t--, , • aAUgra , . from ttnr Americstranscr for,ionarstssl. WOOL- 1011 Tut ' • , - Winter 7)lo7cing..There are many peri ods of thei r iYinter, when, from, the nuldnes's of the weather, plowing may be done. All ,631011.,Perlida bo availed of to break .A!l' any very stilt , intractable , clnys, _that may be intended to be put in spring crops. By exposure to frosts, when broken up, such finds beoome greatly improted, and lose' Much -their tenacity_ of character, are more easily worked, less expensive to till, besidea being, better adapted to the production of crops. = But this melioration of texture can' only he:ex.pected wberethe soil• is neither ton wet-nor too dry when ; plowed: If too wet, the ferrows turn up like so , many masses of mailer, requiring an entire season's work to' disentegrate them ; if too dry, the grou4 breaks up in indurated Jumps. almost unsuseeptible of reduction to anything like proper tilth.— the "nr,ifliti'me for. braking upsuch lands in Winter, is only -When it is tolerable moist —when the quantity of.water is just enough to impart a pleasant•degree of cohesiveness to ttie soil, to'enahle the plon.qhman to turn his furrow slices without difficulty, - - Lands,', plowed , at this season should, be lapped, at an angle of about forty-five de grees. so, as' to expose the greatest surface of the upturned'earth to the action of the frost, and to - form conduits between the Arrows for'the free and uninterrupted pas sage of the water; they should also be plowed deep. Sarfae_efrairts —Careful hands should bo made go through_ the fields in Winter grain, examine the stirface-drains, and re move to the:passage:of the water; this duty should be °fits@ repeated, 'so as to prevent any aceumnlati - eins of wa ter upon- the young plants, the which al ways exert the most unfriendly influence, teingirequently the cause of what is term od ;'ground surcharzedwith water, being more liable to be operated up ea by the contracting and expansive pow- 7 era of cold aniflies.olMa when snclkis not • ,IF9r..kt n „ '"' a 10 . 4 4—, 9..-Thdae;. of ovary hint!: stioutel be treatett with care and at . • tendon:. Warm 'edibles; properly Nantilai ted ; poi fare;-rdgtilarly disp - erised to thew& well Tittered stables, currying and rubbing 'down - nicht and morning, : mal wa- ; ter three times a day, are great promoters of health—and , it-no season_ of the year is sash treatment and care needed itfore, l iban •at this, when the.ilPTanimals baie i ° P l - - form thelidaili labors:antast every ,degree of inclement weather. , • mixture of portions 'Or salt, ashes, and lithe, should be thrice given-4wo ounces each tiftle,- to 4ach beast. .:;" ,:.Fencing, if not:alreaiiy got -out,' should fOrthwitlifelled,and ,hauled to' the barn, to be 'worked up in bail weather, into posts and iaild;Vituallnas. - • Fir#-mood.r-414. supply for the yeay has not already been secured, push-forward. and &So; in order that it be may battled into the yard, befere,th&yeadi'lleenitieso ant UP as to operate too sevoreli,:o"the - teams. -, . • • ' Gales.—:We.,,repe4 our • advice of last „mouth: have every pair of tars, on your farni substituted by a good gate; the lat ter looks best, is best, saves time, and is the cheapest. , • :11 - ," , •' '3Ech-cows should have warm stabling, plenty.ot litter,be.genetousiy - linpt; 'and re ceivo at least: - twenty-ono pounds of good ' bay or fodder per 'day,' be watered; before t each meal, and receive :the salt mixture thrice a week. cows and heifers should receive • full allowances of good, hay, be watered and otherwisd treated:like mileh-colis; with the exception of, the slops, Which should not be even to them_until a few slays -before their calving. - • - Breeding mares.—Treat these as we ad .& ed last'menth. ' . Young colts and cattli.:—All young an- imalsshould be so fed as to ,be kept in.good - condition. To stint thernin their food, is - to stunt - them in their growth. Good hay and grain are both necessary. Shay,—Atteud to these, as s. we advised last - rnonth. Grain for, feeding goes fartherest when it ebopt or ground into meal -- Selling corn.—Shell all your eorn before you sell i t, and crush the cobs for cattle feed ; when. crushed, cooked, ,and mixed without bay or straw, four bushels are worth • as'much as two bushels of grain, and make most , excellent' messes for mileh cows and working oxen. • Cora and Cob Crusher.--if you have not got one already, buy one; it will,save its price in half a season. • Carn-Sheller.—Eveyy farmer should have one, the size• to be regulated by that' Breeding sows armed bepr - ovidid with) warm, dry, well bedded sleeping apartments. 'Me:hip-pig sow'separately accommodated in respect.- • • • gore logs. —Let their fond be sufficient . ly generous to keep them in a growing con . dition ; a hoz to be *ofitable should never be so fedas to be stopped in his gro - ith. • 2 The fondly sleigh' Should always - be, kept, in-first-rate order, ler the , accenimOdition of the ladies WagorrS, carts, tools, and implements of - husbandry, should - always he in goodorder, and,whea not ha _wee kept undercover. Gearing should he cleaned and greased •• onto a month. •• ' Pfari, Toil lose any, and fields that used. it, haul V`tnit, th itdt.,brokeiralowa . by : the frotassif.Wi oter, , , . ou il ' roultry.—tlf yesirejour tuns.to lay give them flesh of some kind twiceer,thrice ' a week,•elloptap wilh,their other food— , fresh fish , hailed and' int fine 41ansWer • well. -'fowls Would at - 111 Air* , be sup plled with' litete.or old ittortar3irikenime • ..swfel, ashes; lbeliiUri'himagibaida be kept flea% their ..rosis.,itaas.-itiul'iiatiqi. eagr *syplieft witikftfob , hay, ur straw. • re= Ruch IdwAst 3s ma in : - .1)1P bow it i/rlPs la -- widen auger'or ouipouriig cede lida ' rtoliatala krowlitoillof ' 1016 to It was to his owe soul.- - . ". : a4 l lA.lO l n . night: Ic.rgluoM Ostut .m :ed thetimi. Tliq wind, fitful ,gusts,' desolately through thifferest'eleafiesa briinchea-:-Moit fitting eight for:deeds of horror. .; AwfullY sown- I ded the *Wage thre:h our I of 1 ono.- At this ' , witching 'time of 'night' at wild, 1110,4 r e -us looking Wretch stole - 14th from the woods. ~H4.beard was lonm and rough ,; . his 'li o Uit.'„UnOndied 4'134 matafi,;-- Savagely gleamed his bloodshot eye,..aS, he cautiously approaubed the Spilt where ;his' unconscious victim alumbered in peaceful innocence. The murderer smiled ,as".be listened to its breathing ; He raised the axe; . with one blow it. deeply -descended into, the Stull of the sleeper; forth spout ed the blood—thc hog- was , diad-.- we breathe freer. ANECDOTE NOAH WEDS#III.--..0 M 0 years ago the great lesicographer passed 'through this region of 'gauntry on horse-, back, on a visit to a brother :who lived Mikdisoii county. -When ho . had reached 'the town where his brother resided, be m, it a boy going-ta : schonl, and the following conversation passed between-them .‘ Mir ion; said the learned, doetor. - "flo I you know ,where Mr. Webster lives Yes." "Weir continued the 'bey; "you aint brother *this% is you?" .; • - „ Yes" — r 4.1Ve11,1t can't no hOw any •wdy. tic' that you is the mail that made the spelling book can it 7”. r. er - ye rejiiined the 66 "B!go , y, as. he gazed with: , awe struck Wonder upon the venerable iltietor'•: by golly that's a fish story." The old gentleman ' ,often:refer:s to the incident as nue .of •thernost ileasiog remi nisce' nees of a long horse•tackiide. A Siituctua. TrIOUGHT.--" The death of an old man's wife," says Larnartine, " Is like cutting doivo ancient oak that has lone shaded the fainily, meisio - n. .Henceforth the glare of the world*, with its cares and vicissitudes, fall, upon .the tvidower's heart, and there is nothing to break their force or shield them froui'the,full weight.ef . tuis‘for funU. It is as if his right hand was era—is - Vona witig'Of his eagle - was bio ken,.andseitery,:tnovemeni that te nestle brought hint' heircr to the - greutid. His eyes are dim andVaisy;and ' when tip film of' &mill i /alb' over " biro; = misses those abet/4610d toneSAieb, 'night bay() stkith-, cd hiS passage;to thO ---Virnacit-rs-xuwroeit:47-4 gentleman in the- habit .isf :.oo,aiurially rSing:aril cut' spir hit, tobk.tipun able" temperance address, and,sat down in .hisfamily to peruse it.— Ito read it throUgh 'without saying a.word. when he',exclaiened,. !' T4is man's a fool or Lain !",, , :',1143-tben read' it:agaii, and wlien gain - lit bad'finisiledit, - 'a seuodd time,,be exclaimed, " Tbirman is a fool, or -I aim" A third3iUlleilti'ilficadititiltti: still greater care,-'and usle fnisbed`fibelast sentence exclaimed, "'.l . an; the - i fooir' ind neier tasted a. Irop-pf Irderit.spirits afterwards. t'Aliit,LEi TO via * SExcs.-- There lion admirable imitition of ,qualities bet Ween the soles, which the author of our being ba:4 diSrilitited to, each:with a xvisdom that chillenge's dtit tpliountlpd strong—Woman is beautiful.- Man daring and confident--womao diffident , and unassuming: Man ig great in action —woman stiffering. - Man,shines 'abroad -woman at home. -.Man talks to convince —woman to persuade' and please. 'Man link a rugged heart=woman a soft 'arid • tender one. l)t;an prevents misery—wo man-relieves. Man has science-woman taste.- - • - • ' • The similarity Of orthography which ex- I sists in many different languages, with re gard to that beautiful Word expressive of one the earliest and dearest social relations of 3fother,—is well worthy of attention inasmuch as it will go far to prove the ex istnce of a period when. all mankind. were gathered under. orra natiOn. The word moth= er is in-Hebrew and Arabic; em and am in Persian, ma& : Sauserit; mutr-; Grek, meter; Latin, 'Mater . ' • Italian, madre French, mere; Alvin- Saxon, 'under ; Swe dish, modea ;Danish. under ;Dutch, mo eder ; German, mutter ; 'Russian, mater; and iaCeltiednat4pir. . • ' ra.: A : stuttering Vermonter was' ask- ed the way to Waterbury. With great politeness be strove to say thatltwas right ahead, but in, vain. The More lie ..tried the more he -At lsst, -red in the face, and furiouS with unavailieg eiertion, he burst forth with—"G rig-pig-go-long ! dam yea you'll gig-glg-git there afore I can tell ye 1" - . -,_ The Albany Knickerbockcr tells of-a young man wbo recently died in that city of disappointed ambition, ag he "wanted to wear high shirt eollars; and ids mailer wouldn't let littr." - --= • :.-' Nature is spoken of in Abe feminine gen der because she 'is so extravagant rich carpets, drapery, dress and perfumery. , „ . rky, An, individual . was .arrested the Ather,4l2-yi in Ckeinnati, addle endeavorig to pick a man's peeke.t. , He said he watn't use is the business andwaajust trying to get Amid in. - , father being asked by his son. what Profession_ to ,eboose,. replied: ' "1 will tell you, -my 'sou.' ',/I..man will give, a six ii . cnee to have bis • soul saved; two shit Zings- to have_his body- saved ;- but be will give a - dollar to ipso Vs ark way," . , rogue ankedcharitynn pretence: of being:dumb: ; IA - lady temirig'nAced'with equal simplit ty lartifianitY ?:benilopg. tave you been du . babr • bit, ids ground - and an evrered " from birth madatn:". _ "Poor Pl. 1 16 w," ;said theledy sna' gate' Vim a dollir. • . I People' who (O .- a ways , 'IMF' tog 1 sentiment have usually not - very deep feel- ' -kg& Thw less water you lave kn your ket tle, tlko soonpr it - begins claske a - hobo antsniokir." iii;Arliiarr y exelemst epAa quatter lay orl tre be rearkortakttAganhe**o ' . 4 - 4 ' WM tIPQ C& Tt i a.r varturriiio initxtritt, ni- . BA - E.B.Vhask rnornicions. • . TERMS. -11M'Itriana• ANCl . virmr' newts peri arintunreaslt iu advance, or two dollars; if not unfit Me.enti of the year,,ne time of sobscription.. No.paper - OM be 'idisevrtntintredit arrearageb are paid, except at theliPtlart'oftlMPublisher s. Alt conirnumeationre =ht. ba POST PAID to 're: naive atter - dieit. _ • . •'.. • • - letters connected , withllMMßee; Should be directed to S. 0. & E. B. Crime, Mehtrost,'SS'asq. rr Editors' office oVer Store. • • HATES 'Or fILDVEISTISING. , One square, (12 lineilerjess,) 3 insertions,. 8100 Each eubsequent'insertion, •'25 One-square, 3 menthe, - -• • --•" 2 50 I• ‘t , 6 months, • - -4. 00 ' Bushier s Cards, 4 liues'or less,' • • - 3 00 Yearly Advertisemeats,,not over 4 squares. 00 Oue column, one year, • • 30 00 Yearly Advertisers vat restricted to the'bu. Mess in which they.are engaged ! • " • 1D The PubliskorsOutving a large nismienentt of Job Printing Materials, are prepared to execute all kinds of -' JOB' WORK with - neatness and des- I' • wELANKS of . eiery description constantly on.l . raud, or printed tootder. - • • ' gS4VI - 00 CMTVO. E. B. 4PIIASE, A T TOIR EY. AT L A W . : (office over Tyler's Store.) It. , DI3ICOCK,. . 1 1.1tivitit sr^ sts; Caw. • °Olio on Turnpike street ono dhor west of ttio old • Koester Printing °Zee, Mon inse, Ps: . • , • 1.-TTOP.Ingit,A.T LAMP Great Read, Pa. - . :L. .TIMITESDELL, • lATToRNILY AT 'LAW; Oregt:flend, PHOSice . iOch Co /. F. .41,tsP • - . ''" "IVET'elt riEcKpit, E q lITATING been appolntoi F1F . ,11. of New or, ai LI a Commies:n:4er forithat State to take the petal and acknantedgerocat of Breda, Pia uther Instrument ,e vitt attend t., tipsiness called that capacity at hie office at area! Bend, Pa, ' t Sept.lo,lSso,-1y DOCT. TDAYEIt, , , Botanic -act ilsitrnpattatc PhYsiclan Residence a few ends esTvnt• the Court-house, nenr the CANT. GAMBLE . ; FSlDENCE,f.n.444s7oifilrinerly ttio reihfoned, Sktonei.Outlo,docktard. ; norford, DecindliaLCSOWO, ZlK4vit l l.7 . 'hi:ing sc e r d m3 ll . ls , 11..PJace of r.ic,S. 14encr. may 1) . 11w,.1:te fouod, doors south•ofJohusto,...,l7,ory'sj?toro,,in.thiflzilltige of LIVARY • AND' EXCV.A If ,E :ST4BLE . - - • -Mont ose,leiciiiVa. • " • . . PETER:AT EVENS, • ' • = Cabinei and Vilely. ff later; .sties oti the bushiesslo ttli its viBons limnches - and omi a taigetcale, stAndoTSFaithitStevens arid May; • 0?B131(16mi,- . • • louse Siguk goAnterqaporllanger,Oloslei, Gra!aer. and Decorator. Shop over t Birchasd's Car penter shop, a few rods east of Warner's ' L "N; arriett on the flaking anacandy businessin all ts Tart. dlli3 *inches,' one 'door welt of Wilson's Bread atolls,ltoaks,,Ginikerbread, 04kies, Crackers etc., kept constantly on hi 44 at wbolesalaand retail. Also eery va riety or Candy, g , ot up ht the very beat style, New 'York no excepted. ryratifOlt,ln fact all kinds of Taney Confection ry kept always up band at wholeealo and retail; s. wrOtes , a- sots. Prae, " Pubc" -trait; Mcnitivie; C. TYL , SEIVERIONS, BOOT AND ;HOE MAKER & ITEPAIREP (Shop over A. Ealdwia's Saddleryshop? New' - Ill.ilford. :Stave:Delia, nURIIITT, bits last received a new assortment of [1 Stoves, including:the most approved kinds - .of Mr Tight. and . comutpu Cooking, ratior; mad Shop Stoves, !Laszlo heal enmeionpipti, Sheet Iron, and Zinc, Stove Tithes, &e. ac., to which the attention of cash pmehaa. eta, and the public is invited, and which willbe !mid at *.eri low Priam foi dash or approved' ctedit. • r. September. 1830. - A . S" YOU ARE—Looking Gim M es and ocks of all de. 8 Day , Alarm he at: LEVER and Lepine Wattles, .expreeely for .shoo teachers., at . . =Urn: Boots - and Shoes! . NEW' supply of Gentleman's Eip arid Calrlt r oati •A niu m a di e , s, Brt, Shoes, and Stippees,just reeeiv, Sept. 4 CEO. YULLER.'f. BOIL_ B ooks A NEl7...eurpiy or rt.mksjust tete ived,', Including al . 3 , the Linda used in the ;slew:A cad emy; Ahm Draw, inr. Maxie, Letter and Cop Paper, at the IfiNMSI price* Sept:s • LYONS & SON. . - qt'G n'cn; Corn Starch, Soap; Maekeret.jUst re. relved cm! toloa ctrap. !.Y..).NS ea' SON. • . Bun's Justices MARIAT.R.CKE'S r:O IPANION. turlBso,jaet re kl , crived and for rate at tit- Book Store,—alpq "TIIREEIfeAR'S CALIFOICiLt" by Rev: Wot tir Coltou,ll's. N. 'Tali Book is 'worth }elicitor. and biying. • , - • .GEO. FULLER: • I).tontrose.Sept. 5,1850. - . Valuable - Books. IMoTtottp‘ythnlty l t,7o7,t s ii E i n, ..ta' ! ? , Te7• Y at' Warby Livermore, Book of Foitar,D'Anhbigna's fliFtori of the Itercitmatien, ete..e.te. .J. LYONE , k . SUN. Furs Fun iIASII Paid for Fox , Mink, Mtn&rat, Martin and V Coon skip. by, . - 14. C. TYLER. _ Montrose; - Dee.49, 185 a. Losw- Gj YEARLING Heifers estrayed from the Parra ..fr of the subscriber, is few weeks ,inc . _ . Latest Ake rival of Netsr.GOods - e. WE are reeclibig a new and general flock, of goods II which we,incltetheattentinnoftilepnbiie Tbose, wbo wlsbko buy goods cheep ,for the Beady—trill - do well to ail anti seg. ' , D October 15,1850 WANTEDocks, - f Niel:infs. 'Woolen Yarn, Flannel, • White Deans TO/mooed and all kinds of produce. D E LASIlltOy Watches - ! Watches I tIOLD and:silver, Lever, and Lepines full jelieled and 1 1 - 1 Plak4e/mge aasorttoentf at the TO , ' loieett prices Binghamton, Oct. 14;1850. - L.-CAIIFTELD. SOLE'LLEAIMEL-.: lu z areprepareoto"eell Mettrt, E. A: fr. 0. - Pra tea eel . ebrated OW Leather at N. V. Oityprices—bairing at, agency. Dealers eau be accomo.lated with asuperior artiele;frota met* Oita Owl:tetra .510eaut prices herstiz ; Lure unheard oftn thlicounfry. : " Oct - A.1850:: 114.1014 POST &CO. , A LSO., wanted in trade or on troonatilloosau; Tallow A roadLatkall !Linda ofgrain,Buttor,Oheato..& 43 4 - • -By 5.t1 C.TYLEL i ' '' ' lp (16 thit 8d Coranori . aria Moe print lOV V j ll 44 1 1; 4. 41vidlozd 7 " ••• ;A? v if EATOrK Thefilgbeisrpriteripaid for. 4 4We are oft r 'em !" • ;1144)414041gy,v t 281 ,1 ), 1,, -stro „no • < asoortmont Room:tole /4- pitt $4•1.0•41.41AW,' • • -..uoitrose, i ~ rs , ':The .Cooll Tline llids Oinei -. fritE sat - crib dr hes:thls day returned' front Nei rock J. with& large and well selected assoitment of (I r ock to which he would call the attentlen of his trictidi. PIT- I in htudthe advantage vt 23 years usiscrience in thilivil. loge, lie Ratters himself that be wall underitande the taste-sand wants of his patrons. ..- -- ••- -- - -le -1 Amongidsstack Will be toned npwrirds'of 40 diff styles of 0 old and Sliver Lever And _. LePlise Wat ' lOold Vcst,f oh arld'anard Chalny , ', -Band Braceletstt and stone do;, Pens and rencils,_• Thimbles Fpec i •' Belt' Rookie and - Plides, - Watch Reis, Lockets, ir - p ins,ringer Rings and Earnings. „.-..- • ....„; ...' : - • ' A largo assortment. of Silver SPoonii. "F"..• Bitter • If nlves..eups,Napkiriltings, Thlusblee,"Pen.liolder-iitnd . ci;seetacies. ' Also, an eixtensive variety of Plated ; War., ' vie t-Castore, Cabe Baskets, Candlisticks,Frnit Stands. - . Nntdre.riand Trayr,„Tosst Rucks, tipeonsandrorka,nnd . a full variety of Cutlery. rancy,Artleles.Clocles, etc. ' . These tioods 'having• - hecn selected with great Ore, ' bothulth regard to quality. Otte and style. the.subscri ber is confident that be will give satisfacticti.to all who may tarot him with their patronere . _- ~. . ~.1 , •' • • - - r - Abrittiti .1.-EVANS,Waishlnitonat , ;- - Rlnghamton.lioe. 7,1550. - - - , ' • --' . . . . .. : ;.. New Establishnient ...- - i lIE secret or success In ba,luess, consltts In- a mat meando in keeping the pobboopprised of one's trlteren ,' hunts, and et the kind oraoods and Rates he hiusen hand: =Consequently, the =dent:tied liege briefly to kite; ni that,hayingfitted'up -0. room nearly opposit , " Mills & kpitipp's old stand, and purchased, a choice mart eat o -;• 1: iSMOCEST22I3,3: - s • - In r car Pork for Cl3lll, consistingof Tea, - Sugar, kola s ees, Caret, Toblicco,omoking And,cllCalnc,)ll.lo,licpper Spice, Starch, Cloves, Snleratus. giw.i.ller. linhneget.plgarr Pipes, Snuff, Soap; Candles, Codkl, ack erel , norrinc. Raisins;Oround Rock Salt in sacks. for Dairy and table use. Also, avariety of Botanic eledicines, such asi ICom position. an invaluable remedy for Colds; No.:o hot Drops,-ma Cherry bittmrsi-Limg Wort. Coueli It ltam, Neutralizing Cordial, Ground slippery Elm 4n2c ~ All of which ere offered to tho public at as reasonable price, •or really -pny,-tither in cash, Grain. Butter , C ceses EggßAc., as can be. obtalpca elicalicre. Also, Pacing Pain Killer- ' - . . I. IC DULLARD. .__ . . . . Montiotc, Oct. IS3O • . • . €lear.the 'rracki• • MAKE BOOM FOR THE CROWD. '. Great 'Excitement in -Hat ord. qUlEsiabseriberi are now receivinw one of the largesi, 1 cheapest and bestassor mentpf Dry LI oods, °vineries, Crockery. Hardware, Iron, Reel Naiis. Glass and Glass' Ware, Brtlgt, Medicines. Hats and Caps, tronn and Bleached Sheetinett,Silvcr Ware &c., ever offer Willi this town or county. - OF stlnic of . • DRY GOODS Isiramenso, consisting In 'part as follows:-80 .ytrds of French, English — and American Broad Cloths, froni 81,75 ait..115 per ynnl. • Ms) yards Satinctt and Sheeps Gray cloth, from 373iai5 cents, In different styles Alpaca, de Poplin.lB do SI. Banff's, 75 large, all Wonl Shawls, from 8145aS4,CO,Ste. We are now selling fragrant Teas nt 3s,4sand 58 per ponntl, which are usually sold! at do, 5s and Gs byyoan, swill and inexperienced4calers. 200.0Z..SELIVER WARE. Those to want of a genuine article are requested to givens a min end get a good nett of Teas for $5, do Tables $14,a518,00. Wettish to call your attention to ur as eortmeutof • • • • • 80692% ik TV7,leb.for eitropnets, beauty and gaol:fess cannot be equaled thlaside ofliew York.' Those Whzilthg tho worth. 'at heir monmare respectfully Invited to give nil a call before eurclutsing elretth ere, as there is not a yptairg man in this town or county that " enn, Ann': or • un dersell us; our goods have all been - bought , for .Cerh and mitred disposed to sell them at a rep, small often , efrom , . • JOHNSTON &VERY. Wanted -- 'ranT d aT lV la s .orbu ß ATI o k 2 Crt i v t6 SbeepVelts, any rjuatalty of Wheitt:• . (lnrizAtyeitga Rut ter .se. , • t JOILNISTON dr. VgY Ilarford, b'et. ISSO. 1%111.' NOW IS THE TIME, ' v 15 -I • To ' , subscribe f'r Sartniu's Meg:trine, Go.ley's Ltuly's peek,-Graham's 31wrazine, Fowlers' Phreoological 1, Soumel.,l4nter cure Journal. Woodworth's '"outh's Cabinet.tiohlen's Dollar nurttinclinrper's It err MOuth IY, America,,,ferieceger.andNew-York Eeanuclts . 1- , . ~ Any °Elle above fuleishedlor the .Tear at iltre PRICE% hy , ... , , . J. LYONS 1. - . ON. ' N. 11..See4mon numbers "visun.r." at the D tepry. Dec. 3,1550. s. :, ... - . _Olive, l'lnfuld Copper:Wate. OE subscribers .hava just purchased d larre 1 stock otiStoves, Tin and Copper Warc , which they ofetto the public as cheap as the ch neest. - • --.- D, R.LA.TIIROP Co. gontyose, Dec. 10, 1850. I 1 ' IlrE:Wr and Buck Wheat Emir for'sal SALT by thobbi. or load at 117 ANTED '.21:1,110O hi-whet of Oats, 10,0 t bush-. •ols of Ryo and Corn for .which the highest price will be paid in cash or trade by . l k 'Fruit, Fresh Fruit: - 1 FRESI-I•SUPPLY of nice freih.Figs. aisins LI and Oranges, jusCiec.ived and for sal hv Montrose, Dec.lo, 18.50. I, LN. DULLARD Reeipe:for making Christroas and IV Ptuldlng. 16 Its. Brown Hagar for one dollar, 20 " Rice, It I. id Raisins, 44 " " 10 44 Ginger, - 44 " . , 14 44 Falerut cis, 44 44 . 4 • 10 " Penner,. 44 " 100 , . Neils, " $421. . 8 " Coffee, - 44 °oath:Mord The abotenolaed -nith Flour, Tiutti3r,lloloses, and Eg,gs and boiled or baked 4 hours. Wneo coal eat with liaple 3lnlasFes. • The Ingredients tobo had for CASH at • LYO.l4;$ 4 CII AND ERS. MontroEe, Dee. 3,1350 ALlaci. IIIGIUT.I T havelicti-eticonstageti by the rerjj liberal patronage i.received, to till up lay shop with the largest! and beet •ae.tortmerit of goods ever yet brow ht to this jmarket— i jolt may be found every.hing belonging to a Joerelry and fancy store, 6 doz.Glock .iWatches, of every d scrittion: Darning Rlnid,parlorand common Laral.s, vrldt b ... at 'this -time to the b , st Wog in WO for ts g`uod and ch p Ile ht. - , ,You can tlnd them only at ' ' RUE'S. 1,-. ilontrose, - November 20,1850' :', , '. •,•• ~ ii • Igoßeel° Railroad Tile . grinEstffißeriber has this day received Linothe Invoice of J. Engtish Patent Lever Watches, per.Atiant e. These Watches rite from the manntanotry of Jtioeph Johnson, Liverpool; made expressly to order for the Mbs.criber. with his name enraved on them, with especial reference to the wants of limirciad Agents and, others. ilphing; per fect time, They are in heavy silver cases, and wilt be cased in geld. of anv style and quality, toordeir. ...v Illogbauttou,lVashitigton-st.--10.__;_.,_. J. r ANS. ..._ 7 ta 'VIII% lib Ult ____AC.,, T would again inform my cristome a that I have jnet re • I calved a large lot of newly Made Clothing ,Warranted to be made in the_ hest maanerand of the'mo r st fashion able styles. which I will Sell at short ;profits the cull or grain: Ida not ray that I will sell at cost at Smite make pretences tch. I have not had my stock on ,hand long ' enough that makes merest so anxious to getirid of it as that. but gmuld may on-attempt to undersell me, my old friends may rest incanted that I will needy I the track. I defy my rival to undersell me on' any article of equal value in my 110 e. - Calla few doors above the '. 4 Iternertit Printing - OM ce," Cud yen will find rais' Mar.-4 ! - . ..Montrose. 1i0e.25 ..., .. 3 11131 MA- . Valuable Med&clues. . _ A N 2.<gerimait of3Wielnev prepaied by-Af'Xoodeoek, 11 eonyiating ottaienmatte.Tincturo. h'prainandqiing bone.Lineament. Yain l destroping,compour, specific a 'Benineament,ltegtorative Behan', V Fel/ e of Lem on, Wiater7--cen, Cinnamon, Hemlock, Saavilmsjdnfae seed, ice - , juat, received and for ealo by , • . Montrose, Dee. 13,1850. N. It LLARD.. Notice. - .1 . ~.. I ... I. s THE aciountaaud notes o of the late Fi In of Vase 1 & SimPson,are in my hands, and it very,ne. oessary, that the business should be'elo d•as soon as possible. ; All those indebted are teiptested In i "call and settle without delay,. ' :- • • • EDWAIt);) W HOSE.; -' i Nontross, Dec. 9,1850—it ' ' The be,st wirgyp on i• • . IFllgKeysioue itnie: Air-tight Cooking, Stove, I , inarturitttireettud.for sale by Wir.ins &-co. , . • - - 314T1L6 It loess lot ot tho.Tay date • • , cobra), llondairae Lainva and. Oi sto 2" " , r •- fIdRiET Bne, Umbrellas, Swarm Stgiraelware, Glasi Saab, Pittty,Zu vrare te.;b3 , DE:VTLEIrIk. READ. U HEST and Buck Wheat Flour - TV- • . ".' WitVan.o.l ,by plc barr.c.l or Oontt.4Aiato 1187.14,18b0.•" ..; Tstox—mtigiisfi)mad Ewcdes, square,barls, lenitableo.l I Drag Teeth by. - ' •-• 5.11. - BATItE.A, CO • • VlEETlNGSanttsblrtingefiom K to 2K: yard* wide,- 1.) -19M411011144.2S CU. per yd. -4.1:20}52 %rays ,- .treival fiIIEAPEST, Oer §d, gate -intue ~7 els, Candles ,1 *elision I2i cents, for cub, just ape Stan-by' • ' ' .I.XQNtr s9pi)ly of Booke jut: receiied Ist:. C fr, `7'. LYON & SAN. trs. 4 , . 7 . .. . • The ImmenEepower ofl-Steain as appliedto Is now, has been, and..vriil- he, constantly employed I forwarding Nitric' av andeanGoodh loth° Now and Cavan Store - al tdaTte iic Eaton where at all times may be found an assortment, extensive and , varied; beautifiG,ditrable and cheap. , Our stork bf . '' DRI(IIiODS...•.. Cmicisting • of a great variety Of every description. ... 1 00 yards argued orange - and blue prints. at•Bd per yard-=al- I 'so Huts of every pther. ima,gluable • deseription, equally boa - tarot:and equally cheap. , 111ciehed factory cloth Oil per yard,,dipaccas "a eta . . per. yard;:tiad a variety of styles orPoptinc,• . M. DeLainest Woolen Shawls,. Merl. ni.ca ; Cloths; Vestings; Cassimeres, all very hood,And goingvery elreap.: , Also:- •. , i . • • •. --• ' . .. , ". • . . ' iliocenes .• Good Teas st il, 4 a nd,ls shillings per lb—Cmidles--Bu sar—rialartitut—Seaps--Astiton and Noel( Salt—salmon Trout—in short, a general asseitrnentof' cheap Grocer les. Also •.. - - 3 ' : - "•- '. • . -!..... •"- - Hardware,: . ... . 1 In the =tacit possible abundance, or stile:nit only as. ceetiedby,our as.6rttnCnt of . BOOTS 4 SHOES,.. .. .. Which la really unsuipassed, consisting of Men's- and! Boy's Bootsand shoosi or every, - sliapis and alga; India I 'Lubbers; half Oliterli-Jcnny.,Lind Gaiters _ ;. and acrd I —well, anything else Abat is avfr used so an article o 1 ' , covering, for the bodyi" ' ' •'. 41E, , , , . . WAI Ter Vali 4 . ' • - . Aity- quantity bf Sheep Pelts, Wool,Furs,FlannelP Oats Corn, 'Wheat, Butter find Fro . ' . , • N. 11.-2 shillings paid far good TOCS. fl 4mill:tither with-respect to prices we invite our friends to do as they ever have done, viz : call and lodge fortnentielves. I, .' . • LAKE 4' EATON. .r- We trill not be tsr,lersold In thla market. • 'Dittoed:Oct: 25, 1150.-44:n6, - - - .• • rent Lea; , Box ' lea, east • " • :NOV 'ARIIIVAIS, tOcfc of I„tui+ ix in flllltecelpt 'of his Falls 144 Goads, which Is urvunlly largo acid • complete fa Fancy and Staple !Dry , Goods,' Grooories CrOokiry, Hardware, Iron add Nulls, Boots uneShoes, Cooking, Parlor and Shop Stoves,.Buflotri Robes, Huts, Caps, &e. includingiu particular, a lurgo and splendid as; garment of • ,. 1.1.a.40)2Mt0 omazn - cot'vzs . 36 and Minter Long Snawls, .. . to all of which ho would Invite the attention of all who are wirbing Goods of the best styler, and at pricer that cannot bobcat. for cash or pioduce of all ltinde, Including Woolen Socks. Flannel, Pork Grain &c. In any quantity. Nor Milford, Nov. 7.1850. • N.l3.—Coarse and Western salt, and rtattr kept con tently on hand. . Stiil Rolling the flew Goods in At the mead otP:tavizatio - a. TFIE ontonriber Is reeeiring: heavy sh;pocnift.o almost every hind of Goals which to is offering very cheap for the ready jet', , Ce - • I Ito elided tender his warmest thanks to the pubff c,no 'especially to those why have been ITheralSn the bestow ment or their patronage 'and' who seem to feel rind, I that the Merchant need . ; Ids nny some tine pallor this ecatuttr, and,hn seonid moSt rervectfullY, aska enntinu aide of thrdrfavott.: - . , !•• : • , ;11, C. TY. LEA. „ t 1 ontrre!e, Nov.embe.i 14,1859 7 - "*ErTli U - 011',D• 0 :ES • • above 11011°Oispleasantlialtuatedon the Eito Railroad. and has been tir•Wfi fitted' and furnish cd.for the reception, of my . old'.frionds dmi * others who may favor me with a call. The Brick •e fe - notv completed. •maklim filrlcwool the eistr;st , anit oltrirtest routefor the people of 31ontrose and tho. surrounding country to reach the N. Y.... 1 / 4 , Erie Railroad. We 0101 therefore expect yOulall thoic,litta wilt try. tusathdv vim with ',Ores. attend.' , „., •, .1. 2,,,WEEkd.' *Klthwded. Oct. 25,1850.—,..`rah. - - ' ' ' •111 JOat — S A GOOD assortment of Boots & Shook, cinbraeingt 1131en't , eoarstand fine DoarP,,ltos7kßpdt:i'and Shoes, IVomeu'ii and Misses-di-06-I,D° • ' • ' " •Erribraelnw a wreat Trri, ty'of Orercast.;Efseirs; Tweeds, &e., a large tarietyof Netts froui six shillings upwards., and a _good assortment of-Pants, Shirts, Drawers and Wrappers--dltto • ' • • 'Eats &Caps, E and Furllatv; t ut,ll. F 316hatr. Cloth nude:l%- ed Caps, toll Mgt out', for men, boys end children. . • Books . & Stationer?. arid .lilisrellane . oasDaqlo. Staple and Fancy vtrt: Inks,'lnkstandS,: renrael:P. Pankniees,. and a great.eariery of fancy articles top numerous to auttnu , " ratejust reetdied at , . PUI.LEN'S, _ _ • . First door above Soar,leallotel. Montrose' Oct . ^50850. D. R. L. . . . 1 0 ~. , ..Kirkwood Repo, 1 I 11. To Merchants., Mechntrln• and bitsiness men In general, J. 1 could say that EIRICWOOD Is the place for yen to orate. The subieriber now offersfor sale Ituilding Lots for Houses Stores; and Mechanic Shops, on the mos t reasonable ' terras. ' Terms and (Imo oipayment made easy. For portion, tars, enquire of M. 1.. SQUIRES, at Eirkwond Depot. Oct. 31.-.3tao. ' , - UENRY SQUIRES. 11-ER(IIfANT'S Gargling 01I,Trask's ;MagneticOintment Cod Liver 011, TOYFTIRWItrf Sarsaparilla, Vaughn's Li- Liontriptie.Schenek's Balram.Slvaine , Panneen.all nal!. Jayne's Niedicines.Dalley's Pain Extractor, P• in Killer. kiltour's !leave Caro, and most or the approved Patent Ifedicines or Oto a:1, kept constantly on bond by • BENTLEY Zr. BEAD. 14LOrralS.—Ilirighamton:Montrose.Skitmeri Eddy and' nt t audFuller'sPlonbs Castinpy.coiLstant ly on hand by S. W. EASILY,' & CO. WAN TED—P.no. pia' Woolen Flannel. 5.009 pr. ,loa IV mixed Te4llen Socks, any time between this and the sit Oct.,for which the highest price willbe paiillu Goods. July 9. - - J. LYONS Cr. SON. -nTE-STUFFS2, Drzn, , o,, Alma. Vit Ll moil, Copperas, die. just received nod tnr.ate by • -- Sept. 5.. . LYONS &SON. QILVER'SpoonP. Forks anti Knives, warranted the hest, 1,7 manufa' etured In America, at T rn t iagt of thedoz. 2ns' (Hoch! i 9 none but more of - the same sort N ou the way to True'e Jewelry shop. 200 Oz. Silver Ware. • CIONSISTING of Table, Dessert, Tea. Cream, 3luslara, U. and Salt' Spoons; Su;ar Shovels. Sugar Tongs. Table and cliert-Forks.Butier wlrrant.leinal to coin. rEbgraved gratis,iby •A. J. EVANS. • • Gold Lockets. QINGLEani Dimble of every FiZe,. by . . 13 Binghamton.l., A. J. EVANS, Wnobington•Ft ~ . e Very Fine o G. OLDWATCIIES perfect time keepers. Also* stir= .lVatehes, all guontltles, try A.. 1: EVANS. WANTED In bushels goceiNirtilteDeans,. and auy If (*entity of Dried Apples by i. I.reas h six. 'Montrose, November 7. a - M fIENTLEIItN ing to bny (Sethi suitable ter winter _ • clothing will do well to call Itt • TV rtItSLOB. : OLE and Upper I.6ather, also: Kip Skins or tbe rlgla kind at TYLER'S. New . . . • - :t! - aciolsi.. • r r uE.ob,cribPris again receiving .4 -frail supply. 0 A '', Fall arid Winter (Jonas. Please ;gland examtne. 7 Montrose,,Oet..z.si4sso.. .• • , . 11..1. 'WEBB. Cold Chains, r _OOIKETS, Thimbles, T Specks, en ayd tacit en ea D . ', n wortment b. CANFIED. • INDIA Rubber Osam Shoes, 'Boobs,. - Blows," era alarries 1 Oil Cloths ax. &b. for sale by ' - C. TYLER. ptrPFALO 'lobes; Turk's 'lsland Salt,' Dairy Salt In AI small *asks, also the best Mud otlq ai ,snd Iron. by doz. Socks, 1.00 lb . s.noolon yarn. Wanted--500 OOd'yarda Flom .° 2,oo6Bheep Pelts. fbr nhithibo hlgkesF wine will; Impala in jpods-= 6°11°9'114°14 t • l'e" ' lbr c ' .lsll° Y.T I L P A l lirttOr Zz CO OYS,strtil allsorts of :lotions, itC-; gIISPIHNE, Lautp - Oil, Candles and Tallow, at . - Ttat ItELL'S I, pat re ghims from & BEAD. TEIVEPIT, 'lf alien! last ruzaanta, aud.ParfazaCty, at • TUItitELIVS. „ . 111/1.1 ) ,F.11, Fogs.svtuit-eci, at - TrUititiLL'S; VANTED7,I - but - bele- of good Potatucs: MHO any iianntity or ellestuute; by - L N BULLAB.O. uituALCtuth3, Kerseymerix end titinetti EllPlPZlvingnetiolsryabrietios, platulto Liam ' of all colors at: •. , , ~. • . . ,1111.4103. • • Phydantliroplo - 1111nboit remudyfornlloucattack experieuce)Or.le by,- • -C. titi4 - „Sgta! and f9i Tiktilii4elif6cWiYLfivlttited: exthiii4sitto.rl zulu v G opus; oittn.aecountsorwitaxvith eak hi tradlie4lffleihrqc4CUllket h l ll• F at t U f 7) A . c rgr- y rt,r4l; GTE 141.36:4 d.t g l=il rg. get', 7. :; . : - J. -- -Great .- -Bargainsi- ,- - 1 . • ,• , ~.....--..,, T. o:l,Nrit:ibtv wog,i-s*i 3 . 7.: - .II / to the citizene of :gown.. --• . and siclnity, that be has just re ,..1 101 r-..., :, ~.:4 . turned from Nett York , with,tbe ~ i 0 , i i .,: 4 , ' largest; richest end best selected j . i.... - . 0. , Y '; arsonmeut of IV 31.1 'c'l3 si . • it, i tIVOIri.. Silver Warr, 41 . 1. ~.., ...1, Isl c• , eyes before offered it) ace 'O4 4 1-1 1 ~,r- "4 trana'ou - Tim - above geode - ''''.'• ' ..- . ho'nitlit. roe Fob; land will be sold at the lowest islet', find ult zirdelis -warranted as rceerw. mended. N. B —Particular attention paid to repairing ail/Linde-of Watches and Jeer - easy:. -. .r..Ciiurt'street, nearly epposittzthelibMnta Hotel,' •:' llinghanitan,.oet. 10,18 A. • ~• . ''.. LAANFIFID, ALBANY & Burro), -Now. - Bork 611Es!le, Cayuga* , Stop! quehanna Rail Roads,;Soueca:'. _and CayngaLalies.i. EV ER I :13 0111 71 S RKET- LINE maim ] 7 1"..."/POT:7 3 ,7l,eoDrgNiZapreto ntt°;,tve7t!P- Bele°, Attlee., Batavia,. Bergen. Itochester,-Canande na, Oeneeo, Dresden, Ovid, Lorll,,Duadee, LandingPef erson, Havana, MilipOrt, Horseheads, Corning, Elmira, Vac toryrille, Spring Fort, Redder', Ferry, 'Aura t a, Itha ca, Candor, Owego ' Union; Binghamton Great Bend, Loneshoio', Deposit, and Hancock, eviwy Binghamton, Great the week; (Sunday!exeepteglo and eel:dine° withregularity throug- , oat theseason, They will attend to forwarding shamns. to the New York Market, where it will 'receive the person al attention of experienceilealcsmen;whe trltl attend to the Belling °fella same, and return the proceeds in Bank., able funds at either of the above points, to thololloWing, persons: Bulfalo,Storehoute of Henry Dam; Attlea,s;arehwase of HenreSyford; Batarla,Storehoese oil:metes A. Smith. Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel McPherson; nocheiter; Store of Fairbanks do Eldredge.; Canandages; Ortice of Walter Core Oran; Geneva. C,Lawrence,- - Dresden Store, I house of Whitney &Morrell; Ovid, Ferges on & Sprague; Lodl ;• Dundee Lauding, Storehouse of T. Tuthill & Co.- Jefferson, (ace of E. 0. Norton, on the Pier, Havana; 'office of J. F. Phelpii; 3lillport. store of J. Stull; lloreel • °ends; race ofJ:A. Ferrell; ~Corning, store of Wm. JI I Arnold; Elmira, storehouse rof Thum= Faetoryville, store of Charlet H.. Shepherd; Redder's. Ferry; Aurora, store of H.& 0. P.Morgan; Ithaca, store 'of P.ll. Drake.; Candor, start of S.Barager; Owego. or. , See of Nathaniel Ells; Union, store of C. N. Wheeler; Itinglimmtorkoflice of JanteiStsk; Grent-Dend, •ofileo of F. Churchill ; Lang:shorn', sliceof F A. Ward; Depoilt, ,lure of Ensign & Dean; haycock. store of Allison & Reeves. • .11.1 s. %ISO( . Binghamton, • I WHITNEY. Dresden, , ORO. P. 111/NELL: ' • • , NATHANIEL EL LS:Owego... ACENTS.—Beffalo, Henry Dar; Attica, Thomas Sy-, ford; Batavia, Lucius A. Smith; Bergen. DanielMePher son; Roches - ter, Fairbanks & Eldridge• tlanandagurr. Walter Coreofan ; Geneva, Cr. - LawreneeCOvid. Ferguson & sprr.gue; Lodi; Dundee Landing. Tuthill & CO.: Jet ferson, E. • Norton; Havana, F: Phelps; Miliport, Stoll; rtorselgendsl'j. A: Ferrell; Corning. Wm.J. Ar nold' Eirnira, Thurman & Inchram: Factor:rine:ft H. shepherd: Aurora, If. & G. P. Morgml.. hhara , F. If. Drake ; ' Candor. S. Barmier; Vinton, .0. N. Wheelii‘; Great Bend. F. Churchill; Lanesboro`. F.' A, Ward; De. posit, Ensign & Dean; Hancock, A,llison & Beeves. Capt. James SlOt, , • superintend the ha ele,t.. ihreughbat the I‘linle hie, awl receive,an,l fill all orders for ' , drue.4.les. FtAli., Fish. Oysfel S, etc. - 215 c. which will be hoorbt nt the lowest whnicsals prices in 'Sew York, and forwarded to eft hut of the above nroeti spots. . . Daily Tr..ansnortititin Line, . ~ v. (.4.llpre. lit.r., 1 • RAILROAD ritElGirr LINE' ~.,.....~. • - -. . Great Band 4, ow' I'Ork. „ . .pvEr.rtuyint.h, , ireelguildelys ex...teli tad.fer 1 9 r.)CI 'Es--,G, apt, dames Wickham. , ; . ... . . , 1 ' 11.. V. Claipentir Will r - dtiMieii , Fe t eglfinr mad fe iward lag Freight tram Great Bend an theist i 'lst.. tind kabtin ste.totreelse and forward iircsilare.dnilY to GaPt d Witk• 11ilin ' thieulthaue ate season CApt:.' ' W. - will remain in .9 ew Fork its re . ,- eiTO ~ Freight.forianriledlohlm, 'Mil Itan I a long o,xperiedee in the business they natter themselves that nt All Ilmeet they cots , '€iltninand the blithest marhei Prt,M , ~Tbll'rA.urns,wlll be-pabt by 11. V. llnipent er, Al Great Bend. . N. V. CARPENTER. . • • MONTROSE 1LOTIIING;-::111f011,111.113.: IV= utiacn.'tgtiedten4C Iri comPlianintit to Itio citizeni J. -uc tiiiuob:itum.coy49,ty..,nna igrorno them that he has just opened tiatarC. ono door of' 31ills 8 Ku.pp's, in the bora' of Montrone. for The oat,. of Ready Tads - Clothinc , H; b, h , rhass seloCeed and perfect assort racmt. crilith lie off , rs (or sale for rfp.p,i Tay at p lees far loner th an eve r . iirforri offer - Ca hi 'this inathet. clothing Is 'IA tunnixfact ufed tocatter. Lae no hesitation in ,w3.rrantln2 it to ,be nil he. re..,)airaends it. .• malt 'Profit F .ittlr;Csal es"l"shietnnttn, .o . whien he 1411 rig hily,attht,retict othprs souse autlineky as ey th • • EL MA N. 26-Iy. ..Tutte26,l£so. . 7.. - t D. S. IL CRAZY , German Physician, taker; this meth. _lll rel of informing his friends aud the pubic in general, that' he' has loaned In Ole v;llegr of owi-gn, Count) of ,Tioga...aciil has egablislied a perm:ilea office nn nalet.q. ever E. B. Gallnt's Store. audio nail.) to attend to any bush:tern In the line othisltroleoton. ' ills superior nudbud of arriving at. a correct diagnosis la - disease, and his duparalelled suUctts In treating Um various diseasrs incidimtal to the human sytemn•more especially those, of an acute, sphacute, chronic, Or com plicated character:ate all that is necessary for him to oi ' Mr to the invalids and diseased of , every character to entt- Ile him to the confidence of a diecriniinating public. For. I the benefit of these unacquainted with his method of practice he would say that h describes disease by a chemical and tnicroscopical examination of the Urine. persons may send or bring their Wine in a cleatr(at 'mist two ounce) vial, the first in the morning preferred, and as a record is kept of all the cases examined, the name and age of the patient are also required. 10 charge is made for examining, a case Where no medicine Is taco. . Ilis medicines are principally selected from the Vegeta-. Isle Kingdom, 'rind are administered 'aecoiding to the Geri man Botanic ,Pra,q ire. • . • . lie would Am add, that he bas at last made an Impel- - ; taut discovery in relation to, treating diseases of a ralcul t lour origin. or Gravd. Thiele a singular deposition, and 'nay coash.t in erysta ine grains, or a gritty •har-li -lei% butrint disiluctly visible noon is c'o.se examination; or it may conshit in irregular limped transparent concretions,' sefflciently largo to he readily distinguished bythe eye, and dettomluated calculi. ' . - • The prvprtaltina that he has Introduced is eppable of dirsolving and holding in solution.lcairitleus. or (Men tions concretlon,ohich lethe aoUrre of liritaiion r ouil sery Wink extrusive intiamations of the 'urinary organs, the-elly allowing the same to escape. . - I . References can be had at his Office from persons living in all the Western counties of the , State of New York, Perinsylbou la, 3lielifgan,'&64 who had been Riven up to die by the most skillful Phybiefans.heatingof him and •avallng themSelve, of. his skill haie been restored to good licriltb.,. The great German Iteinedy fee Female Ob rtrtetions. Worms. Croup and Dysentery. time . Ilitrßilf be found at the Office. r. ' I). S. E . CRAIN. Ovine, Jan.:24151. ' ! • • 41y. The People's Priendl • T. T. POND'S, of Ithaca, IN. T. . , pA tND EST II nTS .17§D A. LISa EXTaicT.—An Extract from the shrub called Witch-ha:id, and purely from that with the exception of a little Alcohol to i,reserve it. - It will cure cil local paha and inlitimatiows, old sorer, - fresh wounds and brulsea, Pileti. and all diseases of the bowela of a chronic crtture, tooth.achey ear-ache and..an excellent rem , dy for females, ; • • . • it Is truly what it profesftes to be,'' Me People's Friend!. Providence has scattered along theVrugged paths of life many,things that contribute greatly to the comfort end happiness of every body ; hence their great value, and well may they he called' °cicada of the People' ; One word hero to guardagainat imposition.' A' Mart by ilia name ofSpencer, has manufactured • and offered for sale a spurious article called the 'Coryii Extract —that would he extract of the hazel-nut :— the genuine Is as white and as. pine es water. v 11111.4110 aputions article is colored,which enables the public to distinguish. .• • None cenulne.bui those marked Pond'aPainDeatroyer. 1111. K: !LUCK, Montrone, andatore.keepersabd ine dicine-dealere gcnentliy, Agents. , j Silver Ware, plated, arid German , A 557Pleces- , -,,,;r- cowls - daft of 'Table, Tea, Desert, Crehal/lrla Mixstard S perm s, Salt and Sum Sli ev els, Perks &a:, Elni;rared gratis, nt h I;;OANFIELD'S. . . -ivew Things l UST'received by the an battltratAoaar:Cerree,Torm eo .1 Salt. Broad Cloth. Sheeting, Bntting,.lVsiddingoin4 atiiroilibi a .1d as low is the tim ei wiyadotlt.' llontrenie Sept.l9 1330,1 Al. u.TYLER.. :FALL.- GOODS. ISAAC 1.-POSI &, a aplenalil lot of FAL GOODS.- 11 bur customers ran MO at the old .laud almostany 044. they desire at fairpricei. • IIIREELL'S r MID Lamps) with a variety of.Jimmititars, ilienp at • • : "J. LYONS &SON: • DPINTN,Ded Vets, Ithrts, and. a landionau,ssioitmeht CC of Drina Goods going cheap ay . J. LYONS SG 9,caht. self cocking and .ruF9l t t tols for salO,ot TBNNV 4tsll/ iltANTiariyr rash:lsi nn' arcOunf, ,000EbtaPIeu 6 r autiVoobashols ock!..a. .51;C. TYLER. _ Li. lOW OIL, the chcaPest - 14 for:cite b,' • • - Liross y eosol riANTZE CIIARANTt eamphar Peppcissiiire, gi t irt a rdAidriePaiseriT 4 itio;BLuck hl ie rind!lictislica, ficraorAlo l ). - - ,•-•= • ••••••• 0•1•044:4z4,11itid t;FttqFp, ne nc: "uppiy, j 7;:,,, tiX " • I:X:rftULLARIII: , I • - Chne of :liCiir - - , --.: ~ .., . - Q icski zte4soit-itiver ;, a...a; ZZa R 0:A D S.-1, "Lcive - Subturn ItDopokat • - Lyme New:Yorkkb ..: *ii.. o'clock, SO mtok . A, M. 7 &clack .1.0 ral a. .:, •Ai Ir. JO -" , -i 30 min. , : A 4.31. 3.,"' IS 6110. :' ~- 0 , ; N. *0 .. . 30 Min.- : -IN: II; S;L" ' '43bbin, ' i wki.. I.4IIIODALY Tniptl. ~ L ~.; :II tei ee ntifeh, , i DiTot.' - i' - Leave NeT4ork:' -' 9 0 Weak/4W 132111. ,:A - .41. l a o'clixk. , , - •.•- ' i . r - . 111. "0; 00 thu arrival of tlic,trie tralnegolniE4st, 1-,4,7 lOttatllk Tit A 'Ns. - : ;:,,._ Lea*e Pherson at , . - ' Lear, Areti ltark.,! .7 u'ckck A. M. Blarkat4l., 7 o'clock 30 inln. ... 4 *A". 31, 8 .%' "- 'Pat'n Dep. 0 , . 4 10 ,g,.: .;,,.• 7 ' .e , ' l '.. ilaiket-i t.. 3.' •.& 45." . •,* .. :. • - ..4.- !..I.L.;;IIALT :TRAINS., :.—. Leiire lialersari at : ~.. r . . lefirf New- York itt' 7 o'clock. A.M. .Market4t. I 'clock • i A, M. 43_ Pat•npepot.• 1 - P. 51: • • N.ll. Ou MoinfoymorningatbetirAt train frinaEnffern'a Rill learn 6L 7'25 nun; or Cia the - antral of the Pat Jervis TIM 730 A. 51: and 5 45 o'ciecit P. 51. iiajni: front ;tear Tork,will not atop at nny statl'on 'north of PaVerien;,. inept Reek Roadand linhokus. • : , r The t neve uhirb Ntw York at 73 , 6 A ; an4.4% P M wilt be iu time to meet tbutrie trains, morning and even tog. going \Vett, atSufferttil Depot. . August 22,1550, • • • 5500 -REWARDt mIER - jewelry Store oilTztt...W. Troo was imitate opt* a few evenings elneo at :precisely half; p tit tort 0' 4 % cleat by the - 4 .Zaftale4l.lsln , TRUES. - • tosE eryle but ; UWE'S .114::wie;fho 1. i. c ' ‘V ..,il'4 .-x ~ 4)-•, 4 't % .A..r , - ~ -' Arid found to contain a Bill'assortMent of ' , / - Cloeks; Gold' rind' Saver Vntiller, { Bilifti Voir, Gents and Ladles Plias and:tinge ot the latest iityiese Gold and Silver Pencils; Ladies and field 'chains,- Belt Slides, Gold Pens, Bracelets. Gold indiStiver Thim bles.Spettatteo; Eteet Beads 514: , .3 Moo, VC rit mer y—a good assortment.of Intdree= Roselle's Extract, Including Jenny I,lnd'a, 'Verbena, Heliotrope. Ambrosia; nose; -Patchonly, Muir. .Ber ds Caroline, Jpckey club „to. .-.. ~• soaps'and Pgrzcsdes of all kinds - "roothperste;lsledpb. Also, Burning Fluid, and a goodisiortmenfot Lamps, Yankee Notions.'Boys, and variousother articles too ne.• rneXonsio mention, Which will, heMil positirely cheaper .1 ban can hu.bought dweller°. . ' Repairing or alikinds done on reasonable tmns, nt,short notice, and wricruntel. r, y 4; W TRUE. Montrose, Sept. ;kith, 185 a. ' -•' . Notice to the Public, NM/ Seusinzubte Fall anti Winter Goode at the , • Great One Price Store of , • L. S. 1.1:7i1d M, great. bend. Pa. PEGS leave to take (big opportunity or 'tendtting big S L) elect r, chants to his fri s • ende and costa:acre, tor the gmeerm. patronage they hay , e extended to him; and ' t the t:111110 time inform thou that he has just returned repro New Terk with a very large and choice selection of kuney and Staple Vey Goode. Also a Irish and exten t. re assortment of Groceries, Provisions, IluotsandYhoee, Hats and Caps, Horde are, Crockery—Zee.. Drugs and which Will be Veld for cash and produce at a ery snail ads: nee, 'at prices which defy all competition. Flour,l'ork,Fish, Salt, whol.rmle and retalt,—be would oleo teruark that be a ili,res atrictly to the system of al. leapt n ming the lowest price at (Olt. thereby giving the same adNar.tagato nil who may favor him with their pat- Great Bend. Clothing Store. The largest, hest ma cheapest asso;trnent - of needy, )lad, umhing in the Tillage - of Great rand, Pa., Inroad Poe skirot,Cassimeres and tiestings of all qualities suitable for the Fall and AVlnter 'trade. which bearers at such prices as to satiety any one that this to thriftier for thMu to deal. in consequence of the great increaie of hi. bonnie be has beeu obliged . to greatly seilargella !lock, which he now offers to his friends end the public fur 'ex athination. confident that in ft/ doing they win dud wine thing to their udruotage. The subscriber has tnado ass tenements to trannfacture clothing in all It* various breaches, and is dew preen. ed to sell the same. warrant ed to be.r inraccCon. Custom work and cuttlag done at the lateet style and shootestnntleg,—all kinds of tail ors' trlinlllits^,^rfarnishel and for sale. It or not forgot the rpm Stare nearly opoo-ito the Mansion Louse. Great Bend, 5i.pt.,1&,0. L. S. L'ENLIEI)I. NOW- is your time to prepare • . . nE not deceived by this warmweathe—hare seats and give a look in at Washburn k ,Brotli.r's—theY bare Just returned term New .York with the lergest,'hest and most frisk enable stock of Fars ever brought to Mauler !ot: via : Muffs, Vieterines. and Cuffs of Chinchilla. In hella ilear. Lock 31artin, Luttred, Natural' mid.fitegc L F. ynx. eigion and French Coney Silver, Badger, hut , elan Eisler, and isgreat veriely of -Other kinds. Alto, Natural and Lit stred hods. Swan't.Liown, , every thing hithe Fur I.Snel‘ppertalning folndie's nem fort lu cold Weather. .Likewise Wolf and rtiffaln [lobes. Buffalo Overcoats, Gents Fnr Collars. Fur trimmed and . e k.Riti Moves and 11Iittens, Carle-! , '; ttobielbs,Ttnnlis, Carpet nag.. 4, Satchels; Valiecs. Ilat nrwhes. Jenny Lind Hats and Caps for You:hs. Jenny LimlCencert :Caps for Gents, and lit fact all kinds of Bats and Cape you can calMor. Also, a large supply of thnsenno 31.3411:W and Silk flats, at the reduced price they - have been cold for for the last two months. The above will be sold cheaper' than they ran.be bought at any other :tore in town, for cash or ready only. , • , • Cash paid fcir shipping Furs and Pheep Pelts..' IVASIIIIIIII.I do 11110T11F,11. • 'P. g:-.-11est qualltY of [frown and 111sek'Sille•Pfush Caps for only 81. 63—such ns always sold for S 2 155.--ottrraot tp Is the best au& cheapest In ,ttiwn and bound to sell lower than otheie. " • • W.:A 11. For. 7. " • • • Angt. Tunu. ;ig Dow receiving:Oars° and Arab's , sic ri.senetroent Of. G' )0 'Coomplising nearly everythirg wanted in this market.pahich bo sold extremely LOW rof eIASII or ready cam. assortment may be .lassed . In port al , renews : Drags, Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Graceries,Dry Goods, Hai,tl. ware, Stoae-toare,-Gleiss.leare, • ; Clocks, IVatehes, Jetaelri, _ . Stiper - Speons. Spec'- • jades, • ';" „ . Instruments. Trusses, ' : . - 'Medical Inetruments,,Liquors, Terfumery; Mirrors,, ,Statimary, Brushes, Shoes, Toys, Yankee PTationsi,fe. Thankfulfot the liberal pairoruMe and substantialen• court:gement hitherto received, I hope to Merit:and re ceivo a continuance of tits stmt. , • _'. ADEL Tit/BUELL. Montrose, Oct. 24', 1650. • AGENCY - OF • Or. FiTt IPS elcbrattd scd by hint with. such (1156)1%a:hat sccess in the (urea. Caughs, Consumptron, Ca v tarrh, - Astlitna t ileart Diseases, llyapeysta, Q ortorrhcra,Plles, Female Complaints, arc., etc. • ALSO,. ' ,• •-. Dr: S. S,Fltclea Abdo:nit al , aniniorters. shoulder Braces,inhalingTubes,nna ectur g vantloniumptloniandt Abu art of pnatarviallifeti Health to, ottlaga,&a. . BENTLEY & REP hacelmnrappOliatfed Agenis for Or sale of the above Goods,andzilliceop them ronstanpy ort hand at tlnAr gore; • " Perfumery, Fancy 'Sodp!li , e. Bandoline. Trtplo Extract, Moretstatar Oii, Oz 3larrow reanade, Dears' Oil, parry's Telpoplerosuy 'and other fathms for sink hole. 14Mitarf Eon,' Walnut. Oil da,Whltn Bats. Almond tin., Enoshcrus sip' superlorartieles for the.Tollet,.to bilr'found at lOOntrossi, October 2.8; 1850 LYONS & SON. • • .... - . - Ltitest,, , Arrivali ... 1 ., ' TI . licranrrth„Just reielved a stew antt strPo o : al` LI . sortmeut of Ladies Dress tOodi.,, Winter ,Lorl and Square Shawls and staple goods :adapted to the season' of the most desirable styles dud prises:l:7 :, 1 .. k , New 3111110, 9pt • PY, lgroo -• , '-' • 111:Tnn 1 7 - . „ , . , • • . - LEivoits; ' A Freobsoniiiiii?otLvlOonajoatieeelved and for ;ale ai 11. - the blevearueery vecona:bulbbg above tile 't Dezoo crat" office, and . oppeOto .1. E. I . llpaan's Cloi Wig taipo• viola. '.--., ', • • ' ;";.,, - .1.• N.:- BULLARD. . llontrose, Oct. 23, 160. ,i l' ;" 2 i"r ;". 1 _Flat Seed. A tt.coantity of rusx Sst:d wauted bi a ngel or ULLARD . G orCribb Y I. :4 ro act. , , • 'WALT:OSIO aria 'Window CititniniclTood e tn;npyantllal l ua,clot hv6 - „t.Y . 0;11. 4 . 1 a. EON. Btorips 1 Sale Tight - DENTLIIIto 01, , ItEAD . _ a1...-TLatataronf t. Yt eldpe - v 28 (/ttlllll.Bll add Nradketc) at. 1; i11 ~; snn. • Y. Qat - J.4)er 28. w 1,11,460 d BCCanllbAgJ de . ekid g 1491:i ayt? a s opft.n z ew :s o : t et% !..fOIkIC?ChCaP at . , TITISNTNII-,-Ylantieli .Vordir,l,3o, gui ic YY'y 4,, t i te r, lir 101 t, iteeBl4lo4 Old Pawtet atitinike; • "• ' ' 1.10_141111. ;The Ridest . ' cituvrrotior Ilicastpling,-Ennii3ls4nad ifincer Oever offered in liinghannon, Of VANB4 t. A. fri e d'urriy pfareActiollist , • , • 3-1,190 &SU •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers