The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 03, 1851, Image 3

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    t ud Mode of collecting militia 4 were mained,with.bleed end,the wretchatr
este efed !tempted 'and did throw away hilitiffe!
Several p ra t e Bills Were passed. In: After being severely, whi l u , rl he' made a
pchic considemtiOn tiles Appr4 confessiun, His. implication ni the - boy
t h e llous oill
wag rsti , did di, th e Uominittee_hutLis entirely discredited : 1u
ri ltisin 1, 4 Ssed to seamed reaiing,aud
f in the neighborhood' varitns etree!fist,llC&J
of the I "' ''. l l t ten der ot stay for to- , stron,gly ding to the es.cuati 'f h
de the specie or
Owlet: Oa Thursday about lp two hun
ral..rem-sed e very du thereafter.
Ipel'stne aa3amtded including Inany ladies,
(The guilt - 6f Haley. Was- tot Manifest for
i doubt . ; taa While. indignation Was at its
height and theidood cardlcd• at the' vivid
irecollectiO . n of the urieximpiC4l .. ntrctity, it
wasproposed, 'that - kra be,harneil
death. Fe this propnsition'thire - wag act
a'aingle dissentient. if we eicept the tiffieeis
of the law who
,in 'cornpliatme theft
.ovorn duty. protetesd ittainst
of the net. All wereleap'er foe, the ilistant
and signal punishment lot the - *era° than
muidemr. - Accordingly he was' borne•to a
tree 'chained to` it surrotunied with light
and ;o'ther , wood.' ,It is - Weitby
.of ,ietnark
I that the slaves present "ciinced gonimeOda
ble abhora. ee 'of the criminal add 'assiited
with alacrity is his punishmeOt.
ig e o„ loe. W. Wokaa wawa.
The Centre DecuPerat' contains an address
from th i s , highly accomplished jurist,. to the
Grand jury, at the Jankary Court,' in which he
t A r. s . l e ave of the people of dentre . Cotinty,
- iftc wing acted as President judge for,. ten
y The jury responded in a handsome
Lesr 3 . •
t r itium to him. To the letter of the members
' of the bar, who regretting that cireumsces
aro ! a b e st to deprive them of his services, and
w h,b pay a deserved compliment to his lofty
a bility and unquestioned integrity, he replies
thus eloquently. The following extract is
from his address to the Grand Jury : :
-.Me a c c using spirit in this 'world or the
e xt, whilst a
it may trely charge against me
ri t esny errors tfindpnent, will never, with truth
o f ogee, impute to me in the discharge of nay
...„ xif E c iA d u ties, a motive that sprung from inte
rest, or passion, or prejudice, or sect, or party.
And among the many regrets I feel at the ter
'l-urination of a relation that has been so long
, agt ee. : s
ble to - me, there is consolation in the
.• convic
ty tion that'the public confidence in the in
4egri - of the tench has not declined under
tfie sattlinigtrition of my associates and my.
se lf. But whilst knay not speak at large of
the administration of • the judicial office; there I
' can be no impropriety in magnifying the office',
itself, now, as I am about to inv.t down.—
What other office in the government touches
the people in so Many points, and-so,
feels all relations of society? 'What Is all
goternment but a rope of - Sind, viitliotit a ju-
diciary to expound and enfoice the laws?-1 - ,
- L e gislation is said to be the highest attribute : 4PetaTICAL . .—The government- of Lord
of sovereignty, but legislation is but theme -.:4011.1 - RusSel is still eery weak. Ile cannot
' cording of impotent words , e*ee,pt ns titalltv .tret his friends to rally min:A him, and it i...
• is imparted to them by the execative..arna, and : 1 ,6,,,..t.,0 . 1„ unliej
nii .
.1 ed that there will son hr
the,executive arm must be grab(' by the jurEr- i.
.genoraieleetton. On Tites.lay eevning. list
..cial mind. is rho sole: an •the anise y i d* Cumin.,ns„ lie sustained in-
For many purposes the judiciary
.exeeutire of the law, but in every
_Oslo even .
tether deaf at optier the question of Woods
where a statute imposes a duty directly on the , and Forest:a. . • .. . .
, .
(exes:ntire department, that statute is to 1)e .ms 1 The a gitsrion nn the.part of the CathO:
(pub England and Ireland': atrai .st
terpretird and expounded by the judiciary.— • lies o r
. .
a • * I have spoken wadi the 'IL. proPosed.penal measures of Lord Julio
more f ree dom on this point, ottlemen,:ts my : Ru _ i4eii .. , „
mind is settled not to be a candidate for 'The . 'fin e- (...",,!."" u a'L:lated j , - • -
office of President Judge in this or rmy other: laratecoi mist Larders, astvell as their
party, ar- making vigniantS. preparations ft - 4.
Judicial district This purpose has been nni
..formly an nounced to the man very urgent a}3- a teaerolnieutirm in order ifpos s ibitt re ) s e.;
peals that-hare been. made to me to be a canc& i cure snits nnii ftiry - in file House of Gam-'
date in this district, by gentlemen of all p ir- :mons as willimpose a 4s.cluty on all foreign
ties and of the most respectable standing and ' ! e a rn „„d.b..,,,, lsti ar s. ..
influence in the community. .
.._......___ I Trig Ironiti'l I FAAIL—The , process of
Terrible Tragedy
in ' M i ss i ss i pp i . reeidvin 'and arranging tunnel to be ex
:4•ibited in the Crystal Palate is going' of
Thu Paulding,- .:dississippi. Clarion. "F, very' i.aiiSfartorily and no
. doubt is enter
' Mareh Ist, contains the fiolowino account - -
.5 ta rned but that the building mill be, open
of a•tragedy in that vicinity ; _ 'l4l' at the propesed tittle du the munch.l ol
Shire the time when the midnight mar- i i li . av , '
der of Di 1, ovicon and family sent a th rill; • . ,„..
. Tue rtUNGATUAN REVZ;GEE.—A large
Of horror through this cononuntty. no event-I
has creat..4 a .1 m• r .er s ,gram ait;) 'non; per. 1 bode of 111 ". ; PT 14 ' s and Poles, .rel.tirees
reli...; i orlirrna.• ion than the ass Is ..,•ina , bln, i fat
,on Tu-shav la , l• of Mrs. Mary Di v , T. .. w i fe. : riVell in 4iv e rp.,/ Mr America; hut nit ;their
..of T.ho Da ~n. and iy3l. infnot elliiii, at. her . arrival fr ' dir TR' heY at Lirerl."ol they ;were
resnieees in to re..••,..',..) obnol of Wir..rrida- • "let by a depntation from the' L onhOl
cs 1:: , :. b - - Maley':: r.,•_-r<, man helor. , i.rg t.. ''`'
; ID ''' ra'ic °•""i - aithee. who have iorinend
ill.. Z :einem., I' lincr,,s..n. H a
vkio: 1 .,, t , c1 , !1i....:1 1.0 remain ; ti I•.., order. as I hey !
~ Imili ”it.:l On t i ts, Gif:tolt;: ' s jury , we u....1it : Sn_y• ti , be at hand in ease, their fad • Frholi Id 1
:•.. ri.rss.t t..... r. :merle of the ha. rible Zr;t- ' '''' required to assist the Democratic Cause'.
in e ith er France or. . Irimoary .
o j y b , icr L h e all ril a t!.(ll,..Ll T flr the inn rd., re i ;"
waman tic severe threat (e' h er infant, ;1 ,11 Tile Fanzlish - Government 'MVP, so far,
who ssmi ilicout r, , g -pt, tie 5i ,,,,„,,,,,, a , , r i ' paid or . frond £8 to (Very . man who will i
rer.ii.:e. hat s•:i:". ;re! - m expinti.... ~fi t - to Americ a . - A few of the H u ngarians l
:i i s trills and a .. r ,. e i,,.. 1s c, i rm , by the rumen. ; hate accepte d the offer, but ti:e l i 'oles all re.
seer; . The reva" facts are briell:- , fns ' -i. . •
the s- : .. ,• . Tim local Magistrates hod th e Mayor of
th. Tuesday innetdmt. Mr. Dixon,
unti , fiti. i Liverpool have had several interriews.tvi• h i
sci msof the aeul rt....m i mpe ,,,,li„ i ,
~„.,..,. • them, to persuade them to emigrate .1
his family' staged front Line in quest of ; met 6' gs have been hell to raise
totssubs.iript- for them. and it is, propesed ti, hale an
mettle. His li'ale son an artless child a few
utearore pee - ore:epee at the Tisenter. : Dmyni
'months over two years old, started fondly
tOr their benefi'.
tifte'r, hint pursuing him some di-ranee, un-
• noticed by the father and undiseoverd by They are sni4- to be a fine ho o d of inert
I their t rot.quiet nial , orderly rondir lolly.
the mother. Mrs. Dixon soon mis-ed the
it is also said, shed a 1 ster'trpoi.
' hey, went after him and called to him to I "li n "' has ;
the / t.-teir c a me an d -ma d e an blip essitin in their.
'return—she was then approached by
'brutal villain Haley, who a t once,,ffercd favor which will not. , ton be forgOtte.n.•
soca indig...ities as the virtue a.. 4 pride of ITALY.
civilized woman resents and re-i-ts even a t I Rt. MORED CoNSPIKACIES.— We . have
'the rril of She repell...l the advan
aces the bestial re-aister, yielding oeither
'to 'tweets nor di-gusting importunities,
, wheit he felled her to the earth. Au nut
ragd ton abhorrent to mention was the-,
preoetate on the person of his vi-tim by
the intruate demon. Reft is a moment.
of bei• most precious jewel—forcibly be
grollial of lice purity by the tuna". slave
of *Dim father—the wretch faqir doubt
lesS felt that everything valued in this w. rld
was lost : but she was not ready for eterui
- She asked at the hands of fiend, life—
'that she might prepare for solitary remain
ringimpe—a refuge of her crushed spirit in
Id:leaven ! But the ruffian h eded her not ;
le. Spurned the prayer of the wife Hared
beynni reparation and beat her rm the head
IVO pine 'Mitt ! : aid t blond her till she died . :
Bruised, mangled and defiled lay the corpse
this lady -whom a htuhand had gre-ted
_gladly and unsaspectingly a few hours be
fore a spect;flAu too hide , sus to replete with
horrible memories for au unaverted eve.
Theittfant was found shout 30 steps from
-the mother its throat rat twice, with 'long
deep guiles It is proinible the little ebils
.was the last victim—and that the last as-
Tinifion of her unutterable agony -Tell Op
pallingly upon his infant ear,. before the
• cold knife of the monster-astms4in ;hissed
.ever the throat of the innocent' reature.
The attendatme of the Coroner'wall pro.
.eared on Wednesday, and the jury, after a
, patipatiavestigation, returned the ~followi
ng vernal-:
4 The said Jenne do upon their oaths tatty
ithut the said Mary Dixon mime loiter death
Irma blows inflicted by a certain negro
-gave named Haley, the property of Zarb
-a:rink Toompson. of Jasper county ; that 'is
skull was fractured, awl
. also
berileft shoulder --the little finger was.bro- .
len: on -the fight hand—her haft ear was
badly mutilateil—she had also three cuts
on her neck supposed to be inflieted by a
knife one of them entering into the -wind
pipe. another the jugular rein, and the nth- I
sr kamall cut on the left side of the neck.'
A large cut wasalstmiths lower part off
the breest time. A cur was also on her left;
arm,:anthseme 'watches and markt; of win
lance on-the right thigh, indica:44i
.the Orwpristi of the said slave Vey. The
taidlacharialt Dixon dame-to his death ; as i
followi; by twowounds heated by a knife
,oee entering the atind-pipe,tho other the.
.carotid artery -on the left sale,
/tott4ds were ieffieted by the eziia slaw:ba
114er:tit:ploy raq arizted his
. •
• : The Steamer Catmda'artive'd at Pfalifes,
Thtirsday morning last. bringing news one
week later fir , ll,EurOpe....-• -
The S.. frigate. St . Lawrence 'Arrir,ed . :711
Southampton on Thuisday,-I‘laroli.l3. with
the greater part ortheAMerican otitribit
lions to 'the World's Fair.
,She . pNceeded
in France for the remains,-of Cutnin3dore
Paul 4ones
new., (fr - vnriona . em.spirneiPs lir! propm!4.ll
lanti tireAtened in Italy, hut nothing ptui
;tire. . . .
ME KANT] W learn dna the
Kaffir war is likeb- to be min prolonged
-than fiat antietputed„
Sir Harry ut. tbe - bead 'nr 5, COO
tnen, bud given battle elm] kilted 7 . 0 or*,
Florida Senator: 1
Tt is reported that the lima 80atne, from
Florida declines acceptine: the 4 , 46e,beeause
he waS.eletted by the .aid of Whig votes.
This is rather too great a. stretch' ?if politi ,
clans radicalism to he readily, bei!eved..
tract he should be exhibited to ',the - . wnrht
as the wonder of the age. - Where is Bar=
meta? •
Conineled of Libel.
Genr.freVilkes the editor a the New
. Yak Police Gazette. has , been convicted
libel 01 ' 1 thellmt. itribroce 14i . Jordan,
late Attorocy General. uhiCh conviction
subject• h;tn to a fine not excercling •$250
or unpribuutueet - tiet exceeding 12 months.
tn. both. " -
montrose and Ilarford Plank
Road tomPanp•
Pursuant to publie notice given accord-,
iv to Act of as.ietubly the stockholders of
the Montrose and Surford Plank Road
corepany met at. the hotise of Leonard
-.mile, on the 24th day' Of Match, 1851,
On motion. Bin. Wm, Jessup was called
tothe.ohaii, and Witt. 131. Cooper 'appoint
ed Setrettiry.•- A series of By-Laws for
the vegetation and government of said-taint;
puny, hating been - dist:wised ;Ind adopted
the - meeting adjourned.''':.
At a inuetiog cif the CommittAnners, th e
,ttoekholders, elneted Henry Drinker. &Zi
I•Pre - sidesicA B. S. Beotley„ - L.BNarle, 11 - L.
Piet, S. H. D D. Werber, m ita .
.efs'; and J. B. Salistittry. Treasorevot
. .
• At a meeting Ofthe stki r rit
after elitsti;.n, Hall was. *Anted
Engine' r, J. B. S'alisbuiy. Superititenannt
sod ,AViu IL Citoper, Secretary of Aid
o.topany, . adjourned 'rneefieg.of , the Board.
on the. 2511).. March, 1851, - the following
resolutfortawere•adoptekt .
Aesolood, - the Siaik Boaaj*, be
opened for additional ontisOiptiaas upon
the fiadle tattoo as taken the eoenic.
stoner to wit c--five tilultets. per • share to
be Odd on sulm.crif4nD and.slrtt 6sl•
isEnuybe outborized to rcacivo entmcrip.•
Reiiilcik•lTivitj 11W- i ttke n
by Inty..4 , ,nia.resitling,iy,Earrot:4 nnA vicinity •
portinii fittls6,i•n3fl 'ati!iiiiiiig'Aa4; of ; 14 1 e
Legget44 rtol,li9*4. 7 , "
• - .1, BS ,
:NY3I COOPER Seciy. ,
- The re'vilbYlefl - er Montrose will
Yea : their nett stated'
g tit t
oz) rose, on
Tiesday the Bth of April, et 2 o'clock P.Bt.— .
Pinching bat be . ekpected-Tunday evening
and . .eiteo9 o eA to be fel. l o. l ed- 6 y . ille
oration of thelarika klupper , on : Wdneinleyrif.
! I 'keP4 l, ltEcaft . resPt,lkatv;inTitett
ic; attend, . A. MitlXit;StanttVi*:
Herfeo, 'larch 27, 18$1, • , ~..!!
meeting of the friend? of Tentpetreu, hell in
the Court Home, Itlontrese,,on the evening of
the 25th itatAt -
Thit %Oen: this inieting adjoririi,
itlrdjourn to nieet'ot thls ptice on - Thursday
event*Aprit 10, that-$._A. Riley be invited
to address the-,meeting. r k tlh3t time, and thit
notice thereof' . b etpvett pe, , lllontroso
That noticoli hereby
C. W. MOTT, Bee.
_ 31154gtrit
In Montrlce, March ith, by, Rev.- A. O. War
ren, Me.; Ise ac iirmsos to. MISS krsZ&IIETII
'LEE, Mt Of Montrose. '
March 30th, by the same, Mr. Cr,
lk,fssts'oit of Pranklin,.to Miss Su
&La' itizerne co;"
At the:IR:lel•Of- Williattl K. Match,7Agril
by the ;same; Mr. Epwartn T. STEVENS of
Lehosito, Miss 3f A. OAR:iir Or-Nich
olson, Wyoming co. , , • .
Also, at "the same timn and place, 31n,
SIBLEY' to Miss fiximin Macro; both of
Nichogon, Wyoming co. • ' •
At the honse of N. V. Carpenter, in Wt. Bend,
on. Frid , y Mont) 28th; by Peter Deelcer. Esq.,
31r.iii:sny:C.Stitts and Miss MARY GAR
. RITSON, all of FL;riiiny. •
By the - same, On_Sumlay the Oth tat., at the res.
idenee of .P. Dccker, fir. Thos LASCEY
and Hiss L TZA KEEET, nll of Harmoni.
iii Jks*.on_Friday the 28th inst„ MARY L.
idang,hter of W. and Lucretia Stone; aged
, 15 months.
01 Tuesday, the Ist Inst., FnAtints T, el dost
-.laughter.of the above named pivots, aged
Ini New :Sriifonl, March 2". th, 1851, HEMET iltA,
- 'non of Tracy and Henrietta S. -Hayden.
aged 22 months and 6' days.
in Springlille . ,l.lnrch 27th, 1851, Mrs. NACCT
13. Tnemks wife of Denison Thomas, in the
9F }ear of he ale.
Thal; departed this life en atTeetionate wife,
a ;tender mother and pions Christian, with
strong at:elm:eat to the Church amd lore fa
commune with 'her Savior in her worship 'Mid
ordirmnees. " Blessed are the pure in herwt,_
for tliey .shait see God."
dn the .10tkor lifarch last, in Oberdeen, 111on
'ci;tinty,.311$92; VitEENEY>.
eo'plort of Vic C.-Keeber
K.'was a - devoted member of the Bap
tist 611urell.,:ind hersanctifred Spirit:now lives
where the weary are at rest." She le l aves
devoted husband, tivl ebilcirMa, and e lai•geeir- .
el 3 of friends to,rnoarn her itntimely
- . l 4.l . trib.::= : 'vTllor.mrta:Nt. :
a. Fresh- Stock
. •
(AP Rats and Carr, .(pang `arittion)Gantp, Lure* and
Rays.--11ntito and Sh :etc alfm. Cap and Letter, Paper.
by the Reinri'vr 1e quantity, WWI and Cattala, Paper
and tinnier: Inks. Piet ureiAnd P!nnle. - • 1":"Okg
Paacy Stat3onery, rishinz ;Tackle, .to jar ermived and
foe aalc at .mall firdltA (arrest!, pay, and recrtv pan end./
'April 3.1651.
- , GEO. Ftri.L.rat.
Ile an yo r Lookout.
TYYCIVTIvaymrx TA_O.otis. A Waited lin
, ineal•itCy. to whom .10t. rate price.. be glitz'
and . , p4scitg ofor wk- ,ihish when caned for. Alpo
a smooth bah, d. tad wanted as an apprentice to the
abovr,huitrev, say ahnnt 15 leen yearsokage. Apply. tc
John Cioees, - 11 , 4
MonPoei'.Alreir:. efa,: • •
•nglish Patent Levers: .•
4...0t or ratrut Lever WATCUMS, ruide Ate:
Preesly tor hrio the'eelelmeted Joseph Johnson, Liver.
pool. The enbie iber ,ts _prepared to care the abet!
Watches to rtix•lpatt..rn, or quatity sold; do easter:keel
may . wirh. it thogs,ti'm howl ..beell4l not fret. Alsojtust
rector. fl it large fet,orSilverAtioho4, 7tadl epirtes; al or
which trilltto .01a at tie toweit Cash priers, =4 warren: -
tett to I've sotistac, fort: ALTItED J, EVANS,
Illagtaqitca, ;Horeb S7,' .1, . Washiitglon.4.
. _ •
• I , List or Leiteis,
Remaining in the -'l?!.il'ai 'Office 'at Montrose
Susquehanna . colaiity;Pa., April 1,1831.
. .
Amerman{ lisac lones,,Satauel-2
Broolia; Naricy 'AA." 'Arils, Perry .‘.
Bullock, S i - Lindsey ? Nancy "N .
Berry, Frank !Leis, Lacy - Ana
Brown, Hemy . gills; Henry ' • -
To ren, Mary; , litaibli, NI & Co-2
Brooks, John H • Morgan; Pt
flurhite, Ann I • ' Illerrill, - A B' " I.
Bissell; Lydiai tlt•S Mniabiiiiii, - ,A ,1 *, .
Barb:Richard ilifillor , -0 P ' )-,
Baker, Henry! lilekey,'Ly . dja - ~.,
Cowell, P l iary - • ' Mills, Miss Jane
CI zrk, John 1 ' - McKeeby s :Mathew " s
Cheeriv. Cyrus Melfm.Michiel = -
Cheerer, '4l - rs..Lyclis ,OltileY,/knry-2
~ -
Cletnant, W. '' - :Osbnrn, Vlim II
Chamberlin, VYtn. • 'One 1;3E04]
Conran, Frederica Otia, Benjamm • ,
Cornivell, George • - •Powera, MiChael '
torah, • •Perkins, Miss,. Ann
Cheeseborough, 91 1 • Parka, ittifer L
Campbell, Ikatis -- . Root, d ;Wells .
Dilly, Butler •• • :,,-- %Robinsoth. Aft; Ellen
Dorsey, Allen ;• -• . 'Ryan, Tilluol4y !._ - •
Davison,' 0 t 3-2, ; Heytolds, Simn el •
Dunnin,g; John•‘. - _'- arli , sbutY; 163' Eclecta
Everett, gather D_ -i,SiMpion, .1 E•• , .
gait*, hems • r Smith, Richard • -
IFlynn Miry - I Stebbins, Win
Fostzr. I P -' • - : Strange, Win -
.liltz Gerald, Michael Sterling:Heed, A . ,
Fitz; brick el' -' ':' • Seh.k.ppy'L J
Flynt; Abel - - . -, Suttcm r .itark •-.-
Fields, Dcrid - Scranton,Oliver
Fuller,. Vir_A Teed, John ~ ,
F ester, Lucy_lt ...- . Torner,„Elder JP
Grne, Allen • Taylorrtharles
0 Ilowai, Aaron TerrY:ll4 W
Gilman., I B _- • 'Tyler, /trowel - '
Goods-1.: Niihau ' Virgil, 'Amea -'
Gallagher; James , ' VartWinklei llff 1-2
Gilfeatl - e-4 Miss Ann`: Walker; Elijah':' , '
litOisjaiq- ,• West, Rosati- •
Hassan, (;forge `--,‘" - 'Wares, John 114 • -
Hauling. Amos.. .. AV/Al' B.:. '..
Holbrool% Benittmio; . Wartrotts,Astion ' ',
Johnson de.. - Yer7 - , ; ' -Wriitley; Bonin:in
. ... _ -•- .
... persons calllngfevabovelgtirs•ti . /Pll4eaii
dava do n ti gie d.
..,...„.,....--_,•:.::..&.':_.... - ..,_.:.14M41....'
i -- ' : '', -. '•• bIitCAMPO4-oWr'-'
' LEGAL ADVERTISE3IEMTS. LEGAL it DV, EL "11` El: Eli - TS.., ! _ Mitge ELLA, ti E r)TTS. I
-........., . -----. -- ,••••+‘................a....a............... ,„4 ,
~. ~' - ~.., '.e w her i li l a p S
, Sale ' S; - , ,,,
f • , - ' -''''''''' ' Tn -^ T e l 'C'S2': ' ,,,, , f, ' --......f ....- - r --,... - -..-"---: - ' C' . ... A ~ , ,r. ".: „..- ...'''''._ ',, ,.. ,!* ,, .nr, 1 . 6.. . 1t
._ ..... egiSter,ra , li,lol4co . , - .1 s.. rr. ---
I't -F aras ,,, )r , 5:4c., .' laCiZkatis.l4.4.sNii.ECAUllllr.,
•BY virtue of a tont of it Fo. trreeti cut of the , -.- - --- -.- ' ,-. 1 .• •' -- --1,
1111 5 38L1C NOTICE' is hereity eir * ert to an rot- 'rill'. l' - ' ,,, i ' .%"....1.11 4r: v ti - ei : :ier'_-tc : 71,; .7 ' fr 'o%. tile Tit ro l tt, '' 'p, The Stt 4 r.g. 44,3"3414: . 4 th1 t1114,4 1 '41.:741-P co -4 4 . 44 orqoat r r. ..
casou lf; 7 o , u t i l i t' n °t o t cl e n d tr ctL l ; l . s "" d o e f h buml a Ut.hat'll i a l 1 E cols cortceiiieif in `th:kititioivitmertotee to wit . -' [Ate or It.t }Aar-IP:no, tiflast 'Ted LA L 9 •- , o4:et.
~ Tot - Av.' the - :;f., - :ref., lib. iburicir rt•i-ori•it la ' * t 6.
41 t - I 1 0 v .
-i- ~...„ ert _, 1 will L „
,_,,,,, „ -..... • „Wily Act! tiAe'I4I:IIIACOEIAGy, I, 4. , 'l.l ft , to Willgtip Mt -I' tikarta In..tre,sljoy bed . lii,i, w ith ...„ 4 . " ,,... 7 ~,r t :.
laxPOSe tO ipuhl•a role et the Gaon, flatito. di 11/011-1, . " 12 ". a .T, ••.',,,,,, . 0 .1 1 . 1 ! 1 (5i t ' E t.. . 1 9 e . i ? ri ßi ttl ' dee:II " 'l leir D °P`''''Y' r °' 11 ; 1 ° 613 g li' '' ."4 " .74/ilt 113 " 41fil 'l ^r zatalt:l lo. / 1,1- 4WO 31 - , etra SLICITTF.C4 :11 - oti;zoT" - .. , - ~'S
I Moe on botardey, April 39th, A. ii :Issl, ot 1 datep44 it.',lllerrlidtm,, iNtlin'r, ... ' 1 theSt l'artraut tat. 014011olt•-: , Smolt i. , 4'..vret. 13 44. 0 , 7 1 1 ., t: f er ., : i r u, rtcs b.
.t.t t t v t ic t.l:l 7 l : ,:it oi l. ;lt aaL l ir x .3 :! ft,i c i : n ed eicerrit 72 .hrlittike,dls
~,, ,it i p ir' h ir; ,, ,,4
I WCI4; P. At,' oil that cottony • piton or pincei of: 'Estate of Zerah Scott dee ' d., J enh q'hgnrfiml°l44 and lora- trot led • viildil 3: Ortir ,• th i v • . .
mc . ~.. rat.O.or co'"-tuut" on fruit ; ottlet 1111' a Wert". ad t
4 tree; hotrAltr brook More...n*4e, nroll‘ho oareet tpjtlat t.i be c6ntjutica ii 140 r tho L-theillore directly, ~r r '''''.
1 I d
a A n 1 ti:14 .4 1 :ti er
i tu , i ' u b
e t P t
I d l e:
s c i ti o i g o u;ul y i sv id s t ' ) , l 'e t
o b i li n:li i t ti:tit a b e it e n t i : l l' l2 . l3o al o
r u h i o l i , P d b ril ur y 1 5 ,.. ' , C :l l .t 'il t t s. ; a A t . ,' fi II T
i l t; r ;.1 J am es $... u r.' ' i ..;,' ' rn , " i 11 'r . : ' d
. 9
p ". ; 4 1' ,1 : 3'
i1 , .. ‘ :T .,. i r ,a4 : ° . t ryrirtrrit ou the . N tril .' : ,, , , t4t r4l ;tif - : ll l l 4 lr' tp ift 4t d4 rititntn ",..a. :s;
~P. ,,r 0, „
,_. lr ,
4 1i ,
..„ Iti arso kt i ll. 11; LW c a it tt7g74'.' l ia 31 ,
„lauds of WsPilttn aotrEktik”; rest by b in d, of Zitantloll3;',.kaltri. , - ' , l' ''... . 9,-: ‘:,' ' , Arda - Acs'4 4 ,= motal COIL. f, . , 7
. Devid fine • south by leads of IsrariVonada, and . Estatti of Warren Lung, deed; ll' %V. ch -,.iii . opaceruitl" —i gotatti, , l4lll strtffo the p ro of 1 7 ‘4l:l 4ra glos o *. car . : ll : 7 l6 l ll -124: : P ito t w A nio :b . :4 : :: : ',. o . ",szt,,,u - , ' .. 1 ,
Weld, by laude of Soloed Swatl,h,. hammer, couthia; TAitigilia Aba 13,,,,b;wi1ft5.,...-. ~ ,r, , - ur .
, th la , rn i ) , lko
5titc 4 , 4 , 400 wed a : the' peek ;,. =Hs Emlixttoexcienireeeh4of
ko . cre ,,, , . ,
int i Stl vanes, together.wittt the appurtenatteesona , Evtate ofJonath n' fire tVreli deeti r fft ,,,, - , ‘,.....' ~ ' -, -- - , ',--. 2 ,:...- f_ , '---- .
log bouoe—a Mail orchard_ and about 30 acres •,, „, , . , . • • -P . , .. P. , f•. -- 4 ~. l.l. fel•-...actotas nod to;ts argosy sser.siar eke: f i•Ttere wiultlth ea tareAkosle usual. * a y i .,,, 1y ,T, i i,
latprovell, late the estate of David Srvackholtnner, A- -Iv
a rd i -A d irJ / 4 •:', :I-:-,,• J ' ' 1, ' fr:', l 2;l3lr ,3)i. p" "it . Pralla r lthi*ar til llM ! . i' l L : /d s4 4 4lll7 :if=t7il l g h t,l l 74 't t e kr" u tl " /L W 'P e' 4 '''''
TakeU,ill execution at the suit of A.,-n F ,Lithrop E s tat e of David Welch, - dee' , l4,Elij ., ah ,
5. :0 0.9 ..;; ; ; : t eu.0 4 0 ,11. ;0 4 : 7 . 1r :4 d?, ,.., : a
to ' t. a: b : - ... an, ,bs abs - ,
~, ,: a:Lhday:r op n vi llan4:s. w i t ,: tutai i-at "1" - - 1-ii "
„ I . l),,,i fi ne miac kh u imi ne i;" l'` ..
,!: i' -
...; B a hii im i 1,:e r :...:( '4 : ' '.,
'. ':',.' , 1 ' No. 5; Id do to. 'dd ,: 1 '<' dO- I '‘ - ' , .. do , ' ~ P4t/CEi or - TUITX ' '
, • - .. , -
'' ' ' ALSII '''' ." `. 1 - Estate a Girnelius Itynearson;lieed A ' . l'' ll *. 6-9 CI
'4° 33 '' 4" ' ' th t ''' ' 4t t"- -. Tb ° studliaar t 6"PifPl 2 l7l4;Porifteitr g fer , •
be.or eta • t -1 " - '" I`
Alf that certain piece or pirealof land, situate, 13 .,, t ,,,.. d , , , -- __
..tstint r. - ,- - , , ~,, , • ~, , . aratod, related o=o
i fct i t,; u o d y b s e „ l „,i ng u l ,, li b,,, A , h ll-,. lu bcsl w t hiP ed - aati cr I' d e - v -2a l b,i) ltr°l : l ; w"
Ctatle a Lf:; : A .E ilr l o: r n:_it .. re : l267 . : 0 0:‘ , 4 .1 ::,:.d , 0 ., 6: 1 :1:, ,,
,1 4 ,1 (0 :: " . i t .n. 6 .. Z 5 : f 1 4 ,11, 4 17 ,),1zi 1:G r0t4 H '
fr : l Za ro u ca '
h l:G ris : ' " 6 .‘ 4:d i b , l 3rn: a l "1 , ..7., ,
, I ttilik. :- 7 .11 6 :7 f i t t i)_ b l b. ; . 31 .t i ,u 11 14 1 :::8,T iet ei
n ejl it 4 :l) .. S. l3 7 : * , l2 e. ' 2 ' :yrj l ty. ....:pt inr i: 4,
, - , 1 4 . 2' 64 -. ' : 1 : :
~4' 417.141:,,` it ', ;1., . I , i do' do kata ,LIT Letfn 114~1. am. 1,.........1. - .
r° 110,0 61 1 : 1 Wit: beginning et tt poirit in the tnrddee pallid n to
of the Corte road. aud in the North trarrautee fide
of Solotuou Findiey..theess Wong the rnichte ,' 44 p i :id 1.1 .,i",,,,,
dD . . rr . , 1 .-, , ....,' .. N 0.14,1511 ,,,5 0; •d o , I i l,.
Estittiorjhlodtohinson, dec'd ~ Stilton 1te.13. 340 do 10040'. do-' do - • -
1 itnide with oft .o l irlit z " n v 49 /, urpart •• P,OS . .•,
Jule, mirre al mrs - . No. 'l5. 148 d , CO, do 'do do. .4 0 ‘ . 0 . • . MVO' - "
void road. south 32 degrees, east 25 540 pardies; „„
... ~ •, • - . ,--, -.Y. , f , . ~ :,-,
emit 20
pocbrs ; s a-it. , ill" s ,h ecanntants ,,.... -naya, ,ortl i l , et their , `
cc- ,...., :`, N i t: ri . r e g aer d e.... s: s ll2ls l: l : 4 ' 611 4, 1°°115 ,1 " si4 , l l r ; T i.._ 9 l2. ra orrn ps wi eo l l l:::::... ? ?:: a ::::: ._ t2 b : t eh il. : „ . u . pie .'
0 - ; ' l, 7 l ::,:r:A) . : l , ptir sl: ti ::
thence south 241 degrees east lb , patoba.;, to CI F all .'" in', the negiet.fee oince"-in "P ' °?or ihit • " uu. No 14,112 do AO do , ;"do "do * ',, ' do - 14 11 I,l ' t i tie ci d , i l ipm'i'lllatiaigiaritb,r Trnsierg 1 4"
~,_ „.. , tho , ~,,,,,,,,m , d rood; ~, ty of S'oquefloono:upo iliat iti . .' ! foam will tr. pre. -No-1.1200 doiLla .ao•' do • - .do ,do
_ . - • -1- , . -- - - . -
point hi the middle:of the utoregaidlond; thence
southi.l6 degrees treat, 119 'perthes - to - a . pereir and
eiairs in the werrentee hoe of ..Vilogien Find . tey ;
thence along said tine North 46.d,grees,...est 130
perches' tb the piece of beginning; tout:lining 50
itdies etia .1t le MI es be the soma - morn lets, loge.
theviith the. appurtenance's one frutua hinise`und
about 12 0 3Crea impruvrd. late thot ratite of Re,
zillia Etneauntin
' telteiOn'eiechtihn Ilin"'fibit'of Weight 15:.
Bennett re; togillin'l3lienuriatr end Nouhßilnto
thet certain plecetir.isteeltoT land 'situate,
lying sod bring in the toteml4M' atidgeteni.4 iu
the-county of • StrequeltWorta,: bounded 'cud de.
Scribed roir c ivi.,.t. : ;I : tinniug ut pest and
stones/be:south .it'est, corner of tondo formerly'
owned by Jolni Bard therier• ;writ along • lauds
formerly of .Phineos Alines!: jts,iO perches to c
00111dU4'ilddtir rt cattier ofOonil formerly owned
by James 3. l .cliune ;. thence south 40 perchee to
post rind stones, 'being , the Berth-Nest corner - of
landslformerly of Robat ;tan dr; :thence., suet'
102 perches according to the oid measure ion cor 2 ..
tier ;- thence nunly4o perches to. a post and'ettnieb
in the south line otteird Binds land; thence
189., - percheeio the pure of beginning. come*, ' • g
48 acres he the same more .or less. together with
the tippurienotcer, one framed - hew:re stud shed,
one framed born an oechatd „and otiout 40 acres
improved tate the ramie. of Osterhout.
- Taken in execution at the - suit of Lathrop eg:
Stdisbitry vs. Henry Osterhout.
virtue of a writ of Lee.-Fa all that certain
tra t tt of land &tuate' in ihrt townships
. of Jessup
our Fore& Lake in the 'Oonnty of stwquettannu
and stated Pennsylvania, told butted. bounded.
and deicribed ari : Beginning at a
corner of alit formerly cOnveyed to Joutultat
Steinharet ; thence by said lot south fifty•perche,
toe heUllock, a comer of it lot that Coy conveyed
to . Iletiry 'rapper thence hy . lan 'mentioned lot.
west one hundred sod slaty pembes to a ;teeth ;
thence North fifty perches to a beech, a comer o'
lot cruveyed to Jrrse flirchord; theatS by. said
IA 6741 n. land by 61e:1lb:ugh's lot, east one him.
deed and &a:7 perches to the 'place or ti..gimoug.
comainiug, t in j aserfl, together
. With the apputten
ances. - 1 framed house. I frame born, an orcliatd
and about 4.1 acres improved. -
One !ot, hutted, bounded and derienite
folloWs. to wit : hegrinttine at a post a corner Id it
iutcouv-yrd to Jet-r, ltichard ; thence by Fuld ite
sciuth One hundred perches to a stone heap; theme,
east flirty five perches to u post. n (-mum of
that, Stleatm,rgli'lk lot; th..nce ttorttt partly by Ra
Steittbargli's land, one hundred perches ton pea;
thence west forty five perches .0 ',the ;duce of be •
coma:n:ll4 twenty-Tull& acres and on ,
tenth of tan acre, all improved, (iti the township
Purest Lake.- •
l'alftql in execution at tho snit of Job::
- rvci.gor R9b,it. 11. t i,ct•axta vs. 11...17t1
CUk." • ALSO:
ikt! Oval certain ;fem. orAirvcel or laud situate it
the l ionnwhips of Gdo , on'auttdriettsunostad
bounded and .dettribed us follows, to wit: begin
Mini at a mople . t rer-;, the ,oath -corner of loot! st,:r.
to William A. Wrinney ; (hence by the rum.
north 44./ degrees, 127 perches to stow v, the K 1
' Whitney's east corner, the-south corner'of Inudr
sold to Juttie,s Cook. ; And 114 , wr i st curlier of hind,
sold to GeOrge, Junior; thence by do lt;-,
mentioned land south 45 degrees east r
' cites to It beech Fn it)g, in the said (hi:l'm:Junior',
south•corner, in the line of hind eold -to Georg,'
Gelott senior; thence by the land lust mentionec
south 44! degrern, West 197 perches to a beeel
tree, the end Gere:gi• Getall Senior's . wed corner.
, in the law °llan& convey , d to Aim Skyretts.trns
ter A. end - thence by the lust metil.ourd land,
-151 •h
-gars west vrcheo to the Iteg:lnfour
ntluiniintig. 119 acres prt,rhrs, lu..l.,lllotv
once tali scro , per tent. for tondi, th.
salmi more or less,. ,I:lzether 5 "-with the her
union and oppurtenun es. one, tromed house, tin: .
framed burn. oLe frani,4l wagon h. nee, one Dr-,
chord and u yaw dli nor-is improved.,
Taken in exrcution at the suit of Nathan Kite
and Thottins.Wilhunisom.TrusV , Tty&d. vS.I6 - sitth
B. Thu and Mortis ehni'dl,4, sir's.- of the lest Aral
Rub. , at d •coss td with docce to Henry
Cli and] , r t rrited,nt.
All that nerraiu tract or parcel of. land. situat.-
iu the
township of Harfordi: t tittedy buinided nod
described as follows. to wit bey ioningt in a .b!lirk
'birch tree'iu . the line- of Wh ei is ll:l c o p r o u ' s
tbrn'ee bythe same and hy . otlier north 45
degrees. west 106 perches to. a *rah satilbet.
throat-partly by land of Noah 45:id...ich north 44.6
dearees east 12a. pre.)ars to a bit elr tree ;
by the said Aldrieli land mid 'tither lairds 44. de
grees east ,106 perches to dead -hemlock tree ;
and thence wrath 441 degrees west .130 perches to
the brginniig,•confairling by a :an.-vey thereof
toad,. by Jason Torr;.y, 75 acres and itnoirauce of
Six acres per cent. for 'roods, Ste,, be tee suOie more
or less (being the same truct of land min
which William Leritilteri HerirYS.
Downing, Henry Drinker, and Thomas riteit,:ard
am; execotors, maned in_the last wilt and - ta
iiWnt Of Henry Driukr;r dre elder..lute of the ety
of Philudeli.hia;dec'd., conveyed by
ted May 11th; 1816. to Noah Feet, feb ston- -
pis, togetlier with Ai , hereditannints . and typo , '
trounces One frantic) house tont barn and about 51:
acres improved.' ,
:Taken' in risen, thi n at the: sail • orrJoikpfi , D.
Driokrt.upd' iiraei P Pleasatits, adininfitruturii 4e
boll:, 4011. &c.,, of Henry. -Drinker. dead.
reap' Follrr, Lapresle:e Fuller,: Abel -W. Faller,
Noall"W. Fuller, Harlow Simons ) and Betsey
thous . his wife, Betsey Fuaer .. and Eliiro
Fuller, heirs al Nottli Fuller.
• c.
Sherifrobffice, Montiese, - :34w4:
.81ar.5h.22. A. 0...1135.1. ..; •
• • '•
DY:virtne of a writ of Vend , Ex. itstwd . ant. of
Urtho' Court. of Common Mess of Suscpielmode
Conoty. nod to me directed Mid' delivered. 1 will
exptise to public gale at the Court Flonae-in,Mise.
rose; . Mo ultiv• the 21a1 day of N.D. 1651 i
loud lying nod : being in
~.the - townPhip:of Ruh
Coutoy of Suaquelmunti nod State -of_Pettiutylva
bounded. end deathbed as. followsoo wit
On the north by laud Chamion;:on
the earn by inodspf raid OliomtiPit ;:nnthe annul.
b y , t h e p u t,:tc b gba;ay oitud'pn the west . 6v the
Vir) ; noult f ILIA-, ils:orte 'hal is.
She venue niure or 1e;1 , .. 'Oget!ter nitl.' the, ' . .rn•
pi:overviews and avoort.rr us. 1. one lift;
wage4in and blacksmith, ehop. ulid idionored. -
'l'iskerLyin execution at'theSuit of E hid .
Durgy vs. 1.0 :Simpson. • . •
' • ' C: Ai • GtRE, Slicrt9:
:Sheriff or., 51.voNge.
11 3Lic. • -
• , Admialfsfiratris•
wroncgis h areiby Ai yen i or Ad ai ntetra
IN upon Ile estate of Alexander McCallum; Ir.. hit 4
Brithtlf4th T9wnshlp, daceals. d. Eare%been grant• d
the rub - atm All perfona indel.kd aoz odd 'pow. oiri.
please settle ma*: WOO% 4417; And those baxini
demands agalnat zed mate - *Ye - equested to presone tb.
Ourr r Allyiear.l6loilnn#Fttl t: d'
•)I.tivrif 1. isAcclo:4,ll,:aljteitov,
...ktigreiraso3firebll_o4BBl: - •
r A fet b it.4 l oF. ll o l 4l% , .:. , '• .
- - • ". - •Ct
seined to the Oudnes of the Olihans' taut( of raid etintity , iii
- en' 'lke pik dry: of
alprii r
fcliecififi.rinetiinvittid nito:wl:nei... • - - '
BROWN ; Register.,
- Register'nOffiee, Montrose,
Mich 25j 11?51.-,
iTiiElindqsigned Clerk of - the Orphan's ;Coati'
in - and for the bounty of Snaptehanna to whom.
ilia tisrors . its the ifohdi
I adm'Airt.itio4
rira,'d.;•haveTharn .i;•,:ferre'd ;kr; and
I I,:nott the reported creditors-of se id-.deeensed
- hereby Ores notice, the Che will *Hein) to that
dal y 111 - itriUltr99l•;' 04 ;to urdaY the
ninete.ll.l, d:ly of 'pen riest,-nr2 iictnek,
whet: and where all persons natty uttend tU,?
.they think' propor:_
:Montrose, ..Alu'relt..22. . , „ td
dministrator ,Noticei.. - -
• (horn. kw of Prisnklio."-fnwlielliN
de vett sed;l'l I;;li•iVirciatZtotheinidern;:anedt.
anti in u - 1111 iwirjard :to!lie tti
,fu call owl settle ttfo same. withool deli y. 41;4,41
'persons haviuudemande .1410
pletwe presnat thcru r duty uttvo,-d -fir Kett trtrutt.
GREEN, Vin'r.'
'IF{.IPSI: .12.6 w
Nt - NMI I,LANyots.':.&r..
Take_. - •
thcfvforti to Thy ottbgeriber:
portiolly by blot account tent "riiitt.Potod m ut,
crud to dm etryletotott of the sotrin withost rtrthri
- nonce. up non.. onierient bus 1n4.1t 'Oven int!
"oitist not to'. eXitt•Ctutt, PEN!. SAY RE.
Unroll tith..1851.. tf • .
.N - OTI I E.
mHG inbscrihrr wishing. to !ratio. Town, offolt
- fore:dr his, ptock of Hone; (7np..
tuarther with thr urreermry tooToitod fixtur,s for
01 the Harting hnsiuri:: Any pers•to
w it4 . l ix:: to rugage in - buitiesu u 2004'oppott
reb '62.7 -
.. .
.. , .1 mean It, - ...... :.
T'l' is m'w oFor six months s'iltie I ' llisrterh - of
Lnrt interest :?' the Democrat Ake, and . i..l,lritt
1 7 t .. itt a tt i - t.e t ra e
ofin: once -
cot i tnto 'utt e r o
at'r i
i. eat
iii‘ 11,
ti .. , It i l y t ti l re ;
round until niter April Court, :; - iith I. .."-!.. - Ue llo r a •
n Montrose; but - oml if tioi stettleif by' the - 41piea
:inn of thut ‘ period, They 'rill he liotidedorer to O
~ e rsoit flolVapp3inird to! settle suOti ntittero. sort
.:4.IIEDIA 1 4 ULLEVION.I - .‘
• , .:•' - '. R .
, ' 0: G. HEM3TEA 0. r • .
March' 9, le - ;11.—. : " . :---. ' - . 1 1 12 ,4,:-..-
- • ' , - • DlS6OLliiiot4( -- '• '
of E Firtzt - of Eldred & NeweomNio . thilifoy
1 dissulvea by mutual coils tit. Tht;iotel; i;iiti fte.
Oillilii hi ily tit' found 'iii the hitoloof G. B Eldied
It the WA. Flood
,fifth the rust clay of F.-hrour!,
exi, oltet: ith, t fleet` wal le. placed in the hO ' ast*of
•• it/Uptrilviti4.lll it/C-CUlitelltd/.. ' ',.. . i ,
• .. - - 0..6. ELDRED.
- " ' URI :s;EWCO3II3.
Antic:llse, Dec. 9, Isso. • ,- ~ - ~
• •
THE Suliktriber -, Willcootirtue the* fint,.Cap,. „anti
jra lowiaess at the old , andwalkr. p set
.tetterol orFonnold of Cioods iu his line, which
ailisell very,cttrap, rilody pay. Thaakitil for'
.he very•hbeiol Ralf artilk4. Klatch was ret:rir, es:I; by
the old firm, he rtlopectfOly eoalinna ace EP:lgiller/46011.311Pe
. II ELDRbOi .r(Odd /lows , • clr - nrr or• Tuft:pike trial
91.11. 1850: ,•• • - ; -; , •••• • Cries-Lim/ 'tree's.) .
lIA LING inn rttar eta trio city, vItL a news we-
ILA plitn, mires, &c_; the
Ocrwil *el* ( ti t , vire flotfitfoo lon to ;dl
who scf.h A'!correct Among , tuv nor, wirietkt
of ailnz..ll3 be'ruund Jtp lay 1...61,1.apier Mach,. and
ratacy.lnook Tiestri calf and F:Ftihne'a
Pictures. natoug which la a Croy.,4 ,3 Dazu rre.typo inkru
itazit'iceelefrate I I.la4nfrrcotype or•tny Lind.
Y°4 "''" l s"' ali hr- r 7 .; AV. DrANS.
31.; troFe. Jain: 15, 7851:;
. : . tl.. •i '
' I aitoring.. - ..
TotiN GROVE , 'the xv•ti'tillown Ta.iior has'
. . •
GP - Lig:nil! inude his.tippearance . in Aiontriam to ep
-iatrio thelaholt, nomed Minim:4 , at the t,:d;', , toint
li :Marie's Li:och iimertly , over' Fuller's Stork!, and
mtvild ,Itaitt tinder hia"zercicel, to the intlidc, and
til,. their putploce, ..., '
baking and cutting". alone in the. most omit-aced
ityle‘of ti7e4Vrt. and done titt the t.liorteid."ntiticeis
Mod; ,.-
LLk.crscus intfrlitf.d'lff fr:fl , firm „Of T.. 4. • 11.
and sett!,
het : fiecoirv. !p.c . ...e5 . ..bey to love ail such.
claims ~ t unwttatrly.
h. 800 /Pi nod Notes may he , frtianit with the
Yufisctiber, the atom GO , tbs./den, it.
—.•- -} TrrAcy:tfarDis.
New ptilfurd, 241,urch :15;
• Sour apes
IN bottle.; over t ho Derthni AC of .aSt rrek t
is at=e y k nrim whit to call it, I Ftwuld say
letter, hi which the autl-n.e.stleiv:int in ri Fornkfld man-.
nee to prOuditre a lies and (1410cl:den Wham he itd.
j dre•ses, against sorilliperpoil whom he desionites ah
g oaa, etc ...ea re,pects his prolleieng tit watch'
mg. Ihe Only:reply T. sh•nl make tit his frilly is the works
comm.tted •tomy • elvirge "shall teltifi 6f m?." 'Three
days bed not•Capred Mter, -1 left .Dentiers. Leto' .this.
same person Judie preacuceof Vhas Avery sq., end Mr.
offr•red .Me. two dollars and:ll4 cents Per day
and board, to come and work for him. 1. repelled 111 offer,
ith contempt and advised Into to Tall back, upon Ware
e• •t Schalastic
ocanpatlon—and there }tido himself. ,
20,fi0Olighel of th0r..10.1411),-buth
, eht Ryt , " nod Guru for which the highret
price wiii be paid in climb or trade by . , •
- - - ,
-I).R. L. 3.1 co.
of In trade on account, Iteeftwa Tallow
Faathe,zi,illt.frol.. - ofFtalchtuttcr,olleDfC.
A frasll atipplv ;lute opening, and i on bp o,la :at
lova. • 1 !IT. -
GOO 6.lVtina"rna ktooro, . or ucty 1.141e4.0;:;•-
Ing by . J..Ll7oNi.ikrl3o3:
Noutro.., ,1S51: • •
- -
MIR.II ft I)l44olRalsinP, Also Oraniesandlroinanic,.te .
. 1 11. t rtrilvtit by • •.rM. C. TYLEILI
iinvenv. Peb..:l2th,lBsl:t . • -
(1 01411 Pen Ind .morn inn holders or pars
A. A mid bsst qrialitirs for lc, IP -
: - ti_Tßownprronn.
`LEAN - u pron. auk: .- us prows In sulk the. qint:4
,Ffir - SHlshy - I _ _
W. D.
A N rippl.V of J EVI" L Y. mid 15 - atrhes
nt44:o'it relr bush, atTURRELL'S.
inn 1.i1P51. •
, - •
/IASII put , for emzik; Wen 11..opirnx 1w
'. 4 4 AMY +n¢tinier%Yatebrr,elle Tal4 Tee. D m Re. f
IT atilt 400111!, and g•Frietel aF!.ertro , n t nr,,Y0141,3*-
all - kiwis '4 •iNli4ip..itpi
TE5Pnr LYS I %. 4 EAT OfthitinFtktyllrout -- •
• - •Tnt.10.4!
rel Immo*. t90...-FrAto,„fliays,
-,4 1' , b•24 .1 .70 DP-Srarr .Vt.o e .I, I INTIOPY Of ' Pr k F.) `-•
• ,
• ' • `" o
• " gVr 11tW11,114 , ItltA
pthebem oppowid-lor-wilt.^l,
140..20.145. do.loo .: do „•,. '
do •• , do -•'•
`,l4Pri. - 21.250 46 . 1.11 old • fru - •do do
-•••140,23. 9044", do; 46 : ;da, - do ;d0 : do'
bt0.23 do _ - 13:7
• 0i24. 2.?. do 225 •do - do do
• No.t.'s. 135 do 100 do do ,"dn. • • 'do
N do 140 •. do 2 Ala ~(10
.Nri:27. AO In' ' do
.Niii26,lllirrsg-0111 ran rnl3 and dinpidne.•
N 734 arref, 90 inrrintrd,firorio tarn
146:39, - .17:5 'do 100 • -
...•140.31:135. do'. .95 • , : If
.2 - 5
'"Nci,'3l.lBg AG' Ifts`. I
31107 ; 133 : '• ; 1 ' - if
No: 161..153.:410 190.
— 670. 31. - 165 ' -33 - • al
IYrr 30:390: 17'.1; l• - 41 •
No. 37, lao, - , 'to - 140 -" • "
170 71.4 ; • a•. •re ; .:; '
...140.39-176 do' 00 Al ;. • do : do do
40 do I da do do ,! ,; '416 _
;-.- No: 41 212: ' 1d )50 .do ;
NW 4-2 .72. , do., 5 , 1 - ;41(k.". - . ,„ 4 D -- 11 °
43 4`. do - — 4' 'tio - ',. •
1it0.;44 139 05 do • -,:.. '• ^dal
No. 45 610 do .V 0 do •do do d:i
N. 14-•••Perlona tacitfttg. to rtirtim to any,-
bfOrkrig cbu tlUfaln.t4Atrobta.iu.gifuldrseriptforil
713cintrime.VA.tectn7.te.11?Ni 444 tr- - • •
oil - MPORTIMS:ANii , jOBBER‘‘.-
6S Liberty Strcet 11T..1(4 -•':
(Beiwcen. Rroachray and Arass.4:zu),
A"Enow receiving a rids sad bi , antilul ass throne of
Fahey Ella and Slillinirrfloods, to Wall we won't/
patticularly Myna tliroottentfoo Purells,em.
dud tvlll ritike it an objet, for tbem to. dim oval!, as
ve , sre detirmitied tb Si!u oar riPsoriment;fOr I Cashilowcr
tleio vrei,be:ore offercillio tale mod •
\tiiincre Ca" supp'y tbi , micivrs with. every aradc in
toile line. at abbot the c-rt of flaw) tattoo. or.Auertnti
Price?. • Mans Of ,mr,gool.l; tharittroctprei
for obi awn bale, and VATlngt be surpassed for beauty or
, . „
Rocipllot and pip Ilibloont. a lairs isrlety•-• • • ;
Sllkri add S stint Tor Donee,. . .
Crop:. grape Li oil, T.irleto^s and Illiaktits Leers.
Trimmings for Hate,. Cape end Dress, a. . ,
Yenny Mad' Ciro, Party and 0 tint Draftee.
Embroidered:Corm; Cu Ind Cberultsits,
Embroidered Edgings nod Insertiors, SWIVI and MU.74111
Thread; Visienceitie,,fillk MO: Vtle Thread
• ;-
Plain Lln,n Cambric lUD.
Olnyaa and 3iitta" Kid 'Silk Lisle Thread uqkl-
1 4 61rt0, eravntparti Pti
ntetti !kW: 314 !: and Dlsbill igietrrt •
E rtTirn!derPLl, Drimask nria Plaits elni9n Cruke
• A fl.ll Oft..OT mint of Sirtti4 Vforrer.• •
. _ .
Senieth nn , l'AmeriCAp •
'With si.lantotarietra. tinnattn•la I arrn , ,e.: • .
• Alt vilAhing , 'itroklpa '1,1,. 1 .144,ette 2niklee — mn
/WY bY . eltthig an x 14Kyili7,t1I111/1F.;0.4.- -! • l's,infk—, •
4141kVa y . tf ltd 41. is ein I r,ii►¢c.iiouir•
. Bend, Pa;
C.IIEIA' Willll'l'll
, .
eTIIE Proprietor barixn terently'fits
L ne t :!-within it fete yards o? the Depot.- in a style un
lirPuFsB2.oj.,44l, DXoPnred in receive an d , Ofitertnin his
friends. ~1J nests' Trill he'conreyra to and fietri the Cam
Tred nrclianit'OindOldre attention rdetmf: their com
fort And convenience..., Tim pittablislied stn s now start
from Ws hons. 4 'Orb tenYti iPion the arrisal of ttiOdif
forone transit tioAd. is Olt - extelleikt LIVERY
Prenix by - Nr Truesdell, where 11Oreeii d Carriages
canbc had at all Dram, on renotiablO -
C. C. S-.1,11TE1.
p!Tfit BirO,
Live 'and let Live.;
Agued supply of ebuTe Tess. Coffeb,.kl l .l . :;
*vice, P;:p.;,;:r.Stare,h. Salera us, Snaps, :TatiecO,
.Gizars Prpi er;paite, Mustard, Wee, Cracktra,
.Androv's ealit KiTlll. Po44l's Exti* , t,'l.4ln; , *oll, ,
Floe!, exl , s..e4rot eatc.itls, locks._ School
tti;) wiry. Mmler...llllt,tVill *are, Prcasurei.
Tubs. awl - ,v-nural iiiortrit int or , Writow Wzro fall ,
.Iloskets: ttonfoctionerp No.
ti psi an' indPpensublo article with tia, tlandteretner
no. Finger Kings, Watches, Gold .Pena. area. Panella.
unit in fitc erezy description or Falley aVfliq ustally
kept in atly Pine* fortaie • %V.• D. I aoprdpoo
Greet item', Ja n.15..1551-. • ' •.;. ; •
(tvartantel) t- '97atert?
sale $ tdt the s bny e: t
. t Asertber.
milef:lortp n! 31entrofe..os, 1 - h cro tt,tonsetke
ueurbilvia 13 r• 1 185.1 /AA:N.
• Sole ather.: •
- Lo
riMIE tubf earn arc bill' prepsr:+.l t*
rlu flu'. (0 ly l'rctt t9i.7.s.r3aturite.
rare AE . [lie illAnutacturir=p,lrri- ihnare irunt
.orn rlyt rut* article, at low price rev*Fterlto call
grail ettrrjna Otte ctutk. . li.typEN h LITTLE.
Vti 3I lan.l.stlL-1417 "•'
bearles kill
.Is otrerothn. ieoafred ”IdithvNer•
Tho DUtgie • {llly ht
4.:01:1311 that the work w.ll bo ante at thls millSn u
rior =lnner mud to tho satisfaction of custornerv., - .
N. 13.- An rxueliont , voru crae4rr olwriatiou
fur the arcommintaticui of thipiti:wiedin. - + to prepare
feh. 11 1i,91.-9tf. • • •
- .:Walitetz, • •• ".,
A nwoon CITOP,C,ER*-T-Tboboierounter
men wont , It to chop-trod by • th. cord
Prie fins - e.euts pfrcotrif,eh'eppikkg :!nod and.x.u
to the Define orqhf,, 64,E:11::itsihere
good board bau'liod obtained:sippty to hither of the
abbetrtbrra. • ' - -
f '
• ' - 1 3 -1/ )110 GA •
. •, • 47. A. 1
Striq'relli;pot. lint.4ll'ith; IPSI. , "1g 3w .
r watches, : ! jewelry . ~&c►
Tii tTr hEYo'FeCt•iv.4l addition hir
.6104 : ;Jrivelryi tomiirttioT of Goir.l,/ , '01) and
Itn•act Tlitieit,s.llo!d
Penes - and Peng.' 41re:i i .ikn: to'whiei)
Ote u!tr ni ion nt A J-XVASS.=
• :DitiTbainlnti Alurcli3 ....wnoning-01) sit
777 Fatnrri •
L. -acK. wpniti his - 14E114' thilf
REe: P :lore 'bad -TV heat. aia ifOate: fag
iiidah very prjero iti Cash.
to if on,'arly vialifity of ii; 'w.not
t hi; ready.
rrniti Wit; : ;
rsyoti would feteb akin- yrpurni
• • kiia, 1 tikid'alfier . of And
Skeiji - PCir 'l4 *taxi sit 1116-higififin; piicin
in Vath._ .• • •••, • •'•!'• ,'•;•
LITTLE'. 7 ,
." ri . " 1 2, 1 , • •
amiss). s
Ar• Ag 4 Shlt,
,Cela ilerrinv t ; Poo, limo
IVI and 134e.s.Shoulttaus, LaiVaitti(,
maim/ Ad 4 rorfsle b 4, : A., 4 :YU:MP:It & Co.
eter,p Whifirt. Phlltuletphlyr - , - ; 1 , • 0, ntS• •
A/IPSICDITS—iust. ter:emrd ,griyarr„lolC—
teen. soother e apply of . norAyliptrp - por'.tei f
Myr, Coarse and flue boots, _ &et ,• • • ;
B l)— iiey,rNisiviiliOrtchigw,
for pltiwpaila t.
• .
;451,n0tr0m;40.ri,.../84.10: '
0.451 fiok.El thsttshter,l4o4. tthmeLea aviloettcy
las 4 inAls "r- • Preltit ;
'r •
by Um thorhitii'mt'sS 9 llat'Ven Imparted and • tir
thefsellittes farntatted;to &tours. for this /363333 try ti bight
Menelaus among the Lltetary:institudata of tblt Mad to
„tor ion& ; 3 -
frixrci : sbrood. listing - to oldsdn aaasal see,
ewe si re di • setioe to olaeoShyopplyirgtiti,B. Cita*
diet Of 4: l lndiard. etumittea. • - • • - _ -
il395111i • l!red1 0 • 1 0.
Amara'? otra rviaasta.:Era4Sue.Y. • -
Illaren R. nnlecm, Treasurer.' •
lkiroutrore,Seiw.:o,ll3s9. •
--- Wo o drufFs_Aeademy,
AT DlUmele;'Stisquelinimit Caimytrilltdi Toted to.
the r3.opth3n or ott mentabttt4ettaesdsy,Sill aa.18510
imp, the tell:medial e'supetitliendeneit rt It•T.'A hit till
Sion:owl Lady I it Istiose & e sorricutothe sow' hi,.
Niels enrehlmeo shay bo repered. .Iha lios:tieftlti,ytoes 3 ;
ity & foie prospect? of this in dt titian cab ifolbut toe .
precinti-d 1).1 , 141111110,1lb a I lmrMitil.Miumitieu 11 , r' ti•te
/east I 0 saw,. 34poose ant iroubla. The Atlldiltie ITbt
tell he divided Iwo four qtarlerr,riteora w eeki reek 331.
-vacation aroma week mettiliatelylgucemilinr oath gra, 4-
o'er "Ar:33 ,, gerip:otii have been tundercirirfuti. ratan:lh 01 ,
ftem.adiestateata Marl tasidlielt , oe aalossiell
Rtththaleaatpantile•espeure. • .
Pitregs TUITION: .
. .
Theitimilea of primary de .artmitat
1 , • . 1 , Ittadeutlesi • 40 -
chosleal • Nv
with'oso of piece, '
Itmit,g mid isalutizta ; ••, ••••. -
I. The tuition nu iiiiit'pay-•
.1e In Menai.
New Wirm.,.and itept , Goods
rr liE
‘ (favitil eutered : luta can't
neiship) liegjitvEr to ntiabanceria thair k friesidi
;ad atqatintuudes E tfiat they raa
i tita Toamtat 'ilk"
stare._ farattrly occupied by - T. n
Nviv- Ar)furd, arliercttfiey4vo uorojast r•erireft k
and vie canpintly reuew4ig. ra 'gait! arson.
'toga ,of _
. - • •
PaiecY4 Staple Dryoo4l,,,Oroccrirse
Provisions, Hardware; C4ekerY: Tine
- `Ston'e 4... Sheet tiait
. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs,iNails;, Giva~s,
Stobe Pipe, :Zinc; 4,c.,
which we will sell at the verylowtopoutide price,
Atio twe geteiagetirtutitit or, • •
: made_ cPthipg
p , ;
s of all /iilrds. ---
Bo*tG.ShlieB, 491 f; gni; Ca, aii of which we
wilt ',fell re.iv tow.-- - •
- .
• 11 . 1,13 -' . Flintr:th3'ibel , tack.";bil: . barreli-aini '
ulwaya Pa.hotaii .
.Pletrsa,gall tunt'exatnictei . var•tssintfintriii, Italy"
shall bo
,happy slici,ar..ope,gootts at. Any. cnsee
ahrt 'yaw prcliasing fly -usei'eS
ittetition to business, 'sad inakiut the best 'ende;ir
ono to Weals,' tee baps ; ta'..marit,? a tui evenly,
erol iiisursat ipablia patronitze. I-, •• • • •
. -LIAM; B
Atilfdrd,januarY let , 1850, • •
• • Manto4-Entileellittety
ANYquantity of all kinds a fliraduen, inelatlint
- pealp,.Pork,-Petatoes. Butter. Lard, Tal:ow,
tittles , and Skins. Ihrnlock bark: and Wood,"&e:
We ' `'iia'y tufo ihillings for! pod socks,
fatal; itiv•nf Mon as fast as poys - dOe.
IceW Fir>hit and - New: 6900*.
Tit iiiiaibers respectfully give th attlity hare
entered lute- co - pa,tuerthip. tinder the erne Ind
style. or-PanT & PITTS, and hare jest received irons;
Tork'un exteisslee and geuertdassortesent of Dry C. ods,
Groceries, Crucia ry Hardware, lltiots_and Ibues"...lee
whirls treivg bought Inoily for 'cash, and Orley- to Ihd
lateness Dram MOOD, at greatlY redisted prieer, 'Oro •
food fur Ca ii, far ready pay only, ou sorb totes, a eta
not fail .0) indneeoll to porch/welsh° Will girt, us a (ails
at theold &tendon' 51 1lls es
411 watt or proUuci Cahill at trio lie ro
henarliet prise-
Iduntruse Dee. 25,1450 " PAHL, H.: PITTS-
tebe• Arr Ava I. of =New tocid . ft.
WE sa
are receiving .. new and generalnd, o o r gnods
which we lasi t 0 flan attention of the public. Iltwe t
who wish to ndy, for the Ready—will do well
to anti and see. • D R fiATIIROP - Lo Co.
W&NTl 3 o. 4 sooktt'aterbiniti, Woolen 'Yarn, flanbett
White Beals ; FlasScedand all kin& ofproducst.
• . • .-, D It LATHROP b., CO.
rew Establishment
Tur.s.e„, of successin ba.lnees.'eonsists la a greet
rarasnie In kceplar the pabliattpprisedtitre', wheree,
bee te. and of the kind of goods and waxes halation harlot
--Cdtt.uently.; the 'undersigned- beg* lotedy testate.
that, having dtted up a room nearly - opposite lithe b
I traerreold stand, and purchased a cbtuce ateeTtn.ebt
In 'Ne, e e tirlifor oat ts; caisstlisit ees .Sugar, kok.4
sea, Coffee, Tabac co , lstuakingandchestlngolt lee,Pepi er
spice, tqarch,Clroves,ctalcratus.Cinger, Nutmeg& fgra , ro
I Pipes-Se Se'en, Candles, - Ctelikh. 'Mackerel. Darting
I RaliCia , ,Ground Rock Salt In sacks. tOr. Daley and Cabin
use; Abs., ivirlvty ff Satanic Sl6ditiLlef, 3111C1i.811 Coen
pbeitlon. an !grantable remedy for flotdat - S Hot
Drops, eil!try bltters, Lung Wort. , cunt] Dalton..
Nentralizing Cordial. CI round "Slippery:El tri .71e,r .&e:,
I or "'Web aro afftwtql to the public al "am - resPellobldw
Cr ready, paY,:o!ther in cash. Grai n, Iltter,,Cbeere;
[Egge;,&a., as - ein be "obtafnetilabewherc. Also, Darts.
Pahl GIII r.,
.3lnutrosr'. Oct. ld,
- A - Card.:,:-
rrHE sulOtOrihrto tate thiscappertabity:arten-
A. &ring their sincere, thatibila their.'ewitontent
z , •neruily., 414 piify for the very liberal patronage-
I bestowed-IC - On them Cliwing the ' pail isiyearit. but
Itleb far: the Prompthrst et - their , payrnenwerur
beg !cora to eay,they have commenced the year
# •
- Wita iithitertnittatioa t o Keep a fienetwl neaten he.
aornnect:of 'good , GOODA, which . will void
eaftivotable terpiator Preichtee at oprevert
ae.ean b 4 bough -ip 'any - ather este Mob..
iiaerit . true sidea the', . .
BENDLR 12E.111
hfontiate, Jah.:§;.l . 830.- • '
'IT BElfribMO - 60 - 7
1 'pH AT Post. fe, -Pitts are'deteriniiieirbrathi44o
.L . ttr ; I he . .R7ady pay system titid*Otoine
queutly boo thrtrgoode logir
thati catike.up, ror kat
f 9114 th - 1; . !:e ISO taunt!' to, do" it i n a roe
yonriehri4; at the old iqiitid Of Mille tri
fifitAPES'PlcOlien elti O'i.e'twentia; Poor
V get, ‘i2i . 'etr., tins
Raisins 12i otutir,'foratiht last'Apitrie 'and' fi'
' - .AXONS el . e-SON..
_ .
• .
QP , Eltllpisidrer,ity4
- - - • Toiemi fawmptitiv.
LYOrts e;ksoN.?
grocbcgt.rmatop Sent jrr
irtrneit andfliis42t)!).' LYONS &80.4.
Ma P4; - .: -
. _ .
smi 'on
JRll lit liecialperpoun4eguckdalro.. •
4, LYONS g011!-.
;• - •
. .
W , rat i7of kadirl Rob bera; Oak in
f4 - 31k
,gemteu.4.47, -/i'ubberr. "Ws
,recived-hti •-, • , •
ioutrnagraumil GC4)II VW' , wide...
se,ms - ai'll,fstu*C4oo':per yet.-;
..„ Valontinee:
f i rtlST recalud 110he,ficiak Itore, wrplowlisflep
..bEtt..2FLILLER •
togeil 04931t,E1pd
ElOSSvibP4*TegoKiii7Ke4:bias mil il l m p t i ega 4,
di pwar, ' , Vow! io wax Of Er to the oberti•
brro, an Ire ara Wing t 4 prance 20r.Mtl. tarmedtoigg•
EAYDZ:i 4 14:17.a.
tr. 60
3 50
3. Co