The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 01, 1850, Image 4

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    The ham., receipts to lime for Ms premt
sm., which haa h.,. colleded and ablidged M
sa• Onvowslown rdegrapi, will be Mud to be
the hest of their hied.
Voss.. Wins.—ik palatable and wholesome
it.—m et lead owful .. se • medicio," i. ermsby
.ovomay he mule from the currant. We hem
the 41 0. 11eng ... C . Lli n, iya .. 71; :y ie . f . re , t YL s eee , tweb p..
was cessidered of se fine • quality es to be
MI by the Aye... for Mir patient, in
le the Impeded kind.. Its eget tr m
.army ...l. per galled
. WA raiNl ef clew joie. was added two
et leder, and le eoeh gallon of the Aden,
added them Ad • bell poen& d goal brown
. Aber lb. =gar wee dismayed, the hem
pet lets gad betrelsoplaced in the all. ;
when the &meddle. had,sultenled it mu
tightly. In Febreary..• gellen of the I
reenth.pred broody tr m added le the buret. I
ey .having. it was Wiled. Like ether
e. it Mem. with age.
&id wins may be made with white corm.,
Ea. memo emportim of white surd as I.
of brawm, for the shove—the lame . be
limited in the =me way c.vpt that no brandy.
Etaes Wtee.- , —Thi• wine ie ceendered an ex
cellent remedy In Influent, tern threat, ke. Re. I
eeipt.—To twiny need of berries put two gentle e(
teeter, sem ban' an hoer, net the knee end break
Ithe frail throngb • hair do. ; then inovary pat
juke pet lbeteittertero of • pound of Liebe.
• , wane, bet am of the very resumer. Boil
h. whole • quarter M e beer with mom Jamaica
Mppenr, gine., red • few cloves. Per It into •
ob, and when ef • mower warmth, into Mebane!.
ith reel and yowl to wick,re le d which the more
„puny ht make it do lime reed ether livens
ben neonate le him, put a quart el brandy to ,
girl 'diem, red stow op. Dolan I. the wring
at Citristmaa. The liquor mot b• ha • wane
I. make it mot.
• Duca CIIIMANT Womt.—This wi. bee airway.
regarded an o herd) rueful in wimp., morn.
iat' • newt dotremieg and to, frequestly fatal
am. it Mould atoms be kept 1I
. Reeeipt.—To every throe quarto .f jai.,
I mem .( wet. embroiled . and to .eery,
q.te of the kneed, add dime puede of very
mend wipe. Pet It km • nod., npertrleja
Ude far 1111 log ep. Put the emit in • warm, dry
. dad the limed will ferment of [Melt Skim
off the refuse; when Ma feweentatio• Melba over, ,
and 11l et, with reamed 1g0... When It has
mowed working, per throe quarts of brandy to
Amy miart•ef wine. Bong it amerce elttonewithe„
Mee Wilk it. and drain rho thick part through •
jollydiag, writ it be elem., and horde that. keep
II ran or W.I. Amodio
CM/MT .ficaam.—Plaee the teem. is a mowo li
ar {lr jar, ad eagesd thia jee in a vetted of
Wein water until the laureate on is • eeeditien
to yield their joins readily; then plod, them, while
ha t la • bag, end peon out the juke ; odd pew
doohlwrellued leaf attar, end then boil nail itjel.
lies ; thio point I. noestteiewl by &annul,. a poe
tise ett • cold plate, and if it will hold feet ouh
the Oahe upside down, it is dr., ada; should be
removed roulAnitre, Should any wont sr., it
IF ley be ekinantod off Pot the jelly, wlida
Intl jets, and nowt hghtly nor ex, law
Y.. awaked tbue.—Twenty.seveu quarts oT now I
punt gore twenty-owe p.m. 01 J 0...., with ,
lemony-ohm pounde . ..ble-refined miser, gave
vaeddoen and • 681,T...t0r very ooperoor meant
111... who warpage find cornet jelly von
be mole It:lh roman. brown enpv, or even with
inferior leaf env., will find lhennelvee • Mimi •
Rase .Sviten—To every quart of limit add
• pound of sugar,• and let it stand over night. In
Ant morning. and aim it for half us heart
them Wain I. Omagh it flannel bag, mod pear into
baths. which inel be rarafally embed and waled.
T• each bride NM, if goo pleat, a little bread},
if du weather ie eo wenn as to e•deopr it• keep.
On army poind of feint ; limiso ih•WI tometliffe IN
y... 1 ••••m• gl .• wid, • silver .mom and I.
damouds•mofmniUy ha no ham. When e• 141, pal
dinnlimls glasojan, and ley over them a pier.(
. Mitnonliad with Wanly ; then lie them op so
to ••••11•11, l• analade the air.
Ikaasruir Praar.—Wo ma Indebted, t• •
, (Mond 14 uto Wowing romipt for malthog Moak.
beery gyn.. This stomp Is said to be slmob •
gobilk be the swallow eamplalat. I. lOU It
Ins Immellst to tow boa be •••• .f abbe.
.1 . 11. Imo bobs of bin se blookbarbs. NM •••
mei of her mph b s.. suebbr. I ••• db...
MB. p.ll i .... 1 ...• I .. "O.'''.
M.l iliediat kr . 1111.01 i OTC, ..d Wm. bid.
spot of foobb pmf brandy. nom . Nos
1 be • bib Or, bosolin to Me sio se ,
..1111 Moved, b to los &to.
, Ol' , • ••••••• N 1111. l•
elot an of Wain well Is est taught I. • her.
.7. ll nwinolmig ma • k* Yolh pnionly. awl
' . Imam OW molt 'work •• • fano aught la
Is doom bow Ow %bar Amok. I. 11•••• It i•
gib INgonni dud Ihibeuah of p../ &add
l• Floy airsimi 1.. 11.• • roil maw ell.
Yin •• Mg • polar nom Inn lb• sr ems
lbw • pm maw.
111•11011•••• le b luck is yore; pall. Is
valikitan awl 1•1•1•••• 1. Om mown Thy wpm
sod Is Instal 111“11.17 i e••• oho Min. Is
pwrady •••••••••L row that h••• b••• se
nor dr rol man* •noll t.••••• an 11.•1 id hay.
leg IM 6•a draws hum oh* ••••• •• W rep A..•
Wm of make. he It (1 law* relief tom Os
gildmin• et Ho milk 11••11•.
rmaao peal.Y pall.atiakhas lana.••••'
-w Solo.. Mad, awl thee Oa
• aril I. kom *O-. 11“.
4.0.7 at dal Mil,
web& to milk as
te hit
shvo allaaird a
am. ya
Illary amid*
ado MI am waft
f Mem Ma flakes
lamp paillba. dla
• Ifta as a* pa.
111.1.• lb*
"a &kin , : on
ST Clumullardt-11114, Mew talk
r: • ••••
w igeniunlr vra••••• Ern',
Ver= ""
b*,11:11 . 11 se? ' ".
rear. "MOM SO srinflawat +see'
OLOTEMNO 31:7113IN311313,
Dorrae• ail w Ir. to ~ad. wile ft, 3•1•11
art Mit . * ahl Moh=r=....
obi. la ...Mho wog vJ•mal omas.
of IN MN pe,re, Ob. Ma.
Manuttrouning Department;
~_j ...Mg Mar poinginaed,ml MO • Om Is N.Y
.. Elfe.unte. mai 11. y, mad
lIIHNIyNNI 1. %%hie,
among...l now UsegmalniAml they
Try ante ••11 IM .NMI..
to ll* stoat. whom, by Ott :Ono. otoshymmbh
j Tor=:ordotol ' abeTh=7 "" t=
tido o ' bottlootot. Woo ifoso she rm... of th.t • roohteso
li= I. tonotob boon 11. Nev.* .4.1. to 111
M iry
as ...hoot fell to rah the tot. nollsoll or
mot thy opprobottoo thy moot futtliou.
Thtolo Rll•otooffaelturon I.lo.llrllmeeb Is to.
totote with o, demrit...a of Deo. sad /Korot SYso
moos aad rook 800. mai Cools.
tho r Altrzol . ll4o. W. Won.
ttoll ' Hohoo: pluton. •
Daassoto floors, ke.
-nr yttrz.t., , rtnavr•--rr—ti
oh. elailloy the city,. Ml oaf
Examine Om Tlommelreo,
When thy MU poorly* Iltomoot 01t=.40 .
=7l reVrret:ll=l737=lholo
Ini.tati OW/142
Isn.. to Onlor al the *Wool soder, mol sto•
„ 0
Tim K • •
um.:;70,7 1.
•• """
(01:1 0 0 .?1 ,
Oen.. et Pa, Ondars, eitn, Tenn.
=blt,l:3==.4iCri.... .71; br.
z.V: lE:=l.V.:= - .4:074.7,;.=
Mare, olkora. Noels On. and Medea Plarla..
Pluto re o• ad Ideas and 141,11. Pe. dnittora,
learo. P.. eta . rte. A. raeatandly en
nand, at alt.. or r.lll, c.o. Ira or
Wine. mud Liquors,
:14:17.1=1.74:... ' it ' ="7:1:".a7=
ot • nil awl woe win enwhoes yea.
itok .111/111,011
I P CIS IN. iv, •
N.,..1=1:.••••-td"=":="" .. " 6
ma. ••• ••••••••1144 . • ""' V ''. = 1"4".74
altsst jsrjrZr• 771 rell
to :',. ••••• •
07 lelawee t In w tPeYu 'll N:= e
S•rn= nn
= . 4.11 . 75 t dr. by • elsiwiew
12= .
Pennegiveni• M em
, not
ler n en ep
)le rwl
Mb- ireMF Ft Fem. 01m1gme.
bre.ll " ;
el the Otlie•
IM., Feb Mb, Mile
List of Pr
..iat of Patent Medicines
For Sale at Torrelng.
r =1. d :11 8 : " ITZ
sotto Entreat of yellow Doek and Sarups-
Ma, Webster's Sarsaparilla, Bliaborgh
Blood Purifier, Great Western Indian No
un, Briarkerhora Health Restorative;
Dr. D. Jayne's ilopertormat, Alterative.
Canohdtive Balsam, Hair Ton* Hair Dye,
Vsrmi&ge, Sanative Milk and Ague Pills;
Ares Many Peetoral, prune @ haiku Pol.'
moor, Balsam, Brant'a Indian Purifylyg
Bonet, Sherman's :111-Healing 80b.,w
Swayoes Compound Syrop of Wild Cher.:
ry Versify's. Sarsapari
lla & Ent of Tar
Pills, Aodrew'a Palo Killer, Wliam's Pala'
Betraster, Dr. Troth's 31.grotie Ointamat
a sun for Itheiat
nniam,) Dailey's
f'ai• sore
Zane°, ; All-Healing Linamea,t
Saimaa'. Aeoostie Oil, Down'a Veg. Bla
ir; Dermas Cough Drops, Jaundice Bitters.l
Lear's Remedy for dm Head Ache, De'
Jaekson's Pilo Butbroution, Myna' LlOlOlO
Our for Piles, Sorts, iro. Clark'. Wont
Syrup, Oriek's Verutifoge,
Vermifuge, Wialar's Balm of Wild Char
m British Oil, Harlem Oil, Tousay's Dina.
meat, Godfrey's Cordial, Batman's Cough
Drops, Turlington's Balsam of Li k Ohms
nian`• Arabian Balsam ; of `Opium,
Thompoon's Bye Water, Norton's Salt
Rleum Ointment, Liquid Opodaldos, Dri
utopia's Dyspeptis Cordial, Pour H.'. Plantar. Ourillui 0•10.1101, Outrad's hie&
sated Bap, Garman Tooth Cordial, Rms.
WI,. Cosmetic Crow, Sherman'. Cough,
Warm and Oempllow Lamer ; klerehmars
Oarglioc Oil, Oak Orchard A.ld SpriNg
Wattw, Dr. Tamara Nei& Balm; Hui
Liwantakitheumatie Thorium Woo&oek'a
ligkam. Dr. Allen's Runpuilla, Pouts
Pmt Unimund Owe Cork la.
g.ldbys Pile Spar*, Upham Pile nu
swam Mows BIM 0111., 4160. ins
PYLL&—W .Imaw VoSea
asis& Minor's 114.,
P%piugh O ,
Ilerarelp Balmy s.
Mork Wamadrie Res=
OEM% Jams 11011011101. Ja's
wensaisill 10 1111 , 0 Ape and Year, 1...&
mv s . "4624W=Imder's,
669 . 1.
p mott 111111 'IONIANS tat exaa, 0001111.
41=1104 ......=l2llzlll Estelmt)
NlFereeineme my le MN.% ....•1111=7 "."".
Dnom Mseari.m, Chaank, (Nub
,r-ohji,Greemiee. Dry Ord.. am&
mere. Smammore. 04araare,
Gleare.MUMAes. Amway.
Saar Span. Spa
fastemmueft . Tram,
• Per/Mowry. Mime, Stememory,
push, roofer Nair.
MI rr. NUM p.m.. a. satsti es
-I:=MMI Vr . ••••.•61, I bore to smte. nom.
a ...enema Imme :
11110011l1M.—• pea tn., I$ I 0
T• 1 01 .1 ••• Mann., 0.1., 11,1,
r".• ti ""* . " gr.
Ole•••,, per. lowtml. 1.1•• M. MO Nu
seta Came, iusa, tom sad !
me.* , mem a Taimeee sod •S
• •,
Jew, nu.
,1.4.4111 L, 11*. ToloN, iNe amd every ..■••
;1=== . 8.••••„ 4. 4.= . 1411 ,. ..taw . ,
rail. Mei Ilk 110111.1.1 able ••• umel diga.••,•heet-
Cm., 111.1111,,...., Wats, Olown,
Iffilless, Br, Ten. IWO., wloreol
%MAUI* row, Airy, Pane T.R. and
MI x.l. elllatlasa.
li/1.1.1111114—*11. TM. sal WI Mlll.l Mw
Ma, WM, SW* Irame.,PS,
Nom Atm. 0•••• 1•04 On, CMOs Os., Ckaso.
4* WM. Oa
_k. , 10”..4 Nem, Trlas, ale• Ced. Sem,
61111•••••11. *AU
COT. Nahtsyll.• Kahn. sad /eel,
bee••••••11.11.,..•••,1gudkaw5,...• •
I.,Gnns —Pun Mine 4•41 ponwl 011,•••1 dry,
tree.l4.4 Span ...,Long.lsaig.
r ev?. torellorred IlaaaXs,
Ott, —1.1••••• Oil, vv.., .4 lamp OW, la. COI.
Olive Oil Toinnee 011. Water Oil. sad all Ow iiwWl
VARNIFII.—/Orallme, Crekloeallwr sal Ml*
■w TURP.111,1113,.” 1 ...... FL.*
• r
01r111,... Ste, Bat
1.1:18mme. t011e.=7•410.•9 An. lesar,
DV. 9.1./fte—.4l*,
Wertg1a,01=•04.7.64 0.1.19.. Alum, IBlse
/am, 014111•=1,11.1. oflia,••• Tater, is-
Glum Ware.—Beillom •tl of wery M. and
*WI* ••• wI•11. • vaGidy of Wee.
M. 1 . li•oegunlY011,•••• •. 61••• 1 , 74•••• .
Tam• Wameas.
AM. Wood.. MO, [maw am.
nt••••• .114•11 a, Loop IllYney,
h., Ma.. a., sad 1111rter risaas,Cresl.
)••••,Iii••••1112, Drom4 11.1 pee, et,
lITIM RAMO —J•lpraiMs, rolo,neem
Me:llmm. An. ritellen, Man
MAIM I . lll,lllo AlNM*yentrylle...faaa.gentl
.111111111iT.--Laies W Ilmllearn, 01.1 Poon
.1.6,..•= 1, 11•• ilmmtetoilvvrl•ee. lin 1124
Iwo to male.
1 6141 . 4 Miltt.—/tvat Table,l, .A04...4. • 1
IfrWr, el 6 .11
' Mee. 1., awl
I rivals 1..c1
MUSICAL 11111111•31•NTS eml Arena,
11.1••••••••••• over la.*. lute theecnnigko
Miami* ••• e.lll •Wis 4.44 • ,
••••• • •• , •.••••Woowlel ela1.•••• mos. ,
..14=34 , 11:=1 . ••••••.....
wM).rifrw~~•w aad alsouNkr M
Y pus mility.modermws. appmweol roaNerstc
LIQUOR, -Win I.l.4evihr
" =il%)
Plllll/011MY.—.MINON,e, ■•••_11 , .5 . .ft . •
=V, ::••
' STA , lollMiti.—Vo. Go rod .6.61 , Pap, {WM,
I 1111•41...1•11,•01....11rallse, eel
1•••••••••• • ••111 Nod 36.64 has, r.. 11.1cre.=
! .1 Tab lel Mewl, Swarm eel nwrayr Cmle.
! 6.1111•01.11, fa. °dm, as. Om
MawM. Xlsee. 1116., Cr. vrir
?Moak DAMN. 1104 ON* • MM. • ,
=.1 . 1 ".."." 144=1••••
w. W. row= Poil. Tab. OlMlhes er Iftlflted.: ,
bd... 11.edllftly Na•llant ia ll.t:
a.. •
, , - ,, ,,t Ts
tr.,. . limigzark ,
ar flri... ..• asiemp •
0w..."5 - v - ....nimE. w...... "
• 'waste . :
' AXIL-aril Vl' . .
• 641.11"" . ..jr,-„
, ri . 4 . 7,111•••• Was,
~,-.. .......7 1 .... 1 ..•• • .
- 1 -• 1:33 -- ..4"...x . -:
■wld IL Pallarsese sued rear.
&111 & slesisen MUTer
' ll OA
IT. tbe I,e. es M. 4
At ttto•or•. • A, w- 172:
b • t,11:
WIN PAT TMAt1n r.....„...„
. 1 At 4Elre'ela e .
Lear...4l/ KRUM T. 1.• ••
At enlr 1....4-1.1 •1
r : M
" Mark. Ft
Len re Neese.. l I.4vtre Ater4lo.4.
At 6 40 A 51. At 9 A. M.
MM LfPY Farce., 6 • P.M.
It e
at .194,L641. trate how 11919•••••
409 leave Ea. 44•404 01119 s, er al64 An14•14(194
Pat Jorris
m.•grain. sad, leer N. V. at T A.ll S P M.
NM N Vow m 0.111110 rate Ir.W.warstam awl New
lbw. 11.1. N WN. altioNraa
Amman 1,118. IDdp
N. Y. 86 Erie Railroad
(cm, J. W. 1110111.801 , 0
B , = . THOMPSON ra= ... .74rewcrjr
Nalhowl, r4l=a7asallowaNy,lo revatta
.r .
tWeaaphma sO
II sw .owN ama PawM,
" rS
ldl rare=w t rrolalOm, Nas X i d
w sa h eaIINN T.,=1..C.
PP. Ms
anal Navas te Ye WM, ww , Walm ^INN II
sums at TIN
alwoll,l4al7:few PN
11al. lM
trlza NW7,rzrnaso.•z:g."
"r ••.. NN
" 71=7:rTre ' lLTaas
1,4.33.3,3.31.....3 .3'
Grew lk.. AN. S. WISP P. W. THOMPSON
Farm tbr Sale.
re=e t r 7111,n001.. rale 111. valooNo • WYO.
1 3721.% froal.7.3====all
0z , t14 .2.... 10m01. „...... 00d loOnle h teo .._ lleu t trod ...
no Poling. novo. 1110. woter—•
slaty no.. Ju0111.....0.0. • ben wad wood kowoo
ow. T.* I. elm load Able. lin faroo roe oalo.oolloot
WeI:7ZZ =lt •=l7: .1 " 1: "...
.. • ..
"-: ' -7.----- - = ...
:-.-...-_-.;,-; - dirt -..
,L 7 e. /liev ..-
4, 1 ); ur -
VkJ44,',111 ,
#., eCt111'40',A,,,;,-;
• ~,•••
. • _
;:zzr Tr" " "r"'•
I. Mud,. en7f 174:4Z:
how. when our Worm.. oriltoltol am °Mak.
• loa. ✓Y. low, and o.Yi Itelo oro Oho honor Ile
r1=1 " =-1 ;CM
:111O; vote ,nd
lo wool. Ohe loino w rmal.ll:7=
some mon: <on e color Woo,. t• .41 ,gell
"" Atlttr . .7.: ' .7::tr " ;74t4 •••er •
611* .1 reliAr 6.V - web anzler;r4xperre.
mie alka, r . ll.ll..l. animal (me MM ors or hook p.
&MA Uneecealery Pale.
1..171.11•1 ESOSKII.— %Ohm GM loaoht and Owe. •NI nolee. aloof - Amor: Tor 7 Woe. aud
re=ree " tie.7.l4l 'e ti " e: I=ll
r .. teL
11.41.. mpg* rerelmo, WT.* pm*
Are, will arrY4 r.ry
Tn. Toroamr. gr LTArwri red
"yawn 'mu ANNI no. •
Tr am. emorsrs-11. bio art* nor 1 WV
I=res regrolored wirri Ur =WI L. , := Dr
WMl4rI MI. anellow.
gamy dm gm.... es..• ra.fflurne insonns w
NEWNANT, LoSsol. N. 11. bllns A. Os SS se
lAy SAS and In IS SSA." ars Ow se..
NSA NS* Moss. syn.. OS so*
OA say le*. by ass, soy*. wk. yey
"=:: I
b ss., as
IN•N• sed oot, Se by
A GIENIVIA•2I. TOOROLL, liksben-11.•••
Pen. 111••••,—• 11. lIImM,, /11.••-1.. • IL
•••••• 11y—I Iflo. ••• 0... ••••••••—•
LAW. 111••••1 • Orb. waroa—aale. R•
1•••••••••—• S. ••••••• & 06. ••• Noma • Oho*
• •••••••••••••••••—• lasllonl •••
171 E Ws. 14•••• 00.•-•• •
Is •
C 4.1 1 1 "
OM • 11M .. :..1.11.11=
7 4:1•4 0 *
... .„.•War4
fit LIPS aid aro Is Un ILNIL
Theo le so eft. . MI Ibe mins swot. pop... be
be 11•1• en el dr *W.* .6 fet se bee.* es mell
AO/my awl Moida, r.“••••
TY Fir aaaaaaaaaaaa pnorrei reg. agpa
=no moo aiwirie. m ammo
1.1•••• are
• simmu.
•011 ens r• 1•11 /16 ao wlr.• eywoon
1.00 lan ea the pm .01 yoank at Amor
Os 004 bf mi. 00 .1
ogo .ff
!war Times Lars 12 10mee7...1
raw Tin. Leos 1:144.
ribils.r• am Ile send I, Er at.
" V= 1t "... =•: "." • 44 MD
lot me N. unit* ml #.441•8 Imo* ma sm.. •••
10.44141.1“40.••104.14 albs •••
log Mew 4 Ames Akiig• 714 romenna
Obi a Imp, /aro •If YouL Poolatal.
1,116, Ilharefort .... VY• es PI,
03,1,e.10,..171, 4.4 1 =2
go so ma Mopeort• Ihr In Mime lo
unweillir ad adme winelly
I. Or
111 . 1=1::: • ham Pork. rare er ram ere,
or Yr •• err am be re
&Sr rarir Fre Ter r mark ro dyes.
ow bar Ilere=roa, err **rem Arr. Wee
beelek l*l rs
r breebe evereeesernentey ..
rm. Dar mi. *ma Year erre rear
re rel. rem et Sr err., rem A rr erremerler re AO rewire &ow bee err
e bee Yea - err
Tb• me ow •• rW Y •• ems erre b w.w.YT
J. S. MAIN. r Mare, Irobba 0,410. T. ri we MI
re re el ea rimer, rim in mg ea di le re reel
*Jr med 11,am •••• me of re
L==t =1
ame loss ataa Mao as mad me asaell ;
Me am aoal Tm Tom Lam Posam
Lom dm mer • ewe maam
Imam MI. la Tim Taos m num liammlak.
M llilll=rana 11oloas pm.mal•
Or Ma. ma mom. mama y w. Imeapj. Mm
an man Mao Tam r /Maar: Ida
of ham or or—• MY am ems
awm aa—or
._**_Monn N
mo• Yr bm%
?wooly Lam Ism Ilsokersiu own,
—ow Om finb Nab be ripo, *4l kin No go* sr
LW *eke Mb Nee boesei korai
Imk nollial No No l,lwd Sio*-08 NN Lokb
maid WY eao Po lod Ibb but re IN
ONLY TINILY, .071 . 1.14.
mega. Mob sod nooryiN.NONO Nrytook
ft ON bw e,4 boot ••• kuka* mo. Le
IN kW Mar& down .. _
161. ono aintolbil to by nosy.. ii••••••••••
W ofY . Oroti
ottooto owl brow of WoOlono beild—by Mere:
4 ottf 4 [two, wbotomio ood mob dn.*. m 4 by
Nitoot obio. swam ob notilioNt of Maw
All Doted do not Despair I
D=.., It . .1:15:ITrZ1.1"'"
TA..followewg ease irgeirlhe 'reale*, letampthe
medieime over disease erre pellelsahed
histsry. Read
• trtat ft=t t; t 4% ell t7lnttlatt r•rite . t:
mah• Meow% • short.eritaten of toy dbettraythl the
. ""!!!!!' lrtlarl " n"..
" I " %id:P u itt
1 V.V.1tt0ki0..1:44 ' ,7:=71..7.r....:Ld
Vr.t ." .;;:.17:7C ~ '"'"'"""*`'''''"
.1..,tr::::=X:14 a'.
"""" 71:t• t i...r......... 0,.....
rrzu, h ...4 we, am. one. .... all Ow. shit I
:,7t7747. .T.2=i..:::.•rvg.'""z
=,;,,.;.,,n rx, ::,"i V:,17:.!7,'2„"'..
eort o low., .sr et, tor Fero.. 4 trete he stale to go
1=:111:•!;;;I:1 Vgrt.l ! 4:. V....4!.=
bowel. Itet nem rottel r, end , v. 1,111.1 we/ mot. to
, Men. rottly sod ...oh. thy gr.. et mem. Itelent,
.I 1
rettirettrot toy Itrokth oh/ to *deo the
2:=lte !!!! ; ! rtottt= :e7:1tne .... 4 .
I L=r.r.:r . 47 . 4 4 :1;12 ...h. Introlter motto t nt
i tamt . h. 14tthl=e•tele tahtt;: ., P= .7.7.,
Y ;tote In ea to tit.•...Xi Ina et nlntr.t.
MO., seoattettem thmted / olde r ...rut •
rot k=l;;X=e ! ! 4 X .. .ft% t . rj e l.t 73
1 CX ' r,L!tVitttrlFt/ trfh/ Fit.; re
. ; : iE:: ! St 7 lll=77....&hoLiti !'- : i l
w e
,ohot °Mon In tovtl am myrel/ aim M;or. fn.
, s
1— ....x. :
...." rm.!
r ." - m..ft:L.,.7,mt::- " r.
ir '': l3 "'' ! ' V "" t7 "" : "` 7 ;i:1 r • i tarlZ l2::"V.,Wil.l=.:Trarzza".
hum On 11.1•••=1.11ohoo. .tlette mesa. one, he
log I.lYetoraritet,o7 atteolloor . etter. tee MUM
et ear. me vent oneut./ natty •/ . /r0e ..... L. I te
W NAM I( I ter I. the Istly wt.
t . terl• k 4= ! trartrrltte ! ! ' gr. =T r:
roLLI= ret . !"'" 4
r.trei ' .1•7 " !.!!!!!' irt
htenewn.. Atreibetted, • ...I ..... o. mow..
.. b1 .. ..=r. ,. .r . ......t . 7.4 4.. azix=
tyam...1.4... lee hot I.44l•••••••Atothatletut, had
to an appettranexe Feu reeeverr. I Ml* to to It,
4 7 ::::=Prodt "! Wi_ _
..tai tttrZ:
veht.. midemert 1 trill giro esottrnentom. woo evitles./
t r hregrell. rt...011.14....1rtra1t= be=
1 r e5t==.4 . 1 . 7 ,. .3r .. = .. h0rth,
/HUI. oar 11.11 , .//o r 1•10/6 I weer we eitretl
.. y .
B."... ,:otyll=rlVntletittrra re L . ./
!fiteehitseth halm strootylleed ore altnrel..lll, se b•ble.
lbit Twillbe ebb ile mbislabollyearbora Ms by m
osetat . tadrets tint 1 o . r ha..l uzd ware
WI! !! wh/I 1 imlt 1110111111 an
•4 . 3 1 •••=1 oeptett
i ttellsont=c e One MY ran . e.,..or M.
2C" = "th7:'dt"...1....,y.
Yyy PLOY, lb Wm bubibily eyablow bob b..
runny. sap to noon* shm, lb bib , dimtbasomil
"""""1"".""' natityrrimsnry.
offlerCi Zr— l. "N.
Dr. 11.-11.••• *NM Liikeet Ibt •••••••1 pos.
•• • ow.. •rogkilionk,•••b• meba.. la kw
=korallar . 7l4.l.3l=l . =l“ t
AEC _IL, 4
_•8 NOWA
Frocks wow rmumnsataill,
• Mao okaol okne s Alkem.
111104 . 1 . 1prel I 7 .. 5e4
itvo • VilikkONlte/kilW•kkr.
317;eili Clate•
• pnprols• 116111•5
la rriat• *yew
fl. cwt Wpdortel Whip of &sip,
1,600,000 BOTTLIII
11.1141IPAVIIIRLD 11.. T.
wham ar.a... ft.. M.. r .
and litas mews NM
/00 1 000 Our of Oluomio Mau%
up.. W IM Team—nom 1.1••••••
*le ARM by • . r. TerIIIIIIIIIIMIM
nsll.-Om FOGIL TM loos N. a
W do.. rob. oh.=
rait. "'"." 77l l l27•2 2 ;C :l lNFL lT Ney r i "" ewir.:ll " :
TWOW Dr. DayarmiN Fano %V..= ri
r41:1:... 11••
. " :11 ". bra ZWea":=s"gt
'"'". 7l• 4ll ,== " ll7Mtri
neat ea. Fan all Ow WI. Fowl*
L an. • Twit MGT. GIN., 11.
swan .11. 41• ia. nal•••• NY my b• l• .1•11.1
O.WI C NNW Owe la Ss *we
M ir = 67 . 1 .•••• 61 ====
116 WU. ea, lw IN.8104•4
6.1 Town.. at Ow ea. of TM*, .
Yoh via OM a Tow=
11 ..11T......6b6.111•66.1.• 6e.
... ••••••..:0 1.6
6.161.1 Fn.* So ..111.666 Ow now 06.
Thal sala Ite woo as NI a..
pt. oaf ye. me N . MN YY.tiJ rW. se
W. woe r.rT, la or.. lho ery . ala
tr if ganagra try tho
8. Itoso. toonano le. he 114Itroot mat
88.8. tolog Totraro..)
Tow.. Ika areo ntlahal
p«. Taw.* So ark. .1.4
ha. Do 11. P. Totwood two. lo do. lino
fi.l4 1. alt... by
t r a r =lr. • wand 11? .81. •••• T w ho
1 . 1 . 1= to op. say altae:
a="i " ="h " . r '""" ' "*"
ithrollat.. a yr. of ...aolua as ' orat lit
Ma. 8.1 T.* that Y 8.1.1
Woos a.. ha Ida par.. by thoir
al=ia " ="1171: SLI2-1•11 Vot=arr.
tt " i2. " = " 4 ' Zr: T own
th. ova of aata .1=
hd. ra.V ° ° "'""°""
.1 ...A hot. N.A. ha boa L. iniana.
AM ft.. P.* WA ant.
Wow.% Wow we. WY illlb c drf w V o lat ,
Moyer M. City of Mow loot
Is woof modulo. UM or Towooodho
...on. la wWWW TM bAlowlw OM
wow of Ilao owe nowootable wpm to WY /We.
Memo, Virll: r iosenola
Tenrrarl's NeraaportUs.
no wobobly sever kw bow w popular ••
w Towel odbel, wPr Tow*. Asnowdles.
ar%7M - ItrAir.trr.TlLL'=7.l.%
erlesTotia= 7 lLyrwasiZ r... lll . Ja " = " f2n;
witawankly was woo.. melee an
lostow In Is OW NW. we. wed by lbeloWor
N Me. LW,— Woe WI. *Woe is mud.
we elletwe bow any Mos of We mot. of
We walk. Ow as nawo.loareal wad mid Ilw.s
ltr ' ll Al "" l
now : loeow Lwo Zette
TI 't:ab - "W"ww wWloy' f : st
. • -- •" , "c
al Yd Irr VabarloatTtTi.e'oral
Wader wart. • AIM. wo In New Pule to elCal
a OW Wow.. Yowl, Too motors worm sof op.
ZoaVere•% l 7lNrottallalj,F.tetga.t
I F oi=nal. rowel 'lel to r le . lanro
otWe' I•••=rare'grostfrr="W.4ll:.?.
rolo * Uroall ' os b ro =Vara r:
A•or v ly Terreer
eeotet . ererliV argrtstinrr T.=
eVie:S= . Ts 1r
errsera ' t nee by .4""
... zzr the oval. . roe rerreerwi ere
t.V - ` 4 'D.
M•r. • Oar IreetillM Or.
Or Termer, ernosliorey or*reo•Orr
=" ST r at rt I
Cr• • • • •= "1 := 4 :41% " :•%Tirs it " ote "
oar 11, error Irrnr. Warr Jr wpm
*err res buena Orr et ileroadly
erl era Or errors terry roe est as y
rereel No marker Or so •
=Say . Ye yryraraelb•
sr Akron Or ISO ear SOSO eri he
=1 . 1 . 11.• Ore Ver Sr Ss sierra. O
ISM Itle 117=1 . W rArZ let =IC
rOt2l:e2rlrd 1 6.' 1= '' ordenble .
Ostrlies arl Ie bears I..yesnel I. Ore
rear •• r roe.
lbeenbeo eibl Oboes Ad sell ebnegaetlis 11.•
=LI elp=l.
.1 **Yin lam •••61 be
gya, web e• wt. er. eon. say else Imbi
.-emol No Deem* et ranee leedleremee Int Memo
Ow ow a. el combs.
Sur Vi .. ris re ajeld Parml,..l We
Wm b.• rd .
1•01•• 11m1 • eaCarreA.6Wea
g..,4E.5.4 M I ....Mir WIZ.
ei.Wlas av, ''"
am 6 :
V., a
Pm.. P
kt. ape It.
...... : ,1, 1 ,
ri-- - I.
. 4 . 4
Pl! . . .
, pow
;141 . 1WiC - 11W
Lots Itv•assose Ils/n
7 . " 7 " 140: ZCAVIS.I r O
' ass, eaSSIIIIIIteI
sob, '" "' n7l6 • owes= dare st
" Lle lbstbs Isom im••l6
=re .LPe Slb . 4 *
EnS ' l• ne ' srblre= "." lNlllC
aka had s• slsssiess sal vs/sag sif
masslssegely. Ss .3 owns mai dissessfat
self or ants Mos II PM Issn so Ss lissossal
=ea ' sm. s. mu% asail= Ss•li
ine7=ll 1.11% as Is ttall/A
isms s, Ism Jo ps;:/.11.
• tbospsralla was est.
sante Sar el • week . ' 7
srd, ' : ISAIIIO h MIpan
*St*. NSW, nolls
tsi. /AGMS ow*, SsnomOSs.lksslSS Is
Old Nooses Skstom 1.14 Ms. , * slss Asss.••• sls
astOads of Arms
Prisonf,l rdkv,lo6lAssossi,V44.ll.o.
1 1 1 §1
• 4
Old Dr. Jacob ownsead,
1111 011110111 AL MICOVOIM Or . 111111
Chaulns Tawsksiond Sarsaparilla.
%.77.1:1472=Va1=t1:. 'rale
01.1.011111%.:1U/11.1.1tO rIMINMATICII•
trAtZV2 . 7 4 •l2rdrilt .
.11.:11`177 - """
WA .
! saMa ! ',2r= MdFM
"art (
Any ft•lT•no ea;. wee mew the iv. OM
tItH 4*L..f4 TI I r!.:4lti
tMNY - nll Om Ivan wran .014
""TlVlZ're.nterokr.., nu=l."l
manr:ll. lad nm.
" " r ' 11.4, and dim It tr.ende
rslanbla and gg,..,=tat .
ry~MY if la mad, awn ,
• :7
' Ins favor
voa'xi:w•r/~.v, nrxra•YxrA, l n
~/.1/•/.A/YT wlln t//A /'.MA T/I.Y~ O
O. Y//.tr ,•r xT/I'A A'Axe. ail U
Ux /.'t~'YTYr,~'w. Y/.YPLft, OLO t,
m0t..., a ..... all commia.m.-
. M.ll Amtpfy vf /...11,
tok. ohn komi
a m f
e M r .Mmody..
Memos 01 MM.
:n h M.
and ld ' e=falt . grox " lag orarrsengogg.
:g `ms s ::::::
egogo lasi D.wtHgt .
A la
goo gond digg.o.
gogg.goggggmodogninoalbegg Magog.. Pg•
Mir go 0., mgr. gg. Om*. or Oa 1.4. pro
- pen. I.lBllllb -, N logy Y. Vim, nog Ogg
..anal . geoprogno Woos •rooginggggilg=t .
novae al oftemirozZarl Oviswgeo•
' We Ill= our pwo . %gar k aria
" jorgign 1 110.; ""
M. .f nr awn. ggeT,ls4 goo I.
BUS el Miggl
i tgA r tgal, Dion*
whit. oiMer DOR, rwhogl i fer;anelootrl
.4 " : " 44 ti
1tt57:%1 211=1;
.Z jitrXelbrArt
MW WFw Jr 1
1711=1 " .2. ` fr " alartler,
a". :74 7.2 . 41t741,17:1::trajt 11 n r jr * . p.•
6.1 "ri "r" ""*".'
•h le aakt
1110011111.10. PISIErraII,42O.4.I7OIIMONIIM Or
;L. Zrarer. L. .160. I
*II mon Mors mom•Mmo to a
! la%rntrti=tft= tetlN6
IM i tt , _,; " :=Mr ".""
.0* .41.0.10 A i. IMPIRMI., "7
ii• il P. Tenons. Y .0 *ram med mt. fig .
rhea, se,iamorentlr-Arran on Num! - • o
41••••• Am rye.. enma.,
:=6.4 :
re=lll47=ao '
bf Yard af MIMI - •
'6"" ith= "l s ••=• " 1 l ' aV
I:=WrZiarr . t . 7l . t mod ane ii:
1 VsdrMagratrani
TZ.,,........... .
.............. I = lnt ...___ -
...A. —...
K L M 1-...-4WIEV:
, $C
m am4 l.ftmn, .
Rona mod IS Desk Ova
-,11111.1, •