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The circumstances whichindaced tlM•writing of the following Welting and_ thrilling lines are as Sims :—A young lady in New York \amsin the habit 1:f writing for the Philadelphia Ledger on the enhjeot or Temperance, Her Writing was so full of pathos, and educed such deep -emotion of soul, that a tricod of hers accused her Of being a autniac on the subject of Temperance—whereup on ate wrote the fothnvillg Go feel whkt I have felt, Go bear what I have borne Sink 'nail) the blow a father dealt,- sad the cold world's proud seem Then sutroc on iron yea - F to year— The sole relief the scorehing . tear. Go kneel-as I have 'knelt, Implore, beseech awl pray— Strive the besotted heart to *lett, The datratcard course to stay, Be daFhed - With bitter curse aside, - Your prayers bUrlesqued, your tears defied. Co weep as I have !wept O'er a loved father's 'ee every promised bleeping FM' - ' VOLIth ' S sweetness turned to gall— fading flowers strewed alt :he way, That brought me up to woman's day. Go see what 1 have see,n, • Beheld the strong . man how— With gnashing teeth' 7 —lips bathed is Wood— And cold and livid brow ; ;o catch hie withered glance and see *lore mirrored his soul's rusery Coto thy mother's Ind hercknshed busom cheer, Thne own deep anguish hide ; Vipe from het cheek the hitter tear 3t,:1; he 1,,r0 ?• nn3 withe:'d Tne thet4.:• .!;• r dais hair nun:— With fano; frame mid trembling limb; And trac the nen Lack to him Itkisa pl;hted faith in early youth, nttnited ternal love and truth, But who, irswora, bath yielded up 'That fironsO to the c ar.s- . 41 . c0p; And led lit , dawn, through love and Tight,' And iti c l s tin made her prosiects bright 3 And chin' her there, 'mid want and strife— That-loadyliing;a drunkard's wife— And stamp' an childhood's brow-so mild, That toitbeitg blight, the drunkard's child ! Go heal and feel, and see, and. know, All tha my nu! hath felt and known, Then loft upon the wine-cup's glow, See if is betany can atODC— Think if is flavor yon will try When all proclaim, ...Top drink and die l" Tell me I hale the bowl— Hateis a feeble word, I loathe—abhor—my tei.y . tort! Iral. strong- ditgust ix s'irr'd, Mer l I see, or hear ot' it.3f tiro dark Bcrerage of ne.IP From the Broome Republica 1: - ,zarat La!- gltaw,l:G,;. liarkl•high on tber breeze si•elle a low, mourn- 'Phut comes to the ear like a soul-stirring moan Of a nation whose hearts_ aro enshrined in the grave, For ()'Connell the patriot, .I.e fearless and brave That heart which has longed for its wild _liberty, That tongue which has struck in defence of the free, The. glorious freedom for 'which O'Brien has bled be started again, though O'Connell is dead. spirit has fled from the cold, chilling bright Ofoppressiaa and wrong to the regions of light, Ili' soul has escaped to the hands of its God,' And the far spirit land which hie father's have trod. Hobos gone from hishome, iron the land of h is birth, From his dark forest darkness and desolate health; god the seenea that he laved, and the forms be held dear, Ile has left far another and happier sphere. lie has gone from the eaves, and the deep hidden spot thithe everglades, cramps, and the Wild mann- ism grot. Tram the fens and morasses, from the woodland and vale, C►le has meirom 114 ratatly, his own Innisrale lio las gone from his Peop!e, and left then' to stand .'Mu the cruel encroachment of tymmay;'s hand; Re has gone, but his memory still is entwined lu an undying, wreath in each I.rishamn's mind. . IV Poreep for the fallen! a Nation has lost • Hes %Savior and Chieftain, heir pride and her bout; Wee!), al ep for the -fallen! for in the ApOstolie gre,ve Lien 015 licarl 'al that, Christian, O'Connell the brave.. . j`ve.."9, weep ree'the rat% nye weep for. the dead, ' Par the onekwhotti his coentry's oppreesion laid low inn his'bed P And In Ju ce'record emery puling tear "That his tinuotiyrnen4hed.to his menior as , Le'-Some one defines a ~"pleasant, trip' stubbipg• your. toa and .1411 log into pretty:girre lap. No doubt it would be - d kner.§- thin. to do. t o The roan who minds his own bisi tess bas get a. good. ,and steady eta-P-1417 Ir , ! - • Txtriz . z > Frain the DIA)119 IrnlF9'Bity •eit,'ttr,".a?tnrS.:kjig, CIIAPTER 1V.,:: 1 1 '*. 7 ' . f .Grace7s month of triaditad O.;:i.ittdd=;- , :f'Seck: I ondfrolied ovet,i end' ahe..Was. sill i - vvit.li•:.lllis: I .Baunders; learning soniethingey'erY!, day,,Ti,,)'a:lt , 1 favinite, yvitli :Ilk.. Iteg firs,t..friettil : the ii66l4 trWated. her like bey.Owu child And .i.oe'lt cage' -, ito 'let . her: wants•fOr ; :nothing, itn, the : ,eating near'; imd, ei • her busineis wasi ellieftytitt tbe ' I kitchen, sin leartied l a - ,;Yeat . deal ;of ' , Cooking; 1 , Cie honsentaid taught' her tO sea'', And tooklier l up stairs, iind shoWiid'ht !lOW - tO"-ainikei; the beds and chien the icienst . rani ihe tj ,hijudryntaid ltatight he,rto wash:and' Make :'up things anal 1 ; Wil liem, the bitt..!er, used, to 'take! her' on' lii knee in the evtanind.`s inci bear - 'her-sa her i letteni, and tall her stor . n!s-r,..and,:kriSs,'Jate , 1 taught her a lesson every .day. in ,the school- ' rooM,; before her mainnial. and, Grace, was b 1 - i no; mews a stupid ptipkilie had quite:learm. ' her' alphabet, end w?...s 'spelling little Wads', ~ lint Imie had Itarci` Work' tea Chine her about , God and JeSw4 •Clirist; ICNints a' long time be- 1 .., fore she could impress oti her - Mind i l k at ‘ God's ,eyes hers' on every. pl,:ce, ' belrolihng the ievil; l and the good.' .A.,ed 'Jane ionactiinesgot alit-' , tic impatient withhee pupil ; . but her inotlha's ' clear eye lookezi , over at her, al . o .she ' eliecked . , herself and rc-cottuneneed,e . g.:in.t, and some limes she wished to' go out,.andiwantqd to, put ofT the' instructio n ti i Hato MIMI day..; but :11rs.. 1 Snit riders never would allo•Wiliis.;. I'You; have undert.then - the education 'of ;Grace my dear . lane, at ydur own request, and: you trmst: at t' teoA to it reg„elirly--the lessim Wiliat()lteri..ii2 to be thought of by both 'son Mid' liar,'if 'the , hour is Optional?, . And so . grade 'ParSited War studies, loving everybody end, 10,% , ed by all., I h - 'hb was now quite a pretty gi* IFith wee ro -I.sy cheeks, and sweet blue eyes:smiling, into 'yours as,sho addressed you.. And lane taught lie'r prayers, and spoke :of JeSus Christ, • and how we 'were to: Pray to God •hr his . name, Grace, as she took 'off her Aalothe r s' at night, and knelt down to' etTer her ' littl'e -petiti!oni to like', 'Almighty, would think of - her:father at limn, , and Peter, and Ratty, and winder 11'3„1.thekAsi good clothes as slit...had. And then hefiliot's i 'came back to whereshe-was, and int; pray.ed . l God to bless the good iady who gage het jail' those things. ' And then she would dreatu,tllat she end Ned were. wandering over the country , ' again, and that she was toiling home to the hi4] on the bog, with the bag on her back ; and she. i l tri'pped,and fell ; and Ned tried to help lierup.;;] and she a•.Volce., and found - herself in her ride ,1 little bad, instead ; but poor' iced "'Was aerie; And then she would cry end fall usleep - agein.' Another month relied over,' and !lane was .d, of ' - ' 'lli, . not tired, of teaching Gr.a..e. her lessims,... .. ----still on., . . ; _ •.,. ~ ~ •. ~ ; were all Gr.t.c...:;'S trials ended I I4d ishe' no . Oh! mother, robbing youryoung,child; stop temptations to resist likeotlicr people ? "`)lrs. and give Il?at monn,toiter,- ;. ,„„ , Sminders allowed. her.,to „learn her. ,lessoni in) Stilt op..' 2 - . The clark.night came, withlthe lit ,the school-room. and-write on the state, - ,iihich [tie stirs only as- guises. Still on 7 --out „of 'she had just i:ommeneed; and sometimes she i t hreath.,-: There-is-Escar-anittimpolle'e., Shall i bro;atlit up her work to-le Imight more reg,n-i,sl4, asli' iig. eth. pai's r Oh f ho:L. , i3fieli her' : !l.trly than Catherine.thebottsentaid' instructed 'Mother. ' •:- : ..' ;,= -i -,: - ,:.•?1. q •-•-.!...,.' her below steir . :B: ' .And' One '4:14 th'eylind - all Still ruin on'. TUrn:Oh - the - bolf,-roaddlirk- ' gone. out to drive, and slie"had . learn:id - diet' les:er and darker still4'n-Lon.r 1- • ' -. '. sar,s hi the schoelrOom,.ft6- ihki"ive - At i and The,hogdri.each Side—the long bTed,road.l written a copy. of strokes on .i i - E , - , , 5 j,„t',..1 And? She Is 'opoositi.. the 'Old hatelir . ". :- Thera'is . imp I /now she took up her mirk to, go \4,: . .n . liefin a'ing 1 light In tiihr directien. '-' r ildwi'w - ell she'lttinws I a rubber that hall - list:es!, hail given.her as 41 1 !the path diitted'witih'sfonesil ';;•There',.s - '4IOI trial. and after two 01 ,,Th rea:.s ti t ,,,a co .,a,1,,,,, Is.7 k1. , Td'oorio the_ hut-it Wa' 4 - eniptii 1' Where Wdre'l ~,,,n r4l3: t riske her needle:. w hat; 4., , ,,,, r d,i.. s ik.4 they'll_ Gael , 'She itopped;imd Bat - rdiswt id', • 'do ? ` itirs'.' Saundersblamed . her: when; She thg At4d - li9tyc Alie.'"t - e".*. - i - 1) 1- Fell,. aml.:•mied...-: 1 broke her 'needle ; she said it, - - was careless- W:l l ere'lvere 0 1 4 al."? • , Xr; i'VorMli.: 'alight tie:is. If she could Int .get another.. ; Oh, kiiivr. On again. _..... ...„2 , 4. 1 there was Miss Jane's worn:-boxeti , tve - table. , ''s 7 ,9r.rell,opened. his door hintdf. 111 it was open"? She stood rll, Platis4 for a -.. 4 4What dc' Yon , wAnt•at , ,aii.l . thne,offni , ght? second, then wed over to the table; ;stopped'ho IL.d. .; -:- - -- 7 -- -......_ i again. She tried 'was it open, 'lt wais: - ' 'O, - It's'Grilce sir—GraceSeitiledy. .• : - 1 ` ohat a pretty looking-glass in flip back of it, , 1 Alit - Grace, is it . YOrt? '' What' brims -you . 1 And Grace looked at the glass,. and'•• made itl her ei Graiet - ' - • • ' • --' ::', '2 -- .; -. : i - seemten times more charming. V My "mother=' a nice .1 ' mother- 4M4M;ivlterd IS thy , father I 'thimble!—it just fitted her. She had a Very liv'in'!" :' ' ;-='' , , ~- -•i _. ..1 • lugly thiMble compared with it And a dear k Sure he's gotafionse'frhm . i .sfr.'Raciion, , little pair of scissors!. But : where Were tlie,- . .a is liNing.there '... . ' But-come ; in to the fire . ; il Ineed] es ? , She - had' seen Miss Jane! inka 4heml c...-rl s ce, dear:, ~ , ; . , , , -... ,I , ,: out 'ef a little book.. Where : was' it ? •llal -. 1'011: no„'sir,'Pean'tk .:But tellaue where 'S , there's a little: 'ribbon.; ' What is 'this!! thdihouse.! ~1 - .• ~..:;•- .... ---,- % And she •pulled, and the whole thing cane up:il iThe second house np the boreen, on the left and, there was \ the needle-book Onderneath. 1 haljil si,di , artq7Y"9'l---Psl.3:',Mr--11,awsort';5 big; She opend it and got 4 needle. Ah, Grace ! (wir,!te g r ate.'' shut the whole thing up,.now. Po, . &Ain°. i .1 1 0 h 1 . thank Von, sir,' '' ', " ~ Greve! . There's trouble before you; Grace.nd Grrageranished: 'She:font/if tiie house,, ~! t • -• :. ;„1: -,,, :;,,••_,,, '... 1 .C0 ! She put the needle-book, bat:{:.:,- 'There an knocked ; .:,, •,, was something bluo in. the corner. What is - liDocs Peter.liennedi',-)l;p4tei' she askett ; this" She took it up.' A nice little blueimg,l 2 S . 1 1 , voice askod-i,vbe•Wis.lheto. ...,--:-: ~,,. , . ,!=• , • with bright; at the ends, und'rings on it 1 : I i Is, was the: answer.. • ‘ - • ,„ ••• _ • , Oh,how pretty' and sii heavy. • What makes ':llfe.door.lapezerl,n4_4 o „ .was i n. h e t, ' fa o . , 'it heavy 1 'Poor Grace! And she palled up orl , konse... . ' ~i ~,,:_,,,„ ~.1 ~t ,„. 1 the,rings,•.andsturned it 'up;` and then : Shining. - ..; ,-s mother. here?' she asked, „ . L e,ltite money poured into her lymd. Sixpences . - --shillingrad. big shillings ! She - nes:et. saw I so much ,before. Now, dear 'Gracet-ste . l4, irbsist-do- not •sullv your sweet, ne, ink.; . ... mg any. The silver glittered en hex palm.- 1 All Hiss Jane's. l - So much. S:ite, did not knoW 1 hoiv'inueh. • Would Miss Jane:miss one little; 'sixpence'?.” -And 'she took one• IR with v har , , other hand: ' . ..klittte sixpence-front , so mash. She look at . it. All MI9S :anew Christmas-, iiies. , 1 . 1 . 0 WaSlteePlag it up to buk some- thing:: ltiii'i 7mie, her little tniSfreSsMio was so good to bei., 'WOtld: she tilieliersixpence ? Miss-Sane, who troight her,wbo W.4s 'her friend; ' i and advised lier- 7 Miss ..lane, Who spoke to klei', l 'tor pont' Ned, who told ;her of God - and - lerius I Christ; Miss Jane; wbOA4(l`..coii . e.4o: ll i74 l 1 nvery'place„ lieholdine,the evil; Pa , thO z go-9 11 .1.' The:sixpence 'dropiied haat to:the rot; : ) Bur- rali! hurnth ! 'she cot:Gum:l' .-- Sh 6 did got sin •••-•he beld 1,46 - bright 'lova:lr , ixyzmty. and - -. , —-' F -'•'- - - '7 - 0777, - !iv• - ,;57;-ri 4 ,i ~/.--'; • •,.* 1 ;• ~, r --'. ' ~ ' ..1 ' ..: % - '.. ' 1 " - ". 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I'll=ll_ 2:2.. ..,...,:-.4" -x - __:_t===..r,q - .. , 4..__ - _,.. , -,,--‘,.—,-,..- -- , --, J. ...-,..... ,,, -.1 , -. - -",* "• 4 : -3.- Ivlr'.., !•:••". - 17 - 71 4 4:., -- 1- - ; 7 •T 1 , ./ 7 . - 1. A', ', , ;4: " . .,v.i i••--,... .• • .'•• • i .• '.«, ' ' • ". ''' .4. , , ~ ,L 4...if:-.1) Zr.V., ," IT•':! t,iii„•,V ,•3 1 ,c, :• ~',v 'r .., ,•, ~...•••• , ... - •••` ,•••.• '4 , , , • , ..- , • ,•, ,T. ... -. • • . 4 .'• ~ •• • • , •,, i ~.„ ~.. '11 1 ,, „ _ ~, , . i . , , $.• , , .• f• -. • , ~• '......,. ;•;• •,•-, .i.! •••• ?•,,i 011 j,.) ' ,- ... -4' :•••l't.;.lrc ~, ,1.1 f. 6 i*„;:li •..ilr, ~ i:;:', 1 4. C .- 1 .1,P.te i)rik.fj , .. , • ..! .. ' .1' - .•, , .•••• -••• . - ' ; 4 ' ' ' 4 -4,. 4 •:- ' !..• . 4444'' '° 444;1 " •4'44:4- : ;“ ' Lt* ': : . ". .:. ‘ ll. ONTROn PA' TiffillBDAY PEP: 11 :0 11?-20 1 . § 5 t , " ] '''''' I '''`'l ''''' l:o-- •''''''' • ''''' ''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''"" l '''''''"'lh"'''' - ''''''' .-1(914 - 31E7. - -.11 : 11 .-- - f -1 ‘ 41111 gV 414 ',,,' .. . ~. - • ...• ..,..„-: ~.„.„..-:.::,,,._ .2„,-;. , ..-,- -,:J.,.,..,--..__.•,, ~ , '-': * - 7 1 -' 7 : • .: ,s .' , ':' ,, '' : ' '-' ''' '‘ ''. ' '-- " '' - " .7 f • .... ~ ~, ...., _.,.., - ~14 1 .,..•?: :•,...•..... L7l - •.i...;..7 !, :• . , :;.: - I , 4 . . ,t. , oire, y...., . Igratitude still r unstaino.: . Grod - iteep til_.p her i y.oll{-nox. .'..cuere. it nas, Ine , tra) on one , I tiy i jtis ,; grax.. , e, mi kiite'ililidi'ii : !Slin'tVolt 8 . 1 .0..9.i 6 -... 11 0.. i k en,- ! ui 4', iii i e--- P ti " er : eni l it P l i the'parseagain.. - aini6icsli•Wbae.i . tl ~.'lita' 4F,o' l ,ittlii, .S•wrogi'etOPO.i.' ' 4l °t'Cliii'sil'ons• stop,..,!Tis not owl ,vet: : ii'Sli.iden , lnitadd bokesiltlint.she kept - sO - saftily,'Storing - ..tur!eaelil the winden• - .OfilMre;M,whieitOpeue diin the 1 ,' F .11 i,..fr4, 1 ii,da? . ,t..° .-1 #_, , k 6.1 " 1i , Ylt't?"ek'i''' hers g - r,tsslitiot . iii front.:;Gra Cc ' leek t. , l ii d e t t ij! ,t,l ': ..o '' ili t;, P tvi '.1 1 . : c ' t . i tq ‘, ,, 9 0 1,!;, 1 . 1 , 1 5; 6 . 0 .. '. 7 a p 'i t? 4,13 , , , 1 it: r ' . ; :i t0 - n i :,,. (1 , .; :..: ,, i . t i ,;l, g` s .:-.' ee ll , Godl it 0h 1 ., rtorror - efliiiirdraf.' looking in iit.„her es . - keW riiCelretithied, ii,i,i,, castles; r eurhiShed with .gooditibMfs: iintlitith re:.; F she Pr'aie4,.,.tt.4tiio ''. i) . p.4 '..•.4-,5ti0e,6:316,-,.-f(cti. ,'aigS;f2a , ireit„te . 'th'e ground. :I. l 7]ttift f piriy , i . ) . &er , ! twos, really, a doer, thetighillteli. :Witid(itv: Alid she sat dot ' . ;,' '"(-." ' ri i i,l l ;,o l .. 4c. '„," ) : o iii.:'' e. iii: 'gefausi%;l.4l.l,chr" yon 1 7Alid044,dayed . ltiionte - with h 4 iiio n rki IWiton - y - 4W Of to look for thAOcedie : ,' :Titere'' 'l ; Ars.SattpdOrs"c.:Une to leek 'foi lien" 1 There' Sli • . i4 ' i - Pi . 'tnother limitiMrattier Sho ftid she i'vas - , Sobbitiii in the dark- -- '' r'''. :i lie.r handivn the doer; it. opened; she 'came ~ ..lane, ply I9ve, winkt s the matter'. - asked' intii_theroom„ t , ~,, ~.,,. _ .. 1 ' Width . , 3 , er t niVin', - 'Giae.e,'illnigtir; slime ye lt's' all, one utantitiallthe inettey'S'gene.' irett horde; ye`ke-.:med .-y.er-fortlut: -AO' . i (3're :: ` What "MeitcY;.deall.' .:: tountiit' the ntol4:- Begerra; ifs quick Wiirk . • ',My:money-4°pr riaiforetas, eight' shill=, Iwid ye. : Mairbe ye'd tell 'itS..thel.secret,'-. she ings, and five..sixpencei,' ~ . , ';" :, . .`"; !eontilitiM. coming towards her stealthily. - . 'Your meted' repeated . ),,Ti.s..S'attget,S;:and 'Arndt, don't - be;griPpla' it up.:hr , her. lee, rang the boll t(2..ca1l fora candle.'' ! ...- 'that a -‘l/4.4.;, ShOW -ns' how' Mitch is id?' -, :ri , The light. was,ltrought, -.therplit Y; , 's ,- ' lllO l 'Mother onuitii , in Whisiereff.dince, - ,ahnest tossed work-box, the. ilPti, Purse,: and' the' 'Choking; .i . t's:All -, 3 ' ii*Janit'et ~ ..And :She.put open windOw.....,The i menei.vh - g • Oiej, her hand b.thindhert-; : 1: . - i. , :;!'t.':- ,: ... ..',-,,,, ~ . can Mrl Saunders. said the lady. ' . . .: . . ,; i , ' . c eoirie * , bear Y- 'nititii ;''htl' if iid'a' , not ' , yourJ, , fi And he came and saw the to ..11thigs if. 'what is it in ye hand: )1 .3 , 4 ‘-',. ...f. l -1r ,: :. 1 '; :: \, ,!William,', he, said. .. ielleet . theseivents; do "Grace Was pare; 'idler beeante- crimson:,;' '.' , :i .notlet one leave, he. houc.,'. , -' ....Shen , id .here,?-centinitedler mother ''sere -!. And they ill came—only one,wasruiSSiiii, , ril 110t : afe , it:' '-':,',. ' ..:i•i - .•,: ; .: ...-,...,..-.--:- ~ ~,Whe re * :.1 . 5 . Grace.?' 'Sil e nt alt, • ' YO'lrnottake' any!' b4ed Grace;in her in- ... . Call Grimm,' said M Saunders, firs., Saund, vutv... . i necence: .'• •'. .' '-. '- Silence s till. , . . . i t l'' Take any?—ls id MA' Sure liain't your : ...She's - notin the house, ma'am,' said Will-I !'father plenty non- r- . 1,i , ., : !.. = .- . ' - ram, sorrowfully. • i 1 ,* Well, there,' said Grace, stepping , back a .. The last tilde, I saw. her she wag,. going to ! -- step; and: opening-her hand. • • ;', ~-...; • , .-.,- ~ , , say, her task, to Miss Janc,' slid Catharine. 1 'Oh, begorra r said , her mothenpeering close, ..' I- teld.her to stay_ here and learn..her lesson,, i four half-erowns, and shillinS, 5n'..!.....=.!.. •,...• and write,', sobbed Jaue.-, ;,. Slur spr wig :on Grace, seized l er wrist, took , li° It was Grace t 04... the money,',,_said'.,Mr. money, and darted from the roam ' .AhriSimnders, nftor, a, pause,, , _'.l m sorryfor'it. 4Gr,:ce,what will you do?' A l!s 'leSt;:noW ; 'You: may go down stairs,',lwsaid, . addressing, honer, charaeter, and all! ' - the servants.:,' .. ' Ellen, dear,.your eperimetit SI4 was, 'paralyzed at. first:' 'Sil; stood and has signalb' failed. ' - ' . ." 4 4 Pe t, I.'69''t cry; '11", i gazed at' the open window; and then!,' With 'a much, did.you,lose F. ~ ~... . .. .). . . ._ t 1 screatn,kialte4 out. 11er.tiothe iNti•jiti, en:i.. t F94rliulf-pr9ivnEs eightshillings, and five tering a illquiahery,af the' rear' r th . IMO'S - e s ' I sixPonees,'.said Jane, still orYil*-;T ~.; -..;,, -.- , On, , Gract sped'afteiher. ' Min; Gil:Cei . . inn i 'A pound* sixpence altogether,' - ,.B:dsl.her I 940: 1 0f:thief ; 4:et liid" .. nten i ey 'Aeli:'" Miw i . father, ! which I. will giro you. - So don't Fy I Grace; .Mi the. shinliberV ,'tall:; ilidr i ii She is; Any more.' - . . ~.... : ~. ... i speed thcen,...child! 'tis for honesty and hon. sr. ,Willtam;send.down to the :pplice-,serg,eant l or,' pore pan fife: The end •of the shrubbery; at:Escar to say that I would be glad to speak hen ' eld ;then' the'rehd: 'Mahe reaChed to, him.' ' - -' -.-, ' - • : •-- • the tiidd„ Grace evetioek...'her, , . .. .._. ': , 4 .4914. Taps, pnty..do• t .pmusa.lter,.. cried i 1 r ~licthe.7!'mniiteiiiat:lint f ' 'er jokin' - Give Jane: • ' Maybe, shell biing it back ; • lict' , ' weal 1.. . - .:.,-- .; .!. i.' , 3 • - . O tt to me; tt. s not mine; Xs . ' Miss Sane's.--.4- tempted i .l'm sure. . Oh! delft tell.thep . olice.' ' Mother, give it to grof'.., And. slie":caught heti -"Jane,' answered her father, "'when people, dress:and herd her , ..Meither,•motherr give it.' ; , do wrong, we ought, to prevent others-4'rom i , D ____:n y ii, ret me go,!mas the answer. ; following their example . ; but punishment .is' :• t Give it rm ther--,givo,itiback.'.. And still . ace held on. :-A, blow , ,andshey ,T .o h n e d re re vr e cs ove , r d tl e t f e an m d oo l u ipart Y.':i u " -. ,.. 7..;: -- ; . . . 1 fell insert ibl - -The thief :harried, 0n..-; . :, „ . .. , ~., - Jlt , air - Grace overed. ,-,V(here,,washer nootherJ port that evening: - ~ Jl.lrs. Saunders whs so and and the E piles •; Follett i ce on still, PoorGrace9 that her grotro had so comPletely * disappoint-I Still sun tuL-.:long thc tead 7 -she is not.there ed her h .• ' '.- : ~..t:' alauriall,„aho'u,uot, Coate •lo the', fire„ aellshla: Bud yet' cauld: titti i t ati'l light the' eaadie. • Tharp: itow;.Trariu, sett,. - - 2 1 klannali . nai - uhree, '7l9kt. tuat:es ) '701 . 14 1 1.. ye ate ariythile r'' .= ;.; father 'deaf.' • ' ; 41 oitelh 'Oh' sometimes she dooaolt i eoi pi all sometinde3. lath. nor this; she.4does4:liat;idleu 'for two or thrilatlays V.)getitot,l ; Luta t spats to 'W.' Zdivriala ;an' Tll ifake•fe istin• eor - ar itc. l •• • - y. :4act Idler some' iiersUasiba, !ay &vat!. .4_7 YThatt trouttlo FAlrporf:vriierr thB f -f a Me *AS l VA r A*4ll •T goßokklff her thirtiei :oat - to , 14a..44*-4•oom s far ,; : ' !Jane would have given twice ,as.mucli as she i !oat to have her:forgiven and I.i - i4lt again; and kite cried' at intervals till. She : went ,to bed, to think of her taking it when...pito Was saving . , it' to buy: a-frock, and bong; ti and cape, for Grace i herself.. : And Charles sympathized, with, his sister. " ' • IThe servants' ne and all grieved for her and pitied her; and faiiAnii intro" tree comments, and conicetnres'r.rnoiii.tbein,.:atter they 'went I.iiriii stairs: she had ni - it'"even fakei her 1 bonnet, or any of her.lotties' but those on her. i Was it not an extraordinary thing F r ' ' :'''ilie..idlice-C:Onstitie came,md Mr•&:nriders br4:lllm in lid hall to speak with hiiri;: ','', , ' r. , (Wity,lsir, a-,girl such as , 'Yarr • d.eserihe' ran! 1 fiY the barrack - today about half-pail . ; four:: i i ;DT iiot see her, but I beard one of the men i sifeak 'of it, She had no bcninet.:on ?' ' Of that, lim'ilot sore,' answered the gentle: inart*ti Will c'all the . housemaid, ,and learn how shii m,:a:, dresied' ''' '• ' ' ' ' '' - -:, - '` So'Catliariue was 'ltilwiilinglyrobligea: to de= ieribe her dress, and rsior 'Juno herself. had to cdni eat'arl assist in the deStiriPtiort. •' - '' It'iS likely,- from What yOu• teltrne, Dalton.' continued Mr. Saunders, ..' that - she - is 'at her old home or near it; so you viill halio the:good. ness to slake inquire, -and let Me 'know the re.',. Side ds•SOon as you can 0- -. ',::', . • : ~ 1 ~ ?, ...' :' WiliYon swear informations, sir ?' • - -i NO; not yeti' ' . .;1- am - in hOpes:that ' if.: yoti #ll- titofirl, you ..ivillget the raoney.alie, iiiict in.,lllft t Cake _!:o3.coild,jiot kfe,:ii,ieli!ie4ti:prose: ti_tqi,...i . ~:,...• ~..f. , ,„:., I ,An4..tl i e; • p o licem a n took 'his len'e. " , -'I 3.: NVIT.siIiTIYAiIo, lie.mo!ilieg ,9raen awoke; ttelt.tirg•FT 3 .a . § l ;g *‘1 14 ( 1 ,7- 7 ,-T.ller . . i ivas,, Aii.s' `Jane crying, and asking why did - ,she tate the money;, 4 ,,,a.t4prefi r s.. Saunder;iii4ing: ;so - , isorrowfully at hell. then. it - cli4nged' tO Ned,' I . lll d:t.hillit . li 1 1 , 1 1 ; -.46 , 4'. ..? . i r.... -', "' '. l :l X ' '..i' iln.. .: /: " t li fit:l4,4c.R..her po,ilier,.wilit 4g, briptiifit)iii, as 1 e , lletst*h,j'9i4'nflhs„.Ao4,giqO a ' Nliiie:i ' dli-1 . . 14.Vittp..41,„:.*;fai*" . got U P. -14911 q e 5414J. 4 1M 5 V 1 '47c 1 (.. 1 ' 4 ,- !4'0 0, 00.§ 1 4 - 4; yV,,hat au! ervie!,ye:-Ifeit; F4?,nle„eFet h*tefthe i k.i:44ll 4 7, An'Oce this. Ag of warq},uiil en tOl - .P 1 9-, listen'eigepr ow, on'_none to ;.; :And the fiither and daughter. by 444 e in, li4eiting` thi - ',4s'4,oeiiriiigi *roi;t l i67Pgf 't 6l Oa - a*Ongel , !.4T4i43:!ioillieti'Vifif e tilaide iimptl?: 414 ; u cd And so, with hits aim 1 1, 0; s oft o 3 ll 4 - 1 4 00fti4, ' . actithoi, , *uc'klt ,like a 4iiipoligtt• IthY I slranger'3 gold ? •tir4ee; Jib •flintinped, diter - - 2'wi,idef rtkit a:11 ?us s• I the. ? eattlo,to pitad, a!, : r. Xtl , ,.‘tyo ., s, n'„ • Ntouldn't.,do„to l hyre, , evenin'; inuyire !shell theirciuseii, Poor KATlqpay,3 144 8 ,,fifi stloKa 4t , that irmriN - falser. 'hope. c . I ) 44,Kit gt . ) siho's: a igoo4:nmn ihe;'c-od ni, t 6 - a:ant al Hero an hod r 1.21 . 4 e. a nig n'ell*,i'•'oVer - ; Get idOr'd b'renkfast 'l t o?' them tun tileyw.die, brace. : . ,IhFur;:-an n Tret , shle'srfe'',..-re,tmi`,. *.;::„ ,4rd. he•lettitme.(;ttade,-;1 , --_-•;; ; ,- ;.'1.2. l. gig_ !are net liveityer; etolds'oflOrrliw are , g: , thwino-more-gloomiler.y4M.-intd&heau • shov:sr - OT,frittiirnet, 11:413Mtitito 1 ` l7 ,l l 4il;reald4itilias ;iVer,- 3 MY" , Ia gore. ' ••= .• and. Grac.e .113(1.go!. a, needle,and wnimendiiig , • her little sidtdr's frtiek-1471e,t old one-i—ana slie was talking Lund its -1 1 ,1Lis - Jane used to do'4)&l'6 little sto ri dila PlidAes;l:,9l\ilhen • ;s.tliiiwe i eterKeunudy',4-tetiaet. 1 ., : ber.de't lane& io‘uut , :inii, let lull. jicr worizas a ‘Hci hoTi3ind th'eftVlrou arc;qaite rAhe Lsa)alrlshie he coati - wed, casino to a cumpantoz:Rntaidat; a'a4l ixith 'cauth into ' ", Grace's elieeis strette'd bu`rstini„ 16 - tikett'dorva .She'eOttld.fiot wOie triine. , l They, mistook her confusian Tor that' caused by guilt . k` . ..yoti;' - iki go rob your 6.fferliclibein! tcr - yohr: ,tt.ace.tound • • dida l t rob 416, said ihsiforiately: . Oii`olo; tooktCloan' of it,"l-saii itOSC:' 11 ". at a , l eva s, Cone, seurelithe house, nd bed's; while` I tier lqicitfte young ones f cour' 3e<<ras the Batch.: t ‘bli, I dichi'f;:ii& if,'!el%. Cried; 4if • ' ohe:siolipe4 l And thought of , her ci Other divillifetheei ad to her s spreV, bat - still-dee6'6We doald° - to jail if she."togs al;:a would take care" of peiet , o ! I Knit ) Either would make h6i l giv(3 it bue tell that heinfotherlio'dk' i regotution streligteoe& her, 'kaca . age. S'he prepared to adoitOiirly; 1 '!';'-` Thdy r brought' tier - fitSt barraeks' at L"scar; slid oiy"oi it;enee tc;' . 2.ir; opened - the - p'cior;; . h!.4 eye!, "tears'-as thuS g:aard(l. --" " my r ' r r sero . • th - Tellyour master, .A.ll t serreant- at 't - " . And 31 ; Sautiiieis *nt!,lont. Ginie;.iifhtr resolve net t 6 tell;boetune 'quite calm: - The '1;;.)11 . (C t it ~}is sullenness; 8d di~'3fr • ,their caps ` ~'7uelcgoii' iii' bobbiri • 'tonna Ifeifaille'r l s' litidse fthei4"ehieheci . he'r and th . p 'ho'usC, lrirtrroiifdliot , fiud tfie 'nicitiek:n;;TAtsl, 'she won . say anythinm; she 4 quit4:lltiggetLi; I — . 4 So 1 pereeite: 'said 3fr. bautitlersVglio the. Lfiollee stepkei) Tfitb - thelin iitWtheirpripOrieiv Sorry ir; shniVmtilfoher' e -4 ,t „ r i • , I gpeak,,f pc • • , • sithiints to Ida .at - theif tfvOrife! -1 • ltit4ii6e; ," 1 - • • Poor littlo thing r said Cafiiiirin;e:,''Ti, ' 'said" tioiliiolf her-wme. :ufraiil he, titivald'ery:lie - 'thoright; of ihis - .own Oath) claughtor froirithe.4foiola room Openki,‘dhd'3l64'. Saunders aroitho •• • , drml dr:1•)&11.0.-- Graeclooked uplrthi. lady itiiiMiLietlfewitrili ' • is:iidt-Sei.ron-fullii, 4 nu 14.1 ypn da this • when we wei;e so' kind' to fi - ou?- 1 furl you not enOu'if; :ind - Ntri`Alia4 Jane t4;44 1 kiiti;ydui; ieSsini t; .t 1 Grime 'looked pp _pgani..'•••Thol larger ) ; silent teqr.dr+ tioktn' cheett.-: , :: met; ':'Grade ;'She'itin" td - her, *nett) frowit' at l'e4, - ;iOok,'llei IcliSecHt "' a' Abed '.; " r i'didagave, ,Sll , D'on!t maybe but 1' didn't take-it:l , Sure rAioraldn't feet; inidAttept;4:— Tlie ‘s_ervuitAvonien • pni Vietr Ititons=tu.'theif 'eyes:,• • ~,T rirknoi• I 'Volliturt turne,4l4nitii stains. to,,ety . 4 Inc the, find,'llolaiitx trier. with ben , &libelers liel•Atlf svni!'niove& ler hilsbakti 104 - 61 ifeinet -2 , v1 Hb sial44taii l 4s v ia (I: 14 IQ', Weir 1 ypu 'did . net L.:ke"ihe' '&6114'; Ikhir Ytrtvlyergt ICE6/41:Fooliflygibhilni, itot fir i 6 it;-'Yhthiict'yoit../116i'llififf: '3/I"Gr4 151 5 1,7. t 4 ,oief:ltablOittd* 66Atittdrii the ,ei t 0i te7l * , ,tiple ,d ;:t ) iustsettd j ' Gric erieFa'rseofir - ?'/I/diiretrkilowmherit it 1.4,' shp„,sphbe' 4;, 4, 'l'lieYn'i'v 'aited entil=lieArly daklnit noiPap t 4 wish P=414,1-: 1 1/7 -u1...-/ I ni: ~ i i . non: l . N .-- /4' /,‘ made Its appeirartce, 'James, n,smartAidacrit li 41* yeti don't aclittimei6ing more( about =,itj tefrkers,' i'mg 1 1 1bW ilintinaed In' I)rigzelo , t -1 rilitit , ErcieaF 'lnfOrMiftione 411:dere:Wen ''anii ''' hb ''V ' ' ii 7- v tit '.- tr-44; il it , , , 4 It" ~, , 4. t , npig , Or•. 8 an, ge le Mier.- ;e : o k ' s4ritiy iiiilo -Ljilti-," aoalii reifetaited 4 l4lr 'lbled,'end nikfe= r :klibivii•hift"iiiriML-_,11e:40.4' /'Sounders, - '' ' ' •n . - ='- • '''/' 4 4 , 4 ' S" :' 4 vel'r'inilitelil'inforthedihat ir lifaai lent itkitii` =:: tll - ` 1 " f . '4 ad I 1,1: ,'' i . • .:' ." „.. ' ."' ..-' ' . 1 - There ; was," mislipr- z -a", yin , e.. .• . the blank/mall; Ivho-lwed n about. belleAttent 7 ) 'qra i cc:,'=)ll:"S•ou not ; 1,:i%-111010 , „! . .,riated hair en' limei,finfiVillinte=tit'ilitunihrga .. 7 ) ni ~J .":roT ' ' - - 1 4r 8 :,, , ,,111kaga.: ~ Ti , s ': ; i . I , ~ , 4 ‘4 ,.: i : liti th OlitiT, Wiaiitt . Mitcyithitinditie dm blb ~ , A can't . , nap."arn; J dichij z falso jt.'; , „ 7 „ l ~,,._:,, ne'ss' 'of the lionr; to c - OntiniirrinL tit;titi ital. in •' ;Rut yomknow, _if,yon,viit l i is,to,beli'ere smiths - ' --•' ' ' 'J'' P ;•:" : -''''. ' i '..-,..:•• '' ij IYST7: is . Y oll ;'YouginstAt 4l ,somvtljinapmolllL, , Vlclt:' "- It mai 'quite' dark ' wh en' I l i/ gini,r4 -b u nin„ tr,i I ' ' Ol r li come,' aa113.31r. Saenders,.hhati ly,-..t 111 I soon niade "kis'brisinelis 'knoini; inidnw/te.,kr. 'ride over to ll:matte*, and get • Alie ': 'warrant l t formed by Mrs. lt that' 'Min niii 6t . baltr 43 =t r for her•cominittal.'l :t 7'4' -',"'''''. '-i-':. 7 ri :1•1:1the paper and tete it idiiitel •c -"" -- I'.--n 4 t . .. in .;:n -; / Ali, avait,' said liii•li•ife/ perliaiis shell.-t. 41! • "I'll take the 'nfragnientil,' . '-ilahl:litoi lag " Ob, iria'ani;' ' sali . :ttallon: the pi/sire/3mM; WM fOrlaving nothing lost.P:', —:, : ..;n ;',-,=? 3 ther'e'S:rie iis4 .' 'slib's'iiirio , 4 - liiii:Mind'l4 ' ~i b .' fragments, W' . el lined lifie-t -, , , = , ~ 1 , . _ e Jim"' ex , a , .... ~ I . }'•,..and'ltnesn't lific4 - \•1111A7s - for . 1,1r io64;' '' A ,- , plif DOnk, the in./0, come alinfg here t4:day, fely;'nighta in i thO '4':;/,11 'n'll' liiriti44r'fil;lier, and I , , so i',l* . ei;f w ith 6,, ii a oe r :bi za y t ;;,-„ :::!: ~ .7 . an d you'. linoi...ri4 l aiii'lly' - 'clatifide '' in ' '''' '"/ vli" t'd j ;ititeli'falie - ' Ishii 5013 E's t , , ~ ) t ~t, ~ - -3, ii need not prosecatcbik;fiesocan,m4 litie;.,flo cessfui inissitni La net belligii , ery CAritirittotis ift34lt 1011 g. 1 1'0Y.: 0 .g-i---, Oa, the, t/Inttae.ukkt hilike ditric;`aentti`-ieht."A':liaity 44eilleo:Sir by: right .to • start noW, to nb,h.ack before niglit; I bOmi`/, isthere: in' dud a eased; be &rived; tlad -#4l. , .:Well, Grace': once' t mor7„l ',said :Mr.: Smut- 'Ported . tile result Of his;errand.' , "...' ;-;'," '-' -- 1 ='!=:' ders,l` Will yoa toll,: ;Vheren' you have/ hide the , Ali," VOry coiminiedif reniarked°-314.b.: i n= tl In'olfeY 'l..' "' '' '' ' .' 'i' I '" ''' ' ' • l'' - : l `` ' ' ' i sunyosOjt. asked neighbor N. tertiend - libiftiti !SIM I only ansti'ered b3' , :tkirk. , ' ,l , =' . i . • ' ' ,' - Ip.ape - r. • •imd lie "did,not likii' tii'deiiy hliii : Aliet4 i '' •'lj.;;'ie'll";=Cmief 4 saiiiltOr ifil4tres 4 3. ' •'''= '" ie l 'in nii:tcl i thirik, justly'ac'euee "eitiiiioPitatitg .‘ I . can't, ma"am ; I don't:'intli itheien'' it ' ii... 1 (lite/di/in/tiff 't . ,'ion'i,;;; end : On'en 'paierr4ecffitin. ''' 'Olk,nthat ivifi ''/V l, "%aTiPtlia''''galitteltlitti•-i- tied he',"is - of liitle'vilio.''' ''' ;n' - 'riz t i'::':'!" /I= ‘DaltOit; : i ; lll'.siiiihacfe l lirlsdnftoiNt t ,,ftaniP- ' : '' ' Pori Mai/lig/Le iral 4,3 it, iii rydit 7giitS: 't04',,4.0, 1 t:; ,,, iii gii over ee k, gitiheythitnt:''' "rt . /Plied Mrs. C . :, 'I fit -be'assUred of ejicimng. , ~ ' 4lid Grace , #ndged Onigth4 . 'i';'.l=liry'retid bi t 4WI sit' IS th a t , r 44/ 6a nr, l e, iiitti. ajailit ia , il, ifiA , Nng, TO;Uriili6 nes:ci.l4-as on.,heforii; /Tear. --''' '' " -, ' ','=' '• ' .'"- : ' '=, Innt .;-ass.: lola 4.Poiiqercian parched • oli tiach:eidii;iii, • he.)% t ''`\ °thing only neighbor:N. ivill,pcirlont„W ',with a gun Wit haiOnetra , Akul,;(lt • smiled 'tut' the ineonvenieneh of aroubling. peopli3Jfor within llama: '3 Shg=walhed on 1 44'11,,li g tit e r ' old pipeis.k - =,' :,' - : '•-,, =-.:,= 4 , ; - ' l l 3 ~ ,,,: , ,,,,,8 step‘-she felt she dith not take n iti: :. She felt ' ' .in r aiieui three Week.s after this ' •converstition I prend asshe thought that shtv:bore another's I N: was informed ii,a - r the 'Pestmaiter tluitlic i guilt';' runt thaiKatty and 'Peter would not , tfe I inid a"paper i:il the -office.'.' :He -wits, &tidy left ilonn.' and' that ( ' her' Tailiet 'w4ulcfn h.ae !pleased. nt the'aimoiiriettnent f but iie cotildAt3- rionieingfi bigot his dimier 'Air' hini.' ': ' "" !think:whir was so very kind as tmeend hitalt • IV ii was three o'clock' Wheti'iliev 'enteree3llPaper.:= After many 'conjectures- bowearergAte ..1--. ,Bhe was very tire . ; Mid ' - die - Peolde emme t 4 the eonelasion that it Wits'sortio frigtl4 looked =ant, at the:t a ll ' l' i- '' ''id It . 1 10 wlionr le had assisted in' former years .= -- - '', n .. . . r !Tilla.:an .'° !, e • = ' ''- ''. 41414. as, they, passed .floinia the „fenyp.c . „ . 41 , One ye:6r had 'passed ; tile; papers 'Stotint# the boys 31eit their-play ; 441: loilooilitheini: p r o to„eoine; said N: - ivaii'etillignorantfretn,Witlice there was no boating, not,even;klaugh ;., they . Ithiy'calOb; but being 'rine dayatquiitling lo he all pitied. , :: The theughtles4lop felt/liar the infninted'hie - nnignino"filkinxiforlu"nfla Ore, Wgoldenlbsired 0646r:her Inatmet:v.'es expiesged &melba that lie • should ha;:ttp 40 feratitterl;m4 - her lighttretigi ringleti:fhiated tcithent a P a P 4r 'sac " ' '---'-', .. - ;f: in'thii ivirid".':lieliffe-littile iiirls longed i&g,nt'''' N 9, Y ee , I' v el'' e e i4- -I Te I e RIC4J-F:4 11 44 4 up anerisli her wia r t she iladldtilie:-. Ael i the thine of voine,sfor mother senkott.: t/IF: 0 • 41 4)l2?n; 440'iii; irliA si g liea as 6l:th'odihiceonelatore for Y °u,l4Bt l w ee/e. i= I'l ,:-./ 1, - ;-..1: a n s t) yl ; ; At i tg. ii i • s ii. '''''' li . ',''' l ''' / " • * . '' 4. Well' done, Jim?! n shouted, ,4, dozeklox4r , ; ,Theieimeiii - iiii‘ia - r i:ii' a qi.li w cii ttg i',o, vfhile,a ''Adinultalleous rour - 01' , , , ImightOSPg g i . catruu4tal N had pre a ittin,Qt,ine.ipgpt 1 1,=,,, g ii. ra i ll i g ewer p i . e b u ie t d o e fer i.=d e dii i , a , l s on! 'tire tif teatipmaus,tera.to this; ~ ,- • „,„•,,,.„, , bell wasnrung, And ihotY handeftin t and:Graneatoti it, and. the • Winhat: la.ran been remarkably. cheerful:And talkatilM l besa* door shut again.n., :Grace:Was in jail. ',....,,, , 'r elletit , while wdeePi'e 4 eehir. theni*PiVie-Pl i I/ '^z ,1, 4 ~.., ; ( =po n . t i j' - c o no n t, e d . ), i ,„ ~.„: 2 , shame, Mantled his'rs. row. This„ : A.i., 4 ., Red I ce, next. . , lesson for N. Ear y. the, rnor ' tnhf •as--! She en' Who Iler She 'This er 'tOur- ~ ., , , E W:-:siitt'Zir.., , beeenict'•of List , creek's pa iert''iriq~it ed its Cy Of her wile; cannottell; it braiight I *E . ••7 te; 4:••• , ,:•{1••• from fir' 9,Tc'4,...11!,°1(7 ~.s t ,XeNl:l l l l4 Saturday evenin being here: keLid it.on,thapai•ler !)?•frrfgot he paper 'I emeinbei nPn; IPOPR di c i gt i k t it * l. f : •ti r i . d ~! I : 4l g :rtYl#9rD'ilqrtl # 4P,':.l . . tiY:I I IL .vertNtretsVzligabari4;-jilt kgo4 l g?#l,ll.?,Pr"' befor&-sra barestead;theinoAle-t ‘ l, l• l 9:•)t4eP Intiiettitid +bertaiitly.t entitled' to rthe 4 fiilif tibrisal brit ti him; nnd hew co u ld r ns ,'so/rini- a hli lag - neighb9ll ,, : , 7stiFe.. lt his s it lie one, and',l Iwul3 0 n apt to'tior Hen1,1%.1. 14ethepaper s inquired .Mrs, C. , with surprise.'. ;IT l'•.:111113r not t' He s h - el say . S,ldwitye `fon 14'ottending,: Yes; let to think himself..unable .7 Unable! He is- eert;itittir kfil pays amfuchAdiger:ta.t, ,, ':viklv :i almost always' linagging ..orhitt'superior ottle.; ,It 3s , wioni 10.,spak ; of; lie#gbbors'fahlfif behind their backs: He.prom_ inert iss'retum the'pafteir to slat' ;' -ft fi ; k4iiyo , iuip,,c4 - p4Sotoed 101 iberalif.ee 1 4 1, P.ftstr) 14 4$ 41 01° ; ,l' :;. i !ing•linsband.;•itilf:alte'.e9nlol bP4MK t ' l4l lie diftiiolurnish aftive ' pipe, for, On, ?4,1 , g ilikryenibrotroiirqdghbpi-. 1 . :4 - at too ea eosina "fo, t tii~no'sfnnll' discomfiture centtnuatiee; Imiltettinv ilfr'itilear . • habit of sending 'little Joe' on,thd"diVaitle 't," H.Aightm itE ••-r t al. ' til-• • •, .!' ietith the daritailied s -Vti tho'Opq;*4l:l titit ., e,iteningi - sind eth 4i nexOnetning - gtv,tit*Psien l y . .. l l : harditif 'sty, ..0„17 ,r( i.l 15 ,- .4.,174;11Nifl 'thavpaptv,ih, not ,tyjne • pro kii , fnoi 11 , 6004 . -4mA' Min t-. a l ts f' l 4 117 V r tri!qitsti v a. 1.1 - P!' • '4.sqt:., Othitifteiobti . 4sktfttaY,4*4r4,'i tiii! i tiite.t .".1 4 L 4,4: - 414 . . I !.l..l9i'POi4i f trti go! j,t., I Y.' •-' 7l l'?Fli; went.' and payed 3lrct C. , t4.(TY 49i te. - knowledged hia error, and-_vis,,,neye 7,a r tler known to:take less than two weeklypa e.,,,.. . r Nairle , Farmer . - - - r.s. 1 ' &attliji' OT : getatatta t 1 .' - 4', • i A ROMANCE::);'.;,;,44 . „-,,, ~,,,'. qt_ was rumor° in . ui„ non Wt.: thatJ?nnY.Lindtet-1, 1 1 , . 3t„in &P ia on their way.,tp Cl:n*4°m, _Ve rePort,ele:a. • tad gre-nt exqlteniCP; l4 : l ;Aibitt ' lnatel.l4he Worbland til'a `rest.. . 0 C.P1an 1 44:4: , prp A tto be natrue.—.Exckilige, r :,„1,,, •,'' Tho tight 9 .Whieb-*nr,iY ,, timd n ellitl e fis• sage from; Wilmington, C., -le tiioesten, cva.lso stortny,thatAß.Ao&ishi!t4wyleli'ilir ried.,liarninn.and'hi,&..toleeiame''Yeri'4,:jar being 4apciered..,, The NiFfitinpie Wad . Trigh tene4 alms st _oat of 114. veme, and was Weird to pray th it she might , never be 'a nigaiLa , :;ale again.:, It, was currently reported' that ' Jenny. was psi at sea,. Thereniabia 'the' tele- --- gr, :fc inst,uttly'flesptilledii,;;-4,141t ix, 'A 11381) off.the mournful, idings upon itb l i 110t4ng :wings, throwing. whole 4tie.s ,hitO" mourning, :aid everywhere : spieading euristnMtimi: . -and deapair. Those who 4A-been B Pllesi lif r f.ah' as to iiavo _seen and hiai# the :divine Jeriny, inaked down with pity, iliKpitifos,V'llo: th iß sad event ; had foreveiegrived oritatt ayamtie enjeyrrieut. .. Ilenedfortii r ininl4 !i'ere to be dicided. into., ; tviw,elaisses 7 -tbaiii . (ta`vteii;;'-ind even thriee bie,at), who 114 heart! lenii3V : liod, and 'thosel hal:leas,: ill,staire4 iv . refettes - i'ho had 1101 -- l'' • '... .• ' ..`*,- no ,:'" '''' 'At Witsiiington, the id r - i,e,.liiitio death Wpi tiiiii 'eredited; Disamr and , ;grief were . , phaured `o# eyenrcouutenance; Preslled Fill more, it is . salti, bad determined .to , ,eAdreee a ,apeciai meksage 'of sympathy:4mi , condolenat to. botlitioue4 4ieCongreak r Senatort Benton andli ewe e • c ler . ' k'et " re solnu h at; •c madn 'ffapeeeh for one whdle d:.yv, stuntfre. i . dent'llipg,' Who was knout'. 147...,be1bekxly `entranek by the chirps ofthO ,, t4ifv* Jenny, viii' artokithoi. iiidottiolohle. , ',Evened, nu. ry of theMillit tittiii Overpowenatl klhe ;hook. Bowed Withviefi twevinoilithe4lopth of his :43,160ti0n.s biAiipid - andoporuntly unconscious fylip i6o . tijoailitlis" :olhit'sbulf-bizx! But of , ' F lTif i leKertiutlitiCOAVolf thtlecttillgumono ' liquiLl.t;tdAiiita*Olirasincete.,i,i' that of 1 110 .1kT4 1 3%fAltialf: 4 Tht! Sitoiriseenut to ii: 11 . 1 4. ' q,A914./Ifi lf 4trlie:o 11;41iFietayoSt It ItA , To0 ; 09 11- ; 1 ,ili*fr'41 1 fetoidif t illat riptivad the grelitAaiiiitie,i f_ilk enti,iitu. dom.,. She4o4c.bi4.)l4:L)4l6legArti 1e ..1 , 411 -. n ~• f alorki),MMAMlPhYral!, lier,, L ,; .i 4 ,, q i q. p !Than. liN etl nfl ti m e it i **o.oo.)M i la i l i el h t tit for the &taro brsho-A o *Di‘ftits ilie;, kiitegnicii•Aitormt,hifttetti..4 o tTpotiou'a carlikktiw fip.t4CP. o°, millailii„ kifotArtiMplhrn itit!Pob. ll "4 eontog9e i • _ •,-, 4 , — , i e d ve d',lk GI !. : ti , • : A f.90,41 440 / 3 ) 1414 s t',"."" . ! , . Whevoover goctit4 moot 'to sot intaaht-1..., To givei l dieworl4 of !tong ~,,..,,, .. " tcoi4eytonkit!sitiposed , t.*Vik,t4pstion N;i:'tuto,4,lnif+ettailfr.. Vfetticia:xtliieties :2,7, ? , ,-,,-.440i -rri-± , '7"'" ' I ti 4 ik-400y.11: 4 1vot tog/ lkizz •cer:. „tiwtt,t., race, '7`; • f.a7.41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers