The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 20, 1850, Image 1

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    "CU lennusetratt."
a B. a E. B. Ohne,
TekllllB.—Oes rossLoa axe rune cane...A l
useusAmeh is etheette, or toe &here if net Peia
the see of dor yeer,, thee of mbeeriptiee.
Pre pow trill bo illeeeraleeed yell! errearegse
are pad, except at the ask. of the Publishers.
All communications west be Farr esio to
*sive stle.un.
All letters rowneeted with the onto, should
&trefoil to S. B. & E B. Cwors, Monier.. Seeti
Co.. V.. .
i:r ever M. C. Tyler'. Sum,.
4, 4
.;99R4L -.
wait Yl Yuf
/Whey , rm dying now
They a devp suirmatem at my bremet,
AN Wadies heavy heed my lemma premed
laud on my brow,
I real the sold...uit. tuned.
My ny. grew dry end tremolos, my breath
came feeliy up-0 tell me, is llii• 41.14 7
Mother, your heed
Hon; I.y II en my Ariel. • •
And place the ether dont ht.nenth nty hunt,
Add say. tweet Mother, sty when I MN thud
Shad Ibe Inds '
Oh, .1 the lone of prays.
When yea look wend .11,d me, any ....not 'eta
You vtotl net least thee hor eny cam ng feet—
Never, l.•:th. ,tir
Shall I agat
e Itth..l thttet, to In
Nee with the ilea.., nake•nal a eg the lay
To thnt gooJ boom ,e. Jo• .t 1',•.r1
Where no • I,IJ, o r th ,g, I
Ercni Imo tti.
1 ilgr,ll4
Port Ain t LI , .1 In N
A o•rdient emy trii
And mil, I mine.
Thnt all
J. Ir. t't
1 .1..:11.0 Ny —lllv
that w4l sm. smt 11.•• ntv • min
Non! noot'lur, • n± tono
Yon Fon, lad no.en—to, woo, And WO. OP,
I 4 • 13 1. J n ! um), du owl weer,
I Sit
.• v slf a. i els I . • oni 1, el 11. I'l 11/ IS at et i,
to .. .t: in d g v. m ; th.• to e of hm rem a tie; i• of toy.
t em e h r ..f nine litany net,. el, .11,1 ,t; I to power uth,thel, st.,l Non', 'mi.., we the g. ig to give you
b e t• el rho pitreieg ststnth et left It.,
hi„, n. o ; n ., reemanae 11,..... , Lit or abler, awl we ,t to talk with
011. in the rob] um:ht.-omi seem. the whit omhe the itmot in of the, fel- sett a• ifs ot wee,. ell nor brothels. (whet
last tie that I .1 hie offeettoin to earl 0 b •ew s o the sem ti c mbje e t, of th e i r ono ee l. in stems sow we should here.) and wt
:mem that which Mods a father's he. : pogo. sem, aloe.. tented 011 altou.. ish you to t in, wheelo., till the lector,
; to mo only erl
. no tr
knew. no. b th,l .ve brandis: dog net kingly seeptrplan,or plan, in awl we diemise you with a baste
:like that li,, his boy as he to cell him. ..1t,.., Inn 01 mate II git the f, nee of tim :diction.
land trowel that her centered Om rndes, , will, mbuthimi tool lairdl.ret, Ls I W want to talk to ynu eh out your eve.
hope. that Fci. lie wilco tin brat ,t 1 e tly in, .of deegieug and Pp... e
Where do you spool slum? hoe
A , .lus Ale.. at weedy twosas ler , Owe i...1..tene..y you Fp. nti ORM ? Are you in the
eel,— fat idolised. As time tolled on. 1.11. the onto .1 -pot, ot whielewe hove before 1 streets the yon nt the theatre or the ball
ryi , g still deeper the reteemb , twee of hoy Token, and there, in the ralra light el the note, Are 105 meeting ea , dt ether et
Wei - anion and youthiol attiet i.. toe ri Ilinu star, mogl.t hoe to kt h el b e ..eorttere of Imo e and alloy, or by the doom
'memory of that ern, d old m a „. I oide th a t Imilowed m mn.l and , meintry Rho.. and there indulging in
I like tie deadened ivy to the lattiee wall.' with deportedmother !eonversation bon (rem instructive, or using
clung mill doter the tendril, of tint I .tty: lie there mould him to repress those pas.: mmrse and siufd lang.gel Or are you
land genervon spirit t the offering of W, nionotti omit I; •Mine so natural to 3 mal e 'in your pleassot Immo, eittioj by cheerful
1 prime. Hu new lived hot for 0. purpome. nod whi.:ll if 1.111.0 blighted. east a derkentid fireside. intently engaged in neat some
loved with bit one leve and prowl but for nel' over 11 u whole future pathway of le e . 1 iostructivo ammo, with it a toaster mind
lune idthsing; and, of these. nll these Am- The heart of rite mu was east in the mould 'has prepared far the purpose at hothfitting
tine was the meipient. Ilia path trough, of thu father . .. fine fellows?
life non looked short and dark and cheery.: If the former, we almost despair of your
lighted only by the airmle star-ray tit. tlleenn It. brrnnai,ia toler tble men, or useful oitisent ;
sprung from him whose very being. was a , t ,„„„,, 1 if e Litter, ).,a 111.1 be ',limning the up
' port of his own existeoce The pleadious Ott wh „.i, ra m h er . word path to 11,110111 M., ilmier, and lame.
humanity. halt .r.-Itod ho the hand at .1, ...ree't on. heat.., Previous hour. are titian evening. that
1 demand... (need a reap., in his !wart i 1100.0 threags, lamp.ol alol•erier..• yon the thoughtleemiv wting; they arel
and an advorate in hi e midnight devotions:l There wits thotlier member of that fans r.joo aootior, Wllll W ill they mug..
yet be seorned tho world col nsingled no: , ily of which wo 1011, not yet spoken. Cl. ..coin. flow dm' hoilit l fing min.. might'
'll the moiety of men. Prom Inn tormoti ra 0. et not one the ode. of Mr. A Meths be strengthened by no , di.-eiifibm of eon- I
Hof political life, the jottlihg excitement 01 mod li nen h er e hildi t mel, his home had heel. mimed study planned Ly a judicioua potent
bosom. *ha the ad; entitles of hers. 11cr porenis had lived and di. din or ha doer.
other climes, in sea m '. o f (h e t which the tho state, lest his Ler sit orphan at a Think of it, toy. What if you bath a
:heart of onth moll crave, laden fields/ with m toter age. The nnnrmu. and mytepatlii. I deft, 1,01 ed-orotioot F. , I 'l wi"lf mid etudYi
:the toughs for ohjeoto, hr had retired to sing odd man Igo ed his titier with all a ! A,e still not wokestudente,
find in the bosom of solit meathneloit's hotelnet 4, anti n hen in her d vat h , men t.f st 1.1 dt Molfe Pi:tree:fel
: that In. which he long./tented. berm, even -trough. she coml. 'bet her only eltild her : yono can .1.• it—yoo alone been the lower l
ithere followed the ditto bar of hotrod lint,Cho a, to lot est e tool prat.aim]; he clasp- Determine that you it'll Le kriowin that
—his heart wee made to bleed, and he tom the link , one :en to his ...I, and his roar i..flnenea Omit Le I,l '. end so s tall he
sorrowed with o grief t,• , nom for the ton vows himeled oil!, the prayer breathed hick-' men con eroa a. y..,t will. I oar,
. pitying gen of the woo m th m
Id'. etoele de. teen of his dj jog mister, and Li td received • mtn
mind.. learn a . thlug ye th
ve.g. • Ft,
° I toes to Look upon. Morn, bright, happy . .111001. Loner li , torical fief two your memory
, men, vocal with Hattire's glad orison. the! Ulm had urown asp to womanhood la the some problem in mat itetnatiet leer.
him sadly thoughtliol a
e he hied to the 1 home of her thelo. lie ..... m
e loved her, bestowed the larf of none "
oe Ste of country
dewy ; high -n.ll saw himpensive on h e r eireetion noboonded. She wan get by heart one rule of grammar. or Molly
and restles, and algid threw a ,a,laaatal, but why attempt d, senile her on 1,11..1 —,
t horoughly a few tint Mions; Only put.. I
..'er his mind, d ee p, d s rk e r than her tubl.: ' , more tool prolusely stud its own inirnita• . yore. and 00 will soon be ate,tombed at
bight shadows, "rtes there he oft. lee betv. Tito ta.k Were vain, and per. :sour sure., Sunk exercise will strength.
T•EFINOPT • Hien Mau The trayed to • little lallork, net fur diatom, no •I th m
eemplishem• eo
small ahunt.—; en your memory, inei jornto you: intellect, i
hie / 4, the leant/nom in his, where elem. in her lona deatinalumber, all, liens was a gifted spirit and tilled with all le,. new and delight" fl
mill aye f o r which he own lived t all tier 1m once, the i.igle horn gr.a that adorn tho female and give' our itauslienion the right kind td
"Let the poorer slaves of the world be loved and wimp memory he alone now 'character. tood. Int dtby and agreeable. 1
otheeled, tethered that thelabur lining fru- 'eherithed. }here even there that; An erphan, she deeply felt her low on.,1•11, bymii-nv, do you think you will
84 1'41°614° and ...ell them :thern with we'll nat.' e T
thouvhts were mourned that no gentle hand, like tier ors' regret that you hove thus trim your time,:
geese. joys and happinen in thin life too deep for utletene• ere" to two'— n:otLar, wits i• the wide world to guide her' when you get! er around 'thrown finial. , ! 1114111 the rieli know not and root appro.; Strange, wild meolleetinne crowd span Lit voulltlitl me.; that no ..tidos to in met men of genius and lettere? When, besteed
male. Bo well onthineed ath I after • tong, odnd ; neemoriee sod bat meet to dwell her welcome like, that from a mother's lips. ,? a fed slang words coarse theedoles, hp;
with my fallow men lingered a host of At such a time bow the heart leaps with delicate mirth, and buitterous
of dl ekwe.. of the 'nub that the h•PPI. pleasing reminiseenees; ell floated wildly' glade.. when a gentle word is spoken; you can eonserse about the world of letters
mete of this life altngether on the side of themes hie brain, and bound him inetibus. 1 . the , brow remises the fond earth. of a,—learn some new theory of seientille
the *
l erten. indiserj o us p•py. that like to that spot, that opt, wham re- Idend—a sympathising friend. When the: portents—listen to, and join in argument,
Merl I children (lt !eh I bath net) end a . owed the a.. of her whon yoke oneetorphantd heart, In the depth of its feeling,: admin. opinions, aid feel yourself indeed;
1. • moat trotht I, hod pewee to inothe every ill, and divot is meshed with the weight of I. own lons- a man
woeld begostab, after a eke... ,oluesti , every shadow that ginnmeti his oiled hnese, when grief, moth se sons other le art . No, no; yew will look book upon the=
te sleet which nothing thould he spared.a, Hut now, that v o l. o, Nil o f at the nen feel welt .trim i..ndraat fibs.;' now eeoplerd hours as etryping.areo. t e
very Min automat to each, merely wand of which smith imeth-chord vibrated , when sorrow and sadness well lap bitterest fortune, pethape grottos. Then give up:
elect le suite them In habits of industry' with glad .letion, woo hushed, still, silent. anguish from the fountains of the noel. then 'your idle eentpanient, and mato home Imp
end fistgality, mad no me.. 1 The form that he onee preamel so fondly to how cheering. how full of thesolstlon ie a pier by your pretence. Reed to that aged
1 his youthful breast was °billed end blanch-' tender word, faltering from the lips .1 lored man, whose eyes bane long been toe dim to
e 4 by Denth, and sow lay nerd.. .nestle ' ones. Ah, ye., like a spirit, comforter— men the I • ad page, and his beaming ,
the and that to hint seemed bellowed' like en angel voice It sinks downedeep with—smile shall ropy you tenfold. Spur the,
gnome. Per old mss, ho bad lamed the' in the secret remises of the bout dive&l pang. Imes &the household to actioe,by
realities of 1114! Beery boos , .very toy 'ins all gloomy forebodings, ell sexless' Innocent einlry with them, dm to,
imaged on the mirror of Ohs haws had thoughts and saidened remembreetee. It benefit others se wall ao youreslf Be not
rr ....v h.r.- rr. ~r n.. hnlJen,
rr. 1. , r,r .of •1 r.. 1 . , rr.. .rr~l f..rr.
Haw .lay gale.,,.oaoas raw
And bleadl ihear va.ra iron a 1.1 . 11. 1..
Ruand home who; oong•• of boooto rioloor ;
Limits who'. onhe ;h. hoinz r Ali Ow d-fl
G!iorspro o. root,. of tong ootpoocog Irm..
Colson of looloily *how moo ;011.4.
Hama n Ilre plan. when. w•• Inv* even Innderl
Oar hopes and ha,' arnonn wan and rake.
Wheaeo.r anted warship Owls eannalni.
As intend nn nne todn Inunaag
WL.r. wa have eadralard VIM iliewghta
. beheldeug
Rom we•eyed Ilmwer, the centre of au ;
And while we watched n. gradual odeldieg.
The angel. caw sad caned , agave.
Mankind, however Muted and bee.ghted.
Homer opprmed by penury mud care,
Fit. their *amen. bytes beet..
Hem Still fret blue iwbieh all @lvey freely she
Hem! erica the •rN.eiet wanderer as h.
befil,d laatatcpa e'er him wra-y way ;
PIN.: welt, the wretched .1.1111•• he feud
A Moutons leek whore owe he loved to ■n,.
11.1444!.4).m.1ed worn rtm.c when reitmung
Tram derly labor at the full of
Home I mop th• emsompated ond ay oporyin
T. world of woe, .1 plumes it. wing. A,
Renee !like the homing teem mike. towhee
b. es* point adt.etion's oentter.d ro)o,
Ahd he the rensreittonn, the wild..ot wouther.
Haw I. the watchword tiring with emotion
The potrin'e heart, and nerving 111111 to ajjkl j
HOW Y the pelf eta, o'er the norm orient ewes
Mining Un rider tlinagh Me rerun ult.
Ilona le • Won to erring mete. given,
%kali in caner In the nod. enure,
T. lead oar *Me gently .p la flenen,
To Ander. lerth the brighter I.rn,e Mien.
bonne otos Poore—The owing linlY
orbit node roman'sa in boa. Th. friend
No ill awayoa wiprodl when yen eell, and
Obe oenwepondent who 'amen lea is.. to
ammo your Idiom
411 e . All vntr*At OtmLtict*it
aO.l Lett ; he conscious- lights up an with the beams of noon, glori
'kers of life'n titlulnesn and au due with the effulgence of its own purity C,reCling, that, in spits of a!I of- the &wk. mysterious future, bindles anew
dot t the contrary, 'nice tolling on its the Lott,
.g.nd..e.e end wakes the food-,
o Ode piod..nn o'cl• the mind. clouding the tot unti.-iunt tot, It colors, en with the
PIIOLIGUR —Lint to my Clint flu,' future nit!, the datk,.,.. of &std, id rettel of t• [icy dipped in tho telite.t is
'tie breathed in satines•;—toro not :nen it e.hi was it ...3? Why druil; oot his hem t agery.
,e, el y is to) spettre.smirit that!
th„„eh no the grief-cup for a id tht smarm may ?—• haunts the lev• r,l i nsztooti.,n, mat linger
still more lotted not, like others. :meth, lug erooml the altar t. ! : 11,, ~,, lane it , alum
. All I. ~,e l l t h at en d, ;" • e ;,l ell i n e,..1) tu,re Lai Ir than the filet, nhusn pre— L, ri. g hr, and I ASIS incense on till, LYRIC},
right that ends holly slendd have been rid m.ceimn4l d 0)11 ry rec. lkoi,n of the It nett.l. , tut the strongest and I mre., afro
-00 o .oe th e Auth o r tin ne , r th, .I.A Id• liver y, ma n - whiLlt nhen 1 , 111-ul to'
less. 'Os tedi a. lay ~ tdry finds it us,l t i:ht j " , •g , ~*
as iji takes its Issas, \V, it net ,
The "mld is foil td I Li t. is r edt• tiwhips
hut it liter,. id retmietie I i' o did t
Wider, and stiil wider wrideli the ult., e itCer
tna g inati„n ; bizheo and .•111 lorelter •a, '1,‘..4 aas u too mardent .Lad ed {llo NIA. red nth d. In jno e and 01,1111 g rim , . hne o nti „1 with ra , dat•c!, TI • oeniendlranco
realms of Thauf-lors It d.t.l; I o the 5..11, rooted MY lila- n ther'.4 a..:1 a in,ther's care, of
nun. Ol no 14. o nvolt al ilor, iii 010 tru* ro..w loercrt ;—..11,0 harpy,
dent dot ttrtv conplo• h th.• .0i0..1 •,• Anonl+, ~• h,ve , aid was an i01..17v,1 n.v a .yn ..ho
Cost 1.111 I) I , l*bed f, ever
and .„,,, e 1,6„, ,. t h at , e a.od Val.! TIN On I.ion tras nI• i•li stern
t „ at , .1 „t t',.• trot ; od , l al aro unwel , ntool
i dance is all 1 , ..we •”.1 )..t 'ti , r( alt- I.ith.”'.. heat t, lot suh,• moot to tit: tt•o t nlo—..nee. At such times alto
ty. at I. , ok, Lott t...• I 10.0 i, ha 1.-alma wore ~t.•• • , a d
eutbar-t on..riara ,nl.,Ttion it what .Pvt.t. tolat•rolul ' g uts•ode,,a b. paw'.
1;..d ivollr and no in 1,.. ter,no • will :nether nos whin'. to be-t-m I A, s:1, thee ,. , ~ ,or
kin wr nn .11,1, anent t --d, when 11. t. , Oi.o to.. the , onf•arief•ent,
afus nr Ow law 11. ”. tEn tt In tr,.l that a e„,l I,,nt r, „,
and i+ ; 1 i' h-Part hi " 't to.p/o
wan 1,.• 1.. in: , .`lll , own .itit le .1,,n1,1,1 t•• 11•1•1 v ? AVI-at noder w,„ „,hit lip•, lmo
' La, fiee V. the 1..•: „ r rd . ~, u t:Ifol and
r , tarot t , . 011 an ars , e i r k „, li a.aa.
•ITI and ...ate th,e. oo th,• „ ff to „, ,
„„... .41 , 1 111.11. Win ILI alio% h.nt e
,„ • , xu, „, ,„ ~,,„,e i„ ti„
lA , h . I.
id I .kflt
• 1111 !
\t.„ll'e ,t • 1,11/,1. , il • '11• ' 111:11/ s ,td.. ,o 1 her i t ,N •
'trl. r to 1 )Ir. Allttrz
I IClll,ti
1,1 .....7.1. " ”lb
e art novel, Ig. h , • I , tt 0, too.' itrt et7l ,
taltt I , iu , hat v 111 11 I- II $ t . t., t•• 11,.• rahr
r.raz, EZTCCI:O,2tSt7, 2.)-z:raxr, a:3U grk,v . :s::l`,C!,?
- -
It puler Gat w:,iLh tthent , ll-,tl.tuil.,..itaelfrottn.l
" the !cart a vr.rolgt ha
• 10 , Wlr n•. filo] 11111% it IV Iv
11 4,1'4 t;!t, IT lowly
t , , 1,, wr,t' ! I'.
- •Lo tI tt v? - 11..
11.. a r•i'v AY , ..r
lay olt. oft , . t.or .1 •
a. II i stv.ts
sntettt. hTnllenset, but set y.tur mask higl.,l',lnskeit nue ....fives? itleolten our
anti then OH! , M the ruggs.l hill 4,f PJ,PI.4. lives ! I slid intt O
the. tto I was,
sus, et ping n Exaelsinr, etteslsier."—Utire .re neat, sdt-esuultenti ; nut ßrunei. suet ttrttnis I.lngttsge. I said 1: he sonkl
IT 'LAI - D0L....4, MI Y.I. IS CLAI. ! ". 7 (hn';' , 'io"."'
The see., !"'" """Y her ,t'.
re t tae, teeter Jslnt Quinsy A , ltuts, " r “ . " ' 3:3 ' 3 ' 3 1
all y
chit tly d 1.. r the dev..l tn. " 1 " 3.114° a* "
w ent in whet ens. „ntl via is, kn... • '''
Mr. Cie, 's Anent- en systetu. It e„„tsnt
plated en ellen ye of tint Unit. ' ""' '
`9”."` l'reoitlet , t. of the tY/ heti,
tith.d w psa 111/.1 ,PUr;1111111V1....
:14 ClllOl P 11.11411
, I, It b. Led
the ether iv ever. MI ti i. ett,..en
I,,eitett the enthre tot the elit well.'
ieg it on teterte, :
I .tt mat t I
I.c ttitt•ti
it... t.ttl j..ct. Jim advt.° tea. at.• w, i;
a"• P" 1 .411ml:h. thE abut.. t:te
potttEll stititout trotting for , the
. 11;14.1.1,.... kw .
uu. ,
.;;; hi.;
t i n
..! "r tar P r ";..i"n. de, t.te rttited Si. tea. a.... 1.1 not pt,tt
pay theta with. It
~, , ,,r e5;1,..1
.1.1 h ttethttiity btu anti by E
g `'. "'t • 4.r irt t 1...1 ar .
i. toiy alt tt t,..t•t'ter It.- to C I- cu,. " ny ; ,
tau "AS ... 4 d° ' l. °' t tl .1;'tt to, lit Ewe ti I.t
Ace ..ta horn I t• Om
' tat "r 11 „rid Ow tt..t
pot .1 to t...m.• cl att.! into
‘‘o ottititt.ltt tot. ua.ln „:;;;.; a
Mr. G.,' "i !tr nv ant int...mud, tt
thtlid itt,t l the .\ hr .,„
co" m r"'.tier.wltielt, toot to in 111f-rm....1 • 01
fir Itt.ti.t•; 1111 , 1
.;;;• ;;;,, g
• '• .1 t. .. •• t I i
nl , l, t:
i! , • w w,!d, ror
1.7a,..1 • • en , ..7nn:0. , 1r.
• 00,11. r,•; • t (mire
in lII+ Foi4
11% iorronttti n w1414. 0 p,0
•t ; ;; hr
II• I,or‘. r, n.lnio.
~ XI .nt
:m.0... to t tn. • r of the
of 11. Ifith in.tant. ;oinked (Ev•
cootiv, ) and whic% 1 !wive trecirl; I wee
reveethilly, that ell the commettieatont,'
me to the Senate, relating to the Con.
000-1 at Pdeama. have [icon made. like all
other comtniodeat .tire. Executive bo n
too, in confidence, and most of 60111 io
...midi tome with n te.n.lntion of the Senate
req. g them confidentially. Itelievitt 1
that the usne .t 1 of free conli•
dent icl enmtne&e.dinos hotw,et the Ev e, '
Olive and the tientote otmlit, for the pnl,lie
into:m.l. tit . he p leered unimpaired, I
deem it env itsrli.mennattle ;iota to leave to
the S,mite, ill.lf the deminton of II quest 100
involving a &return, hitherto, .1 far a+ '
Ott informed, m i:liont example, from that
emcee, 10111 upon the edive. for vnd
being infornted of them. I do not fuil tn),-
tell mAnnetent to deide."
Thin clomp changed the tone of Me
Randolph towards the Fres:dent Some'
weeks afterwarolo, when addrersing the.
Senate with open doors, he ailuded l chiti
subject :
° I did notintain, - sai I he, ••
of the rrtoideut : I itt 'tom 'de mon.. Ito ,
•ent . 0n..., ;TOM that non..
nt; tone a-td maw cr dint :
trom that moment a. I 11 . 1 e L.ll HIM,
land lam not altered for OA itei
1. Sir, if he woo:d le ive to 1•• e +coat° too
derd.ion of the riovotion, I tr..ul I tippet ,
with LIM ; evil non n( the Ann..
wan hon. of St ism t ;Inv:died. Ile gory
lon to .y hot tho WO •
;wan., hitderio, tar no I :tot ildltrane,'.
eithout example. front Gat nn, n. anal tip•
ion the n otire for which. net hosing hit'. in.
of of them, Ido not feel nt) .11 e pet,. •
n. deehh; ' It had heel ;reg. ot.
Goo libel. what would liars, tmlel
here f. and a vend,' on Ittai, on iouttoil,
Wh it we were In cakiirg un fi, et
lunges to gratify 111,11, 141 19/1..C11; I en)
nothing about our noitentei.te, tomato.° he
I wan not informed it them. The initendit.
we. Vint our motives were ilmek and be I
Tint moment dui I put, like Ilemithal, my
; hand on the altar. and swear eternol comt•
ity again. him end hi, politically. Fret ,
that nmmont I wool.] it, en) thing within
the limits the Colo.ti•otion mod the law;
;ter, en Chatham tai lof Wolkon, • 1 would
net, iii the person of the wort of men, ti.
elate thinespeetions and pi Mitre which,
ire the settling:4 ot the right. mod liber•
ties of the beet; hat within the limits of,
the Constitution and the law, If I don't;
Garry on the war, Whether In tie Nonin•
lank or any when else, It shall be for want
of reenorturo"
After further observations, on the nosn
;Fusions tweed in camels., Mr. Randolph;
'repeated what he had then mid in wafer
enee to the mirror el the President.
Who made him a judge of our were
'Why onnstitoted him t lle has been • '
Firefeewir, I understand. I with be hell
left off theped•poires when he pot into the!
elmutive emir. Who nod e him the cee- *
ear monies of thin %Indy? WIII env eon
thisgnestkmt Yes or not Who t
I Naso lin.ponon. Anne all, who nide
, Malin otasebos of barn end pew bin
the right : by ea nand; Oink en hell to
• Er The PoMIA.% benign • Woo onernern
of J~b Vdeuel{Nourl.Yy en Mu
..II hntJr.f JOB WOlf IM SWIM. wed deo ,
NUMBEII 52.1... BLANKS et every &poetising orpoiloSly
on bend, or ynoted word...
~.. „ . ~u::....~~. ,
11, (1. hate I. •L•. i. 1 l•
i 4 :h.
•Ir i.I I
101, t
. • ~ hr t ol•tte.. •
Iv, ;age oft ,
IV, oot re that w,
ne•e.l end noilteion•eeertolt tln.
. rival lo ;
.I..loate, It /Tol .loit often need ext.rettei.o.t.;
.•,:tr a he eras!
eoitt nit oi th ,ught and iot..onny ,•
acre olierseteriitie of hie who! —1
Few 61.1,14.1 ..ny wore pithy or plik,eht
thine,. 1114 petite. eats Were aid.. ed.,.
woken, n enpettlotous ornetnet.t, an , l prep
mt. %%nit no ein.w. 0.1 the
by,o w.e
up. end the,
ninol gl'.wi .0 with introse eetion.
h.l that lit lookeddolly to the vie
-I.lin sa id his illustrations and the alumna i
of his illtpdoee
ttur ing flung down the genthslet ands
hel hun t ed the Loldeet champion itflh • ad-,
hall to take it lip, he wee ro,r the
onto to tako hnrk amig.B.llj. g npnw
per .net•ept.n.ce o!'
r'...llroge. lintrine oftenol t ioallt.l
•• doily the r..neerpterwet, 11.4!
IV I of throe entAerpn.ti ere Witold I
1.4 :lr Ctiv wee not a man of eneh Gr. t
her rome and :stunt viten. , es to permir
gi0,..1 HpLenti.,ll on lie Motive. p o•s:
'l'he toottanees by
eel the roam, Inn,,
wpm. 1 , a, 1 , ..1,"J0 it on thin
lln st, e t" 401 Ho lat.!
aet I. Ili- nble
I.lei •r 1 r f
; tint 1,111.1,, •,.
1,1. ra nv ttleolst tin:lll,d. •ff
,ven been inAn.t, moth r thy (limp.
1111.11.:. 111.1811•, .•.t
tours w. 041 b..,e 1.0 o t min.
...I I ey.o:d o.: rerhuni.ti.n
c:•.lplt, two. wait illy ra..fe , .0.1.
1.1 I re, 11. r r.,11 cp.m flint front On 1...•
g slomi 11. toy trly hie
I e t.i..tets in the pin od
uhrer hien on with pronhnt.i,
n lotion gren , t.f...., Lut a., the ne.g..l with
llull.mlll. • I.'oll e'.rk,d lb.. p,e.
I" he wont op lu etAr.r.
l'ie Al.ireta e! rl.
Ile tern r: mei Kahle turn, en cobra wet- "re" to et" stet Midi 'Clay is mho.
ink ;,, b. r elodioilm—j hold my purl/eve.
tint, Lime on the Held. were !tor,. 'lien. 0.401; tewow•of t•i•
tun ;„ „ y ,,„ „ken in 'On hooding him hie P 41.1, Col. Tatnell
wu bereidat hens of lis sueustoi e , m, dm 'Teeell tit. het , WIPP. Mr. 2 •••. t:
lofty beaks oldie A liponiamio. the other iit!". l . l . • T• 1 1 •01 1. 014..0 one
a humbl e dwelling steidet the elpliew of hoot shims In Virglelk with either • pinto!
' Hanoi er. Wiiilo the poor deputy. $lOO, Sei I nee. , 111 .. th•
hair trig
'we In t o , 00 1. „f 11,11 , 1 1 10 ger ; haw. tk fat buellekin Onie
~rrumba ru,p. .,„„.f I. 0 , on. nllkb will destroy the defies., of wp
sous enjiiyril the tit:heat repent in the teeelti sod oh. trlgg.o 0 •7 b••••
eft ecotone: ie. of learning. While the out: eh'''. e"..' Be e . 'Pe . hi. ``rest
!y e t • y oud h non M nno i ., i h„ 6.1 1 , a Co. aolVittole for hie hind, Tatteell boosted
iiress by the @meet videos of the ;maple.; time "king .••411111°.• Ox ..b1"111_.•.11.
ttho idle,: ma* still lighting his uouiemit say; th. tu.P.d .„ Bas
to fante and fortune amen the Minter. tot dolph had antiaipeted; hie *WI went of
Kentucky. 'before the word, with the nee& down.
With s lemdalile desire to tensitiate the o Th. omnt bk "." P & .•
differ.use beim*. the wiles in a manner I Mond Jeal l • N'' City 6l ."' all "
alike honorable to built. General Jeseepl.,_""... ii rt h.
.rid InMtntly lean tM
and Culotte! Tetnell mistuelly agreed to , rand . 4th hie i f thou
'suspend the challis... and Posptantsei wean. Mr. Clay
order that if oomible, suisisetury esP """li sn '"ia.'"` snd b"rd .hot
mations might 6,
entered into. the wentleman might be allowed to r en.
On the mud being ca.. Mr. Cie). /red
ake withont .fwd, Mr, Randolph dietherpinot
MIAMI Nei 0111110.11.11, mimeo that pn• 1;,;.„ 0.,„1 t o. o u r. Th. ... di m o
I damp. complained, eel:aimed in this: That 'ol. y ... Ni'. hod
Mr, Randolph had shard him with bee. 1..., hie 40. .4th a gash .f eeneibility, ho
f.. 11•• "...0r...." • P.N. •••• inatentle sweronelled Mr. landelph •11
anted with the Parma 6311111.111 • aka, that 1.44
es lied *MOW •Pi.h• 42 • 00 •6. f toot is Oed. dew do. 'NI us un-
Geeterol Jester etutsultrtni it meow, %kw /NMI te4o4
Barg Sr .4114/O'llllSlOll.
Or anima (II flaw ne ken) lilanilsy 07 MS
Each ialpipnia 44•44. - • SS
Ono span. I misibin • - • II 61. ,
••- 4 00
Manna Cant. 114 Win Ma i - • • •
71 SO
Ynaiy ittninianiatia ann am 4 spans 7 00
Ono etaron. ma par. - • - SO SO
llfoarly Ad..d be immitail to Ye M
tams in whit* inn, are esprit
131,1ph shoukl fleck.. that he hod
; no bitentioo of chagrin Mr. Clay, either
•in his politic or printers opacity with for'-
, tog or laltilpt.g any papa, or misrepre
; -totting any !Lot; and aloe, that the tense
hlok/eg, of used, was not intruded. to ap
; ply to tom
t Colonel Tatnall "made Cm ttomeniniea
'am to Mr. Rwodulpb. His reply eel oil
oil L• po of any ratistietidy adjustment w
011 i ottlifieulty ••I have gook" toy. h.,
I " as far re I could io waiving my privilege
o a. opt a iteremptory ehslknge front •
:•ohd-ter of the Executive Government,
ut•th.: any oireunistettees, andespeeiall,r
uu irr each .owenotstaltreo. Th. word*
n•:1 by Inn were, that I thought It would
tt, in my !tower to .how evidence, midi
iontly presumptive, to oatisfy • Charlotte
jury, that this invitation was • manatee
tared here—that Salsgar'a letter struck
toe as being a strong liken.. in point of
style, ,to the other pipers. I did note
tied, r ,he to prove this, but expresso: cent
irinn that the font wok so. I arphrd
rho adanioi,trution the epithet • porno io
dui..die, black-Limed administration'
•• 1 Lays no explanation to gin.; I wilt
giro any-1 ern relied to the field—r
' ha re sgreed tik go and en, ready to go."
•• l'et• night below/ the duel," toys CIA.
J•lnws Ileolltun of South Carolina, •• Mn.
Randolph sent fur me. I found him calm,
, bur in a soluilarly kind and colliding
mood. Ulu tot l on he had something on
!Isis mind to toll no. Ile than remarked.
• fluthittote I bare doer mind to receive,
err' o• retrorhirig. Cley'a fire • nothinu
•hdoce our to harm a hair o f head
I 0 hi, a Widow, or his
' Itte•.Th p ir,teene would be
-• ~ ,, . rg ra', but when the nod of
Vit gitenru • • tt my honote , there is nor in
orhl .11iVi3,14 Io pay thin
1:11011,. o cyro 611e11, ao
10-.1 11,..t0 Ito Lurid, err f ellinitt.
• ri• ...limos silent I repfirti, •My
dear fr iorol hd• our, wan a tort of postbn-
Lem. 11 bequeathed byeur meth.
I deeply regret teat snu have M.
3 i;3 9 me; 'for you call ail
in • I.i t h e fi,ld and an. too shell ,
oeo, t 0,,1111.•tlin rtopunt.ibility in re- '
I.onr ono Ifih, austaining your
Lrlor Ilion to throw it away. Rut oat
i• t rt... matt's own eunreienes and
s on ate Lin beet monitor.
Lot corder thametorniumo
k—l pommel ipatilt you have
1L..1 Mr. illy, I vaimut dfilluaolo. I
••rl 1..1164, !....vorer, to communimna
Col Tu. thul. your decision.' Ile begged
on oil to do niland hl he wes wiry
nirniii flint Tattnell would take Wm
-Awl. :mil rcinse to go out with
II,;1t Col. Tatman, and we re.
priroil about 'blight to Mr. Randolph'.
•• 11,111e,0h0 wo found reading Milton' s
utcutp.tin. l'ur mow moments he di./
not g emit us to Say one word in regard to
the ityproachilig duel:, and ho at wee
rwwoed one of those delightful witi
ei me on a portage of this poet, in which
lio wifsit so etithutimlie•lly to hidulga.
After a game Col Tattnall reworked, • Mr.
I eni told yen have determined
not to rotten Mr. Clay'. Sr., I most say
In you. toy dear sir, if I me only to goons
•ec 31,u shot down,yoe wt end mane
nth, Need.' Mr. Randolph runtime
that it was hie detenninalkm After much
tile .8 the euli}eot, 1 induced Col.
Tat loan to Aire Mr Randolph to take hie
own course. an his eillidr•SMl, •• one of
lilt friend, eight lead to vary injurious
whionustritetions. At last, Mr. Randolph
kiniling mid, • Well. T I monies
!rot win thing. if I see the dmil In Chien
!eye, and that with wall.. pregame, he
wane to take my life, I may change my
oties' A remark I knew be ode merely
to pr.vilinta tho anxieties of hi friend.
•• City sod himelf edit •• 4 o'elnek
• t Incevedi.,q evening, en the bents of the
l'..inteay. Big ha naw Ile • devil I. Clay's
rye, b. • nme frailest, End esweasing the
and trot.. whieli he
' looted tn tie ouliatlen.
jI shall never forget this wane a• lons
as I Hie. It haieilvieli my fortune to wit
vent daub., big I never is. on.. at
nt an
Iva moque], en deeply sleeting. The
shit tees just a , nig., heisted this bum bill.
of Eland. p.m Virginia. Ili.. mg..
'turn of tie ming extraordinary men our
eutiegy in it. prodigality hod prodeued.
shunt to levet In emits! emoted. Whihot
I Tuttidill wee lowlife; Ilandelph'• pistol,
:mix cinched niy fgt.!, I believed for the
' lust t h..p ; I took Ids hand ; there was nig
i's tune!. the quivering of ene pulioatioo.
' . •