The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 28, 1850, Image 2

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    ....01 .111. eila,,las its outlines, and covered it with • Natal- . . onem mom TAMAN,
___ lo
MN rai 91 . , • 11 OP a1a . " 1.4 '.. l'. `en growth of drabs end lowers, it has; f -
I.dieirs Le.: Av—...... of N. let; 1,
lawman ortemseor. eartirrottoo, 1 ye.; the appeeranto of • symmetrical hill _ _ - , (1, 4444 4 „g-e 4 . 44; 1 ,. 1 ,,, u „...., „,„„..; 3,
tau, dm. ' pn she seemlier tbi• stmd et temple. in , _ - 44 . 4 . 4 , 11444 4; „, 4; 4; . 4‘4 , 4 „ 44 . 4444 444
• telyelo efts the image of the god. wearing a.
The religion of the Aloe. gm a strange maitre on his bead. waving with plumes of -- m4.,44,44;; S, D , 44 . 4 , 44 . 7;
44 . 4;44 . 4;
, Th. Itrave of Locke; Tickmes flpeenh Mora
of teeth end Wm'. • eaddoelien Ire, with a mks: of geld rowed his cask IIIHE
etre' rwitr. ahem Article. and New Books E
of the pure le and ...Mime ...tip pendant. of movie torquoia in hie ears anti 11,
DEMOCRAT.: i latish gs. no. ti;tnan.
of Remit ee. teteh the &eked ad 11 . 0 . • jewelled empire in Lis hand . . .
1nee1".... fenn e T A ' 4 h e eeheeisen " 80 ail' j Them pyramids were divided into four, l'be Largest flitalelloa la Northern Ptati • a I
..r .z......,Dei V 1 7 1, ;..., lor Dom . lab. .7 ,, .. ,.
fawns were time prineiplea flint she/ ...4- lot Ire stories, each smaller than the one "''":" ' -..-.--„: „„:',-„:„-,:, „ __; „„_:2::: - 1 .,.: ,.. :),',. ~_ __ ,
__ 1 :...:"!:,
• 'MA OM ides tt 41 9 40 0 1 10,1NTak sad Am, below it. The sweat es by a flight of: B : , A n '' d '' .• '777' m ", - '''''
... "-^. --
with ..7" ,"' ._••• 7
- i and always abound internee valuables pro
*apposed that they derived their milder stairs at one of the angles, which led to •. - m otnim E, p A.
hiti'• " W.l/ .0 th. , better Pent of their e ,- !terrace at the Lam of the seeond story.— I , immune ore offered to it or bleeds for the Comm,
vilimation, from their Tolhee preileetrewlre. TLia terrace palmed rand the building, to 1 Fowler A. Mat. 109 Horse et. N. Y.
They acknowledged the esistence of a Su - '
another tight of step. which mmeteneed at , ; _
___ _ _
Tb.redaYs A...number SII. MOO. ' T'''
"Tee Keening 11•11.11... publidited by A•
P and invisible God— LM - Oreeter a the sante angle as the firm, and led to • , --- ...7 4 - 4 , 4 ,,, - 4 - , 4 , ------ ,..... , Cumming., Philadelphia, appear@ much enlarged
the unimree. no/ taitha...j HMI in ' mooed terrace, so that • pertain had to pee. ,
, o A drown of Mme oe Ilablestli meting." nod , and unproved. being • doable ghee, of the size of ,
their import ne " the 004/ by whom we
I 'i.e. *Mend she b.iiiiiiNl bi'roni he . .. A morel.. everd,..—two beentiTally written pie. ! th e Tribune. A mini-weekly ie elm owned,
h,.., 0 ~, I STipre.M, that knnweth nil beerts fleet...) the eununit. On the top stood ',„,s, ors • Jamwed sea &seemed. j 0 Arthur's Mon Geserr.." The 6.lebroled
end giveth all gift., - ° under whose wing. the tower. usually forty or 11fty bet high, ' . iv,...... ea.., a hop. t hem hism,' ...hied" The llitiored Wile ° is one eon ,
efe find rep.. nod • • nee° 'kronen '•
Them in which the.imegee of the diity were pia- 1, 4 , 4444 „„„p mending Mat
i eluded. Thin,. One of Arthur's groat efforts...el i
seines no faint cinceptions of the true 0.01. ced. Before this tower stood the dreedfull, 44, jf a ., .1 .11 ..,..j. it, We ewer& for our i girl gr ee t popelority to the power. Arthur arse
but like other heathen nations. they were 'atom of menice and two lofty alters on., „„d 4 . „,„4,.. : owe the fulfilled all hie premium, anti ors ars i
mg eh)* to 0000 , oto that our fimi in rum- ', which fire wit constantly horning. There' `'
, glee to .re hotournal rapidly lacrosse lit memila. i
eient• for the intim,. ha., they tiled wore sis loindred of thee. sljors within the Perot Aeciu.T.— W. learn that 61mo of if, ‘ , 44.
their temples with a plurality of deities., enclosure of the greet temple of ilesieo, Din, eflOmokiya, aged about 9 igen,. kick. —O-- ,
who resided tree the elemeetn. the eiteoft - . which, with those on the smaller edifices ell by a hors.. few days sines mod warmed but al . COlL'Mro.lllol•EEMisteist.
a the Basso.. ..I the ...lota.. , a
..b a a brilliant light over the striate of,l'es hone. P.,st reel r0t...4-6mnd Jury returittg ,
, the oily through the darkest night. ___..._ 'True ago vo. Henry eltsadler sad Charles Chen-
They bad thirteen principal god. anti i Vrous the conetruction of their temples, IT C.v.. on Monday ant Wt , hope, die , f. Ameoit . 1 . 1 BattotY• Pertoontorod boll i
re than two hundred iittcriii , Al the, all their religious aerrleee mere martin. le tk.v. the Wpm, in imr neat. ito Jam. MOM.. Ignored one v. eloloinni Tim i
head of those wee the torrilde ilnitsilopet• : The long procession of priests winding up' e
of . ,I n Perjury True bill 0. Cheri. Newsy. John
elili, the god of war. The sanguinary es- . the sides of the temente. the Mantel to ,'
• I r Theeol
ppatos Lancomar Cuy... Mow. i 311 , ..iiiis and Hobert Ourite for Amault eau got. i
en i,.
~_ .... ~
budintenrof the desolating npitit which has
so long ravaged the earth, found a fitting ,
shrine and worship among the florae Aare&
Hi. lunges wore loaded with gold and pro.'
sionn--bi&itentples were the Most;
Mutely edifies in the land, and hie altars'
od with human blood.
A very different and far more iodereating
personage in their nitholegy, was Hnetsal.
o tall, a divinity, who, during his leoitlenee
oe earth. inibtenOtavit.lai people in the we'
.of motels, in agriculture, aunt in the art of
goventineue His reign was the golden
age of Ans.. Then the earth brought
forth fruit, and towers With.' unhurt% it
014011 porfootion lend beauty as hare error
sin. beet s e.. An ear of corn wa. .1
much as • man could etrry. The ...el
grew of deli and various solo., and the
air was 11110 , 1 with 1110 sweetest perfume...
sod the most enchanting tousle This beats
a Kroll rekeniatnell to 00 fabled reign ot
For goose cause this beneficent olieiniti
incurred the wrath of one of the principal
god. and was compelled to abandon the
cosentry. On his way be stopped at the
coy of Medulla, where an lIUMBIIer temple
was raised for his woo ship, the matey ruins
of which remain to the present day. 'Alum'
he anima on the shore of the Gulf of 31es.
Me be took leave of his followers promising
that he sod his demendente would return
and renew to them the days of peace and
plenty. Theo entering his wizard skiff
made of mrpenee skins, he embarked on
the greet ocean. Ile was represented as is
tall man, with a white compl“ion, and
bowing beard. llis return was oenfident ls
aspirated by the Mexican., sod this Medi.
Sion so (madly cherished in their hearts,
Raoilitoted the coconut of Spaniards.
They believed in three sepia et* states of
esietentre in the spirit world. The wicked
were doomed to dwell in overlasting dark
nem. it I. worthy of remark that thin
punishment, unlike the schemes of suffer.
mg imagined by minima all combine is tree
Awn physical torture .Inothermleas were
to enjoy • slate of indolent contentment, in
which the happiness consisted in freedom
from suffering. The highest place woe re
served for them who died in battle, or were
nacrifieed to the gads. •• They paned at
Ostia into the presence of the sun. whore
they lientiatpenitit with songs end choral
elmomee, in hie bright program through the
heavens. After some Jeers, their spirits
west to animate tha eloods. and singing
lairds of beautiful plumage end to feria
amid the rich bleaeoms and odor. of the
garden of paradise."
This is • more refined idea of heaven
than any tither pagan nation has ever aeon
Arrange as Mina, scent, a singuler coin.
sideline existed between soma of the rom
minim of Shia people and the rites of the
Amen Catholic °burin. When a child
wag 11•411111 i, the lip. sod bosom el the child
wan spriekled with water, and the Lord!
wet implorsnl to permit the holy drops to,
wash away the a. which we given it be
fore the foendstion of the world that the
child might he born anew. They she ad
ministered the rites of conferelon and about
lotion. It Is worthy of notlee, that, armor
diegto heir and, the repetition of an of
fame NM* atoned for, was ineppiable The
Silienetli of the eonfessional ware held invio
lable, and memos were imposed much se
mem the papists.
In their prayers, we are onetime re
minded or soripowal sentiments and pins.'
•• 06 17. ' ds. "Wilt thee blot to out, for
ever. Oh, Lord!" Is this punishment
tileeigned, net for mar reformation, but foe
ear &amnion f"—and, again-- Keep
peace with all—boar injuries with patience
led benpity, God who gen all, will &veep
A TMpriosts end priestemes—for women
were allowed to conks nelplotal fam
hone, enz theme of no•
Menne highly blecoutiel data. Ash
see wag devoted to the oerviee of mane par.
Make deity, and had momra provided
witbia their spoken tamples. ba dm
ring the day, and ogee at night, they were ,
salkel itie prams. They wen fropwat
their listings ad vigils. sad tortisted their
bodies with geed penames. Over ale
whole hal, of the priesthood were two high
prism, who wen betake In radix to the
sovereign slam and he seldom seaman
any aihk of asepses.. *Mon their M
ein. Lends was mimed en the tenpin,
for the nalstemase of the Weals. Maiden
which they were misled by the nientery
The *ulna tomillse—tenallis as they
gelled--were espy nonsense. They
said mown of egged MAW*
Nom is their ken ineweblitto the
peed& of Sore. The Wien manna
We Ohne mg he nen
Mien, diedleated I. weeship.7t
deity gnstagionl. The porponlien
b sighe at the poseeld Lam banded
806.1 1 / 4 411/1 bat MIA is
woes dertrilew mores, aced the
on he sinund enensing men sham
This ono s gad ire of sang, en
led WM shwas strata .1 brisk atoll
Now that tine he. somewhat eased
! of human eacrifin performed on the aum
!mit, and the seared fie Amer horning
there, were risible in the reouteet mirom•
of the eepital.
Human eacrilloe has beee Mho. by
many oati .. but no where hae it Imen car
ried to ouch On career as in Mimi. Their
ware seem to have been carried vo ea noel
, to ob.'n vietims for their alters, am to un
dergo their Model.. The aeolutiots given
( of the numbers annually immolated to their
aceurned ouperstitiete, Amok our avimibili•
ties and stagger our faith No author es
11iutate. the number at less then twenty
thousand, and aoute eitrry it as high,
On some great ...ion., such an the cm
-101106011 of a king or the eon...melon of a ;
temple the number, are still more 61..11-
leg At the dedieation iit the temple 01.
bet a few years before the
( arrival of the Spaniards, it was nitrated by
( the best authority, that at keel seventy
thousand Oath. were offered at the shrine
of that driud
Toe moat loathsome pal t the revolt-'
' rite temente to be told. The holy
that ti os, after the heart bad been torn out
and offered to the god, was gives. to the
warrior by whom he bail been take., !vise- !
seer, who ditupas an entertainationti
to his friends. " This," says the histori
an, " was out the entree repast of fainithed
cannibals, bet a bang net, teeming with de
li... beware, and delicate viands, pre
pared with art, and attended by both
who conducted themselves with all that de
corum of citified life. Surelynever were
the extrennie of refinement and barbarism
brought ao chemly in contact witheach,
ether.' The klexiee. were not eennibalv
in the mermen ...repletion of the word
They did not fee l on 111101011 it•Ph to grati•
fy appetite, but in obedienee to their relig
The of this superstition was
Maestro., as might have been expected.—
Familiarity with those bloody rites gave to
the Asti e character a fierce and melancho
ly aapvet, and agreed a pall, dub as night
over all !hat was pure and hourly among;
them. The whole nation front thrfieasant
to the prince, were .truggling in the coils
of a wild famanciain. which, woo
leg the light of their purer faith,and cumin ,
lug out the life-Mood of their
The following is the result of the enn
tstatation in a • wtal of the towns in thin
emamp allotted to J. 11'. Chapman, one of
the Deputy Marshals, ea compared with
the census of 1140:
1850 1 , 40
Mongoose ~.,,.,..9116 6:12
Now Milford . 1433 114 h
Brow Bend .... 1160 htd)
BermwtT - IMP .523
daekson . 917 754
Tlll.OlllOll aIU 335
, Fier i . a 24 629
Clifford.(intluding Dundee*. )1650 1312!
.—ln Nem Milford the min!
increase may he attributed to the buildin
up of the Miler by the manufacturing en ds
uteehacieal enterpoine recently matted
there, the pttpulatenn of that little Miriam
itself being men toed to 240; and the farm- l
' ing &Why eroded of course hat received
an impulse therefrom.
Ito Oral Rend the internee le elm mein,:
ly in the Mainity of the New York & Krie :
nehmen!. and the village on Chit side of the!
river, erbieh numbers within its preeinme
In Harmony (formerly one of the lean,
populous towns in the county) the p.ll
is likeyrise swainish'. to the Roil.,
road, which has luereesed the popnletion
the village of Lana...bora to near 400, and
I built up an entire nen village allied ^ Sas
quehenns," at the Depot,. (one mile below
laineaboro.) numbering RV, or four more.l
than the whole township...tabled he 1840.
Thee the whole porthole. of H= .
trebled In the last ton yeem.-3
ma Regieter.
Asia C..? 011 JanGOND*.
A. mask as rads OM maritime es
Ammo Gorda. lismisa, the amain' sa
to of Ms Basle by JAN OMNI" lb.
dshmed asatilidatit ter Diarist Ationsiy,
Nam %way. mud two or dues sears—
Hams vsw k maim is soammy With
hia milk push.' up miss Whim
maw. vbs. b. wasetbalted. Rs was
Mesas. km the ma, ssd wits ass raw
tram. masked .maid maws sum sheet
the heed, sad was asusidmsbit beliesd Is
tilifiniel was et the baly. *Um aim
sp. bit was owsplOwly .need whit mad,
mew a phial* sissic
Ilk was als. sitswo• dews is lb.
Ma* bet ssimpal Wass. Minim beam
I dem IbM Mum la her iiiMbas Gem&
Trambilk ski 1 0 6 Wed, 'My"
mom Oise alts assmnimaim sad Mitisspied
M anima blisitish loos plimisial by Ibe
isms. lits poky, ell et wise an '0 at
„ IV, Is is id matle . i4;
;Qsw dram ad
mesuallt, Gasiamm m they
tilesilis. —N. Y. lel&
. . Juana for Amenlt sun h
by the 1 1 . 1 Weed. W 1 2. 38 5 Tb. l nu). 11,11 ignored va Peerott kleosengeo for as
-1 Potentate W 1.510. Iweide and beam. loud prove... Fleury ('hand.
Sr W. wens the eatelettou of our Farmer re. •I'lllclo'cd pay eon. hill v. Pepe
dem to the odesenotenont of 1. R. Poe. 1
and Nancy Card for lamb De ns pee WI
le .1.1. Se... Grand Joey thschaiged Thum.
1 Coosse-took.—let the peceeeding• of Court es'd, some
Ipubbehed low week, in the case of Bowman re! J., gbaei --Gardner to IVord'e Pena, to reply.
, laud, reed teirdtra for PIT instead of et Deft."—,rin b enema lot I'l'll' lot $65. b eed.ct set ands'
; An unlucky ofip of the Con...toes fingers um, by the Coma and new trial grouted without too.;
changed ant woodlice of 1/10 .1111). :nen. Liner ateneeter sad Chum fee Mt Melt
nu Cn , tenutoss.—Tbe INumierabr State ; '• " 1* •""" D. "';" —C "' Ckh je• ` .•
, re.el at ITdadelphi. last wane„ Rottman. lateen, teed.el nee guelt}. Dioneck fee!
.. t ICuen l llll, Lath. otol Den. Conine.;
n e at ear Ape* wit h a 1 .1 yllO airman,
The slue. of Ilia meeting was to take into coin , e a„„
•''• • ..n1 and (11.4 R meJr. r•r•••••1;
vtern. the expediency of huddle:, two stole ••..1 b•t. `9' `' ^l ;c l 11 • 1•1 ; 1. 1
poy dim of OS and c and Km., $l5 and
derided by
„ costa Copulae v. Johnures,
Lawler and Rib% H o b
pro on peoilieet. It woo determtned that the Coneeth h.” 1•1141.111111 Y ,01111 .^ 111 d lllll 7. ead c. 0.)
le to Jaxlgeo, should meet at Harris. , Peg cmla Veneta,. ileary Chandler for anotule
herr the second Wednesday IN JllllO
fine mid cr,a I
Wedandey. neat b. verdict “..' verdict t 5. ' 11 i t• P•7
annual Convention meets at Rending the first ,
:erected Week —Jenne.. Roberts to the ii. of,
ki. Ti
ngley l e. N. C. Cole; case ; verdict for
II AIMS' ILIAC 4 ON VCNTION. mil for enoic
Delegate. from we Stat. met pursuant to ad. / %Paldreen vs. Darker, Denim, &Co. illdrlsl
joiernmene. at Nashville, week toelbre lam. After for PPM Ihninek for ITIT. lattle A Site.. mid
memo rather eatettvegant toubterots of ...nal lark for 114 I !Woe'. vo Simonton; Condor;,
feelings. a Content.. woo •ppocued to prow„l reedier for $llOll.llll room.
roveluemone for the conwelerolian 01 the Convention.: S. 11. Vitae:shall, found guilty of tonewanon aidl
i'rho 1 . 0.111/111100 were divided on their report, basturdy first etreek, vdo to pat $1
wletch, when made le the Convennon, found near. ie the rottilth, with Co.. of p(O•te1111011. 023 10
ir an 1,1141 numb. of schrecat m steel oppowne— Condom Couch.. $2l for the support of the child
Mach andonen ensued on elm diseitosion of the to ehe pre/cent nu, ~,d eevesity-fiv e cents pe/
report and • IMAM. woomade to adjourn Inn. die, week tell May, 1651. end fifty can. per week
echiele I cos esccatd • I ned • Perk . . esmifie end eile-!fiven tliat tone May. 1835. ice eitdenniefy ,
Iliale peat Nash, ills Convention hoe fin- towimlop of Iladjewater manatee the .pport of
ally ended alebom—i• new numbered with thesaid child, and to wend coutendeed until the e e .
thinge that were, having btenghe (prat no (mil. ,
;Niece be complied nob
- - -
IT A hived at au elbow amp... the fallow- eIIANKILIA ArAOll.ll,l.
tug definition of • rammer ohms,. WIN:' Ile Tiro editor of the Ilerwiek Teiment, ropy mg,
with eat rob sued It the ...test vir p, 0 6
eof time, le- o p , trop our p., „, erc p„.
emotion, odds the following em
wire well innt,.
ELI,Plet• el at D I. nl. .TAOlr•ro Ww
comfy y. Tioll4. n t
. it wits natter the control of prima unarms!.
to ow the rat" a bly vb . w. fo . Mr Iticliardan We eeri air, ly n.consiiii•nd this'
kgent to this subject. together with gni. general Universal es one of ilho lies, rand ..... t oho. nit. I
e p. for th e ' , nu ll h 0 . 5.„,,, ly .11141.41 Inotoutione it Northern a hum,'
end well deem ring the pow/Aimee of Ms or mic I
.°°.° "'°'°"° ° ° P °° ' ° other comity Jr It is mr.„lntte of one of the !
41.1 .r.
Resin Conegre, end his undmilited toles. lit,
We would not he nusleratemil by anything we lion well fer intimme." Pop ,
have mid. however, to be wonting in confirleoce knowledge of the hronthee atialwd, to etloooto
ltottheatategray bud high pinpoint of the nem.r.t. d 1 . W.... I°,
ie poly. Whet we het. seid, deprecating dish.- 1-""°'" '• ' ' '
doable 1.0.1., it.. been Joectod to thew. only I •
whom political pod is moll', • he infest every party,
and for whose actions ate,anj, as • body, cai be •
j totly censured.
Ws believe that too Courentions will erectus'-
,ly elm the dem . ageing much corrupt. in ti,.
I normastion of Judy , a ; and we min 111/ Dam."
mho piny to mt the Whig. a wonhy example.
WWI. the Democrat. have over hoe preverbal
fur their adherence to prompter, %II they bore
mean/led them amity es dope open which the
goverment is administered ; the Whip be ye.'
et heat notormus Wilmer oppathon to those ineas.
; urea while they re nett ; end their I
o . ghee
reomtry tie thew ~.l mhwaue pod ayn.ptm.
!there hoe been ...peal funkiest mei. W.. W.
I Democrats 1t.,. othocated and mewed. in ear
tying. that the Whip hare net clamed dually .•'
Weir ewe pecelier bentliag, even Amp .
inea. bah batendie and otherwise may hare'
it... weed by them le defeat It. The eh. Mince' I
levhada. of). reentry will abundantly pre.. And I
en while they mermed to favor the o mead
oust° ha qmstion through fear a the imolai
voice foot Pm principled their ri valor." were
badly engaged in macortlng whiteout. defeat it.l
lo doopehano. county the esserrado posy
gem° led eff to • plan to detest the kimono will of
the people, jemmy battle in the secret plot Will
i gavel' ts Ce. is Philadelphia. This woe no in
I then the 1.1 ...mill to •deprive Whig venom et
I , helm,. that questioo, sod rhea at every poll lel
We Omar, through their ewe throw," to rebel
theory that It eras • o lomfeee mem.° iu which
Whip sheoW ent Par i hotowiog dial 1. be ,
,eleot te deter mad their party huge th eist I.
forme .1 the Amenalma. This was the pm*
*lda they demipd W Ideas, all Ma the thaw,
mil, es the so Ode Camay was theethrtuul. limp
math thobtlenhoth motheeded bed the they Were
aoudad by • Gm loathe Whip heemthe wider
of their..., earth W. not—who erg purge
.d weee.stel therms ert heed theme t^
nthea, tth loth re 00106410••• I. Ile Whig
fowl.. whatevery ea far as Felker. are otheeenethi.
They Rowe milmelte • 10.01. item other thre•
WWI enotitho t rig ohm's sheathe I. wife I,
rm., Is can thol pup«. They other death
gather by view or rho Notre et the& phoolegee.
thud roe Meth II Warr. thee So bath theirthroth
sem orteltell. • Ihtt es ere it... Indere NUL
was ohmp wheel los &be Promol• took at.
we • ibm goat th •••••••••Ibl .rye Is 4.
••• prey I dud In dark ibo ego** •Y
Dsousm•loold be orb oi sou Way I. so.
owe minoball• •••••••• ft Y. 11014 p, as
Um imam ovum of *sir •••idnial 011
noky •m he Ns eery ••••44. W. Moo •• 6.4
II i. Dom.. it.,. low Qom.
Woo Ow ellp we hew oh. We* 1.114m0b
es dry rpm rood ti 1111 MW.--mein by
abs.. ed their plerthil ant* by sb rim
of Way somdblek. •104 bely. Ibe Demogibt
*NY maw oil. • poser we be owl lithgtr
to mu OM nook Mb" m pea*, la Um thethe4
,•I Whig Immorlary ak• Gnaw Our *My m l
;110 14•1• ny•b•• WI ai ~M.&
the Minitel. slave Law inicuillitinilional in
The entreats of each State shall he maid/. to
all pnatlepe and nanntonwe of ti 11..,,, of the ~t.
• oral statro.”—Coovralorron, Art. 4. See.
Is is ata clear that this 01,4.0 of the Csortito•
dos forbids the enactment by Coes..., of way I
Aar. entitles, the names. of oily woo State. tie al
eny part of the States, to o Roeder. and items.
;mai.° which are dented to, . wet panted to, ca
-1 leeae of the other N
Slavery does not. cud did as suet its all the
N ttttt a hen the etwaitotiatt woe adopted sod
lesion note is only Oxen half .f them. The eon.
reroptiaeo property to the shire ; and tho
Fusin. tilt., Lew pants to lb. eihftt. 01 111.
slaws Karoo privilege' of costing into the
free reales, nue which their Ouse property he. so.
troyed tel n e.roped;' end tonspellaw the eon..
thorqf to delis. op satd property to the owners,
tin pins v$ Ras slotslot impel...m..t, imprimonent. sal damages
eqoal all.. of the property, to owe of not.
NM to rehash mad eeeoestiont foil.. Is ro.proseso
the maid property. Awl in oddities to all tido, the
slue liwner itt a he paid out of the notional nos.
ary foe his trouble ef itemises and receiving, his
property 111141 waned it sway. Dot if Na property
of tit Into oat. strays away se ° roomer*" into •
4 s. Nato, dm euo is mightily altered Own: in
Oslo case, the tritium of the he* Nate, It.. the
privilege and tmorsoily of all IND otales I . ' of
o posing property, papers sharp... •rod taking It
away I" sod tisk too, without the prisilop end
ininmeity° a being paid far ha trortWe est of the
Is NS the law anosetsdortional in theft nrepoohl ,
Vmy Iteeprelptelfelly.
agribeintiorel illosillaa
Al a renneee nreetlng, held at doe
Nora Hear, on lionday awning last, the
following neolatione were adopted :
Ressiad, Tim we approve of the al '
fora meeting to be held at Hanislarg, ea
the third Isseday of hear, next Arlie
= y e . of ergrabing a fliste Agrieulual
TDelegate s hal the follahrg Cloarnees
he mam hal e Arad-
Wei - Iteeint a y
of die Dowdy I—W.. 0.
Want, Chas Tingles, Remy Drhdriw,Jelip
Hen. W. Jaup, J. N. flan.
low ih r if it. Cladia, Thee. Jaw., Abel
Ormay,ll Cennak, Ifoa.G. A. Grew, Oft.
Maker, tho. Millen Lobar Chan, Dal
ton 2111 My, Ancient Oarpentor, flaw
F lllieholca, David Walley, D. D. Werra.
Daniel fawin, Looseml &seek Dula Era,
Clel. Dilly, Wm. illeylertr Darn Algal
Dacidy a
a, D. IL M, Aisheri arm
A. Nowt" L Lethists. House dn.
men It G. riabeeek. Asa Go
arms sl• Gamy sit Imp. Se su4= l
Ossismase:— Wises DIIIMPS• J. L
Chop, %as Illsymer.' GR. fferslsy, Ism
IReokhow, Joeb T
Tv ler, John Slower. S insed to remove braand it rem
pr„.orip. Wien edjumed urn the nand sad e.t.a
ained for the CO awe. of of the United State., hams
W. Trumlell, Calvin Lave, Martin Hall, ; Fillmore to crown the wholaule
Jos. Williams, Wm. O. Cope, Alonzo Abel,' ti. of hie predecessor by thin ungallent ro- ..y wino and setehlisited Frac/See of the
Col. Rufus Smith, Wto. L Case, Obid t amest It stands forth an 4{ sore,. in-it...siltation of the Vont. Staten, They
Nye, J. L. klorritams, P. Nee. 1.4 , ..y ,eteee. of Wend heartlessness sod in will remain nocliauged. Than renal.
Kellogg, Guy Low, Latham Gardner, Wel. sisteney, and we are scrip that the generous' them, fellow skimn,, one tvl the...immures,
Main, Ansa Hill, Abijab Wells, Alen. !people of Laticanter city will slew with • and that . a the le to which I hare ...-
Williams. I scorn this outrageous violation of nianly,!.d. 'I./ by 1....ibi1i7 may bee"... • enh-
Nesufsed. That the proceedings of this if not political principle.. George W.,Pat of earious disc./non and difSculty I
meeting togeth, r with the address of the; Hatemerely, the eakor of Steve. abolition 1e..." the lugitiva lave, e R: that bill, in
Committee of the Philadelphia Agrieultn- I federal organ, in the ...moor of line. D., 1 the final pima in the law of the land. Na
sal Society ho pablinbed in the papers ofarid we congratolate him for bin politeness I Matter where discontent stay arise--no
this (aunty. , in
asking, and tile gaiieotey in etwoot j og I metier what character distiontent may as
, the position of a feeble old woman —Penn- '.... . 1. ."." it be. Ca the North. to the
I LATES r MAIL NEW 4 i sylvonion. • iSeuth. lathe Rag, to the West, dineontent
~., •land dissatinfaetinn Want expend itself in
Tea nays Lats. , Croon Callflanalia. i
steamship rescent City,"
1 mimeo . oe ee f oot , e tttoo; _, l o t h e j wordn, and cannot and must not be per
o apt. t Cherobe Ado°, ate of October 12th we; netted to dare by flee the...cation of
, find the message of John Rosa, principal ; the les.
St "" rd i 4. ""‘ Ch• l nni i mi. " in ' e ' r ,Ching of the Cherokee Nation, to the Le g . I Such a 0.180 strike* at the liberties of
York . Thuredey rtmoon.
1 She brings 350 paaamogara. sl,loo,oolli,,t i e = " „, f ' ; ' ,, le h: ' , i , r l' fi t l y b 7,7;;,;;;; , R „'„ * " *. : ,' t ett:t ' r ' ) "..' t h' U S irik ' s i' a ik iarer a e t ity t p h :in ' e 'd ipl: that t th is n i
I in gold dust on freight, and in the lei for
o f t h e p a le f.....,,,,,, dear to Ameriean. lie enough fa , kin
; hands of prawn/re. to make up a total of ; for their great father at Washington. Het le know. n th et if th e lass he is itself ohJet
j t ion of ite details ineonsistent with the eon-
Imo. than 52,00.00.
men. the death of Prenident Taylor,ad. tth'ne We. if it be i" its F ree °. "r any
1 The steamer Sarah Sands was to lean , ding due noes! reflections the n st.
t Pauansh oil Oa 15th inm , with $ 1.500.000 l e n peeit gL regret at the ~„„,7,,,^b n r a . rifid . • siltation of the United Stave,, die...!
in pH.
worn. shanks to bi r i„,,j h.; but *ldle the law of the land, yield
inn. Butler. late United Staten Agent ..,{416.1811! discuss! until drmsdny if yoa
j The steamer Columbus had arrived at the Cherokee .,
,P.amn,lrom San Providencei. Visors. with I:RHOS° Providence (" the tr , ""dneite "f the crops ; ;to its operation a n/enly and repubSean
I in gold.
. rejoices that peace and good order generally ; obedience. Fellow citizens, 1 °Witted to
Tito steamer Tong( an teed at llama. ; roe , in the
while he „ neone et st a t e one fissure that ellaracterizes the ens
, character , and , j oi dgi„ o lous instrument has within itself • prineiple
ow the Pith east , with $201,500 in gold. , r he or „„ tt i, o r , o i,„„ of jotoo,nerote and' Stitllli ~,, loran United Sta..; that thief-
The Cholera was rafting to an Warming ; th i e ;j,
every idle ~fin features, have only to try
; ...a at Kingston „„a F itts it,,,„l ; y onta i- i jail I ' e..rr ,a thet;t g ro pes'f t:ht tl i; of amendment, and they who do not like
r r it °err " theeeend iieeilie had °ore." ' :enses " of the GoverZo r nrougl " it to he . ,
ante the ]oth of Oct. to the 7th inst.
diminished, and think. it hli.penrilde tbet and see whether they can bring about se.
The reception in San Frarcisco of Me ,• rennus of the people Ito taken, in 0rder....."'',14 . in ithe 'idea. andeirreiettne of the
"rues of Me adinhatianVi r Celifurai, that th e npropriations lately made h, t h e I .m.. peop l e as wilt produce • cons..
into the ion—First . sets of Me linked Sint. Goverovnent. mar be fleetly ' 'ion fur the put pose "f *hole, end newly
news. I distriblited,odall in hot little no e e t ... otlediltieg the weed td . Washington, or
• We have nicer .eon, sa3's the Wig Cul
% ifiwnian, of Oat. 19, en geeeral and joyous
lan excitement, or anything comparable
with it, as that which has resulted in this
city front the nows received hens yesterday
It bad been half anticipettil, yet so many
disappointments and delays have been our ,
fate, that everything hae been perfectly
quiet up to the time when the first pun ,
from the Oregon gave notion of her ap
preach. Then the excitement commenced!
land itiereaseil, and up to the present ',M-
I mg has net dimbitsheil. It at ivilee tunic
down evilrybody. The beautiful steemer •
came gallantly into the harbor, gracefully
decorated, •nil telling the imp... tame, of the
news aha brought, by °widened cannonad
At omen the American flag neat tip from
,every possible phisic in the city I toe gal
lent fellow worked his way up slipper)
flag atalf on the Square, and rove the pen
mina halyardsdamid the cheers of the crow!.
Then the stars and stripe went floating
I aloft, and every hat swung around, cod
e y noire was lirotight into re.pad: ion to
Lwelcome the first public flag aver raised
Otero in honor of the thirty-first Stale of
ie Union. Three times three." were,
wore given in token of pride and pleasure,:
1, am, m an y nose s for Harm Clae, for having
- aseiatedlosttiog it there," the same for
Benton, I, the same reasons and many
cheers ton "theta Theis the people rents
{bated bete een two and three hundred dol.
'hart for the benefit of time litre lellow who I
-skinned" up the flag start Soon two
eplendul piece. of ershiance nese of the •
ground beneath the flag, and t grn,md gas
lute—of wn do toil know how snotty guns—
tired in honor of the groat occasion, ''A hese'
cannon were front the retoolso cutter, ark
under the direction of Capt. Pinter, were ;
skillfully massaged.
We only wish that Om, who have m
long prevented this set 01 jostle.. Si the,
wishes of California, could have eviinegeed
the seene. Where are All the spemilations
of those who have said the !tropic wished al
territorials government Vanished, F
the smoke of the crackers which the hey.
have burnt no tbe °reunion, and with just
as much regret We are in the Union,
thank God! We ore in the United State.
of Ameriee once more, and our hearts are
too fall of joy to say wash just 301. The
union—Grid bless sod peeper !--la not
• rope of *awl. The jestiee of the country
'though it may be delayed, is .re at last.
We are admitted, Auld we will show the
note., men whet have struggled leo long for
ae, that we tin not UnVinflisy of their toils
nd atisielies. We will alew those who
have optineeil our rights, that they wore
wrong by what we will Ku. to the world
that lilt State Anil yet he.
butt Col Riehard 31. Johnson died at
Frankfort, Ky., at 9 o'clock, on the 19th
'net., baring forme° time been dopy fired of
his .aeon. U. was born shout the year
1780, and was eotwoquently soma 70 yews
old. In 1807 ho was chosen • matubst of
the Hone, of Reprowntetimts from Ken
tuokr. whiolkpost he held for twelve eon-1
woutive yearn. lie 1813 ho was authntito
est to raise a volunteer regiment of cavalry',
of one thousand men, to fight th e British
and Indians of the North West. In the
ottimmign which followed he served gallant
ly under Con. Hants. as Colonel of that t
regiment. At the battle of the Thames he
distinguished himself by breaking the lines
i& the British Wintry, Oen. Pototor hew
ing stupidly formed it with enweidarable
gaps between the different dirleions. The
fame Grinner: Twentieth ittithin battle has
glen Wen attributed to Colfilnitwon.
Is 1810 he au transferred from the
HOPIS of Representatives to the Flensto to
Hue out an unexpired term. When that
expired be wen nt-,horn, and thus mud.
od in the &sate till 1820 Than SWAINS'
re-election being imposeible, he west beak
into the House, Mono be remained till
1887, when be hum. Via Proddent on-
der the Van HIM deouty. In 1829 the I
iludey klall agitatioe beige Mushl be
fore the Amu be, so Obsin••• of the
Ounnithee on Post Masud Post Ruda
promoted • report when the part was
the Haile es Ilitatisy. That meth was
able ; disposed of the sables& Prow
1887 MOW he resided over the Ilenses.
Mae Out he has sot hold any saw Col.
Alum us brave and nadersily pogroms.,
I In his private reistioss vs know nothinc
l Mt geed of him. Nose** Ids remains.
Dramagoarva Pow Orrice MiIINOVAM
—The Telegraph_ yemerglay, aneseared the
mammal ef Res. Mary Thelma, do Port
millirem at Laseesier miry. Mrs. D. la
widow has kid the Ales Alegi.
mapy pare el regard rweitsreaat "dlr.
misfire. She le very sits Ire bdblM.
rhpreiell Ihr sapper{ epee the
arelareere et tie aller. Gee. Taylor re-
than is neetopide by tititt essagraph. Venly
John Itotts is a man of bnisness and wastes,
nn words
.Gread rah,. Meeting IN Phllo*
One of the lordo.l polotosof deononstratinow over
assess.' on Pholadelphoo. was hold of the Cho
now Milwoono ew Thooroodov eves., loot. JOON
ionAIZIOUNT, WOO sailor) to proofs, swotted
by shoot novedly Vies Presides. We Imo molt
no for a few fishnt. front owl of the speed,
•s. The riluistos too espy tither . le
reNd ties. Movoirs .lower. Conner. 111,1
ohonian, fhokonson, *nil others. notioal, oposoo•
Wow, lash the .Mort of 0100 noicioso. Also
woos spooroponow remark.. lot doe Pro molest, lion I
Coo M Dallaswow o idled , and ruse fon Woordltliel
Othir , oll4,l the ,11,111, 11l • Narerlt of vassal...Wel
h from xl s olt we make Woo hollows.; eat
Ira. IN
Fra.i.iiiv ri rinets i—l'iie committee of
00 a...mead, timely), their cheineen. have
banded 1111` u aeries of residatione prepared
by themselves. to he eulonitteil to ilia,
aneetina.— flirt doty Atoll he perforce il
LBefore. howeve on r. theeu reeoliatings ars ed,'
on will allow e to call alp.. .your iso re loil-
imes whale I make a atl, and I hope a i
1 very few pre, oratory toyer kn. explanatory . !
in maim degree of their eisape, their cliarees I
ter, and their tone. I .1.. not Rev.. 1..
!argue, or pea ad.. if there be any 000 a
!present to whaim it way he urcessary fa toe
argument, or lacreuenion, In bud hete r not
last. to me I wall nut tai • Pelmet Irani- i
an er • l'l.niniviphiaii use argument or per. !
!inbanion, when at. la • meeting on ibis is in- '
, yoked. to Brand by the inmaary in hur hour
!of pea al.
No form of gat ersinarait. fellow I hiss,
Mom, re dilliciali to ininsta mit Ilona a feder
al Indian of saitereigat republic. States.-1
Lill laistairy shims Ibia este, me difficulty go
:accomplishing arch a task. In order t.
I ashieve it, there is neerosarily so manila i
' forhearain e, so noiela seer ifii la of bond pr. j. i
',udiuve and iniares.--tlicre iseeeennaeril '
the exercise of . moll public via.° la r I
the general good—that all mankind have I
thalami a one of the harileer, if inV an int-
' ...Able tank to accomplish. Tat make!
i such a government, is in headship only I
I equalled lay the difficulty of maintaining at ; I
l i but yet, when on made, and idler in ope
ration, ell and all experience prinen
that it in the very beet goverummit for mon,
that can be formed,
What hen it do,o for the arts and the I
soleness 9-14 they conetitute objects iil I
care and affection with all civilised people.
IVlaet has it done for them' Ask, fellow ,
I 1
citisens—if he were there, end yo could 1
bring hint here--ask the ehaile uf Fulton,
.d lot bins say whether it in the programa
of that which scarcely a quarter of a cen
tury age he started—the stvembast its
world not be appal/led by the pi agrees off
his invention. it farther, and consult the I
single iron tr.lialaing whkh the lightning
expreas pm*. enabling New Orleans and
Or nn so whisper soft noneenn in visit
other'. ear every animas. Ask, in addition,
ISO so the ()regress of &Ise facie.. and art,
the great iron track that contributes • mai
Udall and an important cement to this great
I Ifni., interior-mg all the country, and!
I mashing leackwatile and forwards in every 1
Inireetion, for the comfort, Imeanonedation
I and enovenience of trade. Go firth., and
I ask finally upon the subject of the progress
'of the arts and teienee• in this great eon.
try—the lest, the orowning indication; that
which a Bathnk anther be; told hie coon
, trymen "in the writing no the .11.” Ask
I'the viakainu• 'lamer Neils? Farther,
fellow citizen*, whet has this government
of aura dons for the benellt of the rights of
man and the .Ittes of hammeity ? Where
will yea wet year readiest wirer to that
gesation ?
Yon will Sod it in the Penciling gleam
of every dimwit upon earth. If you eons
not ad. it there, fellow eithtene. I will all
1ur..,::• ,. .7., — ... , .1,:t:, Y'Yor,, , gwi r ,
... have emigrated horn abroad:lto.
some as well from •t okl Inland" as frtm
oar Gomm. "fatherland," and who Ind
here that Wu" that freedlows, that happl
nosothat otweelation throsgbost life amides
all is ebony. and illlktildee which the
saw oesdassi dialed. Iltet, Sam ski.
'sowt, Ale remanent of oars show tie
rase 1700, what hoe It added to the how
of the Awaken mime 7 On !go If ,as
'riot as answer in that geostip, to, the
i=of White, of Ripky, ef Gabe., of
i , of Hell, of Illeisbriko, of /ohs
, son wed of Taylor
1 Ido not oppose that then is a was is
this whisk Wen wile them. fee see an
i Neat of reesillai back to the seat of the
,espitol of the Milted litotes. the days peas
Rat bawl bees ovenehoisdairly espelled
ITU gownrosweme of the two terrNoriee td,
New Ileziee and Utah, aft.. isms.. die- '
' vein, ,e sod a sag end leborinue @rot I.
7 j Franklin, of yliliin , of Mannikin,. 71f Wadi.
of the groat and nowt glorious of A. meriCn steteimen and patriots, fat them
try the h ir limae at it, and the more they
!try all them various iostrument• for the
porno.., the more certainly will the Amer
,j lean ;ample adhere to the eonatitutioa.
• which has so noble tried and roved itself.
111 say then in the first place, thin fugitive
ij Wave bill is the law of the land ; but. l uy
the avelhol plate, end I my it with •
• j eonnehmismas that I son heard by those
• who are wine in the Jew, wise to the consti
.l tailor., and sire in the principles of our
.jriepular gevernment, I my that law in in
.j E very itiko 01 AS 10.41.11ret, in et one 01 to lgeolllllB 13001 beginning to end in per
j Lett harmony With the constitution of our
I sly to you to additive, fellow eitizetw,
j in referencia to this lam, that it is an elm
, diem law, and why do I my that/ Why
yl.ll :rte America..., and you ittiow the prin.
jEipli set trolll. 1 , 0011111110/1. Yu, know
1y ear Ugher ore di/modem undo having
these promiples lainhlnlly executed. Well
then it is expedient that this law should
paps with a view to minify all those who
are interested in thin ;;real question. It
is witted in the eemtitutim that their righte
will hencefornisril Ire eignalle looteeted by
the ;wilds rd the I • nitetl State,. I will
1101 m elm to the peculiar prepriety that
this emphatic laiigiimp Mould lie held it
liv flume who are citizens of the Siete of
Pentuy Imola There are 1.•11110011 Met
I moor to you alp why language from thin
teaming—why reaolutiom to the effect I
have stated bout ouch • collection se thi n
1.111 speak to the ansiom, the doubting •101
heremiere distretwd and vexed citizens of
the South, the language of hope, runaola
tioe,, and cooliElenee It is expedient ma
'1100141;10 Om It in expedient that they
should five awl flourtnli who are in 6110 erin
j0y,01.01 of the Wienhip of the wouititution
lot the Coifed State., eithin the mond of
that glorinits hell that in mer the Hall of
ladependenvq. It is expedient that we.
upon thiidoeality. 6111,111.1 strung, earn
usenptivocsl, freak and tulles,
eiptivuesl, frank aud unless in
asserting the piiioiplee end practices of
the constitution of the United plans I
believe, follow eitizeos, es firmly, as I era
standing in your pressen., shot upon this
foithful adherence to the obligations of the
constitution upon this great point depeeds
Echln. the Union, or poise end American. I
; know, and we all know the power of num
; bars to enforce the Maim, but Heave. de-
I fend us from so terrible a neon as that;
flenven . delined tic from enforcing it with a
j consciousness or wrong in our breast against
our injured fellow rite:one under the sea.
government. -
Let us etaifil by the rs natitution, and the
hobo will last, I noel, under the coped..
tending sere of the Aleijghty hoover. It
is • wise Union. If any lona of govern
ment has received ea blessing of God. it is
the Amens. Government, sod we have
only to be into to that in order to tontines
to enjoy Hie laver end Him blaming. 1 will
now read the resuintione
J. Resolved, That the Cantina'ou of
the United States, which was wink, frau
, ed for the rapse or en•bliehing • " maw
perfect Minos." and "to moon the bless-
Ingo ofliberty" to unborn generations, has
fulfilled the of of the ;ordeal who ea
enabled in Convention in the is.,. and on
behalf of the People of the Uoirmi Butte,
end is endikel to the 'manlike and sera
port of their " Retority."
I. That In eesemiding to the 'ma'am-
Ain of Liberty and the - Nola% whish ash
evideved by the blood of oar fathers, we
have Inherited an obligation to panne
than untandebed agether,• and it meld
be equally base to forfeit the Natieeel In
depeedenqa esti to fill le elltgleaes Si the
National Unto.
S. That the an of the Union is e ease.
tilted met, and ought to be deer 4l2
Amen...; but time attain. are
iy its mediae.. who, standing on doe apt
who Independeeee was dealsred whose
f the Cloestitelien vas Named. and trims Me
Union was eat Bred ewe perfeet, are idea
lasted to it. pteeernehte. end 11a4 Wake
al moans for Ow enrolee of than pier
duty, in eurroanding masarisle of the
sod hem en the worry ground upon
our hernia enamors Matted thonaelvep
their smeary, we ream to As awes army,
the pleases whiell they aim ways ow/ es
shawl, Menem& of " our live; see
unu, mad our nand hater."
4. The SW Oraasiesslow ursviiss Neff .
pedun.• held to sendoff fir lab or hi eat
Sate 'Wet the laws thereof, tote ,
'seethe% than he ieliveted op eft of
'the pally An when sea Navies es •
may be dos' 'Pr many years, fltelett
Walla eeetributed woos •
awsbilistlsawl rwshiaa lets e Neqsngben:„
Bate legielotioe was reps* 4,. thaw
volved OrOS COMM/ {lll 1114,41,10 , Ow,