The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 23, 1851, Image 3

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    Mrqris,lllcCurdy A.
Henry, Hup-3 .4ccouttt;:. , ;tfessysi:
ne laaldemaia, Hemphill,
.Stiutbers ' anti
'• „ 11 1.,,,t; on:Laughltn, Laury,,Leeoh. L est, ! B . Brown, ,S ou de r . G a b e,
le ' - .g oiray. 5I 'Kean, 'M'Kee, - . Mai- !Smifit. ..-. - ' ; „ ..._ ..
laimoiality.: .. Dressits...G•uthe;
~niiiifs' Imoir - is,. B : lowri of NVir,,foliting, Olwine; I 6 Vice a nd,
"`Parker,Patten Penniman. Reekbow, l i ef., ontlxvin, Title, FIY, - Evtitis of Indianif. IW
-1 . Rhoads, Riddle, Roberts, Lean 'and Shaeffer. 4 .
son g i : i. Shugert,.'" Shull,
,Simpson, irt: Militia System Messrs : bowtic4i .SW;
Skinner, Sender, Steward; Tluitnii,.Trone, !fer, Ress,.Lausblin,Rojtertion, Rhoads and
and Sricaker bi . ; _.ouse--4oted,.. iranry. -:.- - -. -. ..... " : -..'
. 1 tut Er
ate.,. , ':, • . .
.- , " r pec . tiqn,,Dis , . kqgsrs — !' :lVinlrryi•• of
M r , Carothers of the Sen
and Mews. Vt.yommg, - 13roomal, ; Dobbins i l Skinner,
Tr ham, p_iff e , Gosslo% Hort, Kunkel, Ikr. ThomaS,Blaire anti :Mehroe'....' . t - '
Clnkev,NisSley, O'Neill,-Roberts n, Slinet:
Batik ';- Ilessts. , trindli.,:Dig,lntin, Leif,
kr an d Walker, of the House : l, voted ftr-Feather,- Hart; Souder,','Debbitts:'-Bent; and lC. Loouts.
. .-- - - , ' jai•ltiOin -• ' .'' -' . ..:'..,. :-.,..',... .. , i
Messrs. Brooke. Knnigerinebcr, .31 a bittel
.Estates end*.oe4. - cats.-' Mcis'is. Packer
Lob. - ley,';sl'Slierry, Evan's of .Berlis, ,
a ctine of the Senate. and M rs . rs ,''B a ld.,
gin, Broomall, Cooper, Cowden. Hunse 1
eker, ell,;.Cassiaay and Monroe.. , ,
.: - --.. :
piinger and Slifer of the Eibuse-41 - vo.. Bridges and Turapike Roads.' Messrs.
ted for A. E. BnowN. , .
_. . 1
• : Brower,' M'Reynolds, Gibbs,Thom
Trote, om- - .
''' Scattering-31. -- • lao and:Rjesopkr: ~ - • - .
. .
Ncoesgary to a choice, 66. -,.• : , 'Corporations; . Messrs. Leek Killinger,
Mr. Brodhead was declared duly erected: Packer, , Shaeffer,Eftiplet,
The con
. c onventionadjourned.' _ - . . Fritz and. Linton.
:lAN, 15. .SENATE.-,--The' Speaker' l aidn Local ...4ppropriations: ' ~ 3.taiisili.. Trek
before the Senate the annual Report's of the filly, - Dungan; McKee,. Mowry'of Somerset
Phil a d e lphia, Germantown and Norristown Shell'ind M'Lean. ,
. .
: ,
Railroad Comnanv, and the Report , of the Lands. Messr s . Henry; 'M'Kcne, Shutl,
Pennsylvania Coal Company. Rhoads, - M'Clay, Freeman and Cooper.
The Senate then went into Executive ' Divorces.' .Messre, .:RobCits, -Herir,
session anti - confirmed the nomination of .Drovver,-I.luplet, Henipbill,' .Den a nd
J., , pollock,.,as President, Judge of the W,ssler. • - -
.•. ... .
VIII. judicial district.
The. following nominations by the
ernor were received.
- Jared B. Evans, to be• Associate 'Judge
of the Court of Common Pleas of jciferson
. to unty.
James B. Lawrence to be Judge of the
•emrt of Common Pleas of Clarion county:
Among the numerous petitions presented
:this morning, were the following;
For the establishment of a Free Banking
Law —for the incorporation of the Meehan
ic's Bank at Allentown—for the incorpora
tin of the Manch Chunk Bank, with a Cap
ital of $290.000.
Bilk introduced.—To extend the charter
of the Schuylkill Bank of Philadelphia—to
ineorporAd the Mechanic's Bank of Pitts
Resolutions.—Mr. Walker introduced a
resolution Which was adopted, requesting
the Secretary of the Commonwealth to tar
nish the 'Senate with a statement of the
number of judicial districts in the State,
the number of Judges, their nay, &a.
.31r. 'Koriigetaeher offered a resolution
which was laid on the table, relative to an
enlargement of the "transcribing rooms of
the Senate! 'Adjourned.
The Speaker .or the State Senate on
M on day, announced the Standing Commit
tee 4 as follows :
Finance.—Messrs. Brook, Packer, Son
igmacher, M.cCaslio, Meyrs, Crabb,
Ranks —ltems. Crabb, Shimer, Save-
Ty. Iris. Frailer, Walker. Robertson.
31ilitia —Messrs. M-Caslin, Stine, Shi
nier, Cunningham. Packer
Judiciary —Messrs. Walker, %hien
berg. Gnernsoy, Crabb, )101urtrie..
Internal irnprorements.—Messrs. Pack
er, Malone, Brooke, Ives, Forsyth, Carotb-
ers, Stine.
Roads and Bridees.—nrnsn. Icon
indier. 51abne, :Aluhlenbere, Fultou,
Alicoualq.—lklessrs. Emsyth, Ilaslitt.
lionizmacher. Jones. HAge.
Eitates and Eleheats.--Messrg. Guern
sey, Menurtrie. Huf:as, Sandesun,
Pensions and Gratuities. 'Messrs.
'Conningoon, S imrr, .Tmeq. 11-go, Carson.
Ditric:s.—.sl,l,!-rs. Carson,
'lre li berß. , )o, 11-igos, Haslitt. .
Retrenchment and Reform. —Messrs.
Myers, Junes, Fernon, Carson, Cunning . -
Edtwation.—Messrs. Buckaletc,
Ferinn, Sanderson, Hoge.
To Compare Dills.,—lessra. Frick,
-Jones, Sanderson, Carothers. Bally. •
lice and. Im morality --:)lessrs Carnth
ers, Sanderson. Carson, Fulton, MeCaslin.
Prieiltged —LMesq.s.,Laltrozoe,
Forsyth, Bronke,
ClOpOtati:M.S. Messrs. Savery,
Lmvrence, Frick, F. , rnrin.
AgTiculture an.l Domestic. ilfaoufac
tures Malone, Fulton,, Bailey.!
3levrs, Carothers.
Erecutire Norninaions —Messrs. Stine,
/loans, Walker, JlcMnrtrie, Guernsey.
Library.—Messrs. Lawrence, Stine, Sa
Public Buildings —Messes. Konigma 7 :
cher, Frailer., Frick.
House.—The Speaker presented a re
monstrance against the sale of certain prop
- erty belonging to the Trinity Church of,
, On no,tion, Friday next was fixed as the
(lay for opening the returns of the Auditor
and Surveyor General. , • i
Idroduced.—ltelative to Snarl
Catchers on Locomotives; to divorce Mi
doe! Larkin and his-wife; to more effect
ually prevent the sale of Spiritous Liquors,
and a number of others.
A. suppletaent to the net incorporating,
the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Company, eame.up and was referred to the
Judiciary Committee.
Resolutions.—Mr. Dobbins offered a re- ,
solution itikirneting the Senators, and re-1
questing the Representatives in Congress
to use their influence to secure a modifies
tip of the existing Tariff laws.
Mr. Penniman moved that the Com
mittee of Ways and Means inquire into .the
expediency of Funding Relief notes ; issued
I .Tetrtain banks nuclei: the ant of Dth 31aY,
1541. Adj.
,Iray s and 3.feans. - Messrs. Mak, Ihrt,
Brindle Bmer, Griffin. Silfer, Simpson,
ll owirflf \\ * yarning, and Benedict.
Jaikiary. M4sri. A. E. Brown. eas
sidaS,, Hilinger, Kunkle, Morris, O'neilli
Rimy and Roberts.
Pensions and Gratuities. Messrs.
Itgely. Stratberp. Demeres, M'Eardy,
mer, Hamilton, Hunseeker.
wine Messrs. Feather, Reid, 01-
Gibbs, Linton, Schofield and Patton
daricultu re. - Messrs. Haldeman', Niss
lay, Steriar.d, Yen Horne, Ely, "Blaine and
Edimation Messr& Griffin, Bighant
Olvrine, O'Neit Penniman, 4 .rastrong, and
Lomestic Manufactures, Messrs. Jack
ram, Roberts, Leech, 131 air, MaSberrY4
elms, Demers.
, ,_„, ..,
&w Counties. Messrs. Yegey, Bald
win,- Dunn, Bigelow, Evans;• Of Indian,
Laughlin and Fritz. ' . ~'-' I . '. :., '•
7b compare - Bills. Messrs. Simpson,
Condor,-Lilly; M'Kean and Riddle. .
liT Librai-y. Messrs. Dunn, Riddle, Ilanip
-1 ....
Inland Narig:atiun and Internal Ini.-
prorements." Messrs..' Pennictuni, Bowen,
Goodwin, Armstrong. Baldwin, Ross, Reid,
Walker, ill'Kean, Condo.; . Ree4liow, Kiln
lik and Dorian.
"Printing. Messrs. Benediet,l l lPair and
Shugart. ' . I ' 1
Public Buildings,. Messrl.l Shugart, I
Steward and Evans of Berks. i I
The I.l , hlocu t it.e Var.y eol
FICLI;OW CUIZENS : Certain members of
the State Central Committee having ;net
at the 'Merchant's hotel, in the city of
Philadelphia, no the evening of the 30th of
December, 1850,_and, by their resolve, at
tempted to change the place •and time for
holding the Judicial Convention, frOm the
Borough -of Harrisburg, on, the second
Wednesday 'of June next, to the' city of
Reading, on the Pith .day of June nett,
deem it my duty to cipreis toycra my con
viction, that; the meeting was_ informally
called together, and that its action is whol
ly void.
Or the motive for this open-departure
from established usage, disorganising in its,
I tendency, hazardous in its consequences,
and calculated to lead to imputations
against the prudence and forecast of those
participitiag in theitnrement, it is not my
place now t o speak; I prefer' rath r, that
those who were active in the call, should
satisfy you that they were gore ed, in
their course, by devotion to your interests,
and not by a meek subserviency to ambi
tious men.
I Whilst - the:regular meeting of the Com
o mittee on the 20th of IV:member last, came
:together in pursuance of a call molieit azs
to its object, the call for the irregular ,meet
ing of the 30th of December, concealed he
purpose.- If-zthe question of a' separate
convention and the time,and place of its
meeting be of any importance to the Dem
ocratic party; why was the object of the ir
regular Meeting withheld? What benefit
can possibly accrue by. merely 'changing
time and place, that is commensurate . with
the risk incurred in attempting to aZet that
change, is an inquiry of far niore Loper-.
• To concede to this irregnlar meeting the
power to annul the legitimate action of the
Central Committee, would be to. declare
that. seven of its. members in any Dirt of
the State, o;lming voluntarily together,
should bind the party by their determine
lions Ssch a doctrine would he subver
sive of the objects . for which the IC 4nrnit
tee was raised, and lead to confesiun and
Viewing, the proceeding : orthe,lrregnlar
I mer•ting nt the .30th of December, hi the
light I hare indicated, Tina holding' the'
regular mectin 7 of the 20th of November
to have definitively settled loth the time
and place of the meeting of the convention
to put in nomination candidates for the Su.
prune Court of the State, I hereby an
nounce that the delegates,eleeteil to that
convention will assemble in the Borough of
Harrisburg; on the second Wednesday of.
June nest. JOHN /ECKMAN,
Chairtuati of the Democratic Sfate
Central f lornmittee.
West Chester, P3, _
Jin. 1. 1851.
for the rliio7l.
A Washin ,, ton eorresTiondent of the NeW
fork Herald, after deck ing that..o
, strong Union sentiment pervades the peo
i-ple of this city'? (Washitigton) ,which is
- shared by all the Senators and members
there, proceeds thus::
!The Union ser,timent is moving the
members of the. Administration and Con
° in a remarkable manner, as will be
seen from the following schedule: .
• lion. Truman Smith is, married to IL la
dy from Alabama.
Hon: Mr. Gilmore, of Pennsylvania, is
married to a lady in Maine, niece of_2l,lr.
John Vaughan. .
Hon. Mr. Cabell; of Florida, is Married
to . the 'beautiful lqiis Wilcox, Of St. Louis,
Mo. • .;. :
. .
„General Waddy 'Thomson, (One., - of the
few., Union. men of - South , Caroiina.)" is
married to Miss Jones, of North Carolina,
Heaven grant that 411 South Carolina may
be wedded in inrlis§olublo botids the pa
triotic Skate of North ,Carolina.:
Hon: Linn Boyd, of was' married
last:session to a lady of Penn._
Hon. Mr: -Taylor of Ohio, is a bride
groom; and hence pinting for.the - Union:
Hon. Mr. Conrad, Secretary - of:War; is
about to be married to ,a lady, r. who ii.not
only fascinating, but every way worthy ; of
so stanuch and patriotic a Union fmanj as
hirnsalf; and Mr. Bay, of . Missouri,andut i
to be :married ladyin Georgetown: j
-God bless the ladies, one and:allL.'They
ere silently and unobtrusively doing more
for tbe.l.Joion than alLthe time, blebetithj r
ing, at the ftriside:of home, those patOotie,
Amerionesentimente *Met - *be disquisi-
Ltions of politics seem
`.• to litiver.out of the .
brains Of Men. ' 14.11 y they' bo,ptosiroos
rig heppy; end be the worthy rootlets of
,wo thy , 1 mon men,
,to walnut' havh,the
rearing .of the rising -gene'ration entrusted
tel their, Uniternsteare. _ dish., bands tibo
Übionis ea, e, tbern
NAN_ISIM 'lll . ‘ A Wonte:l.,—Na:learn
from the %don,. Ali: Commonwealth that
on the.tdilit of the" 24th a man by the
naine,of R. fibrin MIS abet and instantly
by Mrs. Sarah ;Ann Stillman; the
wife of John A. Stillman,' who ls ihy trade
paintei„ blerse was a earpe'nter, and
leaves a wife and four children. The Com
monwealth sars
..• . • .
• Stillman_
.resided in a small.'honso
near.the walls of• new Female Seminary
buildipg, now in, the! 'eourse of erection in
Marion. Morieltad l been at work on the
new bnilding.'• .:7Mr; Stillman was absent,
while his .wire and three small children WerO
left at henie' thentselves. The report ;of
the gurfaroused`the 'neighbors --Who upon
ripairingit4ppot, found the gun of 'Mr.
Stillman lyikjenthelloor, with one barrel
empty, a M.. - rulnkh a pane of glass, and
- Morse on the. outside dead; with' a woun d over his right - ye, his face blackened . with,
poWder,,and bratosliferally 'blown-out:
It is a tragical . ;affair. 'Mrs.• Stillman is
a small rind delicate female, and.ave are sure
that 'phomust•hafe believed her honor, and
perhapaller life, tn•Oreat peril, before she
could lidyc•beed iliduced totakeit gun even
intn her bands. 'So 'fearfully alarmed. was
' she; that she fled .tho
. -
night dress, after. firing. the gun, teartng the
children where they were foundand convey
ed to beret theneighbors house where she
had taken refuge.. r'-. -4 ":•••••• •• - •
. We learn from Priyake_soUree that trent
excitement prevailed - the 'next `day,-and
that public opinion fully justifictl . Mrs.
man. .
Counterfeiters Arrested
The Allentown' Register of the 9tb inst.,
says—On3lenday laSt, Daniel Ward and
Thomas Simpson. two dressed young
Imen, made their appearance in our Borough.
They visited a - number of our Stores and
!Eating !rouses. and { sueeegded in passing
sonic $3O or $4O of Coutalrfeit Notes' on
the Harrisburg Bank.. They-travelled in
a one horso sleigh, and left .luring the af
ternoon, and as they represented, for Hel
lertown, bat instead of going;to Hellertown
they took the river road to Itithlebem. • At
the • time it was found' ont • the notes
were counterfeit, the , tkappies had already
left town: Deputy Sheriff - flaintz, and an
assistant despatched lifter them. who over
took the at Bethlehem, where they had
also succeeded in passing a number' of
notes. • They were brought back and had
a bearing. before Judge RuheJ commit
ted them to liimso, for a heari4g at the next
Cued, which goes in session ;on the 3d of
February; next. •
DRIEERACEf, the celebrated tamer of wild
heaste; received at Zanesville a telegraphic
dispatth 'to come to Cinncinati and
bring With him his pa—the great Brazilian
tigei', One of the most ferocious Animals
ever tamed, Herr, acnrdingly took a doub
-14 berth on the steamer "Julia Dean. "
Putting down - the names on the Clerk,s
book." Herr Driesbach" first berth "Col.
Alexander," (the name Herr gives the old
tiger).eeeencl berth. Herr remarked that
the Co). Was . a queer old fellow, eecustemed s ..
to "sleeping out" and had a peculiar fancy' - Montrose, Jae.::. /0,,,,.
he would sleep en nothing but straw ! The
chambermaid took away the bed and re
pleeedi it with a full supply of that article.
Business and preparation to start, went on.
Just before the last bell, Herr and the timer
made their appearance in the cabin opposite
the state room door. The Clerk hearing
an unusual stir in the cabin,
.opend his ,
otE e e door, anti looking down into the cab- 1 • I Save' Your Taxes. ,
l in. spied the glaring eyes and savage body I rpm ran is iiell ceiablinhell, that {Me Itemely.pap Sr , .
'of his Royal Majesty He recognized Herr ; I tem is better tar the Pruille.s4st es well as the Set
i ler. es atty. article can be afforded; at, a ranch smaller
IDriesback but he did not relish the appear- profit furl pay dovro, than on a croket.l .-- ' •
anee of Col.Alezender! Still he did not feel' - I. P()ST & Pril's I •
like ordering the party ashore), He felt a I Are selling theirlarite stocl{4TY fieVils, Groscrici s etc.
VaISIBLYon tho principle tif•lpireand.Take tor no
repngnanee to that undetialtinrs., •and con-' try . And, tio•reiare, assert at confolonee, that they
eluded to allow things to take their wrmted I -I Can and and Will
course Herr Unl9eked his State--room . - 1
l clie4or than their neigishors, oho sell on credit.
. I
door aid His • Majesty. was on his straw bed. I I ill:Z i t o:1j; i tZt"o i e n ribirv e sz e r s u er ;il l :y b s b s ° r!` ticte " . bs
, After a little time spent in arranging thei 11.3 to thaee whoosh to
pay rs: whss they get ice day
state room, Herr satisfied the Clerk and; A n d o,l6.:°,lt a to t -
t your ,Ilisfsnrestts.
1 ,
4...0pl a - ,ca „..a t h e _ s ororecent y i 1454 by 5 ins
ethers that his ewe-as entirely under Ids ; tc•
1 WANTED.AIrrIn. innr. /Samaras, Beans. 8.-eics,
Command intimated toi-tbe bar keeper Ambit:lElNi Apples; occ., in elchauge sor gositl or casts.
a bottle of brandy which berelisbed by His t, ' , • - . piJET & PITTS.
Royal Highness, (or himself) which weal - - -`-!.-L tllll -!'- 3 " . 15 ' 1 ' 'sl.
— l .-- 4 . - 3 4'''
`brought into the stateroom by the tretah- I SLEIGH SHOE S . "
'lin s waiter, who Inid forgotten to bring ! A._ FEST sets for sale at 3' ctc. psrltrl. cmat. - '
with the /iquer the requisite accompaniment I
:al 19ST PITTS.
$3 11011(4111,1
'pure water. As a punishment. Herr told 1 QTRAYED from the Mlbseriter MT 131' elsont the ""d of
,the tiger'to take the carnet, .which hich he
and stepping quickly , oat, locked the as-- AhOrt,°heornes,'O n:tATslige f rVan tn iV l A l i:r n . I t
vtet I
did, i tif r 7. ec i .tt °;g 7 t7 eh': "aid . C.W hal. a s'lltto spot upon
i tonisited boatman in, while he went for wa . V e l p ' r ,, -- MtifinLg e '',l i' Q u l t ' t 7,l l 7,,r,„;l t e . rreh'imv3
[ter. 'The man was so frightened that he s . ------ . ' • i
.. J4E3 antv.
[spoke not,' neither did he move till Herr —l9l / 1 3Dcr " 12 - 2 :-L l ''' s4 ' ' I 3.3 w
. ,
returned and stated to him that . heliport.
have no fears;as the tiger weak] ke e p bi ts.
Ditee until us ordered'him to rise. When
l night came, Dr C OCA
iesba h I I NI his state
, room`bid His - majesty good night and went
to bid in the upper berth, and the ' happy
Couple' had 'a good - and peaceful night's
,rest. On arriving at our whail, Cul. Alex
ander showed his approbatien.of the boat
by giving tivo or three growls, interpreted
as apprepatory . by Herr,.,-arid the. party
ISonght'a hack,- which whetifn tid happen-.
dcl to_be driven by I tt son bf he Emerald
;isle. At first sight the drive utterly re
Instil to 'take the "baste' but was perfect
liwilling that Driesbach shou d be accent
inedated. His fears were, nil yed howey
e,r, by the tiger jumping hi 'de, and he
drove to the Dennisstm Hons . but' Den
nis.son resolutely 'yefused :t allow. His'
.Ma roams- to take 'MB at his betel,-
end Driesbach was-obliged - to .take rooms
fOr his friend at Wond's Museum, while he
returned,to- Dennisson's, the nearest-and
best place.he could find. ! :- We....presuitte
that such an-instance of travel has never
before been recorded ,--•• eineaHtinati Corn,
,Jotili'VViss, the nelebratea Lei ' ut, has sp.
plied to COngrees for A donation f 820,000 to
enable him to snake experiments i Rallobning,
claiming to have.brought. the eel nee to audh,
-pdrfection as to render it vastly u ful hot on.
ly . inAlurtranitpoiletion et:Mails, ?ut as an en
gine me o destruetiolan tiene of, IV J.: ..11e,kro.
poses a onstrtiet a balloon tam to Oinking
tweet r tons, mid - raise iloirer tild pßotabove
gttn_a o f and Aisoliaige•itnitative to'iisilra," to
4'6* ita rapacity Itt ;06 destetteti of an 010. ,
info fcirt,Or anny, - •• -; ••• -, ,
.' __ • ,
,Tha peaaorial watt roft - Tred to: t4e - Cothmit.l
'-lie orl'ldval Afbirs. I i
r- I
..Dr. Cox's chinli in prooldyn, N. Y.contain9
9061 members - . The church .Of Aev. 11 NAT
Beecher, coutaiu.s 600,, raulihis congregation
usually 2000 persiins, and :'someiitnes some'
hundreds niore. • - • -• •
ittail.yMader Ciothhig.. Chap.,2.
"And ireitme 6 1 .0w:when! IlmAir 'Sail, that
goods pleased the 31iintreseites; he, deter:
!mined to. tring - morO -- 'goodlitipparel to that
Place. So lie.sent forth word through all tht
country round about; And ell the people ga ;
itg . ered together to ;sea the wonderful things he
done.- kiahe healed thein all'of the . brui-
Ises and rents that their tattered garments had
received, by placinm. upon them" new .clothes
and receivinexpay therefor. t, 1
• _
And th"multitudel marvelled at his good
pees, end thd cheapness of his good's. Then,
said Ulman, hereafter lily . of ine - clothes tried
on and fitted to you, that • your t sppearanee
the World ma,r be
021 LE. Then - they all
answdred with a loud voice, ;GLORY TO 1.11,-
MAN, it is rind ever shall be even as he s.'sith
unto us..
A CARil—Eld. Dinacek and lady, take this
method tci present their Imartfelt .gratifudo to
all ivho contributed at their Donation. And
they•feel in duty bound to pray that the riches
of }leavens spiritual blessings may be 'bestow=
ed upon all who so nobly communicated their
temporal gifts.- Andthe Elder- hopes that he
shall ask the hlessinis Of God to teat on those
very young friends, when, ha shall "lean ripen
the top 4 - the beautiful Staß . they.presented to
At .Pleasant Mount, on the :9th inst., by
Rev. E. 0. Ward of Duncisp; Mr. JAMES R.
YouNG of artonfield to •3itsa ALVLRA ROUND,
of Clifrord. •
Also; by the same at tho sarnc; time and
place Mr. OLNEY Romm Of •Clitford to liras
E3IELINE 3. Youo_of Grecndeld.
Also,-by the same nt Douche on the In i t h
inst., Mr. ISAAC V.t_xiNowtsic4 of Hawley wid
Miss, Saa,►x ANN, \Vm of Citerry Ridge.
' In Franklin on the 16th init., by Josepli L
Merriman, Esq., Mr. J. MAc4of- Dimock'and
Nrwi OrarbmaGoi.mangCm.
„ •
Stsiiwap tend , deneral !Imago Hour e,i
• Great Bond Pa.
8111 . ,C, v.
...ERI, lan
?1 1 HE Proprietor h avirg neift ly ..tlft' 1,1 f ,
ated within a few yards of the, Depot, in a style un
surpassed, is now prepared to receive and entertain his
friends. Guests will be conveyed to and from the Can
free of charge; and every attentionigiren fhr their com
fort and convenience. The established surges new start
(torn his housif, which leave upon the arrival of the dif
ferent trains. =•••Attaeltad is ad excellent LIVERY
STARVE by Mr. Truesdell, where horses end Carriages
can be bad at all Om re, on reasonable tetras. • •
en C. saliTH.-
Great Bend, lin. 20, issi. 413 in.
VOTICF: 4 herebyli yen that lettota of Adoalnlttration
bare bean . o the uuderalmett, In the estate
of George K. Taylor deceased, into of Rush Towstahlp:--.
All persona Indebted to Paid estate will please Rattle tho
same withoutdelayi and those baring aetrasoda agaiasi
sold Ciliate ore requested to pinata the same,' dtaly at
tested, for settlement. I. I). EIIIPION.
flush, Jot 21, 1811. • ' 4•6Tv -
ON SundaY, morning lark between Hatch's
, Hotel and IL Oen:ita' difelling house; in
Montrose, a Bufralo.Robe. Ant one finding the.
said Robe will be liberally rew_cii'ded. by leaving
the Pattie at this office. - CHAS. CONE:
:Montrose, Jn0...12. 1851. • 4,1 w.
$5 litlEWAllin t .
HE abore reward will 'be paid for the detec
tion of the thief who took n boodle front niy
While standing iu front Of "Litch's Hotel.
on Monday the 25tti inst. 'The bindle contained
a black 'easimere. Vest pattern putt Trimmings
and 5 yards Cotton Cloth. SLAS 11,11,SEY;
Moucro.e, Jan. 20, 1651.. j 4-Iw.
taltfahle MA nu, 4 reara Md !net simrob,
- wSil broke and perf•etly kind. Fria,BB,
mentrese;? E Sic
First- anL ast a
'd ,
ALL ihp~o indebteclo the subrcraler thtrhy note or
.hook account ore! requested to ea! and rettle the
same by the fret of Fehruory _next. Those negieetllm
MIS uutidelual expect tb End their necouhts fn the herd
ofsket °Meer for collertion. ' ' C. M. SIMMONS.;
Montrose. Jan. 1.59 ' • Mtint •
116110 CE. Torii Island, and 2 :34n}use sal ,{bottom ltifotwitbitantling) rpr sale lzv oat
- Lynxs 6 g)
Live and - let LiVe
- - Ihe ktoraJ, .
Arood attpply of chalet Tail; Coffee', Sugar, llfolaiines.
Splee. Ponta, Stavelt , ffaleratns, Fortpi Taut*,
Ciirars. Pepper-rattee,-51usterd, Rite, Cratkrra t Drugs,
Airdreves Palo - Killer; pond's Extract, Lan* t OR, Boots.
Shoes, •-at.l.laps, Carpakatze, Fatchels, C lneke. School
Rrioks; Stationery, Powdet t Shot,tFlllow Fr re. rnea s urea,
*Tutu., and a zencral werortuient or WillorVarit Pat,
Brooms; Brushes. ''Reaketa.Contectionery. Yankee
tieing an indirpensablel a/title -with: .trai t ltandkercbier
pina:pintrer Ulnas, Watehem, Gold Perta.', ann Pencils,
train fact every 'description 'of" rater 43,t,ptip, tpiubily
kept in anyplace. for M!' by D:Taasslie MCC •
- Greet Bend, Jan. 15.16.51. .
epzitxt audits .1 tjst rc , :ccifecl n Ȣ -tok rale by
•-•• • •-• Lvotts-dc 4;ttsrenurc
illthgutrreillype 800
f" lkne
( e s Mail , } corner of urnp4e and
--- - -
Chestnut streets.) - '
. .
'Ertl AroiO just retort - 10 from tho ;city nyitb a se- 1
ai - Itotes, eases,chemicals, trek.; the under. I
signed feels assured JIM -hir..2 ere. eatiscaelott to ail
atho Matt a Mired Milton." Mrtongitlyinele sarießies
of easing tooy be found Jenny Lind, Papiel Macho, and
Feney book %sea. " nesse - can and exsolne specimSn
pictures, among hia",ensynn pori-e-notype taken
from UDareaeletitated Pocuorreotype damn ! Lind:
Yong* ArLIVIM4I/g ; gr 4 ••"'
inntrose,, Zan. 2.5", /841.. „ . .".
ki A Li? S•KlNS: l iust :received a ityriicie - tot—:
k) also, amittiee Bigt,paltriipot - Zet.
ibei, - Coarse iiii4 Anb;boote;Ae - -••- •
ANEW tot or Ladies Ribbon?. !Buskins Ac
Guiters—also gentleineulf Pain:lh Plush
cars, &&ljAlleettiveilbu • 1.
13 - • '
• = •• ; -I,littzke,XEAP.
~~ ~ ~r's ~~~~ o
rourrs Genninivrepen;Cherineet,'ltrittive Soap, for
er v aiinia'ar. yarnisb, rem°, 3taeLlne Oil,
niid spas ofall kltrs'froin filik; - sotto, vatted, pr oft a,f
cloths, arrlitTpolati goods of, - every ttlescrrintlan, without t,
the leant injury fot he color b^ get tu t cribs m o th.
Also, for waaWngt, Milts, Satins. Gibbons, and cativ4
goods of every deveription, it is exeellet by none. roe;
cleaning troublett isthµbest artielst extant. .-- -
, n'tia ' G.TGLLI•Vr. Mont - mop: 1 - 1
' Verstaww - A - ..rvirrell. Lyons dc sondantl ri:liniteni„.
- Montrose; if un=ritttliew Siiiford•, D
Great Bvtiel; Georgit LiarforG,,Pa.
. ,
Tlin sahscribers take' this oppertnnity of tea.
deriiig their eiiit re thankit tothilr Cuitomers
Tenerally. not onl`ii for thit r.rf liheittrpetrounte
'bestowed upon them durini; the past six yeuri; hat
also Or' the. promptness of th'eir .paytrienta—and
beg.liatte to say they. have codtatauced the yeet-'
with a determioation to heep a general and futi
aortment of. good. GOODS, which will he tehl as
as favorable terresToi Gush, Produce - or eppreved
credit, as can he bought iu
. any other 'estaddieli..
went this side of the city.
. 4‘tontrose k Jan.
lto. - or 'fir., rate Tallow fur
' X sate BENTLEY. & REA p.
Geficcil Can. -No. 3.
A LE, persons havinz unsettled eccounts iyith
thesubeeriberfor Novepapers,Mvertixitqf or,
Jolv-work. ore. earnestly r l tinestedlo call (or ot,.:roi
if,'lntre-convenietit) and settle tlifsittne during
the otteutug Tenn Ad' court. Lean Le found it
that tine at We eotoiniisioner's Of
New: Firmi.f• •
+THE subscriber! reapktfoygiee ',Mier , that
they have entered int.; coparkaership ender the
mune of :4' 4547/I.:R, Uttpley, the eld rktaatl
of: E. W. Hawley.. where they will carry "cat the
Blacksniithing. in till itevarintts branches.
• . • , A. E. IIAWLEY.
'Montrose, Inn:lsi, i 851,.. . .
- - Notice,
. .
aS herehrgiveu that ull thoseiptleiged'tO the un
derfiilned, bk - noteor ttpeottute,l3 re reeitit•ekd to
cal I uuti settle thei outue..withouf farther Aintiee.
Administrator's Notice. •
T ETTERS of Administration of the; estate of
jl btmsuel Uouelase..lateuf Frauklits
deceased, having been punted to the undersiguetl,l
ive hereby give untie° n all who are interested,thut
we have put the notes and oceminninf the de.
ceased .into the band 0fJ05..1,. Merrithun. Bey ,for
collection' and settlement.. , Alt having demands I
against the estate will please present them, to him I;
duly atttisted. The custom leather is left.with
him for division: and alsoltiproi assortment off
leather for,fttle at the loweirprieei.
" Praitklip # Sin. 6th, ISSI, fle6w.
'Executor's . Notice. •
ALL p . rrsonsintlehted the estate of Patrick .
ll Carrol.deceased, Isle of "Rash -township, are
requested ;to make immediate payment, cud 'all
pampa having demands against said estate wits
present intim to the subscriber for settlement.
,7A3183 11:DOVALD • Xt'r. •
* Jan. Bth, 1851 6-vi.
reelirkirin and dew GoadS t .
rpHE itibocribens, thaiing eniervi into capita
./ nebiliip) beg leave to announc' to theiririeuds
and acquaintances, that ihertitay he fenud at , the
store, formerly occupied by T. S H.lluyden, in
New 41/Ilford; where they hat. bait! just received,
and will be constantly renewing, a good aisort-
Men rof
Fancy 4.... Staple Dry. Goods,, Groceries,
Procietons, Hardware, -Crockery, Tin,
Stove .S. Sheet Iran- Ware.'llledieines,
Paints, Oils,..Dye
,gtaffs, !ails ; Glass,
Store Pipe, gine,4-c.,.3.c.,' - .
. . . I
which we will sell at the very lowest passible firiee.!
- We ore new receiving a ipixl.assartmeut of i
.Readyinadc Clothing, 41 all hinds, ; -1
which ,
t Boot*, Shoes, Hata, and Coil, all of_ hwe I
will sell very low. . - .': --.- --.. _. 1
N. B. Flour (by the sack or barrel) and Salt,
on hand.' . •
Please cull'and examine our assortment. as we,.
shall 'be happy to shove ; our goods at utty time.l
whether you intend purchasing or not. ' By strict I
attention to business, and, making the best endels:e. I
orate please, we liopo to, merit, mid receive a 1i1i..! __
eril,share of public patronage:- .. r , .;.. - . 1 iimericanlirt,Union, ,
TRACY HAYDEN. .:. • Cit y
~ . ,i..,,, .. ... .. • -
. . ' i ISAAC a LITTLE 1 O f t h e ii,il Da zioDiv York. .
New Milford, JannOrylst, 1852. - The roilesinzaresinue.ofthe educipalinducemente to
-, . •
. subscribers 4.. r. the present: year : . -.,
Vrilnted IMmedlately ! • . • 1: In the trial , t`place. a charm of drawing a Prise from A i
i COUNAIVII ofseveral hundred ictures many of th;tu or
A" quantity of allkifidit of produce. including . 1,1 . ..i„,,„ . ,,- n i. by well known picture
'' - eis Cote, Durand,
f' Crain, Pork, Putateis, Muter, Lnrd, Tallow, 1 Leutze, Iluattniton,• Hinckley, sen , lltliere,' awl all of
I Hides and Skins. Hemlock bark and I'Vond, &c.i it:"'M " 1re t 1 " .1.444 .ref0 •martlfo 4111 IC writ- - Thi , ' 6 "'l -
Wo - will - p 'y two-chillin g / for' * good socks - . 80 Li t l e l l ," l ,„ 3 ,l!'"Y "`-'ll false fey tficusan4-"13"'
,be stllleurtheeextended ter proportlon to the
fetch' them alonwsaP fast as possible . • '
,' , ' n um b" e f sulmerjrti ens y et i.e'b e received.
. - ficcOntny, each subseriber *ilk receives fr Line Flurra r.•
• . AUCTION SALE' - • : ~,,,,,. tbe eost of which,if mcceuted far a orivateoublisher
1 4, tro e u p lla ti t . 17stbz.:ld
. a: i f p ou , r4ir i, s t t o h i r e p u ri e cn nt i th il e
, st;tt.
rrHE subscriber having other b . :mines. to attend
_lt. teo,after the Ist of FebrOnry, _ wieh'es to state 1 g,i,::: by lnai incheorreat itri Lesscelebe;tedlture
that iewill be difficult for him to attend to•thresh. lot Auer Perm, $
lender end Shallow. a seen. from the
Mg any More; he therefore takes this method to 1317t1:1„rir:-.,°,rW,In4,5",T,ABLI:a"„in,,,,,rfiltii,nieencg,r,11,,„g''s
draw his lbreshinw to a close and giro others a • 1•:.,,,T,1g`t „at,;,;,...1`1;:;.13:.7.-a-orri;inad,;,;:„.i.::-i7,-„;;;;:
chance to rig thetnselves in time-:for the coining; Plains, by Durand: The Irengeltresker. by, Louise t'The
season: lie will, therefore, sell at mu:time, at ItislaW tlelsde,. by Edmonds, , and . tic Curd Player, by .
residence. in Dhunck, on 'Thursday Februery '6lll '
• • . ,!. • . ~, - The annual distrmation wilt take place in the City . of 1
the following property: _
Two self cleaners and horse p nwetA, o f th e inc li t . seder, wink, receiving a full return for hie metier; rem
approved:styles, 2 two horse wagons, 3 set, of two i n i ll l ' rt a . /. : z ,7 i t i Te °°lla rl ii ti , n F iu l tt / P . e , n a c Z. u h r n n f,, em ex eu l 1
horse. harness. 1 tire horse sleigh, a lot 'of has, { tihns te that end a ', e u . Pl ertid will be, tali 5 i Ouly by Cue',
"(the aborts - articles'nearly tufw,) I cutter, 1 light i ine.ais wilicbtbe nubile may place., • lippopli."- The , l
•wagon, 2 span .01 6 years old horses, 1 span it i1t0 ,, 0:e...1ry sezetary for We place, atti.horisNt . tf, rinive l
years old , team horset, , all , rekliMvs '` 11 f ew cattle 11-3 ,i enberv " '. . ' ,' '' , ' . - rl ' J ' ; " 44 '-'" 1
6 ti 4 - , ~ I .•lontmtc, Am .13,1639.,
, i , ,
~.. !,
.., , ~ .
and colts. ... , ' ' - i - - - .
. Terms --The cleanefr and horse pUtrets, whit i it. ,• . . Jit rim litilltratior'S Aolleco, s;
terest and approved security, one half iu 3 Months vOTICE ii hereby givewihnt lots're or Adnilltio- i
and the other hah' in 12 Months.. '1 1 of the 1 .1 - t.ration of the esters of .Iphil AlqlCerhy,late' of 1
propesly 5 mouths credit pad unproved security. ;Dintock . iownsitip..rieestied. have been granted
and intere`st. - -;
- SYLYA.NU.i. TYLER. - ltd the. uliilersizhed 1 - gad all periiiias buying plahlt..l
Dininek, Jan. 1. ' 5 l• : • 1"r-lw 1 nirahett said estate, are hereby notilied'itt pi•i;sept 1
7 11 IST of Lettsre - reritalidin: in•the Post (Ince I !born rflrletilentehi. teiihii,it rielAy,; • and' iktr•
IL i at mantrase Susquehanna ' c ii j i 'l sons - Who sir ihrlehted to itaid - i!itate..aeliquenter4
, -0., a., au. , - , .
1851. to Matte innne-dente peg:meat- r. -..• ,-...•: , r.: ',,
Anthony; James S •'-'.- . Allen,'lValter -..--
: i '.- " ...‘. J ‘.. ISP " . Alcii rj.. 4 117,. Alrrili ; - .. -
Beebe/111in' Esther - Blake, 'lliomaa -1 l l 6‘ . _. ) 7 116 . , ' l ?' .e- 17, .151). " : " 5 1' 6 ,,
Broten,,Elijah - • Bard & Welt:- e! 1 Ailiiiiru strut6lT --; Asollte, , .
. -
Barnes. 'Miss Silialk
.. . BIoOM, W. 4 t6ir ' ! I%T MICE is hereby
- given that.letters of Ad;
Beebe, Owen A•.;- . Brand° 3 ;t , i .1.1 willistratiookortlfe e s tate, of William. Mason,
Bisseff,-sam i ll ts ' -11y1shr, Retr .D l c -. .- .. -of Clialird teivaeltip...&ctuuted, hove besot
Baldttiu, Rev 11" -: .- . Bald Win Jatikton '• . - gr a nf i ld t o illa'nildersiglied„ :sad all tierious heteittl
F: Bp ec n w e ::s ch r, ! t a i n t ! s i o i n ot
Ltr._ B ße a e a r z i n t „ i t .) ). liver
_...: H
.. cluhiii . ninhist said estate', are he' rehy iintited to,
l prerent t twin toritettleineul .ivilhoitt,:ifehly, to L.' vii;
John B - 'lhnik*.' ll. •S- 4- "' -' I Puche. G'irboudnle ; liar! 411 f tie"rocias indebted to
ICrund, TK. • Om - W m •-' ••-' - t and estate are requested to Atoka ihnuadiate pay
' Chise. Mies Jtilia-2 - Coliern, 11 N • _, • ' Hunt.,
~ ,_ . , -
... ;,-. , 1 . .
Cole, A U. , ''
' ' 1 . . - - _ WILLIAM..3EASTIg,Ji.. )
. _ -
Dewitt, Isaac Darling, Paul f . I ''
.' 1
LEO.'IS ?DODD, . i 'Avh net '
- Deptie. Elizabeth - : Deans, &mutat • Clifford, Dec. 26, 1851). . . ,i„ . 5-* w
Englibh; Thotnait - EilYntrai; Sailutel
Elliot, Mr 'dud 'agent .: . . - .
Flynn, Mary - - . . : : :Ferting.. - 3lra'A
Grilling, JL ' - , -',' 'Grover, Pcii ,
Grocer, Wed ', - ,' ' ... ifelatt, Collltdi ' • :
.Jelterio,n, ?tido' . . James, t., 0.. ~
Laraway,Dyrot, C . . Lewis, Ezra .S ,...
More, Luther F -, , . Mitchell, Garweirel '
Moore, Samuel;-3 i --, ,
_, * lltlarvitt, Samuel A'
31iller, Hiram •- • : . 311 0 111 Y, slichtel
Miller, Charles II hlclinebq, John.;
Murphy James • •
Netvcamh, Muivirt A •-• Neltain, Aureliti .
O'Donnell, Petrick Otawrtitup; Witty
°hinted. S - II
Patch:James . •, .
Quick, D .
Ryan, Margaret. - . , . Raymund, John 0 -
Swick; I.lenjoinit-t i ' • Ninitli;Joor ph
Siadtletd, Alfred ' '", ''S'llar,-.11 W':
Steu l 4lo , Phittinder ',
Nwoßs,! Wm - ._ --
s s littit,,,:.L Er - -.- ' thlkmtrri, win M .
'Srnith,: James - ' : , ,
.I`yler; Moses '
VenVorm Amen . • : . rennarin4 Geo* t _
Werner, Jet* -• . , .., woad; entsige ~
WiptinneannetbillS''' 'W66434110"'
:Young; Henry ' : ' .'- -- - 'vi- 1 - ,'
- BEN:) CASE . NO Mas4lr•-''
Petk, ttestior
rartractiv . satt; - -
nahrgrilier,Lerlll:nettor 'okenttur the private
rat t'oillei.lllo44o..rrtints, Mutes end Leta -lona-
I ted 111 Evrtquelanna county,. ' Atj wbOrlekto tea
rtl r 1 property tor- tile cater, walnuts - desorptio n of
All/o.opm br - Lotr. Nafolltdt4l--- 3411047. or !Am how
rainy leprored;OrOX he* leaf tied ; /3011dInge; Orehirrti,
trolled a !toininorr triull-; other frithrtretv i end ' kW/
tress; holt far 4 - orn I.lon trove, Ind the -nesrett point to
- s - depot on' the -. AO' Tent '& !He - Railroad- pet" to
'tenor orOnythent. Aldill/11.1 . 11ehte onitidebtseitenl
fatale, oficrecolve prompt attenton ,by ceiling. 012 or
addrirdng then t . 2 ll nttrooe;l l drnitehstts entry, Px.
' ,l r-reogrrY. l o 9 l ll, f=l sl9 ll ll 9 l9 -111!he tiv!ill444 ere! et
041E4 - tn'tirinphri' i*eti 4 4646 iiest* Beet
,r; - 2 ** --
!rho followirm, Eaton, d Lobnre now offered for..rue . :
40 itietin9lii/Oroirell;)rrerne Howe turd' Urn.
Nu -2,419 !do: do • ;
No. 3. TOO' do 4,9 - do • do .• .
• 'No: 4,190',16 1,4 • :
.14 , /11." A rtret. lroe,O.Ont rgiLi
; No:8045 neva :!•_hriprorod, framed Irooro,nu.l born
'No. it: t',2,f 'do '• do •L" ;-- do :
, • No, 19, :1 .7, -do fi
.1 A ct - • ro.'l
N^. ll . - •. 1 •
IdirStlord,trkto•edlittir turd bah.
3,14. 23.1,,1,t0 ;'; -
• N0•.•1t.r4 • ,Th r , !l "..= 'Ay
No, 11'.. 19 . ; do .1 1 'do do iin
12 189 acre., f,G Lti3proved, train.. house end b...r
•.Nn. 1.1'..11*,„ do 75 ,t OP: do -do 40
N 0.14.112 ' do dd- • 'do ).
, do, 1.7,11 do.: , do. :
Yn.20.14% 1•'O,"; do . do do.
Ih4; -46'123 drie " "do
Nn122.1 , 11. 1, : 'AO. -45 .1 kip • ,do : , do ,
No. do..
N 0.•.41 'do :1(1, „do '' • .
....No. 24. :11 - 2 -do 22n; '' du . • do
, N 0.25, 1?!. -dv .1110: „ dn. rlo
IV.. 2C, 178 'ld d 0 ..-• • ' ;di! • - dri .
. NO:117,- 419 • do; ~,45;•( (1,),..; • • , • ; do
25, 11 drrpg_gt‘• ft row teal nod ,
N :29, 134 arrer, - 00 • improved; frinie ttboxr aredbritr
N0.,a),175 ,do .1(1) -•
No. A 1.135 • !i • .
4 `..141`. 'do - -11.5 • ...Jo
I - " No . ?3:14.) tt, to; t•• *I
No, 34. 140 do 1'.321 ..*
No. Ai: 141 t
I No.:10. 3 310-1 170 1 .
37. 101 do -14.9,7
. qurclie.r.apinf:the
irathbet • .
Ware Lyoug - 4; • Cliflndler's•
Long "
A ee
•• • •
nptml iistOrtment or ,;• •
evoking, - Parlor. Shop.and coal - Stores;
Store pipe, Eibbies.Zine,Sltet Iron,
• Copper: - .lstradklitire,' liar Iron,
- itods, i ,rbund sgjirtre -• .'
Cast:Steel' all _ sizes.; . .,
pound;cry. square,
- Iron •
- Side Rill - - .
creep, Siearcl.
Excelsior, deneske
IVorsterPlOw.s.:Straw _ •
tors. Cora' Shellers,Sdie - Arbors, ,
itifachines ; Mill ,eicinks,'
- Shingl
; -Sleigh Sl'aci,:f.ack,'Sei.ettl, 4.c. 4-c.
Aft kinds ore; utting'. made to order-7.
Alen; Tin; Capper and Stoat trots Ware ori, hand,
or made to ortivr. • WILSON; & CO.
Ntoorrose. Nor. 5,1850, • ' , • j
• •" "
1 E W 'GO 0 11;S.
tAse' - ithd'Laifribor
A BKnost rertdribn a !aria add apiendid eseartment of
:1 .0 add , i, nidob ,y in be sold tbeap ter a:ob.. ,
Snerilbge, Sbittlag,2lclittin. - Batting,, Wad.dla*, Pril
linEs.• Oman and „Wooten Nam,. Uarnat and ' ,. .Raittiog
Tarn, lireadelatbe and .Gaedrneres, - Carpets and Cum: t
Truax. Black; fitua'and s eta 'Umbrellas; japine'd
Wale, Cr.icirery and GlanOsze..llatdaaredked—.-
ilia o. afoul
Illnsk lind Preen Teas!, York, - I(ar.kerel,Giadfiali,,Gandies,
!piers, tc.. .
We arc receiving a la , ge spot tment *rail kinds nfileh.e
ItonitteaEnkllsh, Listio, - PrieN'itireekatt2l , (Ormin) 51.
511seellaneous Wvika , -"Mrdirld 710 , 5104
Caine, Veen 'and Note Pat,er. Tbase . triteant
at Pm*, and'Stationerrailt .please give visi callrer Ira
utend to fell cheap for Cash. , <,, •
61)kilig; Parlor:She - 0' Pipe; Melts.
. Store War., frau SeraperalPlamr,-Carn,..belleri,;..driawr
carte. a, flan Pointe, ete., hi Unterbore'.
hi the bill. or 4 itkv;raige - 6pncllis b j, the box or
Nalbq Giant; Pent% IrLad- ; - ; '• - "
Dr-a adob 'ei 4 .A , Townsend - s 'ind-Sarorreer
Farina -75 cent%perbattle.t LynNi.g cuaNDLEp.• Montroreund .
' •
t, jotdopenAt foi „sr
8/143Y!'37-.P191‘.44:!0 , , nrass.aiins
.11Tot ce:, „ . •
ITHE - itoros ibincedunte LnihroP - 04' &int
1' bur); can be renrtdlst the'itone" ol a H.
rop & Cm- And tparriettlei itttetaien ttli lb et
ere inforeite4•in clamor,. accountiv Meg be
voided.. , LA'rEIRO'r SALLSLWR.Y.,
31:,T-r•q. Law!
T AT root dr. yit to- are ,41,4ormined jo 4dhtire
uktbO Reci4saks'Oiesin;44
fluently beini afford tn'arg 1404 goodii ; lot 1 0 / 06 grit
us diun ihOsa'who rime' alike up*foi , biol*bto;
Loud thie'itt,olatiniFtio do it ~%43ftlf.tind, a eo: for
youtieivric tit tho old Arlpqct, gip _
CEN•I'S per-pair, will
in ,bn paw in gatto.
ty. Ttt,, tpuntity pKwopien soFkattt. ; ,,,
. ,„ rrr4;
VANT.B.L47Fifty,tonaitood coaUn euhange:
kit &la /0 1 4 calling,- • , -.•
a It lialtat!
INl(Ttrose J 8 1851 -- - •''
• of vorictus patte, mays; in - 4
*hand for Nilo ehrap'bi? •
- s• • BENrznr.A,'nzit#
At .kad.
No. 3S, U) do 1.00
• ~tALV/tED
VIGLE Toumity
The A•contS tient ofthie-Inistitutleetvl34.2
the J nnieNee op
Tneadae ate,4lts. -Ilavitweeettled4r eoNetene
Bond of tostroctlon euttlhaelog • vitiation.' With Into %
satitectloti the uttertxocied simnel of thefts= just ciwi
theYeattete can, *lib Incensed cotitidenter n eecoremem,
t heuatliutioO theattentionot thirties* a 4 pa WM'
Of a lt telitOtenuott, - andattherctigheitneatTeb. It silt
be continued mole tbelcatileilinte dfrecdon of
,1611114 Lemael H. Waterer. A. tti
. . , .
• - alteoCtsuift.TitoqB.Bkflt
War. ILA eititt; It. • t• •.
.4itit.dary J. Lrartbni: - ' '
•• tveartilint BOvntoni
• Mtn
'4ll. Onstatiit Welter' •",jernilyntnettnnutTerieber ofPfthrtni r " •
There Getman.
tolltbe-thneti:acadmi t s 'Perm thiWar.
Prat oonnutotrlng on the 10th dayof Bept„ of. k otekok..-.,
'Meld on thO hdol'ofdan.- of 14 Mit* I, aWe:lied IA
t h0 24 , 113 4 4 .T 11P3.4 t)112 ^: 0
Plugis -!orvi it!Yrlpm: r
1e C oB ronchitcftbottiiltitats qt. .
• •• B,eportrarot. 3,6,p0,.... • •
thi; fttictlenOrtho Histb o i.lmpkteh a ti.''" ' c
-of thfrCll4ss*
• • , _Loth), 4:,3rek „out& ,Brenrin
• - th'thote ofthe'Arademfo "' 1 :-e
- n 1 DePort. - .lzi wholtior POtrt , ..,•• 0 4 0
1 51PiApo,.. '3OO '
P,lllittne; (Ade , '
.oennitt) ,• - $.14.9.4 !,1,
'.kt . it it tfise ',10;41,iA .
tirpoie TripiteV4
attproPrtatetllntpBtie; by thO , court* of ittudy , rtatin..4,
b 4. thorotnr.a.t.m. thy instruct:on tnipotteO Anti
_Or raditeres furratrhOdAo liketire •A euril*rns- ft 1411
azIIDAg t Littuart. iastitculoas of Stall/ad Ir 4
fiom tibmnf:whitanif tdobtittr(orietmt sr
ntet•l xtr On tatton to Pincer by.applying'beVronels •
Oler or IVnt. J.Kulfortt,.comnitttee,, "
• ' ' "-' nod; riveS,6l
- -
CitA xsoxtttisfi,loll..Bo4.-; rt
•. , Mann, S. Inbton, Treesttm.;
AtiiirJotti•sei.e- o . 1850 • -t •
A 7..
Om rfAleation -astute:am 6111VtelnestisnAttrorset.48tt.
under khe Iteleordlnts, superintendent.° uraer-Arcbgib
Shiat and, *line ability& omi:tie:net:Or lairs 1::
plicit reettetttruco may Aes trposele. The ail, henitOY
tty fact pm:Sprees of Vito Institulloes rantod but ap.
precise eel by al I tit:owls!: A thinSetigh - ,• . rtree ri nein
loam, prsibtr empoosit eni tro gkltheiThel4"!‘SVPls )1
%/HIo if irieted tote; four quarters,twerro tt retie: e•sah,
earatkustif toot wr-sk tutairdiatiely4Usou:ellogikthiluas
.rrer Arrange:tarots have been stuedeforstud,cjejxc o l i c
rtaii , dhWanCe to twittid Jo" private or otlevari•
Nitlttltoleastpo„slhleexpenee. •
P4.IC,E.S.cir,TOTT lON
The stUatei! of primork - ileprtinout
.AeadetnloOl . 1
• .
itivote - of
Drawing mol
fr(nteltr ) - -
Tito tothlon one ithlt on ytthle athrane.,
• ,New Firm.ati4l, , New . Goods._
7(1Ill aitbearibcraFrypectfutly glee undue, that they aro
1 lentreed Into- eolnietrierrkap.- under the- mine arel
stylo otrOlat & P.ITTS:end hareiliatareen_ed frOlo: 1, •• •
ork•iii, tutu - Aro mid general assortment orrery . voilee,
Groarriee, Cro'ck '
eryliattlitate, :Botta' . 4.1 tf.42,04 . ,
ladrig bought raoatly.ifor milked ,eir/airq
Inteners of the eerson,nt greatlyjittetp, are
fared far agile, fsr ttady;tray 4mly, an such terms
not fall co induce all to purehme -oho will giro us cc.
at the old stand'of 74111 r & Snapp. - _
Nst 0.4 produee taken 4y thelefah ash m ittet:Pni
• • - Wm.Pd
Itontroie; Dee. Z,IBSO . -- • ••• PAUL11:1,11"11.
: . .DISSOLUtION: - •
Firm of Eldred & Newcomb ., AN' Jay
dieralved bv . mutual consent. The.not;it
131 May lie ifiaijd inificrfiekidirit G.' rt:Eldrel.
uc.:tho ord ataitd lattil•the:firet day of Ftiara ry
nest; sir ;et tb at .they will,be placed Mitre: htsuda et
a ProPei.Pelgoll for collection. .
- • • G4D..DLDRE6.
URL NEtvcoiwn:
C kititiesei Dee: 9.1856: ;.; •i,..
•. - •
T HE, Sohacriber min con tipae CAN l
Fer btiatneaa at the „old Viand ; nod, Will keep; t&
general nisorinlent of Goode hi' lie
will sell OirfeheaPTcir:reitidyivi . ei' "nankin! l'or•
the very liberal patronage *blab vvaa refeeiiivh Lv
the old firm, he ?especially erilicha e ,, eimitibuanto
lit Ole moo, • :,.7
9tb;" - •", •
We ing i ßings,
beery e.rzahied 141 nue •
t,) who>, • • : , • riLvitZt.q...t.,
raahharttle-et: Icor 13.
ftecutor , ii
LL'permed e'itele-7/.lc.;Offrer
I& Weatherby, deeetteetf,- late of if f enosl own
ship, aiee.;berclby. requested make: haritositere;
payineut t And all having deluanticagainst ttailtes.
bate min presest them fa the suhrerther. . toe 5. ; i tie
,Lenox; Dee 24,1850:- E.c-• r
rpHE !fittest; best; itid'Obeaffew. p;siotireot . 61".
...IL shawls' to beifinutdthis . Wgitin:Ede India ol hand st:' • tiff . .I;Posr.'4v. PITA.
r; •'; , „;
?TAE subscriber has &lei sheep tassel! or Int
ALI - - •
_ , ,
Fox }bunters end ArTappektia:
T o ,'You w 6- -watild BAY, letch:tduuk , go"urFor
skins, and. Other 'Fars: of`au; ; kinds ; and
skeep pelts,
, aud 'RR !NA PaY.llll!:hielef:,Po"l,
io (las h.
HAYDEN._fatrt h.
Jantiary. lei: 1851: " -
. NEW ird
ofTlEWgLßY";ifiii iehev can for cashiat• •'; TWIRELVS.:
Jan. 1;185 - 1. ~." : ct r
-777- M — ernat' an" 's . NeUt - Saidorti7l - 7
MERRIMAN, respeetthlly innounces to the Oldie.
'that he hat jomored his lillhicerfAhd.Falt oh to tia
new building opposite Searle's Ifotel.Vdelt bralltpl
up, in a style unsurpassed, for the•necortninlatlenc : or
those who may thick hbrrtlestrOntortbrfrratrenegt:i— •
Iris eating rooms, for gentlemen, are rpariour- anticte
gitttabd in addition' be has 'furnished,' fe• appr,ipriire
ety.lo.,twikroonlis expreresly fer4•l4 itexoternodahow of
100 S. • %,
- No effoitsl , ll}beiranting on the 'pert tifiheiroprietnn
to in he his saloon a pleasant resort.
5 4 - intense, NOT: 14, 1850-46m6. ' " ' •
i"'t 3 tock - OrGOCidt—'
, •
NO. 2 y
Ak t ir •I b ta% v r)g‘ -- • ;
ONSISt LINO pert of Boy stair 81tetris, stiito •
Marie rot, Cashrtierite, Diibalnee.sillts;Veliete.
la-Piable; Ihiselety,olofeei, Illotapttere.. , Litittb }{gluts,
the 1n rest stock by ter Co be found. — Lace Caps, ['urn
Conars.3lltte,Telo.ltibitoolllo.lo,Thkrtiet 118248181ati
11. o.ll , lljtej and Pleas, moue Blankets, Bugalsl,llolbi...
.sleigh Bells. „Wilips.Caps; .
piticellu of tutysleectiptlobitatneWrYs
01.4 es trere,'spilulety, 0110101 u, Cartiege.Trinniev, de
'iterthlotikieg'ef: it'a 'write ottrlliendstti glee its h'
Montrose, Nor. 1850. • . • Ic,L,PO 41'
DOENT nDII-C11.30-31erOant;ii, 0.4m11c g,7 Qll, Dn.
I lots Heave Curt , and OrCett ,01uttifebt: Vela
'Filler; Poetni Extractor witch. Hutt Dal leylslllitt7EY,
tractor. bithinitriptlc...4arsep4rille or, Vitch'e;Bledideos,
Dr. 11hristie's tiatendic Belts; 41'54 Itraate , ltilttuit;tol
Drallyeellgrtlicitios; 41:4 eantrtantly dit hand: 1
Split" andShaxi6d.Zhingled
• 4 X excellent article,(warranted)keit eonatin else oi%
!tt /Mud nnitfoi satechcbt at the shop i 1241. euhferltrr.
1331 miles-North ot Montrose, on the ehrniunto turnrlka
; near Dicta ranchers. U'm:el. - 18 , :1!1%, utEraiN.
Clot ke 2l.- ' 4 , -
'4:ll w
, Tre GEO. 4
Ittils*:; . T ,
4toves, l and,"rli/P• '
VEY Stolle Stabs Air Tight ,cuoltitig, l stovc, l foe
IL burning wood or coal, the ,
Ronal) aud Roady doubts. oveircookluistove.
• tt ova ii d , I >d o ,:da, „,y o I
Primittat .„ ido
doT„- , do,' do ‘. :/do
Empire , • %,•4 10 ` 11 °,c
Cituton.,Air Tight _ . ”do
Si;44 - upil kinds if 4
Sises'ol"6 plate Stoves. • , • .
goal apt 'Wood Stoves (or 5q109 1 1100 4 0,
the keaklit tops ,
(:upper, bias's; tizeeild :Siff; wnis," "
English, stid•Atiletleare Stow , Pipe.:
I.o.;.nitud gatie tubes, .4c.,,fotsals hy tha,
ISO, doi.i at *gbh 4t rrogl° , PiklY
. • WIYSP `?lki94o6ll4lliPir
ahqvinmireaal meividli minty et Coati:net
ikei lie vutntio thorr good r Wheat still (MKT for.
Avhititi he4iir bigheu tirtiostitr6 reh l .
tallaing osiourrlriang' ty if v.O.,Wsnt.
the nada, .,.;:._,.,_:_t. PECK,
ifirroid Milli, Jack 10852.` ' 7;10
ASK paid' foe oft ‘ kJ* Oiiii;irqr4rro_,./kope
tgloop.Pcitti.'w ”*. , ;G:IIJMORED.
r l 4lNfriltla4 tsristpi stajila ,
- `" l "ct.. 44/100604441.141,4tt
4 3 1; 4 :