The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 04, 1850, Image 3

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    The allominewit reports Ware then taken oonnareadimal &bola was euthsued be- - ms amt ma lituenetam Mtmermats
isp and Mit averlMO re of the Ma. twain Ye room R ug lgily- pant tone ,. Glidden ememenend oa Mooday fen.
laity was ectooladed, 116, ambit, mil- whoa the Senate edjoarned, moo, the opening of the hon. Theban
ad for the minority report, whiiro was also Room—The lowa cootested elution , mommy at 7b too, in lb* P r ...". .i . •
mil.ram wan sailed up and diseased 011 the ,highly i
melange and intelligre auditory, •
Mr. Batons then took the tom and wan boor ef edjournmont. No anion. Margo p' 4wi of which gowned of ladi ",
followed by Mr. Thompson, of Ky., in nip- ,of en ~,,.. We give the hints - 'az aceourt
port of the minority report and in boor of pupa,. g n u zit. lof the ceremony .ma the Beaten Trans
the eoalestant'e right In the seat. ilaWaen.—Omnilm• bill op: Mr. SOO% of.
The Journal aye thee the Pe . ore
Mr. McDonald spoke in uppers of the I spoke in answers Ideure. Webster and 3 4 ""i If Mr. Gliddu during the proc,
majority report. if/ought.. , end both gentlemen iejoieeld., A' hieh Ito be eompleted on Wednesday
I e was then had upon Mr. Soule'. emend-'sad nid•y.) wee emmearoglY iotroroting to
Two nine', June 27. to t (to adopt the Missouri Compromise thean direee '
8 —The Supplementary Co' e 1; ) w h en it or' nwth , sd _ 3 0 .18 . or ,. The rue o f
sycamore wood, ornamented
Bill us taken alp and passed. , 3 —every nor.hern, and emend sou 'loin with idea:4; l 3TM.. na. PlaDairdol,ad'''.°''.,.l
- Foote's resolution, In relation to Senator. voting in the neg. 'a e. ly upon • Mai deed w h ile r. O . two, -
proceedior in Mosieo offered yesterday,: Mr. Davis, of Mims., made a stoneh 1.71 i d la° Nile a°4 the P.Y"'"a° of th e
wee taken up, amended and adopted. lenient the entire bill and in favor of the, Oil. end th. tro , Pro.. who. . 0 " n "
After "he consideration of in.rniug bus- Wilmot Proviso He[ is the some man ; Or , toned ..A..' 7 11°.P .iner Web eir
leak the " Omnibus Bill" ens again ea-! who talked the Proviso to death in IW.). kite emit, and wi th a anion sow, proceeded
ken up. !No hies ,
—T i was done. 'to saw the , , see I gthe:m. Afar this h f
Mr. Webster addressed the Senate. He l llounc,—Tho lowa controted 'cation'e been done on two sides—an occupies" n
aid e Mr. Soule's amendment was opposed reel was ih .1 up. After so no deb. a'a whit lasted shoat half an hour, it was i
to th immediate admission of Califernie es t umtion w an I :ken upon ;Amite in Miller 'reatlY to be taken apart for the disclosure
a State, providing , am it did, cattalo condi- 4
, whig oontosteek) to Om seep when it was of it it .iihi °' T.'. was d°"'
Cone, which meet be ant acted upon by , ec ideal iv tho negative by a tie vete—SD .by Mc. G. at d hie suietent, in view-of Om 1
California is Convention. In his opinion to P.l. Nothing further done. ; who% audience. Tbo mummy came out in I
it wee highly expedieot to admit Confer.; , bonniest conditim, al if it bad been dopes- i
sofa now, and to give her sow • proper po -I s av ann a , June •'''. bed in its ease but yesterday, iuste..d of)
Don is the Una, and to glee her emelt, San/AM—Mr. OM offered a resolution
.1600 year. before the birth of Clit' t It i
power. as are neromeary to enable her to in relation a prohibiting r a i l., o oth , emu out swathed in linen, smooth sod but;
involve with the other orbs of our politic' trom exereinng civil authority within the' slightly dim:tutored by tho laps of time. i On ,
'yawn. That he believed tole the gen-
,iiinits of rho uoitoa States, wl 'eh nos dr- , the covering wore a semen of I, oro- t
noel, shlsongh mit unanimous sentiment of !iced by himself and Mr. Seward. ; , , Syphief et fresh elate colorant distinct as if ,
the among Shit had indolent popula- '1 Mr. Davis oonoloded his speech on the , lbs 7 lord lass b.. Prist , A A banal of{
Hon, her nue was pruning, no othes State Omnibus bill eta Mr. Cooper followed up- proel... and a t 00... of entrol. fro m
over premoted herself hero under chum- ,
on the soma eubjeet. 1 the audience, showed the eensation which
statures Ito poisoner sod prowling. The min 1 House —The lowa contested election the ealtih r jno P.d...M. ,
festive to that tawdry was lannenee—one nee regain op. Aitei memo In in)iiis tho I, A. It o lady!". br."lint h Itmetbaf.b•
hundred thousand emirate would reach onesten was taken on Mr. Thompeon'n 'lie, wen, name rig le the inaeriP,Mint.°,ll lire
bar eborre this year. The queetien then (Demooretio itemput) right to Ids sea' aereophat , a pereon of rant ono the
WY—What is to be done with California 7' . and decided in 00 negative.-aye to', ilaya daughter of a high I 'lest, it was naturally
He did sot think it safe to longer delay 102. Confide hie oar macro here ..r , .
peeled that the interior of the cue (which
her rediniselon, without looking fe the al p ,sod a greet many amoeba : were made • 2 y the way was in a wonder. all stet" of pre
tarnaties of her separation - from the Union. ',attempts at i nonsidonstion of rotes, &..., "r. B stiot) would reveal ...........
He did net think it safe to delay that meth-; but the lase we ' finely Jimmied of by ' lewelry, trinkets. In., of reint• lint Si'.
ore until another tendon. Ho thought it vote of 109 to st, doora,io s a c tiny in • o,neel•tioo ions not On. far oven gr. aiet
eapediant than to admit low at once, 11, the ilinniet debited by Memos Thompson Pr. My dm in' B its , folding*. aliinh mill
shore wore no insurmoont•ble objections to nod Miller. rot be disturbed till Wednesday, will reveal
each • aura and what objectione were I i none coriotities of this nature, ae well es I
Ogre emended by the Senator from Lon- ! M e nem, „Tnly I, sow, *Wino spftiormite of Papyra. and a "Scar
bans 7 (Mr. Soule.) The drat clam wu, r The Sen.,° had up th e o nw ,ih ne gm_ t &barna" or Papist. of r ad meetly doposi
that wording to the bill there was no se- ; Mr. Cooper redo a speech in he favor and ,ted with the Egyptian dead. The audi
warily to the United States in the public Mr. Upham one against it. ewe seemed highly interested, and we doubt 1
denude in California; and the emend re- I The President sent in a message about I rot that the notond lecture on Wednesday
Wad to her bouinlaries, whioh he consider- New-Mexico, tho subatenee of which was will shoos. lot.....tendano..
ad tea large. inespedient and— ' that he had nothing more to communicate, I Among tFo Incident. "not set down in
Ho proposed to timed"' Mm grit eh. by. end that no official communication of Cut the bill," was the unrolling of the mummy
'ending bask tho Constitution of Catilornia M on r o e. proclamation h a d b een reee i ve d, of a white ibis, at which Profaner Agassia
with inetreetione to amend it, in certain The Douse was occupied with the Gel- : raided.
forme; and the arguments of the Senator, plan Lesions, but after a eerie, of speech
were to the agent, that if thews conditions es adjourned without hating dime any thing. ~
true not imposed and agreed to, the ante-
floe of a territory into • State - would de- From Europe.
ruins lb. United 8.. s of all control °.r r , The Parole hoe erased with four days 1
the public domain. , later news from Europe. lien odtices,;
r. Webster prooeeded to consider and. however, possess but very little interest. ' i
answer IMr. Sanis . • atkonien"ft". this The Dritioli Ministry here horn defeat- '
point, eontending that the eovereigroity of 1 a in lbo woo . on the Cron , goootion.
• gone does not cover and hold public do- The Growing mope in England and fre
eman, ....../. if • n,... 1 ..1". land look doe, end are unusually promising.
Wads ti 3o,o °Pf.a. artia. ' a ' eta a The committem of the Frenefi Assembly, !,
NW. Goromellent. they 3,3 13 3 owner - ,to whom was referred the President' ° ap
ship of the unelaimed land ; but if • pee- 1„„. 1 p o „, ~,,, addition .0 his oolou , h .,, e r ..
pla mitt* ■ nue territory belonging to any ' 'Timed adversely, which has caused quite •
moony, how could the formation of a gov
ei ionutron. At i; cabinet council it was in
strument by that poora• dir.4 It. owner ' 'solved that :Ministers should resign In the
the soil of his right of ownership, end riw-- t
i event of the application being rejected in
the ownership in the new Government?— th ... , .... thi ,, ,
The Uoited States owned California; howl Th . ....",,,,...... 0 ,.. ii ,,, 80 .. 1 ..
then wa......bmi. a 13.. Govern- Government had pnwested against' the
... . divest iie of that .... bi P I Tho' manner in which the Greek affair was ter-
right of the Uoited State. to hold land was o ,i n . thd by A i o. m oo, 1 ....g.,..a .
. b ..... ea that of an Wwli.d.l . . a. a t The Carmen journals exp.. ..ia.r.
that the former heldit only for one groat able .pp„h.n.i.,, Cl 0 e p ,... p ... th ., of
purpose—to all. war, by land or. 903, repelled from. Don
. Mr. Webster maintained that the image, . 0 ,, ~,,, y .t,,,, that
D .,,,,,,.. h ~...h .
medico judicature and laws of the country, ~,,, „,...„. i n , o sohio,will Prussia will i ,,,, ,
were all against the supposition that Cali- I i . `.
ty occupy 'Niacin.
tennis bee•ir. proprietor of th° public d° ' i n' AV 'e ordinanee for the abolition of the
mein within her borders. What, than, was ieuetom duties between Austria and Gun-'
there In Wows to lead to the overturn- env. has been published. The revere- i
leg elan the premier, of the pane 7 Cali- 1 6 „,a g on ° not, bl, se - ~.ii„; 1
fonds had expressly, upon the bee of her , „, hth i a.aaar t . r .. i . ~. ,
nt monopoly In Was ' ban-
admitted the ownership, by r,1 0 1,. 4 .7' r P rree
the U.. " 8..., of the d .blie dei " . "' — , A terrine hurricane oeurred in the Bay
In imeadosion, he appeal to Mn. Souk to . of B0.0„.1 on ..he 211rh Audi. whisk woe
...,,, „ War ,t bi. i 1t,...",, i4 ,,W fi1iw A li. felt eli.tanao of twelve hundred miles •
° ". 1.44 " . "°...."' w "" ''.° public "°': the banks of the river were overdown near- ' ' '
Mr. Webster nett considered the ques-1 i i... e ... 0 ( 7, X, ‘ ?„,..t a. :: e. " 1 "li 1 r a..." . ,
the 0u „,,,,,,, 1 .,, y, ...,,,,, g hi . p ,,,,,, ..--, .. —.rue irn of vegotauon.
that no better boundaries could pouibli I P. S. The Europa arrived at Halifax
hensbeen chosen than those defined by roe!. Mona.) , with three days W. ed.iroe.
Coonitotien of California. 11e contended. The Greek anedion is still under die
that South California would be of no value. tiii. l °. in 'lip witi.h P. 01 .....ut• 1 , ..1
foe 01 ,,,, able, the nail end climate %dn a. John Rumen made a very brilliant speech
It forbade It. The disposition mimed by, i... d0r..... 1 t!.. Minboro on the 20th of
the people in that part of the country had , ono., The mm 4., will 001 ..g. ,
bean to exclude Slavery from their midst. An !attempt was mole on the 20th June
Tho South could °Mein nothing practical to ......... L... N.P.1.. 4 hat the Par'
from wools • division, was it not better,then, ore sot given
ander sn eirounestaimes, to admit Cantor- 1 Th. Gbmgew & Dberfieel ideemet Ori''
.g...h. 1.1 11„ b...,4 ~,„ i ,,,,,., i. tb, on was lost ollf Glasgow on Vie 18th Jane.
view,n of t h ese thee k er k e —h e wee ne t She amok on a sunken rook near Pert
prophet, and it needed no prophotio vision , Petrisk, and immediately monk, carry leg
at the time of their atenitiattion to femme ld,own ink. Paleiroffere, edi of whom wore
theoanaumenome which must fellow that irota.
Ineleillre. These consagoeneu mu new
ape so Aa en American, he was deal
roue of asitling the difficulties impendieg,
and In that alt advocated the bin now
ander emsaidersition.
Mr. Foote addremood the Senate fa rela
tion to his °parse and dew° upon the Him.
mead Oompromke line. in the mouse of hie I
remark, maintalelei that the arsertion that'
XL °albino ens to favor of that line wee
Warmth He Medusa that he would nev
er W. lt a Noe pie eon. He meld rote
far bae owing% mending.* but If it we.
he world veto for the bill midmost
14. Beeeinti out adireent lie HoWO
Is Polon of dm 'Jibe of 1110 BMA 10
openly Is Mee Mese irltb lb. Moab, et
path% lhe ot tieetbere eggreeolte
tea leash, old 006sailig the .W. . 1
Mewli matetaleleg the AM elk
le rallion I. lb* slave properly ..der
lb. etlb. Ogled &elm 'boom
re emuluoiee, he dolma Warr
krie of As Maria et lb. Mewl
Il yme gauged, eft eiditleeel
.nb 1. dal.. le Sr. Ceibeer's weed
1. beer et emoleisrmeeks.
W. Soda esillol So Its &OK amis.
11101 sbo ess4olossoodoe tic Ohlsb
6sPosok usissioll. los Mrs Islolialo.
root 41 Toorlssoisl Gesse so rosoft wished
way provision Is rolsolos NowsrA
OMNI OW Ilsosio so aqui arse la tloo
Wasson ot sis Tonftelos.
Mr. Diaii at Mr ilia mail la Ids
=visit mph veralik,
bin aidi law mike Me vms.
lb. Davie ass lialamily
M bla ma& W. Noah. mai a an it
C int —Conaterfeit notelet the
desominstion of SIS upon the Germantown
Sank at flits Mate haw lately been pretty
tritely +Waged shout the region of Light,
Sweet to this meaty. Reviews, are aloat
that some of the West Branch manufeeter. ,
j ere of aenetertells seat bare an army or
beta* bank somewhere is this neighbor.
hoed, these, doubtless meat of them who
are now petaidng thew ernes hail, innocent
ly rewired them ea good, sad are thew,.
tbm amass imperienwed ropes.
The male at. easily he a•mtea, for
they are totally make the gemaine Garman
taws 'ohm, wad mina to Metro* tram the
plate et the fterrieberg beak aoseterfeite,
wpb gh. simple nettatitatien arc Gennen
knee" ter Haniaberg."—Sciat of site
Vs.. later.--AL mot ws: boo& op
by favor, asa seers" at vereldr mom
dodo TM fuser obi be vioveld bear
earOso, sot west we to aesellee
Med lessdulty. WM," oil the. meet
for lb. rises-, *deo soft I. or a mei
sus Mead-1 bays sots eery Ms Om Is
oi net" orbst's ay Orly, sit," esti
the W I Moe so set the oak irk.
If Oa seat I bay. bed OM+ Moly.?
pi=we mieltle• beats sweet mei I
Wel, i dews the elm ethe te•-
pleyet • OWEN bug te stereo poem
s • Rio ohm Wei Mae the um*
tea be tease*. semi ihe
doe be e kMem Aw -
W n l e i e n p e
dieullesi buckle, isylim SW ma ass
.11 *.r`. et Gonna NA the
yew "iftwelre aftstiore."
Itmnr.—Mr. Cos% our Charge at itiene,
on paying hit congratulatory visit to Pius
IR., at the Vaotican, did not kneel and kiss
the Pope's slipper, as was done by the other
Foreign Ministers. To a remonstrance from
his brother diplomatists, against Wm breach
of etiquette, he replied, that as a represen
tative of a Republican Government, he
could not kneel to any monarch on earth ;
and as a Prote-iant, he certainly oould not
!perform sueb an at of homage to the Pa
pacy. Good for Cam. Lot American
Ministers abroad, study Republioanism, and
not ape the etiquette of Conrter.
fors. nano Dr Tntnas syn.—Du.
ring a rain on Thutaday evening week..
house in Norwich, Conn., was set on ere by
1 • ...rant of electricity trout tbo wire of one
of the telegraph lines. As the ignition
took place at the *pot whore the insulator I
was fastened to the earner of the how, it
is not improbable that the insulation wits
M 1... All the Gamblers in Gen Francisco
were burnt oat by the Into fire, acoording
to a letter from a clergyman in that city to
the Newark Advertiser. Tho same writer
says, during the fire, earns and team wore
hauling goods at $.20 a load, and in some
'instances drawing pay in advance. Before
' night a frame was up and nearly covered
on the burnt district, on the north side of
the moan! Seek is California.
• Tnn FORRinor DIVOnCit
Caat—An at
tempt has recently been made to eettle this
affair privately hot the negotiations hav
ing failed. Mr. Fennel has commenced euit
in ono of the Courts of Philadelphia. Cleo.
M. Danes and Josiah Banda% Msgr.., have
been retained as Mr. Vonest's eounsol.
t& the Cincinnati Commercial say.
Pont the farm of Mirk Forrest. opposite
P art rim contains Y. acres. $2,000 per
no o cc been offered and refused for it.
The beekatifal palace of the ou oldean,
the favorite residence of Napoleon, is to Its
tuned into a cavalry sch3ol,
Episcopal aergriess.
The At. Rev. Aurae Porrea, Ri.hop et th
Penneylviusla, sill dleistle
At Great Deed, July 30th,.. Mill., New Ntiltent,July 30th. p. a.
Mash...." 31.1,
mire re, A_princtille. Awn* 1.. a.
30115 lAtit).
aerheigle Ordlineage&
The TOWS Cashed a( the ➢oreurh W Meet
An ordain so follows t
I. If wry pervert et proems whit ny any Kiw
within the Krim of wit konorilt, reit p e n. or
pergola shall AMII atsd tray. [warily ef tow
lark le he collected before soy 'odic. of tho
Poem ef rho eerily of Ihroyrehormar r debts el
like moue OM ty u. werwerehle.
O. Amy pima who .hell eat, injure. deform, er
metal say polio kWtaiy, er arc
ON lb .ttld li••11 11 4 wt../ Pool , bow%
row. meshy. ny mend or enrootordi lei
preonowit or polio work l rid Boreogh t
bell Wore se erry ken s or Iwo. w wher
to say ecompiel or Mimi Wm or tow
Is oil boretrer, er she Ohob, id. *het er r.4 drerels, rhea Aoki end pay • peaky ef
Mien Ar Wei 41111010. 10 tainted h. the
Pof the =ld Illebotti. loin . Jerrie of the
ar se ides of W. mead Ot• by law w
Noirlos *oil an at mit we say sup..
rods,. sr Ike mode, or Om.
nay in Mu. raw soy beam Y 4.• aba
ihenb. to orpit di. palls weels, w. . .>
kr., dr es the PeLlis ram& 61k. mid lowngib,
poseeskaa •• Me /bank day .Ihly and dm •••
ly •
II• =WWI Mer=
ty et No - Wow* am% i• d.
WesM dem Tom 14 Ow re el mill
Mob at Ile emir we by law r.
bborbilid Weave , . We ibe &Nee doll eel be
~MIN MMili ley bowee Irbil lab be ee
mei In lel Imo Wan Me Eerie& be.
emir imp bon elt Me sod le• Air& le Me.
am mar ebe dap. weelk erl eon el or
}lama beleeek Olibernien
ONAMPOIIint gelleeme be gmb.
Moil lb lb* er
`lT ''' S;...
lo Moly. Way 24, ch. Cunt. hem, 10 Ake
both !oar of his sew
Clootwod Imo ono of the oadllowl•oldoro of
thiny. H. entigr•tod from Keel, Como. la
I th yot H
11111, Moos which tine Ito ha. bon •
Ito/Adam of tho coonaty . i . Tozghl w ifz . l . nozrz . :
1:r?lo• • worthy nunabor of ow
eioiy. ILI - Wattont Peota's men piewoo copy.
ht Puma, May 25th, Mr. Z. Jaw, Illaawmaa,
Mr. Brewster woe one of the party which left 1
Wsllehora for Colifornio lost April. Arrived on
the istlnnits,they were there downed wets weeks,
and the hot end sultry climate was trio much for
then!. Two of the port,. Mr. Ilrywater nod Mr.
nofield, were takes mirk Mall the l'anamo fever.'
which it, ten Wont days proved fatal tether former
The deceased was • eon of llmi. Jonah Brows.
ter. of this place, sod has left Jassy neer relative.,
nn a worse Moods 1.1 Ihi. vietuity, to 1110111 . 11 hw
rutty fan. Flo wee is the prime of hfe, and eaten
he bed. mhos to the holm, of his youth to seek
fortune tan o fort iito 111PII, lie Lid fdir to TalIV
year.. Berea three month. Mlle° he lett no Nil
ttf hoo t him when thooktods of miles &onto, sttl4
lyco he way to has p!upost.l destitidtion. d.sense
laid on /sad, sod Ito G 11. Me has gone—end a.
thew, to het friend.' Moy they by comfort...ll,
i tt Mon preposem—OW tlispiweri. - -Tiriga nano,
4 lTTtl)l4Vrr,fitornsinr:.,
Haying Toole,
A new hod auponor ormorlowel of Grua, had
Cradle Scythe, toy ba Stick., Cradle, Swklee,
Hay nod ritraw Nob, Ma, Royale Stone,
Iltdlya, end Grinder., juol reamed. nod eelleog
-- lry low for cork or producs.
2, 18.58.
WanteWo,lll/opalrn good wool 14
d-, t teee TA1111:18 P1Ar...1
pricem 1.
LP mad 1.1 Oct., Or w1.1c1,11:=111
11111 W 1444113 101./1.
87.7,7:11.1z -z=74
J. tNONS bg. SON.
Adn .uoi
A.L..l="T„tor. non..
List of Letters—RTlV.:ll=:,%
Z.:101:Ar""°" -- 1.4rot..,,
C,Z.r="•• !tm: t',,
1:7;1;1-0 M ullet''"
11::=4 .. Tden.
gltt . :ntlr
.Jane s, 1
1.44111 1 0 . r
11111 A 14.404. Jon.
111 han..114 Ova. WM.. 41
=At " ' 40140. V
N.. V. 041.00
1.44104 Jed P. AM
.0.4 A 11441
...ON goltn, 41,4
V4r4rl4,:ll•Th 01, PuTTITII "
4,110 AJ
1414 lt 11.0.14 411.
1.044 .113,,
t 1444
4 .41410 Thema 14000...
0, ,44.1.011 41,1•44101, 0,
..zz,.?:. 7. 4:1.1 T:=::, - 7,71:
T.7%e::: U'e4t4 j ;"
11.110 404, 11,401. NI..
4 4 11 . 41 0 A
Johnsen . 14.1044 1.4.4
i'l,2„frz.. 1140 tern
La.. 410. 4101441 C 10404
L.A.. 11,0440 A Poollttle.
..=va1t,t1T,..7,17.:r "-V1z1A41,1p,.7
UMW £3l/4112..11
911161 . n4171.n . 0l Imlay/ AU ts to Me tittles..
tf:s:Clitlly:•;;;L:e.Ze . traieTtgrs7ll7:ll:l2 " l?::;:t .
suAtse for the rale al
„ lipdrElade Clothing
. r • e offer., ter ePt
pv,r pllenti In tprs r lstr """'"
es Is al nesnutsettpttl to oAley A
n Pursuant, It to IA all n. „","1 ,
tv;:tyx."....- Is bls motto.: t ' s. .trlsTehl.;•lll
/one IP, IMP. "".
PAlrgz,ttirt.,:aVt.'r7Z.l,'r%' 7 l
LJ M. .1.
Tort Bala swl WI. Crueler.
too rein Mull. M=N
filoatense, Jena 2.1,15130.
Caere, Luimber,
We. , 44.4*. Chefte,•4 M. J. SCOTT.
It Mw WS4n
etwa, oohs •444 rat move 414 , 44114 . 4
44, sod 444 MC be 41.1 Ow rosllest,
A. J. SCANS. WsitheoneC.
Administrator's Sale.
Ilose ors Fradmy the 194 Juy of July. at one
echwk in the afternoon, serious ortlele• apeman
al pmperty—lnolutling Flamm., Trunks portly
(noshed. Home. Trimmings and Tools %nisi.
efllonsehold.Yemitoro, Palma Lenther:Peythes,
Sakes and se.ral other arttel. of farming men
ials. aed • variety other articles too
to eamstleet. lots the East. of Alone* Carpenter
11.01.11. CHARLIATINGLILY.AA.n . ..
/eft SS, 1810.
Late Arrival
&Mae k %ken hes yen nem+. rem t
;1tt . 47; " ="1 ' 411 " 717
t ill , rozat: as nit, nth, egablialment War*.
n0n.... • w.
an, ten Oar nekk nnk. Yen.
A New Bawdy of Goods,
LW. J 10.
moleA "."" Z.. =go% 41. 8 tr
=eat; •••••••••,,
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1R IMOOI/...a.
Rill 00111 AN GOODS!!
L • •
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11 1 :11 71
Nos.., Ms, 12 I
New Cash and Barter Store.
alf•r• for sale ooW ripeivlo of
Entail frofits, golek littoral, and One
Price 02%1
lc, A ...I 1,111 . 1.. /llrn llnt.whtt.
N. .4;;,?L1. e ,:,u2.7:;',:a.:;:mgx.:::::
lilny I, 1.10,
word Excitement I I. — --
NEW GOODS---• 1- ..- t . .. 1 ,..
1rn:, ,,,, ,.....j..1 rot Lime.' fn. elle Mt, n”,, ~!
1 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1
..........,... Jetennine.l......e M.*, pe1e.....
1 ~..3 711. 7 •ntr. ell Lln. of pro.lul, r r , ''''' c•l'
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01..1 , 101.w.1 Lotto.— 1111.510.:..woo
ti re 1.1 . ,M01,11.. 1.1.71,1r,1!".
r) WU/ r' li., Korot ',nave,. Sim. Id, Vood
or in ex,
Wari!lLy 111,1,11
0 000
°rule County Tinware.
suu Ir y
• b/
Valuable Books
ITITTO:11 , , ITIly , 111.111.1nOonr.15.1e r errnlr
11 ilaWt4 %
To •1l who rialt to tows tr e in.,
..r '
tO pen ~ 01,61 114 .1
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tritirozlx 1117tIntrI V IZZVI: m l
„ 14 . 31.11n::,V41 ' 11 " , f;3717 " '"‘""
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m, Iler IA
, woo, Linen n , n,
Lsonll4ll4 Dv,
Shoe. sad Oup many LYO NS
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J. LYONS + ON 9.
Inv= Litton,.l'lrturro.
" ""
PV.gtt,"'""" ,
13" F%74:V.Vt ‘ g11rlin r gen ‘ ::Y;;tL j .;.;:;er-71:
ifew Dry Goode.
4 , J. A., Al, It rt .14. to
114 anti
r FILN !carry, dte, larc,
. prirt •
li 111 strl, 41.111 m. rrli.le~ l A r .11. .1 TI. 1101,
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utpl t Ur V:1:1 r ;;;yl.:: % 4:l;7L, " l 7 P::t:t ‘ c r r,.::;
'"Ar:P.4lliZT,'lly 90, ism:
WINNING WiIGEUI 1:1,...trru
j11•11P11 WOLL6II Ar. vomla rogionlhlty intros. thr
roaaoht OW tloonty, thro they hare otomo.l hrow.
Omar la Moho, lawallto Om ahoy of litho O. hem,
•Imna 441 an no•olltemlad and reloool kroolo• oh
Mai • ••••lot• *4 of Name •101 guar hr..
Ili M. plutiwed to. th POl* the
Ofuesolllreamlorg mot oesdlag 0.• balky volabrOo•
Blau:0g Ploughs,
t ....squebeass Oa.. Shwa Sawa and WA
I . .Ver
g.trir= ll, Maas. " 17 '
P.LOW.4l.stagas , ..." .1. 0 1••••••••4*
==e-4 14. "="'
impoidme otom MO dew In ir.
0,1.110, =ZIP .
50,000 The. Wool Wanted.
MN.....111 141.•61 CNA W.
1.1.0014.1. 41.14 blob WO.*
.....0== Iw o
14161■01. mummy.
NEW ev as NOM
Watches, Jewelry
1, ..k..1.110n•0f
t • =mI I „FLLO=VVr=3
FL : ! I : 7 ;7: 1
.•tnell., daL
t, r..„‘
SOO (P, qiii . er Ware
'4 ". "
New YS.r/Ml,Ol of Guoth
.• n - 1
,1ntnn.t...111,...ti ' .. •
ern•la will In. nlt4nl tn t1 ' n!...7n0nr: . .V..:1,:1.=
1/nrn pr.., In Innellnn Owl, enyntent. Ilona., will 6.
1. 7; ',. / ' :;1/!;; " :•:;n1. , :: " ,.[I ' ..f, r n ' e ' /7:.:.7:!: ' ,..: ' ,T:::".,„!: v ,, ' ,T. '
I, Taw...1,1"e., Srnk• rslnl.ll, ...... ....
_ .. ll►T. L C PS.
NTk.!;:::::::g . :',",'
- .V 11. .v t 1'102,1
'l' F. II 1,17141.,.
Dentistry I Dentistry !
.r i
r I r :PT.T : LINTI.V 4 CO
.44 i11 u A:144 r .a'.t..4. 414.r4ik.4
i 444.44 4 -
WIP' 1....11.1411.1..—.411.. 1 . 61.0 Ann OH
IMAtt • .r
t• .1 tAlsoN• k 141%.
n~iil .1~~Nin.... f.+nn\ Y
Split and nhaved Shiwaien,
Ready-Ttlade Clothing,
'"' "
DUCT. O. 111 IMMO,
e Ilti•tr•ova
I. 1.1"..1, 11.1.1
ntrnm mil.
4..... r . ETE11 - BTHIYENN,
ollatr7:ll4...rargtar: . 7. " lll:Z2llt . .
pa••••• 64. • raw rwls •-•••t Irv.. • 11.1.
111111111 TIN
Flour, Feed : Noah Grain,
roma, rim Ar.
sN atainkeh & I iitufft SOL,
Ike Oa N. T. A Mu Min. thpa,
M ! E f I M I I_
V -0 T ..• . 0 W.mi.•o • .. W 4. I CIO
ct, saLDwIN ft- to en". ma bream p. ,1 1,,
..,,. hem Illte•Auad th• •••••• 1:414. n ..1•111 rm.. lo
Gionlo •• Ow liaMMl.l: sit 4 .....1 *arr.* in resitry realeldll....l. lam, mad Inn.,
___;_;""..... '.....,...,,,..... 0 ....... .i....,,,, • lom Mt pni•Me• I% (•• 1.1•••• Net 11.4t,•F11v: ,
11411.,......... -- • — ...,...... ~,„,.!1••••• MI Wm* obey n_•, ronl tr Jr . •••
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.....0.111.• ,n7)..14 otflo.ll. I•kit Ms Ma? ........., .I.t . k „i.,, , M.i .
...NEL Pje••••••.•141•11 10•••••( rap . C. , ~,,,,
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..11firlskary•• 1•••1•1•••11.11••••1.4401
_ Adaidaratalk kotl - oe.
lemin , v,to 4 ii.. .
~,,. /E 9 - 111. ....... 6 "ma" ' l. "' AVX:raiiMr..i.b ." l= " ieV r:::
llliisla a • 0 • 0 . rktrr=" 1 : : . ..."',14 &XX 4
"mu , P.
.i• ~.""'.7n. se"... .1 4• 11/111 1 114 •• • doers.
O. IL 11031111110 MIL Cask rid fto Wail,
NW All lIME MAKER & 110AIIEL H. wax... ~.. Wk.. r 0..,. • b ..0.0
111.11.0., A. 11•101•1.1.1~ MO 1
91 CourtiamdtAll , Near Yuc k
"" ,
Unttrine I by Amy in the illy.
opna a the Vim, ba1...., Ow •
07.02137.216 871:31.%7Z1313,
Manufacturing Dapartment ;
*lOO,OOB In v •
•101.51111:64•1.1r.• I .r 1.111,11111
;1::: 1 71 ' . ' :r•rtA:1;:kte: ' 17,1 . 411:41; ' 1.1;1 ' 4i T t';•• "
or. Me Wad.. yl , , 50.1qualiller
Csill.lllo Mir ThPiIiNCISVIC, - '
To t A MALI..
trvil..u. ttt
Tr; I VT P IRTN, the e.VITEP
n On. A It . 1?..1,
Wines and Liquors,
1.4a,1a Ir. ir +v. r.I. I II•1 . 1. row
It Ow. its n rult .11.1 witi cowl.° t.-4,
M.oiltroot. Au( 1. M y 11, tsrt s nos's.
To Dairymen and Farmers.
WeiMenne Prenatally for Male.
Seven Hundred Acre.,
121 , 1.41 . = . 6 ; ?..1. %W.., 1.,. •
Par tr•lhng and Moo.
72.1 if:rj t s atV, 1 71! : !
Imloo, to Oho ',tot, or
11,1ory. 1.• of •. •
rtv ka tot at our Onto In rlki • morVou
... rtend plook n eramol Pl •
t., Mori foul
on.ll for fro., or .0, of wild
a ountl, at N 0... ha mew ns.l (W.
11:1):7 , 1.11, 7.41 r t , a..a la Om II.r•
n ~11.aI;7:0: I al 1,1.0111aa
Jut Received)
7.1-7 li ": ?l ' etra.ll:l4.7.77ll•blt lodreto
M aupth,
lly. peat mug. ty
Arznolly. Olar.--• I MITV•
Fr, Afrat dat r • •I.4e.reasio's field g"
Daily T i f . Tgo r rgigt , L•ne. —
Great lI NMI & Ain* Week.