z '; a r A l a RIM 2 est, N. Seasonable 'lints., , . Tua Gainam— , -I.have ever considered it good PolittY;jtbiit eVery farmer should have good-sized, carefully worked and Ininißea —lret,there are neverther less many who.pretend to be farmers in the mostililieral,aeceptation of the phrase, who greatilitegket this important part of the economy of the household: - Every person who has a good in possession of-a Burt of shvines institution Where he can be stew-muc ! L_ would-; be , h tiros that y'd be-otherwise annrefltably spent., or thrown away. Beavit.-L—The beet is a most valuable esculent, and Should be sown early, in soil of alight testers . and considerable depth.. As- the length and size of the roots are in a great measure, regulated by: the depth of the soil, and its fineness, this is n'inost, hn portant-consideration; and one wldch , ought never to he overlooked. = In manuring, I prefer old, welketted stable -dung, mixed with Imam, lime or house...ashes, or a com post termed'orderayed'ibgtable substances with which there is mixed). portion of al -1 ele:smut materials,. Sufficient in quantity to insure a ready solution and an cnerget- Io action Of the mass when applied.—One great-error-to he avoided in the cultivation of the beet is thick sowing. In order to insure a good crap the'plants ought never, - perhaps - to Stand . nearer than twelve , inches in the rows, which should be fourteen inch es apart: This arrangement secures ample spaceto-use" and enables_ ono. to-se the hoe in cleansing the crop to the best advantage, and without hazarding - the plants"which cannot be accomplished where the stand is 'tune crowds and ,Compact.—Before Saw ing, beet seed :Should be soaked in some 'Feined -,ittioPirolliquiated ;to soften the hardeeis of the perierap, which, and °spec - ally if the seed is more than one year old to °fa lure so firm and indurated as to resist' flueteisfultylhe simple action of the soil upon it,fOrstmiteh longer time than is beneficial to the en - closed germ or the health of the ;attire plant. On'e of the best prep . [nations :for - this. . purpose,. is common 'stale from the - barn-lard , or wino of. any d,.iti which copperas. and gypsum have been mixed; IRA* the seed. should re - main submerged for'a period varying from five to ten hours according to its age ; the older it is, the ...longer.: should it be im mersed.. Oa removing it from the steep, it may be, mixed , with , gypsum, ashes or dry Sand to . facilitare thesowing ; or indeed I with any substance that will absorb the moisture and preventDts adhering to 'the 1 hand l There area few of the products of, the latelien,garden liable to more in u- I - aided byi Weeds during.the earlier atages - of their developthent, than the beet. trainly , caltiviifion, consequently, is the best policy in thistiSikevery other depart , meat of 'the tiriabig.4q,', P.tasarett.r— pretext) turtst recommend 1" sowing parsnips as early in the spring as the vandition of the ground will 'admit. soca.-..excellent . crops • ••raised from seed sown after most other veg. iliac's' Were up and prettYl well .advanced, and when the 'crop is intended for, winter - Witt I atidceidedly, t:opinion that as in ' the eaSe of Carrots late,sowing is much to be preferred. The , parsnip, hke the 'beet vecktdtFa a„ deop ',ltch mellow, 4nd rather warm;9ool to secure. the perfection of? its - Many cellaeat qualities - and where the eirciarnitatiCia - unittiit wilt if :assisted, by ayiternatieMiltdiatiori'Prove a temunera ' thigafid highly_ desimble product on 'any farm. • - •In, selecting seed great care shoul. •'' inicterCised as itand not :nr.frequently the, date that serious and fatal disappointment eseltafrotatheptorness of the seed which is apt to tii . eialuf aitiiioiafel in quality _sad evenNitally - destroyed by being:kept in • unsuitable situations even wben it is new. I never sow the lifAis" or . any other regetable,mithont first carefnliktestlug-it. quality.::: This is easily performed and by the assistance of incans.which need not be .recapitulated aithey Will, I have no' doubt suggest.themielies to every one. . • - Tae CAUSAT.--For stoat feeding, and isinter , use the carrot should lo sown late. ' The second week, in May is early etiongll, - thong,it beds for early domestic use maybe got,inas'soon after the frost - is out .as the co . paition:of the laud will admit. I great ly desire tosee thaTiatiration not only of the ~carrot liebt and parsnip extended • • as all three are excellent, alai may , be raised with ptoltby er_ery person who bas animal ' to t t feed ealitgle - rod of soil on Which to 'keen but indulge the_ hope that the day Li hy...ne r menni remete. 'when onsagsiculturo `41 . 1.1e., improved ly thia and similiti:!`i*tfeticas , ;" and when root • crops - Olin a great measure; and with, de - tiled advanta,geasuporsesie the Imo •of lay and g r4in as food_ for faint stock. ' '• `''£ 111.0rIGOltiliT . .t0o.Nrr - ta.uME U. - CtIFIVIVE OP POTATVE3.—i' have found lt,i,eirperieneeitiat the best way'to raise ti Tarr :potatoes, is to plant the - • potatoe s ; and as awn as the first. ones be gm to show the tope 'above Round, cover them and the sthold ground crab manure ; and.when theyacerlairly above the ground, freely. -• The manure destroys grst*s, and When you hoe rho* ilkiatteris light, and tbo Lops soon *dint; Th ti Manure being on the - itirfitio;ltiOilid,iiiirth moist and facie.; the•ioyttoes,:stOw*lirgo and oft%) first qehlity, arelMt ely to IV; Igsl, ----ST*GERSIsZATSLIS is tensed . by a , tOrlehleeding. It; is mist goal tort in cattle turned . ;w an t, pastate Ai spring tarty in awn " ;Aid ihmiwthat have been kept poorly t ionithe ,s. l iqtgak? 'unit iiabla to .this constant43isto. - o n lo:gieraegh)g - timbead rm any eon. h n i 4so3ettuce .40„Ririltc-, -idiqyldU`sT)wCa:wtttly'uw -- the „ g roami mtitAo.t Pen Nosii# t 34 0440te/tOtAolinsivrePsto Pe4 : Boehe, aid when seeded they Wi ll yen-atieks, tn readiness. ZJME.AITYIDI, ' Flowaa Pasacutut.-61:e or the best illestiationt .Of a flowery Aiseourin which we can remember, is that. of a. gentle; inan-who;in lecturing to an aadience,celips" I ed Paley,s Evidences in il3e following man ner :-.Ladies and gentlemen,l am as Cer-; tide of the existence of . these truth 13,1 ai I am,-that :flour comes from RoChester, and that I,know for certain, My : brother ,haizing this morning received three hundred barrels of snperane, which, 'he desires me .to itate, will bo sold for cash or approved ; p i per,a s . low;, as any is the market ! —Drawing. I?onnkJournal., Qtttrp Scyinit.—A youth went to a bar bergs shop the.otber 'day, to be seraped 7 The. barber having adjusted the, cloth; and soaped the smooth skin; loft. him,.nnd went lOupging at the door. As soon as the young "gent" saw him sauntetini her imps. Handy called out," Well, what are you !say, log me all this tim, for?,". Sir ..said itei 4 . lam waiting - until your bearil rows j What did a blind -man 'take - . at breakfast and reedver his sight"! Atm.- Ile took a cup and saw sir. ' ! Why are there no harses in - the isle of Wright Beeatise. - the . itthabitant's prefer•Cowes to Rytle. Why, asks the punster, Ali I like - the Thames Tunnel? Ans. Ileeausa lam the greatest bore in England. - -!; 'Mr. "Josh, dues the sun ever rise in the west 2" '; is • "Never." • . "Never:". Never? . _ • 4 , , I " You don't say 'so. Well yen won't catch MO emigrating to the West if Wit al-, ways bight there: I've a cousin In biro *llq is always writing how pfess.ent it is in that region but it must' .all nu - ions:lane: I mho." - There is an old maid cut went so tough and wrinkled that:they Use lier,foreltead to'grate nutmegs ea. .(Su •! the papers" say.) ' • "JaelF,,witere in thunder .ymt 'sear° up that," erg. striped squirrel, with three tails, that you eahihited doWn South last year and wade so well out of icy' " WhY,.Sam, that was the identical ani mal that you caught and gave me just be fore I left home." • . , . Yes, - Jattk, but ynii Two* tbat'eiv'tar mint batlo'Cbut (ine • "Tine, Sam bat see, my good fellow "I jest built on hinygomer ". _ . Why are two is liko - .l.ops.'?:,:BedatMe they make beer better.- • •- • •-•, Why is a sh..rf Negro I ke a white, 'Man? .BecauselA is rain. black.' - "Porgy what is :a summerset?" " Get tir%:star_lc.,iiik-the,m,td August.", 7 •A tuts from titd bend of a. spike -is' on exhibition at Ito museum:.• • .. .. . . , A IT is a bad si g n to see the 0610 r ofa man ' s , , fait) all conc6ntra iimmtl ni trio tip: of bis noso: -- ' ` " . - . I ' : ~.Tun Cause of the decline of the Stage, is now, attributed to the increase of omnibus- _ 104 "Trozalitany genfivis are there?' asked a.scl t Ooltnastef. " Three sir,'!. prom tly replied: little blue eyes —"3lasenhee feminine, and "Pray givc - nt.! an example of each,' said the,mastcr. "Why, you are yo , t are a man.; and ft.mb.bie, '•bet.use I ant a girl." , • " I r ery_well- 7 propeed.". I drit't w,''.s4i.lt lit tie girl,.!hut I reckon Mr. Jenkins is -neuter,as he's an ' old Bachelor I" lllat's cause Of that , bell ringing ?" inquired Kier. " his my delibvrate canniction „ that somebody is pulling eh rope !", answered Jubn. , . ..-Nerer. too lila to rnend,".aS =the = man • A poor cornet having aot Lis sktiU frac tured-was told by doctor that the brain was visible-, on Which be remit - "I),) write to my ,father • for 'he . altrays 'swore I had DOTIC.' Praise inales a a-Lie:man niodest,.ti tool arrogant. " Wanted the sen.oitt 4lerils'head." A sting found in . ..the 11 5 vii's tail. A sight from a I,llnolieg - - The intlx of priayer's A point, of a printer's dagg-r A eiust'from n printers , Tn Foot;is :.Itsattoor —There w a certain ntiblernan, says Bishop ]13:1; trio kept a fool toyhoni ooe day lie gave a statf with charge to keep . it he should meet with one who was a greater fool ',that/ himself: Not many years after the noble man fell'siek - even unto death. Tha fool called.pace him . ; his hiek lord 'said toihito : tmastblottly leayaloig: 'An,l where art t' oa Vining?' ;said:-the. Into another world, replied. li;i!lortisiiip. •And when will you vOlite tigain-? withia a rnontb • * 1 ! 'No." '~~ILIIID~B'~t~T~~ '° ~No: - - 'When Ellen 21 . • yew., , _ - { • 'Never eaid•the f001,..‘ and, what proyi e'en- 'hist thou. made for thy einertain meat there, whither thou gest ? 'Nadi At 211! - sad the fool ; 'nova at ali 1140 tale tuy,stitff for with - all my fully,- : 1 ain not vguUtyof stiel folly, `as :this:.::; „ aithala p oilAaa ei a paper ''..'beaaati;! said ho' "wa like to 'ireild oeswpapers 'very tauch, - fiat , aeigt)bcirif tIWS take. aoae Ps -•-- - - /' 4 41 , _an iri last" numbei-of Sartains, - :ktsgazio2thatAiD:. baceo,loosta - the' world ntoro toad all its wars rug! gyiteths - of education ttrpoirilvortisc.c-stost ing ton gentleman liced=with blue Mr*, 114:it.4-fA4i ; who -- doet,; . ,not,pntron",zo paper. ; - - vibip tars G`jf boloaper, -and doletiay for it. " TEA DiarE ~S- 1 11, 8 c E.l.,Cht , Eprromi TER . I ..oac, nnilan kan annum, 'c ash In advance, or two di until:the end Cif the year, or tint° of NO paper will be' discontinued excePt'at,the optioii if dr Mat cerimitutleaticni intuit lie ri ceivi attention.'t I All letters' ponnicted With the d'irected,to S.U.. & E. B. Chios, Cori 2: • • ; • -‘i • 1? EditoraT 'office ovei M. C.T uaTr,s or .a.ovvpi,r squire,' linel ) . 3 One (l— or I ce s,) 1 ' • ' . •,,Eaeh tubeequent !nevi : Jodi Oue 'viol:ire, 3 mouths, ..,. • - '. .. 1 4i. .6 months,' -• i.. .. 13uSinel v erads; 4lines or less, - Yearly: dvertisemetito,not . cirer • t; One eel an), one yeur, - - •' l , .- Ydort•• AdvertiSels will t 3 r.st 'Bluets in, Arlacirthak nre engaged. ! _ , .. tri - TPle,,Publishers, huviuga 1 of Job l'crintin,,, ,, Materials; are ke t ad kind of .I[OII.yORIC - .whlr u * '• fidO:NICS' of. 'oliery &seri on gund or pri n ts 110 order,. . I 1 ...-....- •••• :-. , '- I g'61,41.V1 r 4Z C/ 1 JOON 11.111111110 e} t'.lv.v. Odtto 'on Turnpike r etreett re It of dab old HezlEter t't ling pike, Mon• „AA. L.' TRUIPSDELL, • - TOIINEY A.l' LAW, - Bert, ce with . oll. F. Lusk. • PETER DECKER ESQ. IT G 1 IVIN been appolnte4 by Oar. Fish, of New Teri:, as LI a thinualsalouer for that State to take the nraefand acknoUledgeinent of Deeds-and ether instruments alit attend to business calls he that capacity at his o ffice at Great Derid. ' sept",Xoi IS§O . ! S. ii.IPFINCIIESTEIit, !A TT OR E Y LAW, • Tirraltp.mtoa, Pa:, Office it Staik's Brie; Rmi.. DR , - G. M. - 11,(SIDE,NOE • in Abe hoyis formerly th e ,residecce I.l.,Zitnu,l Guile, deceased. ' nation', December:s', 1830.• f • ~.',':`SCO•i'T & CO.. - LIVERY AND BXCIIA!NGB STABLE , PAontrose, Peun'a: - PET Ett ST.ETENS,; Caltittet stud Chair :asiter carricson the lonqlneseitt nil its , various brlntbas and on a large s cale, at the old stand of Smiths, Stcycit s anclivcry. En 0 1-171 \.7 .1110NTROB,' , , .(Office over -Tyler's Store.) E. CitAst. S. B. CITASZ . . G'ItALDWIN , Carries on the Dakintrandeandy bushr.ssin nllt to sari• ens branches; -one.door west of IVilson'd - Store. • Bread Rolls, Mute,' Gingerbread; Cookies, Crackers etc., kept constantly on hand at wholesale and retail. Alto steryva eiety of Candy, got ;mitt the very best style. Now York no extorted. Pyramids, in fact ail kinds of Fancy Confection ry kept always unhand at whialeeile and retail., - . 3 2 :141r0)NS - Bs. Sow, MILER IN Dry Getcrie ) lfartheare,Crockery, Brae Groceries, Rooks, Als'o carries on the Book Binding Business.. „Public Amine, Montrose,. Poi. . C. M. - SXVIDIONS, BOOT AND SHE MAKER & REPAIRER (Sb . opoirei Dl3‘i!ln'ti Saclilery Sbop.). SUNNING & HAIR. DRESSING SALOON, Senile's Iltiltdjni-next door; to the Past 'Office, ,7%l nit rr•sp. Pa. , n t^d • ..:%/18'CELLANEO,U8. STii l lll, STEAM tTEATII! Tie igiwrizse pacer Steamas applied to . . f-41:11g1*Pi-k-ZZ4.-`7':' Is bon, has lsom, and will be, constantly employed forwardmg Drew and Cheep Goods to the New ;nod Cheap Sore. of La.ko Ito Enttotr,wbere at all ernes may be found an aisortment, extensive and ruled ; heautiful,durable and cheap., - Our stock of G i()DS Contesting otagreat variety of every description. 200 yards of good orange and blue prints. at 8d per yard—al ; so Prints of every other imaginable dcseeptlon,equally beantful. and equally cheap. Illeacbed factory cloth 6cl t per yard. Alpacras 28 .'cts. per yard; and a variety of styles of Poplins; M. DeLainer; Woolen Shawls; Nee- Inoon; Cloths; cestium; Cassimeres, all. very good; and gaingrery cheap. Alpo - reeenes, . • I Good Teas at If. 4 and d shillings per lb—Candler—Su firer-A.l6Toss—ssui-Ltesis aola—,balsooe Trout—ln sheet, a general assor . mentor -cheap: Grocer . • In the Ireatest pmsiblesibundatiee, or aticastonly ex ceeded by our wortrpqnt of : BOOTS SNUBS, ychicb is really 'unsurpassed, consisting of 'Aten's -and Ptoy'p Boots And shons.,pf every shape and Site; Tullis Rubbers; half Gaiters; Jenny Lind Gaiters; and—and —well, anything else slays is ever used AS an tirade o "covering for the bodi." • . z • Arii• .+lnahtliY - of - Siiee7 Pelts, %Tool, Fars, Flanne.l,oati, Cern. -trv.nt. !totter and regs. I - ' ' N. 8.— . 2 s'inlingsnaidl.-rgend w!tit respect its prices ire invite our f :ends to do n.S esti ever base done,ills: call atidjadge fottli.hiso!ves, -LANE ti• EATON. . . „ . m'egir azi:l lor. he Im.-lersoll Ic thin Itakct 113kroril. ()rt. 25%1631.-441A . • ' ' LEATRE• - • 117:braglreergt7,1,. an agency. Dealers em be az:mandated with a superior article,frata (mato one thousszra sides at prices hereto. -oreanbearclor in this earintry:' : - • - flea. 1, 1350. . . L. -POET & CO.. • Latest AtriiTal.•• 11 Btli ;itstreeetred' inew and atipc , ti, erne.; Lis' acntritieut af Ladle% Dreaa Good', Winter Lfn; and - quateSba,wls and staple ,gormis 'adapted to the seltzer': the mockderirable styles and nricee. Neer el Maid, 1)0 , , TC'STseegyed by iliesubscTiber.Sigt:drieoFee,.toba.eco J fillt, - areal Cloth , ' - Sheeting Batting, II addingoke., - end .i 3 be e'dd a Itiw eu , the Mars Irina:hail. .7 • Montroie,Sept:l9,loso.3 • , 1:210,En. Trrfiri.ecA ..44.kfi.this.Soeks-.2oolbs:voolenyern: WV 11041LP.-W" . " . U , 600 yards Flnntel,'2,ooo Sheep Pnits.foiwhiehtbe highest prune heir:4lin goods— , supl+Gloods sold cheip for mill Or re3dyfay.,' IVANTED-10,000 yda Woolen Flminelo,ooo pr. good. raised wulien Beeps, zuty titricLb etween this and. tho slt 0 et.,tot which thefilzhodpriceiwillbt. paid I n Goads. July , LYONS flr. SON.; F~NOTIIEIt laigol4.6f the- Day state minx; ilia. re. eaired—alsd. Alouslaln De Lain , a and Glnghazda from ta.25 ~.e.va per yxrd. BENTLEY & BEAD.' ~ 1 1p, f pih asr&ty afJapan sale, el:coatT J 4 LYONS tc SON. tptL'Ts,ltelTlcks,lSatts,sunfis and some assortment --.prt Press Goods gahlz 'tacit r --r:Mrons ta-s-pja )I.4lDlAltub-ter Oree hoes, Booth .Bhoes,' , Cranberrits, :1, BB Cloths ice: fr.e.:l43rstao'hy - - TYLT:R. virEFALo„notte*„.Tark's . ,lsland Salt, 4alTy Salt jn D small'“lekitoilsolfielrtr6 Mal pfkialls, and iron, b 7 • - 31.0.TYLEIL., nTED 104 tuslibligotl4Vbiie Beans, and any Aviantlty ofDried Apple!i byLtrvxs a 4 N. 310IltrO5e,1'tOTOMber7. •' ' iIENTLENIENINIAIng to bap Clothe enitabtefer winter u clothing wilt do well ta call At Ta a anti's. 13 0 PIVII andlfactier el it ' ' ll Oet.tr 28.- tssi: WASMI...-Irlostuetabelif,Lari). Duller beekk, Tan low,Beqr) . 4,oldPwerarsOnSou • -- • .• • " ' " &ante A Sieslrfandiatilratadeafart- apnea ad forialaby • , ' - LTioNt & de:f - QCTIFIEB,Snat• 7 pales and Quseabang litenea 'l3 tale rlgttt by BZ.NTLEY I.r. REID • CLOCKS,` WATCHES JEWELRY, :a 11 trativati PROVIIIESOIta. Great Bargains, --, - - -, - - - -- Lc -- --- :i - -' tAttiViriax 4e;nti,i:sey, , - '"' 4"•. 4 . -•-- 1 t -- ;:i f , - -- I. lw.theeltlsens of - Ibutrose, ..--% ""- , ,- end tick:City, that he. .has,inst re", it:: -, --t - ' turntd trout New York with ,the ) ,! • / ,'. -.- ~..,.1 • largest, richest and best selected i - : ,I !ei - - .0. ( aesortm,ent of Vl' it t eh - CS, ~:.-- 4' f' ' t it; JOWeirTy.SirCer - .1 1 1/se re, it c .. °, , s !'• e,"," 2,...:,T* - Am. 'aver beforeeiferedin' Ding '-'. '::: ''''''',. b h•n o tn eg t b ‘°n t for 'r e h a ° sl, b i=t g l i trb s a w e VII A the I onest prl ee, and till articles-warranted es Teem), nleenleel. - N. li—Partlenlar Attention paid- to, repairing allkinds of Watches and Jewelry.. ~ - ~. - .. - e 7 ;•Courtstrilet, nearly opposite the Phernlx lintel. Illlnghamton,'Oet.lo,lBso. -- -.- I...„CANFIELIt.':, !,erii .- cirers per pllats if not raid subscriPtion, until lir:enrages Publishers. ' .31 . ?Ain to re! fflce, ehOuld ho ontrosei !San. . „ The' Good Thu . !' , Illaw , Conie -, TILE subscriber has this day ret trued 'trona - liars York with a large and.crell select • d. assortment of Goods to which ho would call the attention of hle mg had the advantage of years experience In this vil ego, he:flatters hilt:melt that he. Well understands-the' tastesiari.l wants orbit; patrons. • • ' • • 4 , Areanghle stock will be found upwards of 40 tllAerent styles of Gold and rtilver Lever and lapine, Watches;, Gold Y,l4 ; Fob and Guard Chains; Band Bracelets, Box. and Stone do PCI2B and PCIICHAj - Thltublvi; spectaties, , Belt Minks aud Slides, : Watch !icy s, Lockets,' Brcasj Pins,Finger Maize and Ear Bingo. i , A large assortment of Silver Spoons , Forks, Butter] Hilts es, Cups, Napkin Rings. Thimbles', Pen-holders anal Szietacles. - Also, - an extensive variety of Plute,l•Wer.. 11/11 Castors; Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Fruit, Stands :1 enuffers and Trays, Toast Rucks, Spoons and Forks,andi rifull variety of Cutlery. Fancy Artieles.Clocks. etc. These Goods haring boon selected .with great care bothivith regard to qullity; pr ‘ ice and style, the suhserl., her Js confident that he will give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage ALFIt6I) .1. 11F-Vill,Washington-st. Binghamton, Nov. 7,1850. lees Store• sertious, -$lOO I • 25 fa 50 4.00 • • 6 3_oo eqiutiee.. 7.0 D '3D 00 ctcd to the bu• rge usFattnent - to execute !CallrEl3 and des- lion constantly TVB. Lover Watch,.- nr-d WI Unit to • A tateigaaw lltechntsititts. , -- .T. A. SISTGLETON (Pupil "Of Lltherland; the Paten d o tee, and late with it. Reshot!, Liverpool.) etinmeo =TER, antl PATENT LEVI:11. WATCH MANCrACTUTLER RI compll mco with numerous mfluentlitl, and , OrlrOCP solicltettms to rema'n In Montrose,l have consented, o condition that I meet pith Unit oncouragemr& find - op proral which it shall be my' constant study and interesl 1 to merit: '. , . _ -' • . -', ,- - • In addition _to the Mar:infant:min.; Department, J. A. S, undertakes effectually' to REPAIR every description or 1 Geneva Musical Tableaux, Repeating end other watchosi , 1 Walter with Automata, iilectirolfm, however complex, The dis.vreezildejarring CO prevplynt in spiral music.and ' sajustly complained of.thoroughly eradicated, more par . ticularly s t i in Inmate! Boxes. - • ' It must ho. admitted that, in connection with. anal In OdltiOni tolthedretlcil knowledge, or r.spoculative no quaintancedt is inclispensibly requisite the ort,r, an 'should be prsetically - famillar with the complex natnro - of that delicately minute description of machinery referred to.— Thisounlidcation. and this only. renders the artist nom• potent th accomplish with mathematical accuracy. - If upwards of forty yearrt ne.shtnon4 and practical per ; Severance in the construction of imrions approved escape- I erns for the more accurate moans of moasurlng. Time. iin conjunction with unione specimens of Automata row in his pOssession. together with the high patronage en joyed. preponderates in the stale of scientific nvprohat!on then.l. ~.A..S. unostentationsly presumes he has. some pretensions to the ttenfiaenee of there honoring him with the room-rends. N.lt—lo:cupv a window in the Drug and Variety Store of Mr. Abol Turret!. Montrose. March 6.1951. . - nitrnm Ihave Inn encouraged by the rert, patronage received, to lilt up my shop with tlati inißest and beet emortment of goods erer yet hzonebt to thia marl:A— loft maple round neery.bing 1, ougiogton,le'vehw and fen. 6, store, G loa.Cloelts ',Watches, of every ,!eseri tion. fuming Flu:d:patiorand ao'nman ham: Sruit.!.h at' this time Ia the I) at thdolln use for a good:end Olean You can lint them enly at TRAJE'fi. SL. unto, November 20.18G0' . Notice to Railroad .Men. , IlEsubocriber has this day rect.:rod ',nether inroive cf T Patent Lover tVatclics. per Atlantic: . These Watches are from the manufacotry of Joseph .7.1;:n son. LiverpOol, male ntpressly to order for the snk4criber. with his nlone engraved on them, with especial referenee to the wants of qaiircrel A..tv t s Anl. others, wiohing per feet time. They are in Beau F.ilver cases. and •W:11 easel in gold, neatly style and quality, to coder. • Binghamton, Washington-st..-10 A.. 1. EVAICS. ifERCITINT'S Gargling 011,Trask's Mamietteattalaar. l in Cod Liver nil, Townsend's : I .th:lm:rine. Vanglin'sl.l - Pannera.o.ll of Dr. Jayne ' A Medicines, Dalley's Pain Extractor: P in Killer, Dillow's grave. -Cute, mod most of the appmsed. Patent lifeleincs of the day, it opt constantly on hand by 13t' TLEY 2t. READ. 200 Silver. Tare. - ftONSISTING 6f Table. Desgert. Tea, Cream. Mustard, kJ and Salt Speas; Sugar Shovels. Sugar Tone:s. TALir and Dessert Forks,ll utter warranted e4ual toe:dn. (Thern red irratls.) by A. ;T: 557 Pi eces ='rev W l are tla tett, nodft en n. •„ ri " ... Silver eon Ptfmr of Ter, Desert. Cream and Ittg ard Spoons, els. Forhs - „t c.; Engraved gratis, at L. CAN PTELD'S„ QlLtEft Spoons-Pork's; and KllllVCS,Trarratitcd the best manufart tired ha Arnerip, at .- T !WE'S: Tn 4 last of the ,d dsz -- .'200 411 , icksis none butmore of the same sort is on the way to Trues Jehreiry shop. • W iches Watches 1 • OLD sad silver, Lever and Lepines full jowled and IT plain.n hr—o assortment at the very lowest prices and_eratranteif. Ilhighamtor., Oct. 14,1530.. L. CA FIELD. . . • The Richest' •-• •.. sever offered In Elnglitunt:44.l7 Wt A o 're . l7 o .7 ch a a_ nd re oth b e y r jewelry in. qui3ntitirs D.TROIV24IIDGE. . , Gold Lockets. SI aLE Ana Double of every size; by . 131a;bamten.1 - A, J. E CA!+.:S, Wasbin'grir-St • , Very Fine ( "OLD WATCHER perfect timo keepeis. ' Also sllsm Watcbos,all watmtitimt, A. J. EVANS. . Gold: Chains, OCKETS. T6imtalcs,S..pecks, rep and Pencil enFri; U a fullaszoitment at , . L. CANFIELD'S; NEW ARRIVALS I 13 in fall necelpt of.his Fn If,B .! . 14 , 0000, which uttsuatlylaT ck l g o aata ° ompl sc' taary and Staple Dry Goods,. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, iron and Jluils, Boots and tihoes, Cookiuz,. Parlor and Shop Stoves, Buffalo Robes, Hats, Caps, &c. inclading.in_ particular, al urge and splendid ai sortinCnt of- . . and Winter Long'Sw6.; . to all of - n - hritt would inritc the attention a all who are wishing Goods of the best styles; 'road at pricer that cannot bobcat. for cash of prod ace of all kinds, In eluding Woolen llocks.Fiannel, Pork, Qrain t &c.ln any, quantlty, Now-Milford, Not-7.1850. . - • - • • INT:11.-Ceirse ittul Sult.,'a4tirlogr kept 'Coll.'. tautly On biml. •• • ' • §til Rolling pio:iA ew 030d8 in AS tTte lii tit bY . ltiutlgfutton.' , `'MILE subscriber is receiving Wary shipments,o' almost every kind of Goods - which no is offorlng very cheap forth. -ready fohn,:e ' . , tt i‘ Ile Iro old tender his svarmesttbants to the p ablicinn especiagly to those whc have bren libergi In the bet tow ineotortheir patronage; and 'vim Elelllto feel IQ act; that the aferchau t needs pay FOLtIe.t.SMO this cerhtry,anil.he would most respectfully ask a continu ance of thsirfitvors. : t . Sl. C. 'I.:I7LER.• ~ Montrose, NOmemberli,lBso - • • -. FA LL.-GOODS.:•' ISAAC t. POSTBi - 00.- . . A." jwtre.ieiiiug n4nlxiliLtot of.FALT. nooDs.=: :Our cn+tureer3 emu rand, at the old - AM:I faM9S t nay thing they,derirefit TEO . anbscritoTis rece!On7, a freA T- Vail and Winter Quaas.: pleas° tall angt•ramtne. ; Mantras°, Oct, 29,18p0. ,T,.WEBB. . . YD".' of that, Ed iir4tigarin - d BSge p r int 109 U ' jest reFelyedau , d r :tlV, , hiiztic•at prices 'paid kinds of We are offer em , 7 7 & ' 'lotto - id; Nov. flgth; 'so.' • Fall toe's:of:4)4li fIOKSIS iho in pastor-PAY ' , tete Shew/e. lm 1,,j do., lileines,t.eslneres,Or'4ines. eilks,Telsets; Oa la Plaids i ltoselery. fotei, Comfortert, Sildgings, thole:o. 4 eteek hY ter to lie round., • Mee:Ceps, Puffs_ Collars.liitt!.Yells. While Gotsda;CerOet Sezt,Fiermelt; .41,,WbIte,p.nd"Plalde x Ifilirsellianki-ts; huffale Robes sleigh. BeilsollThips.Osas, Sews and' stosesahirSerire. Tron,Sglls,steel, tiro eariesef any description. Crockery, Glare w re. saddlery. Oil Clothe, Carriage .Trimmings. is north logld og at. muffle:id/Iv ,eye toes, mill. Montrose; '. •• •X. POST :eta: AIIINTMEDICINFS.—Nteichant'n garglinr.; Oil; Dil!; lowi Rowe aitid :4nd Green Viationit, . Davie' P lUe*,Prlnd'e E.xtract Ifase4 WI? eValn E* tinctor,Uthontriptle,Sartgan'esithi. lid th'a Nejlents, Dr. Caddie', Galynofn Belts ; do Brpf 0 Salaam, Off of Dr.Jsynenlindleine's, dn„ constantly on hand.- ARlNA.CornEtareb and -facaraal at • Octobei2B. U. J. wars PIW - GOODS New. Goods. And -qll ther Come - STOVES HARDWARE, Sce; -I . - - 'Stores, Ware, and illpe. • t eiWrik sr 'af !burs, corm:ln.:in; - July . .ur..Y Stone State Air Tight cooking stove, for ' RalaiaPo Et, Paterson and Pater 11!13urning wood or coal, the best in use- . yon .& -H u d son River 'R ough aud RCadydoublo oven cooking stove. ..... NI, A Z S igit. 0A D -. • 'Elevated ' '• do ''. do do do 1, e avo 8 it ft v rre I'D op tit at , ,L, o ic l a o r c e k Ni l e: mu - I T : 7 k at t .. 7311 Premium Victoria do do do, do i l D't!ockr, i t : - A. g. 1 'Empire Stato ' . "'do -do *6 •',r 30 min. P. 31: s'il 45 min. P. 34 'Clinton Air Tight , •,' do do similar •rnAtss. ;Clinton Sizes and kinds of Parlor Stoves for wood or 1,;..t," d 84 1 1 :'''' 4 DePol• .1 Zaare Nein-York . I • o clock 30 min. ;A. kl. 6 o'clock ' coal. ' ' - 'Or on thearrival of the }Alo Emilie gale? East. ''4 Sizes or G plate Stoves. • ; rAir.V.ite.Ori 'l'll. l l 'NS. - pa*aPaterton at I 1 Leare New-York. ... Coal and Wood Stoves for shops, school houses' clock k. 31.31arket-st 1 o'clock 30mIn. A. id ihe best in use. • • 8% ' •••• Pat ' n Dep. 9 1 "30 .' - • Copper, brass, tin and' iron stove ware. 'l2it M. I . ` 4 ‘ 11 " h P. N Russia; English, and, American Stove Pipe. • 4.3 i 4, p. 31. '., . • ia aiitls 41 . ~ , Market-at. 5 ,'' 4 Slo ll 9. Titioind Zinc kitties, etc., for sale by the 7 ~ " ...lisivAit 'CHAINS. , - 100, doz., Or single, nt the Eagle Foundry Depot. berme Paterson net 1 .Leave New-York at WU LSOlsi Co o'clock A. 31. Market.st. 6 9 o'clock A. 31 ' • A' " P. 31.Pat'n Depot. 1 6 's p. 31 -----:-- ' N.D. On ,Meadaymorningthefirat tit l e frontSuffern't will leans at 723 Min. or on tlic arrival the Port Jerrit The 7 35 A.M. and 5 45 o'clock P. M. trains, from New York, will not atop at any station north of ax, cept [lock Rood nail fleholis. ' 3he tridar which leave Nils , Totk at 7,1 i A Id and 54' P M will he in time to meet the Ode tralns,moming and ming'. go! Such ng IVoct, at Suirim Depot. ' Arum t '22,1830. Nontmt , e, Nov. 26 ; '5O EAGLE - FOUNDRY ! Ware- 1?oom .in 'Lyon .4* ;Chandler's • • = .114 4 Building. ' • • , A !retinal' nssortm'nL of ' eoolcing, Parlor. Shop:and:Coal StoreS,' . Store pipe,-ElboWs - .• Zinc, Sheet, Iron, • . Copper. Brass, Wire, Bar 1r0n,.. Nail Rods, round & Square • _ . Cast - Steel all sizes, "- • • - " 7'6 square r • Iron, all sizes, • • Side Hill - • • ; . Green Sward; RecelSior, 'Genesee 'Monter Plows,Straw .Cut ters, Corn Shellers,Saw Arbors, • i.Morticing Ma - Shines, Mill Cranks, ;llolancelVhOels; Pots," Dish Keilles, Spi iers", Tea liettleS, - Brajle • Um brella Stands.Puwps, Leadipc, Shingle Machines, Scrapqrs, 1 ,Sleigh• Shoes, Jack Screws, All kinds of Castings oh' hand or mad to order— :did. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Warp on hand, orintitle to order.' 'W . ILSOI•I 'SI CO. Montrose, Nov. 5,1850. • . iiford - Stove-Depot. 1•450.- ET 81.;!MITT has Inst received .a nev assortment of 11 1 Store a, irrelnding the most_npyrovcd kinds t)t• Mr Tlght,and common Cooking, Parlor, and Shop Stoves, It tissia mad contownylpe, Sheet Iron. and Zino, kotot Thbes,&e. &a., to trhtch the attention orca sit purcha• cfp. and the publlds-lnvited, and whieh wilt be sold at very low 1.,...jff.1.,;.:1tr cash or approved credit - ire:.Septc:r. 1850. - ':Stove, Tin and Copper Ware. THE _Ftdv,,zribvrA hart. just purvil n larLre vtnek of.Stnri•ii, Tin anel C , :p,-t Ware. 0107 01-t4 to Ele , th ,- .11;) . fl. it. LAT!I :;01` S. Co. The 1,1.e..4:..73`4}VE.: THE !:, th ri ror 1; 4 "r 'i 11V FTC ,"( 0 , • N Ll:l , 't ''; , •0- '4:2E2,11 -)f.,:7,1';'., • Td)ntrose and Lanesborn', ANE min revel vinrr a IP rfre roul asgnrtreent el GenJt. will be void cheep for cosh S:mr.ings. Tielclr.r, Barring. %Vending. DOI- Ce:lowrinri Woolen Yarn, 'Carpet end Knitting Yarn. Ilicrdel,rl4 and llasrltuer&s, Owners and Cnrp-t It , gs. Trunks. Illaelr,Bluo and 0, cen inpan t rl Want, Cr et:ery end W:rre, llnrdtrare, ke.— S. ''rlisllc4.l. r tilver!Fed out: N 0. Sugn rs, Coffee - Moto s.F.es, Black :cod Croon Teas., !'or<, Macke, cl, Cotlfl.l:h r Caudles, . s'itdee r - d::e. - . 1 , - BOOKS' .S• ST....IIVONER.Y. . iVr aro rrreivinu r. ta gnfl .tn!utMallAnds fsrhnn ilnu!.r.(L'n French, (ireek and German) lilt Writ. Aistores. Mitter/Inneons Wight, Sediral Roultx. Ca - d=.l'hsur and Note Paper, 1;4. &e. Those n want 0' Rooks nntl Stattuntrywill please giro as a call, as eve htratt ttt sell ettrap far each. STOVES AND. IRON WARE. • I Cool:ink, Parlor-Shop - nal doniStoces.Pfpe. Elbows Store Were, Iron Seraptra, Plows, Corn vhollerg, straw tune a, Plow Paints, etc., t Lnuu,bore'. PORK. SAL 2' 4. FLOUR, by tho bbl. ottiorrrise-LC.nd!es by thr box or lb—also, Nails. Class, Paints and Oils. • S,IRSAPARILLA. • Old Di. Jaeob's.s. Ton.,“end's, nn l S'Antrrsarsa trarilla —75 cents per trottle. LYWCS & CILANDLEIL ; Ilontrose sta L neshorn', N0r.7,1550. i Blatchly's lows, T3llsehs-..rilwr tronld Ileum hls friends and the pub Ile. that he Is nosy manarartnrino the eeltbrated 111.Arencr Pcntrs at ,the old stand of 0. Post Wayne Co., Living ten &MM..% and Skinnerii Eddy Ploseit aid esstines on hand Rerdring done on short riotleo. Ifaring made on .arrangement with a ma chinist, ho io preparod to make and.4lt.uptmost kinds.of machinery no *hot.: native and on reasonable terms NI-tnt4 - o;e, Ft.br nary 17.,1551. • _IEII. MILLS, IRON—Enzllsh and S'SiedLV. 41 , 111” , hats. Fultr.blyn. Drag 'Teeth by • S.ll. SAYRE & CO - A — • good Reeond hand cooking, ftere,.also n peed nca cut ter, for Eale,clicap at - Tor.r.ELL'a 1 7 GRIS.-41ingbamton-Montrnsel:4l:ittnen; Eddy Pand Mott and Fuller'sMoughs and Caskingv,cong.tant e on hand by S. U. 81YILT: S. Cu. -CLOTHING. - Bopms: BOOTS, &a ... Notice to ' New Seasonable Pall:dad Winter Ooails.at the . _ Great One Price Store cif - E. Si:: L1EN , 4 7 11:1f.7.1%, Grrrtt 'Mead{ !'n. lIECS leave to take this opportunity of tendering his sincere thanksto his friends and custorneis. for the generous patronage they _have 'extended ro him ; and at the same time Inform then, tha t he brut just returned from Xew York with a vexy,large and chol, c selection of Fancy and Staple Dry 04.14. JVAO n fr‘l.sh and eaten sit cassortment of Graceries; Provieldas; Vont: , and Shoes, flats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery. Zia., Drugs and Medicines, which will be hold for cash end produce at a very email advance at prices which defy all compctitiOn: Flour, Pork.Flsh, Sal t, whnielmio and retail..*.he undid also:remark that:he a 'her,sstrktlY to the FYSECITI of al. ways u min; lite lowest price at Ont. thel-eby giving the dame advantage to all who may favor hitetiwith their pat. . Great Bend ,Cletlatitg ~4tore. , ThelargeSi, best and cheapest assortMent of Ready I.lmie Clothing in th.a , Village of (treat Rand, . Pa., Broad' eloths.Doe Skins,thisaimems and Vestingti of all qualities euitatde for the Fall and Winter Trade. wljicli he offers at such pticei , as to satisfy any one that thisis the place for them to deal. in consequence of the great;lnerenee of hi• business he has been obliged to greatly enlarge his stock,, 'which he now 'n'Ters to his friends, .nd the public for' ex •amittation: coddent that In so dnin g thee will find A:sille.` thing tn their advantage.: . The subseribifr has made Me, raneementSto tn-tauracture elottilogin ail its vnrinits branches, and Is nowpropmed to sell the otm,, warrant ed to bear Inspeetion. 'Custom' work' and cutting done, at the latestityle andshnttestlnotice,-..nlyn;la of tall. ore'llimAonn furnished and for tale. _D .notferget the spat.. Store nearlkoppodte the Itabslon Tense. - - , Grit - it Bend,Sept.,lBso. ' , : • *l.4S', Ll:ma:rm. • • - .1300tS :='_hoesA . • AnooD assortment of Beata ~fc ; Shoes .embracing Men% coarse andflne C. 014, I.foy7s 800 E and S,ltoes, acaen's and 3.l4res ditto— , also • ' • lothing - - ,Embraci r rt a great ttri...ty of oto reoitt, acta, Tweeds, &o.: a largo vaile 4 7 of Seats from oablltings npvrardx.. 'andn good nastittmOnt - of Pants;' Snirta,' Dratrere and Bats &: Cap s; - .andit'itr ; Midi; VtirOltittcdr, 010th and glat. ed tapa,lll it rash! on tt, for metr,l,boTa and obildien. .Books - BtZtationery.:-. - and3liseellnueougllcolo, Staple una Fancy Sta. ttonery, , irdo; , inkstanda," P'enrackic- Pcnliabee, and a groat. Wilittir. Or rano , ant felon too numerous to .onttrac:, tate,just rectit•cd at • EULLEIt'S, • .• Fi t iipor ab ove Searle's 11 imtusn, 0r.t.25, 7E50. .." ' ,__ --..., I • 13 1.,- L .;-. - 2 , •..:' BOOkb ;:'•:.DOCI.Ks . ANEW siiitplyprElni:i3lqqt -rreelved. - fric!udlnglill theicitale used in tlieNrW Aaiveiti36 , "AbGilviTv iii... Mlieic;l:et ter and raiifttpui,'lrirtlisjownsi ralce - *Ept,.. , 5 , .-!' .' ' - : - -. i.: LYONS &SON. traETLble ..,., • - - • . . inivniTOnSiv 31610111 nstrnlone, Emrmaii'i , ,F,ays f IV A v srtfin c ,Ci r rtipn by,tiviiir; acvicu-nr-tnei'Mest•an - Wgr.t.jMitot!ln.nri , , nook of iform R. !) ',v , iniktcneri iligenry. 'rifltio iteormitlantatP:'r rc•:- ''• . . 1; 1, -, t rtzia•! 4 FON. , , • -- •g - )$. A , ER f-V., ai r 'sriftiotitt.ofS.ri)Ool .t mile or retail? by -!, , - LitONS : oretrnso..- Nov, 26,-!5(t.:-- -Bildii - -iandhotitEri NE3 , 7 supplf.of Gantt 'a lap: andir D I Ladies 'Pante, Shoes, a a n nd 6llppersi?.l ire a eir Sept:'4, 1650. GEO. . 1118.14 aper twdaViadoer Cirrtaine, Wood palleJlatter ar stamps tad lailew, iflothee pine, baskets /ce.,relllog c 4r2 P bY T,YUVc.kSOS. ALBANY & BUFFALO, New York LS.- Cayt!ia & us- (Wellman:* gall iloads,; Seneca and Cayuga Lakes: . EVERYBOOY.'S ['SET LINE' i i ..,ll:,co,,i . erllnrs are now proparedtoreele . ive Fit EIGHT oral/ tzra L., at the followingnotate, viz: Buffalo; At IC4: ttacia, ticr , ca, it °attester, Cananda us, Genera, ()neaten, Ovid. adi, Dundee, Landing, Jef crson, Havana. Harsehends, Corning, Elmira Factoryville,SpringPort, it adder's Ferry, Auro:o. Itha ca, Candor, Owego, Union, Binghamton, Great Bend banesboro', Deposit, and Hancock, every, day in the week ISnuday exceptcd,land continue with regularity throng, out theAcason. They will attend to forwarding the same !tithe IS:MV York Market, wane it will receive the person-1 at rittention.ofcaperienerd salesmen, who wilt attend to the selling of the name, and return the proceeds in Bonk- ; able fundsa either of the obOite points, to the following persons: , - II affalO,Storehouse of HenryDaw ;Attles,Storehowm of, If enreSyford; Botofia,StorehousealinclusA. Smith, Bergen,Storehouse ~f Donfel McPherson; Rochester Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge; ellanandagon, Ofilte o .IVulter,Coreoran;_ Genova, C. , Lawrence; ~Dresden - Store hens, of 'Whitney & Monell lOvid,Vergnson Jr.. Sprague ; Lodi; Dundee handing, Storehouse of T. Tuthill & Co. Jefferson, office of E. 0. - Norton on the Pier, flacons officeofJ - . F Phelps; Millport. sloreofJ. Stull ; Horse tirade. office nfJ, A... Ferrell; Corning, store of.Wm..P Arnold; Emaira, storehrinso of, Thar:Min & Inghram Factomille. store of Charles 11. Sheplund; Bedder'. j Ferry Anrora. store of ff.& G. P. Morgan ; Ithaca, st 05 of lr. if Drake; Candor. stoic of S. Ilsrager; Owego. o race of N.l ; L'nlon, store of C. .N. Wheeler , Tlinelv..niton, office of James Shahs; Great Bend. o incei 0 P. t'hurchill .; Lanceboro'. sflicenf F A. !Yard; 5 , ore of Ensnint-& Doan; Ifa ncor,t. - store of Allison ' & Recces. 7; 4 Binghamton, W%!. varrmny. Dresden, t f GEO. P. MGNELL, do. NAM iN'TEL ELL 4. Owego - A 0 - 1-11N , r?.-11uffttltl. 'terry Dltir ; Attire, TI,TIVIS BS (bid. 11.1ta '1 Stlnl lb 11-nten, Daniel Mc'li r ,, -1- - 01,0 4 tr. rairlittriltft S. Carutnll2.2l.t.t., t er n ;leaf:VD, O. I.:lnternee; rlvid.Perguson & : Landing, Tntbill & tlu.; Jo% .rb - in;: : Pllelrts; , J. ; ~4-11ea,1., J. A VerreltiAr nttltl: ThurmanYrKlirritu Factoiyv - ‘3 II AurnrA. Ir. P. Mnrzau P. IT ('nine. Whee.m. n.„,1 1,11. P - rtr.,Yll: L;tneqhmo'. P. A. Irani; Pl. ru.it !: , 13 ' 713 u, IP! . . 17.., IT 1. , ,, erk, ill!Eop Sr:Reeves.. 4 11;131. f7f4 Ick ~rlnt, ” pl the haqlreaß ihrangho s ut the whole re. 1.1 I retelve an .1 RII all ariers foe : • r e ' Vtlgh• e? kte which will be bouzllt •nt the litive.t whalcsalo price. In vest Yoet, anti torwarlca to any of the abo?c , named Depnis. 32—tf New Flage Arrangem•unt at Great • rr:TY: two Dnily Vneg Of Stays frva Croat TO•nd tC J. lfnatrate wilt hereaftar leave :he liadrtad oti C. C. Smith in the immediate ritlntty of tile Depot. lows r At 4A. In and 6P. M., on the arrival of Var.. Raid trains f ro m xso:Xnrit. ongrtn4 thodigh Nevr 3iiifi.rd • to Adonts.nre. whence a Pall line rut , in c, uric:Con thew with to Sor.ingvi Ile Tunkhannnelt and Wilberlinrre . , another via. N rhoiron, Vactoryville. Abington Centre; Prnvidenee and Hyde - Petit - to Soren tontn, thr.e plocre bettie alone the - iine of the Lettgtts Gap. Rat:road ) Re trirninn. the stado leaven S,rantonitt at 4 A Th.p:,, ,, Fing through 'he :Owe titleet to Itontrose. oh once the linen leave 13 rt no to reath the Great Bond Depot before the train. Eart. - • , • Also. a Dolly line leaven Railway II of-mil en the arrival • f the noon train from the Wert f r Carbondale Summermille.New Milford ; Ilarfard. Lonna nod Dun . . doff. TRUESDELL SiCO. Great Bend. Jan. 2P-1551. 6 tf MISCELLANEOUS 'ADVERTISEM'S D . DR. S. E. CRAIN, Gal:an- Pl:vs ician takes thistneth .3 of informing his [dewier:nil the pubic in {Central; that be has located In the of Orr, go, c,,noty of Tioga. and ruts cdahlislied a permanent office over E. B. Ilulart's store. audio read) to attend to any businets in the line of his p. ofession. lila superior method of arriving at a correct diaLmosis In (lISCASU, and his unparalelled access In treating Ma various diseas 73 Incidental tO the human sytern, more especially those of an ciente. Subacute, chronic, or 'corn.; pheated character, are atl that is neceFsary for him to el le, to the invalids and diseased of every character toenti tle him to the confidence of a (Recriminating public.' For the benefit of those unacluainted with his method . . of practice he would • say. Chad, ho describes disease by a chemical awl microscoplcalexamination of the Urine. Pe,sens may semi or' bring their Urine in it' clean (at least two onnee) vial, the first In the morning preferred; and as a recordjs keptof, all the. cases examined;the name and age, of the pstletit :de .also required. No charge-l s madefor Cathnining ' aCasc where no medicine It taken. his medicines are pzineipaily selected from the Vegeta= hie Ringdona, and die administered according to the Ger man Botanic 'Practice. . Re would also adtlitlia , he has at last made an impor- . ant discovery in relation to trepting diseases of a eaten lona origin. or Gravel: This is a all•rilar deposition, and may consist in erysta ine grains, of7a gritty harAf feel, but not dicinetly visible upon o' close examsnation; or It mriy consist in irregular slowed transparent ennevetions r sufficiently large to be readily distinguished - by the eye, and denominated cielcull. 1 • - The preparation that he has introduced Is Capable of dl.solving and holding In solution; ealcurons, or inten tions concretions, which Is the seuree of irrliailen, and very often eatensire inflareakions cif ; the trinia.ri organs, the ehy alind idg Eke same to escape; . References-eau be had at ItiAoffleel.. . m persol -living in alt the Western counties of the S tat, of Ness tone, F.'ennsylbonia,3liehlean. &e., who bad been, sen up to Wu by the most skillful physicians. hearing et m and seating ihemsolvo of los skill - hare. been rnetart to. good health.' The gePat Gerniaft Remedy. fir Female WI krtctions. Warms, Croup and Dysentery:may always ha faun of the Office. D. S. E. MAIN • . Owego; n 153 - 1. . sTliOLOGY r —TllECelebtlited Dr. C. W.:31/BACK, 41-Profenif of Astrdlimy ; •Astronomy,DbrenclOgy. end tleomaney. aorabincA with. CO NJUTTAT/011',from Ewce-- tbm. OffP•e No: 71 LOCUST Strcel; ,Philadephia,.: offers gervlces to - the.dtizeom of .[Thotrose. Ile has been consulted by all the ez owned bads of Vurope, and en- Jove a higher remitation as en Ast . toinger than any c calculated according to Geomaney i•l3. Genticmen,,s.s. •; Persons at a distance can b ace their nativitics dram) by sending the date •of the 'date M 'daihail. birth: All lettea contalniug the above fen re-eivelrnmeliate attention, Nativitiese'sene te any part orthe world Written on ; dUrable - paper; 'and he Is prepared to moire use of his power by conjuration on any of the following topics:—L'eurtslop hdriceglren for the oureeFsttil cot omniishment aWealthy marriage, he has ttv , iirier toiletlallia such as itre given to the use of the bottle; and for all cases - of bawd; and for •tl.e recovery ofstolen or lost property, and - he mirthasing of lottery tickets.; 'Thou•ands Of theabovenomed easesliare been done In this city 'malts vicinity, end in the United Stet ea to !befall sett s faZtion.o t all 10,000 . No tivites ur 'Hero. oscopes have been cliff during the last font' years while here. Letters will answer every purpose, and will do as well as to call in penton, *nllo[llllll Is .now sd safe that po sons need not tear to trust money' through,,•he Post Office. ,Dr. Robot% receves fnim . 000 to 1000 !titers monthly, and has never missed one," - All letteiyiwill . be relialourly attended to itprerpsid—For particulars call at the Democrat MEC+) and get an Astrological Almanac. I C. 11 7 .• ROBACII. ; • Locust at. ahrrro,Eightb,Phtladelphia. ' rt.7•Tie particular to mention the- Posf-ofliee. connty and State. ' • • • .• -11,1 y IVlerdraan's New Saloon. A MERRIMAN revpeetfutiy annottneento the public, 11 tltst be hos removed hIS Orocem and Salton to hie nPWltuildintv, opposite Searle's hotel. which Sm has - fitted Up. in Style unsurptssed, fdr the accommodation of those who may think lilm deserving of their patronage.— the route? rooms, the gentlemen, ere spacious and etc. gent; and In addition be has furnish( d, In appropriate style, two roonfs exp , esssly forlite aeentumedati9u of l a . dice. No effort ' 4 171111) 6 trtnting on the part of the proprietit to lo he hlossloon a n'ent.arit resort. 'trndlm.e,.Vnr-14, 155e--4ema , P, Ir ill . les 3-. e.incy; g 9.... A.. O &C. • - v Itrs4Trunimaoltne , . Trio, Extract s Minotaur 0.11.40:t .V. 'Murton , Poddide, heare7oll,, .Barry . 1 .Trlvolikexclu, unclother nssuru for the heir 31111tury. .pliaring . Eottp; Wen ut OH clo ILV We itaie.Almoncl and' Sassafras Soap, superlor articleFfor the Toilet, to be found nt --Montrooei October2F, 185(1•• • . J. LYONS & SON• —_— len Rock. .0 GOO - Wan - ted:.-2-I,llr.ude7..rAn.i.)oo borhal;Ozlttr, 100 StinepPalts,say quantity of Whent, Caro: Rye and Bu tNs t •• JOUNSTOY &VERY' Ilarford, IssoJ • - • Furs! - Furs! flASlrpaid for Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Martin and Coon alcirohlw ' • M. C. , TYLER. Montrose, Dec. 11,100. ) DRUGS, MEDICINES, die. if 2; le: lip • . ,jr4t",los fil IN RA ell 160 T11;g- 4 3NrTetge res sfsf te, piece Jaen a day—One bads ootadolng 64 doses 4 4 Twenty DRT 3 / 4 MAO yer Soak as Sir Saito forliSco. Mariltirs.:-ZWlNEa r lrlga _ EXTRAci js nets part op fa QUART BOTTLES, Mal 4 ot earn,, medke .trayt and diem / as tbat fa the smart bod e The freest *opulently of Vent pVILITtEIt Ores SSIIsAPAtot, AgSl en other si ell I ar awdicmer, say le muna meaarobs *loaf Anon the following theta. 6'utsr—because it act ed . as patinae of iht laedscattou, the Pant Earannt Sarsaripzilla, Yellow Dock, cherry' and Stuosarras Borki, ware atom* more P.rerig4Co...eatrak4 an/ UV.' fawn tw A , d u r e „„ thew purifiers in each baffle of It Mancini be ruz.l in soy bottle of akedicine r called Eartrutt of ainkopantla But, &Icon my—because Tbbi Pars. alga proe m melted efficacy sod 'ltalian sheen of several other 'toots, Darks, and Vegetable*, trio Penh , errio properties of which are prord. sePtie/01 SonaP.ifht, end when New are annpounded wIW Sans,. rat. Vdter Moak Cherry, and Suissfers, they realm the earths Suortcsr6sie and edict Purifier at' the Blood h oor',L u Don. bSu nue is this, that to bane may daired meetaado o l m 0 - aly One. Tablespoonful, area timee a Boy. flue ft la not so with Extract of Saneomprllia, for in column :0 1 0 1 ft { satdmtaiioo Oa large bottler) being 'so much vreakeo.4 and reduced the Dose of Sarsaparilla has to ho Tar Three, or Afore' Tobierseeshtle—Tnate, Votra„ or M ea t Jo s . Day, to Mote say me:twat effect; and as a bottle cl Sara npnrilla only holds shay/oar roomfuls, therefore, so v.,. spoonfuls a: a don, and so oszsydosesos day, will a sa MAU° or it in Pony, Flys, oiSiz Days, which show that a bottlecf Bran.ol Purifier, Will hut fay Twelve to 'Six - eon DAYS Moyer than a bottle of Bans partite; and if its - daily reedkaleditany On maw dorm) bo o eIIItIFYI ND nod If eactisa as the ditty awns doom) of 8„„ b parilla, then it PROTCS that One bottle of.this Pvelrtuy Worth Vow, bbar, or Fit, Ikea mom than a bottle of Sots arilla.' • • Quhore Comparison doe. net yet show the ;wen kr,„ secs insethw botweiDn the medioal ofleacy of Bestirs return and SAILIAPANILLA. Vile will appear by the is ntificelts take in Brants Pamphlets, showing that ONE BOTTLE OF BRANT'S' PURIFIER nal more efEcacy, and mires Mai, &Toro blood dfrentr, ass TEN Bottles of Sarsaparilla: If, then, One Burma of ?carnet sells for One Doitta, Chas &Mc of Sarsaparilla should sell for Tea cent.. CANCEROUS .13CROFEM6. Itlr..J: B. USSR In of ilowt, Oneida Co., N. Y. Who was cog of Serofula in iftitcsarore to the fads as related below, la action In the Strramag Cover in the City of New York, imp. 25tti of Pcoantier..4B44, ander the fonowlng .circentstances,.., A peracnaAn the City Al NSW York hid manufactured s±4 .seeded a varloot oracle of medicine, .-calling it. Baran INDIAN Ueoicret, In !agitation ,itf gentitrui: seedkho. Win prostrated tO 'obtain den:ages, in the .Bumeme Conn': the City of New York, and the rase was referral by aye Coat .to J. C. Bostscrrn, Esq., 51 Liberty street, an eminent Lam. 113 /team to take the testimony, The defendant plead :3 mitigation of dzsrayes, that the Proprietors of Brant's Illedicits had to tarn.e.vlsta ,pttblighed rated STATLW.Nig of cam;,-; thus had committed a flood onthe public, and, therefore, ea nut entitled to datna;es. The owe of Dlr. /I.ukLit was sestet as being ! f ilm, and 'Hooking woe ronou as a wane,. tho Paces Dablighed.and his tertinsomy 'atm THAN , t:/rus t, C ' ho publication. ' Mi. BASKIN Mil, I sacra artptintial malt :Itrant'• Purityim It tract, Lore o.ed it In ,Slc , ,Ple. About tbrat years ,tut, I mai ‘,„, badly atocted by it; I roe anernted by I d , ictom.-limid all talcs could not hre—that a,. reednque cnald'cure Um In coominetred oath informotion, 1.. mu alma , b4'3re I aod Hr..% Pte , fire.l ,meth tae, Deb,. .oninuncedniing Va. Pernfler I bad been , oMM In My bid • tong time; I could cot mice my band to fay !wad: ay 11,yy tau One "CO lo fraat from Car re ear; nn. Ca/ WU., eaten net tcoti; rot it cuttl hi be Idled ',dined ofito ;dace, it only bobligg by a rimmat top; a 1.,.. mac roue rhroorA caY c,, , d arga...Zhca broth saut e mod out 'at ulcer t the hole; an moven ray obartliar Sete As my 14 analher was imam ann .tinily as lug., etheit bad eaten thrones le an that my halo could he footed into ;Mc okef en My mmestnle (moo my .boulder to. my elbcer ebicb lad eaten to each.* balm era; mbar dicers aim. I abed tretuk Praline. iiiesiedbierle.,o,,t, bottle !gotta thrtys days I was K. utak I only took too tlardt 3, epoonful at a dote; that bans inrsnsltsl4s.l coP,MI to enable rump uat or bed I the secomlbutile I balk t h e WI dose is spour4), etrenithetied me and baled my unto,. that 1-emm able )e yak milts to the drug tote of Niasol Lemma. at II; qtte Cantre.ebrry 1 a thsrurabottu this bents H BALE') ALL-My ULCERS, baiter Mal/ ~rid abent a. !wealthy. gal or my Ilvonb,itrid I the, mnitnign i Apppul. remod . I p.. - J.Tis Hutzter mar,. .bleb made • ?KAM? VII ler, and factored Itle to 'awl Isen4.l. FUR IFIILL FARM? cf3..t. SEX aR4Ao.s PAttrimErs. • , tcil..)fcr, , yref• I Hgll7 Ste', ry Curtly - 1 ate t T. I. LOI N lona born;"Gith If trc rt. I • te.; Yea% 1 ft alp; ; ol'ilitr , n_V .1 ctry, 1., . fut. lift. ulids . Lawri-Lre -1 Eids culla Ltroz. Est . Th - 6 ireopie's Triendl , .• . Dl:crewel; isnEnatLeo ExTaltoi.—An te. i traol the stvub cahtd f. iteh-borrt. art! purely too that with the'rxcertiot, ct a-17 tie Alrobto to ; rerem It will oure Meal pain and. inilamations. old feu fresh.w owe do antibru:Aes.i r i tcsond all, diseases ol ds bowel:- or e chronic n_.l ure, tooth•ache i ear-ache aal u ex,ellent dy forlen.ales,t,e It is truly whatlit rirafesses to be;-! the People', Frial , Providerxe temi scattered along the tugged patio oll:e many tiMags that coretr:,bute greatly to the comfort al ImpioncEs or every body; hence Abeir great ralue,el well may they be called lrrienell of the Peer!, on e word here toguard against Impwitien A man h the name : . •eftipenem-.. has manufactured and etre - T..lk 'sale a +spurious article called the Cdrial,Extraft,—tl:, would be extract of the hazel-nut:—toe gee-nine ha white and as pare as water. while the Spurious articled colored; which enables the public to distinguish; an e genuine, but those marked Pond't.PaluDestrot. lIATCI3, Mentrase, and store-keepers aria. divine-dealers generally, Agents . .:AQENCV OF Or. FIT- IFS elebrated. Illediethrg, • 314 by him Tritk chitipgaiihirt success in tLemu Cougha, COLlfunipticro, Catarrh, Asthma; Heart DI .sees, lippepFia, Gonnerbeta,ri:el, ' . Female Complain te, etc., etc. - ALSO ' ' Dr. S. S., Fiteh'P Abllomir al suliporters.shouldar Deaees,ltittaiingTuLea,andLeetttrerenCcinsumrt:en42l the azt pruserein g Life& Health to A ge. • . BENTLEY & BEAD have been appolnteilAjentsforta sale of the :Acme ri obits, a vil *lll keep them , orintantl!n a ta at their store. Netv Goods, ABEL lifftliELL Is. 1110 W rte.dring niarge and dts;i• asiortment of Gqo (eomreising nearly creryiLl wanted In this twat et3wh:ch wilibe sold e.rtremei9 ISli lei 4,7, 1 1811 orrealy. ray. 31y assortment, mm be eltri in pnit ds foliose : Drugs, illedicinei.; Chemicals, Paints, Oaf, Dye Stuffs, Groceries; Dry Goods, Hard ' y . wurr. Stone4eare, Glaso•icare, • - Clocks,- Ivaichei, Jewelry, Siker Spoons. S fee- . tacles, Instrunients, PriisSes; ilfetlicat instrinnints, Liquors, Perfumery. .44rrorR, Statitnesy,, Brushes; Shoes, Toys; Yankee Notions, thankful for the liberal patronage and auhrtantiaF , : . eOuravment hitherto rectired, t hope to merit end o' celve o. coetinuilheo of 41e same. ABEL TURPELL Montrose, Oct. C 4, 15.7 k, ,alu.able' _ . N is..rertment of Medicines prepared by A. 'Weedr , al, euasieting Znetnre. Spraln cad Rite bone Lineament Pain des tr.ping compound, Fper.f.e Mona Lineament, Iteeteratire Indram. Pet et LT.: on, Wintergreen, Cinnamon. hemlock, Sassafras, Ana seed, 4ce ;jest reeeised and for sale bp- . Montrose , . Dae.13,1850. N. BULLAIIII. • Physlanthrople quit best: remedy for 13 illiOthittackretiin (I r peak frra 1 experience) for mil° by, : • .C4 BALDIVIN, T &MP cub, the eheapeeitite*,fer tale by. LYONS & SON 7/. +vTEC ANTs , , Camphor Gum, Pepper lava L. 4 Mustard,ustard Letter PaperiTerine,ttlacklnir, and .IrWta, Ste., by ; - I n DULLARD. Zdn de.. Ind en. Logivoad, Alto, IN if rolf,t'oppelasa4e.jiso:reocied and for gar by . - LYONS a, SON. • - 'Flax •Sped. • • quantity - 6f PI;Ic Sevilleantell in exchange fer bra ccrieN or Cash liy r. N. iniLLARA EMPIRE - Long Sbunls,l'. linettoi, and rinin.Dc.la.to of 411 colizTat • - . TICLEn'S. VINGER Nolitmvutiuel repelived and for irOlo the.l,l , pby p. TRMrimita,E. Su.a Wee, vi 4atnecb,S3ap.i Blackerel.j4d ,tlrell .n3ll vlltt L rONS &.'801i• rxs cut:4l , l4nd re, soivi : 14 ""` I tolifnmtle ' " ' TRUV2 ILOCKS or , variouis pcltt(erne; received this clay;linci forsalcehonp ' • .•; :11ENTLEVA:RE AD. CF. 4 - &,TS per Flo., bo•rinid-ln goods for uny quantity of good. tgoolun. sOku at f • lir - , roirTirrs. EW . ELltY,Stostealjnstr!tutenls,andtej,!! l ß. l l . 4 s J . - • r)APER - rags waniod s. ttc. , . - .11,11111 ELI. EA'r I.!aqt WiiTa - Crlour fir sate at '< D. I.,i3ieit 1, 4 41:7171u5 Odi clandtetiantl "' . . . riAtr, t 4S, a prima )4tilatu:at priaeata suit tho yatr and pul:c hate ''Pl)s.47tlolrt„tliGE'. NEW suppiy of 411VELlit pad Ilui4ts 111: arcart for rash, at TultflElNS ,- ` Jam-1, 1851, Til LICAT YL01111,11: the lintel oiOsisd, for isto at' IV riciv.l4 1800 TVIIRP-L,V TOY, 8, on 4 all 60 t of otlons,at TUB ' I:Eu ., S •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers