The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 24, 1851, Image 1
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' ~ , q1t4.441r , ll` 44 ... : Ai l. c . t ,' ^ei .' ' '' il . '.. .:;',,.3 . ''. \ Lr , , .1- ,:, s ' . .....f 1, ~T , , , 7 -,, ~ ." _ - . S. 1, 4-, E, B. .C4415E - , - .pitOPRIETORS, .46E, A m ok 1,;40' , -s.W ° . :e . , • ' = "e',""' • ' For the Democrat. fl Fr, t 7 l,‘ • 1 ST T. S. APRATiIk " dame tip hills 1 " --Rey. TV, 1. Iry.t I heart Was bowed, for a shadotiy hand : llid plucked a dower from our household band ; ,:er• we:rimmed, and a smile had flown, • - t-ralre w 4 hushed With its gentle tone; lad my spirt mourned at the les s en taught; • Ind I could but weep at the saddening thought. Isw ieetia all are. the spells of earth, rah of love; sad She glow of mirth ; _ hei van ish soon as a meteor's gleam, h. the sonny glow of a morning dream. And 1 wandered forthwith a dewy eye 'hen the stirs were out in tho beaded sky, li d I bowed'my soul in the silence there, .141 breathed in my sadness a simple prayer o Ifira who binds ofrthe broken heart hat he would the.baim of his prate impart. Oh, then My thoughts rose tip from the gloom the mournful pall, and the shadowy tomb, ad a visionbroke over me fevered brain hat will never depart :—and a melting strain estrange, sweet melody fell en my ear at breathed the tones of a brighter sphere ed thus it came from their Gtr-off land, - he blended 'mg of an angel band : • _ Come ap hither---child of sorrow, Lo . re not the life's weary chain Why remain where each to-morrow Ilring4 but toil and grief and pain? Larth's tiolizitt's are few . iptd fleeting, Satine damps the fire? of joy, rtiuz mars each earthly mooting, Elope bin lures thee to dttstroy. Come up hither—:teary Mortals GULP) [pace life s darkeomammy For :lne ligh and radiant portals ()Pon cin eternal day. flre is boUtity such as norei I) . awnerlopan a mortar eye, And its rays so bright and pearly Shine not, like the earth's[ to die. op hither—Seraph music Wail its soft, ecstatic tone Clf:lng * al is streetnest ever Poand thngreuteternal throne ' o7e - ie here no traasierii rainbow, Bright a moment ere it fade— ay is not sudden fire-light liuitklg fast in-deepest shade. Come np hither—here no fecer ll'stes the weary frame away, No d-ep, lintgerin7, ,grief that ever .Clears the r.pirit for its prey. No sad weeninz—and no yearning For same itrightc'T, happier clime; No thop.tirini;, anti no turning \ Fearful frrn tlm after Child of sorrOlV—corn, op hither; , Love ant ihaalife's weary chain ; • Falrers that bloom here never wither, tiraz he's an eternal reign- Vr . ‘/DLIP bri gleam not spun no Jilt to fa e in murky glom 1311ElfUl sneu4sare ever round no: Come up hlther—mortal, come FTOrn t 1 a Dollar :Newspaper r c • ' ;;Pi l 4 l CY QECTAIA LI ecsLIN. • Time jai: one year to-day, Mary, An angel-11 1 3.nd crane down, lad bore poi far away, Mary, Tu minia:storry crown; My heart wiih gnef opprlcseri, Mary, Juemed btirstaig when they said! They'd laid ylon dawn to rest, Mary, On your ezijd, and clayey bed. • 'Ttras iu the, Autumn-time, Marc, When last !we breathed adieu ; I souzlit a stianger chine, Nary, A home where all 'Was new. Bat still an ailgabisznile, Wary, A brow ana-cheek of snow Sensed nearim all the while, Mars, With eyes 'pf Heavenly gin-. bd a strut You: rone, Pkeketi from your favorite tree; Lef trio winter eneven, M ar y, YO3: mother gave it me. She laid it Will in truth, Mary, embieni of her child. A d o - ~ype . , of youth, .teary An feu, inr e , I watered it each how; Nary, -. And cherideel it with care; 1 loced.tAat tiny flower, 3Tury, Fir it Was iroz fai Da! 'nay ; dr. he day., r Mary, Each perallhowed its head. It fa*. A d affray, MarY, :tat still itiragrance /died. I I.ltottAt theJ of the fentai..Alary, . ricomad yoar.lifeao t A mother - ,., .brief, 4ere and ttre, Mary, Gil fuher'sp added - pet' te o trithin I 1 a t here nary, The Hex ea:2lllN and meek) alms y used eaci; morn to co,Dime, Itlttry. Ar your pallid cheek. l'iliiiethrt.l bent dive, Mary, Tait fltnver turfy broom, • • oOiceief love, ary; throcetti-the Ftioll' ;190°1 -dot t'er tido 'Uf v; Mary, . A city of tranapcut.brdte /lad; tot that Ititheretr mec, Mary":'• Itorilees gutpel spoke. : • And them:l reed anei; Mary.. • • In -glared-telt/re hoer' - - root Baer drta abed, like you, Maf7' A Lily frm.4mo now:- - • . • - A Feral of Reeve-131Y birth. MerYr • Troliantod •oti fiSep I orettietos boot from aerlh, rita!TY To Voirreim Mlthe akiee • '2. kiNtreilauna Pu:t 15 35 i• • „ . ~~~~~~ ~ ~1~:y OauaTtißing ' 4. 4 BY trwra GAYLORD CLARK.t I have -often wordered.Why it iSthat pareuts and guardians do, not inore_frequently and.cor dially reCiprocate the confidenee.ot , ehlhiren. How hard it is to_convirice a child that his Ta.: 1 (ther or mother can do wrong: . Ourlittlepeo,. , pie are always oar studied defenders ;';they.are loyal to-the fact that "the king ei„in . : ifo no wrong," and all . the, monarchs: they: .I;ho''W are i theirparents. •I. heard; the other day; fioin the.' . lips of a distinguished - physician, formerly- . ..0f, / New Yerli, but nos living in' elegant. 'Otire- Inca in a beautiful country town ..of :tong Island,.a touching illustration.of 'the truth :oft this - sentiment. : - - ' '. . • . , "I - have had," said the DoctOr; "a -gad deal , of experience in the long PraCtice of my-pre= fission in thii . city,..that -is more remarkable . ;than anything recorded in the" Diary of. n a London. Physician." It woUld-lie irnposSible Ifor me to detail to you tlieinindredth .part of the interesting and exciting things whichlSaW landheard. --- That which. affected me most,, of 'late years, was that of a boy, not, think,.over twelve _years of age.. / first - saw him- at.ths. hospital, whither, being poor and . without pad rents, ho had been brought. to die. ., He was the most beautiful boylever behold.. He had' the peculiar cast of countenance and complex ion which we notice in..thoso who are afflicted with frequent hemorrhage - of the - Innigs. -- - .. "He was very beautiful. Ills brow. was broad, fair, and intelleettial; his eyes had the . deep interior blue of the sky itaelf; -his coin-1 plex - ion was like the lily, tinted just below the cheek bone with a hectic 'flush . — --. .- ' ! 'As on consumptions traning - cheek; •llid ruin blooms the rose;' - - and his hair, which was soft as floss ...41 hung in luxuriant curls' about bin 'face. - Wi; Ohl! what an expression - of deep . Melancholy' Its countenance wore! so remarkable that Pfelt certain that the fear - of detail . bad - to . nothing do with it. And I was right. .". Youngas lie was he did not - wish to live; He - rePeatedly . said that deatli - was What he vaostdc.sired; anti it was-truly dreadful to see one so young - and so beautitul talk like this. • • - 's ' ' "Oh .!"he would say "let. - me die! let pie Idle! don't try to save me ; let me die." • ' . - "Nevertheless, he was mostaffection,ite,eted Iwas extremely grateful for - everYthing f ctitilla do for his relief. I soon won, his 'heart; . but perceived with Pain that „his disease of beds .was nothing to his 'sickness cif'the sobl,' which I 4 not ' II colik. heal. He leaned against my . boa' out and wept, while at the same time he prated for death. I have never seen one of his Yehrsl who courted it so sineerely.. I tried in, every way to elicit from hire what it was thit ren 7 tiered him so unitapPy;''hat. Mi . lips were scaled, and he was like 02C; viiheitied to tern his face against something Whicit -. .oppreed spirit,his appeared that' tlie father "It subsequently ... ......_• ... of this child was hanged for =Order,. in 41--7--' county, about - two years - hefore. -. It Arai . the most cold-blooded homicide' that -had Over' been .known in- - that coinitv. The - excite... . , ... ... I,ment raged'high; and - Imcollect,the 'Stake fund 1 gallows. vied with each other for 'tlie . .tictiiii.- 7 - - The mob tried hard to get the man out of jail that -they might ittealt - iliiir Suniniary venge- 1 nonce- upon him by Itangbi,q,hint to the, nearest : l tree. - • "But law . trill - whoa, and he - was hanect-,-. Justice, held her equal scales with satiirac tion_ . e , . , and ther Was much trumpeting forth of . this consurnmatiou,in the.women --merciful tender-hearted - umnien—seemed to_ take deliat... " Pereeiiiug the boy's life to. be Waning; t endeavored to turn his mind to religions sub-, jects, apprehending no diffietilty in one so (young ; but.he hlWays evaded the topic. asked hini if he . had said his pitr . ers. He re= , " o.nee always, now, rgetrirr4 - This answer surprised me very much;. and' I endeavored gently to impress hire with the fact that a more devout frame of mind - Would' he becoming in him, and with the great twee's. sity or being prepared to die; butheTemnined silent.' - "" 1 --- •, should be-but ontwarlsemning-.-gilaty..-bnt "A fesr aaYs after I asked hitn eit'he ~ rould tke - mask castanet , ta so r)- , the breaking , _ Permit Inc to send for4he 4ev. - 1)4.. p '.4 snort heart! The shoot of v i c t ory; se. lt d r id y y o t.l k-in . lnr-n In SiCk a : " 8 WIG 11.7 P liid lbe ' f the , 34- lowed by the ang:uished ery of ,pain the wail' most service to bins in his present ,- ni tnati- - °11: _ • of the aidon , ---the - prphan's tear!, _Me Ray] "Ile declined firt*'and. pastively._ then, I nn had alredY, gke",sp4d's determined ta 861 r e -thi s -, a:voter); iind - un s der^•• tumult; , dese.rtedthe home of , 147 ,young if-.) stand this strange phase of charaeter in kLier.e .feetioni en d gent l e . t h ev, t r i s i eare k ss i y , „ - he, child. -- :, . i - • "'' : .-: '- spoke of his a dieuni of fair "My "MY dm boy,' .44 . 1, I X implore yon,4 l 4 l fumnee;,the freshaess of youth hakforgrer to set in this.manner. ‘,-. What` an'so 'bare ,dia- 1 departed from his heart; mnbition had tisurp. iI turhed your young mind!: You certainly- be; ed its p i ece ~.. he was anvged,, indeed: jet- he Hew there is a Ood to 'Omni Ton'. owe a debt sought to believe the...change :. was fin oth ers of gratitude.' -, . . --\ - '. '-' ''.- '' . ', . - ' rather than himself. - ... And his bride ; •ho* sad • - ‘l - ris'eyo kindled and- to my sunntse-_-64 her looks! hew palo her .eheekii: her , brow] might almost_ nay-h0rr91 , 3 henni'''ffinli 1118 thonihtfufwith care; her lip haffloiOtin to 1 young Hits : - '. '-• • • • :---- --'' ' ',- - -. • mules sorrow'swas -9, s ti Jter haart ! ,,seah, " ..‘No,'I don't heliein there' is a God?. • : ' -Ai w.iiiiii, it' 4iigusliM g tender:anis: of early, Yes, that little bay,, young' as he- . .aves,i,cl!o learst, the charmed Ivo* aflOye cassid...t*ar :44 atheist ; and be even reasoned, inn btietlnaielloiii'the 'lien; her afTeitionilnal be. Manner for a mere chUd like him. - -,- - `cometheir own ;naval I saw the - sireet yosa "Leannot - belinsi that:there is k Cpd, s said - which bloomed in tha earlynniiti.r"twashang. be 'fni - froznkilina=4:ln 'ionii bci .xn*ifii.l.,#ofireine 4 in* t° l o;' . - frOii4l4:iiie, - 'ff' l ,d, and just and is nazn, szvra,:tovddlikve peT• northern tin*, .44.11!1 - .4 . wie4 jin,,,q;c _elt,Y7' mined my faker, who , was: innocapt.;,tp. le irbsise 'ptniTerltY 41 . 1 4 rie4 - --s C litt n-d ll-3 0;x* 3 t;',. hanged!.Oh 4 . 140er, or father l', he 'ex= ibith - an annedilegion had asfept. through .4 04imed, rcsio.natg,i; b gm li g xi. 1110:-- iii ' thi , ,0-citnl' e it:' , Y l P'.ll'F'. tid ler.gil_e4 it 8 P9 12 41 4 ?:!* ) 1 pillow and subbing as, if` us heart. woukiro the dust: ' pm cryaf Ipattlii met my b:e dr. - - • - '. i ..., -,, . , „-- -,- •• ' -;- ,-; Anis on the Oak where 80 rice 60Y. the 109/1 - t I ivas oreinoine with 'emotion, lout.nis of Oie-ritalbaad•aseet4eif ilt,?`'.9o:,ti,;:j that I could 1,,,y wonidtit'alMigil Vii deter) (1314 for a sugaiat) I .W .I'.S eh:timed by •li 4°... .. • .. , DIWWIO niumn uroa IaTARATaiII ataritok - rait auff Eata Inlnation=he.vouldlinvo ao.rninistor,:.9t,god basido noTiayers bed-side, was unnl?la. ti - ith all "iny kadeaiibrs,,, to agily any. baba to his' wOntaled feTtdaji.;.fici,l'called:es - usual in thq and. Raw Very clearly that - the little bevinusVeoon depart: , ,; 4 • ,y lViliiiiipaid. have Some good'neWs for /pp t4'.? day,:. Do yen you can bear to heai it ?" for I wasieally ta ! loss 4oNy brealc I to, hinpvhat. had .to, co:Mamie:lW. !.,allO td.with with the deepest attention, then informed him as best! could! that. from circumstances,which - ,had, recently eo,rne light;, it .".lied been-rendered certain that his Atkeras w innocent the crime for , which ho ; had suffereAtan ignominious death. "I shill never forget „the.ffenzy,of. emotion ho cvhibitedut this announcement . He uttered grip scream--the blood rushed froin his month he leaned forward upon my bOsem- r mal. died r • From thp Drawing 400ni Journal; ' 'The Angel u.nd the Spirit -at Death: -1 ; MISS, MAIITTLIL .ALLE:SI7 _ - ' Tho Pbenotriena. of Death.. ", : To be shot dead is one of the .f.t.sieStnicidez, of terminating life; yet, rapid, - .es"lt is, the lbody has leisure to feel-and reflect.' On the ThenhadoWs Of night were flatheling over t first; one of the frantic adherenti,of the earth i the moon, , as yet ,' a 'creseent, east i SPaia . to assassinate Williain,Prinee'of .ornge, 1 but a . lfaint light,ryt; by ifs glimmer,' onel.who took the lead in the revolt; the Xether l [ coral ~ 4eareelY :fail , :tO i pereeiV'e----indistinctly,l hinds, the ball 'passed through the bones of though, 'tistrue--two figures whicii . seemed I the ftee; and brought him to the:ground. 'ln to lean - agairist' the olden , Elrn, . in je.ateshyj t the instant that preceded stupefaction, he was Park The old tree, still gleWing rithver. 3 l able .to frame the notion that ;the ceiling of 'dure, redolent with perfameoilbeit a Century's; the room had fallen mul crushed him. The storms - had hoWled around its head. 1 One of; cannon shot whiCh planned intU the brain Of thesftirms IN'as'onAngel , --eneof thelebrighti Charles XII, did not prevent lieu fromseizing creations who kneel inadoration before the [ t his Sword by'the hilt, The Rica of an'attach greorWhito - Throne;- pi laY . the•inicruMble I and the necessity for defence Was ,impressed will of Pod, antiwar() of thesufferings to which ?noon him by'veblow which we should have the sons. of humanity are' dodmed in this pro-1 suppod toil tremendous to le4e an interval 1 j k a ii o di r y state of eii s tit lee; . ihe .other,; tcas i for thought. Bait by no meafts - follows that 1 the Spirit of. Death; and they thus discoursed.l the infliction of vital. violence it accompanied First; the Angel spoke, and its voice stole IMO' !tY a.Pang, -.From is is kno4n - of the first the bushed `evening air, like the strains of some 1 effect of gunshot wounds, it iiiprobable that Oil Eastern •itelody.. , "I have traveled far and; the impression: is, rather , stunniug, than acute. I wide, over this beautiful warld, in the ..r!lori. [ Unless death be immediate, tliftain j is as va !ins therningriliei the sun first peeped from I vied as the nature of the injurici, and these are . Fist couitingep. . his rosy ei.iiit:tined . .clonds; gilding everYthing on whiehhe shone with joy, Sowirigthe - grassi But there is nothing singular in- the dying, w ith i i,..iii st ind-144 .p hi rig •iii,t, r h w i t h r i e w , sensationS; though Lord byr>a,r. [ emarked the _poig s.' 0 1hovVIeVelY:ell.naiere 'seemed !- - --fPhysiologiCal peeuliFity, thatthe e4rqssio nis :Ind I saw.:i Youngloven Ile Was in his ear. !invariably_ that of languor, While In deatlifroM lyyouth. . Lithe fervor of first love he knelt la. stab the eountenaneet-eflects the traits, of beside the maiden of his choice: ' Their hopes natural character, of gentlemess.or, ferocity, to j were glowing and bright, 'a.s the . tr.aditioaary jthe last breath. Some of, these cases are: f 1 flower which grows wherever theshadoW of, interest, teshow with' What sTight disturbance the raitib'ow falls., _ Her cheek .vied With the :Yfe may, go.on under a- mortal; : ' ound till it I rose; her lips - frUgnant aSt,lic lips of inorning.is4retily cones to a titrstiii. , ": - A rtiotlior: 11 Witnmed their bridal, as fhe stars danced up ', diet.. at Waterloo i piereed by a musket ball.ln 'the purple - sky; and theleaderneSS anddevo..[ the hip, begced water from, a trooper who tion of a lone life will be - a. fOretasie of that 'chancel . to a• contece . of-bee:: The heuveu , which shall succeed.. : I th e r i. pussc dl ) wounded -man drank, returned his ' , heartiest through a eitY ; its iichei rMd : Si - ender ceuld, thanks, mentioned that his regiment was near- i not be surpassed; all spoke of happiness I - and fly extminmated, and having. proceeded 'a doz-i prosperity. .-I entered, with a group of maid-!en Yards in his, way, to the rear, fell:to the; ens. a . fesial hill, where 'the - sunny sidle land 1 eartli, and with one convulsive rioveanent of this ,limbs concluded - -- his - career: - -" Yet hisl nadiont ere made sweet musk; and I baited where thre.was'emightY;gathering Of :the voice,'.' saps the treoPer, who himself telli the nati = On; 'where the red liaMnei-i'if victori io . at- sterye ' gave searrely the- sarallest- Sign of ed triuMphanily to the sound ,of the trumpet wealg-n"' -- - 'and the'sphit-stirring drum. :, _lt was ,a gallant] -- Captain Baiil . Hail; who in his early youth sight to ace those young; brave hearts, rejoie..twas present at the battle of Continua, has slit ing in their contitry'S' freedom. " I could'not' flied. out, from the' confusion which consigni -refrain ray voice; aS - itheir shoat unanimously to oblivion the woes and gallantry of wer, an= . 1 rent' he `scy-=. - , Liberty .or Death??'Again I other instance, extremely similar, which occtir-1 paused,:..iiithe 'dite - tUilight.;• to 'listen to ti 6 red on th at -a" 'non.. - All Old officer, Whowai I music which appeared to, my rapt senses strains ghot inthe head, arrived; pale and fai n t, a t th e 1 froni Paradise: it WaS the COnV - 1 .. i' ' the tempOrary hospital,, and begged the sirl Hen- Peacefully e . ' ,l4i. ! it. breahlied: the very geouto hoole at Its Wound, wl4ch `Was pro-1 esSenee - Of of: ,contend In soO6, l be mortal. • " Indeed,' I feared so."' thiS , ezi•tlisis a very lovely plaee. •D0,..n0t, I entreat, Pasi 'ova' her the el. stky thy dark wing! let not the !capPiness God.liimseif hai created prove . bYthy - presence - B'th' e : ,= aneseent!" Then the Spirit of Death raised his_itand; and, by{ so doidg; east „from b - eforethe eyes of the An, gel the filmy yell, which, When a •mere . passeri over the'ea;th, had obscured hisNision,io that he only saw the vitt ward shoti• of snoitality;l and lade him go forth'undlool: into thesecrets of Ntinre, :and, When nnother mean' hr.A. rinn ed,to meet hiradhere,...ancY.say if -he should stay his= 'shaft:, *,'LAgaiti 'the ;moon !'shone .faint upon the old, ; hatthe form the,Angcl .__ltus : howed.'an.if with_ ngrief> his face wits sad, aid mo§t,reluetantly he: replied .to the inquiries : otthe Spiritof Death: ~ Yes I have been on • the ineintain-tops - mei in.the lovely vales. _4.3! alas! . that :happiness MONTROSE,' PA,, TRIIRSDAY;. APRIL 24,1851, . strers voice; but .I.scinn cd Ms heart, and there: was sorrow and wasting.'eab., •iFithin :it;- hope' ihad lured hina)vitli giddy, empty: pr orniseE4 of fame ;'end the 'cheehed•froWn and-hidden -sigh - Istrove to be and imiternit •.Ile'deemed i,t silielent,!f the:u7Orld Irir r .,Wfint - the, =misery t 2;. Which' he: rad , sold himself; li Sad-31.1 , - , - lossdn' for thrf heart-to learn! • lAhd the `gay end yollng.-:they are over strivingafter - 0o tinattainehle,,er 'playing, ; "Wittistintrainli, ling. on the few flowers whictibleorn -on: their pailloirly-nt lenf,Tth rCnderad-Conscioirs 'by life thorns which pierce Weir feet!' 'And ei.:2M the bright sunshine is chased away by the roll. leg thunder, and - the driving raim-•: - ,." , . " Alas! tit, all but oiltWard , The-43i g ielin 0 of yOn : green earth .b010w.7 Spirit of Death! your tli4ht -over ,the earth isindeed n inission of tnCrey. -The ,wretehed and wayarern pray for thy conkg. Stay not thy oledt—for it speeds the wiaryOpirithonie: he responded, Aiiih -impeded , utterance, "and yet ;I shOuld like toy. ninth to live a tithe ,longer, if it were possible." Heikki his sword upon a stone at 1s side,- "as gently," says Han; "as if its steel had been turned to glasi, and almost, immediately . stink.dead upon the turf."—Quarterly *dew. • - COTS. Mrs. Deninson, the neccipplished assistant editor of the 011ie Branch ;ices the followhfrr excellent expoAltion of thatiqueer'and inexpli cable'creation--a boy:— ! • - A boy is the ; spirit Miachief imbodied: perfect tecfatittn; spinning lioundlike a jenny`''. . or tumbling heels over bead. must viably go the process of leaping over' every chair in !di reach, rimicekdrtunleacis of the . doors,' tarns -tbe- tin-pans fide . cYMbils,' 'Wits the , best knives.• out to : worins feel bait, and loses them, hunts up the molasses' cask and leaves theinoias rinning,is boon companion to the sugar 'barrel, searches up nil, the, pie and preserves- left after Mal eats_' theM, goes to the ; _applei eveiy,len Minutes; bideaTthe ;old cap in 'Orde:r MI6 his boots tecidentalry if he wadi a, nen; I Pair; tares his'cletlics'Ar fun, jimnii into Ifie Puddle's, for fun, and for ditto track, pets 'and 'ents yaut fornitiirc:. He is roinpin& shouting, blustering" arid in '.all. tko ista{; a lerrible ininient; isPecially, Li, his don't pretendla mdcli until' be, ts tTelve, then the rage:tor frdelt-Cpats, and :14,7,1 dickies commences.. ' , Atfoitit , ceni hi 4 Lou , 4 a o 4 7 : 4 atert 4 1 414 1 4.e_ time ba, 4 ) qt foibled;edngiVia beiniiob)i;, v:te,ibercOn ceded in ih_d_O - qiet .13;3112 }level foiif l coiaPaiilan:,einice;f .f ll* i;44 1 4Ai'le,dieoeinitifir ! kia,"ot fund Off_'Oii 2 atne , e*Ped4ioil,that fun's: out 614 *c43l:ce4-iiliorkt'ileplcii:4l4 il*eXY i' ibe 44"'" ' 4' 9 .01;3 u w ord. ;**, o 11 ' 6 - ; 11 01 a tolOie:expiikiXe'.o. iheTiWa4l,llll49l ritteil to t wetit Y — i*jis!P. ll 4!; 4 11 '141 lira* ishpn he jll . fhatilyashington:satid Ben ariiin `.Franklin o=' fa!ritlidi*ifils",' he ini6isr fJust" - - - . . haila ~ o ne of .turtle young specimens 1 i 'boy," at sixteen, ana,how wrathy he gets ! If he:ilea:l'lof aiisc . i'yOt(preeriely li,i the little lirelin did, Irho angrilyt3ielairaed, ".don't call me boy','l'vd SMolied . theso two rears,' he will give yon a withering-look that is meant to an. hibilate" you, turn on his heel,rand with.a curl of the lip Mutfei'disditinfully, Who do you call boys and 0.! the emphasis. ' Brit" jesting honeit, blunt, Merry, tniselderous-boy; is something to be-proud of witetlrer'as ,brother' Or, son; fOr' , in s 'all .bis scrapds his good heart gets'the better Of hiin, and leildsidto soon to Tepentuce;ntuLhe sure : lie ;ill reMeinter:hia.. fault- 7 atleast th , e tuin- ides. - • • .., ' . .. . . .r•,' '' ' 4 1 / 1 1C ' Sk - NtliEnSOWg sri*evg;: --- ;• Injtize - 4etitrle;' Oa his Wit'endrieht to the . : Resoliiii4zl.4 -- delireted - :'Fibilicary.'. 6,4851;- .:': 2 ' . ' '''..'' - (Coheiddljt.''' .' :' '','-:',,-•-'."[.. . ' I have 'no disposition toleit - tii'd'patienee' of tilt ,Senate . with 'Monte details; or Idemenitia= HMIS tindeed; I would gldlyi have . kept out 'of the'Sedatethit'wholoitibjeet i • but stride the submit virith'lmit Mt& 'grace' as I think the 'oe; inajtirity' hive' 'deterinined otherwise, I,sial , l casiori damanda. • " . 3lv amendui: tit. roeooizes tlit. - ad' ialarenk 'Principle as 'thelnitlyoffe:th,st j!eil I Vd in,4::(10- tc lei, so that loirthelir.'nitiy'rell upon 'Pie' people;' idtiritportion:tO their" ability 'to be 4 .. their; ; ini62•Saide diatinir.tleit they itre:trieil ..„..._, ~ . for.otherjuirposes. , A disregard 'of tids rut!: isl -lii'xiiT Lasit'• A*ls. tnel3tatar Boy.--A - 'iniOr 'opPrettSiVe a iia .eikiu - A,,.giii,l ',i.i II; by' ;i' fii;e:pej blind boy, whip is highly gifted With' musical pie, dy e r 1.16 i.,;ii.ti,1 . 1:, 'ir litM'e'ectlioretigliV talent, and who resided in the iirthdra'partliffutui er to,d, t: ;11.9 nail faic.sar;i : 4.'66n:;- 7 the' State:of - 31iSsisSippi; had itipreSSedstieli 1 w o k W e •lieitpl e illl Ilai : .'ne'dit!icukty in tie ? . gre4 anxiety-to hear lonityl , l44 sin;;, that his Biding hoW • they shill it., i:Lsev),"iLna in de'te'r: frionds,raised. a subscription- to send. him .to nag the qutjstioii.'lll4 Willmake an eltetual thiSiCity. to gratify ltia Wisli.l - ' , ,' . ' '• \ diSpoi,ition• Of alltiystitiiis isk proteetion, .The On arriving here ho neeidentitlly tool, •• Imig• ad rdlolyi7i iiiiiieiple . ' ii'dinits of tionitOt thO§‘ ings'iirthd:sinte hotel' with 31r. Kyle; the cel- ing,eitionss sophiStiiiti, by whieh a: priateelliv ebratcd flutist. , 0 116 .. eicnitig,'316% 11t.;liear . - 'tariff 'deceives and ',cheats thtl tax payir.." . " It Mt." ; same - very.wiktatul "sweet - flute ;tones, IiSL 'sconts"e'very 'attempt te*.drag - info : distie( . i'.4oil , toned firm soe:time! in •Surpriae,:and as the' qdeStioak_ of" diseriminntion; foreigti 940;1 S'ounds•died tivirtaY,. he said to hidiself; " Weill paiiiier LitiOr;hotintproduetionth-henne-,i:.alda... that fellow thinks he can play,' but"doir . 111 ftiMis, and • limite tininuthetures; these, *1:6... just shot r hint what .I tan 'do" . r nikingLtipl typed terms of .protectionists , intve JOst, their his'flute, ho plaYek'the airof the. !‘ I,ll4'Rose! niagic . ;- their charm `is brokea; 'they-no longe,r• of Snitinier,"Wit i h iiiriations. - The' . blind boy i fo'fitish - exclis t f for oppressive eyactions on the :li g toned i withintatWO'delight, and ftt 11010 Og!people; ".This question isill be; if it is nitf:al,l the sound, bee:IMO to the' doorof ittr. .KyltyreadY, nairoii•ed . &wit to one ',of tixettii_ this! and 'stood then • until V. - el . :l'st 'notei . Ceased. l 'heidi . nnderstood, the people will .emerge fiem With 'a feelidg of impulse he could not restrain i thalabyrintli of. og - and invStieistn, which has. . • . lie kidicked.htthe &Mr: ' '''' I .. made impenetrable to them ; ;telienies. by 'Cr - . "'said - ;me in," said liyle,and not Ocogritzini! the, Iml,llO said; . "*What do ycin•Wint,'sir?" `- . "I am blind," said the:boy "and have been drawn Luther by your sweet 'mtisie. "Do tell me `rho yen "are 1 - . . ant bat a 'porn. musician," said I 3 - le, "and ani 'travelling with Jenny Lir.d, as flutist." "You are!" efelaimed . the lad, "Oh! sir, do take the to hear - letiny Land; 7 I haye :Coale e long - way 'to hear, her Sing; 7 Iltif the. prlee"or . , 's h I - tol3' tickets is 'so that" am_ too pour wt., one. yoti take Me to hear her, sm.?" he I contirined with grecit feeling; "I - Imvo.heard shei is so good, o pretty, and sings so yery st.feetly,.that shall. never be iinPpY' unfit I . hear her." Kylefelt deepli_for, the b 0 nnct Pfein ised.that Would take bin; to tear thelove,dv . Swede. Accordingly he took Elie blind boy that.night mid seated lihn in a ehair behind , the . 'scenes'. The street songs of the - Nightingale afreeted theiad deeply 'and produeed . ppen bin; varied sensations. ifut Vilen sae' Sweet 'Herne,e melted into . fears. On her retiiingst" ti e waS . the sound ot the bciy'S'aubbings and inquired who:11'o was 'tr. Icyle - then fold her t e hiStorY or the, hj. 'few 'woriti which; Muebinterested her; mid sending for him the neafday, the poor, koY. thS genei‘ons sorigstrcsi . one .hundreddollarS. rit.' her.thatt when he redehed the (.1; i!icalune: 01114114 TIM RATTLESNAV-E.--.l%&'Stilehq went ,olthe; AborimineS4o. this :famous reptile; is proverbinl :-among neirly'all the tribes,eveiri at the present day, it is ;seldom diiturbed,.butl i 4. designated the"endearingS epithet: grandnither.l'. It is recorded hoWever,, , by the early. historians that when one:t.-ibe desired to Challenge Another to oombat,lbeY were in' the irabit of sending into the roidst_of their enernyi the skin of a. rattlesnake, whereby it would appear.te hate...been eriiplived:as .in • etiltd en? of rereigei And:as to' the oTigtti or the ra. itlesnake, the old inc.:n alio:in; the' Oherokees 'relate .a legend to the folleiting e&ect:i fifelt the reader n ill notice, bests ria . nalogy to the history of oar' A t r iiy beautiful yinnig; gran,'` with a' ttlitte face, and lyrappedln Isi-hite rehe, - -.ldee made, his aiiperateelti their nation.atid cotittretn&4l them to' Abandon 'sill eusfonas and festitalt; ern& adefit madd ti'so'of -the `o:N"r'y thing ho prOvedlimici 'n.'gOod Man.=—` . _ It sikhapptned,' however, that' he could make. iyhethei thisOrthat article will he hetter;,pro+ no frienciiramong iliein; ind the- raeolkinO temp tee-led-by ~idditional duties.-imposed : in : e d e l of the nation enlipired lo take 'aivay his life. tom or another! but wh'ethtr its is iutliciently [ln runny *dye didthey triti.rdd titifi:-.loasii. high or :kW to produce 'the greatest or . least in rg hint with setrtits; and bylivitiiiiiidixd. tutipent of revenue, with a. proper regard to its {son, but 'were ainiays - inieticeeisflil: tut, in "P..Cmti°°°:°o the °°° - sumer• . i.' " -:'-` proceaa of tide; tile' deed tra!a. - secioinpillied;„ ..' Tam away 0, 11ir.. - Siieaker, that serious - ails:! and in 6e :fliffonling nianne'r: it ivan'knoWri Otiona are neade ngitinst Chi preient tatifnend I that:the t :,, , ,,,i,a - stra i, g ,ii i . wrap in the 66- ha b it the ad ta /omit prineijile: be'ettrteo of the tacit ( vieiting a'eert.iiit aping- neat° `purpos; of tY with which:frauds ere in:;tetrei{l under it iky quenching his _thit, and bathing' Wbouy' - " i-- ,'-:- faise '''valalliiou- 4 .• , But feiv 7 ; tura are elettilif ' fifle E: f,th - ''' I - ' ' '' IR v i ew 9 1 - ,e 0 ! eag l e ons l e a 0 . 41 very ! rout ...—a„ .,, SS o.ten, , nB othera,se, it, Is' beautiful War4lieat, • inlaid ' irfae - 'sisma 'buil: the 6be' with all - I 'nvetttl'P: insig i Yves' citi'''cii shelle,und . deleoiateii . 'Airith - rattles; ilia ' tili 'astern of direel, taxation; where, i r opth* (4 ebes.lthefoffe're'd to : - tho - Oriat - Slifrit,ivith'eiposeil-te-obseiraiori; or Ititliht retfeh, - ihe . the iiityer,glt Igo iipiaitciefilheiii how t 4 i.giniie - st ' -fru 6 'iire'll4 ) e'fi". 4l i'll. 14 0. 'eirifs : ti,f] desiro.f . 'the 4 l,.fralliel';' - iittit*li.Zr S thii4y6i; which, we : have ii v i,i,4 nr iii ,, o 6., ,A 7 :teimmiiiii - snake 'srls -- 'ner&itk : 'and . inrg.. l ititute bi:ookli limo Itiiith6A with iit....Mlll4tion'anJ [' -... ~ • ...- ', ' , te a t„t ',--.. '.: ,-.---• 1.-, s o h. ,:, ...It '1 , ,,,s- . .F , , ,--,, --,, , ,:,*. -- ' fuu} uieuen limier . a ny tne:aule .. of the the pet.: An , . 14 'r,t'lii tpe ildeal le - be 1 sikiiiid - ,..;-',lliesiiuoger,'4lis'eat'e, 4 k ue ff i ciicfu iitinfidani4l4 : in' itiaßlVe' not veiliefire',intir; drinkiiii:ae . fatten birtrididalii;7: - Ad.:i e k s h - d. thise eillg.ureii , hieriliiA? d?' As ftininin'friest l , The Cberoltei;'',.l3l - i, 'then ~. 'reit, ixi: 11ig , *toiioliiiotrefeJ4ii iTititleviiirid- hit4 i ' ' - sv:itlz the sUake'dnd°Lii'iiid:',;ilciiii winds 7 440 , 1veleinmiirtieit' if lint:' by' tiliut i t § i. - . 01 . 411.todsliit . b ionielik4ltiii toililii *Olegi;tli4 is 1) by !iiilublhie l' . :t iiiitid flom ;41'90 ntiler'elnakialdifie im:44,,1 9 :4iii.: kij'y e3retitihrittard'igaltist - tbeini'fritidi4'-it, hi Plied'lltialthirehtili fli" ?:l W. l 4.t . :Pl ; ialtie' , i. , iXre 63. Witi” OW .61164 t '63 -'* - gre4t i 2.41- 4 1 e'ti ~ :hiCh bid i. 4 sac 4i4t,;.?r iai , nni . ,:i , : . 64i'!iliii: ii4llidle, - 4 ''iltit;'sir;:i apprehenitZ,tfigmio, .60 - i.,0 4i'e . 4:4l.,*iiieio beuigife r i Jothe eye:: ' ' 'hui - toen:Oltt ti' on hto44ttiloii e 44c , tr7r _kg ..,. !t_. .t not with te - abtavera do , otiine ats- b ug liare.abiim iffeeflt I #in 'Willing to concede at 'frairtia lint bo VOlutnittedi )0(t... 14y 40:* fei l 4;4:' I .'ll l'eiiblizeiiklioii4firilga7ilii; - tinai - feree agalnet any rev' enut laiiii. luY;Loildou `lfeditzil' ,l ll4eN speninpg ;of 'fix4l26as de'Llindini.tio!pitirs'36iiriig TorrAtaliek gays' they'eW- titefra-ktoliittig out the vaillest;'filfeit , :in4/inoot , eoueelted th e ' z. which they have been payine , tribute to swell the profits' of'capital. Duties assessed ate, revenue, standard upon I foreign productiOns, according to their valfic,is thelonly nay ofadjusting a tariff, sous proximate 'nearry as yessiblo, to, a just and etpial'systein of taxation. 77ris,sir, is the,Op. eration of the rid ratorem principle, lkit,the coarser fabrics;Such are consumed' by . the „ , great masses of the* people, are taxed accord ingly. While those whose circumstances will Jpermit them to indulqe in tfin, finest apparel I ' • ' an .uxunes, pay a proportionable increased tax.' : the farmer who *can *afford to dress his wife arid 'daughters, only in the firni ,but sub stet* dial 'ertiele.SOf Allis, the. saltation of ; Which M.'S One dollar'Per Yard, pays a-tax one ,thud who can as well afford to *,proiide an • article of the valuation 2,f_ three tdollani. This equal distribution of taxation Pomades the whole system, baked on the prin , ,eiPle 'approved by . ny. amendnent i .. With 'ipalpi.ble an exposition of the duty of the gov ernment on the one hand, and he rights ehLie' ipenple on the other, why envelope the subject im sophistry, and render-, it ince' inprebensibteil I nnless it. be more..suetiessfully to get tribute., from the peopiewitliout.their.ltnawledge*:,- All ditties reeessatily,inake part t.f the 'ofartieles ou Which they are levico :nal there ' fore to this event operate oinchientrdlv -or irntlier accidentally, as..a, protection. this itinetintendedi neither can it he avoided.; illente all American productions, with which' iforei , m productionecontein - conipetition, haye I nds r7dvantagu: that their actunl.valina is the. i cost_of Om raw nuaerial, and .itS nmaufactoroi , while the foreign_artiele tf the ;same price,bas 'added, to .eost,thirty per cent, in its value, other items of exPe!ye, pot less lb:inlet' per cent, more ( inahing 0t.,,t, of, forty . per cent, added, to its value oncost. Now,. sir, withjthis advantage' in fivor of ,American , productions under the, *sent trrift; reasonable wen obilit to, be 63y istiea andtherc shooPifie no inoditMlion or it, innlcss more revenne,is. required, ;and. then nilOitionfir. discriminations on the ud , valerecn princ•,iple /night be, made.: : . 'distributed, cannot be toe : tow,. invvided _they' dO not linpair the revenue, fur th'e cogent rea ion, that the people shothl.noe.beurn•burthen of this, kind, more than is Actually - hecessarry to meet the expenses of gorern!nent;-ertmoul.;' kally administered. The (Nee!: of a tuff,: revemm, and ads alotie the -Apiestida is, not, ENE VOtt olt4in 17gttiLiti .1, • Specific dtiiii,"niiie ,se tvitiiii tilikt'6altri [sum • Icl;ied on iertaiti "foi , eitmi . , plro'dmitiM:4 - which dune' into ' eeirfpetitkinliiiili 'Mir iniri , productionsi . by the trivititY, WithiMtiegardie; quality or value; 66 io:iiitiCW:pk [Ai ;per bushel, or per ton:: 'On 'tinny-aid nloth;,:sii., much , per-vird; woolen MIA per'poutid;' , ittial Ito on: 'lf thirsilk is worth throe Oi 'gm - titd: land per yard, if"pays' no-inere 'lliity . , ltuiri that' Worth fi ft y iiiiits:i Ilenen'theyvlicrerdif sflend! 'the teattliest; ptiY no Mord tsix . L tit' thi7 - 'govenit meet' than they who can aff'o r'd' 'enlt'ill4lll!y , Gent or dollar silk: Hithittivearl'elOthtitortki seven dollird . per yard,' tiati nel'inoni. taithai he who'ean Mford 'only the fttio'doilar!tiotift f " end ti'd en through;the whole isial4ree:''.l4* sir, id - this right! Is - It nut' 'Otter:hit hiinti....!, tie s r 'la 1 t Hot ' ftiOile6tV)bli T ' l4' does it not t h row the rtiotteiterottie blirthenit' titi . "lll6''fLiisOi . 164' alio tfY - tiiiirWl, it' 4 'lleis`:' ti t i tte;Utterfftlettititte, - orthat'etibifilnlis Jamie carigniumend . g Jim:sive' "t 4 4 o,Plit*; can periplo. - lint; sir,- fife'inis4l4`4lont,net. step here. The isPitinst he gine deinantist . that Tor his production 'nfttintatraetures, .there shall be added to its'eost fi r o 'ititteit :pel'yrii:4:' and poi. ton, and then - he can e4iiiiete 'With"' ftireign 'fabiii4 sameoe tsamekiilkV:iietliiii•ile':, 'gets hiS protection' in thee Shape, 'of porititis'' bit; sir, r shall he told' that ipeOific'dlitielt r itt;i . only asked i don riad 'Opal. -It hi:046;01441 uselet4 to suppose thit the tariff or.:lB4kinii:: be modified, so as to lidposeSpeeific iiiitie ' l4ilii i . theed articled, 'without at . once :iiielitiigl,l;e; door for specifie duties .loc i * the tariff of 1842: ‘, ' The ihini lit;ll4.'iii .e.:915,;„ tuation; utterly impracticable. No4,..fliere .; any grind reason why, if entd'44tii4:.ik 'tit bit , 1 plotected in this imp; an0th0n,) , .7,1,# , 1i. „pin , it is iw prinkme !(i, Which I.Mrt nei,tose4, AO,. I de"not whnt id's;i4ik Agrin: l 4 o lol4` t- OtWiev'enu'e laws. ,If_thh; legislittkiii.-8141i'll,i Mweado pfed'itittantealMerit,:g.eqthe n i4, confined to iron ' nild ' coal,,`woutd`not.the,.pruh. ciple have been sanctioned as:imieh..aa:titouglt , it extended to every otiter:inkiele:l - .lhcrii lai:: no avoiding this eonelesie4 . , . , _„-- '- Mr. SPeaker, I prepoSe,,ririW'hf shy:4 o lPa i attention to t. 4 proposition: 45f .41fr: ;Strot'tg;,,, gentleman whose: respectabitity MO ..:titi l l . entl, i entitle whatever ho may stiggpsyis a Mea s itir,e. 1 of publiepolicy,lo`considatation..te tiag'l4.l. trodtiad in ConOtas aliff, talt oditY - thijar.: , = iff of 1846; rind tbe'atterept has been . mai And probably will be. rineived, 10 haii /c thie:". legislitvire sanction it, ; ` : t - titiafthnt,the Eivot I , it will receive will be - Nuked. - i i h r 0...f164. r. ' .., . : .. -, ,1 .-, -,, _.: 1 ....; non `otthe biliintioduces'entire ya new ea 4 , tore, aitd as far atit goes,ian` be intended on:. ~, iy for!. protection. , ' proildesthl` 7 P;,* r .,. productien.s shall net Maly henidestreiiiitheit,,". Irizarket value, but to this shall. be Odell the: ' Il4harg, , s Which-by iti4 irieltnb4sia',oiij,tteiii. tat the place of exportrindT itt; not late* .", wki , with eipial propriety' might znit'lieiilio -,, I to a thig; _ t 1,6 duty, :,iftei; iblif ge t iirti), the : Wholioll which' to constitute tite'falite ,oil ' which' the duty, lurcalceem,44- he itnkii.d.`:l have notenth fo?thisspecied of kwasica;..4 Why not at once strik e fer -r i,itigli‘'vitiritiei; I I; itett - as is yroposed by i'hoinytilitatipial...: '.. Why put this• fictitious iialiLitiOrt on '4treles - f':: ) , 1 valuation not depending ilittlieliti , 'itin4ri._ ' Lai and the co'st6l. mainifacturiitilti',lndio thS'",' made-up m part of e iln Plpellses.c', I tering in .'amormt AS: thelanirra.dtlfer' 110 the' ~ countries 'fret which they A;,4 then we.lindw,' that . thee ihniget are,rintiii ...,,, without, reference, in nick instances,` ro . rl/ 3 ' , ,1 qnality 'or . valtie of the' iirPclett,iliose `pilytto f most which Ore most bulkii' Anti •ilielittOW , , dp wi ktroW, thitt these charges art;':l6 be . , - iii... , ,, _ Portioned 'hi a 'w9, lo'proteci:the''ebut'S`tht . '" , ' would suifir by the . irepotitiori Pf Ipedifli.,lll.-.' t fiaVe not the meinkiti:44 hins - firge-the'reireifrie fe,"•yr4 i cies' propose 44 this from the kind of nitkleUrtlieri,l4:feiitinielited it must he to cot of the sactie-P a*ei r*if st of fT of 1842. lititik I hi;Te repeat, that:4 tult ufiring jut' , budheied rittii atitie#,lvitto - l ir #4 , peoi; isiretendea, •624;-.40:: Ise tilted rip higher dutik . ki;A:ll:KileettiT; , ismeeded. 14,spitteirt Jilme they 'riot • `aurae , tieei;inkiioO4 our own athnitacttiriiiWieV true* aba't*„fit.: 3 / 4 the Te 3 e9. l 4' wwhytheY . 'rs ancti! - Yj e h,4•! . vOitletivitk thojeAftbiirffiell to tfst e°X lBll ,_lner.- R!! ° t 11 4,* . ii4 . 045:1411 . 1 4v0:1 , 4 eeiv"c - trT : zfulet497 l , 1?, PlucticatlY 5 4, 4.0.1t0fe, 1 *O , lOW Pblectiehal hie 'PeatltieiA of thp tadt4 of 1821,,A1td '48 4 12,4 d, pm glad ; tp knew, that freit diOloPstit ta!itotlliftelY*l , hayiklivistmactiolit ' bliellyto,the%.pre s• cofiditlen:of ihtiroltpunateatuiors' ; SY bhp. =ii lag, ttutto-04141 attributed' tk!lhic-iniet ikik-otutlier ertueektbud-kuch .tfiet tbeitnarketrptica•44li Ildtik:'4 iheintrorie46 , 44* Jij i; thtoseihirgoi e nri4niit ‘r litno.•t4 , • 1 4' Inl* [ 4 , l l4fic iho:therii. tivest4iiiiilNlgia ' 0 3314141 1 :ac1ut4-114the. aitiow ';`,The iretis glutted for reasons • $. ratiaintotas' e4!tosi tzar** eiteriirises tor thOttouttruel ti r o iif railways 'anC epeculetleni ' irtOco *Air - Paged Amri- '4!r' ,7 . 60 0 4 1 8 11 P C , F tit iiiiiiintifiettnt.T , Al idalpriis l elleifiUt l'41104,1*400• MEM ::: j . ,..? ..y . ; , i - in'7,... -1: . 1 . , ir; j-.A f.•.. flF"~~1 . . ...4 - : , "1,..i . ....4".:/f . ,..eTt , ;;. t .. : - . i . .if!.. ,r;, - a " „ , . , ...41i.g.i - :.t,72- , i-l'; r::-. - - ,-;(1.- . .. r: S . ,:'{.: ';iii', 1 :: , Th: 5r.• =EMU