The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 06, 1851, Image 1
. . Pi - - . ;• , t cart 41— ------ • r -LS 110 --• • , - v. , • A kitti •• • . , , t o • • - , : - ..„ '7 „, ;7; • ' ( 1.'"! 7 1 .41 '" • ....• ;1 7 , . • , • .1 i *,) 1 1 7 . • • ; • - • •'‘' - . - . . • . . . S. B.& E, B. CHASE, PROPRIETORS t~J~ ~~~' From Mapzine ' 211,0'43' EY 3. U. DT. RAND _Coat, alone in a forest glade, Where the bravo old twit cast a leafy shade, And where no sound on 'the balmy air , Tells of the din in-a woad of care. • Yet not alone ! There are forms around That dance on the lxmghs, and chequer the ground: • No, not alone, for Beauty is here, with joy for the eye and song for the ear. streandet is murmuring. by in glee, Seeking its homo in the far-off sea, And the listener's heart iu its depVis is stirred At Ile joyous note of the singing bird; And the distant horn and the tinkling bell,• With soothing melody reach the There's a dancing of leaves on every spray, And n-flitting of birds in plumage gay, And the wild-bees hunt, and the zephyr's note • Upon the ear with a sweetness float. There's a blushing of tioreers on bough and mound WhOe snubea..ins play in the vista around. 1 )11 ! win could call it a lonely seem, With its wealth of mug, and its dress of greenl 1 feel it tin solitude lingering here, Though Natures the only colt) . anion near Alone, alone in the twilight g'r'ay, Afar from the socialhall attif,'. Where the flowers arc cloied -with dews cm- pearled, And the shadows of evening shroud the world. Vet net alone. trer the dusky eatth Then; are things of love and music forth ; And the voices of night are whispering' near, That fall with joy on the listening ear. • 11 srk ! in the shadows tnisty and ditn, Natnre is chiming her vesper hymn. - The wind-song has died tea murmur low, And the' playing brook has a gentle flow— t to tin. den v air its tones are borne Win, the night-bird's note from the distant thorn. And look to the sky ! to its_chaugiug shade • What a change one brief-told hour has made ! For the glorious stars, front their far-oil'll°mo, hove inked their watch in the night'sohlue dome, And now o'er the couch of the sleeping earth Arc showering the shining treasures forth. What though far from Ahe vestivo throng, - Where light feet trip to the wildering song, Companionship greets me along my way,. And unseen harps intthe Mists are at play. 1 feel not alone ; for the radiant sky Ileums with a joy on the gnzer's' eye, And a whispered hymn from the mantled earth Calls slumbering bliss from the spirit earth. Alone, alone at the midnight hour, When silence broods with a holy poWer O'er the watcherit,heart,ls he treads the hall, Where no sound save the hollow echoes fall. Yet not alone! For while I stand, Memory weaves, with a shadowy wand, • A spell for the heart, a dreamy spell, Talesof the misty past to tell. Yes; they come in a noiseless throng, Things that have slept in the memory long, Anil the fancietkof childhood, waking, seem As fresh as when formed by the summer stream; Andlite boyish hope, and the warbled tone Of the little maid that I called my own, , Coma back to my heart with a. kindling power, And chose the gloomliM\i the midnight hour. . Oh ! I feel it no solitude I ngering here, Though my thoughts are the only companions near. • g:z . ,17111 ff,tre. IT FITTGIEESE HALUCL The world is bright before Thee, Its summer flowers are thine ; Its calm blue sky is o'er thee— Thy bosom. virtue's shrine ; And thine the sunbeam given 10 nature's morning hour, Pure, warm, as when from heaven, It barer on Eden's bower. Them is a song of !sorrow— Th . e depth•dirge of the gay— That tells ere dawn of morrow -, These charms may fade away; That eon's bright beam bruhaded, That sky be blue no - more-- . The rummer flowerste fEided, And youth's warm promise o'er. Believe it not; thoingh lonely f t Thy evening hours may he— Th0n,7,11 litamy . t eau (ley - Float ou a summer's sea; Though time thy bloom isntsaling, There's - still beyond his art, The wild-flower wreath of feeling— The snubentn of the heag. • FS.IITLY OT PATRICE lIEN.E.T.—The distin guished Virginia orator, Patrick lie.nry, had lone Meredith, Anne Christian, Wood, Susan ? 7. laclison, and Betty Itussell. 'llia luat lady was tic: grandmother of the IlOn. Wm. C. Preston, Pre.sid;mt of the South Car y'daa College, Willi tm licnry was 4ils only full hmtla.r. • • Henry's mother was Sat-4h Vignstoit. ltis .fititer was John At)erdeetl;- ..S'eutiami: John Henry's mother was Jane Ro. Ivrtson, sister .to Dr• Wm. Robertson, the His. t 11 t,IC aborei . s correct, Lord Brouonrw(de -I,:ended from tlis Robeitson4) is riot:related i'xxick Henry's descendants. :Two such italQrs frtqa 'the wane race—are net to be iu all Itistorr, • , 94,1 k. rn ,t 4:& fo-0 , I M6 1 4 1 .)1 1 .: 5 - e - rA; tx77, 3. T'at:l4 1,1., 4a1. - ; .) - • •• t• 7,• e- - -• . `" ts- ri; j l•4..? ' • „- I_ ,• ,•`• • ' " " _ \%7 rmir.,?cf.lBll2l:l [WRITTEN F4ll. llagettza trin CaltatattM, BY,IPSILANTI There is..always'seme motive which prompts:l the actions of Idiots:or niOd men only, act without any motive. Iti thesaMe there ,Is an intluelicebich originates or '4l least moulds the actions of comfinmiti4 ''t'hi's I influencing power is various, mid developes it: Self in Meted forms in various stages of so cietyi - Conside - rthe history of the world, or rather that portion of it which is almost direct ly within our cognimficef cominenciug..With the date of Roth m - Power about 950 years 13, extending to the' present. iWe• find thoi. so long as Rothe ninintained tier unrivall 7 , ed ascendancy, her citizens, her'publie men, in diet, every:constituent member of her coinen- . nity Was deeply impregnated' with the lust of conquest.' From the time that the youth cluing- I eethe toga aril& for the iota praetcsta, tin the sage• Senator or Imperator laid aside . the purple for the habiliments of:the grave, it was a riding passion. It was this Aihich. : moved them on like mighty Waters to sweep over ail. I. It was the life blood. of a national heart Whieki beat high with success, and throbbed but fitintl ly when reverses attended , their -arms.. , Youll could ace it in the countenance and searing ofi .one of thosecOcient Romans. Jlow his breas4 expanded, and his eye sparlded'witit very plea-1 sure, as it greeted one ofthetrinmplapreces.! sions of &pie! And those triumphal proces, sions, of whom were they composed? The sh-i ject and dbwn trodden of the world were there 4 Beautiful:women and brave men were there,; chained in the.streets of the city which boastel its freedom.. ,Noble youth were there; and , l men .of mintieducated men, such as Rome' could never boast, yoked to the car of a Tro jan. ' Yet Rome was a free city. Iles plebians, , when thou fancied 11Mt theirriglits were inva-1 ded could indignantly 4 secede'take possls-' elm of seine ' 3loniSacer' and there. Sit like . ) ' patience o n a monument' till their WrongSl ivere redressed. And when some c r ataline i threatened this sden-billed home of fr'eedon'a with a servile insurrftion; grave' SJ i tailors have Conld decree that some Dictator should I. 're a; care 'lest the Republic should have - anY harm. And this republic marched on conquering mid' to conquer; in their attempts to the. world, until the free Northmcn swept, like one of their own storms, over the Eternal City .and prostrated it in a dust which centuries have 'not removed. ' ' - i - , ' Greece too was once Jhe land of the free, but the - same spell came over her. Hetidif &rent states fought the Persian like brothers; his bones whitened the pass of Thermopylae, and bleached on the Plains of Lenctra. But when the last Xerxes' fleet had disappeired from the Ifellerspont,they forged for theinselves a chain more `durable than that with which the commander of a million and a half Of fighting men thought to bind the sea;-= - :a chain Whose rust cank'ered the heart of freedom. They fon!!lit among themselves until the walli of Athens were torn down by its own citithns to the sound of the flute, and'the fields of Mee- I donia became a hiniling wilderness: Hemlock removed the guards, mid ostracism the Watch men from the citadel - of Grecian liberty. ' • , Piausible excuses and pretended' good go- tiles have not been wanting to the chronicler's of such nations. But tune has invariably de. veloped - a motive of Which nmyhTspthey were not cognizant, but no lesS a potent one in their decline and fall.' &imam may attend them for a time; court intrigues, and depravity of statel' may stalk unblushing- because . empowered.l-' Rut the God of nations has written upon the pubes of history in.unmistnkable edict against that nation WhiChm6ved by the lustof con quest raises , the band of fratricide. . In the Revolution on the continent during the last few years, we see a iisitation upon the mighty offenders. against ;this law,' Rings there holding sovereign power, by what they are pleased to - call 'a divine right,' luxe se.hem ed and executed villains high handed and un paralleled. Timmy have been embed, bar tered and sold \ like sheep in the shambles that, a hereditary aristocracy might feiel and sport ~Upon their abjection. But the day ' of their sins, and the' hour of their repentance have nearly passed, and time is rapidly diwovertag . tticir executioners:- A Mighty' effort in' 11# , 48, seemed to betoken the nearness of that hour when monarchy shorkletremble and fall. That year with a . part of the one pmeeiling, was a l space in, the world's history which will long be ,l r e meMbered.' To apart of continental Europe it will Le a kind of Fourth of July, from syhichi l o i some rations mandate their, republicah icais-! i teller.; while others ! will remember. it, , the time when the &wing of better times ap +ear ed, when hopes 'Of 4 betterfortri,ofgovern ent I Were high; but the light which glimmer up -1 on them was put out by bad management, mind those hopes were.blasted liy..tniitorous Weeds, of popular rights, - , • ' .: . • . - 1 . Yet that yeat'with its scenes has . - net been without its benoficial results in all einnitries. :in impulse was ir,h•en by it that sooner .pr - Ind ter Will manifest , itself : in- some - permanenti form. The people too long ia serfdom 'midi uuder'i degenerate feudalism have once made. themselvesle be recognized as altpost sorer cigns,:and the day of their assuming that- l i ziow unregarded right will:speedily arrive,'_: Mutt i year came as .a year of .retribution, upon l ,-..the 1 allies u - ho, - foughtunder the Nil4in Wellington, who on the fifteenth of 'June 1815 ; restored the Dvarbons. As tho result of that Waterloo tr• • agedy,Lonis Went to' Paris' and Na t . gt. Ileleria ; We . one to be ciowned, the other die. Thiifgs : Were "not thus to re- , main.. Those bone.S of Imartf is.. that There moulderedOuid wcrci;thniuglt succeeding Sea- Sons, powdered by the hushindman's plough, I `sprang again into existenee, men armed - :kind I niighty for 'the pulling down of the strong holds of tyranny. Old things weedily became ,non in Paris. . - The throne' of the citizen king was poWdered in itS streets eta its dust less honored tharitheinemory of Gamely.. 'A Pro iewernment iistted its ediets from the Tuillerie for -the semblance and rishadow'of royalty had passed away. "i 7 . r"' a England the :contemplated presentation i ef the Monster- petition:', by tweritYltheusand rtists . and Repealers;threW the" Lords of Pa Ihunent into a consternation land nearly tilted the establishment of =a Pailiament lon Colleo4, Green. ••• ' • - Austria th 6 clamor of the sl:tie and serf, the pauper and hireling-for reform, drove out froth the land herhatiso long cursedt with his policy, the most infainoni of Princes, most reckless of Statesman, the: noterinus.:Metter nieh. Thug, as Louis Philippe; Victoria and Met: . ternich were each compelled to 'seek refuge froth the sans cullotte, tb'e' chartiSt and the lak; Se, changes pirorrressedrlipidly. Irereditars; situations were no longer a immunity andpro; , I:tea:ion to their Possessor, but only - rendered him'. a mirk for the' persedutiona of enfuriated nubs and revolutionary clubs: . . When these beginninga Will Shape thenisel-1 yes into permanent results is nneertain, but that time is probably approaching. France is not it Republic.' ller peeplo' aro-more fitted forScicialism thanrepublieanistn. Still she is as hear republican as she can be. , England is not trei,. AS she should be; but when •.Victoria on the memorable . eighth of May 1848 took ref-. 1 ' tigc sin the Isle! of Sky, "a point was gained which denionstrated that the Chartists and lie- : pealcii were ne longer to be :trilled - with by Lord Russell's Cabinet. - In the other coun, hi perhapa - nothing,has been gained, yet cer tal. ly nothing has, been lost: ..The new con. Sii thins of Bavaria, Sardinia, Prussia - .um lik toi : beane'worth less'llian the paper upon , wh'eh the)lnre written. And-well may they Ibe tinsidcred so. for as securities of • public -- I - • ilig its they are nothing. Atiteenata and Dukes., -1-May be pleased with the division of Poland . end Prusaia, And the: proposed partition'of the :Cieimanie States'; but these divisions= aro • buil lin'ii on t l e map.: The people`still live , tyh re heir f thers lived, the desire for free-1 li de is not st4led , and an uprising will" surely coie that will, pull down tyranny , in every fonin, and it May come soon. ' - - - " From 'ET i D CT ublin University Magilne. :laqVgo From a It was on a ray eveniri,g in DeCember, 183-, jusi after dusk, that a wild -looking, haggard Man entered a little hovel near the. side of' a, by-road between -Hollywood and FAIOI r, in the Queen's County: 'Well, what 4 have you got?' tried a shrill voice from the interior of the hut, which pro ceeded from rii woman, crouching over a turf limning Only, from the damp of.,the, Ins. to • pleed on it • - -*-.. ' , i - ' 'e got noth . r,gr she asked again, notlhav fir lag received an answer to her former query. , . 4. tiothingr was the sullenlw a broken 00l rejoinder, al it the u ra; approaching the fir .. drebta an& sat down amongst the ashes:; on one, side • of him the female. half sitting, half lyin i g, against the 'corner of therecons in which was the • fire, her covering being a thin, torn b pe l.nket On her shoulders, and a ragged black I et on' about her loins. Opposite to her.were two little children, from about .three to 'five Sears, the youuger altogether naked; the oth. Jr with a ragged piece oflinen hanging' about 4; both crouched over the burning .turf look ing up to the man With: their dark, inquiring dyes. After a short silence, the woionn :wain att: dreiied her hasband, for such was the relation of the partiesLiAre did ye get no wort r ' , The sorry t 'AVasn't 31r, It awion i nt hunter': , was.'. 11•Vell - • , . . The tnan macle'no answer, bit asked--; 4 1VIt'ere's the ouldpot r The Ivotuan &prang to her feet; and brought over mold pot, with a triang,nlarpiece broken out of tbe bide. • 4 Wecl, honeY,', she said, in a &clothing, voice. I; The plan .put :hand in. his pocket, and drew odt a dead , fowl; Nvith the- nck_ tnisted. ,The children uttered a cry of the:, woman;' 'go' an' W:v3h the pot,-and bring some idane_ water out of the hole4ludf.fitll, The urchin darted off: - ; . The than had. by thi& - tiater . dravVn - sonie tur. nips ut.of his, othcr.pcieket, and 4:aled them r • gtiod,man the 44 1 Pether . Kenhe4y. We; re 4otnetiting at any' rate. An ethei busied herself in . cutting ',up the !lurid 8, atut Gent and t.lre fowf,'lmilueked, on the fire; %Olen the lioy brought k the , pot:, "Tell us;Pather;agrafliow - .ye get ,it4l she said, putting Am more turf, and %rain easy, erirtg over the arel - 1 • 'Let sue alone,' piminid, hurshly; it-4hire; isn't th4.enougli for H a d R a v soif,no worltr, - th - eontinnedi eiunging the ;subjee4 • - No, lie hadn't yet he tuki in tho two Byndes iaa uteek, lie guve'tne al - Penny, and totati tIONTROSE,_ PA., TIIIMSDAY,,,FEpU me to go to the poOr-house: hdadded, scornful, laugh. • _`' 'Give us the penny; - she ifltdp for mhle in the Menthe.' ' Ile looked at her foii. Moment.: • hot worth giriit' ta: hOuldin';' h its he fo'her. noise %Vas: hiaid outside the theehihire: she said. ,yez say , wliat"s inlhe pot.' - • A little;girl'oterol; 'hardli better dre4sed, than these before desCribed;:a" raged . i.!itttoir froeh," . with,a - dirty haridherehief round he i rAvas her pidi ooering; her age bight' Veeiglit, or twelve; from the 'etnseihted state 6r titittaittrailV' pale from the glire of a'dint light it was not env Her eys were blue, her hair'light.:•-tliat 4ior, w Itielt:deopeni . to a pretty . breWii in nom in hood., : ' Gre, is that you l'siticilier' s fathei:- . --, the first uncaled d ii he kid Svf sp4.eit.i Yis, father dear, ifs ' bud it's cowld,' she C'efitinueti . betting between . lit tle ones at the fire. ' Did ye bring, .'itothin' 'Wid•ye:r eriod her mother, slurp 1 y. • • . - 'lt's down the Iroad,'ldie said the sa bias, dri'.hgot tired; so 1 left:it in the-di :I seenthe light itt the'honse, Inc* was here,-an' he'd go back and bring it -6 That I will, qantialt,' nvplied the incr. WhereabentS is it ' Just it the ould milcstOhe,thisside ihtr A , was:speedily brought,,and - the 'et CMPtied filet Potaliii.4 - and' the. same, - filo jiisidu4antirigih r Ough, cabbage, bones; meal; and rags ilitinblei GrSee; you're a - wendtier, en said her mother, in a tone Oese Omnieinlri iye've'!t good dale, Grace, &flint, • father, half monrnfully. ' An' didn't stale a ha'porth there,' mil little girl. " I'e didn't stale it ;- an' how did ye • this? ye bought . - them, maybe?' ask mother, with a sneer.' '•' ; No t motheilt watt° a big house Ways off, an the =stile: seen me first, - I bronglit'ne in to give nut a bit in theli and thin tile Mistimes§ gave me the ould an' the servants the rest; - 1 An' what ?'said her mother, seeing 'flivil a tast' 0, till he. bringi his' bit.,.-come, out \rid ye!' she - shunted... • - - ',,,' -I , ', , ', ::-•,. Arrab, KattY, can't ye . let the all alonel'' said her Husband:-' ' '- 'i '• ','- ifltnild ‘‘'''er fOi4tie, and . ati3 'yet' supper, said She . 'Mid don't crass the, rd M lyise ye. ...., • ,::: The poor child stiillirigered at' the idoor-, the,Mother reshodat.hitm.and he drsapPeir4 ' I'll go aid hint; cried brage,,altellt ,to fi ?l , low. . ....- •:= -:: -: : •:; !. ; 1 ..... 1.. , Will - ye ?' I said her mother,l giving i her.a stap.;•. 4 Go'sitdotin: arld-don't , stir again Uld.. out myleave,' ' . ,-- . - 7 - --.: .! . ;-i..., - - -, 4 " L The poet. little , girl, sit doviti'lri- - "thecliint. IneY-itOok; sobbing bitterly.' '-- ''‘ - ' - ' •'' ' Surn,we,hairentiur wujont his'share,'said. the'; father, :• - . .; ,;•••, • •„ , ~. , '.ll I • 'll W" ' Niered his' wife.' , il[h :that the way ,ye,d hate me bring pp , She,' eldt : • dre, In : idlenene.....waikin!, plaint, all. 'day, and • biing:nothinl,honie at night? , riitaihe them,' r riutnguge:. , '. ~ -. :, ..,.• .- , ,-; -; ;-.., .: - ..i - Theyfinished Abell. meal and Jay dawn on some stra*,"dovering themselves with , : elotitti andrOgit of blankets. ' 'they:all-huddled to.. giititer-tliti. children at their •P.3o.ittit' feet.-:: They'slept:; traee'rwa'S still: itWalicidill ery 7 lei. witliba herself. She: . got up _,sottly, -Mid 'looked out; dark is iiith;ana'ilo si gh .. of her) little brother I She crouched over the rentaiusl of the'tire; and eVeryreiv -- moments 'went, '49,1 ' the'doer and looked out. Still the' i ab;kni' one came not. Graee' lOoked at the wet turf, smotilderingby degrees to, asbes ; the half. burned and,'growing stnaller and smaller,crutd- i 'Meg away—a little red hero , and there; just' showing how it went; at last 'tWam out, and then a heap Of ashes in its placenowiwititit; I less Warnd, - cold; and colder—till atlast . fla cold :litho play thior it rested on. go'Grace wateh. red ; and in her grief, forgot, to keep:'nlive the embers s h e had raked up, frbiu thelehek ; each one burned slowly away anddisappearecll and so she Watched, and, watching; slept' ''', :,, ~.- She dreant..t, She 'thought fier little Inlother catne,in,.hislittle'bag empty still, , but, : all wet, mid black; the water running-born-his. hair, and .dawn his - cheeks, and' neck - , and littlit , shirt; —allbitt'; anti E still' in; lonked 'lll , her,: and smiled:. She'wandered in hPi ;hewn: iiiid - hiti l IdarlinThlue eyes looked - Into her3,.4., itaiilly,' 118 theY 'used to do long ; ago ; she. wi.sW lb : sPehli, butcould not,'and still,„ilalenkeit . ''af her so pleasantly; sN &1 , .tri04 to t i lt , t od 7 , per.' ~ • . . .... „-. ~ , . to him, and awoke crying.: .. -,.. 2 . - . '.... ~. 1 The girl whiailiered, and proceeded , to; her }He wasnot there ,littt,the:first, »wn 0 ( y 1 - - , streamed through,the little , ,whi 4 **l;;.o' '6 1 . . 1 : : ' Is oon a. .t, a ,. a lad of t4,, n ,' r •r o a rtee i. f ia o? " e . her hand :: where i the tirc2ltod , h0(.11-'41 li at i - - the 'Wien reOld a's btrnie; ~. 81m; was Vii:):: 1 - I in, with a itaik , em his bath,- which,he threw on g - '",p". .. 1. -, - _ .... -,. the' iloor deg he (=me im :-• l• -• :,'• . . • ',: I; ec?! (1 lif' i ! 4 Ll r ' ' ' .., : 54, . 101 '. .!' ° !' l ' n • P I : 19 „?, r ,'.! C „ Q . ~ , , . welcome no sign vpi. _,I 4180611 conic pow, fiiiVilti i , ' X' .— IrVsl4l. • .. • - ' 1 ' - ' ' W e ll ' Ilk : k ' aeUiiiiiiti Ye. .'. '' _ the'. dar-light slit . came on ,; the fita,K 9 ~ , 0 4 0 )y, i Arlstpi, still; llar'iliothei,tictiq44 - viv4*, , Aq ,,l 14 :4„ e ,, i : 4 - t .;: l hal l ' i , t e r a bi - t i c i ' ins . ' 1 ,; ; - „ i. :' , 1 : d ' . '4 , ,;, - ; , 1,,,,,__Li,,,,r4:i05t.f ., She: - went:back , lo lito , lio , Bfl ties arid eibbtige - front hold Nyorrell'ivganfrO '',4 - ;, i i,,:s; bi l, ‘ ,i a tj l 4),,,oiniiii;i;:inritieied 4 - 0 .s*: I 'Are the tas t e, Mick, hone y, did -yel get 7 t . 0 ".. 5 1 u i ii:ancr slept its = i i i , i ' l > , , .:' .. d r ,i4A 9, 4 . .; :i !the t i t ' - .' ' 1 .:_'• , .i. 46„ r ; and; g.(;iii to the little. hrolien..-miqdoiv: ' Oh; give me my supper - rust, - an'' ,thint,rll, _ IC(6 'still ‘"t'ateha'; Still the'diVdSWss,liriglyi. - •. . .., .. , ,: er,aad bpaitter,sh .„ „ n. mc,tt ,vir ~ it .. The pot etas boiled by - t hi s t ime, or -s it r d ocrn cieutly so for thent,ami they took Ont the f i wl, -,_ L Luny -are carrying , it: saik„;betweetk theurt, they th 'road tliey - W3ik raflter! stouli-::: l i Yile d. (16 ' tl '' •!7 e4thet e , • 4ll , l , dC ' idt!di ''' beiu r. e .' i lget . eief the - ditch; int4;the Atoeil41)0 1 401 th e .. ;the_Pither and niollmi, and the' bay !lasi! , nntri‘iiiiii, el i -- c in e - - diiiiai • l a io diii.i'VF6.iits and tl. , ,ed,iiiing a little bit' to - :?hd - girl; : 'whieh'ltholi 3the i ll i a aerva n t ,b oy _ ~-.",, ;;,.,, /!,... , i . father - added to front his ' share. -" 'ile ' Mother - f ,i t! ,, i ot a : m el t .thavh a io,..,. , ll s , , a ,.,11,e 1 it.:41 ‘ P '''ltlit 14. tl ,_ t;'t ,* ) o 6iii-r . iii . rn . i fli 'lin- 4.:6141 niniiio ; Nee .'l .-".,,-..,,. 1 , - - . ~,'.._• ,-. ';_..,_ , :' i t . OOP t' )- Fea'?t: . °! l ',Pa:tit 4 o s r?j . :lieniih . l:,[o ' -- : , ,die l. rli'‘ici4fo4`;',l'ivi'bOn'bc:balit 1 . 7 :e --4 shes: .- :' .",, . -1- -, " ''''''' l ' . ''',,,- Iteo4o,llte men4it; l oA.iiea....; , 94.l , iiiOQ ytu ',.'l?libei•e' *led, - i'Avandfi cis , a;•lrdihe f.itner. -•• '•• •., i l' •rr r - .., .• -, '7 :' - , • -;- ,-; ~ ,' ~.... ' I '3, S'erean l 7' a ong', o, roan', A 9 P , ll - ‘ tad luck la hint '..' 6aid ' thc ilisitheic f ttei'` e i; ariethen'the'Pent.up ingelsk of. her, &Jul. ' An' the little one gev me thist-shoNN iiirpeitee as she The mother snatched it from her. Arrali, Grace, bud Yet a rale darlin Her father dreiv her towardi him ; and ed her. 1 ).- 4 Ye stole nothin' the day, thin, alannal l dime r be"asked. ' - , • The girt did not answer ;she fixed her eyes on her father, as irshe sought Oen' tell him something. " ' Thimother timed round— Answer yer father, will ye ?—have ye jixf me re • The girl drew out of her io4om a lum cap, all crumpled. - - • - ' I stole thi!,' she said: - • , The mother attempted - to take it also: h* • 4 I got it nal was gain ' to - the big h i on the hedge, near the avenue, an' it.bel to thirty en' I am goin' to lave ithaedr.toi row, said - the girl, I " Lave it-tmck, indeed!' cried, he mother, standing up, and taking it from her. 'Albran new cap, I deelare!--the- lady's, l i nt snre!--: lace an' fine ribbord--lave it back?: lldth, yer no sick ' : • 1 Ah, mother!` pleaded thelittle girl, good people,i'e wouldn't stale from thin t yer, self; sure thek gave 1110 all thimf and there was a poor ould num vvint `up after Me, an' maybethey'll think its him that took it.' 'An' let hilt—rho cares?'.answered her mother, still examining the cap... - lAh; mother, darlin'! give it to me, ait'lll tiring you soniethin' as' good; let me give it back to the lad • - futye.'ll go'uld it, there.' .. ~1 • 1 'I -• ' may 'as 'well= give the child the l eap," Said the huithand. '1" Is it to hive me 'rested, and put in *jail, ye want, Father? Arralt, man; are ye a fool, et, allot, all r = -This`sileneed - hum; btit the imror tuned for the cap. • . niong , wid ye,' said her mOther,- striking her ; ‘gcvani,bloW the fire, tillwe ateobrisup. RY 6, 18.51, 0%144*".!0; , rin4 o.vjr:foi a liAliOith . ; 04. - Ayhti_l 01robl(i: - .he brinks twi:or. `lle!ti ad.: Bll tifl; I . l rgqdtt4 nint ; :big ; yohr .'r the 'obje - ct'of . the'tpurorsation linre 'appear eil 'itt the'dBoi'LL-d - -little' child ''oft4ti:eni4 . *i&it ;s7' of lin - 04 L tt j : • lie .40.4ehiycrinr at 'tlth . a 'little; ix:17;11i lahi think lie I ~Conicrt, him „ .-; t.. . .ntother,,s4yagein Nvltat you gQt 3j—where's your bag ney.thini 41iim 7 : • iP dirt y trio sthrt- ! , jug up,'Unctuilhjg !din i 4 ,t'ed . for notion', a n d 4e nottiiie for yerscif utlerniglkt the old story - the empty beg, an',,‘. '.Were yeut Worrelfs,e,shees4c4,,ftsie. I was,' he sobbed. Mut ye could 'get: nothin ..iliciU - gain,aslied: `'Will ye alts~ecr, yo blackguard • uett,'U' thn Vey cried-nrt: ; Laic' tiebbM- biuto. • We . ? she reputed iift r (Y and' whe'S ' wei..yepineditanit nivir 'you 'ln4 3 And wily,: 'lOn%. yollt.lttn there'Y ate continued; mitutekiel, , :itioi. 4 13ceause,',sai4 - ,he pg4ini Sobbilid,'.f:theY giro-us our dinner:L. ‘ .. • . 4 And whose us 3.".• - Grace •and me.' - ,-" - Cenfe,mp.tintrf:Onite.of per eiee..liatuihig ;. 1 out y; mid timi't ditr'';c : ,oniein here widouti ceine, itit;l :iN;hll4,tii • -co‘vlll.,-;and iy;,.;t-,..a6n't ' • ...‘,l4vc. 1n... 'alone: she- cried, tier atig`,:r. itehos !Mt In: iruips, 4)ut. irely, ion! id her , . ing her-41at'inuat gp, . „ te corn . iu afr,ain titi4 way: ; .00L yo car ' c'Let;l?int. ate a bitAiret, khin,i nuk'itier,jewel: long I 1 n' he chen : dada, ousts, tongs mor. fuirnd yent tt!td, 'Nadi The hien Iniehfui '‘va's',O,.;ei: and .InitY-71Iis watr.i6' pule, andeeld. Poor-littre buy 7 he was .stlito ‘ dead. , And tho.litCte and itelth his theist Jtaktd.So• iandt.kissoil the dirt his tips,'and Called fer'Ned;ltitei brather,:idautudi unebree her 'miller jolt-41 PI her dzirliiin:r but Ned. wafiell .'nbt; the inert steed tr . t' and wirredlthe -eoruhr x:oat..sleeves. , '• I - The eat alitd.theCldest boy; ..the it rut np andlotikZ;ci ht the eutpse---1 'lle said !fettling: .103 raised it in his arnui;stia.l lions it•tu - tllg I 1' 1 "3,, • 11 .u P e ri , ' lie laid thod;ili• eir,tltattopri; Get 010 he tiaid te;her, shakiug, LA; nC *-nlotte, alter eriedi:lialf, . , (jeftip? he' said; iteruly,ltAitiei her' hy l l l l arms, and yulting h6r ni sitting liusture...' tirktli; b.ui tuc..lo-==. .14 . toii!?d.! her Iles opem.l. There t e corpse tit her feet, mut th& eireledlound ft in silence 'She burst into a lend cry,, rockipa ficrselfloTaiid ON° f'und hint in a`.:'bes. - ,A.lteie near tiousr;':saiit - vottn , * - Wtprrell, , a r o! Ite-trent t .tovay.' • - -."-- • ',„ : 1.•: - , -1 ~ • ---;-:, -.< , c 1141 7,r•-• P-;::,„,. iris 'There they, were ; , tile: l ;itheri:w4kg46l l6 , foldtid.leaning al,,rainst.the,wall,; near tlio . ;ftie .., owe, hioking with-A: sbtre:ot.' l ,vacaney-, on ',* face of his dead ehild;"thentOther, still: sitting, 'on the:.sbed; whining,'and rocking:herself; With. hor t Wad mi her knee;;. theOv!i- yoringtir Chip driii, kneeling rill the 'straii:atiliefin)frbf 'the bedLlouk ing at: fie:eorp se ; ' tlie:etdot ion lifi l ii... ring againsi the,dper.eill . 1;i'il l f” tiiii r hind"fithiti pocket, looking out listlessly i llie 'heatitifed, ,filiorninfr;and Grace:knelt beside-thelr . itii.-i.=:_, ,51le 114119:age!, cried aloud. but: the . .,teara,relled . ' silent Fyltlown herebeeknl; the . 3 1 41-N.dr9P4 , 9e 6 after another landed from her eyes:;:she took. ' one hand In hers; and gazed: at the".little-lido . fnee.tiefore her'; iutd- then - tioinititnt;.to tiMe she put her iitlitir' hand, on •hbi iiiingt; - or rafseci the 'closf"ntty'elid;ind•tlien "rniived lir kiiiil i ly awity,as the,W--.l..i.hat,- l e Y ( ' "I ti F I Y P; PS I jAlnile F9' l !"isjr!'gri.,Pif irei iml .- Or she wd open, h is-'llii . ii wliiite'liet . little red ,was rn theta' 6 Pc , , ( 11 1 4.e ~1 1 1 ° e. 1 1 P4- , .OY;tI Y I; and then - anidlier;Passienate-,.!lrft- St . ..'iPwln! I grief,. as she kissed,airain And 'again that., - dear" I mouth, never moretii , joess him . hi Mierver.,--,-, ``At lzrSt,'•the mother looked up l: ,'I • .., aa ...,. , , 1- `)Altneil'iliegtr) : Whinie forr . l Ad ,iislltell ' , Iliaiio.:' 2 ! lyqlt4zik bring iiio' v giOti - .k 7 k1 4 who tot ih'e'flie outl' ,- lilie;iiifitiintE4, Laing . tound:at the hearth. ; Go - ftiw,,Gflci, i tindOt 'some kindlin' over at kicky Ayrinfs,,re Ave Nurfritielbre in the oi.vid.•!. - ,:,':1,..-1 ; -',. A stifled sob escaped the chilitil:_slie`riliirdir; ~., u . s ft .6 h e w ntiv , -`- . ..17. , ..,rrt,. r, - , , ' i ,,, 7. ,„ ', . •-, . l, v - ri . : I ...L. tAyill'ye gill. said "thi!ittatfiei*lrkiyiPer ritivlY...;'.'!-(4od.luipiij'ihq*AittWila`rinta._ la: iii;l lemliliiNkr:ti -,, , ".-,-:':`,`::. i- ''''' ‘ , _AhiyottiATlr sa.id4olli44( l .l,9linvl4iei tongue. :,Tite!pocir gorsoini's - ; igianej:t 7 him li.e'in;paee.' Ir ~:. —;. -'ZI 1...1 ~..3:,,zi.1f , •„:„.,, • Itlire *ennui cometenceilith angry .rejolidpr, brit ehanzed it into her ferineAddite, trait Step iiras h - earil untironehini.the'dinir,s:nhert steute l resooablo.,lookink -- ma, - -folliovidifliil young. T Worr6ll, paiiied. the bpi 3t, thifitiiiii*teriter , s ed the.hovel„ .., . . ..'.' • '1 1 ;"-!:::" . -,- . - • ' ''' Och i Ilfisther . tViiiii.ifrilltattil'ArorrOi! Misther Worrell.!'.iteirinediie #0!;" 1' ; i" r •li" . '' ingherselt on.ittrit lied-,‘Ocli,linly . '1)pol lidvl I an', ties gone, from . us, rii , ...thir-haired 111th' child! :o:what'll, Ido ?--what'll•l dol., Lept; at hiin,',Atisther %Irene% the Jittle!darlint: An' he out loAin' fora bit to att., Itlie Ciatitii 1.114 ' hivir" ketti inear.tis,lan' 4e . ". tile na herin' tvhat was keeplif him. An' thin di4 , Whed.*:ii 'hog hole.: ' o:ll'lmAitHit 'iliti'll / liei , oilli br ;ie. 1 at all, at '''. . , .t,l, =MEE The eye, of the , goo man 'atiiiiesseeVere full of he tarried , to the Attker,lted l , W 44:• `very sorry i'oft: a sid,eeeident hot sOre.; lhe Loid's 311%.kenoetly.: he continued, Air4;t:ake,oil - , rba,migned to the =W ilLnf kh;eyidepee.. t -It, wits poor eii cl. for the little rellatv:-....kid,Qtne4:j d ea r., - pi n your, comp!inioes, Sen I ter.tifN-Afrs. Retittedy, , in the of 164'1,1 to' in); wifes Iddruis a y'`she ttee'rebteetiiing, - foil, 1 1; r• ;I:. e fiir,`".;al4 the ;ir'dirinii: " the Liakfor powei a Mewl' tat Yiki.aria!ou :• 4 ) 13 4' lindW;%VP piust hayekeiraneiji2ere; la fornt, „you kaolv.--iteatll,44tti,4Auca9: Tloti oak ogjy._ idst thojter,, ig, 41( aaavaaf thig sorti goinedorin to POPTv..4. II f I, niefitioidi:tdihd:paNce:tht!terj *OP- the`tot' , to4lly;titmot,itlilt be ; eat'. idtWeiiithiaalkl" ty'vtellltvint tr , e(Atil too.ifi.itiioy; jissijelAlMl46iii, as :go P, ld tf / : 0410 %f. ft° PW 1 ° 4et :! 6S tif Gri l4 '• o 7 4' W! 1 -4 iNay Nounarem 7.1)1.414 1 :1,0wid , tat thts f>3o4.:ennedi,„"analX;.. F 3 . 1• titi,6l734ifatt sttta [ tbfeyer!''OlouteXtfial T Keillietfyi LA O' , . % Cf , 409P / WffiPif ° 4 4 4R4z.; * l , q o 2 . I the fteLttiftitia*figrillPs, l l.o-1,,.. 1 , - :- P ,' I' itlisi`sir=stfro yttitqw na l goiir doitivS* i l gja qioe6ll:4i6ll l 4i 14 - 0011,tiiottiterp 4rlA..Ti . kt A p. I cm,n9t Plinf 104 , WY .n d - 3? ' 44 1 ). Yi)110,-;;11414 ' . --, -..%,':::: - - : ... :'. - --- . 7.1 '11. ,2 ::;v5 t„ ..,.. t I) 'f: .1i',•2:',1, ~, -.14- _ , . ., , ,::_z t 7 . '4 :i - i - \ t.:? , :, ,?--,'' '-' . :', , il ' 1 ?', 1 '',.44i4 .7z :1c . ,:i.,t1',„i:,.:. , , , '3", '.. % i' '..,: i , :f•: -, i'!:*''''..', :: - .... :. e, ';':1:, i'., A r- :I.; ' , .7, 1 .. i tr: 0 •i' - :4oi "..soa itel'Ao 0*.1144 . 0.111/....: .. ts, .., :J.% ... s e- --v.e.,. ~ - ~.•-a. - I ,i ka - t..74..,,5,5 , 24 4 ..tr0‘ ~ .11 01•1'..,J-3 , c#l s Aa r ,..*Vl6.'Wite A te.t.' ~. , t q gkail o ,iNtrilituni ' Sifz.v., ~.1;•. , :', D ,- " ,.;8.-it4„..79.....,)if ~: e1)."-!Bitd.r . 4 1" ,, , , Nt • .;. A . E'Cr'•!t7dte ' .e.tktiN' ' . l4 yrt) : Vl,' - i c,.4.1:::?. -;:r q*,-..;lzi 3)4.3 . _ 7 . 0 . L. .•:•+ ID.1:1:: - 115kiT .6.3_644 '... , Ir .,i. -„ij , .Et .`- i, 4., '2l, • ir,:.!:,i• .1: 5 ..140 -1 1.tIC , re.1 1- a 0; '.7 - • •-•• ;,.:-.•: (*7_,`:._4•_l:.ltf - 214ff ~.-,i1t..,-_,!±_.,.._; . ! t i•1 1;2.4"' 1 ;". . yr ,1 0: , :ty523Z1.c.!4 . ofiroi briatikeit tie*.*lYel beillantatis ,- 4thu eibbieiberef.). 46 : . !: itil , ,T , !!!, - ri'f,';,t,,,ii,:il.- -, . .. . ° / ‘ i4illaifi f ili'illittili.4itoOt fit 64 4!.'arittivintf -. . SlOnVoii - 0 'A li: . ; I •tt,it .; ,- rle'-;) ..-.:j,.1, 1 7 : , ' to, a .9; - tim. - 44: 4*1 .04: fcirf tf iti4looo*,ic: l o:,4o:-, 1 4 4 ;; ,c ' - ' wi t #: , YRIA --;::;;,-':... '' , .-,..i. - 7, - „ - :!..:.,,,. ; :',' -c ! .- : , ... 4, the litlie.. girl' Wiint,'ShiecAledher 414 „. . 4 sasiAac; h a i ld ec t-M ta44%***l 4 44,..gWS- - hni \ t'brikllitittibet - 0114befntp .1 - 1. , =-.;, 1 ,,, 1 , :: P:i :-• - - 7 .. 'Bere t Nick avourneen, go 00 to' their sliolf; ,-- 1 niflitira- iAitefil4ling: 44On'totit'ofeititter' •. la pert'A 'of sugar, three hait'oilit oritiflifiti • • -a‘tre,Ofth Or iiintriEt'Tifitift'Atitt4l%ych*i . ' ;foyatk ,- 4;:ikt i, Egdep !W , W40 ,7 :136` , 61thi . i i - f , 7114!" . 44 :b ii i101 4 a 11,1 1 ,Cli**4 4' A ' ffii44:4 7 ii . 6Oi:itge ' :i.i_iitig - tlq'ikiteti'iii..4ll#4#.4 1 ' ' '- ' "k. .' ;;:.9110.14.4 1 At,'R7i.,31#.,',i PA ke7.-, 41 0! ? Now go up q 24 ok. NVc!T;4I, i 104: 00 1. .4 1 N- yel'yer , b*hfia , ;*t: - .4 l 4herfo.4*.atuttOr-laY- - Ithialilt:witkitt'i"/Ktuot, weld ;1,-ani i idyls, • 3 , ,e ,1 get "a grata o' fey to _ . itatch hint hr.fl rut Ittiii;:i7sFiiiii Ti .1 -., 4 , ,1; ,. . - --- i.:1, , ,, , ,1-- - ::;c:, :- - : t-t llig liitlegiii, J ui4,46 - ie siiilnt; dia,hjsr, , jANYibgi nt , t-,:r , , 'L . :•: , •i .-. ; ''T -- . ''' •,W 64, 81 164';'i.. 7 0 o 1 1 0i 7 deillii' Rustled ia b aatt i a 4 AS:4 4 4 l° Z , C h 9i l 4•bj'l ll !!l-4'. • leer; kileiltatNVOlV ArqPg9t4o l ?? 3 , !ratan and.:.iiat'it,to.beillin-,theiold-OtIA4 I,4)lllr.tilfad” , potTfrois:einistr,"and a:broken 00 tog gist*. I etu bowt , tilylliptlhqrL outititett:leggedstittil, supported ',Mt it %lid °the; IV tiOnvot the Ore. i,,tic'eliftl4 r ehilifi4 *Wired their:l6g; In ' . elktnhOittoOl4" tolliiiriiiii - Oar intitheit'*itti lili4 , '.'s : 4,'A , e .c ts4lC:siti'Aii:tdriied:::: t 'l :;. t :,: ti 4 - Y 1 4tq 1 *44:4 1 ii* ,3 0. 7 ,.:1 • 7:1 , i . - - ,„,!li#Eo 4111hiiii;4040q.1 , Ty - gli'ol l 3'• WbeT44 C V , tilktiii!tj . _,.s 3 , . - .%_wp.iti, L4Y gui - - 0.,ei.;44 . 1t sit•;f IB.egPr• P . 044•1 1 4ta ~Saiffs'; -,le...aisy,;:whattoort f Qt. biltther . 4".A44l•" Haiti], its half sitete"l' l Shein uti:tite ,, ntilk; And the. bread p IKii; : we , titiiitvia &hi ould;Ili 'suit. 1 fl-fert.VViiiMitkiitifo a bit ; - •or Stikine tut i'hi' . I ! I doit'illiiniC the bitad aWa - S4 l *4 : all ‘ d'thiii.ti*Ps7thilfiiiiguii - 2 3 t4k: K4 '6 4:f9i, 4 4 'l 44'o lll i i i o; i i 14Pi l e !` &OW. ,tiCVit,ltlktir YaitiOnittiiiine and ' si 6y; Whin the erowner, comes bRr049.9/1 - ,t44""15ed , SOKORtig , t4,444l9* l lt.SlPSkto.=:o l. o l t: as ivivlyeit all stsivite t and thatlt'44 ll l%. SS, a . . eightot hint 411;.theY, eattiedidnitin this.worn.. Aye , -,,..&,•.•iTj-,l' ~ i'l e:.t , :-,. -- r,n'.:! •!!::1 . , - .:'#;q-rt , •7-,f:';'. ,:.:, -,- _::-, e1 , ;.7 i„. vonti nTi ia, , ~:; , , , i i! ! . ,,,1 . • !.'. iv. i.-.1-,i... - - :....r-,-4,-4,-......,.::z : -,-.-_-,., -:.- ,:. ;.,,. j ., irr ..• - ..- • ,- . l ; l) .iitni , ! o 'coini4 l, ;4 ,l lOldiii.l4 l ol4l4l4lV !titan, iiii Deeeither, - .oittains the tOntiWilig - der . IcriktiOiii)f Citation's:Sl:H*4 - o ikf , Eilitinttgi rt . *. tiie pen of t4iti‘j Ittitif dtiiipnt , '7[l ; '..lte 'StioOil = iiil'Onieon'int i iiiirlek iiiitlboks #iii,4t;i; . 40144 T"*ii , * 14411iiN a i fi d. - mai?vuii,..lloo4i4*r 4.4.1a104'.11Pth' flood atak an,Sll7lll%rsßtYnAPgl4.?u°anda ringed themselves on the sidS'Of thettiit,,,aith Ilieifless tf nitturtiesirtfao,lollTAG.Ttltalwart man-from arelpinrerh;crity of painees..hq bo• - loW r titiothOtity 6 ;!offroniance:•and,:story,-. tiiii'CO CifiAlrifyifini . ix/ScottLitti4 city, 4 i'C'44iia r Cile:doltKiiiia. heroli-itienintitts.- i tiOiprnif,: r ki§tiiii - streiot4litriiiirtiiiniti,i, i ii 6Ai . 'e.. t Eii,* l4 :: ',l4l 4fu ' :?,e4 4 4,4 . 4: 1 164 e YI , t•Fa4:9,vcT fr*, - .4144e,. 4441 41, 0;i4415igh.; 404 .wojt :. i t .i:‘Yi s c4,.*i .l: ;/4;with , ,ii:77..,, , ,i, - -,„, IT . .-. ~, , , f ivihig sublime scettery,,tecon4pll:PoPi4 461AT:opened with :.:a•reitrnist:, enlOginni ;poi . - cotlitidi 'l'hte"%palheof:it Holyrotd '. was lie in.itli,"4l-#lled ififthe'slidtfof ilitte.4 and siiiOiC4l'llniiii:""'''''''gldsiiiia th e : beauty of gc , ;ttlA: , iiiie.iii4,"*4.: l, :liti 4 k"iii - sdat . tlgil ” itnen; , „VO 44 01i§ii i dr4e:ii:iSsii: ( li. : -' - *old . .Pall , t l eir:.a!s!eTa :1ni. ; 14# 1 a1.000'0,, -- Oiai• - .ths danghters.ofjtsgotlned eeild:fOet ter tlie l. ,..woes or 4telanciei:: Ile 4welt sith7p4to*!lia - the inthonidelS*WhichtilcOthut4hati sOTTA Pali* loipeitgitritig ii)foreignit, ,but receiving Pase.. and ai*Ogg , , 16 loreign••tyraniFto!lteerr his - • T4'iwiliipti hov.lfetilertit hitts.. , , , : - .14 spoks of itin - ,Co6nii*ii; iihnsfatiheilaysround•them, - In etrer . ) . f . piifit.*hiii:liiiitt/ . 'lleAssitt- a liSarty tkiliiite.,.to,itintlenC:stro rein4eneii, for which iftele .noble 11itiiiiiillOrteifOr',ioiai they ha i l i '444; ' Which 'Wei laid die& 'lie ikcit '414.4„ IR p5.:4:0 4 44t1t 4,olSoPtleitg. to 'lreland. i; .ile iiiettiridthe hat4:-ini - cf„,l4oltite :sway:of the . , hpprensor-,,-,,tho huntfiistion t #itieb . - tor centuries bah : criisheil ,his , countrAori— - 4ho;siiniJlo tolo Ne i were i tintigiling, -,to: be. 'iilii;ick!T-',llS'ciiiiirikist Ahe.bointies , of his iiiiiioadi e--t hn °fail ' l'ici.7"e r tin - i4i e , .4i-thetiOl:ie J l ifefeo4 - until her • • ve7'r'''4l. ; '' 4 " k'.' - ' l - 2, l 7 oitii jitelotinifiiroso - ~ te. -., wa .#.t a ":. , i ,,, q)t: : 1- --' • l ii Adl- 6 ; 4ll 4itlt 'll ,° )i f e : ' "1 1. 5 44 0 4a- 4°.!*4 1 . limii}#,V°;i4, -c43",-, '-,;l',k464*.ri,t4jitong _Ast indignoqp, ( 4o fittipmrP4 ttllc9K P 7 5 74 : cotopOisorr.ohigelkilliw.,l4l:oolkDolifilvehY 4isialliuthicnisntic4t4prkSo SO bonlins,ontlis .. : .liedpiliktivitite tbroSl l, ol' 'Etvitottosin .7 - of • EkotchlnVll,o'...' 34 fitiNttnettiti Viften;threo , . TOfiiilliikiiiii;lhe*l:lni titl, .04,the . sub - . ' ilinitU a tifOidiM%illiittilehted'ltnoso 1 . I,ll*(i . lihinA4lifflf 'fel Mrikkwiniiith Its - ... ' i3 L ininli , ',. - " l zliil 2 loligii"in 11;4'.. - ' dt 7 Ait"'tthrithi „ , •,•,,,, ,, -.-It•-o;-,:q., •*--ioo, ,4,1-7. 5 , 7 , 0 , 1 through t e roc k s 5115'011,i1.41 • ~t i:32. ...,-, , e,, ~ , , : i1A0,7 .xOE, vom,ror ot;xli tottiknOw '.,iitir. Atu•••••. 0041 ga , P.s1S'EAPF 9 * -, t4--V 1 44 4 4 46 2 14° ' . c.'v.4* * dallhr','W* * jaak ' faiii4ts - 441 111 Ya• , At**0,1011.4r04449.. ~Okri tr ,i '!„ Niiiorpoisibti4tittvitino,4oo,ol4*,6 l i:; l 'Moll; .-Ws sniiiimikottoliwgisp the hi' , , , , , oirsyittiibliitio, piiiiixdowteaho .- 410iiity, -- : t ayksilizth*-6041itilkit**iiitiOs.. L: 144*.:kixt-44 , Vittketn*In!i*itili4sSy lia:; - ; ,IfOT..flp.,''' tiili:b"niti4Voo,l l ** sE Aid' -.. ldpo prp44B'l4XLlOikilOyt iiiiiiivi 4 0 0i'0n:, , : - . ' r'iti - "'p'i, teilt;'4olti atria' tar's(l- its: ka,.rt ....,, N - -;;•i. : ::•. e .61,5,1+0 ...,4r5..., ‘,., 1 if0i 5 R 4 1 4 .9 4 3TP1;:49)111 0 9 4 0 9 g V. 4rtatC;i* - ~ _ . -,t. , 1: :. g Npr . • ' . . . ...... , _. . -f,...-:...::-: - Ir - f ••••,..!.t - lit ,:-.;., ..' , 44,3 • ""ir *I- .. . 1 *- -:' ',', • ,'.--- • : 147 , -t,"v