The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 13, 1851, Image 2

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e Large , i tit tub t NOtitro , Prate'
Thursday, Ftbrdary 13. 1851.
Our idwtising friends sipuld.bear . in
ilinfL. IVA . 111 7 114riisments!iinist as
r.pon rae. Tuesday morning to insure insertion
tleVe'r -- Terl iFeit:" 2
No. newo. from . ttr:steamer Atlantic
y:cL,ltrrkftess rests uponjer fate.',
Awful 'Murder at:Ovrtim.
••• Friday evenir;g", of last week,. one Of the
-Leget otetPlting taurder,s was perpetr: tcd. at
Pwertlut haro, ever been • called on -to
xeco . * . . , The, following ,are thosirctunstrrees
fla we haFe, learned them .frond the evidence
,heforo the : Coroner: - , -
~, ,,Ipp4rsthat a difficulty existed between
a Mr. Gwrison and his wife, so that she - left •
• . his house and went to the house of her broth
'. erloh'n'tf..Thririfo'n. She took : with her their
41'4 ,
• prity • Thurstoniwent, in the afternoon;
Ito See,Garrisoni and inyitahim to. his house,
- tu the ovening„to,talk• tile matter over with
liocAlled accordingly, and Thurs
ian afteihanding him a chair, passed out to
woodhOuse. Garrison took his child on
,L*inewas playing with it; when Thurs
ton, approaching him from behind, struck, him
`enthe.head withthe edge 'of an axe; burring.
11'111 . MBbrain HO then , repeated the blow,
'Which took effect on the side of his f.,ce, sev
'cling the lower jaw. Garrison died instantly,
still holdirig the Child. •
'Oven and the neighbors
'Thniston . was standing with a
c idle 021111,.. tit his murdered brother-in-law.
fbe; who 41 this, he replied
pou r ll;sj! I stippose:l did ;"atding that he
- could not .help it ; "'that it was an old matter
irinch was aim settled' and they. bad better
~eend forthe'Sherifffor be was ready' to give
up: 'tie does, not evince the least con
- ititien for UM deed ; says ." he served Gsr
.•:•ttsbn right and is'net sorry for IV lie is a
...)'snag man and very respectably . connected.
Scime . ,t:*o tr three months since Thurston
...I.lne'to 'll's place, b .company u-it a young
14i; 'frolitte . gci, and was married by Eli
4oininott with setcral others
iiei.:,,i,'"tv:4iie l trisent . his ti-cdtling,; and satv
ariiioailln co that wouldlead any
bn itilltatc that hecornrnit such a
, . .
Eitilits:::. Ili is said, howbver, to poisoii of
Tau Legisiature of New York Ice
t.!,stopttryine to elect n U. S. Sen4.or. The
"Sityq ctyys,',or Tribune Whigs, utterly !e
-rase to unite with the "Sore Heads," or Sew
r.4,men, in support of Goy. Fish,the corninee,
It:is Cory certain that there will be no election
this winter and it is conceded that tho, nest
:tyilfeiar,tcly democratic, .'which
Civgl Senitor nithoutglonht.
SENAT63. 1 0/130,...-The ecincention
idthe titi-branebes'or the Legislature, at Co
lisie-ddjOurned sine Vie, without ma
of.Senater. It is proabie that
tisti election will be had until the neat .Sessiop.
, . •
•• 7 -r: - O X, RUntirr (detn.) has 'been
'elatid S:Senator P•in
Vie shoif : term: We - jiteruied 'td mention it
lestA - vidt. • " ' ' '
. 1 Gic4 . it. Vcrantaii, 'of 11 itcounty
Ins recently beconie coattected , tfith the " Key
-Utine'lnibliShCci at Harrfsburg.' Judge M c .:
.Parlittil§ . asoCiated with Barrett; and takes
I)lrce it the laniented Jissr. MILLER. - He
inan; a' iot;ria, honest' democrat,
ilieao and able u-rieer, and will 'add strength
reliatilii?te - tl;e. -fcl per.
co —
GEN. SAMUEL HousToN..—The editor of the
sVest Chester, Republican, urges upon the
fierancrlicparty the neeessiti...of nominating
S ,u;•,4,, Hornets of Texas for the next
!I-Older:4, - I%e following; itiqtdrickare found
li . that piper ',of the 4th inst.:— ,
iLotc s wjty should the Democracy of the
tMti - n be excited or distiacted r:bout a Presi
:44itif:p,tp&idate ? Why, endeavor to fora
the party into the support of Cps Or BUCIMA
AA, (hoth good Men, Vat neither (if them a
.re;riteith tito whole party,). when there i s a
rout likeliouston, whose- nomination would
lbehetrtily endorsed by the masses, and secure
to the Democracy a triumph , second, only to
Oat which they achieved under the patriotic
J;ickson in:the eFer-memorable campaign of
F-USSING ilr :Ruotr.rar.- • -.A. Case tris
rently brought, before the Supreme Court - cif
'lids state, : on a Writ of Error to Delaware
iounty, in. which it was decided that in a pnb
iie-itale; where a person is engaged by the own
to,!‘lrun-up'" the property as it is ecomonly,i
nertned,and thus make the-purchaser pay mots!
than if none but. bonafide bidders bidfor it, „ the
i pide is - fraudulent and void, So far that the•pur-1
ohator is not obliged to, receive the property
Atruck 9 no him,-unless it is,announcedut the ) '
sale, that there isn, person bidding for
As,•this is practiced in this re- , :
gio.p4o,,eomeextent the decision of , the Su-1
zi);egi,Pnltt4o-I,IY begimPortance..,
Lvzinst.,-,--; - The eitliens 4;11
I :Eton hare lately held ineeting and pas's- j
4fa s r.esalations, in Asileir they urge the - prnpr'.:l
theli:town . .th,o;'uOunty seatofi
'kmzetrii immuty; From tlWreprestutationsit
. 1,411 s That the puldietuildinus at Williesimr-1
irdare'iti - iery had cointritini;und ;ieir ones yilll
bare to be erected; anmewhe*
Ste. Co- BANIE Ctivatrrdz.;Aire icon by
*nlituf Yorkii&ald, 'yegterddy,,,that, the
c o nimittee, appointed toinvestig;te the 11%0'
ofEustlaihnutut ; vitiitty.:'made
to She JegoOdPro , blot '3lolAPy.'•ivhieh:
wilkor6l4o toteininted.._! tO
ROO% •
re. L..."
...FLB,TATDre" Lewis
1::17:11a :to the ...etude
elentlfir '4,Y.—"4.74-
Aferrys.,llnsetokfot.Feb ruary 7 S.... T. Al-
Ltiors prO , .44:Ng t . ;O.—Conten . 4;3: 01 1 g•
Lady' Sale Ff a i r fo k sti n t. I Dagtiityeait'JoYervinl, vole. 4,,Cstut 414 U. D.
s - st ,
ana Sufferiirs ;llts~ory of the s•l, 4 rpery, .1% .??
glPgd; in't4.4l/4/lelat ;e 7Wilgri P hk .I * 7l' ft ‘,
Phnnttloa ell COAfiatioti ' ,. s arl ;•r k4 4 f 4r Ja " B27-2
4g/alfd•i•Piille u'epenctir gitilJti limy —„'
! - Poeirk
i and elbrt Artielei. Published
by E, Littell Gennessce Farmer, flu January, Rochester,
& Co. Boston, at $6 per annum
The International Magaztnc.—Centente:l vr
Thomas Chatterton, Anthills end.,llianke, The! ectr".!- 3 . .11.11,
Fine Arts, Sketches of' het.' r,
Counterfeitetecior,Df. T.
Sisters, Dakiti Ott- timakif _Century,..P.opulgr
Lfetures; Old Times in New _York, Rossini in
Litteirs Lining Age No. 352 . E. Litton &
the Kitchen, The First Peace Society, Egypt, [-•
t under the Pharoahs, Camille Deemhulins, The „
itfiVathinehess-itiEnalint4 "
Sir Alexander Rosn-ell, The Late Di. l‘rohit, 9s t '` l ' • --
- Water .0 .P
ure urrusi, rovlers *ells,
of Tennessee, Madame Peelel, original Poetrt, ~,,r
Scandalous - Fieneb Dances in 'American
Tors, Theatrical Critiefsm in 'the I.nst Age,
The Fritch Generals of To-any,,Willi•im Penn
and Milen u ly, A Story without " a Name, Chas.
'3fickay's last Peen's, The Ceunt 31.inte-Leone
or, the Spy in Society, Public Libraries, The
Journals of Louis Phillippe, The liunjars; The
Mystic Vial, Rlrry Cornwall's Last Song, Mi
nis 31undi, The Ghetto of Rome, '
•Henry C.
Carey, 'My Novel, Dante, An Editorial Visit,!
Biographies, Memoirs, &C.,_ Phenomena' 'of
Death, Putlesipies and Paiodies, John . Adams.;
Upon Riches, Recent Deaths, Feientisc
cellany, Danes Fashions far February.
Published by' Stringer & Townsend 1122
Broadway, at 43 per year.
WE have received the .Tannary number of
the American Railway - Guide, in ftrm conve.
nient for-the pocket,, and, containing every
thing in the way of information ill travelers.
Pulalished xi:tenthly at the: ofilee eflthe N. Y.
The. Pittsburg Saturday Visitor_ by lade
G. and %illicm. Swisahelm,' Commences im
fourth volume with ne* dreSs,.whieh much
improves its appearance. The - übilitk of its
conductors is widely known t i l rar:o - a
mount-of the prafitable 'and ente nin t gnialics
its weekly risit to our srnctuna. •
Boston Mire Brcineii.=,The . 'l6ili' volume
leominenees Jan: 1, 1851: - The o,liVe Br.inch
is devoted to Christianity ' Mutual tights, PO.
:lite Literature, Oeneral Atmie . ul-
( tun isited, weekly; on a large
imperial shiet;..aftWO dnilars. ft Near, in ad
tvance, to • single subscribers. Teleoinpanics of
five or leii; . 81;50 to Odtnimnies' of ten and •
under - tWenty, 1.35 to companies of twenty
or niaie;so.2 . s in allSueii cases the Money
must be paid strictly in advance:.' Single alib
do rip before expira
tion of six'tnonthi, 'Will be : charged !$2;25; tit
stio.expiratioii -of ,the year,' 82,56;', and :slab
sniserihers 52,00 if the money is not iOrw.u7-
ded anew at, the end or the *year.
Thos. F. Norris, Proprietor, idttc4 Wasti
ington Street, Boston.
• Godey's karly's,Bpal: for 3lareb,*o.3 been on
our. Table forsome two weci s. :This number
in beauty , and , interest, is not. surpassed : by
anything that ,has:'•preceded It. It
four Magnificent engravings, which. in ..desige
land execution give_ higti , ehar. - the boolt.
.Addres4 L. A. Godey,..iihiladelphia,,Terms
83, 10 copies .820, . . • . . .
• - .G-r4.lcm's ilfaz=ine- for. Mareli f --,ta • sur
prise riiimbee.--is at hand. This will: un-
doubtedly be a"pleasant-"unipsise to the
re :dens:
time, are laid fiei4e,, arle,,OPir cast- expended
for substantial reading ;..ntaking, one
hundred and forty-four. pages in one number.
graluan.". stand .N
. 0, and evidently, does
not mean to lose hi.% foothold, . ,
The Seelpei, a Journal of Health, adapted
to Popular and Professional reading; and-the
-exposure of Quzekery. Edited by,
on M. D. New York, published quarterly- at
$1 per year. - • • _
The February number ppf this popnlar•worli;
obis replete with its usurli variety. fir, Dixon
wields a fearless and spicy pen; and his•wtirk
has a large tirculatioh, especially amen - the
Profession. „ '
Hugo,* Legpna of IlockLl Lake; fbiind
among the papers of the -late Ernest 'Helfen.
stein: Edited by E. Oakes Smith—second
edition—New York. John 8. Tiyitr, 143
Nassau tit. .
This is another of the series of-works now
heingpublished hy Mr. Tailor. We hai.e tiot
perused this, and hence cannot diSeuSs mer
its or demerits. Judging hnisedeir orn the
generar character of the public.,tious 'this
establineut, do 'slionld not hesitate to rec
ommend it
Peterson's. Ladies National: Ai . agazine. tho'.
much behind its ednternporariei in ,tirne is not
in matter and appearance. Its erabellishinents
"are High Life: Low Life,'• ind 12 Le.s..,11odks
Pitrisiennes; and its contributors from the- e4l
- of, our writers. - . - E• • •
The Detteeratic RerieloTo. Febranry-opeils
-with a very rid, Portrit of Hon; Thonius B.
Florence, front the first Congressional District
of this state: • Its table ~of oontentsls as fol.
lOwi : Free Trtide ; John Randolph; The'val
ley of Pompermy •,- Verguniand ; The . South;
Stanzas to an opposite nindtiw; The.. Ccrnsi
tutiol •power, hf Congressi . over public. - ,i& ,
. pros ents ;. •The 'Navy ; The ' fine. young En
glislugentlemete.abroad, and the, finti old' Yon- .
kee . statesman :itt ,r home ; 'or *secrets worth
knotting' found-ottf; Edgar l Al)an Poe; Politi t
cal .portraits -Itith -pen, - end peoeil .;.• Epiirarn ; '
Filioricial - end - Coialmertial ite*w; -IVotep of
•Niw•Bolis; Ourselves: . .1 .- 1 ::-,,:- ~ .L . : , ~"
1 - Hackies .gag,aiiine for Fsbruary' iii - tintel.
I Hailed wifir, a waloa ant of the' . Thrystaf pal.
I i ce of cmeord t ' now in prociat Of ireetion iii
1 Hyde Park, LOOdon; ti3Obntain'tlie—coiitribti
dolls ofall.'naionslit tie great _ :exhibi ''oi of
11851: Many Of Oar'reatferi wilt it:Oat! i tliai
• I Cre gare a deseflitiOn Ofilitaniatioifiea4b-eilit
ing some Iveeki sence, iota - go a rir tb 'tale;
an interest in ArehigeOgnre innaftuiii been'oti
tOttalixii; Aladen'o viaiis ire )o,'•tideepti.
blir, , ,ind-A•eleid'no in4gazifte tbat affords u 4
more prat .pipleuel!!e• ‘, ' •
Ctf A c h tl M l ,;TAa, mTe,4 t••lig
iTie; OulfatlEto; _F*l 3 _ s lTr:t4', o .74e4,
web, ir;
1 .tluetelhl , 3
been.‘diseovered that the paying
Teller of the Bank of Louisiana is a defaulter
to the mounter $30,004. He is mis.sin,gamd
,ia supposed to have cominitted suicide.. The
Bank °Tema, reStrard of $5OO .for his , appro.
rhension. •
--Solomon D. Jacobs of Tennessee has been
appointed Fret Asidstant Postmaster General,
vice Robbie resign_ed. -. •
Robert ISt. Bard, Esq., of Cbamberahnrg,
Pa., a distingiiishedand successful lawyer,died
suddenlY on Friday morning last.
iionston, has reeepted the invitation
tendered him by the' Democratic Members of
the Senate and House, and will visit'Harris
tinrj'eri`t~id 2'2d of February. "
—Tc injure a man's
,sight, says the Alhany
Dulchn an, tliereis nothing worse than sudden
. Leta, wood-sawyer draw, a ten thou...,
sand dciliar. prize, and in less than a month he'
notgrill 4 be Are' to recognize even % the' man
th.t ; " used to go security for him."
—The citizens Of Milwaukee have subserib
over $lOOO to secure e concert from Jenny'
Lind. _iTheir northern neighbor, Sheboygan,
puts in its clairriond is,waking up to a deter.'
urination to,havo-the,Nig,hting.deamong them,.
if they.have to mortgge the town property,or
give a draft on.tho town pump.
Trre Two Narintcrss.—Fonblanque, in .the
Examiner, says There is it little difference!
between the Uncle and the nephew—one gain-
ed the hearts of the army by his 'Campaign, ' days were occupied in arriving at this result,
and the his'.Champagnel for Napolo- sl:I close was the contest between -the candl
e)* battles, Loots substitutes bottles. • . , , dates for clerkships, &c, Michael E. Ames
[ was elected„ Speaker of.the House, and B. W.
' —Tn Ching; a ban eondemned to death nil
I I' • - y ' Lott chief elerk.• , In the Council, aB. Loo
procure a substititte,'Whieli'can 'vial& be done • - • •. , • -
, • -. . - miss svas chosen President, At our West ad
for money. • ' • • •
,„ . • , ~, - -• .- , vices from, the capital, (Jam 7,) they. were
tTinne,z, AT L6IFF.A.—A - Ml 7 by the ?Inlet
7 I .. .rekldy to proceed to business. We have not
of PoWer,'whO had a funily in OH and waO, it
', received Gos'. Baunsey'smcssage.
j troubled with';Wirinnt ire - mats, blewout Ills+ ' .' ' ' • '
I•b• ra i na -i,.i t h a pistol oa s r , t ' a i.d y kst. .., Proaoss.—Ten thousand times ten thousand
I . . , . -, • ~.,
__. -;; • ' and thousands of thousands of pigeons Are
1 . , —The T,otal- popul . ttion of the United States
J . reel/vending the i r way
is estintited,at :73,130,000 7 -an inervisc, exclu- from the South until
1 they reach at the lake shore when they woukf
sire. of Indinns„,,Of 6,087,000,. or about 35pe,r
cent:, is the last ten yors. :,- , : ,
.- ..... I . ' suddenly perform ;serum:sit, and tarn back it
the direction they cum. Tim mild weather of
—An elk, weighing,6oo. pounds,.
-and with 1 the last few days has no doubt deceived, them
antlers tirt tueianred over , four .feet, was kill- I nud:wheathey,get in , eight of the snouis, of
l.txl in Potte.neenntY4 FM •,' -..-• ... r. :: ', .‘ Canada they turn b ink. It is said. that mill.
—The San ;Francisco papers advertise-:a ions are found dead on the snows of the.prov. ,
I TAlT—admission e $25; gentlemen'aeccmipinied ince.—Clereland Pinindenier.' • . ~ - - .
°by ladies free! - - -1( ' '' •- % --.:11on: Truman 'Smith 'hits Perpetrated a
—Silenc, is polit.ness, and' to' likien re- pretty bon mot.' Seine one by way of quiz
apentfrillp, the truist delinatekied Of tiatteri.— - zing hint, asked 'hitn'how many slaves were
The reason of this is that we fake "a pleasure owned by his wife, (a southern' lady.). She
in filliitifind'heitigl heard. ' '• • " -- -' has one slave, was gallant reply of the
"iiiiiii OF CITEIT6G."---This is the ammo o f, Senator.- . .
:i new . Barkinglnititution,l•enentli
.er„ l- oinized •• In the 3teihedist church at Pottstille, a mg
afElreiia, With - a Capital of $l - 00,00C4lino. ged looking man. recently "threw" 4 five cent
on Benj;;Minii - resident i Tr;cY Bead' e;-Cas - h-liliene in 'the contribution bo'r, tr!!.ppi,ed in white
ierl , al4.N.H. i ßobinson,,Teller. -I . -, , , Paper. Upon opening - the - paper, it was found
, ;Qnris Vicroam. Mrs,. C • 4rkland itdt 09* the tollaulatf:'"'This is the .list of ,
writes from England, for .Sartain's. )la„,fraziae,, °ur
, concerning theAueen, "iliat she is well .ian- P R"") I smd its effects . ' s .' t • : i ' ' - - : .
rdiTstood to be ..a, person -.Of4llinited,iatellect, , -- r A distressing case 9f fratricide occurred
net wholly sane at preiOnt, and liable to corn- last week in Tl:iyiiiood county. Two brethers
plete, abernfion as she grows older."
~., ~,, b) ihe nanie Of Webb;'orie about 1 22, the oth-
Thecelebrated Judge Palate,; one, of the er le years of age,, quarrelled about s slate.—
signers of the Declaration . of, Independence, IThe elder brother knocked the down,
was induced-by a friend to go to an assembly,{ Sad aS the
latter 'rose, he, drew a, knife and
stablied 'Me former hack of the Shoulder bla'de,
to e-e a noted beauty who was to grace the
and killedliim: - He was arrested and put on
meeting- with her presene4' :When he arrived
!there, on being ,asked how he..liked her op- • tTi:4- -- , tt'est Tea"- Whig.., - 1 ,
I pear ace—" Fudge,;" ; exclaimedi
the cynic, "-do . L-GeOrge W. Kendall, editor and historian..
`you call Tier handsome? she has l no more ex- LIS arrived at Ne'w Orleans, ~after .a long, ab.
pression than a bowl of milli ft!. ~, . : fence in Europe. ._llis fortheoming history:ef
l - Prrrsner.en, Feb. 5, P. 3•1.-Mr. Gough,the lie: Nesisall..U . DX s , a., aPerb,,arTair, fromf ac-
I celebrated Temperance.. Lecturer,. spoke. last counts, ,
_,, .;,.. ~ , .-,
inightinthe 'Presbyterian 'Church., , A , very , ~,---,Galveston papers to the. 23d ult. are re
large audience was present,:t In the course of cei•ed. Beyond an account of ,an affray be
the ere.ningene 9f the 'seats gave Iva};'.'and;iyond some of AlePulloch's Ranger2s.and s' per-
I caused much consternation.-;The alarm spread! ty_of.lndians, in. :Which two Indiana were'kill.
!that the elm:Ova/a falling: .: Men;women and I ed and Lieut-Ring, of the Rangers,.was weer:-
!children tumbled . iever each other .pelt pull in ded by an arrow,,; there is no news of cause. %
their anxiety: to 'gst , out. ;. , Fortunately none „queue.,,- ~ , ...;, ~, , ,
were seriously hurt. - '' '.,: -; --. , Tie Artesian well, -St; Charleston,. S. C.,
- -:Nofriii tn . :earns : l EXii..6lost.=-'•The• , efibet of has now reaelied he. depth ef Inlo ‘ thousand
therrapld advancement ot : I fhis this' link feet, and they aretnow.potting - doili the tubes
Of our State improvements, has been to mate- to secure furtheOperationm.. With theein cp.
dally enhance the Priceof lands-along :its ea-:lion of 'occusiorial boulders; the"-whole;: depth
}tire route. - - We'are inforMed that' an ;acre and-lof the mel n,bas - bee cut through's bedef mail.
a hall', 'situated near-the mouth "Of the 'lacks-,) The last boringS discovered an increase of
ivanna,•in'ilitstontownsbip,lLtierne county, ilsind, and water had - risen above , the outface. •
lit the southern '-commencement of -the work, I`.•-LThe'atithority of San-Francisco-passed a
recently sold for $3000; and that other kinds' 6ii , that all thiihar-roorns Should be closed fit 1
ihatil also been; disposed 'of a - propcirtionate 12 o'clock at midnight. The keeperSnOmplied,l
I rate's, piatieulsrlY co.?: lands. - - ' , 2 t- '' . ,',-- shiit'at twelve, and Opene&five Minutes 'afters
1 - - i.E • i,tl TII4E OF Gitixa - ..:-4he'e Sp:46'ol wards for the,.next day:.' '- -' '•
, '
1 lead from Oralena rOr the Pear 1850 were 39,1 —ln New York, last Pear tbere 'Were - '283
1181,00 p 1!)!i., - nyoed -;GlO,Bo2.' ': '' ' :" L fires. • WhOl o ' c i arttage , 81:400,000; •-•
on runes, II speaking of the Oen Istartsan I*er:ovens-tn.—The Canal
iArneilef l n Ora - 14,'say - S 1 ' "* . at , 'rrolip W l llit•. ll jailConinissiotinra; in. their annual repor state
}! .11 , 1. -O d Y .'llE.'t'hO retur.n . ',; 9 :th,lbit, atv, the -- ree'eipts freni r the:inbliOlnipirevements; du= Instance of material,And induatrtil development', Aim" the 'yenr eittiing - tico • 30th Of NOVember,
apPafall9Y 4 4- 111- t , k9"lSPaals ot 'eations, no last, at , $1,768,704;" Mid ' the expenditures]
Ceneludeii rin - arficlienthe - Mibject:liytli,e -- ai.: , ,S4l;2:,2B.Lleaving $910,978 as netineome„ - - - -.1
re,etsSerq9Srfi:l42t.: ten ,e'irs heliF , !',tl . l ,6 - P,SP-' They' esilinte'the gross reneipts 'Or-the cur- i
- elation efAirietiis Will
, - ea_ . ed that of theßrit- :refit Year it sl,Boo,ooo;ivhieh We thhak avers;
iS!li r s l :e2;:'
~.: ;:` -,.,. . 'T' •-;
'., .." --
moderate e - stiritate. gild entire report' hi full!
'• 1, is estinia - 44itliai eaeli l ladiiidnar, hien. of interest* the lover efstatisties. • : '-, .' ', '
!!ff e3 # ln o_
_,.. ,6 9 r t '"c 4,T r841°n 0 '..4 411314 4:-fk l i ntl e 7 gritlian - Frozen ''±co Diarit. 4 -Clinten Hilt,
PT'S ! 4iigiaidA-0?..4! =1:ir1:604,9r is 4 o4' ial , ',.es!bill;:i4litoik•Oi' the' Kiriii2COiiify; (10:Benin:I
of hn O4aviiiblinie an hobi.'" At ihis'rate`sie f - M , St, wthitednii fAzi r it tedeatlineniSt,Cliarlesi,l
4:,a EPISSiii 4:00 hfiridra ' ile! , ' 2 ' l ,i 3 `"pigt: ih l'Aiioi' - 4iiiGioi Adm'ebieto • ; litilSie 224' Zile
'a l i' ' s'eli, - and iltY l ti'O' - i ' sfstaies 'dr Ye 4 : - ' . j • l'ite 64 been : to Chicagoi anil'iot' getting -OP.;
2;.. r.• •
..- ,' ..• ....- ..-; ~,'• .; -.. ,
, ~,1.44.,‘, 4 ,90c, - 7, I This,,,proisenti 91 pe . '„ears,nt Me St. Charles jinn:ion; iirobo,,.!
~IshttgrOi died it, kiiliiieltaild,- (11Te,* I . tork;) 1 biiiiiidertOolete' iialleesier'ifie -prairie'
913 0 ay . e 4 le age o 4 . ~ : . e .111 —9 co.-. -.e was an er
* M- I gr di 1 ; t1); iLt ii''' - f**6' ' '' "- .[pen4'd li , la 11 ': ' obi)*
~', " 41 0, Ti1e 4 , - 9Cee./4 91i . ..tbA1147,1k0ikT4R5 7? n Pg,(: 6f4 4 5 & ra .: ::".:+.. - , .:, ..:. , ..
* 0 4 4 0 0 /. St i r i a. 4 1' i ,z . 41 w Pi. d *Aki'; ' It ko' '''
C 6 iii EiiiAl''itlig the ,Itn*l s ' Mail'
'. 0. _ 6 3.0.44:144.1 .. i5teati5i curiosity ;lit*" settotp,,Qo !rii6tla}i, Zit': Dttlisizi; of Aiiiiiiig-0,
~.." .',-- , 5^.J: , : ••••,', ',,.:,•
, • ....__..„..,.._.._,_.___,
I Tan Finn. PRINTED Boos,--1t is a remark- !presented n-petitien in favor of the acquisition The chair pitiented a petition from the Rev.
I able tual,iinitlia§resr,tni*t th a t; the very t ofCtibinibyitheihaitoAtatea , ; --- ,- - i /,------,. M'repurley, asking public 'documents for , ,Li 1
i r ,- • I i'," ' .." 1 1
'first useite''' *dalet r tliii,..dtitcotereory, rintinrt purcti6oyr:PrAstinitidg,e Sitaraw'ood s ofi be.rjn 7 ''',..--- - !-''' - , '4 --' 4' ' ''l
was appliA i vtiasthe fiedfietyri ot th
citiolY Bt..thtilDlStrie*.Caurt.bPliiladelp4l4llN9ldeeliled f , il .
.r. Spruattee`aubmitted 4 rescrlntion direct:'
ble. thri;*,l9 micomplhili4nt )4snts , betn'eci'in favor ofthe CraihnonwealtVlagairtii thocU, Ling:the eeer4ery of War to report : upon re: ,
the yearis'ilkio and -,1455i 1 '..,':0f the first printelE' &Rank, for ;$1,203,75N bet* Wain, yOrs' 1). 11 4,,1i,2 the luirber at New Castlei'Pel4ware.--;; -
IBibll ''' '' •:‘
'l' ''X rid . ed diett adopers.,' Ye
e,. eighteen copies-are now npt n,-, . - a one, u r
, arl Ad , eptedS-
5 , i f
lin existanett,4dr‘Of ivliieli;are printed on vOl- - .!;', 'Vie 'ante tiiii,Saiitewarr.*4il!f' 4.iler its blinttaic
Zitr x _ltti l or.( s9 yed, and the Committee on
tem. Two of these are in England, one beln,g 'to pay into the School Fund of the state.— i Naval Attire were discharged from the - "cod= ,
of eliarigiog, the contract fora dry ;
• t in- the Grenville colleotion, -One lain thelloy. '. Should-the Supreme. Court 4= thiedeeisierli _ ni .4 , ! 1. ° 11
;al Library_at Paris. Of , the fourteen remain- ' , the State, will endeavor. omake her claim take d ock at California. , 1 -
lilieeciii.43.oi , (are Ili :,,R,6,llaiid, '-e.t.liere,"
.beitigiprei&ielCii-, of Aim, assletriientsi ra h& -to 661 .: XIV 9wlntl:g 3 l% notice of i n bill _ for the ea
- " 1 tallisfifitent of ifraint in California.
!copies in the libraries of Oxford, Edinburgh:other creditors. '
land London,-and seven- in the collection ofl feria railroad in
. 3.iis-
Foklila'result the Cerommiwealth - is ma i n -! The
- bill granting land for
different ,nohlemen.- 7 - :The, : yellinu i copy , Inlia'..4, souri, was ordered to bo engrossed.
indelited , to the untiring ene,,,,,rgy and erne- 1
ii4sold VS di ms -81,k0.-": - -.1 i ; .., . i $.1 1, -, ',. i =, i t '. . I The consideration of' the -postage ,bill I his 1
I mince of the Auditor General and State i
i been fixed for next.
- Offich.--The-population. ot„ Ohio,. as _aseer...T.reasarer,,,llle.ssrs..Purviancennd2,Blekel..___.l ' , Monday
the .Ho use-went
_tined-by thecensun of 1850, .ie I,pas,t4o—k co
;roTEANSIOAT , DISASTERS .114 ;RE Wes-r Ens - House; After
, into Contraittee ?nit 13 ;teo
being an increase of 404,672,81Ln J 840,; or pD Waszna: , l-Theannual-stitternent of the Ma.
, bills relatinm to the Territories. * - 1
1-2 per cent. - . , , , ,
~ • . I trine-Disasters onlhe waters o f the South end i S E NAT E, - P - talons 'ref ting to '
--" More trouble coming," .said Mrs. Part- West,'shows that during- the' , year :of, , 1850, I r i onsJ • e , ta.wereprese presented'.
-- a va' ' ''
inaton, iayltig..dovra the paper, " there's .the : there were 53 vessels.totallyilost.' of which 331
) 1 House.—After the usual opening business,
(State of Affairs; I , ' suppose it'll soon be apply. overe , sunk, 14 burned, and 6.destroyed by ex-1
the House went into 'Coramittee of the Whore!
iny, for adrolssiol into the. Union,"! and the old ;plc:islet). •The.number oraccidents were 111.- 1
i lady resumed her darning. with a, look of pa, i,The nuniber Of persona killed was neerly,7oo,l ini
a ' the State of the Union, end took for:Con.
eration' the' it bill to eStabliihed 'Board- of'
' triotie anxiety.. i.. . , ~ , ' •
,I and probably - half that number were wounded,'Accoun
—A young dead-head the other day asked - Th e amount of capital _destroyed from these', -'
the of the "Panorama Of Bunyan's -accidents 'exceeds one and- &half millions of
Pilgrina's . -Progress;" if Mr. Bunyan was in.— -dollars.. The chief disasters • befit the steam.'
The door-keeper refused to let him pass, es ho era Griffith, Antoinette Douglass, Belle of .the l
i .Smriers,' Feb. 1.-The „Speaker Matthias
coolie% find his name on the free list. I West, Anthony Wayne, Knoxville, end the - -• ' ' • ---,‘ .- -
- • I laid before the. Sear to -the proceeningm of a,
imeetinir,htdd in the County . Court HouSe of
AsTFIRACITE'GLASS.—Mr. • E. V. Mite of Analo.Norman. The numberof lives lost by
these six disasters • • was, nearly' four • •hundred
this village has succeeded in eonstructineaPhiladelphia, in . favor OfCri''nsolidati on. - Also,
furnace by which window glass is-manufaetur. and fifty. , , - -:-
JJ the lith annn-il report of.;the Monenrrabela '
, i,
ed with no other Peel than anthracite coal. The 1 A FunivrvE SLAVE ARRESTED 'AND TARE! 1-4„,; ,./ ..,ti on ci.,i,, p ,,, y. - '
result is so completely satistietory that .Mr; J. 1 DACR.—A sieve armed David Grayson, about!. ' l'etiiimis •Presimtel—roi the repeat of the I
M. Brookfield, - the proprietor 6f the Glass.; ^1 years of age, Was arrested in this place,•on law prohibiting the circulation of bank bills of,
works here, hasldismtssed
: ell - his Wood-ehel 'Wednesday evening last, by- Deputy" Marshal,!, other states of 'a lesS'denraninittion than,Bs. I
pars, intending ha soon as the fires are main- John Sanders, of Harrisburg, at the instance i F or end 'against eoitSolfilation. ' Again 4 , the i,
guislied for the coming season to iv-build . his of ThomaS Erica's •of Clarke eonnty, ' 17 - 6 'repeal of.the kidnapping, laws. In Las of a '
furnaces tratiollr. White's plan. Coal has Grayson owned op it Mice, and Seemed . very , law r.ih-inr, authority to 131 r. D. Fling, trustee,
never heretofore been used in any part of the! glad to see " Massa" again. He . had been to solreertain real estate. ...". - ''
'• "''
the Rich
world in the manufacture of glass.—Honesdale 1 working a the Montour iron werka 'for - Some ', nm, 1,,,,,,,d u ., :e g,_.....rn incor p orate
Democreg. - • ' y
To extend the jurisdie
, ,,,. ,
time, The prospect of tieing carried, Irek - to m end G as C ompany. ,
ENLARGE:RE:IT or TILE CATITOL.—Tfie plan .'',Ole Vir,ginny" appeared' to brighten his sable tion of Justices Of the Peace. •To authorize
adopted by the . _ committee .of 'the House Of(coontennnee. • The aftlir went off quietly, and the erection of three bridges near Reading - . -
Representatives for the extension of the Capi. without the least .excitement. --Daery/e Dean. /Plc Pcsap —To inco or te the' PhilMlit
. . • .
tnl at Washington, is that of Thinnne U. W,.1. SYRACUSE AND Brsamsorrox Rart.y.oAo.--,phia Life Insurance Company. ' .
ter, Esq.,' of this city the architect of the Gi- The Syracuse Star states that 8110,000. has l . House.—A resolution .was passed instruct
rard College. been subscribed-to this railroad -in that city, ' , log the Committee on Vacs . end Means
~t o I
. Mtsstrora.—The , Council and House of leaviria 890,000 ,to -be raised to fulfil the consult with the Auditfir General and,State
Representatives, of this Territory met at St. amount pledged ba Syvense„ : Cortland mann. Treasurer, to devise enme l means of' lessening
Paul, Jan. Ist, ,for organization, but several ! tv Is pledged for 8100,000. and 850.0001 s ex. ".the expenses or eplletttitig,ltho State, County;
- - - - - -
Local and School taxes. . . .
A bill, was reported . nnthorizinz the Gov
ernor to subscribe for
,300 copieS of Peter A..
Browne's work.on sheep wool.
Also, n bill to extend to the Commonwealth
. •
the provisions of the lm which limits 'suits
against •sureties on oflcial. bonds to seven
years.. •
Negative reports were made on the bill rein
live to the fe`es'of Ailerine'rr rind Yustiers of
, • •
Sarrarc, f'ebt • I.—After executive session, the Peace, and the bill relative to volunLary as.
the denth•of Mr. Kaufman was announced, by taignrnents for ti'6lrbefit 4 ofereditorS.
''fr. Rusk, Who spoke in an eloquent and, feel- Scx,yrn, Feb: neenrdance ,witti`rf rep
ing manner of Ins ,merits •- I 1" t*of S rd t' 31 till''' E f Phi -
1 o n ion a.O ay, J. a Iris, e
The usual reselutions were then adopted adelphiri; was this morning announced as Clerk I
ind • the Senate;atijournefl ril l the Senate, and, the usual oath `Of oIECOW:,sI
I - Jousn.--Mr. Upward, of Texas, annottileed frainipisterA. -
the death of It's colleagneiMr. Kaufman,which Petitioni were presented, for' ti bridge at
took place suddenly at his residence yesterday PerUvi l e's 'Ffiril, - Overthe'Sehrtylkill: A' re.l
roonstrince from citiiens of the 'Siith Ward.
Soutliwarir, against the removal of tlieplacc s o - ft
holding elections in said Wird: petitions
from the count? Of Philadelphia; that the 'time
of 'holding 'elections be cham,ted from the!
SPringtO the Fell. 'A remonstranee of prop
erty holdersin North -- Pdbn'towiiship, against
Vacating; streets in Glenwbod CertieterY:: Re-,
monstiances of citizens of Gertuantown,:spirist
• The - Seleif eiiititnittee to whom Was' referred
the bill to 'it-annex Mentoui coranty,' , tO .
rePort kick the Saiiie; with en amend-,
, merit.
`The supplentent to thec.act'totevise themi-;
litia system, and tripro4ide for the training of
such onlyMi shall be tiniriforthed was' intro- 1
duced. L"'
• The Scinitethen passed the bill to incorio ,
rate the Pittsburg Life 'lnsurance Conapany.-- .
Adjourned.- -• ' • ' • -
11Otrat --Petitions Were presented for and
against 'corisolidation - ; for.' the repeal of thel
the laws Pro'perty from- taxation' ;
fer the repeal 'of the .kidnapping- lavd: 'a re-I
monstrance against theidnoorperatiori cif thol
Steam Tug and Navigation Company; a-pcti
tioti frOm'the heira *ry.:11:1-laydoelt; for al
trustee Under her" Will;to 'sell Certain i`eal
tate.— • .1 , •
Reckhow pretiented a petition from. the
eitizens'of Great, Bend fOr the removal: of the
county peat of Susquehanna .county, to-New
:Milford township..., : • • ' •
I .
The''Seleet.-Cominittee. aripeinted• on: the
[tariff resolutions -nude report; Mr. Penni
man for himself, 'and 'Messrs. Bonhani' and
Brindle together, Messri. Killinger and Brown
'also together., :Adjonrried. •
SENATE, Feb. Matthias, Speaker,
tald.before- the Senate, tiro .inoceedings_ of
♦meeting of
_citizeris oi'.I:lloblitoY: ( 1114. Wes
Philadelphia;! in „favori,,of,:the erection, of a
bridge:across the. ,Scrlindkill against
_Market ,
Mr.,Sandersoniead in .place , a bill to
dept Jcvy..-! 1 E 1 4:-! 31 4 1 on exeelltion thp
homestead of
_ etutelitepaelit o the. tict t
, ,
continue the District, 'Court of the City and
,of T P,hilattelpida ;, a bill relative to
I.Verghts, and measures in Plriladeipltia county;
to.enable I. l :ll.,Marklatid, trustee, to sell cer.
tun real estate; to amend the` charier. Of,the
Independent Fire insurance Company;
thorize the, executors under the will of J4sePli
,a. : l..Leedles to sell seriant real estatk;. to vacate
ft,ppitiop of Schuylkill, second atieet,,andirel. •`draining the caul,
fo'r ti,Froe hut t in g , iriW §tatel.PtockS;
,in furor Anthracite Bank' sit, Trjuinua; foe
the epristructien, - ,Ok`dß.o through Schryl
yalley,`,from Pottsville
Sommitiees .Report-4 The Cprpopition COm- i
mftti'q'reP°, - 4 1 with IPriAtilelisr bill
corp Prating ; the ilfehmend Gas
, 11#11';i77lictii'r.:cj.--* company
to oieti thi;:Schuylkill rlibr,
$lll Passed.--4 bill ificinildititing the:Chest-
`but 1111 ircurdre"Gonipany. , -.
`‘'phe Talpßisollitiims..4-Ifr. :Walker's tar. •
iff resolutions came 'UN, 0; . ;
meted froM Owen. With $350.000, it is
thoulht there will beano difficulty iin obtain.
inq the remainder of the eipital from. abroad.'
The 0 - swetto Times ,thinks that ; the line of
communicltinn- from Like , Ontario to .the
Southern milrond. should be enstward.of Syr.
ounce, and should . cross tho,Centml railroad in
the neighborhood of Kirkyille:L- Depo sit Canc.'
When the deceased : left the House at ,three
,o'clock, he appeared,in perfect health.
Mr. Kaufman was a native of Cumberland
county. Pa. Messrs.,, Morse, 31eianhan and
sleClernand, spoke in the)aighest terms of the
merits of the deesag4 - . „
The customary resolutions were passed, as
also one to attend the farm - mi. - on Moriday, arid
,the House adjeurned.
Szs krt, mecand on
*on, purnediately, sdiourned to , ,:ettend. the
i j dnel;l.of'th.o K4tifitart. ,
11 - ovsE.—Mr. Kaefrann'ifunerai took - plaie
from the,hidl of the Heise, . . -
Rev. Mr. "Butler, Ghaplpir-efthe•Housexearl
the funeral se'rviere';'affer. which , Air. Gurley de
livered a' brief and eloquent sermon.
, The corpse laid, in the. ball.. There were
present, President !More, members of the
Cabinet, Senate Indhs of the SuPreme Conti,
Gen. Scott,. and others; The body afteiThe
,conclusion of the co'remomes was removed.
Muir., Feb. 4.-:--Sftr .he opening,
business, the, House went immediately into
Cornialittee of, the Whole on the State , of the
Union, and, resumed the coniiideration . of thb
bill to establish branch minis at 'Neil: Y r oric arid
San Franeisce.
SENATE:=The report - Orth6'director of the
.lint was reccied iihd,redd. ' the thereport
of the Secret4ry State wale tiee.orrespen
dence felating tope poiltion.and right of 'the
aiutien:' Day Cod/V.l6y: "
. . .
Mr. Atelison'Thjesented a, petition 'fir 'the
vain of th'e slaVe' hired by the'tiatit'erniaiter
of the 'palled State Ittrmyii•ho it iplieaWhas
Mr: Hale mofed.tb lay. the. petition. on the
table... Lost: -•- • • • • '
, :-AftCr some dehate' the petition w referred
to the-committee on claims.
Mr..HaTerprisentetra petition for thetepeat
of 'on the table.
Mr. Baldwin, of Arkansas, pieseated it Phti,
tion in favor of the e'egbiiiticeof Cuba by -alb .
Unifeit States.: I- .
I•-• Ifousi, Feb. s.—The pending vestion was
`on iseeondiad the de:niand for the previoui
question on tlp substiente ciflir. Bayley, for
;lie bill establishing-a brand mint in Califon,
Inih and. ;- ;
The aybstitnte merely, makes. pearl;, ebnn
terfeiting or embezzlifig . indot.Of gold author
ised to 1 3 0..issuu 4 k. - ,at 'tile' -7 2 J°.saYeeE! Pflipe, in
California, to be recebie s d
id-payn9o.for; 19Y•
nl"L i t : re ; ll'ii9ie49n-'f O rfive' ;ears4egreion - questioßtv3ssee;ded.
:The substitute was tlisl4re'ed to .by ye i vfi3,
1 : 163, on orderhig in
New York- and,sen
,„t)lanc*o reud
ing• ,
111 r: Strong *Area 'on 'tbela-
Ile, which decided' 'id'tho a rauk
y,eas , ,, ~
1 1 9"4U4y‘u,;. •
Di)dg,e ,
tipn of tbe Wisconsin I.egialature , , rep! ink
ing 4nator
tiird't,tVillifii;illalwo years &0..'
Wna SeWitbi Oreserited=
1 SENATE, Feb. o.—Numerpto petitions were
presebtd." ; . r1 r. 4 I,
112 MITIM.
PIC-91#1011P - fe4tu;ts.sof the tariff of 46,- ht, ti
stiit*repiziedOti , ty on coal and iron-.
• lost:by zr i s4tiorty Vote:
. oti Sa i nci*iii . nitite - d an amendment by in.
-tertog .a notiej) series, taking high 'grounds
to,gaintit the Prr4ctive system. Diseased till
the banr,„Of inttnirtunent„
'''tfotrii.—Bffti•introdticed.—To incorporat e
the Tacony Ferry COmpany ; to .provide for
thelegistrationntbirthSid - dathratutimirriagtt ; .
to incorporate. Maternity Christi of Peausylni,
aim; supplement to pm' act enabling miens to
purchase and to bold real estate.
• T _Tariff—The discOssion of the Tara
wog...relunaed auli:co]?intiediun4ll,lr adjourn.
"-' - -
laid before We Pena,te, the proc_eedings of
ttneetings PidA'inc BYYTY told
other townships in.Philidelphlficynasnti,ag,ainst
e:onsolith,ting the ciy; aud.cannti,*.,lnlo one
recialeipality. , •
Pctiiions and Memorials. --Fo r the insorpo.
ration of a floating bridge
across the Scilnyliall:llt-Pehrase Ferry; a rare.
retitionto Ples:. - unsafe condition or
bridges over On': - TiCti!iare Division; Of the
l'ennsylvaniasinal; a R9tition tv ipaorimrate
a company, to const,rnctla ;r:iiroad!,ffora
ing to ,Philadelphia; a petitionfi n! cott,n , op.
eratives in Allegheny, for the .c . peal of the tee
hour l w. . •
Bills Dural:cll.—A
_supplement to the tet •
regulitipg muniO - ip . af and other elections intim
city of Philadelphia, and toestablisl) a uniform
ay stem, of police for the ± city- of .philadelphia
and Districts. A bill to charter the Steam Nat.
igatio'n,,Company ; to. hicorporate the 'Stns.
burg Railroad Company 5 .relative to taxation
of Real Estate in this C4mmonwealth.
The Tariff replationsicame next in order.
The cittestion being on theldoptioti . of.fir.
SaiidersOn's amendment relative to the protee.
Sion piimeiple— -
Mr. Pucker moved-that the whole subject la
The cinestion whs 'taken, and "thP motion
was lost.
, The. dim: caseion.-eins continued' Up tht
hour of :Atournrnerit.
Euge . uurribe; of petitions were
presenteti f6r n'Pree' Banking .Low for and
ag,anst consofk4oir; for . the repenT of the
laws tempt frorn - taxation;dee.
The 'fariliresulaticumwere , then taken op.
Mr. Bonham had the floor till the adjournment.
For the Dem . °era'.
3frEsn.s.Entious:—l must confess that I
' t read the very ho id r.nde :powerful rppe;,l c'
t the citizens tif - Mobtmseto.trsiti the Reinert
efforts of some presumptions persdns in the
EaSieinc ., elioli Of 'tileeMlP.y,'ln the : ‘De l ,mo.
erg"' of litit Week, 'with' ;tieat ' itttlSOetior,
Poi.' mi.Vart,'l eOnsider it. ninaiiiWer"able-1
1 perfect - knock down."- In, entinM4ating the
Isbenefits conferred upon the 'county, by the cit.
i izens of '3LontrObe,•horrot'er,. Mil* one very
I intliortantitem: was' omitted: Viz:;they elid.
licked a Bank hem! I therefttiri•inagest that
thew appeal' tettovis'ed , and eetrette& lid ii oat
as may be. Touts, dte., ..:011E . oy 'Ex.
~, Montrose, nth, 10, -,.. ~ ; „: : 1. • , , . ..
Ain a meeting of, th,o, C.nnty Central
Committee convened at Hatch's j ntel in
the .linrim it r 3ft.l • ritr t, se —lln Wes — tin da
g ,
F'eh.. sth. 4i,ii,ratiant tit tx.:tjae, ,
Resorred ; " agreealdyAd'a resolution
pas!..ed at a County Convention held at tile
C„nrt fr„ on the
18th August last. a County Critivention of
Delegates from ,thp,servlll townships rsiC
he htl.l.l,att the : court house on,i‘iuntiay eve.
Ong the, 4rst : ,yeek. of -
.th'e IS! ,flto CPnYentinnt
to put in nomination candi dates for•Gower
nkr,_Canal.Qomotissioner, And ,SuPrelail
- Resolved; Tlint the fallowing naosi_
gent Imen in the several tewnsitips he - ern.
mittees appointed twsupprintet d the eleo•
:thin 'oUrielegates , itt.thein .respective
trie6, ea Seturrlay, the 4,l9th.dny
first, between the hours of 3 ttud &dui -
Aplinenn—David Rufous, Richard Ca
lies, Jan Iliekie. ' -
• Aubnin - --Innes Carter,' job 'ffewir i : •,•_
bury, 'Samuel Brundage. -'' ••" :' ' ' •it
- • Bridgeiumterbijab Baab,Leri Guem 9r;
say, ll"rade Brewster: •-, ' ;,- 4
Breeklyn--Ezkriuliffany, - Jas: Iletritt, t - --4 , •
L. WI Kellum. 1 ,
- Cliff Ord—Jolt Baker, o.,Tbacber,Tbos. '''• i
Burdick. _ ''
Cbaennut—Ww.Hurley, Niebad Kele,
Jasper Staaliey.!,,
Domino" J. 1 .1%- Langt Sidney B.
Foreit' ''Barret
Slterer, Ir. D. ''• - • •".- •
man. Tittts4Smith. ' - I ''' • -
Friendsyille,-W,ra. Bolttle,ue '' l. Ilor•
ton, Tboii -. .. Glen t nn. - . '' ''''.
Giltiorg-Jitlin Stnilay,'Alqali Well!, S•
~11attili?4i1 ,-_ ; . ' ' •
Grenfitentf-ttarrey'lceiuti;, - Jobn C•
Fish,'olliCi tr - wbridge.'' "-' • .
'..• ,l(arfortir-Vita9. Tingley. Ira ,CarPoPteT•
Saxa. Seymour,..,'
A. ,.- . --, i• „ ~ -, - ..„.., ci
Harniouv r ,-F. ..IV,ard,' David- Ttglat, '
S.-8., NeKtino., . ~, , -,1 . . jt: ~ , ..:,
Oerriek—AlinouSiocir,.Alanso4 it,il4D,
Jacob Lyon. '
Jacksoly-•-Levi - Pagei Nathil. 11,ntris, A.
J. Seyttintir:•''' '-' ' , '' ' • ,' -, -i'.. '
J esAur -...L..Then 'Shayi , Harvey 4. Bee
ebartl,A bet Chiltield. i., - ,-;•,:, 1, ,, , , ~,
Lathrop—E. - S. Br - cmitt, 'Seth ,Bisbet,
Daniel Vlna. , •-• ---- ---- - - -
••- -, Lenox—E. .. . -BP.,arnum. , .E.B. 'Grey,
Einzard llowerF. ~' ,-.; . ,-,,.-.,
:: Liberty— linvit - 117:'1 ; AuT,011, ~Ira-. art.
stnek,,Jni - Dowle.i'-• ',. ' ' = ,
_igitidteto7uL.i?t i itt ; #oiift, ~ 1. ,
. 1
, ftaut
11elson carnp. -
,Nloutrose--itenry E., Sblpptan. ,
Clitvitc Nelson Bu*.farti, =, -'- ' ' , 'I
'NeWPliTroyd—Win.7 .- Belli. JobnAiloylt ,
Dennis IlleKeelty; ~- ,• '',---• r . .:...: !..,,,,' .:
Rupli—Ezetiel Lathrop; B. Gr.a . l , l'
than Carter.. -: - .
,-Sllett lokn-'-3Tortimer D.-Onige, 740 0 '"
th'y , M enry, B nag:: ' - •
L: Sprin'Oille.4 - .. 'B. Lathrop,; Ames,l%l l,
liain9, , Benj,..Thmtul-, L- ~ :r.,.: !r - ~,,',- ~
..", I llitnisoPrl34 N
1-ne4Pr ea,engert- I ; 4l 'W
Wkightr.• i‘lJ! , --g!liP ol ', o,-, : ~ - ,; .- I!
Adjourned. - • • , ' ..
, t '
Igvvls lIRIISII..
,-•.-.. i - JORIOIAN.COVIC ~1 I-- • •
~ .. ; -1 - 1 - .0•BBY BAliziy, SRI Alec.-
. .1 t N. O...PaRNY '
o.:ri,:rtithmis, t „..
.- / . 1 :1,1 .i