forget them !until another is proclaimed. In the mean time, it is difficult to exaggerate the incon venience, injury, and often absolute ruin to individuais, that these calamities occasion I `in the localities where.they. occur. All a 'long the Mlssistippi, and in the Whole fin vial region, from its west bank to Red river} end the Teebe. planting lias been, . for the ; I last. three or four years, a precarious busi ness, and few men, when they Pl',Axtt a crop: though the soil be the most productive in the , world, and the seasons the most ;beneficent I and uniform, can feel sure of_ reaping bar-1 vest. The effect of this uncertainty is serious- I ly affecting the value of real estate; in the whole alluvial district of Louisiana. The local newspapers are crowded with adverti4 , - ments for plantations for sale,and many plan- I ters have abandoned, or are abandoning their( plantations, preferring to go into the woods ; elsewhere, and begin anew, to the, perpetual apprehension and probability of being every year drowned out. , , This_ii a deplorable. state of things, arid it is time that we-Should ask ourselves what is to be . dope ?. Itis_obvions that what has been done herefoft;re is utterly inadequate to the magnitude of the evil. Our efforts have been ,sectional partial, and employed 'only at the moiled the contingency occurs. This is the error. LOcal remedies will not answer, nor skould tre cielay action =lithe catastrophe is upon us. Some general siv's tem must be Adopted. A system basedi on hydrographic and topographical.surrey-- not mere superficial reconnoissances --but thorough and scientific examinationsbyed- gineerso the higitestsstanding. • And that] system must be 'en a_ scale commensurate', with the grandeur of the enterprize, and the vast pe'euniary Interest at stake.—Neto Or leans Courier.' - • - 1 SAD 4ccrozyr.7---011AVednesday of last ', week a serious accident occurred in the tam i ily of Mr: Williatn Durk at Varhimdale, tan ' zerne county. Aymingdaugh - ter2of 1- 4 year's I was for a moment left to take.eharge of Pie , house s 'when the dress of a little girl, still !younger, caught, fife: The eistei'at first 'at= tempted to smother'this ire.bp wmping her own clothes around 'Ate little - girl, tut this was in vain, - -and, the two-girls were soon enveloped in - ,ftitnei. - '.They; ran into the street, but no. one could 'come to'their assistance until the clothes were all,' burnt from them and they bedies most shocking ly scarred and burnt. - The younger . one soon died, and ,the older one is scarcely expecte.d to survive her pain 'and suffering. - ' '-- . .. SALE OP PEOPEPSOE, wznarstrsiranO r naTorev.=—The various appliances:. 60 late Professor:Webster's Ishoratorvir • sold at netion yesterday, by Mr, - -Lionlire: Among this extensive assortment were un ique glass ware, electrical maeldnes s ralz pumps, batteries;and'the thousin&aidLone things usually found in a. chemists apart; runts. A great many useless, ! having been manufitetured lor , experimenis. The sale lasted_tWo hours,andge,Prnceeds ofivhich amounted to something over "4:50(0 —being about-one third ' tbeir tract ue. - = The most notable article in-thieggeetion was guished -French sheinistj'frroisier; was.well known; was belelided , Aariag . oo Frutablecolutiom -` Attet varlaiafortutiti it came Inca the posieSshin - -,Of- Prefeisor Webster; by miiimu it was highly prized: The, rennet waSparehased" y tc,:Yratt , Cis Alger of South Boston, for, . sum of $5,25:' We understand 'Mr. Alger would r.ot dispose of it for 000.- Its rare history givesit value ecitirelklnold sn y intrinsic value. " ' - - ' tittles for Detecting Coutitertalts A friend has handed- us__the following "infalliable rules for detecting, Counterfeit Bank Bills;". with the leave to publish for the benefit of the public. We assure the readers the rules can , be relied upon at all times and are more safe to a practiced eye than a thousand hank note detectors. We invariably apply these rules to bills td= ken by. us and since becoming acquainted with.them; have mover been imposed upon. 'by a counterfeit. The person who favoied us with the rules paid one dollar, for them. The public have theta gratis. 1. Examine the appearance of the bills —the. genuine hare a general dark, neat ap pearance. 2. Examine the vignette or picture in 'the middle of the top; see if the sky or 1 baekground looks clear and transparent or isoft and even `and not scratchy. . 3. Examine Well the facestsee if the ex- I,pression is distinct andeasy natural and life ' , like. - Particularly' the eye. - I 4. See if the drapery Or dress fits well, }looks natural and easy, shows the folds tlis- Itinetly. I - 5. Examine the medallion rnling and beads and circular ornaments around the figures &0.. See if they are- regular , and smooth and uniform not scratchy. This ;work in the genuine i looks as if raised on I ,the paper and cannot be perfectly 1'1;44 led. 1 ~ ! 6. examine the principle line of letters or name of the bank. See if they are all upright, perfectly true and even, or if slo ping of a tiniferm slope. J. CarefullY examine the shade or paral el ruling on the face or outside of letters, ee., see ifit s is clear, and -looks as if colored Iwith a brush. The fine or paralled lines in i the - genuine are of equal size, smooth and even; counterfeits looks as if done with a file. 8. Observe the round hand . writing en graved on, the bill, which should 'be black, equal in size and distance of a uniform Stripe and _smooth. This in genuine notes is. in , variably well done, and looks very perfect. If counterfeit, it is seldom so; but often looks stiff as if done with a pert. • 0. Notice the 'imprint?! or engraver's name—which is always near the border or end of the hoteL-•-and is Always alike; letters small, upright 'anti en,iiared very perfectly. Counterfeits seldom do this well. ~ T bTE.=It vas remarked by Ste phen Burriinghs, before ho died, that two things could not be perfectly counterfeited ; one - was the dye work. or portraits, meda llion heads, vignette, &c., and the other the s - bading or inling above the letters. • • ADYMITISINO OF LETTERS.—'The circu- I lar instructions -which have just been issued { by the Postmaster General, explanatory of i the fifth section of the new Postage Law relative toi , advertising the list of uncalled for letters direct that when the gross re-, ceipts of the Post Office do not reach more 'than $5OO per quarter thepostronster is to ! advertise the uncalled for list once in sir weeks only ; When they do:not exceed more than $lOOO per quarter the list to be adver tised once a month ; 'wheal they do not ex aced $7,500, per: quarter twice a. month ; and,svhen they exceed $7,500 per. quart , las in several of the large cities, the pospnas irter is authorised to advertise the ijet once in wiiek. The advertisement is to'be inser ted 1n one newspaper only nnszthat the pa per having _the largest single circulation withie the range of the delivery of the.POst Office where it is prit#l: : The price of ad vertising is fixed atone cent far each letter for ohe insertionfnefesed letters, box-let: ter's, 'free letteiri, and lettirs which are ex pected to Wealle"fl for soon, are not to be advertipft. When there is,a di.spute - as to the eirmilation of newspaper claiming the ad,vertising the Postmaster is to receive evidence and decide upon the fiat, his de--I odoh to remain good for one year. i fihei first Universalist Society ilfliontmsb and Brid - *lyater are hereby notified that a so ciety meeting , \rill be held at the Church in the Borough of. Montrose, on Saturday, May 3d, at 4 o'Cleek P. M. A general Attendance of, all the:xnembers is desire& as.bpsiness of .hn.. pOrtance is expected - to come,before them. By order a the trustees. ' ' Montrose, April 14, 1851: - 2SFIZTICV • Iu Sprlxtgrille,,liy Ftec Thm, Wilcox on i the 15th inst . , Mr. - Tnos. W. les.atii Ad um. ,and itiEisMkey P . A.l..lnnn of iSpzingville: In Ilarfor4 by Rev. .11.11illet, on the'i 3th inst., , . , Mr. IvAnrftgriciTzT of Naliptmek, Conn., •CixTribs. 11 *nr.rr s , cinOghter of Mr. - Ednin Tingley of Harforcl. - . . , • - " • • • - .At the N. lilksmaaf in this .„; . place, of Morley, oar the Bth net. PLivy. 1117 ac4 1 4rq , ; in 14 6 2 4 6 •Y 0 0 :4 his age- - tinbleat , irfthis brief. :settee, was both m the Ortnity*.S4telhiiaris, iu.the State of hiigided ,to . tilis4oq4 his eighteenth , YeSr, and was (LlvornblylnoWni,and)llgbly ,esteemed in the .felatiorte ~ s ustaineit - ,es 4 T913 or- Temper. - once" 4 9 a -cozig-teito . His deijk*BTE:4iinuSly.. - relti :and it'll 'be long • pfici , d•V *#ttpacrOvelriefids;, - Tito fuPetur s&iices, un tliel 4 * . it* : -w..e4"0 Attended by : Si very laTe; fceiing sad, d e ep l y: l3, P*Pathi*dag A t u dl4 *lici - Ottl?krort:o remainssvas f9 llo ied 14! ita. * ' f) sks/"Sii SOziS' Tenti*te;ind thiscitizens :Os frieudi.crei not without the only intisolation_nf-the StirviVoll the, triumph' the npposiianeo ", of .Faitl in ;#aria who , is - Vie, . / •And however] mat' the' , relolon 4issolvedi and strong the_ tie ierert4lit) Ogitlivests.mith 10ahn_ delight. : •;-] • gl''Wff*:MozMaiei • • New and Valuable Invention [Olt 'raising and lowering Carriage Top The inbecri- I.` her has pnieured the right for vetting up Mirriage tops with Goddant's patent handle for raising and lowering the Fame by u [light exertion: with one hand while sitting In the earriage and would Invitiithe public to call and examine this valuable immovernenlat hie carriage mat. .gertablistanent In 3iontroae. ' 11ENRYCLE3ION8. April-2kl, 19A1. . s 17 ntri` ' - QtIOEK„'4A metal assortment or'sbors going cheap at • , LAKE & EATON& BLATCHLY'S PLOWS Piet received and fhb unde by - • • :[LARK la EATON: NEW GOOii just recelte!l dutiful' Bello by . „ J. Lyous do sing StikET 211USIO anew, Mt for Bale bi; • - Lro:43 it SON. lalstrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given. that by en order of the Or-. phan's Court of the County of Susquehanna; there will ha exposed to sale by public! ',endue upon the-pro- - mires In Forest Lake township on Satunlay tile 17th day of May 0 0 M. at 12 o'clock P. M. all that certain Veer or parcel of land, situate in the said - township -.of Forest Lake bounded on the Nepal be lands of Itantel.liane.on the east by lands of Daniel Kine,',Patrlck Keredan and Michael Kererlon, on the south by lands of. IL - T. Casa and on the west by lands of Judson Stone, - containing SO acres or thereabouts, with the appurtenances.a log house Iwo small log barns, with upwards of 40 acres improved well fenced. Toms made known on tbe . ,ity Ornate , . TIIIIMA.S !LEMAN, Adm'r . _ Poro Lake. Apn1.2.2(1,185. SUSQUEHANN I A IIIONTROSE,,PA: TITE Trustee. rerpectfully Inform the. Public that the Third Tenn of the Academie year of tide institution will commence on Tuesday, Argil 20th. with the follow ing Roane OP tasrartvon. Prof. Lemuel 11. Virulent'. 1. M • ' Miss Mary J.Crawford,Preeeptrefg. PRLsiCT PAL. Mr. .1. Temente Lyons. A. D., and Misr A. A. P. Dog cm, Atisirtant Teachers In the Academie and Classical Departments. 311 es Caroline Bovman,Briperintendent of the Frima ty Department. Miss Emily Blaeanian Teacher of Mud.. Mr Gustav Ti. Walter " German. There are three arademic t erms in the year. The first commencing en the 10th der of Sept., of la weeks.— The 2d on the Tttiday of.lan. of I'4 Weeks, endthethird on the 20th day of Aron of 14 weeks, There are. thus, vacations in the Tribter and spring, of two weeks each and one of tire oval' in the summer. PRICES OF TUITION, •• The tndies of the Primary Depart ment. 6 ;SO per year The Common Branches of theA ea miral Department, embracing ficadine,Spell ing,TYritlng, Arithmetic, Geography, and Grammar, - - - 1 5, 0 D " The Higher branches,. of the Academic deportment,.` - - - 18,00 The studios of the Classical Department. Latin, Merck one French, with those of the Academical Department.ln Abolo erpart - - • '21.00 " Music with nor of piano, MOO " Drawingand Painting, 15.00 German - 15,00 " N 11. It is the deqlre end purpose of the Trustees by appropriate discipline, lee the course of etudy primed, by the thormuhness of the instruction imparted and by the facilities foreished. to recurs for thin Academy a WO standing among the Literary institutions of the kind is our WO, N.B. Fopils from abroad. wishing to obtain board me, receive dit ertion placesby applying to Alfred Baldwin or Wm. J. Mulford, committee. llon. Wm. ,JSMp, President. M. J.Xlvert, &WT. , Mason S. Tll7stm,Vreasurcr. Ifontrose, April 15,1850. ODD 'via:Lou - 1s HALL , ASSOCIATION MEETING. A meeting of the Stockholders of the.above association be held at the Odd Fellow's Hall on Friday erening, : the 25th. inst., at 6 o'clock P.M. A general attendance is request ed,os business of importance is to be transact= O. F. Itz AD, Sec'y. April 9, 1851 Etzteitaall. . . , . . I n pursuance of the Act of Assembly incorpora ting the Springville and Tunkhannock; Creek Turnpike and Plank Road Company, the Books for Subscription to 'the vapital stock of amid cant pant Will be opened at the public house of S. Hick cox-ini Springville, on Friday the 9th day of May next, and remain open,rintil the capital stock shall be subscribed as re fired by law. DAVID WAKOXE, J. B. LATHROP, AMOS 'WILMA:ES, ' S. S: GROVER, , A. BEarn . st.EE, S. iitotcox. • JITAdTT, .. ,- 0. 13. lizcacox,. z/IL. . V o ff s Molar...sax, . . , L. SEARLE, S. SE2OILE. : -Commissonep3. Montrose; April 17, 1851. . . , Water Cure. - 3fount . Pioxpt Water Cure..Egtalilleiment, Bing,hamtcm,Broome Cn., N, Y. establishinent is dl,iitrhtfolly loeated at the bate ache mountain front which it takes its nanic, and commands w delightful view of the Chet:tango and Sus quehanna rivers with their rich and beautiful vain es.• The ..,Ccurf' he now open for t 6 reception and treat ment ofPatients. The Institute:Pas been rueeessfnl in securing the aid of Dr C. B. Barrett, late af New York city, whOse long experience In Hydropatily la, eafficiont guarantee to the patrons of this institution 'that they will be abundantly cared for. • Allletters, &e. on professionallusinesa, Mast be„ it& dressed - to Dr. li.arrett. ; at the Cure. Cammtinicatiotui only will be receleed that are ;lest paid.—intf. • Nesv- Goods. At tlte head of Navii!ation—fo:r court week: ALL kinds of good/tumidly te'pt in s" pountry retire. expected on Monday next.inelndlng,/ Oranges.Lere *rt, Mo. nzisles, Fresh Teas. dress rondo tce,ablell will be ottered'very lowfor the rtzidy—call end see. Montrose; . /MI . - M. c:-Tyr.En. Last Call:- . . rrWE seen :r unts of the late firm of Eldieil It NeureOlab• '4l- must be settled. those indebted can settle with the subscriber until the first day of May neift, after they may be foundirith a Jugice • - - IL ELDRED. - Mont:use. April 15, 1851 ! -• . , : ' • LiTtiTr.d fp entritrisr Imo& F i z arz y ..,e p ar t)p s :r ed §, 2‘ • • ll4.w.:BiL -.I4I4I'IE"LIDE, : .TS hereby Oren to the snit scribers orstook In the krill -1 trove & liar:hrd Plank llaid Ceirrift'aitiy that an tali: tonal Instalment of Hee dollars Ivor sham will Was:fired on the 10th of Mil. .1. B SALISBURY, Treasurer. ' Montrose, April 15, 18511: - - . • PLASTER; PLASTER 1 • ' ,100 tons 31auloy's.1.00 ~tiono Cayuga, "for sale-at Great tend Depot.--10m3. r .Byy. EAGER.' rn - MILLINERY & , D(IESS - WAKINGs ttg .ttbneribers Mini removed to lint:int vilbve,9Tef S.Sermortes store. t E. SWFW.T. -- Apri110.1851,115,4 F, BRUNDAGE: 7 .... 7 7C1 - .OVER;StEr. - 'wanner, ED Istrjetind, for rale by- • r - , , _ - • 7 NEW.GOODS . 11. Poet & Co., ore now rivaling froze Xellf Mt* a • flue aasortmmt offieuthaals tilted to the mown 'hid) they oiler for age on tenne A. - No, 1, Bills of fare ni!zet, week. . Montroie, Apr 11.16,1851. • - ItCoMING County Instincts& COrnptny—:. .1../ The übdersigned_agentfbr Able kuovru awl long ettUtblished institution respectfully:informs the public that be still receive„ applications for M ounties, againit low or damage by fire to i .Buitdings goirlda, Furniture, Esc. B,.R.,Lsoss,i Agent. • • Itfont , ose, Apr. 9, 4 51. lf • • • . lo TPRN GROVES, the welt 10mi Tailor has :Tam his type:mince in Montrose to op , crate in the above: named bailee= etAhe old stand in - Searle'', Block ditectly:ovin. Puller'* Stare, and would again teeder hie sevtiece to the OdbliC;atid elicits their . ;patronage.' end . ...uttine in 03e" eivoyed style of the and done on the ahonait ;toilet) es L'Atel?b4se. "Fell: LT, '514 ' - Ffirr juxt received by - Mo Vet.; 22th,2851.- laW-P eifeind 'extetis,itiii.bcl;4eto".of, all ,Lies - and, belii gaalitiei for ladet .. 4 - • • :•• • D TDOWBRIDGE, RaistVdoc! r,q‘sg!swx,bnA„ . _ Stone-ware. Glass,. nolh Putirs,ruf NOSIete;)bIBEY.TI.BI(4WAEAD,-- IiEGALADVERTISE'MENTS - 0tig4321 To Whoteinle.Deoleri anf Dealert in Aferohtin dize tOihinthevoun!yofS'uirtiriehanots. . I N plum:sacs of thci nclof 'Assembly of this Commonwealth: viz: the act",of the 4th day Of May, 1811, entith4l An act to prowd.a revs• nee to meet the demands upomthe Treasury;end for" other purposes;,'un Act - the 16th of .April, 1615, entitled " - Act to increase the *rime end dipainish the , legislative,!spenies ()film Cern monwealth,"Acract passed the `224 day of April, 1846,"entitteiti " an' Act'to prOvideloi the reduc=- tion of the public ,debt,"'aud an net passed. the 10th day of APril, 1849, entitled " an Act to era., ate a sinking fund, and to proVide for the gradual and certain extinguishment of the debt of the Commonwealth," the undersigned,Appmiser of mercantile taxes for Suequehanne: county, has , prepared a, list of all merchants trading within said County . ; end placed each of the said.mar- I chants in that class which to him seems right and just according to the provisions of said act , of I eembly, us follows, viz: I • , • Patent - Prnptietnfa, (Ws 111.11.ted. Henry A Black, 14 Liq , -.. • E Tiffany , 13 Lig. AO Eldridge,. ' I.l' S Kent,. R T Aahly , • . 13 Lig,-•' 1 Baker &co, 13. -; . Francis Quin, 14 . C,ll - Welle&Chitenden,l2 S N Cliitenden; 13 . • George:cone.' • . 13 P Phinney. 12 Wella :k-Lungdon 13 • 111akenit.e,. 14 L H Woodruff, - _ 14 Lathrop , Sliermim .14 Campbell 4. Taggart, 13 'Mahan] & Stone, 13 U Burrows & co.', . 12 4 N E Kenuedy,_ 14.. Sroily Curtis 13 J A Willinme. • ' S Leabeim, 12 Liq. ~ • Duboie, 1-1 Wm Trowbridge, 14 . T Wm Day . ton. - Li. ROldence. Auburn Brooklyn, do • do - do' Clifford, Choennut, Bond:lff, do ••:.• do , `do do Dirnock, du do' Friendsville, do Gibson, do. • do • do Grent Bend, do do do Young gllroninron, , 13 Lig. John 31cKinhOy, 13 • do do Ilavnony, do Tinhham tc Belcher, 12 NVillinnt &incr. 'lt P Badger N. r:o. o ' 13 13 R Lyout & co., 13 1) A.Lyons k Brother,l3 J :Seymour, 11 "J M Ward,' . , Lake & 11, ,' seympor . 13 . do do do Horton!, do Johnstoiltc Verry 13 do G G Pride. 19. I do , A$1115: . EingKiev,' 11. Herick, John Miller ' 11 Lenox, .. E R Grow.& Brothers.. 12 do :...choltz Euton & do Nilee LCarpenter I t Montrotle, G - Tyler. ' 13 , do M Wilion.- 13 do 11 R Luhrop & en., H do S 1; Mulford & Son, 12 . tld Ilentlev,& Rend,. H Liq. 4 do Abel Terrell, 14 Liq, 4 do L Post & co., 'II do . Lyons ez. Chandler, 13 dd.- .1 Lyons et s on , 13 do . 11.3 Webb, 13 do S 11 SaYro ken., II do G B Eldred, 'l4, fort Pitts, - • 'l3. do Ethridge, 14 Liq 4 do ' R Searle & co: r ' 14 do • George Faller 'l4 - 1 10 Wm W Truer 1.1 do George Little, • 13 Middletown,. C C Wright, l4 • New sllilford,. G S Bennett; - Liq. E do Hayden - 8c Little, 12 I do Henry Burritt; Li Liq. do A- Mop. 4.Sons - 13 ' do Sll Morse, .14 .. L Sutphin, 1.11 . • - • - 'Rush, N Granger 4-, co., .14 do H Champion, 14 • -do ' Wm P Case. -•- 14 Springville, S • S-Grover, .1.1 • 4 'do - - Ira Scott, 13 4 do Johnston 4• Dean. . Silver Lake, - Bracney Monfort c0..13 do \ F C'Wurdte 4 . co., - II List qr Groceries, Beer houses, 4,7. • Patent . , Class. Lin.'lled. Brooklyn,. RiChard Halstead ,"8 Liq. do 'James Liddy, Liq. - DandatT, John .1 Weaver, '. 8 'Liq. do Enoch Chatuliete, 8 Friendsville,bianc Patch, 8," .Li g.. • Gibson, Nieltolas Low, ' " 8 Liq, Great Ilehd,John Coinstotki 1 8 Liq. do'. E A,Greeth 8 - Lig... do F Churchill, do Luocan Stiott, do Lewis B Buell.. :8 • Harmony, . Wf*,B_ Lin. do . Henry Perino &Son,: 8 Liq, do Elliot Ben - son, - do Nathaniel Hill; _.6 do Isiac T Wcek4, - ..7 Lig. Jessup, P.M Barber, Jackson, George Watson,' S do: -_ Hilhd Hollis. j. . - 31ontrose, A Meiritrok, -!tri do I N .Bullud, • • 1 1 • do D.F - Anstiii P_ Warner - B Rush, 11 M • :_qouthwell,.. 5 Lig: Silver. Lake,ltenoni Gag 8 Lig: I. DWI Eery: tlifforo, John Ali.eAlla, Distiller of Whis ker.kallons, - Noe. And the JudOeS of the Court of Conntion Pleas of said county will hold a .coart 'Of appeal the Court House in in and fur-the Co. of Susquehanna - oft Monday the 12th day of .I)fav nest at 2 o'clock P. whieh . time and,Place any of, the ,tnenthants :defined ) de= scribed and - elnised as aforesaid or theiragents or attorney, may appear aitd appeal.frOm eatd aaSesitnent , ifthey think:proper.: - C; 4: LATHROP, 41fer.ApPtaiser., . , 2 'April 14,1 --,851.10a4, - , , Administrator's. Notice, - y ET7ERS of Administration estate of John' Given: lete..of j: township, deceased, haSing inCeti graded totheMtidersigned, notice is heieby given to all indebted ; to, the estate to salt end kettle the same Without delay ; and all pers.:ins having, demands against the estate will please present them duly attested for settlement. Adfn . r.. Franklin. 'Merck .1{1.1F.51. • tfoilq. , Nollce : to r Plank Road Builder's. 'rile Montrone &fitsrford_,Plank 'toad Compr i- nytilit receive proponals for Grubbing, (inn. ding, colour - tiering eluienar culverts, - bndgen, aud nead road the first four miles from Mont rone. uutilS'itturdity the 26th instant.. The plane, profiteer mops and specifications - -.will be= ready for examination ou, Mouduy the twenty-first Turnout; I Si: Mike More of the Road will be ready' far tetrint - as wow as the locUtion :pan be tuadar'of Ibieb duo siotiOe Will ha &nen. , • I.n:SALlStruttr, hopertntendent. , • . Montrorse r April ldr . • • . • - - ICA'Ad*EttEtTihaa, 64 . 114 Peelings, Pock, (lams laid Cheese. OOnetoutty on Nina Ind fornolo . . ;J. pAutpa co; Merket:street , Whig; 1111bidelpbt ,;.• 9 agl OA - awtivsz.4o4deived 7 re piim e lot - also, another 'supply' of tactual/pre ,L ! ett. ther, Voario and fitto,bootlii- "'.- •• -•-•• • • 4 • gEN-rizytREAD.. tonsgood =olio olcluinge V V for plows and castings.- ,a it . ,MILLS:;.,, 'Montrose, .7141.14; • OLD sturcilver Wittches, oer 'rabbi, Tea, bee ffe a ud G r a t Opoons i cod agenetalassotlimentafJeWelry• - iItYTLRV tc BRAD j rasy bum 4kr Hoops, the Asteat style a oat , ifeKinotritibi tbebarrelorpow2d. for 611 T it ti4v.14.18b0. TUR44l,t li !S. ; rice — tal,p,ReOts,44 SOtiotai vac . . • ' . . - • "! "'"'" - MISCELLANEOUS. Farzns for Sale. , . . subscrib - er,' -trill -act •its agent for the naie of Real, Estate—Yantis. Houses and Lots.-lacts.; ted In Susquehanna connty,. -Ai kith° wish so . ofkr j their property 7 0 e 'lola ran give a minds description of theirVarms or Lot* us follows '; nv... bow I many improved, nuabow watered ; &e ttrehird, grafted or common fruit; other fruit trees:. and shade. totes; how far from Montrose, and the nearest point to a depot Otithe•Now York & lirfe Hatienad; price and{ 11011ng orpayment. All who wish to sell orpurchase licai p,,,tm e , ail; is wive 'prompt attention by._ calling an or addresdng meat Montrose, Susquehanna county. Pa. ftreonvoyartee from Montrose to; thgpremiseafree of charge offi c e, on Turnpl o re6l, 4 doom . west Of the. Beck The folltiwingSisns and kis now offered for ital.: No. 7, 40 acroS,3o improved, blame goose and Sam No '2, 80 do -50 do ; do ' do N 0.3,100 do 60 do ' . 'dO . •'do - . No. 5, 70 do 40 -do ; do .do No. 8.00 do 35 do r! * do "do ' • . No. 7, Store, Warehouse and Lot. - ; No.B, 145 acres 75 improved; (famed iimise and barn. - No. O. 6231 do -35 .f do. 'do 'do do -_ N 0.10,2 do ~d; do •, do •do ,do No.ll, ' do and Lot . • P 0.12,100 acrOtt74 hriprored,fritmed house and barn N 0.13,340 do 200 ,do tiO do . N 0.14,66. do id. do do = . .. No, 16,158 do; 60 -do_ di; do -i do No. 16.120 acres lutprrrod, Womb hot.* rind bar N 0.17.100 do 74 • do • do dog tio ; , No. 19,112 do 80 do do .do dq N 0.19,200 do 150 "do I do do . do N 0.20.14- hi 100 do.; do • do. ; No. 21. 100 do 120 do., ; do do - do N0:22,90f do 45 do ; do * - do do -' N 0.23. 45 - 30 -do do * do • do . No. 24.232 do 225 do ; do . do do • No. 250'25 100 do *";,- do - N.. 26, 106 do 14c1 ; do ,- • do. do, No. 27. 80 do 45 do do A. do No: 29,11 neves go. ti e7w tdhi and tistelllitt. • ' ~20. 1:34 aerox, 90 on provtAf, frame boon and barn tin. :10,170 do 100' " .N0..31.135 •do ill • ; No. 3 - 2. -do 705 . 4 NO. 31 160 do 01 Igo, 44. 150 th. 100 Nn. 33; 730 94 44 • 1 4 . 'H ..4 • • ; ! .4. No. $OO odo No. 37 199 :do 1411 34: Via 1no• " " No. 39 171 , do do do. do Nn. 43 I.n do 45 do - ; tit, dndo No: 41'21'1 • do" 1. - .1 " ! • do - d o No 41 7:1 do 54. , do do .- do - do • 1 , 0 43 44 do I do do'. 44 13 , 4 do L do .. do do N o . 45 ti e ) do Ynn .lis do do do . N. 11.— . Perfne!ideAcJoe to !merlins(' any et the abort by giving the number Cali obtain a fuildeterlp!hra,L:_...' • ALFRED BALDWIN. '3l - ontrnANTll2. Orinliir.lBso.—.4ltf. rreeman Hodges &Co. IMPORTEM AN) JOBgglt.Sl 58 Liberty Street, N. Y. (Between itroadway; and Nassau) • A ItE nnw receiving N rich and - beautlful roe rtment. of Fancy Silk and Mi Ili Do'cods, en which we would particularly invite the ittrentine of all Cash 'Purchasers, :out will make It oh;-et for them to glee UP avutli, as UV are determined to sell our ttsortment,for Cash, lower than ever before offered in this market. 3111,4)47s can supply themselves with every ankle In ; their line. of about tho'cost of Importation or Auction !Trines. Many of .or ut".11.1. are Manufactured expressly ror our own sale, and cannot be surpassed for beauty or low prices • It kh Hat and rap Rlbbnnsi a large variety. and Satin.< for llonnets. drape, Crape I.lsses, Tarletoos and Illusion Laces. _ Trlnunlugs for Hats, Capi and Drerees. • . • • Jenny Lind Cops. Party ,nil Head Dresses. - Embroitlided Capes, Collars, Cliffs. eta Cbernirette.- - Embroidered Edgings And Inxertinzx, Haire and Muslin Thread, Brume's, Vaienceine ;Silk and Lisle, Thread Laces. I • EmbrolderFd, Revelre and Plain Linen Cambtic Glow- 14 ay - .ad and ~,loves And auirto,Rid,Sllk,LipleThrealand sewing silk. -, . . r!'eltifs r eeftiatp and ITkrr! ' .Swlsx..raentiett. Honk Ira lli A hop EmbroldiTid. Damask nn.t 1.1n16 Canton Crape Siinwlis. A roil op. , ortoont or Strove French And American Artificial .Einwers • ... • :With afar:re rtriety art mentiolie.l o fmr, , •Allwisan;; to Avoid parimr look., prices will -mike inn ney by mating. an t satierynig , tliemptoren. m:l Railway and Geni,r4o rolatelitioua,.• trAtOrii Bend- - - C. SNIITTIL.• ProuriCtor b aring recently fitted his house, alto ated within a few yards of the Depot.. in a style un surpo.t ndw prepared io receiveand entertain , his friends: Guests will he conveyed - to and from: the-Lars tree "of charge; and every 'attention given file tinge com fort and convenience. The established etogea now start from his house, which leave upon the arrival .of thedlt rerent trains. atiachail ,i in excellent LI V ill! Branca by dc. Truesdell, wbere„horses and carriages can be had at all times, oil reasonable terms. - C. •M C. C BT/it.. Great Bend. Jan. '2O, 1851: ' 403 m.: Live and let Live . , . At all t• - "t - ttri exs- is *ore, • '_ . • [A ';';') IC! I ,D e T l ' a l 3 :t. r o . f t h a " r i e r t . . T Z 2 sl '. 6 ; it ir . ' s ' . ° ' go u a g p ar s ' Tobacco; t Pepper.satiee,Mitstard. Rice, Crackers, Drags. Andrew'a Pain Killer. Pond's Extract, Latno Oil. Boots. ./ 1,, t , 5, at Coos. Carpet Bags, Satebels, Clocks. ttchool Books, Stltionary. Powder, Sbot,Willow ware. tnnstir...a, Tubs. and a Inmeral assortment ',of Willow Ware - Pail., limonts, Itrn4les, Baskets. Confectionery. Yanked" fir,. Bons, an indr!pensable article 'with tv. ffandkerehief Pins, Finger Rings. Watches, BOld 'Pens. ann Peni±ils, .and In fact cre , y description of :Fancy artotts, usnany kept in any place. for tale by ylf .D. TnownalDOn I ltend,.Jan. 15. 1651. ; • _ t DagnoFreotype, • d unm. (Odd Fellows flail; earner! of Turnpike and - Chestnut streets.) ' i lIIIATiNTI just returned from the elle uithU nett , ve lemlon or platc-... eises, chemicals, 'ie.; the under. shmed reels assured th aw he can Firs satisrac ion to, all who wish a"cerrert a titian." •Ailiong my now viiietles or easin , . may be found .ienuv Lind. Tapir bindle, and /lease - rail e'n4 exvimlite spec'hi l en Pictures. atnon.r which Inn dr:o/mi Itigu.zreotypeloken rout toots celebrated Dazuerreotype 9fiteuny t.ind. • Tours Artisilesllyi W.II. DEANS. 75:1551., • . • and - bhavea - Shingles, A N excellent article. (wirrnntc4) kept constantly n hand and for so le eight :it the shhp art ho anbscriber, Inlles'Nntth ntAttintecic, on the. llsenanro turnpike neattlai - id Poachers. MIT. 1,1004 F. W. ALLEN. Sale - • • eather TIE 6 , 01.m1n:t0 ore new preietted. to . thttnlsk RAT Leattwr in any quantity nr etott. & ed.'s ninnufse, cure at theinanntact orerspOtttv4 Those 'Amato in wont hr . & first rate article, E low prices:, am en at-o(4l'Ft) call ant exAi:lino our sto.k. YIIEN Now Niigata. Jan.:nth. /$4l 1•" • '- • ' . . 14 -I UNGERRINqS--A_npix and aortmaa,tlristreith-ft and for wtre.cheaa,by *.' • W. D. nownnitint. g.t nni 2 , 1144C114ap: .• . Lor & SON y Pir sale at - TRDE+.3.'i ' TLOCki. or.:l7Hri; RP Fp!, ieie Ihit ki - day,aud fbr sale; - - RENTLEY & READ. 9 r CEN' S per pair, puid in. gond,. fur nny quantity, of good typpfrn Frick!' ; Itf PORT S-L: Ity:,llu.s::.ti , t , ilost!unv . et.C!,!att , ll Pyritfituitniril:;! pAFBR, rlgs wunted;ut -1. .•• • • - TURRELL'B. Ul-11E A T and Bua wheat onr for noir nt • Iv : - • : B. & Co., LNP., Lamp ail; amain' aad I'Vratat!ti;43. PEAS a pritni . anit to atjaT f p ti?suit. ttia qual. lity, and purchttse?.... kur fIlf! by. • ••- • . .it , D. TROWDD !DIM. , . :AA - NEW'' supply at JEW kiLit y. a lut It tucks I`l. at CCIt int col', •. -TpRRELL'S. Jan.l.lPl. _ r. • . • , Jetkieirs . t THE' Subscriber boa received vu aiNiti e d fa hi s stock or. Jewelry. coustiatilie of Gold' Fob reed Guard , Ckains. Looketeainizet B en ... H inges fireaet Phis; Silver.Chaina . field 'An h w ei' , W o rd. Fanelli and ?cue, &e.; &c, to keldch' hp would itj vita the aft eotion'efbis friegtij:A.J. Irlitzhamteui• Marchl, '5l Vashingt6n TErtush StoctiTl3ll7"4lothling. 0P Itats sad tlaPe;taPt l da. faebrent)ll cuts, Litho - and ne,ya hole and $ll. .ea., moo, cap and Letter Paper, by, the itesni or.less alindtity; Wall 'end Cattalo Paper odd Border. Inksindaresand Nature Vramee,, Books panel Stationery. risbitne 'Paidtle,id„a roee!ved aad formate at man (*Cat:W*44y illy; and retery pay btely Aptil 3,1851.. - MEP. FUL4 , • ' -atent-Levers. - rlEB'4 ribersea We day ieOstred adother,inented ot lea a pertor Pident 'totter FATm.EB...We 1 Peesslyfor lam by the eel ebrated - foserb leftism) ; User- Pool. The sttbsetther bt 'ginned -to Lassa 'the above )irseh ee in any pitteiv;-*Tignallitftegiti)&ttirtatekeri piny wish. it that!. on band shon not craft Mao just eeeelved s tarp lot or Neer atot I..eplaYs, *lt or *bleb win be sold at the West CO tvieer, and warren; ted WAIT* Sattentetloo, _ , AhtttIIDJAWANBf: •'r Ittafeb , i ticashta.toa anti 1tT4 11 04115104 , ...." r - • - ' • Lpb a'.4IIIANDIMit. YiLIA fel Alit by 444! Al 0"."" .4" (MS & INIANDMR. AlOUNDltOdkEitit tot We by 3.' . , • - • , . : LTiltr,B CIIANDLIfa. ' lib Chum Cast Ave lur • • , , 11100tatlii,A01113. - - • wittiott"tpo,-' Ale' •Flrtinv, Ong litettGoode THE inbersiberii entero.iibto rt. nereltip)teglenve tonnotimuce toitbidr (need* and tlerjuninlancee, thin they amyl* Vutut et the nturefforinerly occupied .by T. 11. Itayireti; Is Need Millard, where they have new jot received,. and will be coustantly renewing, a goof met& • meh of Fancy 4- Staple Dry: Goode,: Cireeeries l , PratMions, Hardware, Croehery ; . , Stove. Sheet Iran Ware. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye. Staffs, Nails, Glass, Stove Pipe, Etne, which Eve will sot/ at the very lowest po . anti piei. We are nrw recelviog a good aisitortnient of .Ready made Clothing,of all hiidg; Boots, Siwea, Hate i and Cap. all of 'which WO will sell verylow. • • . • N. B. Flour (by the istki of barrel) and Salt always on hand: Pleas e s call and examina Oaf altsortment, as W shall be happy to show. oar goods at tiny tiidio• • whether you intend purcbasipg or nbt: illy iitik& attention to bovines*, and makitig the belt cadets'. ore to please, we hope• 10_Theritand oral share of public patronage. - • • 171ALI-HdlrtttN. ISAAC ft LITTLE. ' New Iltilfoi4, laundry let, 1850. - : • . Wanted Immediate,, - A N.Y quantity of all Made of produce, including Grain,' Pork, Potatoes, BLard, TalloW• !fides and Skins, Hemlock bark'snd-Wood, &or, W e will p”y two , *killings for: good routs: so fOrh lb•rri alone as raft alloossiblo. • 1• 1 , 1•' **V . ns n . hew Ge*eb. . 1 11Illiaubseribeis reapeetfidly give notlce i ghat Oteybavil ,ntereli Into co-ga. tnershlp. tinder the name ant style of POST & PITTS, elhd barb JUst retrofire' from N. York en extensive and general latorttnebt gf Dry 0 oodsi. reenlet., limekeri !Indium.. toots held Shoes, ta, which bring bought mustly for 'oath, it& Mang to MU lateness of the .en on, at greatly reduced prices, axe of. . lured for tale. for ready 'ley enlyon shell Lerida cad not fhll to huh:legal' to pttgehdiai #be PIN give to a mg at the old Mead or & Knakk e Mad km! MI kind of produce taken at the g' mar e te. • id k : Wm.M .POST. PAUL B. PITTS: 14foiltrove Der. 45, 785 K Latest Arrival ofßew,Gootti . . , UTE arc receiving a new and general *to ot otgoode IV which we invite the attention ofthepnbpo. Thom, who wish to buy goods cheap for the Reedy—will do wen to call and see. . 'D stailmor! 4k. CO.-• October 15,18.50 'WANTED—rocks, stockingit.WOolett TIID, inanzlidii White Deans; Flax seed and all lads brprodinte. D R LATHROP & CO. ard.: T IlE. t enhseribers take is oppotthnity ot.tati4 dering their sincere thanks to - their chiffonier* 2/Tor:illy. not only for the very liberal patronage bestowed upou th;m dining the past sik yesmbus Wen for the promptness - of their phyineuts—,-and beg idetVit to say they have catimenceti the year •'•• ' with a detemiiii atiohio keep a general and totl asp sortment of good GOODS, *Mich will , be sold on as lc yorahle .ternis for Cash; Pinduim or approded • credit, nor' - can be bought in sixty; otherestablish. •• went this side of the city. • BEIVTLEY 4). Montrose, Jan. 8,1850. - • ET - IT ElritiffEraffir7, --- - --,- 11A.T L Pat & Pitts are detericrulad T .rigidly to the Ready pay syltlens a nd eansti4 guently can to eel! th eir goals at/airier , pri4. ces than thole whb must &fake by bad 'debt*, uud they arb bound tb do it. Call and see" fat yoarselves, at the old stand of 111 i 1, & iCtaptt. 1 •-• " New Ariitid CITEAPEJST yet, Rice Per pobbd k Sugar 6d, Seleratus 7. eta. Cl:ladle. 126- Leta., 'tat Hawes 123 cents, for cash, just opened ;andfo• sale • , . LYONS & SON. . . . Establighteat.' THE ireeret of success in buidtrosii enishrta in why measure in klieping the pane apprised of one's *erby haute, and ot the kind of gctods and *uses beboa on hand ousennently, the tindersigneff begs briefly •to stata i r •' that, harlnglltted bp rt . rooms bear!, opporito lON & Enapp's old stead W , and pont:3l:lwind a choice atisortatent OIIk°IIIMESJ' in New Park far hish, etineletinieites' ,-irtigar , 'es, Coffee, Toleteco,tionoking and cheiringoßke, PepreS Spice, Starch, Claves,Saterattia, gingen u N iroci,Cituili",' Pipes, Snuff. Seam Cataller, Codfish, Atackereli Rtitring lialsinr,Gronnd Rock Salt in auks. for Dairy IMO flats- use; Alto, a eariery of tiotatde edidner, obeli as Cease • poultice. an. ittralitable remedy for . Colds; No: Drops, Wild Cherry bitters, tang Wort, Cough Bateartio Neutralizing Oardial,Gronnd Slippery- &0,&e., MI orwhieh are offerid to tbepublicat at teastatable mkt or ready :pay, - either in' rash. Grain, Batter, Chtietm; Egcs:&e., air can obtained "alseirhete Also; Pain Killer. - - Darly Id .. 1. K:BITLLIIRIN ontretre. Oet. 1 . 0 4 IESO. • ' rdnotm ool den. , oom who hive good atiOited hatas and •Billitliderf to AL di prase 01", will do well to Wog them, to thy rolooll• bens, Rut we ore wirlitog to pitttlutagooo toroirinatekr • MEN & L7y?l id GARDEN Eeed.q. ebalter's Rechilter GaideTnSieir opened and for sale b,7 , J. LYONS ISM = . , OCIDFI — SI—Fres6 (n red) odni Just opened Sod .as Inn aty ends per mind tas k down. Much 1:4 = etSON.- - NEW lot of gibbet s , . B c. , Jus a e l c o f e ""' abbr a; pla , s t. hac ureieg;_ • -• - - BENTLEY'di READ. —,....:,..e.oodwutttittings,ll,olsl X to 2X_Yardslirld••• k) otße as high not s.cts.per yAL , 4:14008-1 SEES eakobets joot„rotokrei and for sale by Ltoora & Oran totab un w supplyreedv—ea at. - • • LyoNs SON. Erlenetvplyjast OiTignit,* sa d DM be told St DUE - EsUali> low Hee*.' LTONBit SON._ • SHAKER .. Garde* see* by -- . i • ' . • LYSONS & CHANDLER, NOTICEFV:MISOELLAREOT/8; " 40. - ---flake ioUce .. rrtqasE portant. indebted to the.onbttfnotglo."&" Oecially by' boalt adebnit titeyegokted to ot. tem . / to the oettldtnent of the aama,,Withoaitiiiiihat notice. as time figEtelint has beon Omit and'iriois mast not ht. inproteti- ;DERII,IO4YRE.• Mitch With, 1 851. - fir fIE dolyeeriber iiiel?lng to hail! Tawny 'Wrote for Bate hilt entire stock of Hats; Capt. etti tt!gettiertivith the noefesOry toolo and ffstorlr far • carrying :on - the-. Hotting *minium _Any' person is ishing. trepente o engor , ia, buotatal a rd qpintanity now p . . • I ean it ! TT is now alit. ins tnoriths, aiueel diepreted ' 1..n3Y interest in the Democrat Ace; Imt, a titne of my ecconnts nave been settled, Lthere l • (Ore 'give notice . (ince> for all, that All may he, round until after •April court; With LN. Buliatd,' in Montrose; bat thet If nettle - ilia the eiPini: tion efthat period, they - will be - banded aver ',tot. person duly appointed to settle, mkt:natters * MIL INNEDLIA le COLLECTION. ..-Mareh 18, 1851. - • - * A Lt. perm'shldetotid firin r/I . Ileyden. are resiorited,to cal; and settle the' -• shine es hne become ' riecespiy tai!sto aU Men claims arranged immediately.'. • 4: ThtvElooks and Notes may he'fotiad NIA stiliicriher, at the store of Hayden'tf 14W....: . • - " TRACY , • , •• - Ng* Afilford,'Aletteh' 25 A '5l-43tf: • • ' ; , ,Attellllllolll TIMOR. _ !TINE memliero tha,"3ltakiiia.,Tiraop, tatv. I='airy" ice hereby tiolifiedtait?aatat hour. Haifa* Aloadbi:. the. " SthAay:arMay tint at 9 itarattle,4 armed:: iiid.egitipped,atthe law direati,- for Jaw} drill. ISTEPHEN I CARPENTI#9,,CaPt , • ti,aiford, April - ' etattNias et, isnisoifc--A ttasti lot juw, lb. NJcoitred end for, We, by .0e titiFtdre4, dose; er oiNgl!•;4140, "OtiOnit• put Al*' timusiv - assns Calf tatiVicren 1917 islet IMILIGARD. (1141YER tiviabilten" ktforsalsby ; , . k 4 - . LIONBIACILUdDLIM. A:. NM 11 ?)PlaY af ge°4 -.I* Y.O O DkGROCERIESi&e. REWPSTEAD: • - listf - I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers