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".'.:.:,_ L',- .-1-,..• 't -,t -- ' , ..t• 1 - - ; ' •.---;.1 , .. - ...., , ,,,i?;4 , .., ~, „._ _,,, „ . r- r. , • -. • a .• ' ' , , e s - 70 i - - , - t ..1- -tt- t :,,,, --$ •,, -„-,•. . - .:,, .1 1 .. • . ,_. . . ~ .i.i.:".:;i . 3'.: , .. :•:','„ ' • '7:, , ...yr ~..•. ~,, - '...':‘ .' '. '' '' ''' • ' ''' '''''' '' r ,, •' , .• , -' ,-.----- ~ ','!'; , - ,-, ..,„:• , - - -„ , ,,.:r.,., -' l . - -,....: - .-:.-r.' ......, , ~,i- - „,,1 - -...,...,- :„i ... 1„, ..•,.' _, ~,,, ::= i i 4` .-- ": - :; ,- ---•, ,,. ' . ::.--i” '' l ''' . ' : 11 '; ''''' -.l ''''., : ' l '"'- , """ -i ''-' P "t....,..::-,;.,4,,, --...,...., ./.•; . 1,' , 1t.,. ~•, ; :5'%.7 % ,' ~• ..- ^ ~ 'r --!''- ... ... , . . . --' .' '' ' '"'',. - • ...'. .-. : `' -4- -'-'-', ''. ....:'' 7... --,-..-. :..' ;•‘.• t ' r ''•" ''!,'•'''""•••"`,: /'-.''' '4 ..'-I'''';;;•' '"•`';-.'"-& '• , "'- '''----''''',`' ,'''.''' „'" ::''''' •,-.'''''. ' ::, ..Q , il •- . ,"- ' , . ' ; :,• 4 •• • ••• ~'-`,.V,-114‘:;;:;% ,;;•..fr,:ill.-.:4';!f..;•!...',;.;.1;14;;-;.1.;•:.':': . _,.. - ' -.- - ''. ": :' .:-... --.--":•:' ;;":-': ' 'r -:' ' -` •:.•. " '' ' ' ' ''---H1. :' :' : . ; , !: " . ', : : 'l i ,•'' '' fai - : .1: ;- '1 Z1r. , fii...: ~ - . ..F. ; ,,q1 ; .-,- •', *:!' , • •• i' , '..ii , ;-.': ,', : 1 ';.“1. - 4•: , .`, : . ;', .-:-. - :` .: - .. , •!%. , ,,' ,. ,7- .1... c j.:'L ;.7'.,i'',. , 7i1V;4: - : f, ' ; .7:;,' , ii.?1 , ...'i .. - - -.'r• . '''' - - -' .. . .. - C i - s - , , B.: . (}1180;:tjt0rglgr0115-:'.- - u eutavtggpez To him who in the lore .r Nature beds Cotitennn;on aith he! v;a100 . fnrma, shy epraka A vir i nn s l a nennie:, For his gayer hours She has a voice deadness and a simile And r!orrner of bratny-; and she 04 N Ida hie &let . morAngs with a mild . • And esontlr sympalhF.: that Meats away Their ORTriM`.`r° hr,iaawarr. Min thoughts or the Ispt Ftier hour eome Ile a bright ••• Oreethe spirit. and sad ;twirl . 'Orihr.stern:rrov, and Aran& and pall, • •. . And hniithlras &loess. and tine narrow honor s ,k, thrs i n nbildder and rem , sick at•heati- , • . f „ n h into thP open ale and list. To Narnosarhinfr.s,"!Fhile imm a!1 rtonnnd—. • Tinh and hrtl, waters, and the drpihs of air• Comes a still 'voice . . Ve i t a few day, and theN . .. , The all.h.laddin! eon :halls , . nn Mare . - - - - Ift all his emir+. 'Nor yet in The raid mmui, il'h.re thv ple form Was laid. with 'many tears, • Nar in the eral l rare of mein shall .a;st Thy image. artti thit nourished 'thee. ahalj E claim ' - Thv earth. a d tie resoled to earth a pain; :. And last pathwawa trace. forreadering up Thy indmithviiheinff. shalt than co _ To m;s fahll4 with the Antriwrifill - To Ir. a Whet , to the insensible ma. And ta the alnkish eled. whirl% the rude strain . Tants with his share; and treads !trent. The oak Shall send his nada abroad and pierce thy trt34 Id. - • Aunt = elegnntly contr.:cid iritO-- Ilid We's 1, ~, - • • - .. much older tltat her brother, and had idneiys fax the:to . 4ster. .... ~ „ . I ,,;__,,L ti, ' t i r E di an .. been accustomed totdvise and dictate to him; ' ,`. Is tins the 91t .aair ri ° n `. 1 .. the ''''.'` 4_ ;_ o _ ,_. l 'Cr, putting his_ hand on ,.. . r_ . i., e. and in thisease the reins of government' wen. - given up without a strtiggle. ' So poor Atrs. . 141° . rn • ; . i i.,!.th the attorneys nier : s is Saunders, after all her trouble, h, , ,d nothing Map,_ s ' r ±, 8 . 8 / 7 ' ~ 8 ".; ~.T .. • fli 'ti /are••' ' I tight ardie - Abley This W•ciUld net do, and 1•' DP stairs ' / P 31443°8 ' 5 - . ' Them's.twa i3f the grand jury. in the room th t was dirtY, and - this' room w,li badly set: i . . But :, lif ., t ,, s the reaster; , s ik.; tied, and those chant were veered; and this' uP : sl.- " I l ti - ,,,,,,1- h - ed -- h e re to ... n i g h t; , ra , /H er der , sofa. ought to be uncovered ; 'rind these- cur- : 'l l . 2' -. : 3 _7. , - .. , • : '' fiat We're t ins must be i.kin d„sli, and that ottoman ' `may an. ' . r r te • lii r, ver Y n a r rr - 7 . , 1 ~,.. placed in the carnal:. 'So Mrs. Ria n d e ' 1 ,,,,•L re „:•-, is full islWeeen , hold. ; - .An! all the !lodgings tre a t e d_ as soon as pd ss •-,bv* - sh e 1,,,„4 I, Je e r , f . ul , l, l.‘ tten.. :I don't knower - bed 'imywhere, - 4 carry' thosethin os to the other ho c tight by the iftmily on 'their arrival tetialiy. " : 1 1er ' ~, -1 ..- in the !Muse; 'settling 't for them, and I %fiss • .'1 - ' - ' the ' ' '•.'- •a the Fortescue found_f,ult bdare,her.n.s.iiske hid l i • -‘rl/ Ih°7 von , sir, bzen a Nid - housekeeNr., • ~.,, ... , . , „,,,..._ I „. , - L,:r2:t.....3 ,- ri crHara , sr I am. only the agent's ,wife; e.,ll,lfri.gatitt- :, 4 , ' 1 : vein, i . l • l4l4 - `l'' f-, t,- .... •-, , ,• •- dencto herself, •atui t9iii•lier leaEtfinis_,Sainalzia l • /!•-e a *far-1-.--,• : - she could, determined only to pay eel usiad!. '``. %Pea is !let Pat?'. Paled . the /!ildierdi as vi - .it of monF, and leave m iss . F o i teseae ithe : ut,r.Mgezitoinicl,off; *I donl.knew his face : where she wan. •,. .. .. •- .. l t : - - {comic' here to the cssizes: • . ~', ... .. , Mary d Lizzie,tileY Werel' 'Faith, nor I nayther,'-sdd the waiter. But the children, - 31 - an .;,,,, ; ;lad to see her, and kissed her, and bent. on,l ''' , lF knows the , town *eli , it re ter, and asked , ter - when she. Would ' ' come `I, Plielltierifester.' . 1' .. i 1 , - - ' ' •, ' ' g in, :Ma how Wai J tree . sal ~Citaitea, . and = - Me ‘ s : o ‘ll , ir.'s l'aftill:too • • armert, whO was •:.Vechool in &lean 1,„! • -, , if am sorry, sin'. 's id „her daughter,_ -who `Come h e re.„'my d ear s; s,id3f iss F or f e Se ue , (time to speiik to the stringer, ', thit,„ -we .em s a st..tely 0. 4 ; .do not a,2oos.mrs, 4,,,, !not accommodAe yen ;, lint if You will; step lers.' 1 I 1 this iv .y - for a moment, I shall send out to in ' You are net going r slid Mr- Fortese Ile.' quire if we cat get w bed. in the town for you.' -oniing from a sort of leth..rgy, :.a she Wishedli `Thank you, th ,nk yon,'enswered the Stran aim . good-byc. 'How's S',,unders ?- - Come t gir," l th:.t ' It - a - do very: well,'• ra - he .folloived ever 7.133 dine with us some _day. ro9i_l'au-; her into-a tittle: room , off• the -kitchen. *here !Ira gone. though,' , I 1 heemother was sitting at tea..,,lie. stepped in, And the hash :ad weptfir his dep irted wife. es• if-he knew the lii,V,..ce quite well. ' 311..4. 0'- lie gat up e, aIY in the inerning=.-there W-Sill ra rose as he etir.,4i..d. '- ' - I no d nger now of dist:oh:Jig her l aS lie left - her ?-, ' fSit di:Wit:sir,. Wan 't you? . You-mist be • I side- a nd w an d ere d over the 'pline- 7 h , , ere ow _ i cull tiff the theca...e,h ,' at the same time pl_e_ place. The Effie birds s frigdeippy, ...round:lim,. l j ag ac h •i t f or hi m , ',I -;„ •ad s6emed to mock hi4 - grief with their, / O Y-I •••• I did n'ot:firaditiv'ery cold; Iwai inside; he ' And there iv.is the sh..tiy walk; hung over with; salld''s helorik - Off.his hat,; ant aid 5... i, down: • - aid trees- where 'they used `to'" Nv-lii: 'up and" • Perl4,ps you will. take a . cap, .of ,tea,sir, down: and there the reitic se .t. where.twelve • while yon ere.,w f dtiag r . d . „ ~ . -.- yeers before, they • had s,t together: and 'thei. . Why, I will order tea, if you will allow me, silent I.mghage•of the eyes - • ut last came intoimrs, O'Hara, provided you stay bereand !peke being in sweet words; and the long - e-hen -4 hed; it foe me; fur I'll not have you turned out: : of thoughts cane forth,und his• yOutbfal dream] y our ex ;p m ..- .. I ma y live here, I' sp ppp se ; ,h, of hope beeline a blessed reality: There:, he {continued, smiling, •_even hough I sleep. out,' told his love, and there she;biushing,.conien- I, ' Oh, certainly, sir--1 nth much obliged .to ; led to be his. He' .was alone nntr,. and • sati you.' iAndAlru. O ' Hara looked over at the there fu Cry. ••• • ' - • „' • ' 'I, s t r „aceei, as he smiled. . : .-_ •,--' , .. 1 Fanny Barton - had been the litlle of that ', Zat' order f h m i t :, .' . 1 ' 'country; and, Henry Fortesene sv.:s •a• dishing,- , An d i n a h arr y, Kate, 4,1 you hear? •• • •1 on , lightinflintry• officer, quartered in • 3 1-•;-- . -,:ill i v took's 'snack in_ Publio, and am hungry. I dozeiyears before, with a couple of hiindreds• L ou , fi , .. , , ~ , .. .- , . . ii , Barton;en • a year besides his pay. He met .Alas "" Mrs. O'llati stared 'again, • , Ile , _ called her, danced, rods with her, loved her with all, the . aa fighter 'IC. de,' and not in an-impertinent pertinent wl. wild enthusiasm ot; love at,' tiventy.five; ari d tat all; but just nice and , friendly, es if hi/new 1 I • proposed. ' Mr. Parton objeettd-Fanni . •Traudaied ;from-the the Dauish of near.... hid her all his life. - Who is he, Wall i - . , ' J , , ~ A,..... I five - thousand pounds: but - an Old uncle Of • The strange;to9 l k off hie outside colt, and .".a? I zaDuirafg ' ii , ,-. T.r. , ,fx - a. I Fortesene's made asettlement on him, and i drew his eh or .• close ts . t l ie. .f m, , aWd vaned I • i d been a' Lek, looking round _the rirah 5 if h '.. 884 i l [nth-r, pin tire.d, arid I would Lin be sleepi ng ; I =ltch Went on; but. after they had 1 , tel. me flask !Ton thy baunn seek -- ; 1 c "P le °f Y ears " n/rmied • '' Mr ' ••tirtnn's'aaly son I were old friends;:; He sisli 01, nailitari-look. -n promise mr :hut then milt ( rave o ff w " p i ag , got sick, went Amid and died mt Madeira °fl ing , m ,, 0, shoot, .thirty fire,' wit!) brown hai.,,,.1 Secants thyl tears WI hot upon my cheek. i consumption; ,rm Fanny : becatne t'ie' hereBa j i jiist turning to gray, mine, handsomefor.. r 1 Ree it is add , d tempest enerth eni,diy ; - ! for her youngest brother; owafavorite,hadi h ea d, large nose, and ,oleer . blue eyes; alit,' tat :u ley dreams all is so wondrous bright.; lbeen - lost at sea about tWo-Yeara before 41 ' r: lighted up with alivreet eipreasion When lie J ' tee the sngel kiliidreu trniliitg g adly, tnarri ,ge..j.The prOperty,Liling- ma l e lune, . parted his lips to smile : nudlie put his , feet van t rom i to wear ) , eyes - 1 snot the I-ght. !went in the f .le line. - Old linnet did notion the fender, and Madehiairelf qiiite at IMme. hither, ea; at l ea!a 644, ame nos-, and listen; : tons survive t e rm loss of 'his' . eldest son ;I andiThe'tea.-' thinga - ea - Me in,:and the str.inger'se,ye., Dust tiros xi+ bear the musla's sweet item d? Iby .his death four' thousand it - year*„.Wati added i was t ' ed on Mrs..l:i'lbara,as he Icaught,' lien kv how tin white - wag): beautifully.gli ! esul Ito Mr. Forhiseue*s ineome, and ~ when.,his old' staring:P him intently... ,She pouted ' out, his: 'Stlrcli thorn wiugs were 'given hen by our i ante ffied Mien aftei,beiell,liii_•Biteen siiin- lea, and. • to, teid 6:•i ILI - hid f'ound's` lied. 4. ' 41 1 ' ' ,i dyed a yea:in - ore. .Sa he had riches , - hialforthe gtnitletlMM; In a very en" r na t r la'Wn ' ittl-/aild vet fk, ,• .....74,0 ~. , .. a-on: on rood ro ; ;treasure, his hi.rili darling, Was gone. -'' What' the street,ithe does mind that. 1 ~ r ,'_;..:-.! , '; a Y It' , e flag Ih.' angel ir, attrfr th ; . ; was it all t o him ? ::'.- ..„. '.: : %.• '' ,',.. !I' . , 1 `Oh. il6, i. 4. 1 thestainge' - r,‘ fa :feet,..ognsre lail 1 bn 7 rlo o * 7itigkwh'i4 l hie hail bound mul . .• • —.--- . .I, _ ni . ll do grip?: ~• .' t , l ."-.. :. . ..- t . . Pi ar 77. l/m bei , tro thrY glint Wane iu depth? . ' :"CHAPT. a '' ' , / ,„ X " . .1 7, -, ' learned :'knio IseaAK - 4 ti 4 o n is Y 4111 'h a ii,d4 -11 .0 .1s if i wore going' , -- i 'The t'sw4esCaffie (444aVillr"w 'earp- '' .' "i We% ilr& Vitarli; r tinii;lll:iiin iirn . rld ifeirit Why 6.1 thou presS thy ehe,4l, unto mite'? i she ahould.givefevidetle_egvain4' 1/"..,L„, mother yeti' r ` i s k e dri i ie.4=ilf i :ei;:b . t l iiiellia ' ; ll or i° ni: di- , k ii hat: and still thy tears are ft„ w i a ,„ . I end the theeg - ht Inut'',..., l'i 4,. . ) , ;1 0 wd a n d h ot t e i . 1 . ••• - , •' • - ' ,••1:: I !'dl' . 4.° '664 ' will b"ihri Y” %bl ue! --- I hu ' vij her•Punioo-131234*' hung'' 11° M 14. " ; l',-f'ilirltc then ininealiitriyli isii:r 2 Cniill44 I)° tml '0 thilg -it marmo t thy - zepo s i ng 1 ,,. 1 Att4'alie was not-.fittikAie.-: And Prat:l+,44n ...''l --'? '_ .? .' - -i . : 1 , .:- . - Ana/mum twice a, year t ue.p ms. And it thou 4.. p, then Linurt wer()_with,• , --,,,, , t; j k lui no e wa .. nil , -Ele . r fetes . ' n : f 4 ' bet . - ' l. . mp g_ : 11r ` l ! st-t _ 1 ;' . liii ( tiisoliiTiif , e,,. ! ::iry . ,e, :, , 1e .. 04:6 , :ii .. i1ii5 , - i2 , : ,.. 1 31 z , lam tiled -my-weary ryes am Wooing ; • Look, r. 0,4. I.do. ti. nnzo kie. t;• 1 '!Bit ih‘viii natleP4"° 4e4th7ill4lle. ' ' ‘lr°l7:d°a''''''''''''-"'n.4'-'11'46-r.' -.........: mu; 1%461 inOw what - . 04 iniiiiitinoOl 'wl.ll be, 44 6 404 .1 * #O O thifge - : . ' - ' " - 'I ' tliej4i tin - Dews torte{ilii4ritioa? re b •Sorto sensibl e o b el i : nyg truly i h ; tl l)ut I tun sureohosql iot , be ", 1/4' , !"I'itt who tries to raise hine.,eir b; - 6 „i„. 1 , . thisaiils someeatilfort ta - diape-- - bat ._ ' 1 :.`*it.t; nothing - re -P lwile , : i...:„,•:_ , _ 121114 , 434 .,0', ; ,,. a . ',...,, ja°1-14t y 2 .. art_il'ig tither HM I ! j ust as we ll ' ge l (limn: ahe'iioittd hive tO•tell.` . `An il ah ' i, : l4ik . ea iti take 14!*.9,041f4C412Y""u'''7°11'44'-4' 1 0, urns. 7 3 *444 7WD 44 undenak —to 1 -- in e ltii 'l2 14:itei.ai 'l . .4Bt'o:iiiiiitit ' 'itikiti hiiiiilai - You know lithilait . it "liie .. ~, e to wheel , ' ll3B ,l - 9 . .. tie . ' - . ~,- ,, 1•1 •-•,• .. . ~--;• ..,:„..-;-,-,,;.• •,-.. •:,.-,-.• - r the • . . • .. I-4 her papa ' f9tiii! , 3 teiiiNly;,' ' l .. - - 4 jeCitiAti7,eir . -4 • y. 4 tint tit th, .ntornal ?Ppting , Oxen _ Sher than M plant., no! enntorn , than with . Cftnnlt miry en,rifin•no. Thnn pSalt li. a nw i l r With nr , arum iwn4.l—with Vn.fs Ts. T ow,rfa d V.artii —lh* the , good. fvmo. aid haßrr ...tit nr tint, All in MY fIllellc.?•p;llehr. Th... hill*, Itwk.nli...ll wn4 anninni ns th. Pnn.tbr rale% S.n.tchne. in frnmill. qol.4n.ps hntwnen Ttin cn , . , •?ihi•yanntio that mnre Vnlj arm") entTi ?Alt mAP . the grren ; and poure d rind al . Old Otesn'n stet' and ntehtnehnly wante, Ate hit the enlemnii-evantirms all tir the treat tn s rth of man. The tyrirrien via. - I ;he infinite hnet of heanient, the . nad,nniniee Inpee of nee% Al that trend tilt n 'handful to the tribes itel‘eitm. Take the\ wh i ps It'nvetin?, an'i the Iti , Cllll &siert Ore; ,tine tinsel the. cnntitinnny anode !Where tulle the 0-egen and henry nn 'nand, 'See,. hitt nen tinettinen; cet—the deed are then. And m:llione in threw safitucleti, nine, fi^et ptie fiezht of c l an heunn. has.. lad thew &leo la their last steep—the d..-d reign there Uygur! p!an.tik •• Otining an Ow .till • !Ink. an hat Ovaher SCI oh elt tons And what if than shalt fall linnatieA b: tit, thin!. and a. frimod zkr unteaf thy 4.l:sarture. All that haPathr Wet share thyd-.4itly The zny innzh 'awn than art zoo-, thy. an!..rna bread of care 'ad on. and r i cl! aa!wforp, will chos e4 l-s fa - vonte phantom yet all the*. Ate Mare hey mirth and ttagt ra.idoyment. and shall tam-,, - nd rnakr their heti with . ther. As the long train f al.e elide away—the maser men. . loth m rrertrsprinz, mid he who tae's n thr.fulf strrtorth of years, matron, and maid, r hatred with sc., the infant, in the smiles - nd tenanr of its iunnt , .uer oat Off— . hall. one by no-, be zath-recl to thy side, ythaan who in th i turn shall fo low them! So 'hoe: that, wfmrthy summons cones to joiti itummeraille caravan that moves ' 41 the pate realms of chide, where each 'shall tripe TP chaiiihm• in the Silent halls of death. . ov ze net, 4e the quern' slave at night, oufg.ll to Ihis dungeon; but sustained and soap-d(_ • . y an notaltettniz tout, approach thy grave. ;i a °tie; silo ry sops the chupe of . his couch • , at him, nu iiiiiii.do wu in pleasum dreams? -,r7r,jl Pl 7 •, , t ---,[1:11M1121rIa20-3121 M ", MN4 -15 1Visall ' aa - - 4 1$ .._ 'No, Milove;l:am • eoiri4 e.iiiiotj..eliil '• !Pill!' ; ,There ar , -scql.-Imiggh, ar...gilniullihinget about: the :ro4Fry which *144 kevint: MET, it 'I were-fitherwAse inglined. i . i - ....-, ,, -, - = ••, For Mrs. Saundem had told her husband (OeviritireiE) :. :•=: -• ~ ',' - abont,Grneti heing.aii-orphr, left in lklrs.ken- . , citAPTER' vim:: .-, l. --: ',, nOy'..' chqiie.; Y 1 0: 1 9d-F4iCe48 a•SP` I irb° widower earn° home. ht 4 the r,y-Marig,,.47,et fat her. hrh.-Pid , ..9r he , from her? , 41 brido of his youthful clit4ce slept in a . foreign., )!,t.,,a.tQlliLiv_•••Blnaret7the,_colids', 'the !dens . - •.•. . lamb And his two littlinotherlera &lighten:l6bl one and the alme• 1 Mary nn4l3zzie;reliirrieil to , 'the hone of thei -1 • 4,l "ng.:igeldhld ; 1 4 1 17 ftiPlert. i lldlv-.,sgvgtg!Y infancY l and ; they ran: abinit, - fttief PliMe !t,O l ,.°9llhir,lht,a,ina.!hcr 'IP hg-F,a4dah;d who, lts,tead I place, and visited again each well -remeMberEsi -br---t-gbing:l ll *?..g . h l 4- -99 d gives ii,fr, to live spot—the old tree maid which they liii i o pi:A'.:1b9139t134 will encou rage it . In, vice;. but in tl;is led • witli their nurse, and under dear mamma usect.to tell:theft) little stOries.::-i Which \their' case,-the-mother Olg- maker sought ti:?eriminsto . and : blast 'the c'!;4•Ecter : ofthe child iietn:lly , Inclined, to i 'They wept to think thEt shel•was' no i ong ` er „..virtue. Oh , no, J ane, theirial must , go on—.l 1 with them; thut,the aviary in the, garden-41m ! curt inly will prosecute: , '. '.l 1 birds were all gone, and the - wires eut.Of their', ' '. \ P°uk ' Grace Will b64°-sorry.': '' ' ' ''''' pbee and broken.- ..And the. little , atimtimr- • c.‘lr,ta it Grace asked yon to intercede: with house in the Et the end of *cold w:.lk,i,! neV '' - `l . ,' - i 'i - '-. -' '-' - .' .--:- : ' ---',' -. - ,with its pretty re intecbglass.windows, bid now 1, !I. ° 9 "PiP .l • ! : '- ' ' ' --' '' t ''' • i ' locked up--'-' the mistress of it had gone to: rest. i • . 1 , Grace.is` , e good-hearted girl; but, it ean-1 'How gl al. I; am th•tt the Jittle Forte sectes ; not ble-dene:-.. ';\.\ •• •. •.,-• •:;,, --- . - ~ , . 1 . are come,' s: d Jane to her.mother one J day, • • 1 .The down,conch stops in', M--,....- to change 'it 13 not likely, my dear, .that you , iill see' horses .- the gu'll'd op e ns •thed oo r , and a trav- so much of them as yon used to do: a nswered ; e l er gets °llt: ' .-- ''"' '''\ '''. - - l' - '' '- ' her mother; ' they have „their- gevernese, now, I ' .The attorneys all here, , sir, said the waiter, j Land.their aunt, whom Ido not: know • e ll Odring iota his, f c c. ' :I' \ .- - ''• '` -' 1 as , v. as their.poor. mother.' ... •, - ,;l „. The stranger did not answer-, . , : . , The truth - was th •t Mrs. Saunders.s.l4 at a '.! A bi g - add- hit'hgx; hg.trdd to the guard; . ,: glance that-she -would not get on- well with 4 Yes '' sir—till' right, sir '' ' Porter has .'m ' '',' Miss Fortescue; who joined her brother piEng- - -the:stranger foe'd the coachman arid s gUard. I Ind, and partly volenteerekand par oi. va9 -IThatdidet look like' .n ottorney," ! thoTbt \ the asked, to look'ailer his little girls. , Aunt, Bidz j waiter ' =-: - - • -' • ' ' • •'.' -' \ - —for such was the name she rejoiced in,ll3ridg-1: ' Counsellors, sir, all at the other hotel' - et being a family name , of the Fortcscue. 01 4 Itleedi=Oiti I have - a bell hereto-night r FrOITI the DulthiSrehrenitylipptiet. i • I Orme litextatetal.: 1, liallfill BERM MEE : T•7-' . 'f;7t; :HAION r TROSE:' , PI; , TIIURSDAYi: , MARGII .! - mem :! A little7-1 - was h!ro w en,a I?°Y.' !You're Yes, coming to !the nip . 14 4 , , 4 irsi he tunnel' barrister; Mlle a 40 moil:. I eY ut th e I '.They 4?* ' ke o ,berY!'t R.P4renPYl!uP.lseg , . And the attorneys, sir--tiley're a money, PIP4iPg But_ sir, haul- . 1 11 Pr-t0r.01 7 ,:' 8 °- o; . ° °ld Tilmiit.i? I stood•up to get him onok- , ••.' • s'pon't stir,'t don't stir, 'lifra.L'O'H , rn.:-Sfly, he*'sime;i'aild he "turueA 110,d; and . opened a little' `iipliMird'lnill4; fmliltal tam aaafnund , „ a p • • • Mrs. O'Hara looked at-hini.: • •• - You know the pica SIM illserved • it length=' who 'are ye, ut nii' , ' , . -` .4 - wa, sit down , Ms.Vilan: And. he smiled at her agLin: Come, tell me, does Mr. Denham live la this neighbiorhlooli Y Ilia n'dOes, sir, but WS datibtees - aft maPieig: -f • :skid the Roystons, 'what besothe of thir o r . . . t All hem stiltir , the three - young' gentlt;- men / I * . e&or4 one of OP . 114gliters ; the other, poof thing. is s ingle. still. .She was ga Dig to be martied i I_ bd/ieve,: but the,-:pool young gentleman wAS shot, Poor Livy Poor Henderion!' sighed - the str4ger, I thought it }vouid bd ~., • • • - - Voti know • lir, Henderson T. gold the old woman; 6 inany's tha:time la was in thianxim with My Inded I did, poor fellow, fists. shot.' AVlio op e: t 6 are ict4eir r,, I* . e stuager ;oiled a welencholy. smile .at her rtaln.- : • 'And the Hamiltous and Dilions r ho "(Inai. tiotred on. ' Hamilton's there still; but Mr. Dillon gate up his pLee, - and sold off everything.— Smite aild he traibroke; and ; Mr. &under", forteieue's agentlires'thero not. And ivh'o is Mr. Fortesnue 17, Oli t .sir, he married Mr. =linrfon's d:nghter, lnd then holot the property - of:the old =fa deith.' , . • • Sure llieranias.anotliersun,' ailid the stain= ger, quickly. •-• ,• -; `.`hero waN. air—_4l/eter ticarY 10 the 'pour yiNing ram decline, zaid went- to the Continent, and died; and the old gentile .uan &JO life.lonelafict ;' iitdizm "la Yo,ll hies, too, ; 10 r After a,panse,the 4trattger naked, , 'And Mr.•FOripene.49 bent home, nowt : YeP, sir, he is: but the poortnAtkisin gre.,t ;rif lost his wife ;. she died : Ist of decline? : His wife!' cried the stranger-,—' she . dead, too, 11 tone. Thi s tears filled his blue eyes, and trickled down on his cheeks. / know you, now,' screamed his Companion, starting np, know. Ynt; now; you're Charles -Burton,.if he's in this world- 4 .. : • - • The tal twin stood up, end el :sped , her in his arms, end laised her, and •eried on, - in si lence; a n d she hut:m(44in, and s..id, 'l run, . _ Bate leolmd _hit° -the room. and the. t,ll i;tringer secs 081 ,kiseingherMotheci; butthey did..not mind ht!.r.'.c Shes4selylp . ft them there. ,‘ %Ay dicto'f . ye tell, me,' s id Mrs Le they r.esnmed theirseato.,?. - . - • '1 Fantai to\ find out the family, too.near the - house.',! ',... , - =,1:: ' , ~" : , - • .{' Any . friend of Mr. Ihttf!in's is alwaya :Most welcome le the libber''relied Mr. Porteseae. ed,' „- , .; . . ~ ~-• . with a;slight tremor in, ht yoiee-he periels•- • !.,oh, that's a long story, which 11l tell you, ed tie ,tears still in ftugon's ..eyes.„ ...' 1.. lire ,some time or other—yon see I'm alive, still.? - say I have seen you here bet ore r . ' : Ion are come down, here to the assizes, 'I" hardly think' so: . , - . 1 31r. - Fogeacrte, , I pre. then."to look for the property.' , , - i snmer Tlnd:gentienninbowed: . 'I hive not I!Ph l.no ! no' I hadno idea . my -brother; been hire for'n'early' fifteen years.'- "Hy mini-: -w:ss,dez.d.- I hre caned; my own fortune. liis CI lied-V....art LI C111101). 1 ' 3 '* -7 :' . ' c me, after, a long abienie , „ -to. find. a ! loyid, i , 'Oh, the ariny'r nsked•Hr. J Torteseue, with darling sister and brother and yas the rest of, interest. ' • .'' '' . ', '.. . - ;, ; /.. my, life with them-•;theyilirehoth de:tsl; and If 'The East'lndii ComirmyS-Service. • I have amaronein pc world.',.. And his tears flossed i been abroad for s longthne, and, 'just 'poising; 'A . M.A., .- . - • - I , , ..,, through this rieig,hborfaiod; come to. Visit:ill ',.., At length he said, ' l'clar intelligence- has i spot white' I have polished so'manyh'C'pp} drys,' l, quite overcome, me, de tr Hrs. t;rilira ,AVill]. 6 hope, sir;you will . allow sire 'to "oak you - 1 you send spine one toishow me my lodgin • gel '-to stay and breakfa i sit here; astir - hi - ihe ste.m Tomorrow I will speak with you apitt.' - ._ , tithe we Will Lake a iurtruri'anddown`this :old i He was up again eirlyjn the morning; in- walk we both' kbow so'well.'-` ''''; ',., '',' •,-- ''l dee4 he acaTeely slept,„ And he took, a click,' The idranger acqnieticMi, and tin; isiro iiiii '-s l3 d, went . .at?ng. 1! - 10 % Y ell-I ,7s 3 ws sini'd ton' . .-rdsi w.ilked4iltdgitlier. '-''' '''''', -' • '-- ' hcS l /f- , Or iv'''. s -%*e7 l•'• l s l 3'77l l Tl?iniS l l 3 4 11011 ,1. : Th'e'y talked 'o'f'onft lines; and 'of, hlli I' .ther ly commenced; their rnproing : .son,g . -,IM one i a ng, Bisferi end torten (olefins' heart Warm big ssi,S . , ; ! . stirrin ., stirring.. ; On be . trent,e : ch . turn in : ,iile, i tOlitat iiister'4 - tiorrOtiing: finsbAndibiit'not by ron,li-so . .,tallligr_7 - - I t,rC° so l' ; e?! remember-: ; a word lie betr,iy who he , i,vas. • ' 4.4 1 . 6 '' , :ei.V. a lt e, ! !s 4, .iis h° .- - - W , iik4 Lh; r si, " l,: ' .Yeti . lineWlFenii Bdrionr. aitkd Hr.' i'or. 8 , ; P1i14triai 3 4 3 1 4 , 1 / 1411 7/ 1 little Aret il r 'ilregell ns the aPprOdehed theY)Misie'. -- ''''''• ' - recognized; Pleisin't dompiniOnS,to fins 04o'ns ~.r •s --„,„41: indeed.: ir u i,,i a r ',.:11,;, f cji,; - along the old road. - .Therelsihe little villi..ge nn ' nnnn--'n„-t„- a e - ,„-- i t _i' n .,.1.-„' n . i „'-• n • . / ".,..,.; - ,7 1 now ace : his home ;I.; and the - old:church with ; `' - ': - . 7 7.''.7-': I-77. .777- - -7-`,7, --,- ,, 71 11 . 8 ...: , T e 7!.•'.11 _ , , •,..,. _ . , disimartiod.' „" '" ''' '- „ --". fits - well known spire, like all'indelt fo'nf.fwger , i ife,-',,i,i his j '6 0 '04 tlrydrfte; the'oni Man 1 pointing tils to -war. - and cheek - 1 esit-doers— . did , tinflOnesiiriio r lifiiii itni , ' less of Ids heir that church, where he so often, TrayecU:with I broke his hwrt. , „ • - :-. ti4ll6r °De's g " e ' . ' hat elureh to mbiehlk I Therentered the !Mit; the old ball, with its had 5° often ones with-bik ' j iiietures ioni4ilte,..ii;.llB; si/I thiie e'zill.'"Chiee er thoughts than piayer. And the good glen,. 134,tiic...i-ii(Avsio,iii,.(f4iiiica and iii;si. al tilafi ; 1 "; 16..:11-e 4 d4-463-11 ' il * resi ii 41411 ° .. 1 riitd:funied,iiniiO-,!);Ji.a,:w.:nliferel;4lht` tel toted to immind the young ,people , that it'lxarit. t.,, e .4 ih o ' e i n thi by, ;h u t . ir t a ' l;iii - wisa.nal 11 " tliO 1 Pea's houssethey were in,zind would they nati t .._." 7 .:: - ~.... , • • . d .. h ,.a. ._,.......: b 93 „, .• • 1 nave Won mu Viiryar , . I g ii-lip riteu , 7 ; D y re4 P ' . ect him ther P ' 0.4. ' 4°4 kr g iv "- -4iin the Mild of tare; iith'ekban°o4 , 7l4l6 - ' . ctiiih -1 1 ,8114fie4ins `' ar ne g li g e ' ey '' - " d - wilful ' ' 6° ' tip' ii 4 itoaf wiiii igo "i-OeatliOrZ""=i' ' ' '1 rate; onil beastlongvi*, that he luoliettnlg. : , *-- -- - • = ~`. ----- lv -, ;`J !.' : Ad in, when there before end thb tears Waled! - N o w hi case th)s ,owner: thel•-the'AgWlil! down-the:- hiunbledAtinneew'ltheek.!- Tb - o!ia.sielio7!:.o 4 .hK.Tr:" l !lkdit!d , ,t,i,itlii i iO:idi VfAtifttliekthit God - wa merciful, - and liad-r i nm. 4 hiM wki t h i'li l l e !l4 6 t ''lt h -* 41: 1 11 ii4 41 (4'40; ti4vi44 - bEt riot tir'ed iorikoi - owl - 1 iPtillle.. iFek a t,r.#o'i!g. 1.!F 13 4 fg!illillF , 4l . 1 3 0 ' ', He' conic tii tie' atti.ti, iiiia tholoa& ,Tiri.,37.it 0421 4 i 4 6 wa4t 4101 '=•"'' •- - ; •' : :' -. .. 1 %''''. 1 .'...,•,,'! isfai•iiiidvi. avenue dre a kie 3 / 41 4,, , ,iiiiiiiig h t ie l.',l There was a pie*e covered with crape over , 1 tiliet'i: The iat4akple'itiiii,litithi)•ttiebfonleY•tiniel-‘:' to; tort4ctioirtriofer l ',.-:% --<= *=.=,--: ',: , ,n, , . i ....:` ._-,-.-, 1&".• --- .7 ,, .-- 4r-.1) =, , - -- 1 , „ , • .:,,,Y- , _ , 'And spre ihei.,411t1!,9112,14y0 weret.Town. - . ;:ri , liil - ;!a,' , !!:•o,yill'-, , I;i =; At nil events, he, Woad unt third: himself. %fit tAi• ii4ii V.lifia' l'!oi t 6 '''" ' '''` D'''' . ' e ell IL, )(ni way ,- " O l dl ßiddY risigibni, , lf •nhisisials thimi; kriri;W that' f•;e6 i he'saired'ina''qnfulfi: 1 ~, ; - , -1 would beanie to know hits... •E.O -- ho , ifeis on ' : tea poor ?ia!iithetil•• as iLtii's • o life;,th`e Luuderthe 14 Virk'svait and Carrie bithistile Asai,eyell: again smilini 3 OPOrs lifra. end thellPs s° Ai110i . ,0 1 , 3 0 ' beford;'lnd'Ofiniliecr • Over.lL pl ied just as It 7 111,* N 9 '.4 ioineltb, liliiakl . tile, {Once ride ' iii'll:e' dei t ; -- 01 i pleee;;;..' e - "it hie 'same - hapi4" - JOYone' rook, , the' same sweet !heart W.tifi!il, up; la his mouth. "* hurried sidle iti She had fiffeen:'yeara` gc,' When 'ishe'l 0 7; ihrknifib the,. WOod 7T .iiad .the; old, trees 'useje fn tlti't aline Partin.; to greet him With' s! looked ,d,olftt. and: smiled ~,Ols.. }die i , lOokteg loving kiss in tle,tnornifig,'aed preside 1 Young *gain with the coming spring.., And he at the happy breakfast table; the bright sun of looked up on the , plALfrknds,-!to welcome. th e I ,thesister on one side mire that Cotintet..6llog i strahger hoie.- Old friends that chitiged not,: the clOudof the daily father on 'the - other ; and i though all else changed, old friends; old !trees thebrother, DOW the only one left, the outcast; -!--the dear , ones that - Played:with bim amongst !yet • the pet of the brother and sister 'gone.' them We'regone=tlie"imity - toeilacreoari e jF Ile went eerier and, chaser, to the' alttiost to !mile-Out-the old,treaTthe weritorsom ee ,' speaking pin:trait. 4 1 7 anny r he ruurintired, and thegrimplaytnatisfoiebildholicris -hap* hour;ilearted, his head 6n the eldioneY4iiece sad give !they 'We - O" there4etfirtkerther, oo iy . :t o ; wayhe sobbed ` aloud. ' 1 ' "'.' • ' • welcome theetringerliense.;..-A..ho 'imb e d I `The haat:lid looked ors. ' (AO old liwer,`lie the ea it (t t hewood, there _ asthe. large lawn thought to' bforself. And be : gently came be l before hi and the clomps, o r , trees. and the t ,ldnd - httn , iirld d r ew : J( 7 ,4 'Al.° 4rk c rn Pe• -'• • house, -- e dew house i o j,,i,, 'in t( 1 0-'di s ba.„. n o i The children, Abry and Lizile,came - in,and foldiA his his a i ms, a nd la'Aed at theview fie--'their Plirneis , "and 11.1 - 44 f i n t Oeue;'''fid l i ti fore him. Still he loolted.i.":“ ~ ' - "- - / stranger recovered hims••ll', and was introduced. And 69 itt• itiz:vi 6'1.1'01 hived ieviie.`. I,` Captain Cl.lion—Miss i'ertesetr.'%' , Bliss I. 11.• felt —he irkJ,r wa.a t boy Again. litlieners, ati old friend of -Peer- - Finny's,' he I Ile stood there, " lost Pn•tholight, While the continued, and the children V.3ll:l l e'to kiss their I testa • foiled fast from his eye.si—' his whole - Piet - father. ''', = ---" •'• '' :.; ~ •• - 1 life came up - at one view before .him. .Nis' Your little on 1' Burton asked.' • ' -- ' . ' I childhObila iniPpy" days, wyen hiSangerarnOth-1 He shook'hituds with 'them, and they In.! i erl4Sed and petted,her golden-Haired,, dar ling, . came great friends, !and"got o' his knee, 'and Youniest son—the spoiled, pet—and, taught :unitised them with their childish prattle. - And' , him to lisp at her, knee'•his infant • prayerit.--, little Lizzie so like the mother.' ' Who' wail 1 lific went first; then his ! boyhood; like i dark • she`'called Liazie, atter' she ought to-have icloud , after a brief - hoist' !ofinushini. ' His been l-Knoy.t, • They a,t at-lbreikfast—re- I stern faher, and the hasty, blow, his, boilirig .0113 wore Off by degreesel•--,and' the children I blood, fi nd the bitter secret tears of early man, = laughed and m a de their fUney little remarbs, hood's shame tit tieing beaten like a dog.—,liind asked their curious queitions. The strati. Then the reckless . dating, and headlong Ipsh s ger eat - between them: and the !seniors laugh. to sin. „Then further on—s • lad—still worse, !ed, - too, and chatted' More freely. ; • They' all more steeped in v ie. • And then a vein of felth•ppy-nind Burton talkedrio'well of all gold in the dark ch os of dross.'" Dear Mary,l he hal seen— • • • -1" . • •-• ' • - 1 ;i' • • - th'i 1 ° 144 ' him sci,* (4l. *-his first, love, his last .., -Th. tratitei, spivs; tiitunes haled 'passed, "- —hls 'darling, wife, who died so- soon !- And i11'43 the rest listened with interest. : • •-.•- PAssionsto burs( Of griel'ohecked the thou ht ' :.` I wilt' you would - ewe m "nntt spend. a ;few lie skirted along the wood- Should be ep.. &Ye - with ,us, asked Mr. Fortestme.,• - •'You poreli the biatiettbere was no One up 'yet fi We'lit AN — r- , -now , I sUPPoSor4 , ,''.! -: • , , It was still veri iarlY-4e; would -Just ,visit , " I Ye" walked from that ihi , morning.' : , . the shrubbery at the end, and then go, ISo he -• ''Do come,'-.said 4 •4 l4 zzit's ' i'iiPile show Pi! entered huid - the - treeraglicand - mitred the ' I V g' "' den! t "-"!! "" -..; L - ' • il '• : -.• `• •7 =atld the 'el& iiiilk«-the'• dear old ' And the Rn bits,' said Mary ! . " - I ,41k; and - here_ the arbor ,that he and:miry 'And the p i geqn*: - ' and gm 'P air !‘;" ah , ' do: }helped old ; John,. the gankner, to mike. The promise !'; sad they_both.: •-:, ••,., t. ,!! • ' I oldlre,es here, too, like dear relations, the oth'. ! He looked Aowe at the little*Angs• ers only friends—lie :sauntered , on, so Slowly, . 'lam._ m u ch- c ' hu P d ' i h e lddt ! 1 ' trill avail I •Ols to take irk nil. i-. of tho-,,,ene ll e s t shrub h e InYkte:f!sg „Par • Ida . in!itation: ...,_ ,I must , - .go would not miss the sighti4he very weeds hid I / back, however, to M—.-- to.day.', •, . -..- pleasure,for him. • ' The seat there; still,round I : '''Cill',we..!are'ali going is Llttet breakfast,', s some trial going on: there, and the. ‘ old! /La s s tree e. Fanny's seatoth :t he . end .Therei Jrck haul made. He threw himsnlfon , it, car- P_ h " ila weti ' unxi°ns t° beat ' li4 l''' we Ite I erect his'f.:ee.amillfept _On,--it did him good: all going to the- c°urt'lli.use•- "?' 1 :4 11 : give: you .. :. , ,. a, seat,ht, and bring . you ont.,".‘c,: ~, - , : He we at home in last ., ! -!. Thus ! it.Was ,arras ' !.! - --, !: :-„ '••• • A step err the gravel walk behind him:: Mr.' Tholadies vvent - up at drs•to! dress for-the Porteseue was up .earl too: he , had grief in - his heart. and - could; not sleep long; and he d „ rive. l' an . d Eurton strolled into !the garden by, lc 'me - to wlk up and down the old walk. be. h imse lf: ' ." '"•' • ' .Sh Ili I deprive those angelsiof this placer fore breakfast; where no one couldsee him or " his sorrow. Who cm" that be:on the 5e4?...... he said aloud, . —A I. who have no Air:- to...bind The stranger stood up and turned round. lie me to the worid:but them I. • But they must i v ised his hat with inch a true air of breedial, know me and love mean theirz OA Mr. Forteseoe involuut aril y did the s me ' : t'en ' this ' etehin e` i ' '' '' -``•:d e.: :Yee, yll •"•'-' • 13. --, -': The-carriage, came to the doer, and!theyall 'the , two 'perfect gentlemen recognized each , • drove into 51-4.—.- ..• :.:'-',, '- : - •'- : • -Other in•th .t simple :.titian. ' i ~. •• i , -I F (TO baContinned.)l,,, •-• You win pardon infra - slier; sdr, sins ' !Barton, 4 when •you•• learn •• thst I am an old friend of the •ftinily who lived here formerly, I elm; thus ealy in the mornin'o to-visit' thd old pl.tre, thinking . 111 rd ' nogg of *tlt'e. tobily would be up. As it is, Ift 4I hate 're'niured MEER MMM rattltalg T i tliVreT •„§ please to Inform .me of thortititaber °tin, 4.‘bitantsc of tho'houser , „ population of ihiS marutionr Well, • thbre - ;i4.,e414 in room Over head.' 'Eight' : '; • Are. they adults?" : `.:. • , 'No! They are all Smiths, except:two boar- Smiths; bb:ek- or white smith, rieedenir = hare you to know I don't life house with -Diggers.' '1 don't allude •-to their color, : I . mean--theiri tt:), thet's it, is it t Well, if. ion !veneer here•hist night, you'd hare found'ont, -for thei;.. ,warealling the erateits, loud-es _thay , scream.', ;•••, . • ••• 1 • ‘Malinhi, I inerolywish to kno'w how many people you lace in this house e and- what they do for n•living.'pi • - , , .t • Yes; tes, riotv Unriderstand; you. ipirmi:sce ; there's the two Dittliinses—that's 'That makes- two, madam), : On know best.; count theni , , .• • 1 )•ny-bnainens-to inquire, madam:• ; Weli,.3 ou, had linnet. tend • *alit, _then, end not botherine: - • 1 , en - ni l i+e• 4 Well, yOnr'peeopt of pitii , sent•el • I jellnii!a eoinetiatO • ...IC , : 14 in on lieeOr , nn Oct of `Colt. • • ' •—• 7 P R, "r‘ • . • r • te aamP tFy fp.)Ffebo-lifihtle! l 'l)V)ru;( l t e ` 1 44 act fetteia afeh . 1 0 11 Y fro 01911%!:, oti bushel ni hi: sup -- -- i zs ia ' ti to i t 1 o r 4 , ti - ji • , • .ThOintaXvieft: ,; .12 ; tkii. retninellitir thordaye . ittoof mitt huaitoit tioitaiad„ efir'ke, 1," 11 1a 7 =4 1 4. 11404 .''.1/0 1 4 , 44%)f "-',W7771, hitioVea ', l4ii!!'th?i ..: t:ii;,;3l;ii Unalsened mineys, ihp diNtrapt,4!* lof Selig! :Mr#OTi&lltWie'ixii;!learii#'4l,li-,1"01404 itiVia*hirid'hedOry, :Air?t',,l3o4keteleslo; ;`thi lt ; k , i n , lo the denityl Of the tiitatalicieere;;b - it # i p 10 1 PlAtw: ll 4l terSiga ling at • Min: 4 *lelv 6 far c Oi half ef it* 41* 10, tiAiet and Dokosieranthealbraciag the Wh i rde 00; the `amount of tboa# tvas i,s tt thy • of hinaa,ohoaetia timperi- This '%ilut&litel PID "' 'l l .oireatt.t-:-In the itieeeedieki Spett l / 4 41416 Plats er l lllll I tireatta tilaPattet ;Of /3ttae die 4 ' entat t; sig , 41eunetilituiiietbilM' ;Jib, dfid leieiAe': ‘ Thik*4l ri 4 fiei :o ve o if * .r ,-- ' • • . - Tc: . ;',11:':t .. i4 1 ,;-:il!t 4; . tv', ."t:., , ' , A,_ ~, i.1:.~:•. VOI ITME -11 DU .. ~.. :~i-' F.: eg4 F'. 046 4: 1,401 t- 3 trvelted `lnvoialKY :Pat! 1 .144 the 'Pteethik: 'Leo .1.4,'1) ; .;-- *Da along ,, : flip of alliii*theloFatreiut Belk; shire aossi):i'suld 'fell In with r i_ hai k u 'gnglandiale oßliereel;- 41 4sikinfigireWhilr if she-knew he ohoidd tutu off es .tggo i. 4.11;46' ...I:ertandY; knew ev..17, inch' th w =II can guide, 1,,- ! WO; 8114 the .Judge, who w no 1111144- 4 ' eccentric, apd,ul3o,lBllo , Wied for 'and etiggeo,M s n l X ll % 'if you are itelsifthatrlir ra eon, jog on with yachter parte:l4pm IS% betterthaksatqr 1 Jag m entered isle cossersaifye r . ; `and had h plaaaast time at, it, whiehrlyed thecosseieseseas of &deuce. 11% Wig* Judge thieking that it wei,titsa,te Ape , ihzd thepoist of separ4tim s ewilkb 1 0' r time of, hia, 'airhahe had bid him was two 7 isnee,eit 'Madam, have;/ gat near. the 0200 am=ta.t.cum, off!' _ ; -::; • ; . *Olt, my! yeli; sim,*o. mita it 41010 mik mulct half bekic ;. • !• , i Matey; vaid.tlies,Jufte.sol7 _yon•letisnie that!'- ; • •-: • • • --: ••• - i "Because,'• sidishe, ; igrete;iiith-.7lm4lbit; reistitaP4W is• better than Dauer: • • - - SISK./2:4g25 in 35 1 4MalialLea, : Col. McClure, of- the 4unisft Ben y threis i hn• ing coMpleted his I,bors as _ Deputyl 3farehsl ', for that county, a few weeks since gives the wing curi folloous st.tisties- , ...soine o f ,widch, i I be it understood—cre entirely , int& 4;04.11; Number of free inhabitant* ; 12112 , "._.in 1840,. UOBO - 4 of miles, , gso3 0 `of fern des, - ' - 66 / 6 '' 1 0 of persons nroriett, ' ' 4200 ",,happily married, • '; 7 - ' 40:,, " miserable m ;vied. : • ' 25 0- t ' * contentedly. ararried, 1660 , a ' •in tried within the near," ' 140 ' - " to dried tothetrchoice, - - • 4. of widowers, 1 t 9OO .: `." whO feel bereaved, - _ ; , - " W.Mting to ma:rry spin, , - ' „192, " holing, to get better trivet Oulu - ' ' - . oefore,. -. ~ .... ... ,„'isky, , `! of widows, , . • , - :'.21:40- r a hoping to mnrry Again, • , ,-. - 4 190- • who have had offers, ' .- '' li4 ' u _. engage d , - ' ; '6 4 1 4 'who love allots ardently tlonlrefore.`23lo7 '6 of b thelors, (over 30) , ,- •'.r200-„ 1 " who hope to rainy, 132 't& whoitiice been, rejected, - , 15 " who have never offered, 122 " who have conitedtvidowiry " 37 " of old maids, (over ;25,)- ::::: :: ;:: - :tX) '' no vlder now than Uri years ,ago, , - 233 " of young ladies, ( u nde r,24s) ~ „2001, ' ` 4 ` cerVed, '"" ' ' " ' ' 42r - , 4 'who think theniseirett tmgsgod, ..*. *no . who have been dis.ppointek:l • . 205 , ! " who have f;inted within the year, ,- 437-, 0 who hate filen into gratletnenit - ~' '` " who 'can to ke, . '503 " who win knit, - who can wash, 247 ° who Funk to marry rieh, - 2999 " tvho are handsome, ' ' , - 40' who think• themselves so.= 2000 r_ , " who have_had two bean t x.4l, mwe .362 , . "who tatve had none. . 390 " who would marry widower* 532 - a of voting men, (under 25) ' 2140 " who !granite, ehewond drink, --" - n 26 - r - who rtitnire their own whisker* ' 532 - ", who, think their rrents fools,: - •51.3 " who think , themselves - handsome, 1704. "• who hive common sense, . 870 a who -would marry if they eonid, ' ' 349 . " who could marry if they would, 1226. . “ of ba'Vea, ; , :,1627; :. " of handanme h; , iiies,32 , 4 tempt' e ••4 tin dringtbefr bablei • pretty, . ..1500 ' "of Ninnies•without b bies. ' -92 ".of f milies with two babies,- 21 . 344 " of subscribers to rlrrnt.,Y p a Pers. - / 226 " Who jiiv for then, 300: . ., " who hope to pay for them, ' - -' ". 600 " who don't intendto pay for then,.l2l; " who t the tho 4 Sentinel: ,". „ „ 051 '' 1 who rend it,, - - ~. 2493 " me , ' who ho or erenrk, _ - ,355 " 'who t .ke the 'Register, ' ' ' 575 - ' "" who rend it, 1 1 ' " whit have Noted inithe attempt, `132- -, , " who intend to tnke,itnext year, ' 87 " who borrow or steal it,_ _, 00 ~ " T of prevehere'in thecounty, ' ' 25 , " who love souls moritli:a tnottei., ;3' 0 ofl expert; in the connty, , , fr who wont_plead an unjust cause, , , 0 , . or editors, , - , , . „-'. 2 “ nito have commOn Sense, , . ", ,f '- a who ever ltve money, - ''- 5 " who write - nothing bat the truth, .t' r 1 _-'l of dectmu in,the county, ; -,, , 25 ; " who cure mOrethrur rheY knit , - 0 1 0 -of Inti•keepent. i ' ' ' 20 " who doin't break life Ilintrie ior, ' 0 ' ' " or tgill1)11% - "i C 1 t o Filo don't cabbage. - ; ,- 0 ' D> ~ts ' LrirEa Tr thp: -,- u an lnd iceth' in the nide dead lettere remittances' rendiand tho4o 'e(;*611181-45iitro•:: .eutrek 11.'0'14016d Info iicofai , as 9f neealuutisiip"' iviiinbeietleail lettere idol „i ?; : the Department cie'lrui' only vaguely, 4 ~ Y .,!. , 411:U', 1 .1, , i..: ,. r.:r.;- . :4:.1 ',...11?4,;....;&,,r:1:,'--.t-- lvr^•l.i .:,5 MOT ,'.:il ' 7.! T.,:'.P.-'l.',',.:.'_7' MOM • r„'--)...k ,j - 1,.; - :•., - -::=-, --,.--1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers