iteloa*lrde ilineas•• -.ll‘ upon, the emmlLAlmpeneet thecae to. " Ve"..14•4 win 44.!ring *4 l . — V — ...;;......0=ezzr. 5t.,.....1 1 nods ham boon. iti will low moittrottood yet the .. rj,,,ttelt e • e im e ipirr .. l • y wed Jomeeekt:ltito great majority of dm ogrleolltrollon intimito=4l44.,=== . .. ..- , over makValm realm matelata titlifollralliillWl44 , grimmulioramlme Hems they, ao wolf. tiro eolastrthl WM, or/ . / ......oeler, .1.••• F Ina. Mo =MO, si brim= owl itoomMthro. Mot kw... 4 ........ t ywo t nyl• • intentrawl to tbo moditlemof gtoroodat *WA WWI rm•fri..V . M.... . I L.= ........... Y met... 4 M .ow Wholoio M. ith , elowl of the , 1.-16.100. twat a ".. a aa=taii, v . . moll- 4.6.., Illeelos6,lll. 11••..•••• ..." .. .......1. 1 Prmr.lf t M ... M . • . , itamoile.mottomM, t lawmen MY .24141, .r.l or currant., wimWeemmithoirillookorotabo loam. weetem—otholOWW., par , l•r. 1.1...1101 ea., i de to the . olidia mem to the uotioillen tow! gg=:trnw 1'im.,...,•'••nr4.,„,,,, i I donn TM mimeo. of oiviltmtmo—the s mot .uotwee owily, M . . 4. m ete .hoo, , i Do .••.* am., drylase•••••• ,F progr••• and lopp.manst-6.• ever Wel marked by the opaming read, cane, &a.. flr nighlos may 111iU.i1e. 4 .1 4 .=; 4 • 1 . . 4 b. in, commonicat. minutely interment,: the whole leholraed ioa :fere, as ur roost countries, the opening end monagemont of readsaxe ostorted by putilm reroute but ow lat. are tlionght by Form to defective eu grimy secouttra—the moot mrioao ob., joetmo heiiig that the Ma iv anraved in labor, raneed of its mosey value. and Men supine:, or vo'rer uMapplivil, by men walling 'knowledge or corneae , int the market. Prof. I idlespio, orb Vutra College. 01 km valuable `. Nlenual of the rrinmplee of Mug pablielive four y ear. wirer, .aye,ue reason for them ol•ractimis, • 41,11 scVie fundame alai 4.6440 of the rooil-.o m a alp Me. Ile contemporary engrain of renaplog rents hi lot paid in kind, hav haul since born found , tees easy end en otob:o than money .141. Just 1! work p od for by the rec., preferable in every I yospect to compuhrory labor by the dey. Men are!: now taken their torah*, ercupetime, in 1 1 which they are ekillful. 0611 trenelerted le one oil ecluch they know nothing. Aloud plowmen does not Mirth himsolf noorsetaily tompetent to forge the ooutlet of hr• plow or to put together Its weed tvark. Ile knos that 11 is triter economy for him to pay a ...Phon w ic for Iris mervices. Bin the bras asourto Iron to he a skillful roarbinaker—o mere i ert than plow.making—and central hen to 1 art as me though hie clunionemon repoinug hie Plowwen: , Mime WY ..... If, witde rood blunder. are injerions to the whole minniturty " The Puillramor eed we w 0 0 rec.. to disagree web Wm. that If II 010007 le It of enc., /mg the ~haul now levied by the Ceanivs.on ors was applied under the d.rection of o wouldand experience, a more favorableremit! would he tpralu Led than at preterit Thera noul.l net be, as now, eo ,mein labor wasted. nor would the indolent be enfrered to rank it upon the well ilmeared, huh 111.011 who did the work would get' full wages, which all would bear au equal share ut furnrahing. Ilitt the pippin.° of our preeent writing re net to mend the laws parhealerly, bet the nrads—to forinek mine hints which impromptu overseers, elected at on late 10/11 am/enemy may find of rive in expending the labor under their Crab to the nineteen public lioneib piment and furam. One of the gm things to 114 data. wlaralt Lae already 111 men( places heels attended to. I. to ream over the reeds with the leveling weeper. which eninothe the surfem, derma it of ell Meow, and 4 fills up the rub made by the erases wheels. .1110 scrapers am already in cornmon use, but the more which weber,. men might be improved by liming the longue put 111 M. se to run diagonally urrore the nod, ioweerl of at right angle, which catches and carries talcum the stetter, loose 11111e•kli Or ing them not at the side.a• it would If cou•tmeterl so fint oneutioned Thru , should he used Inure torquoutly—ue often al lead as the 'auto became ratted and unaware—sod where proper tureirkee have Wendy beers Wm.!. but Intl. Giber labor • will he found neeeetaty. In England, when the loads have ever been! the admiration of travelers faun their excellence and beauty, aheight lines ere net me mud. ',std. ad uttered onee—and it bee been found that the power requered to draw two tom up a rise of one foot In a hundred, will thaw with equal -elm •rren i lons ea a dead level. Out • nee of eon foot in ten ' doe* net seem much of a hill, among the levers of straight Knee end right angles, who would be ea tremely eutprieed were you to tell thoin that the &odem way to get over a hill woe ercuully to go, mooed it. A curve must he mode in both ittsten-1 ich sad common see. will leash thew who look at the matter, where it should run. Tho Inca,- of a ihree-eontered geld to ale men' elteuld net weigh against the ease of perhaps In ratty loam. a day, when Ilset le tho only etueo- In making or evoking • turnpike, gravel and Itard.pan ars the beet, and the am( tee soil, often mere meek, is the wont material em, made um of. Hotter leave it untouched than to 1 1 mkt that In a narrow track, winch wlll alway• cone. muted and muddy with ovary heavy rani. nod impassable with heavy load. in the opting and 1•11 Often turnpikes me mode where they are entirely ummeesmry, and where • twiter• rend ) nitglit b. secured by aeraping away the am-faro, end, and leaving It to take care of knelt—making, 1 where necessary, prowl drains la keeporkter front etand•g on the surface. Minim deep !We with krge Gleam i• a bad way I of deposing .1 your taught. cobbles. They net ahry the bottom, and eases mom Idle, and wear and mar to worst than ie iireemary. Let them be broke,. fins—and then they will slay pal, and the kb will not need to be done over again. Every loam or projecting M.* in the road.wey .veld bet looked upon as a nuisance, and promptly abated. This oar law new mini, ee to he attended to our • mouth, bat It la • dead letter. Ono mono topic we moot touch and hove done Ws have Token .f th• rroes—oor heading nom Ikon al. the alwase of ands. , Until we sea ma Mies 11% • mammal m amma of hie mac we aim ahem alai merle genendly lam Mama appreps hartres,aud a the me which . thiag to Magee. lec hal Wm mem matt la moo a tic • ham • thine Mae wk Ni... or assamilety. erre. Imit en the FM. bighway—mieliing it neeptaal• of ail name at seam haulm. mi. aria at emeakins. 11 le ina leint wag, sad bemmint—Me pram had his W.. —he am hia hara .alai Nee eine eida ham pram • lirir het named •• the a or; Naas mimic maw.. hermaim hileagrail with palm. Mama .M WI ..IN aamMas IM mac In elartnimisimarais w. ems elnamd SO rilmaie Ma • aiilea .11011 •• lame Map wiewiliem. maw de. 4 10.pppril•- 1444.4m484 molone a ea Marl naallad Ma r.N r.. No AlNltaffle. Talaig km aim everything erresra as neat eargal. ty L.O. Maw km OM 1441.1: . er Mae, or arm Mama • maid me siami Mir may et IM paha Maighi alarm mg 1 Mlle em. hN allgy Sala& WM/ Maw mai...omM Ma weal la seam me ems me a Ma i p iNI. Rada. I. V Terk anneal abet— Warily Rower Wittsinfime :MO:" !r Yaw/W.ww, illieedbAs Wax. X is 011inms• Pogo. pot :f ="Z.": f ,Imst 11.1 ..1 .. •:7;;i1;;Mid: ta.- ,!:',:sl ' o r ip.::ll. "" ' ' 1 1 , 11.1 of I:l4talnarN. t ~ ~, , : jt f I. l .llanonl.lak talwl.ll.saa., ' 1, - it au arNoteiram . .. Anwrlrnaltael 3 r Mr s . In. , , ',!.Z:V.,,t7; 1 4,!::4 ! t."." .. 7 . ."."!.:1', ~.1. , - , 1 ~ .F:/':-,V;;',.1 ; ;;,,ni,°1, ''',i,:' ', •,',--',...,;;.....y. , ...1.7:: , ,:: 1 :!:.:-;. ‘; .':',..,,',::!•,t- , 17;74;4,- 1 ;.':-..r,t;:=...., it:,.::;,,,,,—, Alm.; 1......5. JO ..r........ 4^ 1 C.;;.'," I Au. ram '11,11 1 .. .1.111....1111,.11..11 .1n 1 . 1111 .. 11 . 1 .4 1 4 111/araaa, Jaama . ;1111/1,.1. .1 . 4:11::11..;:::, n 71 . ....a; lan of i W.I. .110 ."'n,r.,1‘,11a...„1"7..,.1K.6. .i . ; 1 d ., 1 : 7 11 ~. 1 zz,. 1 . r 7, 1 . .. n ~„y ,, ~,...: t. l: . 110 of 1 1 1.anng., /la 1,111. r 11 right, de 1 ntr. ‘ l c M "'. l "j """. '''' .oe th. naplreotat. 1.71 ....i11"";',..71,",T..•,t'.7 1 f'.,,.,.„,.., t..117,4'.'V . .=:....3.;z1 . " 1 1 1 . , •11. el r gra. 11..., . c.. 0 ... 1 . 1,. ' :1 tc::::1„elir. r. :',..:r.n•!„',: - • ""- ' , ,;:vr., , „ .4,,,, ~ ~...t.z:,..- . ....."- :',"' '', L,',; . .',:,.:14. , ..„.. • ' I it:::::rx.:,., 'glr.:'„.';'," . „ - r.„,";• 11/o nt IVA arollla .• aln Pr., Ilagalo, ' 1 Po O ' f1V1:1= n r ' 1 . • n. 0.... 5,A..... ii...x, 44.= . .!...t,t; .. , iitair."."' .I..lieneriady, roam...may. t , do a , :erudll3. 1. 1 : :::17702:1, '""" • 1: . .17e1::$71 " 41:11i, .1 : :37• ' 14 ' 11 . . "'". ' 11%.18=11= "* V 1.••,. r•grikt . "'"'"..." ..,...,....,„....t.„.". liT7: ,'" 711.,..""°". " I I. lamlaln. 11111.41118. 4.1 . r. ..h.o ge, 1.11111.11..... n!, .3caudeia,ll•lll., Dui Y L " gratii,=l",ira son. Minh Ilalmitylla. oidd di, a Trair,,ha rat, mai Dror , ea. M r d eaVltra e r,,,,,a rar ll,ll, rat,* alr =Vitatzl","-1:: rFparl.4„. 4.1 1 1 • il is E;., Y.w jpersOY. ore.„ 1,7 :2:., r ,%.,.,r.. . y r tgg.„V.TV,'' x °" s " 111.14,..,nrt ronsA.nnt,nr.l4 m~ la V•Mn. .Inlayer• .•• An T.421=17... TE : 17 '7';'.47"117"" t',l?-1 1 :10 .7 .;.Fe . " 117 '"" do noltinni. m. Bre.Aclys Jn tll "“".. S n...1;:dt4 " ~,,, . nitro,7 ..‘ For Bale at Torrents. O L L D 2B. 4 l.. j ;o ' w "b na r n7r d fl o d .. ' D B r7GT;: ails Extract of yellow Dook and Setup illa, Webster'. Sarsaparilla, Edinburgh ' Blood Purifier, Great R ntern Indian Pun aces, Brinekerhors Health Restorative ; ' Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, Altorative, ' Carmittitiro Balsam, Bair Tonic, Hair Dye, Vermilbge, Sanative Pill., and Ague Pills; Ayer's Cherry Palatal, Brant'eltadian Pub monary Balsam, Bunt'. Indian Purifying Extract, Sherman's All-Healing Balsam, Swayna'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cher v, Vennifoge, Sarsaparilla & Eat. of Tar Pills Andrew's Pain Killer, William's Pain Extramos Dr. Trask's Magnetic Ointment •(a sure cure for Rheumatism.) Dalley's Pain Est...ins ; All. [Luling Linameat Searpo's Acoustic Oil, Dorn. Veg. Eli:- ir, German Cough Drops, Jaundice Bitters - - - - Lear's Remedy for the Head Ache, Dr N. Y. & E. Railroad ! Jackson's Pilo Embrocation, Myree Liquid G } FRY lloprB At l' LINE.Cu s for Para, Born, , dre. Clark. Worm] " " Vermfibge, %View's llals;u of Wild Cher ' ONVICO, 11111maisamstem,C1rrat Read BMW; Oil. 'huhu Oil, Tougey's Oint mod Lamesbore , Depots, I went, Oodfrey's Cordial, Bateman'. Cough r. 8, To , ni.4l Thu,. of nprlh wreli. Mous, Turliikuton'a Balsam of Life, Chars-'1 I=l:ll;l=l,l7B,==,.t,Vr„..iNar. mans Arabian Balsam; Elixir of Opium, ttltvt , I,o `. Thompson'. Eye Water, Norton's Salt, rale open who will alt Oli in Om Pow. an I ; n:turn .n able funr. eilinw of Oir Rheum Ointment, Liquid Opodeldoe, Dd. I ;,Ir f,1=1, II I!.! ! ! ! rnI„Pr „,..%.=. attach's Dyspeptic Cordial, Poor hlaa's 1.1 ..1? n .'ratat?ia ;pa ; Plaster. enpalbt Capsules, Gourad's I. 1.. 1 ? ' am elm. .1 , 0 .40 , 1.u. tunum, out ftea c rated Snap, o: man Tooth Cordial, Roe tutus, s Tr, P•ir"""' sell,a Cosmstie Cream, Sherman's Cough, Worm . and Camphor Lounges; Merchant's Cartala Jamas Mak, !Clarglum Oil, Oak Orchard Acid Spring I o ' l ' Water, Dr. Farwell'. Pad& Balm • Bone Isus, ~,.„11inantent,Ithennsatie Tincture, Wooknoek's mamma nasals.. atom.. sunkoareus wv• Balsa., Dr. Allan's Sarsaparilla, Pond's SalaPain Datroyer, Universal Dorn Cure, In- N. Y. & Erie Railroad goldbys Pll. Spain°, Upham. Pile Elec .., wary, Dillow. Heal ure, &a. &a. tr_ PLK—Wrlght a Indian eg„ Smith's FREIGHT LIN -J• Sugar Coated, Manor's do Phinney's 121=2121=1 EMIIM lIIIORTANT 1101111111 Tita..6....a.m. gaieties rowing' at Da. S. P: Toarateetrifl have Wird aremnona attempts to cowl- I Meth it, and sake frandaleet on of Dr. Toaeameal's au.s to mama the nolo ammo.. azooo;ksafratut Theis eosaterfeits wd Imitaticass only pram the rant • of Use °WIRRAL; 1.111.0 higher oompliment could be paid to Dr. B. P. Towemed's Entreat of Bareapertha than the 'abeama effort. that hare been med. ?Ist es " P t rite " pa7Prt . ba n i n l ' pe e velieen A llt e to nee Dr. Townsendl name as to create °earwige in the public mind in reicrenes to the genuine amide, we publish below a card of all the pdnaiNalweb embeapare io New City. We, the nodersigned, Wholesale Drug gists, in the city of New York, have mold Dr S. P. Towomends Extract of Sareapa rills for wweral years. and consider it the Orighard and ameba Dr. 'fownworm Sarsagerille, end that it was the fleet intro duced to paths notoriety under that name. BOYD & PAUL, 40 Cortland-et. W. B. TIM NSNND & 0).1.2 Peed. r.V.EDS & HAZARD, 121 M. Lone JOHN CARLE & Co 153 Watcr-et. 31 WARD & Co .3 Maiden-lane. J. & J. K TRIPPE 92 do. NORTON & Co. 139 do. OLCOTT & Co., 127 do. HAVILAND & Cu. MI do. J. R. TRI PPE, 92 do. GRAHAM & CO. 10 Old-dip. 0.0001) & JENNINGS. 105 Prarl-et THOMAS & 51AXWELL, 70 Wm-et. PARSH & NORTHROP, 69 Pearl-et. AIhINFIELD & Co 4 Firtulter-at. LEWIS & PR 141 E, 55 Pearl-et. A B & D SANDS. 100 Patton-et. RUSHTON, CLARK. & Co. 10 Astor' 800., 110 and 273 Broadway, Proprietors! of the Genuine Cod Lir, Oil. B A FAIINESTOCK & Co 'l9 John et, Proprietors Falinestocks Ferinifuge,' and 15 othos 77) THE PUBLIC. 'the public. are hereby notified that the: pn paratinn r.Jensircly known as 1/r. 8. P.' To,O , III'OIUMW, 01 SAL I, It ILL tnow manufactured under my direct i and supervision, from the origind ' recipe obtaim d from Dr. S. P. Townsend; nod I certify that it is composed of Wpm- I dients U/I EL Y VEOETABLE AND, 1177'HOUT 111P.RCUllY ; and also that I the ingredients aro judiciously compounded co as to obtain from them their greeted! medicinal effect. &IMES It. CHILTON, M. D. Chemist Dr. Chilton's name is glumly that the el ements of this Estrret are combined in the most correct and lonians'& manner, and that it in adapted to the wants of the invalid, with the highest professional ability. Thin we hope will bo sufficient guarantee to the public, and to those purchasing Dr. S. P. Townsends Extract of Sarsaparilla. Such may have no fear of getting ono of the various and baneful mixtures whieh fill the channels of trail., and are conlooted with out any knowledge either of the nature el realist:hal agents, or the wants of the ha ' man system when inhering under disease Soo that the signature or Dr. S. l' 7birovends's is on each bottle, as none oth er iwgennin, List of Patent Medicines Illaiaapo a, Paterson aml later-' sea OS Ilhalsealiensr RViTit .i!. .3M''' 0 ,,....an5e Tara, hay IT, the en. have ea hi- 1 4 :l7ittli ' Vr ". At r,r,"'"-Ii: " ::" :: Y.Y. I tli: ....A..m*l et . ha. H.hth hhee... eiLhadir.All HI NreAle Tit ArlS. ll I ~. ~ Lea reAuffern . I Dep.. Nr, !!' l At 11 1 o clue A 'll. Al :i. eta 11 . . t : .• A r 141r4liry TIAA elet, .; , i AAe la AVCIIII. ' , Int At L A ..ii A , H elhi it.. is .uy L.n A, AH MI Lehi iit 141 :4 . I.ek i l. , 4 , 1 , shh 1.1 on ... nig, I!IFITZT:.:ITE .:,1Z;LT,:T.7.;;,: P. Anpipt 11,141.1. ,-__-_ ,'- ,•:.-_—:-:/4'a,---.;----- (9-- "(F. 1 "-E8RATcp, --,, , ~i .,---- t -, V:: i ' - t' I I2.4k;Z.EHNI U1111...:. - , - „ y iYi , . ' • , .i 7...: • 0) , i r.,. CAUTION TO PUP.CIYAGERS. A '7. Ye the hmt opFortuolt, se /•..~H.1e.. 4e. e~inlnif~l nm ~ ,l f l lwr.. n ~ l nnii~. r ~ iia~ I~lp. ini~n nl ~~.i.r nnnn i.—xnirnnn.ri!Wlld mon TIM NAkro '1 . 1,11. 1 , • r • V:W.16.1 r he Aoent. an 4 me what made., an 7:="1, ha the Vallee Law... • 111.-A 11.... t . 1 . 1„...-.1 II t....f.1 . 1..--. 1... -. . ..t , ' ..•.` . " ...,.,... • I , ...P . ..... " nt . Z.„ . ..,! ... , ' „,,,,,',",, ".-"""“.4'4....... •'".'".... ' ---' " L.' ''''''' .." ' 1 . 11T . :::.1 ' . ' .1; '" . ' ,v.....; , ,..;.,..:;,,, , „..,,;,;;; .;„.,..,..;; _ Ow pm. MAI • Alf. herill ' a Sale. 111 11/11/11114 11/4' 14 / 4 be... We Mutinous • tit rt. p, ..::":. ". .I ' .rl . ll ' . ' l" ' t.""l' '' ." " r ' :nt ' : ' ir ' t":l ' l . .l.!. '''.' .."l7 '' l ' s ' i '' . " l" ' .... ll ‘ f.111•7;11t:17. 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" f 4 ' ' ibe. -- b.' . :....".,... , ~...,,, ~ ~ '.. 1 , , ...4.1. wow or le. it be, 11. n mow land eenveyerl by .11.90 a Niro a a mem, tlea. 0.1.0 e .o.linonew,aat ' r . A wv‘t! .Nl , i - srt . rwl en ow 1.1. D. ravelo o .ie by deed beating date Aurl . I.9 '"' N .9 " . = 9 '' 9 1 4.. ....:4 . 1 . ; . A . 4 . , ..p . ...,,p.„.. r ‘ j SUI• 1849, awl riew.lll In Deed Imok No. 17. ~,,,,,,,,.. ~,,,y Dar lL • • Pogo 601. Imethre with IM - mpurtmonees, 1 we n /I N. 0.,.. K.- L i ?WM 1 rp1e1.....1....rerp ..1t1nAnr0n1.....11.......r..1„..A.a1tir.,.........11...A.A.e.,.,:.,.., , . „ . , ,,, ,.. p . A . .......: . ........z ... wiet: fumed h... .. .... 4 b...... 4 .1° "" 1" " ' 9 ' 99 '''''''''' -' """'"'""''' '"'"'" " ""'''' '''':''', , 01..1 "° t!rP7' . : - !; ' ,71 . 7!:: ', W. ' .17:!: ` , " °::7: • = " 7 ., ~, -.; - ; improved. le . : rumba oi me mu. slAil Arno .11‘........ In .w.... , .1 .... .. „ „„.,„ „,„..„,_, .. x. „....,,. 1 • • .... . , , ...._ . .. h .. 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A, ....1 ../11.• p 4........,,. ~.......,.., ',_,....,;;',;.41...r. h . theta Moms Jeoeribod I thence ale. Ms oer4 IIIenTIN.T aan so,l9Nottown ba.... 6•111.1.1.,..,,,,,,, , ApA , pi, A ~,,, A m.. A pn....1.11.1..x.A.......„ 1100 of Ow Move dosorlbed !mat atothwly 110 rp1= 9. .r . ... 17. 1 ‘;17,tr " ,,T,...!:1," t,,, ;:z 1... or ...on thor on. ebe..oloo ten b 1.1-o , ... , 1 , :::. ,y.Tlltitt.bbareo........Mll!!:____: , 7-10 porch. to • pout I them . . 4.7112.111 ponth. .1%„„„ . .. u .„...„,, , 0 „;,...,.... , ,. w „,... , , .4 . ..... , 1.z.01utetvg . , , ..:,e.y.w. , ..bir otrao.+r, o o .1 lbw. ..NINNY 1 000 ii. '' 6 ' lo ' 0 ' .4 ''''''''''' .4 .900 ' '''' .9 ' .... T ''' ...... 9 J. ' '' ''' . ' " ''' ' ' 99.9" ' " '' , l . ' .91 Ilil%etim•tewi, NMI. .I. emweedlweir. Fire "roof Cheite, 11.• hereof 110 7.10 poreheo to. bomb sapling ;0.1. • r Fun, IN Roy; U. o• NeWhoo,lN. oo l 90 4 , m 'spi n .,„,. chiwy,ow man0 " .....0. ' rfly, pnnue &Das , j (wELny.. AC . , them* olorlg the Ilm of lot No. 41. wool 79 9.10 9 , 1' grir4;17./, ' , o,ow ' poem . Mow 1 Vor 1., Irv. 1...., ilmew nt 0n,1,. Dloonpon , of tbr I V.. .....1 1.. -. . 1 1146 1.5 Ihoplam of beginning, etwitolohny filly . ______ . I 0.1 wrollos. Ilanweorteta swoiNt Low owl newee.. erol he ..9 ewe.... . 11.A17 . 111......11......... N. ~, 16, 11 ,, V 7( ‘ Z. 5 ., .. k , y „ I , V , A , e T , nee. 4,4 .yry To. rm.. IM•yom..W Oroomoodonow two. • __,,,,,.., ... _. ..,,, 0 , 171.. fr. '", ? "' u - ' 4117, '''''". 47.7, "' ar ' ;`. 7 . ,' , "4' . 1.1 i ; , ,„,„ U . re, „,._ ,f.: ' ,.”, ‘ f ' ,...P ' ., ' Apw„ ! ..,...) I. not110.1.1.7,0A141•111 Moe wt.,. h=7:nit;,' ~ , ~, . , . ~,,.....,,,, ,„ , ,,,,ircia l y. ..r ....!..111ew1ea AM parll.ll.m. wr .. I . 1000 ageak.oriler rweedeehrilawy,ll.o.lMoo, ' ' '' f , "1,`, ,. , t 0 ., •:::11Th1g= .,,,. 2 "'"';'"114%.• • at•,....... , ...!..'i.,- I "':" . 1,...*' . ' w` ." ... r ----- - 0 [ I - r A0011•4131r 0 1. ..... 7... , „. 4 • ••• ......... aw• It RITCIII Celebretnd LlZel . it , - ~ . 999 "" ..•° W .9 1' fad 4 megrOwell OWYW NWIN .....„: . """ I rat ., . Riibilusailia Mit a :. . ,a f' .° l4ZiiYltt7 , r"::'"""Vgr.".."):X' , A......"... • .r rue I r. ' , 1 . ...L . , %Ix a, .i . be .11.1 . 0 .. 1ae55......... 0 ..J...... "'''=at,so.11Ibm't".74;Z::4•"':11.1"4 Ibe::: "• ”w=f l olf!o " Ilor r Let -- 5M...ear...N.1m0 MN& Health toold Nee.he. ,c;r:z . .. ~,,, • ~.- .**,..,p...-*.5..p,......., .......,,,,,..... . g...... - 9;;PAt•t) L " - ""*""`"''' - ,'"'" * """' * ; gr.:11" , ,`..r.,r1.:4 , ..":= ,,,,, ......, , , ,, ,b.n. Power Pas. •r0=1 , 1. 1 . .90017 ,, ei. m. row. I,mr .1.. of ..wil 4 9 .0 iwirlWillt ~ 11 =111M 004 psikpi m ifor: ' WirMINIVreIreoPIE,M4-1....1.1 Newer wale.. to oorehowem or the obwestu :.4l'W. q j tWlt • t lam, .11.3 m 4 • Irdir.:;. '... .... jworoweee; ma mom. pine l6 :lll ebe, We lin 11 ...n..... PNLI. 'WIZ :: It ........"..- . A..... ..1....7 AE .. . 4. .llAntitOrkolle ' re .".. != - liii. 7 ,i;:.a.r. --- ' oarrion , 1 ins‘o ~....,....1.....w.. oer. alk be .• B.l* .... 1 ..1 it Wit , , Um row lasi co 11 meyod by ?Who .. a Wpm.. and Myers' Liquid Care. .10 I. P. D.. , • , .. b 7 4.1 6.6, X .O. P A patanaWan .14 Air al .. n .11.• Apfa M. 1019, awl mewled head liompreiml6o( amanlaaaa a.. aree ad wooly la Deed Inek No. 17, Pp eft together 1 V 11114 S witl, Um Oppariaaamera. I framed Mem, 1 framed ~,,...,..... .... ,a e p a .a. a. Yea liar y Wu, am stakanl. apd rut all lypnwkd i Polio' laslaa la Wm.,. one ear. ,1 boa ...Amu . OM mists of Dodd P. Moth& l ow wooteirift...••••bor • soesd.r.orem .T•hos_lr Prinalie• IA the 4.1 d Nallmallldp , ll, - ,==vcr - a=rt ma Is DOM P. Ihulals. • ... = .... .1•Uti.r . a.., , N=ii sersa l t" "" rt. "'"..""ll**"."l4 7rlbe .00•1,1aaC. ea* id WM 1.11. 1 i1•W~i• C. it °gam ' 114 "' r "*"="CAT.Vgarrg:=C:=4 miNur" Ztisso . I • 1•••••••,••••••tawlm,•6 - - —.........— ...... r Eltraolvollolve V. Os Wel. . L7r: 'MT.! =goo rd M••o* so all min MINT Plow woe vial tab Wvisils vivolimpom et 1.1•1. ' WOW dm vO Via*ea Jaw IN -4111751.-4141W4: Tn,, eon vu_o_ WM% • . .:111.1114,41.Matr."- PURITY! PURIFY! su Luis sal MAWR MI Is the ILNIL Pub, NJla, Mi. •• BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING MTRACT. 11r.°. HUNDREDS—T I HOUSANDS me IZZ: ITAttrrot=l• " =.l by Ow we a. 04 ma .14494 cdo 44. 47 *4,444 44 N. r . :3S:EY ItZen74M . :;:g.glitB:::4l4 at am .".". ~,, MP etlkxP of Arr', ,V.,trtAV ...2 4 ."..n °R8 T1art'7",,L., Pl=i,X=7.l====== v.!" IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. CRISAPRST AND MOST CURATIVE. MA., It and Mu .° Om Puddler von *mew.. Srricao• 1r"7., , '"'";.74 ..-t.;;Txtmw. eet umvsuro Lure BY ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH. Arfr Moot Horrid Scrofula' On errs hes bet ssred salve Hs. vt °Ott ssas TV; arl Y. wait cur. It I, trturs 1.5.• lima • nom • w I.s.n Cats Y thnn sver n rows .11 ist risen, sad .. 1 . r.i rv.i i .. 1..,.. when Fr •urnmr..L~A ~Rr liiv rlu I.nF•Y~hY ~\ on him Iv Twfnly Lam, Deep. Dl‘rlitirAlux el. ONLY TWeLVE SO TTTTT . I . ihr r, • and re , ,redto Aerth nn .st 0 - " A., L-I,el . 11. 7v . luarw, Afflicted do not Despair I Aumllll. r(.11...% t•etr r. • .u•.l From ,ilnema 7,, f.,l inea, on;e; grran, 'meta mer di, nee et, inildi,led on 'tied. Jeal !tete! a: rronspu lquloolter thp f,llrlF bei!”.ll. - van r rrip!rarrr 111P111 I: I:: • - I,` •• . ' X 0 IAO As worro;;;NE;volTu OCit.4•EALk UP IIEALTIT, N 1 311.16.11Nr05t. =NMI% N. V AHL G C VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lltheattlatk ~A .LI.!VER THE WORLD. ~...„7a,";“oftg'l,77fr" f" f•-4 uttoPoir I UITHEIRTO ULU. wrato. witnryni,k•nr,..4 APPLICATION Or 11%1F,E, MEE LIVUR COl , l O l, 41% nrLuov tst, LU11:1-1, 11111,1" • 1: .:.1 ok:no.vrt - ur• vrw•rrn. A CMIIT %I% 11,111:11W ',till:ol7lA [Ern 141 . 19.111M0.1.15101 A TI:411, `AO NI , IIIIM „,„ :Ill'Pr, :'l: ills!:\YI:N •I', II I I. =11:113 s sow. of ••••4 sor. sew* rr"t • • INSEMIEMI J;, - , Y ' ' . ":„"Z , .,:r7.= f . . :1', . 7 ' , ..T.) ~:.1:.-..1';1';, 1 5 „'. g ,;:,:,•: ..i'.i.:4,1 ;: , oir ...iF,A.:, : : : f v a , :.1z wrv f:Vmr:e-t! 1.7 " r ' aa .t . .:: 1 " 1r r. I nks: 2 l Ireft le oimidNIZAZ Me tvl ''... Mr" '" ,". ""' . • ? ' l,t,, - Me i i:::':,';',,i. ~:,:.''., , ...,": - .. L ,t'fi:t',=..' , ••• j ''."Y",t :, ' r tV,'lr.faitra i , !":1".71.t,r.' .: ;IT''' V ..- .." ', • . v.'. ou, to 01.. of lows,ill 1.1 a, 1 • A ,tt . • sir. 'a'il) Townsend, or TII6 Gonume Toy:ll6end % 4 LAV,17.11'.° ..1 .IAI •mt TOWNSENDIr .tr &rimMml ! an.l tr.. 1•14 • BEIM nil~l~ A. fm~m . ~eml r ~h~yJ ~ ~ ~i ~~. I.ii~ .~~~n•ii nixl e~~n ~ ~nii WI INIBM=ZEI ==ZZIEM . 1 II I'M, 01,1, 1/Hll, 'ra" ; .7;g4;,.i.'.' ! t;4l:',7)'"°"" — l"" i ''' I Wb. r MW War ".ti!'YM „ ,