in the room. You'll be loney; - 11 , 1711s 1 death. , father: - •s. It is death my nary." ;i Thank God P' t;„" Sabbath evening came and a Ow ProcessiOn Avoundthrough the forest.tu scht4 • house. There With ainfpe tit4thstA4rgynitut performed_ his duty n*Wcutiio.tbergrave::i There were hardy.meti and rough; in shooting strekeWarithotartvitirritleemrtirciratroulder s. Bet .et! warm hearts gave beauty to their un. shaved faces, and they stood in reverentsi (cue° 'b,y_the grave. , The river mumured; and the 'birdS'aang, and Iva Wiflieried her. /14 go dotrirfteM the'paMe pot - h stars were bright, beerelleft=for Dlll4**li the nearest;p Itit old tentai'itro c em; I rove to see 'a church id a grave yard; for. eveh =as the pass-'through - the place of Glid on earth so we must though: the grave. to the tainpic•of God on high. • _ A T ;eii; ioiife'fOitiefiain of from -ialcci . Onfario toid' Erie, one 11111 i. area riffles of ' the'pret:ent, router travelled, pFoitaesto-attract touch Attention '3a soon as its: ialvabta.g La...33eeenie generally.known. POta,.:,lmTpd,' the principal proper. , don of whi l ..lll,eogroas;,peses sys.r,i.l46 Morrie utid I,lleacm,pailrond , "to, New 4Frse),:, thO Pelawat . e., river, and thenco e y l iip, northeast corner of Petinisl,ii i;la io fc41,1%,:s Train Jorevyto the Dalai - are iVater dap, -" ` . DAtiivaio Water Gel) tO-Seraatonia,Va. - 4t Sciantonia . ro Owego. 47 Otvligo to Itbaca, , : * SO . 'lthaca. to Geneva, r ,:39 Jersey ,City. to Geneva, . .242 New ,York, to Geneva; via Albany §4Oneotady, etii.; is 344. mie . s, as _fol. )OS6 to - Albttny; ttica, rit6a to §yrticuio; • ' Gtnertt, Yortr-tn'Oenei . e; - 344 ~-; ;TrOin N-c•l'ork to Geneira, by the Erie -Railrcad or; Seneca Lake, the distance is as fonliW97.* ; • "iNelf:Klark. to-.Pierment,.miles, keirinopt to Owego,. , , Otregolo-Jeffersen - - .TellOnri to Or:grieve, threugh Seneca . Total-NeW York. to Geneia, , 3371 Ifisiif be noticed that the new rOnta 441 I.o2..mitee 'less. than 'Albany - route to' Geneva; and 95 juiles less. then the. route' Lathe same place •via the -Erie, Railroad; . ;which is new the preferred route to Gone ihi..llochester.. Briffalo,,anit.pLsces further west.. The new route is certain to be eom plataksoon, 119 mils being already in op : eration, and only, 93, miles, in, process „of' einstraCiion,:being necessary to eonneet the with the central line by both the San- edti and eitYliga It will crossdie Erie.'Railroad teat:,Owego; All the differ eat - reads; forming the are, we lettin, tribeeof the' same width - .a9 the Erie Bail , road, Which is one foot-and four inch cis Wider tbarethe railroads,frarn Alliany_to buffalo. The best; rears , passes near the line of,the-olti Aflllfard.and Owego turnpike. ti—i_.lkiLitie;distung_wza_ l2 apa ut- Ar r. from - liew-York, by the stage 'route 'traveled 'over; the' Milford 'and Owego - turnpike: ' Front N.Y. to Newark; tunes • - 9 k.f l ." Morrigawn; - •28 " ..Newton, . , 46 - Diilford , '76 • lllontrese • 147 Owego, ._ 177 - 200 Geneva, 251 Bifrao. 357 = The stage - rente from New York to Siff- Aibany„ was 440 miles. Thopreliniiriary steps have" been taken for Am.-construction of a railroad, from Ge nera 'to Ithaca,- between Seneca and Cayn- An laitcs.44'conneet.Nrith the Cayuga and rcmd, from Ithacato Owego, which has been for some years east in ope!? ration. This road, is leini extended fro* Owego th and="slnowri as tkerLeggefil ' thitrbati.jAlii=the latteiJi6 . aa"there - -'are now . 2.000 men at work. awl it is - :ltitended ba I cionpleted. - nest season, - including . the itinaelikg of , the ,nacitatat"n. l'rotn, :Saran ,t:gnizt to, the itte;nware Ater, it tile Dela sgare.Wter-61 pri: the ratihad Wirdand'ed to -aesisiin., Here it ,meets; 61, 6 extension of the r.irrititotiti , rail `fead.'--W. - Y. Herald: MEL VRCELOLT DEATII-Mato of remorse of oopsctitreelas beeii`rolated ' , hi occur- Wit near - at binil*hielfiti its liaimfol eivenieSis OM- 'Orted surpassed-Mrs. R : o f Woodward' townsbig. in this *iitiantiy,:hati been. lingering'in arr :illness for 'siorterstracit4s pievious _nor death,-tvbieli occurred .twat ATee Feeks ago. „ Daring Virt 01,11iisiqkiiess Acorns not, able 'toJeavalimi often &pen iiii2gbborr; for what Ale.' - reeelived. Ver - tacr ellililretiwera'tno small to "afford fterobeli . th;nre'r(to take care of Ilietitielves. I rPitiltifrittrofteli left atone for dayszt he, Ayoub! ratan) it 'was not io tallto her sick bed cheerful by thtteet 'lntentions whink ankincl be,art-wouW render ,pul a,tet l iding.ectupattion -would,,eipfeS. ~Soinetitne, before her;derith,hit-IrAnt to '\Y!lite-neer vli!IP7 - . , S*llliet:tourty..witere he was engage:alit' lie "oeenitatcliirfirliiih Mils , :sltst of a. stone-Muscat - 'Whilst filt.**;' his .wife diod.'Ffewisitintforinantedintely.lut being slow Jr), come. lte' faun& her Itnied, i when he arrived,, ficiad theimdy dug up front the grare.,,,ftegrusecluitett the features rOttl!e4eadkl.l 3 PPT/t 1 . 1-o dAilin villercid the . remains to be restored' "to the . earth; H e ...Irrnstorgy.4ml gertyced,the fiesitefide 'bodj% `Even iiitiiinstailt.s be iiiiif li Vrejr 'till re. worse., Itiefystem stunt yielded to ibein: :flueniellf sympathytimt in toe veetti fro 'iltet.iiiitt'wheir'hisloolfed intim ;the 'eofftii(of bfitrife t be-btol tilreohis Tiede by her side . ~ in the grave. .lUr. —Le.—r...rome imp o f • some prnpertyoras r Andastrione. ~sayini, 'honest and 4togetbe4ihettei blazer( than ' a husband. fleinidniier, piiintptadarned Ap,”bear orkkforbese pod ',hid 'fiLtia to . k r: utile ins itiart to .:erirkiti'VX - TifP:ot the inerieitileo mind at hirmniftalitt 11 y.— ciintort - DernOtTca. 1 , MIEME ,1:,111.1111431EC)I22.At'; - The Largest Mtntalon in northern Pullen S. B b' B. B. CHASE, EDreole. arlanT, Januar,' .23. UM. Oatuqvantedl. ; • We want 1000 tinstrets ov Okla at this of iiettran-trabseripfint; -for which thtt *hest market price will he paid: - Also„-Wheat; Rye, torn cmd•Porsrors; ELECTION OF r. - s. gENATOII. announced in a. postscript, lasttv — eck,the *dims of itrc Italia Pool:amen, of Northaro ton Co., for Scnaior, . -to sOcceed i Mr. f 6TUSGEOIt, Whosp term of,, Oftice„oxpires the foUrth OfßiatV.h, next. • Our choice for that position under stood by our readers; and we confess ourlas-, 0111.511ms:4 .tt tbissesult.. - When we heard of 1 *.tredhead's nomination in caocus,,, we pre=. tlictud . it to : be game Of , Cr CAMERON, ttO secure I his cumuleetion; ancithough subsequent events proved tile contrary, we arc aro not satisfied that Simon didn't; manage it. ~The,; exultation of his friends; the fact that - neither they or: Min self encievored to. defeat Mr. 8., seems eon . clUsive evidence, of an understanding and , ar rangement, for who ever knew Simon Cameron to befillant on's question, that affected his in terest in the most remote particular?. -We are' disposed to sacrifice almost , anything but -prin ciples for the sake of harrnooy, ,and therefore will hcpe for, the Best till the worst comes. , Onseveral, of the first ballotings in caucus, Judge_ W9ODWARD received the largest num. ber of votes of any candidate ; and his chohce `for Success, seemed by farthe fitirest. Thia ofj coursecould not be allowed by BuenawAs and 1 Cameron, though at war with each other : 'cud I that fellow-feeling of revenge, which they'mu. Wally cherish towards Mr. Woodtvard, whose purity,of mind, putpgse,.and, principle they would do. well, to emulate, induced _them to 1 combine thee;`forces to defeat' We, are not satisfied with Brodhead's elec tion, over Jiidge Woodward, for 15everal prom. inert masons., TkiiSt, in point of talent;. Judge' W. is an 'intellectual- giant when compared' with him, and -though Mr. Brodhead may - pos.!' seas fair abilities, he , has not the •eletnei4s,. of 1 greatpeae niental.,tunDeC ea+.7 to ' occupy a prominent place is the 'Senate, mull which Judge,W'oodward_possesscs to an emit)- 1 ent degree. To suppose that Mr. Brodhead can tali,. a position along side of the leading, men of our country is absurd, while only, one at all acquainted with Judge Woodward, knows ' that he most certainly 'would if he had thh pa ] sition to admit of it. It is a shame on Penn.! syly*,e-..the Keystone to the noble oldarch— I that ebe "has not a_maa in the Senate whose ta.' lents- are equal to the importance of her in.' terests, which he is 'called upon to sustain aabanao that she has not men there whose in fluence is felt - throughout : the whole country; and svhom the whole country la,proud to rev. 145 94 58 52 24 223 50 ler.'Brotthead was in Congress in '46 and most violently_ cipposod, the passage of that Tariff act, tilt • the while snatzining : the •act of 742. , asthe Tariff ; battle is; again . 1 30 he,,fonght,; to all „appearances,, the real o; : it.of Pennsylvania, as well,. as of the whale Union points to, judge Woodward as the mark for.the times, : rather, than, Brodhenii • . And yet again, Mr. iirodhead has strenuous ly opposed theprineiple of Freedom for free Territories; =din Congress wasdistinguishdd for his'fierte and denuneiatoty assaults vilk4n the Proviso - of Mr. IYmmor; always, we • 1:1;e -neve, teldng sectional southern ground, in .op position to manly and generous llorthern It luipleen intimated that Brodhead has repented of and,abzudoned.-bis •'42 Tariff mo tions. if this he so, he is so far..less ester,: tionable; but no repentance can make up ade ficieney ,oftalent • - • • Finally v this election has preyed -.that . the purest and ablest men are.'oftert: struck --Gown in the . _that • high,. moral .11.ortli f purity, of principlei•integrity-oV'eliarac. i t ter,and splendid. talents...are net algars,.l;.., I port to success... . TES.' Si :NOTE Withirik the.Whigi who have eadeavo . to Manifest so pnch . , patriotism ;so much ; lio`ri'•erice - of Democratic legislation is regard 'co • the monetary affairs' of this State; mu nota 4ttle.chagrm' ed: to find in 64 -age of ,60%. iothisTaii not a single ,trcUi sen ince eofiddmning the "Small Note, Law," of last session,.'True; the Governor passes over this 'subjectverplightlY ; still he inalcei one al lusion to that Must he anything but ceinfort ing to thoie :ti ho have` so fierceiy assailed In this eetsiffthe whore Whig . rat Y !has I been pirayed-;,and; in the Fall;campaign, the ;Mkt lahered efforts , u'effe put" filth to suite thaVulest qUeatiot. — Sviry person who,-had the futUness to stand up and Sustain '",tile law was denouneed li,"the"mbit _bitter terms, , and his politic4death:prpnowniCl 'eertahil, ineVitp ble and::,imuiediate. 'tlieS,'Pnilish. 'language 1 could BP4r.c.-ei3 1 , 1 r 6 i4 epithetsstdAdenilic°m ll3 -1 3 and sOVere "to express - sterling li i emoc ri e c Sgllf or, Mr STHEETEt r i 1 who favored Its,paCiage. The LW was.. pro. iietMeid uUdonstititronal ° Oppressive, grievous and ty*cdcal ; I- #4;_lts::repeal,r, thelir:mert scssiou vouched . :for With the . uhilose isittr . 'Such a flourish of tiriMpts induced cos to I . , . , ~ believe thstGotc Johnisiciti would' recommend: xis ieptcd; for certainly,. ii LW ici - extractive of every, and ail the inteieste : or otir citizens= this I'4 liedierePreseited to - bi, - -would loudly Ica upon the atfimitioit citn,gie:giecittivg. • In. la:punch then, ps Pp . Govern!, passes' this" over 1 ici"iiiiWily, tia-inn . f -ftik*infeithnt lie :is w 8, 61 fully negligent.of his dutyi or thutike l tots not consider thatAie liktinisiti f- iit.iOniniuni.V have Amin isktificed.= . :l6Vhielrenter* bon), , gentle ea Whigs; will you Wm!' i ,-- . ' . t". WOinitiaristmerelliiellive that ati'•Pbserr 1 Thiongh - thei 'kindness Oi s e frierar,l' '‘ work } ' HotisZ-4dircinlian atterepte&-:a correction . once Ofthis lair .by i'busiiiess ;soon glierally lies onotu-labliMAtliOngli waled - t e pleas : l of thekienrnal in relation to the: action an the 'ItTH' uld lead tnhipPy i andlheneficial.resilta. A lure of ifitgninglto th 4 Oration and Nem on ihe I at,iti-laery.,-Mernorial plesented by les iilkort tirneZwOul&Witnesinntibuniance of spe-loceasithilittheir,delivery,tie iinmediateli gavel tordni. - His motion:Was laid on the tabre:4 vie inplaco of thlaittineless'4preientiitive of; them n''' , ...Meful PernSal. AVe.,,h'eaitatitihtlo say i The New Hampshire- •obntested..,election was Moneyin ; tho shaPe Of paper t and the: whololthsit nis 'one can commend tlaa Add is and ,iensidered'hut itot concluded:' '- - ';‘ ' eirefartlitiltrCtif llii Stalo - ,*onld . ' cease- I leave ittatifinished.'.Wf-will Pliiilish It entire I • .SuaatUan: l 3.—An amount . at ttimportliiit , .. quently be much healthier. and firmer We soon. _. . ' . - . business was- transacted, after Whiell the bill • .. yenture.that the Aciost-vident•oPposer-- of the .... igr Onrthanks. aro dim-toMesrs Greeley.' t! ) -,,,§eirti,Y194._ t V e l, .in..,C ll s! ) !!! in ; N Y as s ac .. ", law here, will congas that there is at, least!& 3.l6Elnith for 11111 early /10016.0113.1311,edulAg#0.1401.011103,01.1gfisr.1411'411mOnne4for 1851. l' fille& with ' portant f W 7 1- 'Houst.---After preliminary Business,' ali.. I IJeries;,of-,Termessee - tiOyed the; order ofi the I that theta wee. previous; to the Operations -of and interesting - statistics, which teeks it rniu..l‘ 3 4: '''.• Mi. gtatltid ' l 'Cdign) .6f" Kelitu4Y "said' the law;_ and yet n general obiervenen of it is able as 'a book •of reference. Singe. c o p i est that as this was the anniversary of the .battlo lis not Vete. A few' indiyithuds cannot,. regard. ;2 , 1.2 cis., al per d oz ., .$ . 7 p er 10 01, ,„... ~ _ 1 of•,:pr7 Orleans, he hoped , the House would !it strictly, however much disposed toyiriotso, 1.. ,iiiirl‘i,,, the pdhii.. L . . ,„„if Peterson's 3 t.,;;; ; ;VlL'lii§ l -0.1 1 ,' • The question was taken and result. Lwithont greatpecuniary sacrifice, and trouble, •'.'c'''' . ;lino =V in the aifinaritive. „—-- _ -......„.• • • • oE'l Ti I'M '9 - - - The DII te'pr 1. ue ii. in 1 while the great mass of, business men wholly - . ..... - • ..k 1 .-i -- - 6'i ” s. - b flaw eg4d is In such circumstances only is the ' — 7, 4 - 7:' ------ • r ii -- ' ---- 7 2 ' Imaviadion of the' St. Lawrence RNei as ta e ln grievance 2 ' 1 . _. :,,, -•- ',:.... ' . Li. :1'...3 .). 1 „• I ken up a•nd madelhei3pecial order for Jan. 95.1 We believe. the Democratic party l' ' this been se.ll The'bill to' settle land titles in California Was I contity aro generally Well unite:din fiveref this agazine, !further diScussed, and' with the athendments I I ._ , measure; Sid many, eery !natty sensible, and l i o 51,000 irefciTed t 6 to Judiciary Conimittet." l % 1 ''• ' I • • 1 candid Wkigh are.beconiing Ewerable to it: - sr.-1' ho nes occurs. upon the 1 Hon ' ' h session' ' i 'ed ' the Nen , Hampshire. bn• case. '• -- ' • . _• ' • SENiTt; Jan. 10 bill relative- to ' , the! powers and'ilutieS o !lees' pnblic, among ' ether tliin,ts authorizingaft4taries in the sev eralL'states and territories; idtake and certify depositions tie bene'; MraS Ordered ' engrpss: Pod. - - A !till nutlibriiinittie State of Wisecin.' 'sin to Seicet - '50,000 der - 6814 land kir purphies ' ' ' of, internal improi•ernertt - was a con. s• siderable length and ordered engroised, - 3i! to 10. • ThelSenato adjourned t011otalay: ' ' .1 '' Housn;-Mr. Evats, nt'Ohle,•iritroduned al bill autherizinepersonsentitleatol 3 mintylarid, -1 ;under the late law, to receive Treasury Sciiill I instead, which Was r eftrreil in the 'Committee ' on Public Lands. ' The New', Hardpshirti elec thea ease was taken tip,,iipd :further debated: lUnda the previous question • the amendMent giving the seat to . 51r: 'Perkins; - (whig,) was' releeted, and the report of the Committee in favor of the right 'of Mr. Morrison,- (dem.) to the seat was adopted; 98 to 90." SENATE, , ..' • ..)ENATE, Jap. ti.--Senate not in session. Ileusr..—Tho Postage Bill was taken up land dise.usse'd iu Cominittee, hut no n ai oo t 0. ..1 ken on that er any thin. else except an ad-1 Ijournment to 'Monday:* ' I I SENATE Jan. I-3.--Mr' Cooper presented 1 three memorials from:Pennsylvania, asking for the repeal' of of the 'Fugitive Slave LIA% ; . He l stated that the great body of, the people of' 'Pennsylvania were in favor of sustaining the Compromise acts. The petitions Were refer- =NE =IEI Cheitp Postage Bill passed the Heine' of Bepresentatit : es on Fndar inst. ' The Bill prOvidesfor a nriiforni - ratoof three cents en hit letteis not I‘ : eighfutover half an printed matter not 'weighing over twoloimeei one cent, aiid O . ' newspapers de.; livero.l in 'the Stte - ,' wheie TirintOd OnlY:one half: the above; rate., - Icti - poStage be charged on-neivspaper mailed to actual sub.. scribers in - the county Where printeti, or'within thirty miles of the place 'of publie4tion., I We 'hail this reform] %Ith Satisfaction espe i daily that which relattis to'newspaper postage. A:discrimination like this is fair, iS just, and called! for in view of the - obstaeles 'which sur fronad the country. Prigs; Wo congratulate our subseriberS on IheZ,pnispect that they can soon obtain-their. papers thrmigh the mail free of postage and not beSubjected to the 'expense land risk of receiving them by Carriers. When the Bill shall hare passed the Senate, we !will lay it before our readetS,- and speak moi - 6 particularly of- primision,„ v • • The Demeeriztic Caucus. The Democratic Cane - us for the nomination of United States Senater,triet in the East lnitte'e itoom of the Capitol, at „three o'clock Monday. aftOrnoon. sixty-seven jmembers king inattendance.. The utmost harniopy and ,good feeliag irevalled between • the friends of the different candidates. A vote , was taken at ithe begicuhig, to.plcdp every, member in at. teudanceto - the support of the _ nominee Of the I caneus, whoever he might be, and every one of'l4,he sixty-seven ,said •aye to the proposi tiC6. • The following votes were then taken : naLtors. 1,2 ; 56,7 8 9 1011 12 J..8..81nek,.9 12 16 16 16 18 19 19 14 13 12 4 ILD.Foster, _6 6 6 5 9.9 7 7 1 7, Woothrsrd,ls 1517 16 1'1.19 21 17'16 17 2124 Canieron, 1 - I 1 Plume; • 5 5 4 4 6 7 6 7 0. 5. 5 5 Brodhead, 4 4 6 913161417 22' 24 28 34 Stempel, `5 1 6 ' Ingersoll, 3 Phillips; 49 1 6 - 4 '‘ - Fisher; • 2 • ' ' Smith 2 . , , ehaproan, 4 4 2--1 r 1 Yost, .:. 3 .1 G M Dglbs, 2 _ Waght, i° Patterson, 1 ;one,s, - , rpon the twelfth ballot, Richard Braihead,of liOrtlaumpton county, Nyas 'nominatc4nd eicry member of the caucus pledged himself to sup port his,Uoudnation:7 , —Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress is now - on exhibition in New. tack, in. the fonn:of a Pan orama, and is attracting much attention. It is described as a work of decided merit, on which the pencils of several artists of disting,uphed abilities have been long and 'diligently engag. ed . .;,. and is descriptive_ of Bunyan i s beautiful allegdry, hr 'which hideous monstcirs, .angelic forms, yawning abysses, with bottMns ntretv ed with human boni, enchanting scenery; pal aces, and, all perform their part in marking the ever-clinging progress of the burdened pilgrim. .t ! ' I _ 1 '.:—The belief' that) guardian spirits hover, ttar "Srn,rmrt" Said a. smart thing - lest larotind CM Nth, of n covers a mighty truth i Week. "Why don't the proceedings of o:a.m. :for every beautiful, pre and good thought,l moval meetirq appear in the Democrat r, In:which The heart holds is an -angel. of mercy,' we had not published our paper till 4aturday 1 purifying and guardtri' the soul. night, probably his question would have been ' —airs. Judson,.': iv of the late Dr. Jud. answered. . —, son, the Missionary, ites home to one of her friends, under the da of . lEt5O, that if was the Wish of•her late, h sband that -she should I return to America,'CO ect his scattered family, i and assume the guartlan ship . 1 his children ; but she - coneeksee 1 .. ehe nughtf remain at Martin:Min a few_ yea longer 1 without- 'diFU'-e -,gm. .ding his wishes, if odshmildpreseive her i health so.that she ni , tbe u4ful.l ' i HORETELE.-•-Six buildingiTheing, erected in New-York,fell to thigroiind one day last week killing several workmen -and'hadly wounding others. It is said that the walls were only one brick - in thickness and mend stories, high; thus falling from theii own weight: The owners and some of the •Workuien have been arrested, and are nridrgaing an 'examination I; and thought that they will have to fay dearlffor the manner in' Which : they exposed the lives of their felloW eitizem: .. . . . . this _. . . .. .. :sr An aged'cition 'of County, camp • into 'Orreltifflie a few'clays sinep; and*rote . the folio ' L-; Mies at; our table: It: is.:lir,rdly ne; . 'ccsa that • Vii i npineei ate . theni 1 ,0" ! ..:... - !ear' patrons_ !Dust payth e printer; - ,-a -. ."Sire will - . —c—toast any thing; '", • . ; I ' jilt i. 4 - a cold and 'dreary' winter, :• : : • • ' . !:-"-,, . •-.E. ,,, , .-.!'till spring. • -• • . . .. - 'f ''• tr - 4 - s rVIECT iisbciiivrifidti...' i - - - , . After', sog - inotions ''lir rules; dte.,' , the ,Tury , • ...... .... was .enipaneled , Di . the ease of the 'COggiaqii." vrealih . V, ti,'John itealda l i indictinent - for'.'Xiiis- I 1 ance.': Verdict; 6416-, !:.Defendant recognized; in 8100; to neicf Sessions : , ,'--' "--; '' ' -'- '. 1 -; ;,. •: •• : , ..:.-; .. •' • • • ... i i E.rubois - ys. Temisbcry set._ fa., to revive i I judgeinent. &.c.',' Deft. plead payment, Verdict; for plintiff.. „Turrell,fiii i)lif., B6tley did. " i • '. ComtnOnWcalth vs. Clini.'c..liandter „and Ea. ra r Chandle4; indictment, .Assault' and ,-Bnitery . with in'i6i=to kill, iit,'Noi . : tieSioii:' - 'terftet, iqiltY. --- I"''. • ' ' - ••• ' .;!'," .-':•••••• Gr43ls_,lttir.+-ItettirrieA • severaf.'-bills - .• 4 -,4', *nor imPortanee,..inostly for, rrippling, - &c: : • • . ' ADMlTTD,—OnlVednesday, .upon keCom- Iroendation 1 f the ENaininini_Coroniiitee, and On motion t f.t.:Streefor,' . ;Esti:, Sniiioe 13.- Ciiiaz - vval sworn and iuitidtted ta , -- p . racticrai is en AttOrnot arniCouniellOr at ta*SlhOiev.- : eralbonrts of Susgneluinzia county.: .: --;_ '.."_ :" •:' •, • oth BOOK TAIME. Litters Living Age, N0,„49,,--Contents. Ile defences of Brit 4 P; 11 4 a renter.: MY 11 . ffei t : , r ,eE9g4 l 4 4 fe , Oen , thimeo SmYree; The "City of -AP: The ,Reeerlie of th o : 4B neliet Kinget of Persia; The Ane t 9 m Y ef. 4* Age ne h n a n 'Pure; Guipatt's,hitge4o"Moiele;,Poetry Alort =tides. .Faittell Tatestom " antis/ .s - rVonservFigw-r-RefiriersP Adams bYgorknenrYia:4*ltOtii - Auri ItThcl Mohawk VaW pow by/41frea-.B.,S!reet,il fr , sqllgonounceo bel*"the Societies; "rtionnton /1 1 137 93, 1350. - CIiEMP .POSTAGE. L—Tho felleiing'eetumittee have lectod by themprietoie of Sartain's to-award: the prizes, which millet for 'ten Marley articles• Reynolds Coates, lf:'‘ll.;' - tbiniller,'end Gem? . Balier;Esq. , '—Hon:luther Kicidiar, ‘ Pre-sit - lent theSChnylkill - destrict;,i't is has ids intentions of the March teem . Joshua Ny, tomly, banville; Will be urged DA , ille'iliean4 —Professor Stephen Chase of I College died of typhoid fever,- at Hi He was gontduated in 1532, and elect( sor of s}lathemsti in 1838. Sbakspeiire, Schiller. ?Mollie!, ms.rtine, • Lucretius, Lucian, Sophocies, Sismo di,Thiers and Humboldt, are prohibited with, rs lender the I . apolitan government. , • —The proprietor of the Minneso has issued a prospectus for a daily p —Lake Erie" in • abontr,4vrenty.Av fathoms in depth. !..ake Huron,Michigan, .d Superi "or aro in ,places nine .hundred feett eep, sink ing about three feet below 1 . the le, el Of the ocean. , --The. first Grand Division of th Sons of 1 Temperance has reeenq been est4blished in England. - It is.located - at Liverpool, with H- I I teen subordinnte•Diviions under it,4 jurispru dence. I —Darr/name Abey, 'the former! home of ' O'Connell, has been the theatie of l a sheriff's salad ,Tho whole or the household goods was sold for a little more than 6361 .[The furni ture of the,Libdrat — er's own chamber and state bed sold for £3 Bs. 6d. t —Out west to knock a -Min down with a chair when he is .aiddressing -an audience, is called cheering , the Speaker. —"Tom, %Vot e s monomanyr • "Why, you see Dick, when a poor man`steals, it: is called ' lareeny'but when it's a rielfun the jury says it is " monomany;' and they can't help that's it" 1 j Mr. Cooper' presented a large number of pe. titiona for a Modifieation . !of 'the Tariff. Ile• also gave notice:ore bill till, chnnge the . mode , . of collecting revenue on itnports. ~ 110u58....:-Hot.. 'Joint' Brisbin, elected to Con gress D w i as stri i e n t, tr i o- n l i d p_l u a c e e e d o f a r f o n Ch m d q th e.s u e t a e li r:B e th l utl P e e r, nn d s , L l e v as an e i d l , , H Mr. Phoenix ' s" motion to suspend the rules I Ito permit him to introduce a resolution, mak ingl the Special order, for . January 28th, thel bill to return the'duties on goods, in original; packages, the fire in New Yorkl in the summer of 18-15, was disagreed to. 1 Mr. Bayly moved a suspension of the rules to make - the bills making appropriations' for the Military Academy, Revolutionary and Na -yal_Pansions...ontLiht-Indian Department" the until the same are dispoSed of, was ,_ agreed to. Sitwrn; Jan. 14.—A large 'number of peti tions and reports were heroic the Senate. Idr.',Hamlin presented a petition from 'Mr. Ritehie;asking to be released from his print ., . ing eentract. - 'The ,mmt resolution from theIIMMe of Rep. resentatives authorising ,the assignment of: land warranta issued under the net Of Septem ber 28,1850; granting liounty'huls to officers and soldierS engaged in the military service ofl the United States was taken up and fixed for' , Friday. - ' . _ - A bill'regulating the holding of Courts in! Ilewa, and .1. bill directing the 'sale of lands ini Minnesota,,were taken up and engrossed. The Senate then proceeded to the consider- I ation of the bill to cede the public lends of thei United States*respectiyely to the - States in i which they are situated, on condition'that the! said States"shall ,severally greet and convey the said lands to actual settlers,only, in linait- v cd quantities—for cost, of,sun - ey, transfer and • title . mitniments merelY. . Mr. Felch coucludecnis speeeli . in' opposi- , Lion tothebill. He 'examined at'great length the whole system on ivhich was based the_ sale of the public lends, and - alluded to the ex -Itentto Which the saleshad, been affected by I tbe difilAent grant made by Congress . to the State: ' After he had 'concluded Mi. Walker rose to reply in support of the'bill; but gave way to a motion te adjourn, which preWdled.. ~ , disposing - - 1 - lous,E.---After of, some Maimpor .. , tent matters, the ILause went into Cotntruttec gREV.III ' ..: 1 1t ( DEa l il.lo . '' ' ' ' ' I , of the Nilhole, and resumed the, 6,onsideration TillitTT-FI RSV- Din ESS--Seroild Session "of the elle.: t '0: I.ll‘ 1 - ' Szsa•ri., Jan.;6.—,, Butler presented the i The amendment of Fowler to 'nudie theuni eredentipla citli. 'Be ell Ithetti elected:to ' t form rates Of postage tiro, cents: pie-Paid On serve "out the uneapir , term' of ~ Ilr. CalhOim.lletters and the rabendinent of Mi. 'Tinton to" The French Spoliatiot Is ill wasurged by Mil make the,same three cents, Were discnSsed for Smith . of Conn., end- de the special order , nente time, when the .question' was taken_on: feillionday - next.' 3i Bradbnry'S resolution, each, end they were, both reje . cted. relative to removals fr o eflice'vyni taken* _ An anaendment was adopted' that no post ' stir .ease of 3l a theng u r n: n co il evijeatt,odfe err: r., Gen. ial Taylor te r . in ;the , th route t3col4,6 . s ms f ;v t g al t i ; b ina e itieo discontinued' c ,riftohf e postmasterspassage of o,fthis b diminished 6,rce:dli,,c.ed nor liamsE.- 7 Mr.Robi n,;(dem.);_er Indiana, /!'i The amendments that threi . cente . sliall . be fronititeseleefiornini e,: reported a "bill tol f4ilitatethe Op o. of the:Ronntir" Land charged when letters are pre-paid, and fiye.ets: s law, Valltllo#4 d th appointment Of - Midi) when 'not , 'and that Flea eireulai:a mid 'Fun; efli I tionel'elerks,`Mil Chan ft in s'cike ie.peetsi Phlets shall be chated 134 letter postage. were the rules - ofivido r 'e,.. t was read twice ondl after an' uninteresting ,dirlissit adopted. '.. I po4poned,to IThurisil %.- Mr, l l'uliany .(freei. ,The ;Cotoraittoe then' tose,, and: Ikons° iid.: tn " e * O3O ° rilf * .e ditlna' f the 'ut .s n le e '' !. e .. a .erti ve ng t* O l f P • r t e lre,, 4 S t o ' ei tli e e 2i i . ° . urn SILT " F. " , Jam 16:-:A large. - nteber . of Peti ty of Friends in to , • ' aga in s t! :s l a y e r yinani. ' a.. d i tio by n; fr :w .c er iz e. y p , r f eszt i ed eitiz i eli A a rn or on n g ho tlt (r e e m ls it hin ves d, on in d particularly ogaiii,seth reel, wicked and . mons• . .fugitiye glace la And askiagiis repeal: favor eta rule. of steamers teAfrica.‘ - Mr, ckly He referred: ith instru r ctiona to.. re:isSid that .colonization was the 'MO 41qaaa'.ta port o . repo ia of the „l a ; ,%Tho s i` ta k r ; sa id it ; suppress theA I friean slave trade, or,to benefit could be ref , ' l 'in , ri: the tiil.l,l , but not the" free , negwes in the,U l l l 4Td-Pt4e, , ;The, wtthinstrietions 'Th motion to t i uspendthe Pet/toners represent that 4110 only ; effectual rlales so ntifi .- in 04,his3. the, instriltions Wwiqmeartiteabolish the Africeir slave trade would errel 11)0and deeldett tiMiligativ:esi a 68, noel be to encourage the,establislunent of colonies 3P 9 . -: ' ,;01. :_:--: -, . !.- ~•! :: :7 . ., all:Mg-that Coast, -..- Xi.. Clay saidLthet pit [.. ,Sztt4erf.,,lanr . .., ...44,rest4ntion on,..temcp; admitted on all sides 'that the: : SqUirdrOrt,,lMW !#.:iy4 f - er JiettSsed.4*L.Fe .k, report- thero.had failed of , its •objeet,-; in ,Auppreseing ed,lnle'sresolMtiot4le:claring ~thO,.. traffic, in, ,Slavel; and - besides_ there 'bad It _warrants, *anty-1,,.4,4 *iv : . templet : 7 l been tigeeat saerifiee; of life . in 'keeping _Mel able '' - • 1 1 I • Squadron up. Mei - hen - went into a resietv of 1 , .:-Bottioi is onotiO to find the nifo with which theiiinters*Lit theli pi The prisoners in jail .in Coneetieut were :mated on Christmas day, to a substantial din jail. Speeches. were made by the prisoners, and, after dinner, a-number. . of- dan ces were given by a colored boy. Im the even nf thn stunsaiL. is watch suddenly qdisappeared. r Afte s r he' had 'some. complained foroe time, one of the, thieves, coolly handed hint his watch remarking; that .he • must be careful, what einnpanY fie keeps! 'stiseph It .Inqge of wignified ,tely after Esq., of artmouth foyer.— a Proles. Pioneer per at St. the-mode by-- which the slave dealers, obtain..., 11 es ‘ elved„.„That I f v o e r a t r htt e itnpfairpotsoef, threotreotio; vessels end crews to carry .theiroi unholy ,‘. 4 . 1„5 , t,!la,tlYe ,meet traffic. • - ,„. ,_ „.... , , !,, ~ ,„, , ._,! tmrc, sutm. leei?Eatiaeod ' the citizens of eve ry ' . .I. Ho UnOte lie said was mainly icarrieu , townsh6 no f • • ... . I ~ ,•• . i 1P• , 0 eel.the same interest, to ho , 'd or i.b 3 , American vessels r whielsresold,in d,ip I niectings •" 1it. 1 4 petition for the like purp ose, ferent forts'io !that, eynality, Justice, and right demand it. f. the Brazils, em.feondition th:Vt ',_lt_ esited,l.• fiat . the greater part.of the east. theY be,deliicied' to some port jo i At.rie t"H: lem portrorvof the:County have had to e i .. , He 804.-14 t the United tate..S should.-retusorin rv i tts :..o o •_ '— years from eighteen to th' 4l ; 4‘. lx -- - to'graarieitetters 'allowing, vcsi e ti to- kail rinilei to attend to bfisines of the COunitrty-l'ati from any of these ports - to the Coast of Aftiea,l their own legal business, and neW hiving b e fti le • re . was no fraao-. to ti;eUTiii e ri 3 . e i:leome, -. by influent e . 'of internalimproretienti, or ..,,, ~ ; oynomerous. - manufmteries eze., I (as v,• O b a opt' the•slave.tride. Ike could not see Una, love) the largest tax-payers, 'we feel it rigiu tZ t i ws.a . tq bdcome7qf . peoplo of color,in this coon- claim, and -expect, if justice be donens , a remo. -- - - '.• - t r y —there was. no better, plan. than to trans- val. the IteSolved, That the •t. axable, - inhabitants or port them; with their- own - consent, , to , . the ....stern i po por rt iic l i,ofki tit ti :: (juu n t ty y to .. x ot c , si n b y, i: ,... Coast. of A:friea. 1-k thought thit, if -, hoth - 111'Ood li i g .- oit .s. North and South would j o i n i n thi s scheme, ft . : th e same time their growth in population at'i iiisnia . bfikid - daive • Zotlii - Oltli - rifipinCga: 77ll6. o l iuteiest-ITfr - belirrkOlic-exte6 ~,,. the , c aminitthe on i that ofthe•ivesteni_ part) nml MIA principl e , f petition , 'We.'„S iefeir ... ed . . .t0 ,... _ - . economy for•thbsOlatteridingiCdrirt,'tve believ e Coimene; . s• .. .• • . iNeW , llilford ii.the tank : eligible -It v ' Mr.!laleprcsented a petition from citizens of Pennsylvania; askinglor the immediate re peat-Of the FugiliveSlavO 'Act Mr. Hale wasprocieedingwith some remarks, when he was called to order, and a running fire of words took Plaee between him and Mr. Fi(Ote:' Chair decided Mr. lisle to be out of' or '-'3lr.'Whiteorith moved to lay the qUestion on •;, The yeas `and naysWere - demanded,and the' clerk . proceeded tO 'eati the roll. Many of' the Senators 'did not an'sviei to' their names: - 3Mes,srs, Butler and-Yuleldrefilied to vete. A - Seine or great confusion '"ensued, The Chair was called onto enforce•the laW, requir ing every Senator to .vote. Another; storing. 'and confused discaSiimi 'follOWed Portia mentray The Chaii'decided that the: rub; required ever} ; m to vote. : . Messrs. Butler and Ynlee'did not vote., The, Chair.said the practice tins O. call a member, and' if he - gave t no reSponie; it rested with the Senate whether to censure or not 'The iMtitiOn was then laid on the tz‘ble-:- , yeas 35; nay's 30. The -fo)lowing, Seriaters voted in the negative ;—Messrs, Baldwin,"Ben ton,Chase, Coo Per, John Davis,Dayton,Dodg,e twig Hale; H.imlin, 'Sliller;‘SeWard, Smith, 'Upham, Miller, Winthrop. The Senate then, resumed the. Consideratien of the joitri... resolntion of the. House ceding the public hinds to States, - Ike: Mr. Walker resumed and concludedlis re- Marks in favor of the, bill. The bill. providing'for Piench Spoilations was fiked for to-morrow:, The Senate then 'went into .P..Xee.utive ses sion, and. shortly after,adjonrned.. HouoF..—After some unimportant - business, I the House, on motion,of Mr. Potter, resolved' itself into Committee of the Whole on, the state of the. Union, and resumed the consider lotion ofAhe bill to reduce . and modify theptes of postage. _The pending question was oath() iamendment of Mr. Brown, as amended yester- I day, by Messrs. Ashmun, and Strong, which provides,. that; froin and ;after the 30th day of i June, 1851, letters carried in the mails of the I SUnited States shall be charged with , the fol lowing rates of postage . On all letters , not exceeding half en ounce in weight e three cents, and •for.every achlition4 half ounce . or fraction of titre tho like sum of " • - ca r_ - letters two cents,and distilictiOn t4. 4 l, lile''''clitir'''ging? - fi ve' Cents for letters not pre-paid.; . • After,a_shortMseirssion, taken -and - .the ; amendment lost—only two members voting in the, affiralltive. • ' Mr. Potter then offered A substitute to ;the flist'section of. the bill, providing . that each letter weighing 'over hnif,an ounce, three cents, and ler each 1 - Aiditionnl lislf ounce three. cents. The question was taken, and the sulistitute agreed to 7 --yeas 91, nays , . . This Committee then proceeded to consider the second section of the bill, providing post. age on mewspapers, and :adjournedt.without a conclusion. ; - : Sr.s.vrE, Jan. -16.--After the . usual •openiug business, petitions upon ramous subjects were ' presented. . HorsE,--The House, after being. organised, crept almost, immediately into ,Committee of the Whole (m the Cheap Postage Bill, and ihe second section was agreed to. The rate on,printed matter of two ounces to be one cent,• bound books not weighing_,o,veri thirty ounce's are : considered mailable mr.tter, on newspapers. , delivesed in• the state • where printed, one half of the above rates . will .be charged. Newspapers to Circulate Within the county, Withiri'thirty Miles ofWhere printed; are to go free; . and'on Magazines, wiren prepaid,. al deduction of fifty Per cent Will be made:: j The resolutions preposezto reduce rates on pre=paid letters of one half ounce to' two cents, and on unpaid letters, three cents. NeWsPa pars conveyedby mail to fctual subscribers in! the'cleunty where published, to 'be delivered free of charge:' • ; • ' •' t The were adoPted,::', . Ccninty Meeting. At a meeting of the citizensof Susquehan na Couhty in favor Of removing 'the County N Seat tocW 31ilford, coliVeneclat . duet Bend, Jan. 8, 1 , 51, Ssar.,Er-,TtletrtinninE, of Great Bend , was chosen' President, and "Bent Glidden of Friendstille; ,laceb. Taylor atnr las F. .31cliune of Lan esboro, Ogden Pratt of New 31iit'ord, :Timetlii :Griffin of Apolaccin, ;Wm Thiyton of Great Bend, John Martin of, Franklin, Peter Gunsolini of 'Liberty; ,Freder ick Foster okilridgewater, Vice Presidents, and David,Sttmmers and 3i. L:Tr,ndell, Seeraa ries. , S. B. West, F. A. Wani,,Bimj: donifert, G. B. 'Wade, F:F., .11adger: and — John Doyle;! were appointed: Committee to cfraftrealolutions expressive of the sense of the( meeting, Who l reported as follows : ! WrmanaS;the in r habikmisof ,Susquelianna I Caunty,bavo built (me :Court House and .Tall lat 'Montrose, ,Wlteielay'thii citizens oF and vit. la ge; hive been', largelY benefitted ; Ifeiv, when there is greata(Wzof new buildin,l , s4lie sahicitizehl aro anxionsly striving .. to - , have thentrebuilt at, the expense of the tax-'payers of the Oonnty ' • and believing - as we codas Wikinaw;thatNew, 'ltfilford is a more central point-than'Montzoschnd the good and: coin. modious buildhlgs, anitablk for county .:pur posea,,can.b4 ereeto la- the citizens .of New Milford free ....dr expense' to , „the " titiv-paxcis the connty;whieltif 'built at,' Montrose. Mast be'done - ty genefal 14 - s; therefore. ....Ingible - point at this tireci. and is. 4-futtare. :Choice - - ut — -. location, no better place'eati.berseteCtecL -.-- ~..-... Iteselve.d,Tliat , ;aVe., ore 'iMpolied- to tts course of action-by the evident jealousy on the part, of the inhabitants - of -31outroie and vieini ly in respect - to the -present prosperity and prospective increase Of , population 3n .the east. em Rat of the - county, as :manifested by their inderatig•,..ble Opposition to Any and alt totem! improvement :projects calculuted.'•to promot, our _Own interests. . ~ .. , ' Resolve* , , ', I I I P-t- , Pe --ilterests. of the,Tst suggest the propriety of speedy and - energeti c Action bythe citizens of the'aeYetiffownihip, faiiirable ttithe: prepoged"rehuitiall'imirth at Ave recommend the early mllot r itteetings there, rn, arid . the a doPtioir of , umasnres-for the Tl,O. cral circulation. Of petitions to r tbo..Legislato n praying,:for the.ucces e gary. enactments,,for -the 1 accomplishment of our object, - - Resolved, That John _Boyle, E: A. Pratt,ati 1 William C. Ward, - Ve'n general - Conimittei of ieorrespendenee, to wheun-may , :be directed -CI ;signatures to petitions for removal,tvito are re. uueite,d .to. hold' themselves in. readiness ton.ze ! port at any future meeting their, ,actual num. bers, and the names.of the joUrnshini whence they come; and farther: that - iiid Ctatiniittee be desired to.. appoint Sub.edininittees in the geteratlo'lvnthips; Soliciting :their , nid ,, iit hir theranco of the . project. - : . 1 - l..:ll,e:solved;:'...Tlmt :the-.proposed -removal' is ashed only on condition that the Citizens of 'iNew.:3lilford vill erect suitable_ and' apprapa. i.--ate County buildings at their own eipease; and I that such .condition be expressed 'in . out pea. tion to the Legislathre; '-'' ' -.•., , - Resolved, That the ,gyineral committee •1* desired to procure the printing of the necesw -11.2/ petitions, and effect their, speedy and, plop' ,circulation. ~ . . ~. Resolved, That having noticed a 6411 for 3 ineleting to be held on'tk 3touritain ;this day, 'a thiovat of the County Seat, we do heartily concur therein, it' the calf-was r0:41,, I higooci,faith, `and tho right Itind.of spirit, _ad if PO, Ave Pre: , assured thge:tNclayer ,ofclif ford are with us. d'' . ' ' : ttif . Resolved, That the procee ingso is meet big be•signed Ly the' off4ra; and that the ed. itors of our county papers , be requested to publish - therm - , , __ sEET.,F,Y TROWBRDIDGEi Pm& Dean StrNatEns,..Z 5e ,,,,,,, M. L. TELT.SDELL, 5 : -, . • , - :1111M/11 9 THIL I , :1 Hsunisathio; Jan'. 13. Sxxi.raTl i : t [Semite was called,to,order by SpOsker Mr,. V.', , thias, who laid before the - Senate the e mu. r ' al report of the Frankfordand BriStil Turt. l: - ',1 pike Company ' . ' ' '' ' • 1 A petition from ,eitizens:of Philridelphil, 1 Irentonsiriting against the repeal of the kid. i'-'.: I napping laws. . '...,- - A , • i., 4. number of petitions fer the incerpotio i tinn of 'new banks' were presented. ~ ' ... i • A petitiert, from citizens . 1 r Philadelphit j pre:, ing" . for `it' law 'to' unite the city ail , __lo.:l..,mnbtn. int 4 one eit.c. IN - 4 presented by '3lr. Perron; and preiduj c d ,A the Senators from Philadelphia." ' iiiitiS.E.-:j-The' Speakerlaid itefora : A ~ nottee the annual statement. of"the.Westen .".' I S'aring Fund SticietY of Plilladelph6.:; An additional member froni.the city rf A Philathilphia was appointed on the ennitnit• 7it itee to apportion the State into judicial di;. '4, tricts. ''• - : ..-; . .: - , • ';_t Fs On motion nf, Mr. Jackson; the !loco ."¢ took up the • bill-to ititherizellte - Pitiladel• "i I phia C 4 ,llego of i‘ledivine tn• •born w . m o be ,; !Theie is but little deLbt that the hill al.`l '' '"pacts tire House. - - ' , ,• - ,• 1 . : _, JAM.:I4. SENATE.—The'-Senate Wll 6g {called to order by the Spealter, who ' pre-, sented a memorial from the COMthissienen q rof Philadelphia county, relifire to propertr 1t exempt from faxatios. • - , .. .. . , : .1. ''' , A number, oi:petitions for ineorporatlr: and renewino. charters of. Banks were pr; 0 Mr. Crabh read.t....'? a. bill relative to the e tate of Strothers, - of Philadelphja'city: . . i •-. A committee from', the ' Ifnuse was in- nounced, who invited the Senators iti an- ''. compdny them to the Hall of the Ifouse4 .',. Representatives for - the, purpose of ••heing present at•theOpenini.of the returns of.the .1. hoe elections...for-Stale officers, and.on the .1 proposed aniendment of the State Coaatitu. / thin. The Senators werethen conducted to the , 5 Hall of the House....: . .1:.: , : r, Housx.— The Speaker having called the i ;.. liii;ise to order, a number 'of bills' Were rJ: read. r. Mr. Hart read a 'bill antlioriiink the trustees underihe will' of John' Pitmen- stet., to sell cortuin.real egtute: ' ' Mr. Gossler, a billrstipplementary to the „ act to continue District Court of Nil- ndelphia. ' Mr. Oliyine,.a bill .to remit collatteral in- beritance tax, chargeable cr : rt the lwfuest 05 -•'. Josiah:White, deceaseik for the foundation oi!' Manuel Labor Schools" in Indiana,add lowa. • , , The Senators h'avi'ng returns of the, election were 'opened!' and read. „ The returns olthe eleetinit for - the amend- .- r , ment of the Constitutien ware .opened, and showed the following: result': ~ ,'. :.-. .., . A -For the Amendment, -, ..•::-. 144,494.1 i i 4 .14 Against the Amendment, .".• ..-795. 1 Both'louses(of : the-'ti egislatura tact to- i' , ?; day in .convention, sal-proceeded , tol the i election of a - United-States Senator, Miscue ;for six years, froprthe 4th of Mtwohllext. 'Richard Brodhead,,ef _,Not'• ' ty, was crested 'On th first_ balliif. ' The vote 'stolid 98 f0110w5,:,.._,., _ f • 'ItIOSsr.4: Hailey; . .RiaikilloW;:reriiiii, For syth Frailey.F,u,ltnif.'Ouernsey,\ll6gO,3lls gtiS,'"'lVeS,--jorieS; :MTligin, Muhlenberg. "Packer; Sandersoirand,Shiindi'af ihe'Seu late. and '' ' -•' `'-' ' '''''' . • ;.- , ' ;-; - t, '-. . • 1 Messrs. lionediettfielow - A3lafr, Brio ' dleoroti seplirowe Cassiday, Deniers, Rot a'-‘ bins. BAIN Downer„ Dunni . E l Ye-.Ev 4 , 4 a ' lßerks, Feather Fegely, - Vreetuntl, Pot; trade, Gibbs, Go 001 - tv I n,, 0 ran 1 1 ; (3 uggY. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers