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B.- CIIISE,?ROPRIErpas --- iOl TdE DEMOCRAT. ft.l;7,llMilt IMtao,,Sl3ll3z. • Cousin, at mommy's shritte Vet kaesl a moment. while mir rathering tears Shall pay It tribute to departed years, Once yaws and (me. Atti.nd with !nen in: ear, While fancy, in her ttzlit. artam ahan roan's— My hill•torn shade and your sweet cottage home, -Are they not 7 • Dearrat. thzt kimh•nrched rrovO, tiztdo of races 'neath each dark oprea&ng Lc. r. e , tvu .12 oar childish love and glee Used oft to Nee,— Yea, ear+ hriaht, holy spot In we're whiled away the golden holm, iVitehing alike the budding things and flowers; forget them not. Ahl we wilt lore tht•m still,— Each fresh youtC: bul, and sparkling dewed Each crli;lperiN br,vt-,artri birduf phirnage Ant tfi.n.t.,ag rll. coalien, from the Pad With ah fwert ettetuttatteenie, fr.! ete 11.1111 Ooa moment to the Prexeet.ethrtil We ttifellt Jet's wf,iie they laet By 11141.- /right Finsty days Dc with its holy fipell— OurT,ituri• 018111 ,, mould-d_i s i t wc u? Thou for Ward gate. piru ;nth tip:mornyou wake, And pour )nur zu.hing ,dug trit h ant• main ; Taal 'thou4htful oiu ono sou!fall tegrud ,train, Jug for my sake, glittering daylight fadys, And shad , w}' avaning drops her mantle clown ; And trembling stare bend from each Heavenly 'Mid twilight 'shrtt. l .-s ; _ Thrn at your hour of prayer, Crest bli.ssinzr. too for mo—and ever,know My tpirit, in its pleadinas. briidlug low Shall meet you there. .'Tis long past twilight notr, Bat tall, in fancy,‘Vonr swert, pensive Simile Soems in-tning gear, rack shadow• to beguile Front off ins brow. May angels pare and brizht Watch o'er' yonr lornateps—watch and Tine you lung— Heaven bless you—is the burden of my song; Loved one, good.tnght. 64-711.05 r cl!asSY. ii%j4 4 4, oc. Oh. these are airnihries , that throng So clo;ely round my heart, That of ns hidden trembling etring, They teem to lam a pan; Thq'ia travni ia with evrry tlreanti That haunts my nihhtly rest, Aedurveir ItLe a go:den beam Deep in my ;troubled breast- Oh,theie are memorke that crowd And cluster in my brain, That limd me gently to the past And make tae grasp again, The bloonon g wreath my childhood knew, Ere change had come, or blight, When each lair bud 2.. as wet wi h dew, Lath' blossom crowned with light. Sweet memories, ye gently now Are Aispering in my heart, I feel }our lick-upon iny brow, And tears of rapture start ; - Ye tell me of the anu lit hours, That flew no gaily oa ; Ma] Iliozuvz bards and fragrant flowers, That b:outned without a thorn. Ye tell me of the young—the fair, Who flitted bound my path ; I,twine amidst their clustering hair, A bright and glorious wreath; listen lt the warbled noes, That tremble ou the tongue, VI through my soul that music flows Like strains by angels sung. Ire. stay then, gentle memories, 'Within my heart or hearts, Audio:llY hush the heaving sigh, ' Aud dry the tear that marts; mild; y e gentle m-mtiries, Your itn;p:if e in my breast, drat shad close my weary eyes. And sake me to its rent. MACNIFIgENT Sows.—At Sr Paul,flior.c4,ta, tho pi , ifr , lot over mt the 14. h Di:timber. Da the oth,says Cif Pl.l per r 1 From tAtilrist nt til almost ntv the a. pPripte of St, Paul witnesKed one of mast superb !solar eribitioos ever seen. Three suns, tuf oval brightness, and- too thtztlin z for thr lie naked eye, apparently r,,5,.i thour,ht how she'd he punlsherj if sht, told; sol thing; And there she . so so-won on, triy . . a wif_ . e, go . 04 14... her - in - itrir.. , .. j a r t , .ranee. in th . e heri t ,o, and the grtound bo- l'the w___PP,,.idn't"Pe4ch'-an:i4-Von:iotapni.priatmanibar.areromatall'iltha2, that she 444 er l prtio 4e4 s onh ne F b ° 0 31w1 0, 74 4 7i ° 1; e 7 1 1 1 -7- Good-byGi7cei'isi berinktr,44 430 Y. ~, ,,l , r . :„ l r te,il with slum, p.gurcil forth a tiring.] B elr , I " s '''' ll Th3t7" the 0 " .. ' -- - cast. he ° " the °th - ri ' 6 I , parted °nth's% the door' % . 1, , , ~, Z--1 the la It intense we l Ter bel.eld; I think of for Imp nottellini at oast, as sho told her hersself. to 11541°Itin the I"se. 114(irli" e ' • 4 Cood-by.ilia'anViad tiite, Aoarttyiiii.': f ix o, :tr ii 1' powerfully refra..te,l rap sear me this mor i, l i, , , , ~% thin* she is cap unhappy:. ',l , - „ „ ~_ . . , , _ _,r-,, i 1 , ‘wntrard Frain the real bP i 1 of the i Whatdid shale''' . y • ou t• _ ' 'Poor e find; said ars. &O&M ' I should 10:14 Mrs. loaouP l ele•; , Wle to 1 1 . 1%.4i,wil i se lir . a ' /lie the 1,1 I zi , b,. n „i f ,, . . • , , 3ft, L ke if and he antagettvith Aft, ligniltoo i ,Jta *flej '1 II 't I .1 ' '' ... ('' a fiery ' Why y ladysb" ' she said she mrs in thi y be eii'd to oPenk to her, eleir , itii,. Y 1 . . . i t tl 'i o i :oe ,,,,,:p li tr e ," F n h e i a c e b Ar_ ri hi i r r l m e (,: p t n h r e ,n s t u h n e: Like I roo ~ on . ,- el : y g I P' , ' a i ii i pvEr , lt iyere -perfectly ee , avotti . t.:- .L.ut. " . '5: ...... - , , ' ~- ., :t0. i A bti1 a 0 ,44, 42 15 r1,.1 . 4 , ;11 4 :1171- .4 -1 0 e i r m ota z, L o ? 6 , l r- o pt to ' the 'chin Lay's wo , rirpoicli t a i I .) "I' ing a liriliant sun.dtio, with i on' Gt , .ee, the orator tvsslookin for a Doodle, 4 0 •41°-rt inlY: tUa at% f., Pl . ! 7 w.,,,72 . 4. 11 , 1' i idio Ith e . ey o' c i l ieh E rd w o u ' iy - igifi 4 .) 4.#. 4 , y 7of !via the centre - of each, intense-la" '''6ll:3thill" Init 1 an' bier i ' 33other 'came in by the - drawing-root?.. ' ,-- nod womagivii . ~.,. --,-,. f. ~ ~.: i j o t l i mi . nu tui. so the these two - sans, tile 'tli e w llidow,zad took the riZoineY 'out ' of the) . i% 4ll 'w 3 Ht 14 )Bild theii 646 'Wi t ll Y 4it ' if i i w t ' - 4 - 'la'd • iticd;ipit"; 7 , r .;4-i „ n r i n p g of the true Mn by refraction, ihird's bud by AM; an' Gnus follYed 104 1Yott will allow ree:Bit Demi? i i t 4 nTiP t et' d sfrii- a• War” theyh g,— th t „ ' n " ' • ' ' ' , 114 , b. . , equal ofdsplenor, Uio a row with and overtook her, turd wasted to hi:llldd hert.,Tunder% 'and l* little,ffirl cau cktott hiltere, L rTane w_oeW4 4 wi th j o y'"" r !I' _.. • 4 . fgeat father right ' but the'motheir turned - MA '' tr64r. ikt 4s—w rd 'Vet7 weit'fir; exictly. 7 'and they -both left of gratitude between her and fur hurahte ptiptt ~~3 ~~n ~ ~~~~0 Fre pi the Ditblln 1 1 1 ilypil!tylttPtuq• s cusp atr:s:ZDZT'N. •(eorrEcur.D.s , 1 • -, ••CFIAP,TpR yt. - Poor Kennedy! • lie got perups.,s4tnLfrpm his master to /cave work earlier than Anotherman took his piece with And be hunied..horue.. . , • - i • .1111 tight her,' he said, us he went We'll go to -Mr, Saunders. -, Two hours there, and- two .back:- fli ,beb.lek by eight 0 . ,c10ck.! And So -he came to : the- house, „ • , . 1 Where's. Grace !".- he ' The-little things could , ! him. that ,two men Came fur her, and- she-Wept with .them. • ; " Was her tm)ther. here T: he asked., . ; No, daddy, an'. We're. very-hungry' •. Vie hurriedly .got . something to eift for the I little - creatures.. S.crelY, he thou7ht, Mr, Saun ders sent for Grilce.i, Then telling „the lo go to bed when they, had eaten-their 'supper, he went out. I.A neighbor's' wife was vashing_a pot - before 'her door, a little lower' clOwn.the lane, , : "ill us, Biddy,' be asked, "did ye see two men goin' to my house. the day P • ; • ',_ f Faix I did, fleeter a.hagtir, ate.lscod them wan thng i rtn.anrtin of, that'she tlivir:thonght g 4 n' :isray t 00,.. • -; ''- .'''. 's of takin''the MoneY, an' nivir did.' :' :. 'Grace was with them, was she?'• - • • •- ' . D o p't • I , l 3l.l:ilitnL s ir , it . wntild bct 1414'•lile ' . Yer dau.ghter, ye mane,' 'said the woman, l , - to det dnthiS min 3" naked the Pcdieetrian ooldly "h,ith she %‘-s.' 7 : , ' I' . Why; there is no evidenCe Whatelver against . • ' Whit is id ye m ne at all, Biddy, , nehora?thi m . , riLiton,.oven . hv:Srly'aecider,tti/IndriiisSpa . ' They mm s the polismen that was sid yer lof hi s , oe ,- e ,' : I don't see: hoW 'yott i can keep danghter, Pether•agr, 4„! answered- . the womao,l'hi n o , raising herself up, and stmding before. him. I .(i!,:foi,'tgri forioleep in 6, - 0 ritteineti,l , ftir' 'Foliar ho shrieked, ' potiar and •r:',ll off.— .1- love iv- heaven, or I'll lose my ph!ce; - and 4 Och, she's Lken, the innocent craturand he r..n. ' They wodldn't believe her...l:hid' where anti rennin' to r . He turned back:to the woman.., 1 i• , ' W:.3 I t the Esc..r polls was in Id rhci l. asked. '3lst thim,' was the r.nswer. : . _ ;, ' An' wh .t time, giddy. honeY Ir. •, 1 i - • "Jist ~bout eleven o'clock this mernia'." -. 'O, she's in ,j,.11 by this,' he said, as he turn ed away. 'l'll clear iter, though, to her 'Ms tress, the kind lady; I'll prove her initocent, the d Irlint. I'll have the other wan taken.'=- and on he sptd to Escar. _ ! 0, be could not walk—he ran. Tlielles Mr. I Worrelrs—on to the hog,road; them'slis old I house. , lie stops to breathe. He thinksofi Grace in prison. On again—:-on, on; .64ers the ' bog road. He did not feel the cold Willa and, the spitting rain beating against, - his f..e.e— Grace Was in prison. He.heeds not the sharp, rough stones he trips against in his haste- 7 - Gr:.ce is in prison. On, on, still. Here's the bridge, and the end of the bog road. On, up the hill to the barr:.ck. He rushes in. ,What made- ye take Grace ?' he. asked. hardly able to speak froth want of breath. • Who are ye at all I' asked the sergeant standing up. - • - - 'Ye took her prisoner io-tby, didn't yes!' he asked. ' . , ' 'Took who:oils' (mu?' • ' ' *Grace lietir,edy, that was livie -at Mrs. Saunders.' . ' Yes, we did ; these two men are just after' leavingler in the jail' „ • i • 0 my God frhiaven!"--sitting down, and covering his Lee with his hands---and then he stated up—'she didn't take it—'twas her mother; her mother forced it from her. Go 'rest her, I tell yes. Put her in jail—my wife, Katty Kennedy. Take her up, and let the in nocent darlint go.' , - . , ' The Mies mad,' said the police. i ' I'm not Mad. I tell fez it was Katty Ken nedy took the money for dhrink, and yell End her now in Philipstown, or Hollywood,-,or somewhere. dhrunk' 4 I think We'll have to arrest , you, too,' said, the sergeant,' as you know so much about the .natter.' • . lOnb, 'rest me if yez like; lint let me go up to the good lady, Mrs. Saunders, and clear. Grace.' • 'O, Tiltake you there myielf., Come along: -He told his story by the way---and, they were brought into the ball; and the policeman told the servant that he had learned something More about the money. - . l' Mr. Saunders was,at dinner; but he and al) the family came out ' • . ' ‘Och,"ma'ant, ye sent - her to jail,' commenc ed Kennedy, in a,pitecnis tone—' oil!, -ye sent , . her to jail,'W she innocent. The pOor child. She clever took it, ma'am dear; she nevertook it.' '',That is nil this!' asked Mr. Saunders..— ' Dalton; Who is thiS man 'l' • i" - - ' The girl's f.ther, sir, at whose house the men lbtind her thii Morning' ' 'My good va:in.' e.kict. Dim. Satiade . rB4 . aP7 proachtg 'Kennedy, '' do you really wean to say thatshe is innocent?'`.' ,' .. ri, ' I do;me k.aly.:e God knows she i 4 - It - was ll'r mother took the `money; and ths 'darlirr ' MMIDE PA;;'Tirtla:SDAY;."FEllittrA#T2:l;lol,... - 'J .-.;:g oti: wit p, 'fi)l4 . lye& oti, hut. loaf lier, Vlnteartie to - liav: • liohiei \vet and eowld, ta..thry if ahe Wa.v:there. , • • Itlitics'tliestOry ma'ain; ltie I had to go to;nly I:aaw. alio was -loth to e. - *e baeli• here :by - herself ; -, so itold z her to wait till evenhe an' Cdto.-Wid herd; nn'. ; got leave from niy Work-early, and tnyti salhete, the eabili alie•was!gen: The polis had her, and-thin-i• ran on sera, - an' - nevi sheri .- • , • -; • - •7Anci pour Remedy's voice faltered .through bli and at the end he' faiflV cried. Alt, 9ohn4ou Were towlasty. r.-If I had sisoketitti her myeolf; she Iroditi.have told me im snie,'Avhispered hislady, sorrowfully, 6 There is one point in. our Story that-I . do not utidehitand,' said Mr.' Stundera addressing 1 the man, You sly that the worOan forced the'moner'out of thestild's hand.' ISlow,how c4rue it'd' her haul?' 6 ! the or itur tools it,up to ioph at, 144 1 411P11e,YCr honor' ~„ my love, was not y9u.r,MRFTI 2 I I I ,th9I • purse?? ~ • Yes, paps, in n. corner of the 7orkbox. . 6 se, you see, my man that your daughter must first have taken the. ,money . ,it. , of the purse int? her _own hand, be'fre it: O?uld-,be ' forced from it,' Ali, • • sir, I'm not sure what, , _sip. 'awl; but .he love,. Mr. Rawson's s goad Man, an' rn get , lave from him to ConMIO-MorroW : bet who'd fed. ,'her the cow:sin the mornin' if I'm etinyf . I'll - do - all'l e ,n for'Yez, tic;:gt'it the 'colleen out-o' 'jail; biit 'don't keep: me. There's two litti w:MS at home, end inaybe it's the .honse they have set afire. Don't keep me: ! Sure I 'wei;ldn't IrCve - eome-ttiAlie - priliS at all, if I had flitv - ii-mdlri it. An' I'l find Kiitty,lon, I'll go Iblil" - -, 1 : . , ~ . , _ ' • " Will,. sir, said Daltrin;" (: . think • I .bad , blet I 1 ter take him uptoldr.:Hainilton's,: 'nod get-r. , warrant for the apprehension of the:Om:min. - speaks of, - onhliTteitiruany in the case;' , ' And they went to the tru4;istrate's-4the bus i band tof give - evidence againatthe Wife; to Save I tbe , child.. - 1 "Can we not get Grace.oot- of prison now. dear?' asked, Mrs;.Saunders -.of her husband ee they returned to the dinner-t.ble4_ l „ .:,.. 1 ' Why, I don't know; she 'has linen certain • ly to biame,:accordingtp-her f4her's account. - rin going to the workbox at all,• and then tak 1 .1: mg the money out. I wish you would see 1 I `, her, my love, and try if her i;ersion coriespond I 'With Whet her father says: . You have"no ob " 1 jection' to visit the lan r - ..0, not the least,':aniWere'd the lady;' only' ' '1 4bOliaPpyi if I can he - of 'any serViee to poor, Grate, Who . Lre , . ally,hopla innovent, 't 'an w& not get her oat?', -1.. ... • . - , , ' . I would not like - to Withdraw my informa- 1 tions. having swbm to them, partienlariy as, 'I. the' mother , has 'riot vet been taken . and the ';girl may be the - guilty pjrty, after all:" Ilut it Iyou think - well of her tale to-Morrow; I May ;endeavor to get her out On ii.,il :hut you know 1 Ellen, ii4Mild be out of the onestien her! i , atnir here;& as tong as the shadori of a dOubt 1 I "P - , rested on - her? ' Where ennld' we put herr said his wife, I half to herself. ' ` ' ' Let her go home, can't shel--the fittest I place!for her.' 'O, John,' ow can you say that T—home ! I 'to - thit Wietehed ' lliovel in the bogs— for Mrs. Saunideri was not aware' of Kennedy's change orresidence. 'And 'what good has she . learn-{ ed in this home, •that We should Seed her there:?' -- - • ". ' ' 1 '-' . - 'The old schoolmistress wants la-servant, I thinh,'-whispt;red.- Jane: - ' ' , • 'Thank you, darling, for the-hint; .yes, .that ' will-just do,';-said her mother... "She Can stay 1 ' at the school, and attend' to -her : lessons, till she can come bnek hero with s character nn- disked?! . ~.. . , ~ .. , -- i • N!xt daY,3lns. - Sann,iiere, with her husband,] „drovo tothe jail., • i , 1 •.They wore..s,hotriti into;‘.tim master ' s parlor, ' and: he himself soon appeared.. ~, , , , • . or. .Denny,' :said the gentleman,' we would be glad to 'nee, a iittio,prisorter that was bro't 1 to pan : yesterday? , ~ . ' . -. 4 I i know; sir, a .little lightbairedehiki, about twelve..: yeam ,014--Imr - !nanie , was Grad Gra0,,,... :,' ~. .: _: „. ~, .. , , .., . . , ~ •.. i ,Ke . n t oy,' suggesteil3lrs. - 13a,unders. ..,,.: • ' 4sietly, 46 7 -Kgan.gdyharged , with rob. :bingtermabitreas,': ,Well,,,*ir, .. she is in the house here, - My wife, on , - ineeing..her, took 'quitt6t tney _to .iier.• •_• 'AS4e : was: tilid, - ,_ poor thing, and hungry, when she came - in,. and she' was taken clown to. the kitchen . to : eat- some- . 4vife- MEM the room. • Will you wait UFO, 4ir, fGF ii !not moment, till leall.hert t 1 • Poor Groat:eagle up' at , the summons -that some one wanted to 4ienk to her: " • ' ' ' • And she enfered.‘the ~and there %vas' her mistress.'; She juipped=forwurd, with . light; but ItOpposl,nnd'eritnsoned—she , reeol iCeted '' he,siiis; and ehe hioked . t arsee:!isid her mistress, , . ;,corner here and s it. :( i t i•n.besi l l i '; rue. Now _, Prp.ce. why did you riot toh me 11int 'your fathe'rl 4.1:1A01d:444 the' s urney :you 11-904 ; 430t , have collie hem, then, perhaPs!„ And the soft,i gentle tend went to herles4, 'and 'she • burst into tears:• ••_ . • / sorry, father told,"she said, nt .Whyshould You be S'orry,, it he, told t'ue truth!' ",Sure" I didn't tell a lie, 'Ma'am dear.' - yin not baying you did ; but VOW k(l4 - bl'ek part ; of tho truth, and, that's nearly as bid, • • Was thnt ns.bld? but • :-'Ent'slare;'Whftr.• • 4 Tsn't there a treat - punislnent,i;i:robbfri 4 ,• ton'arur '1 believe the punishment is heavy; but what lrs that to say to it? • • !told, she"tr - suffer ma'am; said Grace, with.feartul eye. looking up to her mistre4s.. ' Who is she r Come, go, on .Grace;. tell Line everything. I know nil, 'but -I motto hear it frorn going ..yourself: Yeti ,were to Irwent throng-It thus toii;t; Lind' tbn' liftie' botit, -.. take the moneyyourself, mere you not?'l recoghizoi ,- tli6'goldeti.lfairckflittle-: girl -going end they'rm ziPotir the cart rind ebeeretl :`l3..„no l art'am—indeed, indeed, no. thn't` h°l "; first.thAfit little sixpence, vCiould not. be hUrr:M f'she's'-'•out? missed; and the diwll pid that in: my,licitl :`but ilaa trt'll the d'tltfeY he - OftTl thenof me t - t,red I and:t'ne -bogs cheered ;It u,'Zis quite t the ! a- tilutriph. On they. went home—good don.' iss : bad-thought .nway.",', :' eke h—ttnd l'eter's ,-ringS:tterigleti behind and H.eir came you . to teueh the whistled some curioutitune: .Orithey.'"ment - • , -,.• -.. - r• 2 . '4- Inndlhoy all -were. portmerry "! But: :Who' are Greet. ~. ,L vy- n „ i ie bitke, zna , sni, and I k i i i ivv : yeti . ii , toes. on biton...: ~.: Tney • come 'cloaer;.the be , engry.with me: and • I -ante. MISS' T ane N':rire hke police, .C 1 Oserstill—two, police-met: L • workbox:and tried was it open.lltrinw 1111:1 1} " 41ir & -4- I r' l)4l .°'') ).l twO . e.ri them', and dreggnt! Ver7.- vtionz—eml it w:ti; and',l - found the heriinng..... : ol God,lermother: Git.ne fel; 1 quite,Slek. - ; her mother going lo.jail—thesamt needle-6'a in the bottoni, and took one, - An' thin I din- the little bag, antookout.the mon. i-P° 14 .5-thatt took her. 'Ode stop. -William °t _lAnd,Pcter looked round; but Still he rividatletil ov; , nn' had it in my hand; *thin inothe'r'etime to the Ed 'ss . dnOr-o,_l !Tot snob Al ,friglit rin,s e v to:.! hi i old tune,ond the police stopped. -7 :- •- . •- r m'she came in en' coake r f , 'heiS'ele'.,ntir ta . ! • i s lo's de4d . 4runk; S.dd Dubbin, "and•wiFet i tr i a - inn i wolk 'a step.i•we're.killed-dragifig ber.S . :Yotere me, mid tn;de a snatch et the c iitnner w:‘y. I followed her, and canroit her must in ,4 1 entr..ot all eventx,*sdd cites the shnibbery, 'ad Bile turned road hit 'MA here: (poorGmce waisohbM ~ r hitterly)-.;-', ire foiin6 nin'ami' (and there teas tai ..tyr rit:on hir'i:_ , ,M-i )er• op i m , ( k . •A I • 3n naqrs . kaeFlt•to b - t)le,l .0' i teal? and wt. , ieaup i ii..n.;itito I h `S L7 i • : a ' ' 7,17. - ~:: •:; 4 !: ., ' 3 - -' ,l '' - i''. i... ther . i, thinl i in , she mi 4 . ther ,„ ;, • bnt she wf ,_; fll f r ' I knew mtle.4r ; liei,' said‘Peter behind.; , : Thin I felt that you'd thin - k thrt T took it. en' ' '- The druaken-wOmm looked "up. 'Grac:e; "ether s^id he! come over iiith me 11 . 4nself ...she stuttered. "Mother, mother;' -,stilibecr e ; i tr ih av a o t r i lt in . c, .. th T e l r lin sh th ol r d oli t s e .e!f t nl ,k e e . n aLf nilidi.itd ' Ye'd,------,, inny the rune iy-4:Z.: l i 4 d t i G bu r‘l t -e l' e t . ter's. hand was on; her mouth, andlic rl Ati nd P: they dri frn'‘ s h e db e Iffing.ine ... i stooped - down and whiapered in :her' ear, and io he, an'. go to the bad _place for wad .a.pea-! the drunken woman sunk down in silence.— oe . : iHe jumped on the cart again ;'go on now - : 1 And on the went home. ' Awl is that all, Grace—tit., twine truth?' • Indeed it is, ton'r.m.' And her mistressl ._ ;rend in the, watery. blue eye the bright glance! of truth. - ' • ' WO, Grace, in -the first ponce, it _Was awl:- ' ward of You to break your Tlepdle : but there, was no sin in .that ;• it beennie fin when you went.to take , one of Miss Jane's, which w Is not yours—it was then the sin of stelliog; for, es far as the sin goes, it is as Beat wrong before God . to take a net:dle belonging to another as' a peund. Yoti'sfole a needle, and as yOu 1 -theft your curiosity was' excited, and you were very near stealing mon.l ey also. Your mother came, and actually, , `took the money—the consequence, I rtiny- any I of your theft: for. If you had net op‘ned thel workbox to steal the needle; 'you .- would* notl have seen the- money—yon would not have' had it in your hand when your mother came to I the windotv—and she would not been tempt." ' ed to take it. You have partly atoned for (your faolt hi - being sorry for it. • But do not think the wrong consisted in, going to .Miss' Jane's workbox i mid opening it: that was err-" - t inly ver wrOng, idle curiosity ; but Alio sin; was In opening itte steal. Do you'understand all I have'said .?' • '-. • '9,'Yes, m.s am,' replied Grace, sobbing, 'l' did steal the needle—PM very sorry--an' I' Must stay here With mother ; hut raa'atn,'llear, did she giieli,ck the inimey l' - • 'She has not been heard of yet at all. •But would you like to come away' fioni this; if I could get you out?! '' ' '.' 4 0, aeons deaf; - yon'ro so good -nre kind. to i poor me!' and Grace cried on. '' - 1 n•-' .• • . . 4 I must go , now,' te43lrs. Saunders - , rising ii ' You had better go down stairs again,' ~: ; „. ' 'Aino't I •- tri go with you ma'am?'_ 'No, Grace, I must speak to Mr.' Saunders about it; Perltaps .tomorrow or. the 'day af.:l ter yoci Wilreortie-oilt. But, Grace, ththlgh 1 I belie* e.yori did.not -, take the - money', '• there , are others lithO think you, 414;f ab, untilTYOur mother is•taken and •I.rie4; you :hii 11 - ' ,AisY al theichroaand leant your l'essoni . And if you , are loeput'of this, 1611 , , must pont*, not: to rttO 11.1 ,, Air erhtde yoprelf anywhere'' "'' ' ' 4 O, that iirvill. * lna ' atn! And Mrs..SatndO4' held, other heed;,etoi'Ora6e.t.aOk:it:lo both hers, and looked* if,Oio tutiviid haiellted' to . . I.J:t A ,:','; ,F,l7;:ri-.--•,,,:i.1:.,:'!7•,:, iery too:' foria'lolOle:lioni;'ana the: coolt' af- - tetiVardi./deeliie'd' that ili 'heard - anori thaikfivg:God.' '; t • '). .; And Cnfhnrine did' hothing but' she:knew it al . . atonit,,' iihd that bring herliael the tilithr.' she did go.': She told rtireit. that she had itniMitnt:liiiiineiiA it boaldn't , he pia off ; . 'an'e the . matter laid the ags' cart; and - thin the could: bring:hoftie her poor Grac,l?' Arid' her • tralitrei elolled, and said the might 'go. And iitddetily recollected that he had hut h tii-ahoe lathe iYorld; find'iliTcieleav6 to drive , the cart.. ' ' 1 • • '‘,' And - they came tO `'und='there'ztaq there' • fAlk; , , standing, at the'f.tht;: lielielirdfrotil the F'.uir police that siterm,qs . C:Oning Out: and he iinile.trybriilg her' lioine: gave ' the day—at:other nun f6dheredtllie eat: 'llis darlititbeVneYiltetil clear' sod rho cAme r.d her diqed- 4 her; 'had' William 'rind 1-01? Cook kissed her, end thot-four got . on' the 'eart-A-timee'between• . the 'ttvo'ftertanttand her -faller sitting behind, itith lib 1u s h Ong tv(Mt, the doulfey full - trot rnald trian•qie hint ideTl=on the'y An' she used to be tachin' when wre , c'Were iiering•l ern'. l'it'i • Siire.ihat 4iivaii.Arisietied by the minister, en' often went to the Chtfreh. .Welh mother died,-alf-we'oll youngi on' lfith ' endidn't ranch . care .. what, we ' , Nor .;•-,atts• the neighbors strove to make us go sto.ohapiil,=• on tllerihrqught.Ole eAde!'. sisters)* m' all' .4 11 e bays rea f wild; 1 1 4'anY,Pra) - Ors.l Anew. are 41 ~Prptest.onts.'z- .•; , 1 ~ ; r.; ,„' :' - • ' Perhaps you could say one for ate,r.,*ced Mts. Samitiers, - -anxious-to-test-the-truth of his 1 -„ .-- ' • !ssertion. for . ,;he tia .. a'gre'ath'oirar ofoppeor 111g_ Ib' lin)* 'imiKeqs: - ~.,,. ' . 'Lo me think, Ma'am. ,'„Oh, lierc! . a wan. - ,•Q Almighty God, unto_whotn,ll hearts-are; open, all; our desires known; l and from, whom lo 'Secrets 'ire hid, Chute the b . . , 41 theughts of . )n . rhearts ty the holy, §pirit,,lSO‘ that we'l! loye,yee'ulwayi, ihrough' lasu,S . , Christ "our, 'T II 2 , OYqa 7 l 444'therSY: scTeP? l i !:.iidYalhad t g 614 nother tOleaChyou to iif:fo l :Go4 , ito oSkeefeadthe thoiglitS'etlimir' iiirl- I'lnd,Altonttheehllr!n kernelir'' l ' - , Sur , cm-; , am, tfley : dOn't*liiiii'lsiprt:b ..bout GodAlmiglity--fire.though,Ratty,waS a ?taw, ma'am, she nivir, tit:retitled:her bead fiend lunch about religion, except i4i-take.lthem, 1 - 'trr-tbe priest_ toteehristened, - : &tie, 'li . .P.liiid no rn4i°l4:.lln7 I think -1,0 1•0 Protesitani ; a , the '!And, it's yoUr ivittli` that youc - ,,Childr4i , ;11°4)k:1d:ought up in 11 :1 1 e'ili .4 '” 'lt is ma'am, if ye.Plize,wid do beli"Of ca..' •ft but about Gr 'en . ei,i.' a ih'l. d'' k'i 1 - - . ' , mr , e.. , Y , - s,le iris lieen lo s okedUpon'.ikere as a BoniniCath- 1 (die, and has gone to . chiCi twitil - ooli.i, r ' Oh„it's no matierabout Gr - aci;ina'airt.'" j 1 Xo Ma tte:r r - gala Mral'Sanndei, sbinivliat astounded:' -l' - - 1 '.' :.. ' , • • ' / ' 4 Tilit is, ma'ain-;.-I Mend, yo May' make her Wbat re 1116. Be right, Pre no call to lier.--.. 'And he cime einier.' ''She'ilit fotAliri Ma'am. , But for the love of God, don't tell her 'that, ' I must stay with yon now, father dear.' - .ms'am. 'Sure yeMeedn't tell' any' Wart: ''She.l An'why; rantiali! - ,Didn't the lady sa yYe thinks she's curs-elf' I'm twice as fond' of' ni4;lit. go back to the big house non; . thit ye her 'as if she'was. An' tfsheikneir she'itasn' `t w :I:,'''erib,. a'r clear!' - ''''''" tnayb..! she ivouldn't love' her -poor. fatlie'r' i as „fr n . 4 . t a I know she did;'but, faither,'-'who'll dress 11. , en ' ts she . doe i , Tifelle he i,, , erseif a f,.. ni. ' co : v : er . i 4 , 6 • 6 •4 yer victuals, andtakee'ire of the children.'' i'll . be bonod sell in aki-ter'd g Y enitle s hris l tran ;I' 4 ,o4i p ' •- • :1 1 !'i - 9, i v ' t i t,,. , Niiir mind me tan' sUre the , eidldren wen't lint: don't tell her that.' ..' ~'. ~-•'; . ' i -- „ lsid i ed: -' .. be worse oil than'they ever - Ny(l.J' - ' ' . ' And how did you get herr . risked'th'e itidy • ~.-.: , i - -1:'.9 -"But, father desr, sure th'ere's no ens noir.' - eagerly:' •- -' ' • • 4. ', ••••-. : ' ' Nicir you mind, acuidda ; go hack io • yer - 4 A:Rt.or strange woman died in our' house; mistress like 4 -gaii4 girl • to-tnerrtiiv;-As she' taid Kennedy with a sort 'of a' shudder, ' , sod towid ye: tin' I'll think, an' inayl.Aird manag,e' lefethe little thing.' ' - ' l': ' '.-- ' an: go over on e see-you on'Suildiy; plaze God., 'Well", it Wail reri good of,your" wife' :to an' Biddy Hoolaiin will ' haviS''ati 'eye to the bring the child up.'. ~ ~ ~. • , . ~, „ .:....... , children till thert: 1 ''.' • '''-', - -..' 0 , - • 9,funapla:he muttered....., , _ ~, _ ,;,,, I"And Graeo . starfed thi(ne;itinOrniagb:Mkto ' 1 Well, Kennedy; continued Mrs; Bantiderst 4 ,''• ' '•-•' • 7: - 1 .- 5 - P';'`T'''''' ,, , p,ii.- r „lit, ,:, n - d.„-„„ { o w te: r . a rki b tr i :A . •, • : 'You Wad•beats' "announce yourself `that. you ' ' HE•Vas Sonnd,llsckA44•The lastluiraber of the • KnielmrhoCkei, has wiencsAf'aneedetai:iir a 4 nttlier Wishes me to StnyThere, viair but are a I:retestant,:and that you wish, the chil: dren to go tothumh. I shall speak to Grace 111311 who . rtwelY_faileii,'''f° klijo !: 4 4int„ 6-4 . 1 . Oar wlMit mina the children?' • ' . ' mid ` diet 6 !hit - his' yii fa' during' by' a' ' ,1 elidedq g i ee w i th y our n i l ; r, , - ... 4d . m - rs: tnyself;and will :send. , her down to-morrow ni;ht.: . :Eri . iiiit . its = being - ilistiid - : byt a' friend morning„ tolake them to sehOol.' .. And Mrs; 'Saunders; 4 but I'll talk M,:erthe muter with the tut.sier,.and speak' to soli, father wlien he Suunderi: thought within herself, , ilianko d - . thAvhe •tiev'erweili. tikli:ed . ,i,!!il#i';`ti4iritiignpat. . : , , . .th is not the child "of that wetnahl _." An . c'r! 3Y_ denied the 41 ,140 4 A : 0 .f , I' ' ' c kicL comes oh Sunday.' ' `'''And She told her hnsb'and. . ' 1 ' phut'. And this s 'lman told. of Ids owrc,wite's yeti'''''' o . l3 P - , 1 1 3 37 21 ! 1 0 . 1 :Ag1it:',P1',,P 1 t 1 4,7 1 :!,i ~,,,, -, ' , - • ' ' , crime-tithe mother of his children...-tossve the ;: !Pretty, soon E after SO into lily, VAtl;J:ay , , What can be done?' sho asked. ' • - ` strange . girl from diSgraeo. ",.- I ris verf.odd.:-... Wife. 5aid.:.,.... , -'.! .;-.1, z it„ ..-,,,,:;* - ..!, , ,fir ~.r ,' 1 APn't know anything nisei' said he, 'es. And thd good-lady buried thine things: in- her 7- - ' Why husband,-What.fif;thergaitteri...tiritli ecpt:t.b. give. him work here., • JAhink he's an heart, and, her interestinthe protege increase& you?' you eat strangely I .t;Lf ~- .1 at.: ;". ..1 honest,tnan,and sunned hare no Objection .p It-was-early I n'4Arcli, And 't ha -Ited,gcs And ' 'There's nothingll4 itAftif iiitti iiit,14.14 'employ hen' '' -, -,,,-,' - : ,- ' little trees were , begisning to:tell, that. spring I. ,ibitihi - a - sli': ',, •-• ''' ::. .c. -( ' 7 ' - " : ` ..,.9h, pat syAll do exactly ; And the ; hildren unis coiner and theitirds Sang ,joy fully .in Alm ..'I am. sure . th ' el..e '' . ,i3, ' r s; , ..filh ' 6',l'.iimiliiiiillet vpa 411 go tosOool:, • ,-' ''. ,,, , -, ' • inornir t g, raid. theiv.watraf sills:All , reolid On ,tutturantall...*ol.,i:get,'4.fua'ec - ckomo. .: 'But-you. know my dear, I.lannet take him the fitee. - etnatuteond, Grace, and: her 7-Jittle thing titr ie11,t;,„7.„' ,, t , t 'f r om Rawson'; that is, /cantina offer hitn,work. brother Anil sietorment.re4ultirly '1.0:colloolr41, And up sheqiet:ligh l ted;otan '- dl '' e l an ' tkaire ''''t iv i'seas to indu - ce, him to teave his' present cloploi• .MR4 had gorte.,efll siduttewhere. with.,4is.rbag , in theliedillik to loOk at '• ' therligbs -d n a, ... mime, the, herd, will beleoing..tue in: miSCO hls . motlier'iventtojitil . And'Orct.TF l 4 xvithiherhand.'''''i I'•'' -•.7 ,"';-J r f. '' 7 '.' l'^ '. - It. fortnight. and if 4etulcdy.know,o4nYtkAV:44 'suet arta girL-41thewould trio hilt .W03q , ' 3 ,0 7 .' . 7 ";11 - t; - 4-..,.., '' 1 'i ' , •t r i . . A,.l' ' ' ~.; _, t,,,. - P r' j_ig ~." I tattle; • I thinl4 9 .-d Y 3' !ut i4wo N l4 . 4it. .4 111 4 .irtukaili :their hearts' -,-.'Slio ,had ticite-,504 A •-• '' 't`"Pf f l- 4 1 .3 . 1v, "/ 84112 ' 3°In gI' Lran 0 , :- . 7 4 , " 4 iheYe's 1 / -4 9°P 1 4 °'' .----.'. f.: •,,;.-.,..- !,: '-/ ditild-u:Cronllro - .Baundets hitoselfhegantonei , ?:1:1•,,1►.Y'';'''...,,7.,,,1V9u.ftr5.5'i) 3;. fi'o there:Wastentiedy-ca ihey !karts trtrie teethe,' otild Ilke her'o• Abe Watt 1 /9 1 .1 4 . 11 4 1 ,0 1 ."„' - ''-? 1 , Qw l, /I ,.. llB4 ,"_ f r t 'L nds-411 ! 47"4- , ~,l eill ti t from church on.Suntlay: , , - .-'llii to& off;hibitt ingdtt Fairport,tbut wastioonatontlY 149114)11i " ";' 4l " " vreLf. Y u . ,3ll P l4w4l4 14 ' ""1"It•Py i ki n d " a ppradetuya.thear:-.. I. f.; .1. , ..t. , , - ;'-ic. , ,)5.4. I. i: 6. Wl:Wives. , Rl3s4l,llrs,:iSMAtii-Pi Det'flr...,figst-: ga -Y 1 ,,*, 1 111 , i v" ,i' l ",, 1 `,.' 4. ;: 1 -r d r berif " ittn°ll . k '4l'd on 'yout-lifit; triji niati,t.iattddldrj Agini t ; "adas pin's:Worth" ! front;tbel 114.140 -.,1-.:lo,Pee's .".j.jii"s4l-"laV"" L. '; ''' ' '. .j 'j '. ''' '' : • ' ' ..jl', r " i ' '''' de1i.•. ,.. ' ,.. , ~,,..',',, ,J,.......,, ~,.• "it ' i j ..,.._.. • whiehslir . ll . 4 . 4 . l ThDttiv va l ' - .'" ''''''''''''' '`". . ~..107.Pprittn. the ceeoo.o.. 'Derr Vise la ...9cliie t rp.?!r11; 1! Nl?sp, pc,pA yr70,1 1 %19ti - Wheb' Um' 4 Saltllders • hhd- spokervato. her Rhode Island, a bill waivbleught t k Ilk Regius. i to - eomell4lll2o 9 a . ta f x,p tlis;clOlaie v 2V / #3. l ria till Wit* doint*.sti thureli;llloclspflatt hArihando, i ze the,,tirmy., This tronseti from sleep an old 1 ' he' •"litid, f•ini thfrilifithat'it'it'Utillefoi l biVi r ~ ,,,,,,r,,k. ,„ 4 , 3 / 4 t,,,,,, ~..0„4 . .. l a f... ..1 t. ,i .... '7 :Z .1 . 11. ~: q ,'0 l't i i '. "- . jt "...T.! . 0..: , , , , ii 4 ;1;4 '" ; % - t ,V; .r , t 41-...'.1. • my; t s ~.. ' g Si - '' - ''' s ,- i s wAs" ) :••.; .rNinJj,ile coilefiNlps_rpprsn39a ?, t* li44li'lc#)Fifloqt . l iigil ailtigu,ltfrOli::' lib: olngit.n4adr.3llss lin eb lii del lberl•mtr 114 ‘if-st of ill;'Blibric'ilfr i Apeakii . ,i'at p;noi. j . ,.., In g, put ~ 9 ~ re 6 e th6 7 e ape i•-" 4t on SuptlaS'Artheyttoalt - 31,,I rt g,tlimiginni t a yo l 4 441,4:, kw. f.litfalirre Afe,rip i k, i. v i ."l.l,d A il i t,:iti fii - hi td pvilitt vfl 4 1 'iiii: . ; l _Aird tz ilSy tia tinit J aistirtut . : urlto ,hint-`,they ,iejl yeir itie, k di , 9 4 ll!dtf tt eprirl d it'i, c tirlpiali. .r..-.... - ' , 1: . .....„., r., ~..3 ~e .1 .‘ rs . .t .._ -, .1 1 q!! 1 1° 1 .9,*? "?..t• ,e,..p,..14, 0 r .'ltfre r 4tis tlils e llha loWs#l and glikei i here & tbdiond bigtki.fikvorqugWir4.-itevi?.lo - 411.3;4* ii' ,01 1 :;Piic a Wei::4,4 4 444rP00KA001.4 p . ::' - 'le!.tit 4 vAirdfmitiii-cielitti:OtontiOesgoiasast 0 : dnim a nd f i f f i. lo 4. o oiiistrogo,iii.9 f ile. lie*,a . ..o.# ? f po l ;ppr 9 :44t,orginti-pr -I ,* witganitolatuoitattnvidcksterleo•Ofik,4lll ;:t tviro t tir-7!, joy - 1111 - b,:nefghty,,c,abaady woriCaliatiikiik'iliso' "•:;,-..`'Z". !' ''''' ''' . i.,•:' Irtistilla Kt #lOO- 1 : , 7 - :::' , - , T- -, 0 q't!ti :`,0. 1 401111 liiitier* ,4 , ,, t 0 . 1:1:tili; MOt'S -1 , .;itiyeuid 1 );oilltila t r ii Ato_rir IlValeitelOg . riiii;iiiiAifii3tiftilfin444flititcf,latti'i 4 *4o4-1 4 04 1 4-ziiik-4 1 74. 44OPAY! , 141,0* ' - .f . tkirliliedOrif 'MOO!' aired:" WlL'EggratOC ''.' iiiit r idttetisitittkoif , * f iyi , l344 toefrojittoiaton4 onopki , ..',uporeittio - ,w, r i .i cc ) ;it,, mai, ;,-Itiro sliiitiditgr-de r'''' ''lteafte . teed Ify, t i gad f' al4ll4etti (- : , '-: -'l': : 44.4 F;: ~I.f:. r ,'-',l c; ;?..::r. :- 0 ..'---' -• MMMM Grace went home with her father-tit:it night to lil.attk bnci'Peter.' 'Oir, weren't the:i—g:hjd to aze heti'. • But there MIA a treni row in Grace's enpof Joy. 7 She -, thoiight . of her mother in 'prison, And she - 36d- cursed her. LI , - , • ' -i' .14.741„"i ,~ r. ~, ~ ~ r. t7 ~.. • Do you know, anythlifOir cir t blnc'kpttle.r pAtleut9,„...„ 'ls it ottie, !ligre_that'kwhui ; l"4,4;all ):11 it's herd I am - at . rdr. R.svisolVit the , emturli • • • Well' thy „herd 14`frOingiwavnfiithiTit, and if you wish for work in this peigOpr, l / 9 0. I'll gire yoilttielgitu:dionr l'hare , N a liOuse, gard4n,'antt and Ili:4431)1111910 a-wed; 'to' lie Increased if sand Oe_,lipt•wavoir again.; . • Muy God - bless -ou.an7,yer good lady. sir! 1 1'11 ax ''.lfr. - Itaws'on.'siri whirr he Could let rne go, for ho'sza Wthildait;tiice tqa' It: was ull atningod.:oxidlrita forti/ightlitay took tossassion vtihoir Your children will all go to setio6ll(l4liOr:i mw , Ke99,l,4l2Err,,9i4MrsS;l:lliders, on , s m r . " , 6)l,.yl i s,.rne*,*lrtuloiy have 'tile , Niicathp.'" reyot A Teomrgi , 'Why, enne y , ger, bY:lights`fGOA if! .roii44od s a tithlr,biif,' -6E1'6 . 64 :irld fie . tong,in' io• 14r, ~ " 1, 7 4, 4 :i7,•1,1 1 , C2 qt.! 4.11111-••miviihit .4 'll ir;,=-: r; _-... , 1;:1i.,....:.. , ..-.:.:f ."...,2f;3 - -;!, , ,,: i1d.i. 1 ,-,- E l t 1;1 11 V ~ Y •;...',• ~..... , .7 lii• - :::;,; 0 ;.e . c:i L'..?;'il ~1, i' , f."..i,j4 1 - :,_!::::ii'j . 5,1- 7 , f‘l ::;., , , , , , .fi";lt..--, , r. , 41:13 g 4 v.,x- t . eT iT~iNg • . i 1. • e 3 1:3 Ryrra • -NURDER - 1 , 1411 a ii'lliiiitatfe,' TOiet 'iiiiicr hilt ..Nifsil'?' ,cr , - , !- _; ,,- -_ iwt c.. i .I:.fg , ', ..- 1 ."2." c....t , .:,'" :.:11 0,3 r.-3 . 1 4 1 '' Il P• ' ' _ ri _• ~ POoi Ifrs:N • rtiiioile, b; . ,lli4iiidii; i hi ~. ~,1 ,:z; =:-*-!' ,4 1 swer e d 4oletunly. . ' — 'f•-...' i.:? , ".... 4 7 ..:y.pu41°n..4A91..448414P,P4,,,i4rt: ~, ii. : Ve : - el with:team! •' , WhYll , llt4 4 .31:11.01 t '.s l '. t wsol leittAirfsr) ~ ., ; :-.., - .7...., - ,9 r.", ) , - f 1i)...:•. , , 41::1,:lit f E t Hem's it/wieder front tlietilioerrri'l - •1 • ...‘; , ~ :I'. , ...-141,71orettee4iPet. 1ic.......-...;..1 :Ai !Otfer, - Maundeii.7 - •'•Tigliinporarr, flush of health: oh triy darllfl etiett-ivnide,' and vain ;-the ' 61t .-- ilirigitivglitninei` tfyl , lamp . tre. li-ent out forever: • *loony goe. She eigirea 0;4 age,allirli :f r i1ii11610" - ; ; :. , .rw struggle; oti sont, tne aramtvg-rootti,lno last beams of. en Italian sun gilding-ber dyiift iida God's will be'dceie . ....T , AlypoOtcgirta'now . , F IS* isokif. die Ab b ey Y° l 3' me*P. Yimr clhitNaag4 : , ILWACISTrait7iFiM 7 L - BaundenliEsq,fttfl:., V: . : . s.ikiki . gaundefilwairicolifiivVidlintiy*ese . h hitaatiFl editiiitaid;' , ;Siiii4ft iliti44 - .4 - i' , t44 ii - a,i: :,-..' ~,,:" ;V: Y,,"•%, - .7 ti''''.l': - : - .4:i:.;' , T. , l".ii.i!:, • _. (To im,_Contirn!ed.).,..L . , : '-`'"' avaMtviOsetzt.,,jirgaz. fr sieki;% frop • t hoftetilpattnum er of' t D a'pekir v„-etalielittOpowent bit -04 41 *-24//..a*# Ithstriptiou 'of "..YanfgefLP°4*.P4:, /19r15,'. ;which Jia4• l lega-,:ePCJIP.44:4IT.I;R-411 fritirui . J. "'" "."1 "-We have ILp:witTadi aquaidgporirto is a Very fidoperfortrtirl,od/ the' houseto r.dherolose proiltatt is 'ark :Ind the parlov,k oq.ptit on lasers-by , or'orth'ositilto are tlko advit.lge 97e pin' It§edoinzito* constructing. dWelling4 •otir' in the tnidet,nfll,ler.”nittiii4eifOti*,:tip4yOOk Kentuckian, who/kid;.ll4/!WPWte,fival the ',barrens' where he was.,'ltorn.epd-rialaeq I chanced to saunter Atutg.ffiettfeo/4004.T1A. 1 14., Yth, tly music, ~fnit,.7:lthe.r tp tub. formed 8 .4 tf? 4 c,cii . ,ien - 04,0 ‘nocipty, oppronohell/ , P l FfOrzmOßl(o4%.4rel with eyes dilated auk/mok gtood there eurapturedifwhile :she afpg„/tOfvetiaitit r. Are_you fond of push; itiquirejlrtilit 'who 1h ea t bit ofinnocent sport.=' Aay 1 t Well, 1,a.m . th4 1- 41:,4414314*. , Do you PloY 0: 1 1 1 34* utanner;_i. - I tran riLny !taros:ft lott.of tut= Ail—thvife: said Um' countryman f 1.4 but 4.lrn nyt illtrex: 1 seed'enybOdy ptnr.envibui•eatailote /-://r irluit''l;:e call iridnne; the ?`;( 1 1 1 .ii)1444Y q: 4l c l i l fit No:§Je I' said ICentnel,t ;i the jt critter in our parts na glut; IRPIISAMiIbe tij nice kind o'..tatiiic, dent: it f -, C;ol , l4il.PlaY Yankee'Doodlet ithl.hat inschiner:adidt4and, and with' gieat earnestnese'ohnpaii. _The ladfazimiered in2thC iiffirincitierinnd this papal tr national 'perturnied io tittilf , lcut:tiya4 2 fi*lt z OC:rultin coOd ladle oils. .. 9 ' 41 9v:,r9vPd ~aae-':aa.. a 41 , - , 7 • o" the nieq?!.,fr' xchtirilmok*; ; f 4ls that YaOkee Doodle? : . H r;; 41,.0 l',es Sir that is Vankee Doody„ with the 14 ' ejaeUlated . Katituck tiPs3"' at hand-into . each pocket, pinparatory,tCe - ;etart, that rriay!do.yon_cityrfolke;lbut ,gine:.trsa the - pkirpDherite? ;And'off heseeni.r ! i; , v. - 07'40'4e): fir: Itsii4All3.?fal.l, Welsr,\Tvi ;itT;letwi'4r,r4 :44 c-.rzeoi. MN= Ls~7 - ',., ' , i. - t~ '~ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers