: New villages spring up, old 'Amry 4anuttry* Term,' 1851. - • aParessPree e tvi3Yreand si - 'ftn" palm ts.imparted to unoss, Aubirrn. _ Tito"! it every department of indiolry. It is , one of the-greatest works of the day tine : havi ng . &mei, Mic h ael !! _ . struggled through many eMbarrassments is p ridgru i ater, Aurelius _ winlamaaie, esstingereiis'iiin the lei Wood. ow beyond all . most successful works in the United States; Brookl,yrt. E. Chfortf. A lanson -Halstead, Benjamin .• - ' tiimock: Theron W. Beach: - Forest Loke. TimOtby D: Shay - * - • Gibson. G. - L. Ames, Boswell Barnes; ,Great'Rend.- Grant B. TroWbridge. Patrick MeGunnigal. Jackson.. C..\". Stephen Mann. Jessup. Ralpli S. Bireltaid. i t cnoz.• Isaac N. Douo.l. Farnam, DINH It. Grits. ' • - Lli.6erty. Hailty:Filson; William T. Case, • " • Si4ler Lake. Otirell Evers, Lawrence Gibblu. • LATEST HI IL NEWS: =`_ Fire- in' hlladelphlia, 14'e clip the following account of the re ., cent fire in Philadelphia from .the Daily News of Thursday. * The extensive book and job print i ng es tablishment connected with the offload the Jager; at the southeast corner Of Third smd Chestnut streets, was'yesterday_mern. j o g almost destroyed by fire. - Tbe l origin o f the fire is involved in mystery, but the destructive element spreading with great rapidity through the building, in a,,yery short time destroyed on immense anaoint of progerp.y, especially in thp jobbing rottvp from the ;third stornupward, where the etr • tiro material, presses, a largo stock of pa: per, Sze..twere completely destroyed,' and the buildihgabovetho second story left with only its bare anct hlackened walls. Messrs. Swain, Abell & Simmons, the energetic proprietors of the Ledger, and who also owned the building, were only in. stared, as we are informed, for some $28,- 'OOO on the whole establishment whieh in , eluding the building _cost probably, over $lOO,OOO, and their loss over their instil.- , once must be very great, probably $30,- 000, or in that neighborhood. The fire broke out about balf past seven o'clock, and was not entirely extinguished until nearly twelve, and in tire meantime the 'buildings adjoining, on Chestnut and also on Third street, were in imminent danger, the , roofs being several times on fire. Our own_ premises were in considerable danger, and cur neighbors of the Bulletin, and also the City nem, we are sorry to' say, suffered severely from the vast quantities of water thrown into and upon the buildings to save 'them from destraction. Mr. W. B. Zieber, the enterterprising-*book agent, and also Messrs. Wood & Peterson; periodical deal ers suffered much injury to their stocks: • The firemen were early upon the ground, and labored during the day.tnost zealously. The preservation of the adjoining building en either side, is owing solely to their ef -forts,nnd their self-denyingzeil cannot be too highly. applauded. We. are sow to learn that several wore considerably injur .ed in their - efforts to arrest the progress of I ' the flames. roll Porticolarsof the - accident to the Steamship Ohio. NORFOIIK, bge. 27 The steamship Ohio, Lieut. Schenck-ar rived here yesterday afternoon..-, She broke one her engines while on ha: Passage from New Orleans to Havana, and proceed. ed to the latter port with the other, which also became disabled in the gale of Sunday night, when forty miles south of Cape Hatteras. The ship then lay in the trough Of *sea until. Wednesday, when .it was found necessary to work the pumps • She afterwards got under way, and with the aid of her sails, made out to reach here yester dayin a distressed condition. ~•T-he only injury to those on board was one man bad his arm broken. Hon. Reverdy Johnson, who was a pas sender, says he pumped laboriously. The captain told him privately, toward the end of the passage, that the ship would sink in two hours.' The.fi . nal subsiding of the gale, and the unremitting -labors of the passen gers and crew, secured the safety of- the noble vessel. The water at one time wash ed completely over her deck. The Ohio brings-late news from Havana, but it is not important. All was quiet on -the island and mmili anxiety was manifest ed to learn the conviction of Gen. Lopez. One Week Later from. Europe. The Steamer . %ltie arrived at Province town, Mass. on Saturday, Laving sailed from Liverpool on the 114th ult. The Herald of Monday gives the following ab stract of ber news: • - The arrival of the 'Baltic at Province town, the extreme coast port of Massa.] &netts, where she bad pntin consequence of her want , of coal, has brought a summa ry, by telegraph from Boston, of European intelligence, with one weeks' later dates.-- 411 the facts appertaining to the Baltic will be bawl Under our telegraphic bead, With the important paints of the news. The mails will be forwarded from Boston, and will be received here this evening. The news is not of a very important character. Cotton has advanced, and is in steak , demand, while trade indicatesAhat there is an assurance of peace, at least,lor the present. The German difficulties do net 'appear to have presented any nevi fea tures. In Turkey, it is said, some further - disturbances ha s occurred in the,provin ea of that empire, and a slight insurrec tion has taken place in Palermo. On the 'arrival of our files or foreign ;journals, the I particulars connected with' these events' may be found more clearly elucidated by thi facts which distinguish them. A Chapter antileady .Thide etothinr. And it,came to pass in the reign of Mil lard whose name was also Fillmore, that the FUGITIVE SLAVE BILL was passed. Now in the:land of William, whose sur name was Fenn, was built the city of 316 . 11 trose, a place ,of good report throughout all • the land. And many people dwelt there, who bad need of much costly rnit meat wherewith to cover their nakedness. lio,Jesepb whose surname was Uhrian, came and dwelt, among them, and he brought with him many garments, and COATS, and Pors, and VESTS, and SHIRTS not a few, And he distributed these among the Mon treseites liberally, every man according to hiexnAws,:and - behold all the people shout al of one accord, :blessed be Joseph, bless--I krin the : highest; of him we'll buy eier-.1 . Oak • Jas. 1851. _ The'new Legislature of Missouri , con venes at Jetleriton City to-day. - No party Ira a majority-in either branch. 'Amnesia hapbutts,ooo inhibi teateoto she tit, only retain ber present Representation-OlirleYikthe House. EvG or Bell of Sew klampshire died at Chelsea on the 28d.• se , represented State in the If. 8. 'Senate fr9M -18 23 to 329. , ThATERSE Jtrrtorti. ripeacon. I Patrick - Nevil, Josep . b Sid. dles: • .Aubern. - !Patrick Farley; Thomas, Gil lick. •' .B,rifireicater. - Jesse Coon,Thos. John son; Rimy Tyler. Clifford.: Benj. Ayres, Martin Decker, Abel 11Int, A. T. Joslin, Edward Grain, Williana. Slocum, Michael West. - I:irate. •A. W. Maine, Davidson Young: F' Gibson. A. J: Roper; George Wood - Greatiend. Harvy Trow bridge, Jiiln ilarfor4, 'Jonas Adams, John - Blan ding. , - 11drinotiy. %Joel IX Lyons. Jackson,; ; 'William H. Bartlett. Jessup. David C. Sheri:flan. Lathrop.'; 'R. S. Searle, E. G. Tewks bury. Liberty. Jacob Chalker, Moses How ard. Middle:o2On. Elmer Brista, B. Can field, Otis 110?9, John'll. Wilson., Montrose...Philander Lines. James -,byre. • , SECOND WEEK. Apolaconi. Terrence MeMabon.l Aubuzrz. - Patrick Dimly, Nathan Os born. • Bridgewater. Otis Bullard, Horace Brewster, Luther Catlin; WilliamV; Dean; Stephen Mead, - Philip Peckins. L?rooklyn. -It, 0. iAliles, Nelson Tiffs.' • Clifford. William S. Gritman, Dimock. Lewis 'Brush. - Franklin. B. G. Grover. Forest Lake. - John M ulhan. Great Bend Gvorge Buck. Hai ford. Williarkl Fuller, Joseph D. Richardson, Simeon Tucker. t, Herrick.. Alvin Chandler, Jessup. William Blase', Henry Deleera, John 'tout. Lenoz. Ira D. Bell, Andrew J. Hal f stead - , fames Smith. ; Liberty. John H: Green; Montrose. G. B. Eldred.. New Milford. G. L. Corwin, Gordon 11.1oxley. William H. S.;bins. Silver Lake.' John Craik, Hiram Da vid, Thomas English: ~• - Springville. Austin 3reachatn. Thompson. Nathaniel West. Trial List, January Term, IS3I, FIRST VEEg Commonwealth vs Whitman, et:al, appeal. Krllum (use) vs Cruser, in,debt Dußois - vs Tewksbury, _ - Parsons vs Newton, Lathrop vs Tewksbury, appeal Gardner vs Ward's E.ers, replevin I SECOND WEE'S' . Kite & Williarason, vs Nobles, in coVenant Roberts vs Wells;'acc't render '. I Roberts vs Wells, in ease Searle vs Taylor, ippnal Hasbro* va Monk, et al ', -_ - -..- i Wells vs Roberts, trespass •-, litinker vs Hempstead, inleaie iHartly vs Rridler, in covenant ' ~ t Meredith vs Rosencrants & Strickland, re.. I aerie" ..\ Simmons vs Fuller, in case , . I i Tingley vs Ames appeal , ' 2 Jennings vs 'Ward, , CGarniSliee)it trielft Morse vs Hinds, attach% . ' Cartrialt vs H. '& J. Granger, tre y ' 7 ass Shelden Ts Lyman, ' R .. Sherman vs udd!, in case', _ i. Jameson vs Brock, et. II ejectmeni, ' 1,, Sears & 'Co vs Johnson ' in debt , Rynearson's Adm'rs vs Chandler's 4ders Sci Fa '.. ••• • l, ! Vance, vs Sontbworth et al- appeal ,_ - ti i • Montrose Lyceum t A regular meeting of the Ziontrese Liceum will be: held nt - the Court }lonic, on kriday evening, Jan::34 at which time, the eltketion of officers fo,r, the" 'eneeeecling tear; together with the folloWiniliterary e x ercises will be in Imiugural by the Presideni elect, I , li. E. 'Jessup. Oration, • F. Fitch. Eisay, J. C. Miller. Paper, by the .1:1iior, H. R. Fraiier. The public are invited, to attend. S. B. CLUSA Preri; W. It COOPER, .Fee'y.- • • - . Donatiort Cards. Thefriends of Rev. A. O. Warren hi Brook lyn .and vicinity, are respectfully tend a Donation Party at Mr. David Kent's in Brooklyn, oti _Saturday the .11th day`of Jarnda:. ry next; at n o'Flock Dezenihei $0,1650: The friends of Rev. A: O. Wnrren in Mon= trose and vicinity, are respectfully -invited to attend a Donation Party at, his house in _Mon trOSe, Thursday, January 16th, afternoon and !The -friends attic Rev..L B. 31cereary'sze invited to attend Donatien visit nt-Ids inci dence iu Gieat Bend; on 'Wednesday evening, the isth instant. 117alpnleiligtonii Ipanferenee. • . „.. A Union Iteliglons.Conference in tho'Meetinillouse at .IPlaton County, on Wedues4y.and Thutsciety* B.otnd r • tb deye:ef.J ; itit.nent:• , ' , Prtnichertrand I ullneete, and pentane of tit:gentile reepieetfolly evhect to attend.: :Thin onion:up will:be conduct: din the foliesring , orderi-. ~ ~ . ' A•%oderatorwill be.choeen.to preside - ever Abel meetit4. ; . The nonferetine .. rill be opened- the' fOtenoost,::efterOooa ear:l3;ideY!hY end Weibel ickiptuies,preyertutd singing,— :All; personeliy .. neent who feel , dispcoseti heve-fUlli liberty_ ta. r vitt :bon:p r inted to. Otififitte' their temaiks .lO".the 'following eubjecte J. The oyilebf .ecutrittnient • and the beetr,-ltittliiteof.;eni*esing it. 2. Tlia benefit" of Retigioilittutibo. - hoti,t*thod . pray looting itis'Ofittt Nit) .juneth7o,orni!tiOttOtieeond INIOCRAT. .. . AT-I*NEDl#st eve, to the ClOOO3 measured chime As it pealed thrie the gloom, thershrilt deatklikge of 1 .- - ;!Time---. ' ; ' - - i• - iTothe shades'of the But,lt it; basting `amyl ! XmPellcd by a force, which no Power.might delay:'. , IWith the vigor of youth; had_old Earth glided 'on,- . 1 1111, true to her trrist, the bright:goal she had won, Like ryswift.glidingeriurser, the race she bad run, SNot a:Moment behina—noWhereirceit was done; ' jThe o l d year was ended--thd• newb ° • . year eflun7—_ pm Fifty had fled; and 1 hailed Fifty-one. - - ' Ale asiondelthis ehariotwas off in a twink ; .. " - - !Yet I felt that my life had been M.ft of a link.. _ ... . *.! I i , . , . onld not forget that sad; lingering tone— -1 • , - Instill tang in nry'ear,like the last dying iron ,-!:-:'., Oh friend tied cheriShed, ti* , :_rgir good and through ill, .' ; ': . --' '-' " ' - • ' - , . • " - And asked mete halloW its memory still. It seemed to reproach tee, as heartless and cold; , ! .For embracing flew friends, and - forsaking the 'old. ' • ' - Then`l' ' d - f II love to: live over again" , - ' -- - pause or o , ~ 'The dais that aro gotie,,theao fleeting and'vain - - And-Memory sped back by its own dreamy light, We the year just receding, to regions of night. ' , - Front. its. shadowy Immo, came 'up vOices that thrilled: Every.Aord of mY heart, - and its walla pulses stilled---, They toil of joys Vanished—of pleasure.s unreal; - . '• hired but to sting-all the , bilis was ideal— rpur''es' s' blighted—of bri,ght hopes - that Were?, i erusite&-. : i _ Of gl , • OrV departedight t pled in-dust. -sr, . There rycre spirits that hailed the old year at its birth,' In his eireing erabmce,theY* re borne from the earth: But no t,hey returned-anti ' Visible throng; And -in! muning cadence,., ey swelled his death- ' . - 46 . 14- - : \ . I -- • -- - ' - From the North- *r - the South—from:l the billowy surge, - -' ' \ 1 : ' . 5 And from lands faibeyend, - the winds wafted a dirge. Methought as I titined, a Sadder refrain . ‘ Was born from the depths, ethe widespreading main, 'Twas a wail for the gifted---thcean-nymplr's song, Ilark! dolumbia's daitghters, its:wildness prolong, , Aye:, and Renee ! bleixling Rome4nith her 'patriot : train, ' ..- !. Grave her voice'to the , ds,.in a seul-nior s rin,g strain,_ Withthe spirit of Fie , sh•e weptv'er - thc \ gra.ve; Of her who lies sleeping irneath the dark was. - . .-.. Then my eat caught the ritoan of the; dying cathqu, Cut down in'his glory—hiklife WasTa boon , - Te. his country, and genius4=hireself a bright star, \ c - Whose light =extinguished; still gleamsufrom afar; . .'.• And its rap all tmdimmed, rip iiontinue to shims, - :Lae the amdying lustei freroyirtuo's pure shrine. . - "-g - -le -,r-miE-,Alimeilioi 20310te5".3-€4' "' - ' ,1 %Zg,.. "fr)3B*lfttiO2C A - "idie I ff 444., A.-. 2. , • -;‘,,:r Notice. i '' , fellow men. It will be expected that no speake I Now Firm and New Gads! •! T Henotes and aecouuti of Lathrop -A Belie. will occupymore than twenty - minutes in any ones T .... 1 If Cs subscribeni, (having entered inti\copart epeech,-and that no one will be allowed, to epeak - nership) beg tease to noniron:ice to their: tends - thro & - Co. And p•uticulur attention - of all 'that the second time if ttbere is any one desirous to I ttnd acquaintances, that they m , , .. 1 , . \., bilis can be 'found at the atore,ot D. R. - La. '''''''Y " k V' • • •• 11 •• ..t t ' are i P oterested is desired. The amounts must be speak who has tint already spoken. core, formerly occupied byreceived to 411. d. L&THROP dr. • SALISBURY. Persons from' a distance will be entertained fin. New Milford, where they have now just!, \ - s ` D',.,.. 31. , 50 ; , . " 1 4w` • • . Ling the meeting free of chatge. and will be cowautly renewing, a g 7 ,..,,,, n ; ~........__._ , tient.,.\ Farther's Emporium! Routh and_ Ready. - - • . 1 . t \ IL' PEGlU'would' interns bis friends that Fancy 4- Slap - le .Ory Goods Groceries . - d f C an d THE members of tits Rough and Ready Fire - ' ehriving already receive a sappy o , ore Engine - Company are Itereb,y notified to attend , Provisions, Hardware. Crockery. Tin, Rye, he we more peg ,Wheat Duds ats, for their regular meeting at the lilt:nigh and Ready _ ttove 4- Slieetllron Wire, 111c.dicines, which tie Wal pay the very highest prices in Cash. Hall," on Saturday, Jan.4th, at , li P. M. '.- • Stop iPi rit 4' Paints, Oils, Aje Stills, Nails; Glass, (crib• ing it on, any quantity of it, if you went ft.C. SIMPSON, Foreman, i the reat 7 y.,- - "' z ' -..-- ' '.." 'L R. PECK' J. C. MILLER, Sec. _ P e '' 1 lc' 4-c., C " I llarford Mills; Jan. I, 1851. • lit t ''' Which we will men et the very/sweet possible price. — O ,. Hu.....-- and T ra pp ets . , ir 5 .,, w ,,,,g,,,,,%. ! ~. ~,, . We are um receiv ng a good anortmkt of uew•,• , .. I • . - vTIO you we wonld 'say fetal, along , e our Fox Ready made C °thin g' 4 an kinds, 1. d ether '. of ad/ kirdt and ei-/-4• 044 ' 41 . n's 41 In Brooklyn, J-an. 1, by Rev. D. C. Olmstead, ~, Boots, Slums Hats nd Caps all of which we '.--uzi. 11 ° 'Ps." . p .. Me- Cimitle'runtEll. a .E. :to 3fiss SAL: will „ ell vary ' low. ' 1 ~ - Sheep Pelts, and wit will pay the highest paces mr Tzwassunv, all of Brooklyn. 1 ' • N. B. Flour (by the sack' or barrel] rind Salt, al a • HAYDEN LITTLE , * • By the same, Pee. 31, in - Murton!, Mr. HENRY e 4 "9" On baba. I. i . ' . ' I B . r, motrown , to mi n B ETsEx L L zwis Please call and examine nue assortnlnt,ais we lanua rY let ' 1851 ' \: r ' - t ' shall be Nippy - to • chow our goods at ny tune, •4, NEW supply of JEWELR Y. and Watches' all of Harford., . 1 - ... - whether you intend 14nm-hoeing or not. ißy strict 1i at con for cash, at „ I'URBELL'S. In 13rooklyn,,Ian. Lby Rev. 3. B. Gilritan,Mr. attention to business. sad making the-best endeav,i. ' Jan. 1; 1851.' - \ %mum Prawn to Miss Asa-EuatE HAT.- onto please, we hope to merit; end teceive ahh. i , DAPißriigs . wantid at sun, all of Brooklyn. ,' seal sham of public patronotte; . . TRACY lIAYDEN. Irt . Spniigville, on the 29th nit., by Amos Nstrill. , „ rams, Esq., Mr. Taves G. Btasttet,me, t o N ew mdf or i , J anni ; ry l f s i st , A l C Bs a o. Li7LE. T IST of Letters remaining in the Post Glace, .1...4 at linarose, SuaqurhanUa f.'.0.:-Pa.41 , 1. /, 31iSS , JELIA. STRICRIAND, both of Springville„ - .---.-- - - vviantea Immediately! 165 i, ; - - -, In Forest Lore,- on ' the 21st nit., by Hiram I Anthony. James S - Allen, Walter Allen, Esq., mt. p inup, w Eornnn.to !moo A.. .,,. 2 1ity or all kinds of prodnee.iinelnding 8 ,,,,,, ht , , min Lather ~, ma t , Th omas • WERE Tnomrsoir, , all of Forest Lake. , tildes and .Skins. Hemlock bark end VI owl, &c. Barneu. Atm , s a 'i nh .; , or„,, m , 't l y ll e c s , 'll i a g y __. _ Grain, . Pork,. Potatoes. Rutter, Ltni,„ Tallow, 1 3: . c0n, Elij ah , . B ar d & We will pep two shillings for , - - soil 'socks, so 80et ,, , thvoil A . ,u ntudc , .1.2 • In Montrose, on the ISt inst, by Eld. H Dim. ; ipelt, Mr. Joint Calin to.lllissMattgE. - Fss. fetch Them 00 °Z is fast es possibl e . , `,\ I t, , ' Bissell, Sandi L , Ityleby,,Rev D C . -'sraiess, both of the former place. . - - 1 , Baldwin, Rev B - Baldwin Jackson Jr Montrose on, the Ist inst., by Eld, D. Dim. HE imi ' bile . ber AUC h TIPN 5.A1.7,,' 1 ' aii,wstrr.4ackson • . 1 Bowman, 'Oliver II , tick Mr. C'Etilttrs e BARRETT, otinakiMt; h &mama to attend Bolles Chariest:l or La- Beers, RD -- . ..I.: le after tfie Ist t. a r vam Feh ° ru t awry, ar wishes i to slate,_ ; nasi ' ils' i rn B, 4 : .Threltsi a Sr•' ll ' Ite Mee PRE= STE 7 l2,Ac Eicr9'baan• ' that it will be difEctilt for him to attend to thresh. Cmud, T K ' Carr -Wm --•- In Bridgewater;Dee t 30; by R o y: A„0„ Warren, ing any- more; he therefore lakes this Methisi to Chase, Mies Julia. 2 - Coburn, if N: ` i m r. L yn " &Eames: of „t ossu p, t o m ass . draw , his threshial to a , close and, give , ethers a Cole, A G _ _ , 1 . 4 c ,,,.. , F . B tri li m . , 3, 4 . mid gewa t ar. ehttnee-to rig tliemaelvei in time for +lie coming - Dian: rt,Liaan _ season. He will -therefire eel' at arc ion at hie are E: Eitzabilk: . , I -, , - ream:min Dimock, on • Thanslay„ February Gth, English, Thornas. i ' . DIED . • the following property: • l-•.' '. Elliot, Mr Laud' agent - . ~ - , , • • -, II I nAlui ll t ia ,, , T:woweaoteremr. D eoesoml b oomr 0 3 n ot s. h4 0724 R at th r43d ,, , ahpoTpni,ms:hedrearnslftnyeislase.72.7lwrionhdorbries w po lm w o e7. 3 n e ft t h o e f tn t ort wo t :, G. Fl r y a nt n 4 g. s . l l a L ry , 0 ~ a Fe r V o ri v r e lt r, ll. e f wr es,A2 i .. 1 twa'horte eleiih r a lit of bags , Grover, Wm , "(Matt, Collins 8 5. , ' - . -- (the•ablive article's nearly - neve,) 1 cutter; 1 light Jefferson ,1 Matt' : - James, qO, . ''. Timel i ne gene to her long rest one, of, the MOD, 2 pan of 6 yearteeld hots ; : l': span : 11• faraway Byron C:' :,Lewis, Ezra 8 ' ' most Industaious and economical wives, the year, old. team horset, (ell if:Jail:lVO # tilli",caitle More, Luther F - Mitchell, Garteood mostiffeationate mid devoted mothemo ' .Bhe, and calls. -, - with her husband, came into this country . When - _ Terms—The clement and lioreeriwera, within. Miller 'Bram ,-,-, '. -< .".. iliterouy,-Michret , it was a wilderness, and endured a il the pries. tiniest arid approved eeettrity, wie halfin S months -, Stiller, Clierlee - fr - , , Malireby,lifhn i , 1 .. -; tions dearly settlers. a Here they lived, toil- and the other,halt in 1 2 meill t iL ;Tile r i t 'tsl of t he . .. T s l e U w r P b James : i comb,Marviti A Nelso ' n, ' ' ' Amelia '' eit raid 'inured zi'large lam - iIY o f otilku'en, the- -PnYlriYtt. inithilerla arV A ef la (IS v TAIT Y° _ ;. _:` . O'Donnell, Oraencrip; Abby * . most.of whom have - settled around them.— ;„„ an D i i nt o er ck; - f 1 " , : _51' : . -- -'-' ` •' " 1 1 1 .1 w :-..olmstedt SH. -'. - -_ '_ • : r --' More than CO Tenn have they Tired tlie l l P'.. , ' ~. Patch James - ' reek, Eleanor -1_ kid. COmilirt. of each other, and she lms -only ,• _ - w a tiph Repartig. '' t 1 ' -,-,- tbiek, 1) .. "lea . .. .... left herpartner now for a brief spue.e. Her ' r i l i gaboon , beropovello pinion , to tumors " Ryio,,margaret ' . - ymonil; John q• • tricithesswo short, resembling more the ex.', ' ' that they - have in their employ J. A:Sin. Ent k, Beniatnia.2 ' .13mitb, loeoPit piring taper. , She WaS resigned and conscious _ ootoni - o vontionton „ rho haa had ntina ,,, thansurty Eindderd,-Alfred• • 1 ,, , f ,, ShaP t -H - W of horn ittudion, and often prayed for patience ; ear , e i ''" • nee in, t h e b e , n _b o ,,, es .i n E ng l an d . i n , Stephens, Philmidiir "2 S - Worts,`•W!n - to weft tallier Lord should- bid her come.' Ineaufactaring - mitrteptilang, chin's:meter, Patent E o li th , LB ' , , .; SiliuMmt' 0' In A l _, 1, , r. Ilex-funeral was attended Dec, 31stby a. re. l e v c e, . unties) and evety . ' dericription 'of flue , Smiti r l , J a m es . I ' .... ~, spectiblO conMitt;ion ofsymparhiring friends.' watches. Mr, 67. will , devote his• whole time to Ty'e,, , i n if a c aer_,,,, if ~ .I, llf r n in i g att. Gee A t _ . _ , ~,„,",_°° 4-a . , _ . v . - - ~i n, •, t -'' '' . - - ' ' - perform swirl!. will pars - from hie hands without ix , -Ivisperl J a cob '„ . - t , x acid; , 1.1,er , . i.:" Als o, Div- 24, - 111 / I tsr yamiligagit ali nd' °I. 74 ' WI arantee. ,31neft might be - saill,Mai "Mudd Williams, J a am iiaa-'' ~, W ° o lL'Plad e r', , ,- " r • Ina ir. - Stephens, ug,ed 2 yaws, ' - , „ A E I to givoo,,,fiderm,,, in hi m mi , a ;,,,,h,,,, m ,Youiag, Ileier. I ' z;• -• of the first order; ,but we tdeed it`entlisly: mine- - „- "- -i , " BEN:V.O 4 OA fif f/ red Is ei.- 'S'ias ° .S. : Mr - Seas - lysitiidid r 4 eme4e l erodit tertiary, aspressnt pnemeets werretit en amount •..t • . . 4.. 71 --- Exe - cus; '' s m i, I 'bill - /24.111 ""*"'?"`''''"u 4 '''' ?` l9l w• of wet* for him, full equal io what 4 be - wilt l uer --- A - 7;t, pemo,44iiiebted,tik - trieviiiti - oralOi„, '' N ''''''''''" able to perferta.. ' )--4 ' ' SENTLEI r 4 ,• ° ,-4, E: sill, Weatethfii,aeleeeizTdeer 11412°4 " wel'' ~ I. :. , *a, aviivard. : - ~...., lian, li 1851. r. ‘ '., -t- , ...i. iti ,•, i , ehlpi eta`_ hereby , nrineate tii, m m roi , i ii mmot tghi, V AItEIII4 ini t 'A l ' il4lina 4efilll 1454.212 • ' - 44 - 1 i.e. • ' ''Y' -e , ' ---- - ' 7 munient , 04 ell hevivg:liesTendss Aftv:eust'skSd es.; - - StindaY.the Olt; in illi.vicinity of amt. . 1.L.1 • II - kr,i, lINDEASTIVI iI P I ~-; , ... ' ;m e w pOspat theta la ihienitireftiet'f4setOte, roseraiddling'airted Sleek' vog, withssearcely rrHAT Post "- no tail 0 au. , whoever ora l ,in , otso_orip , o ....":, /got:it io -4/thoFißettradayrepad ad et :at e;ric e itin d a t ti onse here . "..ment ifen i 0 . x ,,, , , szl -,. e 1L 24 1 . 1 . 11. 18 E 5 cik WE . AT ,,4 13 ; e1 , , R , 11y ,, , 5 ft. ; t , rel AO zeieives She ellemervivelvd• '•- -. ; 4 ,.- , Trot; ey earirafferd to soli their geode Ili ;me slii 4 - , ' LONG SHPINIS , ssss--s=s ''- ,1 „ i- 1. T. BROD 4. oh end eie'lle - who yaw itialiv - tiii for tad debie, , '''-' if ' l as i - I * j - ' l 'i l d z n 4 a es t, iiiininfetrit Oft 384. ' 18" ' '''' - irliv ' ' l '' -itild theY-at'll 11 " - k t 'd a 41 "` Cail and seer t ut. '" Tlliwaang_. golot4ii - 11; Val i rrse l glop: itnEne`i 41 ' i ' - LO ta -- 1 ' YaillielVS4lit gl° 44 •I tand D r M j ll. 4g ' Kna PP' i 1 hud at '''. ' ( ?"'I'l f itr r `l't nPosti & :Fait ItEiiIILITG FrelterieitriYeiliesidie Astra *4 ),X;Ci) .1./of theeileperiber a few - week, einem -'';: , '- ,firicolan3 . ! Neetrorx; f rein:lerf,'so; '' '. 'ft SAYItV, - : "it! 'NE-W-HTEAR-SrvA: '.' ''' ,- -(3Y llama - marutabrViEl - ''- f-' • - --•- , • ,' :,-,:;,_.:,:,',: .1 - : ; . .1: ''1' . ,_!?,._ , %.,_ - ;.' ~- , 1:.,', - ;,, , f; :.: , z1, -- ,,.)-7 : : :t:.'7. ~,';; , , 7..B , PMS4W4Mk3IVE .Iks JANUARY I, 1861, Anon, the 4 , ep groiol Of a nation was heard—. And, the 811411, start4ng cry of •prood . Liberty's -. bird-6 , ThO roaring Of canntin--the slow-tolling bell y - • • And thnroltsof the drum—the sad requiem. Swell; Ah! a hero had 411c6-4 clarf ever glorious; • „ , In battle, was vanqUishedno - longer' victorious, , - :t.,, „,. . . 1.1 too must "surreuder"--nay)terious blow!, The pride of his country, in death was laid low, ' i' , l'or,tluit . conntry he fought-4er its hOnor contended—. i Jts service he loved r buthis mission :was ended. - - • '' 1, ]et his name still shall live—andeteireledWithgle ry, ,+; Will shine - en thopagd of.Ameria l s story. ' -- ` ''' • I grew sad, and still sadder, as night wOre away ;I 1 .:-.- ; ' And anxiously waited the dawn of the day. ,':, 1 ' At list the morn broke; and all sadness and gloom • •,' l+. - Hate - Passed with the shadows of night, to the toinb," ,-. k And now, my dear patrons, with right:merry cheer,' I,' .• - I henitily,wirl .56u a " Happy' Newi Year." , t;: t t'' 6, May peace and pro:sperity smile in its train; , 1- ii And health, hope, and happiness, with you remain, Thongh;froin . over the sea, sounds the clarion' of bat.. ' , tie—... .' ' .7 - -.'.- ,.. - I '.:' E • ---,'. 0' f , The clashing of Armor, and musketry's rattle-. ••,. t ,-. " hr -ThOugh king's are at-war-with the "pe,wer's that be,"' : And Hurope's brave sons strive in vain to be ' - fre,--..... - - , - Though hated Misrule and vile Anarchy reign— --- ', t And Liberty shri' elcs from the fields ot the slain, , 1 , • . , Our bountrl lair:et—yes! our fore 7 fathers- wrought - - . • _. Her deliv'ranee • from bondage—with bloOd it, was . , .. ~, Bought , • - . t 4 - The priie let us cherish with grateful emotion : ' ` ' ' 'And tell by our actitnis, our ardent devotion.. •.? a To Right, and to Freedom—Ulbn nought shall dissever .. " Of . '. Our gloriowi.Union ! our . Onion forever.. ,' - :-,--' '7i -.1 . Let, us streliden the bonds of fraternal-affection- 7 . ".. , , •I Our foes only Wish to dissolve the connexion. _ ' lt, Heaven make our Republib a light to the world ; , ' ; ' May the bar Mer of peace, over'earrh be unfurfd,- ' .-,•• 1 - , ['lint, though we exult With the pride of a niltion,-1 ,; :". ' r '' 1, . Let us foga the germs of a freer salvation; 1 1,. 'llll,the last, linering vestige of Tyranny fa t 11--' - i 1 And"the right to be free is extended to all. , - 4, 1 Therf'Seiene6' broad beams * eill chasiidarkiess airity I And the ble s t morning dawn, of a glorions city. I- ' II In union is star t7l—but in knowledge is polar:: , ,',- ,C,.. 1 'Tis liberty'i safeguard—the people's best dower - 7 , 4:',.. II ' - The gate-way to glory—the high-rode to rune—'l. . , 1 It is pleasure . that dies riot-front it came'; , _ ~ ).11,:`. , , „ It expires not with lift..--but in triumpk i rwill rise; • -: ),1, .„. -And in joyous fruition, will live in thalskies.':' Then:drink ( deep of the fountain,' - ' s i,,' . . : ..",-.. " .:•,-, - - '-'1 . '.That sparklesto bloSs 1, —: • * --. " And whose iflow is perennial :: - - • • '_ • . _ . "-, ' , - I. '•\ ''''''--- --I '' '' T he ukelims*PßEsSt":- 7 ' .21 ± '2 44 3- .i""4 4 Telt JeZV.ii s'TieVeZte '''''n'ir- 9 5''N't2tftVra.t ft.f3 Zi A beg Sftir7-itti*A4 'Wlrlf.;o6ii.ilisidt<l.kratirik,';orZigsa k is - per PD ir, 'wiltba - pairitalkooda tor 4 5 .„, „Tug oubtenbleifitatiifor ttfrep to.tsolloyletA , - .rtryt,kr,qh. 1- , • ltf - • -013:4•ItYR. 23 A ,...._ 110 ~,:_;- .:-.' 4 •'' . .". ri 4 .' ..' t.4 , 'l t .. g ` • - % e t A k ,rio (.t. O ' , it ~,,-_,::: TvRhELL'S _ . . . Dat;ing t .Paul :Dons. Sai • ,Etiwurds, Samovll - ' f rier . •r' ••••ti 'E' altV 00 AL o sn of Vibe . Canie 'Conniinif Ple)mecot Stheliebnana me-bream, attedeliiered.ll will **Poo, to rtbliognitt.nt tbe,couttl3ouinilet./11ont - tnee.on Satutdayttiplgth.day,e(4o4.ll-18.41.et I eclOcletfit,all'thosa iletibral Vents - oi.tiareelo of lainflitipland being In Ihitovi nah4 of ilanhOhy, : 2,Cclunttor §neetneb same init. Stew. Of feumigtva -. niac.toan, ded,•. 4 4.Cdriatibe4o l3 .4o l PlWNAPrr,it: - -;-'. fl lb* netPdx .by Statp. line of the;Statra biuid ;of . Ptiyini, and Other linthittf .; on tba itouth' hinds 'of III:Clark au d:Wtrt: 11 ati.t• aniion thw westby, Wide of :'(.:4.l4ndt 1 Colt . !tail:dug Mt sere*, t i o,. the sante: motsorltute;- to . getting With, tile 9purtenineeti;alrtnne hanse t end about-0 . acres fnioroved. •,; •-. ' ilittio,lnni oftier tideee ot:parir.ei Off noi1•14 - a, in The 44020 toisrneskiiiv, :adituniar the oforeattidlot r bounded on . the otth by ,taswis,o; 1 11,N00r..0d east, somb..and.. wool, .bY, other laud:tot . aid Seta , Payne , —containing 100 ueres mad land, - bo ttit *sole wore or tees., , - Also, one other.pieca_or parcel of rand No. 3; adjoinintt the lake petitioned lot, bouuda.l7 and tie, ecribitd as titlipies to wit: - On the north ri)9etndistif ti.: Koren, on the rant by the tbStiiiehanna: river, on the iniuth by 'P. Pals atitt:J. 31-'61'1110;4M! Oa' the West by the list ',iniutiotied lot No. 2+ : 4 - con-• Anther with; 1811 alt.'s!, 6 the atone snore or reits,teJ, serth'the.appartenanests. 'shoal 7 aeries line pros's& 'a .well, taut a ,felt' apple : :treet.i - Als4ltie - tithe's pier"! or' ports 4 Of laud Tyit4 atilt betit,t iu the same township Lind notinty.lithiesaiti, -N.o. 4, atijoinitut-- the: aroteptentioneti 1000 Noe, mut% autl hounded on :the certh. by lol:No;:2. on the 'west by r; on the erist ,hritifut of P. Pere,: and Oo tholsoutti by tend of it."Pliygie;•Lcon', mining:WU - acres wihr hind, be. tholetttios trice ar . ~.• , . . . . , Aletr,ine.oth•tr;pie e pr ,parcet of:. laud, 'No. 4, l'ying mid beint in . the 'Winship and qoupty, afore. said, wijoi ninq thiiifoieininiiorsed lot No.„1,1ouli. ded and described as follows; td wit: 0;01iii north ,by.landwid,l3:Payue,!on !the haat byloiniti 'cif S. iQuie4,..ill.tlkesofitloi7 tands.aft..Toinkins ,and i Wm. Dayton, and on thii.cest IpylSt.2 , lo.l,.. r eori. !mining 100 acres Wild li is I, be the iitino more. or 0 1 , • , ,a— , • , i 'Liite thee - Siete of Seta t'ayue."Taken .0 exe: 1 cutien at -, the.•Amit: of ;John.lltlcAlliree to - the-nee Of Bichard ibloAllistey.,tiOtinai Seto P , IPEN..-. ' All that eortain root 'or parcel 'of - land situate in Me tartishly, of 'Sliriiikville 'Tn:'tho - ociantY of Susquehanna,: and stated Peilinrliahie;and but:, ted bounded and desuritied wi fellowei,tU,erit: : Bet ginning at a pat the tooth rest , earlier -of, lands couvoyed,M - ripencer taihrop, in ci line °filmdom.) : veyed to' Sohn im Tit cimaii;; thence: PtUtiy by'', tlie lasVnientiimed laud atidpartl-bY 4inid conveyed to Senora Tuttle., toddy, - 130 porchia , to a punkt "the north, west icornir,.4 lo[ .l!ifo,pliz, kheuge by the, said lot e ast 131 perches ton, post, , the uo,rth molt corner of the said, lot, the nurthvost cornet Ura fot M 1 4 .31401182; and tho liautharestC,liitnee i?f a lot nomberea:7di thenci4 by .rho Mai: mentioned. lot North 'l3O perches Cola; hemlock tree in the laatith Linn of,a lot nun.eredls9 ; And c thouce puctly by. the inid 161 numbered ind partl y tiy land..pou yoyed as aforesaid to pence Lathrop: . *eat • 131 perelei to the 'beet Mug, 4mitalithitlo6 acres' and 70 perches, bet t ii sante truoui or lesa:,, To, geter, Fhb, thehare itatuenter t Aind appurtencas t ono frerue,house,,, one framo:hargy.anorohm4 and abotit - forty:five a'crei improved..: Late the *ale of Levi. H otchkitat aa MatliSciitt. l lVitii Tenditnt. i Seritedmid.taktn ' ex, cation at the suit olio: lei:M l D:pinker' and Israel. N. :Pletutants.; Sider. with the. Wilt • ituttime,kl &c. of;Henry :Drinker, dou'd.agaimit Lexi HO ohkiss and Merit Scott.T.T.. ~- Ityt:etrtitecif timed - of P,i Pa tinned ai hinianid ' • ,:All'thitioertain piece or patt4l Cif-land ;situate in thO:likorotth of Idontrese; binindedtto thenerth 1 by Maple . street; on The „east by ifme. street, On the south. aild 'rest by lands cif, George. Little,. pe iug dienortheast: pa lon et , lots Niia'l9 'and 9.0 eit nonttsare-lottthe t iiti.plcit, of said borough nod 1 recordediri :Deed Bo lt No. 1. l'oge'Sdli tit thir.of., l r fire fiior iectodiog deeds tit, +Md. ,for4he,coonly 'of Susgoehanui;,being the pip's,* - puroel mf land alsovrhich Alesande Allen; hy,c,otitract , bearing date the 6th' day - ttt ;day 1841, .etititiiild to Al i belt rtitutter,owysh Chia situated a *saed dwel- I ling house aud.two I te ed balite. alrimproved,late the dude of Albeit: Tottiii; deceasid. , Taken in exeeuti .at the snit- of Alexander McCollum . vs. George Blakeslee and :William C. Maymird,' AdOshaisfreltiirs: Ot'Albert . It.' Potter, deceased, . .-, , 1. : -., .7 •.i , ... -,,.... . • GERE, , Sheriff. Sheriff's Offs's, Montrose, ,Dec.. 123. /4!50- 's' Administrator's rOTIOE is herobygiven. that by Alt order of the 11:Orphan's Cannot the County . ot..Suioehouna, there will be expoled t to stile by publio !endue at this house aped this pielnitei,late'this,property of Lemuel Bingham * de Lemuel hi the township of Her, 'ford, on Friday , the tlairdsdayetlinuary-nest i et o'clock, P. M., all that certain.rnessuaze; piece o'r tract of land, aituited in the toietsellip•Of Hartoni; and County' of SikiqOehantio, boUndeclon the north by lands of Anitin Jones, `pp the east by rands' of Joseph Lewis, on she south by , lands of•ShePtterd Carpenter and -Peter Thachor, atid Ql3: the-welt by lands of thwesid Austin Jades.Wontsining,.atPut 80-acria of land; sod 60' acres fruproved, with w frame dwelling hotfhc and bard, - and giKul ` ,or chard.--'!Terms made 11110#44' 06 the day of Wale. CHARLES TINGLEY*: - of Lemuel Bingham, dec'd. - , Dec. - a. /850. is - . _ 'To the Childreriand Heirs of Sephen - Ilarding. .deceased., - 7 ' - TAKE notice there'll inquest be held et! tbei 1 late dweiling house of Stephen .fiardiugi deed ; in the township of liiirford, in 'the cninify of Sue. quchatina, On Tuesday the 7th day. of, January . . 'next it 10 Cedleek In the forenoon oftlint day for this . putplisivaf tanking partitioie Of. the real eitittii oft a decetuied to, end 809:whic widow, children andrrtimrietitatiees; if the o siime can. be done without preludicn'to er Spin - lit,* of site' pthvrOxefst9katte end - aPpreise the ia,nio accprdinz to lett.et2Which'iitne!tind can attend If you; thinklarflier: ; 11L''GE Re;Sh 1 r ;Shetid''sQi e,Monfrasai , it • ' De 6,. 4t‘ l ?- 't . !7! QUSQUEHANNA ‘ Comen- Abigail uuuue 13 by her next friend `Existutt - Mnyuafti'is4David I Buunelk In-the coorkf et:annum Tleas:of-„saict county. of Aitg 185047110. 27.:. . Verity , Duentei.L.::—% l loeietts. a iratpoeu a in Divaiet;:ateirisineditiPrAtig.''',Tentr,'l2so;'liticii was duly returned nott. - eat.- Intentut, and there= in tunings enhpeetut wasishied s in laid : amuse re= , !capable to:Nov. Tenn;-18501 npod z‘ the retunA bt which, proof roar mail tho ea id Oink thot the ' said' David 'Do n 'ad& tiot be faittid'in'tny iiic)t. This notice is theriferikit" iiirttheyett to appear borate the Judge:tor th'S Said Courf'su the. thitd.Mentidy . .of 'January next !hi< anise - el \ said "mPlliutcts4c-, ' • ' Sheriff ;- .Shetilf's Mae, Montro,levi 'spy76: ,-"' - ;Dec. 9t. 1 1.. D. 1431): . ''" U,E nudereigeeti. Anditoicepialutitl.hy the Or- Thane OnartntSneit. Co,. to' djetritint o the, es ets attic estt t tii of cNobto i f r . rnebt htnd tunaPC.thOfiairAiraai4 eatata:it;eteyieeeno , h'l ol4l '9 l 4hl 4b'Lsitesekatbisffie Montna, on-ri n . ly:tp z d tinest, at neliek• s:'sr.; it - Zi c h end *re perioniall , , int P re :„ te d '"" n attend •if they praPar4j , •'.2l`9z.".4:ll"ollßELL;,Alrditor.. .3850.;:„-,50n4;1-...,•F:1 the isiebi bixdifir%tof thik ' jaini'ld tlici7Estatirbf Jaaph Matta*, IP,ecKardi outage As creditors' at Ow yard derifai 13 ,fhi will 4tProd 10,016,4* 4f lis;NO,Oneuv, at the offica of 1). rj.Bporley,i4 M i ritme, Fo r . aq the 10th d,irllf-latutarT, Wit Ilt r altere:VOCk is thWafterl366%liAlch brae eli pent 'heviti 'elerite 404'miCittatio - *rev .reldestett - tocrir:tieint il4ol4bsforrialin 14.41tirtefd frOm cOrtirivi for c4 .. arroriaehrinetri ! : L.: F. 'RIVE!, 4ontices; 17.'1830-41 1'i:? 3 :r 111 • .` i 1N0T 14 74 . 3 3, f b '' i 4 110110Y1kW:11,' OASUICOC44II7I4 4gyp "44-imita.Zuspikilibs4„o o 4Wt. 4,110110 a iplotaiibt.ssaceintin7 1 bird st thibioneW Gni" t Arcit4iti %Nil + lii; to . MetiNertlscettrof Sulam. ME it Ifteeksok , A. 3 1 , 414 - F , l l -01lowirfa! , m in viu "same firth* sprtpds r •+ in 001Z1104"4/4411:0/. tedia." ilaro,plobanakaotutt,,,L, :A 111 0 1 0 ,4 / 1 14 4 0 e}•! ttodr :ftwiele lan est siolssts dererfplio 1 h431' Xor Lola as touofp :-1401015er of acres. 1 ••••• *asap impaled, and hoar waroptili• BalleitapihoL: - • patted 'oe.oolamoti frilti"otltorfialt tr0r003.3 ;p1: • • nogg ;AO, Ttottoto / I deatios•,:aad•ttle2.ilorept . NT.; • a depot /NA , c -Erie 11. inroad; plies ri terms, p4payinpot. = A.ll aLoo visb taadlaclowbari 1 t D.date,,alll,tokelve.protoptotteptioa,byrsalliad 41 • T oddroodod tad* 31, 1211R0t0, 4tootnicai . eareolo•opace Trottegoottito to tf. prolidre•ippe • Odloaton' 3'optridlo3 ttreot/tdboti -;rho following Vasty an moan areoow • 11 1110,1d,thr SO, I,'lslaaret; ISO Improeadaramiill rdg-oaisaiattd Bib*. No 43. 60., do • ', No. 5,100' do , 60 - ` do ;do , do; • No. 4.100 do •': . 50 • 7.: -7 4(1 .d,s .•• ' No. 3: Vl.' da l 40 " •,, ' No: 0T.36" Ma 33' do ' ~d o, de • No:7, storoi-Warebouse tuadlo . a., No. R,143 acres? 6,lEoproved, framed Pomo aadla , • , .„ -82.1 i, de '•33 • - "dci • +llo ,- NO• / O H 2 -....:• ",, -, 1.•• 4 4 .! - ,•- rat do, aid Lot • LT. 100 aciPPlo•lmprOvidOloaiedbOolii-I,lo4bo"ht • • No. 13, 310. 200 -• ,:- do` -,,d0. , do . - yo:14;0 do 10 do., 'do ' , . No; v 4101144. -do do 01: 40 'do - 4.10 ' N 0.10,120 a creadSpoproo•d t itoroaLsont• sad N 0.17.1100 do I'3 do' - No 18,112 - 30 , :: ,idb ". 114 : j I- dtt , • No• 10,300 do do. ,do do, ~ d • , ' 1 140. , 20 4 140 100 , do'• .41 11 • Wo. '21,100' do 123 , do, s ; . '• do' 35 . "-do ; do do• . . •••••Pro:=.. 43 .d.'7l- do, • go ,i-44, d - ,140.24.24 p 23 •,,do. - do N'-‘. 23. IV3 "do , 100 di. , , do n drt' 4-. * do• 110 ''- do dila/ d.. No: 27, an ..410 - ~ do do - 74 .4.1.'134 Seta/. De/ nap:viv -. a* filielmota Cal bona 114 .; 30 ; 17 3,, do. - : log No. 31.133 : do, 03 " • , 11to.:31, 1110 13,5 Lo 'l.: - No, :3.'160 . 60'' , 01 ; No: - 31: 200 - do' 180 u ' ,4s - • '' 3101 di., rro 44,f'; 14' :10 , 100 . do ~140 '7 11.,-PereOns deatring t 61'p:uteri aae a`ny of *ha abort; bJ gitint the npmbtt can obtain • tallttemiptina : ••-• ALVWED #4prr : montiiiie; pa:bete:4r, •••• - •, - ZuSQUEII, MOIVT HOPIP,PA. e• ' getobfrtern2 or (Ws institution will "coninienee o a TutesdaKi ths • Jan, Tth. Ilieingnieauredretairtfietinte esuarT of, rnatructlan *Mt Dating wm it ued.*., ichl , ku Ja ratifactica I ha anexpenteu steeessofehe terra Just a.nele Ithe fritsteot tor* With increased confidence ractitumen- e.I tbolustitutlon,to the attention of thelgends * 4 Parini* °fibbers!, a *mod; and a thorough edutetirm: Tt tdla besourimea under „theitantediptealrectiougfY., •, peor. Le,muel 8.,,p;.A• , . .• ri I 4 4: J. CrAvirortt • 311 its Carolfue.llowman. . gist Sadly Diaegantri Teaclter et Ittitelii. , '•• • ' Mr 0 nstar 11.317altrr "- •• • Thera trilthe tbi eo academi c t end " tbi i s k s int commenting on the 10th 'tariff Sept.,nr The Won the °Um. 414 weep!. gag e ttethyd one. the :Mit day afAltilinfl4 weeks: - 4 " ' . 4 ' Pft tCES'i-DP' •I`uITTON. • ' The ;studies Othe,lf•itiDepartment. 4 . Damson Drenth', of the - ' . Departniehl '" ~ 111,gbat brambitie OP; " of theetnuteat Deputiicnt; - - ,•,- .Zatlnr 0 reek incOPttnida;"r:,: , witho,noenfike.a,W,tlninc:- -- dDepart:An _whole erre* , 2 1,0 n Trlasit'ltitb wear f i ltuma. - ; ••• • SOP t; PA • Drawing ante raintlng,,each, „ , 'lrg• • 01 I•Cllntnt• Qr Mit ett gistare br •apprenriate discipline, by the course, of study pursued. by the' thinamemeasaf ttialustrtaci'on hiepirttel end hr the faelllgesfurnished, to meal* TM this. Academy * blFfa standing atuoilg tho ptenary Inatituthins oTthe Jana he lo u j a bd, „ . „ I 11, le.,Pttplis from librea4;allblrgite idatign:hoerarear .:. di tece.%n to places by a p p lying loPeatt e ls P. p t tnak dice iailVm4ilittiford, • totutaleree. • • • • • Ileco.,eVen,aPSSlTD,Prealaterr ',AMUR'? eta , ' • „Staten 3.lliPson,Pregmer, • ",< "i•• • r etitrose.Sefit .Sel+3•sl. 'lf :..!;. 1 t .111 -Woodiatrit.leadeinr -T, Dimwit; Susquehanna Comity, will he i opened he the reeepthili of itnlials onlrednrsaay,Sth of .µa.1851. Infer: the immedlate'stoperintendeureol 'Rev. Atailibala, sloe t Rust Ladyiu, whose abiliy& ea prgen ee gae . eu e ef plieiccontldence•may be reptwet Ilbyler* itY4 flue Prospects of this luslitutian emmattnir Eif precieled by all "boarish 4 thorough edneatton for, the least n..esible ;expellee sa l triubit. • The 'Ad/deign re,- :wlU•hedhide¢ Into tour quaurtors, ewe triavietvoi each; 4 . ' E . /%4A11f413 nrona week Inunewately eucceeding cach - quat • wer Awnesementilave Veen? mndetbrirtudizti eotoi , fain a distnuce soitpasd In neivatajp3llll4l,,nr Otammuit ,Inttie k theit pogible — airpebsei ' • • ' ' 'PRTbES OTP i'DITIOZi." ••• Thoundieantpeimariclepatttncie ' :! " • Academical • r • .-; 1 5 0 tualmoal '• • Thule - with twe or piano • • 12 . 4 46 Drawing awl painting , • "' , ~.„ alsai PAolch ' ' "' • SAO , The tultlon ane,;l2nit iwyobteince.!. - Auditothi . Nottee:=7, — THE undersiguedi.:Auditer;ipPoietili by the - Or. ".04 1 1's,coprt,of Sorsio,ctalorr tor dietribute:thcs diets of the estate of EzeitieJ4ttrop,elee'd;ttturoaT the heirs of said estate, hereby gives tiaiice,4lmt he will atteud trithet busineu at the °nice of lion, I Wm. Jessup hi , Albettise; kiii , Stittiril'ay the 11th. AOY'of *htock - fr.: Zlit'mbic:i time. end place ftll peweper , iaterestedimayakkeedl. if they think MitiftßAticliter. 111datrt!Se; Dec.'10,185&:::50W4."" • 4 :7 _.:.: , • .';--Adnlisiiiitrailoi?,:s , VOTfcB, hereby giT e ti thot joiieni,o44totoia.- ;1. i)rtite,eitote of'lohn 31 C 1 CiAY. 1 #4! of Ditoock.' . tOwnsltiO; deriiifed;Lgairol beep - it:opted to thi3,l3llderiigned ; , arui 7 ollpeitonir havio94ltimo against said ,estOto, arelltrlby..notified:to. prrsent... m_ the for tleotent tvititont go# ,1448er... sous i6o.arei indebt e d to said equflo'ro, iecioe,ted to inakeTinpaktielt(l . '" • J,AiSPER 3 MOKkt '-'Ditnock. 1850.--.5114 .!,- • ItOgisters Nciuce • Puptic:NOTlCEi`.le hfifrbi ; given Oralki per. eons conCerard roposoliff, lAkt : .;: Alexander betei; deed:. Vtaniilli Aciaer„ • ; Jeuri;ei .Lvomis. 13a &id Sa. rah Locrinie, 040 .of the ext . *, ' ; 1,1. t , tfatnefi T.:5464 ai9id„.4iiii.gataga, f ldm r. thecishaehuteate : hatre"dellietrih'eli' &mato i tithe Regiete't's CifE444 - ixilaid.f& ty of•Suiquehenna,aud. thitithe tane:triltla eeatedjo the,Judgt , e al the, Qfphaea t Goihi of. ilaut county, ut . Itfouttase, 1 9.011e2Othilay , of o Jaatory next,' fai lien and 'allowiia ea, :• Cl.' ARL1741.. 4311.0SWIth : logistet i a °fiat, Idea trose;; ":tt'ttl• l ''": • • ••T Deeemb-r 24,1850. • : VOtiGg 11iinistraticii of •thi rotate' ortVii ' 9l (3 ,- 440 • I sk v g!ft,llP:!.4sOPatiolif , .44v0: gitoted; to, liJoKtockpumied,mviii: peirfoipa ',Ervin; Ouid ta10 , ,,, 0te streb4-, utiii fi ed OFesiin deitli4ifrii(ciii rf.A*l:':a ,ptizhe,,ciitud4fc; to, Ml;lstrAte rolueste„d iooti*liintnedlato fay -- meuL tEVIIITGUE ' Ad nul• • I'Bsll' '' 1- '"5... 11 3PW ; firuiand: No yr, (409#4 Atibscribcrl felpitAllifkli TO notice, ihs; iheylure , entered" Into' eo4t.tnenddx4 6nlltrth3 taiuti . and utile of f.'0 2 1 pc:PIM and tisTOUli 'fitter* front Yorlqn extensive and general assorttuept of velGtuuis., G etniterr *ors on.V beer,-la' s watchb ngbought mostly_ for.eo h...sid;owingbo tha lateens thy lea xot ot greatll re duced prices, a t . u fetedfor IGPMreadyViytn ; suchonus mi a n not fail,to.loluee alltonolr#? ati atthick * tend inattho kKuPOP.' 7 :,2tit Wad ptpikee tkkalAle 1 ~42,50893::, 9 1 A:VIDES. “ , ,)t4rlalr s V nl k ~,r : , UJ. E l d rel kitTa°ll°:” t!" A " Ili!sct!ethygota.ro tThp note" . atii a ce. iount! thy'ty JonildleAtehitidebri%' ErEi , &Ad , id'itie old:iitiintl'itilitiPtl*foll , " Mei. oat. Felitoi t al/ l"" nixt,illiirtiver. thittnlll4: l akin tb 0 ..'" , *-- 5 / it•praiter:l!4ll94.lol: g 414 _I .. ,t• 1 ti)ll6, ~`' )ifeidliiii,, DeCl6 'VI'S& . .=" ifil 4 . 10: V} ) v t Fr , ' 7k; it /ii . ),',12 ' ,....i, , p , ,\•'",,,, flitsab.s4l.o,Nou'..itv.f.... 0mi,44 a;i4. I Fur tupilaTs.4At'AMP.-,; 01 4 11 1Ein- - slt4o! keink ‘ , ll i l i i i t ie a * lk li _l s P i * frin ,-„ e .r. r - i- i; rG ." - -, • O::,;i!' iit iri-.,ii.. iiie. u 'wttek 0 sgriltiiVOiailieyris ” ct'lllsi t ikc o r Afirry It Eritiputrari ii:froeivod thuukifirk i lie3t, 1 . - 160itinftne! ..,vexkimptow; • . - •1: „ , - , OAVH;1 10 410r: 1 013)41tifilit *hiek Fel:4l,;p' f.'..:,_;kett: tt; F4rt, .11.T:D.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers