• poofesikm—dNa oely testable it to make! MR. GROW'S YOUTH. I "T"E "''"'"'"'. .. lb. faithful Is: every trust an honed and coo:Ming s Th./treater Imt wools, maw out at a ir article, eon stn ear, might ph.. in hie bends; and arm him give it op. It is really maaw°F .....".' dnithe" .fled ander the above heed, Mating that Meows. Brown eluded by urging hir, eloctiou in Wrong and obis I. vein he ft...""Mmkm—implores— pate • eh , being pot forth by the Whip le defeat our; ww:Gers, Fong • al Cooler.. from this .oust- r e c.,. down hi. foot. Ple tia . ino . t. ha eternally ee ,,,, thieth. Ageeee , tee he ..., .. the eitheeethe. ,y, b. ..... b.i1y to rut I. that oottootty, on, Arr..... t.,......,5i.m...... forward ...W ./4 1 .4.1. W.. .• ...... b et : •• eft. mleion the .....y .robing .".3""I have that even had they any right to omit and make at o w oe , w Chia way we ounwrous Meads; and in weals quiet at home is order to stun, th e ie ., „ i . e . , lon (gr...., Mr. Grew I. much mooed norlastion, they violated their matroehons hi s usual eloquent ...„„ er ga „ e w e neon. which ' ‘,.././•___,P1..2./d, borne h e t * r ee "i „,„ e /i° T ee . ee it e ! .........3 . ......... his me... 8. , . iii om taking • man from Tiega county. That We , induced Inn, to eonsam Ist ' ths nee of Ins name; he sati ate ..t.......... .... .••••• •.• -- they, he is ties yeeng—TT he is A school-boy. ° ay. teguldray of Mr. thew'. nerniamse. should Wu.; de fi ned Ins 101•111011011011 the •• Free hoe (mew., g. and •at men ten stand the April . T . giros Periteu in, dear reader.. for nwieing.ch attack.: a r , questioned, and that nor Conf.... oboold b. !explienly and sm e ly w o r m ier, to .... e s eeie . @hews of feminine &erre.. ? fle way arlaM and throws down The money ."....• T".........0...0........"... h... " 10. occulted of duvet not .pest violation of their 10; pill 111111000100 demanded, hoping that some great ions by ;,".'h°,'°"`l"."Y they .'., " . .f" .. . ~ in to. , ' true, ... elmetions, we contr. 4,9(vyt r liela t eisrpriee. us.— Mr. Van Buren than came forward, and Ise She next en s—will turn of luck in `"' 6 .`• 0 . 1 ; • )..1!........ moo TO At our lost .0ver.... , C. 111 bens end C. Is..cominund,ag appraranee. striking ureter), and at his beelines—will make it up go him.— • naw .....' members r" . . 00 "Mn he:aid Mr. Brown Ewa, were appomted o Confereeemmeet tritellee 01,1 e, sous, wan We admonnes. of all 10. Perhaps it don't and this Inns feather hoe W ''''" • .." hot •/••• "''''. ad " '4•• Mr. f i ne Mho , Conk... rum Bradford en d Toga cool- [tweets um imiouid theme wee Me Prow., broken the elephant bark. Tito end, how- ••• ... oh. " h" 6101 'e el ' 1 " e e ''' in Cee e nee. Wes to put 111110111111101011 a candidata for Congress." and the uoble purl oar Itepresentutive in fangs.. ever, near or dint lo morally eertain — "..... a ! ••• .'"..." "' &e t" ... n "` .... They met aceordougly, and the remit of their de- 1,, acted wg i bet , .poke very i„,,,,,, of our . moo,. Whets our party wow: caromed they hod Treated always as a mine to be openeil at ~ ...,_ 0 ..... n.. .. .the ......... Mr. 1 . 0 ... Y -- 'oniololot, Mr. Grew, end urged the Beinnerm y MK he finally grows desperate and rumhes mf kV° of .aces.; h.."' they .1 .... We agree wtth the Register (het here a the oh. io TotopoTi him i and chased by giving the Mu,. n into reckless speotilttion, or bleeding erinie, 1 " th... " .• old i h " . " .. " . '"" d.n ` n." th"Y fad leer fur which they were appointed w'.. 11111111104 .1 set„ c re, f5..3,,, g , and ow, g oa d s w um to sh, and is overwhelmed with ruin. • Selfish ..1......../ agars, bane to,e re, .l'. Some g h '" «, leorg ao ,V,. L. was m ,hofi.o4; ton, when he Demos rase. In 0 gaol to Mr t:row we bonen,. Villain !"nay the ignorant crowd, hew could I rams old Dennwrotie 1101 q 111 united army, wth deebned, as any c.d./stokes all undoubted right. her one ...Mene« a'l one eisis!d have g,vea s, he .. " n.h • .. / /1 " .. •• 1 . " . . , hie•• "nn'enrenl.. In. ". "ffin cry end .story "' I. da.".. , Plain day ... a.. ogom.and nom- more. 114111101, 11141111 , orlllll 01111111 and nor, A !" No doubt of it! But if you .n.o. ~ 1.... b..... 11 , 0 ,, an. butte atho , P..... Now o m , •, 11 1 .. ,, ,. o°o r, r. Iron Mr. c GrewGrew 6, or.. ,10 11100 .1..,. 1 00 . 0 * OO. P•rb•P. you .....1 pity 44 . l lf M.. 6.• a )stems, e, .." T, .. '''' •"' ..pan se ' s cut se had been put in nominataeo,.veu and lais pot mania; I ; and 1 emilevtly hope t. N. Y. Trib.ne. l e e " , ' bon ' e " e" ' hnn.n " —sue "n" d " . n . "en. ' had m ..... vlsately r: fuwd lo accept it, none we nee hr.. .1.1,0. , , by 1 tII.b II I I . , oar to .• a . , .. my. !learned sod ',do I nearly every election day -- -suppose. not men the Register, would bare gm.- About hoe 101 l a cab, a... address, d to We ft. ein " "" ‘"g e "'" .. " nr " ' n g n ‘"""" . " . * " ' en ....a or. norr r•r dr., r,ror roorr•rrr•r rr:orr ro• rr- —rare, r•ry mop, •,...illy a 11.'' ,: rrr, •• yrr _....-: i short 1.... n. easily learned by the whir, sod fa. ... ,....4 g 5... ...„.... Bat we no ow ibllerenee slunk 31.. Wilmot tws don, v von • ni •!.. Item. "' l ' d ' h " e " . " 'illy"' en'' II " . en" "nen hymn" in ihe tiro ono,. oo for es therr authority to set 01 ban en; a, on 11.10. Ifs I Troy ...,,,0100.. I L WILMOT'S DECLIXATION. ',',.,7;":„`,7 d .0ri.*.., 1 .."..." 1 ::".:.',i,', h .,7,- 1t.7." . .. - .,7,;:::::. '7,.;`,;.•:11,g:i7:1;-,",:',;;',":1'1.;:,..'";,7 i ',",',.,',' i L.. ~...y In .....0...—...d... -....y..., Wet wools: allow lio ohm° to bo used, end u iii i 0111..4 0111 1./ i 101 101.. r 10,, 1.,' I 0 . , o ' o 0 ... 0 00 .: . • a'. 0.,,0 it a . '" ....r V . owl if 31r. thew khould decline bunominalism. re', • r 1,.. n l " m Y a °"' "'"' k """ ... '" .°,lo° " I '''' their only cam. would hero meet ahem the thud Messrs. Wilmot and Lowrey have left the field 0 ., and 31r. Goat h. hews nommated. It le well A . r. „ ..„.... g . „. g „.„ ...., i..g„.., eig h t „„. • known that Mr. Wilmot both In Ins pithhe wiarew dor .„„ 0 .„.......„„. „ „„„„......, . „„„ g 0... ,me and preen. conversation ; explicitly deelered g ... „....., . . r .......,..., „„ r „ ........ „.., ... ... g. Ono he bad no pl., ~, , ,,01 maw,. in tittering the g „ ....,„ „„........„ r „., gg „ ...„ 4. „ „..„„ 10001;01; awl BIM his private feeling. were averse 0 , 31 ,.. (r .„„ . .5. g„.„„ rued, „....,.,...„. „„„, . . bomil ° ".."' 4 ... : that h" 4`"••••''' 0 .'.' th r 0d..10111111. 10.1.. 4 had ..an aho cenial 1111110 11111 Benno raise pity united, and weak: leave the t.. 011. sad a a w to hiss end that Mr. 1. &ohne& field etany tw e when 31r Lowrey should wis.... ... h- . g ,.. .... gr ....„ g„ ..... 0 „ . „ 0. Ile. i.g.„.., had drug, owl u in us could be loom' "',lles to.: . • hwea ~,ad.. tin ir iiivtriletwis were fa, complied who had a...). h 0.,, a •"•I•PerWr of ". " p . " wait, mil an mi ~, ha, d ebnabon, Tiege had pre wsd olio nos otherawe a comid and row „ rrr 0 „,,,,, oo „ r „,.., ro , o , o,00rro„,„, THE DEMOC IMo====l ==:3T! Irborlday, October S. IRMO teedealleat. WWC• ksst. oNsupalosr•, Ll ' l3ll MORISON, • • TTTTTTTT 0.1,1111 FOR •rOITOR GENERAL, CPURAIIIII BANKS, J. PORTER BRAWLEY FOR COVARM. GAR:VARA A. I GROW, St 14.1 . .. !INA 01 Nflt UEOROE fAryoEttBoN, tird trp• &p.p. I drpm, h.g t.-.llprp, „r M. Warp, pg &nit ty procr.,pl to N', Ilphpor'. *simile County NOlllinilliollll , -.• wh... the ~ ..reme....., ,P 4 1 1 1. lturnte, 111rdearrl p,rtp 'frog, um, part. rl, um% tooth„ , with Mr. Wane Iteckhow, of Soso. to. r, .nrd Ipptleclittatrop, tstrich wap per, pt. 4. Merrry, Jr.. 11111rWjOrrffill to. .rd, 14..,v reuropeprPutly ppprprzor 1.. Por , rormtPttPPPP. .unael Mosock, of Herrick. Ilnitock. of !Montrose. Illansibra, .f 'llesesson. seine, of newton. tn. Ye 1810 • gt,, • . ", toll a an.tt of 31r. we, rarrao ...... npi " The ,„ „ 55 1, eutte,oirney, or wool et oh, oliret to ,frat plat. th . Neer. to o., , fie t, o . coptes of the Demo. Leh en r , .Lth rahrahroe aarely fonorlin the poet.' comm.." mnbloore of troth. be tom!. teroo le In e. fit, too , 0., 111. , .117 ,‘llll.ll sae. Vatter tha present 01,[111.11.11C1.• we, Fop- rY ,t, on , pan ear eorrelloodent chooser, to horn et moth. wt.. , we ou L'oe'ott .to.rt mei 4,l,t,e.tie Wit The pen that traced evelentl) nee %V. flunk we rum uttf , t, 553 lb th 111 tie* hou able howls, .nd we hope me ere/Mien e /nay of the 5.0-,„o O. hasi roothlottell more to the War ban that "Democrat .. agant. Th e hate, r Steceeeof etw parly n„.l 0. vroir.pre.for. the poet la ammo. 11l acanuont.ove, we Irmo he well few 1, too item grow : I.r f. o troleeLl, if noy, given. We name twat tides. ' t.• 1.1,140 tnlrno 15111 l rum" of it!! part .t.. 0 ke DEMOdRATS, lu 11,6 r intent.. . TI TAE POLLS ! TO TOE POLLS ! U.l vt rt h.rh he has 0, I:== =l= potaciphe at the ballet hes. Year after year ,m, agriculture! porsocs. lb., brim there:met mid nobly triumphed over the ememme nes never eimpict.— emeamm face of Mamoru.° meager., Thct liesid a ICIIII/11X WI, o reencrk a day or two tame Imet la mew le be met amain and nailer , ene. that o el e+ the lee, evereeenotteen eh+ Ileteere+ mantelasem that Wpm...rely demand all yonr cr.. Imo err+ mode ex 11r, elecole,C Ilan) an. lb mined Them to us doubt az to the Men to h, support. Smomelietion mina roll up of We Whir They om h.. , o'etioY Fl rrEcx N' I IRIIII 31 AJOIII ry for the .01 Imeerdei ited the! will ...life ltol m focoft men frech fr o m the ranks of her endomitchb Ito to the meet &operate meimeree to achieve moerae). to when. 11, I. endeared by all the nee Tito& hoo hen ill"fioo of Moo , imPiotoo& ef sympathy and ....Inhere. The mem Democrats... . ' herfer a ::= l" .i troje ". rily in the Mate Senate. lOTE TOE TICKET I tally Ora L• 1 111 ..... th. Wl.ill* ran fidldinlf wdl. The Centre.* Treataun hag ranked go miteh 1u ....p.rw1i.w. Go t. Hug. in 'se pregeni contr.., Ilmt we har .4110 Ta. 1 i 61 . .... may gn 'ra Poll., drag on ihal 11 1 3.11i011 merely aw Lures nn nn " raid go raw ',grader..., Ira nor dee he the ear, it. U. B. ad 0 . ,.. In Om Oralln.nenni Di. Recoiled'. pan your lore rimy depend the goe. Mal every lowans fair and mod will be pal ;nth. c.m i dnle.. 'h.„ „;;;;.., &dad , Me. On"' "en wradr7 name,,. Onunn her to rut, • gong THE ENTIRE 111.310- gf Ow twelfth Illiatriel will yn. adbenit here- eft , T , c TH eller to be mpreecelod i• Common by • Whig AROUSE TEEN IN YOUR ADMIT, end; SPURIOUS' 11ChET6 . .11 op • geed D•1•00F•110 VOTE. Etl'S(dll , E. Ticket. purporting to he reg.4r Ime e m e n e HANNA COUNTY MUST NOT trrOl. • sre in rondos... for eireothimn. %V. h••• WY,. • I ,RHORTOF FIFTEEN HUNDRED MAJOR- oomph, emotive.. Some have the Demeennic ITT. Lot we ammo be doomed mllleient to nominees for Stale officers in regular order, sad keep ye. bete the poll. Go yeurselvee ;lake 'JOON C. AD MS, Til K NOISINF.E, Tem tmete,mel carry &Weser Democratic neigh- FOR CON DRESS; and ELIIANAN I.llrr at .wel. that out go otherwise. lithe weether elmeld FOR SENATOR. Others hews the Democrat. be Imlemeel lot it cot deter ye., ler the Whigs le and IS hie embitters for Mem end Cranny DM eeSelely be es the groomed treachery, PIOT ems ..needy mooed totrether Arty le yew primdplet end your .nosy end all, . Leek well to your tickets for every effort will be Abe men. :need* to deceive. Com top, near the pelt, mate - .otter entree containing the I)enmersite tm- BE WARNED! , name in Imo type, et that ell may compere their A •if••••• sill neetk le ludo.. Dente- tickets, before 'mien. ON me levels et el/ m emendv---• wee. ow to vow et al/ tw tho wooothowo t to Oro theowhatioo. Oleg to the people thp , w BE Oh YOUR GUARD. art Ik. Joepre, whom they ewe. howittlw Met., A semi, with Mr. Wilma. mime for Comprem— oMli I. nar t i r ia..hio. will MM I.llf I. TM Whig" holt 1.11.171. Dew.: tloy of denim We own. •mmiM mu* 10 nowt I. M. a INIMIIM M “.eh it this cowl, I bet mom wM u 7 we.. owl 11.1. oro Int will ho edpik .11. I. owed Mw to woototurt mob lolloonito A.h e M r wiltholl Wet wow.). Law AT he Whew redwood Woo N.M. Let wary owe Ito Tt. .awa... ".wietY two. woos MM he poem. ow Mk "motion ; for to lb. pew ..re thet ......... M Mow. wol .1... Mon,' ph. Merriam Wage IM 11111 to way. What Yellel/We M TM Itallotebox. i m p 1 .611ATIPS AID INIMIMMOWERWAMOWEL MGM I AA we ham murk*/ M ...lbw Mono. Oho were wawmpolowo @Moto ant Wog pet Moth to HOPE emu us OK jaw., motliihtto Illowolor., nom MI magma of do DWI.. In iho moo Again 10211111 pro of Oho oodoolooon rod wooloolty Milt oomlowloo of I. m.. ro*rdr The Mule of the Dmoomy of Is Oahu km Ib. 4161.4166 MIL Wry. 1166446/16wienom, 411 "41.4 666,1 hair 16666111 lam. 144 t I. .41. 41 % 04, km se me Mw Wow 116161466 16661114 hub 46 Ye bon Am hip d 1146661 66. pew he Yr 66644 4me 116616 TAM /4. 4 , 11, MK 1466 6/6444141.80W ma ••••• 661. 114 proir ammt 4 In Donmanwils psety. 0 .. smold %Rh 1/6666. h 41411 r 44 AN rot 44.44•1 461 6/411. •I Yew 6t 6411:y- able Il••nracral Several weren,en eaggested. and I amen, Obeli. Mr. Ctrow. %Vilanott at once cnn r.•l in leave the field for till. knowing that he Irn•1 • vet been the nun. nail earls st eelsot en et the great garotte,. at( Free.lent Mr itlrthe .t.t etternlterh and unit , to. tl ton.. .pr e•. 1...11111- I hn. If by that p.n, eithl In meted. ns the 1...5t culp a.. far 1113 ut. ir wenn, Iu la the lwatto 11. - tit , 11r. form han am. par...mat onsl I,J'..`. 1..11 p trio. 11, olloag to rt. 2re..1 prawyto fur lot I. he Imo eon low., goat waled Awl nn me how stl, bah.. ve thal thermorealt, hot ...to °raw. la thin ohotriat ,1,11 the opttnin. of :ohm at. dlll,ol W all riktA lIIKAIIIII. lll= =l=l N•rr wee • me prated mien reie Uwe I ; wide h may be emeoled it hem the I.: Y• 1 be le t•• • the mut, dine red meet ow thy re the I=l wry dmoonkt, wihki woman •w the Wm. Awns ollbWo se IN whip Whine Mom Oho Mho yew wWwl omen, ilmowalft he Now We Wow Wm pobobly &gel& die Neale. Ns U. 01. Iles ohw. Sikes lisealmr arl Wirstmy w ordilialm Ikrninswine No to we. wbdy unrop. SenAlle. Plar me WWI di imalsr• la my .4. loft apirt Sok Wwlr elility. Ow doped a p l o r . o lft no • m • % •da The W a oMOthe I orMab WAN. Thar ulver ruuld oesh b. allhalerl by a urea fr tar,. um. • a u ar alu. X .111auJ rarr luail en u.a au: ..• h r oh. ahlua Prraun ,t and r.tt ,arit a ~t,s,l IA 4 A liroa,. twt,l ;.lid Ilina Ira Irrrimphiort .jont dy • f 144 P,, Confere, I: rm., sslorlo Reg.., or hoe v. In the naarnattat a NI. Glow me tla. I. lilt IS L 41, nit ora.o btr-lten tattlifolls at Illill“11.111 1 DIotor prepooll uhl: Coo, im. Mr W !Iwo, vorceell, wdl,ngm alu ' lko• clitn r . tl,. iminglg or It,r Un ri. Olin from tii, hr Grow. 11,11 11., lan ~,,,, .11 tln rnJ cif 11... I', mv, mud of dm. in ilk. gik nimigelv r, .in , . I. 'l'll.. outdid. t of NI II toot to can...wwl uo I now r.. rt Denim rt.. iloc coo it• will ler mill, /ho, Ito town, il, r. lloly hour. errata, nestllrow ill be a mood cod ill op el enles tt bolt olio Na' 11.. oe. ur 1 . 111 , 100,1 r tbittol twoilou,l lobo two of dm Sol rat st. Poo • I ; coal hran..l Thal itt. opporl In ay trill unard siull our r,dly cher,hul lalent mill Ire Id. ro , elom lir No Then U• 11:t DUTY. Thin is • contest hi. tween end Democrat lieln.sen principles tee all love, MO thee. WO hate Then. Dentit. \S... t•i• 11.•....1 ARIA ‘1:1 TIM POLL, 1.1.111 ~.or (Aver. met. yoor pritir.plew unel Fraud! Fraud!! Fraud!!! Just as tat. art. going to prom at learn that ether thtina of WI. final... i. font. 1111P1,01,T; . 1,11 , ono T;111; IPII,IO, \ , th 01.1 e ohtv of eterttoo, in order to ahow olio solllerent s ~,,, sla r of Memnon.. noruwor ens Itsrevioa or MR. Austto Annie we Pay, Mr Wilmot a mt. tax or /I C;011 , 11.11, end whoa thing is a Whig grotto to elect Adams. lived reus of then wily Renvo,only to diva thew tote whittle such .condo, deserves.— They are lightin ovrosternoso g now wnh destadation and 11111 not heystate to resort to dropetate htesseureo to ne. eumphalt the object. Cook anti whirr rat teeartru. Matteis: eon 41 the amwty maielmted by the Whig. to keep the ranks al Democratic party from uniting harmoinomly. As Malt as it became known her that Mr. M ihnut was about to dacha. la Nem of Mr. lima 1111 l were diedispatchedto 'Cuvranda who pere,nplori:y m t o . r.o Ma. Antos roe ECLITE r mitt am. WIIIG• mono tro mete Ma. Wtawoo r nod Pim keep oar party distr o acted. Mammal. Mr. Wiliam would Raver cement to kw • party to welt au arrange meal Istrll,ll shoves the IWid and hearth. schemes that the Whip are reedy to awed to, in eater It. defeat deo Demo...lle party. This is ne guava weak fer W. kW/. Mr. Adam.' awn deelaraliea la that ellgeol. Mr. Adana indipototly ,dual lode ry melt thin. a. every heraereble awe would. Selmore an new all ever lie Distriot. eaw. alt have nary wawa le Itelipe. wane MI plat I. earry out thair Phalltured papaw Rentalat taro m your Gape. Detroverateowd treat them be • unaldiflren hatrirrl. HON. JOHN VAN .BUREN. Ma VIM so ffinssimlostssna Count, Ilelanky WI. tbs mph se this Owaty mos faysoyd with • Mt hso• this Dohitosithod mw st M Irs•girs Moto. He smog is oomph. me Mk w imitstisa 6••• Ds MusD d Hs SIMI Most os MM. Ds psi pis sf Ml. Ow. y. asil missal Ds ABMs me M Dmosessy Ois Olostst. A Mao DhotiSsog was* 'hwmdisdlmol los Ds noseaMme we In ssallilsios diseftsd t ml D. Elmo pasesd Is •••thooMat Mew/ ea that masks mo W. • N.. 41.4 6o roma mist Iste Miss se lits Mismismits 0••••••••• D. MD* Ms addressed tits mititedo ; wd is • ossit die t osiMostm mom. gays his mom ibr YAM', Omar Mt I. holdt is his hotter Is iDo pm& st Dot Dhisist. H. ampulla Itesottly Os dos maftsilho d 111 6 Mem ss . 1••• Mow Do Imo, misl ips• Irmilimmille I Ismo se MAD' pIYSM !a imed" rood 011.0 k, ODD' or .em* mil' =EDE= tlt • .11,1111,1tInil• • • 111 • t, t I {Mt AN I ZE, nod Ihtll lir r CPI r i p o. mill slirely .1;11.0." 11.111 ..101 al; em:usks ko , hip : Lave er :I, govt. g tho 1111,1(Ill • It • ,or 01. a . .14 Irl or New York's nualmost eon, Le lus I III" N• I%F: • I. tus 'IYI ELECTION, •• It lIN ;,• ,1:11.II you ‘ttrit: t, 1,1:,10,11A ric TICk I: I', I Ir. taw .I.,rotttt •.tt. 111.11 i.. %, $l. Ittr tin It. A for da). utihn,eJ wrought t.. the Lielu.ol eta, cxeittlotl . 7. 0.11 tl.r.v atr:ite 31:1 sti .1 10101, na,e bole awl t re, I+ . 4. ht nr.l the .iste.tts lil, .1 ht•Ti 011...1.1.1) Had., that 8,0 t .0.1. 11, , polar s 1100 ,‘ t : •r reason. I tte ptegilat,t. it.on. tool C 0111111.6 ...0,11:1 1 • e avtttaly,:tr--• • lit ; ••, fa r 1' tlw j1 , 1i,• R, ,•. I t d • , tit ptinrn, I 1..111 it Lo 1.1114 alv,u,' m, 1,1,1 111,11 r v.. t•1re,4,3 I,y t ~• vir,lwioN.'' Itt the G., I Inru.Ll, tl infl”oloce of such ..xeztemo , tit lo, one who t he io.a , :111.1 , 1111, I I . lilr 00, mon w,. I. I, lots .• I result., ~111 L ' o Into 1, ,,, ,TCir 4 . In of its w..:l“SFat , —ate, ii, .11 vt.. .1t of 1., 1, full Mika str,lgly spit .1111 V c.,l.futl °Tory. The people, in tai. District, hare Inhen stand, such as they Inge nver taken Le• lore, urn the irri dont n territory, and though a •. MCA —of enndielatralso,l,cen &et ed, rep lunch In the ili-app ii 'lntent et some or the friel,ds et ^ Fro• Soil," 151 princiPh h , tr , not, and they nercr will be prom i..“.•41, . . by the eitis.rns nt thim 1r..0 t Yes, we ore co. G.lvnt, that tho Obi innvemsnt will be n greater and ni laq bug tibunph flr the isineiplsi sdly.,ents I by Ills. Wibnnt than enuld, hove been gained by his remaining In the 11.1-1 Had he continued to run, as a candidate, and bean defeated in hie election, cing identified, as he in, as one of 1110 Ira e. in the great "free n ar struggle, iii, I feat would have been almost a death blow, as tar m thin diet jet is concerned, to the principles involved in' that straggle And 'en victory, nailer the eirentwrattem, tem ve ild have gaiited hat little for the mum. Having already, tor three saecessive terms, been elected to a twat in Conc..; anti. 'to ice teturiteo, over two opposing dates, by an overwhelming mnl wity of voices,—too say, under Ibis state of things, returning 31r. Wilmot again to of imam 'al councils, would coiner, at the bosh, only all attachment to the man, which is by fir len wottby of thia intelligent Rolllll,lio. than that strong and ardent devotion to principle which looks upon men only on the 11100116 fur the att.tiamont of great and Om rioas ends. That we prowss ibis devotion to prinei. I p 1 —that we arc, at heart, the friend" orl freedom, and not more nien-worsinpore, we cannot morn successfully demonstrate than by bringing forward a new man, to repro. rent our feelings, end Sentiment,. who ha. !always, from tbweemmeneement of his po ideal coarse, been right and with us, upon a Iv ettiorn in it. infinenee and bearing, so intimately invelwei in the inswing WM inch a uu4 we be.re in our present annalist. for Congress, O. A. Urow,,Ent. He las always been the edentate end ire Atuppetter of the principles of the •• Wilmot Proviso,. as applied ea r .the territerier of the Calm, ma well as Wilmot's .are a Mesa; whom be has one nest *ably we- Weed Wee brought twined es the Mood , and beam of the Owwwatle Party ; at ail lbw sad Is all plartse—all the ballet-boa. and upon the •• etnesp," malting Free Soil" sad the o PrenUe , the Mahe cry. Of the polities! principle., and sanding, then, of Tle. Ore., that use be en doubt; and, that be will fhltblislly sorry out thews poleelpbe, we haw Ida ow while &Wm, Mew, se.orell es WI reetheiwe al ON Straw Wish weehrewl bire, robleh be bee ollewhy eedemei. fie ie the mem, the pOr abeedpin f lead ebbs We law osw alhde e. le - manly taunts, thrown out upon hie you eP. 14 —We kale that to-day, about I As We AIo. snob as the "school boy Grow," "a youth M., • " Bargain out Sole" was effected be- e When steeds apse, wise men just out or his teens," and the like, ou le- tween Wil ~,,, t stud Lowrey, hoo k wgi,k Pot en thea cloaks • ply is needed. One Oleg wo are sure of, ing Iron, the field, and a gentlemen named Th. e"... hue eheoird. nod with it a* io te d - ~,, n r os d 1, ~„. , m ,i,,,, f„ r ‘ 1“, ~,k , ,,,,, Low.. 11. Fall . the candidates of the dire, Is thet tho youth, who has of Ist, arough (11,00 ~f Susquehoono, “onitaitt din their n ame- 110 e. Date e" J." , the 001“1111111 of the Register, freely in this hied a assault, however pre- belonging to i 'their the Vice Soil or Flunk- .." " eeli .t. 01 th' , Danonriain P."). h. , * !date hoe loon nemiusted. We refer the melons he may be, will get to Le quite old er party, to say whctio r a ton nue- pullern . withd'e". ie.. the Bad. nod • tete , *inniii enoligh before the people of this district shell meet together, without their consent, will send him to Congress and bargain Mimi of no cattle in a ma, rcader to the proceedings of the Congi.. - VAN IkIIEN FltrE SOIL. !11, to the highisi lii.likr. We trust that !men_,.. Conference to be found in auother •.. • • ... ' itical end LETTER FROLI part . 00lar into...rust represent . ed, by the re lION. WILMOI apre,,kve rruhdat. now withdrawn, IN so 11 " .. 01l model stood that ow rater.. need b. • The) have sold y. tl 0,01 and hod, loot the as torch was the candidate of ono wing of Dietrich . hirer/is,. To People of 111th l'onurrdeard price 100, out yet leaked o" 11 - ellshoro )1 . r. ) .. ,• ae , t hat Detuortotie party, when both ocutunsa Towouo.t, Seri. DT, 'CA.d thonwelves upon the came pTioeiplea r Li: w oo; t , i s o 2l o 0...0 sit hot sein Continued dieiaioo woo : thu tolul at Welk]. 0 out the 25th bobtail', " Fleconco," that is, demo rati Loco berm • ss•ld n curie in the o fieconen, nirenter. Mr. Wit. that I am no lousier a condidate . fur Goo. emit you 0110 01 the 6 , 5000101 u al ,our sport, loon lo „ o or time . , undue dm... Igtess. It is pooper that the piddle *hood) s, aud meet, iu looloolf of tho Como ) atm. oa. aflio mod that ho had no peraoool to, tully ititutincil of tho reasons ulti..ll loaCo Whop, who have boon cheated out ofro„, e ,b n i„„ or w gre, in b e i ng gn i. ,""r coating too your 5 " . " , el woo,' to Coogreso, that, whenever ..we ar IL m , ado kllnWn to 11.401'th:tools with toe: •• Titiga's (tights . ' all Lit once or alt-ibould he brought into the geld who would oh., Ito can reopontleace arm the Nub. los our 000 f. geueou a alai soo,itive 11 . 10, .„ . .s , 0 , 4, o „ d d „, tog , ro . • , hi. • t 0,. desire to frituale But. grotto uuu. Coon, if :sr In e w uld otend aside— • " 0. urr, 0 00 01 1011 toll it riultt to, adopt while Mr. I, V, 1,111,12 ul.he , ,itiun was ad. 000 too thou of No W, wao a candidata. It:.der this ,t:11 of meta that the l ula 01 le.th candid:woo foaled around 00 moo V, le le port; mild oh:, 11.4 ohit tlii.y 000ld pin •' H,,,,1,11 over tl.rir ro tutiori foe, Whip/eq. Ity o ett of union, the Cionrenge• of. 1,41.11,1 ma al .1 Bradford. noel booth aorta ho the, uod., mat tot Welleboro on the 210110 Deal I a, log the watt ton deltic.- I of luali en:Aitl., St.:A ui theta, pro 'o uo olod too o' , . iet. wl en GALIIMA A. 110.000, Sotropooloanna comity, was andiiiiiidiNln ruminated A 1.1•IrotOt of I.lineipli Z.l l'lbi duty.. and Mr. WO o ,00r c or. 0, , ao,o. r) lineation fully . • „ • eu ;- mlidute ..211 I th..iigli I - ti u .1e- 310 . of 111.“•!1,•1.1 col", ant( ha, 'rr." l ". 6 . , r 00 4 0 ., 00. 1 0 r I, oothe toio- up 0 "'", . W. h , ' a. Onui, IA Freed , . up..a which tlent.wra- bat 111.11 a I:at ,r , ey ~1 Oar 111.triet •Wo.l awl but ilod e , .t,„. at 1., e th, •• 0.1 i.e. ' t!wt roar p.nrs. n Iro du) f- .. 0, tl led a, Ira t • ter 1111) 111.1111i1t1 , i,11 1 ,I , ltell the emus! of I t"-I,h. r ) lid: tte...tes' hoe fer the porpta, ',Ai) with, nn 1 tolarest.ieg its pen ple. tly UM. flaillWeli ow, tilling the at. G. A. 0110 W; mir Intiodlidate tooshlt , re with Its.,e awl green.ll,s el.or,es tor CottArcww ihtegrit y, soil line polity of te.t. klnJwing something in ,1.111.4. to M, t; gnu-, I ni..l tho ellarge that I wa+ r. b gugg „ u ,, Iny ~ o urBo h, hAs. selikh. , :ss th,. demo..latio ,gmlnla, I. r C ng. uthition. That I was all 111iprill,1!.k.i 14'111- )1n vogue, go, tr,ell by tn. c..,11.1g, of win• while in ',active raWooll au oug tht only i rat wi. ,, l‘ a Inbt in fli,. Slav, for natural shilg): leg tl Coogre-s agn..g n.l Atengill ai ml urun- tlmt i cored tor ti• thing bet,lent vuut But by a een•tote 1,1,1 m.weati..l mu is. 111) ttt tliret% eti t,, ts • .11, 11111 11.11,1111, 14 , 1111 , 11 t aril • . mut 1,, t: at ~.. ta • . I , udd'..tel uoi , u •m• 'Lc Ibir. J.tel ...tit. a I. tl. •qtt,, I: a I im.l u'ee` l r,,u ." ,• I !. a ,„ l 1.• i r 112 1 . It_ t t l t “ . 111 I 1 1111 1 11114•11,\ t't• i• .1 11 .11 . tt Ul' lll7l 1111 11,11 I 1 t•, 1.. t... Llu I ao, heel tey • ••-• t•• me %viler, ver t•• mei t .t 1,1.1•1. ,!, •• .ti . 1. !.eug A it] t'll2 lit'Ll---1•11, 1111.1' 1.1,121.1 I'llll. ittlt 4...1,'•1t i•,ultt u 1.,. kit te..l h.ettb. e• ...re the Lama., 111 um. !elm ..\ VI, IT laul I ' Olt 111111'0 Ili, 1 , 3 11 , t . t • tll3rt 141 , • 11.iti • 1I 1 l iL.o " cil!.l l - I ,„, t .77.1 a;',:,.111.1.1.. LI .tr,. 1,1:1( , „ J, vairr~ 11,1, WWI rill lilt, '•. 11 . 11 . 0 1,.•.!11 1 t rt I .. Ithtonutv tl r oto tiris II r 14 11,4 tor st U•N .11 11 , I 1,11 . 1.11., :I 1.1 1 l‘lt•,‘ I. 111 Ir ' , l ' I 11 1 11.• . . , ..... i.., :hot r 11l he Lithe tit:Amer . • 1 .• 1 h. voti: !I . d• •,1 ll' .la very is S' t.• P.to.•r. 1 ''''' " in" - 'id ,ml r i 'll'e --I ' '''' '"- ... og:it 0 t .t.t..7.1. .1 I.s .... .t.. 1 thos 11" , 'II.. Dem, -IC • 1 ntly nowt I.the our o eli led in obedieneo to the ',oldie awl 4 11'111 . w. , ,, ,. ~0 . , ~,,, ~ 00m, ~,,, ~,0 , ,,0 ; , io . Tho ~,„.„ },,,. , 0,. o , ~... To,i oior sill, ''''' .r.'"''' "' 'Lln I "".'" i" "' "' M.. '" , ~ I. ii, CI .•1. .i•t _.. I / ,Le IV' i , .it'- :1-1% t. , t / ~ tI, , 1 I'lar test& here, Amer ,— ti/ rite I i 'i I d, Ittol wide'. I felt it net0n......:. ~,,,,,,,,, ot , i.b. ~,..,: 'ttr• o .t ..11, Not llt ah nAlI' t hat they to tal.e to Aida' Tn.? ...11• from the im'a• d .... ...n o , , i „ g .,,.,, n i, g•mtetimes eked, Will ooto t te1.... er prin. iples a+ their rallying 'td in.s a' d'H'ititit find r' kinirn'l :di' inn' 1 : not n p ytt .te of the Witi, rot r, wit .ory, cr 1 hole power will p...+ out of their woo ft"'" it ' ni'l"Thnn-id". ofd ''''''"d•,' r ! mot ? Wt. answer, nowt ettaphatie..ll?, No. head, Renee:or:ll, no now, mitt ir nomina wne it''' On't. 'lea . .'" or ." ..; -e; ';' 11 . 1,, st.ould the) I Irbeet Aare the whip. ii.,, r• in he no contr.:l ol 1.3 the resistlem dl .foot bad bow loot Weide, I arldd 101% V to ,coin by obb, , bar it .„ „bb b „ Ant i- f 4 lat cry ..ettt m.o. o .u r eottatry, met it ,nth che..rfolness in the 11l i l irt of my ...0., Ibletterme. is it lOW for you to that inaction at the polls would he culla friends. ' null, good 1,..• t t thin 11110,iAln argument. Itle, 0101 to col 1. at thou would Ira oar du ' I.`, the present °tuella.. t r L1A , 5... : . If mt... w hi g , h a d nothing to gain by voting ty. The, limy be iattlaied__ for Willi. t. you hare nothing to gain by where we. nnald rot do it : hit ITUrt i re . t, doer Mr. Grow one Ins fri•mel, ore r.. the • lewd dt . ..trneralmnible. II" l'°n n' l r "'l . " ruling ..flor• Adams; our by taxying to m 'Mt lb: 1111 l ct alio party of the country. will 't„ occupy hie L as, rttititn. Ile io n , hr‘ f, .,... , he the Libertylarty, taro log out the great . , gotta.... of Intl. ia" , v.i.i • an d l • ''''' • r • a ' ' l 311 • Adam, is n whip— Mr. Grow is .1' reform o Hellwe yr. jt eft.). I have full toonfidmoo that he will not ho- 'den ocrat. Mr MOlll. is n high Tat iff nod • While the Whig party Las many good • trey the trust %tide'. on hoover people may 'goo. lethal advocate— Mr Grow is in fever and true emu, yet we cannot look to it es plaec in his ha•al+ , I , ' , ,' of 1110 rOVOIIOO tariff net of 18411, and op- 00 i..t.trontent t f reform. Bring In the Pin gout "'HI' " 1 n rTrda 'n not Tn "'" poeetl ut legielating eaclotdve priviledge. minority, it. policy Lax ever been to y pp ra It Iran th at h ad?". '..." r i d g id ) in ' Tr- and benefits to tbe “pitaliete. Ilr. Adam. whatever the tht.binant party ma do, eat 'able'. over had ' a...dr. "' a .a," u " . " - ' wool.' throw his influence and atrength into right or wrong—to mite any pretest thet mmii en , attrrniainrrd it l'''''... 7'..". n "'„' o c lap of a Fillmore atlmittietration—Mr. t mooed to proud° a t antseese,— dn'llarn'T and l'indrn r ' r d ' dr. :N . ' r. "" Grow would 1...b1y stand up againw. the in- Fwd it has wanted that steady adherents, •••thri will not he ended, "" ill ""‘. or Li " , . m juries wide!, unecrupulous Galphinites wood I ' to a principle until it tolumpbs. Widah ha. Ain' of the pro. , 1.1;;. 4 "Is rie'il . '. " "; 1 tuult In indict upon the.people. If Mr. always charade. lard the icier pasty, and Freedom or Slaver y a :all be overborne.— Adam. in elected, the ever Deenocratie width alone can secure our trust. The Peep.e of power in Ibis Government ' Xllth Congressional Distriot will be pros- There is till room here to addaii the will be wielded by the Slave interests, no- , hotted and humbled, and ton thousand de- proof. of the mumbles. of them rowel Ire. Ire.ih• fret 'a"... of al' . . adar l '"'" nd i voters tie vote of Tinge Bradford, and !view.; het they stand out io boldly e• the their right., and take their institution. into sthethebethe deptieed o_ p an e . t inflate. in' lace ot the country, that every km their own bends. D. WILMOT. I the national councils. If Mr. Grow is , sad unprejudiced mind will 'o'o=l . Wlthg aymamitt.T. ' elected, this Distal* en long the political. beyond question. I , cynosure of Penosylesnia, will be still snore Now, my fellow altiseos, with whom I 0 " 0 , wite ,P nt"h v is. " 7;7l. h' e....m r lerl l anmain b.a Y, "tioaspiouous in the denmeratitthoostellation, have aloud and aeted in Hamad trial, ' to, poor Cows , what maitre you wonder. 'and will retain her present mighty 101 l when our truth was both • diagram and • Ter.. Denson TA amber .. " I the halls et leglantion, danger,—to wk.. I men endeared by those The Whip are, ..•;) ar a Pt ia !',ll Mat, Mem, &one the Democrats to via , Moe which eudh a relatios creates, tat you irigh lb. " d...PF".....” ..,....... ~...„'"..1 by, tooting for Aden./ Let not your ar- I submit whether we may net nom nos -.4a....t Barno•reen i v. J. ...y i d., ..4.„. year ...„0. lip Do not aa interstice at the 41.115, as Ravens to Elli. a " aai So gal " 4 ' l Tha i , ilhaa ..., 0 v."; , tamely sit down sea kw. ever sets that ~7 , ~ ,d,,,, we gop,,,,;th, the methy aall,..ittedg horror , . . ,. t .. . r ... t ab. e a e r a ' ethp 'r it r ee a b a te ' 1 Ne h. pe .. .t i , , e i n . a , and prospeet ~ ,ii. s a t , h i st fo a r re th bL a ghted o 6 . s .paernty, of ba ri llotL iple le b t a b t le a l . .... k. no w atandm iu. oh ; D••••.••• _.„/". ',_.' ba ,___ r a .l ....,"'" l Th." and , the watchword for Dements. Jump to i men to tarry on to mire triumph, the very illmetthr• a...) ar..", boned , aa. " a ' aaaa •t! ' your feet. boys, and knock the thunder out 1 trutbs.whieb our one solitary eforte have 4 Mat para a.. a na•mea '''g P are .Y -4 ''' , of the Whig. and their argumeo. I Turn I forced Own to adopt. It ie but obeying bone. Galphin• who never yield to the i oat to the • .. ..d rerrldkiat ro tem be Ido twilling; for It it bat to improve ~,,,, w e,, ..,., ee.,lng palls -- ara'•• nothing to 11. 1 . by I the laws of Program. If we do not thleme blendlahments of power, thr•allh • " Na ' aiaaal Slant"' line..," " voting for 4410118! We don't do it, then 11portial advantages alreadypired. In thin a1a.,,,, i a a•rill", of ana t__ l ' aad ( " ad* " I 1/ ,,, aa r t . Ilona for (Snow and Distoonecr —Fret. way we ran mm reach themgreir, and en .1.11 P..." year arat aeaa ir aa Lr' av ''''' ll- don and Victory I—'lie g e Banner. change legislatim, that the arises wbith ,m/lm. Demnts, hark: • doleful *mod, • . . - .. ._ I towers above all other farms of milk 'bail l loner dukes sea dirs.. the Nolte% apital l shall no lova palate the free- I se% out ef Adak sew Bed. are to mime —'ll. OR waning yoke of. illagooted 010-1 M Otago mil of • doomed Coas—! air Balaton Foote nal Itnnami, bed tM iwah, " N ina m p e, w hip tai rr . qoamol In Um &nate Ohastur Bst- I Moro ! Ude"— ;Y evade. Is* rectum willT.ok 1•• ;nal ter: en'ren;u:'t 13=IMII 111111 .it to. I. . 2,01 !:. I: A N‘ I 1 111 r . I 101.1 ,U,111.11. ni limos s ; Lit ut 4 Wills u I- =ERIE =ZEE i' • r.ln aperil •I • 0. 41 -1 . • it I'.l' 11 .1 trine ilmt. l• 5..,1) in the I1,1;JI.1, 1 t.. exendu 1.1111 lin. Nan.. A, ;.t t jolt, v.ith i" thu Stistex .1 :3stuiu c •uld b • line.- I.) icapeusi. eh' r And pur l', it.• `, t - I• 1. u. eot f u. w the I 1„II s. • t 1..., • - • - 1 it:t or I Ito ••th, •• • ..,•• .1. • • ompiet 'll.o iuth ix. t I. I 1 / 1 1, A , • i quaky, v. • vt ve• 1.:11 • •• aggrcs r ultt.ther it ~: r... i. i ,i, ,
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