Paz mums mum. Garden animal* ,Applied lit Fell and reqieniAmplaints'aie ty 'those who are limited in their gardening`operi thins, that whatever manures they do apply to: their gardens,. bete up their crops when the heat Of- summer comes on. We , have - felt this ineonieisiencitpo," and in looking around-'to find a remidy, have-come to the .Conclusion that_ henever a garden requires active stimulating manureS, they . should be applied in the , fall or winter; in this way rank 'stable -Manure. .winter;, be applied, and - spaded or plowed 'Under immediately. It will have beeome by spring. the proper food of plants, and as nil manures leech upwards, the surface soil will bein fine condition for the growth of vegetablea; . whereas,if the _ manure applied at planting time, espe eially the crude manures generally applied here, just as vegetables are most required, they - are fired by action of the sun on the, Manure,' and the gardener hit the mord& cation , to find his.labor and money thrown away.. , Whatever manures are applied in the spring,,sheuld be ivell rotted or of a eoeling nature— :There are .reany families s that annually waste a barrel or two 'of • hiehed:ishes, when had it' been,, applied to the garain ,palch,' 'they 'would have had yearly Yorks as Well as their neighbors. 'fhe soap suds from the wash tub is a ma nure that may be applied with safety and With profit in'the sprmg, and yet howfew, ever use then:except to - enrich the earth inland their kitchenk end make loathsolne mud holes'; When perfuniaa flowers, luscious fruits, and mammoth vegetables, might have • • been made by them.' We do. not yet pro : . appreciate the, importance of; a gar , - : :den: Alio-bearing , that it has u pon . the happiness'and health of a family, ta•plainly perceptible - whenever,-we find a well con ., ,-ducted garden; how highly important then that me Shahid Understand the properfood of plants., lie would. certainly be' a mad physicianWlio would 'give. his fevered pa tients atimulantS telrsise - the fever higher end higher, ling stalky was consumed: So with the gardener:plaits are frequently atimulatedio Ifeath, forthe preper : codling. etid; ',Oor . garden Soils can scarce-• ly be too- rich, hut it - _tatist richness retentive 'of moisture, and not as would be •- the ease - if that'stable manure;as applied in the spriek,' be a richricarhablitilsurned 4verything ja contact with Ho, then, for your wagons : and your 'wheelbarrows, load them up, and COVErrlostrgaidens quick ly ;'-plow, theta *Nturn the, manure under, and whefilie' earlyseed time conies, you . aced.not fear buys, barites% will follow. , • `We espy the above from- the Odniabus " Encrirer,' and Wel highly - approve of the advice_pron.: , • Many manures have too in ' tentin - t :an action :when", Brit applied to be weed- with safety ;. among t hese may be anumerated, Peruvian piano, Sulphate of soda, sulphate •of ammonia, saltpetre, and Many others. Arty,or ,all these may be applied safelyin. the fall or winter,' andby being &lightly catered; they will be carried. into the soil at a season 'When the tempera !tare idiot sufficient to Corporate the, morel volatile- portions; and .hence, they become - divided before spring, - so.' that the Young spongiotes at first starting, do not come in 'contact with • any material quantity.-- (Working PM-frier. ' • ' Thciduce. far, Orchards. A friend asked 'methe:other day, "what ' is:the hist situation for , an orchardr As general &hitter to Em;,wer Would say, -4‘• Where ,you ;can sern.'7 Thera is one regaisitelbafeliolld'nOt illdilookea, in choosing" the site'sfor . an .orehard. It is Theiand should ho welly drained., *,•• ,Flat lands, whare the water stands,howey er rich they pay , be, nrelmproper for an trehard, as:the apple'tree will not flourish ' 'with %miter - about itS roots„, Bence the slope., of ,a,hill is :eminently fitted for an orchard. It•does nor, make so 'mach' dif ' ference which point - the Orchard lies on; as • many suimcise, if the land be - gen& You • - Will find orchards, and - very ( good orchards tooz on all our hills and on the, v'ry • cies of somo of them. The easterly slopes algeneral thing;areleirlier in the sprrng, but then they are more -object to south east pfes the - fall, ;which sometimes ;knock the, apples off it a 4tad • rate. let I no farmer, he without an orchard , because lie does not haiipen to live on the south :aide of ti• till. Plant gond healthy trees • on a well drained . soil,,and with the atten tion to them afterwards, you_ will semi:have fruit from them. - „ While !upon thts aebjeot; we-. would say . ,a word about:planting trees on 'the side of walls and fences. We, list *inter, lost some young-trees ty-the weight of :Mow which drifted - via them in4;:cruehid . them down, breakingthi* off ngi;:theitioind: We have ietieet Oat - many' tirthqrs have' Jost trees in the ismeananner.- In oiderio obviate ibis, it iv.Blbe , eood thing' to place the stakes - riund,th a: em in the fall. to gather with Itrisimi :spitted To each a way . 7as , to-taketaoat-of tb werght. instead- of • teining' on'.:the IBy arotee '-!- On oruntil the :free 44',Iirie ntiono to resist - such aitionfit will lie saved buck ant —Plaine -';i:.:.:**10400*,...,..:; . '--- following"Cafrantr to a - letter of a _ .„ , ~ re_ . . .., IA, , Louis gentleman to trfriend in- this yi einiti, will-Vve some-idea of, the aisle on which farming m - aonducted in- Missonri:.•;. "Yesterdag I-001 a ride to see one of . ' iailifia Milsot*Arini;llbdut2tiglif Mires .. „ from St.,Pisia.'';4o!4'r..ffigerson and 8r0,,. ~..' ' Abers;„have one : itioniani. sans fenced . la' ' - ' 4 ';witl) a lait anflpas* fence, whiohois. one -nille,and a !Alf Wnisin'illmaight line both -., Maas, and-viltbiEne large gates every guar.: ter of a mile. They,lliate 1.54 aeres of - -earn, nacreset stmwlienies, --$O-naree "4 \ iv ismell3o ' '`of - flowers, sail id Pllseres 0 4 , 1, f et: i. all 1 latße*" ..4,i , t llitrllavo -44300 5 411 0 ,W&C" Ttlat Wcollfittlit* 4fraitibar vile? bottaii tea Yogp he !inter:oooz fatelksra&B • oak of half 40 -BdstotrVottaaan, = and completely eiSvierW iithviims; ind pio)l4 . Of Aktiitint ',itiOiatift oinikod - ',l*.ittoirrAitrgOi is a l so covered . with_ serinvbfinte‘gia**e. ThL4 faraillas beeo - orsitl wlthiis, yi,ears. Can -this'lit I Xl* ltf,3l4:Olti Ail:Ststllany iillkol-:,4'.:'.004k:r44.A130iik-111:4Vtili ino carriage aventtear,:thrcugar:thir. crossinglkt tight , angles tho maw. avenue. loirdCred`flowers efleh iiida'Sj?otie a quarterthe :and.diaed, there tlie farm. was escorted alloveer it; and , treated in the most hospitobli manner? Traveller ;', soilioi*io•;'' . ;,i MCtAt. Ctiarqxrit;4-4here•iifiothing which adds ao 112114 0.9 'beaaty `.and pawer of a man as a good , moral character. It is his wealth—it is hisiNa. , r It dignifies him in every, condition, - andVoriffts bun in every period of life: . !!okts-;:eliet,erl, is ;wore o,be desired than vaytbing .014 ort earth— • It 'makes a man freer and iiidepert: dent. , No servile ,tool, mo'eteuebing ,spo• •pbant, no treacherous :honor' ,roe4r;,' ever taro such a character ptti*Pilt •of truth „and righteousness- never,' epri, ng in such a person. if your young lien but knew hoce mach "A :g9otrellitfttottt/F9ydd digniry - is4:.k ex,-thetii,Tikswi.iiiirioSS it would.aaake , their:Prospects., even ; in this life—never should we lindihtim , yielding to the grovelling' and hisi; : bern'purpOsei o' human - nattre; : : THE TAN - REZ'OUT•WrrATD..r..t.a.:.x vr ennee and a Frenthrian armed. a pis• in. co-part : I nership. When _Trilling time 'tititur.• they wished to di.vidO AO. meat . The Yankee was very alixialis 4,oldat'ss6 ll 4 6 re both hind.- quarters, 'the Frenchman that the proper-tray to•divide was to cut across t h e The Frineh nian diti* that "thilten tee wOnldtt4l his.baiii_and;,t4tra:aboree of the pieces ifterit tras.ent in *we:, The yankee tweed his' batik' amt the- French- Maw asked= 'Vieh Plea zo ton to him orze -Wee° vait - ain't. , got no " The piece 'Ninth' ruined" the Yankee. Y . - • Din, by gar. :yen - can -.t4e liiin;‘ard- I take ze oder •on 'raid ; the, old TreUebMin. --'Upon tiarniag . aroVad At. Itankea found that the . ' ridiOnattii PIP 9 1 " tail and,stzta,;l(l*,(6o.pigsximakb:-, • FOPS AIND IFOOLS.-.x-Witi - Abitra Fnglisb gentleman remark tbittilti...Yorrest soldier, but we are leolmed , to .44. , that be „bad faro:44%ler,, amornetittlidtAlieree was snob a thing in Christendom is a dee dy - Fseept ti . subjeet.forYptitill" elhe poor 'mantic, isioed rer nothing„, Here otaeriigram on bid . that ,Versr Ocoteoe aidering the poverty s ubject:,_ of tbe sd : - Youitiootty my_ bestowed'such sitictiiiti ' To"iitisit the dalluees oftotit - ' It treitild"tioi, all he said ? ' ' • `; HO* ninth his feSt etrifise IWhat'sAbe matter Citoqar r ..Dat +IA lib"d6iiia eat moan d mod isia • WeD i rdiddt you strike hint back, Cae our 9' No, masea, but I strike *Alrisbniatctpitiziefrcan q Thor. country:-- %a bed:. liaga as„itia nor Tots, wbila.,tlie nsedlor:ernssingareelca Avitb ,, nnelicip and they ;ate witttivia on tbnifbackn?' 72- A Maaie4lll4l,,-4,pl4siciao of Pa ris, who was eballeogeareoently4o, a duel; I chose -what be called , • bis- aml weal:ione— 'that lots Sh/Yald" Ariciti;"'Whiali two shoutreivellOi'a,aia§ha3 Ttte elialleadei mid 'the affair,wai az - Meal:Ay . arranged.;:. .::: re79Dr. P'a . _ rs,satd a yoanisst, to the l old Itngeus;,.le,ts you and I write -a bo 4 k. ::';t" Very well, replied the doctor,' putin all that, I know; and•all and we'll mate' a' big one' .1 • re. A , eonntry . ,girl ./o,.tariting • iiome Arent the Polkii; nye the Aaneing; •ia 230 t mneh i la the hugghlgia•beirenly.: ; 1 That YqunitiOlain 51ic.4.(1-be,!ii.§le(V: jtati ottie.ciftoildeSATi4mi o AA „poops, igroatl.` WhO deolsred Abe wooldot pushy a ship yard; - where; Acre were. so tasty whitopairicsiss;:plin Oa' *ht. 4.6-1 statuary jeweller .ilowa east; rid vertiseithat be a'nuiriber: hr 'precious stories td tliey sparkled kilq l 46.UCti.SQUltilauw• ie.An Iriihsaair once , sesiarkettlhat a true - geatlearian never - Itiot'rit, the faulta -4f . P,fi:**.(s3l:l,liti•it'4ll°o first le.An hishustui whvbad blisteredlia' fingers in enditivering to' draw.on a new pair of-boots, exclaimed -4". ity.Saint-Pit sick] Ilielier4 theni orr, till I weatlbrettittAt:orlla:2 - tete' A'. ,rt* iiAbirAiiiigilapeig and i*Olfc!: striped bass; fin, less than loitr. WheA got Irate •nant't atting,.4k , Alie latter ,ivithout line—the'tfatheitinOsi '" iviiy do y0u.100k , 7 4t the moon much-?, itoinireft mother of her atifig4s,#: r , •l#l7just entering 'her .14,3enttt Year. !7,prqbaYaNiy: tthq,B , viii 14: itnkthe:mtipiefit.mpl3 , quE lammr.frPujanuatei,,,Thel.f: li"iiiii - tO'rlitidOMitbiatti*ripot 41.-1 1 1 4trufk:V.ACVilit*:i,tWeetaIll441 1 - 141 lielAiii!VP:#og*.,ol;:*.ALAitO 1 litiMm a lutpromog.c!,Amoogitmfipoimorsl mictki.o , :tfoliv:, , DiMief 1 %but ei - l'ami ' Sri 1 Ifoiiii i 14.icei t , , ,st:10 - iiiii , fllo6beiczifig - be 1 .„ . ‘. !:': ;- . • .•:',*t pf 1.46 ' Werver:•l I Mr:'WelMter - MiioWou, from Washingog toHlikif ' litafflittiool - iiid` l o* the •liiik**44,f 4#4 l i 4 A: l 6 4 .l ol ol l kiiiile i ,, :vtt1i0.44414,1114... a Otptbitiliiiill44titiliOaveqosteteil#* , iii, - ;• • • :. !-- 7 , . : , -- ..-•.:,,-, 1 !•:, ~ : - ' . - ', . :. 7 , ':- -*. ,-- , .-.'''''''.l"l.s2rMinB4tlBl:*A 8 TY '' • ""- ic r ttt , l4l,l:lll3D tttEnteDo` , tottrl.ll; l !T., &E 'Leh' Se ...• : I EDll`ol‘ll AND ItIOPMETOIIII. -- . DOLL4II. .Asto .vrrrf jtHef aninOtOsh in advance, or Acre dollars if not paid • until nilotgriTitarenr, titieeo sit* nylptjon.' NeTtialter *it* 44c00,0404 arrearagee are parthericepretVieloptlen All toilrannicaViril Wdn to- noise' iittentien. - • AViekters cotinentedEllelth the elteerletotidd be directari 4;E. mss: • 10'; PAttors'iffiae over C.Tyler Store. •• - - . ; SATES or, - . . Otletquaii;l (12 lines or lees,), 3 insertions ! ' fectO • PA isphsequeitti inswtion,• . 2.5 One 5.0. " Berilte*Cartis,4-tineeer less,. C.O YearlylArtvertiseinents; riciecei7,o 6 I One noliren, 'one year,' • • 7 ; 4 • )3 t )) • • .tiseni in • • ' .Yeraili:Arlverilbiltestrieted to the bee einese in which they are earned.. . - tr• The Publisl4eri;havieg-i- largiases.rbnent I e Job Printing Materials, are prepared to execute all' klii of JOB WOBli: ith' 'neatness 1044 pat* ..'• • 7 - ' • •' • :'rs f .7:'.„l , i tt - ,BLANXS eserylleseription.conitantil hand, dr • fIL ' on --', ''.:',ot:p:Oa-ii'ttco.-,,p,#tTo'.: PtTEIL DEM= • iffivnia been bppolniell by oar Firh,OrNow 'York, ea IL * .Comarlratotior for that State to take thobroofana nottnOwtedgementtfAtrea ey(othOrtgettwaiepy., will attend to business calla In that capoOlty at lila alto° at :Groat gettd, Pa. , I:. I - sept .10;13511*V: E.;' , 117c: ClSLiffe, 'ATTORNEY AT:I,a.W. (Office o!4r Tyler's qtire) J. N. S `.l)T7l' .sj, C 0.,. - LIVERY AND XCHA.NGE STABLE . Alpntr , _ TIETALIETI, Botanic & s tivdt'opatitib Flwoleton Residence a few rode eas4 of t,tie 41,0TVWIOUROCal the 3011IN1114.DOIOCIE, Attorney at 0 Elie 'en' Tunitilke • str6it; doOri-rust o'llo obi Iktiter Prtating Orme, :Wm retim,ll4l., _ • . ' PETER STEVE.x?p, Cabinet and Chabenitbeit3 eajelee eel the becalms:ft All Its various brandm anal on a Urge! e,!lc, tbs t oltrelitha of Smitha, Stevens and Aviry. ~ . , f.,i,- 111 ARIEL 3. omp t ics,, tionni;t. sign rattateilYapriger, 61asior. Grainer ond,Decoratot..:"Shoputer J. . 131rebaneteask pcnteXabop, a fen rods east of. \Torpor Hotel: , . : , 0. BALDWIN,: . -'-.. * , Carries on the-Baking andCluady besinessilx xli ies Tari• otts brandies 0n0,..d00r vest of Sillson's Store. Dread Rolls, /tasks: Oingtabreicd, Cookie raelters tti., kept. cometsaitly on baud at wholeselestrid.retail: Also erry vs tlety otiCAtidy, got Iv In the very best stYl i. New York ne excepted.' 'Pyramids, in Oxtail kinds of fancy.Confeetlon ry kepl always on handat aiioicealeand retail. • • . • . • ZTONS. &SON, .. DEAL. 11 IN Dry Goodgi ifardWare,Crodxry, TirslVtie . fiteceries, Book% ' Also carries on the • • • IBook Binding Business::: ' Palk ArOue,: 3fQntrose, Pa, ' , 1 ,411 L EC. gin:trawls, - 'isoor AND SHOE WIWI REPAIREP tSbcp over A. BaldwitilliOnery Shop.) • .7. J:.:, - ,A I I 4, ToR.ITZRZ..aiAt LAW- Greaf 3L, L. TRWIESDELIw • ATTORNEY AT -LAN, Gliat Beat; Pet,-L-o.fireit*h Cat.F. Lath. • -- • - elm: .Goo AT- L I ONAt PRICES - is T wool ° those *mare stisbirtz to btm . doiidt • • s' recommeadol fall aftho store of die silltsert itetsin 'New Brafortlothere tLeg orepew reoeisitb ee , • Gciods;':GroceriekHardware, Crock= er and _MISS 11 7 (1M,` Tin Japan and Stane iißrare;":ooots,;. SkoeS and Sole leather,i kedicines,Perints;' Oils, Dye Stuji, - Nails, Glass, Zinc; Pork, Flcher, Itsli'and Salt, of which will be sold . 1 it #ie - very lowest prices.' ;: ' : , . - Notice We want, any.'ipingity of WoOlen Socks, -71dirnef;;;S`heep , Pe.lti, -Pars, Rutter; Cheese;' ,, Lard,`,'Tallow; • Wheat, - Ike, ' 'Corn,: Oats; and indeed,' alinost- any ' 'aid of Piviisci; for which, we Will ii,ay .they ighest f - prices: • Thaneul Stir the liberal enectiregeneent, heretofore re ceived we hope to nutria, and receive, continuance a , Crostini*. Ectuataber &vitiate la at Pratt!k new store house, in frcuit,•of their hugs Tannery. Flew slilierd, eet. 29 V. Alt H RATDEN. - - • - Variety Store. hive ! and let lave ! urn D. TROWBRIDGE has just purchased an es/ro ll slveStock orgoodsahich he adds to hisformer ma, and Batters himself that tie cansell as cheap as the cheapest, ifnot cheaper. tic tenders Ms sincere thanks for the liberal patronage received heretofore, and solicits a altrpina continuance of ihe sante. Ms stock consists fn part as .follows, cis:--A choice andfail assortment of Groceries, Gents thick, lip and tine Boots, Bops: thick and Kip Boots and shoes, Ladies' Gaiters.Poßras, Brogans. thick and thin shoes, Mole. skha. Silk, Furs, Jtngola, Wool and Glazed litatsiCaps, as largo and msblotiablE a stock as can be found. Trunks, Carpet Raga, Satchels and toihrellw. Wood, Water said,lapart tare, Baskets, Brooms, and Brushes of every atyle.,v • I YkakeeßotioliS,Jewelry,Prenet knd flerman'royiand fancy goads; jontinaported, Clocks, fowl' Books and-sta tionery: Gents • and Ladies boss,Gloves and Mittens Gents undoaclothing, , Oil carpet spread, mats /sc. , 09eat Bend, 0ct.14, Itso. • esrla il foid Stove.- D epot, i l u ntrgr.lTT han i..troeitved 'tie* tiascatamint of I.3li7Velq ineindhigitte most approved' kinds - of Air Tight and. common °Oohing', Parlor, and Shop Stoves; Ilussla and common pipe, Sheet Iron,and Zinc, , Stove. Tubes, kw.. &a., to which the attention of rash pluclurs, .112.11, and thapptglels Invited, and which. wiU be sold at very lovaprioas.for castior approves!. eredlt.! •. - • • Septet ,X 3511.• Wanted - - giviringthferivc..reltaid Vetablitirci Iiio: ctw;iorwblct Luro , , 111 . d t' 4 ? l , llest P riculaiWb° Pal.g to 8i14h,14:46,;11:1** - • AR"UdltE—looking Glasses anil Clockt toV air do actiPtitat>.3 Bait 43ann lc at 1. , •,• , , • LlEtirgrCitnd.„LspblS;Widotter,\ezprerrly for se* • Boat ; and -..Shoes . ,GentiemiiilleCKlP, AAA tab '3.00116 ,A .4120ottl;Shoes,f and Elippent s just recelv ki• Sept. 4.1850. ( MIME. i. BOOki . 1100k8 H s v.,' A EW f ritaros pillooks,lani . received'. laeluang atl the ads pied In thete be. Mink; Lettetiuid apTirair, at - Ike ldwast pikes: dept.s - _ . I.J.TONIr& - SON: nitatOdap,ldaeliarelrjast telvOngseAtachenthlt , :' ' - PrONS & BON. .. -„ lnninal , 4ustitesl6 naidicrtmlAws CeMPANION, • urll34ooturt re 7 V 431 1 .4 'lnt for old SAbe Book Store —air a. -PC;I. +Dook tivoittr stud t t end : SiXaBaidslaritro;6ego , N. ton rub v11)7- eZhish...6.-,ets.yeric • 4.-,LlONtrir, EON:. "MCI= tible Batiks • ' h r •li 103p.1i j oh -teß er ITikOssihrormore,ScioirofFarau ;ll'Anbtakiaelii f afthaßaretaation, stelatp: . _ J. LIONFIFISON„ Thie;Catiod ieturua fropi ftmelfeeti J.feritha large fend well Wetted annirteuent et treed% towhicb he would calleheattentlonot hie Werth: Hay tag had the advantage °Myatt experienee in thing• lege; he flatters himself that bi:vell itridentazdts the taatoetinditanta of hit patronee- Among his moat a lit be found urger& eat/different sitylelefliold and sliver Levers.oud - Leplue Tetchee; Gold Vealigob end Guard Chabiii; . Baud . ftrucelets , Ilex and Sane do ri , eies Venelfir, Thimbles; Epee - tacleir, Ben Hooke and Glides ,Watch Locket!, Breast , Vinialai*Jtifkilaitud'Ear • V,71 Ahura aesortment Enver, %ARMIN. Vita; nattei . t uibefreP/P*74l4tht Maw. Thimblesiren-hEiblere oful B,oectatita. on este:Wyk talky of rietedriVair'e Ceetnee. Cake 13astete,-Candleaticheilridt Stands: Beads and TM" Toast Backs, OOttratr end VPrhaeitud nfiell variety , elf.Gntlexy, Fancy; AMMO. COoke; i •lTheee Goode having been-/electedgtaat!,eakts tooth** rogata to quality. price and fityle,the shbedst , bee la cbrifiderit that le will gidenetbifactitui to allithr May , favor him with their petreattao. - • ' -• •• -AGI/RED J. EVANS, fifeshingtoreet. Binghamton; Nov. '7.1830. ; Ne Lotablishmen . . • ____ THE teeret of sureess fa tondnessi-eonsistrin , *'great measure in keeping tho public apprised of one's ahem-. bunt:4,lloa of thakind of kOods andantes bei bison bond: "-;•conastinently,ithe tmdersigurd bets briefly, tdatdte, that, hosing fitted up a room peaty oppaiirs Milbs gnafriisoldatrdig, and purchased' a elooleo assortment ti , . . in ttess - Vork casnyosusisting, of Motn if sca,.Coffee, Tobacgo,tarn Wang and chewing,tßice, , Pcpper Spire, Starch. CillYeS, SZterattut.ginger. ilt4tnegc.fligara Pipes; Sisuff,Soap, Candles, Codfish, ,NtsclOrel,, Goring' Raisim Ground Nock Salt in sacks: far Dairy an table slant" Alan, avarlery of Botanic Medicines'. such:ran Com• position. an invaluable remedy for Colds; No 6 Hot Drops, Wild'Oberfy bitters, Lung Wort;-Cough GentralizlngVarelal; Ground Slippery_ Eltn_iico.,fir. of which are offered to, the public at as reasonithli readrpny, either hi cash, Grain, Battery ,ChgeSti; P4,, a s s can bo,obtalned - elsewhere. 1 Danis' Pain Killer.; ' • I. 'ILIIIILLARD. hiontrose Oct 10 MO. Clear the Track.l • MAKE BOOM FOR TIE Great Excitement in -Eteirfbrd., mum att•bseribersatonow receiving one oil the largest, A. cheapest and heVassor meat of Dry ffoods,erocerives Crockery, llardsnim Iron, Fteel Nail?, Glass and Glass Watt. Drugs, Mei:Urines. Hats and Cups, Brown end Bleached Sheethip,Bllvey Ware &o. over oFcredln this turn or county. Our stock of •- •' _ •• • ' DRY GOODS - !siemens*, consisting in part as - Tomars. yara 1 , " French, English and American Brood Clothe,fronalsl,7s itta3 75 per yard. ben yards Eatlnett end elheeps Gray Cloth, from ST .57.5 cents, 10 dlftesc nt etylee, /drama, 6 do 'Poplin. 19 do DeLains, 75 I erge, ell Wool Shawls, tram $.1,25a51,00,94., We arotunr or lnx fregrant Teas at sls,es end 5s per pound, shish aro usually •vsbLat 4s, fa and 63 by_pettaT, small and Inexperienced clealerst • -2000 Z. SELVER Those in sant of a genuine artiele 'artilitlnerted So give URA calland get a good sett of Tcasfor $5, do Table s $14.419,00. We vials to call plear attenflon to. 'vex ta ste:tent cf , 15304)7"ig %Ifier,l l 4 Whlch,for dienpnest, bendy and goctinat cannot he equaled this side of New York: Thtse*Dhing the Woith of their mousy are respectfully, Invited to sire ue a oval beforepurchsalugelstahere, as there is not a yOUP("IpI373 in this torn or to unt that "ran, shall': or " un dersell ; ourgooda have all been hought for cesh and unreel disposed to lull them attire," fstretlthirener from cost I JOHNSTON tt., VERY. Wanted---'ollZAegnt.'.°Pet' ; 4 7t °{* , - ,ii• Yal Sheep Pelts, any quantity of Wheat. Corn. Rye a t nil Brt ter &e. J OM/ETD'S .k VERY. Garford, Oat, 1;3850. 1 I I'M* NOW IS IBE ,TIME 1851. eubscribe ter sartain'e „Magazine,' Lady's L Book, Grahtan's 3lngazine, Fowler( threnological Journal, Water tare Journal; Woodfrotill'a Youth', Cablnet,floldea's Dollar lilagazine.77uper's`N I ly, American Messenger. and New York trangellst. Any of the bboso fuinlshed for the yver at etm PiTICES, by • • J. LY.O.N9 & SON. N.B. Sperielenntunbers "mince' at 6.0 Bindery. Dee. 5.1850. , Stene,.lrin and Copper 'glare. *: TEIE= eabscribem hero just putthas l ed: &late stock of StOres„Tin and Copper• Ware,• 'Thick they offer to the public as cheap as the, cheapest: • - - • ' •-D. R. LATIIRO,P 14Tonttoss,Den. 10, IRO. . ..,:',.. • UTREAT and Buck‘,Whent Flii ) urr tnl4st,e,t;t. RALT_by tbl. at load at • ' D. R. W ANTED 20,0'30 binthel of Onto; 10,00 t) els of Rye' and Corn for' %thick ire !Virg price milj b(Lpid incaek.or .trado by TrElt,-Fresh Fruit ' 1 TrESII 'SUPPLY arnica tiesb IV add Cheinkesi just received and 'for 4 - ale by • .•217entreed; Dee: 10, 1850 • L - N. BULLARD •_ CuPr V.anUICB; anew - eerily- just ceived by • 1-N. DULLARD -..• ' .',‘ Wia,. be • siold at ac on , ' )11: . 11 . ''' ' ' Ali -Tfintsilaji ,lan..2d, 11354:0n - Hlimillo; H. It Damitore'd tai.m, - Itifety: awned. , t;y Erlikiip Fields,deed,„in Bridgewater, (cafe tolcomlenco at ten o'clock, 4. st:, and to continneViCh so4Ceed lug day anfirtho p r operty ii all dikpOsid /)) the loiloWing . described articles, via*: ' - • . i-. '., . - plYtonb•of,ilay, - • ': t ', , ' A quanti t y of Oats, - 1. i -_, 15 Cotes, - 1 •--•' ' .' .•'''. A pair of Oxen, 4 Steers (one and iwo yeirn DK). And'every kind, of farming utensils {int IS Cart b an Algur. -- Alsa a.variety of Home t , dlarnitute. .'Ti ots,=- - 00,n11 parchoses aver $;, pat months cretlit.willisi given' if -desired, - ivith fappmved 'se a thy. . , CLARISSATIELBS, Mth'i .--- r - ' • -, ' ; of E. FIELDS", deceased. .:Dic.:lo, 18.50-50th I•. I • N EW Recipe for rialih ~,, az n; a Christmhl {Ricer fear's 10Iba.Itiown Sogarfor or, dolls' r •10• ". Itatilne," ... ~ .44 • ,10 Ginger , , w _ 14' ' 4 " Salerat* 2 . . 4 . ' 44 ' 30..9 •lotper 100 . "$,4 '24% , . 8 -4 . Coffee, ' N' one dellar. The above talied vitt' I,loisses, and Eggs and boiled or baked 4 bouro: . IYhen cool eat with Maple Melaseese f ' . , The tigredlontit obi bad trerPASII -"':f • 7 . • • N 1/Y11243 Alit/LEI/Sr 310ntiosa, tire: 3,4850.. • / . . , • - A. 1616 ..ggiGlairt.-- , --•! Thrrebritienaanreced 'bytbe' thi•tibiintlinfranage resaiTed, tollll. npmy, Arta ill, largest auad.beit amartment or. goods aver ygit MD:2;lst to this maz)mt— In it may ba found neerytbft belonging,i6 lin elry and fabaystoln, fltloSt"Mcka 4 ; W atchin4 areveiy" dikaription. Burning parlcorand mamma- LIM pa, ',bleb bt ihla Omni/11bn,,Maselar,a gupt; smi!clunM,light. can Una them only 01 , „ TREE'.S. Xdatrosc i -Novphtir p . ),185CV •`" • . . . d itten '.• frtnaniinniherruiis this day secehrod another Invoice o 1 English toted Lever ,ilintthea, prr Atlantic. - 'Picea Wl:italics ire from thr'intronfacotryotlaottiph lobiipbn, ! Liverpool, made grprnisly. to order far: thit isubteri*iy! with bla.nettoe4wara on thouti WithWeinintal reference to. the wards of italiCeed Agents and otbmrBi.rishingi Per' fed thno. • nit nyfroe in 'hoary ell,ver caaor y nnd will be faOM ottorratjiennd tinati,toiorder. •' Big6tuazstautltiatbingtackt..-43w. .... . . img tblsltlsit retchredalarga anti basin ' MB assortntst otßrittsallt Ware r .or the very best quality,conitstithgt ottlafta-Pots; Tea Pats, Sugar Bowls,. Brstumws,CasparsiCsudlasticksi &MB La4iel, l 4,rWhich I will be solfrati omit advance „Tram that htsztttracturee -prieis, either 'by the sett or'place. •.-.- , - : i. , Bliaghatatotigastitptgtonwtl-r4B ,I _ , .."AJ.LTAN I S. ~ 1 11 911-FaSblOnS i i-„'w *ILI!' irmieglitiitizitieitoonictikrocituigiuttOi76 tlik, totic, i %hat that Timid tettist4 tliblirattrittßoas billatiarat CAPS, and Ise now aisanfieteriatrall artkelewhieli-lor sty ta,Balsittarwldurabilllty, testutat La starpasielt - t ta t tnis l 'or any other uairitet, , t Thankfutfor IthikverYtilieral pat 'hangs whirl thilhavezetwiiiilateyiespiatfally solicit twcoutTmanim of delartzd.L!' Thermal vell:heausiver est rgrtlll4o:2sl,4/T04,-.4., 5 , ~.- • ~, • •e' . 7 ,lli .\ __ ' ' ' ~,.,„ ~,,ERA*Al(....siyc.. 1 ..04elittiiiitter ,, -:,_ • 1...- , ':STOVIGAIUS.I2 . , . st 'Keystone Suite Air-44t Ow' kiarttovey f—nienilf,ettnied ogiffrcii & •r. ^^ aso ire,Vetttt l a pt e • gtailL4ol l"u tk " to). fi tolrieuttiter ' AEN:rldri nian3. Itatafalgi 8t0118#111401Y2125, ti F11411711 ' IreffliNbrPP/CM*Vir-WOLD• t tt T aid Mgt Pniattineti' ":"ri lIMITIMT*S,IID , I I LATFIor pau.) 1r0f44M5 0 .. , 'MAUVE. rt TROS - ÷7,4lJili and I Eiredirji stituie "Uri; et .1 ; Dla r T setb 'by I - ES' E. trans.& •C 9.. • ,•• • =2l . . • STEATIM:::: , .. . I s t ' • r - illeintmensglipionj. qf Steam of applied to = s.- PtAt c2 4 1 =3 14 " 44 . • MPa r i - . G now, has boark.and will bo o eonstaritbe inubloyed In tbrarardlng Now and-Chtap Goode to e_Ncla' and Cheap More - at Lake 4: Eat° othore , 404113WnigarlIR fentenkutralsott. menti, Ott. sive and $1Rr4414-rilli.a.treb/,,O•IileDE:, 15If a , tr ot h ^'.; ' ' ' l L, - 1 C, DIISIG1101)S1 'A:'• ' • finnelaung afiistriac.:Vsnotta,soiste desietip on. .100 j l ard " 04;°°46111ng4412411ige ffitit at, per >d—al- ad Print; of alft•ir,tialbr itlMOlatie - OCFOcirtlo ' equally , benutfuL anlicniutdifeap;;;Nlnaelbed faebiry clo th ed or-y r inpacci. :m.0....tid; 1 / 4 3,ata; and••.:t 'Variety e , style nrPopllnsli•-'sl4leLnlitelq - iVindeuSlayOle; 51 ' noes; Cfotbe; Vesting's; Cashmeres, all k Ofy pa, gobs...very cheap. • Alto, . N ~.„,.. • • ~.. - . . . •• - • Groceries, F , :_ , Otiodieni at Z.,,-4I and 5 sblie per lb.Onidle4u iglO'Athtgtenfki"7l tontdu strt,lreiern iortmnti ctainte •_,' ~ ..,..i'l ;, : ..,-,;:gardw ' ' are .. '.• . ~. 1 1 '' ' I : : f Lis thy cseateeflcersiblo . abinultariee, or at heat ely cr., ceeded by our rd:ortraen,t of , . • , ,-,- „,.. . , _., _ ~139. 9 '178„, - 4 , SHOES, - ' IThfeb Is . 111isUrRa . sped,',.c - onsfittng" of Min's and Boy's flontnand sboel, uf cetcy 'Amu: and sips ; Indite ; Rubbers ;..bnif Onitess; Jenny _ Lind 'Cotters • nd—and ..L.,,,,e, togyebing• 'else, that la', everuied no_ article a " COTC:IDg foe Ow body...". ~ ... ". ' :- ~ \ - - •... , .:. - • ...„ IX AA l rraTh ' • .'-- • Alliqlitnincy or Sheep Pelts, Wool, Fyro, Frinch Oats, ,COrn,,When.t, Starer, end Ems,. ..•• •- ,• :„ • tr7•••.- paid for good setiol•' a . CtrAtilfuttber vitt respect to :pcieesllre traits our ftlends to do as they Ices bolls., rdone, Yil:;p1.11 and jnd.,7,e fee thebOelies: ' • ••-.. - - _ •.• '. - • VAR d EATON. , ,N. mis win rat i bg uOd nderiold In e etdrket, lineford,'Ocf;ts,lsso.-44m5. - : ' i td: • . _ . .. • • '',, ._f':4 , , ~,, ,; , . ~ ~ • 1 /Aslptitir ri +4, - kin ttiitmeoript A bi;s' Fall Stockorl /Ai al LW , Gonda, which Is n• suallp large mod complete to Faacy Dad 8 tapie '- 1 '''nr>" ~ , ' 66, ; 4o ..'Grooeiles ' ' S -- Cr . ...-- ;ropandlipilo r Wots orl,li •, and hop.;Stoyea,' 'Buffalo Ro IP 'el tiding •ilt isPitiidir, - a la: _ ~ iortment 6t -, _- 413imuulto.lomm • : ~...•:s i cid.V7inie x :1L , , , '.'; s4allot:wLleh be you'd 'off ' szelishing Goods of,the best ; 'eltittos be - beat. for cash or , S c Woolen Socks..Fl n natl. ror I Nf7 'Xilfo'rd, tiny. 1 . , is6o: •,,,N. D.—Coarse and.Wcst staatly on haiat. -' ' attefitlOw of all who. yles;, and at 'wires that atootall•krallpitactoding atiy"quattt.T. ga#,*iiiti Flour kel4 Stiltßolliir e - -New Go — ods in .. .. At (he al : 12 , of Navlcation. r ,•,Misuberrliberie t c ' nf., hcevy-shlmircesi or Tamest •' every kin dnratioir which be Is offering:Very dzeap ! i the.rertly;foinoVe •• . • - -r: -, ' ~ , He wo nbl tender bi! armcsi eianks to tbepublic,an 4 - ernecliffbr t+i there oh. tar vbeen ajar:TlM!' the bestow ment or 'their tatrons.e, and prig FilirJl io fees end col; HO: tice"Mercbant r4,bc hiSpnY scrim time . during; this rentury,Kini,fte,wo:gmost reosetry.lly,nsket enntinu mire of tbeirlhicirs F • • M.O.TYLER. M SZ Montrose, Nevezikerl4,lO. Kirbrood, ttepo, Q, 11 5 11erchapti,itedbittdes and:business Men In general, .1. irould'a,ir that - Ike place for you to "Vote:: Th idteriber nose , otters fire oat Suliding Lot. ter Houses, Sates, and Alechanle Shops, on ~ the most reasenable • - • • - Tering undatnetorritYrnent made easy, For pastiest lies, enquire of M.V. St,ltilliSS, at HlrkirbodDetkot. .1. • ! *- orNar ,5Q1.7/RES. ArEIICITINT'S tr O ilargitnil, 'i ; rUmWs:tratrberteointrr.ent 11.1. Col Titer Oil, Tuiriverors Sam" patina. Vaur.ha'r tbon triptV nelt'r B r.lram. a te , ref PsinaceA. II of Tr. Jayrte's walleye Paid Extractpr. Pala Miler: Dilirree Ware. 'Cu re. null mrst ,or tha approved Patent Slealeiariut the slay; kept et ustintly'un Imurl by • • ~ ti .!-• ,• • ••• BEN,II.IIY 8 RE.AII. • . . _ , -DLO SlilB.Bln gbarainn, Mon tie se. Sklnneret 17,1dy 1. ani 1 Ina and FulleosPltinglts ar.d.Cist I ing. Lynne constant Alti .- --- - ' ' s. )1. sAiricr. a, co. ItrATF.D-10,01Ni . yda Woolen flannel. 5.06 pr. Snot ty Illixed *Wien Socks, ' nrii time Litween thiA :aid the sit Jet.,fur which the highest price 1411 hi paid io ~.10 • • J. LYONS to SON. .414FTs,' 51 raider;• Lnewnad, Alain,{'it n 11, Copperas,&e. Just received and; far vale by . Sept, '• LIONSA SON. . , . TR* SpCons, for'ks, and- firdies,airranred the best maituractuird Araerrti, at • TIME'S: . . !ffirtE 'get: of gle. 6 dna. 263 -Cldelwie ',gone butleme of e Gamer sort Is on the may co.Trne'p•Jpwelty shop. , . . , . .. • . 4 ' • 200 'oz . Slilver Wore,: , flow9TsTr&‘?3 , iserwei , Dii,we ?Li:Treat:l, Magdard, Li and Salt Sporn/kV Saprs..boirels: Sugar Tonz.s, Table M34,..,3),, , 1rt corlot;Tmeter Katt esekt., WarrantNl (.4%41 to coin. [Engraved grap4,3l?y . EV.34:.. 4 .. .• .. A. ,J .., - - - ,,c 014,L0cAe.19.. - cfmnix ato Num oritiry " 1.3 I)lnlalinOz,u) EVANS, WashingtoreFt "Bathe . Very ine • G 0 D *Afett.B Sine 'ket , pira.' '4ll w ilVatrh‘i, pll qtrintittrls, by ' A. J. EVANS. ' VITANTED 109 busbels 31 _quantity or Aticillipplea by- thgq . ..3LiDlZoie;NOTtinbir , rf wishing' to bur Cloths sultablef r winter tr,elothlog will do well tWeall at • • trhn mote and , riper Leitheria6 Hip Skins •of t 1 ii,ett ►J kind at - •.. . 'Nettr ,. .:Goodtt-'•- • Tanti.eiibi4 aaniii"ie•zeirlalt ti, injip . ly of JL Fall and trinter Goods. incise call and -ein nune. , laza:rope, Oct. `2085,41, . _ gat. .. . . , . . :,.'• '- •-•:- -..:. Gold - ChainO... : i; .:-. ''' ' T O ' CAT73.ThimMes, Spiels; l'en'azid renal Cases i ji murvastiortrnent pt. .„. , „....L. C,ANFIELIP:3,... ; ,TN111.4. ILebbir Over Shoes, Perot . e, noes . , eratberiics, /on (.4tlis 1d.14. forialebi . _....._ TriTIAO Robes, Turk's' Isitrnd Silt, ;Dairy Silt. in otualiraiks, a:sotto best kind °lndio,. And Iron, by C. _Wailte,so9 doz. Sodss,2oo g. jam' relts. the zzhich the highest. y pz a foe dg 4rb n e e n i ,i -t ar x r, abtatiodSzold cheep tor'eash ot re.idv _ .DJR. LARIIROSit Co A0‘,01:0 ; amosrtment 'ort•mtts' Shvee',' Itten's ecaMtiatel jloote, , ltolOs Iloot's and Shoes, Women's ehdlef• ditto7alm .• • .. Oath/ .mheing agyen irrltty.of Orereti m ats;Seelt;', litteds, ftc., a large variety of Vette from Ai shilliztre upwards, ratthr - trood assert rat of prats,:Ehlrtr,. - prawn, told Wrappers-111Mo ; ' r • • .attt 1...-tratg ;' fltith; .415) tlr, el et. ied eta ett caps, till tiatiott , s fe! Melt, tole & Stationery. - • Selipol ..o.MtereLltneortsaohltra Staple an "taneff tn. tlemern - Tolts, Inkrtauds, Pettxacke; • Vehlenlym, and.a great variety' of faney articles too nusneretia• 4.* rimier rate, j 'received at, • • •-:••• MU:EWA,: „ , „ -First doorabyyq Segle'aylotel. famitritse ' •TSM. •' • ' • • - 'll 11 W:0 oft TEM above House is pleatantly sititate4 4n tbe Erie if O lr9itd, and hag been newly-ili ivdelid furnish the sveeption of ..old'frittabi guar native srpo Mt) , favor me with a: _calk . -The' .Qoakiltiltitidge' Is noir moida,,, ,, Kirkwood She enAvstand. sloitcst ne t t :fee the people' ot 'Montrose' sad the serioanilieg 'iviintryto roach - Mt Erie Toile/Mg,' Shalt theteiesci.yoti aliAtisve; and wintry to satiotifjort with prices,. tt et t. • „ • sio'f• ' • TntwrvEy &READ, have jug receivcda hageatrYcrell ,If **aced. floOr.atrag and Wit/ter CroolfijamiiFtim 'alba r vaiiety ciTiy Gaodd;Giotattes,qackely, Ilardware, Staid. gfndlsaitareil)ridgsildaliciaat;nints t oiissadDyeatda4rlfaßasearpedlagoOlacke; Watchett,"Jaivelry;" Illadow - Sdati and Maio; Looking Boots andB.l44,4,eatberite; &c.. ".at'sividelk the;Yake bound dosaat cheap as any.- °Met Coin-13131b, mutt& this , conatryi-for caati; pradisee,-or approved credit. - NEWTtackah4iiii4ftbeet rieelyed - , sib ,•• '.. 1 0 ,11) 7 :4. - • • •4: I,PINIVELY fiaREAD: urauileftr.•in*q4itlEjefg , ,deb, tnithier,:p rgn . , kiittr, t ercitetei,,wogeel; Bam*ia AaP . ltte:t. tiro substarlAtia. - -, ,, ,..41. b , ISEXTLETLit READ'. 1 r j j:1 11 - , 9Sairb PF.A 1 - 1 1,1,0 .1,:: .. , : - ''.. TurtMELL'B 11.0711101Z 1 -Lit*oll,-Ctsad - =BELL'S 31"129111ktifigAtleAktlitirrgilefUlnal, At . 40 ' '7TURUELLII; it AQCAEL, selSlugt ore .. . t ,suzieum 6AiirtErito Wont , 1 0 fhb - citizens of -Mantrap; nu l lLtJnitp thatto• has just C. ituthedfronrNew: Toth • with 41 Largest, richest. and beat seLeeto nhortment iot fir 0t c ept jewelry, Silver .Wary Ift etcrbefore offered in. tantoti... The abdin.'groodatc: .7 , houghtforentsh, and trill he t 4 at eloWeif priOe, end all hrtielea Warranted' als - rt t r , wended, N. 11 —Particular attention paid td rtes elf hinds of Whtehes owl - JewehT,V,' ' • drr Court'itreqt; hearty Opp ositetti e l'hiente 'lto/ lEinghlritton, dataxi,3Bso: OANFIE/ r. , • ; agiitrr eOtYPe :ROOMS (6 dil:rellotce ;Buildini k iorpii: •r4rppi, •;": ' • gg next tier heart s . nd,,hgt,yeli. howituieli'she prize! ; (O/d The Artist's compliments lo the Lai Gentlemen of Montrose 'and the ndjoiping soliciting theii n"ttendunre et his Reolas, convenience and Melination may, dictate Tiy is4tlligetilobservanee 'a the require tions, ail may be sure of producing a " impression.". - Truly yon s, S.: Wing:under , the necessity. my occupation soon, on account- of up ) . unxious to instruct., a pupil iu the . a pose or ins cippiriattis ;.- which I will reasonable terms. ALBANY & BUFF Ditmi TOrk is Erie; stir*: , -titiehaniaa F.Affi Roads, and Cayuga Lair... , EVERYBODY'S MARK Thlll7;eitbscribers are now prepared to, r *Bats, a the follog/aginttlittr; *Maio, Attica, Batavia, Bergen, Rod na,-(inevr. ; Dresden, Ovtd, Lodi, D wad 'mum; }Javan% n lliliport,otleheadso Pactoryville,tipting Port, hedger's pats cal( Candor, - Owego, Union; , lidngtta ..Tartelibere!' l .Deposit, and Ilaneock;ov (Sundar excepted.) onil"eehlhilile wit out the season. • They will attend tef to the New York 3larket, where it vitt al attention ofexpfulincekt rale:m . 4a, the selling Ofthastinie, nutl 'Set irn ti able funds at either , of the above poi' persons , • SlorPhOttsti of Ifentyylaw A Wen, Starchon se of IleireSyford; Ilatavli,Storehoin eiLu'clus A. Smith, Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel M crson ;- Rochester; r ;Store of Fairbanks & Eldredge.; t eandagna, Oface of Walter Corcoriin,• Geneva. C:Latrr ace; Dresden Store, house of Whitney &:11.onell; Paid. ergwon& Sprague; Lodi; Dundeelainling. Storehou of T. Tuthill & Co.- .Tefferaen: atm of E. D. Norton, the Pier "Havana; °Bice of J. Phelps; st reef J. Stull r• llorsel nettle, °Mee ofJ. A. gerrell; Co Intl, t!re of Wnl: Jt Arnold; Enntrit, rterehOtlfe 0". Minoan &: Facteryville, store of ClitarleSi4 FLiPkerat' Ferry ; Aurora, attire of 11 - .& G ::AVT,TnA -; Ithaca, store of P. 11. Drake ;.Candor; stere-01.3,-Baris;;or; Owego. °f ilet' of Nathaniel Ells ; r wrof N. Wheeler: Ilineharoton;oce - Of 'Tames Si • Great Berd„ °Met of F.. Churchill; Lanesboro' , stfic eefts' A. Ward; D4osit. - Eno:ga 4, Dean; Han It:is:ore oFAilison, & Reeves. :LAS. SIN Bingbarztan, ; • W.'T. WHIT - EY. Dresden, , . . 47E0. - P. Yi }:LL.- :, • NATHA`}I L F.1..1.•&0weg0 alw; Attica. The:run ;e' Sy ford; Batavla. , Loiclus':t. Sin. • lier,vuManielitlcPber mut; Rochester. Fairbanks Eldridge; Canandagna, 'Walter Coreortin ; dentre, C onrenee; Ovid, Feturon & Sprague; Lodi • Dunace ding. Tnthill t Co.;lef ferson, E. 0 Norton;Barn ~ V. Pheln, ; Stull; liorsi - elititlvi J. A. r ell; Coning: Wm; J. Ae: nold; F. odes. Thurre 4•loirarn.: Pactorrville, U. Shepherd; Aurora:ll. &G; P. lilt.'rgan Ithaca, P. IL Drake' Condar.:S. Barazer; Enion.; C.-N. Wheeler; Great Ilond..F.Clinivhill r - Laiieiboro l . P. A. Ward; De: posit, Ensign & Dean; Allison & Reeves. • Hardware, i Cooking, Parlor ',.1104, Caps, &c. lind. splendid as- ' 0Z , C41:0-2a ig Shawls, • •• Capt. James Sisk. 11 Itttperlntrwl . the loasne ,, r , throughout the whole lee, and reeelre end fill 111-order.4 for • • Groceries:4'l ; l4lh. ba b o ;At at New York, ant forward epota. • Dailyearn RAILROAD' • Great lat S 1 fl dayin the —Cap[..larnes E tiCi N. V. Carlienterl har Freight ironi . G ue to receive And In ham throughout tt New York to Te:eli :aionk expeticinceir that tit All times tin prices. The tel ISMMI INlnk 1A.50 ENEINTRosE MN NG Ewan enderi his coMpliments to the citizens 1. of usquehan county, and intdints them that, he haft just opened a st re, one door North Of Mills ,k Knapp's, int,he l•nro',.rit , ntrose. for the salent - • Rea ist-Tilade Clothing , or whirh he ha a hip, well. selected and perfect assort ment, which h , offers 'for sale Or reajig pay at p. far lower than es t.. before cdered in this market. clothing Is a;I manufactured to order; he Inono hesitation In warranting it ta he all ha recommends **mall profits and quiik los'? is his Motto, to'crbiehle pill rig idly adhere, Seto: nt gouge andjoelzr 155 they sill.• ' • OE4II.'CTiMAN:, . . June 26, • „• • • • • :-`6-13-' • • . . -The Teople's -Friend ! ' T.'. POND'S, of Ithaerti'lii..T. • PATNDESTIIOI/411.11CD IiZACTSMESTIIACT. , -Ati Extract from the,Fahrnb called Witch-hazel,: and purely from that pith the exic.peion 'of a little Aleohol to t reserve it. It will ewe alb:ocal pain 'and inflematithis, old .sores, fresh vamps and bruises, Piles, and all diseases of the boweleof alchroide =two, tooth-ache, ear-ache 'and an excellent Mann .dy furter:Dales, &c. It is trutrwbst it professes to ( lhePeople's Friend! Providerraasscattered along the rueced paths of life tunny thirs that contribute 'greatly, to the comrert and Imppiners of every. Logy i hene'a 'their great value, and welt may }hey call edlfriends of the People'" One own] here to '4;rtunl against imposition- A man by the nate ofEippneer,' has • man ufutured and offered for 'sale anneals.ilttlele_. railed the Coryll Erfrad,—that would 14 eMract of te hazel-nut:—tae genuine is ai white amd as more as water. while the spurious article ie colorediwli tsnables the public to astinguish... None,lren ne.but those marked Pond'ePain Destroyer. MOUT, 1 1, Tontiose. and Store-keepers and me dieine4ealelliteneraily, Agents ' _ : 563 piece is....ssiiiiv,e( , Oreurdnati Mustard Spoong, Slat Suur Sherr eta, Forlis Ito; Engraud. gratis; at ' LAANYIELD'S. I .• • TL - k' received by the subscriber, Folosr.toltee, Toßaceo J EAU, Broad Cloth, Shreliv. Batting. Wedtilngote., aroWill be s Xll7 as low de - the - triers trill adiait: - W.:Arose, 5ept.19,1850.1 M. C.TTI.E.B. • • • GOODS. . ISAAC' L: POSTh, CD. In v. ctist recelting spiel:1011ot Of.PALL GOODS.— O or .customers can tied at the o 1 t. stsittl silmostatiy thin tbcy desire at fair prices. , fARD Lamps, with a , raricty . Werapn seam, cheap at i LYONS 3c . SON vitlN'rg,iteil Treks, Batts, and aliandsome assortment , onnese Goods plug; cheap at , LYONS SI/ON. „ . _ I . tulrs Olt cocking and reToliing 811. - buirelled ppis• 1,1,dt; far sale td: ' TILUT:`3; • .1" , ;:;11: . 1.1:5D .r.a.t. !loops, the *tea stile oat at ° - • • . TB,IIE'B 11T3NTED for reah or on account,_ 10,000 Slieni4Tl 111 F suithi,Voo bushels 44 oats. ' - - d.KP OIL, thrj,cbsapest in town) foi sale by j r • &SON. UANTXR CUT:MTST3; Campbor:Cum,.Pcpprr 8413.CP,' 14 ~lastard, Le t ter Papers Fg 8 1 . 16,113 6' Rua Din , leg, &c.;roi rile '• • , • r 01:4/111R::, iITANTED-25 bushels .of good potatoes." Also any Iquantity of ellostunts,by , lIIILLAIID.' B E:o2Wolothe, Keris!mercif tad Eattdetrx cheap et trPI.Rt Xong Fluswifi r hilialttos, ,114!.1 plain be ,VA of , , ' tPhyslanthrople Pllll4 , rprirtbest ri.medy for Billionsattarlittettiint(lspeakirma Azi*ietice) toro4l, by, RetLDlV.l:4,:det and in - • 'for Upoli ll oW,U= W roZ r titr :oter;:i 7 g;Zosb 6aireilif4elisesettoarlyintheseirson: 1$1:041LEIL: . nog! eo44l,lllyer.Witehes, elver Table,Tet6DAVere sua 1.1 ialtrEiiocklis, antlAge4eralaisortinette of .1(11,111 1111sTrair , & READ. . -Silver Ware,;- , KAI iisowleA Yorks; tiZoie: Nspptilu ! -- Gteat:BvgaiiiErt Cananda , Lauding; Jef °ruing, 7. Aerate, IthaH Greatltitl, ?dap In the week, eguterltpthrouv l warding the same , erica the pellet'. rho attend to peoceedt iti Batik , 0, to the regale:A, rViett, Oysters. &C. - &C. e lowest wholesale veer. in . to either or the cbote nemed r4lFL PE ation Line. N FREIGHT LINE DETIVEEN d levr 'York. • Uthlays eicrpted—fur 1,8 $O Alum: . i commence receiving and foriard t Bond on thotn inst.. and eoutin ward pro:lnce daily to Cant I Wick . season Cape. W. ailt remain in Freight fotstanletrto him. and frsm e hwliness they Llattei tfiemselves I can corunnand.t:ie higheq market will I be paid by N. V. Carpenter, at V. CARP:e.INTI:R. - • • ' •'• 2044 :By M. c.Tyuan , manse _sl : llignsommeorintr 4 11 .01., • .gunapo 61,11 Paterson tuid Eltt44 ' & ot. ~, . • son , littitsoikalve.,r, ~ i , ,, , 1 ,•, a_A t .114 iiVti3,....::ii 1 - Leave Suffern Zresre lirisku t k it 11 3 etlook3Oznins• . I A.M. 7 o'clock 30 Wee: , --. A. At. 10 .• 30 W1:-. A. ; -Id. S , . - "... / 3 mkt, i P.M. *ff.*, ,30 min: , le: M. 6 u., *ten. ,r.u. - • • s VADAT TffkAVess. 'i " .... Lewin Paffern's /kW. , I Lame New•Tork se o'clock 30 min.. •, A, It. h 6 o'clock ~• ,_ ..-- P. Iff. *Or on tbe are SI die We trains golme i t ast. • • EAT 141testl Iff TULA a $ el. Leaorralerscm at .I . Lear. Itiew•York. 7 oieleeleA. PG 7 oiclOkk 3artign. ' A. 11. B,ii . " Flit:n.ll:l4 Le. ~i. 30 .4 . _,.. is 12 ee st. ; s a . 1 . .PI .a. C. I .p . m . 4 .. "F. BP , , ... .--; .. 1' I 41, II lia r t ir r,..,:, T r • . 111 404 :1. 1 • I ',, teUNDSIIII Tll.All'iPs , • I - Leave Pederson at Zeare Nele.Yier! at ', - 7 o'clock A. 31.: itu'el i sirk„ . A. If. 44 . P.l.l.Paffn Depot. e' 4 • ' •, . ~1%, F. 11.11. Oultforideiy mornlngatbe fret indri Man SittfenVes *Weave at 723 , m1n. or ter the arrival:oftilo-Peat JosZ: train., - The 7'30 A. Ilf. and S4Soieleek P. N. tribe, sr Ye:1.1;111 not Op at Roy station smile olPatersou,ert tept Reek Road and linhoktil. ' - The trains ablels leave litev.Yeek at 734 A - al idlii . 3?‘ P. 31 will be la thneto meet tbe Erie traleasonondule anal evening. going Welt, utStiffenst Pepe. August i, 1630. vi .. • . :,;i - • . 0/17r ~log el. . D. it." rtay. w and '.ontrY, eneset where, rep's vorable Ali S. ehanginz y eyes I ~and die m very . 13. D. ssoo' ItEWARDT" ''' /1111Elewilry StOro of Wto; W. Vile w'as 'broken aprn -1 A row eienlows ilneett ,precisely bait path" tabor— oleo% bxthe '3 - = ;'• • . 9 A.A.* - CA. Sus eneca. LINE Aivrfoinrl to contain a NU oktottment of . ElDekS, Gold-and Silver Vtiteheh Silver Warr- ()bits ant Ladles Pitur enttilitv of! the Tito. t sekleop• 004 and sneer pencils, Ladles and ,Oeutel Oahu,. Belt GoljPens, Brocitate. Ohl tad' Mite nu n , V.os.4actootw,.kiritsors, Eteel.lleada Alco, - Perfttlykery-w 'assortmeottorgobta's• Rosellee Mtzact; itictodlo; jenny. fAciret Neebeoc, HtUokopar Ittob.tofrial .P4sfi rat d l Olll. Pe 'gale,' Be? der - casollne, Jockey club 'cc_ Soros CAL tade of all khtdt Ice FittIGIIT . „ , , Also; Ittirnitig VI uld;anit, a good. tursortim ent o f tudpv, Yank eel; ottobs. Toys; attd various other articles too nu ea aroma to mention, 'tablet' v4ll Use mold po . s4itely4iesper ante caribe betight elsewhere . r • . Repairing of all klacla Prna.on reaionabla tartan, at abort natice, and warranted. WM.IY TIM'S. Montrose, Sept, 25tb,120.1 ' . . . Notice to -the :Publics, New Siasomble Fan and. Winter .Goodt the • . -Great One Price iStere . Le S. EXIIEIII , II Otetit Mend; r. 05 leave to take. MIR ,opportry,ueit of tendering his sincere Chanke to his Diends.elid custoers; for the r,troutige they' hare' 'eXteided • t ie hitdf' . and et tho samo titneinform them that he ha's/Just returned from New York with a sory.large and choice selection of Fancy istulStaple Itiy Goods.. Also is risq l an d- mot . sire tweets:touter Groceries, Prorlslotts,D oats andEhoes. Irate ..and Cans; Hardware, Crockery,, /tn., Drugs and medietnes,;'whteh will be sold for cosh and prodway at a eery stoilladvance, privies which defy all co petition. Shiite; Pork, Fish,'..t.olt, wholesale and reta3l,---hewmald ilso . rmaart,thai he adheres strictly to the nut= of al , ways n the lowest price at fitst, thereby Airing the same adiar.tago to all who may favor hint tad their Ott ft , tolta=te , • - ,reat . gemdro3l;iii[lakg ! . The large'st, best and tirsoetment . ollteady Made Clothing In OM VW age Of Oreat hand,: Payt trow Cloths,Doe Skins,Cassiratres and Vi esting,s of oil qualities. suitable for the pall and Winter Trade. which he 'effete et such prices as to satisfy any one that this is the place for' there to deal. in consequence of the greatiarreakb.of bla businesS he has been obliged to greatly enlargeh is stock, which he now on'ers to his friends and the public for ex amination. rarcillent that In so doing they will find sntne. thini to their adr,ankno. The subscliber has Mid° ar. tar gements to manufActure clothing, in all its Tar:ions. breaches, nod is now Urepared to'aell the game. trariant ttl fairest Inspection. .0 tistora .Work and cutting done at the latest style and Bluntest notice,--all kindi of tail-- ors' trimmings ftiralshal and for sale. Donor forget the-- spot. Store neatly oppo•lts the Mauslowneuse• • icatteml, Sep t.;1650. $. VEND:MIL Now. Is your. tlu2O tck PrePal7o. • . .FOl' '; . - -.. z.r., •:_• Y i • •D B notdee . alVedhY nhis 6l.C. ;:mc:ea ther-;t.; .' 4acar ''- ci : an d .1.1 give a look In at Washburn fc ktrothtr's—they have Just returned from New York with the - lergese,. best end most fashionable stock of Furs ever brought to thict rear kit; vlais Binifs,Nietcridea. and Cuffs or cbtootima ; :loa- Fella Bear, Bock 31artha, Lustred; Natural and ;Stage • Lynx, Belgian and French ,Coney Silver.; Badger, Rue slat Fisher , and a great varietY.ef other' kinds: - Alec, Nitural andLimtred Boas, Swan!. Dawn; lemmings's:lad ' every thingin the Par Line appertsinlng to Ladies crpa- fort in cold weather. Likewise Wolf and. Buffalo Ribes, Bettfalo Overcoats; Gents Pas Collamckur trizciediend I Buckskin Gloves and Alittene,Canes.,Vtubrellss,Trunks, CarPet.Bags,Satchels,-Vcilicev.-Bit Brashes;,ienitY - LMd i Rats and Caps for Total, Jermy•LindiGencart • Cape for - ! Cents, end in Litt all . kinds of Rats iced' Raps you eau : call :or. 'Alcoa large supply of these Ene3loleskfifevid .--. Silk Hats; at the reduced price they have been POISI, for for the lashwo months. The above will te 'bid cheaper • than they can be bought at any othei, 'tarn in tiraxv.for: cost! or ready only. . -- . --t,,,i,, w, , Cash paid forshlPplitg lam end thecip . Pelt -.. • ,' • - . - :WAIFILBRILN dr,21.1MT4111. P. R.-'-fiest quality of 'Brown and Black bilk plash Cepa. • far only fil 69-4 etch as alwayi oeld•fotif.2 65-;OuVinot... to is the beer and c heapest , In toprikapd. boned Ab aoll , lower-then others. " Tr. &11. Nov. 7. - . AABEL- WELL la, now aereialng !slope_ anfi derlra— hie nssortralint . of GOONS . teemprislng naariy . eaary thing nnb ten In this ritaiket,”rhich.yrill be liolttesiconekLOW for tik:3ll or reartypay. Myassortment may be dasird imPortaa tallOw&r. ' ""," • • .• • 7, - /I'At Drugs,' , Medicines, Chen) icals,Tainti.als„ . I.)ye Stuffs, Psoceries,PilpOOds: irrir,il;• • to arei Storie-tcare,' Glass-ntorttili • . Clock.s,.lVatches, Jemetrir; -%; ,Silver Spoons, Sped ;:. tacks, „MOstcal Instruments, Thome', . ' Medical Instruments;;LiquosS, -. ; . • Perfumery, • Mirrors,' S taticne4; ...Lt 1;1 . .. ;. .llnzs2 es, Shoes, Toys,;ltanhsi F „Folions,: Ttuankfulter the liberal patronage 'mub anistantialon— eoarsgement hitherto received, 1 MY* to merit andi Yr care a. eontmusiace of the =nu: :-. • :„; 3 lifontrose, — Ctct:24; 1650. . I -/W•,FITCWS. Eletiratea.• Iledielpes t _;„ sea by Zuni trith:ltiihilutingitishect £ucces in the cargo Coughs, Consumf As9:un.s,U.part.Diseam,Dsitperia,,ao l 39l3, , Pemals.Comyluintsy ,ete.; , • .'• • Dr. 9..5, Fitcb's,tbdotottal oppybrborfAnlder„ BrieesitihalingTubea,andliectnYesonnradoytio'n snot • art-ofpreserdnglAte 4 - Health to old Ago, ecc.: ; .. • t AtESTLEY : tq 'READ ititiistseintOPolottlitXit , ittifothho , sale of t.l*aboirtiGoodr;szol ttiOt.eep them fonirtiLlUYPn. hand at their gforo, - , • . . Perfumery Taney'Seaw: URENCII Iltuidoline. Triple Extroet, Maccorser oil; Ov. .U.B.ldreovr Petnade, ;Bari?* -Tifeopbitobs,. awl other faints for the h01r.,,.,.11.1i11tary. /Pop. 'Walnut Oil do Itihite Sire, Minolta ItOd FaMif! .. 4a b , PRe superior artleles for the Toilet, to he found et • Montroge, October 28, 185 d. - - J. LYONS & SON.. . Latestlimvaloi jr , ECTlSlTTitaalizit received - a 'demands./Rao:is. sortmeut ,Ladles Dress,Goods, yinyrr.Ltdlityi, lll3 Stittare 'newts' andateple. toeds adaptedlp dats e castitie 'Oahe most desirable styles sudywiees; l ." 7;•,r, New 3111191(1, Oct. 1850, i 11. ptiltltlTT. _ _ r-''' •'' -'; LEMONS. , It Fre, • - 3• i 461'1 dlei enpp y o mons ne -Tete n se at tha Neu eltneety seem!' building:oTO thi,a,Disnpo ernt''ofilnei and bmislt* ' -.! -r ,- r:lrs 4 nutatAsix.. ..•3100-1701P,i0..t.t•.74 ;_:, seedv z: GC ries or ClusbliV N...,ttibtdatitt‘ • es CurtibwroodoillAtiolo Ar;li B,r4loz4cww gtattoi,e 4illeutleft;cothiii pup, b gait • gEllto, etrisliy • =Of* ;bitONI 001rilOS, Shahs; Ralcaran4 ;enfold:ate P,104,1:1110,T-f C,1454,* trA - 14 :'fol:c".tobe.cris;rll-- C O/1211 aid Iptzkerel $ Octuliei 2.13; , knoglecon4hitrad coo)4glit",..o)mit-Xecol.por. cut- IL ter, or sale;theivir : .tutrast:ek - e fCbeese, goa lard, ..,.. UT' ASTZA—EII4II4-141-et, C.tArilVSW`tweeis-&" " • - ; 'The Ric Oa t, VELBCTIOIot Zurlngs atualis4e Bing, o ° l * 0 .. Ditia/P 3 P 41 1 Wulf 47.11)*94445. ot‘i 4olb Y trot eiqust?"" ) , l3 . Cro i o!,4 ;t ta,, , kat , km!? - mx,vw 3 B-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers