"boas Milinturrst." ri -... i71m474riwpii;t 7,111 1 S. B. & E. a Chase, Pe.01.11111 Vll, orßieros. TERAIS.—Ons oestoss sun nn •tonere per annum. owls in edemas. et two dollar* if not p t. • end of tb• Y... ar bnu totheerint. Me !none 1.111 be diteonnitued until or aaaaa tee use, dieepl et the op. of the Publishers. w e meet be rare rant to re. ogre attunes. All letters soluseeted with the *Zee, itonld be *meted to S. B. 6. Z. B. Cases, Noon, Smn. C., P.. rl Mien' dike over M. C. Teter's Atom UO?ttsrt' , IVICITI•N118 ,10 c•ATI , Ja. 111•0704 OY By OM evedund maul from India the painfol 2totollponeo renehorthe Mookeisty Rthms, of the viscous of the Rev. Adontram Judean, D.ll He eliod en the 12th of April lest, au board the Rutech bugs* Arietide Marie, of Bordesus, bound for the We of Bamboo, et the see of 82. Ile wen Rutted in the ees the same evening I—Now York Paper. Sept. 12th, 1850. Another roarmiro in the coral . Of the deep, dark sec jewel °Hering in rho likddl truglit crawl. the Savior Wean as King an hgei. lire the I d reeve Received the form ce Imre! en w. 11, u cloud, Wafted by zeolt)r or eel. mud hreols, Had berm ear or ire wird, henceforth To loinle with lite bloc who permed from 1'o:trill Before. Still xdi. sott foloittrort will our tlitought Linger e'er tho test, deruuded new with Ow. Of feam—cloct rvory temb weir, roeit'il By heavoic bilturve Ity adverse words was oft the bark Ono here Acre. the itra 10e tr. old Worn ft.ilus of the Iren-llearted orneroorrary " Is prints awl shored for Inn. he, yarn HO Wall an Ir dltret eft pasted For the water brook. 1 / 1 1, be loos horrid it Now. brod• the throne of the 1:1 Where flown the strewn that glarlA ri. Pored se. if fer down bele., eon'. o d.l • etas The mannard trs rues., has her are,h to grave And sine her ram, it fella opoo en ear .Yew serveleen arA ber fens .tom u. van. Wstch for the ...tog of the rote.colol lip Aad maatmed eys.ll. Not ouch the garland On him epirtt.brow• nor duentant I. the ear That IS. to haavenly wow.: t,et aural'. woe mast wrap thew Iwo when smelt as halm., die. A wrtten( witleng to tto the horns Erato Durtnalta dot cow, Iwtolowing The friar h elnltlrtm Gni wore all theta walk No nom to g.zio to in,, lilt bread of hfir, Jaea• chorea attan Jndmn! drat honored mane! Name, wand w1.,r1. Owner airwaves that pant T. all Oa notenage he who here it knew— To all the ....who I.a wwh bunting towl, In otialliet With a pagan world, Kehler...l. 01, meet it is, that vie maw element Whoreln he lased with hely py. ahriald Be to hnn again t place of burial And arida and err,, of the bapverrisl Awl From whence shall taw to perfect tight...nem One take died to en. ri!,llP OR .lltier l ON. 1.01 'errs OR W. CO lON. A ~,,, gary. ( Com,/ d it 1 IMI:=221=111 William amid but hid, end retired soon after. Ila must memo k man that hie wire tau dying to boar hint on.alt kin lly to her —to hear him say h. thigaro her—but he taseo...l dumb with sorrw. All the next .loy Willi:1111 appeared dot I same. Lucy could 01111.0 it 119 She was in torment She felt that another etch day tedold kill her. Accordingly, the wretched woman, alter, struggliog long with her pride, and seller.' ins touch, threw boreal( at her husbenil's feet. She choped hie h.... sod hid her weevoleed feature.. She did not ask hint to forgive her. She could not even speak. Set her eilont agonywee 'nom eloquent Akan words. 'William forgave her. I need not my that Luny pruteLed sold .cant y to indulge in its more Ms of passion. She fiord she ntiOd, not live to pt is sub at foolish rage again. Est unfortunately, Sneak Loey's new, aomistio, was a/greal, trial. A very good iaaNa, obi woo at heart, and faithful and indiudrions, when sober; nocasionelly, lloweser, she would bey whiskey, and drink It Sod games • despicable object. N.. nosolity emapelled Lucy to keep her in her ...vim fur a thew sod She bore with her tali well se the could: Owe ably, when Los; wished to lam 11wwie In Amp of the house, while mho moot I. mike . tall, Snow was sowlioso to tbe found. Ilene*. Loo y was obliged to so main IA boom mesh to bor ditappoloteen• Ile on hoar Solon retuned, happy awl la dlopeodsot. She hod bow drinking ; end ahee Limy winesstratod with her, A* on g,bees* end sissworod iseolestly. This N twee toe mask for Loey's temper. It es iyhdod Ailledilf It otromaka, sod the dr laird *mos tees est Busaide ask by lbssidfiltl Thaw Ives so wadi to ensue this OA of that Wain, Weigh doopty te brpm it, as he 11•4 Jose oho lug. let is spite of Leafs prooloss and peed resolotiosa she ow* sot govern bed Miaow. In • tow week., uothos 6 efl gumbo seised her on • my slight pa des; sod is • sheet tiro Willi another .swine to eland WHOM', dernestie boob newt Still William forme. Is the midst of Noe Mann • shill wen born. It Ins it girl, and Willis= oboes to it by bit ..tide seen—Lney. Per •• oaths you Mn. Mowbray bed wine db oryaisloo. Willits Woe to UP& " The seethe.', Wept I. subdued 17 ebe" be saki, ma tbsokel haves Ike the . Owe lb' sone eendessly raethe Wald, se thee et oiled pltsoso. lltigi wall won Or r.mormisa— 4 fie •:f...fiilonatt *irAt `int iial*crittoi VOLUME VII 31orehray hall another fit of passion. I In an boar. Mr.. Mowbray as. under Aa William knew nothing of this occur- her father's roof. runes at the time, but littlo wan said about By this time, however, her raga bad sub it. aidtd in a great locator, and she felt a. But now Lucy became subject to fits of slimed i.l the steps she bad taken. Bat passion more violent than Alt One day, she remembered that she had struck her when enroged • she struck her child in the husband, and dared not go back to hire presence of William. i that eight. " This is too much '." muttered William,. On the bellowing day, although dying 'clasping th• injured ionneent in his MM. Imi th remorse and wretchedness, Lucy min I- You are not fit to bring up a child, and lldruud. , d to ." 0 ". arid pleaded an oneuso ow that Lucy shell not be ruined by your to past another night with her friends. temper!" I The twat Morning. she said to her:sell 31rs. 3lowbray's rage tots terrible. She ! •It remain absent sl another do would have tore her husband's hair hail Ire %Tin.. will become alar til med ; he still for y, 'ant interposed Iris powerful arm !give ore, he will tome and eotreat rue to William telt that it wee 'tow time to act.. sumo hem" lie had forrrlven Until forgiveness Was no But or IA I,.int th.l oe.t eon.. L we y fait lunge, a or, Cue. Seising his wife's wrists., her pride Mil her. Humbled, tremitng. ) he led her fort:Holy to her room, sod locked i rcutmscihi. on the evenio c t of tin third day I her up. ; her absence, she out out to return to her Lucy raged like a wounded tigress. Brat husband. 'she was ; she could nut frighten ' Ile has forgiven me a tholman l Clues,' ;William into the weakness of sitting her at •IM .04 to herself, ulneno or her ...cc liberty before her temper was sul:dued —Wailed her. • and surely ha o ill forgo, toe I When he busked the door, uud left her, he I uue" had said— With crushieg se:intims of the..l • I will subdue yon a.) per shall starve. " I tappreeelaeal his Luise In the ilmilty 14114 S.. Larry ernaluelly loyytarue calm. The, of the dcvliuios .I.r. it 10.,a0J ar:nry and rottseopeto, 1,„,..,,,, -he 1.3..,01 the she UIVI pr..s:rated aid) kiloUlo and re-uuJ tlO 'l‘ "wepnssud it ,a l." ).I 'tti I !worse .1)vg• of ) vil her I hrain At F-r twelve hours hi... bitter tears, length, 1 . 1.5.,11111., pros .1,1 1..1 . her t..r. alone in her ehatni ••1. 11. WAS lom wonting; r`u •!l hl•t , anal after %POI hank luau W.na s 41. re trembling . e lm ; turn , .1 1 tru.ll,l. al her .te ,-kr.. but Oh, r would st, an n. tow , t h e )) he she I.te.ti • ated, treoul.:ll.! still who <l.lllO tu Iter that Irs,kfust era.ft last 61 ...trontutte ., tt ,(l tiaaahl wattio.g. Sh. t but Wt. a Luis le- 1Y to ,h, beans Is) .entuaeut asus ea .1,4. and 1.040.041 to meet 11„, I,„ woo „,,„,, he f,, t ,„,1 steps no the hall. But there was no sound. • IVhere is Mr Hourlong '1 1.1. e ivrinl.ekl.' s ' ) the de.' to timiJly keep Irmo . . . •R, wont nw in rostetd... ~,,urnnu e ,', At that women:, a, young lad cruased reph.,l the 4.1.11,..nti0 tiona (Ito ,Tl,. tie ~Ida nt Ow mrt...t, and • And h. tud retttritud V looking up good nuturvdly at, 3lre Mow, • Ile .aid he would nA return within bray. stied .our. • three da)a!' : •re WO ' l ti ~d oalaaly there. Tiiel,ll“ Lacy haulm., deathly 1..41,1 Itro all worm away, w LO • Itu, w h u,e I. my Pwor Lucy ! This was • death•blow to 'Mr Mowlnaj, nude me do up .11 her her bars! Ifer.heart st,p; tal beatiow. °lthe,' and r.he aunt upon the eald dohs; mak • But •Loro i. eller Ile tw,l; lwr with him.' Lucy L•li to the 11 ow I.kt a cornea. e vil in darkeott But Lucy did not faint. 'Flea dome. t:o dashed a piecher of wafer'" ill, a "elevate "Ila"L r ateegaveil to in low Lee, utd recovered from ber, , her he'. e'ill with her veil Liman vbetvly sweeten. , over le, lace, returned by thu way *lee TWO clays after, William rut urned, altnu. came. no r „„,,,, hia ‘,;;:o;,1,1„„gea in the d„ 0 1,, o r, Once neve )Ire Mowbray rented beneath thaw., remorse and do Nadi, her letlita'a roof &hoed 113 hotly, but lint • Where—whet, 13 1113 C111111? ' 3110 cried, lit . 001 31 . 0 t.0. = 14 ' 1 . 4, thag in agony. ° °toy of 3eure cnnlil toot too, elualled the . ob, aloe Leed,y„ms!'e„.e.ered terribbo lounge, of dist t..lltiq inglot I The William, coldly. ; 'met' iteonetc a dark inao.s of ; the L ace , rO 6 k„,„ ; o present, a torttlre, hurveut tof rho thereto i„ „ >O . „ ha h e „d„h e she 1.41 d 3.331, vulgar gloom; the future, bent..l ~ eel 0004,1 f e e b ar a blank globe, whieb, 31.1141 it. and tutu it rbill Out %Vila out wee ion aooable ue slot Would, shooed no spot of rtutnith . I wdhinp ha I„„ ).; Le nail. • St, and lirtglottieaa on itto cold dal k fore. is bt uosel Lends on. mill tract hoe nuthitur On dm hollowing de), ?Ira 31oubray ro of). I Tile!, vu' lic - (vired a letter. It non boom her louslettod. , . . , . • .1, ~,,,y „.,.„, ~,, ..,1,, 5t,,,0, r ,,, .., y ,,„ I It v., I ....I a cheek f..r the huatlred 11.,1 , may thick ..: bat I OM 'la • rit. I; I um 1 . ,,, ^ ,, t l ,0 ..' ‘'' l ' l .° 1 . 1 .i''S ‘ r .„. t ,, i .„ 1 ,„ „7 chill. Y..„,„, .i„i y, „„. .I IMc 'odd., ). u •It et, mai farewell a.. 1 ...,.1.11,111 I shall tie.m. ey. a again. 'l', the many , • Olt ! but you will not di, iis MO from l i' jar, its Y". , I' ....ft. l v , It 4 1." 1 tit. , oet. my plkild V yi,• haVe added a 1 insult which, in a man, • 11,. Inv. Levy; olive that eitil.l troy I woold 1.y.1. pii.iiel.ell pith a fearful ret ' horn, I formed a r e. v d i ii. s . i t wo , t h„, ,iilottion. C. wing from you, I e on on l y if a „..„. %,,,,, , n ,,,, har inn Id. 4 „,;„„. I 1 hi•le it it, my hest i, unload tlitTfliiLtell In., ~,,,,, Ink,- I , r ~,,,, y,., you. shall „„, lg.( r..,r...i11ig Ilemrk)11,1 1 whichl 0ie1,,,, m 3.1 Apoil soy eltil.l. I have d , I. my ditty, aod t om!!.2. tortioit• pray. cc and tat e c moot wave tae' ' I Isti it one mots .l;,(, lily dearel ild So Isisi : held, A in vain. !.• lot' 1 .• u„.i ow with her sow. 0„'1 .hall' From this tiotti, the iotere.ca se of Will- ' aavr kove . iter. I slall thivt to inlet lc oil lam with :Slit. 3lowltrat , waa of the nowt 'labor dd . lien Lappitdoa. Lo is i Ohl ,lel and torero! ~two. He beemine stern '...10tt I will prejudice her mind against you. I thoughtful, rewl rul ; she, poulent, ha ; fsr she shall never know of your fault, nor] ' happy, and wore than ever euitteol to fit. of the emu: ..f vur separation. nor of the! of pamitto. ruin?,. hove wrought. What William hid .inne with little Le. • hocks.' is • check for $5OO, which I ey no oho could Imagine. Mr., Mowbray trust will supply your immediate wants.— ; wee untiring in her seareh for the absent li 1 ..`0 retired from all ao"ineas will the !culla, hut her °lrons were of nu avail— world, and ...7 in...e will new he small; Aa,, an flane a a ,„ an h , William left town , but one third yon ahall receive, quarterly, and um gone three or four day. at • time; whilo on one Mimi I ahall myself live fro. and L an) , board that nn ' h.,. ...A da , gaily. I will devote the remaining (Lila! h a .... d.worranga h .. isf. daughter..woe trivial aaaatt to .y c tho hi m id einteneace and pr. per education of Ono Mr.. 311nwhrety gave way to another At of ' A part of our furniture I have directed! movion, in the preeence of her husband.— to he sold; but everything which I thought William remonstrated with her, mid her you aa°!!!!! 'nab to Potearoo, la now stored emeer was roused against him. After ho• for Pa. and at f our die oral, a. you will i i ii y.i ns in much nninninn o y e k e ... L ee; learn from my friend and aged, Mr. Grey.' eseLimed— Luey read tl,t brief epistle eagerly, and , I won't b e trwo h w g over any l onger , re.reml it with dismay. But she had still It's no use giving up to you, and it I hare • purpose and a hope. She gees to Mr. 11. • o f p o p.i„ n i i i„ b ey ... I h ave ...,... Grey, her husband's agent. I You've serried of esy child, and now I will Or. Orel was ...1. , atoll. aii•PP.....th go awny too!' able men ; faithful, whore, self- pusseued William add nothing, until Lacy had From him, with all hr. Pt•Yot• and ...- thrown on her bonnet and shawl, sad woe 'motto" , Laos' .old Pin to lolalliPorm of . movies towards the door. her husband and her child. All he weld. . Di.. Mowbray,'awn said leer husband, rent her wee the delivery of a halm to severely, • yea ace doh% that which yon Willi... will be sorry for.' Areordingly, Lao; wrote: Pouring all . e n ,,, 0, not, 1„m in hoe. to .7 fish- her 1.10104.11, sorrow, love and power of et I' mind Lucy. with flashing oyes. ru l er into her letter; she hoped that 'Be, you °moot go now,' replied Will- Winks would ooloot i nn ..= . . nn i n until your 61 of pouclne B. William plead ao madam* in , h oe . an d than If „on wish to h.,. MOMS entirely esoMelled by Its of pea- I am go. let not now, Losy.' Am; sad his reply was formai, serened ' I wit' Igo, lo spits of you r tad Lusy NAM* creel. I = fanned. 'William stood between After Sk olpilni loolLwith her # *Pate the halt door. BM neat furious; /ow; at loot MP. to nAtoon to ber be, mho sad sorrowful. fate. Upoo nos this' Me was .solved; I, This la too mesh I' eiteithed Mn. Mow. the base of her esisteme, her abeedeablee bay. . 8,,, ifj o n usd.W.W.O.ll in q, - Ms of psalm, Should tarn spite Idle , pose me. Mite tfie soemqsalsell r - IiNI meanies elf her temper; she weak, 1 And liar the Ins time in her lib Leery Geometer bend, if the .fen Wiwi her. Mrs* her Imbued in the hew ' I met toe ?Mimes,' mid the nebappy William bow. deathly pale. He Mop boo7 to bond , . ' / hive no ote• to blues pod wide, sod bowed his head annowfolly. i hot .self, My toloot, is 10/ owe woo- As be mob.. hie whole from animal, sad' dou r sad It ie JeMl that I should suffer. I his dam mien yea imam by the beaeingl-... will M Pada* the* aid lowlymil.' 't 1 4 6 °!!" boot - - i lAA eh, it was a hard lamb, he a you, .-. _ - • 'I will Dell eops., yes. Go bean is =lbw, lit pm W. Het if rer a forma r Wlibeei mar* le melee the deep sestieg el then wank Limy Ilsw pret her Imedisted herheer4 reelreseee digelth" teld. elv:*4-..;:c:J :17.1 ":11:0, , ... 1 1:11%•,7,, LSVd. - nr,cr, nmiel MONTROSE. PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 15.51. onomeet utler, the 14. ml reah, 81 it., her Ibraio teutpestuou+ly, otol her rp.1.1:t.1.,11. Iwlb.J i ihog amber he how at .owd hai -1 My Isolowl owl AIM. with Do Wight SPA lo dm sky of the have ow whisk to look sad repots Mr he t via so ossooladow M hind it wins to awl& awl God sow Mt I Dwroxiwdowi woo 100 No ►.t wow _ - - - er did she complain. She suffered in lei - ' Nay.' cried Loy. • your eoverity was (It" He more ;mire beet, suniliilate I, but otoe; pointi.,g with .n,ion),nn fin g er Tto..fi "‘ ' . that ,* r 0.61,11 thunder cloud-the Ba g, bed lencv, and endured with patience her necessary. It has tuade the an.,thir let mg for the gnaw. en ymitig 0' Doane', who, bat t, th,,,,ty moiling, as if it worn ti ; sh " wretched lot. Sho mooned plunged into 1 tract lam now fit In bo your wife and! IN; no nil, arid t i ling en, very 'on" t'''' 'wan t" e n. h ie' of elm lightuings and leinek hail ti 7 'the deepest. humiliation, and her f a ce Wor e the mother of tour chile( I liars sutra ad part in tea :lay, tato dart. In 0 I v le (heedful? ever the minimills apparel of her heart - , much, and I bar ve caused yule meth-too friend's diniono .et to nee., mh o lea. h ito or ;;;nror cord , /onint fl 11 . 6 - 1 orno wB b. - It. is nideed imenlo te demob° the sb- much suffering; but, now, that you have died dem: having shred.. be ak I'l't etio ;hone.° with w hi c h o n looked back upon forgiven Dm. let all be forgottpn in the joy :the field. lie rushed torment with inipel• ' f ,,, ~„,r , „ 4 , ,: j r ,'!"- i a ' or ht /. ill°, post • fits of Version.' lot the present I feel too thileWul in be-' entity and real, so "" erase, to ',a. Q..- ,0,„,,;,, et 1,7,„,!„„,;„,..':, , : ,:„'l'' '",' lon the mbonei.ket eolone", "o•I tl e"r."'Y 'al melds i our limo. the sou with hie g rd Five years or sorrow, regret and Imenili- , ing restored to weever dear husband anti /arta and his er of AC er is &lien. kl w , ,• b . br ,• 41..1.,10 ore ...in {Yetid r e ny . - I'n , lot light Miii.ea tore h theofp em re e l f ation, rolled their heavy burdens over Le- :darling euill, to p over the past.' the Nxvatnow. 'ad ,Mt woo, soil laugh: in 3- "" u " i s "" I : cy's heart, Dm ins thin time Me had writ.; The trial wale over. The ordeal of fire' himself lie the tent to nein. e hie t. ten frequently to her buslitend, through Mr. was passed. Suffering had purified the :he was surrontletl I y tiny, and received no replies to her lettere. hearts of the rang ...Pl.: aottnned limn,, "" aln i'"''" 1 . ..... r•• rite i'''''' , ''lt 'lof ' r 0... w. h hue golden t i ee -" N ' Forlo ' le " "'" All mho know of her hued/mei wan, that deo .41 ntoath...a them ill virtue mid lova.. In lien meeleteeeee. remlerecamid. 1,. al- , the ,1,,,,,, !-Si to where , ... " b „,:r . : received every quarter an allowinee. me n whh 'flee beautiful child that had redone" the I a co da, of had seeeri il lin ;oho, o ,„; ogh, of A ,,.... , th ....,.... h..s sloe knew came from lint. Had ho left e husband to the wife, and the wife to the t eed tint of the prin. 'Tel pto ,4 I,il loon kits, d it. hid.. cheek ; and when able ,ar mantled the brow of mortal mid.-th e ,to starve,her remor• 0.1.1 not harem/nail- ; husband, f o re.ll oe nee d...h og n o of o r. i 7.tion.klacni retell, it e. 4 eat C Mist getei•- , kiiis fell. herrn is • bins), brighter than er. ed that which this mrenifeetat ion of his fection bonne. them, Little Lucy be- int, had 4.1 a •,I that t o amid , L... e oho pictured blab la far the ' nominees, four o tiont a yea r , ki n dl e d ii t her ,ramo the idol a their affections, the centre ;tint Cori - ti 3 ke • die , ' 1 di , inetien mite. h e !, m us h a „w oo , ottg gold , p .,. .4 ' heart. 'of their hop., arid she was earls taught to in trine, ley any i 1 reline el 6 r the AI- . vermilli, n-a 1),,,, My,. however, Lucy was Mrprised love good.. tightly ,to govern her ie. table of Alain, ludon Ind been emeriti re 1 eel ; oare Of tootle-the flower work i la liy a visit from 31r. Ore,. ; pulses, and to abominate • tits of peaked' mid blood by gm" idle. Tleo Aleol.lc hail o f s r , ~,o i lo t ow ,,, g h t o g oo ; h r o l the Ugly cloud bath siva birth to Mersin ; • Ira. 36,wbray,' .41 lie, abruptly • I - -- , been his 1,411.1 pummel haat ' , le. ,etroko or the right hand of God 1 A))s. home to 3uu witli amusege from your hus- '.. . ' ; ''''' w n l rw ''"''''`"' I ( ED'omel na" rremtdcd le hit. and hi" 1 a it, -Seta •A I I_,l __,..111 Si -1441,111‘, 4 „ f r 0,,,, h, ‘ 4, , , , „ r „ c „„h„,„„„, ,„ „i o 6, that //norn//o/o/o nod otr.bui ai , /.../ Lund' , The blood Sowed Look uff.n Lucy'. ' vac - am loe'r ) ;i ho war in Naar. bad Ist need, as le a ill speakable beauty I' ..at C osterelti ffeenting her ; then it ruelo I - , kiiwn n nient sae .41eiloi ) el...ache, aii4 i • .- - . _ . od e e yid. o L. r brain. i meeting it to reel ' Spain is On mist n 0 . 4 4 110 id all ladle we" ioniked net 2.1 en, leneili, spirit of! unmoral it Sr to. WOlaltiat ,whir al:aim:Pt The eudil. intelligenec It lion b ee° o h o n et t le of tho most will rms,, I b,„ , f 0,,, ~r i ,,,,,,,, l ie d, , , Fran. exports wines, brandies, silk.. ili a, oeert „, w , e g her, ari d 0, 0 nab at and dori, g aehiivelnetetn. Fr. eti the no i.e.- . s Into ,1044. rotitiriVi 41 no s es, ap• and hi , ' foeiey F 0114,14.1, furniture, jewelry, oink.. ,; i n o t e; sea ~0 1 l o„„ speck, h ot h en isle Frarn, 11:.!e'l 01410'1 111 00. • te.F.4100 01 en 41001 4di '4O a mat e liono lir hattii,el... laatnbet Pan'''. Panfawandi and tansy erti kel itoed hale+ not heed 31re e ire ) to g,, ine tik kn "'"wo AY. an' n a nl"r•t of '''''• " 4 3 It" we" deeply I t"" A wti n'''' the min ''' . '" d"'" " Y" /• 1 . ..er child,' vid e he, coloring, •is gy. , Met dented Ear goo cot', us .10.1, and, tulies of the jerii, Ida .., aid ',ado...A to' Hair exports corn, oil, gas, wines, mean i ns , if y no m a h to 0 .. c h a , go t oo, ot , • ' or ounces in 11411111. it, balialle, toot r" count 04.1414nunicot. to Ito mishit+, when he etc, dye-.ruff drugs, fino marble, map., What Lucy dididart, 'caring this as- ' glowing terns thegl 'ties of wet, and lo ew. elie ,idio t ;. or ids ... 1.064 Into I aintiuge, engravings, mealtime and salt h oo di ng in e is se ,,,,:„. I, nor not; but the mimed of inepa.siond levy, have, no. Wliell ill k 11•4 sir. eh to lor :cello. w.l Prowsia oaports liuent *melees, oinks. 31r 'lre) declared, alarn e rd, th o t o h, than timer of .y other dime, kindled tit , oho, slid bet owt a tastesnt in vain Liam,. ' tides of iron, eeepor and brasajedig o , p or k Iwo., ~,,,or i e , e l y not of t o , 0e „,,,,, oh e !emesination and found retie.se to the In,. tithe.; Litt with, ant helmet.% her design' and 1.. e, ametwal inetrumanue, tab..., I . i ha.l t„ ~,-„, g s _, ~i,„,,,, a „„,,,,,,,,• e , o'lll 01 the / Spaniard It, volleys and it, lo any 0 ne, she nevomparied l a r i n form e r,' eine and wax, lard, tallow and meths ; 1 .. 4 ,„ o h, i f ~,4,: „ . . j„„, ood aunt ben,' 1011-, ntsjs•lie and Leant:lei, still ed,,, Inek at the .6 itki . t uncle, to Op vamp ni Ilona,' :toed. exports mineral., raw and man- Ilutt ttie loom, ot, kn e e, e k tauelie.• her n ., thin tin ir rode fates-es awl sonny plains, t o , k ,„ ..1„,,, „ ion lie danger" She , nt " n ' tw nd "" tad thread, glam, in, wen. Ino , shawl, h o d h e tor Lo h,. h„ „into, the skoltioreathing estrelsy rd' e 4,1,11. heoltil net i a...re and las iew .. She tank,net gum. wine. honey, and mathonentin Iris eel.: l said Loop ki.ew inthing o f 1.1110:9. it 14, he, it f ak e age. Me lasl et ins Wen alone on easing ler lever O, ; nal metremose. thin: when abe reen ere.' 11. r cone on.. , 'do' nh Y nod ""...s. Auk' ~, 3 the ad" rite', l'r ''al ". ' '. "‘l • • .'•'• 1•....'4 that ; PllO4llll export• cotton+, woolens, gloms. ties ., s h e woo r id,. „ too) , „ith bee h t .. , earn of lon tune, whi, 1.1 been led to li c r, ,lf Denial ain i ee.J. mend t • be scented. hard..., earthenware, cutlery, Soo mod band's 4 0 1311110 carriage attractive shorts was the young Leopold 011 the thou te,e day. She a a told that lie warn, nit, meal, watehee, tin, silk. and 'l6e journey mimed N Liter the a t otaled' Donned He es'. an Irishman 'to all the Cellist lied, Naa OF a 114 .00 al.Ol 14'. 1 1141 . 41,4 ' denied She attire/aide heo ff e d some ti o t o ,' Sin sothn•lamn or hie C•mntrynien, Le ui,i- hole. mho: arty, •11,1 e ate ail mortify i, Roasts exports tallow, fin, lump, Inan e of what she had or t, au k ' di m ly tem .:: l tel tlie most imulsise gebenisily of ino. weiiil.l be n0.0.ii1ii , ..6-that if she obtained emet Copper, linseed, laid, bid., was, dusk beetled riding on Mt highoill, when the amen !tun. lie bail been in rd a soldier, and ; nee., to hon. ebb , ' won most imprehablo, eordagro. Welles, fur, potash and Inc. was glad. Nightly aid 0. 0 m o d s wert o hat distiiigunhed Ilium If by his gallantry she its sore to ail .a simile to the bride& klli•in exports wine, brandy, oil, fresh k ~,, t io o , „1„„ ke g e „„ te „ e a. ; t i n . ot l.ie %alio. manse°. Ho ..o,t, to the ty of the Mb... by whomln, was eurround- 'kind fruits, flainknitme "Inbar, melt conk. the freed, Motor and 'lnn tucking ell th e ; land of his aolnpi ion Anita/end by the least ed. I ler iliterteenelitine, h•dvt ter, was tit- eit<. anchovies, silk. and windene. rollreeff ear" ; bet not enual 'h e r d l o „. muse'. Imp li , a nd a sob ii. that eight d for 'ken. She would fitce ber wen tie his pr em. I Chem exports tea, rhubarb. eis a k, gi o . stile. leer jioikrney'm end, was rho fully eoo .lFe IL 1114 father, the Untrue id Idbaspel, , tee e, or is. uhl !mils!. tin the attempt. Dist kr% wart b wa...likai "twin. tilalindt"worh. 160041 of all 114 e 11111 around her. celebrati d during the triumph. of Wain,-' piked in the di tt o . t a iwanant, the reach- I evorye, lapiersol ware, aid' iatherein. Le m was i n h i e h os h,,g• t too , Th e ton, and the 141,11111.1440aty 110110 e al De 23. eill the mat pant, 01 the enemy, mod demmel.'l Turkel exports coffee, opium, hike, drug% h o t e. t . a , g o , curl „ t „,„ hi, i,„ / to „ Beres had figured largely in the aerial. of Spain ..il to ho lad to the phoneme nt th e con . ;gems, dried Inite, tobacco, wines, camera • her Leao , and coaled he re :yr of bit brain. The Young Count who, with the title, l et- : maiiilee- in older She had an iteiitie tent heir, 'minds. aimed...us.. calipers, pop- Lucy,' said II amens, lioilly, ' cement the valor of his aim that had been on nominimilinn to make to him - a seer, :per. indigo, einnameu, skot Lineal, diamond% y our „ff, 1 h t ,„ toe , ~ 6, ,„„ to ba rn ), an heir. loon iii their family, directed his, ea ares by whith Om whole of Quesarla'.and deeds. y 0,,, child h,,,,,, she dim.. She in very I steps to the Basque peon trees , when the, fore. 4. cold be betrayod into his hands I w 31exime expel. gold and silver, emelds iff.' standard or rebellion had been ' el against. It requited suety' ) ${1 4 41 die t etch, A 04o e- eat. hider. mrsaparilla, vldifis, jalap, for- L em , woo smug atom. , 1L.,,,, A.A. the gee, on. Devotest•to the liberal cause, "anger was at uoico •nt to the U eneral, 1 tie. neelemobY wool, pimmto, drugs ad ell wildly thNugh her tears. wilt 11. lis love cf fee ob. hal In el Lim ti, ' el, etrnek lii On' el r.i..“, a oc vi pli- ,ddr waif"- • wh et , is e h, o• .1,, o i o t . • oh; to estetuse, Ike mitider.:ll oa loot, and, min g- . seal, anil he nhje, t she tiv,m, 4, eelisolatil ; Omni' oXl""" want. lad'llla, earn. vinee darling I my Lary!' ling among them, endeargred to infuse ;me to neuter linr. Yowtalawkweff al crud, w"; hid "' dri ' d ""*.'''' tally., go ld dm' " " IN Hoorn tort ,fin way. 15" n n‘ n i n in,l the minds of ilia people of the north hi s his effeeeree or end Lien, waiting her op- , mid 'oh" Mann.. gawk.. gums, wainla" bed, in a dark 0.1111 sit:l4 rt.in, a n gid e own spirit of loyalty, arid to stir them up preach /- ee Wee etieUrted ieito Into pros- ; eey and india rubber. sufferer lay. She tan melei.p. by tare ter v u r of Lie language to rise agnimit.miee, sal advaeldell with . air of di g nity; l West Indies export seg., enolames. Bid. already the ening impulse of moth 'He eaten! -sollly '.' enurneurid Willio, the tyrant who sought to iletada their mob tlinantot nide her veil, diseldsed. Le- ;gem., tobacco , cigar*, mahogan y, dyowneed , tights end ouslave ohne. It was in one, fore th, , ioduniehol gaze , features of an . 'coffee. pimento, fresh fruits, and presets... , etly drool. lend eterrioseffLth et to ti oe b e g. "I. meat Lanese., at l'ampeltins, that be , ri , ailed hoed., An exclei anion of ad. iwm• ginger and ether epic.. 'sole 01 her Mild. Shin Ilk sete g t h e .ft,,,,„ 1111 S listened to by t• young e nd wealthy , mii aid, 14,4 from 011 nem., and Me Switzerland export., while, cheese, Ml. lin her Mine, mabliog tears falling ,„„ the heirs., Donna Isab.l d'Araeolnen, who, 1 wen welenned with isapeet the most pro- I ter, iailow, at"' fruit, ...I, it on. ant ol,ihrß l'lllo teen', awoke h e , S he „ en e „, sating 00 his noble arm, was entloniesti- . hinted She throw herself at the fei tof Croke% lace, jewelry, paper and Illattffwdsve 16 - iglitietril ; bet som.g to 0n g,„ 1 ,,,,g H. wally eaptinted by Lis ber..ic geed, and the rude 0 deflaill, 11101 lit 11ie1.41e41 an A udi.; lint Indies asport olovee, mummy. Inmateing of it ail, Extending her feeble impassiontl tketunei 0 She threw Ursa. I me:. ;mane, pepper, rice, Indigo, gold duet, imm -I.lola. /411.1 T ool twined t h em a b out h er in Ide way. 110 wan wk with h e r sow "I am," slic excl.kieleil, •" a maid e n af ,phor, acme., sulphur, retail., nodal toad 1 m'!'oar's neck. passing loan,. Her limn en exquieitely Sharee. I limo lased all dangers that 'sine/ and num ; Welliam approached, but not a word s oo remedied, and dieplay oil • tun flexibility would ape el int sex, and hive thrown ney- Ilnitad Stales "wPrirdanifiall,T WWI& + p o e n . 5 0 !„,,,, war „ ni l, wt....rot/4es bsec ho arid grace. Iler cunt id.' oat of a and-, ieit tepid. a Leave amino. emelt! 44110111 i. I turn! prudery, colt., toe, fiber, provis o.. m h s ,'1 t i n ,. „ ,1 „,,h., .„ the frail mar-. 1 4, : 11150 Mr, oath a bewitching russet , come tie ph adfor the reel. Ir Dr, an 01 onne'. ions of all kind., lumber, turpentiud 1„,,,, of ...w on , ot 6 ,, ~, , ,R , I . wii g,„„ tint, and LIT eyes black moil brilliant, game tine pains and gellent subliir whom your... 4 i M.P.". 'eased a eiameut. Let tears billed him. no hen ruled and well Id"i"othoked nee ' wo n n n'de"..wd to din. lie W. ; twW4ln't - - -- land ha venal 'nest . , Mc ea ',onion of a soul lull 441 in lail.lity limbo.. Bern this ertion ho 1.1 mint ; ' Are yon indeed my m o th er 1' eked andehltneess She was way and pleasing drooled a ...ere' for the oleeen. In came, o little laiiy, in a feeble ume.tin .I,cl-settee, Mewed milli a &Atoning under the emit t ir Queseela ; and and ~er ' • T oo _,„ ; toy goes, child! s ow ;gra., trucked bor gaiter It kb delicacy and; the isffierics of that heroic impulse whiele f„,„ owo tooth..! ,i,/ shy darling !• reoli 1, and sang hie a togs of her unwary is the leading trait of his noble nature, Ire wi t , ot,lee ens maid cannot been h e with the eloquence that passion en. alone , lashed into rho dolat, sled sacrificed hieneell; mitten. It was Me natural Imeguage of inspire. ll'D. Deere was but the heart to tie cave 1.61 frionde. F•or this, there is not I strong anti. and deep potion; w ig.), withstand her feseitstion Her nature a onan lint. nit• bet who wield applaud tome coo i ttt ,,,,, ; i t , woo wow , ~,0 ~ !,. was lull of 'toluenes and noir devoti o n, m i d kin-not ono of you why wolild not have ii,,, r, oopeeet d oto _ e i ogoet/o „ w h ow , / /„. the had learned, in N. wild 10141 gloVrilig, hell,ewed tin „:ample. H" is loyal to Lim er can 4.111 y he imagined. minstrelsy of her teatime clime, to wined'. Queen, 'tie he. net he to .t etai,il by a' Age. Lucy was at herbushand's tot. the hero in Lie career of alma. And suede '•ingle eangteinary act; and I idedge, my ;it war 100 Much for even his stern na t ure , Wm O'Doenet as be first impressed Ls , self. that, if you neon him, he Mall never 'llle had known of Ler petite,a and hued& rand"' fanny. again bear arena against O. Carl. a. Snare o th m , and now hit, heart re l ente d, He Thus • Levant, mutual admiration, fret ; bet Lis lII', end I will at, ip my Pelf or all I tabled hen lath his arms, ha forgave her- T..w indwftwasts, end the excitement of ponies on emit, at d pay • how. that and, all th e lone and ‘l,,,,ten of f ormer that stirring period, Pun led to a deep end, atoll open all no halation of Navarra tem roo m, w i t h „ wewo g power woo . romantic attachment. Tbo ardent 'wag , Hato merry and save Lim I his mo i, ho p,.....d h., peen tely oo lei o soldier, wham anthusism• bad kindled anelti 1 As elm uttered them wools silo mooned heart. the wild otouittehts of a land me full of ;his hand, and clung to him with a 414.1940. Lee; felt that bar repentance bad stun- glowing inidiom, Was awe to awed the, rate energy ; and ao aka ganef up. his' o g, h e some ~,,,,,,,,, th e her foul,; hoe heiress of thew broad domain., which hall add-stern face, burnt 1111.0 as 141011 y of, lenaband's kindness re-assured her; a/ descended to kw from a noble inceetry. Warn Ile did not venture a reply, but !mountainous weight of wratahedneaa was At this period he received the appointment 'pro enters that the linty ehould mvivo a lifted ffent her hum and the li g , db., of Oulenel in the Queen'• smoke, mid was' of esmirt Loynd the line 414 f his own : illumined all its datkoess. Inspired by seised to depart for Vittoria to pin his' them., She eartently entreated to he el- ' loss, cod Jo, and Nth; she mom. w o w. regiment. An opportunity offering, he' lowed In see her 140111. which Wan retuned.' fay in the eiriregth of her 1/001.11 . 11 11011/, availed himself or the noon of Quesada, . All she mould obtain wan, that ne the morn . 'ankh named endowed with new Ills and wbp aomntandeld the shier division of she! row she should hear what was the elected.; power yet untried. Onesn's tweet Tbs parting with kis lola- :a. to his fame. That night she returned to The woo suffer, ailed roomy for her mem was "World to both, but fell of hope. !Queued., and, ere the morrow dawned, the. soa k, ... woo otto h e was ., of bee d e l,. H° loam k forward with all the ardor of • ; Inroad heart of O'Donnel, arm and nediml on g woo ls sot meet If e h e woo no , ..„,c,.. gong and Ohms spirit to the glories of' anyed in the hour of deed, had ceased mil ally et her bedside. The child seemed to alt." , INO.P.Iga i end she, with a girlish' hint r..• ,,, ! lose her as if she had neon known any pride nod affntion, to the laurels that ware From this lime a deep mystery barge care but hers, and no afeetion bat that of .... P... his brow. flhe Ming fondly on' over the fair of our heroine. Her name is; her mother. his nook, as the drummed trumpets sound.' not again mentioned in the annals of that/ I ..: • I ,F...... thin``: said L ao; ott hen has. and in the advanaineihmena the altrae,•maileng period. I had, I I simony t h an k yow . T ow h ow . that the marsh had s. tie tore le oh I The hither of 011onnet when he hoard I oorm m o o, go, I. gam bee maths°. i NV, with a atnggle, la bore wets set the tiding* of Ms son'. malansholy flea, ' fault.' sprang to hie home. He did not dare to' died ors broken heart. , To the setprise of all, little Limy began .... 4 • leak W 4", lest, might /kW Wt• l Jens 1. Umlaut. hem dim day, to exhibit symptoms el re- P __, .......„ 44...... .,_ _a• he ••• 04 .1 4 1 mieshafg strength. The pram,* of her '44, , late 4. the ...IP" . 4 11(.. , The 1 mother seemed le Inspire be with herb ••• P. 4 •4 4 .1 WI "MM. the Miran wit- A .... I . . fat d e , .I. had iip e inc its lay la Smarm and the sesineandar-le s4Sied, that' the pbydelm &slaved her "kr bed “"P"'d " 44 . 11 . IT the Vo l. ' eat oilmen% de-An all, through whisk winds the high .1 owe Goo lito tOO% Lamy,' andsimed re" .._ 194 . 41 .-, Th. 4 4.1. 1 . le dismal Wm., with morme k. o You h.. mmm g. on en moody, ee l then is a 1n... end ell her from the mina' extended team le the mar. 'Oda I then be with bee liseesfesth r ......" 4 .. 1 4 ".. 4 . 0 ... 44 wiM timidly imbed Kra illesibusy. senideme is hie keeps, awaited the soma . g o g u m pom g o g nomes : moommm g boas the Wild ebbe, by whim he bad William. ' I highs evereig I I teef 104 . 44 f 4 P. 4 . 4 4 ... P 4.• "....T.. aimed dist re ea re to a mother. 50r.. 1 7 14 1. 44 .... •••44._ by a 4 ... P. I. pp .mge o he h os pr oo g m ...... • moramsest she draw , wages WI We em 7 m o ds, o ggh mid* g *pp g o od grades widen. and Am ea ebsdesbe e Mow Elm Moe but idiii orillosolib Im early Athoi — twenwoo, ;1077,:er I *Tani. One eal,rm, enw year. • - 701/6 Yomiy kOvertnen will be rezirlded Igo thit be to wPolethwy awdaind NUMBER 46. !..1;:,N.J.,;ru5F5t0rriv,..0.i5i.....1.4 BASCOM'S BILOOOMMOS • 411walstry, with It. Its swim al dye pinata bowery, I teethe. that the mom Stunned In nits Ism.. et am! the Mak ashen whin the weath thsele losseeth Ids lath are beth ethepthed .f the owe ithalteal , meets seal,* ales that • elder ingtegMat I lismatese Is reboot Tiles Itet the barely breath of God peat smell tbe themeless et meth. sod bit he shil eighty Isms arystallee ism sew beauty. Is f the Ahalghtyfi s et. the thesatals naps huh tate hale gem, with • Ihette time mew wilenWet sees, eel slime the then ••Loth peedseiwil tke Impwilassil ell I===3l:=2l Una mown (12 line• m low) 3 iuwniwn, 8 1 2 6 Caen Wm.., • - Uos orate. J math.. • AN...1:W..11in. or far. Er The ruldiattent. haw* • lerp• WWI 1..11 of Job Ihtutittst Material+, an imputed to ttatmeshe 'all had. of SUB WORK with whilst. sad At. Th. fallog ing letter, it i• mid in Masasine, war sent by • ed literary lady, twenty years ago, to a friend in Now Sort, who was on the one el marriage. The letter. as will appear upon perm.). amompanied the pommel of a pair of blue hose, knit by the who'. own lingers. Ws admire the wit sad r .. 1 ~f the opiate; and remenmend it to thrum who are already martial, no mature how lung sine.; for it Is serer too lam MI learn. We annotend it alai to the wie uhor attention of cook yoang people se arm abut tr 3 log the experiment of matrimom; ha an experiment matrimony eertainly La And, mile.* 1 eople undertake hs anise !wieldy. and with some appreciation of the !importante of all &bingo— nu matter bow little gonna things are, isi which both par. ties are barmen d, it is quite likely to be, •, a eery di-.savable affair. Menthe. aal eVen years, are requital to amaatem new. ly.married people to earth Mbar i and set • few heart-burninga and unhappy days an =geed by) a disregard of tam, and a ma. lOU indiffefeall• to the wish.* and t h e pre. view habits and prepormesekten of the pas. ties. It I. folly towows shot the sbela ohms*, and disposition asap er somas rolli be Astra by trash" sot Sias ad Mornolza.szsi. Aod ; h . : sod bat will odrt tad pose wives, apples to acrd i ea Moo !then Ibis. They seem sad hot, tad no. I pi., td, whops, quint, le month of Ode haposibay, until expatieseit news ass Mtn .it., futility; sad, at lash settle doss, with the best mot they say, ht. a so. tool forbtoruteo, wbieh obey stOt hest emend tips ehoinibily la the foshitios. Ihneetsblp h all steeto—whisetty lo toe opt to WI a dash of timallte way to staid Ws ditiortelde Os to pro mos Ms pastels sad to sue of the iilays; ,, of I ..n ost, am 4y p IS yet dye.— bis sot by soy mow sod w- Medea 4o tbbanw. slow monk woad se. es" happlosse to Alsip el owe 0901155. Ilse rognine dot we eisobil ire* the esodeto sad lopplosa d ill steed me i sod that so skull mob photo ons by Mopertiog, mbar 0455 otes bun, sa ß . bun,w limplai rsador too hoe Woe will* *spin. ors Pax NA arum it Whir tbso so Poi Din deity ••••Ilaissigh yie will is.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers