• " Cibt nVIDIIVITatt." O. G. 111311176.11, Editor aid Proprietor. VIIIMS.—OIgs Ane rrrrr c••••• • >••••,.... eerao . :=47l "'" Ile parer .111.• tfimittles«ast. , Ztet2=4:17:1471 ; motor etelve....- .1 1 1=e1r, rent:47Z " """'"" ". Woes. Cards, gu four Ones or dimly A drortirers orhr merar,rot or, r I ...Orr,. r,l z The eellsge wink is aver Thea!, meat in done Hark: 11. enem .6 this starlit stillness Y. hew the eiv, The eottat'm chthlren nhimper, Theo oposk nut nine nI.J itll. Come, father. make for Johnny A rabbit on the malt Ile ansenlolv. They gather room] ehair; Now, grandma. y nu hold Johony— Don't let the emolle Se r.k.,r, Ile throws n "ndow Thal seem., the momentafter, A rabbit oe the wall. The children Minn( wills hingliter, The uproar louder grew.. EMINI=M= Aii . ;l Our, rroit Thrro wa. g11.1..1 Iht., lip ell It.rrll) d I I ir d Alt: alto does hat r. %%hen honnbhe iii.. these, Than many n netrer par., lind ,reorar hot, er to plen..l 11, hen !Iry 's autumn padlm ay 'flee eve lenveuthiehly lath Iluw eft we lugh. The robin, on the wall. .X4;-.4c , :1a: , 1A:,; , . THE BOOKTEDLEH IL was nearly dark. Theroads were dusty, the temperature 'high. The • changed his burden wearily from 4,11 e shoul der to the other; it had been growing heavier for the last hour, and 'cm it 'via- ' • ed to the poor podestailot thrice its former and natural weight. •'Tie very hard work," he exclaimed, in; a tom, of discouragement, sitting down Or on his package of books. •• lam almost tired to death. I don't think 1 enn ! much ðer to-night." Tho book-pedlar was • mere hol—por hap. fourteen years of ago. Ile wis small; ; in stature, though Well- forinc.l, and of a! pleasing count.... Ills garments wen , wore thread-bare in manyi•laces. flit '...cr. were patched la kill., and his! jacket was out at the elbows." Ilia] bouts, it was obvious, were n.•t made for! him, but for his father perchance, or an: older brother, or posAbly a ...loot ; ;;7r . •;• " •• the point of usurping the place ul s •I• This condition 01 thioga increased th • deli. oulties of walking to a painful ,-:tarot, eel 10.1d0 ear pedlar foot-sure the first Jayuf his wanderings. Notwithstanding these •lisalrantages of dram he looked decent, and there nee ap parent • scrupulous regard to elemtlim as in each of the wurn end mended garments The Byron collar, turned back Isis nook over • dark though faded tlbhun, was as whits as linen could be, awl the white, round throat, left hare by this strange..., had already begun to grow brown end !mart, in the o n. The vizier of his glazed rap partially 0011eGitiell a heodeume forehead, h. I. ti enough iu view to interest the phrenologist When ho takes acid cap oil altogether, be indulgent reader will see a very line head of heir, curling in the most luxuriant man- • nor, from the crown to the neck, brows and cheeks. With these preliminariee, we introduce our hero as Marcus Bull. don't mind labor," he continued, " I am willing to work, but I want kind word, and good usage. I have been taught that all trades are honest, if honestly pursu,l, and took is the theory generally prevalent. but many people don't like Indic's. No longer ago than this morning, •person who always talks about the golden rule, in nicet ies& (every Sabbath) alibt the door in my hes the momeet he perceived I was a ped lar, although I only wicked to ask for • drink of water. People like to read; reading Is both tearooms and amusing, bolt .kaeffe htemmitteney, they affect to devise the alprocy that ministers to their plower. sod instruction.' Poor Morass paused, wiped a tear from the smear of his ale, and visited. A re selelseenes of happier days intruded itself, sod then ho thought of his widowed mo ther, two brothers and a elate, younger than himself, who must have breed to eel and sloth's to weer. While be was mou lded with this perplexing subjeet, a well dimmed, WM. looking personage, on the weeny Side of forty, wee approaeling. The quick ear of Manus caught the sound of hie footateps, and he welshed biro as he ad. mama, with considerable interest. The stammer looked so respectable, and. en thoughtful withal, that be resolved to offer his books, movies:id that sank a man must be as eatemin reader. Tim yowls poiler arm to his feet, and Mb sem trepidation waited until tb was near M.. . l 7r w esee M." said Mares., "world Yoe like to parebreo my bonito 7" The reepoetable WM, ma gam to a MI atop, .ad looked me trim Ma Warm Miter It pomade he ray perm los Wk. "Mat beaker' be alkyl in a atm., oraMlys voles. rime a great variety. eir--roefal, w. tiortrioler and lestrootivo—yorko by the root Moberted author, ambrosias miry vorioty of sublet. I will Mg tbm to yelli MI be so troable at M."' The maids' Mier *.UM the peaty of book., while the oinattee reprded b. _ _____ other;soon, to h with .. , • o a hih r e y r j o o p y i 1, l e a n e d 0f ... the fort to thboom of his mother, the other to reap the reward of • generous art. A few dayulfter he reached horn, our bero's mother resolved a letter front her hoebond's brother, flack Belt, the old bath @too containing • proposal to wt op Mary ems io bust.ss in ebeeity of Baotou The widow was overjoyed, and expreeseel her gratitude in a reply of some leogne. e sotf u m e T t. r ,: n t e . ..ea t b ii io ed ° 7 7 w t d te n wd r o r o.i cf ..h e s r i ::e ee d n d rt d t a t: M le . y e a. a rm en : l4 : o .d u e bo a t it ilig a tiouriohing busine” as • ber'b neer , operations with an air of l o fty and acre re mu te lik e y o u an d your T e ll p oor o „, ,nosi be. Id o b e li e , l o -, wor e ,. thus the 1 you are really a great trial to me. Those Ito pay for a night's ledeing end more ; but I happy mother, and coercing brothers and - Jibbssnainsoy. I d m o' ,Link th e Lull , jackets are consecrated to the Lord.' i ril ten you what I will do : I'll think of • "fle "' " no i a n ii t y l ' on L i t o f ; B n V e n ,V on a o n a d ay b Z pato - ono, . e Herein te work by Bancroft. sir. Will I sister, thy, a good, benevolent no of th e 1 c oun t r y wou ld tarn ou t t o distr...s him,' re. • I didn't know that the Lord wore jack- 1 you always, end ask God to Wen and keep 1 1i14l i ffnn • N ow Jo rt el l o order a eaints gave thom to marked e female in widow . s wads. . 1 rte; replied Alice with the greatest Melon- • ynu from b e ing corrupted hir the wirke,l '111 ` 1 ,7 0 ,7 1 7 1 0 t y : '; 1 0 1:1 .74' 0, , iy g0 . 10 ,..... 00r0g you be good enough to look at it 'd' ° Bancro ft was a Millerite-1 anathe- you.' ' • Re's very like the I; o vas-Cotis in h is city. mo ti on oil mac'' exclaimed the Oran- : Marcus stool holding the tracts. in the habits,' observed ...cid lookkg maiden I • How you provok e m e O ro mme d ot i:e 1:11c ; l i E ln,o, 6.1 . :„ . 1 „ , , , , e 1 , rum : , 0 rei „, , ,, w0.:::: : : . a . , ` ,.. l o n i i oh. b ,, : hik ;: . rtb ei l t nd o ei r . e .h . ,,:di • , :d nol‘ i ii n m an c,.. i . r n e a d : f ai oi .„ a l e r, vi c, r ,k h oreateet possible oetonialintent, until his l a dy o f f or ty • th e o, e d o r o ving dispri- 8011, coloring ' Those ja c kets are for the holed hook from Ilk Newlin, placed it in ger, with Rive& and a 'tong moral 'accent. .strange benefactor bad gone several yards, 1 tlon, frequents the banks of large rivers, b ee th oo o : M o ro,. dropped tlic book, and loo.ked and Lie iedt of aro:moment Nod not relaxed and in hie fury tramples his Orli in the t,;,. ..W . 1 7 . ,. t a h r o o li t e ,i a c t t i :,crieed li z d , , , , ,,, , , ,,, ramaz,u_n • ~. 0 t„ „ T0.70 .. ij0tr. , , , :5 , i,01 3 ,,, , ,. ; ,, ,, , 0.:. ,, ,, , ,, , ,,d ~,m,tirne. I ping his r.a•ehb,ll;belly.,urteheio.g.oti.sl herd at his customer. to the le t whet. the Rev gentleman turn- dust.' . .. Ilene is o work by Bulwer It is call - ed slowly n his heel, and asked if he Led' ' Thar • othteget to be any Polo /motile They won't know tel to do with jackets , 'think j• t 1 ft I. • I .1 t ''''" .' ime "'"" 1 " In i f°l• ' :ed Zanoni ; perhaps it will cute you." I. The life a M or rill, t h e r o ot 'woman in this enlightened country,' said The. Bell, mother.' • that is, there, might amt to he any beg- so ' d ß .o o n t. d er t e h o o rLg n o4eg to tt i e h :e m ll i, t..l , l . 7l . , ri C o k . b r e o c , , Z;e: , : ;::: ". : 171 : : :f r ' . ; :f t i f ; , - , : : :: b. : C . : l ';': , ::r t . .. ' : : 1 , 1 , h 0 , ° 1 . 1 31 . .: 1 , ' : i !f e ff' p P : w1 . 1' pa ht ,i nP : I g ".4 . 7: r d' ::: 1 , : : " 1.1. m. 4 -Lot Bntoe, b. onailision looronatlns Lsoil P i rate?' IN smothered his wife in a feather bed, and 'No r : said Marcus, with a curl of the gars.' o on o n i himedf was a to of the firetwo- nether lip, ' I dolt Parry blond - and -thuo- 'No mere there beeint: eespooded Mrs. the en te vorel on of th o h oo d eco • • ILor rude money will it take to ear 1 2,1 0 7,7, Y ,..,. 0 W 0 !,, ' ,.,3 :::,;1:Y:.';',,.2„"11," 0 7,', - iii':',..' ; :o 0i...ev",.......}-. I der work., Olother thud. (and en do I) Fletcher. • • •• Wc•IL here iv Trigs Asti - Mil." that the minds o f the ),,,Itig ehoteld not he- • But folk+ will get 1 e•lio. •el sometimes on , meth, r 1 lone proepored ever demo saw down hy the wevside ind ,vept. lemause he • ' , " A rank elediti oli-t—a man of weal; o one familiar oith Co, crimes of bad nom :be brine 1100. donate; temorLed the fentole • th ee , . o 1 t . , • . o you. o_ - 1. ' • O'" en "l• 'log , " Prot ooe o - had no prooo to lac Li. 1,01•1 'Alice The mewl iv to support tbe MI, m e , 8 0 0, inennwlON. o 1'..." ' '," rtes . :ors. ' 1 l ' it ' t ° iti7 r el i l t out Ite, " •r t t i tot ' e L Y : int elO nt and Ned principles Ho ou g ht to hence Ido nut off, the lives ,O the great i o oile r , s weeds , • The,. hose n:. besines.s to he unferto- sionariee, while, the missimiaries convert the c0 m 1.," o - , •••o "` 3 "" 4 I ''''''''''' I ihinh I shall ask g tit , o , s h e o l m f e ho k ul th e , t , ...d r i .leeiete: ,have been itllmii'llled the first time he Ned murderers nod pirates for Belo.' anything to do with the ortiler.frounil rail-' The Rev. Mr. Jenkins groaned in sprit, etc; 1, teach 31re 1101 . r.,11,s ou g ht to 0,,,, t 0 en • ' ,ad. Toting roan, yon ought to he and went on his way. . have their ryes "Poh and n•lnntn'`' ] tut 'What if toe odesionaries should prove to ..°CiTt'atlonf'tn'i°ol':::i'l'elll°o"ln.',Or°.,:f"t7Ol:'°:!::l°,.,;ll, ititl i , h ,./ ,,,g,, did ,aellarned to carry such . immoral bodes Marries shouldered hie pack and trudged mime people never keep their eyes ere .be bad men O for nt, list eis mottles , cloe'l o,ollillee th,,,11,1 k disceuragei henn. With a sigh be met the tracts in Ids them is my bueband's bro th er's wife for in- • Non roar , child! That is out a the c v ery lielieri rin thin part of the m nil pocket, wondering whether true henevo- stance; she nem. ealcmlateo, and now since question.' Whift Marro. mar giving me esornieel in - . 11 ' f , ‘,1",;,?,,1 1 , ,, :-,:; i i:: 3 , ;1 . it 17 7.1 .1... T it . ....i x; d.i,en.• .1., hiss "°„f o . nr n ,"" 11 •::"1, 1011, , point of departing with hie hat In hand 1, iiiroaril " Ica ce would make melt . offering to n his &nth see what oho loos c.a. t, ThcV • Who carries the money to them ' l , so ftly on bis ann. lee tomcod op. ono be- too widow 00 , , ,, , ,,0 i to . kit • -0, those ere not bor. fir. I Lave pm& mooed hol, my she's all,Mily 1m0.. , and for nos 1 think ' Oh, Elder "Ochs, see. t o that. We held a man emenevd.at advoneed in years Marcus had a large Bible which he wished ohm, s's lIA works," , It was now the hour of twilight, and sh'e omeht• to I,e ashamed •O it Perhaps don't worry ourselves about it.' etending l'enid" him- 1.11 . c r :11 " 1.11 " : to present him, nod in whiele ha desired to o• , " 1,1111 . 0 Speak. to m^—floe Itev. Joiete Marcos sow with please., a large, white th e thioloe I shall look after her, and undo- • TO° Bible say, charity begins at home ',No m & b e volont oil, in being discovered 0 .. 0 , „ , oio . 0,40 ... a noon.; and it son : Jeol.ine - f the Now Jericho tinurelk— 111 dwelling in the dietnnee, which seemed rain her in idlonees ; but she was never ' first.' in the indulge:ft° of sunk • • fnann-•• an en hoer ill Net, which they wished to re melt amin as James! It is notorious that to invite him to epproach end rest Ids:more mistaken in hr life I hove expected 'Alice, be quiet, or T will send you to griping, 1 member olway, I lee does not believe in the total depravity 1.1 Amory limbo After a walk of some fifteen • every day to Per the widow Bell here te bed without your supper,' replied Alm. Bell o •• What nig one, my little mon ':'• othell: , more , w r i t e M or k Bog in the ..,,,, ma y the whole human race—nevi iii short he minutes, he stood at the door, upon which ask for help, end it's a great mercy that I tartly. : the stranger, kindly. 1 le,ml; lie ennuis for toe and thy it was pre , Sint much better than a entrees/xi/cr. As he read •Jo in Bell,' engraved no a silver have escaped so long.' : • I wish you would lot him stay, mother. Mucus ono silent an d e nd,. rr sr r e d halted, if ha pleases, by leis honest and a -1 o „ c hine, he is but little known, 10111 I MI- !plate. • She'. pot great grown Cr boys, hesn't Re only wants a plate where he can our.; •,, Coma don't be afraid," continued the! ~,,,,,,,,,,0,0 nephew.' 1 you as you valor , y our immortal soul, I Ile sat d 1•01 on the stone, and his rem- she?' asked Mi. Fletcher. Ihe didn't say be was hungry,' persisted : stronger. in tone, that minded friendly to ' 1 W c n ot to tell h th [ ea. n amp ow e widow to'throw his works into the nearest horse- , lotion beg. to falter, lie eurveyed his • eft course! Poor relations take great' Alice the friendlem boy. , and lierebildren blessed and wept over Mark loon,. Too don't come none of your games. threadbare and worn garments, and then ' p light in having a great family of 'Nome: • What • tense! Take bins in here, and Bell, for it is out of our power. poise it oe me, y ouogs t ere y on a ce I co p o sted , looked at the costly curtains that ehaded :ys and girls; Ido believe there is sooth e 'let us eau how he looks. We d•ot i t 00.1 deo rt e7: nan°,l4fleteft°e°r°ll°lltmle fails to to oo y to o t h e passed the remainder o f b ee l on sir !" the nearest windows, and other sig. of jog that emits them better, and they ought any , vagrant looking people Liilited upon on the pe r t of the stranger. Marren told the der, with them , and dying , left them the •• Perhaps I can suit you yet, sir," con-' affluence that met his gen wherever No net to be countenaneed in it. Shouldn't I us. short history of his sorrows. not or 0h ..., Iris wealth, greatly to the detri . timed Marcus, not a little petaled with his, turned his oyes. feel much node of, to have Mee Luke, Tho door of the eitting•room being ajar, an ythi n g that transpired at Mr. Bells. I . merit of abet ' Preeident of the Circle; and ..l.ronge eu'donocr .' I have got Buoy. s : ' I know he'll he ashamed of me.thHhogh , Bell, and all Luke Bell's Aitken training ', Marcus was a party to all that bad Leon , od o Mr John Bell in your uncle." nail ~,,,,,,,,,, .., i ,,,,,, g ,,,,, r . ) ,,,. B. " . ~,,,,,,,,._ works eoniplete." I'm tin nephew,' said Marcus, with a sigh i n to m y boot parlor,' : raid ; and the unfeeling re:notice of his aunt, tho stranger. "ion of misfortonee, John bell Wet the bulk •• Well ),,u ore a o.probote,oll}o el1011g1l." I' I 0011 001, Imapitality for the night, but I Every person present declared solemnly, in relation to his mother, bad meek deeply e Te o; loft Ido not wish him to know I or 100 property, ono mon 800 no. or nested dm Rev Jonas Jenkins. acwrely, rely„ "ill not reveal myself. I am pour, lout 1 and upon their honor, that such an event ,into his heart. nay. °lr e ° n "" nd hin d ' n " ..” fe r lied Mar- to make jackets for her cluldren, indoor of , . 1., Mil, his eyebrfia, !dusty. • .` I'mhatco,' s' ill have all honest pride left. I do eot wonld he shocking in the Aro degree, and • • • • I would sooner beg„ thought Marcus, I mo , "I did net go to solicit charity. ie o . r the heathen you imagine I never heard of the slotted. wish to he insulted by pity, or mediums'. wee not to be thought of with calmness. 1 • than aceept charity from each a pereon.— 1 wi th the purpose of revealing mytho so , Elder Fletcher was • suspeteled Don. 'of the • Age of Beason !' No !no!MN by eNtempt! 'lt is pfisdl.lo that she's looking to Math ' She need not fear that my mo th er will over them. I only asked for a nightie Wo o ' ___ „ jug . i.,,,, panting oil , . a onio . : 1 0.0 1.11.,r, I don't rend Itan ) nn ; but if Wide th.se words Mame. anew. stretch- Bell, th e rid, old Imehelor: suggested the : burden her with her presence, or toe her he- I 1 N o" , Pr'" NOll have cot n copy of the ' Pilerim's Poo.: col out his hand and pulled at the bell; but amiable Mrs Fletcher. novae,. to the extent of a single forth- ! • %. Why do von not go to him and apk him! : ,,..., , , :1 1,..f 1 . 0 ", : , ; ,..,.. ;:d i . .. ; f r.. ~...,.....,:r , ~,,,,—, I'll kind ..„„„0 • to lo , Ic nt it " • d was not a strong, nervous pull, like the ' She can't be no presumplons: rejoined! ing.' to assist you l i'• jo . , keeps a cigar stow, and sells strong beer Memos moiled, owl produced the 1, orb postmaii's ( ~ r a i tele loan's) loot a faint' Mrs, John Bell, ' Ileovoul,l not leave her: Our bero's cheeky were glowing with in-1 .. My mother nye we must loam to . ~,_ _ ",......,___ ,"_,_;___ , ~,t v. .. lin gm.. ion ' am! tit:melons uoe, soch as little begord n relit if 10 slimed die to-morrow I think I dignation w hen ho heard Mrs. 801 l tell lit- :pond on nurselves. I had rather labor at I il , ' „ : 0 • 1, : , 7 0 o n il,.. , °; . •°° i ;Or i ;" n • a •o th, l , i. ia : - l'etheps yoo cum .111 that to someb ody,', girls s onefonos perpetrate when they yen- know wl,i,M way the eat hill pimp, no ter . tie Ali. to • take bias in here,' as though Im m o honest calling, than to beg charily et I concerned, she ill thought to be a good ous ;me bit t o m an , hat co, poreeive I have met ,tm e to Guns door" ns Mark iv concerned.' Ihe was a dog, au automaton, or . organ- , a rich man's don," Imy ey.. 1e....," :aid the Rev Mr. Jenkins, I There was no answer, for somehow p oor , • I think you ought in know,' observed th e ' grinder's monkey. ,o, too-sing fiver the I..sves of a splendid- . relations ore ,paver heard quick at wealthy ' widow, in a subdued voice. I Summoning all his coursge and forbear- 1 iala ' r T kn' en you kayo no l'" from your node :7 1 ,..1 r . t . 1b'e 77 0 4 i f ir, ... 4 ,,tt e r : l r l o : ig r it ' w " h h ".. l i 1,, illmtratea ado ion a the Pilgrinis Pro -' ! people:* doors ; neither on, 0001' HOP gee- , • There is snow thinga Mks d on 't dare' an., he follow e d Aliee into the ei tiog- lost ; . None, whatever ; though mother ear , _ ____ ; ___ woo kap . koo for o wen h . erally, and they do not appear to expect Ito do: •10,1 the o ld e r' ° wife knowingly •1' An ominous silence theeeeded the advent, Iheis a they good man, and if rho was side • e-- . . - "fi ;' What ails it, lie I" asked Marcus, trein- ,et l but are content to wait on the steps' reek. a certain into, who s hall ho name- which was broken by Mn Dell at lest. who i s h e would like to have him come and live '.." 1 bliog eith :moiety. I half cm hour for an audience. less, Noma when he is well treated. It is felt celled von to coress her feeling. to i wjth as, bee.. he is getting old, end Las It's n spurious enpy—foll of miwrints 1 Memos allowed a suitable thee to elapse, my humble opinion, privately expressed, lhrs. Fletcher, :nobody to take care of him.' llt waa set op and printed some rainy after- I and rang again with better success. that eertaio children a ,rent way off; don't •I do abominate pedlere,' she remarked. • And you peddle booke?' , lemon by the prioterin deo it In one 'dace 1 .k fair - Irvin d girl, Mont ten 3 .0. of age, seem so near to Mark 11,11 as certain other with an oristocratie ouch of the nether lip' • Yen, lam willing to do anything. - ' lamb is actually spellol .4', ab, when it • opened the door and honked timidly out. children nearer.' • They are en low in the scab of being, • What books have you in that panel I, ', odd I. • 1-aon—lom, nec..rdiog to the Upon belioblize a tneonly dressed hod, , le 1 'f hero wag a o rnstioin g a n a pt i n this re- suggested the elder's wife • I now ?' I 1 cenoled odes ol Webster Choote's new drew back, tut e es nleo caught a ion'. le o 0 „, 0 ,,„ ~,,,, 0. v. oe el ...tea, and all the) • And an imperdent !' added Mrs. Skin- m i mes railed the title. of all the looks' 001 . 1 MM, I never patronize an), ',Val; . Id.. frank, handsome (nee, she was rea=mred l i li es p ro so n t an di e d „d s„. inked „ rook ono, he had and the stranger seemed pleased. lot dis o b e ys such i,„,,,,.. .r t to: fir, :Ind waited with little or no emborrassment.' other, while Mrs. Fletcher inhaled an odor- -• And so sharp at a bargain ! I never I • Th om are very good boob. and as lam laws of noon e. I lichee., this i.. 11 030 M 00 learn the natnrc of this m it •spect e d visit on, current of air, froth from the kitchen, could cheat one of 'em!' ohinied the maiden i n wan t of such books for my library, I will roe:iv:emu Man's deathly i,1."" , ' I Lave walked ler, mid am very tired.' with evident eatinfoction, end some imps- I holy. take them all.' 1 Here's /1 10114/11 CIIIIiOII. Th. re's' ,aid Memos, • and wish entertninneent for tuner at the " long delay." ! • His clothes have a mean look,' said Moe •No r exclaimed Marcus, in great stee -1 never any mistakes in the London books," : the ,night-1 care not how huiuble—merely " There is a 11,0 1 eick-pedler in the en- Fletcher, j prior. • No! you won't take them all !' continued our hero, le:solved tu persevere a ohm; to lay my head.' try, mother, on.' leo a tired, and wants to • I think ho has a guilty look in the lam' - Dm, I .rut, 'hooch.' persisted the strap-, to the last. . • Walk in, and I will ask mother,' replied, may all night,. said the little girl who had rejoined Mrs Bell. ger, with a mile, • and commission you on I 1 .It I mks hotter. What price do youth little ridden , and leaving the pedlar in I admitted Berms, -mailing herself of the; •Heis no batter than he should be I will ge t more for me Fn milk up to my house., pretend to ooh 0° the entry, she tripped away to fulfill her only pause in Cho conthrsation tkat had, be bound,' remarked Mrs. Skinner, and wo will close th e bargee,' "ono dolor; very cheap fur such [01,1,1116c. occurred since her entrance. 1 • Escaped, perhaps, froio the house of cor- in much doubt and wonder, the pedlar binding." I Marcus heard voice, in the sitting tweet - Goodneen gracious! how you frighten.; reetion, or the almehome,' added the widow, followed his new friend. Tho boob were o What an impostor:" said Jenkins, with -in careen conversation. It way soon ovi- ell me. I thought you was going to say that with Christian mildness. I actually unpacked, and placed upon the Ia look of horror. ' dint to our hero that a • Sewing Circle' w. Luke Bell's widow had oome. Ido believe • Don'tupoak of it; resumed Mrs. Bell. I delves of the stronger'e library. °lt can't be bought any los at Tiek- in active operation, the object of which wet, Tam getting nervous.' 'lt ie shocking to think of. It dons seem I • N o w, my young friend, what arc they nor's," replied Mare., in a disappointed ; . the conversion of all the heathen nations ot •• It's (mouth to make any body nervous," to me that a body in not safe from meop- , a ll worth ? Don't be afraid to ask • good l d !tone, as th e hope el making a trade died which they bad beard, on. that hod an ex- repied the elder'', whin, still looking towards Reelable people any where. If I should go 0 p r ice, for lam able to pay' !away in his bosom. ) , .tence upon the best maps extant. The the 'kitchen. " It keeps ono in oontinoal .to the North Pole, I really believe some poor! Marcus sot down and burst into tears I ° lour mother mall ham, something to enrolee's made by these good people, were suspense." e ' miserable creature would find me. °epee ' gash unexpected kindness h otched bin ; allover tor, for brioging you up in such au, to In, sold, and the sums thus premiered. •• She'll have to budge. I'll warrant you, t malty if I thought of doing anything for the 1 react and unmanned him awful way •." ojamelotml the excellent pas-' Wore to be placed in the trustworthy hands in short order," re e umed the perturbed heathen. It is Jog-a. not scrims beggarsl • Al, I they ore marked,' continued the I toe of the New Jericho allifell. 00 Elder Fletcher, to be forwarded to the, Nine Bell. at home, and which will prevail, merry on- stranger. ' I will moue... at the amount.' IThe cheeks of Marcus green red at Ilde olimisnaries. . "I'll harbor neither chide nor child of ly knows! Alien hand roe my fan.' and for a few mamma/he seemed profound allusion to Lis mother, brit the redo.. lin- )lareits beard Ilse little girl attempt to, them in my house." "But this is a ned pedler, and ho loam ly busy in examining • ay-leaves' and fig !gercd but a moment, and' he was cairn : speak te her mother, as she had promised ,: • •• It would interfere with your useful-. got thole nice book. !" mid Alice, earnestly, l ur i ne , again. : end heard the latter reply, somewhat tart- 1 non,," remarked the illillOW, grieved at the unfeeling remarks she bad' • r have crone at it at last, I believe,' be ° I have testaments," Inn added, ill slow, ly, 1 What would become of tho heathen ?" heard, , said, and then °minted the money out on yd.. ' •to away, child, don't interrupt mo ;we I osked ono of the lilies present in evident ° Rave you any works in favor of for-the tabl e . • They only amount to forty del •' Mow dare you carry ftstemente, air!' ere trying to do ...thing for the poor, bi-: deem. else missions?" asked the elder's wife, eon- I i ces ! and in the same package wills that ilrmd- i night.' heathen.' ' "Sere enough 0" ejaculated all present. demandingly. i 'I didn't think they were worth so muck: fol lionyth's works; Let nee look at thou, •It is very strange,' sold Mrs Fleteher„' •• It would certainly circumscribe the "I have Mg," replied Mare.; ° but Ii o n d Marco, Yes Ipm ! I the how it is—a tootle too (the Elder's apnoea) that profeming chrie- I limits of your usefulness. Meter Bell," re. bane a work in favor of general Lo eevo- • Books mount up feet: replied his Ie n,. sharp tar you, sir. Those aro universeller , lions are so lukewarm on the subject of mi.- I stoned the eider's wife, impresnleely. "I, tense and usefulnem." factor, teeriously • The atop will pans here testaments. The (*elite name for then, 'ions.' 1 h o o e y. it woo lo ho more ll o ou t o f joint to t .. What, is it called?' continued Mr., at half-past four in the in,,roing. a n d you 1 among the ungodly is Dolly-gots. Eh, •lt makes me creep all over, to think of :harbor the widow Bell, or her great, grown- ( Fletcher. i youngster I " ! man go home, If you wish, widened any I it ' replied Be,.Mrs. Skinner, with a shudder.' up ignorant children. Seek • oourse would , "It is called the New Teetament," ac- 'trouble , trouble, end your mother may need some, "1 doln't know, sir, real ) y. I thought •f• Why there aro hundred. of poor oretersltrig the wheels of this an missionary steered Marcus. !money, you know.' 1 all bibles were alike." loot every day under the ear of Jug-a-not. enteePrise. We ore*.gura in no common " Did you ever hear molt Impedance ?" 1 w \Lthanked Iris new friend, atoll °I am sorry to my that you are as igno- ' only kith for the want of a little charity on ease, but in the great work of Paving mils., nolelowdNm. Bell. mid • nothing would snit him better.' Ile rant as a young heathen, replied " the Itev.l the an of ehristiatee.' We must Moll no useless encumbrances.— ,I went to sleep that night with his heart Mr. Jmkinv. . Their blood will be required at our Let the poor people of this country take' 'welling with gretitnde and hope. At an Entirely discouraged, 3lareue began to' hawk,' observed Alm. Bell, with a sigh. care of themselves, while we look after the early hour the next morning, heamas on his peek up Lis books, while the Bev. Mr. Jen- • Not if wo go on as we hove begun,' said poor, dear, perishing heathen. It's ray o- :way home, having expressed hie theme of kinsregarded him with pious pity. M confidently, Fletcher, ndently. casting at the pinion that sister John Bell is, and will be ° I exhort yen to eschew and abjure this same time a wishful glance toward the bitch- juetitled in the comma she intend. to pantie. don th unholy baffl e,' ho went on to nay, with a an where extensive cooking operation were i I don't think it her duty to take ma of deeper nasal twang than usual. .• Those going forward, under the direction@ of isi Luke Bells widow and Ms unmanned ub perstous books ere cunning devioce of the skillful artist. 'Wo have now on hand children." devil, to poison th e morale of the a mmo- , about e dozen men's shirts, and ten boys' .1 thank you, I'm aura' re plied Meet city. So invniously are they denied, that , jaeketa • Bell. 'Tho way of duty is glein, sad I'll l'abblieig* the stranger se well as he was. , the Miry ohm may be deceived." ' ' And eight boys' Owners,' added Mrs. not turn to the right nor the left. The net " I have not been thus teesitt,", replied i Bell, ' all of which have ben made within tiom that how sit In darknom shall not ho Mucus, with time asperity. la year. Why, I haven't given away saylforgotten. The heathen must be saved, "Morn's the pity. for it theice. your old clothes sines I joined Elder Fletoher'sl and if we doilatMmd to it • who will 'f— ederation has been Foal, Bastioned." i church, though th e ressedest, dirtiest, and What I. eve ely's boldness is nobady'ri "By AIM I consider es honed. calling, 1 most pitiful objerds you ern laid eye on you know. Imy sympathin ere celled I help support my mother, two brothers I have some • begging old clothe a hundred I out for the dionded follnwen of Jug-a.not.' and a mister. I feel Pained In the eight ' times. A pair of Mr. Dere pants will • May the book-pedlar stay, mother F of God, for m doing. It is my glory to make • whets bey.' suit, end most of them continued Aliee, for that was the ease of toil for her who toiled for me In my help- am he mold for hem new, and not me Int Marino fair advent e less and unproteoted Weary. As for the tee would begin is know the difference I' 'No, And twe want so book-priding books I sorry, I trash they will het no • I war poked to give mph to the here. Tell him to go on kb way rejelerhug' ono." essty hempen I have betels th le • Velem bear eths eekekmary books,' le ' What depravity in one so ymeg' AP- vine reosseed Mrs. Fisher. "No Impend the pions Ms. Maher. ad the Bev. lie . Jenkins.. • Hat Inhaled ago time yosierday, • desalfel looking we. 'theism helm misdocen7booke repreh end hordes.* es yes me, my bevels .1 men ealled'at OW low i she haat a thee MI We. Hall, with a nod et swank to the eompassies are still ;mem to yea. Take. to her h* uer •&o ft gown is tar book, AWN wile. thum . let them be like pardons olatimmt and I desimets smokes I she tshiy shank- • 11.1 he looks peed and tired, meths,' abed epos your young and mimpdded ;L i z maims et prepciety. Ohs told a eustimsed Aliso. ''? head.' Nary about • Nish husband, and ' I ems% help that, I have sees a rot. The nem Jericho pastor drew Roth. with 14111,1•11_ohlta ; but I bed howl such ray vegalcrods leek pals and tint' propersehomity, two New Jadeite armn ; M.A. Were. So IWA her he to to the 'I don't think he's t virphomh MAW ; the see entitled • The Bread of Heaves; einshoessi, hr all I bed he I seat he lih Iv may bad, and I with yes the other ' The welt which If • MA driek *smut the pow, darkeurd Nashua, Wgin him au of times 11101 them bi hem, he shell emir be thirsty.' smatsl; them hem abs Yaw et Jlmporm-up, meretmt ham mak' odd Allot ' 'Verily, there is hod sad drink for lest . What • dirty beast ih.li Ale.lllll-1111 ' Allah yen ere Cho wont 441 Tot set II artr- 11111,*L,tr. - , Ale iit 1 E,ortokt. VOLUME VII c:0 Tpra'AClA, Irrfax, MrATT:narr, 5431r:13.7u611itt11Ce, Malvatt, mat Allonig,ll¢2. MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 18,18. The New Tesuunent, my lad, we are all familiar with. We beveled upon it, as it were, from childhood; retortei Mrs. Pletcher, with an air of much Christian for• tummies and some little show of triumph. It you have no missionary works, we shall want none of your mares" added Mn. Bell. Marcos toned to go, his to.. rod with shows and vexation. Have you tbe life of Robert Kidd it asked Mrs, Fletcher. No ; I would cot merry womb a book for Its weight in gold duet. I peddle to pro , ewe so honest living, not to pollute the irinds or the young bod ineoporineed," replied our hero, in a elw, *snow woke; and with a potion of contemp t: What a molder ceder I ' said the wid ow. Iterate I" eseleteted the *Meet wife. " I wee thi see the hew .f It." *'L there .. wlolks is the h 0... V" melted the =Mee ledy of linty, to evideat alum 1t..... walked oat of the nom, mod of do how of hie Mhos'. booths/. /AU* Ms ew. followsd him Is dm door dish two low bow Is his sled . GYM yob sid vary poor. mod hods •oa goo y moody." oho dooddri. ab• tompilos to pa • Anse ist• lib hood whisk hot Mk.r hod aim his shot 5/47 moesio& rs." odd Mom" elpiog his orsr- H side Ida gm ohms si Ms jukes. Moots mod It. 1 Imo mum dosegb NUMBER 29 Ilsno examining the bill of the books l whieh he had anld, he found that they it. mounted only to thirty dollars, and gave him a fair profit at that price; and upon eounting the money that had been paid him, he found fifty dollars instead of forty; eoneequently he had twenty dollars tool meth. It would have been an easy matter to have returned the money by mail, had , he known the name of his benefaetor ; bet he did not. Althono he had traveled sev eral tulles, and the delay would necessarily I detain him till noon, be roanlved to return and edited the twenty dollars, and thin dia. &alp an set which mionson honesty re• %sred. • Why have you rammed r asked hie benehator. MO some inumbe hi hie mu ' You overpaid ms, and I bane roamed le Weed the itemy.' re wilt ' 1 ded diat the hedge lime wilt ady thirty dellate. yea teekog i them 'forty, sue by some mists= me thy. have are lb. twenty You men beau* lad, uiwif bemme a deb e.d meimmem me, I limit eel Keep year mom y,a.d whim yea Gems 1 Mit vim apho I will lake same mem boob. '.Metes sad the alnopet petted ones Scone—Counting room ot the Boston Jour eel. Enter s Customer who mlJtawd - • • • Customer—Do you moonset, sir, that / ordered sly advertieement in your paper a hem, • meek ago Y Clerk—Y..ldr, very well. Customer (emphatWilly)— With &mo tions to have it limited three times only. Clark—Well, ir, your direction. were complied with. If you examine the My before yen, you will boil inserted three times inside,' according to order. customer (much ezettod)—l know that lit wits inserted three lines, and if you had !,itopped it then, all *mild have been well; but .t wan continued, *loamy to my orders, every day to the present time! Clerk —Ah indeed! ( inepecting the A 1..) —You aro right sir. It wee reclined through a mistake in the printing Wile.; but (soothingly) there ie no harm done, you need not get W e prosion. Of course we will charge toe only three insertions. Ciotenier (savagely)—But I will get in • passion, sir, if I like. I don't mied the charge; it is not of that 1 complain, but great berm has teen done. The culpable ocrieet of pour printer hoe been the cause of a degree of annny•nee sod vexation may c o ot my We. Ever since the ed.,- ligament smeared, my store by horn crowded with customers, and (in • loud voice) they are increasing every day—so that I have to increase the miler of Clerks and do more than double duty my self. I hove no time in the aveainge to take a comfortable meal—and I ate en fatigued with my work through the day and even , og', that I cannot get a wink of Amp; and (reining his voice) I sus determined to eland it no lnger. 1r you don't take Shalt Inkeetilleltent eel of the Journal &tarifa, I shall go creep, or 1 shall bane be ..mess the potion to keep eel the riesord—sed you ellen pay the doctors and fool lb. bills : (Exit in a rage )—Beettut Jour- Jenny Lind, says the -Nooks: World. bee broken through her reeolution not to e-arrest lap° the Inge. Rho will per form • part int new owe, written earn.. ly for the fetes &min celebration of the marriage of the crown Primo with. no deaghter of Priem Frontlet of the Neth erland. Lord Pahneroren metals *Wad lo lo bate, 'hot " the Whom% to the U. Stamm were more Opole to ohode jostle. end, oiebt then the eriboook to woe ototee of Re 11..toe:' no might bine amid to AM* of Europe. Jews or Hobrorro, Arroosioso, Aogrisori, *solo, Argboos, Sikhs, Prima Areimo ally loam hihi., aro eoul sol ooging to Ws Oriental iirlsios d Om robloo rOOO. The hest pee*. for ate - 4odydering thunder storeqf the boriseetel, to Deems on do gretteel; sod the safest plaer to do Mew Is the idler. I. • bout. tbo Owe of greeted anger I. the It. stem Apo the elestrieity I attlooted by the most Somebody moye god "Me worm Met moor dim," M tee rallestio• sest yea Mae elomdmi tbe Oster. Wee Mee. IMMEMMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers