The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 12, 1850, Image 1
" etkur ;Nrcrvtovrste." a B. & E. B. Chase, TERM:4.-04s ootsiss nor, ci YTS per veld Ms In advance. or two dollars if hot paid astil tho end Otitis yrs, or pins of subscription No paper will lie v dinciiiiiinneil noon a .range. sne pond. except at Inc option of ilic All communication. 11114 l he roar pull to to All lows ...Iv/o.d owl, A, off., ehouldLa - ditootpd to S. D. & E It. CI. nss, Mont ro, Pa. VOI,I;116 VII Er Ethtsre over M. C. Tyler'. Store , PRESIDENT'S MESSAIIE. !"" 1 " 11 '• 1 • ' , . hose mums too e g re t • .”,i ” ~,, imnig them to a ape, dy and successful Ito secure to them both the Lunette of peace, theeet e r, impel to to ask the earseat at-forma ifornia will. of mane,o foe. as eeeeption to lam gratified in Leda oh] I t i lard commerce, , tontine of Coogres• to 111 is subject If , tiny general system which may be adopted . the main., et , of ~,,,,,n f t ioroe p !„;lbl%%::" ts at all tones eis especial duty to here ,clo,e. re:low Otis... , of the Ne”ute, and qthe „0„,„„ ) , „,f,.„,„.. e .„, „„ th e t o ,' not., I S on. ttoavoidable del iv hoe occurred,' I reler voe to the report of the Seetute- i Coignes doold deem it mini.. t... attempt 'Venous methods of disporting of them have 'in the ensui tt g y r ., oe , k r .. b y tn ., rt t i o . House of Repewientatircs.: .of tiro sr.,. i.., the nhjerts and nob. arisitig hunt dor.toce and the difficolly of ry of the Treesurj for a detailed atutpment any important the, Corer II r system of been suggested. Ice . 1 : 1 ,1 s k a . t . i lira[ .w ; ..i inclined i t n , o r d . e i d e t f ott ',ar promisetl l e tine . L o i ' rl e y s e n it i . t i 0 1 , i 1,7 x o ' e l e , , t r , d , t ' o lt r . ll e e ' : . y ar t :ifr r n o h p o r t i l a c ' t o i:toln ,r o u w f o l t t i , t , , i ~ i ; Being suddenly called in the taid„t or Wets intruated to l'ungse , s, its legialatise intereo,, , het w, , et. thin per rtitum,t old of the finance. the t art rte rs l eit ..1 c o , g , r ., by a painful oethorit.o. is supremo lint here that un- ,hat of Ntett., , en tot, .... t o, mgr,,. e lia. The tottd rm. , ipts int.. the Treasury, for intimpomahlo to the end , eti ~...f the r, v diaponaetion nf Divine Prato:lon, hi the th o ity era - ea , ari d ev e ry Otis., nil.. truly not hem, teeet.,..l .4 the al poiontent , I Ott tle , eat emlir . .! the .1 0 . 1, .line Imt, mere mote that such remedies.: in the Jude- lett:eat re, crone to the Government. and to .of a dock o n th e coral of tine p ao i t t o nen ,. responsible station which I non 11 , 4 , 1, I h,v..s th e 4.2,o s tntetion, cud dc..r,., dm e....- 1.:1,vo, I:stromammy and 3litlister Mei. noly.smen million lor I..dred and liven- mod .1 Coegre, may mitigate the evils aflod the I.e.t seet t rity op t ima mottopogeal,i t h oo r,, ~q , ,,i , ~ now being ....i5..r... contented Into self with such commode, t i orane , ~t i to e si,re, it.. L1,..,t0g, prom., it, ini 1 lot Goveronent v. tesWe at tlooomd soon itmolrea mul fo”.,- eompluimul ot. 5h..”1 , 1 he at ' nee applied but tellertion, and nits experience arid on whi c h n ai ,,, e i e l re,,„ta may b e „..' • tient to the Legislature as the esigmu o ot sill r es olo,d, and liestg ' k o conk, any noe l - W.,,liino. o s In., arrival may a ...1. be ..111.t 4 filers e 1.4 td.1. , 4Y eel.ta, (47.4'21,- As bef de :wised , Fireeille . lines Wnetd. in Iraq., the lead Mines and selling land... p ee ted ' ,H y i „ „,.. ,0. , ,,,p.rr0re ' 0a:,:71 .1,; ii.. p,,, the moment teemed t. ,, require The mon- threnee in those atom...a ;dint, which the exp....led it is loped that to. 'other lin- 74S 90.) in my vein , ion oil „Atha nod p.rfeet tem- upon credit, hove brought my utiod to Cho i There is an en htent justness in the sue ley was Aroudol io neorning for the hos Conatitot to n has clearly aid t orpor...all) teshments aril lo• expoi. mod in the T 1 ,,, ~,. ..1 ..p. , ii , nre• dud.. rite .... .ay for thi• coil ; hot, if pit ,h,...1,1 ..1. 1..1.e/Itidt.ll that there would be geed daft- ,g rat i ett o f t i„• a its venerated Ode: . Ma2irtreli., 111.4 all- lot t o th e es e losive OW hotlly 0, the Stan t. 1t1..1111 L . I ransurt iot I f I...ness boom ett the to riod fi ,, 1 , . , ty- ,1,,,,, •.fifi ,, . r ry , I , .... dred con , tit . in this vmo. tl eh, ns n p.,lfirl rem- , fifir in eellecting the rents, and that 'the , priation far th e naval scout, pt,,p0t..r,0,. th oose nd I. , 1...n4r. deed el:floe-six dol. • dy, I beg leave ospeettedy to reetaninel.4 r. lank.. of debtor and cr.di.r• bsterri , dm, he separated iron. 111...... f or hood to w ,„ 1 bearer were penetrated soh grief Neitleo And ..Vel v slid. ,it t5...1 will a 1 ,.. Mops., t r two tl. oernowds. ch.. time nor the oc..soot appeared t o le. u....leas milted. among t ~, ~.o . not o n to .. t . tri, or . t tilt) I' oited State.. have tn.- dare and ?Mud, 1. , ,,, 1-13,2011.111 a. 90.1 that. indeed 4 I n king the invoiee of the einem. and the I.lev,ronieut, would he et. onment ohjeets, such as building dock. met quire or to justify'. en, my N. , . any moo- bers of the Union and • cll rrl , ~ . 1 4 . , • ,1, .. , . , 6 —,...,i , . , , „t• 0.. two orestlr The public ,1,1,, her hero ,„t 0r .,.d . ,•„.,„ ~,,d, 0 b,,„,1 „.„ „, o „ ato ,f' determining tmded with Many mi ee hj o e,o s• navy yard, and the geturest attached al espressi,,,, of Imlitieal ~p iniom. o env el intiontion tooling to alienate. ~. notion to ~ r a unroll nom, the Idlanns the last entmol ter rt tr. 111 the T11.41N1,,, it s v a ne. h e ,. the.. reel t „,.., „f w i n o. i n . yea I t hornet reeoooton d th a t, i te o. ad a nd Iron the estmordinary obj eta end , . ammo oenteut or t. , .., principles whiel, nosh! . i t our comtry trout :mot., 'file b. Nov of Telosa.d.opee, ndo gra d .. 01 the 31-n- Ih.pailtomd• 1... r hod , , d .1 , 1 fir may fir- i r , ..i . , , 0 h i , r , i r , - .. rfi 1 fi ,„ ....!:.r . : , • , a . , ,, , ;: , 1 . ;. ,, , i . r..- - :r1 ,. .1:4 , 7 6, 1 , - er- ~ , d , .„ 7 , l i tti n n it it;g he t c h 0 e , t 0 n , i ,, .... , 7 , 1 , 1 . 7 1 . , , , 15 5. b n , , .. d .i . e s t i Ll , d e t . te er Ck i ::: p \j o t r . t tine e , Department, ~,ea,„...7,tieiniti.ayboni:: seven. md in the dmuliargo of the duties in ~f t or ovat e !. 0 i i,,,, on. et no -isle. and i,a.l , m,e. rono• , tna town of that lie- thu...l two I omit , d aol see end,-six d.a the perlormmoo of a Inch I had loon so „o- .le.afoy nod •lorel.tO, tidt , t , Assist, to tobli . It i, underst.....l 'lot a thorongli lam tool 5. , . Or:. ................,( 49.:1,.27.; 79 j home valuation ..1 oppraim I. to be regale- l int , . small parcels and odd, tit der such re. r ,d cammteelly culled. I to.-t. thr,f ne, that ae ..,di tig mo t „, i 1 e ,11 1 .1,...., and roes... h., .. ot ,I o , of 1.,.• monouni :.non 11v the VW , s , et i ,,,, ot go set ~, '2.oth tml in eel, m . ,' o , sm h. i ,,, .. ns tar as •,•trietione ns 1. , goantity and tin., a.. Will' Are oet tt o co d. f.. i h e geyser , it may led. br de , ....c4 '...a1...r..pria.5. it 1 om. • ' -. , . • ~„ ....... .„...;,,„ „, d t i e ~, i... o „ r , ~,,, n 4.....,..r. 4%17. ths prnesed , ail., , alga of ma , tit a 1.1... unit. lE. It. .1. tlon ,, eral p oils. , tosure the la id prim , otd gond ttoot co- mod of the lino) 10 ono t o e.. t o te o, t o . --- - • avail 111.),1.4( .4 thi.... - . - •„. r , r.rournt orr nn.e un- a nner ~ . .g l metnolly aeanist eembinali ~,, mediate o f C,:„, assenibliige .1 t .1, 111...0 11/‘ t ..1 hit num ve..rgv, vi.ponistly .I.en that tete, and of the !midi.. debt that tlo• re, io t 111i10.4 are ' o.Junin system td . and punishments had un• amitlincills. in a general nem ta , d C.o....dent „k orr,Trivnt •Orrill base , rrn , .•al , nl to and', The groat a ttt r. on t „r 1 . 11111111110.1 1" 1,1 •1 1 I,l a' ,rrld Just ut a The annexatim. th o .I.rnona to. change line a hall century, mad co the policy which oia.ild to be pormtetl t.• sake e.r. that the law, h e .timilatird., with the I:..vereato•nt of I Ito lite.ntl3 4 , ... , 1 110 C. 10.111•11 1011, 111111111 , 1 101ge Ti is ill p , ors to me to be itit`!,m ennliCrrnriln and New flat last scsitti, th o ugh its d,..p aata h te , the uete bosh 1,, nt: eat like I„. ir 1100,111, eaarly a hear : , a... 1 nej I:. Id. labor of give n itiefen , nrd nnernrn tn. ,. no . lerdrant been rrtt Aid ably -pnlat a d n o, an d ti n : with foreign - nations. and 131 mami,euient ours, ' ad /kit . 3 boy . ar . ' I'Y t hose, wh. , mtp,,l, tie. thlie d , reetrld r pron. tal . m eat a log t 4.1 e r a bre. 1.1060 0 . 1 11, 0 0 . 0 1 2 ,6‘. 0 b , Lt r abolajof, part ie.dar specie. of corpo v. ral and administrion in int eroal affairs. i or jny 11, 0 11... 1 0, 0 10, tre t bark IV, pr.'. iv 1.1 rho etrt.nri „ . —to nrrreno, rind lent r. haw , ' den. then , . mural, and I doubt nn rn nrgt ,ail dur our lot tin„ eularjytnent punishment, which can , a i th • Nations, like . lelivhinals in a ntate r no- a nd ti ro ..., ro k r,„ al., .•1,„..., fo r N. ato porrdin4; for the nee , en. fore. be 1.1 , 11.1 'n; that linker. 'wilful at t Petir p."le. to relieve of our b ~,,, olm uro . e•timated to , ndanee ono providing any athatit a t a, hae loft tL,, tare, arc equal and po•se,ii.g 8 . el, pe, any ii.j.rions olo.l.ment of that obi, 0, an I a linrytn 01 I,looo' 11. 0 10 6,..k by vstahlt-donent of a a ..pulation 1/f on. hundred and tnent,)- etroieu in a state of defectiveness, whim, "beitain solowing art ai r. dation. 04, l a d ~n, ma, ii t iat it thr.t, hot. the I .%•ide tio• liermanenl animal capon- mint In them oan time,., ..t. a..nyer's !rout . thousand lor pt . tarrection. therefore, each ether , arisi horn th, it im•s-vit d amild appoar mr111.„1. that nal. „rr.trorr.o .r.hall Irerrntee .I.l y n-nntn- salt in - ' , lll' l` e."4",n1 respect - ' N'' . 3 k." l o'' ~,,,,, lend Ilia the whole subject r.rlat. re.; who r loo 112111. on t eb o r. , tt l,l r oo d no T , sill •rd th.. advar.ta4r. .1,1,1, t drd, arra-trd . nrn.rnirnt trl .hrl.t, tally ~,u r the by powerful tribe. , of Indians, who aro • ,revisml without d e lay a n d ana l, a ay „ h .„ mid dance there im ;mimeo , . tonna. am the trx.reuti..... I t Ir.. Lt.,- MI it •tit . u.t t,. art l•„.. ho, arirl amounting I eight million 1.010111, tied n.f ardhurizing bullion, which ...etre 111111.110100 10 tho or.tabl'Aed thefolce ens , thorny t, toot , . stud h h. mind ti o , rt . f t ., n. rv o, ir tbrit the 0.,,...t nat, rit rr. t ITh t t.rd th , „1..11.1 nii,r hundred sod , d,hiv-•ix d , d- has tn.oti owl ••Luorel,t.. be rosin int.... 11 nndate- !plum, us skull lie at on., ha iaana an.. i". 1.1. and da1.... hi,,11... , . r... ~,,, r.._ , 10. ti •I firtv•eirie antr. 1 0 .117.". Silt iu nar, et. to of „sncrt „are. cannot ll' bands, and always 1111/1101.011 they tam , Itual • , , . . .. . . . ..,ii •tis 1.. .0.0 e,.,,,,., ...' 11..x1... in ti 11........ .I. dl ~,,,,,,,, mu , ' b.• provided b.r with... the nest Inn ...........,e that tle . tr. tt.tny ~ . 1 . 1 .1 suffer any run the 1 , 111111 - y.(lm ist.iti.g Tunic, 4 ,, troy- 1 The neenmpat.)mg repo, of the Yon , 1, , ~ , . •1, end that O, orl , oh,. -.11,...1 .t ~... rel+rred 1 ., 11+,0 '. e .r . It i + .... 4 .I , •iral.h. thletrhotarr 1.,.., by ~,0,., ai„ .vi...i.... s r l., • '. will nt once: ing er..o.s. llriving .41" whole 1,0„1„, ~f ~.,10.,„,a,,,,,, thmoral, prenente • satistaetne ,0.1 th.• 4 .•..1....E.• ...i+lt . .l by 1,111 1.0 a , ,,,...1 t , ...... .111.•11,V 3,-01111 ~ ‘10111.11014 -ll' 111.1 111' .001 ,iiiii.., , ,j,,.. 1.,1 1 p.i. f„ ii, ,-, , Ali., and therchs and r, ,ally muttering the inhabit:llloo 1 0100 of the opernthonaand condition °Etta., 1 .... i , ...,.... 1.- In,. li, th.- 1,-t 41111' ' o 1,,,, Mexi,.., it rea .rring ... 11010 I Iv.. .„„-o. (ofl am 01 0 1,0, ~,.„.). ~.,) mom, mil. or carrying them int.. eartivity. Tl.l. gr. at Di:part...cot. ~ n i, I, ~. ...,,„) de_ . n, n o i „:„.„.,,,. o „, „ ~,. ~ . d th ~ ~e „ „. Aii „ e , 0„.,,,, ~ ~. ,„.„,,,,,,.,,,,,i . oi,„ 10,,,,,, .4 . ,1.,11.,,, ~, th, 1.,1..0. r- which are: ena4 ItniiliiT into the country ere Lf ,•• ted I At , the do, of the last fiseal year, ob, -......1d r , .. .1 r t 0 ... 1 . t.t . I ~.... t -t ." •" hi .. t.... , t. .- 011 ,iVi,.lll 1111.1 11141' V I ' l ..k.. 1 , It 1.11 - 2,. 1..... 1,,,, 1, „ i ~, b,,,1,..0a , „• o„ 0 ~., el t this pre-, aiththem, it h 4.1 . e., thereby travelling it length at the inland mail rout. in the Uni t, i,,, ~ ~, ~, 1 0 , r , ,,,,1.,,,,,,,.. ,1,,, , /, ~,,,,,,,,,,. a ...,,,. 1,11 ..1 r. Vl l lllll, I , r • 11.• -... , t , tt ..f .1.0..•...- 1 , .11 , . J011 ,1,,, i Hit., a,kil .1 , 1,• Iwo!, This ' .attentelv daeierons, end hntnigrati , .. , ts led States (....t ..,,braving um omryjm, ie • l' ' t ', t l L. , . . i 4"•1. •,,. h , ~' l ll' ', 1.,,,,11,..111,5111:.. t! , 0, ~' ~. :a . 0,, 1, ~,,. I •,,,,,i 11, t... ~,, I, i ~1 ~,,. , ~1t ...1 .1. ~,,, novo, fr , .....1.0.1.•-• on ~ . ...1-, i nomr..-.1. The .1.......111..... t 1..... I. owl .• . , is a hero- enefrel . , • arrested. Oregon and Calif...Ma) wait one 111.11/drel ot may &tent munt c ..1,1.....,0 E.. .1, I...ept- e1..1 end, 10..., .3 ra ., ..• t.. 1 +. n1.... 11 ‘ . 1 it ti ,. ..,,,....ry 1. , r then - 1...a...h....1,d ...who ity 10.tver t.. Ity 111e..,3 .1,1,4, 14 111 1 1111Clii.inil- yu til2.llli l i I,l'ly • in.., ..•..,1,1 1,0 mad,' by The Mexican frehtier, which by the 111 01. tool g0 , y,,, , ,gy.,,,,1,,' th,,,„,,,,d .i. h“,,d r0 , 1 in,ii iiiid lii.iniiiiri.ny ;„ ii, inin ni,,,n. ; i,i ,; in iiin 1n... ; . i non ,i, ,ii..;,,,,,i,,,, 1,,,,,1,,,r,.,,„.,1,...,,..,. „ ~.. ~. ~,.i., ~,. ide. end it e 0n „ , „ .1,,,,t, no . e „dee , o„ of , „ o . i, ~ o „„„. 0 0 o„ ~.i, „. 1!,.,,t from .0 artiel.‘ ot the treaty of Gandaltio.. 111E1..1g.., land seventy-two mile. ; the annual trans ire are bound to pr..teet against ilm 1...1.- plortation te.... ... fort) , iit million tivt, ;e h i ‘ ii: g :r i o ng ; ii 'l l ' o7lo i r " i r :11:;17:7:1 ' .. "." 1:1 ' :::;:•i ' u a l ‘ ... ' 1; .., ' , ' ,. P ,; ' :,,, i ,:::,1, i' , ' . 1 ,, ' : ' .1 '''' ,..1,,, 1 ,:!,;,,1z i' .:„ i , 0 1 : I I ::: ::::: ' '' , ' ,.1 ' , ' ; ' ,; ' , ' ,; ' , " 1 t ,, i 1 : .::, i .,, ' ,!, ' ,., t , t .x " ,.. " :, ' :,. '" ,, ‘ , , " , ' ,,,!, ' , e 1 ' , ' ,. r t . 1 . :1 , : ' ,. a '' , i , ''' , l ,, ' ; ', i,. ' ,:t v a " l ' t " ti r l ' ,;.l,lla l g ' : ' ,a i , i ! ' : ,, , 1 1,1:1- 4 4' 4 ', r ',•' ; ',' ,:::: ', l l le ,. -1 ' ~, 01, ,,, ~. •nr mitittla• nno wit , i" ....r border., in ealloSed to 11 .... , . hundred told furry •nne thou four h,,,,. tilt, ~ling i" ii , "wii w.ii Tint 1 . e.. - Iv I.IIL-teht r.rd.aild 1.1,.... the str..t.,. - Ea.. Govutillll. 11, ill t..i.. re.-;,, .4 ..I by .........travir.y the i,„l.l , ery ..f ..or hat. Gm ar. • . - 11:4 - ...t...1 i.l th. • ca1.i , . , ti..11 lithe inenr‘ions 0 .1.... 11 Y ...tit one nwn- The tnildrotaitd twenty-three mitre; and 1 b..„ pie .4 the Ciiii..l Stitt. , ~I •iiiii i hi' , ritilit (V h,.,, ilmialtially tad tunht..lly ...1.1.1,,i,- Flii,li ir,,,,,,,,• , i,,,, , , how. ‘..1,1,1, 1,,, l'illi'll, it 1.4 IPIII . duty to a‘all our:: ,, lves,.l . . n . n i , l ign ' i li . lt; : . t. i .: , .... i .: ‘ %... i . n %.. ;i . 1 ... i .t i a.u;i i. :. ii g i 5 ,; 71 . . l i l i t .n .T io lr i e ,, ........ in a g ti.....e in d rg i , ... t p b r a ni t , n ; i t , ........ , tr , y 4. 1: 1 , , , ,, 1 l i . i n n : i l „; at i :.f ini s i :t d c+h eil tra iin o d ai t c,r i t , :t4e ; o f o n. t7 ; o th m o i . o„ , hoe themselves, and they r.-1.111 , c. , ...ed.• 1t cored, •is la/teal. t... t.rote.ll.ll, iillil 0,111, 11,0 ~,,,,,,,t, .1 111., 101 l ,10100 that 11.1,111kiiiirii, . t 0 °tile.. flow , . it 1.0e....11,... .1.1 horn.- ~,,,,,,, obey° to ~,t,r..,1 P,,,, ~,,,.„,i,,m , ., ~ 0 ., NI, ~,,,,. 0 ,1," 1., ~,,,,,,,,,, ~, t 1,,, ~„1i,,,,,, , A ,Iwo 14.11.nn an ettielo whirh eannnt t0mr..1. - 1..1, , 1cht on 11.,. tig , t , ,i4 , ltai It is,' army lis r t .-V .. ..tea as entirdY inadequate gland four hundred and twenty -aoa dot, a/9ci ence wed Ire :e Lew 1.• it all rots I. le .1 un 4.peet.Al le.nt the rie.weet. I t.1ze.w..1 el,. of lo.loalciad, and taltua.ttd:. httraaa to tL.n j..• 1,0 ~v.r .%.aletig the a .I,awled4 that. .... , , . . . . . a live deity n o t to interior. in the woe, foment curl elm canary may be manted, that to sit!, proltemi, o de mot td.ihr, • he pi:educed in I hi+ emu.., —.ma as ten the l e;ota. thou o,ol 111111 , ..i.0. , niter, sts of 'to our own protection and the fulfilment : lam. of itetomM policy " • mit, toem, 41 and. [ Lea 0,,,,t,t oi Ille taltt:tra. en d . rite e xta nt .I,lllnot a l t th e ne g . t he i,,,d, sn i t le ortee m , e tree—adds to the vest ef the edict, , the loom, mot 1., u jest , la. to the fo e-' .your tecedY stipulation wi th Wei.:- 1 T 6 increase uf Ow annu a l t rana p or t at i on although we en to - soaped., sail lee 1111- ....h e pos e r vas, I i n net .. I ,Loll ta. a ll tor the pa, moo of, Lt.+ ~t tit s e n , a th e and is chid:ly , whollo pail by the cola.. t, li t g , .11, and id tar, dd. , ee ehe govern., The principal ddliciency is in cavalry, end ; over that Ot ,he preceding leer, was thre e , fore.... or the oppressed, fiery whet.• th i i 1 , . , . , .....,. 1.,0, .., ii ~ , , .. ! L i iii 1 : 1,, , , ,, , , , ,,, ,, ,,0, 1,., 1 . ear that ,i 1 :00 .. d . i 1..._, 1 1, ,, . :, ... 0i t t 5 ,i . . , , , , , , ,,, . ‘ ,. :1 ,, ,, i, d ,,,...,,i . „,, ,.., : , :, , , , , , , ;1 . ~, „ , , , , , , , ,, y , ,, ,e, ,, ,e.ri, .. i, 2 0 1 3 ,t 1:. d p , r ,, ,1 1 , „ .0 i d i ~ , , , : , , , , .. .., ,, , , , ,: : :,. , , , , , , ; , „ 0, ~.,i , , , .,..,, ,, ,, , 1 , „ . :; 1, 11 , 4 6 1. , ' .1 .. i 1 . 7 i 1 ,, 1: t ‘, 1 ; ' , 1 , 1 , 1 . 11 ( 1 , d ,,, t , ..0 , n i - .:, l .. r r .iit a m i n . lo r l i i , d a t c h c at p Uzig io r . c b ett io, th r . r .. , o ,, h i l i .:t 6 a . s e iti . t . i n ili d o t n ir t e inse h h u u n r d ita . . i d . al ti n i a :3 , e. , Lereen , :nile t n h ; „ .4 .... their struggles I•,r it+ettotti, tar priociplea lorldd us loon 1.41:i.. 4 an y p ut t an auch lot- e lm's, t o eh, duty. snlemodo imp: add op- ,m a . 1•„e,, a who ha it,: Ib„ auto , el 10,, ii f 11 0 , ,kill an d m a ns' , a , a „ ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,, . ~,,,„ A, ~,,, ..„.,,,‘ , ~.. 4,,,,,, by the nr_ the raining of one or more regiments of; the hien:use in cost was three hundred 1,101 eign doencses 11a me by the ~ n aeltnetat. ++ll by to) 'ugh of Poi ett,al ter if o Mod a ttie t at em e a :tai to l owly,: tI e omatt article, aide', is b.': ' luau y tmeles te It p islati a. l tampon:telly emended mon. !teem...four thousAted four hundred egg Wnt tit tbe ..” wars ti rem de or to ttrit• of ,Ali, , 1 .1.1„1 ;mend; wo o 0., re si t ats i. pal to , mat d d .,. el onn „. h a . ta , t d e 1 r,,, hat, the ma r ket it, competili a , s el l the oil the ea:+lth-lanent .4. an Agri. F. further eugge+tions on this SulTicet, I fort, dollars. emet seeetuswioe to th: , ....; . :raiment bile ) , ~,,,I shall , ~.1.:,,0 . a . t , me , t me m. :t e al iced o n d o . part of t h e i ' nit , ,i s lat e s h ot i gn emelt : , and the itnio t t, r is the+ 1 cabin-al Bitt, an, to be ow, sad WWI the and , there eonewetea with our demodie in- I The number of post office. in th e U tt i te 4 any tho'rY el . bulmtue , oe pew:, ; in- to as they t eta + mo.d, vdo b ro om ..., e+ w a d ~s . It g ive+ in ,. i d t ....,,„ I, aa , t h at ,Ir. ei. o. .., mpelled to r, duce to+ To ice to that of ,dirty al clone to titi, leading branch of t 0.., en , ' the defence of our frontier. Smees on the first day o f .Italy l es t, am . ent.l... the 'est..' e"s.....tutt "tete any with motion, at,/ di-, lo dot t. a halt the to geti+tion en I t o . ; ~,, e i ,Ire •ahe it stn' domestic artiele ean Ito .old, .inn an ineltel,i, the et.e.utagement it 1 rater you to the report of tho Secretor'o:iglitcen thoutand lour b on d s ,' en d the.. motility choose, eo es t a bl is h t or i tse lf. It a Ti„. erit „„,,,, paw , , is ~, e ~r the meat,: I . lilted Slat/ a liatl 1000 101111011.1. di:, :thumb, throning a Tar t ,d th e d o t, upon :so e ell des,llllr . Of the Interior, and of the Secretary eflteen—being an inures. or sixteen Itundreq inedge... metdmie., oar miff r nay het. d e lee+. sob wlata of E r , t at ., e s i t ,,,, , I ergo t th e d o n e , , f h t s ~,,,,,,,,t oonat e n!, tha prat., of elle it roani mend,. - Thal In view of the ittlillellie mineral resour• ' Wer and seventy during the reeding year. till nolitatv sane: l olmm . le• fieto a art in ~A. I ~.,.,.tI a .., ~ ~,,,,,i ~,,,,. ,„ U I 0,,1,,,, ~i ,i,.,,,,i,,,,, ~,,i, v ,o," a id,. c o n d.:ince , a tide procb-s er o d e s the akin 00.1 of our country, proved: ii should also I conemend .I. at. Vans fetentablo coned- The grime revanus of the Deportment the United Stet s ii. 0 .0101 0 the 1, 1 o t h e y ~,,e sei s att no d, the , t .,,,,, ,i, „„ I a .,,,,,,;„ 4 ;„ thou ,,,„,.,,, ~,,,,, ~, , T 0,..,,, t , ~,,„„, „„i ~,,,,,,, .l a , ~,,,t,,1. a h a .l. ii.,.1., amr .' 1,, ma l e fo r ti n t ear l., m ote r e a e omp e . deration too eng6.tion... conteimd in Ulr i ke the lintel tear endiog J une gm., or prork ,,, of . friemt:y :Wm:, The the 'toned! ) . anti 1,„p o en .— ,„ eh, p, ~,,h, lei, ~,,,,,,,i et s it a rae „t ar t .,,,,,, ~i,, la c .. to prod., t l a : nada, me t ••I t altea l t. tent 11.11101.11,,g6t tad ehniotet. 1111 PlO.lllll lePt Monti...ea rel. , . end in the latter :disentouneed te live indite. five hundred ofd great la w of menthe, onght to have a na• ,It el.ii Len , ,t. at ~. .1,.,,,t e th e .. ~,. , il l i.,. i n , „.,ii th ,.l, ~,,,,a i o e d aI, an ~, gn , than it e a dd lo d e ht an ' , a l t .,' front ba retioired. und, r the 11i1 UPI i,•et of the the c rill -ieeelotet rel... to th e eeteli-ttift,.... anueentit nine hundred and .. vett l dr:oat...Mt es a go s met mid individual, ,lard oi oilie,,tl ,ad t si m e t , h o .. e 1,,,,,*,,, t h e „ Tr e entent I. t ,,,, t i n , w v ,,,,,„. ~i,,,,a1, Oar, by in nefittiog bai t the pro. head of the lowed, to cell,. specimens of, liehMent of e. asylum for the relmi of 1 ty-one dollars and forty- e i g ht vents, h i d e . upplteation. W. e i t o u ld oat t, merit+ other for pl i +ds el tne,,,,d+U, t• intliveluat, htt, 5 mem. inte ,lb at. th e e, r aml eloe rensaier at hem, The; the Veriollit EEE i , neat, of air coontry, and to disabled and de:With. soldiaM. Tide nub- ding the annual appropri e tin n o f two ben ath,. ce we wish them to mot merit. us ;to th e p o ,te to ;.: long 1 1. i .) . 00 10 . 0i ii i .,1,1 0 , , Ti ii . ii , iiiiii i..., iioo . app, i.,,, i l iiio l o , 1 1, i ,4 000 , 1 11010.0 or ,id. 1,, that ,he u rd...,anti ascot/int. ld eurettel mink-is, th, it respee- gent appo•le ei. etritoglY . you sY mpetheee f dred thotthand dullera for th e (m o l te d mat . snit jostle,. nod 0/oiCirlloo b 1,111,1 I.,rin the the it knesti niece:tit), t .1.1,,,,d will,, acrid Col wt.-, t , ~,,, Jag it ' ~l ~t thd the agroet h er k t , at e h a „„ g l, t . ~,,ahe r. lt eve • h nerds .1,.i1l and their that it. would be illipOPfiuoun in ine t. say !ter of the departrectete, and excluding ale, redo td" conduot between governtreetits, in. In u , . stetesesd a ...pot, ~ t, aI, .... e, ~.a. n +,,orehtiat an I, Iltastl t o , the :27 th e i d eo _ 'eetoolt :Oren], a wade market for the pro., Aerated. te use ill pm -Ito -es. Go should anything 6. 6 then barely t. e Xrese foreign tutelages collected f o r and p e , e hl, stead or , o•oa P ... a dketteere , e. od tit,: pepldion, and who.. e„ p o so t t nua .„i nt . oar , i asp, h e , nn a, r,O „ i , g t h e ,„ a l„. an .. d na ,„.a. of rho other, elm whole salary Le- ' also be requirt el . emortine nal report my cordial NV:obeli...l the propo.m rl ob• to the British desl. of ea-Tenths. moot To maintaiti aed to o fii,„, , ate be I: 1,,,,, t o the tr ,,,, onto , um , , t t th e d a d,. en ,,,,,,..a nphe 1,,, t0 by '....111.04 volt, 0,1 , ; and the ability to pr. upon the qualities di dello , . mtile. suit Jest. The expenditteres for the memo period strict neutrality in foreigo wars, to cued. war, inimakt • aill 0.1110.1110 • 1114.1 V. trio. 11.1.11 n, t It in ho o ted d ot e d onr d ra b,. duce every neosesevo al' lit: tenth+ a . in. the tranods brat culotte,. dh, iniprovel The rde, continue" to iite r"tectime t" were tire millions two hundred an d t w o, ' a l", l. " wil Y rwi3li " bb o I " t' e 11.... 'sees 1, 1) happeo, and ...del tonere .11.1.0i11 , 111, 1119 inal he tot mplt tool soli. the in. ultieli it dependent in or ir as WOll UP in Tware. 'their prittluativan,.... fly publishing the' our commerou end other national interestaldious te nd nine hundred and fifty-three dol. stele end gener a . act, an d t o Teo form I made, Imes..." .iog the g , vul. at care roe-odes The doetittleM •. 1/0110.0.1.Whid. A high hit in' .au .0 ,, L e r ot— I t'sulte M meth expo:demo, snit suitable i n t h e diff eren t ~,,,,,,, „f t h e 0,,h,.. .0d i.e. and forty-three cents—leaving IL bel t...m.llY mid emointlontly erety treaty 1,1 suele eases. the poser of lemoval ma y d oe I m p, o L o t g ,,,.. r0 mem; I„. t h e , hi s . Cr- ;It wi ll e eu se e lia sa tistaeti ao en d sill La i e xplanations, ....1 b, Ihe celleetion and with tin ...P.'n of a anglea meant , nit !Mt , . of revenue over sipenditerea of sh r . " 41406 ", w , —" „7, 3 4" thin, by wltta we be properly : boosed ; nod m elect of du- Male at dm condemn., atipu:ates t o furnish ,clie,..ed. It cecina. a competition, ' nod, aiatnilentioti of rare seed. end plants, with the North. r toles, the reemle in indn- hundred and forty th oneen d ma d e i i i iseets two ammo, met ed Mee per Pe rm- .eyer meth:a:ant I. 111 alio° hill 110 1.0 ..,,,, o io. the gi ~, , . ~,,,,,,,, a ,J,„ i',,,,,,i ~,,,,!,1,,,.1, invites i ti v es tm et a o f capital in instruct.. as to the hest Is . , seem of culti- , odesieue •M dietribteted i. edt different dollars and live ciente. afro "(which w o Last „ m id, ~,,,d,,.. to .I.ra, tl it ndi , nit, ob. eippoo.ed by uty. have not yet b attl I tee', ad. As it is pre- ,' mannteetnres to limb eseem, that w h en I se d an; mee t, mosy h i • d one to remote thislsquadrons. lam happy . find that the Steal °and'. like tams/vent from [Lem: or if that, ill tee th en in those Toted by othe r .. mad that these Mtre met a s s in b e es . it:hanged it brio , s bankruptcy,and [greet mdimol to The report of the heed of that Depart- tion of the Department is each ante josei• 61 mitt Ire tefite... l . en emi mifor.... mit I min happy in Irving uldd to may thm o n l ee n dal fa r the ...on at disp, .i t ia te o t t h e :rain upon alt who have b. en misled lip it. In 111111111iii11011 Minh the Pet ar Con g..; .." wilt exh ibit olio ....v... or th" l . IIY the P.M.eatmeeeter Genoral in recent. ... rig eta with Judie. aoid a elem . con- unleverable clittoge to air tor, l o n r e l a ti on . e l m ., it tome h ee ,, me nee ,...,, ery r oe c„,,. t e ithl ne s pad, c iion Who, th e ...foe. , prised on the ,I:1.1 day of May, I 1•50, pro- : eq.admees...d a the •evor.l 'Weed. ono- Intending the reduction of oar intend l e tt er ethence. hue taken pins al moo rho 10.0... Luc at the mean to extend rhoe . t., ,, , . , r ,. it i: ,..1 i, 1 ,, ,..,,ie, , 1 1 .b e ene .. t. t , I Les . re , ..r h we , t . i l t a s ;. i b a e. or ,, i , f , , , te. ti tet t i v t , y , : ,,, uti , ,l h t,e ,. r i m . a zr,2 ; . :!..,i,,,,,,,,,,,....,e......z..,d::‘,tp1!.i.1i1,g;.,:,,i,r.,,t,uk:1g cep-'th .11 . 0 . 3: u m r l ,m in o e s ac g ILd ii . ti t!:e u g i b .,, be peat year. I, they w po i lt:g p e re e p o .i t 4 brze id thec a e s o . ..... t . . i i , n 4 le not l er t , e :! In ems domestic policy, the Constitution I.pettit.g it the lam, NAP,..... 01 Calgleon duretion of the will be sty guide: mid it: :litestions of We are at pea unit all nati, its, a n d we a d l elated by thin olt I, ol d i t . o f t h e e „,,,,..„. to le e reined by s udden chan ge . sot to; T atham', and MI other lima,. + adopted have been emestamlY prepared for any low- paid. Ile aln reeointnende that th e pr e . &old, 1 . 1 . 11 innk for de beteg...tit... enjoy in an eminent degree the Itlea mog s h f : eh. to . p a id t o e1 t i egt0e ,,,,,,,,,,,, h e , b ne „l an o to aa wig e nito th , n od t o riname e. it is ...hi e !, were deemed ticaess tr, to eremite the th e Meeetroey. th ey leave ever) , • ho'. , mid paid rate than he reduced to two cents the Judicial deon. of that ',Leonel...ladle that peace, in,th, a proaper,.. and posing ' rem ived, i not only oiacemary that the law s letald not I prompt. unit laded:id periernottee of Mad wide the reepeig and coutteth. dint 6 well whenever the revenues of thdp e p e n ment. wee established to expound it, und to eh e ,„, ... a , and i.. all ..,,,, 1....... a .. 0 ,,,,,b1, 1 The eMlection ill the port. of th e UM. I altered, bog Molt tits dun' should mot duty. The •pproqtriatien Mn oily made to the dignity es ,n the le..eful aieposi- eftr the reduction, shall eme e ed in sa p s , near ef the U....n0d. ...mimeo/ by natio.l intercourse Tie, unex am pl e d rut Se e t,. s of dine, i n d ee d, p d u d e , top „„ I flu c tuate T o e ffst..this all d n ati n . A...1d will, it is believed, be authrient to, deltaiitione med just lursomt of the non... •lituree by morn then flee per cent, for two the eogideseetiee of t h e ...nery. I regard growth of the cuunery, the present a mmon t th e vesse l. ht Chili e nd thew n0rg ,,,.. h er be specific, the nature of the aril- the who'e exp... ol the lore. but fur-. Th., two brigantine. aecepted by the a...nil...nears; that the rootage upon 61 6 o.vieinne 6 6 0 . 11 Y binding. In of lite poptdation, and ire ample m emo s a , b ee ... pa w e d, p „,..„,,, . ,h e poe aw a . do i s such an to alai. or it . Ad endow., rhea legislation may be neceaamo in remird.o66timene from • generousctilmo of New !California mid other loiters not by pu t arid . ffss 110 alms e0mp ,,,, 4 . 1a , „f ... no a t he me , I 'ark, and placed under the enunnand to ; coven Modems shall bu mash redured ; all its parts it in the will of the peopl e . e a. eat-protection, ensue,• tot it the raspedt of 'of elm act of Coneys.. of the Pith of May, dud. fluctuate with alit price, Pthethe in thn tun. , mdemo tern., mid the all nations ; oink it is teamed that an d tm . : -Is4s. It i s r e b e hop e d m m t aid. .. as s et , t e r r a , tempt e d.. to freed en d perjor.— ' el u d e „I rim Territories. It sill also be me eabeee of th e ...VY, to proceed to the and that the ate. a postage on norm.. law, e t an Arctic they in Tom of the British comm.. , pent. pamphlet., periodical., and other ennaituted authorities. are bar *septa to Rolm for justice and • regawl to 16 ri,t t lete will in yart a frool Memel.. the eo tttttt erre "'Wei& denies, ott the ....Y. et. equal P.P.. . make p.'1"1”" pry wary th " will into effoet. Every power 'of othetittates, till ca.. that respect . b e r ween th e t wo oon an thi ee , w hi c h o f lola , amt uniform to all poets, s o d at all lim e s, early day , fa the publica ' on such ab- ; der, Sir Jnbo Fthiiklie Med hi. wont:mei.. ',printed mutter shall be modified and sown Which it has granted is to be atomised for ho 'pettily and cheerfully pool s and as einoe our aciptisi time of C o d. and offer a strong h a th ath a nen t to t h e i on . streets of the return. K. dm public inter- ,in comOiance with the aet oft:dogrel., aia , reduction thereon be made. the public good ; but no pretene e of WM- ' A ao , thent i nn wo e ...tithed between worn', Ina, I o: the onetuM advantage of th e porter to briog the hod article, as •he payee cats inay require. proviod ill May lest, had, when lust hoard: It cannot be doubted that the ropmeal ty„ no honest eonvieti,,,,, once, o f what the Unit e d n State. State. end Great Britain, on parties, horn nutell emu:relented too more eitet v upon dal, th en ri p en one of Th e noo p reee d e .,t e d growth of our Terri. ~from, penetrated into a high northern lath 'reamed.. will, for the premed, diminish „ e . 1 main 0 „ the p w .ih e i„ „,..1,1, en d p ro p ot t e .: tilde, bet the ;access a this noble ...el 6- ' the revenue. if the department. It is in • might bent t onna* enn ieetir, the....hip- 'April tart, foe f e edit e ti a , en d pia ectiog Peruvian guano has'lnteen. ate desirabk inferior quelity. I therefore etr.gly tion of any power not granted. The pow- r the conutmeden of • 'hip mend between ate edict. t o th e em i et de ere i ;,,,, tes t s e i almond a matinee • of the nreacitt tar- !non, and eha eimsoimod increase of their, .a. enterprise is yet uncertain, tinned that the deficiency, after the atria. it oettfettml eg.. the government and : the Atlantic end Pecifie oeoens and f or th e Unfired grad, that it is dm dna, of tho, is w hi,.', t om pro. anted e o n ,. ~t. e or mo m , ~,,,j,,1 mid , . 0 ,...,61 relalia, with I. I i..vite .... attention to the slow of already nectiMuleted th an be °shimmed. 'heir distrilattht" . th e erm'ial dipert- other purposes. This ineartement has s i nce so thra . m , o m to enq d, e il th e ten „ oe nee „. j ,,,, 00 1 00 s en d „,..... th t a,„„0„,.6„,, e n d Agl o w I. stein, seem to cedar ti II duty, our prethtit ...via einehliehettitg end re- mar be almost wholly met, either by 011111. neen• en ee deerlf ...premed to abet se- been ratified by the eon ttt in t ing parti es , e 4 i n i ts po wer for th e purpose „t :.,,,,;,_ ; th e e specific dutiee Ire 1i.r...,1 . ffi elent t o , o f t h e tto re rn nnaro t to use ell its cementite...ere.. presented in the upon of the PPro• letting the .i.ting privileges of mending mod hmustusett , .. the tmPerfrolott 6 hit- th e exelntop of ratification ha s be n e t, tug thet scenic to h i noimrte a T oots t h e I re i t , e eh o req u isite e vonn e; me l t i ng such ti oe ,o p o w e r In berme. the means of inter- :rette.Y a the Navy, m u d the .ga...tione areo melt. thraeule the mails, or by pay. Th e j..i p ,„. / . 00 , o f . , th O ia.l matte Inc its improvement. thriller b.. nut of the Tree.", to the Pod Offic e ~don lentreelle Will allow, and Ido it footed, and proulamati e n 'berme( Loa Won eenntry at a reeen t nebl e p r , en . Nothi ng 1 dienrieninetion in aver of the bidnetrial . enema Walt theta nev firm ditty, not to quesrion its wisdom, In teed.. • will 6 omitted on n th part tower& seem- pursuits ~four own ()unix,. to encourage: micoing ° a Hne of 01111111“IliC•60.1, the best With the navel politely recedneteemltol for the Department IP PPM equienleht . 60 11.041- add to its providons,evade ins req i ....Meet.. In addition to the stipulation. contained plishittg this desirable nit. I m e , perm.. knee. presiteetion, thout excluding foreign ..I,el mat eipeditiooe of whieh the nature, mcurity of our Nein. Conet, and the pill. • , age tot' which it is d; bed by se. twit i wr solid its anumends. l io tide emiventiotteo o th er objeets remain , ded that in removing any ' ,t re nd s ort t hi s competition. It i e lm, imp or t., the en l o f th e m ummy will admit," between the' , tendon end etteintion 6 out thentteice with , ', lola. The last I. seppreed to le, thy Upon you. fellow citizens, as the repro. ,to be accomplished between the conthact- . .. flair., th e F e revi. government will pro- o4Wiarate provision in th e prem o nt tariff , valley of the bliseisaippi and dee Pacific, .litutene Asia. tJur facilities for a larger I preferable timer, and win, it' ..!, epee t wee b eogghe to 3 „ er net i ee b y an y p re d e . i participation in the trade of the Emu, by i. nearly supply that. defieleney se to meta .thstatives of the States and the people, is ing 1101/111.1. ' mete its own heat int:welds. while it will which imp.. a much higher duty wally demilved the legieletiee power. I I First, Cl,. dmagnetion and establiebenent ' e ff or d a proo f o f o f r j o „dj„, di io, 'Ll j•, n , the raw mete d.' that atm. i n t o nor m maw. l „e nests, in his ent m e l message, .d as the, 01 ear .606 thitlem.ete oti the !coy further appropriation that stay hit than amply with my duty, in laying be- iof a tree port at math end ol the canal wash this country, which will ' bey.p. ufeetured article, eboula be remedied. mason. witieli lie inetheted in favor of Mee t shores of the Parini., th e t o o obvious to bo : found net:emery so Inotheiderehle en 10 101.0 Y. O l. fr o. 141011 tll time, any Won.- 1 dewed, an agreement filing the distance peceiated • I The papers accompanying the report measure mill ,tat in full fume, I beg i overlooked or disregarded. -.... , form no obetaide to the proposed. retitle -416 ealoolema to amble you to diecharge 'from the .here within which belligerent' The treaty b e t ween th e u n it e d st a t e .' of the Semler, of the 'feathery .111; leave to call your ationtimi to them, ...di The question in relation te reek in the, lion*. your high and remaon e ihi e nest for the Iran.: mestaime nporationsAill not be warted' and Hid Majoaty the King of the Geetaitan ' disclose fraud. attempted upon the rove. i repeat the counnendatio. then made by my md„. en,, .1101/ 0 I '4_ .1• 1 1 " 01 7", k i wb w .e, I smermin peer. et the seethe., M I.,- .fit of our oommee eaaatiterate. I on. On them poi. ere in little doubt 'lsland., which hes recently been made pub.! nue, in variety and amount no greet, as to him. owners 01 th e 101101100 lOO Nutrias gam m roa m.. em M,„ ea n mm he tae g ieg.e4 „,„,,,,.. lay ultielue• will he frankly expreseedlthet the two goveramsete will eonw, to au is, w ill, i t i e b e li eve d . b ee ... ' . •„ith of . ! j oe tify the mmehmion that it is impossible, The , Whiele mete in regard' remota to the Executive by emu. rem met dmm a paneo woke emp.log ...ten. 6 epee the boding eetijoets of legislation t londsretanding. 'feet apn the rulatioe. beta . the two' under any ego.. of cd 'Mora. deli.. lee- Nth. validity of land titles iti Califon - is islaluthiee of thane.. ofseptemeetetives. ashy rood workmates...nal hammonweo. TO • sod It widelt Ido not &nattiest., any soil The an of donna. of the United. ..pantries. • iid epos the foreign eath-ar vales of the a mobyret will. demands your earlyloost at the last melon of Congrem, beef been „ ea* " I ~,e , ee i .,......., 0b .., r...... .... Pihembe P.m the ewe Bosom a Cloogress !Stems who have thquired from the Stahel The relation. between arose parts of the article, to Minim an bone other's.. and 'Oration. Large Wien of land le that , whist. timid appear to me unertemitetion- übmkted to a bosrd of tisane in *wh o , ss . „ seienes sss , * with www.ithw. of Niestmaps the peivilego of oftetreeting Ideal of St. Domingo, whkh were fanner- !as dieetioal administration of the Ithes.H State are .1.66 under yams said to, branch of the servith, and their report may! twee . we ..., I . .. -- ,, - ;;;;;; e yw e , pee ,.. i .,.. ) , al, man E mmet on the jest pm, . skip ...1 betweee the two seem, %bre , V aelesies of Spain and Frames reaped-' Th . fraudulent denims to nude the law,, Law bees Made by authority of the Span.: he Orld Si ea early day. .WM emd edema., weeds. Whew Pliiiiiiipply. i • .of e th er department., ra with m e nu., the smite., of that State, have made pre- likely, are Mlll to 6 mittetthd onnaltioo. I whleh nave bees detect., by the vigilance ;Oh nod klexiean Othereentees. $6l ei) Iso sisremtly eraralliend the eeset •i m n e ...m e t ... m g i mpemeemiee " . g ......... , bodily meoidtee...l likely to proilanie ems. rem Is tbAr prelintleary a nien—lTbe proximity of that island to the United' of the applodraes. lathe no room to doubt them bare not been perfected, others bare 1 mend of a law setborbing other. of the ihe pare sad bertens. se well ae Valor. lo s , ao .pone hilarious and umfassen, I should The treaty between the United uses and States, ad the delicate ...foot hooked 1 that IMO , imfositioue ett, P ditimithmed, t.: bean revoked, mil mom m believed n . many •••1 navy In be mind fee " lb. ww- 1".. ...... ""." 1 . ! N tr ma .i1 1' :.t.. " 'r e : out shriek hem the duty of returning it to Orem Britain, of the 9th of April la. In she enietiag eantromey then, trader it , o hap snot, her. emu momesfully,i he fraudulent. But until they shalt havei eke, when hearTrat_ int for its vigorous nod, v e i,;„„„,, ~.....,,,M mem& p.a. ca M.. ' you with my mem, far your further son- • above nikaved to, belay now in Operation, &nitrate that it should be permanently end i Memel alum the .clot . 1 the law ImmYmel•WlY inmeeereme. they ,rue m * ) 4 " l ".,, e a t i ","T o 'll e n. t. 0 . ma 1 e r .t. " , 1•, ........ m 1eraws 0f... 10 . ad IMPeng chi. , hailltlmand aidwradth. Beyond the do perform.. ', It fa to be hand that the gearsotke whkh,epeedily a d The letereete of hu- now le fern. Mb efeeP e ef eueuge he.. 0- itium mtwtetli Km MU M. " ... ".""*.."'-- --", w-- -- -----'4'--- . ""..."."."1 / 2 ""‘".."."..". of these spolaitutiosal ebilgstioe., both my 'it tiara Mill be evident to mew nt the tom- I meek, sod of gum' mem. eke de- "PuIY lid • C ig, . 1 . 146 ...".... Oro. .S.°•• •Er l of the ethatry. I, therefore, respem aimed their eovutry;and awarding distim ' , 1 7: kommt . ..d„l l 7; tb . ..p.:;4 “ tte. cr... name. for Sae legidstun sad my nem. of spletion of the work with all praMisable ea-, mod this ; aed, ss totimatlone of the lam Minded is ~eum hose . ••• •1 "V Neememme elm e r e " W " be mele —..5. 4"4 b l ee l e ash lt— I. ...." """ —....t...1.. "a r ortr.rd time 0:e mtge. ef Me ** gm • 6 ing alle ". propriety will morale ta. lies..) . pt I mo It le °babes that the melt' mitheente have bee, reedy. km ether' tend.. to them mu women d etradr fans Ira law for die sappiest...A of sommiseles- ...see. wee haw e--- rmee----7 am beetheinierieuseues. '. - n° ad seat er 10g... y e ,................ imeki Ine iedeleitiely posipeeed, If aayl pummels, It is hoped Mt aim pin that bed et I .pal. sad be bk. , I, ee. let *mei. aU sub el.. wild • view tam e pi for gaga.. sad limed goo- . s w .. ly ~.......... he ,,,...., e , i . e ... With you Is I. pew.', the 1.....4 them other tbs. pedal momarea•for the mu-Imq men Ile devised to Wen the objest in thei kegmeme breech U r umPlelmme emer eu Meek a Oll .0. 8 ".." . reeporibility of the leghdellea of the now I pee. of to mallietiog claim. tale mama to yi. room eatishotten. Ta. the heeds of unserupulens am l a w 1 sins beg leave to WI your sitmele• IM le " .. 18 " 1, l Peed lewew eh " . Pei' I. the I P " bed " . 1. '" •1* "..-__... """ h """'" I ' P h.n. unitary le shed quarter,ideeld he adopted. government of the United Simi will 'net mett, wifo em Abe millenliese 4 law end AM bbapricay of ....die& e• on melY PI•7 •ieluem dia. Wid :Mbee theabliiii" P• o4o . 4 b : : emema "."" thw eewek 7 e r ".."1"1. .......•"! ..."" *" .. w ee "..7" 4 "1, 7 " 7b.e." W ";;;4; " e: meat The covemee. .1 he United &See / 1 Wil decal, hp my mleaver se hit by the energise el all proper ithadlyithe adigeddec oe •• subs By PemeCom sysinen oelmul laws, " 4 mein meta( th""---"*....-......" it. Ir • l a "- —... n sar'kuk t a itb..iiiii-ir. " ".1 "1":"* " I'46: is a Hotbed Goirevemeat. It is mg. d mot any mprOnsame as the port aim. le de ail in Ite power*, pet an esilmedas abs Intent.. of Cominse._ klatlonam my be mommel ume el " " a " " w e e. "' ~""e e ww ‘ ww r www. ....." . ____,,... 7 Moo of M mem hem be .1.14 of be the Maritime( pewees enpremly granuml, of Ibis getrennemet, which .ay he tab. te the asineedmraisr which Ime raged helm. la the kw.... duly de-sof (lidiforata sad the unitary of Oted Itsdielsfm• pith the #24I4eST at me mere. gmei US W' 4" W I e mmur le e o f Um Coq : sadnthWWl se may be stessmsy ilia Me lam thlp wpm, Se bs se as awe. ilm different pate of the isked, a ' l Matt Brmy make of milky io dosi, Weer KM.. Tge ladoend lands' old& AMY Xenehniad e. P.M Ps., 4t4il cittr*se *lmola* t ~ - . 1,,•:;.,:.,, 111 . 11 , 3 x, 1: , ,,:::Tr.,T , :: . 11"i'!? r, MONTROSE, PA.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER u. issu. I;;7:!vtattfmllir, U_, —: "a.:.r, I—i : i r ,-,Wrartpl! One Equate. ( (1 12 line* ea lemh) 4 Mirrtlll.. • ' Each aemplest rlsat, • One square, 3 m ines ertths, • - • 2 • Ruminate Card.. 4 hum or . • Yearly Advert...sea% am at ,r 4 ayeare• Oss column. O. year. • . 3) { Yearly`dvertisers will So reoristed b the Moe. io ich they are esKaged. TT The Pablartters, haying • largo , morltre of Job Prmunq Materials. are prepared e _ _ km& of JOB WORK tekth 1•0•1111•“ aml J. NUMBER 50. ' ••• BLANK.. of every dtsenplton arnefalyll • on howl, or pr owl murder.